Module 1 Action Research in Mathematics
Module 1 Action Research in Mathematics
Module 1 Action Research in Mathematics
Module 1:
Introduction to
Educational Research
College Vision:
Passi City College- a Center Of Academic Excellence for Sustainable Development and Social
Passi City College is committed to produce globally competent graduates who are well
equipped with relevant scientific, academic, and technological knowledge, skills and values which
enable them to become productive citizens and collaborators of social change.
1. Provide undergraduate education and training which meet the standard of quality, excellence,
and responsible to regional, national, and international development needs.
2. Broaden the access of deserving and qualified Filipinos to higher opportunities.
3. Enhance the dissemination of knowledge and skill through research, professional and
technological instruction and provide extensive services.
Course Description
This course will develop the prospective mathematics teacher’s knowledge, attitude and skills in
conducting research in teaching and learning secondary school mathematics.
At the end of the course, the students should have:
1. Internalize and discuss the significance of research in addressing issues and concerns about
mathematics teaching and learning in the local secondary schools;
2. Apply the principles of research and research process in conducting educational studies in
mathematics; and
3. Prepare a research report and present a paper.
Some decisions are made in very formal, deliberate manners, others quite capriciously
What is the likely basis upon which each of the following questions could be answered?
Personal experience
Subjective in nature
What is the likely basis upon which each of the following questions could be answered?
Will Michael benefit by being held back in the third year next school year?
How many students should be scheduled into Mr. Palmares’s fourth year class?
Does modular learning have an effect upon students’ achievement?
Definition of Research
Data collection
Data analysis
The systematic, testable, and objective nature of research permits careful examination of the process and
Try it Now 1.
Scientific inquiry is the search for knowledge using recognized methods in data collection, analysis, and
develop knowledge
Describe phenomena
Examine empirical relationships between or among phenomena
Test whether such relationships are causal in nature
Try it Now 2
Educational Research
– Quantitative
– Qualitative
Differentiating characteristics
Research design
Quantitative: many participants representative of the groups from which they were chosen
using probabilistic sampling techniques
Qualitative: few participants chosen using non-probabilistic sampling techniques for specific
characteristics of interest to the researchers
Quantitative: numerical data collected at specific times from tests or surveys and analyzed
Qualitative: narrative data collected over a long period of time from observations and
interviews and analyzed using interpretive techniques
Researcher’s role
Try it Now 3
R e s e a rc h D e s ig n s
Q u a n ti ta tiv e Q u a li t a t i v e A n a ly t i c a l S t u d y M i x e d M e th o d
C a s e S tu d y C o n c e p t A n a ly s i s
N o n - E x p e r im e n ta l E x p e r im e n ta l
D e s c rip tiv e T ru e E th n o g r a p h y
C o m p a ra tiv e Q uasi G ro u n d e d T h e o ry
Miguel L. Palmares III Page 7
Math 317-C ACTION
o r r e la t i o n RESEARCH
al S i n g l e S u b je c t
C a u s a l C o m p a r a ti v e
Quantitative Designs
– Experimental
– Non-experimental
The investigation of the current state of a variable or the relationships, other than
causal, between variables
– Randomly assign students to one of two classrooms in which the same social studies unit is
being taught. Teach the first class using the traditional lecture approach, the second class using
co-operative learning groups. Examine the achievement differences between the two groups to
see if the type of “approach” to instruction had an effect.
– This study is characterized by the investigation of cause (instructional approach) and effect
(achievement), manipulation (choice of instructional approach), and control (same unit being
taught, random assignment, etc.)
– Quasi-experimental
– Single subject
– Approximately 10% of Iloilo’s public school students do not finish high school.
– The GPA of students participating in extra-curricular activities is higher than that of student who
do not participate
– Several factors are related to the high dropout rate in Iloilo. These include the student’s age,
academic record, repetition of grade(s), gender, and ethnicity.
– These studies are characterized by descriptions (dropout rate, GPA differences, opinions) or
relationships (attitudes and achievement, factors related to dropping out)
– Descriptive
– Comparative
– Correlational
– Ex-post-facto
Explores possible causes and effects among variables that cannot be manipulated by the researcher
Qualitative Designs
Much less precision in the definitions of and distinctions between qualitative designs in comparison to
quantitative designs
Case study
Grounded theory
Case Study
– An examination of a specific instance of a phenomena in its natural context viewed from the
perspective of the participants
This study explored the meaning of “inclusion” for three disabled students who had
been placed in a regular education setting.
This study examines in-depth a phenomena of interest to the researcher (i.e., the
meaning of inclusion) in a natural context viewing it from the participant’s perspectives
The purpose of this study was to examine the meaning of being “left out” for an
This study examines in-depth the experiences of being “left out” from the perspectives
of the adolescent experiencing this phenomena
The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the conflicts that experienced
second-grade teachers encountered as they switched from a traditional approach to
teaching mathematics to a constructivist-sociological approach
This study examines the beliefs and practices of second grade teachers experiencing a
common phenomena related to their approach to teaching
Grounded theory
Analytical Designs
Analytical Designs are descriptions of historical, legal, or policy issues through an analysis of
documents, oral histories, and relics.
– Concept analysis – the study of educational concepts (e.g., co-operative learning, leadership,
etc.) to describe the different meanings and the uses of the concept
– Historical analysis – the systematic collection and criticism of documents that describe past
events of relevance to education
– The purpose of this study is to examine the meanings and uses of the term standards-based
– This study examined the varied meanings, interpretations, and uses of an important curricular
– The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in standardized testing over the last 40
– This study addresses the historical developments characterizing the use of standardized tests
over a 40 year period.
Mixed Methods Design is the use of quantitative and qualitative designs and methods within a single
study. It allows the researcher to better match the approach to gathering and analyzing data to the research
questions. The relative emphasis given to any particular method varies widely. It is a systematic investigation
Applied: research conducted in a field of common practice and concerned with the application and
development of research based knowledge
Action: research designed to solve a specific classroom or school problem, improve practice, or make a
decision at a single local site
Evaluation: research designed to assess the merit and worth or a specific practice in terms of the
values operating at a site
– Quantitative: extensive
– Qualitative: brief
Try it Now 4
Chose a Research Design for the three research problems you have created in “Try it Now 1.”
Summary of Topics
1. Sources of Knowledge
2. Definition of Research
3. Research as Scientific Inquiry
4. Educational Research
5. Types of Research Designs
6. Quantitative Designs
7. Differentiating the three types of experimental designs
8. Differentiating the four types of non-experimental designs
9. Qualitative Designs
10. Analytical Designs
11. Mixed Method Designs
12. Four Functions of Research
13. Educational Report Formats
1. An investigator wishes to determine how much coverage current high school history texts give to
the contributions of Aetas our history. She should conduct:
a. historical research
b. case studies
c. content analysis
d. experimental research
2. Mixed-method research refers to use of both:
a. Experimental and correlational methods
b. Quantitative and qualitative methods
c. Description and intervention
d. Group and single subject designs
3. Which of the following factors should not influence the decision when one is selecting a topic or problem for
a. Will solution of the problem advance knowledge in my field?
b. Will I be able to prove that my previously held beliefs are true?
c. Will the study lead to the development of other investigations?
d. Is the topic or problem amenable to research?
4. Which of the following statements can be checked by means of scientific inquiry?
a. All high schools should teach driver education.
b. Driver education is more important than drug abuse education.
c. Driver education is an ideal subject for all students to take.
d. The accident rate of driver education graduates is lower than the accident rate of those who have
not had driver education.
5. Which of the following is a form of research typically conducted by teachers, counselors, and other
professionals to answer questions they have and to specifically help them solve local problems?
a. action research
b. basic research
c. predictive research
d. orientational research
6. A description of the beliefs and practices of a cultural or social group or system
a. Case tudy
b. Ethnography
c. Phenomenology
d. Grounded theory
7. A description of a conceptual understanding of a particular phenomenon
a. Case Study
b. Ethnography
Note: You can answer your “Try it Now” and Assessment tasks through this link. Answers on the “Try it Now” tasks can be uploaded through the link.
Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K., (200). Research methods in education, 6 th ed. New York: Routledge.
Anderson, G., (1998). Fundamentals of educational research. Penssylvania: Falmer Press.
Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational research:Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative
research, the d. Boston, MA: Pearson.
UNESCO. (2005). Educational research: Some basic concepts and terminology. France: International Institute
for Educational Planning/UNESCO.