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Q1 - LE - Mathematics 7 - Lesson 1 - Week 1

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Quarter 1
Lesson Exemplar Lesson

for Mathematics 1
Lesson Exemplar for Mathematics Grade 7
Quarter 1: Lesson 1 (Week 1)
SY 2024-2025

This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum during the School Year 2024-
2025. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum content, standards, and lesson competencies. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, modification, or
utilization of this material beyond the designated scope is strictly prohibited and may result in appropriate legal actions and disciplinary measures.

Borrowed content included in this material are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been made to locate and obtain permission
to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and development team do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Development Team
• Magdalena C. Valdez
• Maria-Josephine T. Arguilles (Tinajeros National High School)

• Aurora B. Gonzales, Ph.D. (Philippine Normal University – Manila)

Management Team
Philippine Normal University
Research Institute for Teacher Quality
SiMERR National Research Centre

Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this material. For inquiries or feedback, please write or call the Office
of the Director of the Bureau of Learning Resources via telephone numbers (02) 8634-1072 and 8631-6922 or by email at blr.od@deped.gov.ph.


A. Content The learners demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

Standards 1. regular and irregular polygons and their features/properties; and
2. determination of measures of angles and the number of sides of polygons.

B. Performance By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to draw and describe the features/properties of regular and irregular
Standards polygon.

C. Learning Learning Objectives:

Competencies At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
and Objectives 1. Define a polygon.
2. Classify polygon according to its sides and as regular or irregular.
3. Name, describe, and compare regular and irregular polygons and polygons with 5, 6, 8, or 10 sides based on
measurements of sides and angles
4. Draw triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons with 5, 6, 8, or 10 using a ruler, protractor, and a compass

D. Content Properties of Regular and Irregular Polygons

E. Integration Paintings and Artwork, signboard etc.


DRAWINGEDUTECH. (n.d.). Introduction to perspective drawing [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJC6Cfb3Ck0

ikenschool. (n.d.). Learn basic English grammar [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz64J1hJV8E
MathTuklaswithSirJojo. (n.d.). How to graph a quadratic function in standard form [Video]. YouTube.
Maythmatics. (n.d.). The beauty of mathematics [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyyNpgaNn_8
PAAcademy. (n.d.). The Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSxNxyx6FzY
RVTUTORIALS. (n.d.). Math 101: Introduction to algebra [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujz_8-zweEY


A. Activating Prior DAY 1

Knowledge 1. Short Review
Round 1: Naming Polygons
The teacher shows a road sign
that is a polygon (from the
flashcards or on the screen).
Players have 10 seconds to write
down the name of the polygon
based on the number of sides and
what polygon it reminds you.
Correct answers earn 1 point.

Round 2:
The teacher shows the name of a polygon (e.g., pentagon, hexagon). Players
have 10 seconds to write down the number of sides. Correct answers earn 1

2. Feedback (Optional)

B. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose

Lesson Purpose Use the exact figures used in Suggestion on how to present
the short review. Let the students the Helpful definitions during
identify the polygons and non- discussion of subtopic 1: Use
polygons on the illustrations. PowerPoint presentation or write
Engage students by asking them to them on Manila paper or may
develop their definition or use cartolina.
description of a polygon. Write their
suggestions on the board and refine
them to match the correct
The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand the definition of
polygon, learn how to identify and name different polygons based on their
number of sides, and explore their properties. Additionally, students will practice
drawing various polygons, including triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons with
5, 6, 8, or 10 sides, using a ruler, protractor, and compass.

2. Unlocking Content Vocabulary
Polygon is a closed-plane figure bounded by line segments that meet only at
their endpoints.
Equilateral Equiangular Regular polygon Irregular
polygon polygon is a polygon that polygon
is a polygon is a polygon is both is a polygon
whose sides are whose all angles equilateral and whose sides and
all congruent. are congruent. equiangular. angles are not

Regular Hexagon Irregular Octagon

C. Developing and DAY 1 For Explicitation:

Deepening SUB-TOPIC 1: Define polygon and describe its properties Let the learners pick their choice
Understanding 1. Explicitation even if they don’t have
Which figure is a polygon? knowledge of the meaning of
polygon. Use learners’ answers
2. Worked Example in processing the discussion of
Developing concept of polygon the meaning of a polygon.
The figures below are polygons. They are closed,
plane figures, made of line segments, and the
segments intersect only at their endpoints. For Developing the concept of
Ask the learners to read:
Polygon is a closed-plane figure
bounded by line segments that
meet only at their endpoints.
These are not polygons.
Use the definition of polygon to
Sides do not intersect at process learners’ answers in the
their endpoints previous question. This will help
the learners to understand the
Not a plane figure definition of polygon.
Ask the learner: What is a polygon? Use the discussion found in
Give your own example of a polygon or ask them to draw a polygon. Developing the concept of
polygon as your guide in
For formative evaluation, ask the learners to give/or draw a polygon that is not processing learners’ answers.
the same with the examples found in your discussion.
For Naming Polygon and its
Naming Polygon and its Parts parts:
Tell the learners that polygons
may be named based on the
number of sides.

You may begin with the triangle;

it has three sides – the prefix –

A polygon is named using its vertices. The vertices are points A, B, and C. Polygons may be classified
So, the triangle may be called triangle ABC, triangle BCA, or triangle ACB. according to the number of
Sides of triangle ABC are 𝐴𝐵 ,𝐵𝐶, 𝐴𝐶 sides. Tell learners about the
Interior angles of triangle ABC are ∠BAC, ∠BCA, and ∠ABC prefixes used, Such as tri, quad,
penta, etc.
3. Lesson Activity
Complete the table. You may have another example
Name of Number Number of Name the Name the interior to further emphasize naming
Polygon of sides interior angles sides angles parts of a polygon similar to the
Triangle 3 3 discussion of triangles.
Quadrilateral 4 4
Use a table to present other
Pentagon 5 5 polygons similar to the table
Hexagon 6 6 shown on the left.
Heptagon 7 7
Octagon 8 8 You may have a simple activity
in naming polygons based on the
Nonagon 9 9
number of sides. May ask
Decagon 10 10 learners to use matchsticks to
form the polygons and then
For naming sides and interior angles, choose 1 or 2 polygons from column 1. Not paste on a bond paper. May be
advisable to do it in all polygons in column 1. done by group.

DAY 2 In processing the result of the
SUB-TOPIC 2: Name, describe, and compare regular and irregular polygons activity, emphasis must be
with 5, 6, 8, or 10 sides based on measurements of sides and angles placed on the following:
1. Explicitation
a. polygons maybe classified
Ask the learners to describe a square:
according to the number of sides
What do you know about a square?
b. number of sides and number
of interior angles of any polygon
Possible response(s): A square has 4 sides. A square has 4 equal
are the same
sides. All interior angles of a square are equal to 90 degrees.
c. polygons are named using the
Tell the learners: Square is one of the regular polygons.
Ask the learners: What do you think is special in square that makes it regular
For Sub Topic 2:
The aim of this question is to
Then, tell the learners that the topic for the day is all about regular and irregular
direct the learners to the idea of
polygons. Post the Definition of regular and irregular polygon from the list of
regular polygon.
helpful definitions. Ask learners to read the definitions.
Square is one of the regular
polygons and learners have
2. Worked Example
encountered this polygon in their
Activity 1: Exploring Regular and Irregular Polygons
elementary mathematics.
The goal of the activity is to give the learners authentic experience on the
Tell the learners that in
1. Polygons maybe regular or irregular
geometry, if sides of a polygon
2. Regular polygons are equilateral and equiangular are equal, they can see markings
3. When polygons are regular, we just add the term “regular” to its name, as shown in the figure below,
except for regular triangle – we call it equilateral triangle and for regular you may draw markings in your
quadrilateral- we call it square. given square. The markings
4. Measure of each interior angles: mean the same measures of
sides and the other marking in
a. regular b. regular c. regular d. regular blue means that the measure of
pentagon hexagon octagon decagon each angle is 90 degrees.
108° each 120° each 135° each 144° each
(They will need this information when you discuss drawing regular polygons)

5. the sum of the interior angles:
for regular and for regular and for regular and for regular and
irregular irregular irregular irregular
pentagon hexagon octagon decagon

540° 720° 1080° 1,440° For the polygons in column 1 of

Activity 1: It is highly
recommended that the
3. Lesson Activity polygons on the first column
Activity 1: Exploring Regular and Irregular Polygons must have definite length for
Length of Length of Name of the Classify as regular each side and interior angle
each side each angle polygon or irregular polygon measurements. This is to
Draw /paste/attach here a regular achieve the goal of the activity.
pentagon with side lengths equal to You may construct regular
3 cm each. Angle measurements are
108° each.
polygons from Geogebra for exact
measurements or download from
Draw /paste/attach here a pentagon
with different side lengths. Use the internet, or construct
definite lengths only in centimeters. manually (see subtopic 2 on how
Draw /paste/attach here a hexagon
to do it) using compass, ruler,
with different side lengths. Use and protractor.
definite lengths only in centimeters.
Draw /paste/attach here a regular Activity 1 should be done as a
hexagon with side lengths equal to 3 collaborative work. Prepare at
cm each. Angle measurements are
120° each. least five (5) sets of this. Tell the
Draw /paste/attach here an octagon
learners that in each group,
with different side lengths. Use there must be a team lead to
definite lengths only in centimeters. guide the members in
Draw /paste/attach here a regular accomplishing the task.
octagon with side lengths equal to
1.5cm each. Angle measurements are
135° each.
Better, if you will model first to
Draw /paste/attach here a decagon
the learners how to measure side
with different side lengths. Use lengths of a polygon using ruler
definite lengths only in centimeters. and how to measure an interior
Draw /paste/attach here a regular angle of a polygon using
decagon with side lengths equal to 1 protractor.
cm each. Angle measurements are
144° each.
(Side length assignment for each polygon may be changed)
Activity 2: “Who Am I?” Refer to the worksheet for the
This learning activity should be given as an exercise to end Day 1. activity that the learners will
DAY 3-4
SUB-TOPIC 3: Draw polygons with 5, 6, 8, or 10 sides using a ruler, protractor, Assignment for Day 3, ask
and a compass. learners to bring drawing
1. Explicitation materials, protractor, ruler, and
Begin the session by reviewing the information gathered from doing Activity 1. compass.
You may prepare a short game in a quiz bee format for the recall of the

Quiz Bee: Polygon Identification and Properties Answer Key:

Questions: 1. Hexagon
1. What do you call a polygon with 6 sides? 2. 1080°
2. What is the sum of the interior angles of an octagon? 3. Decagon
3. A polygon has 10 sides. What is it called? 4. Regular polygon
4. What is a polygon called if all its sides and angles are equal? 5. 120°
5. What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular hexagon? 6. Octagon
6. What do you call a polygon with 8 sides? 7. Pentagon
7. What do you call a polygon with 5 sides? 8. Quadrilateral, Regular
8. A polygon has 4 sides. What is it called and how is it classified if all sides (specifically a Square)
and angles are equal? 9. Heptagon
9. What do you call a polygon with 7 sides?

2. Worked Example
Activity 3: Drawing Polygons Activity 3 is a Guided Activity.
Instructions: Draw each polygon using your ruler, protractor, and compass. In implementing this activity, it
is highly recommended that the
Drawing 1: Regular pentagon with side length of 2 cm. teacher will do initial practice to
see how it works.
Step 1: Start with a circle with a
radius of 2 cm. To do this, draw a During discussion, use a
line segment 2cm long, then use a compass and protractor that are
compass to draw the circle using the intended for big groups.
segment as the radius.

Post on the board the steps in
Step 2: Divide the circle into five drawing the polygons with no
equal parts by marking points every specific side lengths and angle
72° around the center. Use measurements. You will put
protractor in doing this. measures as you work with the
learners in drawing each
Step 3: Connect the points on the circle formed in step 2 to form the regular
pentagon. See diagram below. The very idea of doing a Guided
Activity is, the teacher and the
learners work together in
performing the task. Teacher
should see to it that learners can
follow step 1 through step 3 of
Drawing Polygons.
Regular pentagon side length is 2 cm each.
You may assign a student leader
per group to assist you in this
Drawing 2: Regular hexagon with side length of 3 cm. activity.

Monitoring learners' work is

crucial here. Strategize on how
Step 1: Start with a circle with a
to deal with possible problems
radius of 3 cm.
that may arise for having a big

You may do pre-recording of

Drawing activities if you can,
Step 2: Divide the circle into six then if classroom facilities
equal parts by marking points include a big monitor, you may
just play the video and assist
learners in doing the task.
Step 3: Connect the points on the circle formed in step 2 to form the regular
hexagon. See diagram below.

Regular hexagon side length is 3cm each.

Drawing 3: Regular octagon with a side length of 3 cm.

Step 1: Start with a circle with a

radius of 3 cm. To do this, draw a
line segment 3 cm long, then use a
compass to draw the circle using the
segment as the radius.

Step 2: Divide the circle into eight

equal parts by marking points every
45 degrees around the center. Use
protractor in doing this.

Step 3: Connect the points on the circle formed in step 2 to form the regular
octagon. See diagram below.

Regular octagon side length is 3cm each.

Drawing 4: Regular decagon with side length of 3 cm

Step 1: Start with a circle with a

radius of 3 cm. To do this, draw a
line segment 3 cm long, then use a
compass to draw the circle using the
segment as the radius.

Step 2: Divide the circle into eight

equal parts by marking points every
36 degrees around the center. Use
protractor in doing this.

Step 3: Connect the points on the circle formed in step 2 to form the regular
decagon. See diagram below.

(Note: the derivation of the

formula for the sum of the interior
angles is not included here.)

In processing the result of this

activity, present the table in
Regular decagon side length is 3 cm each. activity no. 4.

3. Lesson Activity
Activity No. 4: Complete the table
For Activity 4, ask the learners to use the results of their drawing activity in
Activity 3 to complete the needed information. Ask the learners to make an
intelligent guess about the following based on the results found in activity 4:
• The relationship of a polygon’s number of sides and its number of interior
• The measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon and an irregular
• The sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon and the measure of each
interior angle.
• The sum of the measure of the interior angles of an irregular polygon.

Activity 5: Drawing triangles and quadrilaterals
This activity may be given as a group task. They will need to use their experience
in Activity 3 to be able to draw the given polygon.

D. Making 1. Learners’ Takeaways

Generalizations • Can you think of real-life examples where understanding how to construct
polygons, triangles, or quadrilaterals would be beneficial?
• What are some strategies for ensuring accuracy when measuring angles and
side lengths in geometric constructions?

2. Reflection on Learning
Reflect on any challenges you faced during the drawing process and how you
addressed them during the lesson of Regular Polygons.


A. Evaluating DAY 4 Answer:

Learning 1. Formative Assessment I.
I. Fill in the blank with the correct word to make the statement true. 1. Polygons
1. __________ are closed plane figures that are formed by straight line 2. Sides
segments that meet only at their endpoints. 3. Regular polygons
2. Polygons are classified according to the number of __________. 4. Squares
3. __________ are polygons with all of its sides and angles equal. 5. Pentagon
4. __________ are quadrilaterals with 4 right angles & have all sides equal. 6. Irregular polygons
5. __________ is a five-sided polygon with equal sides and equal angles. 7. Octagon
6. __________ are polygons that have non-congruent sides. 8. Equilateral triangle
7. __________ is an eight-sided polygon with unequal sides.
8. __________ is a three-sided polygon with equal sides. II.
1. 10 cm
II. Use the polygon below in answering the ff questions. 2. 108°
1. If side BC = 10 cm, how long is side AE? 3. 108° + 108° = 216°
2. What is the measure of ∠CBA? 4. 540°
3. What is the sum of the measures of ∠CBA and ∠CDE?
4. What is the sum of the interior angles of the regular pentagon ABCDE?

2. Homework (Optional)

B. Teacher’s Note observations on any The teacher may take note of
Effective Practices Problems Encountered
Remarks of the following areas: some observations related to the
effective practices and problems
strategies explored encountered after utilizing the
different strategies, materials
used, learner engagement, and
materials used other related stuff.

Teachers may also suggest ways

learner engagement/ to improve the different activities
interaction explored/lesson exemplar.


C. Teacher’s Reflection guide or prompt can be on: Teacher’s reflection in every

Reflection • principles behind the teaching lesson conducted/facilitated is
What principles and beliefs informed my lesson? essential and necessary to
Why did I teach the lesson the way I did? improve practice. You may also
consider this as an input for the
• students LAC/Collab sessions.
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?

• ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?


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