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PAPER "Skills in Making Variations" This paper is prepared to fulfill the assignment of the course

"Biology Learning Strategies" Lecturer: Nasnul Hakim, M. Pd. Prepared by: Fingki Fitriana
INTRODUCTION Praise be to Allah SWT. who has bestowed His mercy and guidance so that we can
complete this paper well despite being far from perfection. Blessings and greetings always be upon
the great Prophet Muhammad SAW who has provided his guidance, so that we become faithful
Muslims. The purpose of making this paper is to fulfill one of the group assignments in the Statistics
course at the State Islamic Institute of Metro. And to help students or readers to increase insights
about DATA ANALYSIS USING STATISTICS. In conclusion, we realize there are still many
shortcomings in this paper. However, we greatly appreciate constructive criticism and suggestions for
improvement in making the next paper. And may this paper be beneficial for all of us. Amen. Central
Lampung, June 11, 2020 the author
INTRODUCTION A. Background 1 B. Writing Objectives 1 CHAPTER II DISCUSSION A. Definition of
data analysis 2 B. Analyzing data using statistics 5 C. Hypothesis testing used 5 D. Conclusion in
research 6
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION A. Conclusion 7 B. Suggestions 7 REFERENCES iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Statistics is a branch of science that studies how to
collect, analyze, and interpret data. In other words, statistics becomes a kind of tool in conducting
empirical research. In analyzing data, scientists describe their perceptions of a phenomenon. A stable
description of a phenomenon often can explain a theory. (However, people can argue about how
something happens, science usually focuses on why). The discovery of new theories is a creative
process obtained by reinterpreting information on existing theories or extracting information obtained
from the real world. The common initial approach used to explain a phenomenon is statistics. Data
analysis is a process to examine, clean, transform, and model data with the aim of finding useful
information so that it can provide guidance for researchers to make decisions on research questions.
The design of data analysis is an integral part of the research process, whether it is documented or
not. This design has been formatted before data collection activities and when formulating
hypotheses. This means that the design of data analysis from research results has been prepared
starting from determining the type of data to be collected, the sources of data found, and the
hypotheses to be tested have been formulated. B. Objectives 1. To understand data analysis with
statistics 2. To understand hypothesis testing 3. To understand the conclusions in research.
CHAPTER I DISCUSSION A. Definition of data analysis Data analysis is the process of systematically
searching for and organizing data obtained from interviews, field notes, and documentation, by
organizing data into categories, breaking it down into units, synthesizing, arranging it into patterns,
selecting what is important and what will be studied, and drawing conclusions so that it can be easily
understood by oneself and others. Data analysis is an effort or method to process data into
information so that the characteristics of the data can be understood and useful for problem-solving,
especially research-related issues. Another definition of data analysis is the activity carried out to
transform research data into information that can be used to draw conclusions. According to Lexy Y.
Moleong, data analysis is the process of organizing data, organizing it into a pattern, category, and
basic unit of description. Data analysis is a formal process of detailing efforts to find themes and
formulate hypotheses (ideas) as suggested and as an effort to provide support and themes for
hypotheses. If examined, the first definition emphasizes the organization of data while the second
emphasizes the purpose and goal of data analysis. Therefore, the definition can be synthesized as
data analysis is the process of organizing and arranging data into patterns, categories, and basic units
of description so that it can be easily understood.
Themes are found and working hypotheses can be formulated as based on data. Statistics is a
collection of data in the form of numbers or non-numbers arranged in tables (lists) and/or diagrams
that describe or relate to a specific problem. The use of the term statistics is rooted in Latin terms
modern statisticum collegium (state council) and Italian statista (statesman or politician). Gottfried
Achenwall (1749) used Statistics in German for the first time as the name for the activity of analyzing
state data, interpreting it as the science of the state. In the early 19th century, there was a shift in
meaning towards the science of data collection and classification. Sir John Sinclair introduced the
name (Statistics) and this definition into English. So, statistics initially only dealt with government data.
The collection of data through administrative institutions continued, especially through regular
censuses to provide information on the changing population. In the 19th and early 20th centuries,
statistics began to use many fields in mathematics, especially probability. The branch of statistics,
which is now very broad, is used to support scientific methods, inferential statistics, developed in the
second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries by [Ronald Fisher] (founder of inferential statistics),
Karl Pearson (linear regression method), and William Sealey Gosset (researching small sample
problems). The use of statistics today can be said to have touched all fields of science, from
astronomy to linguistics. Fields of economics, biology, and their applied branches, as well as
psychology, are greatly influenced by statistics in their methodology. As a result, fields such as
econometrics, biometrics (or the birth of biostatistics), and psychometrics have emerged. Although
some consider statistics as a branch of mathematics, others consider it as a separate discipline.
The field that is closely related to mathematics can be seen from its history and applications. In
Indonesia, the study of statistics mostly falls under the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences,
either in separate departments or combined with mathematics. Benefits of Statistics: 1. Obtaining a
simpler overview of a specific phenomenon through statistical measures 2. Able to draw conclusions
with a certain level of confidence based on samples from the population 3. Can achieve cost
efficiency through sampling 4. Can create models for a problem 5. Can identify factors related to a
problem 6. Can determine the effects of a variable 7. Can forecast data for the future Types of
Analysis: Analysis in research is a very important part of the research process, as through analysis,
the existing data will show its benefits especially in solving research problems and achieving the final
research goals. Raw data that has not been analyzed is still considered raw data. In research
activities, raw data will only have meaning when analyzed and interpreted. In the process of data
analysis and interpretation, it is important to understand the existence of the data itself. Broadly
speaking, the existence of data can be classified into two types: 1. Qualitative data Qualitative data,
also known as soft data, is obtained through research using a qualitative approach or qualitative
assessment. The presence of qualitative data is field notes that are in a qualitative form.
Notes or recordings of words, sentences, or paragraphs obtained from interviews using open-ended
questions, participatory observation, or the researcher's interpretation of documents or artifacts. To
obtain meaning from data like this through data interpretation, qualitative data analysis techniques are
used. Quantitative data The existence of quantitative data is numbers (quantities), obtained from
either the total of a combination or measurement. Quantitative data obtained from the total of a
combination always uses whole numbers. Examples of such data are numbers from census results,
numbers from tabulations of responses to surveys or structured interviews. Quantitative data obtained
from measurements are scores obtained through measurements, such as test scores, motivation
scale scores, weight measurements, and so on. Data analysis techniques Data analysis techniques
are ways to analyze research data, including relevant statistical tools to be used in research. In terms
of data analysis techniques, qualitative research and quantitative research also have some
differences. In quantitative data analysis, the techniques vary greatly depending on the research
objectives, research hypotheses, and the type of data obtained. Statistical techniques using computer
software are often used to facilitate researchers in data analysis because numerical data is more
universal, culture-free, more objective, and less ambiguous. In data analysis techniques using
statistics, there are two types of statistics used in quantitative data, namely descriptive and inferential
A. Development of Mathematics Teaching Materials Based on Lampungnese Ethnomathematics 1.
Statistics used In this journal, the statistics used are inferential statistics because it can be clearly
seen from the normal distribution aspect. In this normal distribution, the type of statistics used can
measure parametric interval statistics. 2. Hypotheses used H0: Mathematics teaching based on
Lampungnese Ethnomathematics H1: Mathematics teaching based on Lampungnese
Ethnomathematics 3. Conclusion From analyzing the data above, it can be concluded that H0 in
mathematics teaching materials is not approved. However, if the Lampungnese Ethnomathematics
system is applied, the learning process runs smoothly. B. The Process of Creative Thinking of
Students in Solving Mathematical Problems Based on the Mathematical Abilities of Class X Mia
Students at SMAN 6 Surakarta 1. Statistics used The statistics used in this research are descriptive
statistics because this research focuses on the understanding and abilities of students at SMAN 6
Surakarta. 2. Hypotheses used H0: Thinking in solving mathematical problems based on the abilities
of students at SMAN 6.
sma n 6 surakarta H1: thinking in solving math problems in terms of students' abilities sma n 6
surakarta 3. Conclusion From this research, it can be concluded that H0 successfully in solving math-
related problems with students from sma n 6 surakarta C. Statistical Literacy and Its Urgency for
Students 1. Statistics used In this research, the statistics used are descriptive statistics which can be
seen from the graphs used 2. Hypotheses used H0: statistical literacy and its urgency for students
H1: literacy and urgency for students 3. Conclusion In this research, the conclusion is that H0 is
successful because it provides a true picture of what is meant by statistical literacy and its urgency for
the students themselves. CHAPTER III CLOSING A. Conclusion Statistics is a branch of science that
studies how to collect, analyze, and interpret data. Or in other words, statistics becomes a tool in
conducting empirical research. In analyzing data, scientists describe their perceptions of a
phenomenon. A stable description of a phenomenon often can explain a theory. (Although
Thus, people can argue that science usually describes how something happens, rather than why.
Data analysis is a process to examine, clean, transform, and model data with the aim of finding useful
information so as to provide guidance for researchers to make decisions on research questions. The
design of data analysis is an integral part of the research process, whether in written form or not.
Recommendations: As the author, I need guidance because this paper is far from perfect and for
readers, I ask for motivation to be enthusiastic and correct any mistakes in this paper.
REFERENCES Hafiyusholeh Moh. (June 2015). Statistical Literacy and Its Urgency for Students.
Graduate students in mathematics education at Unesa Surabaya. (Vol. 64, No1, ISSN 0853-4403)
Hidayat, Anwar. 2012. Explanation of data analysis and data analysis.
https://www.statistik.com/2012/10/rencana-analisis-data.html June 11, 2020"
Wulantina, E., Kusmayadi, T. A., & Riyadi, R. (2015). Creative Thinking Process of Students in
Solving Mathematical Problems Reviewed from Students' Mathematical Abilities in Class X Mia Sman
6 Surakarta. Journal of Mathematics Learning, 3(6). Wulantina, E. (2019, September). Mathematics
Learning Based on Lampungnese Ethnomathematics. In Proceedings of the National Seminar on
Mathematics Education at Lampung University (Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 793-798). Taddruqutni, Wahyu.
2017. Paper on data analysis. Retrieved from
https://wahyutaddruquni.blogspot.com/2017/23/05/data.html. June 11, 2020.

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