Reviewer On Sales (V Notes) (De Leon, Villanueva, Ruyeras-Borromeo)
Reviewer On Sales (V Notes) (De Leon, Villanueva, Ruyeras-Borromeo)
Reviewer On Sales (V Notes) (De Leon, Villanueva, Ruyeras-Borromeo)
Sale v. declaration of heirship and waiver of All three (3) essential elements of a valid sale, without
rights (ACAP v. CA) which there can be no sale, were attendant in the
An asserted claim does not necessarily amount to ownership "disposition" and "transfer" of the property from
In the first place, an asserted right or claim to NDC to PUP - consent of the parties, determinate
ownership or a real right over a thing arising from a subject matter, and consideration therefor.
juridical act, however justified, is not per se sufficient
to give rise to ownership over the res. That right or title Consent to the sale is obvious from the prefatory
must be completed by fulfilling certain conditions clauses of Memorandum Order No. 214 which
imposed by law. explicitly states the acquiescence of the parties to the
sale of the property –
Modes of acquisition of ownership under Civil Code
Under Article 712 of the Civil Code, the modes of Furthermore, the cancellation of NDC's liabilities in
acquiring ownership are generally classified into two (2) favor of the National Government in the amount of
classes, namely, the original mode (i.e., through P57,193,201.64 constituted the "consideration" for the
occupation, acquisitive prescription, law or intellectual sale.
creation) and the derivative mode (i.e., through
succession mortis causa or tradition as a result of Transfer of title or an agreement to transfer title for a
certain contracts, such as sale, barter, donation, price paid, or promised to be paid, is the very essence
assignment or mutuum). of sale.
Sale and declaration of heirship and waiver of rights distinguished Art 1458 is a catchall provision
In a Contract of Sale, one of the contracting parties The Civil Code provision is, in effect, a "catch-all"
obligates himself to transfer the ownership of and provision which effectively brings within its grasp
to deliver a determinate thing, and the other party a whole gamut of transfers whereby ownership of
to pay a price certain in money or its equivalent. a thing is ceded for a consideration.
Upon the other hand, a declaration of heirship and Right of first refusal
waiver of rights operates as a public instrument In the instant case, the right of first refusal is an integral
when filed with the Registry of Deeds whereby the and indivisible part of the contract of lease and is
intestate heirs adjudicate and divide the estate left inseparable from the whole contract. The
by the decedent among themselves as they see fit. consideration for the right is built into the reciprocal
It is in effect an extrajudicial settlement between the obligations of the parties. Thus, it is not correct for
heirs under Rule 74 of the Rules of Court. petitioners to insist that there was no consideration
Sale of hereditary rights v. waiver of hereditary rights paid by FIRESTONE to entitle it to the exercise of the
right, inasmuch as the stipulation is part and parcel of price is an essential element of a binding agreement to
the contract of lease making the consideration for the sell personal property.
lease the same as that for the option.
Earnest deposit (San Miguel Properties v.
It is a settled principle in civil law that when a lease Spouses Huang)
contract contains a right of first refusal, the lessor is The giving of deposit will not give rise to a perfected sale
under a legal duty to the lessee not to sell to anybody In the present case, the ₱1 million "earnest-
at any price until after he has made an offer to sell to deposit" could not have been given as earnest
the latter at a certain price and the lessee has failed to money as contemplated in Art. 1482 because, at the
accept it. The lessee has a right that the lessor's first time when petitioner accepted the terms of
offer shall be in his favor. respondents’ offer of March 29, 1994, their contract
had not yet been perfected. This is evident from the
Parties on a contract of sale following conditions attached by respondents to their
1) Buyer (vendee) – with an obligation pay a letter, to wit: (1) that they be given the exclusive option
price certain in money or its equivalent to purchase the property within 30 days from
2) Seller (vendor) – with an obligation to transfer acceptance of the offer; (2) that during the option
ownership and deliver a determinate thing period, the parties would negotiate the terms and
conditions of the purchase; and (3) petitioner would
Stages of a contract (NPC) secure the necessary approvals while respondents
1) Negotiation would handle the documentation.
2) Perfection
3) Consummation Thus, it is not the giving of earnest money, but the
proof of the concurrence of all the essential
Manner of payment (Toyota Shaw v. CA) elements of the contract of sale which establishes
Three stages of a contract the existence of a perfected sale.
There are three stages in the contract of sale, namely:
a) preparation, conception, or generation, which Stages of contract
is the period of negotiation and bargaining, In the present case, the parties never got past the
ending at the moment of agreement of the negotiation stage. The alleged "indubitable evidence"
parties; of a perfected sale cited by the appellate court was
b) perfection or birth of the contract, which is the nothing more than offers and counter-offers which
moment when the parties come to agree on the did not amount to any final arrangement
terms of the contract; and containing the essential elements of a contract of
c) consummation or death, which is the sale.
fulfillment or performance of the terms agreed
upon in the contract. Essential characteristics of a contract of sale
1) Nominate and principal –
The second phase of the generation or negotiation Nominate
stage in this case was the execution of the VSP. It must Given a special or particular name in the Civil
be emphasized that thereunder, the downpayment of Code “Law on Sales”, its nature and
the purchase price was P53,148.00 while the balance to consequences are governed by the laws on that
be paid on installment should be financed by B.A. particular name, the title given by the party is
Finance Corporation. It is, of course, to be assumed not as significant as its substance. The intent of
that B.A. Finance Corp. was acceptable to Toyota, the parties and not the nomenclature will
otherwise it should not have mentioned B.A. Finance prevail.
in the VSP. Principal
Does not depend its existence upon another
The VSP was a mere proposal which was aborted in contract
lieu of subsequent events. It follows that the VSP 2) Consensual – perfected by mere consent
created no demandable right in favor of Sosa for the delivery is required only in the
delivery of the vehicle to him, and its non-delivery did consummation stage
not cause any legally indemnifiable injury. Article 1475. The contract of sale is
perfected at the moment there is a
Manner of payment is essential in a contract of sale meeting of minds upon the thing
This Court had already ruled that a definite agreement which is the object of the contract
on the manner of payment of the price is an essential and upon the price.
element in the formation of a binding and enforceable
contract of sale. This is so because the agreement as to From that moment, the parties may
the manner of payment goes into the price such that a reciprocally demand performance,
disagreement on the manner of payment is tantamount subject to the provisions of the law
to a failure to agree on the price. Definiteness as to the
governing the form of contracts. Directors and subjected to other terms and conditions
(1450a) imposed by the Bank on the sale of acquired assets.
Level of mutuality (Villanueva v. PNB) In reply to the July 6, 1990 counter-offer, petitioner
What level of mutuality is required before the element of consent signed his July 11, 1990 conformity to the quoted price
is said to be present of P2,883,300.00 but inserted the term
Contracts of sale are perfected by mutual consent "downpayment of P600,000.00 and the balance
whereby the seller obligates himself, for a price certain, payable in two years at quarterly amortization."
to deliver and transfer ownership of a specified thing The CA viewed this July 11, 1990 conformity not as an
or right to the buyer over which the latter agrees. acceptance of the July 6, 1990 counter-offer but a
Mutual consent being a state of mind, its existence further counter-offer for, while petitioner accepted the
may only be inferred from the confluence of two P2,883,300.00 price for Lot No. 19, he qualified his
acts of the parties: an offer certain as to the object acceptance by proposing a two-year payment term.
of the contract and its consideration, and an
acceptance of the offer which is absolute in that it Moreover, petitioner’s payment of P200,000.00 was
refers to the exact object and consideration with the clear understanding that his July 11, 1990
embodied in said offer. While it is impossible to counter-offer was still subject to approval by
expect the acceptance to echo every nuance of the respondent. This is borne out by respondent’s Exhibits
offer, it is imperative that it assents to those points "2-a" and "2-b", which petitioner never controverted,
in the offer which, under the operative facts of where it appears on the dorsal portion of O.R. No.
each contract, are not only material but motivating 16997 that petitioner acceded that the amount he paid
as well. Anything short of that level of mutuality was a mere "x x x deposit made to show the
produces not a contract but a mere counter-offer sincerity of [his] purchase offer with the
awaiting acceptance. understanding that it shall be returned without
interest if [his] offer is not favorably considered x
Consent also must be unanimous on the rate of payment and its x x." This was a clear acknowledgment on his part
terms that there was yet no perfected contract with
More particularly on the matter of the consideration of respondent and that even with the payments he had
the contract, the offer and its acceptance must be advanced, his July 11, 1990 counter-offer was still
unanimous both on the rate of the payment and on its subject to consideration by respondent.
term. An acceptance of an offer which agrees to the
rate but varies the term is ineffective. In sum, the amounts paid by petitioner were not in the
nature of downpayment or earnest money but were
xxWhen petitioner suddenly introduced a term of mere deposits or proof of his interest in the purchase
payment in his July 11, 1990 counter-offer, he of Lot No. 19. Acceptance of said amounts by
interjected into the negotiations a new substantial respondent does not presuppose perfection of any
matter on which the parties had no prior discussion contract.
and over which they must yet agree. Petitioner’s July
11, 1990 counter-offer, therefore, did not usher the Ownership by the seller (Quijada v. CA)
parties beyond the negotiation stage of contract Ownership is not an essential element
making towards its perfection. He made a Ownership by the seller on the thing sold at the time
counter-offer that required acceptance by of the perfection of the contract of sale is not an
respondent. element for its perfection. What the law requires is
that the seller has the right to transfer ownership
Not consent but only counter-offers at the time the thing sold is delivered. Perfection
Respondent replied to the June 28, 1990 offer with a per se does not transfer ownership which occurs
July 6, 1990 letter that only Lot No. 19 is available and upon the actual or constructive delivery of the
that the price therefor is now P2,883,300.00. As the CA thing sold. A perfected contract of sale cannot be
pointed out, this reply was certainly not an acceptance challenged on the ground of non-ownership on the
of the June 28, 1990 offer but a mere counter-offer. part of the seller at the time of its perfection;
It deviated from the original offer on three material hence, the sale is still valid.
points: first, the object of the proposed sale is now only
Lot No. 19 rather than Lot Nos. 17 and 19; second, the Ownership at consummation stage
area of the property to be sold is still 41,190 sq. m but The consummation, however, of the perfected
an 8,797-sq. m portion is now part of a public road; contract is another matter. It occurs upon the
and third, the consideration is P2,883,300 for one lot constructive or actual delivery of the subject
rather than P3,677,000.00 for two lots. More matter to the buyer when the seller or her
important, this July 6, 1990 counter-offer imposed two successors-in-interest subsequently acquires
conditions: one, that petitioner submit a revised offer ownership thereof. Such circumstance happened in
to purchase based on the quoted price; and two, that this case when petitioners — who are Trinidad
the sale of the property be approved by the Board of Quijada's heirs and successors-in-interest — became
the owners of the subject property upon the reversion and write in the English language, he did not bother to
of the ownership of the land to them. Consequently, fully explain to the latter the substance of the receipt
ownership is transferred to respondent Mondejar and (Exhibit "G"). He even dismissed the idea of asking
those who claim their right from him. somebody else to assist Fortunato considering that a
measly sum of thirty pesos was involved. Evidently, it
Characteristics of a valid consent (Vda. De Ape did not occur to Flores that the document he himself
v. CA) prepared pertains to the transfer altogether of
A contract of sale is consensual Fortunato's property to his mother-in-law. It is
A contract of sale is a consensual contract, thus, it is precisely in situations such as this when the wisdom of
perfected by mere consent of the parties. It is born Article 1332 of the Civil Code readily becomes
from the moment there is a meeting of minds upon the apparent which is "to protect a party to a contract
thing which is the object of the sale and upon the price. disadvantaged by illiteracy, ignorance, mental weakness
Upon its perfection, the parties may reciprocally or some other handicap."
demand performance, that is, the vendee may compel
the transfer of the ownership and to deliver the object Contract to sell v. contract of sale (Laforteza v.
of the sale while the vendor may demand the vendee Machuca)
to pay the thing sold. A contract of sale is consensual
A contract of sale is a consensual contract and is
Essence of consent perfected at the moment there is a meeting of the
The essence of consent is the agreement of the parties minds upon the thing which is the object of the
on the terms of the contract, the acceptance by one of contract and upon the price. From that moment the
the offer made by the other. It is the concurrence of parties may reciprocally demand performance
the minds of the parties on the object and the subject to the provisions of the law governing the form
cause which constitutes the contract. The area of of contracts.
agreement must extend to all points that the
parties deem material or there is no consent at all. There was a perfected contract of sale
In the case at bar, there was already a perfected
Characteristics of consent (IFS) contract. The condition was imposed only on the
To be valid, consent must meet the following performance of the obligations contained therein.
requisites: (a) it should be intelligent, or with an exact Considering however that the title was eventually
notion of the matter to which it refers; (b) it should be "reconstituted" and that the petitioners admit their
free and (c) it should be spontaneous. Intelligence in ability to execute the extrajudicial settlement of their
consent is vitiated by error; freedom by violence, fathers estate, the respondent had a right to demand
intimidation or undue influence; spontaneity by fraud. fulfillment of the petitioners obligation to deliver and
transfer ownership of the house and lot.
In this jurisdiction, the general rule is that he who
alleges fraud or mistake in a transaction must Condition imposed upon perfection v condition imposed upon
substantiate his allegation as the presumption is performance
that a person takes ordinary care for his concerns The issuance of the new certificate of title in the name
and that private dealings have been entered into of the late Francisco Laforteza and the execution of an
fairly and regularly. The exception to this rule is extrajudicial settlement of his estate was not a
provided for under Article 1332 of the Civil Code condition which determined the perfection of the
which provides that "[w]hen one of the parties is contract of sale. The petitioners fail to distinguish
unable to read, or if the contract is in a language between a condition imposed upon the perfection of
not understood by him, and mistake or fraud is the contract and a condition imposed on the
alleged, the person enforcing the contract must performance of an obligation. Failure to comply with
show that the terms thereof have been fully the first condition results in the failure of a
explained to the former." contract, while the failure to comply with the
second condition only gives the other party the
In this case, as private respondent is the one seeking to option either to refuse to proceed with the sale or
enforce the claimed contract of sale, she bears the to waive the condition.
burden of proving that the terms of the agreement
were fully explained to Fortunato Ape who was an Contract of sale and not contract to sell
illiterate. This she failed to do. While she claimed in There is nothing contained in the Memorandum
her testimony that the contents of the receipt were Agreement from which it can reasonably be deduced
made clear to Fortunato, such allegation was debunked that the parties intended to enter into a contract to sell,
by Andres Flores himself when the latter took the i.e. one whereby the prospective seller would explicitly
witness stand. reserve the transfer of title to the prospective buyer,
meaning, the prospective seller does not as yet agree or
As can be gleaned from Flores's testimony, while he consent to transfer ownership of the property subject
was very much aware of Fortunato's inability to read of the contract to sell until the full payment of the
price, such payment being a positive suspensive The settled rule is that the decisive factor in evaluating
condition, the failure of which is not considered a an agreement is the intention of the parties, as shown
breach, casual or serious, but simply an event which not necessarily by the terminology used in the contract
prevented the obligation from acquiring any obligatory but by their conduct, words, actions and deeds prior to,
force. There is clearly no express reservation of title during and immediately after executing the agreement.
made by the petitioners over the property, or any As such, therefore, documentary and parol evidence
provision which would impose non-payment of the may be submitted and admitted to prove such
price as a condition for the contracts entering into intention.
force. Although the memorandum agreement was also
denominated as a "Contract to Sell", we hold that the In the case at bar, the stipulation in the Deed of
parties contemplated a contract of sale. A deed of sale Absolute Sale was that the Corporation shall pay in full
is absolute in nature although denominated a the P2,200,000.00 down payment upon execution of
conditional sale in the absence of a stipulation the contract. However, as correctly noted by the Court
reserving title in the petitioners until full payment of of Appeals, the transcript of stenographic notes reveal
the purchase price. In such cases, ownership of the Cortes' admission that he agreed that the Corporation's
thing sold passes to the vendee upon actual or full payment of the sum of P2,200,000.00 would
constructive delivery thereof. The mere fact that the depend upon his delivery of the TCTs of the three lots.
obligation of the respondent to pay the balance of the In fact, his main defense in the Answer is that, he
purchase price was made subject to the condition that performed what is incumbent upon him by delivering
the petitioners first deliver the reconstituted title of the to the Corporation the TCTs and the carbon duplicate
house and lot does not make the contract a contract to of the Deed of Absolute Sale, but the latter refused to
sell for such condition is not inconsistent with a pay in full the down payment.
contract of sale.
By agreeing to transfer title upon full payment of
3) Bilateral and reciprocal – both contracting P2,200,000.00, Cortes' impliedly agreed to deliver the
parties are bound to fulfill obligations TCTs to the Corporation in order to effect said
reciprocally towards each other transfer. Hence, the phrase "execution of this
Seller – deliver and transfer ownership instrument" as appearing in the Deed of Absolute Sale,
of the determinate thing and which event would give rise to the Corporation's
Buyer – pay the price obligation to pay in full the amount of P2,200,000.00,
Give and take relationship cannot be construed as referring solely to the signing
To be performed simultaneously of the deed. The meaning of "execution" in the instant
case is not limited to the signing of a contract but
Legal effects of contracts being reciprocal includes as well the performance or implementation or
1) The power to rescind is implied and such accomplishment of the parties' agreement. With the
power need not even be stipulated in order for transfer of titles as the corresponding reciprocal
the parties to invoke the remedy (Art 1191) obligation of payment, Cortes' obligation is not only to
2) Neither incurs in delay if the other does not affix his signature in the Deed, but to set into motion
comply (Art 1168) the process that would facilitate the transfer of title of
3) From the moment one complies, the other the lots, i.e., to have the Deed notarized and to
incurs delay without need of demand (Art 1179) surrender the original copy thereof to the Corporation
together with the TCTs.
Compensatio morae (Cortes v. CA)
A contract of sale is reciprocal When delay is incurred
There is no doubt that the contract of sale in question Since Cortes did not perform his obligation to have the
gave rise to a reciprocal obligation of the parties. Deed notarized and to surrender the same together
Reciprocal obligations are those which arise from the with the TCTs, the trial court erred in concluding that
same cause, and which each party is a debtor and a he performed his part in the contract of sale and that it
creditor of the other, such that the obligation of one is is the Corporation alone that was remiss in the
dependent upon the obligation of the other. They are performance of its obligation. Actually, both parties
to be performed simultaneously, so that the were in delay. Considering that their obligation was
performance of one is conditioned upon the reciprocal, performance thereof must be
simultaneous fulfillment of the other. simultaneous. The mutual inaction of Cortes and
the Corporation therefore gave rise to a
In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay compensation morae or default on the part of both
if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply parties because neither has completed their part in
in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him. their reciprocal obligation. Cortes is yet to deliver
From the moment one of the parties fulfills his the original copy of the notarized Deed and the TCTs,
obligation, delay by the other begins. while the Corporation is yet to pay in full the agreed
down payment of P2,200,000.00. This mutual delay
Intention of the parties must be looked into and not the title
of the parties cancels out the effects of default, Commutative value (Buenaventura v. CA)
such that it is as if no one is guilty of delay. Failure to pay the consideration v. lack of consideration
Failure to pay the consideration is different from lack
4) Onerous – the thing sold is conveyed in of consideration. The former results in a right to
consideration of the price and vice versa demand the fulfillment or cancellation of the obligation
Imposes a valuable consideration as under an existing valid contract while the latter
prestation (a price certain in money or prevents the existence of a valid contract.
its equivalent
Commutative value of the contract
Onerous and commutative (Gaite v. Fonacier) There is no requirement that the price be equal to the
Onerous and commutative contracts exact value of the subject matter of sale. All the
A contract of sale is normally commutative and respondents believed that they received the
onerous: not only does each one of the parties assume commutative value of what they gave. As we stated in
a correlative obligation (the seller to deliver and Vales v. Villa:
transfer ownership of the thing sold and the buyer to
pay the price), but each party anticipates performance Courts cannot follow one every step of his life and
by the other from the very start. The only rational view extricate him from bad bargains, protect him from
that can be taken is that the sale of the ore to Fonacier unwise investments, relieve him from one-sided
was a sale on credit, and not an aleatory contract where contracts, or annul the effects of foolish acts. Courts
the transferor, Gaite, would assume the risk of not cannot constitute themselves guardians of persons
being paid at all; and that the previous sale or shipment who are not legally incompetent. There must be, in
of the ore was not a suspensive condition for the addition, a violation of the law, the commission of
payment of the balance of the agreed price, but was what the law knows as an actionable wrong, before the
intended merely to fix the future date of the payment. courts are authorized to lay hold of the situation and
remedy it.
Nothing is found in the record to evidence that Gaite
desired or assumed to run the risk of losing his right In the instant case, the trial court found that the lots
over the ore without getting paid for it, or that Fonacier were sold for a valid consideration, and that the
understood that Gaite assumed any such risk. This is defendant children actually paid the purchase price
proved by the fact that Gaite insisted on a bond a to stipulated in their respective Deeds of Sale.
guarantee payment of the P65,000.00, and not only
upon a bond by Fonacier, the Larap Mines & Smelting 6) A title and not a mode of acquisition
Co., and the company's stockholders, but also on one Title and mode distinguished (SLDC v. CA)
by a surety company; and the fact that appellants did Definition of a mode and a title
put up such bonds indicates that they admitted the In relation to the acquisition and transfer of ownership,
definite existence of their obligation to pay the balance it should be noted that sale is not a mode, but merely a
of P65,000.00. title. A mode is the legal means by which dominion
or ownership is created, transferred or destroyed,
Rule of interpretation but title is only the legal basis by which to affect
The Civil Code of the Philippines, Article 1378, dominion or ownership. Contracts only constitute
paragraph 1, in fine, provides: titles or rights to the transfer or acquisition of
If the contract is onerous, the doubt shall be settled in ownership, while delivery or tradition is the mode of
favor of the greatest reciprocity of interests. accomplishing the same. Therefore, sale by itself
does not transfer or affect ownership; the most that
There can be no question that greater reciprocity sale does is to create the obligation to transfer
obtains if the buyer' obligation is deemed to be actually ownership. It is tradition or delivery, as a
existing, with only its maturity (due date) postponed or consequence of sale, that actually transfers
deferred, that if such obligation were viewed as non- ownership.
existent or not binding until the ore was sold.
Kinds of delivery
5) Commutative – thing sold is considered The law recognizes two principal modes of delivery, to
equivalent of the price paid and vice versa wit: (1) actual delivery; and (2) legal or constructive
*May be aleatory in case of sale of hope (ex. delivery.
Value for value Actual delivery consists in placing the thing sold in
No requirement that there is the control and possession of the vendee. Legal or
equivalence of the price and the exact constructive delivery, on the other hand, may be had
value of the subject matter through any of the following ways: the execution of a
Sales on discounts would still be public instrument evidencing the sale;
considered valid
1) symbolical tradition - such as the delivery of impediment that effectively prevented the passing of
the keys of the place where the movable sold is the property into the latter's hands. The execution of a
being kept; public instrument gives rise, therefore, only to a prima
2) traditio longa manu - by mere consent or facie presumption of delivery. Such presumption is
agreement if the movable sold cannot yet be destroyed when the instrument itself expresses or
transferred to the possession of the buyer at implies that delivery was not intended; or when by
the time of the sale; other means it is shown that such delivery was not
3) traditio brevi manu - if the buyer already had effected, because a third person was actually in
possession of the object even before the sale; possession of the thing. In the latter case, the sale
and traditio cannot be considered consummated.
4) constitutum possessorium - where the seller remains
in possession of the property in a different Essential elements
capacity. Consent
Article 1475. The contract of sale is perfected at the
Babasanta did not acquire ownership by the mere moment there is a meeting of minds upon the thing
execution of the receipt by Pacita Lu acknowledging which is the object of the contract and upon the
receipt of partial payment for the property. For one, price.
the agreement between Babasanta and the Spouses Lu,
though valid, was not embodied in a public instrument. From that moment, the parties may reciprocally
Hence, no constructive delivery of the lands could have demand performance, subject to the provisions of
been effected. For another, Babasanta had not taken the law governing the form of contracts. (1450a)
possession of the property at any time after the
perfection of the sale in his favor or exercised acts of Characteristics of consent (IFS)
dominion over it despite his assertions that he was the 1) Intelligent
rightful owner of the lands. Simply stated, there was no 2) Free
delivery to Babasanta, whether actual or constructive, 3) Spontaneous (Vda de Ape v. CA)
which is essential to transfer ownership of the
property. Thus, even on the assumption that the GR: As a general rule, all persons, whether natural or
perfected contract between the parties was a sale, juridical, who can bind themselves by contract have
ownership could not have passed to Babasanta in the also legal capacity to buy and sell.
absence of delivery, since in a contract of sale XPN: There are two (2) kinds of incapacity under the
ownership is transferred to the vendee only upon the law:
delivery of the thing sold.
1) Absolute incapacity – The incapacity is
Since SLDC acquired possession of the property in absolute when the person cannot bind himself
good faith in contrast to Babasanta, who neither in any contract. An example would be those
registered nor possessed the property at any time, enumerated in Article 38 of the Civil Code; or
SLDC’s right is definitely superior to that of
Babasanta’s. Article 38. Minority, insanity or imbecility, the
state of being a deaf-mute, prodigality and civil
interdiction are mere restrictions on capacity to
Presumptive nature of execution of public act, and do not exempt the incapacitated person
instrument as delivery (Equatorial Realty v. from certain obligations, as when the latter arise
Mayfair) from his acts or from property relations, such as
Constructive delivery is negated by the failure of the vendee to take easements. (32a)
actual possession
Thus, it has been held that while the execution of a Minors, insane, demented persons, and deaf-
public instrument of sale is recognized by law as mutes
equivalent to the delivery of the thing sold, such Article 1489. All persons who are authorized in this
constructive or symbolic delivery, being merely Code to obligate themselves, may enter into a
presumptive, is deemed negated by the failure of the contract of sale, saving the modifications contained
vendee to take actual possession of the land sold. It has in the following articles.
been held that the execution of a contract of sale as a
form of constructive delivery is a legal fiction. It holds Where necessaries are those sold and delivered to
true only when there is no impediment that may a minor or other person without capacity to act, he
prevent the passing of the property from the hands of must pay a reasonable price therefor. Necessaries
the vendor into those of the vendee. When there is are those referred to in article 290. (1457a)
such impediment, "fiction yields to reality — the
delivery has not been effected." Article 290. Support is everything that is
indispensable for sustenance, dwelling, clothing
Mayfair's opposition to the transfer of the property by and medical attendance, according to the social
position of the family.
way of sale to Equatorial was a legally sufficient
Support also includes the education of the person xxx (3) Those where both parties are incapable of
entitled to be supported until he completes his giving consent to a contract.
education or training for some profession, trade
or vocation, even beyond the age of majority. 2) Relative incapacity – The incapacitated
(142a) person cannot buy or sell a certain property
because of a special prohibition. An example
Article 1327. The following cannot give consent to would be those enumerated in Article 1490 and
a contract: 1491 of the Civil Code which will be discussed
1) Unemancipated minors; in this and the subsequent notes.
2) Insane or demented persons, and deaf-
mutes who do not know how to write.
Sales by spouses
Important dates
Date of transaction – to determine the governing law,
Article 1328. Contracts entered into during a lucid
interval are valid. Contracts agreed to in a state of whether it is the Civil Code or the Family Code
drunkenness or during a hypnotic spell are Date of marriage - only considered in determining the
voidable. (n) property regime of the spouses (i.e., whether it is
Conjugal Partnership of Gains or Absolute
GR: contracts entered into by a minor and other Community of Property)
incapacitated person (e.g., insane or demented persons,
deaf-mutes who do not how to write) are voidable Family Code Civil Code
XPN: where necessaries are sold and delivered to a On or after Aug 3, 1988
Before Aug 3, 1988
minor, without the intervention of a parent or Written consent Consent; express or
guardian, the minor must pay a reasonable price implied
therefor The administrator is The administrator is the
both the husband and husband
Effect: the contract is, therefore, valid but the
the wife
minor has the right to recover any excess
Art 124 Art 166, 173, 207
above a reasonable value paid by him. The Void Voidable
following elements must concur:
1) Perfection of sale Civil Code
2) Delivery of the subject necessaries – absent CPOG
delivery – voidable Article 165. The husband is the administrator of
Active misrepresentation - sale of real estate the conjugal partnership. (1412a)
effected by minors who have already passed
the ages of puberty and adolescence and are Article 166. Unless the wife has been declared a non
now in the adult age, when they pretended to compos mentis or a spendthrift, or is under civil
have already reached their majority, while in interdiction or is confined in a leprosarium, the
fact they have not, is valid. They cannot be husband cannot alienate or encumber any real
permitted afterwards to excuse themselves property of the conjugal partnership without the
from compliance with the obligations assumed wife's consent. If she refuses unreasonably to give
by them or to seek their annulment her consent, the court may compel her to grant the
VOIDABLE – when one of the parties are This article shall not apply to property acquired by
the conjugal partnership before the effective date of
incapacitated to give consent;
this Code. (1413a)
UNENFORCEABLE – when both of the parties are
incapacitated to give consent
Article 173. The wife may, during the marriage, and
within ten years from the transaction
Article 1390. The following contracts are voidable or questioned, ask the courts for the annulment of any
annullable, even though there may have been no contract of the husband entered into without her
damage to the contracting parties: consent, when such consent is required, or any act
1) Those where one of the parties is incapable or contract of the husband which tends to defraud
of giving consent to a contract; her or impair her interest in the conjugal partnership
2) Those where the consent is vitiated by property. Should the wife fail to exercise this
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue right, she or her heirs, after the dissolution of the
influence or fraud. marriage, may demand the value of property
fraudulently alienated by the husband. (n)
These contracts are binding, unless they are annulled
The view that the contract made by Gimena is a
by a proper action in court. They are susceptible of
ratification. (n) voidable contract is supported by the legal provision that
contracts entered by the husband without the consent of
Article 1403. The following contracts are the wife when such consent is required, are annullable
unenforceable, unless they are ratified:
at her instance during the marriage and within ten years ACOP 207 96
from the transaction questioned. (Ainza v. Padua)
Sale between spouses
ACOP Article 1490. The husband and the wife cannot sell
Article 207. Neither spouse may alienate or property to each other, except:
encumber any common property without the 1) When a separation of property was
consent of the other. In case of unjustifiable refusal agreed upon in the marriage settlements;
by the other spouse, the courts may grant the or
necessary consent. 2) When there has been a judicial
separation of property under article 191.
Family Code (1458a)
Art. 96. The administration and enjoyment of the A sale between husband and wife is inexistent and
community property shall belong to both spouses void from the beginning. They are also prohibited
jointly. In case of disagreement, the husband's from making donations to each other during the
decision shall prevail, subject to recourse to the marriage except moderate gifts on the occasion of any
court by the wife for proper remedy, which must be family rejoicing.
availed of within five years from the date of the
contract implementing such decision. The reason for the law is not based so much on the
union of the personality of the husband and wife nor
In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or on the weakness of the sex and on the possibility that
otherwise unable to participate in the the husband will induce his wife to engage in ruinous
administration of the common properties, the
operations. The prohibition is primarily for the
other spouse may assume sole powers of
administration. These powers do not include protection of third persons who, relying upon
disposition or encumbrance without authority of the supposed property of either spouse, enters into a
court or the written consent of the other spouse. In contract with either of them only to find out that the
the absence of such authority or consent, the property relied upon was transferred to the other
disposition or encumbrance shall be void. spouse.
However, the transaction shall be construed as
a continuing offer on the part of the consenting Sale between couple living as husband and wife - It is
spouse and the third person, and may be contrary to morals and public policy (Calimlim
perfected as a binding contract upon the Canullas v. Fortun)
acceptance by the other spouse or authorization
by the court before the offer is withdrawn by Others relatively incapacitated
either or both offerors. (206a)
Article 1491. The following persons cannot acquire
by purchase, even at a public or judicial auction,
CPOG either in person or through the mediation of
Art. 124. The administration and enjoyment of the another:
conjugal partnership shall belong to both spouses 1) The guardian, the property of the person
jointly. In case of disagreement, the husband's or persons who may be under his
decision shall prevail, subject to recourse to the guardianship;
court by the wife for proper remedy, which must be 2) Agents, the property whose
availed of within five years from the date of the administration or sale may have been
contract implementing such decision. intrusted to them, unless the consent of
the principal has been given;
In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or 3) Executors and administrators, the
otherwise unable to participate in the property of the estate under
administration of the conjugal properties, the administration;
other spouse may assume sole powers of 4) Public officers and employees, the
administration. These powers do not include property of the State or of any
disposition or encumbrance without authority of the subdivision thereof, or of any
court or the written consent of the other spouse. In government-owned or controlled
the absence of such authority or consent, the corporation, or institution, the
disposition or encumbrance shall be void. However, administration of which has been
the transaction shall be construed as a continuing intrusted to them; this provision shall apply
offer on the part of the consenting spouse and to judges and government experts who, in
the third person, and may be perfected as a any manner whatsoever, take part in the sale;
binding contract upon the acceptance by the 5) Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys,
other spouse or authorization by the court clerks of superior and inferior courts, and
before the offer is withdrawn by either or both other officers and employees connected
offerors. (165a) with the administration of justice, the
property and rights in litigation or levied
Articles Civil Code Family Code upon an execution before the court
CPOG 166, 173 124 within whose jurisdiction or territory
they exercise their respective functions; Contingent fee - based on a certain percentage of the
this prohibition includes the act of value of the property or even a part of the property in
acquiring by assignment and shall apply litigation is not violative of Article 1491. The reason is
to lawyers, with respect to the property that the payment, which is contingent or dependent on
and rights which may be the object of victory, is effected only after the favorable decision had
any litigation in which they may take become final and executory. A contingent fee
part by virtue of their profession; arrangement is recognized under Canon 13 of the
6) Any others specially disqualified by law.
Canons of Professional Ethics, as an exception to
Canon 10 thereof which prohibits a lawyer from
VOIDABLE – 1, 2 ,3 purchasing any interest in the subject matter of the
VOID – 4, 5, 6 litigation he is conducting.
Money being the highest form or and/or centavos, which affirms the
representation of commercial value in society, proposition that money represents the best
removes any doubt that of what is “valuable model of valuable consideration
consideration” and functions merely as the
model of prestation, cause or consideration Ascertainable - it shall be sufficient that it be
that would promote the onerous nature of the so with reference to another thing certain, or
contract of sale. There is little doubt, that the determination thereof be left to the
therefore, that other forms of cause or judgment of a specified person or persons
consideration which are “valuable” would
support a valid contract of sale. RULES
1) If the prices are mere estimates, the
3) It must be CERTAIN or ASCERTAINABLE. transaction lacks the requisites
Article 1469. In order that the price may be essential for the perfection of the
considered certain, it shall be sufficient that contract
it be so with reference to another thing 2) The designation of a third party to fix
certain, or that the determination thereof be the price is valid, and such designation
left to the judgment of a special person or by itself makes the price ascertainable
persons. as to give rise to a valid contract of sale.
3) the fixing of the price cannot be validly left
Should such person or persons be unable or
to the discretion of one of the contracting
unwilling to fix it, the contract shall be
inefficacious, unless the parties subsequently parties for to consider a contract of sale
agree upon the price. already existing when the price has yet to
be fixed by one of the parties would render
If the third person or persons acted in bad the contract to be without the
faith or by mistake, the courts may fix the characteristics of mutuality and
price. obligatory force
XPN: When accepted by the other party
Where such third person or persons are
prevented from fixing the price or terms by Appropriation doctrine
fault of the seller or the buyer, the party not Tolentino explains the same by saying that if the terms
in fault may have such remedies against the of a sale are complete except for an agreement with
party in fault as are allowed the seller or the
reference to the price, the law implies a price equivalent
buyer, as the case may be. (1447a)
to the reasonable value of the goods in cases where the
buyer has appropriated the things sold. And where the
Article 1472. The price of securities, grain,
buyer accepts delivery knowing the price claimed by
liquids, and other things shall also be
considered certain, when the price fixed is the seller, he cannot thereafter refuse to pay for it at
that which the thing sold would have on that price, even if there is no agreement as to price. The
a definite day, or in a particular exchange appropriation doctrine is based on the principle of
or market, or when an amount is fixed unjust enrichment directed against the buyer who is not
above or below the price on such day, or allowed to retain the subject matter of the sale without
in such exchange or market, provided being liable to pay the price.
said amount be certain. (1448)
Terms or manner of payment of the price
Article 1473. The fixing of the price can An agreement on the manner of payment goes into the
never be left to the discretion of one of price so much so that a disagreement on the manner of
the contracting parties. However, if the payment is tantamount to a failure to agree on the
price fixed by one of the parties is accepted price, and no contract of sale is deemed to have been
by the other, the sale is perfected. (1449a) perfected
Article 1474. Where the price cannot be Even from an economist’s point of view, the manner
determined in accordance with the
and terms of payment of the price is an integral part of
preceding articles, or in any other manner,
the contract is inefficacious. However, if the the concept of “price” because of the time value of
thing or any part thereof has been delivered money. A seller may be willing to accept a comparative
to and appropriated by the buyer he must lower price for the object of the sale if it is payable
pay a reasonable price therefor. What is a within a short period of time as to allow him to make
reasonable price is a question of fact investments or apply the proceeds to earn more profits;
dependent on the circumstances of each and yet would be demanding a higher price if the
particular case. (n) purchase price were to be paid over a long stretch of
Certain – price is certain when it has been
expressed and agreed in terms of specific pesos
The agreement on the terms and manner of payment matter or object of the contract pursuant to
becomes more relevant when the payment is not made Article 1381 of the Civil Code –
in lump sum and outright. That is, if the parties are to RESCISSIBLE
have a mode of payment of the price other than
immediate payment. In such case, there could not be a Simulated price Gross inadequacy
final meeting of the minds as to the price because both The parties do not There is insufficiency in
parties knew and expected that certain negotiations still intend to be bound by a the price.
had to be made with respect to the manner of payment contract.
of the price There is no real GR: It will not by itself
agreement between the invalidate a contract
Article 1179. Every obligation whose performance parties. The contract is
does not depend upon a future or uncertain void XPN:
event, or upon a past event unknown to the 1) there be a defect in
parties, is demandable at once. consent or it be
proven that the
Every obligation which contains a resolutory intention is a
condition shall also be demandable, without donation or some
prejudice to the effects of the happening of the other contract
event. (1113) 2) judicial sale - the
contract of sale is not
the result of
In a contract to sell property by installments, it is
negotiations and
not enough that the parties agree on the price as well bargaining; in fact,
as the amount of downpayment. The parties must, the property of the
likewise, agree on the manner of payment of the supposed seller
balance of the purchase price and on the other terms would be sold at
and conditions relative to the sale. Even if the buyer public auction
makes a downpayment or portion thereof, such without his
payment cannot be considered as sufficient proof of intervention.
the perfection of any purchase and sale between the However, for a
parties. (Bank of Commerce v. Manalo) judicial sale to be set
aside on the ground
Inadequacy of price of inadequacy of the
price, the inadequacy
Article 1355. Except in cases specified by law, lesion
must be such as to be
or inadequacy of cause shall not invalidate a
shocking to the
contract, unless there has been fraud, mistake or
conscience of man.
undue influence. (n)
XPN of XPN: when
there is a right of
Article 1470. Gross inadequacy of price does not redemption - the
affect a contract of sale, except as it may indicate more inadequate the
a defect in the consent, or that the parties really winning bid at public
intended a donation or some other act or sale, the more easily
contract. (n) it is for the owner to
redeem the property
Article 1471. If the price is simulated, the sale is
void, but the act may be shown to have been in Natural and accidental elements
reality a donation, or some other act or contract. (n) 1) Natural elements – deemed to exist in certain
contracts, in the absence of any contrary
Gross inadequacy - There is “gross inadequacy” in stipulation
price if a reasonable man will not agree to dispose of o Warranty against eviction
his property at that amount. o Warranty against hidden effects
2) Accidental elements – may be present or
In determining the adequacy or inadequacy of the absent depending on the stipulations of the
price, the price obtaining at the time of the execution parties
of the contract shall be considered, and not the price o Conditions, penalties, interest
obtaining thereafter.
Two kinds of contract of sale
1) A sale TO a guardian involving a property of 1) Absolute – Sale is not subject to any condition
the person or persons who may be under his whatsoever and where the title or ownership
guardianship – VOIDABLE passes to the buyer upon delivery of the thing
2) a sale made BY a guardian on behalf of his sold
ward if the ward suffers a lesion by more than 2) Conditional – the sale contemplates a
one-fourth (1/4) of the value of the subject contingency and where the contract is subject
By future property is
Article 1468
understood anything
If the consideration of the contract consists partly in
which the donor cannot
money, and partly in another thing, the transaction
dispose of at the time of
shall be characterized by the manifest intention of
the donation. (Art 751)
the parties. If such intention does not clearly appear,
Imposed upon with Imposed upon with
it shall be considered a barter if the value of the thing
income tax, VAT or donor’s tax
given as a part of the consideration exceeds the
percentage tax, as the
amount of the money or its equivalent; otherwise, it
case may be
is a sale. (1446a)
Gross inadequacy of the price will affect the validity of
Sale Barter/exchange
a contract of sale if the real contract intended is one of
The main distinguishing element is the
consideration. donation
Vendor gives a thing in Vendor gives a thing in
consideration for a price consideration for Sales v. Contract for a piece of work
in money another thing Article 1467
The price is certain in No such element A contract for the delivery at a certain price of an
money or its equivalent article which the vendor in the ordinary course of his
Statute of frauds applies Does not apply business manufactures or procures for the general
to the sale of real market, whether the same is on hand at the time or
property and personal not, is a contract of sale, but if the goods are to be
property bought at manufactured specially for the customer and upon
500.00 or more his special order, and not for the general market, it
The right of legal Does not exist is a contract for a piece of work. (n)
redemption granted by
law to an adjoining Article 1713. By the contract for a piece of work the
owner of an urban land contractor binds himself to execute a piece of work
exists in a resale of for the employer, in consideration of a certain price
property or compensation. The contractor may either employ
only his labor or skill, or also furnish the material.
Sales v. donation (1588a)
Article 725. Donation is an act of liberality whereby
a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in New York rule
favor of another, who accepts it. (618a) If the article already exists, the contract is a sale
Action for specific Action for specific The seller profits from The agent is disqualified
performance is available performance is not the transaction from receiving any
because it involves an available because it personal profit from the
obligation to give involves an obligation to transaction covered by
do. To allow the same the agency and any
amounts to involuntary profit pertains to the
servitude. principal
Involves the Does not involve all the Contract to sell - defined as a bilateral contract
universality of the properties of the debtor whereby the prospective seller, while expressly
properties of the reserving the ownership of the subject property despite
debtor, applied to delivery thereof to the prospective buyer, binds himself
creditors to sell the said property exclusively to the prospective
proportionately based buyer upon fulfillment of the condition agreed upon,
on their credit that is, full payment of the purchase price.
The creditors acquire The creditor becomes
only the right to sell the owner of the thing
the thing and apply the given by the debtor The determination of whether a contract is a contract
proceeds to their credits to sell, lies in locating the existence of two (2) clauses:
pro-rata and possession 1) Reservation of the ownership of the subject
of the thing matter with the seller, even if there should
be delivery thereof to the buyer; and
Sales v. lease 2) Reservation of the right of the seller to
ARTICLE 1642. The contract of lease may be of rescind the contract extra-judicially in the
things, or of work and service. (1542) event the suspensive condition (usually the
full payment of the purchase price) does
ARTICLE 1643. In the lease of things, one of the not happen.
parties binds himself to give to another the
enjoyment or use of a thing for a price certain, and While the subsequent execution of the Deed of
for a period which may be definite or indefinite. Absolute Sale after full payment of purchase price is
However, no lease for more than ninety-nine years highly indicative that a contract is a contract to sell,
shall be valid. (1543a) the same is not in itself conclusive. It is only when
the subsequent execution of the Deed of Absolute
ARTICLE 1644. In the lease of work or service, one Sale is actually the consequence of the
of the parties binds himself to execute a piece of reservation by the seller of ownership prior to full
work or to render to the other some service for a payment of the purchase price that it results to the
price certain, but the relation of principal and agent inference that the one involved is a contract to sell
does not exist between them. (1544a)
Sale Contract to sell
Sale Lease Title over the property Ownership is retained by
Transfer of possession Transfer of possession passes to the buyer upon the seller whether or not
or delivery to vendee or delivery to the lessee delivery unless there is a there is delivery.
vests ownership to him does not vest ownership contrary agreement Ownership passes to
in the latter buyer only upon full
payment of price.
Sales v. contract to sell Non-payment of the The payment in full is a
Article 1479. A promise to buy and sell a determinate purchase price is a positive suspensive
thing for a price certain is reciprocally demandable. negative resolutory condition. If the price is
condition. The sale not paid, the obligation
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a becomes ineffective to deliver and to transfer
determinate thing for a price certain is binding upon upon the happening of ownership on the part of
the promisor if the promise is supported by a such condition. Seller the seller does not
consideration distinct from the price. (1451a) may rescind the contract become effective
or exact fulfillment
Article 1191. The power to rescind obligations is After delivery of the Whether there is delivery
implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the object, the seller losesor not, the seller retains
obligors should not comply with what is incumbent ownership over it.
the ownership of the
upon him. Unless the contract is set
object. If the seller, due
aside, he cannot recoverto the non-payment of
The injured party may choose between the the object. the price is ousting the
fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation, with buyer from the property,
the payment of damages in either case. He may also he is not rescinding the
seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, contract of sale but is
if the latter should become impossible. precisely enforcing it.
Rescission can be The doctrine of
The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless availed of only in case substantial breach has
there be just cause authorizing the fixing of a period. there has been no application, since
substantial breach. the non-happening of
This is understood to be without prejudice to the the condition by
rights of third persons who have acquired the thing, whatever means or
in accordance with articles 1385 and 1388 and the reason, substantial or
Mortgage Law. (1124) not, ipso jure
extinguishes the contract
Since delivery transfers The rescission can be 4) The nomenclature of the subject contract is not
ownership to the buyer, made extrajudicially. controlling, considering that the Court looks
rescission mustNo court intervention is beyond the title of said document, since the
necessarily be done needed to rescind. denomination or title given by the parties in
judicially since only the Should court their contract is not conclusive of the nature of
courts can grant the intervention is necessary, its contents. (Agustin v. de Vera)
remedy of recalling it is not for the rescission
ownership that has of the contract but for
passed to the buyer and the recovery of the Contract to sell Conditional contract
reverting it to the sellerpossession from the of sale
buyer who is not entitled The consent is lacking; The consent is present,
thereto, and refuses to the seller does not although it is
voluntarily return the consent to the sale but conditioned upon the
subject matter of the sale only promises to sell happening of a
The giving of the earnest The giving of the earnest once the condition is contingent event which
money is the proof of money will not change met may or may not happen
perfection of the the nature of the Upon the fulfillment of If the suspensive
contract contract entered the suspensive condition condition is not fulfilled,
(Serrano v. Caguiat) which is the full payment the perfection of the
of the purchase price, contract of sale is
ownership will not completely abated.
Distinguishing acts
automatically transfer to However, if the
1) Still controlling are the buyer although the suspensive condition is
the lack of any stipulation in the sale property may have been fulfilled, the contract of
contract reserving the title of the property previously delivered to sale is thereby perfected,
on the vendors and him. The prospective such that if there had
the lack of any stipulation giving the seller still has to already been previous
sellers the right to unilaterally rescind the convey title to the delivery of the property
contract upon non-payment of the prospective buyer by subject of the sale to the
balance thereof within a fixed period. The entering into a buyer, ownership thereto
absence of such stipulations in a sale contract of absolute automatically transfers
contract makes the said contract a sale. to the buyer by operation
of law without any
contract of sale. Hence, the Contract to
further act having to be
Purchase and Sale entered into by
performed by the seller.
Gregorio and Hipolito is a contract of
sale. (Agustin v. de Vera)
Article 1459
2) This stipulation, i.e., to execute a deed of The thing must be licit and the vendor must have a
absolute sale upon full payment of the right to transfer the ownership thereof at the time it
purchase price, is a unique and distinguishing is delivered. (n)
characteristic of a contract to sell. (Diego v.
Diego) Object of sales
While a stipulation or promise to the Article 1347. All things which are not outside the
effect that a seller shall execute a deed commerce of men, including future things, may
of sale upon the completion of be the object of a contract. All rights which are not
payment of the purchase price by the intransmissible may also be the object of contracts.
buyer may be considered a factor or a
sign that a contract might possibly be a No contract may be entered into upon future
contract to sell, such stipulation in inheritance except in cases expressly authorized by
itself, taken in isolation, is by no means
determinative and conclusive as to the
All services which are not contrary to law, morals,
contract being a contract to sell. good customs, public order or public policy may
(Agustin v. de Vera) likewise be the object of a contract. (1271a)
3) Contemporaneous acts of the parties show that
they agreed on a contract to sell, not of sale or Article 1348. Impossible things or services cannot
that the parties never intended to transfer be the object of contracts. (1272)
ownership except upon full payment of the
purchase price. (SLDC v. CA) (Diego v. Article 1349. The object of every contract must be
Diego) determinate as to its kind. The fact that the quantity
Non- execution of the deed of absolute is not determinate shall not be an obstacle to the
sale even upon partial payment existence of the contract, provided it is possible to
The title of possession is not delivered or determine the same, without the need of a new
surrendered contract between the parties. (1273)
XPN: THINGS OUTSIDE The efficacy of the sale of a mere hope or expectancy
COMMERCE OF MAN - res nullus is deemed subject to the condition that the thing will
(nobody owns), res communes (common come into existence.
to all)
The sale of a vain hope or expectancy is void. (n)
Sale of things having potential existence
Considered as future things (Art 1347)
o Must not be impossible (Art 1348)
1) Must be specific and identified
o Must be determinate (Art 1349)
2) Must be owned by the vendor at the time
2) Rights
Sale of hope or expectancy
o Must not be intransmissible (Art 1347)
GR: Sale of hope or expectancy can be the object of
o Must not be personal
XPN: Sale of vain hope
Contract of sale Contracts in general
Services may not be an Services may be an
Article 1462
object object
The goods which form the subject of a contract of
sale may be either existing goods, owned or
Right of the vendor to transfer ownership possessed by the seller, or goods to be
GR: One can only sell what one owns (nemo dat quod manufactured, raised, or acquired by the seller after
non habet) the perfection of the contract of sale, in this Title
XPN: It is sufficient that he has the right to sell the called "future goods."
thing at the time it is delivered or at the time when
the ownership is to pass There may be a contract of sale of goods, whose
1) Future things/goods acquisition by the seller depends upon a contingency
2) Goods whose acquisition by the seller depends which may or may not happen. (n)
upon a contingency
Goods subject to a contract of sale
Article 1460 1) existing goods owned or possessed by the seller
A thing is determinate when it is particularly 2) goods to be manufactured, raised, or
designated or physical segregated from all others of acquired by the seller after the perfection of
the same class. the contract of sale (future goods)
valid only as an executory contract to be
The requisite that a thing be determinate is satisfied fulfilled by the acquisition and delivery of the
if at the time the contract is entered into, the thing is goods specified
capable of being made determinate without the XPN: contracts of piece of work
necessity of a new or further agreement between the
Article 1467. A contract for the delivery at a
parties. (n)
certain price of an article which the
vendor in the ordinary course of his
Determinate thing business manufactures or procures for the
1) particularly designated or general market, whether the same is on hand
2) physical segregated from all others of the same at the time or not, is a contract of sale, but
class if the goods are to be manufactured
specially for the customer and upon his
GR: The object of the sale must be determinate at the special order, and not for the general
time of the sale market, it is a contract for a piece of work.
XPN: Sufficient if the subject matter is capable of (n)
being determinable (capable of being made
determinate without the necessity of a new or further Article 1463
agreement between the parties), provided it becomes The sole owner of a thing may sell an undivided
determinate at the time of delivery interest therein. (n)
when a generic thing belongs to a class,
then the class itself is LIMITED Sale of undivided interest
GENERIC and thus can be an object of 1) Goods (Art 1464)
a contract (Galas) 2) Things (Art 1463)
it shall be considered a barter if the value of the thing the party in fault as are allowed the seller or
given as a part of the consideration exceeds the the buyer
amount of the money or its equivalent; otherwise, it
is a sale. (1446a) Price
must be certain or ascertainable
Rules to distinguish 1) The parties have fixed or agreed upon a
1) Manifest intentions of the parties – taking definite amount
into account the contemporaneous and money – currency
subsequent acts of the parties equivalent of money – promissory
2) When intentions of the parties are not notes, checks, and other mercantile
manifest instruments
Value of thing > Value of money = 2) In reference with a thing certain (Art 1472)
BARTER may be determined by the parties themselves
Value of thing < Value of money = or third persons
Value of thing = Value of money – SALE Effects when price is determined by third persons
(greatest reciprocity of interest) 1) unable or unwilling to fix – the contract
If the intentions of the parties are manifest, the shall be INEFFICACIOUS (as if no price has
value of the thing nor the money will not been fixed)
matter as it is the intentions of the parties that XPN: the parties subsequently agree upon the
will be controlling price
Mere error in judgment cannot serve as a basis
Article 1469 for disregarding the price fixed
In order that the price may be considered certain, it 2) acted in bad faith or by mistake – the courts
shall be sufficient that it be so with reference to may fix the price
another thing certain, or that the determination 3) prevented from fixing the price or terms by
thereof be left to the judgment of a special person or
fault of the seller or the buyer - party not in
fault may have such remedies against the party
Should such person or persons be unable or in fault as are allowed the seller or the buyer
unwilling to fix it, the contract shall be inefficacious, Remedies
unless the parties subsequently agree upon the price. fulfillment with damages – courts shall
fix the price
If the third person or persons acted in bad faith or rescission with damages
by mistake, the courts may fix the price.
Article 1191 (2). The injured party
Where such third person or persons are prevented may choose between the fulfillment
from fixing the price or terms by fault of the seller and the rescission of the obligation,
or the buyer, the party not in fault may have such with the payment of damages in
remedies against the party in fault as are allowed the either case. He may also seek
seller or the buyer, as the case may be. (1447a) rescission, even after he has chosen
fulfillment, if the latter should
Codal Dissection become impossible.
XPN: The inadequacy of price may indicate vitiated 3) when an amount is fixed above or below the
consent (VOIDABLE) price on such day, or in such exchange or
One of the badges of fraud is the gross market
inadequacy of the price
Effect when the price cannot be determined
GR: Mere inadequacy of price is not a sufficient
ground for the cancellation of an execution sale Article 1473
XPN: The fixing of the price can never be left to the
1) Judicial sales - When the price is so inadequate discretion of one of the contracting parties.
as to shock the conscience of the Court, a However, if the price fixed by one of the parties is
judicial sale will be SET ASIDE accepted by the other, the sale is perfected. (1449a)
Article 1320. An acceptance may be express or Three kinds of promises treated in Article 1479
implied. (n) 1) An accepted unilateral promise to sell in which
the promisee (acceptor) elects to buy;
Article 1321. The person making the offer may fix 2) An accepted unilateral promise to buy in which
the time, place, and manner of acceptance, all of the promisee (acceptor) elects to sell; and
which must be complied with. (n)
3) A bilateral promise to buy and sell reciprocally
accepted in which either of the parties chooses
to exact fulfillment.
there is a contracted offer which the offerer cannot The right of first refusal to be an innovative juridical
withdraw from without incurring liability in relation which cannot be deemed a perfected sale
damages. On the other hand, when the offer is not under Article 1458 of the Civil Code and not an option
supported by a separate consideration, the offer contract under either Articles 1319 and 1479 thereof
stands but, in the absence of a binding contract, the because it merely pertains to a specific property
offeror may withdraw it any time. In either case, without containing an agreement as to the price or
once the acceptance of the offer is duly terms of payment in case of its exercise. (Ang Yu v.
communicated before the withdrawal of the
Asuncion v. Court of Appeals)
offer, a bilateral contract to buy and sell is
generated which, in accordance with the first
paragraph of Article 1479 of the Civil Code, Ang Yu case Equatorial case
becomes reciprocally demandable Recovery of damages Rescissible
Art 19, NCC Art 1381, NCC
The Constitution itself declares that "no doctrine or A right of first refusal A right of first refusal
principle of law laid down by the court in a decision belongs to a class of must be enforced
rendered en banc or in division may be modified or preparatory juridical according to the law on
reversed except by the court sitting en banc. Sanchez v. relations which is contracts instead of the
Rigos was an en banc decision which was affirmed in governed not by panoramic and indefinite
1994 in Asuncion v. CA, also an en banc decision, while contracts but by, among rule on human relations.
the decisions citing the Southwestern Sugar doctrine are other laws of general
all division cases. Based on the constitutional rule (as application, the pertinent
well as the inherent logic in reconciling Civil Code provisions on human
provisions), there should be no doubt that Sanchez relations. There is
v. Rigos remains as the controlling doctrine nothing to execute.
(Philippine National Oil Company vs. Keppel a right of first refusal pins the enforceability of
Philippines Holdings) cannot be the subject of a right of first refusal on
an action of specific the obligatory force of
Prescription performance because of the main contract of
Article 1144. The following actions must be brought the lack of agreement on lease to which it is
within ten years from the time the right of action the price. attached
accrues: Applicable if the Applicable when the
contract is limited to the obligation is embodied
(1) Upon a written contract; buying and selling of real in a contract
(2) Upon an obligation created by law; property (embodied in a
(3) Upon a judgment. (n) separate contract)
Law on human relations Law on contracts
Notice of the exercise of the option need not be
coupled with actual payment of the price, so long as In sum, the prevailing doctrine is that a sale entered
this is delivered to the owner of the property upon into in violation of a right of first refusal of another
performance of his part of the agreement. person found in a valid principal contract is
rescissible. The basis of the right of first refusal must
In one case, it was held that when the option contract be the current offer of the seller to sell or the offer to
does not contain a period, it cannot be presumed that purchase of a prospective buyer. Only after the lessee
the exercise thereof can be made indefinitely, grantee fails to exercise its rights under the same
otherwise, it would render uncertain the status of the terms and within the period contemplated can the
subject matter. Under Article 1144 (1) of the Civil owner validly offer to sell the property to a third
Code, actions upon written contract must be brought person, again under the same terms as offered to
within ten (10) years, and thereafter, the right of option the grantee.
would prescribe. Thus, the action for specific
performance to enforce the option to purchase must Right of first refusal v. option contract
be filed within ten (10) years after the accrual of the Right of first refusal Option contract
cause of action as provided under Article 1144 of the a contractual grant, not a contract by which the
of the sale of a owner of the property
New Civil Code
property, but of the agrees with another
first priority to buy the person that the latter
Right of first refusal property in the event the shall have the right to
Definition owner sells the same. buy the former’s
A contractual grant, not of a sale of property, but of (Polytechnic property at a fixed price
the first priority to buy the property in the event the University v. Golden within a certain time.
owner sells the same. It involves a promise on the part Horizon) (Polytechnic
of the owner that if he decides to sell the property any University v. Golden
time in the future, he would first negotiate its sale to Horizon)
the promissee. While the object might Object is determinate;
be made determinate, cause is certain
the exercise of the right (Polytechnic
of first refusal would be University v. Golden its payment. Until a sale is perfected, it cannot become
dependent not only on Horizon) an independent source of obligation, nor serve as a
the owner’s eventual binding juridical relation.
intention to enter into a
binding juridical relation Sale by auction
with another but also on Sale by auction is generally exercised by the sheriff in
terms, including the case of judicial sales arising from execution or
price, that are yet to be
foreclosure of mortgages. Notaries public are also
firmed up. (Polytechnic
University v. Golden authorized to sell mortgaged properties foreclosed
Horizon) extrajudicially under Act 3135 as amended.
Since the stipulation The consideration is
forms part of the entire separate and distinct Rules regarding sale by auction
lease contract, the (Ang Yu v. Court of Each lot is the subject of a separate contract of
consideration for the Appeals) sale though the parties may subsequently
lease includes the consolidate all the purchases into one
consideration for the transaction
grant of the right of first In making the bids, the seller is merely making
refusal. (Ang Yu v. an invitation to those present to make offers.
Court of Appeals) The sale by auction is perfected upon
Integral part of the A separate and distinct
announcement by
contract of lease contract (Equatorial
(Equatorial Realty v. Realty v. Mayfair) the fall of the hammer or
Mayfair) in other customary manner
the seller by people who are not themselves be considered as part of the price and proof of the
bound perfection of the contract.
Article 1319 The rule under Article 1482 of the Civil Code is no
Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer more than a disputable presumption and prevails only
and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause in the absence of contrary or rebuttal evidence. It is not
which are to constitute the contract. The offer must the giving of earnest money but the proof of the
be certain and the acceptance absolute. A qualified concurrence of all the essential elements of the sale
acceptance constitutes a counter-offer. which establishes the existence of a perfected sale.
Acceptance made by letter or telegram does not bind
(Rizalino Oesmer v. Paraiso Development
the offerer except from the time it came to his
knowledge. The contract, in such a case, is presumed Corporation)
to have been entered into in the place where the Earnest Option money
offer was made. (1262a) money
As to treatment part of the a distinct
Meeting of the minds purchase price consideration
1) Offer certain is met by absolute acceptance for an option
2) must be plain and unconditional (Zayco v.
As to when given only applies to a sale
Serra) given where there is not yet
3) substantial modification or correction – already a sale perfected.
XPN: if there is merely modificatory As to the When earnest When the
correction, it is considered meeting of the consequent money is given, would-be buyer
minds (Villonco v. Bormaheco) obligations of the buyer is gives the
4) The acceptance must be identical in all the payor bound to pay option money,
respects with that of the offer so as to the balance. he is not
produce consent or meeting of the minds. required to buy
(Heirs of Ignacio v. Home Bankers) but may even
5) While it is impossible to expect the acceptance forfeit it
to echo every nuance of the offer, it is depending on
imperative that it assents to those points in the terms of
the option
the offer which, under the operative facts of
each contract, are not only material but
motivating as well. Anything short of that
1) Absent proof of the concurrence of all the
level of mutuality produces not a contract but
essential elements of a contract of sale, the
a mere counter-offer awaiting acceptance.
giving of earnest money cannot establish
(Villanueva v. PNB)
the existence of a perfected contract of sale.
6) An acceptance may be made either in a formal
(Manila Metal Container v. PNB)
or an informal manner, and may be shown by
2) Where the parties merely exchanged offers and
acts, conduct, or words of the accepting party
counter-offers, no contract is perfected since
that clearly manifest a present intention or
they did not yet give their consent to such
determination to accept the offer to buy or sell.
offers. Earnest money applies to a perfected
(Adelfa Proeprties v. CA)
sale. In a potential sale transaction, the prior
payment of earnest money even before the
Manifestation of contract
property owner can agree to sell his property is
Acceptance may be evidenced by some act, or conduct,
irregular, and cannot be used to bind the owner
communicated to the offeror, either in a formal or an
to the obligations of a seller under an otherwise
informal manner, that clearly manifest the intention or
perfected contract of sale; to cite a well-worn
determination to accept the offer to buy or sell.
cliché, the carriage cannot be placed before the
horse. (First Optima Realty v. Securitron)
Article 1482
Whenever earnest money is given in a contract of
sale, it shall be considered as part of the price and as Article 1483
proof of the perfection of the contract. (1454a) Subject to the provisions of the Statute of Frauds
and of any other applicable statute, a contract of sale
may be made in writing, or by word of mouth, or
Earnest money
partly in writing and partly by word of mouth, or
“Arras”, the money given to the seller by the may be inferred from the conduct of the parties. (n)
prospective buyer to show that the latter is truly
interested in buying the property, and its aim is to bind Article 1356
the bargain. It is a statutory rule that whenever Contracts shall be obligatory, in whatever form they
earnest money is given in a contract of sale, it shall may have been entered into, provided all the
essential requisites for their validity are present.
However, when the law requires that a contract be The following contracts are unenforceable, unless
in some form in order that it may be valid or they are ratified:
enforceable, or that a contract be proved in a certain (2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of
way, that requirement is absolute and indispensable. Frauds as set forth in this number. In the following
In such cases, the right of the parties stated in the cases an agreement hereafter made shall be
following article cannot be exercised. (1278a) unenforceable by action, unless the same, or some
note or memorandum, thereof, be in writing, and
Article 1357 subscribed by the party charged, or by his agent;
If the law requires a document or other special form, evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot be
as in the acts and contracts enumerated in the received without the writing, or a secondary
following article, the contracting parties may compel evidence of its contents:
each other to observe that form, once the contract
has been perfected. This right may be exercised (a) An agreement that by its terms is not to be
simultaneously with the action upon the contract. performed within a year from the making thereof;
(1279a) (d) An agreement for the sale of goods, chattels or
things in action, at a price not less than five hundred
Article 1358 pesos, unless the buyer accept and receive part of
The following must appear in a public document: such goods and chattels, or the evidences, or some
of them, of such things in action or pay at the time
(1) Acts and contracts which have for their object some part of the purchase money; but when a sale is
the creation, transmission, modification or made by auction and entry is made by the
extinguishment of real rights over immovable auctioneer in his sales book, at the time of the
property; sales of real property or of an interest sale, of the amount and kind of property sold, terms
therein are governed by articles 1403, No. 2, and of sale, price, names of the purchasers and person
1405; on whose account the sale is made, it is a sufficient
xxx memorandum;
All other contracts where the amount involved (e) An agreement for the leasing for a longer period
exceeds five hundred pesos must appear in writing, than one year, or for the sale of real property or of
even a private one. But sales of goods, chattels or an interest therein;
things in action are governed by articles, 1403, No.
2 and 1405. (1280a) Article 1406
When a contract is enforceable under the Statute of
Convenience Frauds, and a public document is necessary for its
Despite the seemingly mandatory provisions of Article registration in the Registry of Deeds, the parties may
1358, the Supreme Court has held that the provisions avail themselves of the right under Article 1357.
thereof on the necessity of public document are for
purposes of convenience, not for validity or Article 1874
When a sale of a piece of land or any interest therein
is through an agent, the authority of the latter shall
be in writing; otherwise, the sale shall be void. (n)
1) Transactions enumerated under Article 1358 Article 1581
which are not found in a public instrument are The form of sale of large cattle shall be governed by
still valid and enforceable special laws. (n)
2) The article merely grants a cause of action to
the party to a contract in a suit to sue or compel Formal requisites
the other party to have the document covering GR: Form is not important for the validity of a sale
the contract acknowledged before a notary (Art 1483, 1356)
public. XPNs:
1) The power to sell a piece of land or interest
Public document therein which must be in writing, otherwise,
The deed of sale operates as a formal or symbolic the sale thereof by the agent would be void;
delivery of the property sold and authorizes the buyer (Art 1874)
to use the document as proof of ownership. To make 2) Sale of large cattle which must be in writing and
it a public document, a deed of sale must be properly registered with the municipal treasurer who
subscribed and acknowledged before a notary shall issue a certificate of transfer; otherwise,
public and when so acknowledged, a deed of sale the sale is void; (Art 1581)
enjoys the presumption of regularity and due 3) Sale of land by a Non-Muslim hill tribe cultural
execution. The execution and notarization of a minorities all throughout the Philippines which
deed of sale however, though a form of is void if not approved by the National
constructive delivery, is not a conclusive Commission on Indigenous Peoples.
presumption of delivery of possession. 4) Certain sales transactions come within the
coverage of the Statute of Frauds such that
Article 1403 failure to put the same in a note or
A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional. (2) An implied warranty that the thing shall be free
(1445a) from any hidden faults or defects, or any charge
or encumbrance not declared or known to the
Article 1495 buyer.
The vendor is bound to transfer the ownership of
and deliver, as well as warrant the thing which is the This article shall not, however, be held to render
object of the sale. (1461a) liable a sheriff, auctioneer, mortgagee, pledgee,
or other person professing to sell by virtue of
authority in fact or law, for the sale of a thing in
Delivery, as used in the Law on Sales, refers to the
which a third person has a legal or equitable interest.
concurrent transfer of two (2) things: (n)
1) possession; and
longer in the concept of an owner, but as a lessee of buyer on shipment of the goods, the seller's
any other form of possession other than in the concept property in the goods shall be deemed to be only
of owner. This is the complete opposite of traditio for the purpose of securing performance by the
brevi manu. buyer of his obligations under the contract.
Quasi-delivery or quasi-traditio (Art 1501) Where goods are shipped, and by the bill of lading
Aside from delivery through the execution of a public the goods are deliverable to order of the buyer
or of his agent, but possession of the bill of lading
instrument, incorporeal property can make use of
is retained by the seller or his agent, the seller thereby
quasi-traditio, to wit: reserves a right to the possession of the goods as
a) By placing of the titles of ownership in the against the buyer.
possession of the buyer; or
b) By the use and enjoyment by the buyer of Where the seller of goods draws on the buyer for the
the rights pertaining to the incorporeal price and transmits the bill of exchange and bill of
property with the seller’s consent. lading together to the buyer to secure acceptance or
payment of the bill of exchange, the buyer is bound
TRADE TERMS to return the bill of lading if he does not honor the
These are rules of presumption bill of exchange, and if he wrongfully retains the bill
1) C.O.D. – The initials stand for the words, of lading he acquires no added right thereby. If,
“collect on delivery.” If the goods are marked however, the bill of lading provides that the goods
are deliverable to the buyer or to the order of the
C.O.D., the carrier acts for the seller in
buyer, or is indorsed in blank, or to the buyer by the
collecting the purchase price. The buyer must consignee named therein, one who purchases in
pay for the goods before he can obtain good faith, for value, the bill of lading, or goods
possession. C.O.D. terms do not prevent from the buyer will obtain the ownership in the
title from passing to the buyer on delivery goods, although the bill of exchange has not been
to the carrier where they are solely intended honored, provided that such purchaser has received
as security for the purchase price delivery of the bill of lading indorsed by the
consignee named therein, or of the goods, without
Article 1504. Unless otherwise agreed, the goods notice of the facts making the transfer wrongful. (n)
remain at the seller's risk until the ownership
therein is transferred to the buyer, but when the 2) F.O.B. – The initials stand for the words, “free
ownership therein is transferred to the buyer the on board.” They mean that the goods are to be
goods are at the buyer's risk whether actual delivery delivered free of expense to the buyer to the
has been made or not, except that: point where they are F.O.B. In general, the
point of F.O.B., either the point of shipment
(1) Where delivery of the goods has been made to or the point of destination, determines when
the buyer or to a bailee for the buyer, in pursuance the ownership passes.
of the contract and the ownership in the goods has
A) F.O.B. Shipping Point – delivery of the
been retained by the seller merely to secure
performance by the buyer of his obligations goods to the carrier is equivalent to delivery
under the contract, the goods are at the buyer's to the buyer, and at that point, the risk of
risk from the time of such delivery; loss pertains to the buyer.
B) F.O.B. Destination – only when the vessel
(2) Where actual delivery has been delayed through has arrived at the point of destination
the fault of either the buyer or seller the goods would there be delivery to the buyer and
are at the risk of the party in fault. (n) prior to that point in time, the risk of loss
over the subject matter of the sale will be
XPN: borne by the seller.
Article 1503. When there is a contract of sale of
specific goods, the seller may, by the terms of the Article 1523. Where, in pursuance of a contract of
contract, reserve the right of possession or sale, the seller is authorized or required to send the
ownership in the goods until certain conditions goods to the buyer, delivery of the goods to a
have been fulfilled. The right of possession or carrier, whether named by the buyer or not, for
ownership may be thus reserved notwithstanding the purpose of transmission to the buyer is
the delivery of the goods to the buyer or to a carrier deemed to be a delivery of the goods to the
or other bailee for the purpose of transmission to buyer, except in the cases provided for in article
the buyer. 1503, first, second and third paragraphs, or unless a
contrary intent appears.
Where goods are shipped, and by the bill of lading
the goods are deliverable to the seller or his Unless otherwise authorized by the buyer, the seller
agent, or to the order of the seller or of his agent, must make such contract with the carrier on behalf
the seller thereby reserves the ownership in the of the buyer as may be reasonable, having regard to
goods. But, if except for the form of the bill of the nature of the goods and the other circumstances
lading, the ownership would have passed to the of the case. If the seller omits so to do, and the goods
are lost or damaged in course of transit, the buyer through the carrier, it amounted to a delivery to
may decline to treat the delivery to the carrier as MOELCI.
a delivery to himself, or may hold the seller
responsible in damages. Furthermore, in the case of Behn, Meyer & Co. (Ltd.)
v. Yangco, it was pointed out that a specification in a
Unless otherwise agreed, where goods are sent by contract relative to the payment of freight can be
the seller to the buyer under circumstances in which taken to indicate the intention of the parties with
the seller knows or ought to know that it is usual to regard to the place of delivery. (David v. Misamis
insure, the seller must give such notice to the buyer Occidental)
as may enable him to insure them during their
transit, and, if the seller fails to do so, the goods shall Article 1523. Where, in pursuance of a contract of
be deemed to be at his risk during such transit. (n) sale, the seller is authorized or required to send the
goods to the buyer, delivery of the goods to a
3) C.I.F. – The initials stand for the words “cost, carrier, whether named by the buyer or not, for
insurance and freight.” They signify that the the purpose of transmission to the buyer is
price fixed covers not only the cost of the deemed to be a delivery of the goods to the
goods, but the expenses of freight and buyer, except in the cases provided for in Articles
insurance to be paid by the seller up to the 1503, first, second and third paragraphs, or unless a
point especially named. contrary intent appears. xx
4) F.A.S. – Under a “free alongside ship”
Article 1503. When there is a contract of sale of
arrangement, the seller pays all the charges and
specific goods, the seller may, by the terms of the
is subject to risk until the goods are placed contract, reserve the right of possession or
alongside the vessel. In other words, the ownership in the goods until certain conditions have
goods alongside the vessel completes the been fulfilled. xxx
effect of tradition.
Where goods are shipped, and by the bill of lading
Determination of the place of delivery always the goods are deliverable to order of the buyer
resolves itself into a question of act. If the contract or of his agent, but possession of the bill of lading
be silent as to the person or mode by which the is retained by the seller or his agent, the seller
goods are to be sent, delivery by the vendor to a thereby reserves a right to the possession of the
common carrier, in the usual and ordinary goods as against the buyer. xxx
course of business, transfers the property to the
vendee. Articles 1523 and 1503 do not apply to a contract
of carriage between the shipper and the
If the buyer is to pay the freight, it is reasonable to common carrier. The third paragraph of Article
suppose that he does so because the goods become 1503, upon which DBI relies, does not oblige the
his at the point of shipment. On the other hand, if common carrier to withhold delivery of the goods in
the seller is to pay the freight, the inference is equally the event that the bill of lading is retained by the
so strong that the duty of the seller is to have the seller. Rather, it only gives the seller a better
goods transported to their ultimate destination and right to the possession of the goods as against
that title to property does not pass until the goods the mere inchoate right of the buyer. Thus,
have reached their destination. Articles 1523 and 1503 find no application here
(Designer Baskets v. Air Sea Transport)
Both the terms "c.i.f." and "F.O.B." merely make
rules of presumption which yield to proof of Here, the Deed of Sale executed by Banta on March
contrary intention. 21, 2005 and the Deed of Sale executed by Arcaina
on April 13, 2005 both show that the property was
With all due deference to the decision of the High conveyed to Ingram at the predetermined price of
Court of Australia, we believe that the word Manila ₱1,860,000.00. There was no indication that it was
in conjunction with the letters "c.i.f." must mean that bought on a per-square-meter basis.
the contract price, covering costs, insurance, and
freight, signifies that delivery was to made at Manila. Article 1542. In the sale of real estate, made for a
(Meyer v. Yangco) lump sum and not at the rate of a certain sum for a
unit of measure or number, there shall be no
it is clear that MOELCI agreed that the power increase or decrease of the price, although there be
transformer would be delivered and that the freight, a greater or less area or number than that stated in
handling, insurance, custom duties, and incidental the contract.
expenses shall be shouldered by it.
The same rule shall be applied when two or more
Thus, the delivery made by David to William Lines, immovables as sold for a single price; but if, besides
Inc., as evidenced by the Bill of Lading, was deemed mentioning the boundaries, which is indispensable
to be a delivery to MOELCI. David was authorized in every conveyance of real estate, its area or
to send the power transformer to the buyer pursuant number should be designated in the contract,
to their agreement. When David sent the item the vendor shall be bound to deliver all that is
included within said boundaries, even when it more than the area intended to be sold is not a
exceeds the area or number specified in the reasonable excess that can be deemed included in the
contract; and, should he not be able to do so, he sale. (Arcaina vs. Ingram)
shall suffer a reduction in the price, in proportion
to what is lacking in the area or number, unless SALE BY DESCRIPTION AND/OR SAMPLE
the contract is rescinded because the vendee does Article 1481
not accede to the failure to deliver what has been In the contract of sale of goods by description or by
stipulated. (1471) sample, the contract may be rescinded if the bulk
of the goods delivered do not correspond with the
The provision teaches that where both the area description or the sample, and if the contract be
and the boundaries of the immovable are by sample as well as description, it is not sufficient
declared in a sale of real estate for a lump sum, that the bulk of goods correspond with the sample
the area covered within the boundaries of the if they do not also correspond with the description.
immovable prevails over the stated area. The
vendor is obliged to deliver all that is included within The buyer shall have a reasonable opportunity of
the boundaries regardless of whether the actual area comparing the bulk with the description or the
is more than what was specified in the contract of sample. (n)
sale; and he/she shall do so without a corresponding
increase in the contract price. This is particularly A “sale by description and/or sample”, by its very
true when the stated area is qualified to be nature, should allow the buyer a reasonable
approximate only, such as when the words
opportunity of inspection or of comparing the bulk
"more or less" were used.
with the sample or the description before accepting
The Court, however, clarified that the rule laid down delivery.
in Article 1542 is not hard and fast and admits of an
exception. A caveat is in order, however. The use SALE OR RETURN AND SALE ON TRIAL
of "more or less" or similar words in Article 1502
designating quantity covers only a reasonable When goods are delivered to the buyer "on sale or
excess or deficiency. A vendee of land sold in return" to give the buyer an option to return the
gross or with the description "more or less" with goods instead of paying the price, the ownership
reference to its area does not thereby ipso facto take passes to the buyer on delivery, but he may revest
all risk of quantity in the land. the ownership in the seller by returning or tendering
the goods within the time fixed in the contract, or, if
Black's Law Dictionary defines the phrase "more or no time has been fixed, within a reasonable time. (n)
less" to mean:
The words are intended to cover slight or When goods are delivered to the buyer on approval
unimportant inaccuracies in quantity, and are or on trial or on satisfaction, or other similar terms,
ordinarily to be interpreted as taking care of the ownership therein passes to the buyer:
unsubstantial differences or differences of small
importance compared to the whole number of items (1) When he signifies his approval or acceptance to
transferred. the seller or does any other act adopting the
GR: In a lump sum contract, a vendor is generally
obligated to deliver all the land covered within (2) If he does not signify his approval or acceptance
the boundaries, regardless of whether the real area to the seller, but retains the goods without giving
should be greater or smaller than that recited in the notice of rejection, then if a time has been fixed for
deed. the return of the goods, on the expiration of such
XPN: However, in case there is conflict between time, and, if no time has been fixed, on the
the area actually covered by the boundaries and expiration of a reasonable time. What is a reasonable
the estimated area stated in the contract of sale, time is a question of fact. (n)
he/she shall do so only when the excess or
deficiency between the former and the latter is A “sale or return” is a contract by which property is
reasonable. sold but the buyer, who becomes the owner of the
property on delivery, has the option to return the
Applying Del Prado to the case before us, we find same to the seller instead of paying the price.
that the difference of 5,800 sq. m. is too substantial Under this contract, the option to purchase or return
to be considered reasonable. We note that only 6,200 the goods rests entirely on the buyer without
sq. m. was agreed upon between petitioners and
reference to the quality of the goods.
Ingram. Declaring Ingram as the owner of the whole
12,000 sq. m. on the premise that this is the actual
area included in the boundaries would be ordering A “sale on trial or approval or satisfaction” on the
the delivery of almost twice the area stated in the other hand is a contract in the nature of an option to
deeds of sale. purchase if the goods prove satisfactory, the
approval of the buyer being a condition precedent.
Therefore, we rule that Ingram is entitled only to
6,200 sq. m. of the property. An area of 5,800 sq. m.
conveyance is a donation of the land in favor GR: Nemo dat quod non habet. Article 1505 of the
of another by the vendor a retro; Civil Code provides that where goods are sold by a
3) Where one of the deeds of sale is a forgery or person who is not the owner thereof, and who does
if one sale is simulated and the other is genuine; not sell them under authority or with the consent
4) Where one sale is absolute and the other is a of the owner, the buyer acquires no better title to the
pacto de retro transaction where the period to goods than the seller had.
redeem has not yet expired; XPNs:
5) Where one of the sales is subject to a 1) Under Article 1505 of the Civil Code, when the
suspensive condition which condition was not owner is, by his conduct, precluded from
complied with and the other is an absolute sale denying the seller’s authority to sell;
being that a conditional sale is not a full-fledged the owner must, by word or conduct,
sale before the condition had been performed; have caused or allowed it to appear that
6) Where one contract is a sale of the land itself the title or authority to sell is with the
and the other contract was either a mere seller and the buyer must have been
promise to assign or at most, an actual misled to his damage.
assignment of the right to repurchase the same 2) Under Article 1505 of the Civil Code, when the
property; contrary is provided for in recording laws;
7) Where one transaction is a sale and the other is Recording laws - refer to the Property
a mortgage; Registration Decree and related
8) Where one claim is based on prescription and statutes
the other is on sale; and 3) Under Article 1505 of the Civil Code, sales
9) In a contract to sell, there being no previous made under statutory power of sale or under
sale of the property. the order of a court of competent
SALE BY A NON-OWNER Judgment of courts divesting the
Article 1505 registered owner of title and vesting
Subject to the provisions of this Title, where goods them in the other party are valid
are sold by a person who is not the owner thereof, although the courts may not be the
and who does not sell them under authority or with owner of the land.
the consent of the owner, the buyer acquires no 4) Under Article 1505 of the Civil Code, sales
better title to the goods than the seller had, unless
made in a merchant’s store in accordance
the owner of the goods is by his conduct precluded
with the Code of Commerce and special laws;
from denying the seller's authority to sell.
acquires a valid title to the thing
Nothing in this Title, however, shall affect: although his predecessors-in-interest
did not have any right of ownership
(1) The provisions of any factors' act, recording laws, over it.
or any other provision of law enabling the apparent Protecting innocent third parties who
owner of goods to dispose of them as if he were the have made purchases at merchant’s
true owner thereof; stores in good faith and for value
(2) The validity of any contract of sale under appears to be a wise and necessary rule
statutory power of sale or under the order of a court not only to facilitate commercial sales
of competent jurisdiction; on movables but to give stability to
(3) Purchases made in a merchant's store, or in fairs,
business transactions.
or markets, in accordance with the Code of
5) Special rights of an unpaid seller of goods
Commerce and special laws. (n)
under Articles 1526 and 1533 of the Civil Code;
Q: Can you sell what you do not own?
A: Yes, as long as you own it during consummation Article 1526. Subject to the provisions of this Title,
stage. A valid sale exists to bind both parties even if at notwithstanding that the ownership in the
goods may have passed to the buyer, the unpaid
the at the time of perfection, the seller was not the
seller of goods, as such, has:
owner thereof. It is the consummation stage that
concerns itself with the actual transfer of ownership of (1) A lien on the goods or right to retain them for
the subject matter and the payment of the price; the price while he is in possession of them;
perfection merely concerns itself with the creation of (2) In case of the insolvency of the buyer, a right of
the obligations to transfer and to pay. stopping the goods in transitu after he has parted
with the possession of them;
Nemo dat quod non habet (3) A right of resale as limited by this Title;
It is at the consummation stage where the principle of (4) A right to rescind the sale as likewise limited by
nemo dat quod non habet applies. this Title.
Sale of a non-owner Where the ownership in the goods has not passed to
the buyer, the unpaid seller has, in addition to his
It is not essential to the validity of a resale that notice Requisites for buyer to acquire good title
of the time and place of such resale should be given 1) He is in good faith; (GOOD FAITH)
by the seller to the original buyer. 2) He paid something of value for the property;
The seller is bound to exercise reasonable care and 3) He is not aware of the seller’s defect or flaw on
judgment in making a resale, and subject to this the title. (NO KNOWLEDGE)
requirement may make a resale either by public or
private sale. He cannot, however, directly or
indirectly buy the goods. (n)
1) A voidable contract is valid until it is duly
annulled; and
6) Under Article 1506 of the Civil Code, the sale
2) Where one of two (2) innocent parties must
by a seller who at the time of delivery had
suffer, he who places the offender in a position
voidable title to the thing delivered; and
to do wrong must be the one to suffer the
7) In case of movables, under Article 559 of the
consequences of his actions.
Civil Code, acquisition of possession in good
faith under a claim of ownership where the real
owner has NOT lost or has NOT been
unlawfully deprived of the movable makes
the possessor the rightful owner of the
without against the buyer, with recovery (1) Where delivery of the goods has been made to
indemnity of damages the buyer or to a bailee for the buyer, in pursuance
of the contract and the ownership in the goods has
Sale by a co-owner been retained by the seller merely to secure
Rules performance by the buyer of his obligations under
1) Every co-owner has the right to sell his pro- the contract, the goods are at the buyer's risk from
indiviso share in the co-owned property even the time of such delivery;
without the consent of the other co-owners; (2) Where actual delivery has been delayed through
the fault of either the buyer or seller the goods are
2) But that none of the co-owners may claim
at the risk of the party in fault. (n)
any right, title or interest to a particular
portion of the thing owned in common; and Rules governing loss
3) Therefore, a co-owner has no right to sell a GR: the goods remain at the seller's risk until the
divided part of the real estate. ownership therein is transferred to the buyer
Loss, deterioration, fruits and other benefits 1) Where delivery of the goods has been made to
Application the buyer or to a bailee for the buyer, in
Only contracts of sale where the subject matter is pursuance of the contract and the ownership in
determinate or specific pursuant to the maxim Genus the goods has been retained by the seller merely
Nunquam Perit (generic thing never perishes) to secure performance by the buyer of his
obligations under the contract, the goods are at
During negotiation stage/before perfection the buyer's risk from the time of such delivery;
Res perit domino – The thing perishes with its owner 2) Where actual delivery has been delayed
through the fault of either the buyer or seller
At time of perfection the goods are at the risk of the party in fault
Article 1493. If at the time the contract of sale is
perfected, the thing which is the object of the
Article 1537. The vendor is bound to deliver the
contract has been entirely lost, the contract shall be
thing sold and its accessions and accessories in the
without any effect.
condition in which they were upon the perfection of
the contract.
But if the thing should have been lost in part only,
the vendee may choose between withdrawing from
All the fruits shall pertain to the vendee from the
the contract and demanding the remaining part,
day on which the contract was perfected. (1468a)
paying its price in proportion to the total sum agreed
upon. (1460a)
Article 1538. In case of loss, deterioration or
improvement of the thing before its delivery, the
Article 1494. Where the parties purport a sale of
rules in article 1189 shall be observed, the vendor
specific goods, and the goods without the
being considered the debtor. (n)
knowledge of the seller have perished in part or have
wholly or in a material part so deteriorated in quality
as to be substantially changed in character, the buyer Article 1189. When the conditions have been
may at his option treat the sale: imposed with the intention of suspending the
efficacy of an obligation to give, the following
(1) As avoided; or rules shall be observed in case of the improvement,
(2) As valid in all of the existing goods or in so much loss or deterioration of the thing during the
thereof as have not deteriorated, and as binding the pendency of the condition:
buyer to pay the agreed price for the goods in which
the ownership will pass, if the sale was divisible. (n) Xxx
(3) When the thing deteriorates without the fault of
Totally lost – the contract shall be without any effect the debtor, the impairment is to be borne by the
Partially lost - the buyer may choose between
(4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the debtor,
withdrawing from the contract and demanding the the creditor may choose between the rescission of
remaining part, paying its price in proportion to the the obligation and its fulfillment, with indemnity for
total sum agreed upon. damages in either case;
(5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or by time,
After perfection but before delivery the improvement shall inure to the benefit of the
Article 1504. Unless otherwise agreed, the goods creditor;
remain at the seller's risk until the ownership (6) If it is improved at the expense of the debtor, he
therein is transferred to the buyer, but when the shall have no other right than that granted to the
ownership therein is transferred to the buyer the usufructuary. (1122)
goods are at the buyer's risk whether actual delivery
has been made or not, except that: Rules governing deterioration and improvement
1) When the thing deteriorates without the fault buyer at the time of the purchase or before receipt of
of the seller, the impairment is to be borne by any notice of claims or interest of some other person
the buyer; in the property. To successfully invoke and be
2) If the thing deteriorates through the fault of considered as a buyer in good faith, the presumption is
the seller, the buyer may choose between the that first and foremost, the "buyer in good faith" must
rescission of the obligation and its fulfillment, have shown prudence and due diligence in the exercise
with indemnity for damages in either case; of his/her rights.
3) If the thing is improved by its nature, or by
time, the improvement shall inure to the Information asymmetry
benefit of the buyer; and The “Caveat Emptor” principle arises primarily from
4) If the thing is improved at the expense of the the asymmetry of information between a purchaser and
seller, he shall have no other right than that a seller. The information is asymmetric or
granted to the usufructuary. disproportionate because the seller tends to possess
more information regarding the product than the
The only logical and reasonable conclusion one can buyer.
derive from the foregoing discussion is that the rule
of Res Perit Domino provided in Article 1504 on REMEDIES OF THE BUYER
goods, applies only to “loss” and provides no 1) file an action for specific performance with
application to issues pertaining to “deterioration”, damages in case of failure to deliver
“fruits” and “improvements over the subject matter
of the sale.
Article 1598. Where the seller has broken a contract
to deliver specific or ascertained goods, a court may,
Upon consummation/after delivery on the application of the buyer, direct that the
Article 1504. Unless otherwise agreed, the goods contract shall be performed specifically, without
remain at the seller's risk until the ownership therein giving the seller the option of retaining the
is transferred to the buyer, but when the ownership goods on payment of damages. The judgment or
therein is transferred to the buyer the goods are at decree may be unconditional, or upon such terms
the buyer's risk whether actual delivery has been and conditions as to damages, payment of the price
made or not xxx and otherwise, as the court may deem just. (n)
ownership was transferred to the buyer. But if them to the seller and recover the price or any
deterioration or injury of the goods is due to the part thereof which has been paid.
breach of warranty, such deterioration or injury
shall not prevent the buyer from returning or 3) Suspension of payments in anticipation of
offering to return the goods to the seller and breach
rescinding the sale. Article 1590. Should the vendee be disturbed in the
possession or ownership of the thing acquired, or
Where the buyer is entitled to rescind the sale and should he have reasonable grounds to fear such
elects to do so, he shall cease to be liable for the disturbance, by a vindicatory action or a
price upon returning or offering to return the foreclosure of mortgage, he may suspend the
goods. If the price or any part thereof has already payment of the price until the vendor has caused
been paid, the seller shall be liable to repay so much the disturbance or danger to cease, unless the
thereof as has been paid, concurrently with the latter gives security for the return of the price in a
return of the goods, or immediately after an offer to proper case, or it has been stipulated that,
return the goods in exchange for repayment of the notwithstanding any such contingency, the vendee
price. shall be bound to make the payment. A mere act of
trespass shall not authorize the suspension of
Where the buyer is entitled to rescind the sale and the payment of the price. (1502a)
elects to do so, if the seller refuses to accept an offer
of the buyer to return the goods, the buyer shall
When payments may be suspended
thereafter be deemed to hold the goods as bailee
for the seller, but subject to a lien to secure the 1) Vendee is disturbed in the possession or
payment of any portion of the price which has ownership
been paid, and with the remedies for the A mere act of trespass shall not
enforcement of such lien allowed to an unpaid authorize the suspension of the
seller by article 1526. payment of the price.
2) Vendee has reasonable grounds to fear such
(5) In the case of breach of warranty of quality, such disturbance by a vindicatory action or
loss, in the absence of special circumstances foreclosure of a mortgage
showing proximate damage of a greater amount, is
the difference between the value of the goods at Exceptions
the time of delivery to the buyer and the value 1) Seller gives security for the return of the price
they would have had if they had answered to the
in a proper case
warranty. (n)
2) It has been stipulated that, notwithstanding any
such contingency, the vendee shall be bound
In case the seller breaches his warranty, the buyer
to make the payment.
may avail of the following remedies:
1) Accept or keep the goods and set up against
the seller, the breach of warranty by way of
1) File an action for specific performance for
recoupment in diminution or extinction of
non-payment of the price
the price;
reduction or extinction of the price of
Article 1595. Where, under a contract of sale, the
the same item or unit sold and not to
ownership of the goods has passed to the buyer and
a different transaction or contract of
he wrongfully neglects or refuses to pay for the
sale. (First United Constructors goods according to the terms of the contract of sale,
Corporation v. Bayanihan the seller may maintain an action against him for
Automotive Corporation) the price of the goods.
That there was a series of purchases
made by petitioners could not be Where, under a contract of sale, the price is payable
considered as a single transaction on a certain day, irrespective of delivery or of
(First United Constructors transfer of title and the buyer wrongfully neglects or
Corporation v. Bayanihan refuses to pay such price, the seller may maintain
Automotive Corporation) an action for the price although the ownership
2) Accept or keep the goods and maintain an in the goods has not passed. But it shall be a
action against the seller for damages for the defense to such an action that the seller at any
time before the judgment in such action has
breach of warranty;
manifested an inability to perform the contract
3) Refuse to accept the goods, and maintain an of sale on his part or an intention not to perform
action against the seller for damages for the it.
breach of warranty;
4) Rescind the contract of sale and refuse to Although the ownership in the goods has not
receive the goods or if the goods have already passed, if they cannot readily be resold for a
been received, return them or offer to return reasonable price, and if the provisions of article
1596, fourth paragraph, are not applicable, the seller
may offer to deliver the goods to the buyer, and,
if the buyer refuses to receive them, may notify In the case of the remedies of the unpaid seller, the
the buyer that the goods are thereafter held by minimum requirement is that the goods are in
the seller as bailee for the buyer. Thereafter the the possession of the seller so as to prevent an
seller may treat the goods as the buyer's and may actual physical tussle with the buyer in the exercise
maintain an action for the price. (n) of such remedies.
Where there is an available market for the goods (1) When the whole of the price has not been paid
in question, the measure of damages is, in the or tendered;
absence of special circumstances showing proximate (2) When a bill of exchange or other negotiable
damage of a different amount, the difference instrument has been received as conditional
between the contract price and the market or current payment, and the condition on which it was
price at the time or times when the goods ought to received has been broken by reason of the
have been accepted, or, if no time was fixed for dishonor of the instrument, the insolvency of the
acceptance, then at the time of the refusal to accept. buyer, or otherwise.
If, while labor or expense of material amount is In articles 1525 to 1535 the term "seller" includes an
necessary on the part of the seller to enable him to agent of the seller to whom the bill of lading has
fulfill his obligations under the contract of sale, the been indorsed, or a consignor or agent who has
buyer repudiates the contract or notifies the seller to himself paid, or is directly responsible for the price,
proceed no further therewith, the buyer shall be or any other person who is in the position of a seller.
liable to the seller for labor performed or (n)
expenses made before receiving notice of the
buyer's repudiation or countermand. The profit Article 1526. Subject to the provisions of this Title,
the seller would have made if the contract or the sale notwithstanding that the ownership in the goods
had been fully performed shall be considered in may have passed to the buyer, the unpaid seller of
awarding the damages. (n) goods, as such, has:
3) Recission in case the buyer has repudiated (1) A lien on the goods or right to retain them for
the sale or manifested inability to perform the price while he is in possession of them;
his obligations (2) In case of the insolvency of the buyer, a right of
stopping the goods in transitu after he has
Article 1597. Where the goods have not been parted with the possession of them;
delivered to the buyer, and the buyer has repudiated (3) A right of resale as limited by this Title;
the contract of sale, or has manifested his inability to (4) A right to rescind the sale as likewise limited by
perform his obligations thereunder, or has this Title.
committed a breach thereof, the seller may totally
rescind the contract of sale by giving notice of Where the ownership in the goods has not passed
his election so to do to the buyer. (n) to the buyer, the unpaid seller has, in addition to his
other remedies a right of withholding delivery
SPECIAL REMEDIES OF AN UNPAID similar to and coextensive with his rights of lien and
SELLER stoppage in transitu where the ownership has passed
to the buyer. (n)
The provisions of the Civil Code on the remedies of an
unpaid seller demonstrate the intention of the Code
1) Possessory lien
Commission to empower individuals with remedies to
take matters into their own hands when the
Article 1527. Subject to the provisions of this Title,
circumstances warrant the same, provided it does not
the unpaid seller of goods who is in possession of
involve physical intrusion into the person or them is entitled to retain possession of them until
privacy of the buyer in default, by being able to payment or tender of the price in the following cases,
achieve the legal effects without need of seeking namely:
the intervention of the courts.
(1) Where the goods have been sold without any to the buyer or his agent that he holds the goods
stipulation as to credit; on his behalf and continues in possession of
(2) Where the goods have been sold on credit, but them as bailee for the buyer or his agent; and it is
the term of credit has expired; immaterial that further destination for the goods
(3) Where the buyer becomes insolvent. may have been indicated by the buyer;
(3) If the carrier or other bailee wrongfully refuses
The seller may exercise his right of lien to deliver the goods to the buyer or his agent in
notwithstanding that he is in possession of the goods that behalf.
as agent or bailee for the buyer. (n)
If the goods are delivered to a ship, freight train,
Article 1528. Where an unpaid seller has made part truck, or airplane chartered by the buyer, it is a
delivery of the goods, he may exercise his right of question depending on the circumstances of the
lien on the remainder, unless such part delivery has particular case, whether they are in the
been made under such circumstances as to show an possession of the carrier as such or as agent of
intent to waive the lien or right of retention. (n) the buyer.
Article 1529. The unpaid seller of goods loses his lien If part delivery of the goods has been made to the
thereon: buyer, or his agent in that behalf, the remainder of
the goods may be stopped in transitu, unless such
(1) When he delivers the goods to a carrier or other part delivery has been under such circumstances as
bailee for the purpose of transmission to the buyer to show an agreement with the buyer to give up
without reserving the ownership in the goods or the possession of the whole of the goods. (n)
right to the possession thereof;
(2) When the buyer or his agent lawfully obtains Article 1532. The unpaid seller may exercise his right
possession of the goods; of stoppage in transitu either by obtaining actual
(3) By waiver thereof. possession of the goods or by giving notice of
his claim to the carrier or other bailee in whose
The unpaid seller of goods, having a lien thereon, possession the goods are. Such notice may be
does not lose his lien by reason only that he has given either to the person in actual possession of the
obtained judgment or decree for the price of the goods or to his principal. In the latter case the notice,
goods. (n) to be effectual, must be given at such time and
under such circumstances that the principal, by
2) Stoppage in transitu the exercise of reasonable diligence, may
prevent a delivery to the buyer.
Article 1530. Subject to the provisions of this Title,
When notice of stoppage in transitu is given by the
when the buyer of goods is or becomes insolvent,
seller to the carrier, or other bailee in possession of
the unpaid seller who has parted with the
the goods, he must redeliver the goods to, or
possession of the goods has the right of
according to the directions of, the seller. The
stopping them in transitu, that is to say, he may
expenses of such delivery must be borne by the
resume possession of the goods at any time while
seller. If, however, a negotiable document of title
they are in transit, and he will then become
representing the goods has been issued by the
entitled to the same rights in regard to the goods
carrier or other bailee, he shall not be obliged to
as he would have had if he had never parted with
deliver or justified in delivering the goods to the
the possession. (n)
seller unless such document is first surrendered
for cancellation. (n)
Article 1531. Goods are in transit within the meaning
of the preceding article:
Notwithstanding that the ownership in the goods may
(1) From the time when they are delivered to a have passed to the buyer, the unpaid seller of goods
carrier by land, water, or air, or other bailee for the has, in case of the insolvency of the buyer, a right of
purpose of transmission to the buyer, until the stopping the goods in transit. This remedy allows the
buyer, or his agent in that behalf, takes delivery seller to resume possession of the goods at any time
of them from such carrier or other bailee; while they are in transit. He will then become entitled
(2) If the goods are rejected by the buyer, and the to the same rights in regard to the goods as he would
carrier or other bailee continues in possession of have had if he had never parted with the possession.
them, even if the seller has refused to receive them
back. 3) Special right of resale
Goods are no longer in transit within the meaning Article 1533. Where the goods are of perishable
of the preceding article: nature, or where the seller expressly reserves the
(1) If the buyer, or his agent in that behalf, obtains right of resale in case the buyer should make
delivery of the goods before their arrival at the default, or where the buyer has been in default in
appointed destination; the payment of the price for an unreasonable
(2) If, after the arrival of the goods at the appointed time, an unpaid seller having a right of lien or
destination, the carrier or other bailee acknowledges having stopped the goods in transitu may resell
the goods. He shall not thereafter be liable to the manifested by notice to the buyer or by some
original buyer upon the contract of sale or for other overt act an intention to rescind. It is not
any profit made by such resale, but may recover necessary that such overt act should be
from the buyer damages for any loss occasioned communicated to the buyer, but the giving or failure
by the breach of the contract of sale. to give notice to the buyer of the intention to rescind
shall be relevant in any issue involving the question
Where a resale is made, as authorized in this article, whether the buyer had been in default for an
the buyer acquires a good title as against the unreasonable time before the right of rescission
original buyer. was asserted. (n)
It is not essential to the validity of resale that notice An unpaid seller having the right of lien or having
of an intention to resell the goods be given by the stopped the goods in transitu, may rescind the transfer
seller to the original buyer. But where the right to of title and resume the ownership in the goods, where;
resell is not based on the perishable nature of the 1) The expressly reserved the right to do so in
goods or upon an express provision of the case the buyer should make default; or
contract of sale, the giving or failure to give such
2) The buyer has been in default in the payment
notice shall be relevant in any issue involving the
question whether the buyer had been in default of the price for an unreasonable time.
for an unreasonable time before the resale was
made. *The four (4) remedies of an unpaid seller have a hierarchical
It is not essential to the validity of a resale that notice
of the time and place of such resale should be given SALE OF MOVABLES ON INSTALLMENT
by the seller to the original buyer. (“RECTO LAW”)
Article 1484. In a contract of sale of personal
The seller is bound to exercise reasonable care property the price of which is payable in
and judgment in making a resale, and subject to installments, the vendor may exercise any of the
this requirement may make a resale either by public following remedies:
or private sale. He cannot, however, directly or
indirectly buy the goods. (n) (1) Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the
vendee fail to pay;
The special right of resale can be made only when the (2) Cancel the sale, should the vendee's failure to
unpaid seller has previously exercised either his pay cover two or more installments;
1) right of possessory lien or (3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the thing
2) stoppage in transit sold, if one has been constituted, should the vendee's
failure to pay cover two or more installments. In
Conditions this case, he shall have no further action against the
1) The goods are of perishable nature;
purchaser to recover any unpaid balance of the price.
Any agreement to the contrary shall be void. (1454-
2) The seller expressly reserves the right of resale
in case the buyer should make default; or
3) Where the buyer has been in default in the Remedies
payment of the price for an unreasonable time.
1) Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the
The seller can resell the subject matter herein vendee fail to pay;
without need of first rescinding the contract
2) Cancel or Rescind the sale, should the vendee's
judicially. That is, he can effect these even without
failure to pay cover two or more installments;
judicial action.
4) Special right to rescind 3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the thing
sold, if one has been constituted, should the
vendee's failure to pay cover two or more
Article 1534. An unpaid seller having the right of lien
or having stopped the goods in transitu, may rescind installments. In this case, he shall have no
the transfer of title and resume the ownership in the further action against the purchaser to recover
goods, where he expressly reserved the right to do any unpaid balance of the price. Any agreement
so in case the buyer should make default, or where to the contrary shall be void.
the buyer has been in default in the payment of actual foreclosure is necessary to bar
the price for an unreasonable time. The seller the vendor from recovering the unpaid
shall not thereafter be liable to the buyer upon the balance.
contract of sale, but may recover from the buyer
damages for any loss occasioned by the breach of the First, the first remedy is available even after the first
contract. default. However, the second and third remedies are
only available after failure to pay two (2) or more
The transfer of title shall not be held to have been
installments. Second, when the third remedy is chosen,
rescinded by an unpaid seller until he has
there is an explicit provision that the seller can have no
further action against the buyer to recover any unpaid 1) The Maceda Law” (Republic Act 6552)
balance of the price. Any agreement to the contrary 2) The Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’
shall be void. Protective Decree” (Presidential Decree No.
GR: The remedies under Article 1484 have been
recognized as alternative, not cumulative, in that the Remedies of seller
exercise of one would bar the exercise of the others. 1) Sue for rescission of the sale in anticipation of
XPN: when you chose the first option (i.e., exact breach
fulfillment) and the vendee refuses to comply or the 2) Action to collect the balance or to rescind the
same has become impossible, resort to rescission of the contract in case of failure to pay the price
contract will still be allowed. Also, the seller may still
recover from the buyer the unpaid balance of the Sue for rescission of the sale in anticipation of breach
purchase price if after choosing the first remedy there Article 1591
exists a deficiency. Should the vendor have reasonable grounds to
fear the loss of immovable property sold and its
Article 1485. The preceding article shall be applied to price, he may immediately sue for the rescission
contracts purporting to be leases of personal of the sale.
property with option to buy, when the lessor has
deprived the lessee of the possession or enjoyment Should such ground not exist, the provisions of
of the thing. (1454-A-a) article 1191 shall be observed. (1503)
Article 1486. In the case referred to in the two Article 1191. The power to rescind obligations is
preceding articles, a stipulation that the installments implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the
or rents paid shall not be returned to the vendee or obligors should not comply with what is incumbent
lessee shall be valid insofar as the same may not be upon him.
unconscionable under the circumstances. (n)
The injured party may choose between the
A stipulation for the forfeiture of the amounts paid by fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation, with
the buyer even when the contract is rescinded is not the payment of damages in either case. He may also
seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment,
really contrary to the remedy of rescission since to a
if the latter should become impossible.
great extent, it offers a means of restitution to the
obligee for the loss in value or deterioration of the The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless
thing subject of the sale, or recompense for the lost there be just cause authorizing the fixing of a period.
opportunity suffered by the seller due to the default of
the buyer. This is understood to be without prejudice to the
rights of third persons who have acquired the thing,
The contract, in the instant case, while a sale of in accordance with articles 1385 and 1388 and the
personal property, is not, however, one on Mortgage Law. (1124)
installments, but on straight term, in which the
balance, after payment of the initial sum, should be RULES
paid in its totality at the time specified in the 1) If the seller has reasonable grounds to fear the
promissory note. The transaction is not, therefore, loss of the immovable property and its price,
the one contemplated in Act No. 4122 and he may immediately sue for the rescission of
accordingly the mortgagee is not bound by the the sale.
prohibition therein contained as to the right to the 2) Should such grounds not exist, upon
recovery of the unpaid balance.
substantial breach by the buyer for failure to
Undoubtedly, the law is aimed at those sales where comply with his obligation to pay the price
the price is payable in several installments, for, when due, the seller may sue for rescission of
generally, it is in these cases that partial payments the sale.
consist in relatively small amounts, constituting thus
a great temptation for improvident purchasers to Action to collect the balance or to rescind the contract
buy beyond their means. There is no such in case of failure to pay the price
temptation where the price is to be paid in cash, or, Article 1592. In the sale of immovable property, even
as in the instant case, partly in cash and partly in one though it may have been stipulated that upon
term, for, in the latter case, the partial payments are failure to pay the price at the time agreed upon
not so small as to place purchasers off their guard the rescission of the contract shall of right take
and delude them to a miscalculation of their ability place, the vendee may pay, even after the
to pay. (Levy Hermanos, Inc. v. Lazaro expiration of the period, as long as no demand
Gervacio) for rescission of the contract has been made
upon him either judicially or by a notarial act.
SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES After the demand, the court may not grant him a
Governing laws new term. (1504a)
With respect to the sale of immovable properties, Reimbursement of the total amount paid in case of
the remedies of the vendor are provided in the subdivision or condominium projects
following Civil Code provisions: THE SUBDIVISION AND
1) Art 1591 - Should the vendor have reasonable CONDOMINIUM BUYERS’ PROTECTIVE
grounds to fear the loss of immovable DECREE PRESIDENTIAL DECREE
property sold and its price, he may (P.D.) NO. 957
immediately sue for the rescission of the sale. Section 1. Title. This Decree shall be known as THE
Should such ground not exist, the provisions of SUBDIVISION AND CONDOMINIUM
Article 1191 shall be observed. BUYERS' PROTECTIVE DECREE. xxx
2) Art 1592 - In the sale of immovable property,
even though it may have been stipulated that Section 23. Non-Forfeiture of Payments. No installment
upon failure to pay the price at the time payment made by a buyer in a subdivision or
agreed upon the rescission of the contract shall condominium project for the lot or unit he contracted
of right take place, the vendee may pay, even to buy shall be forfeited in favor of the owner or
after the expiration of the period, as long as no developer when the buyer, after due notice to the
demand for rescission of the contract has been owner or developer, desists from further payment
made upon him either judicially or by a due to the failure of the owner or developer to
notarial act. After the demand, the court may develop the subdivision or condominium project
not grant him a new term. according to the approved plans and within the time
3) Art 2242 - With reference to specific limit for complying with the same. Such buyer may,
immovable property and real rights of the at his option, be reimbursed the total amount paid
debtor, the following claims, mortgages and including amortization interests but excluding
liens shall be preferred, and shall constitute an delinquency interests, with interest thereon at the
encumbrance on the immovable or real right: legal rate.
xxx (2) For the unpaid price of real property Section 24. Failure to pay installments. The rights of the
sold, upon the immovable sold. Xxx buyer in the event of this failure to pay the
installments due for reasons other than the failure of
The remedies of the unpaid seller, after ownership of the owner or developer to develop the project shall be
the real property not covered by Republic Act No. governed by Republic Act No. 6552.
6552 or the Maceda Law, has been vested to the
buyer, are: Where the transaction or contract was entered into
1) To compel specific performance by filing prior to the effectivity of Republic Act No. 6552 on
an action against the buyer for the agreed August 26, 1972, the defaulting buyer shall be entitled
purchase price; or to the corresponding refund based on the
installments paid after the effectivity of the law in at least two years of installments, the buyer is
the absence of any provision in the contract to the entitled to the following rights in case he defaults in the
contrary. payment of succeeding installments:
The buyer’s cause of action ripens only when the A) To pay, without additional interest, the
developer fails to complete the project on the lapse unpaid installments due within the total grace
of the completion period stated on the sale period earned by him which is hereby fixed
contract or the developer’s Licenses to Sell. at the rate of one month grace period for
every one year of installment payments
However, the mere dissatisfaction of the buyer as made: Provided, That this right shall be
to the completion date of the project does not itself exercised by the buyer only once in every five
constitute substantial breach as to authorize the years of the life of the contract and its
buyer to rescind the contract and ask for refund of the extensions, if any.
amounts paid to the seller. B) If the contract is canceled, the seller shall
refund to the buyer the cash surrender value
This decree, aptly entitled "The Subdivision and of the payments on the property equivalent
Condominium Buyers' Protective Decree", was to fifty per cent (50%) of the total payments
issued in the wake of numerous reports that many made, and, after five years of installments,
real estate subdivision owners, developers, operators an additional five per cent (5%) every year
and/or sellers "have reneged on their but not to exceed ninety per cent (90%) of
representations and obligations to provide and the total payments made: Provided, That the
maintain properly subdivision roads, drainage, actual cancellation of the contract shall
sewerage, water systems, lighting systems and other take place after thirty (30) days from receipt
basic requirements" for the health and safety of
by the buyer of the notice of cancellation or
home and lot buyer's. It was designed to stem the
the demand for rescission of the contract by
tide of "fraudulent manipulations perpetrated by
unscrupulous subdivision and condominium sellers a notarial act and upon full payment of the
and operators, such as failure to deliver titles to cash surrender value to the buyer.
buyers or titles free from liens and encumbrances."
(Casa Filipina Realty Corporation v. Office of Down payments, deposits or options on the
the President) contract shall be included in the computation of
the total number of installment payments made.
On this score, it is apt to mention that it is the intent (DON’T YOU FORGET!!! 😊)
of PD 957 to protect the buyer against unscrupulous
developers, operators and/or sellers who reneged on Section 4. In case where less than two years of
their obligations. Thus, in order to achieve this installments were paid, the seller shall give the buyer
purpose, equity and justice dictate that the injured
a grace period of not less than sixty (60) days from
party should be afforded full recompense and as
the date the installment became due. If the buyer
such, be allowed to recover the prevailing market
value of the undelivered lot which had been fully fails to pay the installments due at the expiration of the
paid for. (Gotesco Properties, Inc. v. Spouses grace period, the seller may cancel the contract after
Eugenio and Angelina Fajardo) thirty (30) days from receipt by the buyer of the
notice of cancellation or the demand for rescission
SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN of the contract by a notarial act.
REPUBLIC ACT No. 6552 Section 5. Under Section 3 and 4, the buyer shall have
AN ACT TO PROVIDE PROTECTION TO the right to sell his rights or assign the same to
BUYERS OF REAL ESTATE ON another person or to reinstate the contract by
INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS updating the account during the grace period and
Section 1. This Act shall be known as the "Realty before actual cancellation of the contract. The deed of
Installment Buyer Act." sale or assignment shall be done by notarial act.
Section 2. It is hereby declared a public policy to
protect buyers of real estate on installment payments Section 6. The buyer shall have the right to pay in
against onerous and oppressive conditions. advance any installment or the full unpaid balance
of the purchase price any time without interest and
Section 3. In all transactions or contracts involving the to have such full payment of the purchase price
sale or financing of real estate on installment annotated in the certificate of title covering the
payments, including residential condominium property.
apartments but excluding industrial lots,
commercial buildings and sales to tenants under Section 7. Any stipulation in any contract hereafter
Republic Act Numbered Thirty-eight hundred forty- entered into contrary to the provisions of Sections 3,
four, as amended by Republic Act Numbered Sixty- 4, 5 and 6, shall be null and void.
three hundred eighty-nine, where the buyer has paid
Moreover, respondents' contention that the 2) Implied – Art 1547; those which by law
condition did not preclude them from dealing with constitute part of every contract of sale,
Tanglaw or that they were "to refrain from whether or not the parties were aware of them,
negotiating directly" can only mean that they did not and whether or not the parties intended them.
really expect petitioner to comply strictly and
absolutely with it. Respondents' conduct showed (Pilipinas Makro vs. Coco Charcoal)
that they did not only disregard the condition
Express Implied
but also placed petitioner in a position that his
Any affirmation of fact One which the law
compliance was no longer necessary. We are
or any promise by the derives by application or
thus constrained to rule that they had effectively
seller relating to the inference from the
waived compliance with the condition.
thing, the natural nature of transaction or
(Gonzales v. Lim)
tendency of which is to the relative situation or
induce the buyer to circumstances of the
Paragraph 1(b) of the Conditional Deed of Sale, purchase the same. parties, irrespective of
stating that respondent shall pay the balance of the any intention of the
purchase price when he has successfully negotiated seller to create it
and secured a road right of way, is not a condition includes all warranties
on the perfection of the contract nor on the validity derived from the
of the entire contract or its compliance as language of the contract
contemplated in Article 1308. It is a condition
imposed only on respondent’s obligation to pay the
remainder of the purchase price. In our view and
applying Article 1182, such a condition is not purely Requisites of express warranty
potestative as petitioners contend. It is not 1) It must be an affirmation of fact or any
dependent on the sole will of the debtor but also on promise by the seller relating to the subject
the will of third persons who own the adjacent land matter of the sale;
and from whom the road right of way shall be 2) The natural tendency of such affirmation or
negotiated (Catungal v. Rodriguez) promise is to induce the buyer to purchase the
thing; and
WARRANTIES 3) The buyer purchases the thing relying on such
Article 1546 affirmation or promise thereon.
Any affirmation of fact or any promise by the
seller relating to the thing is an express warranty if Exceptions
the natural tendency of such affirmation or promise Article 1340. The usual exaggerations in trade, when
is to induce the buyer to purchase the same, and the other party had an opportunity to know the facts,
if the buyer purchases the thing relying thereon. are not in themselves fraudulent. (n)
No affirmation of the value of the thing, nor any
statement purporting to be a statement of the Article 1341. A mere expression of an opinion does
seller's opinion only, shall be construed as a not signify fraud, unless made by an expert and
warranty, unless the seller made such affirmation the other party has relied on the former's special
or statement as an expert and it was relied upon knowledge. (n)
by the buyer. (n)
Article 1343. Misrepresentation made in good faith is
Warranty not fraudulent but may constitute error. (n)
Any representation made by the seller of the thing with
respect to its character, quality, or ownership by which 1) Affirmation of the value of the thing
he induces the buyer to purchase the same relying on 2) Any statement purporting to be a statement of
said representation. the seller’s opinion only
A warranty is a collateral undertaking in a sale of either 1) When the seller made such affirmation or
real or personal property, express or implied; that if the statement as an expert.
property sold does not possess certain incidents or 2) The buyer relied
qualities, the purchaser may either consider the sale
void or claim damages for breach of warranty. Thus, a Remedies in case of breach
warranty may either be express or implied. (Pilipinas In case the seller breaches his warranty, the buyer
Makro v. Coco Charcoal) may avail of the following remedies:
1) Accept or keep the goods and set up against
Kinds of warranties the seller, the breach of warranty by way of
1) Express – Art 1546; They are stipulated by the recoupment in diminution or extinction of
parties. Hence, even if the law does not provide the price;
for this certain warranty but the seller still reduction or extinction of the price of
provided it, and the buyer relied on the the same item or unit sold and not to
promise, the seller is liable for damages. a different transaction or contract of
sale. (First United Constructors
Article 1548. Eviction shall take place whenever by a (5) The damages and interests, and ornamental
final judgment based on a right prior to the sale expenses, if the sale was made in bad faith. (1478)
or an act imputable to the vendor, the vendee is
deprived of the whole or of a part of the thing Article 1556. Should the vendee lose, by reason of
purchased. the eviction, a part of the thing sold of such
importance, in relation to the whole, that he would
The vendor shall answer for the eviction even not have bought it without said part, he may demand
though nothing has been said in the contract on the the rescission of the contract; but with the
subject. obligation to return the thing without other
encumbrances that those which it had when he
The contracting parties, however, may increase, acquired it.
diminish, or suppress this legal obligation of the
vendor. (1475a) He may exercise this right of action, instead of
enforcing the vendor's liability for eviction.
Article 1549. The vendee need not appeal from the
decision in order that the vendor may become liable The same rule shall be observed when two or more
for eviction. (n) things have been jointly sold for a lump sum, or for
a separate price for each of them, if it should clearly
Article 1550. When adverse possession had been appear that the vendee would not have purchased
commenced before the sale but the prescriptive one without the other. (1479a)
period is completed after the transfer, the vendor
shall not be liable for eviction. (n) Article 1557. The warranty cannot be enforced until
a final judgment has been rendered, whereby the
Article 1551. If the property is sold for nonpayment vendee loses the thing acquired or a part thereof.
of taxes due and not made known to the vendee (1480)
before the sale, the vendor is liable for eviction.
(n) Article 1558. The vendor shall not be obliged to
make good the proper warranty, unless he is
Article 1552. The judgment debtor is also summoned in the suit for eviction at the
responsible for eviction in judicial sales, unless it is instance of the vendee. (1481a)
otherwise decreed in the judgment. (n)
Article 1559. The defendant vendee shall ask, within
Article 1553. Any stipulation exempting the vendor the time fixed in the Rules of Court for answering
from the obligation to answer for eviction shall be the complaint, that the vendor be made a co-
void, if he acted in bad faith. (1476) defendant. (1482a)
Article 1554. If the vendee has renounced the right Requisites (Pilipinas Makro v. Coco Charcoal)
to warranty in case of eviction, and eviction (Escaler v. CA)
should take place, the vendor shall only pay the 1) Purchaser has been deprived of, or evicted
value which the thing sold had at the time of the from, the whole or part of the thing sold;
eviction. Should the vendee have made the waiver 2) Eviction is by a final judgment;
with knowledge of the risks of eviction and
3) Basis thereof is by virtue of a right prior to
assumed its consequences, the vendor shall not
be liable. (1477) the sale made by the seller; and
XPN: execution sales
Article 1555. When the warranty has been agreed In execution sales, the rule of caveat
upon or nothing has been stipulated on this point, in emptor applies; the sheriff does not
case eviction occurs, the vendee shall have the right warrant the title to the property sold by
to demand of the vendor: him, and it is not incumbent on him to
place the purchaser in possession of the
(1) The return of the value which the thing sold had property.
at the time of the eviction, be it greater or less than
the price of the sale; 4) Seller has been summoned and made co-
defendant in the sui for eviction at the
(2) The income or fruits, if he has been ordered to instance of the buyer.
deliver them to the party who won the suit against 1) by way of asking that the former be
him; made a co-defendant; or
2) by the filing of a third-party complaint
(3) The costs of the suit which caused the eviction, against said vendors (Escaler v. CA)
and, in a proper case, those of the suit brought
against the vendor for the warranty;
Obvious to us in the ambivalent stance of petitioner
(4) The expenses of the contract, if the vendee has is its failure to establish any breach of the warranty
paid them; against eviction. Despite its protestation that its
acquisition of the lot was to enable it to set up a
warehouse for its asbestos products and that
failure to deliver actual possession thereof EFFECT: the vendor shall only pay the value
defeated this purpose, still no breach of warranty which the thing sold had at the time of the
against eviction can be appreciated because the facts eviction
of the case do not show that the requisites for
such breach have been satisfied. 2) Specific waiver - Should the vendee have
made the waiver with knowledge of the risks of
xxxPetitioner argues in its memorandum that it has eviction and assumed its consequences
not yet ejected the occupants of said lot, and not that
EFFECT: the vendor shall not be liable.
it has been evicted therefrom. As correctly pointed
out by Respondent Court, the presence of lessees
does not constitute an encumbrance of the land, nor As stated, the provision adverted to in the contract
does it deprive petitioner of its control thereof. pertains to the usual warranty against eviction,
and not to a condition that was not met.
We note, however, that petitioner's deprivation of
ownership and control finally occurred when it The terms of the contract are so clear as to leave no
failed and/or discontinued paying the room for any other interpretation.
amortizations on the mortgage, causing the lot
to be foreclosed and sold at public auction. But Furthermore, petitioner was well aware of the
this deprivation is due to petitioner's fault, and presence of the tenants at the time it entered into the
not to any act attributable to the vendor- sales transaction. As testified to by Reynaldo,
spouses. (Power Commercial v. CA) petitioner's counsel during the sales negotiation even
undertook the job of ejecting the squatters. In fact,
In the case at bar, the fourth requisite—that of petitioner actually filed suit to eject the occupants.
being summoned in the suit for eviction (Case Finally, petitioner in its letter to PNB of December
No. 4252) at the instance of the vendee—is not 23, 1980 admitted that it was the "buyer(s) and new
present. All that the petitioners did, per their very owner(s) of this lot." (Power Commercial v. CA)
admission, was to furnish respondents, by registered
mail, with a copy of the opposition they (petitioners Warranty against non-apparent servitudes (Art
filed in the eviction suit. Decidedly, this is not the 1560)
kind of notice prescribed by the aforequoted Articles
1558 and 1559 of the New Civil Code. The term Article 1560
"unless he is summoned in the suit for eviction at If the immovable sold should be encumbered with
the instance of the vendee" means that the any non-apparent burden or servitude, not
respondents as vendor/s should be made parties to mentioned in the agreement, of such a nature that it
the suit at the instance of petitioners-vendees, either must be presumed that the vendee would not have
by way of asking that the former be made a co- acquired it had he been aware thereof, he may ask
defendant or by the filing of a third-party for the rescission of the contract, unless he should
complaint against said vendors. Nothing of that prefer the appropriate indemnity. Neither right
sort appeared to have been done by the petitioners can be exercised if the non-apparent burden or
in the instant case. (Escaler v. CA) servitude is recorded in the Registry of Property,
unless there is an express warranty that the thing
Amount for which seller is liable (VICED) [Art 1555] is free from all burdens and encumbrances.
1) Return of the value which the thing sold had
at the time of the eviction, be it greater or lesser Within one year, to be computed from the
than the price of the sale; execution of the deed, the vendee may bring the
action for rescission, or sue for damages.
2) Income or fruits, if buyer has been ordered to
deliver them to the party who won the suit One year having elapsed, he may only bring an
against him; action for damages within an equal period, to be
3) Costs of the suit which caused the eviction, counted from the date on which he discovered the
and, in a proper case, those of the suit brought burden or servitude. (1483a)
against the seller for the warranty;
4) Expenses of the contract, if the buyer has Rules on warranty against non-apparent
paid them; and servitudes
5) Damages and interests and ornamental GR: If the immovable sold should be encumbered with
expenses, if the sale was made in bad faith. any non-apparent burden or servitude, not mentioned
in the agreement, of such a nature that it must be
Waiver of the right to warranty against eviction [Art presumed that the vendee would not have acquired it
1554] had he been aware thereof, he may ask for
1) General waiver - If the vendee has renounced 1) the rescission of the contract
the right to warranty in case of eviction 2) unless he should prefer the appropriate
(without knowledge of a particular risk), and indemnity
eviction should take place XPN: The non-apparent burden or servitude is
recorded in the Registry of Property.
Warranty against hidden effects (Art 1561 – Article 1568. If the thing sold should be lost in
consequence of the hidden faults, and the vendor
Article 1561. The vendor shall be responsible for was aware of them, he shall bear the loss, and
warranty against the hidden defects which the shall be obliged to return the price and refund the
thing sold may have, should they render it unfit for expenses of the contract, with damages. If he was
the use for which it is intended, or should they not aware of them, he shall only return the price and
diminish its fitness for such use to such an extent interest thereon, and reimburse the expenses of
that, had the vendee been aware thereof, he would the contract which the vendee might have paid.
not have acquired it or would have given a lower (1487a)
price for it; but said vendor shall not be
answerable for patent defects or those which Article 1569. If the thing sold had any hidden fault
may be visible, or for those which are not visible at the time of the sale, and should thereafter be lost
if the vendee is an expert who, by reason of his by a fortuitous event or through the fault of the
trade or profession, should have known them. vendee, the latter may demand of the vendor the
(1484a) price which he paid, less the value which the
thing had when it was lost.
Article 1562. In a sale of goods, there is an implied
warranty or condition as to the quality or fitness of If the vendor acted in bad faith, he shall pay
the goods, as follows: damages to the vendee. (1488a)
(1) Where the buyer, expressly or by implication, Article 1570. The preceding articles of this
makes known to the seller the particular Subsection shall be applicable to judicial sales,
purpose for which the goods are acquired, and it except that the judgment debtor shall not be
appears that the buyer relies on the seller's skill or liable for damages. (1489a)
judgment (whether he be the grower or
manufacturer or not), there is an implied warranty Article 1571. Actions arising from the provisions of
that the goods shall be reasonably fit for such the preceding ten articles shall be barred after six
purpose; months, from the delivery of the thing sold.
(2) Where the goods are brought by description (1490)
from a seller who deals in goods of that
description (whether he be the grower or Requisites for warranty against hidden defects
manufacturer or not), there is an implied warranty (Nutrimix Feeds Corp v. CA)
that the goods shall be of merchantable quality. (n) 1) Defect must be hidden;
2) Defect must exist at the time the sale was made;
Article 1563. In the case of contract of sale of a 3) Defect must ordinarily have been excluded
specified article under its patent or other trade
from the contract;
name, there is no warranty as to its fitness for any
particular purpose, unless there is a stipulation to 4) Defect, must be important (render the thing
the contrary. (n) unfit or considerably decreases fitness);
5) Action must be instituted within the statute of
Article 1564. An implied warranty or condition as to limitations.
the quality or fitness for a particular purpose may be
annexed by the usage of trade. (n) Conditions that must be med for the implied
warrant against hidden defects to be applicable
Article 1565. In the case of a contract of sale by (Spouses Batalla v. Prudential Bank)
sample, if the seller is a dealer in goods of that kind, 1) Defect is Important or Serious
there is an implied warranty that the goods shall be The thing sold is unfit for the use
free from any defect rendering them which it is intended
unmerchantable which would not be apparent
Diminishes its fitness for such use or to
on reasonable examination of the sample. (n)
such an extent that the buyer would not
Article 1566. The vendor is responsible to the vendee have acquired it had he been aware
for any hidden faults or defects in the thing sold, thereof
even though he was not aware thereof. 2) Defect is Hidden
3) Defect Exists at the time of the sale Actions on warranties against hidden defects shall be
4) Buyer gives Notice of the defect to the seller barred after six (6) months from the delivery of the
within reasonable time thing sold.
Defect (Nutrimix Feeds Corp v. CA) In the sale of animal feeds, there is an implied
The defect must be present warranty that it is reasonably fit and suitable to be
1) upon the delivery or manufacture of the used for the purpose which both parties
product; or contemplated. To be able to prove liability on the
2) when the product left the seller’s or basis of breach of implied warranty, three things
manufacturer’s control; or must be established by the respondents.
3) when the product was sold to the purchaser; or 1) The first is that they sustained injury
because of the product;
4) the product must have reached the user or
2) the second is that the injury occurred
consumer without substantial change in the because the product was defective or
condition it was sold. unreasonably unsafe; and
3) finally, the defect existed when the
Remedies of buyer and obligation of seller for product left the hands of the petitioner.
breach of warranty [Art 1567]
If the thing has not been lost A manufacturer or seller of a product cannot be held
1) Accion redhibitoria – withdraw from the liable for any damage allegedly caused by the product
contract in the absence of any proof that the product in
2) Accion quanti minoris - to demand a question was defective. The defect must be present
proportionate reduction of the price with upon the delivery or manufacture of the product;
damages in either case or when the product left the seller’s or
manufacturer’s control; or when the product was
sold to the purchaser; or the product must have
If the thing has been lost
reached the user or consumer without
As a consequence of hidden faults substantial change in the condition it was sold.
1) If the seller was aware of them, he shall bear Tracing the defect to the petitioner requires some
the loss, and shall be obliged to return the evidence that there was no tampering with, or
price and refund the expenses of the contract, changing of the animal feeds. The nature of the
with damages; or animal feeds makes it necessarily difficult for the
2) If seller was not aware of them, the seller is respondents to prove that the defect was existing
obliged only to return the price and interest when the product left the premises of the petitioner.
thereon, and reimburse the expenses of the
contract which the buyer might have paid, but A review of the facts of the case would reveal that
not for damages. the petitioner delivered the animal feeds, allegedly
containing rat poison, on July 26, 1993; but it is
astonishing that the respondents had the animal
As a consequence of fortuitous event or through fault of buyer
feeds examined only on October 20, 1993, or barely
1) If the seller was not aware of the hidden three months after their broilers and hogs had died.
defects, the buyer may demand from the seller (Nutrimix Feeds Corp v. CA)
the price which he paid, less the value which
the thing had when it was lost; Neither could the alleged defects of the car door be
2) If the seller acted in bad faith, in addition he sufficient basis to prove that what was delivered to
shall pay damages to the buyer. Spouses Batalla was a secondhand car. As they
admitted, they immediately had a remote-control
Waiver of warranty door mechanism installed. It could not be readily
If there has been a stipulation exempting the seller ascertained whether the defects in the car door were
from hidden defects, then: existing at the time of the car's manufacture or was
1) If the seller was not aware of the hidden caused by the installation of the remote-control door
defects, the loss of the thing by virtue of such system. Thus, the defects in the car door or in the
defect will not make the seller liable at all to paint, neither establish that the car was second hand
nor could it be attributed, to the fault of Honda.
the buyer; or
2) If the seller was fully aware of such defect, such In case of a breach of an implied warranty against
waiver is in bad faith, and the seller would still hidden defects, the buyer may either elect between
be liable for the warranty. withdrawing from the contract and demanding a
proportionate reduction of the price, with damages
Applicability to judicial sales in either case. Here, Spouses Batalla opted to
GR: Applicable to judicial sales withdraw from the contract of sale after their
XPN: The judgment debtor shall not be liable for demand for a replacement car was not granted.
As can be seen, the redhibitory action pursued by
Prescription Spouses Batalla was without basis. For one, it was
not sufficiently proven that the defects of the car vendee would not have purchased the sound
door were important or serious. The hidden defect animal or animals without the defective one.
contemplated under Article 1561 of the Civil Code
is an imperfection or defect of such nature as to The latter case shall be presumed when a team,
engender a certain degree of importance and yoke pair, or set is bought, even if a separate price
not merely one of little consequence. Spouses has been fixed for each one of the animals
Batalla failed to prove that such defect had severely composing the same. (1491)
diminished the roadworthiness of the motor vehicle.
In fact, they admitted that they had no problem as Article 1573. The provisions of the preceding article
to the road worthiness of the car. with respect to the sale of animals shall in like
manner be applicable to the sale of other things.
In addition, it cannot be ascertained whether the (1492)
defects existed at the time of the sale.1âшphi1 As
previously mentioned, a remote control door Article 1574. There is no warranty against hidden
mechanism was immediately installed after the car defects of animals sold at fairs or at public
was delivered to Spouses Batalla. (Spouses Batalla auctions, or of live stock sold as condemned.
v. Prudential Bank) (1493a)
Respondent's complaint filed with the RTC seeks to Article 1575. The sale of animals suffering from
recover from petitioner the money he paid for the contagious diseases shall be void.
vehicle due to the latter's breach of his warranty
against hidden defects under Articles 1547,13 A contract of sale of animals shall also be void if the
1561,14 and 156615 of the Civil Code. The vehicle, use or service for which they are acquired has
after it was delivered to respondent, malfunctioned been stated in the contract, and they are found to
despite repeated repairs by petitioner. Obviously, the be unfit therefor. (1494a)
vehicle has hidden defects. A hidden defect is one
which is unknown or could not have been known to Article 1576. If the hidden defect of animals, even in
the vendee. case a professional inspection has been made, should
be of such a nature that expert knowledge is not
"The evidence clearly shows that Flores [now sufficient to discover it, the defect shall be
respondent] was justified in opting to rescind the considered as redhibitory.
sale given the hidden defects of the vehicle,
allowance for the repair of which he patiently But if the veterinarian, through ignorance or bad
extended, but which repair did not turn out to be faith should fail to discover or disclose it, he shall
satisfactory. be liable for damages. (1495)
It is well within respondent's right to recover Article 1577. The redhibitory action, based on the
damages from petitioner who committed a breach of faults or defects of animals, must be brought within
warranty against hidden defects. Article 1599 of the forty days from the date of their delivery to the
Civil Code partly provides: vendee.
"Article 1599. Where there is a breach of warranty This action can only be exercised with respect to
by the seller, the buyer may, at his election: faults and defects which are determined by law or by
local customs. (1496a)
Article 1578. If the animal should die within three
(4) Rescind the contract of sale and refuse to receive days after its purchase, the vendor shall be liable
the goods, or if the goods have already been if the disease which cause the death existed at
received, return them or offer to return them to the the time of the contract. (1497a)
seller and recover the price or any part thereof which
has been paid. Article 1579. If the sale be rescinded, the animal
shall be returned in the condition in which it was
When the buyer has claimed and been granted a sold and delivered, the vendee being answerable
remedy in anyone of these ways, no other remedy for any injury due to his negligence, and not arising
can thereafter be granted, without prejudice to the from the redhibitory fault or defect. (1498)
provisions of the second paragraph of Article 1191.
(Supercars v. Flores) Article 1580. In the sale of animals with redhibitory
defects, the vendee shall also enjoy the right
Redhibitory defects of animals mentioned in article 1567; but he must make use
Article 1572. If two or more animals are sold thereof within the same period which has been
together, whether for a lump sum or for a separate fixed for the exercise of the redhibitory action.
price for each of them, the redhibitory defect of (1499)
one shall only give rise to its redhibition, and not
that of the others; unless it should appear that the Article 1581. The form of sale of large cattle shall
be governed by special laws. (n)
the seller knows or ought to know that it is usual to shall be equivalent to a warranty
insure, the seller must give such notice to the buyer registration with the manufacturer,
as may enable him to insure them during their producer, or importer. Such registration
transit, and, if the seller fails to do so, the goods shall is sufficient to hold the manufacturer,
be deemed to be at his risk during such transit. (n) producer, or importer liable, in appropriate
ARTICLES 66 TO 73 OF THE CONSUMER cases, under its warranty.
ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES 2) Failure to make or send report. — Failure of
the distributor to make the report or send
REPUBLIC ACT No. 7394 them the form required by the
Consumer Act of the Philippines manufacturer, producer, or importer shall
ARTICLE 66. Implementing Agency. — The relieve the latter of its liability under the
Department of Trade and Industry, shall strictly warranty: Provided, however, That the
enforce the provision of this Chapter and its distributor who failed to comply with its
implementing rules and regulations. obligation to send the sales report shall be
personally liable under the warranty.
ARTICLE 67. Applicable Law on Warranties. — The For this purpose, the manufacturer shall be
provisions of the Civil Code on conditions and obligated to make good the warranty at the
warranties shall govern all contracts of sale with expense of the distributor.
conditions and warranties. 3) Retail. — The retailer shall be subsidiarily
liable under the warranty in case of
ARTICLE 68. Additional Provisions on Warranties. — In failure of both the manufacturer and
addition to the Civil Code provisions on sale with distributor to honor the warranty. In
warranties, the following provisions shall govern such case, the retailer shall shoulder the
the sale of consumer products with warranty: expenses and costs necessary to honor the
warranty. Nothing therein shall prevent
a) Terms of express warranty. — Any seller or the retailer from proceeding against the
manufacturer who gives an express warranty distributor or manufacturer.
1) set forth the terms of warranty in clear and SUMMARY
readily understandable language and Hierarchy of liability
clearly identify himself as the 1) manufacturer, producer, or importer of
warrantor; the product sold – liable if a sales report is
2) identify the party to whom the warranty presented by the distributor
is extended; 2) distributor – personally liable if there is
3) state the products or parts covered; failure to make or send report
4) state what the warrantor will do in the 3) retailer - subsidiarily liable under the
event of a defect, malfunction of failure warranty in case of failure of both the
to conform to the written warranty and at manufacturer and distributor to honor the
whose expense; warranty.
5) state what the consumer must do to
avail of the rights which accrue to the 4) Enforcement of warranty or guarantee. — The
warranty; and warranty rights can be enforced by
6) stipulate the period within which, after presentment of a claim. To this end, the
notice of defect, malfunction or failure to purchaser needs only to present to the
conform to the warranty, the warrantor will immediate seller either the warranty card
perform any obligation under the warranty. or the official receipt along with the
b) Express warranty — operative from moment of sale. product to be serviced or returned to
— All written warranties or guarantees issued the immediate seller. No other
by a manufacturer, producer, or importer shall documentary requirement shall be
be operative from the moment of sale. demanded from the purchaser. If the
1) Sales Report. — All sales made by immediate seller is the manufacturer’s
distributors of products covered by this factory or showroom, the warranty shall
Article shall be reported to the immediately be honored. If the product
manufacturer, producer, or importer of was purchased from a distributor, the
the product sold within thirty (30) days distributor shall likewise immediately
from date of purchase, unless otherwise honor the warranty. In the case of a
agreed upon. The report shall contain, retailer other than the distributor, the
among others, the date of purchase, model former shall take responsibility without
of the product bought, its serial number, cost to the buyer of presenting the
name and address of the buyer. The report warranty claim to the distributor in the
made in accordance with this provision consumer’s behalf.
the purchase price as has been paid, fine of not less than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) but
including damages. not more than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or an
imprisonment of not less than three (3) months but
not more than two (2) years or both upon the
ARTICLE 69. Warranties in Supply of Services. — discretion of the court. A second conviction under this
a) In every contract for the supply of services to paragraph shall also carry with it the penalty or
a consumer made by a seller in the course of a revocation of his business permit and license.
business, there is an implied warranty that the b) Any person, natural or juridical, committing any of
service will be rendered with due care and the illegal acts provided for in Chapter III, except with
skill and that any material supplied in respect to Article 67, shall be liable for a fine of not
connection with such services will be less than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) but not
reasonably fit for the purpose for which it more than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or
is supplied. imprisonment for a period of at least one (1) year but
b) Where a seller supplies consumer services in not more than five (5) years, or both, at the discretion
the course of a business and the consumer, of the court.
expressly or by implication, makes known to
the seller the particular purpose for which The imposition of any of the penalties herein provided
the services are required, there is an implied is without prejudice to any liability incurred under the
warranty that the services supplied under warranty or guarantee.
the contract and any material supplied in
connection therewith will be reasonably fit GROUNDS FOR EXTINGUISHMENT OF
for that purpose or are of such a nature or SALE
quality that they might reasonably be expected
to achieve that result, unless the circumstances Article 1600
show that the consumer does not rely or that it Sales are extinguished by the same causes as all other
is unreasonable for him to rely, on the seller’s obligations, by those stated in the preceding articles
skill or judgment. of this Title, and by conventional or legal
redemption. (1506)
ARTICLE 70. Professional Services. — The provisions
of this Act on warranty shall not apply to Causes for extinguishment of sale
professional services of certified public 1) Common - those causes that are also the
accountants, architects, engineers, lawyers, means of extinguishing all other contracts.
veterinarians, optometrists, pharmacists, nurses,
nutritionists, dietitians, physical therapists, Article 1231. Obligations are extinguished:
salesmen, medical and dental practitioners and
other professionals engaged in their respective (1) By payment or performance;
professional endeavors. (2) By the loss of the thing due;
(3) By the condonation or remission of the debt;
(4) By the confusion or merger of the rights of
ARTICLE 71. Guaranty of Service Firms. — Service
creditor and debtor;
firms shall guarantee workmanship and replacement of
(5) By compensation;
spare parts for a period not less than ninety (90) days (6) By novation.
which shall be indicated in the pertinent invoices.
Other causes of extinguishment of obligations, such
ARTICLE 72. Prohibited Acts. — The following acts as annulment, rescission, fulfillment of a
are prohibited: resolutory condition, and prescription, are
governed elsewhere in this Code. (1156a)
a) refusal without any valid legal cause by the
total manufacturer or any person obligated Payment or performance only extinguishes the
under the warranty or guarantee to honor a obligations to which they pertain to in a contract of
warranty or guarantee issued; sale, but not necessarily the contract itself, since the
b) unreasonable delay by the local manufacturer relationship between buyer and seller remains after
or any person obligated under the warranty or performance or payment, such as the continuing
guarantee in honoring the warranty; enforceability of the warranties of the seller.
c) removal by any person of a product’s
warranty card for the purpose of evading said 2) Special - causes that are recognized by the law
warranty obligation; of sales
d) any false representation in an advertisement 3) Extra-special - those causes that are given
as to the existence of a warranty or guarantee. special discussion by the Civil Code and these are
conventional redemption; and
ARTICLE 73. Penalties. — a) Any person who shall legal redemption.
violate the provisions of Article 67 shall be subject to
CONVENTIONAL REDEMPTION (1) The expenses of the contract, and any other
legitimate payments made by reason of the sale;
(2) The necessary and useful expenses made on
Conventional redemption - right which the vendor
the thing sold. (1518)
reserves to himself, to reacquire the property sold
provided he returns to the vendee the price of the Conventional redemption shall take place when the
sale, the expenses of the contract, any other seller reserved for himself the right to repurchase the
legitimate payments made therefor and the necessary thing sold, with the obligation to: (David v. David)
and useful expenses made on the thing sold (Art. 1) return the price of the sale,
1616.), and fulfills other stipulations which may have 2) the expenses of the contract,
been agreed upon.
3) any other legitimate payments made by reason
of the sale, and
Sale with right to repurchase - title and ownership of
4) the necessary and useful expenses made on the
the property sold are immediately vested in the vendee,
thing sold.
subject to the resolutory condition of repurchase by the
vendor within the stipulated period. A sale with right
to repurchase is governed by Article 1601 of the Civil The contract shall be presumed to be an equitable
Code. mortgage, in any of the following cases:
Right of Option to purchase
(1) When the price of a sale with right to
As to its nature Part of the main Generally a principal repurchase is unusually inadequate;
contract and cannot contract, albeit (2) When the vendor remains in possession as
exist unless reserved preparatory and may lessee or otherwise;
at the time of the be created
perfection of the independent of (3) When upon or after the expiration of the right
contract of sale another contract to repurchase another instrument extending the
As to its existence Must be embedded May exist prior to or period of redemption or granting a new period
in a contract of sale after the perfection
at its perfection of the sale, or be is executed;
embedded in another (4) When the purchaser retains for himself a part
contract upon that of the purchase price;
contract’s perfection
As to necessity of Does not need a Must have a (5) When the vendor binds himself to pay the
consideration separate consideration taxes on the thing sold;
consideration to be separate and distinct (6) In any other case where it may be fairly inferred
valid and effective from the purchase
price that the real intention of the parties is that the
As to period Redemption period An option right may transaction shall secure the payment of a debt or the
cannot exceed 10 exceed 10 years performance of any other obligation.
As to requirement of Required notice to Requires only a
notice be accompanied by a notice of such In any of the foregoing cases, any money, fruits, or
tender of payment or exercise be given the other benefit to be received by the vendee as rent
consignment when optioner
tender of payment
or otherwise shall be considered as interest which
cannot be made shall be subject to the usury laws. (n)
Equitable mortgage - one which although lacking in or mortgage, or dispose of them; any stipulation to the
some formality, or form or words, or other requisites contrary is null and void.
demanded by a statute, nevertheless reveals the
intention of the parties to charge real property as Elements of pactum commissorium
security for a debt, and contains nothing impossible or 1) There should be a property mortgaged by
contrary to law. way of security for the payment of the
principal obligation;
Requisites (Kings Properties v. Galido) 2) There should be a stipulation for automatic
1) The parties entered into a contract appropriation by the creditor of the thing
denominated as a contract of sale; and mortgaged in case of non-payment of the
2) Their intention was to secure existing debt by principal obligation within the stipulated
way of a mortgage. period, and which thereby enable the
mortgagee to acquire ownership of the
Presumption (Kings Properties v. Galido) mortgaged property without any foreclosure
In order for the presumption of equitable mortgage to proceedings.
apply, there must be:
1) something in the language of the contract; or Proper remedies (Montevirgin v. CA)
2) Something in the conduct of the parties which The proper remedy if the borrower refuses to pay the
shows clearly and beyond doubt that they “price” is to foreclose on the mortgage. In such a case,
intended the contract to be a mortgage and not the return of the redemption price would be equivalent
a pacto de retro sale. to the payment of the principal loan, which has the
effect of extinguishing the equitable mortgage as an
In case of doubt, a contract purporting to be a sale ancillary security contract.
with right to repurchase shall be considered as an
equitable mortgage. In a contract of mortgage, the Period of redemption
mortgagor merely subjects the property to a lien, but Article 1606
the ownership and possession thereof are retained by The right referred to in article 1601, in the absence
him. (Saclolo v. Marquito) of an express agreement, shall last four years from
the date of the contract.
In determining whether a deed absolute in form is a
mortgage, the court is not limited to the written Should there be an agreement, the period cannot
memorials of the transaction. The decisive factor in exceed ten years.
evaluating such agreement is the intention of the
However, the vendor may still exercise the right to
parties, as shown not necessarily by the terminology repurchase within thirty days from the time final
used in the contract but by all the surrounding judgment was rendered in a civil action on the
circumstances, such as the relative situation of the basis that the contract was a true sale with right
parties at that time, the attitude acts, conduct, to repurchase. (1508a)
declarations of the parties, the negotiations between
them leading to the deed, and generally, all pertinent Rules on period for conventional redemption
facts having a tendency to fix and determine the real 1) If agreed upon - the period cannot exceed
nature of their design and understanding. (Spouses ten years; if it exceeds 10 years, the agreement
Raymundo v. Spouses Bandong) is only valid for the first 10 years.
2) If not agreed upon - four years from the
The presence of even one of the circumstances date of the contract
enumerated in Article 1602, and not a concurrence or 3) After finality of judgment of a civil action
an overwhelming number thereof, suffices. (San filed – 30 days from the time of final
Pedro v. Lee) judgment
In case of real property, the consolidation of each of them except for his own share, whether
ownership in the vendee by virtue of the failure of the thing be undivided, or it has been partitioned
the vendor to comply with the provisions of article among them.
1616 shall not be recorded in the Registry of
Property without a judicial order, after the But if the inheritance has been divided, and the thing
vendor has been duly heard. (n) sold has been awarded to one of the heirs, the action
for redemption may be instituted against him for the
Article 1607 abolished automatic consolidation of whole. (1517)
ownership in the buyer a retro upon expiration of the
redemption period by requiring the buyer to institute Article 1617. If at the time of the execution of the
an action for consolidation where the vendor a retro sale there should be on the land, visible or
may be duly heard. growing fruits, there shall be no reimbursement
for or prorating of those existing at the time of
redemption, if no indemnity was paid by the
Other rules purchaser when the sale was executed.
Article 1608. The vendor may bring his action
against every possessor whose right is derived Should there have been no fruits at the time of the
from the vendee, even if in the second contract no sale and some exist at the time of redemption,
mention should have been made of the right to they shall be prorated between the redemptioner
repurchase, without prejudice to the provisions of and the vendee, giving the latter the part
the Mortgage Law and the Land Registration Law corresponding to the time he possessed the land in
with respect to third persons. (1510) the last year, counted from the anniversary of the
date of the sale. (1519a)
Article 1609. The vendee is subrogated to the
vendor's rights and actions. (1511) SUMMARY
Rules on fruits
Article 1610. The creditors of the vendor cannot 1) When there is a sharing agreement – shall
make use of the right of redemption against the be respected
vendee, until after they have exhausted the 2) When there is no sharing agreement
property of the vendor. (1512) Existing at the time of the
execution of the sale - no
Article 1611. In a sale with a right to repurchase, the reimbursement for or prorating
vendee of a part of an undivided immovable who of those existing at the time of
acquires the whole thereof in the case of article 498, redemption, if no indemnity
may compel the vendor to redeem the whole was paid by the purchaser when
property, if the latter wishes to make use of the right the sale was executed.
of redemption. (1513) no fruits at the time of the sale
and some exist at the time of
Article 1612. If several persons, jointly and in the redemption - prorated between
same contract, should sell an undivided the redemptioner and the vendee
immovable with a right of repurchase, none of
them may exercise this right for more than his Article 1618. The vendor who recovers the thing sold
respective share. shall receive it free from all charges or mortgages
constituted by the vendee, but he shall respect
The same rule shall apply if the person who sold an the leases which the latter may have executed in
immovable alone has left several heirs, in which good faith, and in accordance with the custom of the
case each of the latter may only redeem the part place where the land is situated. (1520)
which he may have acquired. (1514)
Article 1613. In the case of the preceding article, the
vendee may demand of all the vendors or co-
heirs that they come to an agreement upon the Legal redemption - right to be subrogated upon the
repurchase of the whole thing sold; and should same terms and conditions stipulated in the contract,
they fail to do so, the vendee cannot be in the place of one who acquires a thing by purchase or
compelled to consent to a partial redemption. dation in payment, or by any other transaction whereby
(1515) ownership is transmitted by onerous title.
As to how it can be Can only be Does not have to be not exceed one hectare, is alienated, unless
constituted constituted by expressly reserved (it
express reservation is a right granted by the grantee does not own any rural land.
in a contract of sale law), and covers sales
at time of perfection and other “onerous This right is not applicable to adjacent lands
transfers of title”
As to who It is in favor of the Given to a third
which are separated by brooks, drains,
possesses the right seller party to the sale ravines, roads and other apparent servitudes
As to effect The exercise of the The exercise of the for the benefit of other estates.
right a retro legal right of
extinguishes the redemption,
underlying contract although it If two or more adjoining owners desire to
of sale as though extinguishes the exercise the right of redemption at the same
there was never any original sale, actually
contract at all constitutes a new
time, the owner of the adjoining land of
sale in substitution of smaller area shall be preferred; and should
the original sale. both lands have the same area, the one who
first requested the redemption. (1523a)
Rules under the Civil Code
1) Among co-heirs (Art 1088) In order for the right of redemption to apply,
Article 1088. Should any of the heirs sell his both lands sought to be redeemed and the
hereditary rights to a stranger before the adjacent property belonging to the person
partition, any or all of the co-heirs may be exercising the right of redemption must be
subrogated to the rights of the purchaser rural lands; if one or both are urban lands, the
by reimbursing him for the price of the right under Article 1621 cannot be invoked.
sale, provided they do so within the period
of one month from the time they were
4) Among adjoining owners of urban land
notified in writing of the sale by the
vendor. (1067a) ARTICLE 1622. Whenever a piece of urban
land which is so small and so situated that
a major portion thereof cannot be used
2) Among co-owners
for any practical purpose within a
Article 1620. A co-owner of a thing may reasonable time, having been bought
exercise the right of redemption in case merely for speculation, is about to be re-sold,
the shares of all the other co-owners or of the owner of any adjoining land has a
any of them, are sold to a third person. If right of pre-emption at a reasonable
the price of the alienation is grossly price.
excessive, the redemptioner shall pay only a
reasonable one. If the re-sale has been perfected, the owner
of the adjoining land shall have a right of
Should two or more co-owners desire to redemption, also at a reasonable price.
exercise the right of redemption, they may
only do so in proportion to the share they When two or more owners of adjoining
may respectively have in the thing owned in lands wish to exercise the right of pre-
common. (1522a) emption or redemption, the owner whose
intended use of the land in question
The right of redemption to be exercised, appears best justified shall be preferred.
co-ownership must exist at the time of the (n)
conveyance is made by a co-owner and the
redemption is demanded by the other co- 5) Sale of credit in litigation
owner or co-owners. When a credit or other incorporeal right in
litigation is sold, the debtor shall have a right
By a co-heir By a co-owner to extinguish it by reimbursing the
An heir may validly Redemption by a co- assignee for the price the latter paid
redeem for himself owner of the therefor, the judicial costs incurred by him,
alone the hereditary property owned in and the interest on the price from the day
rights sold by common, even when on which the same was paid. The debtor
another co-heir. he uses his own fund,
may exercise his right within 30 days from the
within the period
prescribed by law date the assignee demands payment from him.
inures to the benefit
of all the other co- When to exercise
owners Article 1623. The right of legal pre-emption or
redemption shall not be exercised except within
3) Among adjoining owners of rural lands thirty days from the notice in writing by the
Article 1621. The owners of adjoining lands prospective vendor, or by the vendor, as the case
shall also have the right of redemption when may be. The deed of sale shall not be recorded in the
a piece of rural land, the area of which does Registry of Property, unless accompanied by an
affidavit of the vendor that he has given written
notice thereof to all possible redemptioners.
enforcement or satisfaction of the credit. The transfer 4) The copyright is not deemed assigned inter vivos
of rights takes place upon perfection of the contract, in whole or in part unless there is a written
and ownership of the right, including all appurtenant indication of such intention.
accessory rights, is thereupon acquired by the assignee. 5) where an assignor executed a Deed of
The assignment binds the debtor only upon acquiring Assignment covering her leasehold rights in
knowledge of the assignment but he is entitled, even order to secure the payment of promissory
then, to raise against the assignee the same defenses he notes covering the loan she obtained from the
could set up against the assignor. bank, the Court held that such assignment is
equivalent to an equitable mortgage, and the
Assignment Sale non-payment of the loan cannot authorize the
As to consideration Consideration is not Consideration is a
always a requisite requisite assignee to register the assigned leasehold
As to the parties Assignor and Vendor and vendee rights in its name as it would be a violation of
Assignee Article 2088 of the Civil Code against pactum
As to transfer of Tradition, except Tradition
ownership actual or physical commissorium. The proper remedy of the
delivery assignee-bank is to proceed to foreclose on the
As to subject Intangible Tangible
matter leasehold right assigned as security for the loan.
As to perfection Mere consent (DBP v. CA)
As to accessories Both include all the accessory rights, such as
and accessions a guaranty, mortgage, pledge or preference.
As to warranties Generally has no Applicable Warranties
against hidden application to an Article 1628. The vendor in good faith shall be
defects intangible because it
has no physical responsible for the existence and legality of the
existence credit at the time of the sale, unless it should have
been sold as doubtful; but not for the solvency of
Conventional Assignment of credit the debtor, unless it has been so expressly stipulated
subrogation or unless the insolvency was prior to the sale and of
Extinguishes the old There is mere transfer of common knowledge.
obligation and creates a the same right or credit
new one Even in these cases he shall only be liable for the
Requires the debtor’s Does not require the price received and for the expenses specified in No.
consent debtor’s consent 1 of article 1616.
(notification is
sufficient) The vendor in bad faith shall always be answerable
The defect of the old The defect in the credit for the payment of all expenses, and for damages.
obligation may be cured or right is not cured (1529)
in such a way that the simply by assigning the
new obligation becomes same Assignment does not make the assignor warrant the
entirely valid solvency of the debtor to the credit, unless:
There is no right to The debtor generally still 1) There is a stipulation to that effect; or
present against the new has the right to present 2) b. The insolvency of the debtor was prior to
creditor any defense against the new creditor the assignment and of common knowledge.
which he, the debtor, any defense available as
could have set up against against old creditor But even when the assignor warrants the solvency of
the creditor the debtor, the warranty should last for one (1) year
only, from the time of the assignment if the credit is
already due; otherwise, the warranty shall cease only
1) Where the assignment is on account of pure
one (1) year after the maturity of the credit.
liberality on the part of the assignor, the rules
on donation would likewise be pertinent;
Right to redeem
where valuable consideration is involved, the
The right to redeem can be exercised by the debtor
assignment partakes of the nature of a contract
within thirty (30) days from the demand by the
of sale or purchase.
assignee for payment. This right shall not exist with
2) The “binding effect” of an assignment as to
respect to the following assignments which the law
third persons is not present unless it appears in
considers not for speculation:
a public instrument, or the instrument is
1) Assignment of the credit or incorporeal right
recorded in the Registry of Property in case the
to the co-heir or co-owner of the rights
assignment involves real rights.
3) When the assignment is still at the executory
2) Assignment to a creditor in payment for his
stage and not evidenced in writing, and since
own credit; and
assignment is merely a species of the genus
3) Assignment to the possessor of a tenement or
sale, it is covered by the Statute of Frauds.
piece of land which is subject to the right in
litigation assigned.
relieve poor farmers from harsh consequences of their Lessees may suspend the payment of rent under Art.
contracts with rich landowners. 1658 of the Civil Code only if their legal possession
is disrupted.
Rules on sublease
Article 1649. The lessee cannot assign the lease After termination, Racelis demanded that Sps. Javier
without the consent of the lessor, unless there is a vacate the premises, but instead of surrendering the
stipulation to the contrary. (n) premises to Racelis, Sps. Javier unlawfully withheld
the possession of the property. They continue to stay
Article 1650. When in the contract of lease of things in the premises until they move to their new
there is no express prohibition, the lessee may residence later. At that point, Racelis was no longer
sublet the thing leased, in whole or in part, obligated to maintain Sps. Javier in peaceful and
without prejudice to his responsibility for the adequate enjoyment of the lease for the entire
performance of the contract toward the lessor. duration of the contract. Therefore, they cannot use
(1550) the disconnection of electrical service as justification
to suspend the payment of rent. (Racelis v. Javier)
Article 1651. Without prejudice to his obligation
toward the sublessor, the sublessee is bound to the Extension of the lease period
lessor for all acts which refer to the use and Article 1670. If at the end of the contract the lessee
preservation of the thing leased in the manner should continue enjoying the thing leased for
stipulated between the lessor and the lessee. fifteen days with the acquiescence of the lessor,
(1551) and unless a notice to the contrary by either party
has previously been given, it is understood that there
Article 1652. The sublessee is subsidiarily liable to is an implied new lease, not for the period of the
the lessor for any rent due from the lessee. However, original contract, but for the time established in
the sublessee shall not be responsible beyond the articles 1682 and 1687. The other terms of the
amount of rent due from him, in accordance with original contract shall be revived. (1566a)
the terms of the sublease, at the time of the extra-
judicial demand by the lessor. Article 1671. If the lessee continues enjoying the
thing after the expiration of the contract, over the
Payments of rent in advance by the sublessee shall lessor's objection, the former shall be subject to
be deemed not to have been made, so far as the the responsibilities of a possessor in bad faith. (n)
lessor's claim is concerned, unless said payments
were effected in virtue of the custom of the place. Article 1682. The lease of a piece of rural land, when
(1552a) its duration has not been fixed, is understood to
have been for all the time necessary for the gathering
Article 1653. The provisions governing warranty, of the fruits which the whole estate leased may yield
contained in the Title on Sales, shall be applicable in one year, or which it may yield once, although
to the contract of lease. two or more years have to elapse for the purpose.
In the cases where the return of the price is required,
reduction shall be made in proportion to the time Article 1687. If the period for the lease has not
during which the lessee enjoyed the thing. (1553) been fixed, it is understood to be from year to
year, if the rent agreed upon is annual; from month
Remedies by the lessee to month, if it is monthly; from week to week, if
Article 1658. The lessee may suspend the payment the rent is weekly; and from day to day, if the rent is
of the rent in case the lessor fails to make the to be paid daily. However, even though a monthly
necessary repairs or to maintain the lessee in rent is paid, and no period for the lease has been set,
peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the property the courts may fix a longer term for the lease after
leased. (n) the lessee has occupied the premises for over one
year. If the rent is weekly, the courts may likewise
Article 1659. If the lessor or the lessee should not determine a longer period after the lessee has been
comply with the obligations set forth in articles 1654 in possession for over six months. In case of daily
and 1657, the aggrieved party may ask for the rent, the courts may also fix a longer period after the
rescission of the contract and indemnification for lessee has stayed in the place for over one month.
damages, or only the latter, allowing the contract to (1581a)
remain in force. (1556)
A sublessee, much less a mere occupant, is not entitled
Art. 1658 of the Civil Code allows a lessee to postpone to the benefits in Art 1687
payment of rent if the lessor fails to either: (Racelis v.
Javier) An implied new lease or tacita reconduccion will set in
1) Make the Necessary Repairs on the property; when the following requisites are found to exist:
or, (Samelo v. Manotok)
2) Maintain the Lessee in Peaceful an Adequate 1) The term of the original contract of lease has
Enjoyment of the property leased expired;
2) The lessor has not given the lessee a notice to during the relevant time. In this regard, we find it
vacate; and significant that it was only on June 20, 2003, or three
3) The lessee continued enjoying the thing leased (3) years after the last payment of the monthly
for fifteen days with the acquiescence of the rentals, that Zosima filed the complaint for unlawful
lessor; detainer against Salimbagat. It does not help that
4) Notice to the contrary by either party should Zosima failed to adduce any additional evidence to
rebut the allegation that by April 2000, no office
not have been previously given;
building stood to be leased because it had been
5) No express contract has been entered into after
demolished to pave way for the construction of the
the old contract has ended. LRT Line II Project. (Zosima v. Salimbagat)