WRC 532-2009
WRC 532-2009
WRC 532-2009
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ISSN 0043-2326
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 85-647116
Library of Congress
Catalog Card Number: 85-647116
Copyright © 2009 by
Welding Research Council, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U. S. A
In recent years there has been increasing need to acquire technology for the safe handling
of hydrogen for petroleum and other energy related applications. The pace ofresearch into
metal/hydrogen interactions accelerated at the start of the space age due to the hydrogen's
efficiency per unit weight as a rocket fuel. Practical applications called for hydrogen to be
transported and used at high pressures thereby increasing its hazard potential. Exotic and
expensive alloys could be used to put astronauts into space because cost was of little concern
where safety was an issue. For most conventional applications steel is still the practical choice.
It has been long recognized that at ordinary and elevated temperatures hydrogen can be
destructive to steels, not just to high-strength steels, but also to steels of ordinary strength levels.
Hydrogen's capability to enter and then diffuse through the metallic lattice, accelerated by stress
gradients and seeking out points of weakness where it can concentrate or react, renders it capable
of destroying pressure retaining metals from the inside where damage defies detection and until
it is too late and the pressure containment as failed or is no longer safe.
This Welding Research Council (WRC) Bulletin is part of a series that captures the
essential studies of the interaction of steel-hydrogen interactions in recent years. Topics include
Modern Vanadium Steels.for High Temperature Petroleum Reactors ( # 524), Fabrication and Repair of
Low Alloy Steel Pressure Equipment ( # 525), Performance of Steels in Hydrogen Charging
Environments ( # 526), Practical Aspects of Hydrogen Attack ( # 527), Test Method~ for Hydrogen
Induced Cracking ( # 530), Metallurgical Studies of Steels for Sour Service Environments ( # 532),
Studies of Cladding and Overlay for Pressure Vessel Service ( # 534), and Toughness, Fracture and
Fitness.for Hydrogen Service ( #
The papers included have been presented at international conferences sponsored by WRC' s sister
organization the Materials Properties Council Inc. (MPC). The technology reported in this series provides
a comprehensive view of practical solutions to engineering problems and advances in the knowledge
about hydrogen and steel interactions.
Table of Contents
H 2 S ENVIRONMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 1
M. L. Bullen, M. J. Humphries, R. D. Merrick
A. Streisselberger, V. Schwinn
RESISTANCE .................................................................................................................................................................. 59
L. Coudreuse, C. Zrnudzinski, J. Charles, and L. Cadiou
H. Margot-Marette, J.C. Charbonnier, L. Coudreuse, and J. Charles
M. L Bullen
Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
Florham Park, New Jersey, U.S.A.
M. J. Humphries
Essa Production Malaysia
Kemasek, Malaysia
R. D. Merrick
Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
Florham Park, New Jersey, U.S.A.
equivalent hardness of 205 BHN. These data suggest that operation and discontinuity stresses at nozzles and
cracking can be expected even though the macrohardness attachments in a PWHT'd vessel. The performance of the
criteria of NACE RP-04-72 are met. steels at the 50% 'fS is felt to be the key to assessing
whether the PWHT can prevent SOHIC. The 903 yield
Intergranular Cracking. Inspection of the shell of stress level is typical of a non-PWHT weldment and was
a heat exchanger cooling the overhead stream from the selected to demonstrate the worse case cracking.
fractionator on a fluid catalytic cracking unit found
numerous cracks near main seam welds and between the It should be noted that the tests were designed to
welds attaching a slip-on flange. This cracking was produce SOHIC in a short time period (30 days) and so
unlike the previous samples examined. The cracks were employed severe test conditions. First, the NACE
in base metal with an "as-rolled" microstructure, and TM-01-77 environment has a high hydrogen activity.
were intergranular and branched as shown in Figures 7 Secondly, the test specimens were completely immersed in
and 8. The deposits in the cracks were primarily oxides the test solution. In a pressure vessel only one side
with only a minor amount of sulfur present. In addition of the vessel wall is exposed to the wet H2S environ-
to the large crack there were a number of shallow cracks ment. Lastly, the test specimens are very thin (0.25
with similar morphology. The microhardness reading inches [6 mm]). In contrast, pressure vessel walls are
(converted to BHN) around the crack was less than 150 typically 0.5 inch (12 mm) or thicker.
Test Results
This cracking is not typical of sulfide stress The tests were evaluated by sectioning the specimen
cracking but does have the characteristics of an anodic longitudinally and examining the microstructure to
mechanism such as caustic, amine and carbonate cracking. determine quantity and the degree of stacking of inter-
Of these the only possibility is carbonate cracking from nal blister cracks. The stacking of the internal
the C02 produced in the cracking process. However, this blister cracks has been observed as a precursor to SOHIC
needs to be confirmed by similar experiences in other (13). After the stacking, link-up of the blisters and,
refineries. ultimately, failure occurs. For this reason conditions
which cause stacking of the internal blister cracks are
Hydrogen Induced Cracking. A second sample from considered to cause SOHIC failures as well.
the Absorber Oeethanizer showed that crack extension by
HIC was also occurring. This is shown in Figures 9, 10 Reviewing the photomicrographs of the cross-sec-
and 11. The crack shown in Figure 9 initiated at a very tions (Figure 12) for the two solutions, it is apparent
hard zone (> 300 BHN) associated with a repair weld the NACE TM-01-77 solution is the more severe environ-
adjacent to an original weld. This was a sulfide stress ment. More internal blistering is observed with the
~rack which changed from transgranular to HIC when it NACE TM-01-77 solution and stacking of the blisters is
~ntered the low hardness base metal. The extension of observed at lower (303 of the yield strength) for the
;he cracking by HIC is clearly shown in Figure 10 and ASTM A285 grade steel. However, for both steels and in
1. This type of crack extension has been described in both solutions, stacking of the internal blisters was
Ghe literature (9,10,11). As illustrated by this observed at stress levels of 503 of the yield strength
sample, small "hydrogen blisters" tend to stack in the and above.
through thickness direction at areas of stress concen-
tration. In this case the stress concentration is DISCUSSION
provided by the sulfide stress crack. In the investiga-
tion of a pipeline failure by this mechanism the phenom- The findings from the inspection program have shown
ena was aptly called SOHIC, stress oriented hydrogen that significant cracks exist in pressure vessels in wet
induced cracking (ll). SOHIC has been found frequently hydrogen sulfide service which have not previously been
in the common API grades of pipeline steels but has only detected by the commonly-used inspection methods. The
recently been reported associated with a pressure vessel application of WFMT inspection will detect these cracks.
failure (12). Since there is no technique to establish the age of the
cracks found, the blunt ends of the cracks, Figures 2
Laboratory Testing and 5, would suggest that they have been present for
A limited laboratory test program was run to eval- some time. It can be concluded that the cracks formed
uate the threshold stress required to cause SOHIC. early in the life of the equipment and had ceased to
Specifically testing was aimed at determining whether propagate. The cracking is only now being detected by
postweld heat treatment (PWHT) would prevent SOHIC. Two applying an improved inspection tool. The question
steels (an ASTM A-285 and A-515 grade steel), from remains, 'how detrimental is the cracking?'.
scrapped pressure vessels, were exposed to stressed
conditions per the procedures in NACE TM-01-77, Sulfide Stress Cracking
of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking It has been the belief of the petroleum refining
Ambient Temperatures. In addition to the acidified, industry that controlling the hardness of a steel to 200
HzS-saturated salt solution specified in NACE TM-01-77 a BHN would prevent sulfide stress cracking in process
synthetic refinery solution was also used. This was an equipment. The philosophy is incorporated into both
alkaline solution (pH between 7.8 and 8.2) containing NACE Standard RP-04-72 and API Publication 942 with the
ammonium sulfide ([NH4]2S), potassium cyanide (KCN) and testing conducted by a standard Brinell test using a 10
saturated with H2S (the solution contained 1.0 wt% sul- mm ball. The sulfide stress cracks found in this studv
fide and 0.68 wt% cyanide). Proof Rings, supplied by were in weldments that would pass the Brinell test. The
CorTest, Inc., were used to stress the steels. hard zones were only detected by a microhardness test.
These hard zones also were not detected by a Rockwell B
Three different stress levels, 303, 503, and 903 of hardness test. These documents also imply that the
the actual yield stress (YS), were tested. These stress carbon and carbon-manganese steels will achieve these
levels were uniform across the test specimen. The 303 hardnesses with normal welding procedures using shield
yield stress was chosen to simulate the residual stress metal arc welding. The samples reported here showed
level in a PWHT'd vessel. The 503 yield stress was cho- hardness in both the HAZ 2 and 9) and in
sen to simulate the combined stress level from residual,
the weld metal itself (Figure 6). In these hard areas The Role of PWHT in Eliminating Cracking
sulfide stress cracks initiated. They did, however, The observation that the narrow hard areas associ-
stop when entering soft metal. ated with weldments are susceptible to sulfide stress
cracking has led us to the conclusion that vessels
Intergranular Cracking exposed to wet H2S service should be PWHT'd. PWHT will
The intergranular cracking was not expected in the minimize the probability of cracking from sec by reduc-
catalytic cracking fractionator overhead exchangers. ing both the hardness and residual stresses, both pre-
The cracks look like those found in amine or caustic requisites for SCC. (We have defined wet H2S as a
service. However, neither of these could have been process environment containing water with more than 50
present. The other possibilities are cyanide or carbon- wppm of H2S.)
ate cracking since the fractionator overhead contains
both cyanide and carbon dioxide. Cracking when cyanides Similarly our experience and literature (15) have
are present is generally reported to be transgranular demonstrated that the "carbonate" intergranular stress
(14). Parkins (15) reported intergranular cracking with corrosion cracking mechanism is similar to other types
cyanides, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide present. of alkaline cracking and can be controlled through PWHT.
However in recent discussions Parkins now believes the Furthermore, in the refining industry, equipment con-
cracking was primarily the result of the carbon dioxide taining carbon dioxide (i.e., Fluidized Catalytic
with the hydrogen sulfide and cyanides providing the Cracking Unit and Coker Fractionation and Light Ends
proper environmental conditions. An analysis of the equipment) will also contain more than 50 wppm of H2S.
scale in the cracks showed oxide as the bulk product As a result, equipment in carbonate equipment will be
with only traces of sulfides. The scale in the trans- PWHT'd as protection against sulfide stress cracking and
granular cracks in the hard microstructure was all sul- will not require a unique protection system against
fide. It has been concluded that the cracking is from intergranular ("carbonate" cracking).
the carbon dioxide in the process stream although this
has not been reported previously. In contrast, our laboratory testing has shown that
PWHT is not sufficient to make a vessel immune to SOHIC.
Hydrogen Induced Cracking However, by preventing sulfide stress cracking and
Extension of the sulfide stress cracks by HIC is intergranular (carbonate) cracking (by PWHT), it does
most significant. As mentioned previously this mode of reduce the likelihood of introducing cracks which act as
crack extension has only been recently reported (12) in stress concentrators, a contributor to SOHIC. For
a pressure vessel. The presence of SOHIC in several of maximum confidence alternative approaches are required
the samples examined indicates it is not "one-of-a-kind" to prevent SOHIC. For new projects we have approached
related to unusual conditions. All the conditions it in one of two ways. One approach has been to use a
necessary for SOHIC as presented by Ikeda (13) and Iino clad Type 304 stainless steel construction in wet H2S
(9) were found to exist. These were: services. The Type 304 stainless steel lining prevents
corrosion of the carbon or ferritic steel by the wet H2S
• Soft microstructure environment and thereby eliminates the concern of SOHIC.
• Stress concentrator This approach provides a high degree of confidence that
• Residual welding stress the base metal will be protected, but is also very
• High hydrogen activity costly. Another approach we are exploring is the use of
HIC resistant steels. The philosophy is that these
The crack extension has occurred in the soft base metal "clean" steels do not provide any traps for hydrogen to
where the sulfide stress crack has terminated. This collect and form internal blisters. As indicated, we
sharp crack in non-stress-relieved weldments will con- are still experimenting to define our requirements for a
centrate both the residual welding stresses as well as HIC resistant steel in refinery services. The HIC
the applied process stress. These vessels had a high resistant steel will also be PWHTd as discussed above.
hydrogen activity as shown by the hydrogen blistering
found. The sulfide stress cracking in the shallow, hard CONCLUSIONS
heat affected zones becomes more significant when their
potential to extend by SOHIC is recognized. • The cracking found by WFMT does not represent a new
deterioration mode. It is the detection of cracks
In the limited laboratory test program the presence not detectable with the inspection methods typically
of stacked internal blisters at stress levels in the 50% used in refinery pressure vessels previously.
of yield stress range demonstrates that postweld heat
treatment (PWHT) of equipment will not eliminate SOHIC. • Significant cracks can initiate from very small hard
Equipment which has been PWHT'd will have lower residual zones associated with weldments. The initially
stresses overall. However, at nozzles and other attach- small cracks can extend by the link-up of hydrogen
ments, a stress level above 50% of the yield stress is blisters to create a through-thickness crack.
likely. Consequently, a vessel with PWHT will be sus-
ceptible to SOHIC. • Stress oriented hydrogen induced cracking (SOHIC)
which is common in pipeline steels can occur in the
We acknowledge that the laboratory tests required common grades of pressure vessel steels.
severe testing conditions, most notably high hydrogen
charging rates, to obtain stacking of the internal • Monitoring the hardness of weld metal and heat
blisters at the low stress conditions. However, we affected zone with the Brinell test is not adequate
continue to believe that PWHT is inadequate to prevent to prevent sulfide stress cracking. The laboratory
SOHIC. It is our philosophy that at lower hydrogen and field Brinell test did not detect the small hard
charging (low stress conditions) and longer times that zones that initiated cracks.
stacking of the internal blister cracks may also occur.
This has not yet been confirmed by our inspections. •Thermal stress relief (postweld heat treatment)
appears to be an effective method to reduce sulfide
stress cracking and intergranular cracking.
• Postweld heat treatment (PWHT) of a vessel is not 15. R.N. Parkins, R. Usher, JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMIS-
sufficient to make it immune to SOHIC. Even with TRY, No. 9, September 1959, p. 445.
PWHT there are areas in the vessei with stresses
above the 50% yield stress level where the initia-
tion of cracking has been repeatedly observed in the
accelerated laboratory tests. An alternative
approach is required to prevent SOHIC.
l. R.D. Merrick, MATERIALS PROTECTION, January 1988,
p. 30.
l with microhard-
Crack appears to
be intergranular with transgranular features.
Not typical of sulfide stress cracking. Figure
4 shows detail of cracking. Nital etch. 20X
Equipment Ins ection
Existing Non-PWHT Vessels
History of cracking, blistering or WFMT, 100% of shell and head welds, internal attachment
HIC welds and weld repairs/alterations at next scheduled
Previous welded repairs/alternations WFMT, 100% of weld repairs and alterations of selected
(with/without PWHT) vessels at next scheduled turnaround.
No prior welded repairs/alterations No special inspectin required.
Existing PWHT Vessels
History of cracking WFMT, 100% of shell and head welds, internal attachment
welds, and weld repairs/alterations at next scheduled
History of blistering or HIC WFMT, 100% of weld repairs and alterations and spot
examination of other welds at next scheduled turnaround.
Previous welded repairs/alterations WFMT, 100% of weld repairs and alterations of selected
(with/without PWHT) vessels at next scheduled turnaround.
No prior welded repairs/alterations No special inspection required.
A. Streisselberger, V. Schwinn
Research & Development
Dillinger Hutte GTS
66748 Dillingen/Saar
The usual restrictions in steel chemistry such as Cracking due to uptake of hydrogen in H2 S-bearing
limitation of sulfur content to extreme low values media plays an important role in performance of refinery
(:::; 1O ppm) only help to improve but do not optimize the industry materials, since this phenomenon impairs safety
resistance against H2 S related cracking. Therefore a and efficient operation. The importance of these aspects
special production route that includes each by itself as is demonstrated by many service failures [1 - 4].
well as a combination of one subsequent to the other Especially the catastrophic failure in 1984 at the Union
optimized steps of steel making and plate manufactur- Oil Chicago Refinery where a pressure vessel ruptured
ing was developed. The main production steps are and caused an explosion and fire that killed 17 people
explained. [4] has started a lot of inspection programs in the oil
refining industry. Examples are collected in the literature
As a result of this optimization a new family of [5 - 8]. These inspection programs revealed high portions
unalloyed and low alloyed steels is presented. These of H2 S related cracking in several cases.
steels meet the HIC test demands of modern specifica-
tions, i.e. they can be ordered at 3 different levels of As a result of these investigations the demand for
HIC test acceptance criteria. On principle these steels pressure vessel steeis with additional spE~c1tic rP!rn111m-
are available according to all main pressure vessel steel ments has sharply increased. In case of the replace-
standards. Above all the steel grades according to ment of old and the construction of new vessels so called
ASTM/ASME A/SA516 Gr60, Gr65 and Gr70 and HIC resistant i.e. HIC tested steels are more and more
P275 ... and P355 ... according to EN10028 part 3 are used. For instance the number of customer inquiries
delivered as sour service steels even in case of low for HIC tested pressure vessel steels at Dillinger HOtte
tonnage per ordered lot. has increased ninefold during the last three years.
As inspection HiC Test as defined by NACE Standard
During fabrication of vessels PWHT is generally TM0284 [9] is mostly used. In order to get a more severe
recognized and used to improve resistance against H2 S condition the test solution defined in NACE Standard
related cracking. But special attention must be focussed TM0284 (pH 5) is frequently replaced by the test solution
according to NACE Standard TM0177 [1
In the first part of this paper the current possibilities vessel steels for use in wet H2 S bearing media and fol-
and philosophy regarding the production of pressure lowing theoretical considerations which were described
vessel steels with optimized resistance against HIC are elsewhere [13, 14] optimized series of production steps
presented. It is important to mention that all descrip- have been developed. Typical prescriptions such as re-
tions refer to the production of unalloyed and low alloyed strictions in composition (e.g. sulfur content) or perform-
steels as for instance defined in ASTM/ASME SA/A ing a vacuum and Ca treatment only help to improve
A516 [11] or EN10028 part 3 [12]. the resistance against HIC. The desired optimization of
HIC resistance can only be obtained by an optimization
PWHT is frequently used to reduce cracking ten- of the total processing route during steel making plus
dency in H2 S refinery service. The second part of this plate production. The philosophy of the production of
paper critically points out that PWHT has on the one pressure vessel steels for sour gas applications by Dil-
hand beneficial effects regarding H2 S related cracking linger HOtte makes use of this assessment (Figure1).
resistance, on the other hand, PWHT can have detri-
mental effects on mechanical properties. Steelmaking and Casting
:.0 0.. low sulfur-content
:;::; 0
0.. Ci3
(.) >
(].) low phosphorus-content
:;;:, "O
ctS high cleanness
previous u
sour gas steels .....
vacuum treatment
new sour gas steels
! -------
optimization· of the total
production route
FIGURE 1: Philosophy of production of the new sour service steels
Hot Metal Desulfurization. The production of steel such a way that the probability for crack nucleation is
with high cleanliness is started with the hot metal desul- negligible. As it will be described later a small window
furization. of Ca/S-ratio which is derived from older steel types with
higher sulfur contents looses its relevancy for the very
Converter Treatment The aimed carbon range and low sulfur contents, less than 1O ppm.
a phosphorous content less or equal than 100 ppm are
achieved in a 185 t BOF converter with bottom stirring. Casting. The casting is achieved in a sealed-off
In combination with balanced addition of carbon and system including shrouding of the pouring stream.
manganese these reduced P contents are one precon- Casting can be performed by continuous or ingot casting.
dition for avoiding local hard areas which can be However continuous casting is preferentially used due
favourable sites for crack propagation. to its more homogeneous behaviour over thickness and
length of the cast product. As it will be described later
Vacuum Tank Degassing. The application of a special positioning of specimens should be required in
vacuum tank degassing allows simultaneously a strong case of ingot casting in order to test the worst position.
desulfurization and degassing, that means nitrogen and The main special advantages of the Dillinger vertical
hydrogen removal. In combination with the above bending type CC-machine compared to curved casters
mentioned hot metal desulfurization a maximum sulfur are [16]:
content of 1O ppm is obtained on the final cast. • enhanced refinement of non-metallic inclusions
• no locally enriched areas of non-metallic inclusions
Cleanness Stirring. After vacuum degassing a • exact adjustment of roll alignment for various
cleanness stirring with optimized inertgas ratio is slab thicknesses to minimize center segregation.
performed. As a result, the total oxygen content is re- Furthermore bulging is prevented by an intensive
duced to values of max .. 002 %. cooling that gives low strand surface temperatures. This
practice stiffens the shell of the strand. Additionally it
Shape Control. For inclusion shape control a well should be mentioned that for the continuous casting
defined amount of CaSi cored wire is added. On the machine of Dillinger HC!tte bending of the strand takes
one hand the very low sulfur contents, the cleaness place only after complete solidification.
stirring and the shape control reduce the density of Figure 3 demonstrates that only a vertical caster
potential sites for crack initiation to a minimum level. with bending after complete solidification can guaran-
On the other hand remaining inclusions are modified in tee highest internal steel cleanness and its homogeneity.
• 0 000
• vertical, bending with
liquid core "'" R: Rafi Radius
i 1•t stand (5.Sm-4-high stand)
~~ ~~-
vertical, bending after 0 Work roll : 11 BOmm
_e> complete solidification ~- - Max. torque: 2 x 4500kNm
... 80 0 0
AC synchr. motor
.8 Steel grade : API - X65 (2 x 10900kW)
E Reduction = ..!2..::...'.L (x 100%) Max. force 10BOOOkN
c: Ve 1.0 m/min lo
G' 60 Superheat 25 K
al•t = 1.71 (250->146mm) I 12 passes b) •t = 1.71 (250-146mm) I 3 passes
(j <F-
.5 20
oo aot--t----=;:::;::~;;:?::~7,5:::7,5:::1')~
GI ~
e ts
~ .c
gi eo+-+---77WW77':~~~~
0 e High shape
~ factor rolling
~ ~o;---t----7'~~~)""
loose ~t Fix o
side 4 side §
Slab thickness position u 201+--J-----L-+------+-4
FIGURE 3: Inclusion distribution for different ca-
ster types [ 21 ]
Ratio of reduction of thickness
(Slab thickness/Plate thickness)
FIGURE 4: Optimized production steps in the heavy plate mill for pressure vessels steels with high HIC
Warm Pilling. If necessary an adapted H-effusion As a result of the just explained application of the
treatment is applied immediately after rolling based on optimized production route it is possible to produce
model calculations. steels for pressure vessels with a high level of HIC
resistance, that means low sensitivity for cracking.
Normalizing. The normalizing is performed at well Figure 6 shows the frequency curve of CLR of plates
defined and reproducible conditions. After normalisation produced with narrow tolerances of the target values
the microstructure is more homogeneous and tough, for all production parameters.
that means more capable of resisting crack propagation.
It is important to mention, that in the case where the
Stress Relief respectively Tempering. After above outlined specific production route is applied there
normalisation a simulated stress relief treatment re- is no demand for an extreme lowering of the phosphorus
spectively post weld heat treatment (PWHT) is applied content (Figure 7) which would increase production
on coupons taken from the plate. In case where custo- costs unnecessarily.
number of values: 271
HIC test solution: NACE TM0177
0 60 _.__ _
40 ......__ _
0 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIGURE 6: Frequency of CLR from plates produced with narrow target ranges for the production parame-
ters steel grades: A516 Gr60, Gr65 and Gr70 with HIC test level 5; plate thickness: 6 + 80mm
100 I
/\ 80
I .•
I )
....! 40 I
.... I
'+- I
~ I
20 .
::J I
.1 /
O"' 41
Q) 0 I.
...... 0
0 T
> 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
:o; 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
I HIC test solution: NACE TM0177 I
/\ 80
(f) 60
~ I
....! 40
u.. --' _ _ _ _ _ _4
~-----· ~-----·
______ .., ~-----...I ~---
1.5 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7
Furthermore the importance of a small window of location of HIC Specimens. As already mentio-
Ca/S-ratios which is derived from older steel types with ned plates rolled from ingots are in contrast to plates
higher sulfur contents looses its relevancy for the very rolled from continuous cast slabs handicapped by their
low sulfur contents,::.;; 1Oppm (Figure 8). Therefore it is pronounced dependance of HIC properties on the
recommended to avoid specifying severe restrictions in location of specimens. Figure 10 gives a schematic
Ca/S ratios for very low sulfur contents::.;; 10 ppm, but to illustration of the influence of location of HIC specimens
require a Ca-treatment in any case. on the test results.
50 @ @ surface
t = plate thickness
• 0 mid thickness
cut before
HIC-test w
upper surface D t/3
mid thickness
lower surface 9 t/3
10 20 30
CTR, %(specimen cut before HIC-test)
FIGURE 9a: Influence of specimen thickness on CTR from two HIC susceptible steels in NACE TM0177
solution (pH3) Ingot width (W)
·1/3 w
"'11 1--17"7'.h":"h '
I- HIC Suscepibility
HIC resistant
tion parameter of HIC
resistant steels
parameters for each
production step
·-e00 ti =tolerance of each
0.. target value
FIGURE 11: Target values and tolerances of HIC resistant and non-resistant steels
acceptance criteria
(HIC test per NACE TM0284)
steel designation
test solution
(HIC test level)
CLR (%) CTR(%) CSR(%)
::;; ::;; ::;;
Level5 5 1,5 0,5
(pH 3)
Level 10 10 3 1
(pH 3)
15 5 2
(pH 3)
Level 15*
0,5** 0, 1** 0,05**
(pH 5)
Table 1: Acceptance criteria for sour service steels with test level 5, 1O and 15
Figure 13 demonstrates the influence of the temper- there has been found no further improvement. It is
ature of PWHT on CLR. In order to get a better statisti- important to mention that PWHT improves HIC resist-
cal significance 27 specimens per test condition have ance especially for plates with lower thickness. This is
been investigated from three plates from different heats a result of the temper effect on the less tough micro-
each in 10 mm thickness. Starting from the normalized structural constituents which are more pronounced in
testing condition CLR is the lower the higher the temper- the case of higher cooling rate, that means lower plate
ature of PWHT. For temperatures higher than 550°C thickness.
material condition
- - - -- -- - - - ---
_________ J_________________ --------------
~o~;i~d- - , - - - - - - - - - - - - ~;:;~;;;,:ii;;d+-PWHT-
cf 100 -+--4:3--------+--~--------~--------------~-1
c O plate A
0 D plate B
t5(!) A plate C
FIGURE 13: Influence of PWHT on CLR (test solution: NACE TM0177); steel grade: A516 Gr70;
plate thickness: 1O mm
35 14
* plate A
10 *
i * Atplate
D plate B
c:: 25 + - - - - 1 0
0 D plate B t5CD 8
20 (/)
(/) O'l 6
O'l 15 D
> ~ 4
~ 10 a::
a: ....J
2 ---
0 5
l*1 ~
~ m
0 I 500 550 600 625 650
0 2.5 5 10 I
without I
PWHT temperature, °C
Extent of cold working, % PWHTj
FIGURE 14b: Influence of temperature of PWHT
(holding time 30 min) of cold worked
FIGURE 14a: Influence of cold working on CLR in (5%) HIC specimens on CLR in
NACE TM0177 solution (steel grade: NACE TM0177 solution (steel grade:
A516Gr70) A516 Gr70)
Cold Deformation. The obtained level of HIC The higher the Hollomon-Parameter the higher the
resistance on plate can be impaired by subsequent cold change of tensile and thoughness properties compared
processing. Figure 14a demonstrates the detrimental to the initial, i.e. normalized condition. Figure 15 and
effect of a too high extent of cold working in terms of 16 give examples for the loss of tensile strength and
CLR. The cold deformation has been performed by Charpy-V-impact energy due to PWHT with different
compression of the HIC specimens before HIC test. The Hollomon-Parameter that means different temperatures,
impairment can be compensated by PWHT (Figure times and/or cooling respectively heating rates.
14b). It is shown, that already for a temperature of
500 °C the influence of this simulated type of cold In order to meet the required properties the steel
deformation has almost disappeared. analysis has to be designed in dependance on the
conditions of PWHT. For example the tensile strength
Influence on Tensile and Thoughness Properties in the normalized condition must be higher in case of
high PWHT temperature than in case of low PWHT
The influence of the temperature, holding time and temperature. That means that the carbon equivalent has
cooling respectively heating rate of a PWHT can be to be increased in case of high PWHT temperature
expressed by the Hollomon-Parameter [17]: respectively high value of Hollomon-Parameter.
Ci .!::::! 0
c (ii
~ E
.!;;; I=' -40
(!.) I
c s:CL
Q) + -60
:i::: "O
0 Q)
E -80
I- -100
17 17,5 18,5 19 19,5 20
FIGURE 15: Influence of Hollomon-Parameter on tensile strength of steel grade A516 Gr70
*as welded
275 Li PWHT 1 (570°C) I - - ' · · · - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - · · - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - -..·· _____, position of indentations:
upper surface -2 mm
o PWHT2 (600°C)
250 o PWHT (620°C)
I 225 *
200 * 0 *
* Li
* ~
u D
I * * *
0 ®
6 4 2 0 weld 0 2 4 6
Figure 17 shows for example a hardness survey for [6] C.F. Miller and E.J. Sperling, ,,Crack inspection
the position 2 mm below the upper surface. It is obvious of sour and amine service vessels in hydrocarbon pro-
that a PWHT decreases hardness after welding, but duction operations", Corrosion 92, Nashville, April 1992
there has been found no great difference in hardness
for the three investigated temperatures. [7] Panel Discussion, ,,Cracking of carbon and low
alloy steels in wet sour environments - pipeline, piping
and pressure vessels", Corrosion 92, Nashville, April
[8] NACE Task group meeting T-8-16, ,,Cracking in
Safety as well as efficient operation in the petroleum wet H2S environment", Corrosion 92, Nashville, April
refinery industry has been impaired by H2 S related 1992
cracking. Therefore HIC testing with customer de-
pendent requirements is more and more applied. [9] NACE Standard TM0284-87, ,,Evaluation of
Pipeline Steels for Resistance to Stepwise Cracking"
Improved steels embody a specific philosophy of pro- (Houston, TX: NACE, 1987)
duction that includes
• alternatives of customer oriented HIC test [10] NACE Standard TM0177-86, ,,Testing of Metals
levels for Resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking at Ambient
• the performance of a special optimized Temperatures" (Houston, TX: NACE, 1986)
production route and
• the application of a special adapted quality [11] ASTM A516, ,,Standard Specification for
control system. Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Moderate and
Lower-Temperature Service (Philadelphia, 1990)
PWHT is generally recognized and used to improve
resistance against H2 S related cracking. But the para- [12] EN 10028-3, ,,Flat products made of steels for
meters of PWHT, that means temperature, holding time pressure purposes - Part 3: Weldable fine grain steels,
and heating respectively cooling rate should be carefully normalized" (Brussel, 1992)
selected by balancing its beneficial influence and the
possible impairment of mechanical properties. [13] B. Bergmann, H.A. Jungblut, A. Streisselberger
and V. Schwinn, ,,Modellization of HIC under service and
test conditions", Int. Conference on Pipeline Reliability,
REFERENCES Calgary, June 1992
[1] R.S. Treseder, ,,Historical review of sulfide stress [14] B. Bergmann, A. Streisselberger, N. Bannen-
cracking of alloy steels", 2nd Int. Conference on ,,Sour berg and H.A. Jungblut, ,,Development of line pipe steels
service in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries", based on model calculations of HIC", Int. Conference
London, May 1987 on Pipeline Reliability, Calgary, June i 992
[2] M. Reuter, ,,Schaden und Vorschriften bei Ania- [15] B. Bergmann and N. Bannenberg, ,,Erschmel-
gen zur Forderung, Reinigung und zum Transport von zen und VergieBen van Sauergasstahlen bei der AG
Sauergas", Technische Oberwachung, 15, 3 (1974): p. der Dillinger Huttenwerke", Stahl und Eisen 112, 7
65 [3] A.J.R. Reed, ,,Problems with pressure vessels in (1992): p. 83
sour gas service", Mat. Perform., 6 (1977): p. 29
[16] B. Bergmann, N. Bannenberg, A. Streisselber-
[4] H.I. Mc. Henry, P.T. Purtscher and T.R. Shives, ger and J. Bauer, ,,Advanced Casting Practices and
,,Observations of hydrogen damage in a failed pressure TMCP Technology Applied to Offshore Plate and
vessel", Carros. Sci., 27 (1987): p. 1041 Linepipe", Houston Materials Conference, Houston, April
[5] M.l. Bullen, M.J. Humphries and R.D. Merrick,
,,Refinery experience with cracking of proces vessels [17] NF A 36-200, ,,Influence des traitements ther-
exposed to wet H 2 S environments", Int. Conference on miques apres soudage sur les proprietes mecaniques
,,Interaction of steels with hydrogen in petroleum indu- des aciers pour chaudieres et appareils a pression",
stry", Paris, March 1989 AFNOR 1982
[18] T.F. Gulrin, B. Sc. D. Scott, D.M. Haddrill and J. [20] A. Ikeda, F. Terasaki, M. Takeyama, I. Takeuchi
Glen, ,,The Influence of Stress Relief on the Properties and Y. Nara, ,,Hydrogen Induced Cracking Suscebtibity
of C and CMn Pressure-Vessel Plate Steels", Proceed- of Various Steel Line Pipes in the Wet H2 S Environment",
ings of the Cont. on the Effect of Modern Fabrication NACE National Conference, Houston, 1978,
Techniques on the Properties of Steels, paper no. 621, unpublished paper No. 43
Glasgow, May 1972
[19] V. Schwinn and F. Hanus, ,,Corrosion and [21] M. Kodama, I. Nagay, T. Koshigawa, Y. Habu,
hardness tests on welded joint of DICREST steels", 0. Haida and J. Matsuno, ,,Cont. Casting", Proc. Fourth
DICREST report no. 3 and 4 of Dillinger HCJtte, 1993 Int. Iron and Steel Congr., London, May 1982, paper
respectively 1994 No.23
the weight of the pipes, there is also a demand for higher segregation areas with bainitic and martens1tlc
grades. As a consequence, in the last twenty years there was microstructures have to be avoided. In segregated areas a
an evolution from low strength grades normalized steels to correlation between the phosphorous content and the
higher strength grades Thermomechanical Control Process occurence of cracking has been found. Then a decrease of
Steels (TMCP steels). TMCP steels are generaly very low the average amount of phosphorous increases the HIC
carbon steels with microalloying element such as Nb, Ti, V. resistance. The presence of segregation can also be reduced
The mechanical characteristics are achieved through the use by an optimized cropping of the top of the ingots. It is also
of controlled rolling and accelerated cooling (3). important to adapt the size and the shape of the ingot to the
final size of the product. A tempering of the plates, such as
In the case of pressure vessel steels, the evolution has not
the tempering performed by PWHT, has also a positive
been the same and the use of normalized steels is still the
effect on HIC resistance of segregated areas.
rule in most of applications. There are several limitations for
the use of TMCP in the case of pressure vessels. For heads, Another way to decrease the sensitivity of segregated
hot forming is not possible since it is not possible to perform areas is to decrease the amount of alloying elements such as
heat treatment after forming. There are also some questions C and Mn. But in the case of normalized steels these
about the characteristics of welded areas. Due to the very elements cannot be reduced under a certain level, in order to
low carbon content, there is a soft area just near the HAZ, guarantie the mechanical characteristics. The addition of
and cracking has already been observed in this area (4). microalloying elements, such as Nb, V, Ti, can allow a
reduction of Ceq content, but as we will see later, has other
In the following we will consider the ways to improve
consequences on the hardness of heat affected zones.
the H 2S behaviour of steels for pressure vessels. We will
consider the case of normalized steels and also quenched In Table 1 we have listed the normalized steels which are
and tempered steels which appear very attractive. generally supplied with improved HIC resistance. It can be
seen that steels with guaranteed yield strength up to 355
MPa can be supplied.
1 - NORMALIZED STEELS WITH IMPROVED H~S. In Figure 1 we have reported histogram of HIC test
BEHAVIOUR results obtained on normalized steels with improve HIC
resistance. CLR values given is the average value obtained
HIC resistance of normalized steels depends mainly on from 3 specimens taken over the thickness of the plate
two parameters : cleanliness and microstructure. It is now (maximum specimen thickness : 30 mm).
well admitted that improved HIC resistance is achieved by
the use of very clean steels. The reduction of the size and Some recent studies indicate that modern normalized
number of inclusions reduces the number of crack initiation steels with improved HIC resistance can develop SOHIC
sites. On an other hand, globular inclusions are less cracks in presence of external stresses. SOHIC cracks are
dangerous than elongated inclusions. As a consequence, favoured by stress concentrations, which can be present in
steels with improved HIC resistance are very clean steels welded areas or in notches. The occurence of SOHIC cracks
with: has been evidenced by four point bending tests (2). It seems
30 Grade th c s p Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu Al Ccq
(I) (mm) (2)
;if! 25
A42 105 0.145 0.001 0.005 0,236 1,09 0,157 0,085 0,048 0,118 0,023 0,37
"'~ 20
..... A516 gr60 8-32 0.124 0,001 0,005 0,285 0,932 0,08 0,059 0,022 0,07 O,Q3 0,305
If!. 15 A516 gr60 25 0,156 0,001 0,005 0,256 0,89 0,076 0,129 0,034 0,052 0,022 0,345
(1) : Grade corresponding to the normali7.cd stale
(2): Ccq =C+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo+V)/5+(Ni+Cu)/15
Normalized 300 438 34 2,5 0,35
>- 32 Q&T 600°C-lh 325 473 35 0,5 0,04
0 0.6
E o.4
0 1~CLR ~CTR I
N; Q&T ;IOSmm; Q&T; 20mm; 112
105mm; 1/2thickness 1/2thickness thickness
4 i
3,5 i
g:""' 2,5 It
The obtained mechanical characteristics are given in It'-; ~
Table 4. ~
For the 25 mm thick plate, the mechanical characteristics
' '· /.
' ,, ~i00
after tempering at 600°C are in agreement with the aimed ;5 ;5 ;5 ;5 ;5
] ] u
values. For the 8 and 32 mm thick wit..'1 low Ceq -;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
values, the mechanical characteristics are reached only for E 0 0
~ 0 &:,
'z"E 0 Q
0 l() 0 l() 0
c 'oC
f- "" zc "" "' 0
the lowest thickness plate.For these two plates,tempering «!
'"' «!'Cl"'
has only be performed at 600°C. Plate: 25 mm thick 8mm thick 32 mm thick
24 0,161 0.001 0,006 0,31 0.972 0.224 0,151 0,055 0,39 390 545 0,23 0,02 A516 gr70 50 0,188 0,001 0,008 0,267 1,045 0,200 0,189 0,055 0,113 I 0,432
47 0,165 0,000< 0,005 0,29 0,95 0,223 0,131 0,065 0,38 387 558 0 0 E355 35 0,114 0,0005 0,008 0,29 1,340 0,195 0,096 0,056 0,118 0,026 0,389
63 0,17 0,000 0,00( 0,28 0,92 0,220 0,13( 0,068 0,38 373 546 0 0
JOO mm
24 mm thick ; Ceq;0,39
In Figure 8 the threshold for cracking (a720 h) is given as the higher heat input, hardness below 250 Hv is obtained
a function of hardness in the heat affected zone. It is clear even in the as welded condition.
from figure 8 that for hardness higher than 250 Hv there is
The SSC behaviour of the welds has been studied
an increase of SSC sensitivity. For the A516 Gr. 70 steel,
through a four point bending test as illustrated in figure 9.
PWHT is effective in reducing the hardness to low level,
Specimens have been exposed for one month in the NACE
and there is an improvment of the SSC behaviour. For the
TM 01-77 solution under a stress level of 90 % of the
Nb containing steel, it is also observed that for hardness
guaranted Y.S. The occurence of cracking has been analysed
below 250 Hv there is an improvement of the HAZ
through metallographic examination. Results are
behaviour. However in this case for coarse grain areas,
summarized in Table 9. Cracks have been observed only for
PWHT is not sufficient to reduce the hardness below 250
A516 Gr. 70 and TTSTE 355 steels in the as welded
Hv, and in this case the improvment of SSC behaviour is not
condition. For these two steels a PWHT is effective in
so great.
reducing the SSC sensitivity of the HAZ (even for the Nb
modified steel for which the hardness after PWHT is higher
than 250 Hv). For the quenched and tempered steel no crack
was observed even in the as welded condition. This has to
be correlated with the low Ceq content.
Weld area Simulation PWHT Hardness (HV 30)
simulated treatment IA516 gde70 E 355
Coarse grain 1250°C-ls No 340/360 355/360 TABLE 8: COMPARISON OF HAZ HARDNESS UNDER SIN-
15kJ/cm At800-500 =8s GLE BEAD DEPOSIT (HV30)
Coarse grain 1250°C-ls No 290/320 310/330
25kJ/cm At800-500 =8s 600°C-lh 220/230 270/280 Heat Input PWHT A516 gd70 E3SS Q&T
(kJ/cm) (Ceq=0,43) (Ceq=0,39) (Cea=0.36)
Reaffected area l 250°C- I s+900°C- ls No 220/240 230/235
25kJ/cm At800-500 =8s 600°C-lh 190/200 205/215 15 No 315 320 265
(preheat 100°C 600°C-lh 235 285 225
2mm from fusion 1250°C-ls No 230/240 205/210
line 25kJ/cm AtS00-500 =8s 600°C-lh 175/195 175/185 25 No 285 310 240
(preheat I 00°C 600°C-lh 230 280 215
a E 355
. 25 No Cracks Cracks Na crack
200 (preheat 100°C 600°C-lh No crack No crack No crack
• A516 gde 70
100 L--~--.L--~---'---"'--t---'
100 200 300 400 4 - CONCLUSIONS - ADVANTAGES OF 0 AND T
HV 10
FIGURE 8: RESULTS OF SSC TESTS ON SIMULATED HAZ The use of normalized steels is the rule for the fabrication
of pressure vessels working in H2S environment. Some
recent studies indicate that the ferrite/pearlite microstructure
3.2 - Welding of Quenched and Tempered steels found in normalized steels is not the best one. Normalized
Due to their lower Ceq content obtained without steels with improved HIC resistance can be produced with
microalloying addition, the hardness in HAZ of quenched yield strength up to 355 MPa, however there are still some
and tempered steels is expected to be lower than in classical concerns on the SOHIC phenomenon in these steels. In the
normalized steel. case of pipe line steels, TMCP steels with very good HIC
resistance are now produced, but there are some limitation
In Table 8 the hardness under single bead deposit have for their use for pressure vessel fabrication (hot for-
been compared for different steels in the as welded ming,welding). The use of quenched and tempered steels
conditions and after PWHT at 600°C for 1 h. It is observed seems to be a very interesting way to improve the HIC
that the Q and T steel gives the lowest hardness level. For resistance.
h=50 mm
t=6mm (1) R.D. KANE, S.M. WILHEM and J.W. OLDFIELD,
do=l2 mm "Review of Hydrogen Induced Cracking of Steels in
Wet H 2 S Refinery Service". Interaction of Steels with
Hydrogen in Petroleum Industry Pressure Vessel
CT H 2 (1-h/H) (1+2h/H)
d= 3Et Service, The Materials Properties Council Inc., New
0 = Contrainte maximale
York, 1993.
maximum tensile stress(MPa)
(2) R.D. KANE, "Final Report of Findings and
E=module d'Y oung Recommandations of the MPC Sponsored Program on
(modulus of elasticity=210 000)
the Susceptibility of Process Equipment and Steels to
Cracking in Aqueous Hydrogen Charging
Environments". The Materials Properties Council Inc.,
New York, Feb. 1993.
(3) H. T AMEHIRO and M. CHINO, "The Progress in
Pipeline Material Properties". Publ. Nippon Steel
Corporation, Apr. 1991.
Ue !f:jl •I
(4) "Full Scale and Laboratory Tests Approach to H 2 S
~. tfll •I
Induced Environmental Fracture of Pipeline Steels and
Welds", Final Report, ECSC Research 7210-KE/l 16.
N.A.C.E. TM OI-77 solution
NaCl 50 g/l + CH3COOH ->pH = 3
saturee en H 2S I saturated with HzS
and L. CADIOU, "Carbon Manganese Steels for Sour
Service : Improvement of HIC and SSC resistance",
Ibl, p. 193.
STEEL c Mn p s Si Al Ni Cr Cu Nb v Ti N
0.040 1. 162 0.013 0.002 0.221 0.022 0.028 0.021 0.262 0.049 0.046 0.0049
0.029 1. 581 o. 01 7 o. 002 o. 161 0.038 0.026 0.024 0.313 <l. 041 0.061 0. 012 0.0059
0.042 1.426 0.010 0.002 0.212 o. 032 0.028 0.021 0.265 0.040 0.010 o. 0085
4 0.050 1.165 0.013 0.002 o. 312 0.041 0.033 0.017 0.274 0.045 0.066 0.012 0. 0059
~ ~
560 / /
560 /
7 7 ~
/ / ?
/ / /
~ 540
/ / / / / /
/ ~ 540
/ /
13 520 Ill 520
~ v v v
I: ~ t: "
~ r, v v
v " " 420
,, ~
v ~ ~
v v /
41)0 " " 400
AIR 1600 540 490 450 41011375 530 500 450 3651 F.C. T. <°C> AIR 1600 560 500 450 41011590 :550 490 450 38!5! F.C, T, (OC)
:l1l°C/s 10°C/s COOLING RATE :l1l 0 C/s 10°C/s COOLING RATE
Fig. 1. Effect of accelerated cooling on tensile Fig. 2. Effect of accelerated cooling on tensile
properties (YS, UTS) - Steel 1. propert.ies (YS, UTS) - Steel 2.
560 560
~ 540 ~ 540
~ 500
~ 480
~ 460 :::! 460
~ 440 m 440
420 420
41)0 400
All'! J 605 560 520 450 39011 620 590 510 475 420 I F. c. T. <°C > F.C.T. (°C)
Fig. 3. Effect of accelerated cooling on tensile Fig. 4. Effect of accelerated cooling on tensile
properties (YS, UTS) - Steel 3. properties (YS 1 UTS) - Steel 4.
-120 - -
ID FATT 50%1
1 ID FATT 50ltl -
-110 -110
-100 -100
u ~ -90
-80 ~ -ea
,.: ,.:
,.: -70 ,.: -70
< <
..: ..: -60
AIR j600 541) 490 450 41011575 530 500 450 365) F.C.T. !°Cl
:l1l 0 C/s 10°C/s COOLING RATE 30°C/s
Fig. 5. Effect ofaccelerated cooling on transition Fig. 6. Effect of accelerated cooling on transition
temperature - Steel 1. temperature - Steel 2.
- [D FATT 50%1
I CJ FATT :ioxj
-100 -100
~ -90 u
~ -80
2. -90
Iii -so
,.: ,.:
,.: -70 ,.: -70
< <
u'. u'.
-60 -60
-50 -50
AIR 1600 560 520 450 390 II 620 580 510 475 4201 F.C. T. 1•C) AIR 1600 540 490 450 1 F.C. T. 1°Cl
Fig. 7. Effect of accelerated cooling on transition Fig. 8. Effect of accelerated cooling on transition
temperature - Steel 3. tem[12rature - Steel 4.
10 100
I CJ C.A.R. 90
E E 70
...g 60
5 ~ 50
< 4 ~ 46
tl tl
5 3
AIR j 600 540 490 450 41011 575 530 500 450 3651 F.C. T. (•Cl AIR 1600 560 500 450 41011590 550 490 450 3851 F.C.T. <°C)
30°C/s 1o•c1s COOLING RA TE 30°C/s 1o•c1s COOLING RATE
Fig. 9. Effect of accelerated cooling on HIC Fig. 10. Effect of accelerated cooling on HIC
resistance - Steel 1. resistance - Steel 2.
~ 4
AIR 1605 560 520 450 39011620 580 510 475 4201 F.C.T. c•ci AIR 1 600 540 490 450, F.C.T. 1°C!
30°C/s 10°c1s COOLING RATE 15oc1s COOL !NG RATE
Fig. 11. Effect of accelerated cooling on HIC Fig. 12. Effect of accelerated cooling on HIC
resistance - Steel 3. resistance - Steel 4.
secutive to the increasing cooling rate during the aus- figure 13). Figures 14 to 17 illustrate the effect of
tenite transformation ( 15). FCT for a given cooling rate (30°C/s) on this
The small influence of finishing cooling tempe- segregation zone. For the higher temperature (600°C),
rature on the tensile properties between 450°C and a thin martensitic islets band ( 20 µm, HV :;dOO) is
600°C is linked to very slight and subtle changes in observed. As the FCT decreases, this band becomes
the final ferritic structure of the products as will larger and softer. For 450°C, practically m
be seen later. segregated band ai:peared, whereas for 410°C, a 200 pm
Lastly, the hardening eff.ect of microalloyed thickness bainitic band is revealed.
elements is linked to their quantities in solution These observations were confirmed on the other
before transformation. While the good solubility of steels.
vanadium guarantees that the vanadium content, soluble The HIC is directly Hnked to the presen.ce of
at the heating temperature, is totally free at the these segregated bands, and is localised in
transformation, sucn is not the cas2. for niobium mid-thickness region of the plates. The improvement
where 20 to 30 per cent of the total content is able of the HIC behaviour by accelerated cooling is mainly
to precipitate during rolling as strain induced due to a smoothing of segregation areas 1 the coo ling
precipitation ( 16) • The differences in mechanica 1 operation in a limited area probably preventLrig the
properties between the steels studied is mainly diffusion of carbon to the segregation zone as
expressed by their content in Mn, Nb, V and Ti. described by TAMEHIRO ( 12) •
HIC resistance
Fig. 15. FCT 560°C. Cooling rate 30°C/s. Fig. 16. FCT 4S0°C. Coolillg rate 30°C/s.
Mid-thickness - Steel 2. x 200. Mid-thic)~ness- Steel 2. x 350. no segregation.
SSC resistance
4A ROLLING 465 535 410 0.85 500 5 55 325 o. 65
a+ tr
FRT = 680°C
4B COOLING 460 550 440 0.95 460 540 370 0.80
FRT = 835°C
Table 3 - Comparison of SSC resistance between (a+'() controlled rolling and accelerated cooling plates of
steel 4.
Long dtrect ton
110 ....
C9 48
100 ....
Long dtrect ton
>- 90 -- -
1--~~~~~~~~~.+-~~~~~~~.::.....==-..+-~~~~~~_,,,~ ......~
~ -(:+Y}cR-~
(f) 80 ....
(f) ""'"""
I- 70 ....
w 60
Q_ 50 ....
40 ....
10 100 1000
Fig. 18. SSC resistance. Comp'3.risoo between controlled Rolling aDd Accelerated
cooling. Long direction - Steel 4.
110 Trans. di.rect ton
100 C9 48
Trans .. dt~ctton
>- 90
(f) 80 A.C.
I- 70
w 60
0... 50
10 100 1000
Fig. 19. SSC resistance. Comp'3.rison between controlled rolling and accelerated
cooling. Transverse direction - Steel 4.
It is particularly important to observe, on the Conclusions in the same direction are round in
contrary, that a quite reproducible success to the the literature 15,6,7,8.9) but to support this
SSCC test could be met by a low carbon steel descri- finding, different thermal heat treatments were
bed in Table II and whose microstructure after applied to the hereabove mentioned steel so as to
accelerated cooling displays an homogeneous 1c1cular modify the microstructure from the favourable one
ferrite with only some bainitic islands, shown in initially found :
Fi9ure 2. two normalization heat treatments at 820'C and
950'C let carbide bands to appear ;
li\~_t,_CJ!. - a reheating at 950'C followed by a cold water
~t_g~_:!,_Q3!.U.!.l'.t9 the NACE test quenching and post-tempering at &oo'c resulted in
an increased bain1tic amount.
0.06 7. Mn 1 7. Si : 0.3 The so achieved mechanical properties as well
P:0.0247. 0 ' 0 0 4 7. as the results to the NACE test are listed in Table
Al: 0.070 7. Nb 0' 0 50 7. III. For comparison purposes, the original data
Phosphorus segregation ratio lower than concerning this steel are also reported. None of
Steel processed by Accelerated cooling those modified microstructures resisted more than
Microstructure of acicular ferrite one day under the NACE test conditions. It is thus
Thickness : 11 mm clearer from this, that homogeneous structures free
Re : 540 MPa Rm : 600 MPa A : 36 from hard phases are necessary, in particular those
Cha2py V at - 60'C : of the acicular ferrite types.
306 J/cm (Rolling direction) Thermal treatments were applied to other steels
2 at temperature of 1200'( so as to redissolve the
217 J/cm (Transverse direction)
carbides and improve their initial microstructure.
Then a rolling sequence was applied followed by an
accelerated cooling. Such tests which will not be
detailed here, allowed to reach the target of an
acicular ferrite but 1n spite of this, failures
induced by SSCC occurred. Such disappointing results
show that the microstructure does not govern alone
the phenomenon. A strong influence is indeed exerted
by the steel chemistry. as it is related hereunder
to clarify the understanding of the phenomenon.
6. 1. Sulphur.
6.2. Phosphorus
r.,.r__,__,,_Behaviour of modified microst.ructure~
n(%) Calculation of ~anganese diffusion rates
Formula used :
DMn, T ( 0. 4 86 + 2 - 53 c) exp [ -
0' 11 Mn) ( 1 +
1 . 99T
Mn(%) 2
DMn,T diffusion rate of Mn at temperature T I cm Is)
1.4 T temperature I K)
1.2 Mn,C contents ( z)
0.8 1. Steel with c : 0.06 z Mn : 1 z
Composition (%) ---------------------------------
C:0.061 Mn:0.992 P:0.024 0
3,2 1 0 - 12 cm /s
4,6 10 - 10 cm /s
Steel passing the test DMn,1300'C
2. Steel with c 0,02 z Mn 2 z
·---·--------- ---··---------
(%) 2
3.5 1 0 - 12 cm /s
0.11 DMn,lOOO'C
5. 0 1 0 - 10 cm /s
o.os rL Mn(%)
Manganese being well-known as increasing
o ~11..Mn A l J2 efficiently the tensile strength while not affecting
too much the toughness, it is thus beneficial for
~· v·~~J1.5
pipe steels to limit the carbon so as to keep admis·
1 sible Mn contents high enough. A decreased carbon
Composition {%) value goes also in the right direction to promote
the formation of acicular ferrite during accelerated
C:0.081 Mn: 1,244 P:0.034 cooling. Favourable carbon contents are therefore
lower than or close to 0.05 Z.
Steel failing the test 6.4. Copper and nickel
FIG. EXAMPLES OF CENTERLINE SEGREGATION SCANS. The extremely positive influence of copper is
well-known under SSCC when the testing solution pH
All of these quoted phenomena can influence the stays above 4.5. (8,11,15). For sourer solutions,
SSCC behaviour of steels. It is thus logical to none effect is, however, recorded (16) _
consider carbon and manganese together as concerns Nickel, for its part, is reported as without
this problem. effect or slightly unfavourable because of an acce-
Our experiments showed that manganese is a leration of the pitting corrosion in steel (16).
segregating element as phosphorus but to a lower The influence of copper and nickel has been
extent a segregation ratio between 1.1. and 1 .5. appraised on four casts whose compositions (Table V)
was observed (Figure 4). Examinations with the and microstructures are comparable except as regards
scanning electron microscope indicated that at a both the above elements. Results of our tests are
local manganese content of 1.3 7. in a steel contai- listed also in Table V. They show that the steels
ning 0.06 z carbon, cracks could be avoided. For fail the test with equivalent durations to failure.
steels with such a medium C content 12 0.05 Zl a Those four steels were then tested under other
nominal value of manganese near 1 7. should then be conditions, namely those of the BP test, i.e. for a
accepted, as often recommended in literature pH close to 5. Results in Table V show that the
(7,10,11,12,13). As the segregation coefficient of steel with high copper content then succeeds the
manganese is related to the carbon content of the test contrarily to the three others which display
steel, the acceptable maximum content of manganese durations to failure a bit superior to those
depends also on the carbon level. Calculations corresponding to the NACE test, but comparable
carried out at CRM and based on the diffusion rate between each other. Nickel has therefore neither an
are reported in Table IV. They show that same manga- influence in those conditions.
nese diffusion rates and thereby same segregation
ratios would be observed in steels containing
respectively 0,06 7. C - 1 Z Mn and 0,02 Z C - 2 Z
Mn. This ts confirmed by other findings (14) accor-
ding to which for carbon contents lower than 0.04 Z,
no detrimental effect of manganese appears up to 1 .7
while for higher C contents, a pronounced effect
is seen.
STEEL Composition ( 10 - ) Mechanical properties Time to failure
c Mn p s Cu Ni Re(MPa) Rm(MPa) AI/.) NACE BP
-- ---
TF 1 0 95 10 77 22 8 38 41 434 524 23.2 42 H
TF20 79 992 22 7 .f1..i 53 430 51 7 2 6. 7 ?7 H >720 H
TF30 85 1067 20 6 89 1.li 441 525 28. 7 15 H 42 H
TF40 76 115 2 23 4 42 48 432 527 2 6. 6 16 H 68 H
6.5. Microprecipitates induced during hot rolling On the contrary, coherent precipitates of fine size
and cooling and uniformly distributed in the matrix do not seem
to induce any trapping and let hydrogen diffuse
Shimogori (17) reported beneficial effect without damage in the crystalline network. Other
played by a fine coherent precipitation, in the works are presently carried out at CRM to verify
scope of an investigation of the influence of carbo- whether such an assumption is correct and agrees
ni tr ides an HIC. with other findings (20).
To approach the influence of microprecipitates, TABLE VII
Nb-Ti HSLA steel (Table VI) was processed at CRM Microprecipitates in th~ Nb-Ti Steels
according to two thermal processing routes in an
experimental rolling mill, using as start materials, Nb content 0. 031
samples taken on concast industrial plates outside Ti content 0. 11 8
the central segregation.
Incoherent precipitates (che~~cal determination by
l.Aflb.LV_.l electrolytic dissolution, 1 O /.).
Influence of microprecipitates
Steel Nb Ti
Base material (10- /.)
HT 1 15 67
C : 91 Mn 803 p : 12 13 Nb 31 Ti 11 8 HT 2 22 98
Roll mg sequences HT1 HT2 (including 40 10- insoluble titanium as TiN, TiS)
Initial thickness 24 mm 24 mm
12so·c 3
Reheat temperature 1250'( Coherent precipitates (computed, 10- /.)
Rolling in three stages to 9 mm 9 mm
end thickness
Finish rolling temperature 1ooo'c 900°( Steel Nb Ti Total : Nb + Ti
Accelerated cooling s'c/s 8. Cl s
Stop cooling temperature 5oo'c 5oo·c HT 1 16 51 67 ( 61 /.) •
HT 2 9 20 29 I 2 6 /.)
* ratio coherent/(total - insoluble)
Re (MP a) Rm (MP a) NACE test
This also shows the great influence played by
HT1 483 630 Passes ) 720 hours the thermal history that a steel undergoes ; and
HT2 427 534 Fails 10 hours specially the influence of finishing temperature as
well as the cooling rate on the run-out table which
exert a determining effect on the microprecipitation
The operating conditions were set according to state on the end product. It is quite clear that
the CRM experience in this field (i8,19l and are this conclusion related to Nb-Ti steel hot-rolled in
described in table VI. It resulted in two varieties such conditions as to develop coherent precipitates
whose properties and performances to the NACE test in the metallic matrix is in good agreement with the
are also listed : one succeeds the test, the other above reported beneficial effect of homogeneous
not. acicular ferritic microstructure - in Nb steels -.
Metallographic examinations have shown that the Accelerated cooling results indeed in acicular
behaviour to SSCC was in close correlation with the ferrite structure (depending on the plate thickness)
distribution of the microprecipitates. These are as well as in a reduced formation of incoherent
very finely distributed and coherent with the precipitation formed at higher temperature. This
metallic matrix in the variety succeeding the test. effect, already detected in Nb steels, is particu-
The other product which fails, shows rougher and larly observed in Nb-Ti steels.
incoherent precipitates (Table VII). Those incohe-
rent precipitates play certainly the role of traps
for hydrogen, saturate in that element which is
present in a quasi illimited amount in this test and
initiate a premature failure.
Now, the main conclusion to derive is the fact (12) F. Sauvage, M. Poupon, M. Bridoux,
that sensitivity to SSCC is the result of a wide set B. Lefevbre , Y. Provou, Realisation de tubes soudes
of interacting parameters, the role exerted by a resistant a la corrosion par H s, Revue de Metal-
given one being strongly balanced by the level of lurgie, CIT, February 1985, 129-135.
the others. As already said, conditions to fulfil (13) P. Bufalini, M. Ghersi, M. Pontremoli,
are very constraining, owing to the high, if not A. De Vito, A. Aprile, C. Jannone, G. De Leonardis,
excessive, severity of the NACE procedure applied at Accelerated cooling after control rolling for line-
80 7. yield stress. Nevertheless, this investigation pipe, BTF, Special issue 1985, 86-89.
showed that a steel processed by accelerated cooling ( 14) W. Haumann, F. 0. Koch, Development of
such as the one hereunder mentioned passes the test: Linepipe with improved resistance against Hydrogen
C : 0,06 7. Mn : 1 7. Si : 0,3 7. P : 0,024 7. induced cracking (HIC) and Sulfide stress Corrosion
S : 0,004 1. Al : 0,07 1. Nb : 0,05 7. Cracking (SSCC), Presented at the International
Phosphorus segregation ratio lower than 2. Conference on Pipe Technology, Rome, November 17-19,
Microstructure of acicular ferrite. 1987.
(15) A. Ikeda, M. Nakanishi, T. Kanedo,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Y. Sumitomo, M. Takeyama, Improvement of Hydrogen
Sulfide Cracking Susceptibility in Lines Pipes for
This research was carried out under the joint Sour Gas Services, The Sumitomo Search, n· 26,
sponsorship of IRSIA (!nstitut belge pour l'encou- November 1981, 91-104.
ragement de la Recherche Scientifique dans l' lndus- (16) L. Coudreuse, J. Charles, C. Zmudzinski,
trie et !'Agriculture) and ECSC (European Coal and H. Margot-Marette, J.C. Charbonnier, F. Moussy,
Steel Community). Etude de la rupture differee en milieu H s (SSC)
d'aciers faiblement allies et de base C-Mn, ECSC
REFERENCES Contract 7210-KB/306, Final Report.
(17) K. Shimogori, Y. Torii, K. Kitahata,
(1) Testing of Metals for Resistance to Effects of Carbo-nitrides on Hydrogen Induced
Sulphide Stress Cracking at Ambient Temperature - Cracking (H!C) in Steels, R.D. Kobe Steel Enginee-
NACE Standard TM-01-77. ring Reports, Vol. 34, n· 2, April 1984, 20-24.
(2) R.D. Kane, Roles of H S in behaviour of (18) J.C. Herman, V. Leroy, Incoherent and
engineering alloys, International Metals Review, coherent Precipitations Induced by Hot Deformation
Vol. 30, n' 6, 1985, 291--301. and accelerated Cooling in HSLA steels, Internatio-
( 3) G. Monfort, J. Halleux, A. Braga rd, The nal Conference on Physical Metallurgy of Thermome-
Automation and Instrumentation of Testing.H s for chanical Processing of steels and other metals
cracking, Corrosion Science, Vol. 27, n T0-11, (THERMEC-88), June 6-10, 1988 - Tokyo Japan.
1987, 1145-1152. ( 19) J. c. Herman, v. Leroy, Precipitation
(4) H. Galant, S. Wilmotte, Das Mulpic induite par la deformation a chaud dans les trains
Abkuhlverfahren - Ein Jahr Erfahrung mit der Blech- finisseurs, ECSC Contract 7210-EA/211.
stra sse bei den Forges de Clabecq, Stahl und Eisen, (20) G.M. Pressouyre, J. Dollet, B. Vieillard-
105 (1985 - n' 22 - pp 1191-1194). Baron, Evolution des connaissances concernant la
(5) H. famehiro, T. Takeda, S. Matsuda, fragilisation des aciers par l'hydrogene, Memoires
K. Yamamoto, N. Okumura, Effect of Accelerated et Etudes Scientifiques Revue de Metallurgie, April
Cooling after Controlled Rolling on the Hydrogen, 1982, 161-176.
Induced Cracking Resistance of Line Pipe Steel.
(6) T. Taira, Y. Kobayashi, Development of line
pipe for sour gas service, Presented at the confe-
rence "Steels for line pipe and pipeline fittings",
Grosvenor House, London, October 21-23, 1981.
(7) T. Taira, Y. Kobayashi, K. Matsumoto,
K. fsukada, Resistance of line pipe steels to wet
sour gas, Corrosion - NACE, Vol. 40, n· 9, September
1984, 478-486.
(8) K. Yamada, Y. Satoh, N. Tanaka, H.Murayama,
Z. Chana, K. Itoh, Influence of metallurgical
factors on HIC of high strength ERW line pipe for
sour gas service, Proceedings of the international
conference on technology and applications of HSLA
steels, Philadelphia, October 3-6, 1983. 835-842.
(9) M. Pontremoli, G. Buzzichelli,A. De Vito,
M. Celant, Design, test methodologies and production
of pipeline steels for sour service, BTF
- special issue, 1986, 108-118.
(10) W.B. Morrison, Factors leading to the
development of steels with improved hydrogen induced
cracking susceptibility, ECSC Contract 7210-KE/811
(F5.2/84) - Final Report.
(11) C.L. Jones, P. Rodgerson, A. Brown,
Mechanism of hydrogen induced cracking in pipeline
steels, Proceedings of the International Conference
on Technology and Applications of HSLA Steels.
Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) tests were It is important to note that most line-
carried out on a commercial A-516 Gr 60 steel. pipe steels and some pressure vessel steels
It was shown that a correlation exists between are used in the normalized state (ferritic-
the microstructural state of the steel and the pearlitic structure) .
HE susceptibility. The martensitic structure
is particularly brittle while the structures In addition, such microstructure very
quenched and tempered at 500°C, spheroidized often presents segregation bands frequently
and normalized, are least sensitive to HE. The rich in manganese, phosphorus and sulphur.
presence of precipitates (Fe 3C, carbides), Therefore, in service, hydrogen cracking tends
which reduce hydrogen penetration as well as to follow these bands.
its transport through dislocations reduces the
HE. These results indicate that is always On the other hand, a catastrophic rupture
necessary to pay attention to the possible by hydrogen damage in the A-516 steel due to
structural modifications that a process of the high hardness (450 HB) of some zones in the
fabrication such as welding can induce and also microstructure of the heat affected zone was
to the selection of the proper thermal reported elsewhere[3].
Due to these reasons, the selection of
the proper HE resistant steel and its thermal
treatment deserves a special consideration.
c Si Mn p s cu Ni Cr Mo v Sn N
wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt%
0.12 0.26 1.06 .014 .005 0.01 0.01 0.01 .001 .003 .001 .002
Table 2: Results
0 T AT NO 1235 12 47
370 27
180 •c YES 1225 9 34
---- -~-- ·--
0 l AT NO 738 22 75
0 227 0
soo c YES 717 24 75
NO 441 43 79
YES 431 38 71
When the lamellar pearlite transforms into Thanks are due to Department of Materials
spheroidal pearlite, the amount of interfacial C.N.E.A. for the provision of facilities 1 also
area (Fe3 C-ferrite) decreases. The Fe 3 C to Mr. J. Nieto and Mrs. Norma Picco for their
technical assistance.
L Cadiou
Creusot-Loire lndustrie, Plate Division
71202 Le Creusot Cedex, France
SSC occurs in all kind of steels, even stainless ones. It is
Metallurgical factors influencing the HIC and SSC behavior generally recognized tliat, the higher the yield strength, the
of low alloy C-Mn steel plates for pressure vessels are poorer the resistance of the steel. However this rule is not
investigated. Numerous HIC and SSC tests have been alway valid. For example it has been possible to develop
performed on a great number of plat.es. From the results high yield strength steel with good SSC resistance by
obtained it is shown that the behavior of steels can be addition of microalloying elements such as V, Ti, Nb, wich
improved by : delay the tempering softening and act as hydrogen traps
1) Use of very clean steels : The sulfur and (5,6). On the other hand low alloy C-Mn steels with low
phosphorus content must be kept as low as possible. ~t is mechanical characteristics can be very sensitive to S.S.C
shown that for very low sulfur content (< 0,001 %), calcmm (7). In fact it is the micro structure that governs the
treatment is not necessary since sulfides are already i:;lobu!ar. hydrogen embrittlement behavior of ferritic steels. And for a
Oxygen has also to be kept low (< 0,002 %) to av01d oxide given class of steels the following classification can be
inclusions. established (from the poorer to the better) : quenched
structures, normalized structures, quenched and tempered
2) Avoiding segregation : It is sho~n that structures. For low alloy C-Mn steels with normalized
cracking occurs in hard segragated bands. HIC cr~ckmg has structures (ferrite/perlite) SSC is a complex phenomena
been found to be related to phosphorus segregation. C and since internal HlC cracks can be present irI tlie metal.
Mn content must be kept as low as po?sible, improv~ment of
mechanical properties can be obtained by alloying and During these last years, according to the quantity of steel
microalloying additions. concerned, most of tlie research has focused on the problem
of line pipe steels. These steels are now produced by
continuous casting and controlled rolling. Steels with
1 - INTRODUCTION improved HlC and SSC resistance have been developped.
These are low sulfur, ultra low carbon (< 0,05)
When they are used in hydrogen sulfide environnments low microalloyed steels with an acicular ferrite homogeneous
alloy steels can be severely embrittled. Hydrogen Induce microstructure obtained by an accelerated cooling after
Cracking (HIC) and Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) are the rolling. In such conditions X 80 pipeline steels can be
two ways by which hydrogen degradation occurs. produced with a good HIC and SSC behavior (8, 9).
However these processes are effective up to 30/40 mm
HIC manifests itself in "soft" steels in the form of surface thicknesses (which are enough for line pipe). But H2S
blisters and/or internal cracks in the absence of an applied
stress. Hydrogen absorbed from the solution is trapped on problems can also be found in pressure vessels (1 O) where
microstructural defects, such as non metallic inclusions or the thicknesses concerned can be greater than 40 mm. In
carbides. High hydrogen pressures can be developed and such applications the use of normalized steels is still the rule
cracks can initiate and propagate when locally the stress and the ways of improving the HIC and SSC resistance
intensity factor Kr becomes greater than KrH (threshold for cannot be the same than for line pipe steels.
crack propagation in presence of hydrogen). So cracking
depends on many parameters : sizes of the defect, hydrogen
In this paper experimental results obtained on normalized
concentration, microstructure, internal stresses (1,3). For a C-Mn low alloy steels are presented. The influence of some
given microstructure and a given type of defect one can metallurgical parameters is analysed and discussed. Finally
consider that there is a critical concentration of hydrogen for ways of improvement of the H2S resistance of normalized
cracking (4).
Table 1 : Range of chemical compositions of steels tested (lo wt %)
c s p Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu v Nb
,, TTSTE420 low sulfur contents, sulfides are already globular and a Ca
treatment is not necessary. Even it can be worst, since it can
be responsible of the formation of big oxide inclusions .
580 770 E 460 (NFA 36-201 The correlation between the HIC behavior and the sulfur
content is shown in figure 2. It is clear from this figure that
a decrease in S content is effective to improve the HIC
behavior. For S content > 0.002 %, the calcium treatment is
effective in reducing the HIC sensitivity but this is not true
plates are presented. Shape p&rameter
4 4 _,..
Tests have been performed on a great number of heats with
variable chemical analysis. The range of chemical
composition of steels tested is given in table 1, range of
mechanical characteristics are given in table 2, with the
corresponding grades. Plates with thicknesses from
15 mm to 150 mm have been tested.
0 4 10 12 14
Steels are produced by the way of ingot casting. 3
On these different steels HIC tests and SSC tests have been
performed according to the NACE standards TM 02-84 and
TM-01-77. For the HIC tests both the TM 02-84 solution
and the NACE solution have been used. SSC tests have Figure 1: Influence of sulfur content on the shape
been performed using proof rings with the NACE solution. parameter (Length/Thickness).
IO 100 0,6
3 0,5
(SULFUR CONTENT (10 . % ))
Figure 2 : Influence of sulfur content
on the maximum CLR value. 0,1
10 15
for low sulfur content. In fact in low sulfur steels, in the
absence of segregation, the HIC behavior is very good Figure 4 : Influence of sulfur content on the
and only very little cracks (1 < 0,1 mm) can be found SSC behavior.
initiating on oxide inclusions. An example of such a crack is
given in figure 3. The worst results found in low sulfur
steels are associated with a high oxide content. Thus 3.2 - Influence of segregation
calcium treatment for very low sulfur steels can become
harmful, because of the great tendancy of calcium to form H.I.C behavior depends not only on the cleanliness of the
oxides. steel but also on the microstructure. Cracking can initiate
and propagate more easily in less ductile microstructures.
Thus segregated zones with bainitic or martensitic structures
are harmfull. Segregation depends on the chemical
composition, and also on the casting process. It is well
known that for plates made from continuous casting the
segregation is located at 1/2 thickness, whereas for ingot
casting segregation is found at the top of the ingot. For
ingot casting the rate of segregation depends on the ingot
weight and shape. In order to avoid top segregation a
minimum cropping allowance is imposed in the mother plate
(part corresponding to the top of the ingot). In figure 5 the
hardness profile through the thickness of a plate has been
reported for different percentages of cutting from the top of
the plate. As the percentage of cropping increases, the
homogeneity through the thickness of the plate becomes
better. It is clear that a minimum percentage of the top of the
plate (corresponding to the top of the ingot) must be
removed in order to avoid inhomogeneities in the plate. The
cutting level depends on the casting parameters.
IN 10 N
0 ,01
lD 15 20 25
HV 10 N
250 I ,90
200 2
I, 50
150 Ot .~ ............
10 15 20 25
HV 10 N
No crack No crack
·~tv~~f!WJ 0,03
Figure 5 : Hardness profile through the thickness of a
25 mm thick plate influence of headcutting.
I.a.!ili:....J. 0,01
c p Si Mn
Analysis (10" 3 Wt %) 114 7,7 290 1340 1,90
Cracked 350 14 21
Seg. (%)
Uncracked 100 13 23,5
Cracked 488 20 29
Seg. (%)
Uncracked 233 23 23
Analysis (10" 3 Wt%) 165 8,8 268 1340
No crack
Cracked 670 51 53 1, 10
Seg. (%)
Uncracked 115 37 37
Analysis (10 Wt %) 80 8 320 1450
(2 zones)
235 17 18 b/
Seg. (%) 402 18 21
Uncracked 135 16 16
Figure 6 : Segregation profiles through a crack area (a)
Seg.% Ayerage % :teg . % ana!ysjs x 100 and an uncracked one (b).
% analysis
Cl RP.Norm.
Ill B.P.Temp.
~ 60
NACE Norm.
NACE Temp.
o.o 1.0 2.0 3.0
6 Ill Ill
• Cl
d (mm) 4 Cl
a) cracked area 2 Ill
Hv 10 N
Mark 250 300 350 400 450
C+Mn/6 wt%)
From the two plots in figure 8 it can be proposed that a
good HIC behavior is obtained when C + Mn/6
< 0,35 % and when Mn< 1,3 %. However good results
50 can be obtained with higher carbon equivalent or with
higher Mn content. This indicates that chemical composition
is not sufficient to describe segregation (other parameters
2.0 3 .o
such as, plate thickness, ingot weight and shape act on the
b) uncracked area d (mm)
phenomena). The influence of the thickness of the plate is
important since the risk of transformation of segregated
areas into martensite or bainite increases when the thickness
decreases. Then for the lower thicknesses more precautions
Figure 7 : Hardness profiles through cracked areas (a) must be taken. A very good cleanliness is necessary and
and uncracked one's (b).
ingot shape and weight must be adapted to the final product.
Chemical composition has also to be balanced in
consideration of the final product.
Ii Normalized
~ Temp. 580 °c 2h " Cracks
~ ll No crack
CJ 60
No crack
Ref. A !:l c D E F CLR=l0% CLR=29% CLR =0% CLR=0%
Figure 9 : Examples showing the influence of tempering
s0.. • i
treatment on the CLR values 0..
. .
external hydrogen activity, the hydrogen concentration in 3 I
the steel depends on its trapping capacities (ie, I
mechanisms. I I
I "' •
the heats tested(> 30), it is shown that below 1,2 ppm there I
1 G.M. PRESSOUYRE, proc. lfil: Int. Conf. on "Current The experiment has been automated : Both the displacement
Solutions to Hydrogen Problems in steels" Ed. by C.G of the specimen and the vertical motion of the indenter are
INTERRANTE and G.M. PRESSOUYRE, ASM, Publ., sent to a micro computer. The hardness values are given in
1982, p 18. Vickers hardness scale. The measuring step depends on the
length of the scratch : For example for a 50 mm length
2 M. IINO, Met. Trans., 9A, 1978, p. 1581-1590. scratch the measuring step is 16 µm.
3 T. TAIRA et al, Corrosion, 37, (1981), 5. This technique is well adapted to measure hardness
heterogeneity in narrow areas (segregation, weld
4 J. CHARLES, L. COUDREUSE, G.M. structures ... ) An example of hardness profile trough a
PRESSOUYRE and L. CADIOU welded structure is given on figure Al.
Corrosion 87, San Francisco, March 9-13, 1987, Paper
number 88. HV SN
Mem. Sc. Rev. Met, 5, 1984, p 225-238.
Corrosion, 42, N° 1, Jan. 1986, pp 54-61.
10 H.I. Mc HENRY, D.T. READ and T.R. SHIVES ~ : Hardness profil through a welded structure
Mat. Performance, August 1987, pp 18-24.
Estela R. de Schiapparem
Departamento Materiales
Comisi6n Nacional de Energia At6mica
i429 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sixto Prado
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru
Br/CH30H solution was chosen, in order to presented HPC, which consist of microvoids in
avoid the disolution of the inclusions consid- the interface matrix hard inclusions.
ering that the inclusions phases are nobler The same inclusions were deformed in the
than the matrix. The same formalism of thin sense of becoming larger in the direction of
foil analysis was used in our work. Stoichiom- rolling. All the observations were made on
etric calculation was possible due to the abs- the surface of the sample in planes contain-
ence of the matrix effects. ing the rolling direction, Fig. 3, giving a
The type and number of the inclusions pr~ standard metallographic preparation and exam-
sent in this material are given in Table I. ined for internal crack by SEM. Table 1
The microstructure of this material is shows the microcracks associated with dif-
shown in Fig. 1. ferent types of inclusions.
made for an area of 20x20 mm to ensure a com- to HPC. While Nakai et al, when studying the
plete inspection of the piece. The specimen effect of rolling conditions on hydrogen da-
presented reflections all over the area in dif- mage (HD) susceptibility, showed that a
ferent distances beneath the surface. The mor- greater deformation of MnS particles increas-
phology seems to correspond to a rolling flaw, es the HD susceptibility [12]. Pressouyre et
because of the flat reflections;however we al, observed that MnS inclusion concentrations
cannot obtain enough information about HPC increase HD susceptibility. In this work, the
from this study~ size and shape of the inclusions are consider-
ed to depend on the sulphur concentration in
steel. Nevertheless, the authors do not consi-
der that the shape, size or distribution of
the inclusions depend mostly on the conditions
of solidification, rolling and thermal treat-
ments. It is also believed that the differen-
ce in opinion could result from mistakes in
the technique chosen for characterization of
the inclusions.
The steel susceptibility to HPC in worked
steel depends on the differences in the ther-
mal contractions of the inclusions and matrix,
the elastic constants of the inclusions, and
rolling conditions, while in non worked steel
i t depends only on the differences in thermal
contractions of the inclusion and the matrix
during heat treatments. This is understood
as follows: the stress localization occurs
around inclusions for two reasons: (1) the
Fig. 5.~10 µm. SEM micrograph of clusters
difference in thermal contraction during
of Al20 3 which present HPC.
cooling and (2) the concentration of remote
applied stresses resulting from the dif feren-
ce in elastic constants between matrix and
Analytical and empirical expressions are
suggested in several works to show the rela-
tions of stress field around an inclusion
with the size; shape and chemical composition
of the same [13, 14]. Nevertheless, according
to literature [15] the relative contribution
of tesselated stresses versus applied stress
magnification is still somewhat unclear.
The stresses generated around large and
hard particles during cooling and work proce~
sing could exceed the yield strength. There-
fore, greater deformation is likely to occur
in the matrix around hard inclusions. As
Bernard et al reported that hydrogen solubili
ty in iron increasses with the strain level
[16], i t can be inferred that around hard in-
clusions there is a higher hydrogen concentr~
tion in solid solution. This concentration
could be in equilibrium with H2 (gaseous) in-
side microvoids in matrix-inclusions inter-
1 µm. SEM micrograph of MnS-Al203
faces or interfaces of different hardness of
which is not associated with HPC.
the same inclusion. The aforementioned micro-
voids appeared during heat treatments and or
steel working processes. If H2(gaseous) pres-
sure in the microvoids exceeds the yield
strength the blister will grow.
The HPC consists of a macrovoid that is
Hydrogen concentration in solid solution
observed in Fig. 2 and studying the specimen
in the steel matrix will depend on the extent
far from the macrovoid i t was observed inter-
of deformation and on the hydrogen charging
nal voids in the interface matrix-hard in- conditions. We can thus understand the growth
clusions such as alumina in all the specimen; of blisters around hard inclusions in worked
while the soft inclusions which deform plasti steels and the non existence of blisters in
caly during the rolling of the steel such as-
those interfaces between matrix-soft MnS
MnS and silicates, are not associated with
type inclusions.
HPC, hence the susceptibility to HPC does not
depend on the number, size or shape of the
MnS inclusions.
Great differences were found however
in the literature with respect to experimen-
tal results on the effect of MnS inclusions
30 3.109 Elongate 0
Inclusion 10-20 6.1015 Elongate 0
E-< 50 kg Ingot 3
H VACUUM 100 1500 295 2 I 60 25 360
p., MELTING 33
First class industrial heats - ingot products experimental heats where the P content variat:iDn was in
Second class industrial heats - continuous cas- a wider range (3 to 33 thousandth per cent in weight).
ting products Lastly, the influence of rolling conditions was
Third class experl.mental heats - 50 kg ingot conducted on linepipe steels obtained by controlled
Vacuum melting products. rolling, the finishing temperature of rolling being
The influence of sulphur content was studied only either in the two-phased field (a+o) or in the auste-
with the first class steels, whereas the second class nitic field ( o).
steels were low sulphur linepipe steels treated by Table 2 collects the variation of mechanical
silicocalcium~ properties of the different kinds of steels.
The influence of segregations was studied with rt will be noted that the thickness of the first
specimens machined in the core or in the skin of the class steel plates varied between 20 and 100 mm, whe-
heavy plates or the slabs. reas those of the linepipe steel plates was 20-24 mm.
The influence of phosphorus content was examined Microstructures were usually ferritic perlitic
for all of the steels and more particularly with banded structures.
ROLLING 460 565 470 570 14 mm
• 0 0 0 0
0 • o.
J, 0 i
ui ~ 0.4 -
!1j .t::
~ 0.8 - ~ long direction
~ 0.2-
o long direction
...,~ 0.6- ..... • transverse direction
lll ~ 0 ~~~~~-~l~~~~-'--'~~~~-"'--'~~~~...J
~ 0.4 - transverse direction 0 5 10 15 P(10- 3 % )
~ 0.2 - Fig. 6. Evolution of SSC threshold VS P content for low
.t:: sulphur steel (S< 2-10-3%). Normalized low alloy steel
' - r - - - - 1 '__,,___.;
skin v2 thickness
Fig. 4. Influence of the specimen position on ;:;sc
ui 1.0 .-----<>----------------.
threshold. Normalized low-alloy steel pli'ites. >'
';;;- 0.8~
steels Q)
ti 0.6 ~
0.9 _g 0.4 -
ui o.s1--~--~~~-'\',/~/,,,'./'.:"6~~-1-~~~~~~-.j Q)
.... 0.2 - o long direction
......... 0.7
..... • transverse direction
~"' 0.6
0 I
0 5 10
--1-- -~: -
Fig. 5. Influence of segregation on SSC resistance.
Linepipe steels. Long direction.
2.0 ~
Phosphorus is an element which highly segregates
during solidification and to which an important effect
I I'{ I
-1---- t------
generally masks the influence of P content in the low
concentration range (50 to 170 i;:pm) as we can see in 1.0~· I
Figures 6 and 7. It was then not i;ossible co clearly
demonstrate its effect 01 industrial heats.
Nevertheless / the importance of reducing as low
as possible the residua 1 con tent in P was demonstrated
with experimenta 1 heats on HIC ( 18) as we 11 as on SSC
0.Sr----------+-I I
(Figure 8) testing with the slow strain rate
00'.----'--------'l_ ___J_~
Furthermore, hydrogen permeation measurements
conducted in acidic medium (28) showed that fhosphorus
plays a main role on the surface reactions, promoting 10 20 30
the hydrogen pick up and increasing its permeation ra- 10- % P content
te through the metal. It is then possible 1 in the ma-
teria 1 to attain more rapidly a critical hydrogen con-
centration leading to cracking in brittle lo"ations. Fig. 8. Influence of P content on SSC susceptibility.
Slow strain rate technique. L direction.
Rolling conditions
0, 7
l Ul
> OB1-
~ 0.6~
,0 ••
ti Oo. 00
IJNF 0,5
vs 0,4
:g 0.4-
~ 0.2~
long direction
£ • transverse direction
0, 1 0 ....__ _ ___._1_ _ _ _...l,__ _ _ _L __ _ __J
400 500 600 Y.S.(MPa)
13. Brown,A,, Jones, L., "Hydrogen Induced Cra- 23. Bernard, G,, Hersant 1 T. 1 Moliexe, F., Moussy 1
cking in Pii;:e line Steels" Cerros ion-NAr:E, Vol. 40 1 N° F., "Mechanisms and Quantitative Description of Ductile
7, July 1984 1 r:p. 330-336. Fracture in Relation to the Elongated Sulphid!ls", Mem.
14. Taira, T., Kobayashi, Y., Matsumoto, K., Mat- Sci. Revue de Metallurgie, Vol. 76 1 N° 11, Nov. 1979,
sumoto, s., Terunuma, T., Arikata, K, 1 "Resistance of i;:p. 667-687.
Pipeline Steels to Wet Sour Gas", See ref. 1.2, .i;p. 24. Moussy, F., Roesch, L. / "Infuence of Inclu-
173-180. sions Distribution and Moq:hology on Plastic Deforma-
15. Ohtani, M. Mashimoto, T., Komizo, Y. 1 tion and Fracture Behaviour of Steels", Fina 1 Report N°
Murayama, J, / Sawamura, T., Bessyo, K., Kyogoku, T. 1 7210 MA/ 307 / Commission of the European Communities
"Developnent of low PCM High Grade Linepii;:e for Artie 1981.
Service and Sour Environment" Proceedings of the 25. Kohn / A. / "Dendritic Segregation and Banded
Intern. Conf. on Technology and Awlications of High Structure" 1 Revue de Metallurgie. Jan. 1970 1 pp. 23-26.
Strength Low Alloy Steels I ASM-PHILADELPHIA, 3-6 oct. 26. Taira, T., Kobayashi, Y., Matsumoto, K., Tsu-
1983 1 Paper 8306-057. kada, K,, "Resistance of Linepipe Steels to Wet Sour
16. Matsumoto, K., Kobayashi, Y., Ume, K., Muraka- Gas", Corrosion-NACE, Vol. 40 1 N° 9, Sept. 1984 1 pp.
mi, K., Taira, T. 1 Arikata, K., "Hydrogen Induced Cra- 478-486.
cking Susceptibility of High Strength Linepii;:e Steels" 27. Haida 1 o., Kitaoka 1 N,, Habu, H. 1 Kakihara,
Corrosion-NACE, Vol. 42 1 N° 6 1 June 1986, pp. 337-345. s., Bada 1 H. 1 Shiraishi, s., "Macro and Semi-macrosco-
17. Tamehiro, H., Takeda, T., Matsuda, s., pic Features of the Centerline Segregation in CC Slabs
Yamamoto, K., Okumura 1 N. 1 "Effect of Accelerated and their Effect on Product Quality" 1 Transactions
Cooling after Controlled Rolling on the Hydrogen f§l.-I. 1 Vol. 24, 1984 1 pp. 891-898,
Induced Cracking Resistance of Linepipe Steel" 28. Margot-Marette, H, 1 Jessie, T,, Caplet, J.L.,
Transactions ISIJ 1 Vo 1. 2 5 1 1985 1 fP. 98 2-988. Charbonnier, J.C., Brass, A.M. 1 "Application of Electro
18. Margot-Marette, H,, Charbonnier, J.C. Bridoux, chemical Permeation Technique to Hydrogen Diffusion and
D. 1 Perdrix, C. 1 "Influence of Metallurgical Parameters Trapping in Steels, Correlation With Hydrogen Induced
on HIC of Linepipe Steels" Revue de Metallurgie - CIT, Cracking Resistance" 1 Procredings of the Fourth Intern.
Dec. 1986, pp. 891-899. Congress Hydrogen and Materials 1 Beijing, CHINA, 9-13 1
19. Final Research N° 7210 KB/306. Commission of May 1988, Paper N° 37.
the European Communities. Jan. 1987. 29. Iino, M. / Nomura, N. / "Influence of Tensile
20. Margot-Marette, H., Bardou, G., Charbonnier, Properties and Metallurgical Structure on HIC Resistan-
J.C., "1'he Application of the Slow Strain Rate Test ce of Linepipe under Stress" / Nov. 85 1 Private Commu-
Method for the Development of Linepii;:e Steels Res is- nication.
tant to Sulphide Stress Cracking, Corrosion Science, 30. Charbonnier, J. c. / Margot-Marette, H. / Moussy,
Vol. 27 1 N° i0-11 1 1987 1 pp. 1009-1026, F., "Influence of Metallurgical Parameters on HIC and
21. Sims, C.E. 1 "The non Metallic Constituent of SSC Behaviour of Linepipe Steels", Corrosion 87 NACE,
Steel", Transactions of the Metall. Soc. AIME, Vol. SAN FRANCISCO 9-13 March 1987, Paper N° 293.
215 1 June 1959, pp. 367-393. 31. Moussy, F, 1 Charbonnier, J.C., Margot-Marette,
22. Baker, T.J. Charles, J.A., "Type II Manganese H. / Determination of the Stress TE11sor Component Gover-
Sulphides / their deformation and effect on Steel ning Fracture in Hydrogen Charged Pipe Steels" / See
Fracture", Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Ref. 28, Paper N° 83.
March 1973, pp. 187-192.
E. Bollinger
5938i Dunkerque, France
2.2 Sampling and specimen design Two samples treated in a different manner show clearly distin-
The cell used for permeation tests implies the production of disk- guishable behaviours : the chosen conditions for permeation are
shaped test pieces of 20 mm diameter and approximately 1 mm thick. appropriate to make difference within the metallurgical structures
In order to set in action a sufficient volume of material having a studied.
homogeneous structure and apt to be quickly cooled down, it has
been necessary to find out a specially designed test-piece (fig. 2). A slight scattering in the permeation currents (maximum current
0.8 to 0.9 µNcm2) can be noticed. It is usually attributed to small
The evolution of structure and hardness thus obtained is shown variations at the hydrogen entry side (12). Clearly the interpretation
on figure 3 as a function of the cooling parameter 6.t 973/573. of the results cannot be affected by these small changes.
The different investigated conditions are given in table 3. 3.2. Influence of cooling rate
It comes out from figure 7, that the higher is the quenching rate,
Micro graphic examinations and micro hardness profiles (fig. 4) the larger is the permeation breakthrough-time (figure 7a) and the
have proved the homogeneity of the useful part of the specimens. larger is the amount of hydrogen desorbed after interruption of
Disks intended to permeation tests (0 20 mm) have been cut by charging (figure 7b).
electroerosion in the center of this zone.
For the highest cooling rate which lead to mixed bainitic-
The evolution of hardness and structure with the cooling martensitic structures, it seems that the permeation kinetics and the
parameter is shown on fig. 3 : graded micr~structures have ?een amount of hydrogen desorbed during outgassing are related to the
obtained ranging from almost 100 % martenslte to 100 % femte + fraction of martensite. The trapping effect associated to martensite
pearlite. thus appears to be much more important than that of iron carbides
particles which come with the formation of bainite. It is also shown
3 - PERMEATION TESTS that the trapping capacity of the ferrito-perlitic structure (6.t 973/573
= 500 sec) is much lower.
The permeation cell used in this study has been developped o.n the
basis of the method proposed by Devanathan and Stachurski (8). 3.3. Influence of a heat treatment
The experimental condi~ions are ~ummarized !n tal;>le 4 ; ~hey are In figure 8, the behaviours of three ferrite-pearlite structures are
typical of many permeat10n expenments descnbed m the literature compared: as produced (6.t 973/573 = 500 sec), heat treated 30 min
(9). and 4 hours at 873 K. It shows that :
- the thermal treatment for 30 minutes at 873 K does not alter in a
detectable manner the permeation characteristics : the breakthrough
A preliminary study of the method (10) has shown us that, in time and the transient for permeation or outgassing are very similar
these experimental conditions (see table 4), the passive layer grown - holding for 4 hours at 873 K induces a noticeable reduction of
on the detection side plays the role of barrier to hydrogen permeation permeation rate. Moreover, the quantity of hydrogen liable to be
i.e. it interferes with the exit of hydrogen from the metallic sample. trapped by the structure is more important than that of the previous
Thus the hydrogen content at the exit side cannot be considered to be specimens.
zero as it is supposed in many diffusion models presented in the
literature (11). Moreover the evolution of the passive layer with time Using electron transmission microscopy it has been possible to
may induce variation of this hydrogen content which may affect attribute this effect to the precipitation of very small particles (a few
considerably the permeation curve (for example, breakthrough time). nanometers in diameter) containing mainly Al and Nb (probably AlN
In this case, the exploitation of the curves according to the diffusion and NbC type precipitates) (figure 9).
models usually presented in the literature to obtain quantitative data
(diffusion coefficient, amount of trapping, ... ) cannot be used to The additional trapping provided by these particles is more
produce reliable data. important than that corresponding to the decrease in the amount of
dislocations accompanying the heat treatment.
' Furthermore, the comparison of materials which form different
passive layers should not be done by this method without assessing 4 - EVALUATION OF RESISTANCE TO HYDROGEN EMBRIT-
that these passive layers show identical behaviours to hydrogen 1LEMENT
In order to complete these results and roughly estimate the
However, in this study, using optimized experimental conditions resistance of the different specimens to hydrogen induced cracking,
and by working on samples of the same composition but with further tests have been carried out with altering the charging
va."ious microstrnctures, it has been possible to obtain from the conditions (charging solution H2S04 0,1 N + 15 mg/1 NaAs02,
permeation curves informations on hydrogen diffusion truly related cathodic current density 5 mA/cm2 applied during 15 hours). These
to the specimen microstructure. conditions lead to significant absorption of hydrogen and the injected
quantities may cause metal cracking which appears externally by
We have compared, for different microstructures, the permeation blistering. The experimental conditions at the detection side remain
and outgassing curves after interrupting the cathodic charging. The the same as those cited before.
passivation time before charging on one hand and the permeation
duration before outgassing on the other hand have been strictly In these conditions, it has been observed that an increased in the
controlled and are the same for all the tests. At least two permeation fraction of martensite induced an increased degradation of the metal
tests have been carried out in each case (see table 3). on the charging face. On the other hand, it has not been possible to
differentiate the behaviour of specimens which do not contain
3 .1. Results martensite as they did not exhibit any cracks in these conditions.
At first, we have checked the sensitivity of the permeation test to
detect different behaviours from different microstructures ; we have
also controlled that the scattering introduced by the way of producing The data produced by these last tests are only qualitative.
the specimens was limited. Figure 6 shows permeation (a) and out Although the same type of experimental conditions have been used to
gassing (b) curves of three samples, two of them having received the damage specimens and calculate from permeation results critical
same thermal cycle on the Gleeble machine. Samples treated in the concentrations of hydrogen (13) (i.e. the concentration required to
same way show close characteristics with regard to permeation : the crack initiation), we have seen before that the hypothesis of zero H
possibility of repeating the test (simulation of structure, dispersion concentration at the exit face does not apply in these conditions. In
connected with electrochemical process) appears satisfactory. the particular case of high hydrogen fluxes at the entry face, at least
two problems are encountered, taking place at the exit face. The first
one (presence and evolution with time o~ the passive layer) has h<?en REFERENCES
identified and its incidence on permeation results has been st~d1e;d
especially in the case of low fluxes (10) ..Th~ second.one which is (1) La fragilisation des aciers par l'hydrogene - S. Talbot-Besnard
specific to high fluxes is due to the recombmatton reaction (H + H -> Mem. Sc. Rev. Met. - Mai 1979 - p. 293-307
H2) at the exit face : gas bubbles have been observed to evolve from
the detection side. In this case the permeation current does not (2) A. Brown, C.L. Jones
provide a measure directly related to the hydrogen flux going
Corrosion 83 - Paper n° 155
through the metal since an important part of hydrogen does not
participate to the oxidation reaction (H -> H+ + e-). For ~~ese (3) J.C. Charbonnier, H. Margot-Marette, F. Moussy, D. Bridoux,
reasons the curves obtained cannot be used to evaluate cntical C. Perdrix
hydrogen concentrations Corrosion 87 - Paper n° 293
5 - DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION (4) J. Charles, V. Lemoine, G.M. Pressouyre, L. Cadiou
Corrosion 86 - Paper n° 164
The different tests carried out have made obvious some quite
different permeation behaviours relat~d to ~e app~ied thermal cycles (5) B.E. Wilde, C.D. Kim, E.H. Phelps
and to the rnicrostructures of th.e specrmens mvesttgated. Corrosion NACE - Vol. 36, n° 11 - 1980 - p. 625-632
For example, the effect of martensite both on the quantity of (6) D. Rosenthal
hydrogen trapped and on the sensitivity to hydrogen induced Weld. J. - Vol. 20, n° 5 - 1941 - p. 220-234
cracking has been shown.
(7) D. Zmudzinski
The influence of the precipitation of AlN and NbC type particles Creusot Loire Industrie - RT n° 87066 C - Juin 1987
on the amount of trapped hydrogen has also been clearly seen.
However it has not been possible to detect how this precipitation (8) M. Devanathan, Z. Stachurski
could affect the resistance to hydrogen cracking in our experimental Proc. Roy. Soc. London - A 270 - 1962 - p. 90
(9) A. Chavane - M. Abashi - G.M. Pressouyre - J. Galland
With regards to the behaviour of HAZ in situations inv?lving Corrosion NACE - Vol. 42, n° 1 Jan. 1986 - p. 54-61
hydrogen embrittlement, it can be deduced from these expenments
that: (10) P. Manolatos, J. Le Coze, C. Duret-Thual
- low grade energies of welding, by helping the formation. of C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 306, Serie II - 1988 - p. 775-780
structures rich in martensite are potentially dangerous : that is a
well known phenomenon in cold-crakcing (14) (11) N. Boes, H. Ziichner
- when a post-weld heat treatment has to be applied, it is necessary to J. of the Less Com. Met. - n° 49 - 1976- p. 223-240
study carefully the evolution of trapping involved by secondary
precipiiations. (12) A.M. Brass
These de Docteur es Sciences Physiques - Universite de Paris
Sud - Centre d'Orsay - 1983
(14) K. Easterling
Introduction to the Physical Metallurgy of Welding - p. 180 -
Butterworths - 1983
Table 1
Inclusion content according to ASTM and SEP standards
SEP 1570m
Results of HIC and SSC tests on the base metal
(normalisation at 1183 K +annealing for 2 h at 853 K)
Table 3
Gleeble samples for permeation tests
1573 K 10 martensite
2 1573 K 20 60 % martensite
40 % bainite
3 1573 K 50 40 % martensite
60 % bainite
4 1573 K 500 ferrite + pearlite
Experimental conditions for permeation tests
- Preparation of specimens : mechanical polishing under water with SiC grit paper to 1200 grade -
degreasing with acetone
- Cathodic and anodic solutions : NaOH 0.1 N deaerated with stirred argon 24 hours before testing and all
along the test
- HV5
10-3 % c Mn p s Si Al Cu Nb v Ti N
••• •• A 41 1238 14 4 250 33 273 40 48 7 8
• ~
......, Ii c
1397 10
1152 14 2
330 44
340 39
277 48
271 43
63 11
1 10 100 1000
M 973/573 (sec.)
Lqi25 mm
$ 20 mm
() (]) ()
Figure 2 : Gleeble specimen designed for permeation tests
Sampling conditions
a b
400 ••• a
~ 1.....--..l
b 20 l'-'11
20 pm 300
• ••
• ••
L\ t 973/573 (sec)
1 10 100 1000
c d
c••• 'llo-
400 ~ .. ~ a
"c::<. "Gl.
··'? 0
t 973/573 20 sec
10 5 0 5 10 d(mm)
Figure 4 Microhardness profiles in the center of the Gleeble specimens
H + +
\ +
H - H + e
/ =0
I time
start of cathodic
Figure 5
~ 2
(a) (b)
Figure 7 Hydrogen permeation (a) and outgassing (b) curves - Influence of cooling rate
1 : ~t 973/573 = 10 sec 2 : 20 sec 3 : 50 sec 4 : 500 sec
Figure 8 Hydrogen permeation (a) and outgassing (b) curves - Influence of post-treatment
4 : b. t 973/573 = 500 sec 5 : 4 + 873 K - 30 min 6 : 4 + 873 K - 4 h
0,1 pm 0,05 pm
a b
Figure 9 Micrographs obtained by E.T.M. showing the precipitation occurring during heat
treating at 873 K
a : /J. t 973/573 = 500 sec b : a + 873 K - 4 h
All dimensions in mm
where Kp and KMn are P and Mn segregation ratios respectively.
Thus at a Mn segregation ratio of2 the P segregation ratio would be 126
around 10. The exact form of this relationship would depend upon
factors such as size of the segregated regions (5) and processing RD
history of the steel since P, due to its higher diffusion rate, would
redistribute itself more rapidly than Mn. /
There are comparatively few data related to the C content
of the segregated regions (4,5). The C diffuses to the segregation
bands during transformation and the amount segregated would Insert
depend upon factors such as bulk C content, cooling rate and the 0
I- 1 0 x 180
alloy level of the segregation band. In thick bands the C content is
likely to be non-uniformly distributed with the edges of the bands 10 r=. -------"""
having the highest C level (6). This should be around 0.5% for a
band containing 2.5% Mn (7) and would be higher for lower Mn
Although segregation bands are recognised as sites for
hydrogen cracks with microstructure and hardness being of major
importance the role of the composition and geometry of the Weld all round
segregation bands is difficult to quantify due to the variable nature
of such bands in commercial steel. One way of controlling the
composition and geometry is to manufacture composite specimens DESIGN OF COMPOSITE FIG. 2
containing artificial segregation bands. Matsumoto et aJB made use PREPARED FOR WELDING AND ROLLING
of such a technique in conjunction with a hot working simulator to
study the influence of C, Mn and P on HIC. The present paper
describes a project which uses a similar technique. However, in this designed to provide samples with three thicknesses of artificial
instance samples were prepared by rolling plates in a laboratory segregation band (ASB), namely 240, 100 and 30 um.
mill to commercial schedules. Band compositions were based upon
the relationships illustrated in Fig. 1 and the influence of band HIC Test Procedure
thickness was an integral part of the study. Although the steel used
in the major part of the investigation was a low C linepipe grade the Test piece sampling and preparation were carried out
results obtained apply also to pressure vessel steels. according to established procedure. Four test pieces were prepared
from each plate with their major axis parallel to the rolling
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE direction. All tests were carried out in H2S saturated 5% sodium
chloride 0.5% acetic acid solution (pH -3.5) formulated according to
Composite Manufacture NACE standard TM-01-77. Cracks were measured at a
magnification of X30 on three metallographically prepared sections
Composite samples were made up using commercial slab and from each test piece using the standard sectioning procedure. The
inserts of laboratory steel representing segregation band graphical illustration of crack systems is given in Fig. 3 together
compositions. The chemical composition of these steels is given in with a numerical definition. The system employed for defining
Table 1. The laboratory ingots (50 kg vacuum melts) were hot crack parameters is as follows:-
rolled to 5 mm plate and then ground to 2 mm thick to provide All cracks, except isolated cracks with length less than 0.1
insert material. The insert was placed between 2 pieces of slab as mm, are included in the CLR % calculation. Cracks with an extent
shown in Fig. 2. A TIG root run followed by manual metal arc less than 0.1 mm are not included in the CSR % calculation. An
welding was used to seal the insert inside the composite block. The isolated crack or crack system is one having a separation value
blocks were then soaked at 1200°C and controlled rolled in a greater than 0.25 mm.
laboratory mill to a plate 15 mm thick using 2 holding periods to
finish at a temperature of 750°C. Composite manufacture was
c Si Mn p s Cu Ni Also! N Nb Ca 0
Base 0.05 0.28 0.78 0.012 0.001 0.33 0.20 0.036 0.0090 0.033 0.0050 0.0022
PL710 0.08 0.34 0.86 0.012 0.004 0.36 0.22 0.030 0.0063 0.048 0.0081 0 0031
PL705 0.29 0.36 0.84 0.018 0.003 0.19 0.21 0.040 0.0060 0.032 0.0037 0.0025
PL712 0.36 0.56 1.53 0.105 0.002 0.51 0.35 0.045 0.0052 0.20 0.0048 0.0014
PL713 0.34 0.78 2.14 0.345 0.003 0.84 0.48 0.053 0.0066 0.70 0.0065 0.0024
PL715 0.34 0.57 1.53 0.037 0.001 0.52 0.35 0.043 0.0058 0.20 0.0039 0.0025
PL716 0.35 0.80 2.17 0.111 0.002 0.85 0.49 0.046 0.0063 0.70 0.0057 0.0020
PL718 0.35 0.46 2.13 0.049 0.002 0.40 0.30 0.038 0.0054 0.11 0.0051 0.0020
- - - - - - - - - - - w ________..
•--+:;!_- ASB
S - Crack separation W Width
(Av) 1
240 0 0
100 1.7 0
30 0 0
PL605 240 7.6 0.14
100 0.1 0
30 2.3 0.02
PL712 240 37 0.68
100 30 0.41
30 27 0.17
PL713 240 70 0.96
100 71 0.40
30 55 0.02
PL715 240 8.6 0.30
100 12 0.19
30 0 0
PL716 240 61 0.98
100 60 0.18
30 56 0
PL718 240 51 0.69
0.6 ......~-'-~~"'-~--'~~-'-~~'--~-I-~--'
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 700
Distance, µm
200 0 9 CLR > 30%
FIG. 8
~ ~
Above a hardness of around 300 H v in the 30 um ASB, HIC
becomes significant (> 10% CLR). In the literature it has been
1. 8
widely observed that HIC tends to occur in bands of low
temperature transformation structure (3,9-12) and it has also been
1.6 noted that above 300 Hv HIC becomes particularly severe (13) as
observed in the present work. Nevertheless despite the observation
that hard bands are the most likely to suffer from hydrogen
1.4 cracking, cracking can also occur in pearlite bands of hardness
around 200 Hv. A comparison of the HIC results from inserts
PL 710 and PL 705 reveals that although cracking levels were low in
1.2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 both cases PL705 had a much higher CLR value than PL710. The
only compositional difference between the two inserts is that the C
Distance, µm content was initially higher in PL 705 prior to manufacture of the
composite, the composition otherwise of both inserts representing
MANGANESE DISTRIBUTION ACROSS FIG. 7 that of the commercial steel i.e. nil segregation. Figure 9 shows
CENTRELINE SEGREGATION IN X60 LINEPIPE cracking in pear lite bands in the 240 um ASB of insert steel PL 705.
Although during manufacture of the composite the C tends to There are various possible solutions which could be adopted
diffuse away from the insert material into the parent steel, enough to avoid HIC problems related to segregation bands in commercial
remains in the ASB of the final composite to give some marked steels. They are to reduce alloy levels, particularly Mn, P and C, to
pear lite banding. Cracking only occurred in the insert steel and not use rapid cooling (accelerated cooling) after rolling, to temper after
in the pearlite adjacent to the ASB. The explanation probably lies normalising, and to employ quenching and tempering as a process
in the fact that the morphology of the pearlite in the 2 regions is route.
quite different. In the insert the pearlite exists mainly as long It is advisable to reduce the Mn content to as low a value as
continuous bands while in the parent steel it takes the form of much possible, of the order of0.8%. With a maximum segregation ratio of
shorter bands or colonies. A possible contributory factor is that the 2.0 this will ensure a maximum Mn content in the segregation
inclusion level, as already pointed out, is fairly high in the insert bands of 1.6%. It is also important to keep P levels to a minimum,
steels and could thus act as initiation sites for hydrogen cracks for example less than 0.005%. Other elements such as Cu and Ni
which then propagate along the pearlite bands. Further limited are useful for replacing Mn in order to maintain mechanical
trials (14) with insert steel of even higher C (0.6%) but of otherwise properties. Of particular benefit is the fact that they have a similar
similar composition gave much more severe HIC indicating the segregation ratio to that of Mn but a smaller influence on
major influence of pear lite banding per se. hardenability.
It is assumed that during processing C will diffuse to the
segregation bands during the austenite to ferrite transformation.
However, if this can be prevented, the segregation bands, even if
high in Mn, will develop a microstructure much less susceptible to
HIC. There are two ways by which the C level of the segregation
bands can be minimised; (a) reduce the C content in the parent steel
to very low levels ( < 0.02%) in conjunction with increased alloy
levels to maintain properties (3,18) and (b) employ accelerated
cooling after hot rolling (19) or quenching after austenitising. The
effectiveness of accelerated cooling in reducing C diffusion to the
segregation bands during transformation is reduced as plate
thickness increases and so accelerated cooling after rolling could
only usefully be applied below a certain plate thickness, the value
of which would depend upon compositional, structural and cooling
rate factors.
HV25 g
:::~- ----~
formation without any contribution from the P content. In the
steels studied the element with the most important influence on the
microstructure of the ASB was Mn. This is not unexpected since
Mn is the major alloying element and is known to have a
pronounced effect on hardenability.
The results in Table 2 show that in the majority of casts the
thinnest ASB (30 um) cracked least but at greater thicknesses there
was no systematic effect of band thickness i.e. the 100 um and the
240 um bands cracked to a similar extent. The observation that the 200 - - A
thinnest band cracked least despite being generally harder than the
thicker bands indicates that there is a true thickness effect and
agrees with a study (17) of cracked commercial steel samples which 0 .._~,-----'-------'--------'
suggested that the thickness of a segregation band affects the 0 550 600 650
probability of it cracking. Thick bands are more likely to contain
Tempering temperature, °C
suitable nuclei for hydrogen cracking, such as inclusions. Band
thickness in the final plate will be influenced by the initial as-cast
structure and by the amount of rolling reduction. Although thick EFFECT OF TEMPERING ON HARDNESS OF FIG. 10
plates would tend to have the thickest segregation bands this NOP.MALISED AND QUENCHED STRUCTURAL
adverse effect on HIC would be counteracted to some extent by the STEEL CONTAINING ARTIFICIAL SEGREGATION
slower cooling rate which would tend to decrease hardness. BAND OF Mn SEGREGATION RATIO 2.0
ASB 0.30 1.03 3.10 0.24 0.013 0.05 0.52 0.040 0.0077 0.25 The results reported here are partly from an ECSC sponsored
Tempering after rolling, normalising or quenching is an project and acknowledgment is made of the financial assistance
effective method of reducing the hardness of segregation bands and provided.
therefore making them less susceptible to HIC. This is a The authors wish to thank Dr. R. Baker, Director of Research
particularly advantageous process step in the manufacture of and Development, British Steel Technical, for permission to publish
pressure vessel plates. Several workers (10,12,20,21) have this work.
compared quenched and tempered steels with steels in the
controlled rolled condition and have attributed the improvement at REFERENCES
least partly to a more uniform microstructure. Avoidance of
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essential if a high resistance to HIC is required. Figure 10 shows Rudd, W.J., Walker, E.F., and Wilkins, R., 'A Review of
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Quenched+ 28 0.12 Susceptibility of High Strength Line Pipe Steels', Corrosion,
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