Haunted by many warriors who wish to claim the prize of her head, many tried and many failed.
Turned to stone just by the glance of her hideous face. Medusa was not always considered the
monster, in fact it was quite the opposite.
She was the only mortal of three sisters born to Phorcy and Ceto, two of the primordial sea gods.
Phorcys was the primordial god of the deep sea and all it’s dangers, and Ceto was his sister/wife, she
was the goddess of large marine life and sea monsters.
Medusa possessed great beauty and many men lusted for her, but out of respect for the goddess
Athena, she remained pure and she would eventually become the priestess of Athena’s temple.
There were thousands who visited Athena’s temple just for a glance at Medusa’s beauty. They even
claimed that her hair rivaled that of Athena.
It wasn’t long before Athena’s jelousy of Medusa became resent. One day when Medusa was
walking along the shore she caught the attention of Poseidon, the god of the sea. And he was
instantly infatueded with her. Medusa rejected multiple approaches from Poseidon because if she
wished to remain the priestess of Athena’s temple, she must stay a virgin. Poseidon was in the
middle of a conflict with Athena, and he saw Medusa as a possession thet he can take from the
goddess. Eventually Poseidon grew tired of being rejected by Medusa, he decided that he will take
her by force. Medusa, in fear for her life, ran into Athena’s temple in the hopes that the goddess
would offer her protection. There was no protection given that evening and Poseidon had his was
with Medusa, meaning that he raped her. When Poseidon had finished Athena did appear enraged
by the events that had just taken place.
She decided that she would punish Medusa. A punishment against the gods such as Poseidon was
considered unthinkable. Athena cursed Medusa, the hair that she was once so envious of she turned
into a head of venomous snakes. Anyone who looked into Medusa’s eyes would be petrifies and
turned to stone. Word spread of the monster that Medusa had become, and she became the target
of many warriors who wished to add her hair to their list of thropies. All that tried shared the same
fate of being turned into stone.
Until the hero Perseus, son of Zeus, was tasked with retrieving her head. In order to complete the
task Perseus required aid from the gods. He was given a helmet from Hades that made him invisible
to Medusa, a pair of winged sandals from Hermes allowing him to reach Medusa, Athena gave him a
bronze shield able to reflect the gaze of Medusa and lastly he was given a sword sharp enough to cut
off the head of Medusa. With all of these divine gifts Perseus was able to behead Medusa. At the
time of her death, when Perseus killed her, Medusa's two immortal kids with the Sea God sprung
out: Pegasus and Chrysaor. Due to how famous his brother was, Chrysaor would often be forgotten
about. Perseus would use the head of Medusa to aid him in several adventures and it played a
crucial role when defeating the titan Atlas. Medusa is probably one of the most misunderstood
characters in greek mythology, she is often regarded as a cruel monster. She had only the best
intentions and placed her trust in the goddess Athena who ultimately failed her and punished her for
actions that were beyond her control. Her story shows us that even the gods are prone to the sins
that they so heavily pride themselves above. Even in death Medusa can be seen as a symbol of good
as her head is used as a protective amulet to keep evil away.
Pegasus is a massive stallion with a wingspan twice as wide as other pegasi. Pegasus's wings are the
colors of an eagle's - gold, white, brown and rust - which made him look more handsome and regal.
Reyna noted that he is the color of all pegasi, representing all of his offspring.
Piracy: Chrysaor has been sailing the Mediterranean Sea for a very long time. He is an amazingly
successful pirate and has a crew to back up his abilities.
Hydrokinesis: Being the son of Poseidon, Chrysaor may have some control over the seas.