DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W2
DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W2
DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W2
The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-
B. Performance Standards skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and nervous systems
B. Other Learning Worksheets, pictures Charts and pictures Charts and pictures
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the How does oxygen get into our 1. Review about the respiratory 1. Review about the
new lesson body? Likewise; how does system. taking care of
carbon dioxide get out from 2. How can we take good care of respiratory system.
our body? Which body system our respiratory system?
2. Present the materials
is responsible for taking in
for new lesson, The
oxygen and giving out carbon
dioxide? Nervous System
B. Establishing a purpose Four Pics, One Word. Guess Ask diferrent diseases/ailments Discuss the functions of the
for the lesson the word by studying how the associated with respiratory Nervous Sytem
four pictures are related to system problems?
each other. Write the word in
the box below.
__ __ __ __ __
F. Developing mastery Picture analysis: Group work. Picture Analysis: Group work.
(leads to Formative The teacher show pictures of Show some pictures of
Assessment 3) the different parts of the respiratory exercises. Let them
respiratory system. do the exercises.
1. What can you see/observe in
the pictures given?
2. How do these parts work?
applications of concepts How oxygen and carbon What do you feel after doing the How the Nervous System
and skills in daily living dioxide occur? exercises? works?
(reflective approach)
H. Making generalizations Explain how the organs of Explain the importance of taking Think of a situation in your life
and abstractions about Respiratory system work good care of our respiratory when your nervous system
the lesson together system. Show some pictures of worked to keep you safe from
nutritious foods that can help our harm. Can you imagine what
respiratory work properly. might have occurred inside your
body as your nervous system
received from and sent
information to various parts of
your body?
I. Evaluating learning EVALUATION: 11. EVALUATION:
Give the correct answer: Lists the four major functions of
1. A muscle that controls the nervous system and give 2
breathing. examples of its corresponding
2. A smaller extension of controlled actions.
the bronchi.
3. The upper part of the
throat that carries air
into the respiratory
4. Opening in the nose.
5. A leaf shaped cartilage
that covers the larynx
during swallowing.
6. Air sacs in the lungs.
7. Upper end of the
trachea which is also
known as the voice
8. Two large main
branches of the
9. A tube that goes down
the lungs and is also
known as the
10. Gas given off during