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Tech/Odd/EEC711/2021-22 (Regular) Enrolment


University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur

(Established by Act of State Govt. & u/s 22 of UGC Act, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

University Examination
B.Tech 4th Year, 7th Semester
Subject Code-EEC711 Total Marks-100
Subject Name- Industrial Automation and Robotics Time Duration -3hrs.
All the answers should be in brief and to the point.
Strike off all the blank pages of copy, after completing your work.
The students are advised not to write anything on the question paper other than Enrolment No.

The text in the column Level indicates the Bloom’s level of the question, i.e., R:
Remember, U: Understand, A: Apply, N: Analyze, E: Evaluate, C: Create

The text in the column Course Outcome indicates the (CO) the question meets.
(Answer any fifteen questions) [15*1=15]
1. Choose the correct option:
Q. Questions Level Course
No. Outcome
a. The regulator of our domestic ceiling fans U CO2
effectively cause
a) rotor resistance control.
b) armature voltage control through
variation of series resistance.
c) ac 1-phase variac type
voltage control
d) none of these.

b. In case of traveling cranes, the motor preferred for boom A CO1

hoist is
a) AC slip ring motor.
b) Ward Leonard controlled DC shunt motor.
c) Synchronous motor
d) Single phase motor.

c. Which speed control method preferred for constant torque N CO3

a) Field control. b) Armature voltage control.
c) Mechanical loading system. d) None of above.
d. The concept of V/f control of inverters driving induction U CO4
motors results in
a) Constant torque operation b) Speed reversal
c) Reduced magnetic loss d) Harmonic

e. To save energy during braking of a running train the type A CO1

of braking employed is
a) Dynamic. b) Plugging.
B.Tech/Odd/EEC711/2021-22 (Regular) Enrolment

c) Regenerative. d)All of the above.

g. To save energy during braking-----------------braking is N CO1

a) Dynamic.
b) Plugging.
c) Regenerative.
d) All of the above

h. Stator voltage control for speed control of I.M. is A CO3

suitable for
a) fan and pump drives b) drive of a crane
c) running it as generator d) constant load drive

i. When a line commutated inverter operates in inverter N CO3

a) it draws both real & reactive power from a.c. supply
b) it delivers both real & reactive power to the supply
c) it delivers reactive power to a.c. supply
d) it draws reactive power from a.c. supply.

j. For an electric locomotive moving in the downward U CO3

direction in a hilly region, the economic breaking
system will be
a) Counter current Braking. b) Dynamic Braking.

c) Regenerative Braking. d) Mechanical


k. What is false about microprocessor? A CO2

i). The microprocessor is of small size chip, hence is not
ii). microprocessor chips are available at low prices
iii). microprocessors are versatile
iv). failure rate of an IC in microprocessors is very low

l. In a fan motor the load torque is proportional to. N CO2

a) Speed b) (Speed)2 c) 1/(Speed)
d) 1/(Speed)

m. Motors preferred for rolling mill drive are U CO2

a) d.c. motors b) a.c. slip-ring motors with speed
c)any of these d) none of these.

n. To get speed higher than the base speed of d.c. shunt U CO4
a) armature voltage control is used b) field control is
c) armature resistance control is used d) none of
B.Tech/Odd/EEC711/2021-22 (Regular) Enrolment

o. The speed & torque of induction motors can be varied U CO4

a) Stator voltage control. b) Rotor voltage control.
c) Frequency control d) All of These.

p. Slip of Induction motor at the time plugging is A CO4

a) S. b) 0 c) 1 d) 2-S

q. Armature voltage control in a d.c. drives provides N CO3

a) Constant power control. b) Constant Speed control.
c) Constant torque control. d) Constant current

r. Which of the following are electrical braking methods? U CO1

a) Plugging
b) Dynamic
c) Regenerative
d) All of the above

s. A four quadrant operation requires U CO2

a) Two full converters in series.
b) Two full converters connected in parallel.
c) Two full converters connected in back to back.
d) Two semi converters connected in back to back.

t. Basic elements of a electric drive are A CO3

i. Electric motor.
ii. Control system.
iii. Electrical motor and control system.
iv. None of the above.

(Answer any five questions)
Q. Questions Level Course
No. Outcome
2 Prove that the fundamental torque equations for electrical U CO2
drive T =Tl + J *(dwm)/(dt)
Where, J= Polar moment of inertia of motor-load system
referred to the motor shaft, kg-m2
Wm= Instantaneous angular velocity of motor shaft,
T= Instantaneous value of developed motor torque, N-m
Tl = Instantaneous value of load (resting) torque, referred
B.Tech/Odd/EEC711/2021-22 (Regular) Enrolment

to motor shaft, N-m. [5]

3 With necessary diagrams explain the multi quadrant E CO2
operation of a hoist. (5)
4 Briefly describe the four quadrant operation of drive. [5] E CO2
5 Explain the torque power limitation and Modes of R CO1
operation for Induction motor Drive with necessary
diagram. [5]
6 Explain zero sequence braking for induction motor drive A CO3
with necessary diagram [5]
7 Explain the operation for two quadrant chopper drive for N CO4
separately excited Dc motor? [5]

8 Explain the with necessary Close loop slip controlled E CO2

PWM inverter drive with regenerative braking[5]

(Answer any four questions)
Q. Questions Level Course
No. Outcome
9 a) What is Electric Drive Explain with block diagram. E CO2
Explain the different factor for choice of electric drive (6)

A 220 V dc series motor runs at 1000 rpm(clockwise) and R CO1

takes an armature current of 100A when driving a load
with a constant torque. Resistances of the armature and
field windings are 0.05Ω each.
(i) Find the magnitude and direction of motor speed and
armature current if the motor terminal voltage is reversed
and the number of turns in field winding is reduced to
80%. Assume linear magnetic circuit.
(ii) If its operated under the dynamic braking at twice the
rated torque and 800 rpm. Calculate the value of braking
current and resistor. Assume linear magnetic circuit. (9)

10 a) Discuss (i) plugging and (ii) Counter current braking A CO3

of d.c motor. (8)

b) What are the advantages of Electric Drive. (7) N CO4

11 a) Explain (i) Regenerative braking (ii) Plugging or E CO2

reverse voltage braking. for Induction motor with suitable
diagram. (5)

b) A 400 V, star connected , 3-phase, 6-pole, 50Hz R CO1

induction motor has following parametrs referred to the
B.Tech/Odd/EEC711/2021-22 (Regular) Enrolment

stator: Rs =Rr’= 1Ω, Xs=Xr’=2Ω. For regenerative

braking operation of this motor determine maximum
overhauling torque it can hold and range of speed for safe
operation. (10)

12 a) Explain the method of stator voltage speed control of A CO3

Induction motor using ac voltage controller with
necessary diagrams. (8)
b) Explain the variable frequency control method of an N CO4
Induction method. (7)
13 Explain the operation of 3 phase full converter dc drive E CO2
with necessary waveforms. (15)
14 Explain the operation of 3phase full bridge(180 deg R CO1
conduction mode) induction motor drive with necessary
diagram. (15)

Distribution of Marks based on Blooms’ Taxonomy

Level Marks Distribution

R: Remember 15%

U: Understand 15%

A: Apply 20%

N: Analyze 20%

E: Evaluate 20%

C: Create 10%

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