YORK General Piping Recommendations
YORK General Piping Recommendations
YORK General Piping Recommendations
• Slope horizontal suction lines on cooling only systems
The tables and application data in this publication will help you approximately 1 inch every 20 feet toward the outdoor unit
to better apply split system cooling and heat pump systems to to facilitate proper oil return. Since the flow of refrigerant is
achieve maximum efficiency and performance, improved reli- bi-directional on heat pumps, all horizontal vapor lines
ability, and greater customer satisfaction. This guideline in- should be level. Pre-charged lines with excess tubing
cludes information for: should be coiled horizontally in an inconspicuous location
to avoid oil trapping. Never coil excess tubing vertically.
• General piping practices • Use long radius elbows wherever possible, except when
• Vapor and liquid line sizing fabricating oil return traps. Short radius elbows should be
used on traps to keep the oil volume returning to the
• Total line length limitations compressor as small as possible. See Figure 2.
• Elevation limitations
• Orifice changes (2) SHORT RADIUS 45°
• System charging STREET ELBOWS
UNIT SIZE LINE LENGTH 1. Suction line pressure loss due to friction.
Heat Pump 012 to 060 75 or 125 feet* 2. Suction line velocity for oil return.
Cooling 012 to 018 125 feet 3. Liquid line pressure loss due to friction.
024 to 060 175 feet
4. Liquid line pressure loss (or gain) due to static head.
*See Heat Pump installation instructions for correct maximum line length.
The limiting factor on heat pumps is the storage capacity of the The effects that each of these factors have on a cooling system
accumulator. The limiting factor on cooling units is oil sump depend on the orientation of the indoor and outdoor sections;
capacity in the compressor. e.g., indoor unit above the outdoor unit. Before we discuss the
Total equivalent line lengths must only be used when calculat- various orientations, it is important to understand a few things
ing pressure drop. Therefore use the following table to calculate about suction and liquid lines.
equivalent lengths for elbows. (NOTE: See Figure 2 for number
of ells in suction line trap.)
First, let’s consider suction lines. Suction pressure loss re-
duces system capacity by 1% per psi. This can be a serious
problem if suction lines are not sized properly and pressure
LINE 90° SHORT 90° LONG loss is 8 or 9 psi. Therefore, in order to minimize capacity loss
SIZE RADIUS RADIUS and maximize efficiency, suction pressure loss must be mini-
INCHES (O.D.) ELBOW (FT.)* ELBOW (FT.) mized. This is achieved by increasing the size of the suction
1/4 0.7 0.6 line. As a good achievable guideline, suction pressure loss
5/16 0.8 0.7 should not be allowed to exceed 3 psi.
3/8 0.9 0.8
1/2 1.2 1.0 Another important consideration when sizing suction lines is
5/8 1.5 1.3 refrigerant gas velocity in a suction riser. Velocity of at least
3/4 1.6 1.4 1000 feet per minute is required to carry oil up a suction riser.
7/8 1.8 1.6 Of course, this is only a factor when the outdoor unit is above
1-1/8 2.4 2.0 the indoor unit and the oil must overcome the pull of gravity to
* Two 45° radius ells equals one 90° radius ell.
return to the compressor. Greater refrigerant velocities are
obtained by decreasing the size of the suction line. In applica-
tions where smaller tubing is required for a suction riser and
ELEVATION DIFFERENCES larger tubing is needed to minimize pressure drop, the riser
Elevation differences between the indoor and outdoor units can must be sized to achieve a velocity of at least 1000 feet per
cause system performance and reliability problems if special minute while the horizontal runs can be sized larger to minimize
considerations are not made to line sizes and orifice sizes. Both pressure drop.
of these are covered in detail in the Line Sizing section below.
LINE SIZING Liquid lines must also be sized to minimize pressure change.
The total pressure change in a liquid line is the sum of the loss
Every split system unit is shipped with a factory-mounted sweat due to friction and the loss (or gain) due to static head in the
or quick-connect fitting. Standard system fittings are shown vertical line. Liquid pressure loss reduces the amount of liquid
below: sub-cooling at the rate of 1 degree for every 3 psi of pressure
loss. If the liquid pressure drop is high enough to deplete all of
Unit Liquid Vapor the liquid sub-cooling in a system, liquid will start to flash
Size Line OD Line OD reducing the refrigerant flow through the indoor coil metering
012 to 024 5/16" 5/8" device. Although a system can tolerate some flash gas at the
030 to 036 5/16" 3/4" metering device, under certain conditions the indoor coil can
042 to 060 3/8" 7/8" be starved and the coil will freeze. As a general guideline, total
liquid pressure loss must never exceed 30 psi.
2 Central Environmental Systems
INDOOR UNIT ABOVE OUTDOOR UNIT device can be increased in size to allow more refrigerant
through. Table 3 shows orifice corrections for various ranges
With this configuration, a common problem with the cooling of liquid pressure losses. Friction losses can be calculated
cycle (air conditioning or heat pump) is that the amount of liquid using Table 4, which shows pressure drop per 100 feet for
sub-cooling varies as operating conditions change (such as various liquid line sizes. Static pressure loss can be calculated
outdoor ambient). Under some conditions, it is possible that at 1/2 psi per foot of rise. REMEMBER, TOTAL PRESSURE
flashing will actually occur in the liquid riser. As long as only LOSS IS THE SUM OF THE FRICTION AND STATIC
liquid is present in the liquid riser, the liquid static pressure loss LOSSES.
can be calculated at 1/2 psi per foot of rise. However, as soon
as flashing starts, the rate of pressure loss increases and
continues to increase as the amount of gas increases. For this Example: Given a 3 ton system with a #63 orifice, 5/16 liquid
reason, the restrictions on elevation differences for this con- line, total equivalent piping length of 75 feet and 20
figuration must be based on the entire range of operating feet of liquid line lift;
When the indoor unit is above the outdoor unit, the pressure Friction loss = 75 ft. x 26 psi/100 ft. = 19.5 psi
loss in the liquid line during the cooling cycle will limit the Static loss = 20 ft. x 1/2 psi/ft. = 10.0 psi
amount of elevation difference allowed. Since both friction and Total loss = 29.5 psi
static head contribute to pressure loss, it can be stated that the
elevation difference allowed decreases as the total equivalent From Table 3, increase orifice from #63 to #67.
line length (horizontal plus vertical) increases.
Table 2 shows elevation limits for each size unit with various With this unit configuration, suction gas velocity is not a prob-
size liquid lines over a range of total line lengths. This table lem because oil can flow down to the outdoor unit. Therefore,
should be used to size liquid lines based on the total equivalent
line length of the system and the amount of rise required for the only consideration with the suction line is pressure loss.
the installation. Never exceed the elevation limit shown and Table 5 shows pressure drop per 100 feet for various suction
always choose the smallest liquid line possible to minimize the line sizes. This table should be used to size suction lines to
total system charge. minimize pressure drop.
CAUTION: Remember, never increase liquid line size on heat LIQUID LINE
51 41 31 21 11 11 21
ABOVE OUTDOOR UNIT Thru Thru Thru Thru Thru
Thru Thru
60 50 40 30 20 20 30
LOSS TO 50 75 100 125 150 175
SIZE SIZE - - - - 39 41 43 45
PSI/100 ft. 25
- - - 39 41 43 45 47
41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55
1/4 15.0 25 45 38 30 22 15 8
12 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57
5/16* 3.7 25 50 50 50 50 49 47
45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59
1/4 32.0 25 28 12 NR NR NR NR
18 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61
5/16* 7.8 25 50 48 44 40 37 33
5/16* 12.5 25 48 41 35 29 22 16 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63
3/8 4.8 25 50 50 50 48 46 43 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65
5/16* 19.0 25 41 32 22 12 3 NR 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67
3/8 7.1 25 50 49 46 42 39 35 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69
5/16* 26.0 25 34 21 8 NR NR NR 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71
36 3/8 9.7 25 50 45 41 36 31 26
1/2 2.1 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73
3/8* 12.0 25 48 42 36 30 24 18 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75
42 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 78
1/2 2.7 25 50 50 50 50 50 50
3/8* 17.5 25 42 34 25 16 8 NR 65 67 69 71 73 75 78 81
1/2 3.8 25 50 50 50 50 49 47 69 71 73 75 75 78 81 84
3/8* 24.4 25 38 23 11 NR NR NR 71 73 75 78 78 81 84 87
1/2 5.3 25 50 50 49 47 44 41 75 75 78 81 81 84 87 90
* = Standard line sizes must be used on all heat pumps.
** = 75 or 125 feet maximum total line length depending on model (see heat pump 78 78 81 84 84 87 90 93
installation instructions for correct maximum line length). 81 81 84 87 87 90 93 96
NR = Not recommended.
84 84 87 90 90 93 96 99
87 87 90 93 93 96 99 102
As a result of liquid line pressure drop, system capacity is lost 90 90 93 96 96 99 102 105
because the flow of refrigerant through the expansion device 93 93 96 99 99 102 105 105
is reduced. To compensate for this pressure drop, the orifice
TABLE 5 - SUCTION LINES On cooling only systems where the outdoor unit is located high
above the indoor coil, it may even be possible to reduce the
UNIT size of the liquid line. The static gain in the vertical drop will
SIZE offset the increased friction loss caused by smaller tubing. In
(“OD) (FT./MIN.) PSI/100 FT.)
1/2 1,970 7.5 addition, the reduction in the total system charge due to the
012 smaller liquid line will enhance the reliability of the system.
5/8* 1,225 2.5
5/8* 1,835 5.5 However, as noted previously, never change the liquid line
3/4 1,250 2.0 size on heat pumps.
5/8* 2,450 9.1
024 3/4 1,665 3.2 With this configuration, gas velocity in the vapor riser must be
7/8 1,180 1.5 kept above 1000 feet per minute for oil return and below 3000
3/4* 2,080 3.8 feet per minute to avoid noise and vibration problems. Table 5
030 shows friction losses and refrigerant gas velocities for various
7/8 1,475 2.1
3/4* 2,500 7.0
size vapor lines on each unit size. This table should be used to
7/8 1,770 3.0
size vapor lines for proper oil return and minimum pressure
3/4 2,915 9.1
042 7/8* 2,065 4.1
NOTE: For either heat pump or cooling only systems in this
1-1/8 1,205 1.1
configuration with elevation differences greater than 5
7/8* 2,355 5.2
048 feet, install traps in the suction riser using the following
1-1/8 1,375 1.5
7/8* 2,945 8.0
1-1/8 1,720 2.2
1. For lifts up to 50 feet, only one trap at the bottom of
*Standard line size.
the riser is required.
Additional Charge - Using a 5/16 liquid line and 7/8 suction 35 FT.
line, from Table 6, the additional charge
required is calculated as follows: 10 FT. OUTDOOR
Additional charge from tech guide orifice chart = 4 oz.
Liquid line 75 ft. x 0.40 oz./ft. = 30 oz. From Table 3, the required orifice for this system is #78.
Vapor line 75 ft. x 0.08 oz./ft. = 6 oz.
40 oz. Additional Charge - Using a 3/8 liquid line and a 7/8 suction
Since a sweat connect unit is being used, the factory supplied line, from Table 6, the additional charge
charge for the first 15 ft. of piping shown in Table 7 must be required is calculated as follows:
subtracted, 40 oz. - 7 oz. = 33 oz. additional charge required.
Heat Cycle Capacity and Efficiency Losses - From Figure 7, Additional charge from tech guide orifice chart = 4.0 oz.
heating cycle capacity and efficiency losses re- Liquid line 60 ft. x 0.62 oz./ft. = 37.2 oz.
sulting from the 50 ft. elevation difference are as Suction 60 ft. x 0.08 oz./ft. = 4.8 oz.
follows: 46.0 oz.
Additional Requirements - Since the total piping length exceeds
O.D. Capacity Efficiency 50 feet, the following items must be field installed
Amb. (°F) Loss (%) Loss (%) if not provided as standard factory equipment:
60 20 13 • Low voltage start kit
47 11 7
• Off cycle timer
38 2 1
• Crankcase heater
6 Central Environmental Systems