Aoac 1993 v76 n6
Aoac 1993 v76 n6
Aoac 1993 v76 n6
J A IN E E 7 6 (6 )1 1 6 3 -1 4 3 2 (1993)
IS S N 1060-3271
M VCOSEP # 2 2 4
g re m o v e s c a r b o h y d ra te s
ULTIFUNCTIONAL | p r o t e in s
~> p i g m e n ts
fa ts
fro m
a n d
fe e d /fo o d
e x tra c ts
1 0 s e c o n d s
in ju s t
M y c o to x in A p p lic a tio n s
ns ▲= Impurities • 2 0 m in . H P L C of
-f = M ycotoxins
A fla to x in s
• 3 0 m in . S im u ltan e o u s
T L C of A fla to x in , D O N ,
a n d Zearalenone
• G C of Trichothecenes
(D O N , T-2 Toxin, etc.)
EXTRACT A sk a b o u t ou r w o r k s h o p s .
R Ö M E R L A B S , IN C .
UNIO N, M O 6 3 0 8 4
SAMPLE EXTRACT PHONE (314) 583-8600 FAX (314) 583-6553
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A G u id e f o r U n d e r s ta n d in g a n d A p p l y i n g B a sic
B io c h e m ic a l C a lc u la tio n s ...
T h is p u b licatio n will help te c h n ic ia n s
B a s ic and stu d e n ts to u n d e rsta n d an d apply
basic biochem ical ca lc u latio n s using
X C a lc u la t io n s sim ple an d c o n siste n t tech n iq u e s.
B iochem ical ca lc u latio n s are needed
at som e stage of m ost lab o ra to ry
f o r C h e m ic a l
ex p erim en ts— th e types of calculations X
vary b u t often in clu d e basic tasks
& B io lo g ic a l +
su ch as calc u latin g th e a m o u n t of
a re ag en t in an assay m edium ;
A n a ly s is c o n v e rtin g raw ex p e rim en tal data
X in to c o n c e n tra tio n s, a m o u n ts, and
activ ities; in te rc o n v e rtin g u n its of
+ Bassey J.S. Efiok %
m easu re; an d ca lc u latin g variables or
c o n sta n ts for biochem ical re actio n s. X
W h e th e r you need a review of how to
apply general p rin cip les to specific
q u an titativ e problem s or sim ply a less
X com plex te c h n iq u e — th is book will fill
th e need. Q uick referen ce guides to
+ %
ab b rev iatio n s, SI u n its, a n d selected
eq u a tio n s, and an index to th e X
p ractical exam ples is provided.
C a lc u la tin g fo r A m o u n t, C o n c e n tr a tio n , a n d
X P r e p a r a tio n o f R e a g e n ts ; B u ffe rs: P r in c ip le s ,
C a lc u la tio n s a n d P r e p a ra tio n ; S p e c tro p h o to
+ m e tr y : B a s ic P r in c i p le s a n d Q u a n tita tiv e
A p p lic a tio n s ; E n z y m e A ss a y s a n d A c tiv ity ;
R a d io a c tiv ity a n d R e la te d C a lc u la tio n s ; M is c e l
la n e o u s E x a m p le s ; A p p e n d ic e s a n d R e f e r e n c e s .
* +
A p p ro x . 2 0 0 p a g e s. J u ly 1 9 9 3 . S o ftb o u n d .
I S B N 0 - 9 3 5 5 8 4 - 5 1 -X . A p p e n d ic e s . $ 3 9 .0 0 in
% N o r th A m e ric a (U S A , C a n a d a , M e x ic o ), $ 4 7 .0 0
+ a c c e p ts U S fu n d s o n U S b a n k s o n ly ) o r %
c re d it c a r d s : V IS A , M a s te rC a rd o r D in e rs .
W h e n p a y in g b y c r e d it c a r d p le a s e in c lu d e : X
ty p e o f c re d it c a rd , c a rd n u m b e r, e x p ira tio n
d a te a n d y o u r s ig n a tu re . +
S E N D T O : A O A C IN T E R N A T IO N A L -J,
1 9 7 0 C h a in B rid g e R o a d , D e p t. 0 7 4 2 ,
M i
M cL ea n , V A 2 2 1 0 9 -0 7 4 2 .
X C r e d it c a r d o r d e r s m a y a ls o b e p la c e d IN TER N A TIO N A L
by p h o n e : + 1 -7 0 3 -5 2 2 -3 0 3 2 , o r FA X
The Scientific Association Dedicated to Analytical Excellence
+ 1 -7 0 3 -5 2 2 -5 4 6 8 .
+ - X - = o/o + - X -H = o/o + - X - = % + -
T h e U S . E P A M a n u a l
o f C h e m ic a l M e th o d s
f o r P e s tic id e s a n d D e v ic e s ,
S e c o n d E d itio n
T h e U .S. EPA t o b e t h e m o s t s u i t a b l e a n d , in
M anual o f s o m e c a s e s , th e o n ly m e th o d s
C h e m ic a l a v a ila b le fo r a p a r tic u la r
M e th o d s f o r fo rm u la tio n .
P e s tic id e s a n d
T h is n e w ly r e v is e d e d itio n o ffe rs
D e v i c e s is a
a n u p d a t e d f o r m a t a n d 18 n e w
c o m p e n d iu m
m e th o d s . S o m e m e th o d s p r e s e n t
o f c h e m ic a l
in t h e p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n a n d u p
m e t h o d s fo r
d a te s h a v e b e e n e lim in a te d , s u c h
t h e a n a l y s i s o f p e s t i c i d e s in t e c h
a s th o s e fo r p e s tic id e s th a t a r e
n ic a l m a te ria ls , c o m m e r c ia l p e s ti
n o lo n g e r re g is te r e d a n d th o s e
c id e fo r m u la tio n s a n d d e v ic e s . T h e
fo r w h ic h a n e q u iv a le n t p r o
m a n u a l c o n ta in s 2 8 7 m e th o d s th a t
c e d u r e e x i s t s in O ffic ia l M e t h o d s
h a v e b e e n c o n trib u te d b y fe d e ra l
o f A n a ly s is o f th e A O A C . T h e
a n d s ta te a g e n c ie s a n d p riv a te
r e s u l t is a c o n c i s e , u p - t o - d a t e
in d u s try .
m a n u a l d e s i g n e d t o s e r v e a ll
A lth o u g h n o t c o lla b o r a tiv e ly a n a l y t i c a l s c i e n t i s t s i n v o l v e d in
t e s t e d o f f ic ia l A O A C m e t h o d s , p e s tic id e s a n d d e v ic e s .
S e c o n d e d itio n . A p p r o x im a te ly 7 9 0 p a g es. 1992.
m o s t h a v e b e e n v a l i d a t e d in
3 - h o le d r i l l w it h b in d e r IS B N 0 - 9 3 5 5 8 4 -4 7 - 1 .
e ith e r EPA o r s ta te la b o ra to rie s . $ 1 3 8 . 0 0 in N o rth A m e ric a fU S A , C a n a d a , M e x ic o ),
$ 1 6 2 . 0 0 o u ts id e N o rth A m e ric a . M e m b e rs s u b tr a c t
T h e s e p r o c e d u r e s a r e b e lie v e d 10% d is c o u n t.
To order: Send your nam e and address and paym ent. AOAC International accepts checks (US
funds on US banks only, please) and VISA, MasterCard or Diners credit cards. When paying by
credit card, please include: type of card, card num ber, expiration date and your signature.
Send to: AOAC International - J, 1970 Chain Bridge Road, Dept. 0742, McLean, VA 22109-0742.
Credit card ord ers m ay a ls o b e p la ced by p h o n e +1 (703) 5 2 2 -3 0 3 2 , or FAX +1 (703) 5 2 2 -5 4 6 8 .
' * - iT v ^ V ’ Ï " <™rj
A O A C T a b le o f C o n t e n t s
A Peer-Reviewed Journal Publishing N ovem ber/D ecem ber 1993 Vol. 76, No. 6 JA IN EE 7 6 (6 )1 1 6 3 -1 4 3 2 (1 9 9 3 )
J o ur n a l S taff
_ ■■ . • ; 1193 T h e C h in e s e T o ta l D ie t S tu d y in 1 9 9 0 . P a r t I. C h e m ic a l C o n ta m in a n t s
Publications Director: Krystyna A. Mclver Junshi Chen and Junquan Gao
Managing Editor: Robert E. Rathbone
Assistant Editor: Scott Hofmann-Reardon
1206 T h e C h i n e s e T o t a l D i e t S t u d y i n 1 9 9 0 . P a r t II . N u t r i e n t s
Production: Thomas McMullan
Advertising: Christine Barger Junshi Chen and Junquan Gao
Subscriptions: Mark Stewart
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à D. R. 253'/
1213 S u r v e y o f B e n z e n e in F o o d s b y U s in g H e a d s p a c e C o n c e n tr a tio n T e c h n iq u e s
a n d C a p illa r y G a s C h ro m a to g ra p h y
Timothy P. McNeal, Patricia J. Nyman, Gregory W. Diachenko, and Henry
C. Hollifield
1220 P e s t i c i d e R e s i d u e s in C o m p o s i t e d M i l k C o l l e c t e d T h r o u g h t h e U .S .
P a s te u r iz e d M ilk N e tw o rk
William J. Trotter and Richard Dickerson
1225 S u r v e y o f T o ta l T e tr a h y d r o p h th a lim id e in B a b y F o o d s U s in g B o th
E n z y m e -L in k e d Im m u n o s o rb e n t A ss a y a n d G a s C h ro m a to g ra p h y /M a s s
S p e c tr o m e tr y : A C o m p a ra tiv e S tu d y
Jupiter M. Yeung and W. Harvey Newsome
1317 C o m p a riso n o f G e l P erm ea tio n C h rom atog rap h y , S w e e p C o d istilla tio n , and
F lo ris il C o lu m n A d so rp tio n C h ro m ato g rap h y as S a m p le C lean u p
T ech n iq u es fo r th e D eterm in a tio n o f O rg a n o ch lo rin e P e stic id e R e sid u e s
in A n im a l F a ts
Paul Armishaw and Roderick G. Millar
1396 L i q u id C h r o m a to g r a p h ic M e th o d f o r D e te r m in in g th e P e r c e n t o f O le s tr a in
L ip id S a m p le s
Daniel H. Tallmadge and Peter Y.T. Lin
1993 INDEX
1405 A u th o r In d e x
1416 S u b je c t In d e x
New Batch
H andbook for Derivatives for Chro bols, and units. I; is a unified reference
m atography. Edited by Karl Blau and
John M. Halket. Published by John
source for all authors of scientific publi
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1 Wiley Dr, Somer
set, NJ 08875-1272,1993.369 pp. Price: Directory o f R esearch & Education in
$95.00. ISBN 047192699X. Food Science, Technology & Engi
neering. Sponsored by the International
The new edition of this handbook is de Food Information Service, the European
signed to be more comprehensive and Federation of Food Science and Tech
systematic, and to reflect recent devel nology, and the International Union of
opments and advances in chemical deri- Food Science and Technology. Publish
vatization, in chromatographic methods ed by IF1S Publishing, Lane End House,
and in analytical instrumentation. It is a Shinfield, Reading, RG2 9BB, UK,
practically oriented manual for labora 1993. Price: UK: £130.00, US: $225.00.
tory use. The topics of interest include:
advances in silylation and alkylation, Ideal for R&D,
Now all the relevant information on re
derivative formation by ketone-base
search and education in all aspects of
QC, scientists,
condensation, colored UV-absorbing
food science, technology, and engineer
engineers, sam
derivatives and fluorescent derivatives, ple preparation
ing is available in one place. This new
and derivatization for chromatographic for analysis
directory lists the research interests of
resolution of optically active com and pilot plant
the major players in Europe and North
pounds. Many techniques are discussed,
America; details undergraduate and production,
in particular: analysis by soft ionization
graduate courses; tells you who is avail these batch
mass spectrometry, supercritical fluid
chromatography, gas chromatogra- able for consultancy work and in which processors are
phy/mass spectrometry, and post chro countries they have recent expertise; used for mixing light to
matographic derivatization. The final shows you where networks are being set heavy viscosity matter,
chapter is a general view of the practical up; lists journals and other regular pub powders, liquids with solids
aspects, including safety, involved in lications; covers short courses and or powders. Rugged 1/2 to
derivatization chemistry. sources of funding; and indicates who to 15 HP m otors provide m ix
contact for admission. It covers Europe, ing, blending, homogenizing
including the former USSR, and North and em ulsification in a con
Reporting Experim ental Data. Edited
by Howard J. White, Jr. Published by the America, including Canada, the United trolled environm ent vessel.
American Chemical Society, 1155 16th States, anc Mexico, and has entries from Size reduction can be
over 500 universities, companies, and
St, NW, Washington, DC 20036, 1993. achieved during the mixing
360 pp. Price: U.S. & Export: $89.95. institutions undertaking research in food
cycle. Mixing and size
ISBN 0-8412-2529-X. science, technology, or engineering, or
reduction can be achieved
providing education and training in
independently or sim ulta
these fields. It is designed to be easy to
This practical guide will tell you every
use and includes indexes by institutions,
neously. Som e benchtop
thing you need to know about the proper models can also be
as well as by areas of scientific exper
handling of numeric data. Compiled converted to continuous
from widely scattered sources, this de tise. Entries are grouped alphabetically
by country. feed for size reduction.
finitive reference volume offers infor
mation on coordinating data from many For more information
disciplines. This volume gathers the rec Taulbee’s Pocket Com panion: U.S.
call Product Mgmt. Dept.,
ommendations for publication of data FD A and EPA G LPs in Parallel. Ed
ited by Stephanie M. Taulbee and
601-956-3216 or
for measurements of a physical chemi
Robert S. DeWoskin. Published by In-
FAX 601-956-5758.
cal nature together with current IUPAC
recommendations for quantities, sym terpharm Press, 1358 Busch Pkwy, Buf-
Jo u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76 N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 161A
Books in Brief
falo Grove, IL 60089,1993. Price: Five- procedures for the analytical work itself FD A News: D rugs, C osm etics, D e
Pack/$59.00. is now expected to become a require vices and Biologies. A monthly news
Taulbee’s Pocket Companion is an easy- ment for confidence in laboratories and letter sponsored by the Association of
to-carry, concise reference to the full for the acceptance of results. In the fu Food and Dmg Officials. Edited by Y.H.
text of the U.S. Environmental Protec ture, laboratory accreditation—as an Hui. Published by the Technomic Pub
tion Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug important instrument for the dairy in lishing Co., 851 New Holland Ave, Box
Administration GLPs made especially dustry to strength confidence in labora 3535, Lancaster, PA 17604,1993. Price:
for those who have quality assurance, tory results—will only be possible on One year: $185.00. ISBN 1069-5109.
regulatory affairs, marketing, or scien the basis of such quality assurance prin
tific responsibilities for products or stud ciples. Aimlytical Quality Assurance For many years, the Association of Drug
ies having to comply with more than one and Good Laboratory Practice in Dairy Officials (AFDO) has spent an enor
U.S. regulatory agency. It contains the Laboratories covers basic needs and mous amount of effort to assist the food
verbatim text of the FDA and EPA concepts, general requirements, and in- and drug industries in complying with
(TSCA and FTFRA) GLPs, fully refer tralaboratory and interlaboratory aspects federal and state regulations To enhance
enced and guaranteed to be the most re of analytical quality assurance for dairy its objective of communicating cmcial
cent versions available. It is painstak institutes, central testing laboratories, information quickly AFDO has devel
ingly arranged so that the text of the and dairy factory laboratories. The semi oped a unique newsletter. This newslet
different GLP regulations and the appli nar was sponsored by AOAC INTER ter, FDA News: Drugs, Cosmetics, De
cable requirements for each topic can be NATIONAL, the Commission of the vices and Biologies, is designed to keep
compared side-by-side. the affected industries information of the
European Communities, the Interna
tional Dairy Federation, and the Ger latest legal, regulatory, and technical de
A nalytical Q uality Assurance and
many National Committee of IDF. velopments regarding their products and
Good Laboratory Practice in D airy services. Each month this newsletter
Laboratories. Published by the Interna will review numerous FDA documents
International GLPs. Edited by Robert
tional Dairy Federation, 41, Square Ver- and summarize in 1 2 pages items that
S. DeWoskin and Stephanie M. Taulbee.
gote, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium, 1993. are cmcial to industries doing business
Published by Interpharm Press, 1358
429 pp. Price: 3900 BF. ISBN 92-9098- in drugs, cosmetics, devices, and bi
Busch Pkwy, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089,
0 1 0 -2. ologies. Scanning this letter takes about
1993.444 pp. Price: $198.00.
1 0 min, which will replace the normal
162A J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
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Y our Lab ora tory’s Reputation addition al c o st to p u rch asers of the
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To obtain your copy of OFFICIAL METHODS
Each m ethod is referen ced for back
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As analytical n eed s change and as Vitamins
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New Products
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b u ck et rotors. B io -S p in co lu m n s are a lso organic test m ethods: ascorb ic acid, standard, and th e sy ste m is com p atib le
a vailab le em p ty for y ou r o w n sp in ch ro chrom ate, cop p er, lead , m olyb d en u m , w ith op tical m ic r o sc o p e s from popular
m atography and gravity flo w ap p lica nitrate, nitrite, p eracetic acid, p eroxid e, ven dors. T h e P ersonal A F M can b e e x
tions. B io -R a d Laboratories. pH . and m ore. E M S c ie n c e . panded to in clu d e S T M and U H V /S T M
C ircle N o . 3 8 8 on reader serv ice card. C ircle N o . 3 8 9 on reader serv ice card. capability. T he unique T m eC ontour servo
control circuitry m in im izes overshoot and
Introducing the Reflectoquant Personal AFM Microscope undershoot w h en scanning over sharp fea
Analysis System tures. S cans are autom atically linearized
B u rleig h Instrum ents in trod u ced the w ith active feedback during the scan so
E M S c ie n c e has introduced th e R e fle c n e w lo w c o st and ea sy to u se Personal that all im ages are undistorted and all
toquant A n a ly sis S y stem for test strip, A F M m icro sco p e that can q u ick ly im m easurem ents are accurate and reliable.
in clu d in g colorim etric, tests. To u se the a g e the su rface o f virtually any solid or The Burleigh Personal A F M is supplied
R e flecto q u a n t sy stem , load th e test se m i-so lid m aterial w ith ou t sam p le com p lete w ith W in d ow s b ased True-Im-
m eth od from a b ar-cod e, dip a test strip preparation, and p rovid es subnanom eter age software. B urleigh Instruments, Inc.
in the sam p le, and insert th e e x p o se d im a g e resolu tion and 3 D m easu rem en t C ircle N o . 3 9 0 on reader serv ice card.
Ç 7A & /O tft/y
For Analytical Science that Solves Today’s Problems and Anticipates Tomorrow’s Needs
Symposia: Other Symposia:
A nalytical M e th o d o lo g y fo r T o d a y ’s Issues: ■ E nvironm ental Issues A ssociated w ith Fertilizers
■ A nalytical M eth o d s for H erbal P roducts ■ Chem ical Analyses R elated to Oil Spills
■ Analytical M eth o d s for the D eterm ination o f
E co n o m ic A dulteration (all foods) Forums:
■ M ethods o f A nalysis for Processed Seafood
■ F orum o n A ntibiotics a n d D ru g s in Feeds
Products, inclu d in g D eco m p o sitio n
■ F o ru m b y th e T echnical C o m m ittee for Juice and
■ A nalytical M eth o d s for F erm entation Processes
Juice P roducts
L ab M a n a g e m e n t S eries:
■ L aboratory Safety
■ A utom ated M ethods Open Forum
T e c h n o lo g y o f th e F u tu re : Laboratory Equipment Exposition
■ Capillary E lectrophoresis
Modern L aboratory Workshop
W iley A w ard S y m p o siu m :
■ T o be determ ined by 1994 W iley A w ard W inner Short Courses
O ld F rie n d s, N ew E n e m ie s S eries: Plus ... more than 200 poster sessions
■ Biom edical W aste T reatm ent T echnology and
A ssessm ent M ethodology, Inclu d in g R egulatory
R oundtable as p art o f the Sym posium
lin gton , V A . C ontact: F a y e H. N orth, tion M eeting, Durham , N H . Contact: E d S ectio n Secretary-T reasurer E llen Jan
A O A C , 2 2 0 0 W ilso n B lv d , S u ite 4 0 0 , m ond J. Baratta, U .S . F ood and D rug A d deV ries. R ep resen tatives fro m P oland,
A rlin gton , V A 2 2 2 0 1 -3 3 0 1 , +1 (7 0 3 ) ministration, 109 H olton St, W inchester, H ungary, and the C z e c h and S lo v a k R e
C anada S e c tio n M eetin g , M anitoba, S e c tio n M e e tin g , C olu m b ia, M O . C on tee— step s required b efo re o fficia l
C anada. C ontact: M ark G . T orchia, St. tact: G eorge R ottin gh au s, U n iv ersity o f chartering. A recep tion fo llo w e d , h osted
B o n ifa c e G eneral H osp ital, D epartm ent M isso u ri-C o lu m b ia , V eterinary M ed ica l by P ragu e’s E c o lo g ic a l Institute and
o f Surgery, 4 0 9 Tache A ve, W in n ip eg, D ia g n o stic L aboratory,PO B o x 6 0 2 3 , sp on sored b y the E urope S e c tio n . T h e
M B , R 2 H 2 A 6 , C anada, telep h o n e +1 C olu m b ia, M O 6 5 2 1 1 , telep h o n e +1 celebration provid ed a backdrop for the
(2 0 4 ) 2 3 7 -2 5 6 8 . (7 0 3 ) 5 2 2 -3 0 3 2 . m eetin g, w h ich a lso featured a scien tific
February 2-3, 1994: A O A C S ou th June 1994: A O A C P a c ific N orth w est program o n recent strategies on quality
S e c tio n M eetin g , O ly m p ia , W A . C o n assurance in fo o d a n a ly sis.
ea st U S A S ectio n M eetin g , A tlanta, G A .
tact: Isabel C . C ham berlain, U .S . E n v i T h e n ex t step s in the estab lish m en t o f
C ontact: D o u g H ite, T en n essee D epart
ronm en tal P rotection A g e n c y , R eg io n the group as an o ffic a l su b sectio n o f
m en t o f A gricu ltu re, T ech n ical S erv ice s,
10, 7411 B e a c h D r E ast, Port Orchard, A O A C IN T E R N A T IO N A L are form al
P O B o x 4 0 6 2 7 M elr o se Station, N a sh
W A 9 8 3 6 6 , telep h o n e +1 (7 0 3 ) 5 2 2 - approval b y th e E x e c u tiv e C o m m ittee o f
v ille , T N 3 7 2 0 4 , telep h o n e +1 (6 1 5 )
3 6 0 -0 3 1 4 . 3032. the E urope S ectio n and chartering b y the
E uropean R ep resen tative. T h is problem ■ President: Jana H ajslova, Prague, AOAC Nutrition Labeling Book
w ill a lso a ffect the C entral E urop e S u b C z e c h R ep u b lic Published 1
sectio n , certainly w h ere hard currency is ■ P resident-E lect: A n to n K ocan ,
n eed ed to p ay for A O A C m em b ersh ip B ratislava, S lo v a k R ep u b lic
W ith the M a y 1 9 9 4 d ea d lin e for c o m p li
and ed u cation p rogram s, su ch as A O A C ■ Secretary-Treasurer: V lad im ir
an ce w ith the N utrition L a b elin g and
short cou rses. E v e n the organ ization o f K ocou rek , P rague, C z e c h R ep u b lic
E ducation A c t (N L E A ) nearing, A O A C
interlaboratory stu d ies is n ot e a sily real ■ M em bers: IN T E R N A T IO N A L recen tly p u b lish ed
iz e d in C entral E urope, b e c a u se m o st • Ilo n a B o r o s, H ungary a b o o k d e sig n e d to h elp an alysts select
laboratories w ill o n ly participate for f i • M ie c z y s la w O b ied zy n sk i, the proper O fficia l M eth o d fo r fo o d la
n an cial com p en sation . P olan d b elin g.
A O A C w a s rep resented at the organ • M aria V aradi, H ungary R e le a se d O ctob er 2 2 , Methods of
iza tio n a l m eetin g by L auw aars and • P a v e l F arkas, S lo v a k R ep u b lic Analysis fo r Nutrition Labeling con tain s
Jam es F. L aw ren ce, H ea lth and W elfare • O n e addition al m em b er from 281 A O A C O ffic ia l M eth o d s appropri
C anada, w h o a ls o p resen ted a paper dur S lo v e n ia is to b e nam ed. ate for nutrition la b elin g , w h ic h are
in g the sc ie n tific p rogram o n q u ality as T h e n e x t m e e tin g o f the C entral grou p ed b y an alyte for e a sy referen ce.
surance and interlaboralory stu d ies in E urop e S u b sectio n w ill be h eld in B ra T h e b o o k a ls o con tain s chapters w ritten
trace an alysis. tislava, S lo v a k R ep u b lic, O ctob er 1994. b y exp erts in the fie ld c o v e r in g variou s
T h e e x e c u tiv e c o m m ittee o f the C en T h e top ic o f the sc ie n tific program w ill to p ics pertinent to nutrition lab elin g.
tral E urope S u b se c tio n e le c te d for b e laboratory quality assurance, refer A c co rd in g to co-E d itor D arryl S u lli
1 9 9 3 -1 9 9 4 is as fo llo w s: e n c e m aterials, and accreditation. van, H a zleto n W isc o n sin , “T o date,
H elp Y ou r P rofession
N om in ate a D eserving In d ivid u a l f o r the
1995 H arvey W. W iley A w a rd
P le a s e d o y o u r p a r t to e n s u r e th a t s c ie n tif ic d e d i
W e n e e d y o u r h e l p !I
c a tio n a n d e x c e lle n c e d o e s n o t g o u n r e c o g n iz e d .
T h is n e w b o o k w ill p r o v id e th e u s e r w it h a
HEII f t h o r o u g h k n o w l e d g e o f h o w to te s t fo o d
p r o d u c t s fo r c o m p li a n c e w it h p r o v is io n s o f th e
N u tritio n L a b e lin g a n d E d u c a tio n A c t ( N L E A )
o f 1 9 9 0 , w h ic h m a d e m a n d a t o r y th e n u t r i
t io n a l c o n t e n t la b e li n g o f n e a r l y a ll p r o c e s s e d
fo o d s. T h e b o o k c o n ta in s a c o n c ise a b stra c t
all AOAC® Official Methods
o n th e N L E A a n d
determined to be acceptable for use in nutrition
T h e m e t h o d s a r e l is t e d in a l p h a b e t i c a l o r d e r
b y n u trie n t, a n d d iv id e d in to c h a p t e r s o n
c a r b o h y d r a t e s , m in e r a l s a n d p r o x i m a t e , fat
a n d fatty a c id s, a n d v ita m in s . D is c u s s io n s on
th e u s e o f th e s e m e t h o d s in th e fo o d l a b o r a
to ry, c u rr e n t id e a s o n m e th o d a d a p tio n , a n d
th e u se o f m a n y n e w u n o ffic ia l m e t h o d s are
in c lu d e d .
A c h a p t e r o n S ta n d a r d R e fe re n c e M a te ria l
w i l l a s s i s t th e r e a d e r in l o c a t i n g a p p r o p r i a t e
s ta n d a r d s fo r e a c h m e t h o d / m a tr ix c o m b in a
tio n a n d p r o v id e s r e c o m m e n d a t io n s o n h o w
to p r e p a r e y o u r o w n r e f e r e n c e m a t e r ia ls .
O c t o b e r 1 9 9 3 . S p e c ia l p r e p u b l i c a t i o n d i s c o u n t b e f o r e
D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1 9 9 3 : $ 1 0 0 . 8 0 in N o r t h A m e r ic a (U S A ,
C a n a d a , M e x ic o ) , $ 1 1 2 . 5 0 o u t s i d e N o r t h A m e r ic a .
A fte r D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1 9 9 3 : $ 1 3 9 . 0 0 in C o n t i n e n t a l
N o r t h A m e r ic a , $ 1 5 5 . 0 0 o u t s i d e C o n t i n e n t a l N o r t h
A m e r ic a . A O A C I N T E R N A T I O N A L m e m b e r s : s u b t r a c t
10% d i s c o u n t .
T o o r d e r : S e n d y o u r n a m e , a d d r e s s a n d p a y m e n t to
A O A C IN T E R N A T IO N A L . A O A C a c c e p t s c h e c k s (U S
f u n d s o n U S b a n k s o n l y p l e a s e ) o r V IS A , M a s t e r C a r d ,
a n d D in e r s c r e d it c a r d s. W h e n p a y in g b y c r e d it c a r d
p l e a s e i n c l u d e t h e t y p e o f c r e d it c a r d , c a r d n u m b e r ,
e x p i r a t i o n d a t e , a n d y o u r s ig n a t u r e .
E d it e d B y S e n d to: A O A C IN T E R N A T IO N A L -J , 1 9 7 0 C h a m B r id g e
R oad , D e p t. 0 7 4 2 , M cL ea n , V A 2 2 1 0 9 - 0 7 4 2 .
D A R R Y L M, S U L L I V A N
C r e d it c a r d o r d e r s m a y a l s o b e p l a c e d b y p h o n e :
D O N A L D E . C A R P E N TE R + 1 -7 0 3 -5 2 2 -3 0 3 2 , or FAX + 1 -7 0 3 -5 2 2 -5 4 6 8 .
N L E A is the m o st sig n ifica n t p ie c e o f fatty a cid s from m o n o -, d i-, and w h e n o n e m eth o d con tain s a referen ce
le g isla tio n regu latin g the fo o d industry. triglycerid es, and an y other sou rce. T h e to a secon d referen ce, th is seco n d
N e v e r h as so m eth in g b een s o w id e rang L ip id A n alysis chapter e x p la in s this n ew m eth o d is in clu d ed as a tim e -sa v in g fe a
in g - a ffectin g sm all, m ed iu m , and large d efin itio n , co m p a res it to other fo o d la ture. A n in d e x is in c lu d e d as w e ll, listin g
b u sin e sse s - in an effort to ed u cate the b e lin g d e fin itio n s for fats and lip id s, and the A O A C O ffic ia l M eth o d n u m b er and
p u b lic. N L E A le ft th e fo o d industry in a lists th e cla ssific a tio n s and ty p es o f fatty th e p a g e o n w h ic h it is found.
h u g e v o id in term s o f h o w to co m p ly , a cid s fo u n d in fo o d s . T h e chapter a lso
and w e h o p e this b o o k w ill f ill the v o id .” d etails e a c h appropriate m e th o d o lo g y Methods Adopted First Action
M ethods o f A n alysis f o r N utrition L a and states w h ic h fats or lip id s are a ccu
beling c o n ta in s chapters o n su ch top ics rately m easured. ■ D ru g s a n d R e la te d Topics: 993.32
as international ap p roaches to fo o d la T h e chap ter C a rb o h yd ra te/D ieta ry M u ltip le S u lfo n a m id e R e sid u e s in B o
b e lin g , a c o n c is e exp lan ation o f N L E A F ib er A n a lysis ex p la in s th e term in o lo g y v in e M ilk , L iq u id C hrom atograp h ic
p ro v isio n s, and the fin al report o f the b eh in d the N L E A d e fin itio n o f sugars, M eth o d w a s ad op ted first action b y a
A O A C T ask F o rce o n M eth o d s for N u in clu d in g th e tro u b leso m e term “c o m b allot c o m p le te d on S ep tem b er 15,
trient L a b elin g A n a ly se s. T h e task fo rce, p le x carboh yd rates.” T h e chapter a lso 1 9 9 3 . T h is m eth o d w ill b e p u b lish ed in
form ed in early 1 9 9 2 and c o n sistin g o f groups the appropriate su gar a n a ly ses b y the fifth su p p lem en t (1 9 9 4 ) to the 15th
m em b ers o f g o v ern m en t a g e n c ie s , aca ty p es o f m e th o d o lo g y , in c lu d in g co lu m n ed itio n (1 9 9 0 ) o f O fficial M eth ods o f
d em ia, p rivate co m p a n ie s, and trade as chrom atography, colorim etric m eth od s, A n alysis.
so cia tio n s, w a s instrum ental in d efin in g and e n z y m a tic -c h e m ic a l m eth od s.
w h ic h o ffic ia l m eth od s are accep tab le O n e o f th e m o re n o v e l chapters c o v Method Modification Received
for nutrition la b elin g and w h ic h areas ers th e n e e d for referen ce m aterials to
n eed further m eth o d d ev elo p m en t. B o th v erify the accu racy o f n e w or m o d ifie d ■ M ic ro b io lo g ica l M ethods: 990.13
o f th ese lists are in clu d ed in th is p u b lica m eth o d s, as w e ll as other id e a s d is Salm on ella in F o o d s, C olorim etric D e -
tion. cu sse d b y th e task fo r c e and its su b c o m o x y n u c le ic A c id H yb rid ization M eth od
A ls o in clu d ed are in d ivid u al chapters m ittees. O n e o f th e se id ea s p resen ts a (G E N E -T R A K )
ad d ressin g a n a ly ses o f lip id s, carbohy- u n iq u e w a y o f p e r c e iv in g th e collab ora ■ M etals a n d O th er Elem ents a t Trace
drates/dietary fiber, p roxim ate and m in tiv e study p ro cess. Instead o f d e fin in g a Levels in Foods: 9 7 3 3 2 C adm ium and
erals, fa t-so lu b le v ita m in s, and w ater- range o f fo o d s o n a c o m m o d ity b a sis, L ead in Earthenware, A to m ic A bsorption
so lu b le vitam in s. A ll o f th ese chapters the ch e m ic a l variation o f fo o d s is u sed to Spectrophotom etric M eth od
detail th e appropriate A O A C O fficia l lim it th e num ber o f sa m p les that w o u ld
M eth o d s for in d ivid u al analytes and represent all fo o d s. T h is variation is d e Beta-Lactam Test Kit Evaluation
state p lu se s and m in u se s o f the different fin ed b y fat, protein, and carbohydrate Completed
m e th o d o lo g ie s u sed . In all o f th ese concen tration . T h erefore, a sa m p le c o n
chapters, w h en m o d ific a tio n s o f A O A C taining a sim ila r ch e m ic a l m ak e-u p can T h e A O A C R esea rch Institute and the
O fficia l M eth o d s are n e e d e d to co m p ly b e u sed fo r eith er ch ed d ar c h e e s e or F D A C en ter fo r V eterinary M e d ic in e
w ith N L E A , the m o s t current adapta brow n m ustard, ea ch o f w h ic h con tain s c o m p le te d th eir jo in t e v a lu a tio n o f beta-
tion s are d iscu ssed . sim ilar am ounts o f fat, protein, and car la cta m test k its su b m itted in January
In sev era l k e y areas o f an alysis, b oh ydrates. Currently, 2 d ifferen t c o m 1 9 9 3 . S e v e n b eta-lactam test k its have
N L E A requires a n o v e l approach, and m o d ity -b a sed sa m p les w o u ld n e e d to b e been r eco m m en d ed fo r A O A C R e
M ethods o f A nalysis f o r N utrition L a b el u sed . T h e chapter a lso p ro v id es g u id e search Institute “P erform an ce T ested”
ing p rovid es so m e m u ch n e e d e d g u id lin e s fo r the preparation and u se o f in- certification and are fisted b e lo w w ith
an ce. T h e chapters on lip id an d sugar h o u se q u ality assu ran ce con trol m ateri their va lid a ted se n sitiv ity le v e ls . A ll
a n alyses w e r e c o m p ile d to reflect the als. b eta-lactam test k its w ere evalu ated a c
new d efin itio n s fo r th e se analytes M eth ods o f A n a lysis f o r N utrition L a cord in g to a va lid a tio n p ro to co l d e v e l
adop ted b y the U .S . F o o d and D ru g A d beling is a hardbound m an u al con tain in g o p ed jo in tly b y th e A O A C R esea rch In
m inistration in N L E A . o v er 6 2 0 p a g e s. E a ch O fficia l M eth o d is stitute and the FDA C en ter for
T h e fin al r a le s o f N L E A d e fin e fat as referen ced b y the O ffic ia l M e th o d n u m V eterinary M e d ic in e . A d d itio n a l test kits
the su m o f fatty acid s ex p ressed as ber and a sp e c ia l chapter num b er for are still u nder evalu ation . T h e F D A C en
triglycerid e, in clu d in g free fatty acid s, ea sy cro ss-referen cin g. In m o st c a se s, ter for V eterinary M e d ic in e and the
i A O A C.
Q U A l I T Y
| a s s u r a n c e
' p r i n c i p l e s
/ E s s e n t ia l for any lab w a n tin g to im prove or initiate a q u ality assu ran ce (Q A ) program .
M aterial w as e xte n sive ly revised for th is n e w edition w h ic h features n e w in form ation and
concepts developed since the h an d b o o k w as last published. A n im portant ad d ition is a chap ter
on u tilizin g statistical ap p lication s and analytical control c h artin g techniques. A p p e n d ix e s, too,
have been revised and one added on laboratory accreditation criteria — crite ria w h ic h can be
used for self-evaluation o f lab Q A p rogram s and op e ration s m anagem ent procedures.
E a c h chapter offers recom m endations for developing and operating a Q A program. T h e book
also provide s solid ju stifica tio n for com m itm ent of re sou rce s to a q u ality assu ran ce program .
C o n te n ts: Q u ality A ssu ra n c e Planning. Statistical A p p lic a tio n s and C o n tro l Charts.
P e rso n n e l C onsiderations. M an age m e n t o f E q u ip m e n t an d Su pp lies. Sam p le and Record
H and ling. S a m p lin g and Sam p le A n a ly sis. P ro fic ie n cy and C h e c k Sam ples. A u d it Procedure.
D e sig n and Safety o f Facilities. La b o ra to ry Accreditation.
A p p e n d ix e s : T yp ical C on te n ts o f a Q u ality M a n u a l for T e stin g Laboratories. F o rm s U sed
by U.S. Fe d era l Agencies. In stru m e n t Perform ance Checks. F D A A u d it M e a su re Procedures.
P roficie n cy and C h e ck Sam ple Program s. A ccred itation Criteria.
192 p a g e s . 2 n d e d itio n . M a y 1991. S o ftb o u n d . IS B N 0-93 5 5 8 4 -4 6 -3 .
$ 6 3 .0 0 I n C o n tin e n ta l N o r th A m e ric a (U S A , C a n a d a , M exico)
$ 6 9 .0 0 O u ts id e C o n tin e n ta l N o r th A m e ric a
T o o rd e r:S e n d y o u r nam e and ad d ress and paym ent. A O A C In te rn a tio n al accepts ch e cks (U S
fu n d s on U S b an ks only, p le ase ) and V IS A , M a ste rC a rd or D in e rs credit cards. W h e n p a y in g by
credit card please include: type of credit card, card num ber, e xp iration date and y o u r signature.
AOAC Research Institute will certify fects of contamination of milk by so AOAC Research Institute Perform
these test kits after the manufacturers matic cells and bacterial cells or cross ance Tested certification is effective for
submit revised labeling for approval. reactivity, or any other limitations dis 1 year, after which the test kit is re
The beta-lactam validation protocol covered during the independent viewed to ensure the original conditions
specifically applies to raw, commingled evaluation of the test kit. of the certification are still appropriate.
milk (bulk tank milk) and requires the Under the requirements of the valida
collection of data on sensitivity, selec tion protocol, beta-lactam test kits must Correction
tivity, dose response, ruggedness, cross
exhibit a minimum sensitivity rate of
reactivity, adverse affects of contamina The Jou rnal o f AOAC INTERNA
90% at or below established tolerance
tion of milk by somatic cells and TIONAL (1993) Volume 76, Number 4,
and/or safe levels for each FDA ap
bacterial cells, lot-to-lot consistency, “Ochratoxin A in Cow’s Milk and in Hu
proved beta-lactam drug claimed on the
and stability. Sensitivity, selectivity, man Milk with Corresponding Human
dose-response, and cross-reactivity re product labeling, and approved test kit
Blood Samples,” page 842, abstract, line
sults submitted by manufacturer were labeling must reflect the specific beta- 14, ng/mL should be ng/L; page 843,
verified by an independent testing labo lactam drugs claimed as detectable, i.e., column 1, line 8, 10% boron should be
ratory, and the results are required to ap “Beta-Lactam Test for Penicillin G, 20% boron; page 843, column 2, line 5,
pear on the test kit labels. Test kit pack Cloxacillin, Ampicillin, and Amoxi 5 mL ethanol should be 5 mL methanol;
age inserts were reviewed to ensure that cillin” or “Beta-Lactam Test for Cefdo- and page 845, table 2, Ochratoxin A,
users are warned about any adverse af- fur and Cephapirin.” mg/L should be Ochratoxin A, ng/L.
1 The Gist-Brocades Delvotest SP was not evaluated by the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine, because the test kit claims to detect sulfona
mide drugs above FDA safe and/or tolerance level. However the Delvotest SP was validated for beta-lactam drugs by the AOAC Research
Institute according to beta-lactam validation protocol.
ISO 9000.. .The Foundation for Good Business Relationships — I.R. Waples
Each year, we take the opportunity to convey our gratitude to the hundreds of individuals who voluntarily set aside valuable time
to assist the Journal o f A O A C In tern ation al by reviewing submitted manuscripts. The reputation of the scientific journal rests on
the quality of the science reported therein. Those of you listed below have helped immeasurably to assure the reputation of the
Jou rnal o f A O A C In ternational by insisting on high standards of experimental design, method execution, and data interpretation.
Please accept our thanks for your contribution to fulfilling AOAC’s mission.
A n y o n e in v o lv e d in f o o d s to r a g e , p r o c e s s
in g , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r r e g u l a t i o n w i l l f i n d t h i s
fu lly illu s t r a t e d b o o k to b e t h e e s s e n t ia l s o u r c e
o f in f o r m a tio n o n f o o d p e s t m a n a g e m e n t .
E C O L O G Y A N D It i s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e c o m p i l a t i o n o f t h e
w o r k o f l e a d i n g s c i e n t i s t s i n t h e f i e ld , p r e p a r e d
u n d e r t h e d i r e c t i o n o f t h e U .S . F o o d a n d D r u g
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n . S t a r t in g w i t h t h e b a s i c s , t h e
b o o k c o n t i n u e s a ll t h e w a y t h r o u g h t h e “ s t a t e
F O O D -IN D U S T R Y o f th e a r t” te c h n iq u e s b e in g e m p lo y e d to d a y .
P o te n tia l u s e r s in c lu d e f o o d in d u s tr y
P E S T S p r o f e s s io n a l s r e s p o n s ib le fo r o r i n t e r e s t e d in
f o o d s a n ita tio n , p e s t c o n t r o l a n d q u a lity
a s s u r a n c e , w o r k in g fo r f o o d p r o c e s s o r s ,
r e ta ile r s , w h o le s a l e r s , s t o r a g e fa c ilitie s ,
im p o r te r s a n d e x p o r te r s , r e s ta u r a n ts a n d o th e r
f o o d s e r v ic e s , f o o d b a n k s; e d u c a t io n a l in s t it u
t io n s w it h d e p a r t m e n t s o f f o o d s c ie n c e , a g r ic u l
tu r e a n d e n to m o lo g y ; a n d r e g u la t o r y a g e n c ie s .
I n a d d i t i o n , it p r o v i d e s a v it a l r e s o u r c e f o r
t h o s e e n g a g e d in p r o a c tiv e e ffo r ts to p r e s e r v e
a n d e n s u r e c le a n a n d a d e q u a te w o r ld fo o d
s u p p lie s .
C o n t e n t s : E c o lo g y , P r e v e n t i o n , S u r v e y a n d
C o n t r o l, H e a l t h A s p e c t s , R e g u l a t i o n a n d
I n s p e c tio n a n d M a n a g e m e n t o f s u c h p e s t s a s
m ic r o o r g a n is m s /d e c o m p o s e r s , m ite s, in s e c t s
( c o c k r o a c h e s , b e e t l e s , s p r i n g t a i l s , m o t h s , f l ie s ,
a n ts ), a n d v e r t e b r a t e s ( r o d e n t s , b i r d s , a n d b a ts );
G lo s s a r y a n d T a x o n o m ic a n d S u b je c t I n d e x e s .
5 9 5 p a g e s . 1 9 9 1 . I llu s tr a te d . H a r d b o u n d .
IS B N 0 - 9 3 5 5 8 4 - 4 5 - 5 .
$ 1 5 0 .0 0 i n C o n t i n e n t a l N o r t h A m e r i c a
$ 1 6 7 .0 0 o u t s i d e C o n t i n e n t a l N o r t h A m e r i c a
M e m b e r s s u b t r a c t 10% d i s c o u n t .
To o rd e r: s e n d y o u r n a m e a n d a d d r e s s , a n d
p a y m e n t . A O A C I n t e r n a tio n a l a c c e p t s
c h e c k s (U S f u n d s o n U S b a n k s o n ly ,
p l e a s e ) a n d c r e d i t c a r d s : V ISA,
M a s te r C a r d o r D in e r s . W h e n p a y in g
b y c r e d it c a r d p le a s e in c lu d e : t y p e o f
J. R. Gorham, Editor c r e d it c a r d , c a r d n u m b e r , e x p ir a t io n
d a te a n d y o u r s ig n a tu r e .
S e n d to: A O A C I n t e r n a t i o n a l - J
1 9 7 0 C h a in B r id g e R o a d , D e p t . 0 7 4 2
M c L e a n VA 2 2 1 0 9 - 0 7 4 2
C r e d it c a r d o r d e r s m a y a ls o b e p l a c e d b y
p h o n e + 1 (703) 5 2 2 -3 0 3 2 , o r FAX + 1 (703) 5 2 2 -5 4 6 8 .
k. J
Thanks to Reviewers
D o y o u h a v e an id e a fo r a
Y O U R T h e P u b lic a tio n s D e p a r tm e n t
b o o k o n a su b ject in th e an a o f A O A C IN T E R N A T IO N A L
a u th o r s fo r b o o k s to b e
p u b lish in g it?
AOAC o ffers c o m p e titiv e co n tra ct term s,
A re y o u p rep a rin g a w o rk sh o p , sy m p o
ro y a lties, an d co m p reh en siv e m a rk etin g .
siu m , o r tr a in in g co u rse a n d w a n t to p u b
P r o m o tio n a l c a m p a ig n e ffo r ts a r e d e s ig n e d
lish th e p ro ceed in g s o r w ork w ith AOAC to
to p r o v id e t h e w id e s t a p p r o p r ia te e x p o s u r e
d ev elo p a m an u al?
th r o u g h th e u se o f sp a c e a d s, e x c h a n g e a d
I f y o u h a v e a n s w e r e d "Yes" t o a n y o f t h e p r o g r a m s , c o n f e r e n c e d is p la y s , a n d ta r g e te d
R r y s ty n a M c lv e r , D ir e c to r o f P u b lic a t io n s , w id e a u d ie n c e o f a n a ly tic a l c h e m is ts , m ic r o
A O A C IN T E R N A T IO N A L , + 1 - 7 0 3 - 5 2 2 -3 0 3 2 b io lo g is t s , a n d o t h e r b io lo g is t s a n d a d m i n is
o r fa x + 1 -7 0 3 -5 2 2 -5 4 6 8 . tr a to r s in in d u s tr y , g o v e r n m e n t , a n d a c a d e m ia .
Thanks to Reviewers
R e p o r t o f th e A O A C IN T E R N A T IO N A L T a s k F o rc e o n M e th o d s
f o r N u t r i e n t L a b e li n g A n a ly s e s
986.250 Carbohydrate of Milk-Based Infant Formula K
971.27 NaCI in Canned Vegetables, Potentiometrie Method All
986.26 Chloride in Milk-Based Infant Formula, Potentiometrie Method All
952.24 Microchem Determination of Br, Cl, and I, Carius Combustion Method All
974.36 Microchem Determination of Br, Cl, and I, Oxygen Flask Combustion Method All
915.01 Chlorides in Plants, Volumetric Method A, C, F, J, P, T
935.05 Chlorides in Plants, Volumetric Method A, C, F, J, P, T
935.47 Salt (Chlorine as NaCI) in Meat, Volumetric Method B, L
983.14 Chloride in Cheese, Potentiometrie Method G
935.43 Total Chloride in Cheese G
976.18 Salt (Chlorine as NaCI) in Seafood, Potentiometrie Method I, Q
937.09 Salt (Chlorine as NaCI) in Seafood, Volumetric Method LQ
933.06 Chloride in Eggs, Potentiometrie Method L
941.13 Total Chlorides in Prepared Mustard, Titrimetric Method S
975.03c Metals in Plants, AAS Method All
985.01e Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method All
985.35e Minerals in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formulation, AAS Method
984.27e Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, and Zn in Infant Formulation, ICP Method All
969.33 Fatty Acids in Oils and Fats, Preparation of Methyl Esters with 963.22 Methyl Esters of Fatty
Acids in Oils and Fats, GC Method (Standardize with each fatty acid or with one and All
983.23 Fat in Foods, Chloroform Methanol Extraction Method (Extract high sugar, glycerol-containing, All
and chocolate products)
960.39 Crude Fat in Meat B, L
976.21 Crude Fat in Meat, Specific Gravity method B, L
985.15 Crude Fat in Meat and Poultry Products, Microwave-Solvent Extraction Method B, L
922.06 Fat in Flour, Acid Hydrolysis Method E, F, L, O, P, R
920.39C Crude Fat in Animal Feed F, P, R
945.18A Fat in Cereal Adjuncts F, R
925.12 Fat in Macaroni Products, Add Hydrolysis Method F
945.38F Fat in Grains F
933.05 Fat in Cheese, Roese-Gottlieb Method G
989.05 Fat in Milk, Mojonnier Ether Extraction Method H
938.06 Fat in Butter
905.02 Fat in Milk, Roese-Gottlieb Method H
920.111 Fat in Cream, Roese-Gottlieb Method H
952.06 Fat in Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts, Roese-Gottlieb Method H
945.48G Fat in Evaporated Milk, Roese-gottlieb Method H
932.06 Fat in Dried Milk, Roese-Gottlieb Method H
948.15 Crude Fat in Seafood, Add Hydrolysis Method LQ
964.12 Crude Fat in Seafood, Mod Babcock Method LQ
986.25 Fat in Milk-Based Infant Formula, Roese-Gottlieb Method K
925.32 Fat in Eggs, Add Hydrolysis Method L
948.22 Crude Fat in Nuts and Nut Products, Gravimetric Method N
950.54 Total Fat in Food Dressings O
935.39D Fat in Baked Products, Add Hydrolysis Method R
945.44 Fat in Fig Bars and Raisin Cookies, Ether Extraction Method R
969.33 Fatty Acids in Oils and Fats, Preparation of Methyl Esters with 963.22 Methyl Esters of Fatty
Adds in Oils and Fats, GC Method (Standardize with each fatty acid or with one and All
944.08 Fluorine in Food, Distillation Method All
961.16 Microchemical Determination of Fluorine, Titrimetric Method All
975.03 Metals in Plants, AAS Method All
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method All
965.09 Minor Nutrients in Fertilizers, AAS Method All
968.08 Minerals in Animal Feed, AAS Method All
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A, C, F, J, P, T
985.01 Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method A, C, F, J, P, T
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, and Zn in Infant Formulation, ICP Method K
985.35 Minerals in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method K
925.09 Total Solids and Moisture in Flour, Vacuum Oven Method All (Low sugar products)
A, C, P, T (high sugar
964.22 Solids (Total) in Canned Vegetables, Gravimetric Method products)
D, E, G, H, K, S (high
925.45A Moisture in Sugars, Vacuum Drying Method sugar products
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method All
975.03e Metals in Plants, AAS Method All
985.01e Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method All
985.35e Minerals in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method All
984.27e Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, and Zn in Infant Formulation, ICP Method All
960.05 Molybdenum in Plants, Colorimetric Method A, C, F, J, P, T
974.15 Selenium in Food, Fluorometric Method All
986.15 As, Cd, Pd, Se, and Zn in Food, Multielement Method All
969.06 Se in Plants, Fluorometric Method A, C, F, J, P, T
a This list was prepared thanks to the efforts of M. Bueno, D. Carpenter, H. Chin, M. Deutsch, J. DeVries, N. Fraley, W. Flummer, W. Ikins, W.
Landen, S. Lee, J, Morawski, P. Oles, L. Prosky, D. Soderterg, A. Soliman (deceased), D. Sullivan, J. Tanner, and W. Wolf. Matrixes were
considered representative of all food types and are as follows: A, fruit baby foods; B, meat baby foods; C, vegetable baby foods; D,
beverages and juices; E, candy; F, cereals and products; G, cheese; H, dairy products; I, fish; J, fruits; K, infant formula or medical diet; L,
meat (beef, pork, or fowl); M, mixed dinners (TV dinners); N, nuts; O, oils/fats (dressings); P, potatoes and products; Q, shellfish; R, sweet
mixes (cake, pie, etc.); S, spices; and T, vegetables.
b Calculation by difference is acceptable for all other matrixes.
c Commonly used for determining Cr but not collaboratively studied for Cr.
d Numerous other satisfactory methods in Official Methods of Analysis.
e Commonly used for determining Mo but not collaboratively studied for Mo.
Recommendations Matrixes3
• If FDA/USDA defines as 1 & 2 saccharide units, HPLC methods 977.20, 980.13, 982.14, 984.17 are suitable for the stated
• Cs of HPLC method recommended
• Need method/cs
• Recommend standardization of titles (Fluorine vs Fluoride) and addition of applicability statements to current methods
• Recommend extension of applicability statements to foods for 965.09, 985.35, 975.03, 968.08, 980.03
• Recommend extension of applicability statement to A, B, D-F, H-M, O, P, R, T for 984.27
Q, R for high
sugar products
This list was prepared thanks to the efforts of M. Bueno, D. Carpenter, H. Chin, M. Deutsch, J. DeVries, N. Fraley, W. Hummer, W. Ikins, W.
Landen, S. Lee, J. Morawski, P. Oles, L. Prosky, D. Soderberg, A. Soliman (deceased), D. Sullivan, J. Tanner, and W. Wolf. Matrixes were
considered representative of all food types and are as follows: A, fruit baby foods; B, meat baby foods; C, vegetable baby foods; D,
beverages and juices; E, candy; F, cereals and products; G, cheese; H, dairy products; I, fish; J, fruits; K, infant formula or medical diet; L,
meat (beef, pork, or fowl); M, mixed dinners (TV dinners); N, nuts; O, oils/fats (dressings); P, potatoes and products; Q, shellfish; R, sweet
mixes (cake, pie, etc.); S, spices; and T, vegetables. Cs = collaborative study.
960.39 Crude Fat in Meat Pet or diethyl ether extn Baby food-meats, meats Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ides and most of the
sterols, glycolipids,
phospholipids, and waxes
976.21 Crude Fat in Meat Rapid Sp gr mth; Baby food-meats, meats Mono-, di-, and triglycer
tetrachloroethylene extn ides and most of the
sterols, glycolipids,
phospholipids, and waxes
985.15 Crude Fat in Meat & Rapid microwave- Baby food-meats, meats Mono-, di-, and triglycer
Poultry Prod methylene chloride solv. ides, glycolipids
extn phospolipids, and waxes;
sterol yield may be
920.39B Crude Fat in Animal Feed Diethyl ether extn Cereals & prod; not Mono-, di-, and triglycer
adequate if heat ides and traces of other
processed, extruded, or lipid components
has sugar added
920.39C Crude Fat in Animal Feed Diethyl ether extn; H2O Cereals & prod, sweet Mono-, di-, and triglycer
prewasi if high in sugar mixes (cakes & pies); not ides; may not quant,
adequate if heat extract tot lipids;
processed recommend further
review or study of mth
945.18A Fat in Cereal Adjuncts Pet ether extn Cereals & prod, sweet Mono-, di-, and triglycer
mixes (cakes and pies); ides; may not quant,
not adequate if heat extract tot lipids;
processed recommend further
review or study of mth
945.38F Fat in Grains Refers to 920.39C Cereals & prod; adequate Mono-, di-, and triglycer
if not heat processed ides and traces of other
lipid components
933.05 Fat in Cheese Acid hydr., pet and diethyl Cheese Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ether extn re-extraction ides and traces of other
lipid components; sterol
yield greatly reduced
905.02 Fat in Milk Aik treatmt, pet and diethyl Dairy Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ether extn re-extraction ides and traces of other
lipid components
989.05 Fat in Milk Aik treatmt, pet and diethyl Dairy Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ether extn ides and traces of other
lipid components
938.06 Fat in Butter Pet or diethyl ether extn Butter Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ides and traces of other
lipid components
920.111A Fat in Cream Aik treatmt, pet and diethyl Dairy Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ether extn re-extraction ides and traces of other
lipid components
920.111B Fat in Cream Babcock, acid hydr., vol. Dairy Mono-, di-, and triglycer
anal ides and phospholipids;
sterol yield reduced
952.06 Fat in Ice Cream & Frozen Aik treatmt, pet and diethyl Dairy Mono-, di-, and triglycer
Desserts ether extn re-extraction ides and traces of other
lipid components
945.48G Fat in Evaporated Milk Aik treatmt, pet and diethyl Dairy Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ether extn re-extraction ides and traces of other
(refers to 905.02) lipid components
932.06 Fat in Dried Milk Aik treatmt, pet and diethyl Dairy Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ether extn ides and traces of other
lipid components
948.15 Crude Fat in Seafood Acid hydr., pet and diethyl Fish, shellfish Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ether extn ides, fatty acid portion of
phospholipids and glyco-
lipids; in some prod with
high sugar content, may
overest. fat; sterol yield
may be reduced 964.12
986.25 Fat in Milk-Based Infant Aik treatmt, pet and diethyl Infant formula/medical Mono-, di-, and triglycer
Formula ether extn; re-extn (refers ides and traces of other
to 945.48G) lipid components
925.32 Fat in Eggs Add hydr., pet and diethyl Eggs/egg prod; May not Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ether extn be adequate for some ides, fatty acid portion of
egg products phospholipids and
containing sugar glycolipids; sterol yield
may be reduced
948.22 Crude Fat in Nuts and Nut Diethyl ether extn Nuts; not adequate for Mono-, di-, and triglycer
Prod nuts containing sugar ides and traces of other
lipid components
950.54 Tot Fat in Food Dressings Add hydr., pet and diethyl Oils/fats (dressings) Mono-, di-, and
ether extn triglycerides, fatty acid
portion of phospolipids
and glycolipids
945.44 Fat in Fig Bars & Raisin Add hydr., pet and diethyl Mono-, di-, and triglycer-
Filled Cookies ether extn re-extraction Sweet mixes (cakes & pies) ides and fatty acid portion
and baked cereal products of phospholipids and
glycolipids; sterol yield
may be reduced; re-extn
may not remove all sug
ars; recommend further
review or study of mth
963.15 Fat in Cacao Prod Pet ether extn Chocolate prod Mono-, di-, and
triglycerides and traces of
other lipid components
925.07 Fat in Cacao Prod Pet and diethyl ether extn Candy Mono-, di-, and triglycer
ides and traces of other
lipid components
920.177 Ether Extract of Pet and diethyl ether extn; Candy Mono-, di-, and
Confectionery re-extn triglycerides and traces of
other lipid components
Mono-, di-, and
920.172 Ether Extract of Prepared triglycerides and traces of
Mustard Diethyl ether extn Mustard other lipid components
963.22* Methyl Esters of Fatty GC mth following prep of All Fatty acid profile; recom
Adds in Oils and Fats methyl esters (according mend further review or
to 969.33) study of mth to make
method adequate for
quantitative analysis of
fatty adds
979.19* c/s,c/s-Methylene Enzymatic-Spectro-photo- All
Interrupted metric mth
Polyunsaturated Fatty
Adds in Oils
a This list has been prepared thanks to the efforts of S. Bailey, D. Carpenter, H. Chin, J. DeVries, N. Fraley, W. Hummer, A. Kistler, S. Lee,
J. Ngeh-Ngwainbi, P. Oles, and D. Sullivan.
6 Fatty acid methodology and c/'s.c/s-methylene interrupted procedure.
926.12 Moisture and Volatile Matter Pressure = <100 mm Fig Measures all volatile
in Oils and Fats Temp = bp (FI2O) + 25°C components in sample.
to constant weight Fats & Residual Solids Method.
927.05 Moisture in Dried Milk Pressure = <100 mm Hg Dried Milk Method measures all 100°C
Temp = 100°C Constant volatile components.
Weight (ca 5 h) Residual Solids Method.
934.01 Moisture in Animal Feed Pressure = <100 mm Fig Animal feedsMethod
Temp = 95-100°C(P=<50 measures moisture, better
T=<70 w/i sugar) at lower T and P.
934.06 Moisture in Dried Fruits Pressure <100 mm Fig Dried fruit Method measures moisture
Temp = 70°C Constant in samples.
Weight (ca 6 h)
920.115(d) Sweetened Condensed Pressure <100 mm Fig Sweetened condensed milk Method measures all 100°C
Milk; Total Solids Temp = 100°C Constant volatile components.
Weight (ca 6 h) Residual Solids Method.
925.30(b) Solids (Total) in Eggs Pressure <25 mm Fig Temp Liquid or dried eggs Method measures all
= 98-1OOTS Constant 98-100°C volatile
Weight (ca 5 h) components. Residual
Solids Method.
925.09 Solids (Total) and Moisture Pressure <25 mm Fig Temp Flour Method measures moisture
in Flour = 98-100°C Constant in samples.
Weight (ca 5 h)
945.43 Moisture in Fig Bars and Pressure <50 mm Fig Temp Fig bars and raisin-filled Method measures moisture
Raisin-Filled Crackers. = 98-70°C 16 h with sand crackers in samples.
964.22 Solids (Total) in Canned Pressure <50 mm Hg Temp Canned vegetables Method measure moisture
Vegetables = 69-71 °C Multi-Step in samples.
steam-air oven-vacuum
oven drying, final = 2 h in
925.45(a) Moisture in Sugars-Vacuum Pressure <50 mm Hg Temp Cane and beet, raw and Method measures moisture
Drying = 70°C (preferably 60°C) refined sugars in samples.
2 h + until weight loss <2
925.45(b) Moisture in Sugar-Drying at Pressure = atmospheric Cane and beet, raw and Method measures all 100°C
atmospheric pressure Temp = 100°C 3 h + until refined sugar volatile components.
weight loss <2 mg Residual Solids Method.
925.45(d) Moisture in Sugars-Drying Pressure <50 mm Hg Temp Massecuites, molasses, Method measure moisture
on Quartz Sand = 70°C (preferably 60°C) and other liquid and in samples.
until wt loss <2 mg (ca semiliquid products
18 h)
985.26 Total Solids in Processed Pressure = atmospheric Tomato products Method measures volatile in
Tomato Products by Temp = 125°C + To samples.
Microwave Moisture constant weight
972.16 Solids in Milk by NIR Reflectance spectroscopic Milk products Method measure moisture
method in samples.
Method Sugars Matrix Traction Clean-up column/detector Mobile phase
Analysis on amino silica columns®
982.14 glucose Presweetened 50% ethanol, Centrifuge; C18 Amino bonded CH3CN-H2O
fructose cereals 85-90°C, cartridge 0.45 silica 300 x 4 (80 + 20)
sucrose (defatted) water bath, 25 pm filter mm/RI
maltose min
980.13 fructose Milk chocolate H20, 85-90°C Centrifuge; 0.45 Amino bonded CH3CN-H2O
glucose (defatted) water bath, 25 pm filter silica 300 x 4 (80 + 20)
lactose min mm/RI
984.17 fructose Licorice extracts H2O, 0-90°, 25 0.45 pm filter Amino bonded CH3CN-H2O
glucose min C18 cartridge silica 300 x 4 (83 + 17)
sucrose mm/RI
977.20 fructose Honey Aqueous 0.45 pm filter Amino bonded
glucose CH3CN silica 300 x 4 CH3CN-H2O
sucrose mm/RI (83 + 17)
983.22 Minor saccharides Corn sugar H2O 5% (w/w) mixed 610 x 7 mm Ion H2O
(dextrose total exchange exchange
DP2 total DP3) resin in Ca2+ 78°C
sample soln.
979.23 Major saccharides Corn syrup H2O 5% (w/w) mixed 610 x 7 mm Ion H2O
(glucose exchange exchange 50
fructose resin in W-x 4, Ca2+
maltose sample soln. 78°C
Methods 982.14 and 980.13 should have broad applicability, because samples are defatted before extraction. May need to eliminate the
NaCI interference as indicated in 982.14. Recommend collaborative study to extend to other matrixes (i.e., dairy products).
954.11 Separation of Sugars in Honey Charcoal Col Chrom followed by detn of All
979.21 Separation of Sugars in Honey Charcoal Col Chrom, followed by detn of All
Enzymatic methods
969.39 Glucose In Corn Syrups and Sugars Glucose oxidase mth (colorimetric detn Corn syrups
using o-dianisidine)
984.15 Lactose in Milk Hydr lactose with ff-galactosldase, released Milk
galactose meas by NAD red mth (UV)
906.03 Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups Munson-Walker mth Sugars and syrupsb
923.09 Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups Lane-Eynon gen vol mth using Soxhlet reag Sugars and syrups®’d
(mod Fehling soln)d
929.09 Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups Sugars and syrups
945.59 Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups® Sugars and syrups^
945.60 Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups Meissl-Hiller mth Sugars and syrups®
950.56 Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups® Quisumbing-Thomas mth Sugars and syrups
955.36 Invert Sugar in Sugars and Syrups Berlin Institute mth with Müller’s soin Sugars and syrups
970.58 Invert Sugar in Molasses Lane-Eynon const vol mth Molasses
931.07 Glucose and Sucrose in Eggs Dissol, pptn of protein, quanti by titr Eggs
936.06 Glucose in Cacao Products Defat, dissolv in H2O, prod clar with Pb Chocolate
acetate and quanti by mod
Munson-Walker mth (using Sichert-Bleyer
table for glucose)
938.18 Glucose in Cacao Products Defat, dissolv in H2O, quanti using Soxhlet Chocolate
reag, clar with Pb acetate, Zerban-Sattler
938.02 Glucose in Cacao Products Ref to 938.18 or 936.06
925.37 Glucose (Commercial) in Fruits and Fruit Ref to 930.37 Fruits and fruit prod
933.02 Glucose in Plants Shaffer-Somogyi micro mth
935.62 Glucose in Sugars and Syrups Lane-Eynon and Munson-Walker mths
945.67 Glucose in Corn Syrups and Sugars® Steinhoff mth
959.11 Glucose in Sugars and Syrups Shaffer-Somogyi micro mth
935.63 Fructose in Sugars and Syrups Lane-Eynon and Munson-Walker mth
932.15 Fructose in Sugars and Syrups Jackson-Mathews, mod of Nyns Selective
mth (similar to Shaffer-Somogyi)
960.06 Fructose in Plants Somogyi-Micro or Munson-Walker mth
950.57 Arabinose, Galactose, and Xylose and other Shaffer-Somogyi Micro and other mths
Sugars in Sugars and Syrups
920.139 Sucrose in Lemon, Orange, and Lime Ref to 945.27,925.48,930.36
902.02 Sucrose in Vanilla Extract Ref to 925.47, 925.48, 930.36
920.184 Sucrose in Honey Ref to 920.183
920.189 Sucrose in Maple Products Ref to 930.36
925.35 Sucrose in Fruits and Fruit Products Invert with HCI or invertase then
Munson-Walker mth
925.44 Sucrose in Food Dressings Munson-Walker % invert sugar bef/aft
930.07 Sucrose in Plants Invert sugar by HCI or invertase, then
Lane-Eynon mth
930.36 Sucrose in Sugars and Syrups Invert sugar with HCI or invertase,
Munson-Walker mth
950.51 Sucrose in Nuts and Nut Products Ref to 920.40®
927.07 Lactose in Meat Benedict Solution Mth
930.32 Lactose in Process Cheese Invert sugar with HCI, then Munson-Walker
933.04 Lactose in Milk Chocolate
935.65 Lactose in Sugars and Syrups Munson-Walker or Lane-Eynon mth
945.48 Evaporated Milk—Lactose Ref to 896.01,930.28
952.05 Lactose in Bread Titr mth with Somogyi reag
984.15 Lactose in Milk Enzymatic mth
935.64 Maltose in Sugars and Syrups Munson-Walker or Lane Eynon mths
906.01 Sugars (Reducing) in Plants Munson-Walker mth
920.190 Sugars (Reducing) in Maple Products as
Invert Sugar
939.03 Sugars (Reducing and Nonreducing) in Flour Clar with Na tungstate followed by titr with
ferricyanide and thiosulfateCereals,
potatoes, sweet mixes
Polarimetrie methods
S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l of A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 191A
T a b le 6 . (c o n tin u e d )
Infrared methods
Gravimetric methods
a Applicable to broad range of matrixes if samples are defatted and extracted before analysis.
6 International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA) approved method.
c Lane-Eynon method may require filtration of reagents. Recommend not using asbestos as a filtering aid.
d Be cautious of potential interferences from oligosacch and lactic acid.
e Surplus method.
1 For low levels of invert in sucrose.
9 Must be calibrated against a primary method.
940.26A" Ash of Fruits and Fruit Products A, J
920.153" Ash of Meat B, L, M
925.51 A6 Ash of Canned Vegetables C, P, T
950.14ä " Ash of Nonalcoholic Beverages D
920.100" Ash In Tea D
925.49" Ash of Confectionery E
972.15 Ash of Cocoa Products E
945.18 Ash of Cereal Adjuncts, Direct Method F
930.22 Ash of Bread, Direct Method F
935.42 Ash of Cheese, Gravimetric Method G
945.46 Ash of Milk, Gravimetric Method H
920.117 Ash of Butter H
930.30 Ash of Dried Milk H
920.108 Ash of Cream, Gravimetric Method H
945.48E Ash of Evaporated Milk H
920.115E" Ash of Sweetened Condensed Milk H
938.08" Ash of Seafood I, Q
986.25 Ash of Milk-Based Infant Formula,Gravimetric Method K
950.49" Ash of Nuts and Nut Products N
923.03 Ash of Flour, Direct Method R
935.39 Ash of Baked Products, Direct Method (without fruit) R
941.12 Ash of Spices, Gravimetric Method S
941.15 Carotene in Fresh Plant Materials, and Silages, Spectrophotometric Method (naturally A, C, J, P, T
occurring carotene only)
968.08 Minerals in Animal Feed, AAS Method All
975.03 Metals in Plants, AAS Method All
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method All
965.09 Minor Nutrients in Fertilizers, AAS Method All
192A S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l o f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
T a b le 7. (c o n tin u e d )
CALCIUM (continued)
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A, C, F, J, P, T
985.01 Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method A, C, F, J, P, T
921.01 Ca in Plants, Micro Titrimetr c Method A, C, F, J, P, T
951.01 Ca in Plants, Nitrocreosol Method A, C, F, J, P, T
983.19 Ca in Mechanically Separatee Poultry and Beef Titrimetric Method B, L
968.31 Ca in Canned Vegetables, Titrimetric Method C, T
945.41 Ca in Bread, Titrimetric Method F
944.03 Ca in Flour, Titrimetric Method F
991.25 Ca, Mg, and P in Cheese, AAS and Colorimetric Methods G
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, and Zn in Infant Formula, ICP Method K
985.35 Minerals in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method K
976.26 Cholesterol in Multi-component Foods, GC Method (only 10 mg/100) Ail
985.35 Minerals in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method Ail
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na and Zn in Infant Formula, ICP Method Ail
960.40 Copper in Food, Colorimetric Method Ail
968.08 Minerals in Animal Feed, AAS Method Ail
975.03 Metals in Plants, AAS Method Ail
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method Ail
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A, C, F, J, P, T
985.01 Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method A, C, F, J, P, T
953.03 Cu in Plants, Colorimetric Method A, C, F, J, P, T
985.40 Cu in Liver, AAS Method L
990.05 Cu, Fe, Ni in Edible Oils and Fats, AAS Method O
960.46 Vitamin Assays, Microbiological Method with 952.20 Cobalamin (Vitamin B12 Activity) Ail
in Vitamin Preparations, Microbiological Method
986.23 Cobalamin (Vitamin B12 Activity), in Milk-Based Infant Formula, Turbidimetric Method K
991.42 Insoluble Dietary Fiber in Food and Food Products, Enzymatic-Gravimetric Method A, C-F, J, K, N, P,
991.43 Total, Insoluble and Soluble Dietary Fiber in Foods, Enzymatic-Gravimetric Method A, C-F, J, K, N, P,
991.42 Insoluble Dietary Fiber in Food and Food Products, Enzymatic-Gravimetric Method, A, C-F, J, K, N, P,
(by calc; direct method is under AOAC review) R-T
991.43 Total, Insoluble and Soluble Dietary Fiber in Foods, Enzymatic-Gravimetric Method A, C-F, J, K, N, P,
985.29 Total Dietary Fiber in Foods, Enzymatic-Gravimetric Method A, C-F, J, K, N, P,
991.43 Total, Insoluble and Soluble Dietary Fiber in Foods, Enzymatic-Gravimetric Method A, C-F, J, K, N, P,
S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l of AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 193A
T a b le 7 . (c o n tin u e d )
979.19 c/s„c/s-Methylene Interrupted Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Oils, Spectrophotometric All
Method (Suitable after isolation of fat.)
957.13 Polyunsaturated Acids in Oils and Fats, Spectrophotometric Method O
Total fat has been concisely defined under NLEA as the sum of lipid fatty acids expressed as triglycerides. Currently, no AOAC Official
Methods meet that definition per se. See the February 1993 issue of The Referee for the task force report on fat that contains a number of
methods that approximate the definition and may be useful on an interim basis until methods can be collaboratively studied.
960.46 Vitamin Assays, Microbiological Method with 944.12 Folic Acid in Vitamin All
Preparations, Microbiol. Method (Suitable for free form only) (L. casei commonly
preferred, but not collaboratively studied.)
992.05 Folic Acid in Infant Formula, LC Method K
968.08 Minerals in Animal Feed, AAS Method All
975.03 Metals in Plants, AAS Method All
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method All
965.09 Minor Nutrients in Fertilizers, AAS Method All
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A, C, F, J, P, T
945.40 Iron in Bread, Spectrophotometric Method F
950.39 Iron in Macaroni Products, Spectrophotometric Method F
944.02B Iron in Flour, Spectrophotometric Method F
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na and Zn in Infant Formula, ICP Method K
985.35 Minerals in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method K
990.05 Cu, Fe, Ni in Edible Oils and Fats, AAS Method O
975.03 Metals in Plants, AAS Method Ail
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method Ail
965.09 Minor Nutrients in Fertilizers, AAS Method Ail
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A, C, F, J, P, T
985.01 Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method A, C, F, J, P, T
991.25 Ca, Mg, P in Cheese, AAS and Colorimetric Methods G
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na and Zn in Infant Formula, ICP Method K
985.35 Minerals in Ready-To- Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method K
See the task force report on moisture in the January 1993 issue of The Referee.
960.46 Vitamin Assays, Microbiological Method with 944.13 Niacin and Niacinamide in
Vitamin Preparations, Microbiological Method Ail
961.14 Niacin and Niacinamide inDrugs, Foods and Feeds, Colorimetric Method Ail
981.16 Niacin and Niacinamide inFoods, Drugs and Feeds, Automated Method Ail
975.41 Niacin and Niacinamide inCereal Products, Automated Method F
985.34 Niacin and Niacinamide inReady-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, K
Microbiological-Turbidimetric Method
960.46 Vitamin Assays, Microbiological Method with 945.74 Pantothenic Acid in Vitamin Ail
Preparations, Microbiological Method (Suitable for free form only)
194A S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l o f AO AC In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
T a b le 7 . (c o n tin u e d )
958.01 Total Phosphorus in Fertilizers, Spectrophotometric Molybdovanadophosphate Method All
957.18 Microchemical Determination of Phosphorus, Kjeldahl Digestion Method All
964.06 Phosphorus in Animal Feed, Aik Ammonium Molybdophosphate Method All
965.17 Phosphorus in Animal Feed, Photometric Method All
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method A,C, J, P, T
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A,C,:, J, P, T
985.01 Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method A,C,:, J, P, T
966.01 Phosphorus in Plants, Gravity Quinolinium Molybdophosphate Method A,C, J, P, T
931.01 Phosphorus in Plants, Micro Method A,C, J, P, T
970.39 Phosphorus in Fruits and Products, Spectrophotometric Molybdovanadate
Method A, J
969.31 Phosphorus in Meat, Aik Ammonium Molybdophosphate Method B, L
972.22 Phosphorus in Meats, Automated Method B, L
991.27 Phosphorus in Meat and Meat Products, SpectrophotometricMethod B, L
948.09 Phosphorus in Flour F
990.24 Total Phosphorus in Cheese and Processed Cheese, Photometric Method G
991.25 Ca, Mg, P in Cheese, AAS and Colorimetric Methods G
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, and Zn in Infant Formula, ICP Method K
986.24 Phosphorus in Milk-Based Infant Formula, Spectrophotometric Method K
935.59 Total Phosphorus in Food Dressings, Aik Ammonium Molybdophosphate Method O
930.35G, H, I Phosphorus in Vinegars, Aik Ammonium Molybdophosphate Method S
985.35 Minerals In Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method All
956.01 K/Na in Plants, Flame Photometric Method A,C,:, J, P, T
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A,C,:, J, P, T
985.01 Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method A,C,:, J, P, T
975.03 Metals in Plants, AAS Method A,C,:, J, P, T
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method A,C, J, P, T
965.30 K in Fruits and Fruit Products, Flame Photometric Method A, J
990.23 Na and K in Dried Milk, Flame Emission Spectrophotometric Method H
969.23 Na and K in Seafood, Flame Photometric Method I,Q
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, and Zn in Infant Formula, ICP Method K
981.10 Crude Protein in Meat, Block Digestion Method All
955.04 Total N in Fertilizers, Kjeldahl Method All
977.02 Total N (Crude Protein) in Plants, Automated and Semiautomated Methods A,C, J, P, T
978.04 Total N (Crude Protein) in Plants, Kjeldahl Methods A,C, J, P, T
920.152 Protein in Fruit Products, Kjeldahl Method A, J
992.15 Crude Protein in Meat and Meat Products, Combustion Method B, L
939.02 Milk Protein in Milk Chocolate, Kjelcahl Method E
990.03 Crude Protein in Animal Feed, Combustion Method F
990.02 Crude Protein in Animal Feed, Semiautomated Method F
920.87 Total Protein in Flour F
945.18B Protein in Cereal Adjuncts, Kjeldahl Method F
930.25 Protein in Macaroni Products F
950.36 Protein in Bread F
991.20 Total Nitrogen Content of Milk, Kjeldahl Method H
991.22 Protein Nitrogen Content of Milk, Kjeldahl Method (Direct) H
991.23 Protein Nitrogen Content of Milk, Kjeldahl Method (Indirect) H
930.33 Protein in Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts, Kjeldahl and DyeBinding Methods H
930.29 Protein in Dried Milk, Kjeldahl Method H
967.12 Protein in Milk, Dye Binding Method I H
S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l of A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 I95A
T a b le 7 . ( c o n tin u e d )
PROTEIN (continued)
975.17 Protein in Milk. Dye Binding Method II H
975.18 Protein in Milk, Mid-Infrared Spectrophotometric Method H
972.16 Fat, Lactose, Protein, and Solids in Milk, Mid-Infrared Spectrophotometric Method K
986.25C Protein in Milk-Based Infant Formula, Kjeldahl Method K
928.08 Nitrogen in Meat, Kjeldahl Method L
977.14 Nitrogen in Meat, Automated Kjeldahl Method L
981.10 Nitrogen in Meat, Block Digestion Method L
950.48 Crude Protein in Nuts and Nut Products, Kjeldahl Method N
935.39C Protein in Baked Products R
991.29 True Protein Digestibility of Foods and Food Ingredients, Rat Bioassay Method with All
982.30 Protein Efficiency Ratio, Calc Method
960.48 Protein Efficiency Ratio, Rat Bioassay Method All
960.46 Vitamin Assays, Microbiological Method with 961.15 Vitamin B6 in Food Extracts, All
Microbiological Method
985.32 Vitamin B6 in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, Microbiological Method K
960.46 Vitamin Assays, Microbiological Method with 960.33 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) in Vitamin All
Preparations, Microbiological Method
970.65 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) in Foods and Vitamin Preparations, Fluorometric Method All
981.15 Riboflavin in Foods and Vitamin Preparations, Automated Method All
985.31 Riboflavin in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, Fluorometric Method K
985.35 Minerals in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method All
956.01 K/Na in Plants, Flame Photometric Method A, C, F, J, P, T
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A, C, F, J, P,T
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method A, C, F, J, P,T
966.16 Na in Fruits and Fruit Products, Flame Spectrophotometric Method A, J
990.23 Na and K in Dried Milk, Flame Emission Spectrophotometric Method H
969.23 Na and K in Seafood, Flame Photometric Method I,Q
976.25 Na in Foods for Special Dietary Use, ISE Method K
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na and Zn in Infant Formula, ICP Method K
942.23 Thiamine (B1) in Foods, Fluorometric Method All
957.17 Thiamine (B1) in Bread, Fluorometric Method F, R
953.17 Thiamine (B1) in Grain Products, Fluorometric Method F, R
986.27 Thiamine (B1) in Milk-Based Infant Formula, Fluorometric Method K
960.46 Vitamin Assays, Microbiological Method with 988.15 Tryptophan in Foods and Food All
and Feed Ingredients, Ion Exchange Chromatographic Method
974.29 Vitamin A in Mixed Feeds, Premixes, and Foods, Colorimetric Method B, G, H, I, K, L, M,
992.04 Vitamin A (Retinol Isomers) in Milk and Milk-Based Infant Formula, LC Method H, K
992.06 Vitamin A (Retinol) in Milk-Based Infant Formula, LC Method K
196A S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l o f A O AC In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
T a b le 7 . (c o n tin u e d )
984.26 Total Vitamin C in Food, Semi-automated Fluorometric Method A, C-H, J, K, P, R, T
967.22 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) in Vitamin Preparations, Microfluorometric Method A, C-H, J, K, P, R, T
967.21 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) in Vitamin Preparations and Juices, Titrimetric Method D
(Colorless juices only)
985.33 Vitamin C (Reduced Ascorbic Acid) in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, K
Titrimetric Method
982.29 Vitamin D in Mixed Feeds, Premixes, and Pet Foods, LC Method All
936.14 Vitamin D in Milk, Vitamin Preparations and Feed Concentrates, Rat Bioassay Method All
981.17 Vitamin D in Fortified Milk and Milk Powder, LC Method G, H, K
971.30 a-Tocopherol and a-Tocopheryl Acetate in Foods and Feeds, Colorimetric Method All
992.03 Vitamin E Activity in Milk-Based Infant Formula, LC Method K
968.08 Minerals in Animal Feed, AAS Method All
975.03 Metals in Plants, AAS Method All
980.03 Metals in Plants, Spectrographic Method All
965.09 Minor Nutrients in Fertilizers, AAS Method All
986.15 As, Cd, Pd, Se, and Zn in Food, Multielement Method All
944.09 Zn in Food, Colorimetric Method All
969.32 Zn in Food, AA Method All
953.01 Metals in Plants, Emission Spectrographic Method A, C, F, J, P, T
985.01 Metals and Other Elements in Plants, ICP Method A, C, F, J, P, T
941.03 Zn in Plants, Mixed Color Method A, C, F, J, P, T
953.04 Zn in Plants, Single Color Method A, C, F, J, P, T
984.27 Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na and Zn in Infant Formula, ICP Method K
985.35 Minerals in Ready-To-Feed Milk-Based Infant Formula, AAS Method K
8 Matrixes were considered representative of all food types and are as follows: A, fruit baby foods; B, meat baby foods; C, vegetable baby
foods; D, beverages and juices; E, candy; F, cereals and products; G, cheese; H, dairy products; I, fish; J, fruits; K, infant formula or medical
diet; L, meat (beef, pork, or fowl); M, mixed dinners (TV dinners); N, nuts; O, oils/fats (dressings); P, potatoes and products; Q, shellfish; R,
sweet mixes (cake, pie, etc.); S, spices; and T, vegetables.
6 These methods refer to 900.02A, Ash of Sugar, in surplus status, no longer in use with sugar. Method 923.03 may be substituted.
Thanks to the efforts of M. Bueno, D. Carpenter, H. Chin, M. Deutsch, J. DeVries, N. Fraley, W. Hummer, W. Ikins, W. Landen, S. Lee,
J. Morawski, P. Oles, L. Prosky, D. Soderberg, A. Soliman (deceased), D. Sullivan, J. Tanner, W. Wolf.
the needs of the new regulations. New Whereas SRMs arereadily availablefor S u b c o m m itte e on R e feren ce M a te r i
AOAC Associate Referees have been many inorganic compounds of environ a ls .
—The Task Force on Methods for
appointedinseveral areas,and collabo mental or manufacturing interest, food- NutrientLabeling Analyses established
rativestudiesonneededmethodsarebe based SRMs containing labile nutrients aSubcommitteeon ReferenceMaterials
ingpursued. are less available. Even though many toaddresstheissuesinvolvedwithiden
laboratories have tried to overcome this tifyingandpublicizingreferencemateri
Identification o f N e e d s fo r
deficiencyby developing in-houserefer alsavailableforusewithcurrentAOAC
R e fe re n c e M a te ria ls
encematerials,therehavebeenno guide OfficialMethods fornutrition analysis.
The task force recognized that ana linesastocertificationofthesematerials They also addressed the need foraddi
lytical laboratories do not have a great or theirdevelopment and handling. Two tional reference materials for current
dealofresourcestodrawfromforstand subcommittees were formed to address validatedmethods anddevelopedanap
ard reference materials (SRMs), certi referencematerialsandguidelinesforde proach for incorporating reference ma
fied reference materials, or quality as velopingin-houseanalyticalqualityassur terialsaspartofthemethods validation
surance materials fornutrient analyses. ancecontrolmaterials,respectively. process.
S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l of AO AC In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 197A
T a b le 8 . M a tr ix e s n e e d in g m e t h o d s
198A S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l o f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Table 8. (co n tin u ed )
S p e c ia l R e p o r t : J o u r n a l of AO AC In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 199A
The subcommittee surveyed the ref Analysis fo r Nutrition Labeling, D.M. of this more systematic approach toward
erence materials currently available to Sullivan & D.E. Carpenter (Eds), classifying foods should greatly sim
laboratories doing nutrition analysis. As AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Arlington, plify the collaborative study process and
a result of this survey, a report on their VA, Chapter 7). the process of extending the applicabil
availability, compiled by analyte and Definition of Food Matrices.—The ity of methods.
matrix, along with their sources, was task force selected twenty food groups Likewise, there is a great deal of con
published in the August 1992 issue of to be used in evaluating the adequacy of cern regarding the availability of refer
The Referee (see also Wolf, W.R. (1993) methods for nutrition labeling. The ence materials relevant to the particular
Methods o f Analysisfor Nutrition Label available methods for a given nutrient food under study. With this in mind, the
ing, D.M. Sullivan & D.E. Carpenter were evaluated specifically for each ma task force recommends the development
(Eds), AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Ar trix group of foods (e.g., fruits, fish and or selection of a series of reference sam
lington, VA, Chapter 7) for those nutri shellfish, beverages, or meats). Whereas ples that could be used by laboratories
ents whose inclusion is mandatory on such groupings are reasonable from a during the methods validation process.
the nutrition label. dietary perspective, the groups are nei To encourage the incorporation of refer
Recognizing the ongoing needs in ther inclusive nor exclusive from the ence materials into the methods valida
the area of reference materials for perspective of the applicability of ana tion process, the Subcommittee on Ref
method development, validation, and lytical methods. The twenty food groups erence Materials determined that the
quality control, and further recognizing selected by the task force as a basis for reference materials to be incorporated
the need to define reference materials judging methods currently validated by must be truly representative of food or
that will represent food and food matri AOAC have certain commonalities, and food matrices, readily available, and
ces during methods validation work, the in many cases, their characteristics over available at prices that encourage their
task force supports the formation and lap. These matrix characteristics are as use. For reference materials to be repre
development of a Technical Division on follows: fat (high or low), moisture sentative of foods or food matrices,
Reference Materials within AOAC. (high or low), protein (high or low), and those matrices must be clearly defined,
Task force members have been suppor carbohydrate (high or low); or they are and the definitions must be accepted
tive of and active in initiating such a at an intermediate level in all these ma throughout the validation process. The
technical division. A group of scientists, jor components. The task force recog reference samples would have charac
of which many task force members were nized that the ability to categorize foods teristics such that the set of samples
a part, met at AOAC headquarters on on a more fundamental chemical basis would represent all the food matrices
December 8 , 1992, to petition the would facilitate both the development of and would allow the collaborators who
AOAC Board of Directors to form the analytical methods and appropriate have completed a collaborative study
Technical Division. The Board of Direc standard reference materials. A subcom using this set to be confident of the ap
tors approved the Technical Division on mittee was formed to develop a proposal plicability of their method. The task
Reference Materials on March 23,1993. for defining foods in terms of a matrix of force recommends that this approach
This group will be charged with pursu the major food components (i.e., fat, [outlined by the Subcommittee on Ref
ing the following recommendations: the protein, and carbohydrate). erence Materials and reported in The
identifying and/or developing reference Referee (1993) 17(7), p. 1,6-7; see also
The subcommittee determined that
Wolf, W.R. (1993) Methods o f Analysis
materials for quality control of methods defining foods of a particular matrix
for Nutrition Labeling, D.M. Sullivan &
for nutrition analysis, identifying and/or group on the basis of fat, protein, and
D.E. Carpenter (Eds), AOAC INTER
developing a set of reference materials carbohydrate content would be both
NATIONAL, Arlington, VA, Chapter 7]
representative of foods for use in valida possible and advantageous. The mois
be adopted by the Official Methods
tion studies, and facilitating the avail ture level of a sample can readily be ad
ability of reference materials to labora justed by drying or adding water. Thus,
for future collaborative studies used for
tories in a cost effective manner. if a method is affected by the moisture
the methods validation process for
Subcommittee on in-house control level of the matrix, this can be handled.
analyses of foods for nutrition labeling
materials.—The Subcommittee on In- The remaining major components of the
House Control Materials surveyed the samples and their various combinations
AOAC membership regarding the for of levels can be represented by a set of Follow-up Recom m endations
mulation, validation, and use of in- nine samples that span specific ranges of
house quality control materials. Using fat, protein and carbohydrate content. On January 6,1993, USDA and FDA
the survey results where possible, the Deliberations within the task force and issued the final regulations to be oper
subcommittee developed a set of guide at other AOAC forums have indicated a able under NLEA (Federal Register,
lines to aid laboratories in the develop great deal of concern about the level of January 6,1993, pp. 631-691 and 2065-
ment of in-house quality control materi effort necessary to extend the applicabil 2964, respectively). The Task Force on
als. These guidelines were published in ity of Official Methods from foods spe Methods for Nutrient Labeling Analy
the May 1993 issue of The Referee (see cifically studied in a collaborative study ses, after reviewing the final regulations,
also Wolf, W.R. (1993) Methods of to other foods of interest. The adoption again reviewed the status of AOAC Of
Adamo, Nicholas C., 287 Cairns, Thomas, 306 Duran-Meras, Isabel, 754
Adams, Freddy C., 1262 Campbell, Harold M„ 1163 Edberg, Ulla, 53
Akasaka, Kazuaki, 1385 Cancalon, Paul E, 584 Edgell, Kenneth W., 1098,1113
Al-Hasani, Sami M., 902,1014 Cardwell, Terence J., 1389 Eerola, Susanna, 575
Al-Showiman, S.S., 601 Carignan, Germain, 325 Eichelberger, James W., 72
Al-Tamrah, S.A., 601 Carleer, Robert, 1138 Eilers, Paul P., 1344
Al-Warthan, A.A., 601 Carpenter, Mark W, 902 Eitenmiller, Ronald R., 390,1276
Alanko, Timo, 674 Carrier, Karen, 325 Elkins, Edgar R., 4
Albert, Richard, 461 Carro, A., 608 Ellis, Richard L„ 907, 1309
Ali, M. Sher, 907,1309 Carson, Mary C.. 329 Emara, Laila H., 847
Allen, Geraldine, 430 Casais, C., 608 Erb, Elizabeth J., 1098,1113
Amaguana, R. Miguel, 1240 Castle, Laurence, 760 Espinosa-Mansilla, A., 1255
Anderson, Kim A., 910 Cattrall, Robert W„ 1389 Fabbrini, Riccardo, 650
Anderson, Ellen M., 682 Cela, R., 608 Falbo-Nelson, Maria T., 694, 988
Andrews, Paul, 703, 707 Cepeda, A., 838 Fan, Titan S., 851
Andrews, Wallace H., 1240 Chakravarty, Sumon, 604 Feldsine, Phihp T., 694,988
Angyal, Gerald, 414,682 Chamkasem, Narong, 691 Felkner, I. Cecil, 682
Aoki, Kazuharu, 436 Chase, Jr, G. William, 390,1276 Fiddler, Walter, 578
Armentia-Alvarez, Arantza, 565 Chatt, A., 703 Fleming, J. Richard, 1033, 1300
Armishaw, Paul, 1317 Chen, Guo Nan, 1389 Fletouris, Dimitrios J., 1168
Atkinson, June, 620 Chen, Junshi, 1193,1206 Franco, C., 838
Atwal, AvtarS., 1010 Chiavarmi, S., 1133 Fujii, Yuko, 436
Baker, Randall J., 913 Chiba, Mikio, 1187 Fukaya, Megumu, 436
Bakowski, Ralph S., 907,1309 Chichila, Tina M.P. 1323 Fuleki, Tibor, 59,591
Balasubramanian, N., 730 Chou, Chiu L., 794 Gagnon, Jacques, 26
Bandler, Ruth, 430 Chowdhury, Bhabadeb, 1152 Gales, Peter W., 918
Baneijee, ArunB., 1152 Cleroux, Chantal, 14 Gao, Junquan, 1193,1206
BaOsman, A.A., 601 Cole, Richard J., 637,983 Garcia-Moreno, Concepcion, 565
Barbano, David M., 1033,1300 Coleman, Mark R., 945 Gilbert, John, 760
Barford, Robert A., 335 Collins, Peter G., 381 Gilvydis, DaliaM., 1323
Barker, Steven A., 67,663 Conacher, Henry B.S., 14, 26, 703 Ginn, Roy E., 297
Barnett, Stephen A., 399,1042 Conrad, Steve M., 1344 Glaze, Larry E., 44
Bauer, Karin, 864 Cox-Trout, Candace, 1174 Gliksman, Joseph E., 920
Beaulieu, Normand, 962 Cremisini, C, 1133 Gooch, Emmett G., 581
Beckert, Werner F., 555, 864 Crisippi, Teodoro, 650 Gopal, Madhuban, 283
Beljaars, Paul R., 570 Cutrufelli, Mark E., 1022 Graham, Russell A., 14
Bicchi, Carlo, 657 D’Amato, Angela, 657 Graham, Susan J., 962
Bicsak, Ronald C., 780 D’Aoust, Jean-Yves, 814 Greco, Paula, 814
Bidasee, Keshore R., 366 Dabeka, Robert W., 14 Gunderson, Ellis L., 492
Blankenship, Paul D., 637 Dacunha, Adrian R., 1230 Guy, Robert D., 794
Boisen, Flemming, 674 Daft, James L., 1083 Haggett, T.O. Richard, 1280
Botsoglou, Nikos A., 1168 Danielson, James W, 355 Hamilton, Ian C., 1389
Bowe, Susan, 14 Dauphin, C. 1295 Hammack, Thomas S., 1240
Brands, Arie, 570 Davidson, Sandra, 956 Hamon, M., 1295
Brassard, Rene, 923 de la Peña, A. Muñoz, 1255 Hanna, George M., 526
Breitholtz-Emanuelsson, Anna, 842 Deb, Manas Kanti, 604 Harnett, Michelle, 1280
Brousseau, Robert, 26 Decker, Eric Andrew, 644 Harris, Loralyn, 822
Bruelhart, Milene, 268, 275 Diachenko, Gregory W., 1213 Hashimoto, Hideki, 32
Bui, Lap V., 966 Dickerson, Richard, 1220 Hasselberger, Mary Lee, 39
Burini, Giovanni, 1017 Doerr, Robert C., 578 Hayakawa, Junko, 436
Bushway, Rodney J., 90, 851 Donnelly, Joseph R., 1092 Heame, Loretta A., 1400
Cabanis, Jean-Claude, 1262 Domer, Joe W, 637,983 Hennig, Bernhard, 644
Cabras, Paolo, 92 Duke, Paul D., 320 Hermida, M., 838
L iq u id C h r o m a t o g r a p h ic D e t e r m in a t io n o f M e le n g e s t r o l A c e t a t e
in F e e d s
H M. C a m p b e l l and F r a n ç o is S a u v é
Agriculture Canada, Laboratory Services Division, Food Production and Inspection Branch, Ottawa, ON, K1A0C6, Canada
A m eth o d for m elen g estro l a c e ta te (MGA) w a s d e phy (LC). Roybal (3) investigated the use of separation and
v elo p ed to ac cu ra te ly d eterm in e 0.08-220 ppm cleanup steps from the GC procedure (1) combined with LC
. MGA in anim al fe ed s. MGA is e x tra c te d from an determination. Examination of this method has shown low re
a q u e o u s slu rry of fe e d sa m p le w ith h ex a n e a n d p ar coveries for some feeds and the frequent occurrence of signifi
titio n ed from h ex a n e into a q u e o u s m ethanol an d cant interferences. Weigand and Dille (4) reported a simplified
th e n into d ich lo ro m eth an e. After ev a p o ratio n of th e method using preparative LC and quantitation by reversed-
d ich lo ro m eth an e, th e dried e x tra c t is tran sferre d phase LC. The methods of Roybal and of Weigand and Dille
with chloroform into a volum etric flask. An aliquot use Soxhlet extraction with hexane; however, we found this
is p ip etted into a m ixed colum n of silica gel an d procedure to give incomplete extraction for some types of
acid alum inum oxide, a n d th e MGA is elu ted with feeds (Table 1).
h e x a n e -a c e to n e . T he re sid u e is d isso lv e d in m eth a The method presented here incorporates many of the con
nol, an d th e MGA is q u an titated by re v e rse d -p h a se cepts of the GC procedure, i.e., liquid-liquid extraction, parti
liquid c h ro m a to g rap h y (LC). T he m eth o d w a s vali tioning, and cleanup by a modification of Roybal’s mixed-
d a te d by u sin g com m ercial fe e d s a n d laboratory- phase column. An option is presented for a simplified
fortified fe e d s. T he m eth o d w a s a lso applied s u c liquid-liquid extraction that avoids the necessity of specialized
cessfu lly to co rn s ila g e s su p p le m e n te d w ith MGA. glassware and reduces the volume of solvents required. Com
R eco v eries [and a s s o c ia te d coefficients of vari pared to the GC method with either extraction, this LC method
ation (CVs)] for fe e d s fortified in th e laboratory with provides improved recoveries, lower coefficients of variation
MGA 100 a t 0.2, 0.8, a n d 5 ppm w ere 96.9 (6.28), 102 (CVs), a wider range of application, cleaner chromatograms,
(3.59), a n d 109% (2.06%), respectively. CVs for a v a and elimination of the need for internal standards because re
riety of co m m ercial fe e d s varied from 0.88 to coveries are quantitative.
3.84%. An interlaboratory s tu d y w a s a lso c o n A broad spectrum of samples was analyzed, including com
d u c te d to co m p a re th e LC m eth o d to th e AOAC g a s silage supplemented with MGA. The silage samples generate
ch ro m a to g rap h ic m ethod. extraneous peaks, and MGA is adequately resolved. Chroma
tograms of other sample types generally show only a major
matrix peak after the solvent front and a well-resolved MGA
M elengestrol acetate (MGA) is a progestational steroid peak.
added to heifer feeds as an aid in suppression c f estrus
to increase weight gains and improve feed efficien METHOD
cies. The AOAC method (1) uses gas chromatography (GC)
with electron capture detection for MGA measurement. An in Reagents
ternal standard is necessary to compensate for losses in the ex (a) Solvents.—Distilled-in-glass hexane, methanol, dichlo
traction and cleanup steps, and another internal standard is romethane, chloroform, acetone; LC grade methanol, dioxane,
added before GC analysis to compensate for variability in the water (Milli-Q, or equivalent); and absolute ethanol.
chromatography and detection. The collaborative study (2) (b) Silica gel 60.— For column chromatography, Kieselgel
showed other deficiencies: recoveries were low (overall recov 60,70-230 mesh ASTM (Merck & Co., Inc.).
ery 83.2%), within-laboratory repeatability was significant (c) Deactivated silica gel.—Combine 45.0 g silica gel and
(±9 .5 %), and the method was designed for the limited range of 5.00 g distilled water in a tightly sealed container. Mix well to
0.28-2.2 ppm. Recoveries below 0.28 ppm were low (72.5% remove any lumps and then mix occasionally for 2 h before
for a 0.14 ppm sample). use. Discard after 2 weeks.
Other published methods attempted to improve and sim (d) Aluminum oxide.—Woelm acid, anionotropic, activity
plify the method of analysis or tried to use liquid chromatogra- grade 1 for column chromatography (InterScience, Inc.).
(e) Deactivated alumina.—Combine 29.1 g acid aluminum
Received October 5, 1992. Accepted January 25, 1993. oxide and 0.90 g distilled water in a tightly sealed container.
1164 C a m pbell & S a uv é : J o u rn a l O f A O A C I n tern a tio na l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Chromatography Cleanup
Table 2. Comparison of the AOAC and modified extraction procedures for the analysis of commercial feeds
Modified A O A C liquid-liquid extraction A O A C liquid-liquid extraction
tifiedinthemethod issuperiortoother5 pm and 10 pm col volumes ofsolvents (2).The modified AOAC extractionisa
umns evaluated. The use ofdioxane inthe mobile phase sig good alternative.As demonstratedinTable2,MGA valuesob
nificantlyaltersthecolumn selectivity.The selectedLC condi tainedbyeitherliquid-liquidextractionareequivalent;CVs for
tionsprovide a rapid elutiontime (approximately 3 min), and themodifiedAOAC extractionareslightlylower.Table3 pre
witha 10min run time,subsequentchromatograms arefreeof sentsrecoverydataby themodifiedAOAC extractionforsam
ghostpeaks. ples prepared inthe laboratory (fortifiedby standard addition
Figure 1 shows a standard chromatogram and chromato or formulated by using MGA 100). This table shows the
grams offeedextractspreparedby using the modified extrac method tobe effectiveforbothmineralandorganictypefeeds.
tion.The LC responsewas shown tobe linearover arange of The 0.8 ppm sample isused asthequalitycontrolsample for
5-200 ng (higherlevelswere notchecked). routineanalyses.
Attempts to simplify the method by using Soxhlet extrac A criticalstepinthemethod istheuseofCHC13todissolve
tion, solid-phase extractions, and gel permeation for sample theresidueafterroto-evaporationofCH2C12andbeforethecol
cleanupwereunsuccessful. Soxhletextractionwithhexane,as umn chromatography step;hexane, asspecifiedintheAOAC
publishedby Roybal (3)and Weigand and Dille (4),isnotal method, is not always effective. Because of the significant
ways adequate. As shown inTable 1,and asreportedby Wei amount of coextractives occurring with the liquid-liquid ex
gand and Dille (4)(recoveryproblems with mineral samples), traction,alumina,asused inreferences2 and 3,inthecleanup
Soxhletextractionisincompleteforsome feedtypes.The use column gaveextractsthatoftengeneratedchromatograms with
of liquid-liquidextraction (presence of water isessential for unacceptable interferences.The mixed-phase cleanup column
quantitative recoveries) affects the method and the extent of largelyeliminatesthisproblem.The columncleanupisnotnec
extractpurificationrequiredbeforeLC analysis.The combina essaryforhigh-MGA-content samples, such asMGA 100 and
tionofpartitioningand column chromatography was found to mineral samples atapproximately 5 ppm orhigher. The stock
be essential and resulted in very clean extracts and problem- standard solution is stable for 1 year ifrefrigerated. Diluted
freechromatograms. standard solutions should be refrigerated and prepared fresh
Liquid-liquidextractionofM G A givesconsistentandquan monthly.Sample solutionsarestablefor1week ifrefrigerated.
titativeextractionbutrequiresspecializedglassware and large The throughput of samples isimproved over the AOAC GC
Check sample
5 ppm a 4.85 5.28 3 2.0 6 109
0.8 ppm a 0.7 80 0.797 15 3.59 102
0.2 ppm a 0.1 94 0.1 88 3 6.28 96.9
Mineral, 4 ppm 6 3.96 3.7 8 3 2.68 95.4
0.5 ppm spikec 0.505 0.482 3 1.86 95.4
S am ples form ulated in laboratory using 194.4 ppm, M G A 100, added to a beef supplement.
b Mineral feed sample formulated In laboratory using M G A 100.
c S am ple recovery using standard addition to a beef supplement.
C ampbell & S au v é J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1167
maduramicin, morantel tartrate, monensin, narasin, neomycin, (3 ) R o y b a l , J . E . ( 1 9 8 1 ) J. A sso c. Off. A nal. Chem . 6 4 , 6 6 1 - 6 6 4
R a p id D e te rm in a tio n o f T ry p to p h a n in I n ta c t P ro te in s b y
D e m it r io s J. F l e t o u r is
Aristotle University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Milk and Milk Products, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece
N ic k o s A . B otsoglou
Aristotle University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Production, Ichthyology, Ecology, and
Protection of Environment, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece
G e o r g io s E. P a p a g e o r g io u
Aristotle University, School of Medicine, Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece
A n t o n io s J. M a n t is
Aristotle University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Milk and Milk Products, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece
A m eth o d for rap id determ in atio n of total try p to sis of the majority of the amino acids whereas alkaline hydroly
p h an in in tact p ro tein s w a s d ev elo p ed . S am p le is sis is recommended for tryptophan assay because this amino
h o m o g en ized with 0.1 M so d iu m hydroxide, a n d th e acid is extensively degraded during acid hydrolysis and must
h o m o g en ate , if it c o n ta in s s u s p e n d e d m aterial, is be analyzed separately ( 1 ).
cen trifu g ed . T ryptophan is directly q uantified in The determination of tryptophan, however, is still a problem
sam p le e x tra ct o n th e b a s is of its fourth-derivative (2 ); losses of tryptophan can occur even under alkaline hy
UV ab so rp tio n sp e c tru m . P rotein h y d ro ly sis an d /o r drolysis (3). Lucas and Sotelo (4), studying the effect of differ
e x tra ct purification is not req u ired b e c a u s e th e ent alkalis, temperatures, and hydrolysis times on the determi
fourth-derivative tran sfo rm atio n of th e c o n v e n nation of tryptophan in pure proteins and foods by EEC,
tional analytical b a n d aro u n d 285.5 nm virtually reported that lithium hydroxide at 145°C gives the best results
elim in ates in terfe ren c es arisin g from both ty ro sin e provided that hydrolysis proceeds for 4 and 8 h, respectively,
a n d o th e r U V -absorbing c o m p o n e n ts. W hen p u re whereas Nielsen and Hurrell (5) found no advantage in using
p ro tein s w ere an aly zed by th e m ethod, th e v alu e s lithium rather than sodium hydroxide and recommended hy
of try p to p h an re s id u e s found co in cid e d well with lit drolysis for 20 h at 110°C for all proteins. Other workers (6 ,7)
e ra tu re d a ta b a s e d on s e q u e n c e an a ly sis. T he a p have proposed barium hydroxide hydrolysis at 125°C for 16 h
plicability of th e m eth o d w a s a ls o te s te d on sev eral in absence of air for the determination of tryptophan in proteins
fo o d a n d feed in g red ient s a m p le s se le c te d to in and feedstuffs by IEC or LC, whereas Sato et al. (8 ) have rec
c lu d e a ra n g e of p rotein c o n te n t a n d a variety of ommended sodium instead of barium hydroxide to improve
p ro tein s o u rc e s . Owing to its sim plicity a n d reliabil tryptophan recovery. Jones et al. (9) have also suggested so
ity, th e m eth o d is particularly re co m m en d ed for dium hydroxide with maltodextrin to prevent degradation of
ev ery d ay a n a ly sis of a large n u m b er of sa m p le s. tryptophan during hydrolysis, whereas Allred and MacDonald
( 1 0 ), who performed a collaborative study, have reported that
sodium hydroxide hydrolysis at 110°C for 20 h under vacuum
A mino acid analysis is of major importance in the assess is suitable for the determination of tryptophan in foods and
ment of protein quality, because the nutritive value of food and feed ingredients by IEC or LC.
proteinaceous products depends on their amino acid Because analysis of tryptophan in proteinaceous materials
composition. Amino acid analysis of food proteins is conven by hydrolysis is generally a destructive process, alternative
tionally carried out by ion-exchange (IEC) or liquid chroma
spectrophotometric methods based on its prominent UV ab
tography (LC) after hydrolysis into the constituent amino ac
sorption have been developed (11-13). However, interferences
ids. The hydrolysis conditions are critical, because they
due to inherent components, impurities, or turbidity can affect
represent a compromise aimed at yielding the best estimate of
the analysis (14). To eliminate or reduce interferences, other
amino acid composition. Differences in amino acid stabilities,
workers (15-18) have proposed methods for direct determina
variations in ease of peptide bond cleavage, and matrix effects
tion of tryptophan in pure proteins by second-derivative spec
from nonproteinaceous components all prohibit a single set of
trophotometry. With these methods, the complex UV absorp
hydrolysis conditions. Thus, acid hydrolysis is used for analy-
tion spectrum of protein at wavelengths above 275 nm could
be partly resolved, and quantitation of tryptophan could be per
Received September 30, 1992. Accepted Febuary 18, 1993.
formed at neutral pH; however, serious interferences, mainly
F letouris E t A l .: J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1169
W a v e le n g th , nm
F ig u r e 1. R e c o r d in g s o f s e c o n d - d e r iv a tiv e U V s p e c tra
o f 1 2.2pM N -a c e ty l-L -try p to p h a n a m id e (— ) a n d 6 0 .9 p M
/V -a ce ty l-L -ty ro s in a m id e (...) in p h o s p h a te bu ffer, p H 6.7.
come this problem, but all have been deficient in one way oi
Ionization of tyrosine produces large changes in its absorp
tion properties (11, 12, 20). Therefore, our first experiments W avelength, nm
were directed toward examining whether tyrosine ionization
could reduce or eliminate interference to tryptophan determi F ig u r e 3. R e c o r d in g s o f fo u rth -d e riv a tiv e U V s p e c tra :
nation by derivative spectrophotometry. Figures 2a and 3a il (a) 2 4 .3 pM A f-a ce ty l-L -try p to p h a n a m id e (— ) a n d 1 2 1 .8pM
lustrate second- and fourth-derivative spectra, respectively, of A /-a ce ty l-L -ty ro s in a m id e (...) in 0.1 M N a O H ; (b) m ix tu re o f
th e a b o v e a t 24.3/121,8 p M ra tio in 0.1 M N a O H .
/V-Acetyl-tryptophanamide found ± S D , p M a
a M ean of 3 determinations.
of either the tryptophan trough at 285.5 nm or the peak at 290 measurement of tryptophan even when these amino acids are
nm was investigated. Trough depth or peak height measure mixed at a molar ratio of as low as 5/1. Furthermore, they point
ments were based on values printed on instrumental chart (in out that the fourth-derivative measurement considerably re
arbitrary units) during derivative processing, values that repre duces all interferences arising from /V-acetyl-L-tyrosinamide;
sented, in fact, the vertical distance between the baseline and with the 290 nm peak as reference point, a slight interference
the minimum of the trough (Figure 3b) or the maximum peal: appears at molar ratios greater than 5/1, whereas with the 285.5
height. Because interferences to tryptophan determination nm trough, no interference appears even at a molar ratio of
might also come from other amino acids that contribute to the 15/1. On the basis of these results, the trough at 285.5 nm was
absoiption spectrum of proteinaceous samples at alkaline pH, selected as the optimum reference point for measuring trypto
(V-acetyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl ester and L-cystine, which is phan concentration.
known (21) to contain sulfhydryl groups with pH values close To further optimize the quantitation, the influence of the de
to those of ionizing phenol groups, were also included in the rivative wavelength difference (AA) setting of the instrument
experiment. The results presented in Table 1, which also in on the intensity of tryptophan trough at 285.5 nm was also ex
clude measurements on the basis of the second-derivative amined. Table 2 gives the regression equations relating the
trough at 290 nm, show that L-cystine and W-acetyl-L-pheny- concentrations of /V-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide working solu
lalanine ethyl ester do not interfere with the derivative determi tions and trough depths recorded at 2 selected AX settings. The
nation of tryptophan at pH 13. They also suggest that /V-acetyl- raw data suggested that the response becomes greater with in
L-tyrosinamide seriously affects the second-derivative creasing AA setting, but the regression equations further
showed that such an increase exerts some influence on the
T able 2. R a w d ata a n d re g re s s io n e q u a tio n s of linearity of the calibration curve. Because an increase in AA
calibration c u r v e s fo r tryp to p han determ ination b y generally reduces noise, the slight decline in linearity observed
fourth-derivative sp e c tro p h o to m e try at w avelen gth
with the 3.6 nm setting must be due to deterioration of spectral
difference (A A ) o f 3 o r 3.6 nm
resolution. Thus, the setting of 3 nm was finally adopted.
Tryptophan concentration, Trough depth, arbitrary units The accuracy and the precision of the method were studied
in standard solution at A X
by analyzing a number of pure proteins and comparing the con
pg/m La |iM 6 3 nm 3 .6 nm centrations found with those expected. The results presented in
Table 3 demonstrate the accuracy of the method as the number
2.4 84 12.165 0.021 0.023
of tryptophan residues found coincided quite well with litera
4.9 68 2 4 .329 0.041 0.045
ture data based on sequence analysis. The success of the accu
7.452 3 6 .4 9 4 0.061 0.067
racy experiment shows that proteins can be effectively dena
9.936 4 8 .659 0.081 0.C91
0.122 0.138
tured in sodium hydroxide solution to expose all buried
14.904 7 2 .988
19.872 9 7 .317 0.162 0.182 tryptophan in the solvent, a finding that lends support to pre
vious studies (11). It also shows that any substance that pro
a Regression equation (AT. = 3 nm): Y = (6 .274 x 1 0 " ) + (8 .122 x duces a constant background absorption or a gradual back
10-3) X (correlation coefficient, r= 0.9 999 9); regression equation
(AX = 3 .6 nm): Y = (-5 .2 9 4 x 1 0 " ) + (9 .2 1 2 x 10“3) X (correlation ground variation can be normalized by the fourth-derivative
coefficient, r = 0 .9 999 0) function, which takes zero value. This makes the method par
b Regression equation ( A X = 3 nm): Y = (6.271 x 10 4) + (1 .659 x
ticularly useful for analysis in the presence of turbidity or when
10"3) X (correlation coefficient, r = 0.9999 9); regression equation
( A X = 3.6 nm): Y = (-5 .2 9 8 x 1 0 " ) + (1.881 x 1 0 " ) X(correlation the background absorbance is high, as in samples of food and
coefficient, r = 0 .9 999 0). feed ingredients.
1172 F letouris E t Al.: Journal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
Table 3. Precision and accuracy data for the Table 5, Precision and accuracy data for the determ
determination of tryptophan residues in proteins by ination of tryptophan in soybean meal by fourth-
fourth-derivative spectrophotometry derivative spectrophotometry
1 2 .1 5 4.1 9 (± 0 .1 4 ) 3.3 96 .7
Lysozyme 6.0 9 + 0.0 7 6 101.5 1.1
2 4.3 0 6.35 (± 0 .1 0 ) 1.6 98 .6
Albumin bovine 2.0 5 ± 0 .0 5 2 102.5 2.4
3 6.4 5 8.42 (± 0 .1 9 ) 2.3 97 .8
Ovalbumin 2.9 9 ± 0 .0 8 3 99 .7 2.7
4 8.60 10.55 (± 0 .1 8 ) 1.7 98.1
Cytochrome C 1.00 ± 0.0 6 1 100.0 6.0
Histone 0.00 0 — —
a Five replicates.
W avelength, nm W avelength, nm
Figure 4. Representative fourth-derivative UV spectra of sam ple extracts: (a) soybean meal; (b) histone; (c) skimmed
milk powder; and (d) fish meal.
fourth-derivative method particularly useful for routine control (14) Nozaki, Y (1986) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 249,437-446
of protein quality. (15) Balestrieri, C., Colonna, G., Giovane, A., Irace, G., &
Servillo, L. (1978) Fur. J. Biochem. 90, 433-440
R efe ren c es (16) Levine, R.L., & Federici, M.M. (1982) Biochemistry 21,
(1) Pettersson, G., & Eaker, D.L. (1968) Arch. Biochem. Bio- (17) Servillo, L., Colonna, G., Balestrieri, C., Lagone, R., & Irace,
phys. 124,154-159 G. (1982) Anal. Biochem. 126, 251-257
(2) Williams, A.P., Hewitt, D., & Buttery, P.J. (1982) J. Sci. Food (18) Nozaki, Y. (1990) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 277, 324—333
Agric. 33, 860-865 (19) Solli, N.J.. & Herskovits, T.T. (1973) Anal. Biochem. 54,
(3) Spies, J.R., & Chambers, D.C. (1948)Anal. Chem. 20, 30-39
(20) Beaven, G.H., & Holiday, E.R. (1952) Advan. Protein Chem.
(4) Lucas, B., & Sotelo, A. (1980) Anal. Biochem. 109, 192-197
(5) Nielsen, H.K., & Hurrell, R.F. (1985) J. Sci. FoodAgnc. 36,
(21) Benesh, R.E., & Benesh, R. (1955) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 77,
(6 ) Delhaye, S., & Landry, J. (1986) Anal. Biochem. 159, 175— (22) King, T.P., & Spencer, M. (1970)7. Biol. Chem. 245, 6134—
178 6148
(7) Landry, J., Delhaye, S., & Viroben, G. (1988) J. Agric. Food (23) Van Gelter, B.F., & Slater, E.C. (1962) Biochim. Biophys.
Chem. 36, 51-52 Acta 58, 593-595
(8 ) Sato, H., Seino, T., Kobayashi, T., Murai, A., & Yugari, Y. (24) Glazer, A.N. (1959) Australian J. Chem. 12, 304—307
(1984) Agric. Biol. Chem. 48, 2961-2969 (25) Dayhoff, M.O. (1972) Atlas of Protein Sequence and Struc
(9) Jones, A., Hitchcock, C.H.S., & Jones, G.H. (1981) Analyst ture, vol. 5 (suppl. 2, 1976) National Biological Reference
106,968-973 Foundation, Washington, D. C.
(10) Allred, M.C., & MacDonald, J.L. (1988) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. (26) Sarwar, G., Christensen, D.A., Finlayson, A.J., Friedman, M.,
Chem. 7 1 ,603-606 Hackler, L.R., Mackenzie, S.L., Pellett, P.L., & Tkachuk, R.
(11) Bencze, W.L., & Schmid, K. (1957) Anal. Chem. 29, 1193— (1983) J. Food Sci. 48, 526-531
1199 (27) Food and Agriculture Organization (1970) Amino Acid Con
(12) Goodwin, T.W., & Morton, R.A. (1946) Biochem. J. 40, tent of Foods, FAO Nutritional Studies No. 24, FAO, Rome
628-632 (28) Wemer, G. (1986) Landwirtsch. Forsch. 36, 109-117
(13) Edelhoch, H. (1967) Biochemistry 6 , 1948-1954 (29) Delhaye, S., & Landry, J. (1986) J. Cereal Chem. 4, 117-123
1174 N ewlon E t Al.: J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
R e q u ire m e n ts
T he official AOAC fertilizer sa m p le p rep aratio n re screen. This resulted in a product of varying particle size, and
q u ire s th a t all dry m ixtures be g ro u n d to p a s s a grinding only the fraction of the sample that did not pass the
U.S. No. 40 siev e. With cu rren t fertilizers a n d m e No. 40 sieve, often with a mortar and pestle, was a common
ch an ical g rin d ers, th e s e criteria m ay no lo n g er be practice.
ap p ro p riate. B lended fertilizers w ere g ro u n d a n d In time, these pulverized fertilizers gave way to “granu
siev ed , an d th e fractio n s w ere analy zed sep a rately lated” fertilizers, in which various dry materials were mixed
to sh o w potential variability in re su lts. In general, together and then treated with ammonia or combinations of
p o ta ssiu m w a s heavily c o n c e n tra te d in th e sm aller ammonia and phosphoric or sulfuric acid. The result was a
p articles of th e g ro u n d sam p le, w h e re a s p h o s p h o more uniform granulated product that did not need to be
ru s te n d e d to b e c o n c e n tra te d in th e c o a rs e r parti crushed, and therefore, had a somewhat smaller percent of fine
c les. A re p resen ta tiv e s e t of fertilizers w a s s u b materials than the typical pulverized fertilizer.
jecte d to 7 grinding tre a tm e n ts d e sig n e d to Although fertilizer production progressed through many
p ro d u c e sa m p le s with a w ide distrib u tio n of parti variants of granular products, the materials remained granular,
cle size. N, P, a n d K w ere d eterm in ed in th e s a m not pulverized. In fact, current emphasis on bulk blending of
p les by traditional m eth o d s. A nalysis of th e re su lts granular components has made control of particle size of even
d e m o n stra te d th a t p re cise, a c c u ra te re su lts could more concern than in the past because of segregation tenden
b e o b tain ed from sa m p le s th a t did n o t technically cies when particle sizes of components of bulk blended prod
m eet cu rren t sa m p le p reparation req u irem en ts. ucts are not uniform.
T he relatio n sh ip b etw een fin e n e ss of grind an d The granular nature of today’s product does not lend itself
size of th e analytical sa m p le portion w a s ex am to first sieving, then grinding the coarser portion to pass a No.
ined. With p ro p e r sa m p le grinding, sa m p le s iz e s of 40 sieve. Also, the mortar and pestle method is no longer the
< 2 0 m g co u ld give re p resen ta tiv e re su lts for nitro method of choice for the preparation of analytical samples, and
g en an aly sis, with p recisio n eq u al to o r b etter th an virtually everyone grinds the entire analytical sample with a
traditional Kjeldahl an a ly sis u sin g 1 g sa m p le s. mechanical grinder of some sort. Sieving, if done at all, is used
T his is of particular in terest, b e c a u s e v ario u s com mainly as a periodic check of the grinder’s performance.
b u stio n in stru m e n ts now beco m in g po p u lar for ni The mechanical grinders most widely used fall into 2 main
tro g e n a n a ly sis are limited in sa m p le size. classes. The first is the traditional Wiley Mill type, which has
rotating knife blades and uses a shearing and slicing motion to
fracture the large particles in blended fertilizers. The second
T he present AOAC method for fertilizer sample prepara type has no blades, only paddles, and operates via high-speed
tion (1) was established in 1941, on the basis of a col impact to produce a finely ground sample. The fineness of the
laborative study reported that year (2). For fertilizer ma ground fertilizer sample may be affected by the method of
terials and moist fertilizer mixtures, the method specifies that grinding. Mechanical grinders tend to produce samples in
the sample be ground to pass a U.S. No. 20 sieve. For dry mix which the majority, but not all, of the particles will pass a U.S.
tures, the method specifies that the sample be ground to pass a No. 40 sieve. On the other hand, modem fertilizers ground in
U.S. No. 40 sieve. mechanical grinders produce a sample in which the overall av
The method was suitable for the usual type of fertilizer erage particle size is much smaller than the average particle
product at that time, called “pulverized” fertilizer, in which sizes of the samples used in the 1941 collaborative study. Data
various solid materials were mechanically mixed together, al in Table 1 are examples of this kind of distribution.
lowed to cure and cake, and then crushed to pass a 6 -mesh In view of the changing physical nature of fertilizer prod
ucts and the outmoded state of AOAC fertilizer sample prepa
Received July 15, 1992. Accepted February 25, 1993. ration methodology, past assumptions and procedures are due
Published as Journal Paper No. 13452 of the Purdue University for review. This paper will attempt to document the potential
Agricultural Experiment Station. variability inherent even in fine, mechanically ground samples.
N ewlon E t A l . : J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1175
Sieve fraction A B C D E F G
We will measure particle size differences in samples ground by Results and discussion.—The NPK results obtained in this
different grinding techniques and examine the effect on preci study were highly dependent on particle size. For example,
sion of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) results. Fi K20 values for one fertilizer ranged from 7.74 to 52.62% de
nally, we will explore in more detail the relation between par pending on the sieve fraction analyzed. Because all fertilizers
ticle size, sample size, and precision in nitrogen results. behaved similarly, fertilizer 5 was selected as a representative
example (Table 3). Duplicate results represent independent
within-day analyses. Because of the limited amounts of some
S eg reg atio n P otential of G round S am p les
sieve fractions, nitrogen results were incomplete.
In general, K20 values increased with decreasing particle
This study was designed to investigate the extent to which size, indicating that potassium was concentrated in the smaller
potential segregation of particles in ground blended fertilizers particles. P2 0 5 values (total and available) tended to decrease
could affect nitrogen, K2 0 , and P2 0 5 measurements. Seven fer with decreasing particle size, indicating that phosphoms was
tilizers (Table 2) were selected as representative of typical concentrated in the larger particles. For nitrogen, although val
blended products. They were ground in a Brinkmann Model ues were variable, there was no clear trend with respect to par
ZM-1 grinder, a high speed impact type grinder using a screen ticle size.
with 5.0 mm openings. The screen size was selected to give a The potential harm of ground sample segregation is obvi
relatively higher proportion of the larger particle sizes, but the ous, and Table 3 illustrates that segregation is more likely to
average particle size was still small compared to 1941 stand affect K20 and P2 0 5 results and less likely to affect nitrogen
ards. Each sample was then sieved through U.S. standard results.
sieves No. 14, 20,35,40, 60, 100, and 200 to separate the dif
ferent particle sizes within the sample. The sieve fractions for Varying th e F in e n e ss of G rind
the 7 fertilizers were each analyzed in duplicate for nitrogen
(978.02) , K20 (983.02), and both total (958.01) and available This study was designed to determine the minimum grind
(960.03) P2 Os (1). ing treatment necessary to achieve acceptable precision and ac-
T a b le 2. C o m p o n e n t m a k e u p o f b le n d e d fe r tiliz e r s b y p e rc e n t
Fert No. Grade N-P-K Urea3 DAP* G TSPC Potash d S-Ureae Limestone'
3 Urea, 46-0-0.
b Diammonium phosphate, 18-46-0.
c Granulated triple super phosphate, 0-46-0.
d Coarse potash, 0-0-60.
e Sulfur-coated urea, 32-0-0.
' 6 x 1 6 imestone filler, 0-0-0.
1176 N ewlon Et A l .: J ournal Of AOAC International Vol. 76, No. 6,1993
__ __ a __ __ --- ------------ -------------- --- , ---
a indicates no results.
b indicates result w as below instrument standard range.
curacy and to avoid segregation problems in blended fertilizers sample. Within each grinding treatment, particle size distribu
when the “traditionally” accepted sample sizes are used for tions were similar for all fertilizers. Therefore, the results from
analysis. All K20 and P2 0 5 analyses started with 1 g samples. all fertilizers were pooled to produce an average distribution
Kjeldahl analyses used 1.2 g samples, except for the 32-3-3, for each grinding treatment.
which used a 0 . 6 g sample. Results and discussion.—For each of the 9 fertilizer sam
Each of the 7 fertilizers used in the previous study (Table 2), ples, a mean and standard deviation (SD) of results over the 7
a granular triple super phosphate fertilizer, and a diammonium grinding treatments were calculated for nitrogen, K2 0 , total
phosphate fertilizer were sampled by using a standard probe to P2 0 5, and available P2 0 5. An approximate 95% confidence in
obtain approximately 2 quart samples. Each sample was split terval was also calculated (mean ± 2 SDs). Data are shown in
into 8 equal portions with a gated riffle (Carpco, Jacksonville, Tables 5-8.
FL 32206), and each portion was placed in an 8 oz. jar. Examination of the tabulated results showed that treatments
The splits from each fertilizer were processed by 7 different A (unground) and B (Wiley 4.0 mm screen) produced the most
grinding treatments (Table 4). These treatments were designed variable results. Many of the values obtained from these 2 treat
to produce samples with a wide range of average particle size, ments were more than 2 SDs away from the sample mean, and
therefore, fell outside the 95% confidence interval. This was
from unground to very fine.
true for all 4 analyses. Because of their extreme variability',
All fertilizer grinds were then analyzed in duplicate for ni
treatments A and B were considered unacceptable, and these
trogen, K2 0 , and total and available P2 0 5 by the Official Meth
results were eliminated from further consideration.
ods described in the segregation study.
When Youden’s test for outlying values (3) was applied to
After all analyses were complete, the remaining sample por
the remaining 5 treatments (C-G), 24% of total P2 0 5 values
tions were sieved by using a Tyler Ro-Tap® sieve shaker and
and 17% of available P 2 0 5 values obtained from treatment C
U.S. standard sieves No. 12,20,40,60,100, and 200. The pur
were determined to be outliers. Therefore, grinding treatment
pose of the sieving was to quantitatively define the particle size C was also eliminated from further consideration. (Nitrogen
distribution of each grinding treatment. The sieve fractions for and potassium results were not as variable for treatment C.)
each sample were weighed and compared to the total sample Seven other values were determined to be outliers by Youden’s
weight, and each fraction was expressed as a percent of the total test and were eliminated, but these were randomly distributed
among all other treatments and no pattern was evident.
T a b le 4. G r in d in g tre a tm e n ts to a c h ie v e v a ry in g Tables 9-12 summarize the means and variability for treat
d e g re e s o f f in e n e s s
ments D-G (Brinkmann 5.0, 1.5, 0.75, and 0.75/0.50 mm
Treatment Description screens, respectively). Outlying values were excluded from
A Portions left unground In general, results from treatments D-G were consistent and
B Portions ground on W iley Mill3 (4.0 mm) accurate, as reflected in the SD values. Further elimination of
C Portions ground on W iley Mill (2.0 mm) treatments did not significantly reduce SDs. Analyses (P2 0 5,
D Portions ground on Brinkmann 0 (5.0 mm) K2 0 , and nitrogen) were similar with respect to SD, relative
E Portions ground on Brinkmann (1.5 mm) standard deviation (RSD), and range values for all fertilizers.
F Portions ground on Brinkmann (0 .75 mm)
Analysis of variance applied to the results from these 4 treat
G Portions double ground on Brinkmann (0 .7 5 /0 .5 0 mm)
ments indicated no significant differences between treatments
H Portions left unground as reserves
a W iley mill has a shearing/cutting type of grinding motion. Table 1 summarizes the results obtained when all fertilizer
samples were sieved to classify the grinding treatments accord-
N ewlon E t A l .: J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1177
Fertilizer No.
Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
T a b le 6. A v a ila b le P 2O 5 r e s u lt s (% o f to ta l) f o r a ll tre a tm e n ts
Fertilizer No.
Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
T a b le 7. K 2O r e s u lts (% o f to ta l) f o r a ll tre a tm e n ts
Fertilizer No.
Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fertilizer No.
Treatm ent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Param eter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
M ean (%) 37 .06 13.76 19.16 12.05 22.31 7.20 3.26 47 .79 46 .68
SD 0.123 0.2 44 0.2 57 0.212 0.2 38 0.159 0 .1 6 6 0.1 67 0.181
RSD 0.332 1.772 1.341 1.760 1.065 2.208 5.1 03 0.3 50 0.388
Range 3 6 .8 4 - 1 3 .4 2 - 1 8 .7 4 - 1 1 .8 1 - 2 1 .9 5 - 7 .0 6 - 3 .0 2 - 4 7 .5 6 - 4 6 .3 5 -
37 .20 14.07 19.47 12.37 22 .63 7.46 3.51 4 8 .0 7 46 .86
Fertilizer No.
Param eter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fertilizer No.
P aram eter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
T a b le 12. P o ta s s iu m r e s u lt s f o r tre a tm e n ts D - G
Fertilizer No.
Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Table 13. Comparison of nitrogen results (% of total) Table 14. Variation of 0.75-0.5 mm double ground
for Kjeldahl 0.75 mm grind and combustion method with blended fertilizer compared to the variation of standard
0.75 mm grind and 0.75-0.5 mm double grind of a materials within a run (% of total)
blended fertilizer
Ground blended
Carlo Erba fertilizer,
Kjeldahl 0 .7 5 Carlo Erba 0 .7 5 0 .7 5 -0 .5 mm P aram eter 0 .7 5 -0 .5 mm (N H 4)2S 0 4 nh 4n o 3
mm grind, 1200 mm grind, 15 grind, 15 mg
Param eter mg sample mg sample sample 6.388 2 1 .3 1 9 3 5 .0 2 4
6.2 84 2 1 .3 6 7 3 4 .7 8 8
6.32 6.2 73 6 .3 8 8 6.3 18 2 1 .3 7 5 34.691
6.32 6.2 46 6.2 84 6.321 21.351 3 4 .9 7 3
6.3 3 6.3 54 6.3 18 6.2 08 2 1 .3 5 4 3 4 .8 0 5
6.3 5 6.1 80 6.321 6.3 65 2 1 .375 34.791
6.39 6.241 6.2 08 6.3 53 21.351 3 4 .6 5 3
6.4 0 6.0 30 6.3 65 6.3 15 2 1 .3 1 2 3 4 .9 0 9
6.41 6 .4 0 3 6 .3 5 3 6.2 18 2 1 .2 9 0 3 4 .802
6.36 6 .4 5 5 6 .3 1 5 6.3 47 2 1 .3 3 9 3 4 .817
6.45 6.4 96 6.2 18 6.392 — —
6.3 7 6 .2 3 0 6.3 47 6.321 — —
6.3 4 6.668 6.3 92 6.393 — —
6.33 6.3 02 6.321 6.356 — —
6.3 8 6.5 78 6.3 93 6.3 54 — —
6.41 6.5 04 6.3 56
6.39 6.2 90 6 .3 5 4 M ean 6.3 29 2 1 .343 3 4 .8 2 4
Results and discussion.—The 0.75 mm single grind gave Sample segregation is more likely to influence K20 and P2 0 5
more variable results by nitrogen analyzer than by the Kjeldahl results than nitrogen results.
method. The SD and RSD for the nitrogen analyzer were con The 1941 sample preparation collaborative study is out
siderably higher than the Kjeldahl method for the single grind. moded and needs to be reconsidered by taking average particle
However, the variation of results of the 0.75/0.5 mm double size into account. With modem grinding techniques, particle
ground sample by the nitrogen analyzer was very close to the sizes are much smaller than the 40-100 mesh range found in
variation of the single grind by the Kjeldahl method. The data the 1941 study. The majority of particle sizes can be smaller
for both the nitrogen analyzer and the Kjeldahl method appear than 200 mesh. Average particle size is a better measure of
in Table 13. good sample preparation than maximum particle size.
To separate method error from sample preparation enor, the With finer grinding techniques and smaller average particle
same 0.75/0.5 mm double-ground blended fertilizer sample sizes, procedures can be used that require smaller sample
and pure standard materials, ammonium sulfate and ammo weights than the traditional 1 g sample. The combustion instru
nium nitrate, were analyzed by the combustion instrument (Ta ment in this study used a 15 mg double-ground blended fertil
ble 14). The RSD of the double-ground blended fertilizer rea izer, and the variation in results was similar to the classical
Kjeldahl method, in which 1200 mg regular ground samples
sonably approached RSDs of the 2 standard materials. RSDs of
are used. Combustion instruments using these small sample
all 3 materials were <1.0%. Additional sample grinding for
sizes are able to give results with SDs on blended fertilizers that
blended fertilizers would lead to relatively little improvement
approach the SD values of the standard materials. RSDs of the
in overall variation.
blended fertilizers and of standard materials were <1%. With
The nitrogen analyzer gave results on a blended fertilizer with
the finer grinding techniques commonly used today, the small
variability comparable to the Kjeldahl method. With the finer sample size can give a representative result for nitrogen.
grinding techniques commonly used today, considerably smaller
sample sizes can give representative results for nitrogen.
R eferen ces
C o n clu sio n s (1) Official Methods of Analysis (1990) 15th Ed., AOAC,
Arlington, VA
Generally, K20 tends to be more concentrated in the finer (2) Ross, W.H., Rader, L.F., Jr, & Hardesty, J.O. (1941) J. Assoc.
particle sizes, and P2 0 5 tends to be concentrated in the larger Off. Agric. Chem. 24,253-263
particles of ground fertilizers. Nitrogen does not tend to con (3) Youden, W.J., & Steiner, E.H. (1975) Statistical Manual of
centrate in any one particle size and is more evenly distributed. the AOAC, AOAC, Arlington, VA
1182 N ew lon : J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6 , 1993
N a t a l ie N ew lon
AOAC Official M ethod 983.02 for p o ta ssiu m in fertil Also specified is the correction for the effect of phosphate on
izers c o n ta in s in stru m en t p erfo rm an ce criteria. T he potassium response in the flame. This correction is made by
B ran & L uebbe Flam e P h o to m e te r 410 with a varying the lanthanum oxide concentration in the final aspi
TRAACS 800 w a s ev a lu a ted by th is m ethod. Noise, rated solution. All these performance criteria permit some vari
drift, carryover, a n d p re cisio n w ere investigated. ation among instrument types and setups as long as final per
Drift a n d n o ise w ere well below th e sp ecificatio n s. formance is maintained and chemistry is not changed.
C arryover w a s e sse n tia lly zero. T he overall p er This paper describes a new instrument configuration that
fo rm a n ce of th e s y ste m b a se d on National Institute involves no change in the basic chemistry of the current official
of S ta n d a rd s a n d T echnology s ta n d a rd s a n d q ual method, meets all of the performance criteria of the method,
ity con tro l s a m p le s sh o w e d an a v e ra g e b ias of and represents a significant upgrade in automated technology.
0 .10%, w hich is within th e m eth o d sp ecificatio n s;
th e a b s o lu te v alu e s of d ifferen ces w ere 0.166% for E xperim ental
th e citrate ex tractio n a n d 0.063 a n d 0.171%, re s p e c
tively, fo r th e o x alate ex tra ctio n s. T he m eth o d Apparatus
s ta te s th a t th e av e ra g e b ias sh o u ld b e <0.1, a n d th e
a b s o lu te v alu e of d ifferen ces sh o u ld b e <0.4. O ver The instrument used was one channel of a Bran & Luebbe
all, th e s y s te m p a s s e d all th e p erfo rm an c e criteria TRAACS 800 2-channel instrument. An Alternate Detector In
sp ecified in th e m eth od. terface (ADI) box, supplied by the instrument manufacturer,
connected the instrument’s software with a Bran & Luebbe
(Coming) 410 flame photometer detector. The instrument
T he original flame photometric method for potassium in manifold supplied by Bran & Luebbe was designed for soil
fertilizers ( 1 ) was a labor-intensive and time-consuming analysis and was modified as illustrated in Figure 1. The fol
manual method. After extraction, a resin bed had to be lowing parameters are used with the instrument: 90 samples/h;
prepared and an aliquot of the neutralized fertilizer sample 4:1 sample/wash ratio; no pecking; quadratic curve fit; base not
rinsed through the resin bed. The sample was then diluted and in calibration; baseline drift correction; ran protocol P, 2N, 6 C,
atomized through the flame. H, 3L, (10S,I)x3, H, 3L, 2N, G, 4N, E; null peaks are lower
concentrated standard; carryover lows are No. 1 standard; gain
Automating this method (2) made a significant improve
references to higher concentrated standard in calibration se
ment over the manual method, because, in addition to the bene
fits of automation, the extracted and diluted sample could be
directly analyzed on the instrument. Unfortunately, the auto If standard concentrations are input in mg/mL:
mated method was written for a specific instrument and spe q (calc, sample concn) x (5000000)
cific modules and parameters and did not allow for variation 2 (aliquot) x (sample weight in mg)
among instruments or manifolds.
The current manual/automated method for potassium in fer
tilizers (3) includes the same extraction as the original auto Or for spiked samples:
mated method. The method is more flexible, however; it in
„ „ „ [(calc, sample concn) x (100) - 30] x [1000]
cludes a set of performance criteria that every instrument must /OJVjU — .
(sample weight in mg)
meet and allows for instrument variation. The criteria specify
the permissible amount of noise, carryover, drift, and precision.
(Calculation assumes spike =10 mL of 3 mg K2 0/mL solution.)
Received December 19, 1992. Accepted January 24, 1993. Although not described in this paper, the Alternate Detector
Published as Journal Paper No. 13647 o f the Purdue University Interface can also be used to interconnect the TRAACS soft
Agricultural Experiment Station. ware and an AAII autoanalyzer witn the older flame IV detec-
N ewlon : J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1183
K2Q in F e r tiliz e r
Rangs 0 .1 - 0.B Mg K20/ml Sampler
9 0 /H r , 4 :1 S/W
M a n ifo ld # lfi5 -D 0 3 5 -fll, m o d ifie d
5 Turn A ir
B l/ B l LB2O3
___________» ____ 0QDD_
| ¡S ' W t/U t S aspla
____________________B l/B l D ilu a n t
„ G ry/G ry Sampler Wash
20 Turn 20 Turn
_ u u u u ______ u u u u X X II
F ig u re 1. F lo w d ia g ra m o f in s tru m e n t m a n ifo ld .
tor. This connection is straightforward and provides another Because the fertilizer methodology required La2 0 3 to damp
route to an official instrument configuration and retains some the phosphate effect in the flame detector, an La2 0 3 reagent
of the benefits of the newer instrument software technology. fine was substituted for one of the diluent fines. The concentra
tion of that reagent was changed (see Performance Parame
Instrument Manifold Modifications ters).
The sample: wash ratio was changed from 6 :1 to 4:1, and the
The instrument manufacturer supplied a method (4) for po
sampling rate was slowed from 120 to 90 samples/h to improve
tassium in soil extracts. Several modifications were made so
peak separation. The ADI box gain select control was set at 10
that the system would be applicable to fertilizer extracts. The
instead of the 1 0 0 setting suggested by the instrument manu
dialysis membrane was omitted from the manifold, because its
function was to dilute solutions in the concentration range of
1000 mg K2 0/L. This laboratory did not plan to analyze solu The wetting agent was changed from Renex 30 to Brij 35.
tions more concentrated than 600 mg K2 0/L. This simplified Brij 35 was chosen, because it was used with the AAII systems
the manifold. and is much more stable than the Renex 30, which tends to
An extra 20-turn coil was added to the manifold for addi deteriorate after dilution. The amount of wetting agent in the
tional mixing before the solution enters the nebulizer. This coil diluent reagent was increased to 2 mL/L.
reduced the noise considerably. To minimize carryover, the The Official Method suggests that chloroform be added to
tubing line from the glass debubbler fitting to the nebulizer was the standards as a preservative. Chloroform biased the standard
shortened as much as possible and the inlet tube remained curve slightly, and it is no longer used in this laboratory. In
pointing down. stead, the standards are stored in total darkness, which pre
Pump tube sizes for the sample and waste fine were ad serves them for ca 1 month.
justed. The sample pump tube size was increased to get the The material used to prepare the standard curve was
least possible dilution ratio on line without flooding the detec changed from National Institute of Standards and Technology
tor. The waste fine size was increased but not to the point that (NIST) KH2 P 0 4 to NIST K N 03. The phosphate ion concentra
bubbles were aspirated into the nebulizer. This reduced the tion from the KH2 P 0 4 material was high enough to cause re
noise level of the detector. sidual phosphate effect and bias the standard curve. The low
Because the dialysis membrane was eliminated, HC1 was no end of the standard range was changed from 0.0 to 0.1 g K2 0/L.
longer needed to provide ionic strength across the membrane. Because of software considerations in the new instrument, a
Therefore, that fine was also removed. The sample line, 2 dilu spike is now added to bring low-level samples into the concen
ent fines, and the waste fine were left. tration range of the standards.
1184 N ew lon : J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
Parameter Aa Bb Aa Bb Aa B6 Aa Bb
Citrate reagent
Oxalate reagent
a NH4H2P04added to solution.
b NH4H2P04not added to solution.
Table3. Performance check and qualitycontrol Table4. Performance check and qualitycontrol
samples forthecitrateextraction samples fortheoxalate extraction:sample, KNO3;
theoretical % K20 ,46.56
% K20, % K20, actual - Difference,
Sample theoretical actual theoretical, % % K20, actual actual - theoretical, %
Mean 0.063
Absolute mean 0.171
R e v e rs e d -P h a s e L iq u id C h r o m a t o g r a p h ic M e th o d f o r th e
S im u lta n e o u s D e t e r m in a t io n o f B e n o m y l a n d M e t h y l
1/ / - B e n z i m i d a z o l- 2 - y lc a r h a m a t e i n W e t t a b le P o w d e r
F o r m u la t io n s
R ajP.S ingh
Brock University,Chemistry Department, St.Catharines,ON, L2S 3A 1,Canada
M ikio C hiba *1
AgricultureCanada, Research Station,Vineland Station,ON, LOR 2E0, Canada
A liquid chromatographic (LC) method isreported pound or as an impurity. The concentration of MBC in WP
forthe simultaneous determination of benomyl, formulations may be high ifthe formulatedproducts arekept
methyl {1-[(butylamino)carbonyl]-1 H-benzimidazol- under moist conditions or at elevated temperatures (5, 6).
2-yl}carbamate and carbendazim, methyl 1H- Therefore, themethod reportedby Teubertand Stringham (1,
benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate (MBC), inwettable 2) may overestimate theactualbenomyl contentofaWP for
powder (WP) formulations. Inthis method, mulation.Thus,thereisaneed foran accuratemethod thatsi
benomyl isconverted to 3-butyl-2,4-dioxo-s-triaz- multaneouslydeterminesintactconcentrationsofbenomyl and
ino[1,2-a]benzimidazole (STB) in 0.125M sodium hy MBC inWP formulations.Thisneedhasbecome more appar
droxide. After conversion (atroom temperature in entinlightoftherecentcontroversyoverbenomylphytotoxic
20 min), STB isdetermined simultaneously with ityproblems observedinsome partsoftheUnitedStates(7).
Previously,we reportedasimpleRP-LC method forsimul
MBC (which remains intactwith the sodium hydrox
taneousdeterminationofbenomyl andMBC inwatersamples
ide treatment) at286 nm after LC separation on a
(8, 9). In thispaper we report a modified version of RP-LC
Cis column. The method was accurate and showed method for the simultaneous determination of benomyl and
good reproducibility, with relativestandard devia MBC inWP formulations.We alsocarriedoutadditionalstud
tions of 0.7 and 2.2% for benomyl and MBC determi iestoinvestigatethereliabilityofthismethod.
nations, respectively.
D eterminationofbenomyl,methyl {l-[(butylamino)car- R e a g e n ts
bonyl]-l//-benzimidazol-2-yl)carbamate, in wettable
powder (WP) formulations by reversed-phase liquid (a) B e n o m y l a n d M B C . — Analytical standards were ob
chromatography (RP-LC) has been described intheliterature tainedfromE.I.duPontdeNemours andCo.,Inc.Benomyl and
(1,2).In this method (1, 2) WP formulations were extracted MBC wereassumed tobe 100% pure.
with acetonitrilecontaining 3% «-butyl isocyanate (BIC) and (b) S T B (3 -b u ty l-2 ,4 -d io x o -s -tr ia z in o [l,2 -a ]b e n z im id a -
chromatographedon areversed-phaseC18column. z o le ) a n d B B U [l-(2 -b e n z im id a z o ly l)-3 -n -b u ty lu r e a ]. — STB
The reported method (1, 2) was based on the finding by and BBU werepreparedfrombenomyl asreportedearlier(8).
Chiba and Cherniak (3) that the degradation of benomyl to The purityofSTB was testedby LC and assumedtobe 100%
MBC (methyl lH-benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate) in most or inthisstudy.The structuresofbenomyl,MBC, STB,BBU, and
2-AB (2-aminobenzimidazole)areshown inFigure 1.
ganic solvents isreversible,thatis,benomyl (A2i) MBC +
(c) S o lv e n ts. — Acetonitrile and methanol were LC-grade
BIC (C|).Thereversibilityofthisreactionwas documentedby
reagents from Caledon Laboratories Ltd., Georgetown, On
stabilizingbenomyl inorganic solventsinthepresence ofex
cess BIC (4). However, excess BIC would also produce tario,Canada.
(d) O th e r re a g e n ts. — Sodium hydroxide, nitric acid, and
benomyl from MBC. MBC, which isone ofthemajor degra
disodiumhydrogen phosphate were AnalaR grade from BDH
dation compounds ofbenomyl, isalways present in variable
Chemicals Canada Ltd.,Toronto,Ontario,Canada. Potassium
quantities in WP formulations either as a degradation com dihydrogen phosphate (FishercertifiedACS grade)was from
FisherScientificLtd.,Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Buffersolu
Received November 4, 1992. Accepted March 8, 1993. tions (pH7) were prepared by mixing 0.067M solutions (v/v)
1 To whom correspondance should be addressed.
1188 S in g h & C h ib a : J o u r n a l O f AO AC I n tern a tio n a l V o l . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
(e) S a m p le s .
— Benlate 50% WP (50% benomyl) (DuPont
ofCanadaLtd.,Montreal, Quebec, Canada) and WP formula P e r c e n ta g e c o n c e n tr a tio n o f a n a ly z e d b e n o m y l a n d
tions consisting of 10% benomyl and 50% captan (Chipman M B C .— The percentages of analyzed benomyl and MBC in
Chemicals Ltd., Stony Creek, Ontario, Canada) were used. 50% WP (equationscanbe easilymodifiedfor 10% formula
These samples (some of which were 4 to 7 years old) were tions)were calculatedasfollowsfrom LC results:
collectedfrom growers.
(p ) * Cs
S a f e t y C o n s id e r a tio n s
% Benomyl = -- xl.124x100 (1)
The (LD50)values (orally in rats)ofbenomyl, MBC, and
captan, are 10000 mg/kg, >15 000 mg/kg, and 9000 mg/kg,
respectively(10).Normal laboratoryproceduresshouldbefol
lowed when handling thesepesticidesand sodium hydroxide
(astrongbase). %MBC =— -- x 100 (2)
S t a n d a r d S o lu t io n s
where ( P s / P s -)x Cs istheweightofSTB inWP analyzed;P s
A standard solution of MBC was prepared inmethanol at and P s'arethepeak heightsofSTB insample and standard,
100mg/L (weighedtothenearest0.1mg).A standardsolution respectively; C s = (5 mg/1000 mL) x 250 mL x (100 mL/5
ofSTB was preparedinacetonitrileat100mg/mL (weighedto mL); W isthe weight (mg) of WP; 1.124 isthe ratio of the
thenearest0.1mg).A mixed standardsolutioncontainingSTB molecular weight of benomyl to that of STB (290/258);
and MBC was prepared by appropriate dilutionofthe MBC ( P m / P m - ) x C m istheweightofMBC inWP analyzed;P m and
and STB standardsolutionsasfollows: 5 mL STB standard,5 P m -arethepeak heightsofMBC insample and standard,re
mL MBC standard,5mL 0.125M sodiumhydroxide,and5mL spectively; and Cm = (5 mg/1000 mL) x 250 mL x
0.125M nitricacid were mixed ina 100 mL volumetric flask (100mL/5 mL).
andmade uptovolume withpH 7buffer.The peakheight-ver-
sus-concentrationresponsesforSTB and MBC were linearin Results and Discussion
the0 to10mg/L and0 to7 mg/Lconcentrationranges,respec
tively.The linearityshouldbechecked iftheworkingrangeis L C S e p a r a tio n o f S T B a n d M B C
The factorsthataffecttheLC separationofSTB andMBC
S a m p l e P r e p a r a tio n havebeendiscussedinmoredetailinourpreviouspublications
(8,9).As mentionedinthesepapers,theseparationofSTB and
FiftymilligramsofBenlate50% WP or250mg (weighedto MBC isinfluenced by the composition (i.e.,ratioofacetoni
thenearest0.1mg) ofBenlate-captan(10% benomyl and50% trile,water,andbufferinthemobilephase)andpH ofthemo
captan)was quicklydispersedin250 mL 0.125M sodium hy bilephase. Because thepeak height and theretentiontime of
droxide(pH 13)solution.After20min,5mL clearsolutionwas STB arealsoinfluencedby changesinsamplecomposition,for
put into a 100 mL volumetric flaskcontaining 5 mL 0.125M accurate determinations the composition of sample solutions
S in g h & C h ib a : J o u r n a l O f AO A C In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1189
andthestandardsshouldbekeptthesame. Inthepresentwork
we usedamixtureof40% acetonitrile,45% water,and 15% pH
shortestretentiontimes ofSTB and MBC with theirbaseline
resolution on an ODS (C18) column at a flow rate of
0.8mL/min. Linearityoftheresponse(peakheightversuscon
centration) was checked in the concentration range 0.35 to
7.0 mg/L forMBC and 0.5 to 10.0mg/L forSTB. The slopes
stantthroughoutthe analysisforallcompounds, with a linear
correlationcoefficient of 0.9999 or better. With the detector
sensitivity at0.02 absorbance units and 50 jiLinjection vol
umes,thedetectionlimitsforMBC andSTB wereestimatedat
E f f e c t o f S o d i u m H y d r o x id e C o n c e n tr a t io n o n
Q u a n tita tiv e C o n v e r s i o n o f B e n o m y l to S T B
Table 1. Concentrations ofbenomyl and MBC inWP formulations as determined by STB and spectrophotometric
(SP) methods3
Benomyl, % MBC, %
Bias (%) = [ ( X - V)/X] x 100. Statistical param eters for bias for benomyl are as follows: m ean, +3.3; standard deviation, 10.9; Student’s f-test
0 .5 2. For M B C , statistical param eters are as follows: m ean, -5 .4 ; standard deviation, 6.9; Student’s f-test, -1 .5 6 . Th e value of Student’s
f-test at 95% confidence interval is 3.18.
E f f e c t o f S a m p l e S i z e - t o - S o d i u m H y d r o x id e S o lu tio n
R a tio o n A n a ly tic a l R e s u l t s
Table 2. Analysis ofbenomyl and MBC inWP
formulationscollectedfrom growers3
The effectofdifferentsolid (WP)-to-solution (sodium hy Benomyl +
Location in M B C (as
droxide)ratiosonthequantitativeanalysisofWP formulations S am ple No. the bag Benomyl, % MBC, % benomyl), %
was alsostudied.These studieswerecarriedoutby dissolving
50mg ofaWP samplein50,100,and250mL ofpH 13sodium 1 T 0.2 7.6 11.7
hydroxidesolution.Althoughnodifferenceinanalyticalresults D 0.3 7.4 11.5
was observed, becauseofthecomparativelyfasterdissolution 2 T 0.3 8.4 13.1
ofWP, a solid-to-solutionratioof50 mg/250 mL was used in D 2.0 7.8 13.8
z Z
Q_ o
if) if)
or CC
JL — t— r
0 3 6 9 12 0369
Figure3. Representative chromatogram ofa 50% WP Figure4. Representative chromatogram ofa 10% WP
formulation. formulation.
To 7
□ C. Fertilizers
□ D. Pharmaceuticals
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□ A. Research/Development
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
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R e c e iv e
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□ H. Forensics □ C. Research/Development
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
□ I. Toxicology LI D Regulate/lnvestigate
□ J. General Analytical Chemistry COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
□K General Microbiology □ E. Research/Development
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FREE ; 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 □ M. Other INDEPENDENT/CONSULTING
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331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 □ A. Laboratory Director/Manager MEDICAL
341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 □ B. Laboratory Scientist □ I Research/Development
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361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370
371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380
381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 NAME: .
391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400
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C ir c le O n P ro d u c ts A d v e r t is e d in T h is Is s u e
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H B. Quality Control
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 □ F Environment
Veterinary and/or animal science GOVERNMENT
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 n g .
72 Forensics □ C. Research/Development
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 □ H
81 82 Toxicology □ D. Regulate/lnvestigate
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 83 a I.
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 □ j . General Analytical Chemistry
□ E. Research/Development
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 n k . General Microbiology
□ F. Teaching
□ L. Medical
□ G. Research/Development
308 309 310
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PRIMARY JOB FUNCTION: □ H Analysis/Testing
314 315 316 317 318 319 320
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323 324 326 326 327 328 329
321 322
338 339 340 □ B. Laboratory Scientist □ I. Research/Development
332 333 334 335 336 337
344 345 346 347 348 349 350 □ C. Purchasing □ J. Clinical/Diagnostic
341 342 343
354 355 356 357 358 359 360
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364 365 366 367 368 369 370
361 362 363
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371 372
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381 382
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C hen & G a o : Journal O f AO A C International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1193
T h e C h in e s e T o t a l D i e t S t u d y i n 1 9 9 0 . P a r t I . C h e m ic a l
C o n ta m in a n ts
JuN sm C h en a n d J u nq uan G ao
InstituteofNutritionand Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy ofPreventiveMedicine, 29 Nan Wei Rd, Beijing 100050, China
T h e C h i n e s e to ta l d ie t s t u d y in 1 9 9 0 e s t im a t e d th e inthegeneralpopulation.Thispaperwillmainlycoverthegen
d ie t a r y in t a k e o f 2 4 c h e m ic a l c o n t a m i n a n t s a n d 7 2 eralmethodologyofthestudyandtheresultson chemicalcon-
n u t r ie n t s fr o m 4 m a r k e t b a s k e t s c o lle c t e d a n d p r e taminants.Theresultson nutrientsarereportedinacompanion
p a r e d in 12 p r o v in c e s . T w e lv e f o o d g r o u p c o m p o s paper(2).
ite s w e r e m a d e fo r e a c h r e g io n a l m a r k e t b a s k e t.
T h e o v e r a ll d ie ta r y P b , C d , H g , h e x a c h lo r o c y c lo h e x - E x p e r im e n t a l
a n e H C H , a n d D D T in t a k e s w e r e w e ll b e lo w th e ir
c o r r e s p o n d i n g a c c e p t a b le d a ily in t a k e s . H o w e v e r,
The food composite approach was used to study the total
th e P b c o n t e n t o f e g g s fr o m t h e 2 s o u t h e r n r e g io n s
dietin4 regionalmarketbasketsrepresentingtheaveragedie
e x c e e d e d th e t o le r a n c e lim it. T h e H g c o n t e n t o f le g
u m e s j u s t r e a c h e d th e t o le r a n c e lim it, a n d H g in
As shown inFigure 1,eachregioncomprised3provinces.The
e g g s fr o m th e N o r t h 1 r e g io n e x c e e d e d th e to le r
a n c e lim it. T h e d ie t a r y H C H in t a k e h a s d e c r e a s e d tirestudy (Figure2).To minimize theeffectsofseasonalvari
s ig n if ic a n t ly s i n c e th e 1 9 8 0 s, b u t d ie ta r y D D T in ationinthefoodsupply,studiesinthe2 southernregionswere
ta k e h a s d e c r e a s e d ra th e r s lo w ly . F iv e o r g a n o p h o s - carried out inthe spring (May and June) and studies in the 2
p h o r u s p e s t ic i d e s w e r e d e te c t e d o u t o f a to ta l o f 12 northernregionswere carriedoutinfall(Septemberand Octo
o r g a n o p h o s p h o r u s p e s t ic i d e s a n a ly z e d . A m o n g ber).
th e m , m e t h a m i d o p h o s w a s t h e m o s t o u t s t a n d in g .
T h e in ta k e o f to ta l c o m m it t e d d o s e e q u iv a le n t s Food Consum ption Survey
( C D E s ) o f th e 6 r a d i o n u c li d e s w a s 0 .2 4 m S v / a ; o n ly
1 .5 % w a s a c c o u n t e d f o r b y ^ S r a n d 137C s . 210P b , The food consumption pattern ineach ofthe 12 provinces
210P o , ^ R a , a n d 228R a a c c o u n t e d f o r 9 8 .5 % o f th e wasdeterminedby a3-dayhouseholddietarysurveythatdocu
to ta l C D E s . T h e m a in f o o d s o u r c e s o f t h o s e ra mented allthefoodconsumed inthehouseholdsin3daysby a
d i o n u c li d e s w e r e c e r e a ls , v e g e t a b le s , a n d a q u a t ic weighingandrecordingmethod (3).Three surveysites(2rural
f o o d s . A f la t o x in B i w a s d e te c t e d a t v e r y lo w le v e ls and 1urban) atmedium economic levelswere selectedtorep
o n ly in th e c e r e a l c o m p o s it e o f th e N o r t h 1 r e g io n . resent the dietary pattern ofeach province, because approxi
A f la t o x in M i w a s n o t d e te c t e d in a n y o f th e m ilk mately two-thirdsoftheChinese populationresideinruralar
a n d m ilk p r o d u c t s . T h e o v e r a ll r e s u lt s s h o w th a t eas. Ineachsurveysite,30householdswererandomlyselected
th e re i s n o s i g n i f i c a n t e n v ir o n m e n t a l c o n t a m i n a and the average food consumption ofa standard man (18-45
tio n o f th e a v e r a g e C h i n e s e diet. years old,60-kg body weight, tightphysicalactivity)foreach
household was calculated from thetotalhousehold food con
sumption.The averagefoodconsumptionofthe90households
T he totaldietstudyisrecommendedby theWorld Health was thenusedasthestandardfoodconsumptionpatternforthe
Organizationtoestimatedietaryintakeofcontaminants province.
and nutrients by analyzing a standard set of prepared
Food Aggregation
foodsorfood groups toreflecttheaverage dietaryhabitofthe
generalpopulationoraparticularsubsetofthepopulation (1).
Allthefoods(includingwaterandbeverages)consumed by
The firsttotaldietstudyinChina, which was carriedoutin
the standard man in each province were aggregated into 13
groups (Table 1). The food items consumed in significant
and 72 nutrientsfrom food samples collectedand preparedin
amounts arelistedinAppendix la.Any fooditemconsumed at
12provinces.Thepurposeofthestudywastoassessandmoni lessthan 1% ofthetotalfoodconsumption (by weight)ofthis
torthesafetyandnutritionalqualityoftheaverageChinesediet foodgroupwas combined intoasimilarorcloselyrelatedfood
item.A foodlistwas formulatedforthefoodsamplecollection
Received November 24, 1992. Accepted M arch 4, 1993. ineach province.
1194 Chen & G a o : Journal O f A O AC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
lj§ l N o r th 1 H e ilo n g jia n g L ia o n in g H e ib e i Dietary survey and food sampling and preparation (cook
■ H N o r th 2 H enan S haanxi N in g x ia ing) were carried out at the local level by provincial health
H I S o u th 1 S hanghai J ia n g x i F u jia n
teamsaccordingtounifiedprotocolsandprocedures.The final
W M iM i S o u th 2 H ubei S ic h u a n G uangxi
food composite preparation was carriedout atthe Instituteof
Nutrition and Food Hygiene. Samples were stored in 1 kg,
F igu re 1. S tu d y s ite s o f 1990 total diet s tu d y in C hin a. high-pressure,polyethylenecontainers(washedwithacidsand
metalsanalysiswere freeze-dried(—403C,72 h,760 mm Hg).
Food Sam pling and Preparation
Sample Analysis and Q uality Assurance
Food samples were collected from 4 local food markets, LaboratoryanalyseswerecarriedoutattheInstituteofNu
grocery stores, and rural households in each of the 3 survey tritionandFood Hygiene,excepttheanalysisofradionuclides,
sitesineachprovinceandthencookedandpreparedaccording whichwas carriedoutattheInstituteofRadiationMedicine of
tothelocalfoodhabitsofeachprovince.Cookingoilandcon- theChinese Academy ofMedical Sciences. The final48 food
T a b le 3 . H e a v y m e ta l in ta k e (p g p e r p e r s o n p e r d a y ) in C h in e s e to ta l d ie t s t u d y
Pb Adults 429 70.7 (16.5) 166.2 (38.7) 72.7 (16.9) 35.5 (8.3) 86.3 (20.1)
Children 62b 47.1 (75.9) 110.8 (178.3) 48.5 (78.0) 23.7 (38.2) 57.5 (92.6)
Cd Adults 60 10.2 (17.0) 9.3 (15.4) 19.1 (31.8) 16.4 (27.4) 13.8 (22.9)
Hg Adults 43 12.3 (28.5) 9.3 (21.6) 8.6 (20.1) 10.9 (25.5) 10.3 (23.9)
a Acceptable daily intake (pg per person per day) was calculated from the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) proposed by FAO/WHO
(50 pg/kg body weight per week for Pb, 7 pg/kg body weight per week for Cd, and 5 pg/kg body weight per week for total Hg) (3, 4) and
based on 60 kg body weight for male adult.
b Based on the proportion of energy intake of 5-year-old children to male adult. ADI (pg per person per day) = 25 pg/kg body weight per week
for child/7 days x 17.4 kg body weight (4).
T able 4. C o m p a r is o n o f dietary h e avy m etal intake (pg high intakeofPb and South 2 region had a low intakeofPb.
per p e rso n per d a y ) fro m total diet stu d y in v a rio u s However, ifthePb intakeofpreschoolchildren(<5 yearsold)
c o u n trie s (adult)3 is estimated on the basis of the ratioof theirdietary energy
Country (year of intaketothatofadults,theaverage intakeinthe4 regionswas
study) Lead Cadmium Mercury ashighas96% oftheADI (Table3),and thehighestintakein
theNorth 2 regionwas outstanding.Because ofthesensitivity
China (1990) 86.3 13.8 10.3 ofyoung children’scentralnervous systemtoPb toxicity,fur
Japan (1988) 85.0 29.0 —
ther investigation and monitoring are necessary to lower the
United States
13.0 3.2
exposureofchildrentoPb.The intakesofheavy metalsinthe
(1987-1988) 9.8
United Kingdom
Chinese diet are still much higher than those of developed
(1988) 60.5 18.9 — countries but lower than estimated global intakes (Table 4)
Sweden (1988) 17.0 12.0 1.8 (10-11).
Netherlands Consistentwiththeaveragefoodconsumptionpattern,most
(1986-1988) 47.0 22.9 9.0 oftheintakesofPb and Cd were from cerealsand vegetables
Finland (1986) 15.8 11.3 1.9 (Table5).However, significantproportionsofHg intakewere
Australia (1987) 182.9 28.6 —
fromcereals(54.3%),aquaticfoods (9.7%;fish,shrimp,etc.),
(1986) 254.0 29.0 10.8
andvegetables(8.7%).The foodsourceofHg isunknown and
Global (1991)" 153.0 25.0 — needs furtherinvestigation.No significantgeographical vari
ationswere notedon thefoodsourcesofthese3heavy metals.
a From reference 10. When theconcentrations(mg/kg) ofPb,Cd, and Hg inthe
b From reference 11. 12foodcomposites(asraw materials)werecompared withthe
tolerance limits in the Chinese National Hygienic Standards
Pb 39.6 4.4 7.8 5.6 5.1 2.8 0.3 27.5 5.4 0 1.3 0.1
Cd 54.3 4.3 6.5 4.3 0.7 3.6 0.7 23.9 2.9 0 0 0
Hg 54.4 3.9 6.8 5.8 5.8 9.7 0 8.7 5.8 0 0 0.3
DDT 1200 22.8 (1.9) 4.2 (0.4) 8.8 (0.7) 46.1 (3.8) 20.5(1.7)
HCH _b 5.9 6.2 3.7 4.4 5.0
a ADIs are expressed as pg per person per day based on FAO/WHO ADI(5) 20 pg/kg body weight x 60 kg body weight.
b No ADI is available for total HCH.
C hen & G ao : Journal O f AO AC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1197
Pesticide3 Cereals and nuts Potatoes Meats Eggs Aquatic foods Milk Vegetables Fruits
HCH 40.9 3.0 3.0 20.5 6.2 4.7 0.8 15.2 5.8
DDT 2.6 0.4 0.6 56.9 3.4 26.2 0.1 8.5 1.3
Pesticide Residues
Table 8. C o m p a r is o n o f dietary total H C H an d total D D T
intake (pg per p e rso n per d a y ) in v a rio u s c o u n trie s3
Oiganochlorine pesticides, particularly DDT (dichlo-
Country (year of study) Total HCH Total DDT rodiphenyltrichloroethane) and HCH (hexachlorocyclohex-
China (1990) 5.04 20A7 banned in 1983. Although thedietary intakeofHCH has de
Japan (1988) 0.88 1.30
creased significantly from 150 pg per person per day from
United States (1988) 0.16 1.30
Australia (1987)
1973 through 1978 to 5 pg per person per day in 1990, the
dietary intakeof DDT has decreased ratherslowly from 41.4
3 From reference 10. pg perpersonperday from 1973 through 1978 to20.5 pg per
personperdayin1990(15).The South2regionhadthehighest
DDT intake (Table 6).The main food sources of DDT were
(Appendixlia;12-14),thePbcontentofeggsandeggproducts meat(andmeatproducts)andaquaticfoods,andthoseofHCH
from the2 southernregionsboth exceeded thetolerancelimit were cereals,meats, and vegetables (Table 7).The DDT and
(0.2mg/kg) by 207.5 and 3.7% respectively;thus,theaverage HCH intakeintheChinesedietarestillmuch higherthanthose
national content exceeded the tolerance limitby 29.1%. The in developed countries (Table 8) (10). The concentrations
high Pb intake may be caused by consumption ofpreserved (pg/kg) of DDT and HCH in the 9 food composites (asraw
eggs,whichhadahighPb content.Hg concentrationsinallthe materials)arelistedinAppendix lib.The isomersandmetabo
compositesofthe4 regionswere wellbelowthetolerancelim litesofHCH and DDT are listedinTables 9 and 10.In plant
its,exceptthatlegumes(andlegumeproducts)reachedthetol foods,theorderofoccurrenceofHCH isomerswas a>y>P>8,
erance limit (0.1 mg/kg) and eggs (and egg products) in the whichwasconsistentwiththeconrespondingproportionsinthe
North 1 region exceeded the tolerance limit (0.05 mg/kg) by commercial products of HCH. On the other hand, in animal
88.9%. The sources of these contaminations are unknown. foods,theorderofoccurrenceofHCH isomerswas P>a>y>5.
However, because eggs and legumes accounted for only a p , p -DDE isthemain form ofDDT inallthefood groups,but
small proportion ofthe diet, theircontribution to the overall p.p'-DDT and p , p '-DDE are the main forms of DDT in un-
intakeofPb andHg isoflittlesignificance.
T able 10. R a tio s (% ) o f D D T is o m e r s an d m etabo lites
T able 9. R a tio s (% ) o f H C H is o m e r s a n d m etabo lites b y b y fo o d g r o u p s 3
fo o d g r o u p s 3
Food group p,p '-DDE o,p '-DDT p,p '-DDD p,p '-DDT
Food group ct-HCH ß-HCH y-HCH 5-HCH
Plant foods
Plant foods Cereals 100.0 0 T T
Cereals 64.2 13.5 22.3 0 Legumes
Legumes and nuts 60.9 T 7.3 31.7
and nuts 64.5 7.6 26.2 1.7 Potatoes 40.1 0 13.9 46.0
Potatoes 61.6 11.4 27.0 0 Vegetables 30.4 17.1 12.7 39.8
Vegetables 63.2 16.7 20.1 0 Fruits 37.0 46.6 2.9 13.5
Fruits 65.6 15.2 19.2 0 Combined 39.8 19.9 9.1 31.2
Combined 64.1 12.8 22.7 0.4 Animal foods
Animal foods Meats 41.5 0 27.2 31.3
Meats 49.8 44.1 6.1 0 Eggs 55.8 0 14.2 30.0
Eggs 29.1 62.1 7.5 1.3 Aquatic
Aquatic foods 39.5 0 54.4 6.1
foods 52.0 35.4 8.7 3.9 Milk 73.9 0 21.6 4.4
Milk 33.5 59.7 6.8 0 Combined 42.3 0 36.1 21.6
Combined 42.4 49.2 7.2 1.3
3 Values below the limit of detection are reported as zero(0). Values
3 Values below the limit of detection are reported as zero (0). below the I mit of quantitation are reported as trace (T).
1198 C hen & G ao : Journal O f AOAC International V ol 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Dichlorvos 240 7.8 (3.3) 2.3 (1.0) 6.8 (2.8) 6.4 (2.7) 5.8 (2.4)
Methamidophos 240 26.7(11.1) 10.3 (4.3) 35.6 (14.8) 22.9 (9.5) 23.9 (10.0)
Parathion 300 1.2 (0.4) 0 0.02 (0.01) 0 0.3 (0.1)
Trichlorfon 600 0 0 0 11.5 (1.9) 2.9 (0.5)
Dimethoate 600 0 0 2.5 (0.4) 0 0.6 (0.1)
ADIs are expressed as gg per person per day [FAO/WHO ADIs (5) gg/kg body weight x 60kg body weight]. Values below the limit of
quantitation but above the limit of detection are reported as half the limit of quantitation, and values below the limit of detection are reported
as zero (0).
90Sr 2.4 x104 47.1 (0.2) 33.4 (0.1) 157.1 (0.7) 132.2 (0.6) 92.4 (0.4)
137Cs 7.4 x104 5.6 (0.01) 11.4 (0.02) 43.3 (0.06) 29.5 (0.04) 22.5 (0.03)
210Pb 4.6 x102 87.0(18.9) 82.4(17.9) 130.4 (28.4) 136.5 (29.7) 109.1 (23.7)
210Po 2.2 x103 71.0 (3.2) 113.5 (5.2) 160.4 (7.3) 157.2 (7.1) 125.5 (5.7)
226Ra 1.5 x103 20.3 (1.4) 27.6 (1.8) 27.2 (1.8) 33.4 (2.2) 27.1 (1.8)
228Ra 1.7 x103 21.6 (1.3) 30.0 (1.8) 133.6 (7.9) 85.8 (5.1) 67.7 (4.0)
T able 15. C o m p a r is o n of dietary ra dio n u clide intake (pSv/year) o f total com m itted d o s e e q u iv a le n ts3 in 4 re g io n s an d
g lo b a l m e a n 6
% of daily mean
Radionuclide North 1 North 2 South 1 South 2 Mean intake Global mean
T able 16. C o n trib u tio n (% of d aily intake) of v a rio u s fo o d g r o u p s to dietary in tak es o f ra d io n u c lid e s
90Sr 39.4 5.3 11.3 2.0 0.9 3.9 0.1 34.8 1.2 0.02 1.0 0.03
137Cs 20.6 5.1 11.2 10.6 1.6 4.6 0.1 30.5 1.1 0.1 14.2 0.2
210Pb 15.3 1.5 0.5 4.0 2.4 35.7 0.1 39.2 0.4 0.01 0.9 0.02
210Po 18.1 1.1 0.3 2.0 1.7 35.7 0.04 40.1 0.3 0.004 0.8 0.01
226Ra 29.4 5.4 17.3 2.8 4.5 2.0 0.2 34.6 2.0 0.1 1.7 0.1
228Ra 27.7 5.9 10.9 3.9 2.0 5.4 0.1 39.7 1.0 0.03 3.3 0.04
Conclusions Thistotaldietstudybyitsnatureprovidesinformationonly
on the safety ofthe average dietofthe generalpopulation in
Results on the food content and dietary intakes of heavy China.Itshouldbefullyacknowledgedthattherearehugegeo
metals,pesticides,radionuclides,andaflatoxinsobtainedfrom graphicaldifferencesinthechemicalcontaminationoffoodsin
thefirstChinesetotaldietstudycarriedoutin 1990 show that China.Therefore,thenegativeresultsobtainedfromthisstudy
the average Chinese dietwas not significantly contaminated do notexclude thepossibilityoflocalizedfoodcontamination
withtheseenvironmentalcontaminants.However, some prob problems.Thetotaldietstudyshouldbecomplementedby spe
lems with considerable health significance were found. The cificsurveyscarriedoutinspecificregions.
majorfindingsaretherelativelyhighintakeofPb by children,
which shouldbe causeforalarmandpromptfurtherinvestiga Acknowledgments
eral major food composites, that is,cereals, vegetables, and The authors express theirappreciationtothe 12provincial
fruits.Methamidophos should be considered as a major con healthteams who carriedoutallthefieldwork, aswell asthe
cern inthe safecontrol ofpesticideuse and pesticideresidue following scientistsintheInstituteofNutritionand Food Hy
monitoring. giene ofthe Chinese Academy ofPreventive Medicine, who
1200 C h e n & G a o : J o u r n a l O f AO A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
were responsible for laboratory analysis of the various con (13) N ational Standard o f P eople’s Republic o f C hina (1984) G B n
taminants: Xuqing Wang (pesticides),Yan Su (heavy metals) 238-84, P e r m i t t e d L e v e l o f C a d m iu m in F o o d s , Standard
Nan Wu (aflatoxins),andHongdaZhu and ShouliangWang of Press, Beijing, C hina (in Chinese)
the Institute of Radiation Medicine, Chinese Academy of (14) N ational Standard o f People ’s Republic o f C hina (1981)
MedicalSciences(radionuclides).The authorsalsothankJohn G B 2762-81, P e r m i t t e d L e v e l o f M e r c u r y in F o o d s , Standard
W. Jones of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration forhis Press, B eijing, C hina (in Chinese)
adviceon thestudydesignandhisreviewofandcomments on (15) W ang, X., Lin, Y., Chen, H., & F eng, Y , (1993) J. H y g . R e s .
thispaper. 22, Supplem ent 1 on The C hinese Total D iet S tudy in 1990
(in Chinese)
R e fe re n c e s
(16) Institute o f H ealth, C hinese A cadem y o f M edical Sciences
(1981) C o m p ila tio n s o f S tu d ie s o n T o x ic ity a n d R e s i d u e s o f
(1) World Health Organization, Offset Publication (1985) No. P e s tic id e s in 1 9 7 8 - 1 9 8 0 , Institute o f H ealth, C hinese A cad
87, Geneva, Switzerland em y o f M edical Sciences, B eijing, C hina (in C hinese)
(2) Chen, J„ & Gao, J. (1993) J. A O A C I n t. 76, 1206-1213
(17) D epartm ent o f Food H ygiene, Institute o f H ealth, Chinese
(3) Chen, J., Campbell, T.C., Li, J., & Peto, R. (1990) D ie t, L if e
A cadem y o f M edical Sciences (1978) C h in e s e J . P re v . M e d .
s ty le a n d D is e a s e M o r ta lity : A S u r v e y o f th e C h a r a c te r is tic s
2, 77 -8 1 (in C hinese)
o f 6 5 C h in e s e C o u n tie s , Oxford University Press, Oxford,
England, pp. 14-16 (18) T h e N a t io n a l R e g u l a ti o n s o n th e S a f e U s e o f P e s tic id e s
(4) Dokkum, W.V., & Vos, R.H.D. (1987) T o ta l D i e t S tu d y in (1982) , M inistry o f A griculture, A nim al H usbandry and
E u r o p e , EURO NUT Report 10, A C o n c e r te d A c tio n o n N u A quaculture and M inistry o f Public H ealth, Beijing, China
tr itio n a n d H e a lth in th e E u r o p e a n C o m m u n ity , The (in Chinese)
Netherlands, pp. 65-80 (19) Su, Y., G ao, J., & W ang, H. (1993) J. H y g . R e s . 22 Supple
(5) WHO Technical Report Series (1972) No. 505, Geneva, Swit m ent 1 on T he C hinese Total D iet Study in 1990 (in Chinese)
(20) Lin, Y., C hen, H., Feng, Y , & W ang, X . (1991) J. H y g . R e s .
(6) WHO Technical Report Series (1987) No.751, Geneva, Swit
20, 3 4 -3 8 (in Chinese)
(7) FAOAVHO (1986) Codex Alimentarius Commission, Vol. (21) Li, H., & W ang, X. (1993) C h in e s e J . P re v . M e d . 27 (in C hi
Xm-Ed. 2, Rome, Italy nese) (in press)
(8) WHO/IPCS/91.47 Pesticide Residues in Food— 1990, (22) Park, D., N esheim S., Trucksess, M .W ., Stack, M .E., & N ew
UPCS, Geneva, Switzerland ell, R. (1 9 9 0 ) ./. A s s o c . O ff. A n a l. C h e m . 73, 2 6 0 -2 6 6
(9) Chinese Nutrition Society (1989) A c ta N u tri. S in . 11,93-96
(23) N ational Standard o f P eople’s R epublic o f C hina (1991)
(in Chinese)
S t a n d a r d M e th o d s o f R a d io n u c lid e s in F o o d s , Standard
(10) FAO/UNEPAVHO (1991) GEMS: Food Contamination Press, B eijing, C hina (in Chinese)
Monitoring Programme, Summary of 1986-1988 Monitoring
Data, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland (24) N ational Standard o f P eople’s R epublic o f C hina (1985)
G B 4792-84, B a s ic H y g ie n ic S t a n d a r d f o r R a d io l o g i c a l P r o
(11) Gorchev, H.G. (1991) F o o d A d d itiv e s a n d C o n ta m in a n ts 8,
te c tio n , Standard Press, Beijing, C hina (in C hinese)
(12) National Standard of People’s Republic of China (1992) T o l (25) Z hang, J., & Zhu, H. (1989) R a d io n u c lid e s a n d T h e ir
e r a n c e L im it o f L e a d in F o o d , Standard Press, Beijing, China C a u s e d i n t e r n a l D o s e in C h in e s e F o o d s , C hinese E nviron
(in Chinese) m ental Science P ress, B eijing, C hina, pp. 240 (in Chinese)
C h e n & G a o : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1201
A p p e n d ix I
H eavy metals
Lead 1.56 104 8 5 -1 1 2 11.5
Cadmium 0.0 3 97 9 2 -1 0 3 4.3
Mercury 0.11 96 8 5 -1 2 1 14.0
DDTa 0 .1 3 -1 .0 0 — 8 2 -1 0 6 < 20.8
HCHb 0 .0 5 -0 .1 0 — 9 6 -1 0 3 <24.2
Dichlorvos 0.2 5 — 5 8 -7 5 <9.3
Trichlofon 0.25 — 4 5 -8 7 < 16.8
M etham idophos 0.5 0 — 6 1 -7 1 <9.8
Parathion 0.125 — 7 6 -1 0 9 <9.8
Dimethoate 0.125 — 8 2 -1 1 0 <7.9
Acephate 0.5 — 5 1 -6 5 < 11.0
Parathion-methyl 0.125 — 8 0 -1 0 8 <7.3
Disulfoton 0.125 — 5 1 -9 6 < 10.8
Fenitrothion 0.125 — 8 2 -1 0 7 <7.8
Fenthion 0.125 — 8 0 -1 0 5 <7.1
Malathion 0.125 — 6 0 -1 0 6 <10.7
Phosmet 0.2 5 — 9 1 -1 0 5 <9.8
Bi 0.5 81 .6 7 3 -8 8 5.1
Mi 0.5 92 .3 8 1 -9 9 7.6
90Sr 16.0 m Bq/g ash 75.1 6 8 -8 5 4 1 .9
137Cs 13.0 m Bq/g ash 78 .0 6 1 -8 1 3 9 .8
21° p b 8 9 .0 pBq/kg 91 .0 8 0 -9 8 2 6 .9 -2 1 4 .9
210Po 4 1 .0 pBq/kg 91 .7 8 1 -1 0 1 9 .1 -3 7 1 .9
226Ra 2.2 mBq/g ash 85 .6 7 4 -9 3 19.7
228Ra 3 0 .0 mBq/g ash 85 .7 7 4 -9 1 4 5 .6
T a b le Ic . A n a ly t ic a l q u a lit y a s s u r a n c e o f h e a v y m e t a l s in C h in e s e t o t a l d i e t s t u d y 9
N um ber of
Analyte R eference material determinations M ean ±S D , pg/kg Range, pg/kg Certified ± S D , pg/kg
3 NBS reference material w ere gifts from John Jones of the U .S. Food and Drug Administration.
Average 0.0 72 0.0 97 0 .0 6 9 0.115 0 .2 5 8 b 0.0 98 0 .0 2 6 0.0 68 0.0 39 0 0.002 0.0 09
h e n
Range 0 0 1 7 -0 .1 3 9 0 .0 6 7 -0 .1 5 6 0 .0 5 2 -0 .0 9 0 0 .0 6 7 -0 .1 9 4 0 .0 8 1 -0 .6 1 5 0 .0 7 5 -0 .1 4 4 0 .0 2 -0 .0 3 3 0 .0 1 3 -0 .1 5 2 0 .0 2 4 -0 .0 6 8 0 .0 0 0 -0 .0 0 7 0 .0 0 0 -0 .0 1 9
C adm ium
Average 0 .0 1 7 0.015 0.011 0 .0 1 3 0 .0 0 6 0 .0 1 8 0.0 04 0.022 0.011 0 0 0
a o
Range 0 .0 0 9 -0 .0 3 0 0 .0 1 0 -0 .0 2 3 0 .0 0 7 -0 .0 1 3 0 .0 0 6 -0 .0 1 8 0 .0 0 0 -0 .0 1 5 0 .0 0 4 -0 .0 3 9 0 .0 0 1 -0 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 3 -0 .0 2 0 0 .0 0 2 -0 .0 0 7
: Jo
u r n a l
Average 0 .0 1 3 0.010° 0 .0 0 7 0 .0 1 3 0 .0 2 9 d 0.0 40 0 0 .0 0 3 0.0 04 0 0 0.002
Range 0 .0 0 8 -0 .0 1 9 0 .0 0 7 -0 .0 1 3 0.014—0 .0 1 9 0 .0 0 8 -0 .0 1 9 0 .0 0 5 -0 .0 9 4 0 .0 2 3 -0 .0 8 3 0 .0 0 1 -0 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 2 -0 .0 0 8 0 .0 0 1 -0 .0 0 3
Of AOAC I n t e r n a t i o n a l
a Th e average and range of concentrations are based on data from 12 food groups in 4 regions and are expressed as m g/kg of raw food. Values below the limit of detection are reported as zero (0).
6 The Pb content of eggs in the 2 southern regions both exceed ed the national tolerance limit (0.2 m g/kg) (12).
c The Hg content of legum es and nuts in North 1 region exceed ed the national tolerance limit (0.1 m g/kg) (14).
d The Hg content of eggs in North 1 region exceeded the national tolerance limit (0 .05 m g/kq)(14).
.o l
76, No. 6,1993 1203
1204 C h e n & G a o : J o u r n a l O f A O A C In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Average 4.4 3.9 1.8 23 .7 18.8 9.1 2.9 2 .3 2.5
Range 3 .0 -5 .8 1 .7 -7 .2 1 .6 -1 .9 1 4 .1 -3 1 .2 6 .7 -2 4 .1 4 .9 -1 3 .5 1 .7 -2 .7 1 .9 -3 .2
Average 1.2 2.1 1.6 238.4 40.6 140.5 2.8 0.9 3.0
Range 0 .9 -1 .4 1.5 -2 .8 0.4—3.3 2 4 .4 -8 2 1 .3 1 2 .7 -7 1 .5 9 .7 -4 4 3 .7 0 .5 -6 .3 3 .2 -8 .0 0 .7 -6 .0
Th e average and range of concentrations are based on data from 9 food groups in 4 regions and are expressed as pg/kg of raw food.
T able lie . C o n c e n tra tio n s (p g/kg) o f T able lid . C o n c e n tra tio n s (g g /k g ) o f aflato x in s in 3 fo o d
o r g a n o p h o s p h o r u s p e stic id e s in 3 fo o d g r o u p s 3 gro u p s3
Average 0.1 9 0.3 3 0 .3 2 0.10 0.1 3 0 .3 2 0.02 0.2 9 0.0 4 0.02 0.01 0.01
R ange 0 .0 6 -0 .5 1 0 .1 2 -0 .7 4 0 .0 4 -0 .8 7 0 .0 2 -0 .1 9 0 .0 0 -0 .4 2 0 .0 1 -0 .7 9 0 .0 0 -0 .5 4 0 .0 8 -0 .5 6 0 .0 1 -0 .0 8 0 .0 0 -0 .0 4 0 .0 0 -0 .0 3 0 .00- 0.01
Average 0 .0 3 0.0 8 10.21 0.0 9 013 0.10 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01
Range 0 .0 0 -0 .0 9 0 .0 2 -0 .1 3 0 .01- 0.21 0 .0 0 -0 .3 0 0 .02- 0.12 0.00- 0.20 0 .00- 0.01 0.00- 0.11 0 .0 0 -0 .0 3 0 .0 0 -0 .0 3 0 .0 0 -0 .0 7 0 .00- 0.02
h e n
Average 0.0 7 0.11 0 .0 3 0.20 0.41 3 .0 9 0.02 0.39 0.0 3 0 .0 8 0 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4
R ange 0 .0 0 -0 .1 8 0 .0 0 -0 .2 7 0 .0 0 -0 .0 9 0 .0 9 -0 .3 1 0 .1 3 -0 .6 4 0 .7 2 -5 .1 6 0 .0 0 -0 .0 4 0 .1 8 -0 .7 1 0 .0 0 4 -0 .1 4 0 .0 2 -0 .1 9 0 .00- 0.01 0 .00- 0.01
a o
: Jo
Average 0.0 9 0.10 0 .0 3 0.13 0.32 3 .7 6 0.02 0.46 0.0 3 0 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 3
u r n a l
Ranqe 0 .0 0 -0 .3 1 0 .0 0 -0 .2 3 0 .00- 0.11 0 .0 5 -0 .2 8 0 .0 0 -0 .6 7 0 .4 0 -3 3 .8 7 0 .0 0 -0 .0 4 0 .0 6 -0 .9 1 0 .0 0 -0 .0 9 0.00- 0.01 0 .00- 0.02 0 .00- 0.01
Of AOAC I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Average 0.0 4 0.0 9 0.12 0.0 4 0.1 9 0 .0 5 0.02 0.09 0.0 3 0.02 0 .0 0 3 0.01
R ange 0 .0 3 -0 .0 5 0 .00- 0.22 0 .0 1 -0 .3 4 0 .0 3 -0 .0 6 0 .0 8 -0 .3 2 0 .0 0 -0 .1 3 0 .0 0 -0 .0 5 0 .0 4 -0 .1 6 0 .0 1 -0 .0 6 0 .0 0 -0 .0 3 0 .0 0 -0 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 -0 .0 3
Average 0.10 0.26 0 .1 9 0.1 4 0.22 0 .3 4 0.02 0.2 6 0.0 6 0.02 0.01 0.01
R ange 0 .0 0 -0 .3 1 0 .0 9 -0 .4 3 0 .0 2 -0 .5 6 0 .0 4 -0 .2 4 0 .1 0 -0 .3 4 0 .0 5 -0 .9 9 0 .0 0 -0 .0 4 0 .0 5 -0 .5 9 0 .0 1 -0 .1 5 0 .0 0 -0 .0 4 0 .01- 0.12 0 .00- 0.01
a The average and range of concentrations are based on data from 12 food groups in 4 regions and are expressed as Bg/kg of raw food. Values below the limit of detection are reported as zero (0).
.o l
76, No. 6,1993 1205
1206 C h e n & G a o : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
T h e C h in e s e T o ta l D ie t S tu d y in 1 9 9 0 . P a r t II. N u trie n ts
Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, 29 Nan Wei Rd, Beijing 100050, China
1 7 9 m g / d a y , i t w a s 2 4 8 m g / d a y in t h e S o u t h 1 r e
g io n . T h e in ta k e s o f t h ia m in e a n d r ib o fla v in w e r e The intake levels of energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, alco
b e l o w t h e R D A . R e t i n o l i n t a k e s in a l l t h e 4 r e g i o n s hol, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals and the comparison
w e r e l o w . M o s t ( 8 0 % ) o f t h e r e t i n o l ( e q u i v a l e n t ) in with the corresponding Chinese recommended dietary allow
ta k e s w e r e fr o m c a r o te n o id s . T h e a v e r a g e in ta k e o f ance (RDA) and estimated safe and adequate daily intake
to ta l to c o p h e ro l w a s 8 9 % o f th e R D A , a n d a m o n g (ESADDI) (2) are listed in Tables 2-5. Most of the nutrient
t h e 4 r e g io n s , o n ly t h e S o u th 2 r e g io n h a s r e la t iv e ly intakes were close or equal to their corresponding RDAs and
lo w in ta k e . T h e in t a k e s o f ir o n , c o p p e r , m a n g a n e s e , ESADDIs, a fact that indicates that the composition of the diet
s o d iu m , a n d p h o s p h o r u s w e r e a d e q u a t e . T h e in of the average Chinese male is adequate relative to nutrient
ta k e s o f c a lc iu m , z in c , a n d p o ta s s iu m w e r e in s u ffi
c ie n t, a n d in ta k e s o f s e le n iu m a n d m a g n e s iu m
w e r e a lit tle lo w . H ig h s o d iu m a n d lo w p o t a s s iu m in Energy
t a k e i s a t r a d i t i o n a l p r o b l e m in t h e C h i n e s e d i e t .
Both the total energy intake (2203 kcal) and the proportions
contributed by protein, fat, and carbohydrate meet the Chinese
T he first Chinese total diet study was carried out in 1990. RDAs and the nutrient goals of the World Health Organization
The study design, experimental methods, and results on (WHO) (3) (Table 2). Among the 4 regions, North 2 had the
chemical contaminants are reported in the companion highest energy intake. Because plant foods and carbohydrate
article ( 1). The present paper focuses on the results on nutrients. provided 84.9 and 66.1%, respectively, of the total energy in
take, the main source of energy in this region was cereals. On
E x p e r im e n ta l the other hand, the contribution of fat to the energy intake was
lowest in the North 2 region. These characteristics show that
this region consumed more cereals and less meat and fat (oil)
The overall study design and experimental methods were
than the other regions, a fact indicating a lower living standard.
described in a separate paper (1). In brief, the food composite
approach was used to study the total diet in 4 regional market
baskets; each region comprised 3 provinces. The food compo- Received November 24, 1992.Accepted M arch 4, 1993.
C h e n & G a o : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1207
T a b le 1 . A n a ly t e s a n d a n a ly t ic a l m e t h o d s f o r Protein
d e t e r m i n in g n u t r ie n t s in C h in e s e t o t a l d i e t s t u d y in 1 9 9 0
The average protein intake was 64 g/day, which is 91.4% of
Nutrient Method (Ref.)
the Chinese RDA (Table 3) and exceeds the protein require
ment (0.75 g/kg body wt) recommended by WHO (4). Even
considering the possible lower digestibility and bioavailability
Protein Kjeldal method (12)
Fat Soxhlet extraction (12)
of plant protein (the actual protein requirement of Chinese peo
Dietary fiber Neutral detergent m ethod(11)
ple may be a little higher, 1.0 g/kg body wt), the current protein
Ash and moisture Weighing m ethod (12)
intake is still adequate. In addition, the combined proportion of
animal protein (21.8%) and legume protein (8.3%) was 30.1 %,
Minerals and trace elements which indicates that the overall quality of protein is fine.
Sodium, potassium Emission spectroscopy (11) Among the 4 study regions, the 2 northern regions had higher
Phosohorus, calcium, protein intakes than the 2 southern regions. This is a result of
magnesium, m anganese, zinc,
the higher total food consumption and cereal consumption in
copper, iron, soluble iron Flam e AAS (11)
the northern regions. However, the proportion of animal pro
Total ion iron, ferrous ion Spectrophotometry (15)
N onhem e iron and its
tein consumed in the southern regions was higher than in the
bioavailability Spectrophotom etry (16) northern regions.
Selenium Spectrophotofluorometry (11)
Amino Acids
Consistently, the intakes of the 8 essential amino acids (Ta
Retinol, tocopherols LC (13)
Thiam ine Spectrophotofluorometry (13)
ble 6) all exceeded the Chinese RDAs. The relative proportions
Riboflavin Microbiological method (13)
of these essential amino acids (Table 7) were also close to the
Carotenoids P aper LC (13)
WHO recommended pattern, but only for the adult diet, which
may indicate problems in the diets of children. Details will be
Fatty acids G C (13) reported in another paper (5).
Palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic,
linolenic, etc. (2 5 fatty acids) Fat
Spectrophotom etry (13)
The average fat intake was 51.2 g/day (Table 3), which ac
counted for 21.2% of the total energy intake (Table 2). Al
Amino acids though this level of dietary fat intake is considered ideal and is
Tryptophan Spectrophotofluorometry (13) far below the upper limit of the WHO nutrient goal (30%) (3),
Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, dietary fat has been increasing significantly in the Chinese diet
lysine, methionine, cystine,
(Table 8), and the proportion of animal fat consumed has
tyrosine, phenylalanine,
threonine, valine, glycine,
reached 53% of the total fat intake (Table 3).
alanine, serine, proline,
Fatty Acids
cysteine, arginine, glutamic acid Amino acid analyzer (13)
T a b le 2 . E n e r g y in t a k e ( k c a l) a n d c o n t r ib u t io n (% ) t o d a ily in t a k e b y m a in n u t r ie n t s a n d a lc o h o l a n d c o m p a r is o n w it h
R D A sa
% from % from
animal plant % from % total % total % total % total
Region Intake % RDA food food alcohol Intake energy Intake energy Intake energy Intake energy
North 1 2159 9 0 .0 15.2 83.4 1.4 248 11.5 481 22 .3 1397 64.8 32 1.4
North 2 24 44 101.8 7.9 91.9 0.2 294 12.0 361 14.8 1784 73.0 4 0.2
South 1 2121 8 8 .4 18.5 80.7 0.8 245 11.6 546 25 .8 1311 61.8 18 0.8
South 2 20 90 87.1 15.4 82.6 2.0 236 11.3 455 21.8 1357 64.9 42 2.0
M ean 2203 91 .8 14.0 84.9 1.1 256 11.6 461 21.2 1462 66.1 24 1.1
a C hinese R D A for energy is 2 4 0 0 kcal for an adult m ale with light physical activity (2). The Chinese National Nutrition Society also
recomm ends ( 2) that the proportion of energy contribution by protein, fat, and carbohydrates to the total energy intake should be 1 0 -1 5 ,
2 0 -2 5 , and 6 0 -7 0 % , respectively.
1208 C h e n & G a o : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
T able 3. Protein, fat, carb o h yd rate s, dietary fiber, a n d a lc o h o lic intake (g per p e rso n per day)
Protein Fat
C arbohy Dietary
% from % from % from % from % from drate Alcohol fiber
Region Intake % RDAa animal legum es plant Intake animal plant intake intake intake
“ Chinese RDA for protein is 7 0 g for an adult m ale with light physical activity (2).
Region Intake % RDA Intake % ESA D D I Intake % RDA Intake % RDA Intake % ESA D D I
Methionine Phenylalanire
Isoleucine Leucine Lysine and cystine and tyrosine Threonine Tryptophan Valine
(R D A = 6 0 0 ) (R D A = 84 0) (R D A = 720) (R D A 780) (R D A = 840) (R D A = 4 2 0 ) (R D A = 210) (R D A = 6 0 0 )
% % % % % % % %
Region Intake RDA Intake RDA Intake RDA Intake RDA Intake RDA Intake RDA Intake RDA Intake RDA
RDA values are in mg per person per day; based on RDA recom m ended by the C hinese Nutrient Society (2) for 60 kg body mass.
T able 7. E sse n tia l am in o a c id intake pattern co m p a re d with the W H O re c o m m e n d e d intake pattern (m g /g protein)
Isoleuclne 16 16 16 15 16 13
Leucine 33 33 30 30 31 19
Lysine 20 16 21 20 19 16
Methionine and cystine 14 13 14 14 14 17
Phenylalanine and tyrosine 33 39 33 33 35 19
Threonine 14 14 14 14 14 9
Tryptophan 5 5 5 5 5 5
Valine 20 18 21 20 19 13
Total 155 154 153 152 153 111
To compare with the W H O recom m ended intake pattern(4), the intake of tryptophan in the total study w as set as 5.
but the M:S ratio (1.5) is 50% higher than the suggested ratio
of 1.0 (Table 9). However, because the major part of the
monounsaturated fatty acid was oleic acid, this high M:S ratio
may indicate a protective effect against coronary heart disease
Table 8. M acron utrient an d a lc o h o l intake in 1990 total
diet s tu d y an d in 1982 nation al nutrition s u r v e y 3 Cholesterol
Monounsatu rated
Saturated fatty acid fatty acid Polyunsaturated fatty acid
North 1 14.9 0.5 10.4 3.4 20.0 17.5 16.6 14.7 1.6 53.2 1.0:1.5:1.3
North 2 11.8 0.4 7.3 3.5 14.9 13.0 13.4 12.3 0.8 39.8 1.0:1.3:1.2
South 1 16.7 0.5 11.2 4.2 29.8 24.8 13.7 12.5 1.1 60.5 1.0:1.8:0.9
South 2 15.9 0.5 10.6 4.4 23.4 18.4 10.9 9.6 1.3 50.2 1.0:1.5:0.7
Mean 14.5 0.5 9.8 3.8 22.2 18.6 14.3 12.7 1.5 51.0 1.0:1.5:1.0
T able 10. C h o le ste ro l intake (m g per p e rso n per day) in regional differences in riboflavin intake were not significant,
total diet stu d y and riboflavin intake in all the 4 regions was less than the RD A.
Region Cholesterol intake % of WHO goal3 The highest intake was in the North 2 region, which was 73%
of the RDA. However, some nutritionists have questioned the
North 1 216 72.1 riboflavin RDA and believe that it is too high (10). Therefore,
North 2 135 44.9 the amount of riboflavin in the average Chinese diet may not
South 1 248 82.6 really be insufficient.
South 2 118 39.2 Retinol intakes in all the 4 regions were low, with intake in
Mean 179 59.7 the North 2 region as the highest (70% of RDA). Most (80%)
of the retinol (equivalent) intake was from carotenoids, and
a WHO goal, 300 mg per person per day (upper limit) (3).
only 20% was from vitamin A. The major food source of ca
rotenoids was vegetables, which accounted for 8 6 % of the total
carotenoid intake. The best result was from the North 2 region:
Table 11. C on tribu tio n (% of daily intake) of v a rio u s The retinol (equivalent) intake was 70% of the RDA and 91%
fo o d g r o u p s to dietary intake o f ch olestero l of the intake was from carotenoids, 85% of which was from
Region Meat Eggs Aquatic foods Milk vegetables. The average intake of total tocopherols was 89% of
the RDA. Among the 4 regions, the northern regions had higher
North 1 18.2 58.0 23.2 0.6 intakes than the southern regions and were equal to RDA; how
North 2 29.5 63.3 5.9 1.3 ever, intake of tocopherols in the South 2 region was only 45%
South 1 28.6 52.4 18.8 0.2 of the RDA.
South 2 48.6 41.9 9.2 0.3
Mean 28.9 54.4 16.1 0.6 Minerals and Trace Elements
T able 12. Intake3 (m g per p e rso n per d ay ) an d bioavailability (A % ) of different c h e m ical fo rm s o f dietary iron
Northern 27.67 8.94 20.0 1.79 18.73 5.70 1.07 2.86 10.3
Southern 17.53 4.58 20.0 0.92 12.95 6.03 0.78 1.70 9.7
Mean 22.60 6.76 20.0 1.35 15.84 5.87 0.93 2.28 10.0
b Bioavailability in %.
Quoted from reference 14.
d Intake of bioavailable iron = heme iron intake xA%.
° Percentage of bioavailable nonheme iron was actual determined value.
1 Intake of total bioavailable iron=IBI of heme iron plus IBI of nonheme iron.
C h e n & G a o : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1211
a little low. High sodium and low potassium intake is a tradi fatty acids, and cholesterol), Guangya Wang (minerals, trace
tional problem in the Chinese diet due to the high intake of salt. elements, vitamins, dietary fiber, ash, and water), Shengjie Liu
All 4 regions showed high Na:K ratios, with the South 2 region (chemical forms of iron), and Ruihua Zhou (selenium). The
showing the lowest ratio. The obvious measure to correct this authors also wish to thank John W. Jones of the U.S. Food and
problem is to reduce salt intake (13.9 g/day in this study). Al Dmg Administration for advice on the study design and his
though iron intake (22.7 mg/person/day) was much higher than review of and comments on this paper.
the RDA and the reported value for the western population, the
bioavailability of iron in the Chinese diet is low. As shown in References
Table 12, the total bioavailable iron accounts for only 10% of
the total iron intake. However, because of the high total iron (1) Chen, J„ & Gao, J. (1993) J. AOACInt. 76,1193-1205
intake, the total available iron from heme and nonheme iron (2) Chinese Nutrition Society (1989) Acta Nutr. Sin. 11, 93-96
seems sufficient for adults. On the other hand, for children and (in Chinese)
pregnant women, more available iron from animal foods might (3) WHO Technical Report Series No.797 (1990) Geneva, Swit
be needed. More than 80% of the intakes of the above-men zerland
tioned minerals and trace elements (except selenium) were (4) World Health Organization (1985) Energy and Protein Re
from plant foods, mainly cereals, legumes, tubers, and vegeta quirements, Report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert
bles. Therefore, how to improve the mineral and trace element Consultation, Technical Report Series No. 724, Geneva, Swit
status of the Chinese population whose diet is mainly com zerland, p. 206
posed of plant foods is an important nutritional problem in (5) Jia, J., Zhao, X., Lin, Y., Xu, Z., Zhang, Q., & Gao, J. (1993)
J. Hyg. Res. 22
China. The current practical measure will be to increase food
varieties and consumption of fresh green leafy vegetables as (6) Dietary Fats and Oils in Human Nutrition (1980) FAO Food
and Nutrition Series, No. 20, p. 38
well as milk and milk products.
(7) Fan, W, Parker, R., Parpia, B., Qu, Y., Cassano, R, Craw
ford, M., Leyton, J., Tian, J., Li, J., Chen, J., & Campbell, T.
C. (1990) Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 5 2 , 1027-1036
(8) Jin, D. (1986) Med. China 2, 66-67
Results of the first Chinese total diet study show that the
(9) Chen, J., Campbell, T.C., Li, J., & Peto, R. (1990) Diet, Life
average Chinese diet provides sufficient energy, protein, fat, style and Disease Mortality: A Survey of the Characteristics
carbohydrate, and fiber, as well as most vitamins and minerals. of 65 Chinese Counties, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
However, retinol, riboflavin, calcium, zinc, and potassium are UK
not present in sufficient amounts. Children and women (includ (10) Campbell, T. C., Bran, T., Chen, J., Feng, Z., & Parpia, B.
ing pregnant and lactating women) who have different dietary (1990) Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 51, 436-445
requirements may have problems different from those of a (11) National Standard of People’s Republic of China (1990)
standard Chinese man. GB12388-12399-90, Methods for Determination of Nutrient
This total diet study studied only the average diet of the gen Composition in Foods, Standard Press, Beijing, China (in
eral Chinese population. Considering the significant geo Chinese)
graphical variation of the Chinese diet (dietary pattern as well (12) National Standard of People’s Republic of China (1985)
as geochemical environment of food crop production), the total GB5009.3-6-85, Methodfor Food Hygiene Analysis, Physi
diet study cannot reveal specific nutritional problems such as cal-Chemical Section, Standard Press, Beijing, China (in
selenium deficiency in individual regions. Specific studies
should be designed to study these particular regional problems. (13) Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy
of Preventive Medicine (1990) Methods for Determination of
Nutrient Composition in Foods, People’s Medical Publishing
Acknowledgments House, Beijing, China (in Chinese)
(14) USA Recommended Dietary Allowances (1989) lOthEd.,Na
The authors would like to express their appreciation to the tional Academy Press, Washington, DC, p. 198
12 provincial health teams who carried out the field work, as (15) Ma, Y, & Liu, S. (1993) J. Hyg. Res. 22, Supplement I on
well as the following scientists in the Institute of Nutrition and The Chinese Total Diet Study in 1990 (in Chinese)
Food Hygiene of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medi (16) Liu, S., Liu, H„ Ma, Y, Li, W„ & Xu, J. (1993) J. Hyg. Res.
cine, who were responsible for laboratory analysis of :he nutri 22, Supplement I on The Chinese Total Diet Study in 1990
ents: Xihe Zhao (protein and amino acids), Wenxun Fan (fat, (in Chinese)
1212 C h e n & G a o : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Retinol 0.04 mg/L 97.4 <2.4
Carotenoids 0.11 pg 93.7 <1.7
a 4.59 mg/L 97.3-98.0 <9.0
ß+Y 1.83 mg/L 98.2-101.2 <9.0
Ô 1.03 mg/L 96.6 (95-98) <9.0
Thiamine 0.05 pg 90.0-99.0 <8.5
Riboflavin 0.05 pg 100.1-101.7 <5.2
Fatty acids
Palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, etc. (25 fatty
acids) 0.1%
Amino acids
Cystine 100.0 mg/L 95.5-98.9 <4.7
Tryptophan 5.0 mg/L 87.4-98.9 <4.0
Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, alanine,
methionine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, <6.0
glycine, serine, proline, cysteine, arginine, glutamic
acid 100 mg/L 80.3-109.2
Protein 50 mg/L 96.6-100.0 <2.0
Fat 200 mg/kg 96.1-99.9 <4.4
Dietary fiber 0.1 g/kg <7.7
M c N e a l E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A D A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1213
USA Campbell Soup Co. reference materials, except beef powder from NBS.
T im o t h y P. M cN e a l, P a t r ic ia J . N y m a n , G reg o ry W. D ia c h e n k o , and H en ry C. H o l l if ie l d
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Division of Food and Chemical Technology, Washington, DC 20204
Recently, the com bination of sodium or potassium without added benzoates (including eggs) con
benzoate with ascorbic acid was shown to produce tained benzene at levels equal to or less than 2
low levels (ng/g) of benzene in fruit-flavored soft ng/g. Slightly higher levels were present in some
drinks. The presence of benzene also was reported foods and beverages containing both ascorbic acid
in butter, eggs, meat, and certain fruits; levels of and sodium benzoate.
these findings ranged from 0.5 ng/g in butter to
500-1900 ng/g in eggs. Because benzoates are
widely used as food preservatives, a lim ited survey S ince 1990, 3 reports of benzene in beverages have oc
of other foods containing added benzoate salts curred (1-3). In the first case, low levels (ng/g) were
was conducted to investigate the potential for ben found in Perrier mineral water. In the other cases, 2 bev
zene form ation. Selected foods that did not contain erage manufacturers independently discovered low levels
added benzoates but were previously reported to (ng/g) in a limited number of their products. Even though the
contain benzene were analyzed for comparison. presence of such low levels of benzene was not considered to
More than 50 foods were analyzed by purge-and- be a significant short-term health hazard, the companies in
trap or static headspace concentration and capil volved voluntarily removed the contaminated products from
lary gas chromatography. Benzene was quantitated the market.
by using the method of standard additions, and its Each company began investigations to find the causes for
identity was confirmed by mass selective detec the presence of benzene in their products. The makers of Per
tion. Results of this lim ited survey show that foods rier mineral water identified the source of their contamination
as the inadequate maintenance of a carbon filter used to purify
the carbon dioxide derived from an underground gas source;
Received July 6, 1992. Accepted January 29, 1993
Part o f this work was presented at the 105 th AO AC Annual
once identified, the problem was corrected. The soft drink
International Meeting, August 1 2 -1 5 , 1991, at Phoenix, AZ. manufacturers attributed the benzene in their beverages to the
1214 M c N e a l E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
+ 10 ppb Benzene
system with SP 4270 computing integrator (Spectra-Physics (c) Standard solutions.—(7) Stock solution.—Transfer 50
Corp., Piscataway, NJ 08854). pL benzene standard to 20 mL methanol in a tared and sealed
(d) Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer.—Hewlett- headspace vial, weigh, and calculate the exact concentration of
Packard 5890 gas chromatograph with capillary direct inter benzene (ca 2400 pg benzene/mL solution). Replace Teflon
face to Hewlett-Packard 5970B mass selective detector. Gas disk after each day of use, and store vial in freezer until needed.
chromatograph equipped with subambient oven accessory. GC With new septa replacements, stock solution is stable for 2
conditions: capillary column, 50 m x 0.32 mm id, 0.5 pm film, weeks. (2) Working standards.—Prepare daily. Transfer
HP-5; carrier gas, UHP helium; column head pressure, 8 psi; aliquots of stock solution to 20 mL portions of water in sealed
linear velocity, ca 35 cm/s; split/splitless injector, vent opened headspace vials to obtain working concentrations of 0 .1 - 2 0
1.5 min; oven program, 4 min at 20°C, increase temperature
207min to 50°C, hold 0.5 min, increase temperature 57min to
Purge-and-Trap Headspace Concentration/Capillary
10073, hold 0.5 min, increase temperature 257min to 20073.
Benzene retention time, ca 12.6 min. MSD parameters: Tune
manually with perfluorotributylamine; optimize lenses and
Control solutions.—For external calibration, transfer 5 g
voltages for mJz 414; acquisition mode, selected ion monitor
water to headspace vials, fortify with appropriate benzene
ing; benzene ions scanned, mJz 52, 77, and 78; scan time, working standard to yield a benzene concentration between 1
10.24—13.0 min; dwell time, 50 ms with low mass resolution, and 200 ng/g, and seal with a Teflon-faced silicon disk. For the
ca 5 scans/s. benzene formation studies, transfer 5 g of test solution to a
headspace vial and seal. To analyze the control solution, pierce
Reagents the Teflon disk twice with a 13-gauge needle, and fit purge-
and-trap transfer lines through holes in disk. Push the purge fine
Caution! Benzene is a human carcinogen and is highly flam
to the bottom of vial, let the transfer fine to the trap remain in
mable. Use appropriate safety precautions when handling.
upper portion of the vial well above the level of the solution,
(a) Benzene standard.—Certified ACS (Fisher Scientific, and start the analysis by using purge-and-trap GC conditions
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410). described in Apparatus (c). Report the integrated area for the
(b) Methanol and deionized water.—Absolute methanol peak at the benzene retention time, and repeat the analysis until
suitable for purge-and-trap analysis. Distilled and deionized all control solutions are analyzed. For external calibration, sub
water obtained from Milli-Q® water purification system (Mil- ject all data to linear regression analysis. Plot data from the
lipore Corp., Bedford, MA 01730). Demonstrate absence of analysis of the standard curve series. Determine the benzene
interferences under the conditions used for GC. concentration in the test solution from the standard curve.
1216 M c N e a l E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Food Benzene, ng/g Food Benzene, ng/g Food Benzene, ng/g Food Benzene, ng/g
Under the conditions described, analyses of water fortified foods as for the control solutions, and quantitate benzene resi
with 1 - 2 0 0 ng benzene standard per g resulted in a greater than dues by external calibration. For foods that foam when purged,
95% transfer of benzene from the water to the trap after 1 use an empty, sealed headspace vial as the foam trap; run an
purge-and-trap cycle. Also, the data were linear over the same exit line through the empty vial and another tube out of the
concentration range. A signal-to-noise ratio of ca 10:1 was ob empty vial into the transfer line to the Tenax trap. For
served for 5 ng benzene in 5 g water (a concentration of 1 ng/g). nonaqueous foods, stir the food or sweep the surface with the
A concentration of 0.5 ng benzene/g water provided 400 area gas used to purge, and if needed, apply heat to the test vial to
counts, a response that is substantially above that of the blank force more benzene into the vapor phase. Fortify at least 3 rep
(ca 1 0 0 area counts). licate aliquots in test vials with the benzene standard at ca 0.5x,
Preparation o f foods.—To minimize losses due to volatili lx, and 2 x the benzene concentration suspected in the food.
zation, quickly prepare all foods for analysis, and when possi Cap, seal, and shake each vial well. Analyze the fortified repli
ble, take the portion to be tested directly from container. Trans cate aliquots by the method of standard additions, subject all
fer 5 or 10 g aqueous food to a tared headspace vial by using a data to linear regression analysis, and determine the benzene
10 mLLuer-Lok® syringe with a 89 mm, 13-gauge hypodermic concentration in each food.
needle, and cap and seal the vial. Transfer 5 g viscous food with
Food Preparation and Analysis by Static Headspace
syringe or spatula, add 5 mL water, and then cap, seal, and
Concentration/Capillary GC/MSD
shake the vial well. Finely divide solid foods with a knife or
with a mortar and pestle, transfer 5 g to a headspace vial, add 5 Finely divide the solids; transfer 10 g of each solid to a head-
mL water, and cap, seal, and shake the vial well. space vial, add 10 mL water, and seal and shake the vial well.
Determination and quantitation by the method o f standard Analyze semisolids and liquids without diluting. For quantita
additions.—Except for certain foods listed below, analyze tion, fortify a replicate aliquot of food in the test vial with ben-
M c N e a l E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1217
zene at the level suspected in the food. Equilibrate each vial 30 eled the procedure after the Environmental Protection Agency
min in a 90°C oven. In same oven, preheat 5 mL Pressure-Lok method 524.2 (EPA 524.2) (10), except that benzene was the
gas syringe. Use gloves to protect hands from hot syringe; then only analyte determined, a flame ionization detector served as
pierce the vial septum and draw up 2 mL of the headspace a general detector, and the method of standard additions was
gases. Leave vial and syringe (with the needle remaining in the used for quantitation to compensate for the many food ma
vial headspace) in the oven for 3 min. Quickly lock the syringe trixes. The presence of benzene in foods was determined by
valve, remove the syringe from the vial, inject the headspace purge-and-trap headspace concentration/capillary GC/FID.
gas into the gas chromatograph, and begin the data acquisition. Confirmation by static headspace concentration/capillary
GC/MSD was performed, because no purge-and-trap interface
Post GC/MSD Data Analysis
to the gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer was available.
Obtain ion chromatograms for m/z, 52,77, and 78. Integrate Figures 1 and 2 are representative chromatograms of foods
responses, and calculate area ratios normalized to the m/z 78 analyzed by purge-and-trap headspace concentration/capillary
ion (ca 0.20:0.30:1.0). If the area ratios are within ±20% of the GC/FID. The chromatograms in Figure 1 illustrate the sensitiv
ion ratios from the benzene standard, the presence of benzene ity of the method. Chromatogram A shows the analysis of 10 g
is confirmed. Quantitate benzene by using integrated responses cranberry juice cocktail. Chromatogram B represents the same
for the m/z 78 ion in fortified and unfortified food. Determine juice fortified with 5 ng benzene (0.5 ng/g). By the method of
area response for the amount of benzene added, and calculate standard additions, less than 0.5 ng benzene/g juice was found
the benzene concentration in the food by using a single-point in the cranberry juice cocktail. The peak to the right of benzene,
calibration. at approximately 1 1 min, is fluorobenzene, a component of the
working standard used as an internal standard in related experi
Results and Discussion ments. The chromatograms in Figure 2 represent the analysis
of a more complex food matrix. Chromatogram B represents
An analytical technique for determining benzene in simple headspace measured over a taco sauce fortified with 50 ng ben
and complex matrixes at nanogram levels of benzene per gram zene and 50 ng fluorobenzene. We found 22 ng benzene/g un
of food was needed. The purge-and-trap headspace technique fortified taco sauce (chromatogram A). Data in Table 1 sum
with capillary GC seemed to offer the most promise. We mod marize the levels of benzene found in foods by using
1218 M c N e a l E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Io n 5 2 . 0 0 amu . -fro m D RTR5 : T flC O R . D Io n 5 2 . 0 0 am u. f r o m D R T R 5 : TR C O B . D
Io n 7 7 . 0 0 am u. -fro m D RTR5 : TR C O R . D Io n 7 7 . 0 0 am u. f r o m D R T R 5 : T R C O B . D
Io n 7 8 . 0 0 am u. -fro m DRTR5 : TR C O R . D Io n 7 8 . 0 0 am u. f r o m D R T R 5 : T R C O B . D
purge-and-trap headspace concentration/capillary GC/FID. naturally occurring benzene levels. To investigate benzene for
Foods previously reported to contain benzene were analyzed in mation from precursor compounds, we prepared aqueous solu
duplicate. Analyses were repeated for all foods that showed an tions containing 0.04% sodium or potassium benzoate and
initial result > 1 ng/g. 0.025% ascorbic acid. These concentrations are typical of those
With the mass selective detector operating in the selected used in beverage formulations. Aliquots of the solutions were
ion monitoring mode, a benzene concentration of 1 ng/g could then exposed to strong UV light, 45 °C in an oven, or storage at
easily be confirmed in many foods by the static headspace tech room temperature in a dark cabinet. After 20 h either in strong
nique and capillary GC. The same technique was suitable for UV light or at 45°C, about 300 ng benzene/g had formed in
verifying the quantitative results. Figures 3 and 4 are ion chro these solutions. Only 4 ng benzene/g formed in those solutions
matograms representing determination of benzene in different stored in the dark at room temperature. After 8 days, the ben
foods by the static headspace technique. They demonstrate the zene yield from the solutions stored at room temperature in
selectivity and sensitivity of the MSD procedure. Figure 3 rep creased to 266 ng/g, whereas levels remained constant in the
resents the analysis of a mango. In the unfortified fruit (Fig heated and UV-treated solutions. Benzene was not found in
ure 3A), benzene ions are absent, but when the fruit was forti identically treated control solutions containing benzoate alone
fied at 2 ng/g (Figure 3B), all 3 ions gave responses. The or ascorbic acid alone.
chromatograms of Figure 4 are the results of static headspace Benzaldehyde, benzoic anhydride, and acetophenone at
concentration/capillary GC/MSD analyses of the same taco 0.04% (w/w) in water, when mixed with 0.025% ascorbic acid
sauce represented in Figure 2. Ion chromatograms A represent and subjected to similar test conditions, also yielded trace
the analysis of the unfortified taco sauce. The 3 benzene ions amounts of benzene. For example, we found 74 ng benzene/g
are present in the proper ratios; 2 2 ng benzene/g was found, in the test solution when we substituted benzaldehyde for ben
which is the same concentration found by using purge-and-trap zoate salts. We found benzene yields of 4 and 5 ng/g of test
headspace concentration/capillary GC/FID. Chromatograms B solution when we tested benzoic anhydride and acetophenone,
represent analysis of the same sauce after fortification with respectively. Toluene, benzyl alcohol, butylated hydroxytolu-
benzene at the 1 1 ng/g level. ene, and butylated hydroxyanisole did not generate benzene in
T h e s e a n a ly tic a l p ro c e d u re s w e re u s e d in s tu d ie s o f th e fo r similar tests. When benzoate salts were analyzed for residual
m a tio n o f b e n z e n e fro m p re c u rs o rs a n d in su rv e y s o f fo o d s fo r benzene by the procedure described, no benzene was found.
M c N eal Et Al .: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1219
Following the experiments on prepared laboratory stand interaction of these 2 compounds. In these cases, removal of
ards, we conducted a limited survey of selected foods. No dif one of the compounds may mitigate benzene formation.
ficulties were encountered in the analysis of juices or soft Although the benzene levels found in the foods we analyzed
drinks. However, the analysis of certain foods proved challeng were quite low, some soft drink products have already been
ing and required changes in food preparation and purging tech reformulated to avoid the formation of benzene from additives.
niques. Solids and viscous foods required dilution with water Other soft drink manufacturers are re-evaluating both their for
to improve the efficiency of the transfer of benzene from the mulations and their processes to minimize the possibility of
food to the trap, i.e., the percent transfer from foods when com benzene formation (3). The limited data developed from this
pared with that from water standards. In addition, 70°C heat study show that, for the most part, the foods containing both
was applied to both fried and boiled eggs to drive the benzene benzoate and ascorbic acid form at most very small concentra
into the vapor phase. Percent transfer for diluted viscous foods tions of benzene.
ranged from 95% in sauces containing salt and tomatoes to
about 75% in some preserves. The lowest percent transfer, References
about 25%, was obtained with cooked eggs, smoked fish, and
peanuts. (1) Food Chemical News (1990) Feb. 19, pp. 27-28
More than 50 foods were analyzed for benzene by the pro (2) Florida Department of Health Bulletin, November 1990
cedure described. Except for the liquid smoke products, in (3) Memorandum of meeting, National Association of Soft
which benzene levels may be source-related, < 2 ng/g was Drink Manufacturers, December 17, 1990
found in certain foods reported to contain naturally occurring (4) Maarse, H., & Visscher, C.A. (1989) Volatile Compounds in
benzene. These data contradict many earlier reports (4—8) of Foods, Vol. II, 6th Ed., TNO-CIVO, Zeist, The Netherlands
high benzene levels in foods such as eggs, mangos, and roasted (5) MacLeod, A.J., & Cave, S.J. (1975) J. Sci. FoodAgric. 26,
peanuts. Although this study represents a limited selectve sam 351-360
pling, it appears that some of the earlier reports of benzene in (6) MacLeod, A.J., & Cave, S.J. (1976) J. Sci. FoodAgric. 27,
foods may have been the result of laboratory contamination. 799-806
Little or no benzene (about <1 ng/g) was found :n foods (7) Lovegren, N.V., Fisher, G.S., Legendre, M.G., & Schuller,
containing naturally occurring benzoates and ascorbic acid, W.H. (1979) J. Agric. Food Chem. 27, 851-853
and no correlation could be made. However, the level of ben (8) Engel, K.H., & Tresal, R. (1983) J. Agric. Food Chem. 31,
zene found in foods containing added benzoates in addition to 796-801
ascorbates (e.g., imitation strawberry preserves, taco sauce, (9) Stein, V.B., & Narang, R.S. (1990) Arch. Environ. Contam.
and duck sauce) ranged from <1 to 38 ng/g. These findings are Toxicol. 19, 593-596
similar to the survey results reported by Page et al. (11) for (10) U.S. EPA Method 524.2, Revision 3, EPA/600/4-88/039
benzene residues in beverages. Both our survey data and the (1988) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati,
data we obtained from analyses of prepared laboratory stand OH
ards suggest that when benzoates and ascorbates are present (11) Page, B.D., Conacher, H.B.S., Weber, D., & Lacroix, G.
together in foods, the benzene formed is associated with the (1992) J. AOAC Int. 75,334-340
1220 T rotter & D ickerson : J ournal Of AOAC International V o l 76, No. 6,1993
U .S . P a s t e u r i z e d M ilk N e tw o r k
W i l l ia m J. T r o t t e r
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Division of Contaminants Chemistry, Washington, DC 20204
R ic h a r d D ic k e r s o n
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has Panama Canal Zone. Milk collected by the PMN through the
implemented a comprehensive monitoring pro EPA Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System
gram to determine the incidence and levels of or- (ERAMS) program for radionuclide monitoring represents an
ganohalogen pesticide residues in milk repre estimated 80% of the milk delivered to the population centers
senting most of the U.S. supply consumed in and at least 40% of that consumed by the U.S. population (C.
metropolitan areas. Residue findings for 806 com Porter, EPA, 1989, personal communication). Radionuclide
posite milks collected through the Pasteurized Milk determinations are conducted at the EPA National Air and Radia
Program by the U.S. Environmental Protection tion Environmental Laboratory (NAREL) in Montgomeiy, AL.
Agency (EPA) in 1990-1991 are reported. Milk was In 1989, EPA and FDA signed an interagency agreement
collected on a monthly basis from 63 stations se that allowed a representative portion of all milk received by
lected by EPA for radionuclide monitoring. These NAREL to be transferred to an FDA contract laboratory
stations provide an estimated 80% of the milk deliv (Woodson-Tenent Laboratories, Inc., Memphis, TN) for pesti
ered to U.S. population centers. At each station, cide and PCB residue analysis. This report describes the estab
milk from selected sources had been composited lished sampling mechanism, the analytical procedures, and the
to represent the milk routinely consumed in its met controls and summarizes the findings from this monitoring in
ropolitan area. Portions of these composites were itiative for milk collected from May 1990 through July 1991.
forwarded to an FDA contract laboratory for pesti
cide residue analysis. Pesticide residues were Experimental
found in 398 (49.4%) of 806 test samples, on the ba
sis of a 0.0005 ppm limit of detection for each resi Milk Collection
due on a whole-product basis. A total of 455 occur
Nalgene bottles (250 mL), each containing 3 mL formalin
rences of pesticide residues were found; p,pf-DDE
added for microbial inhibition, are sent by NAREL to the PMN
and dieldrin accounted for 384 (84.4%) of these oc
collection sites monthly. (The actual number of collections
currences. The highest level was 0.019 ppm p,pf-
may vary occasionally because of nonparticipation of some
sites.) The bottles are filled at the collection sites, mostly by
local Department of Health personnel, with pasteurized whole
milk composited to represent milk consumed in the metropoli
T he U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regu
tan center. Each composite, along with a separate 1 L portion
latory responsibility for enforcement of pesticide and
for radionuclide analysis, is sent to NAREL, which then for
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) tolerances in foods and
wards the 250 mL test sample to the FDA contract laboratory.
routinely monitors the food supply for residues of these chemi
Upon arrival at the contract laboratory, test samples are stored
cals (1^4). Because of the importance of milk and milk prod
at <-10°C. Milk shipments to NAREL and from NAREL to
ucts in the U.S. diet, the FDA, in cooperation with the Environ
FDA’s contract laboratory are sent by express mail at ambient
mental Protection Agency (EPA), developed this monitoring temperature.
initiative to supplement pesticide surveillance that is ongoing
in other programs. R eagents
Every month the EPA Office of Radiation Programs collects
(a) Solvents.—Ethyl ether, «-hexane, isooctane, methanol,
milk from the Pasteurized Milk Network (PMN), which con
methylene chloride, petroleum ether; pesticide residue analysis
sists of approximately 63 stations located in large metropolitan
grade (Burdick & Jackson Laboratories, Inc., Muskegon, MI
population centers in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the
(b) Alumina.—Neutral, activity grade I, 80-200 mesh
Received September 28, 1992. Accepted February 2, 1993.
(ICN Biomedicals, Costa Mesa, CA 92626); heat for 16 h at
Trotter & Dickerson: Journal Of AOAC International Vol. 76, No. 6,1993 1221
No. of milks
Minot, N D 15 0 0
Montgomery, AL 14 2 2 p ,p '-D D E [Tr./1 ]; chlorpyrifos [Tr./1]
Montpelier, V T 5 4 4 p ,p '-D D E [Tr./1 ]; dieldrin [0.001/3]
N ew Orleans, LA 5 1 1 Chlorpyrifos [Tr./1 ]
N ew York, N Y 13 10 11 p,p '-D D E [Tr./1]; dieldrin [0.001/9]; chlorpyrifos [Tr./1]
P o ila n d , M E 14 0 0
Portland, OR 15 13 19 p ,p '-D D E [Tr./12]; dieldrin [Tr./5]; chlorpyrifos [0.002/1]; H C B [Tr./1]
Riverton, W Y 2 0 0
Sacram ento, CA 14 14 14 p ,p '-D D E [Tr./14]
1222 T rotter & D ickerson : Journal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
T a b le 1. C o n tin u e d
No. of milks
a No PCB residues w ere found at or below the PCB limit of quantitation of 0.0 2 ppm, based on G C response to A rodor 1254.
b Tr. = trace value, i.e., below the pesticide limit of quantitation of 0.001 ppm and above or equal to the pesticide limit of detection of 0 .0 0 0 5
c hept.ep. = heptachlor epoxide.
d hept.= heptachlor.
260°C, cool to room temperature, and add sufficient water to program: 160X1 for 3.5 min, 7°C/min to 235X1, and 235X1 for
produce alumina-water (85 + 15 w/w). 4 min. Column 1 is used for quantitation; column 2 is used as
(c) Florisil.—60-200 mesh (Curtin-Matheson Scientific, the primary confirmatory column; and column 3 is used for
Marietta, GA 30067); heat for 16 h at 260°C before use. additional confirmation if needed.
(d) Potassium oxalate.—Certified ACS grade (Fisher Sci (f) Milk shipping containers.—250 mL Nalgene bottles
entific, Pittsburgh, PA 15219). (Northwest Bottle, Memphis, TN 38118).
(e) Sodium sulfate.—Anhydrous granular (12-60 mesh) (g) Centrifuge.—Model CRU-5000 (Damon/IEC, Need
for pesticide residue analysis (J.T. Baker, Phillipsburg, PA ham, MA 02194).
Extraction and Cleanup
Weigh 50 g milk into 250 mL centrifuge bottle. Add 0.25 g
(a) Gelpermeation chromatograph.—Model 1002A(Ana potassium oxalate and 50 mL methanol. Stopper and then
lytical Bio-Chemistry Laboratories, Inc., Columbia, MO shake centrifuge bottle until potassium oxalate dissolves. Add
65205). Calibrate according to the method described by Hop 100 mL ethyl ether-petroleum ether (1 + 1), and shake bottle
per (5). vigorously 1 min. Centrifuge at ca 1500 rpm for 10 min.
(b) Gel permeation column.—30 x 2.5 cm id, packed with Pipet top layer (extract) into 500 mL separatory funnel con
a slurry of 33 g Bio-Beads SX-3 resin, 200-400 mesh (Analyti taining 250 mL distilled or deionized water and 0.5 g potassium
cal Bio-Chemistry Laboratories, Inc.), and compressed to a bed oxalate; allow organic layer to settle. Add 2 more 50 mL por
length of 2 0 cm. tions of ethyl ether-petroleum ether ( 1 + 1 ) to centrifuge bottle;
(c) Eluting solvent.—Methylene chloride-hexane (1 + 1) after each addition, shake bottle vigorously 1 min, centrifuge
pumped at a rate of 5.0 mL/min with operating pressure of 7 - 10 min, and pipet top layer into 500 mL separatory funnel; al
15 psi. low organic layer to settle. Gently mix combined extract in
(d) Gas chromatograph.—Model 5840 (Hewlett-Packard, separatory funnel. (Caution: Vigorous shaking may result in
Avondale, PA 19311) equipped with 63Ni electron-capture de unbreakable emulsion.)
tector such that 0.1 ng chlorpyrifos produces 50% full-scale Drain and discard lower (aqueous) layer. Wash extract with
deflection. 200 mL water by gently shaking funnel; let layers separate and
(e) Gas chromatographic columns.—Supelco, Inc. (Belle- discard aqueous portion.
fonte, PA 16823). (7) 8 ft x 4 mm id glass, packed with 10% Drain organic layer through funnel containing glass wool
OV-101 on 80-100 mesh Supelcoport and operated isother- plug and 4 g Na2 S 0 4 into beaker. Rinse Na2 S 0 4 with 10 mL
mally at 230°C; (2) 6 ft x 2 mm id glass, packed with 1.95% ethyl ether-petroleum ether (1 + 1). Gently concentrate extract
SP-2250/1.95% SP-2401 on 100-120 mesh Supelcoport and to ca 0.5 mLby using 40X1 water bath and stream of nitrogen.
operated isothermally at 215°C; and (3) 15 m x 0.53 mm SPB- Add 3 mL n-hexane-methylene chloride (1 + 1) to beaker.
608 fused silica with 0.5 pm film thickness and temperature Mix and transfer to 15 mL centrifuge tube. Add 2 more 3 mL
Trotter & D ickerson : J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1223
Amount Amount
Chemical added, ppm Av. rec., % n RSD, % Chemical added, ppm Av. rec., % n RSD, %
Control milks (n = 7 2 ) were analyzed concurrently with test samples; 6 8 controls dem onstrated no interferences, but G C chrom atogram s of 4
showed trace levels of interference at the retention tim e of lindane.
at identical mean values o f0.003 ppm. No residues were found with the GC column used for quantitation, but this GC response
in 7 metropolitan areas (Baltimore, MD; Detroit, MI; Fort did not match the response of lindane on the confirmatoiy col
Worth, TX; Minot, ND; Portland, ME; San Juan, PR; and St. umns. Responses of coeluting components obtained from milk
Paul, MN) over the 15-month testing period. and fortified-milk extracts that were analyzed concurrently
Table 3 summarizes the concurrent quality assurance data with these 4 controls were corrected for these small interfer
generated during the course of these analyses. All 13 analytes ences; these extracts were not reanalyzed. All analytes identi
that were found in the survey were included in the recovery fied for the first time and all residues determined at >0.003 ppm
studies along with Arcolor 1254 and 4 other pesticides that had were confirmed qualitatively and quantitatively by comparing
a high likelihood of occurrence. Recoveries of each of the 13 GC retention time and residue response with those of the cor
analytes found in the survey were determined 34 times, and all responding reference standard on either or both of the 2 confir
results were within the predetermined control limits of 80- matory columns.
110% of the fortified amounts. Two recoveries each of a-BHC None of the 806 composite milks contained pesticide or
and HCB were determined at the true LQ (0.0007 and 0.0005 PCB levels that approached established EPA or FDA regula
ppm, respectively) in addition to levels equal to or above the tory limits. The residues that were found reflect the persistence
generalized LQ of 0.001 ppm. These lower LQs were readily of the chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides that are currently
obtained because of the relatively high detector response to prohibited for use in the United States. Because PMN compos
these early-eluting chemicals. Control milks were analyzed 72 ite milks substantially represent the U.S. milk supply, this study
times, and only 4 contained a potential interference. For each is a valuable supplement to FDA’s regulatory monitoring and
of these 4 milks, a small (equivalent to trace) peak appeared at Total Diet programs (1—4), which have reported similar low-
the retention time of lindane in the chromatogram obtained level findings.
Y eung & N ewsome : J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1225
S u rv e y o f T o ta l T e tr a h y d r o p h th a lim id e in B a b y F o o d s U s in g
B o th E n z y m e -L in k e d Im m u n o s o rb e n t A s s a y a n d G a s
J u p it e r M. Y e u n g and W. H a r v e y N ew so m e
Health and Welfare Canada, Health Protection Branch, Food Directorate, Bureau of Chemical Safety, Food Research
Division, Ottawa, ON, Kl A 0L2, Canada
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tration of THPI in these samples can then be veri
method was compared with a gas chroma- fied using the GC/MS method.
tographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) method for
determining the concentration (in parts per million)
of the combination of captan and its degradation C aptan (A-trichloromethylthio-4-cyclohexene-l,2-dicar-
product tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI) in 13 fruit bo xiiride) is a broad spectrum, non-systemic fungicide
samples and in a survey of baby foods. Ninety widely used for the protection of many fruit and vege
table crops against fungal pathogens. In Canada, the maximum
baby foods (49 fruits, 28 juices, and 13 vegetables)
residue limit for captan is 5.0 ppm in apples, apricots, blueber
from 2 different suppliers were sampled. All captan
ries, cranberries, cherries, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, rasp
in the samples was converted to THPI before each
berries, strawberries and tomatoes (1). Gilvydis et al. (2) re
analysis. None of the samples contained a concen
ported residues of captan in a survey of treated strawberry and
tration of combined captan and THPI that violated grape crops and in all strawberry samples. In addition, they
the maximum residue limit of 5.0 ppm. Eight sam found captan residues to be stable on samples that had been
ples of baby food tested positive for THPI at levels stored frozen. In a field trial, the kinetics of captan and tetrahy
ranging from 0.019-0.041 ppm by the GC/MS drophthalimide (THPI) in strawberries were studied. Captan
method, whereas 20 samples tested positive in the was found to be stable on the fruit, and the ratio of THPI to
ELISA assay. All samples that tested positive with captan was consistently 0.036 (3). However, captan has been
the GC/MS method also tested positive with the shown to undergo extensive degradation, presumably to THPI,
ELISA method. Thirteen percent of the baby food when apples (4), strawberries (5), or tomatoes (6 ) containing
samples tested false positive with the ELISA residues were subjected to cooking. The present study was con
ducted to determine the concentration of combined captan and
method. The ELISA assay also gave higher values
THPI in infant foods that had been subjected to heat during
than the GC/MS method. The ELISA method can be
effectively used as a primary screening tool to se
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods
lect samples testing positive for THPI. The concen-
are well suited for screening purposes, such as in surveying a
large number of samples for analytes that are difficult to deter
Received November 9, 1992. Accepted January 27, 1993 mine by conventional chemical procedures (7,8). The growth
1226 Y eung & N ewsome : J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
in the use of the ELISA method has been rapid in recent years foods, all with different lot numbers but obtained from 2 sup
due to its simplicity, sensitivity, and selectivity. We have pre pliers (Heinz and Gerber), and 13 samples of fruits were pur
viously reported the production of polyclonal antibodies spe chased from grocery stores in the Ottawa area. All samples
cific for THPI and described a validated ELISA procedure for were randomly assigned a number. Both ELISA and GC/MS
fruits using these antisera (9). In the present study, a gas chro- analyses were performed on the same methanol extract to
matographic/mass spectrometric method (GC/MS) for quanti eliminate sampling variation.
fying THPI is characterized, and the results obtained by it are
compared to those obtained by the ELISA method in a survey ELISA
of foods.
The sample preparation and ELISA protocol have been re
METHOD ported previously (9). Briefly, 10 g fruit or baby food or 20 mL
baby food juice were refluxed 20 min in 60 mL methanol to
Materials convert any captan present to THPI. After the solids were re
moved by filtration, the filtrate volume was increased to 1 0 0
Captan standard was obtained from the pesticide repository mL with methanol.
of the Food Research Division, and THPI was purchased from Five milliliters of this crude extract was partitioned with an
Aldrich Chemical Co. (Milwaukee, WI 53201). Both were equal volume of 1 0 % ethyl ether in hexane prior to use in the
stated to be at least 99% pure by the respective manufacturers. ELISA. A 100 (iL aliquot of the final purified methanol extract
All reagents, buffers, and instruments that were used were ob was dried overnight, and the residue was taken up in 25 fiL
tained as previously reported (9, 10). Ninety samples of baby PBS. One milliliter of the diluted antiserum was added to the
Y eung & N ewsome : J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1227
T a b le 1. R e c o v e r y o f T H P I fro m 5 s a m p le s o f T a b le 3. C o m p a r is o n o f th e E L I S A a n d G C / M S m e th o d s
s tra w b e rrie s b y th e G C / M S m e th o d f o r d e te rm in in g th e c o n c e n tra tio n o f T H P I in 13 fru it
s a m p le s
T H P I found, ppm®
Concentration of T H P I, ppm
Sam ple Blank 0.5 1.5 3.5
S am ples3 ELISA G C /M S
Strawberries A 0.6 07 0.4 10 1.372 3.2 54
Strawberries B 0.2 43 0.431 1.225 3.3 10 Strawberries A 0.8 37 0.6 07
Strawberries C 0.2 77 0.4 24 1.228 3.1 47 Strawberries B 0.241 0.2 43
Strawberries D 0.2 66 0.415 1.320 3 .3 0 3 Strawberries C 0.1 67 0.2 77
Strawberries E 0 .2 7 4 0.4 00 1.233 3.4 48 Strawberries D 0.2 24 0.265
Recovery (%) 8 3 .2 ±2 .2 8 5 .0 +4.0 94.1 ±2.8 Strawberries E 0.181 0.2 39
Raspberry A 0.467 0.5 86
a Values for the fortified sam ples are corrected for blanks. Recovery
Raspberry B nd 0.0 43
data are the m ean percent recoveries ± s.d. of 5 sam ples from
different suppliers spiked at 0.5 , 1.5, and 3 .5 ppm of TH P I. Raspberry C nd nd
Raspberry D nd nd
Apple 0.175 0.135
Grape nd 0.033
test sample, which was incubated and then transferred in trip
Apricot nd 0.071
licate to the coated plate. After further incubation and v/ashing,
Nectarine nd nd
a secondary antibody, goat anti-rabbit IgG peroxidase conju
gate, was added. Following further incubation and washing, the a Strawberries and raspberries were purchased from different
substrate, o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride, and H 2 0 2 suppliers. Va ues are the m ean of 2 repeat determinations,
expressed in ppm. Minimum detection limits for the E LISA and
were added. Thirty minutes later, the color reaction was G C /M S methods are 0 .1 5 0 and 0 .0 1 5 ppm, respectively: nd =
stopped and the optical densities were read at 492 nm. below the detection limit, r2 = 0 .8 8, slope = 0.80.
Sample preparation for the GC/MS procedure was similar
A Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph equipped with
to that for the ELISA assay, except that a more vigorous
an autosampler and on-column injector was coupled to a
cleanup was necessary for the GC/MS method. Thus, a 25 mL
Hewlett Packard 5970 mass selective detection (MSD) system.
aliquot of the crude methanol extract was partitioned with
Separations were carried out using a i m deactivated, uncoated,
25 mL hexane. After discarding the hexane layer, 25 mL water
fused silica retention gap coupled to a 30 m x 0.25 mm id DB-5
and 5 mL saturated NaCl were added. This solution was ex
column (J & W Scientific, Folsom, CA 95630) with a 0.25 pm
tracted 3 times with 25 mL CH2 C12. The final CH 2 C12 extract
film thickness. Operating conditions: injection port tempera
ture, 80X1 for 0.5 min then programmed to 280°C at 100°C/min was filtered through anhydrous Na2 S 0 4 and evaporated at
and held at 280°C for 5 min; oven temperature, 80°C for 6 min 35 °C in vacuo to dryness. The sample was then transferred first
then programmed to 230°C at 50X/min and held at 230°C for with 1 mL ethyl acetate and then with 1 mL hexane to an 8 x
10 min; inlet pressure of 15 psi; electron impact at 70 eV; dwell 160 mm column packed with 2 g silica, and eluted from the
time at 50 msec, SIMS at m/z 79 and 151, and m/z 151 for the column with 40 mL methanol:ethyl acetate:hexane solution at
M+’ of THPI was used as the quantitating ion. The THPI reten a ratio of 3:25:72. The sample was taken to dryness and then
tion time was 9.38 min. reconstituted in 2.5 mL ethyl acetate. One microliter of the re
constituted sample was injected into the gas chromatograph. A
T a b le 2. W ith in - d a y a s s a y a n d b e tw e e n -d a y a s s a y 7-point standard curve of THPI in ethyl acetate, ranging in con-
c o e ff ic ie n t s o f v a ria tio n w ith th e G C / M S m e th o d f o r 4
fru its T a b le 4. P e rc e n t r e c o v e r y o f T H P I fr o m s e le c t e d b a b y
f o o d s b y th e E L I S A a n d G C / M S m e th o d s 9
Betw een-day
W ithin-day assay® assay* T H P I recovered, %
T H P I spiked,
T H P I found, ELISA G C /M S
Sam ples ppm
Fruit ppm c CV, % CM, %
b n= 3
c The average incurred concentration of T H P I residue found in each a No incurred TH P I w as detected in blank samples by either the
fruit. E LISA or G C /M S methods.
1228 Y e u n g & N e w s o m e : Jo u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V ol . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
a Values are the number that tested positive by the E LISA method over the total num ber of baby food samples of each type tested.
b Average values were expressed in ppm, and the values in parenthesis were obtained from the split samples that underwent cleanup steps
normally used for the G C /M S method. Ninety baby foods (28 juices, 13 vegetables, and 49 fruits) from 2 different suppliers w ere sampled.
Eight samples tested positive with the G C /M S method, w hereas 20 sam ples tested positive with th e E LISA method, nd = below detection
limit. Minimum detection limits for the ELISA and G C /M S methods w ere 0 .1 5 0 and 0 .0 1 5 ppm, respectively.
centration from 0.015 to 1 jig/mL, was run with every 10 sam comparative study of this ELISA method with a GC/MS
ples. The concentration of THPI in each sample was calculated method on a survey of combined captan and THPI in commer
from the linear regression of the standard curve. cial fruit and baby food preparations.
To monitor the recovery by GC/MS, THPI was spiked at 3 The GC method for the detection of THPI was similar to that
levels into homogenized strawberry and baby food samples. reported by Schoen and Winterlin (11), except we used a cap
These fortified samples were incubated 30 min at room tem illary column and an MSD system instead of a packed column
perature prior to extraction.
and a nitrogen-phosphorous detector. The modified liquid-liq
uid extractions and silica column cleanup steps were necessary
R esu lts a n d D iscu ssio n to obtain good chromatography (clean separation without in
terference) in the food matrixes (Figure 1). We have demon
We have recently reported a validated ELISA procedure for strated the complete conversion of captan to THPI when captan
the determination of the concentration of captan and THPI as was refluxed in methanol in our experimental conditions (9 ).
THPI in various commodities (9). The present paper reports a Therefore, only THPI was used to spike the samples in our
Y e u n g & N e w s o m e : Jo u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1229
recovery study. The mean recovery of THPI with the GC/MS more false positives were obtained (data not shown), indicating
method at 3 levels of fortification in strawberry samples was a matrix effect caused by non-specific binding. This phenome
87.4% (Table 1), whereas 99.5% mean recovery was pre non (false positive results) was not specific to the fruit or to the
viously obtained with the ELISA method (9). However, when physical state, whether it was solid or liquid. However, when
the standards were also subjected to the same cleanup proce the false positive samples were re-analyzed with the ELISA
dure, the recovery was 99.7%. The within-day assay coeffi method, using the extract that had undergone the vigorous
cients of variation (CV) were 1.9-5.5%, whereas the between- cleanup steps normally used for GC/MS, all of the false posi
day assay CV were 6 .1-9.1% on 4 fruit commodities with tive results, except one, were eliminated (Table 5). However,
incurred residues (Table 2). The minimum detection limit for some matrix effect was still evident because the results ob
the GC/MS method, defined as 5 times the signal-to-noise ra tained in this manner still remained higher than those obtained
tio, was 0.015 ppm. Similar results were obtained by Schoen with the GC/MS method. Because the incurred THPI residues
and Winterlin ( 1 1 ). found in the baby foods were so low, we did not attempt to
When the results for 13 fruits obtained through the ELISA determine the possible precursors of THPI, such as captan or
and GC/MS methods were compared, the correlation was captafol.
good. The correlation coefficient between the ELISA results (x In conclusion, none of the baby food samples contained a
axis) and the GC/MS results (y axis) was 0.88 and the slope was concentration of combined captan and THPI that exceeded the
0.80 (Table 3). All strawberry samples contained THPI and/or maximum residue limit in Canada of 5.0 ppm. A sensitive
captan. No false positives were observed with the ELISA GC/MS method was developed for the confirmative determi
method. However, 3 samples were detected with the GC/MS nation of THPI levels in foods. The described ELISA method
method that were below the detection limit of the ELISA for determining THPI concentration was less accurate and pre
method. The detection limits of the ELISA and the GC/MS cise in complex matrixes, such as baby foods, than GC/MS. On
methods were 0.150 and 0.015 ppm, respectively. If the mini the other hand, it did not give any false negative data. Our re
mum detection limit for the ELISA method is considered the sults demonstrate that the ELISA method can serve effectively
predetermined cutoff point for both systems, then no false as a primary screening method in a complex food matrix. It has
negatives were found with the ELISA method. the advantage of being both time-saving and cost-effective.
The mean recovery data for apple sauce and apple juice Many samples can be screened for THPI in a short time with
baby foods at 3 levels of fortification were 91.8 and 96.4%, the ELISA method, and any negative results can be eliminated
respectively, for the ELISA method and 87.8 and 94.5%, re from further analysis by the GC/MS method.
spectively, for the GC/MS method (Table 4). These figures
were similar to the results obtained with the GC/MS method R eferen ces
for strawberry samples. Excellent correlation was obtained
when the actual quantification values were correlated, with r = (1) Canadian Food & Drugs Act and Regulation (1990) 503
0.99 and slope = 0.93. (2) G ilvyd is, D .M ., W alters, S.M ., Spivak, E.S., & Hedblad,
In the survey of combined captan and THPI in baby foods, R. K . (1986) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 69, 803-806
90 products were sampled. With the GC/MS method, 8 sam (3) W interlin W .L., K ilgore, W .W ., M ourer, C.R., & Schoen,
ples were found to contain THPI at levels ranging from 0.019 S. R. (1984) J.Agric. Food Chem. 32, 664-672
to 0.041 ppm. With the ELISA method, 20 samples tested posi (4) Frank, R., Braun, H.E., & Stanek, J. (1983) Arch. Environ.
tive for THPI with levels ranging from 0.157 to 1.776 ppm Contam. Toxicol. 12, 265-269
(Table 5). Twelve samples showed false positive results with (5) El-Zem aity, M .S. (1988) Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 40,
the ELISA method, but no false negative result was observed. 75-79
All of the green bean samples were positive with both methods, (6) Ritcey, G ., Frank, R., M cEwen, F.L., & Braun, H .E. (1987)
but the values were significantly higher with the ELISA assay. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 38, 840-846
This result suggested that a constituent or an additive of the (7) Kaufm an, B .M ., & C low er Jr, M . (1991) J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
green beans produced interference in the ELISA. Uniformly, Chem. 74, 239-247
the ELISA method gave higher estimates of THPI than the (8) Jung, F. Gee, S.J., Harrison, R.O ., Goodrow, M .H ., Kara,
GC/MS method in baby foods other than green beans. Presum A .E ., Braun, A .L ., L i, Q.X., & Hammock, B .D . (1989) Pes-
ably, the antibodies cross-reacted with some of the ingredients tic. Sci. 26, 303-317
in baby foods because this phenomenon was not observed with (9) Newsome, W .H., Yeung, J.M ., & C ollins, P.G. (1993) J.
the raw fruit. It should be pointed out that this matrix effect was AOAC Int. 76, 381-386
not evident in the spiked samples of one of the solid (apple (10) Newsome, W .H., & C ollins, P.G. (1990) Food & Agriculture
sauce) and one of the liquid (apple juice) baby foods (Table 4). Immunology 2, 75-84
When 200 pL instead of 100 pL of each of the extracts was (11) Schoen, S.R., & W in te rlin W .L. (1982) J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
analyzed, similar results for THPI were obtained, except that Chem. 65, 1382-1384
1230 K h u n a c h a k Et A l .: Jo u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
L iq u id C h ro m a to g ra p h ic D e te rm in a tio n o f M o x id e c tin R e s id u e s
C h ro m a to g ra p h y /M a s s S p e c tro m e try
M oxidectin, a p o te n t new en d o - a n d e c to p a ra sitic nation of the structurally similar ivermectin in cattle and sheep
ag e n t, is d eterm in e d in cattle tis s u e s by liquid ch ro tissues, our first objective was to ascertain the method’s appli
m ato g rap h y (LC) with flu o re sc e n c e d etectio n . Mox cability to the determination of moxidectin residues in cattle
idectin re s id u e s in cattle fat are confirm ed with fat, muscle, liver, and kidney. Our second objective was to
th e rm o sp ra y L C /m ass sp e c tro m e try (MS). Mox evaluate the suitability of thermospray LC/mass spectrometry
idectin is ex tra cted from th e tis s u e with a c e to n i (MS) as a confirmatory technique for the direct analysis of cat
trile; th e ex tra ct is partitioned with h exane, c o n c e n tle fat extracts from the LC/fluorescence method. Direct
trated , a n d re a c te d with a c e tic anhydride, LC/MS of these extracts for confirmation would circumvent
1 -m ethylim idazole, a n d dim ethylform am ide to pro the lengthy and involved confirmatory method developed for
d u c e a flu o re sc e n t p ro d u ct. T he validated sen sitiv ivermectin, which requires a tedious cleanup before determina
ity of th e L C /fluorescence m ethod w a s 10 ppb, with tion by tandem MS (9).
a limit of d etec tio n typically betw een 1 an d 2 ppb.
A verage re co v erie s from cattle fat, m uscle, liver, METHOD
a n d kidney w ere 99, 95, 89, a n d 92%, respectively.
LC/MS confirm atory m ethod d eterm in ed th e underi- Special N otes
vatized p aren t c o m p o u n d follow ing th e a c e to n itrile -
h ex a n e partitioning ste p , with an a v e rag e recovery Thoroughly rinse all clean glassware with water followed
of 108% at th e 250 p p b level in cattle fat. by acetone, and let dry before use. The presence of moisture
will interfere with the derivatization reaction. All solvents
should be distilled in glass and suitable for pesticide analyses
M oxidectin (Figure 1) is a potent new antiparasitic (Burdick & Jackson Laboratories, Inc., or equivalent). Water
agent. Its structure is related to the milbemycins (1, should be purified by Milli-Q water purification system (Mil-
lipore Corp.), or equivalent. To avoid contamination, the reac
2) and avermectins (3), which have a novel mode
tion of
vials should be cleaned after each use as follows: Rinse
action against a broad spectrum of nematode and arthropod with acetone and soak in detergent and water for several hours
parasites of animals (4). Common features of these compounds or overnight. Rinse well with distilled water and then deionized
are a fused cyclohexene-tetrahydrofuran ring system, a bicy- water. Rinse with acetone again and let vials dry completely.
clic 6 ,6 -membered spiroketal, and a cyclohexene ring fused to
the 16-membered macrocyclic lactone ring. R eagents and Apparatus for LC/Fluorescence
Studies of the disposition, excretion, and metabolism of ra
diolabeled moxidectin in cattle, sheep, and rats were reported (a) Moxidectin standard solutions.—Prepare standard so
by our laboratories (5-7). Only part-per-billion levels of drug- lutions containing 10, 1.0, and 0.1 pg moxidectin/mL metha
related radioactivity were detected in various organs and tis nol. Standard solutions are stable for 1 month when stored in a
sues. All species showed very similar metabolic patterns, and refrigerator at 4°C. Moxidectin is available from American Cy
the unaltered drug is the major residue at all time points studied. anamid Co., Agricultural Research Div., Princeton, NJ.
Considering the lipophilic nature of moxidectin, its greatest (b) LC standard solutions.—Pipet 1.0 mL of the 0.1 pg/mL
persistence in fat was entirely reasonable; therefore, fat was the standard solution and 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 mL of the 1.0 pg/mL
target cattle tissue for regulatory purposes. standard solution into separate reaction vessels. Evaporate to
Because the liquid chromatographic (LC)/fluorescence dryness and derivatize as described in Determination by
method of Tway et al. (8 ) proved satisfactory for the determi- LC/Fluorescence. Dilute each with 10 mL methanol to give
derivatized standard solutions containing 0.01, 0.02,0.05, and
Received July 24, 1992. Accepted February 9, 1993.
0.1 pg/mL, respectively. The 0.05 pg/mL derivatized standard
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
is prepared with each set of samples analyzed and is the work-
K h u n a c h a k E t A l .: Jo u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1231
separate, and draw the lower aqueous phase into a 150 mL in ng/mL of the LC standard solution (usually 50 ng/mL), and
beaker. Slowly decant the upper hexane phase into a new W = g sample used in the analysis (usually 10 g).
500 mL round-bottom flask, but leave the last few milliliters of
Determination b y LC/MS
the aqueous phase in the separatory funnel. Pour the aqueous
phase in the beaker back into the separatory funnel. Rinse the Follow Determination by LC/Fluorescence for sample ex
beaker with 100 mL hexane, add to the funnel, and repeat the traction and the partitioning cleanup. Do not use the derivati
partitioning. Evaporate the combined hexane to dryness. zation procedure and subsequent cleanup. After evaporating
Transfer the residue in the 500 mL round-bottom flask to a the combined hexane extracts from the partitioning step, recon
100 mL round-bottom flask by using two 10 mL portions of stitute the dry residue in 10 mL LC/MS mobile phase. Inject
methanol. Evaporate to dryness or as dry as possible. Dissolve 100 |iL aliquots of the LC/MS standard solution (250 ng/mL)
the residue with 2 mL methanol, and transfer to a micro reac and the sample extracts. Measure the retention time of the ana
tion vessel by using a disposable Pasteur pipet. Repeat with lyte peak in the m/z 640 mass chromatogram, and obtain the
another 2 mL methanol and transfer to the same vial. Evaporate background subtracted intensities of the m/z 640,622, and 528
the combined methanol in the vial to dryness or as dry as pos ions. Calculate the residue in parts per billion by using the
sible by using the Reacti-Vap evaporator with a stream of air. equation given in Determination by LC/Fluorescence.
Add 0.5 mL of the reaction solution to the vial and cap tightly.
Heat the vial, using the Reacti-Block and the heating module, R esu lts a n d D iscu ssio n
at 95°C for 1 h. Let cool for at least 30 min.
Add 1 mL hexane to the cooled solution in the vial, cap The basic approach of Tway et al. (8 ) for determining iver
tightly, and shake for 1 min. Let sit for a few minutes, and de mectin in animal tissues was found to be directly applicable to
cant the solution into a 10 mL disposable syringe connected to
determining moxidectin residues in cattle tissues. The analyti
a Florisil Sep-Pak. Let the solution move into the Florisil by
cal scheme used extraction, partition, derivatization, final
gravity for ca 1 min and then use the plunger and apply slight
cleanup, and determination by LC with fluorescence detection.
pressure to push the clean hexane solution into the Florisil Sep-
Several modifications to the procedure of Tway et al. proved
Pak. Collect the eluant in a 100 mL round-bottom flask. Pull
particularly beneficial for the determination of moxidectin in
the plunger out of the syringe. Connect a Millex-HV micro fil
cattle tissues. First, acetonitrile was substituted for acetone-
ter to the other end of the Sep-Pak. Add 3 mL hexane to the vial,
water as the initial extractant and was found applicable for all
cap, and shake for 10 s. Add the hexane rinse to the syringe, use
tissues. For ivermectin, isooctane had to be added to the ace
the plunger to apply pressure to push the hexane through the
tone-water to extract fat samples. Second, the precipitation of
Sep-Pak, and collect this rinse in the same 100 mL round-bot
extraneous tissue materials in the initial ivermectin extracts
tom flask. Disconnect the syringe from the Sep-Pak and pull
was not required in the determination of moxidectin. Sample
the plunger out. Reconnect the syringe to the Sep-Pak, add
preparation of moxidectin extracts did not require centrifuga
5 mL hexane to the syringe, and use the plunger to push the
tion. The final and most analytically useful modification was
hexane though the Sep-Pak into the same round-bottom flask.
the substitution of hexane for chloroform as the eluant in the
Evaporate the combined hexane to dryness by using a rotary
Sep-Pak cleanup step before LC/fluorescence determination.
evaporator. Add 5 mL methanol to the flask, swirl, and transfer
Whereas hexane elution left essentially all of the color of the
this solution by using a disposable pipet into a 10 mL volumet
final derivatized extract on the cartridge, elution with chloro
ric flask. Rinse the flask with 4 mL of additional methanol, and
form did not. The net result was a much cleaner chromatogram
transfer into the same volumetric flask. Add more methanol to
(Figure 2) without the intense, prolonged solvent tail present in
the volumetric flask to dilute to the mark and mix well. Inject
chromatograms of ivermectin extracts.
100 pL aliquots onto the LC system. Dilute samples containing
To validate the LC/fluorescence method, nonmedicated cat
high drug residues to fit on the standard curve.
tle tissues were spiked with methanolic solutions of moxidectin
Quantitate samples and standards by peak height. Check the
and immediately carried through the assay. Recoveries were
linearity of the standard curve by using the LC standard solu
ran in the fortification ranges of 1 0 to 1 0 0 0 ppb for fat samples
tions (10-100 ng/mL) prepared from moxidectin standard so
and 10 to 500 ppb for the other tissues (Table 1). Recoveries
lutions carried through the derivatization and Sep-Pak purifi
expressed as the average ±1 standard deviation (SD) were 99
cation procedures. Because the LC standard solutions are not
± 9% for fat, 95 ± 15% for muscle, 89 ± 18% for liver, and 92
stable for long-term storage, prepare a fresh 50 ng/mL standard
± 12% for kidney. Control tissues showed apparent moxidectin
for use as the working standard for each set of samples ana
residues of < 1 - 2 ppb, which is the limit of detection of the
lyzed. Calculate the residue in ppb as follows:
method. The specificity of the method was checked against the
Residue (ppb) = R(samp) x V x C(std) x DF/[R(std) x W\ following animal health products, none of which were found to
interfere: ivermectin, fenbendazole, levamisole, monensin,
oxytetracycline, procaine penicillin G, rafoxanide, sul
where //(samp) = response of the sample, R(std) = response of famethazine, and trenbolone.
the standard, V = volume in mL of the final solution for LC LC/fluorescence determination was applied to a residue de
(usually 10 mL), DF - dilution of the sample if V is too con pletion study of cattle dosed at 0 . 2 mg/kg moxidectin by sub
centrated (DF = 1 if no dilution made), C(std) = concentration cutaneous injection. For this study, liver, muscle, kidney, and
K h u n a c h a k E t A l .: Jo u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1233
528 3 622
Sam ple 640 640 ppb
(7) W u, S.-S., Stout, S.J., daCunha, A .R ., B iro c, S., Singh, S., (9) Tway, PC., D ow ning, G.V., Slayback, J.R.B., Rahn, G.S., &
W ashington, J., & Rajan, S. (1993) “ A bsorption, D istrib u Isensee, R .K . (1984) Biomed. Mass. Spectrom. 11, 172-176
tion , E xcretion, and M etabolism o f M oxidectin in the Rat,” (10) Sphon, J.A. (1978) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 61, 1247-1252
Presented at the 5th N orth Am erican ISSX M eeting, Tucson, (11) DeRuig, W .G., Stephany, R.W ., & D ijkstra, G. (1989) J . Ay-
A Z , paper N o. 190 soc. O ff Anal. Chem. 72, 487^190
(8) Tway, P.C., W ood, J.S., & D ow ning, G.V. (1981) J. Agric.
F o o d Chem. 29, 1059-1063
in S h rim p (P e n a e u s v a n n a m e i) M u s c le T is s u e b y L iq u id
C h ro m a to g ra p h y w ith U V D e te c tio n
A liquid ch ro m a to g ra p h ic (LC) m eth o d w a s devel N itrofurazone (NFZ) and furazolidone (FZD) belong to
o p e d for th e sim u lta n e o u s determ in atio n of nitro a class of highly effective synthetic antimicrobial com
fu razo n e (NFZ) a n d fu razo lid o n e (FZD) in sh rim p pounds called nitrofurans. A furan ring bearing a nitro
m u sc le tis su e . T h e d ru g s a re e x tra c te d from th e tis group at position 5 is a characteristic structural component of
s u e with acetonitrile, a n d th e lipids a n d lipophilic these compounds (Figure 1).
p ig m en ts a re rem ov ed from th e e x tra c t with hex Nitrofurans have a history of common use in the poultry and
an e. The rem aining aceto n itrile ex tra ct is ev a p o swine industries as both therapeutics and feed additives. How
rated by ro tary ev a p o ratio n , a n d th e re su lta n t ever, nitrofuran residues in food are now a major concern, be
re s id u e s a re d isso lv e d with LC -grade w ater, a p cause they have been implicated as carcinogens and mutagens
plied to a p re co n d itio n e d Cis so lid -p h a se ex tra c (1) and can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Re
tion colu m n , a n d elu ted with acetonitrile. T he cently, the U.S. Food and Drag Administration (FDA) with
aceto n itrile e lu an t is th e n d ried u n d e r nitrogen, an d drew approval of nitrofurans and moved to ban them for oral
th e re su lta n t d ru g re s id u e s a re d isso lv e d with m o or parenteral use in all food-producing animals (2). FDA also
bile p h a s e a n d filtered. T he d ru g s a re d eterm in ed placed the highest priority on preventing nonpermitted extra
by LC by u sin g a Cis re v e rse d -p h a se (octyldecyl- label use of still-approved topical nitrofuran preparations (2 ).
silyl Hypersil) colu m n, a m obile p h a s e of acetoni- Although successful aquaculture requires the use of thera
trile-1 % a q u e o u s a c e tic acid (25 + 75, v/v), a n d a peutic treatments, few therapeutic drugs are registered for use
p h o to d io d e array UV d e te c to r a t 375 nm . NFZ an d in the United States, and only slightly more are permitted in
FZD w ere d eterm in e d in sh rim p tis s u e at e a c h of 5 European and Asian countries. Regulations governing the use
sp ik in g lev els (64, 3 2 ,1 6 , 8, a n d 4 ng drug/g tissu e). of nitrofurans for this purpose vary from country to country.
A b so lu te re c o v e rie s ra n g e d from 70.6 to 78.4%, FDA does not allow the registration of any nitrofuran for
a n d relative s ta n d a rd d ev iatio n s ra n g ed from 4.0 to aquaculture and has set a zero tolerance limit for these com
13.6%. T he limit of d e te c tio n of p u re sta n d a rd of pounds (3). Concern arises from the potential extra-label use of
e a c h d ru g w a s app roxim ately th e eq u iv ale n t of 1 any therapeutic compounds (especially nitrofurans) in
ng drug /g tis s u e , a n d th e limit of determ in atio n in a aquaculture species such as shrimp.
sa m p le w a s 4 ng drug/g tissu e . The detection of parent nitrofurans in animal tissue after
slaughter is difficult at best, because nitrofuran drags metabo
lize quickly, forming multiple metabolites. On the basis of re
Received Novem ber 10, 1992. Accepted February 24, 1993. cent research, this is apparently true of catfish (Ictalurus punc-
1236 Rupp E t A l .: Journal O f AO AC Internation a i . V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
(k) Tubes.— Falcon graduated 50 mL polypropylene cen upper hexane layerwith an aspirator,taking carenottocarry
trifugetubes(Cat.No. 2098,Becton Dickinson,Lincoln Park, overany acetonitrile.Add 10 mL absoluteethanol totheace
NJ 07035). Eppendorf 1.5 mL polypropylene standard micro tonitrile,and evaporate on arotaryevaporatorunder medium
testtubes(Cat.No. 22 36 380-8,Brinkmann InstrumentsCo.). vacuum at45°toavolume of2-5 mL (orwhen theliquidjust
(l) S y rin g e b a rr e ls. — Luer-Lok 3 cc disposable poly startstolookmilky).Add anadditional2 mL absoluteethanol,
propylenesyringes(Cat.No. 9585, Becton Dickinson & Co.). andcontinuerotaryevaporationuntilthereisathickliquidresi
(m) S y rin g e f ilte r s . — 13 mm Puradisc disposable due (ca2 mL). At thispoint,add an additional2 mL absolute
polypropylene filters(Cat.No. 6788-1304, Whatman Labora ethanol toevaporate todryness. Remove promptly when dry.
toryDivision,Clifton,NJ 07014). (Thisisagood shortbreakingpoint.)
(n) A s p ir a to r . — 500mL vacuumflaskpluggedwithTeflon Add 2 mL LC-grade watertotheflask,stopper,swirlwell
tube20x 1/8in.od, 1/,fittedthrougharubberstopper aroundthewallsoftheflasktodissolveanysolids,ventbriefly,
with side arm connected towater aspirator vacuum. [Tubing andsonicatefor5min.PrimeaC18SPE column (6cccapacity)
functionsastheworkingendofwateraspirator.Used withcare by rinsingwith5mL methanolfollowedby5 mL water.Trans
and placed atthetop edge ofthe hexane againsttheinsideof fer the analyte-containing water to the primed SPE column
theglass,thetube can suctionoffalmost allthehexane layer. withaPasteurpipet.Rinsethecolumn with4 mL water.Elute
Care must be taken so asnottoremove theloweracetonitrile theanalytesslowly(<3 mL/min) with 5 mL acetonitrileintoa
layer(ifthishappens,theinterfaceoflayersatthesuctionarea smallglasstesttubeuntiltheSPE columnisdry.Dry theeluate
appearsdistorted).The hexaneiscollectedinthevacuum flask under nitrogen at <45°C. Remove promptly when dry. Add
forlaterrecycling.] 1.00 mL mobilephasetothetesttube,mixbyvortexingbriefly,
(o) L C v ia ls a n d se p tu m c a p s. — Clearglassvials,32 X 11 and then transferthe liquidby using a disposable glass pipet
mm id(partNo.5180-4197);aluminumcapswithseptum(part intoa 3 cc syringebarrelfittedwith a0.45 pm polypropylene
No. 5061-3370) (Hewlett-PackardCo.). filter(13 mm diameter).With theplunger,forcetheliquidout
(p) P a s te u r p ip e ts . — Disposableglass,5.75in.(14.6mm). ofthesyringebarreland throughthefilterintoanLC vial.Cap
(q ) P ip e tto r s . — Eppendorf micro adjustable KMOOpL thevialwith a septum cap.Injecta 50 pL portionintotheLC
and 100-1000pL pipettors(Brinkmann Instruments Co.); ad system foranalysis.
justable 5 mL pipettor(Cat. No. 851350, Wheaton Manufac
turers,Millville,NJ 08332). Determ ination
(r) P ip e t tip s. — 200-1000 pL Veri-tips (Cat. No. P5054-
24);1-250pL Veri-tips(Cat.No. P5054-23)(UlsterScientific, Measure fiedailychromatographicpeakareasobtainedfor
Div. of Baxter Diagnostics Inc., McGraw Park, EL 60085- dailystandards,equivalenttoatleast0.5a, and 2 x ng drug/g x ,
6787); 1-5 mL macro pipettips (Cat. No. 53503-826, VWR tissue, where x istheconcentration under study. These daily
Scientific,nationwide). standards are prepared by taking an appropriate aliquot of a
mixed working solutionanddilutingto 1mL withappropriate
Tissue Preparation microliteramounts ofacetonitrileand aqueous 1% aceticacid
togive the same composition as the mobile phase. Calculate
Remove headsandchitinfromfrozenshrimp. Keep tailtis regressiondataforeach analytefrom themeasuredpeakareas
suecoldand semiffozenby keeping inabeakerovericeuntil and correspondingconcentrations.
ready toprocess.Let shelledshrimp tailsp a r tia lly th a w (e.g., Injecta 50 pL aliquotofsample from theLC vialintothe
cold and firm to the touch but can be cut by knife). Using a liquidchromatograph, and measure thechromatographicpeak
stainlesssteelchef’sknifeandanonporous,high-densitypoly areas.Calculate theconcentrationsofNFZ and FZD from re
ethylene cutting board (Cat. No. 7339-00-900-9861, Federal gressionequationsofdailystandardcurves.
Supply Service, General ServiceAdministration, Washington
DC 20406, or equivalent), coarsely mince the tissue with a Recovery Study
chopping motion. (Thiscan be easilyaccomplished ifdone in
a semi-frozen state as specified. This hand-chopped method, Five 5 g portions of control shrimp were weighed into
compared tousing a blender, does not mash thetissue,which 50 mL polypropylene centrifugetubes.Contents ofeach tube
can promote degradation, and italso allows easy recovery of were fortifiedat64.00ng drug/gtissuewith 100 pL ofa3200
allbitsoftissueofftheboard.) ng/mL mixed working solution. Each of a setof5 replicates
was alsofortifiedatlevelsof32, 16,8,and4 ng drug/g tissue
Extraction and Cleanup
with 100 pL aliquotsfrom mixed working solutions of 1600,
Accurately weigh 5 ± 0.05 g finelychopped shrimp intoa 800, 400, ar.d200 ng/mL, respectively. The method was also
50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube. Add 100 pL mixed usedtostudya setof5 replicatesofshrimptissueblanks.
working solution to tissue. Add 20 mL acetonitrile, and ho Each day that a setof replicates was chromatographed, a
mogenizewithaTissuemizeratmedium speedforca45s.Cen dailystandardcurvewas constructedforeachdrugat0.5x, lx,
trifuge at3000 rpm for5 min, and decant supernatant into a and 2x the concentration under study. The equations of the
100 mL pear-shaped flask.Add 30 mL hexane (saturatedwith daily NFZ and FZD standard curves were used to determine
acetonitrile), stopper, and shake well forca 30 s.Let hexane drug levels (ng drug/g tissue) on the basis of peak areas ob
and acetonitrile layers fully separate (2-3 min). Remove the servedinchromatograms oftheseportions.
1238 R u p p E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O AC In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Table 1. Average recovery of nitrofurazone and tionofnitrofurazoneis 10ppb; recoveriesat4 ppb and above
furazolidone from fortified shrimp muscle tissue by LC were over70% and fellwellwithinCVM guidelines.
determination NFZ and FZD have very similarUV spectra,withmaxima
Nitrofurazone Furazolidone atabout 375 nm. At thiswavelength, there are practically no
Added, Found, Absolute Found, Absolute
ng/g ng/ga rec., %b RSD, %c ng/ga rec., %b RSD, %c therefore, a selective chromatogram can be obtained (Fig
4.00d 2.9 73.0 11.5 2.8 70.6 12.6 The limitofdetection(signal:noise,3:1)ofapure standard
8.00 6.1 76.4 11.2 5.8 72.2 5.5 ofNFZ andFZD isapproximatelytheequivalentof1ngdrug/g
16.00 12.3 77.2 10.4 11.7 73.1 13.6 tissue. Intissue,4 ng drug/gtissueisthelimitofquantitation
32.00 24.5 76.6 4.2 23.9 74.7 4.9 (signaknoise, 10:1).
64.00 48.8 76.2 5.2 50.1 78.4 4.0
Extraction and Cleanup
a Average peak area of 5 replicates vs daily standard curve of Vfe x,
1x, and 2 x level added.
b Absolute rec. = (Found + Added) x 100. One extractionoftheshrimpmuscletissuewithacetonitrile
c RSD, relative standard deviation am ong peak areas of 5 replicates. gave good recoveriesoftheanalytes (Table 1) and prevented
d Four replicates. carryover ofunwanted particulatematter. On thebasis ofour
previous research with catfishtissue, a second extraction did
notsignificantlyimproverecovery.Additionally,a secondho
mogenizationwas made difficultasaresultofhardeningofthe
3 daily standards were injectedonto theLC column todeter
mine peak areas foruse inthecalculation ofregression data.
lipidremoval followed by SPE cleanup and filtrationresulted
FDA Center forVeterinary Medicine (CVM) guidelines (12)
in a solution thatchromatographed well, with no significant
setaminimum analyterecoveryat60% forsamplescontaining
inherentinterferingpeaks (Figures2aand2b).The initialpeak
<100 ng drug/g tissue, and a relative standard deviation of
atabout0.9 min inthefortifiedtissueextractisresidualfrom
<20%. the previous run; the retention time isconsistent because of
injectionontotheLC by automaticsequencing.Thispeak was
Results and Discussion not evident when single injections were run manually during
development, and therefore, could be minimized by a se
M ethod Performance quenced rantimelongerthan6 min asperformedon therepli
Average absoluterecoveries ofdrug residuesfrom 5 repli When both nitrogen and rotary vacuum evaporation are
cates offortified shrimp tissue were calculated for NFZ and used,itisimportanttouseawaterbathtemperature<45°C and
FZD ateach of 5 fortificationlevels. These average absolute toremovesamplespromptlywhen drytoavoidlossofanalytes.
recoveries, one foreach level and drug, ranged from 70.6 to Absoluteethanolwas usedduringtherotaryvacuum evapora
78.4%, and the corresponding relative standard deviations tionsteptofacilitatetheremovalofwater.The ethanolmustbe
rangedfrom4.0to 13.6% (Table 1).The targetlevelfordetec added before rotaryvacuum evaporation toadjustthesurface
Figure 2. Liquid chromatograms of (a) shrimp control and (b) shrimp fortified with nitrofurazone (NFZ) and
furazolidone (FZD): concentration, 16 ng drug/g tissue.
R u p p E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1239
tensionandpreventsudden,strongbubblingupintotheinstru Acknowledgments
cleartrendwas obviousintheexactamount ofethanolneeded We thankthosechemists who contributedtime and insight
tocompletelydryasample,butstepwiseadditionsof10,2,and intothedevelopmentofthismethod:JoseE.RoybalandDavid
2 mL gave good results.The number ofethanol additions ap C. Holland, Animal Drugs Research Center, FDA; Steve M.
pearstobe more criticaltotheevaporationthanthevolume of Plakas,DivisionofSeafoodResearch(DauphinIsland),FDA;
ethanoladded.Thepurposeoftakingtheextracttodrynesswas andJeffreyA.Hurlbut,ScienceAdvisor,DenverDistrict,FDA.
toleavebehindno organic solventcomponent thatmightpre
vent some of the analytes from fully adhering when sub References
sequently applied in 100% water to a C18SPE column. The
aliquotofwateraddedtotheresidueintheflaskcontainingthe (1) Yndestad,M. (1990)“PublicHealthAspectsofResiduesin
analytes must be swirled well and sonicated to solubilize as AnimalProducts:FundamentalConsiderations,”paperfrom
much analyte as possible. Note thatthe water istoo polar to DepartmentofFoodHygiene,NorwegianCollegeofVeteri
dissolve allthe less-polarresidues (mainly pigments) on the naryMedicine,Oslo,Norway
flaskwalls. (2) Anonymous (1992)F ood Chem. N ew s 35(4),12
Throughout theprocedure, portions oforange shrimp pig (3) Schnick,R.A.(1990)“ChemicalsforWorldwideAquacul
mentsareremoved witheachsucceedingstep.Roughlyhalfof ture,”presentedattheWorkshoponFishDiseaseandFish
thepigmentseems tobe lipophilicand isremoved alongwith HealthManagement,Pusan,Korea,October8-15
thehexane wash. Some pigmentisnotsolubilizedinthewater (4) Vroomen,L.H.M.,Beighmans,M.CJ.,Groten,J.P.,Koe-
with the analytes; itadheres to the sides of the pear-shaped man,J.H.,& VanBladeren,P.J.(1988)Toxicol. Appl.
Pharmacol. 95,53-60
flask.More pigmentstaysontheSPE column.Duringthefinal
nitrogen evaporation, the remaining pigment tends to clump (5) Vroomen,L.H.M.,Berghmans,M.C.J.,Hekman, P.,Hoogen-
boom,L.A.P.,& Kuiper,H.A.(1988)Xenobiotica 17(12),
togetherand sticktotheglasstesttubewallsortoitself.Even 1427-1435
afteritismixed by vortexingwith mobile phase, thepigment
(6) Laurensen,J.J.,& Nouws,J.F.M.(1989)J. Chromatogr. 472,
remains undissolved and is easily removed by filtering (a 321-326
polypropylene filter,0.45 pm X 13 mm diameter,works best)
(7) Suortti,T.,& Heinonen,K.(1987)Chrom atographia 24,
togiveaclearsolution. 344-346
(8) Burkepile,R.G.,& Torda,S.B.(1980)FDA Lab. Information
Conclusion Bull., No. 2449,Rockville,MD
(9) Nagata,T.,& Saeki,M. (1991)J. Liq. Chromatogr. 14,2551-
Low nanogram quantitiesofNFZ and FZD in shrimp can 2561
be determinedby thismethod.The methodrequiresonly 1day (10) Nose,N.,Hoshino,Y.,Kikuchi,Y.,Horie,M.,Saitoh,K.,
fortheanalysisof8samples,from thetissuepreparationtothe Kawachi,T.,& Nakazawa,H.(1987)J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
chromatography. The results can be expected to fall within Chem. 70,714-717
CVM guidelinesforfishtissuecontaining<100 ng drug/gtis (11) Samuelsen,O.(1990)J. Chromatogr. 528,495-500
sue.The use ofthismethod on othershrimp and aquaculture (12) Anonymous (1989)A n alytical M eth od Trial P rocedures ,
speciesisbelieved possible. Incurred shrimp samples willbe CenterforVeterinaryMedicine,FoodandDmg Administra
analyzeddependingon availability. tion,Rockville,MD
1240 J u n e E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
G eraldine A.June,Patricia S.Sherrod,R. M iguel Amaguana,W allace H . A ndrews,and Thomas S.H ammack
U.S. Food and Drag Administration,Division ofMicrobiological Studies,200 C St,SW, Washington, DC 20204
The relative retention of the indigenous morpho S h ig e lla (2,3),shigellosisoutbreakshave been causedby raw
logical, biochemical, and serological charac oysters,fish,andgroundmeats(2,5,6).Thesefoodshadeither
teristics by S h ig e lla s o n n e i was tested under vari beentakenfromfecallycontaminatedwatersorwerecontami
ous storage conditions (room temperature, natedby infectedfoodhandlers.However, thenumber ofcases
refrigeration, freezing at -20°C and at -70°C, and of foodbome shigellosis may actuallybe higher than thatre
lyophilization). The use of a selective (desoxycho- ported, because traditional culture methods for isolating
late citrate) agar rather than a nonselective (brain S h ig e lla fromfoods arerelativelyinsensitive(2,3,7).The cul
heart infusion) agar gave a lower conversion rate turingofS h ig e lla fromfoodsisdifficult,becausetheorganisms
of smooth to rough colonies, and the percentage of
are oftenfound in very low numbers (7), and theirgrowth is
rough colonies derived from cultures stored for
inhibitedby acidsproducedby competitivemicroflora(8-11).
prolonged periods increased under all conditions.
With respect to biochemical characteristics, there
Even withanenrichmentmedium containinglittleornocarbo
were no major differences in the reactions of
hydrate,S h ig e lla cannotbe recoveredfromfoodsunlessitsin
smooth vs rough variants. For serological charac itiallevelofcontamination isatleast 106organismsper gram
teristics, smooth variants agglutinated more read (7).
ily in homologous antisera than did rough variants. The difficultyinisolatingS. so n n e i isfurtherexacerbatedby
S. s o n n e i populations maintained at -70°C with thefactthatS. so n n e i producesbothsmoothandroughcolonies
glycerol remained reasonably stable and were (3,12).CellsofS. so n n e i thatproducesmoothcoloniesaredes
used in recovery studies. Up to six foods (potato ignatedForm Icoloniesandarevirulent.Form IIcoloniesgive
salad, chicken salad, cooked salad shrimp, lettuce, arough appearance and areaviralent.Loss ofa 120-megadal-
raw ground beef, and raw oysters) were inoculated tonplasmidwasfoundtocorrelatewithalossofvirulence.This
with unstressed, chill-stressed, or freeze-stressed plasmid codes for the synthesis of specific O antigen side
S. s o n n e i cells. Test portions (25 g) were inocu chains of the lipopolysaccharide thatgives the colonies their
lated with serial 10-fold dilutions of culture and sub smooth appearance(13).Itwas reportedthatthecellslosethis
sequently analyzed by the culture method de
plasmid at a rate of 1-50%, depending on the strain (13).
scribed in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s
RoughcoloniesofS. so n n e i may appearatypicalandtheorgan
B a c te r io lo g ic a l A n a ly t ic a l M a n u a l. It was found that
the method was relatively ineffective for the recov
ery of S. s o n n e i from raw ground beef and raw oys
studies showed that this dimorphism was especially pro
ters. nounced when thecultureswere stored forprolonged periods
atroom temperature.
The currentculturemethod describedintheU.S. Food and
I n recentyears,thenumber ofreportedcasesofshigellosis DragAdministration’s(FDA)B a c te r io lo g ic a l A n a ly tic a l M a n
has increased. Classically known as a waterborne patho u a l (BAM) (14) selectsforS h ig e lla by enrichinginalow car
gen, S h ig e lla has been found with greater frequency in bohydratemedium, andincubatinginananaerobicatmosphere
foodbome outbreaks. From 1961 to 1975, there were 72 out atanelevatedtemperatureinthepresenceoftheantibioticno
breaks (10 648 cases) of foodbome shigellosis and 38 out vobiocin.Before attemptingtoimprove thecurrentmethodol
breaks (5893 cases) ofwaterborne shigellosis (1).The foods ogy,we decided todetermineitseffectivenessinrecoveringS.
most oftenimplicatedascauses ofshigellosisarepotato salad so n n e i from variousfoods.The objectivesofthisstudy,there
and salads containing chicken or fish(1, 2). Raw vegetables fore,weretodetermineoptimalstorageconditionsforretaining
have been implicated toa lesserextent(1,3,4).Even though the organism’s indigenous morphological, biochemical, and
humans and higher primates are the only natural host of
recovery ofS. so n n e i from variousfoods by thecurrentBAM
Received February 13, 1993. Accepted May 4, 1993.
J u n e E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1241
Figure 1. Effect of plating agars BHI and DCA on the smooth-to-rough conversion of Shigella sonnetstrain 9290
stored under the following conditions: A, at room temperature and at 4°C; B, at -20°C; C, at -70°C; D, lyophilized and
stored in the refrigerator.
Butterfield’sphosphate buffer, and 50 mL of this slurry was S h ig e lla brothwithnovobiocin(0.5pg/mL) was addedtoeach
added to the flask. From a stock culture, a subculture was foodexceptraw oysters.A 200mL portionofaspecialstrength
placedinBHI brothand incubated 18-24 h at35°C.The cells of S h ig e lla broth was added to 50 mL aliquotsofinoculated
werewashedtwicewithButterfield’sphosphatebuffer.Forthe rawoysters.The specialstrengthofS h ig e lla brothwas adjusted
chill-stressed cellinjury,the cellswere stored 7 days at4°C. to account forthe buffer in the raw oyster slurry. The flasks
The method of Ray et al. (16) was used to lfeeze-stress the were held atroom temperature for 10 min and theircontents
cells. Specifically, cells from overnight trypticase soy (with were swirled at5 min intervals. After 10 min, thepH of the
yeast extract) broth cultures were washed twice with sterile suspension was adjustedto7.0± 0.2 ifnecessary. The flasks
waterandresuspended. Aliquots (10 mL) were frozenrapidly wereincubatedanaerobically20 h incirculatingwaterbathsat
in an acetone-dry ice bath, and then thawed 75 min at4°C. 44°C. Each flask was mixed well, and the contents were
From theunstressed,chill-stressed,orfreeze-stressedcellsus streakedonto MacConkey agar plates.The plateswere incu
pensions,serial 10-folddilutionswere made. From thesedilu batedaerobically20hat35°C. Suspiciouscoloniesweretrans
tions, 1mL aliquotswere inoculatedintoduplicatesetsofthe ferredtotriplesugariron(TSI)agar.TSI slantsthatgave typi
25 g foodportionsinErlenmeyerflasksandmixed well.Aero calS h ig e lla reactions were confirmed biochemically with the
bicplatecountswere performed on thedilutionstodetermine MICRO-ID system and serologicallywith group-specific so
the viable counts of the inocula. After inoculation, 225 mL maticantiserum.
J u n e E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1243
Table 2. Serological reactions of smooth3 and rough Table 3. Discrepant biochemical reactions of smooth
variants of Shigella sonnei (strain 9290) stored under and rough variants of Shigella sonnei (strain 9290)
various conditions and subsequently plated on stored under various conditions
desoxychoiate citrate agar Discrepant
Length biochemical
Rough colonies'*
Maintenance Length of of reactions3
condition storage, days Trial 1 Trial 2 Maintenance storage, Morphc logical
condition days appearance KCNb Lactose0
Table 4. Effectiveness of BAM culture method for recovery of unstressed Shigella sonnei cells from selected foods
Strain number Inoculum viable count3 Recovery41 Strain number Inoculum viable count3 Recovery6
5 4x10° + _
Negative control - - O
5.4x10 — +
25931 1.6x104 + + 5.4x10 - -
1.6x103 + + 5.4x10° - -
1.6x102 + + 5.4x10"1 - -
1.6x10 + + Negative control - -
1.6x10° + +
1.6x10“1 - -
Negative control - -
Table 5. Effectiveness of BAM culture method for recovery of chill-stressed3 S h i g e l l a sonnet cells from selected foods
Strain number Inoculum viable countb Recoveryc Strain number Inoculum viable countb Recoveryc
25931 4.8x104 + +
Negative control _ -
4.8x10s + +
25931 5.3x10s + + 4.8x102 + +
5.3x102 + + 4.8x10 + +
5.3x10 + + 4.8x10° + +
5.3x10° + + 4.8x10"’ -
5.3x10"’ + - Negative control -
5.3x10"2 - -
5.9x10s + +
Negative control — —
5.9x104 + +
25931 5.8x104 + + 5.9x10s + -
5.8x103 + + 5.9x102 - -
5.8x102 + + 5.9x10 - -
5.8x10 + + 5.9x10° - -
5.8x10° - + Negative control - -
5.8x10"’ - -
5.8x10"2 - -
Negative control - - 9290 8.3x104 + +
8.3x10s + +
9290 7.2x104 + + 8.3x10 + -
7.2x10s + + 8.3x10° - -
7.2x102 + + 8.3x10"’ - -
6.0x10 + + 3.3x10 - -
6.0x10° + + 3.3x10° - -
6.0x10"’ - - 3.3x10"’ - -
Table 6. Effectiveness of BAM culture method for injurywere chosen,because S h ig e lla contamination occursin
recovery of freeze-stressed3 S h i g e l l a s o n n e i cells from foodssuchasdelisalads,lettuce,andchoppedmeats,whichare
selected foods normally stored in the refrigerator or the freezer. The lowest
Strain number Inoculum viable count* Recovery17 number ofchill-stressedcells(Table5)recoveredper25 g of
food were for strain 9290: potato salad (8.8 x 10°), chicken
COOKED SALAD SHRIMP salad (5.9 X 10°), cooked salad shrimp (7.2 X 1CT1)’lettuce
(6.8xioo}igj.ouncj(3CCf(g3 x 103),and raw oysters (8.3X 10);
9290 1.4x10® + +
forstrain25931: potato salad (5.3X KT»-chickensalad(5.8xioo^
1.4x104 + +
1.4x103 + + cookedsaladshrimp(6.0X 10°),lettuce(4.8X 10°),rawground
1.4x102 + + beef(5.9X 103),andraw oysters(3.3x 103).
1.4x10 + + Raw oysters,cooked saladshrimp, and ground beef,which
1.4x10° + + arelikelytobestoredfrozen,wereusedtoevaluatetherecov
1.4x10-1 - - eryoffreeze-stressedS. so n n e i cellsfromfoods (Table6).The
Negative control - - lowest number offreeze-stressed cellsrecovered per25 g of
25931 5.2x103 + + ground beef(1.1X 104),andraw oysters(7.6X 102);forstrain
5.2x102 + +
25931: cooked salad shrimp (5.2 x 10°), raw ground beef
5.2x10 + +
(4.4X 103),and raw oysters(2.1 X 103).
5.2x10° + +
EventhoughthecurrentBAM (14)methodrecoveredfewer
5.2x10“1 - -
cellsthanpreviouslyreported(7),itwas relativelyineffective
Negative control - -
forthe recovery ofS. so n n e i from raw ground beefand raw
RAW GROUND BEEF oysters;itseffectivenessforS. so n n e i decreased asthedegree
9290 1.1x10° +
ofinjurysustainedby thecellinoculumincreased.Becausethe
1.1x105 + +
infectivedose ofS h ig e lla canbe aslow as 10cellsperperson
1.1x104 + - (2,3),culturemethodsmustbe abletodeterminethislowlevel
1.1x103 - - ofcells.
1.1x102 - - Otherdisadvantagesofthemethod aretheneed touseele
1.1x10 - - vated temperatures and to use large anaerobic jars to obtain
1.1x10° - - anaerobicatmospheres.Theseconditionsmay limitthenumber
Negative control - - oftestportionsthatcanbeanalyzed,especiallyinsmallerlabo
ratories.Futureplansaretodevelopmore effectiveandpracti
25931 4.4x104 + + calmethods fortherecoveryofS h ig ella .
4.4x10s + +
4.4x10s - -
4.4x10 - -
4.4x10° - -
(1) Black, R.E., C raun, G.F., & B lake, P.A. (1978) A™. J.
4.4x10“1 - -
108,4 7 -5 2
E pidem iol.
Negative control - -
(2) Sm ith, J.L., & B uchanan, R .L. (1992) in Com pendium o f
M ethods f o r the M ic ro b io lo g ic a l E xam ination o f Foods, 3rd
Ed., C. Vanderzant & D.F. S plittstoesser (Eds), A m erican
9290 7.6x104 + + Fhiblic H ealth A ssociation, W ashington, D C, pp. 423-431
7.6x10s + + (3) Sm ith, J.L. (1987) J. F o o d Prot. 50, 788-801
7.6x10s + +
(4) D avis, H., Taylor, J.P., Perdue, J.N ., Stelm a, Jr., G .N ., H um
7.6x10 - -
phreys, J.M . Jr, Row ntree, R. Ill, & G reene, K .D . (1988 )A m .
7.6x10° - -
J. Epidem iol. 128, 1312-1321
7.6x10“1 - -
(5) Saddik, M.F., E l-Sherbeeny, M .R ., M ousa, B .M ., El-A kkad,
Negative control - - A., & Bryan, F.L. (1985) J. F o o d Prot. 48, 403 4 0 6
25931 2.1x104 + + (6) Reeve, G., M artin, D.L., Pappas, J., T hom pson, R.E., &
2.1x10s + - G reene, K.D. (1989) N. Engl. J. Med. 321, 2 2 4 -2 2 7
2.1x10s - - (7) M ehlm an, I.J., R om ero, A., & W entz, B.A . (1985) J. Assoc.
2.1x10 - - Off. A nal. Chem. 68, 552 -5 5 5
2.1x10° - - (8) Fishbein, M ., M ehlm an, I.J., & W entz, B. (1972) J. Assoc.
2.1x10“1 - - Off. A n a l. Chem. 55, 1323-1327
Negative control - - (9) H entges, D.J. (1967) J. B a cte rio l. 9 3 ,1 3 6 9 -1 3 7 3
(10) H entges, D.J. (1967) J. B a cte rio l. 93, 2 0 2 9 -2 0 3 0
a Cells were stressed by the method of Ray et al. (16). (11) H entges, D.J. (1969) J. B a cte rio l. 97, 5 1 3 -5 1 7
6 Approximate number of cells inoculated into the enrichment brcth.
c Duplicate determinations. (12) W heeler, K .M ., & M ickle, F.L. (1945) J. Im m unol. 51, 2 5 7 -
1248 T uinstra Et A l . : Journal Of AOAC International V ol 76, No. 6,1993
(13) Sansonetti, P.J., K opecko, D .J., & Form al, S.B. (1981) Infect. (15) E w ing, W .H. (1986) in Edw ards and E w ing ’s Id e n tifica tio n
Immun. 34, 7 5 -8 3 ofE nterobacteriaceae, 4th E d., E lsevier Science Publishing
(14) U .S . F ood and D m g A dm inistration, B a c te rio lo g ic a l A n a ly ti Co., N ew York, NY, pp. 5 0 9 -5 2 9
c a l M a n u a l (1992) 7th Ed., A O A C IN T E R N A T IO N A L, (16) Ray, B., Janssen, D.W., & B usta, E F. (1972) A ppi. M ic ro b io l.
A rlington, VA 2, 803 -8 0 9
(17) U .S. F ood and D rug A dm inistration, B a c te rio lo g ic a l A n a ly ti
ca l M a n u a l (1984) 6th Ed., A O A C , A rlington, VA
L i q u i d C h r o m a t o g r a p h ic D e t e r m in a t io n o f A f la t o x in M l in M ilk
P o w d e r U s i n g I m m u n o a f f i n i t y C o lu m n s f o r C l e a n u p :
I n t e r la b o r a t o r y S tu d y
Louis GJVLTh. Tuinstra, Aril H. Roos, and John M.P. van Trijp
StateInstituteforQualityControlofAgriculturalProducts (RIKILT-DLO), Postbus 230, 6700 AE Wageningen, The
A liquid chromatographic method for determining I n March 1989, the Working Group on Mycotoxins ofthe
low aflatoxin Mi concentrations in milk was evalu International Dairy Federation planned an interlaboratory
ated in an International Dairy Federation (IDF) inter studytotestamethod applicableforlow aflatoxinMi con
laboratory study. The study involved 16 centrations inmilk (<50ng/kg milk).The method isbased on
participants from 11 countries. The method, cho immunoaffinity chromatography cleanupwith liquidchroma
sen after a comparison of several methods by a
tographic (LC) determination. A literaturereviewofmethods
preparatory group, uses an immunoaffinity column
collaborativelystudiedmethods usingthin-layerchromatogra
for cleanup. As the sample passes through the col
phy (TLC) orLC, andmorethan20othermethodsusingTLC,
umn, antibodies selectively bind with aflatoxin Mi
LC, radioimmunoassays, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent
(antigen) present and form an antibody-antigen
assaysasdetectiontechniques(1).None ofthesemethods,with
complex. All other components of the sample ma
a claimed detection limitbelow 50 ng/L milk,have been col
trix are washed off the column with water. Then,
laboratively tested. Most methods used C18 or silica for
aflatoxin Mi is eluted from the column with acetoni cleanup. Only 1 method used affinitycolumns (2).Recently,
trile, which is collected. Final determination is car other methods have been published thatuse affinitycolumns
ried out by reversed-phase liquid chromatography (3),aswellasseveralnew techniquesforhighsamplethrough
with fluorescence detection. Over the tested range put.Antibodiescoatedonpolystyrenebeadswereusedforiso
(80-600 ng aflatoxin Mi/kg milk powder), an RSDr lating aflatoxinM tfrom milk (4).The methods were further
ranging from 11 to 23% was obtained by analyzing evaluatedforuseunderpracticalconditions(5).On-lineproce
24 samples (blind duplicates), 2 samples of which duresarepossibleby usingroboticanalysis(6)ordialysis(7).
were blanks. A preparatory group, consisting of the organizer and 3
members, examined andtestedseveralmethods thatuseaffin
ity columns and proposed a subjoined method, after a pilot
R e c e iv e d S e p te m b e r 16, 1 9 9 2 . A c c e p te d J a n u a r y 2 5 , 1 9 93.
studywithapracticesample was performed.
T uinstra E t A l .: Journal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1249
b b
2 646 184
3 593 200
4 570 190 y_ -A-
5 505 315
b b
7 645 211
8 686 246
9 530 207
10 716 182
11 588 185
12 586 204
13 608 190
14 500 223
15 485 190
17 593 244 F igu re 2. A flato xin Mi sta n d a rd (each injection 4 ng),
injected in 500 pL so lv e n t mixture, with c h a n g in g
a Mean value, found by participants of the preparatory group during
the pilot study. C H 3 C N /H 2 O ratio (a = 5:95; b = 10:90; c = 15:85; d =
b Results not included, see text. 20:80). P e a k b ro a d e n in g d u e to in c re a sin g acetonitrile
c Participation cancelled. content. P e ak width: a, 2.5; b, 2.7; c, 3.0; d, 5.1 mm.
1252 T uinstra E t A l .: Journal O f AO AC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
T able 2. R e p o rte d aflatoxin M i con ten t in the final s tu d y s a m p le s (n g /k g m ilk po w der) an d limit o f detection
LOD (ng/kg
Laboratory LFa LF LF HFb HF HF milk powder)
T able 3. S u m m a ry o f sta tistic al a n a ly s is o f co llab o rativ e data fo r the L C determ ination of aflatoxin M i in m ilk powder,
u s in g im m u n oaffin ity c o lu m n cle a n u p
theaflatoxinM, standard,thederivedLOD oftheselaborato study, whose data are not corrected forrecovery, obtained a
ries appeared tobe poorer than thatof the other laboratories good result.
usingdetectorswithmonochromators. TheaflatoxinM! contentinsamplesD,E,andF,made from
Theextenttowhichparticipantsusedelectronicfiltersisnot remaindersofbatchesofmilkpowder,usedtopreparecertified
known. Obviously, when a high LOD isneeded, preference reference materials, and corrected for recovery, are, respec
shouldbe giventodetectorswithmonochromators, insteadof tively: 90 +40/-20,310 ± 60,and760± 50 ng/kg (9,10).
filters.Sample A was ablanksample;nevertheless,laboratory The indicated 95% confidence interval covers the true
5,and especiallylaboratory 15,reportedthepresenceofafla value.Comparedtotheresultsoftheparticipants(notcorrected
toxinMj in 1blindduplicate.Inview ofthelevelreportedby forrecovery) inthisstudy,resultsseem todiffergreatly,espe
laboratory 15, an interchange of samples seems likely, but ciallyforsamplesE andF.The recoverycorrectionusedinthe
couldnotbeexplained. BCR study (9, 10), however, can account forup to 20% for
StatisticalanalysiswascarriedoutaccordingtoISO 5725 to materialF.
determineoutliersandtocomputerepeatabilityandreproduci Therefore, based on a general RSDr ofabout 20% inthis
bilityvaluesfrom theraw datagiveninTables 1and 2.How study (Table 3), there isa considerable overlap between the
ever,datafromlaboratory1arecompletelyeliminatedfromthe mean contentofsamples D, E, and F found inthisstudy and
those oftheBCR exercise. Nevertheless, the values forsam
statisticalanalysis.In Table 3,summarizing statisticalresults
ples E and F obtained inthe BCR exercise tend tobe a little
fromTables 1and2 aregivenforthepracticesamplesand un higher.Separatelyperformedrecoveryexperimentscarriedout
known milkpowder samples aftereliminationoftheCochran atRIKILT-DLO attheaflatoxinMj levelsofsamplesE and F
andthe(double)Gmbbs testoutliers. didnotgiveany indicationthatthecapacityoftheimmunoas
Except for sample E, RSDr isabout 20% over the tested saycolumn was thereason.The recoveryof1|igaflatoxinM,
rangeforthelowfatandhighfatmilkpowders.SampleE gives appliedtothecolumn was 90%.
most outliers(3laboratoriesby theCochrantestand 1labora The extraction procedure forfluidmilk isincluded in the
tory by the Gmbbs test).RSDrisabout 10-15%, except for method description,even when nottestedinthisstudy.From
samplesD and E,forwhich lowervalueswerefound. Inview experiments during thepreparation ofthisexerciseinthe or
ofthelow aflatoxinM, levels,theseresultsshouldbe consid ganizer’slaboratoryand inthelaboratory ofanothermember
eredasverygood.ResultsobtainedwithotherLC methodsand of the preparatory group (J.M. Fremy, personal communica
higheraflatoxinMj levelsreportRSDr valuesof43 and27.9% tion),resultswere good, and no practicalproblems were met.
(8),butinthelatterexerciseonly spikedsamples were used. Currently, thisprocedure forfluidmilk isbeingring-testedin
Not known totheparticipants,ofcourse,was thefactthat France.The fluidmilk shouldapparentlybecentrifugedatthe
theknown practice sample was identicalto sample F and the highestpossiblespeed,even >1000 x g .
unknown practice sample was identicalto sample E. Partici
pantsfoundessentiallythesame values.Furthermore,forsam C onclusions
ple F,the same contentwas obtained 6 months earlierby the
members ofthepreparatorygroup (seeTable 1).The aflatoxin Sixteen laboratories from 11 countries participated in a
M| contentofsamplesB andC correctedforrecoveryare,ac studyofthedeterminationofaflatoxinM, inmilkpowder.Five
cordingtoNIZO, 80and 150ng/kg,respectively.As therecov samples, containing aflatoxin M, levels in the range of 80-
ery isalways between 90 and 100%, the participants in this 600 ng/kg milk powder, were analyzed as blind duplicates.
1254 T uinstra Et A l .: Journal O f A O AC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Fourteen laboratoriesproducedacceptableresults.The overall J.van den Bedem,* Netherlands controlling authority for
RSDr rangedfrom 11to23%, averyacceptableresult.Hence, milkand milkproducts,Leusden,The Netherlands
immunoaffinitycolumns shouldbe consideredasan appropri R. van Renterghem, Rijkszuivelstation,Melle, Belgium
ate tool for aflatoxin M, determination atlow levels of con J.M.P.vanTrijp,StateInstituteforQualityControlofAgri
tamination. cultural Products (RIKJLT-DLO). Wageningen, The Nether
A c k n o w le d g m e n t s
Yau-Huei Wei, NationalYang-Ming Medical College,De
We thanktheparticipantsinthisstudy and especiallythose
ofthepreparatorygroup(marked with *).
R e fe re n c e s
B. Declercq,LaboratoireInterregionaldelaRepressiondes (1) Scott, P.M. (1989) F o o d A d d i t . C o n ta m . 8, 283-305
Fraudes de Paris-Massay, France (2) M ortim er, D .N ., G ilbert, J., & Shepherd, M .J. (1987) J. C h r o -
M.F. Dutton, University ofNatal, Pietermaritzburg, South m a to g r. 407, 393-398
A. E s p in o s a - M a n s il l a , A. M u n o z d e l a P ena, and F. S a l in a s
University of Extremadura, Department of Analytical Chemistry, 06071 Badaoz, Spain
A kinetic stu d y of th e re a c tio n s of 5-hydroxym ethyl- specificity because they determine total furanic aldehydes. De
2 -furfuraldehyde a n d furfural with 2-thiobarbituric rivative spectrophotometiy has been used in our laboratory to
acid (TBA) by a sto p p ed -flo w flow injection a n a ly resolve this problem, and simultaneous determination of HMF
s is te c h n iq u e h a s b ee n u n d erta k en . A se m ia u to and furfural has been proposed on the basis of the Winkler re
m atic m eth o d fo r th e analytical determ ination of action (6 ).
th e s e fu ran ic a ld e h y d e s is p ro p o se d o n th e b a s is On the other hand, flow injection analysis (FIA) techniques
of reactio n with TBA. T he p ro p o se d stopped-flo w have been applied to the differential kinetic determination of
m eth o d w a s su c c e ss fu lly applied to sev e ral co m furfural and vanillin (22) in artificial samples, and an FIA semi
m ercial p h arm aceu tical p re p a ra tio n s a n d food s a m automatic method based on the Winkler reaction has been pro
p les. T he p ro c e d u re is fa ste r th a n th e earlier p ro c e posed for the determination of HMF in honey (17).
d u re for d eterm in atio n of th e s e c o m p o u n d s in The determination of furfuraldehyde by a continuous FIA
fo o d s a n d p h arm a ceu tica ls. method based on the classical reaction with aniline has been
described (23). This method avoids the instability problems of
the aniline reaction products and has been used to determine
5 -Hydroxymethyl-2-furfuraldehyde (HMF) is the princi furfuraldehyde in alcoholic beverages that are only slightly ab
pal decomposition product of the acid-catalyzed hydroly sorbing at the measurement wavelength, such as cognac, gin,
sis of glucose and fmctose, and furfural is the principal whiskey, and mm (24). However, the continuous FIA approach
product of the hydrolysis of pentoses (1). Both seem to be re cannot be applied directly to highly colored or turbid samples
lated to the browning of diverse foods during storage and are (e.g., honey, juices, and red wines).
also useful as indicators of temperature abuse (2 ). In this paper, a kinetic study of the reactions of HMF and
The analysis of these compounds is very important in the furfural with 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) based on a stopped-
food industry. For example, to meet government requirements flow technique is described. The influence of temperature and
pH on the slow reaction between TBA and furanic aldehydes
for cognac, the furfural formed from pentoses during wine dis
was investigated. The purpose of this work was to develope an
tillation must not be less than 1.0 g/100 L ethanol. For many
FIA system for the semiautomatic determination of furanic al
years, honey has been known to contain HMF arising from the
dehydes in diversely colored and turbid food samples to avoid
action of normal honey acidity on levulose at ambient tempera
the problems encountered with the continuous FIA methods.
tures and during heat processing or storage at elevated tem
The stopped-flow process makes pretreatment of the samples
perature. A maximum content of 4 mg HMF/100 g of honey is
unnecessary and allows direct determination.
allowed by the Dutch Food Law to ensure that table honey has
not been denatured by heat (3).
Experim ental
Recently, several authors have determined these com
pounds in citrus juice (4-7), grape juice (2,7, 8 ), wine (9, 10),
plant extracts (11), pharmaceutical syrups (12-15), honey (6 , Apparatus
16,17), milk (18), and spirits (19).
A home-made stopped-flow FIA system (Figure 1) was fit
Spectrophotometric techniques have been used to deter
ted to a Beckman DU-50 spectrophotometer equipped with a
mine HMF and furfural in foods. Dinsmore and Nagy (20) de
10-mm microflow cell (18 pL) connected via RS-232 to an
scribed a colorimetric method for determining furfural in citrus
IBM PC-XT 286 microcomputer. The Beckman Data Leader
juice on the basis of the reaction with aniline. HMF is often software was used for data acquisition and measurement and
determined by using the Winkler reaction or the reaction with analysis of the kinetic data. A thermostatic bath (Selecta) and a
2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) (21); however, these methods lack thermostated cell holder were used for temperature control.
A precisian peristaltic pump (Gilson Minipuls-2) and a 6 -
R e c e iv e d F e b u a ry 28 , 199 2 . A c c e p te d M a r c h 12, 1993 way injection valve with a variable loop (Omnifit) were used.
1256 E spinosa -M ansilla E t A l .: J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
Analytical signal
N Td Ts
« 7 ------ ♦ «---- --------- e------------ — ►
T -----
4------- 40 «----------- 6 0 s —
I S —
F ig u r e 1. (a) S c h e m a tic d ia g ra m o f s to p p e d - flo w F IA s y s te m fo r th e d e te rm in a tio n o f f u r a n ic a ld e h y d e s ; (b) T im e
p ro g ra m . T h e in s e r t s h o w s V, in je c tio n w a v e ; W, w a ste ; T d , d e la y tim e ; T s, s t o p tim e ; a n d t, tim e .
F ig u r e 2. (a) A b s o r p tio n s p e c tra o f T B A - f u r f u r a l (4.6 p g /m L ) a n d T B A - H M F (5.3 p g/m L). R e a c tio n tim e , 4 m in . (b)
A b s o r b a n c e - t im e c u r v e s o b ta in e d fo r th e T B A - f u r f u r a l a n d T B A - H M F re a c tio n s .
E spinosa -M ansilla E t Al.: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1257
reaction was monitored at 425 nm, and the temperature of the Syrup oflevulose and dextrose.—For each sample, 5 mL of
flow cell was kept constant at 40 ±0.1 °C. a sugar syrup (Apiroserum, YBYS, intravenous; dextrose, B.
Martin, oral, pediatric solution) is placed in a 25 mL volumetric
Determination of Furanic Aldehydes in Food flask and diluted to the mark with distilled water. The samples
Samples and Pharmaceutical Formulations are analyzed as described above.
T a b le 1. R e s u lt s o f p r o p o s e d m e th o d f o r d e te rm in a tio n o f f u r a n ic a ld e h y d e s in f o o d a n d p h a rm a c e u tic a l s a m p le s b y
u s in g th e m e th o d o f s ta n d a rd a d d itio n s
Slope of
calibration curve, Regression
Sam ple Added3 Found3 Ree., % pg/mL/min coefficient
H oney (commercial) 0 4 6 .0
15.8 60 .5 92
31.6 78 .4 102 0.0 26 0 .9 9 8 0
For 1.5M > [H+] > 0.5M: The proposed stopped-flow method for HMF and furfural
déhyde was tested on various commercial food and pharma
ceutical samples by using the external standard and standard
= K" [HMF] [TBA] [H+ ] ' /2
additions procedures for calibration. The total content of fura-
where K ' and K" are the conditional rate constants of the con
T a b le 2. C o m p a r is o n o f n o rm a l a n d s ta n d a r d a d d it io n s
densation reaction.
c a lib r a tio n p r o c e d u r e s
background matrixes.
Espinosa -M ansilla E t Al .: J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1261
R efe ren c es
(4 ) M ija r e s , R .M ., P a r k , G .L ., N e ls e n , D .B ., & M c lv e r , R .C .
(1 9 8 6 )7 . Food Sci., 51, 843
nic aldehydes found (HMF plus furfuraldéhyde) was expressed (9 ) S a n d o v a l, J. A ., & H id a lg o , T. ( 1 9 6 7 ) Bol. INIA, 1 6 .4 , 4 5 4
(1 6 ) M a c h e r a s , R , K o p p a r is , M ., & T s a p r o u n is , C . ( 1 9 8 6 ) Int. J.
C o n clu sio n s
Pharm. 33, 125
(1 7 ) S a lin a s , F, E s p i n o s a - M a n s i l l a , A ., & B e r z a s N e v a d o , J .J .
The proposed stopped-flow method based on the reaction
(1 9 9 1 ) Fresenius Z Anal. Chem. 340, 250
with TBA allows the determination of furanic aldehydes in
(1 8 ) D e l l a M o n i c a , E . S . , G r a i g , J . C . , & C a l h o u n , M . J . ( 1 9 6 8 ) 7.
various commercial samples, without previous separation pro
D a iry Sci. 51, 353
cedures, in the presence of colored (red wine, orange juice) and
turbid (honey, citric juice) background matrixes. The proposed (1 9 ) J e u r in g , H .J ., & K u p p e r s , F .J .E .M . ( 1 9 8 0 ) 7. Assoc. Off.
Anal. Chem. 6 3 , 1 2 1 5 -1 2 1 8
method is fast and simple.
Use of the proposed stopped-flow method is more advanta (2 0 ) D in s m o r e , H .L ., & N a g y , S . ( 1 9 7 4 ) 7 Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem. 57, 3 3 2 -3 3 5
geous than use of the conventional continuous FIA system, be
cause the turbidity or the colored background signal does not (2 1 ) W in k le r. O . ( 1 9 5 5 ) Z Lebensmitt-Untersuch. 102, 161
affect the analytical signal, which in this case is the initial rate (2 2 ) L in a r e s , P , L u q u e d e C a s tr o , M .D ., & V a lc á rc e l, M . (1 9 8 7 )
of the kinetic reaction and is given by the slope of the absor Microchem. 7 35, 120
bance-time curve (stopped-flow FIA signal). (2 3 ) S tillin g , R .A ., & B r o w n in g , B .L . ( 1 9 4 0 ) Ind. Eng. Chem. 12,
Financial support for this work from the DGICYT of Spain (2 5 ) G la s e r , J .A ., F o e r s t, D .L ., M c k e e , G .D ., Q u a v e , S .A ., &
(Project PB91-0856) is acknowledged. We are also grateful to B u d d e , W .L . ( 1 9 8 1 ) Environ. Sci. Technol. 15, 1426
1262 Lobinski Et Al .: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
A m eth o d w a s d ev e lo p e d for th e s p é c ia tio n analy process and result from the release of lead from capsules used
s is of ionic o rg a n o le ad c o m p o u n d s in w ine. The during wine storage, from bronze faucets, from pumps and tub
a n a ly te s w ere ex tra cted a s dieth y ld ith io carb am ate ing, and from enamelled containers or concrete (1,4).
c o m p le x e s into h e x a n e a n d p ropylated with a Grig Until now, the research has focused exclusively on the de
n ard reag en t. T he derivatized e x tra c t w a s analyzed termination of the total amount of lead present in wine regard
by capillary g a s chro m atography/m icrow ave-in- less of what species were present. The latter question, however,
d u c e d -p la sm a ato m ic e m issio n sp ectro m etry . T he may be of vital importance, because the harmful effects of or
m eth o d of sta n d a rd a d d itio n s w a s u s e d for calibra ganolead compounds are considered much larger than those of
tion to c o rre c t for variable re co v erie s a n d signal e n inorganic lead (5). Unlike Pb2+, organolead compounds are
h a n c e m e n ts. Red, ro sé , a n d w hite w in es from liposoluble and, therefore, more readily absorbed by humans
so u th e rn F ran ce w ere analyzed. Trim ethyllead w as than inorganic lead. Oiganolead compounds tend to concen
th e u b iq u ito u s s p e c ie s. T he w in es m ad e from trate in the human brain (6 ) and are responsible for metabolic
g ra p e s grow n c lo s e to industrial z o n e s sh o w e d ele and neurophysical deficiencies in subjects exposed to these
v a te d c o n c e n tra tio n s of ethyllead sp e c ie s . T he c o n compounds over a long period of time (7).
c e n tra tio n s of m ethyllead a n d ethyllead fo u n d in Tetraalkyllead compounds used as antiknock additives to
w in es w ere co m p ared with th e c o n c e n tra tio n s of or gasoline and their ionic degradation products are common pol
g an o lea d fo u n d in rain w ater a n d plant s a p col
lutants found in atmospheric dust and deposits. The pollution
lected in th e viticultural reg io n s. T he ratio of
has a global character ( 8 ) and is particularly intense in urban
m ethyllead to ethyllead in w in es greatly e x c e e d e d
environments and at locations close to highways and gas sta
th e s a m e ratio fo u n d in a tm o sp h e ric d e p o sits.
tions. Organolead compounds may arise in wine due to the
natural formation of methyllead from inorganic lead present
during the fermentation process. Biomethylation of lead spe
T he growing concern about human exposure to lead pro
cies was tentatively identified in media containing high micro
vided the impetus for studying this element in wine ( 1 ).
bial activity (9) and the biomethylation of other metals (Hg, Sn)
Both the quantity of lead and the species of lead present
and of metalloids (As, Ge, Se) is well-established, but the
in wine are of interest. An excess of ingested lead may present
a real health hazard affecting both the nervous system and the biomethylation of inorganic lead remains controversial ( 1 0 ,
biosynthesis of hemoglobin (2). In response to this health con 11). The long-term exposure of grapes to the atmosphere and
cern, regulations on the maximum permissible lead level in the large wine consumption in some countries make the pres
wine have been issued. The value of 300 pg/L, recommended ence of organolead compounds in wine worthy of investiga
by the Wine and Vines International Office, was accepted by tion.
the European Community (3). Speciation analysis of organolead is performed by using hy
The lead in wine may be of atmospheric origin, resulting phenated techniques combining chromatographic separation
from the deposition of airborne particulate matter on grapes with element-selective and element-sensitive detection ( 1 2 ).
and the uptake by the grapevine of lead present in ground- Most workers have used gas chromatography/atomic absorp
waters and in soil. Other sources are related to the production tion spectrometry (5, 12), but capillary gas chromatogra-
phy/microwave-induced-plasma atomic emission spectrome
Received December 4, 1992. Accepted March 12, 1993. try (GC/MIP-AES) is more suitable due to increased
1 Com ité Interprofessionnel des Vins d’A.O.C. Côtes du Rhône et delà sensitivity, reduced sample size, and simplified sample prepa
Valleé du Rhône, 2A, rue Henri Fabre, 84000 Avignon, France. ration (13, 14).
L obinski Et A l .: J ournal O f AOAC I nternational V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1263
Figure 1. Effect of ethanol concentration on the extrac
Column head pressure 130 k P a o f He 130 kPa of He
tion recovery of organolead com pounds. Recovery
Oven program:
values are relative to the respective extraction yields
Initial temp., °C 45 45
from the Milli-Q purified water.
Tim e, min 1 2
Ram p rate, °C/min 20 20
Final tem p., °C 280 280 direct extraction or leaching are often affected by poor recov
Purge valve program: ery and co-preconcentration of organic compounds.
O N , min — <0.9 The aim of this work was to develop a method for the spe-
OFF, min 0 -0 .9 0 .9 -2 .5 ciation analysis of organolead compounds in wine and to inves
O N , min >0.9 >2.5 tigate the extent of contamination of this beverage by or
ganolead compounds. The organolead species patterns and
organolead concentrations in various wines are compared with
Transfer line HP-1 column HP-1 column those in rainwater and plant sap.
Transfer line tem p., °C 280 280
Solvent vent-off program:
O N , min <2 <3
OFF, min 2 -5 .8 3 -6 .8
ON, min >5.8
Column-detector Propylated ionic organolead compounds were separated on
coupling column to cavity column to cavity
an HP-1 capillaiy column (25 m x 0.32 mm x 0.17 pm) using
an HP Model 5890 Series II gas chromatograph (Hewlett-
Packard, Avondale, PA) equipped with a programmable tem
Wavelength, nm 4 0 5 .7 8 3 40 5.78 3
perature injector (Gerstel, Miilheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany). A
H e m ake-up flow,
Hewlett-Packard 5921A atomic emission detector was used.
300 300
S cavenger gases:
Injections were made either by means of an HP Model 7673A
H2 pressure, psi 90 90
autosampler (1 pL) or manually (25 pL) using a Hamilton
0 2 pressure, psi 20 20 701RN syringe equipped with a needle (0.64 mm o.d.) with a
Spectrom eter purge polished finish (Gerstel) to fit the septumless injection head.
flow, L/min of N 2 2 2 Smooth-finished glass vaporization tubes packed with a 2 cm
Cavity temp., °C 280 280 plug of Tenax (80-100 mesh) (Hewlett-Packard) were used.
P ro ce d u re s
Analysis of Wine
GC/AES Conditions
R e s u lt s a n d D is c u s s io n
Effect o f ethanol.—The introduction of ethanol, miscible T able 2. D etection lim its in the a n a ly s e s o f different
both with water and with non-polar solvents, into the extraction s a m p le s
system may affect the recovery of organolead in 2 ways: (7) by
White Red Plant Rain MQ- Absolute
affecting the distribution coefficient of organolead chelates be Com w n e, wine, sap, water, water, detection
tween the aqueous and the organic phase or (2 ) by changing the pound ng/La ng/Lb ng/Lc ng/Lc ng/Lc limit, pgd
Com pound Added, ng/L W hite wine Red wine W hite wine Red wine W hite wine Red wine
M e2Pb2+ — — — — — — —
5 4.82 4.14 96.4 82.8 15.1 19.0
10 9.13 9.18 91.3 91.8 11.6 14.8
grams were necessary due to the significant complexity of the is not seen on the chromatograms, because the derivatized Pb2+
matrix. In the wine analyses, the Tenax packing was used to is vented off the discharge tube. The baseline is generally more
retain coextractives with high boiling points to reduce contami stable for the white wine extracts, which are less abundant in
nation of the capillary column, while in the analyses of plant organic matter than the red wine extracts. For samples of rain
sap and rain water its role was different. Tenax served then to water and grapevine sap, a stable baseline was obtained even
retain the analytes in the liner, while the extraction solvent was after the 25-fold preconcentration of the derivatized extract in
vented off (14). the injection liner. Typical chromatograms obtained for rain
Chromatograms.—Figure 3 shows typical chromatograms water and plant sap samples are shown in Figure 4. The unla
obtained for a blank and a wine sample. The procedure is belled peaks are due either to some impurities of the Grignard
blank-free with respect to organolead compounds but a contri reagent or to artifacts aroused in the course of the derivatization
bution of inorganic lead is present in the blank. Inorganic lead
process (14).
Detection limits.—The detection limits, calculated as 3
times the standard deviation due to noise, that were obtained in
Table 4. Concentrations of lead in organolead this work for different compounds in different matrixes are
compounds from wine samples (individual results are summarized in Table 2. Poorer detection limits obtained for
ethyl than for methyl species result from signal discrimination,
M e3Pb+, ng/L Et3Pb+, ng/L Et2Pb2+, ng/L which is more pronounced in splitless injections than in large
Sam ple No. (of Pb) (of Pb) (of Pb)
volume injections (14). Phase separation difficulties after ex
traction of red wine samples made it necessary to use a larger
W hite wines
volume of hexane. This modification of the procedure resulted
W1 47.75; 46.0; 43 .7 <1.8 <2.1
in poorer detection characteristics of the method.
W2 14.4; 15.6 <1.8 <2.1
Precision and accuracy.—A white wine sample and a red
W3 24.6; 26.0 9.0; 10.1 <2.1
wine sample were analyzed (in qumtuplicate) unspiked and
W4 42.6; 27 .8 <2 <2.1
W5 39.8; 42.1 10.0; 10.8 5.0; 5.6
spiked with ionic organolead at 2 different concentration lev
els. The results are given in Table 3. Other samples (Table 4)
Rosé wines
R 01 46.9; 47.2 5.2; 5.4 <3.2 Table 5. Concentrations of organolead in rain water
R 02 26.4; 26 .7 <2.7 <3.2 (RW) and grapevine sap (GS)
R 03 31.5; 29.5 <2 <3.2
M e3Pb+, M e2Pb2+, Et3Pb+, ng/L Et2Pb2+,
Sam ple ng/L (as Pb) ng/L (as Pb) (a s P b ) ng/L (as Pb)
Red wines
This study developed a method for the speciation analysis (1 3 ) L o b i n s k i , R ., & A d a m s , F . C . ( 1 9 9 2 ) A n a l. Chim . A cta 2 6 2 ,
tion of this beverage by organic forms of lead. Although the (1 4 ) L o b i n s k i , R . , & A d a m s , F .C . ( 1 9 9 2 ) 7 . A n a l. At. Spectrom. 7,
source of this contamination is probably airborne, the greater 9 8 7 -9 9 2
D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f V o l a t i l e C h e m ic a ls R e le a s e d f r o m
M ic r o w a v e - H e a t - S u s c e p t o r F o o d P a c k a g in g
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) (7). In response to the (e) Automated headspace gas chromatograph.—Perkin-
ANPR, the American Society for Testing and Materials Elmer HS-100 automated headspace sampler coupled to Per-
(ASTM), the National Food Processors Association in con kin-Elmer Sigma 2000 gas chromatograph with flame ioniza
junction with the Society of Plastics Industries (NFPA-SPI), tion detection (FID) system. HS-100 operating conditions:
and individual manufacturers developed test protocols for the headspace program, constant mode. Times (min): vial equili
determination of volatiles released from microwave suscep bration, 30; injection, 0.05; cycle, 60. Temperatures (°C):
tors, and each submitted data to FDA (2-4,8-10). equilibration, 90; transfer line, 120. Vial head pressure: 45 psi
Although these efforts provided some useful information to (helium). GC parameters: capdlary column, 30 m x 0.25 mm
FDA, the test conditions were not consistent, and not enough x 1.05 (im film of bonded Restek Rtx-5 (5% diphenyl-95%di-
replicate analyses were performed. Lack of a consistent test methyl polysiloxane) with open split injection; ca 15:1 split
protocol by the submitters made it difficult to draw meaningful ratio. Helium carrier gas: column head pressure 23 psi, linear
conclusions about different susceptor products. velocity 30 cm/s at 4073. FID gases (mL/min): hydrogen 20,
Meanwhile, FDA’s Indirect Additives Laboratory devel ultrahigh purity air 200. Detector temperature, 22573. Oven
oped general test protocols for both volatile and nonvolatile temperature program: 8 min at 073,47min to 16073, hold 8.5
chemicals produced during simulated use of the typical suscep min. Total chromatographic mn time, 37 min.
tor product. The protocols are appropriate for comparing simi (f) Data acquisition.—Spectra-Physics LABNET chroma
lar susceptor products under standardized conditions, inde tographic data system; Model 4270 computing integrator with
pendent of potential food applications. Protocols for data capture feature and Epson Equity I+ computer.
nonvolatile migrants from susceptors were discussed in pre (g) Microwave oven.—Microwave oven rated at 700 watts
vious articles (11-19). This paper describes the protocol used total power output. Calibrate weekly, using ASTM procedure
by FDA for the determination of volatile chemicals generated F-1317-90 (20). Repeat calibration weekly to monitor any
from susceptor products under simulated microwave use con change in total output. When variability of the output wattage
ditions. exceeds a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 10%, use an
other oven that meets the calibration requirement. Reproduci
E x p e r im e n t a l bility observed with ASTM procedure F-1317-90 was 7.5% for
7 different microwave ovens, all rated at 700 watts. Precondi
tion magnetron by heating 2 L water in a 3 L Pyrex beaker on
Note: As a matter of good laboratory practice, the analyst
high power for 1 0 min and allow to cool 1 0 min before testing.
should review the toxicity of all chemicals used in this method
and exercise necessary safety measures when handling them. Reagents
Fortification o f susceptor test strips fo r qualitative and fortified and unfortified susceptor test strips to determine
quantitative analysis.—For quantitative analysis using the amount of each volatile chemical released from susceptor.
method of standard additions, place 1 susceptor test strip into When the standard for a given analyte is not available, estimate
each of 5 headspace vials. Transfer 10 (iL of the internal stand concentration based on the use of 4-heptanone internal stand
ard solution (c)(7) to the paper surface of each strip in 2 of the ard. Estimate analyte levels by multiplying the amount of
vials (vials 1 and 2). Cap and seal the vials. Transfer 2, 5, and added 4-heptanone (2.45 jig) by the ratio of the peak area re
10 pL of mixed fortification standard to vials 3, 4, and 5, re sponses of the unknown and the internal standard. Report all
spectively; add internal standard solution to vials 3 and 4 to data in micrograms of chemical found in 1 in . 2 of susceptor
make a total volume of 10 uL in each vial. Cap and seal the surface (pg/in.2).
vials. The final concentration of the internal standard will be
2.45 pg/in . 2 in all vials and vials 1 through 5 will contain 0,0, Results and Discussion
2X, 5X, and 10X of the added analytes. For qualitative
GC/MSD analysis, prepare a susceptor strip in a vial with 10
This analytical protocol was developed to characterize the
pL of the internal standard solution.
gaseous components released by microwave susceptors during
Microwave heating o f susceptor strips.—Precondition mi
heating. Our objective throughout has been to evaluate the per
crowave oven as indicated above (.Apparatus (g)). Place 1 of
formance of microwave susceptor products under simulated
the test vials in the center of microwave oven floor with the
consumer use conditions. For this reason, microwave ovens in
active surface of the susceptor facing up. Place a 400 mL Pyrex
tended for home use have been used when appropriate, instead
beaker with 250 mL water and boiling chips next to the vial.
of microwave guides or other specialized ovens. Development
Microwave on high for 5 min. For quantitative analyses, re
of the protocol involved 2 principal tasks. The first was to de
move the vial from the oven, let oven cool for 1 0 min, and
vise a microwave heating test that would realistically simulate
microwave the next test vial. Always position the vial and the
susceptor cooking conditions and contain any escaping gases
beaker the same way for all microwave heating tests. For quali
for analysis. This task involved trying to achieve susceptor sur
tative analysis, always precondition oven before microwaving
face temperatures in a microwave environment appropriate for
the test vial.
the cooking of foods but not overly abusive to the susceptor
Qualitative Analysis material. The second task was to select or develop an analytical
method to separate susceptor-generated gases into individual
Manual headspace sampling and GC/MSD analysis.— Use chemicals for identification and measurement.
gloves when handling hot syringes and vials. After microwave In the microwave oven, food/susceptor interface surface
heating of the test vial, place vial in forced-air oven set at 90°C. temperatures rely upon the interdependent parameters of the
With preheated 5 mL Pressure-LOK gas syringe, pierce the vial food, oven, susceptor, and heating times in ways that hamper
septum, draw up a full syringe of headspace vapor, return vol simple analysis. Lentz and Crossett (1) provide an excellent
ume into vial, and redraw 2 mL. Allow headspace vapors to discussion of these interdependencies in their paper,
equilibrate in vial and in syringe in a closed oven for at least 2 “Food/Susceptor Interface Temperature During Microwave
min. Close syringe valve, remove syringe, quickly inject 2 mL Heating.” They measured the maximum temperatures
of the headspace gases onto the GC column, and initiate data achieved by a specific susceptor for several foods and cooking
acquisition. times, and compared them to the maximum temperature
Identification o f susceptor-generated volatiles.—Evaluate achieved by the susceptor without a food load. For example,
individual scans of peaks of the total ion chromatogram. Iden the authors observed a surface temperature of 600°F during a
tify any volatile chemicals. When possible, use retention data cooking time of 100 s when there was no food load. In this case,
and mass spectra of standards to identify the peaks. When no the susceptor was severely blackened over 25 % of its area, and
standard is available, identify the unknowns by using prob the remainder of the surface was far darker than susceptors
ability-based matching with spectra from a mass spectral refer used under normal cooking conditions. The temperature of an
ence library. other susceptor reached 468°F when popcorn was cooked for
Quantitative Analysis 150 s and increased to 536°F when the cooking time was ex
tended to 220 s. The temperatures reached 432°F and 433°F
Automated headspace sampling and GC/FID analysis.— when fish filets and pizza, respectively, were cooked for 290 s.
Load vial rack of the HS-100 headspace sampler with vials for None of the foods burned under these conditions. These find
each set of fortified and unfortified susceptor sheets being ana ings by Lentz and Crossett are in agreement with those of Cas
lyzed. When necessary, to prevent carryover from previous in tle et al. (12) as well as our own results. Collectively, these data
jections, place a headspace vial containing 10 pL of the mixed reflect the difficulty of prescribing “standardized” test proce
fortification standard without susceptor in the sampler between dures for evaluating every susceptor and its various uses. Not
each set of vials analyzed. Record analysis sequence and initi only do cooking conditions vary for different foods, they may
ate automated data acquisition. vary for different amounts of the same foods.
Quantitation o f susceptor volatiles.—Record the chromato After numerous experiments, the test protocol described in
grams and the corresponding peak areas for each headspace the Experimental section was developed; it gives reproducible
analysis. Use the linear regression plot of analyte response for results when replicate portions of the same susceptor material
M c N e a l & H o l l ih e l d : Jo u r n a l O? A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1271
are heated. To ensure that each test portion yields the same mode, a gain in column capacity and chromatographic resolu
volatile components in the same relative amounts, strips of the tion was obtained.
susceptor are placed in septum-sealed vials and microwaved When possible, we used the method of standard additions
for 5 min in a 700 watt microwave oven that also contains for quantitation. When analytical standards were not available,
250 mL water. The temperature achieved by a typical pizza- we obtained quantitative estimates based on the response of
type susceptor under these conditions is about 347°F. The ap 4-heptanone. The method of standard additions is the best
pearance of the susceptor after heating is typical of other means to overcome matrix interactions caused by the presence
susceptors used to cook pizza and fish filets; the paperboard has of water and cellulose in the susceptor.
a slight beige color and possesses no excessively darkened or The FID chromatograms in Figure 1 illustrate these matrix
black areas. Both bilaminate and trilaminate susceptors are interactions and their effect on detector response when the
subjected to the same test conditions. Certainly the test protocol headspace sampling technique is used. The same segments of
temperatures are milder than the cooking temperatures re 3 headspace chromatograms are shown. Chromatogram A is
ported by Lentz and Crossett. However, when higher tempera the headspace chromatogram representing the analysis of a 7-
tures were attempted, controlled heating of the susceptors be component standard in 10 |iL water. All 7 analytes can be seen
came more difficult and reproducible results were not obtained, (see caption to Figure 1, chromatogram A, for fist of analytes).
often because the susceptor material was partially destroyed. Chromatogram B represents the analysis of a susceptor test
Not only is careful control of both the temperature and the strip that was oven-dried overnight at 212°F prior to fortifica
heating conditions important for achieving reproducible re tion. Typically this action removes the volatiles, thus creating
sults, but preconditioning the magnetron tube or microwave- a blank matrix for external calibration. After oven-drying, the
producing device is also important. Microwave ovens are well test strip was fortified with the same 7 analytes at the same
known for uneven heating within the oven cavity. Much of this levels used in A, and then was analyzed. Only 3 compounds
has to do with the performance of the magnetron tube. By pre responded: furfural (a), 4-heptanone (c), and styrene (d). No
heating the tube and using controlled cooling between tests, we responses were obtained for the 4 remaining analytes. Com
improved the reproducibility of our results, as indicated by the parison of chromatograms A and B shows that the susceptor has
appearance of relatively reproducible amounts of furfural, cro- a strong affinity for certain chemicals, namely, polar oxygen
tonaldehyde, and other paper degradation products. ated compounds, and little affinity for nonpolar compounds
such as styrene.
The selection of appropriate microwave test conditions for
Chromatogram C in Figure 1 represents the headspace sam
heating specimens and the choice of analytical methodology
pled over another test strip of the susceptor shown in chroma
were not mutually exclusive tasks and proceeded simultane
togram B. However, this time the strip was first fortified with
ously. When it became apparent that many volatile chemicals
only 1 analyte, the internal standard 4-heptanone (c) (at the
were being formed during microwave heating of susceptors, it
same level as in chromatogram B), then microwaved under the
was obvious that capillary GC would be the method of choice
previously described heating test conditions, and analyzed. All
for optimum resolution of this mixture. A combination of cap
of the analytes responded except 2 -ethylhexanol (f), which was
illary GC and static headspace sampling provided great sensi
not included in the susceptor formulation. All of the chroma
tivity for identifying and quantifying minor components that
tographic peaks represent compounds released from the
may be present at only trace (ng/in.2) levels. Moreover, this susceptor as the result of microwave heating. The residual
methodology has been used previously in multiresidue deter water present in the susceptor paperboard plus the 10 |iL water
minations, and when automated, has excellent reproduciblity added (containing the internal standard, 4-heptanone) was ade
(21). quate to reduce the strong affinity of the paper for certain polar
Volatiles released from susceptors were identified by analytes in this susceptor. More or less added water may be
GC/mass spectrometry (MS) using manual headspace sam required for the determination of other chemicals. However,
pling and capillary GC/MSD. We identified a large number of the addition of too much water may reduce the amount of polar
volatile chemicals, including many polar compounds. Because analytes that can partition into the vapor phase and raise their
of the broad range of boiling points represented by these com detection limits.
pounds, we chose a 5% diphenyl-95% dimethyl polysiloxane How this variable (the total of residual plus added water)
capillary column. Because of the limited sensitivity of the mass affects quantitative results is illustrated by the variation in the
selective detector for trace volatiles, 2 mL headspace injections responses for 4-heptanone in the 3 chromatograms (Figure 1).
were made in the splitless mode. This resulted in some loss of Although the concentration of 4-heptanone, peak c, was the
chromatographic resolution, especially for the very early same for all 3 analyses, its response differed by as much as a
eluting volatiles. Also, the presence of significant amounts of factor of 2. The 4-heptanone response in chromatogram A was
water from the susceptor paper interfered with chroma twice the response in chromatogram B and slightly greater than
tographic resolution and the identification of early-eluting that in chromatogram C. Therefore, when this chemical is used
compounds. as the internal standard, the less polar substances will appear to
To achieve greater sensitivity for quantitation, automated be present in greater amounts because of their low affinity for
headspace GC/FID was used instead of GC/MS. By using a cellulose and water. On the other hand, chemicals more polar
capillary column with a 1 . 0 p,m film operating in the split than 4-heptanone will appear to be present in lesser amounts
1272 M c N e a l & H o l l if ie l d : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l Y o l . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
i—.—i—i—i—i—i i i
18 24 30 36
F ig u r e 1. C h ro m a to g r a m A : A u to m a te d h e a d s p a c e a n a ly s is o f 10 p L m ix e d a q u e o u s s ta n d a rd . F o rtific a tio n le v e ls o f
c o m p o u n d s a - g in o rd e r o f e lu tio n : (a) 5.7 |ig fu rfu ra l, (b) 5 .6 p g fu ra n m e th a n o l, (c) 2 .45 p g 4 -h e p ta n o n e , (d) 2 .4 p g
s ty re n e , (e) 2 .3 p g 2 -b u to x y e th a n o l, (f) 2.0 p g 2 -e th y lh e x a n o l, a n d (g) 2 3 .7 p g 2 -(2 -b u to x y e th o x y )e th a n o l.
C h ro m a to g r a m B : A u to m a te d h e a d s p a c e a n a ly s is o f o v e n -d rie d s u s c e p t o r te s t s t r ip fo rtifie d w ith m ix e d s ta n d a rd
u s e d in A . C h ro m a to g r a m C : A u to m a te d h e a d s p a c e a n a ly s is o f m ic r o w a v e d s u s c e p t o r te s t s t r ip fo rtifie d w ith 2.45 p g
4 -h e p ta n o n e , th e in te rn a l s ta n d a rd , in 10 p L w ater.
because of their greater affinity for water and cellulose. This stance migrated into the food and remained there, its concen
suggests that any quantitative data developed by using a single tration in the food would therefore range from ca 0 . 2 2 pg/g for
internal standard and a standard technique for quantitation waffles and meat pies to ca 0.081 pg/g for the pot pie. Large
based on the formation of ratios are at best rough estimates of numbers of chromatographic peaks, many representing chemi
the probable amounts of substances present. cals below the estimated 0.5 pg/in . 2 level, were encountered in
the susceptor survey. We arbitrarily selected this value, i.e., 0.5
Survey o f Susceptors in the Local Market pg chemical/ 1 in .2 susceptor surface as the lowest level for de
termining unidentified chemicals. With this criterion, we were
Using the above procedures, a limited survey was con able to compare the different susceptors.
ducted that included analysis of 1 1 susceptors packaged with A test strip representing each susceptor was microwaved ac
1 0 different food products purchased from grocery stores in the
cording to the conditions described above and analyzed by
Washington, DC area during September 1989. All of the
manual headspace sampling and capillary GC/MSD. Total ion
susceptors were bilaminate constructions. Susceptor designs
chromatograms were recorded, mass spectra were obtained,
included flat sheets and trays, sheets glued to corrugated paper,
and peaks were identified. Table 1 lists 44 volatile chemicals
sleeves with overlapping seams, a paper pie pan, and some
identified from the 11 susceptors analyzed. Ten peaks having
susceptors with perforations penetrating through the food con
tact surface to ease creasing or to serve some other function. responses greater than the 0.5 pg/in . 2 response of the internal
One package, for heating fish sticks, incorporated 2 different standard remain unidentified. Many more compounds having
susceptor sheets that sandwiched the fish between them. Seven responses less than or equal to 0.5 pg/in .2 could not be identi
of the susceptors were packaged in contact with the foods, and fied; most of them appear to be aldehydes, ketones, furan de
may have contained some volatiles from the foods. rivatives, and aliphatic hydrocarbons, and also appear to be
Because foods varied in mass and shape, different amounts common to all the susceptors tested.
of food came in contact with the susceptor surface area. In the All the susceptors were screened for the suspected carcino
survey, the weight of the food in contact with 1 in . 2 of susceptor gens acrylonitrile, methylene chloride, chloroform, benzene,
surface ranged from ca 2.3 g/in. 2 for waffles and meat pies to and ethyl acrylate. Only benzene was found. It was present in
ca 6.2 g/in. 2 for the pot pie. If 0.5 pg/in . 2 of a chemical sub 8 of the susceptors tested at a <0.01-0.22 pg/in . 2 level. Accord-
M c N eal & H o l l if ie l d : Jo urnal O f A O AC I n t e r n a t i o n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1273
a Comoound occurring at least once having M S D response ca >20% of that of the internal standard.
b Identification is based on coincident retention times of autnentic standards plus agreem ent within 5% intensity of the 10 most abundant ions.
c Identification of a susceptor volatile is based on a >90% match with the NB S (formerly National Bureau of Standards; now National Institute
of Standards and Technology (N IS T)) library reference spectrum.
ing to NFPA-SPI, the plastics industry has changed formula min) are common to both susceptors and originate from paper
tions, thus eliminating benzene from microwave susceptor degradation. In chromatogram A, many of the major peaks are
products. None of the other 4 compounds mentioned above adhesive-related. They are solvents, terminal units of the
was found at >0 . 1 (ig/in. 2 levels. acrylic polymer adhesive backbone such as 2 -methyl-1 -pro
Also in Table 1 are the results of quantitative analyses of the panol (6.7 mm), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (7.4 min), n-butanol (8 . 6
survey susceptors. The data developed by the method of stand min), and 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol (33.0 min), or monomers
ard additions are indicated. The amounts of the other chemicals such as styrene and butyl acrylate (22.4 and 22.5 min, respec
listed are only estimates derived from forming a ratio between tively). In chromatogram B, except for 2-ethylhexanol (at 28.0
the peak area of the chromatographic response for each chemi min), no major adhesive-related peaks are observed.
cal and the peak area response for 2.45 (ig/in. 2 of 4-heptanone, It has been reported that the major thermal decomposition
the internal standard. product of vinyl acetate-based adhesives is acetic acid (22). Its
All the survey susceptors were screened by automated characteristic ion fragmentation pattern is easily identified by
headspace sampling and capillary GC/FTD, and their chroma MSD but not by FID. It is poorly resolved on the 5% diphenyl-
tograms were compared. Most of the GC profiles (Figure 2) 95 %dimethyl polysiloxane column and elutes as a shallow
were of 2 types: those containing acrylic adhesives (chromato broad band at about 8 min (Figure 2B).
gram A) or those containing vinyl acetate-based adhesives Also, the chromatograms shown in Figure 2 represent 2
(chromatogram B). In both chromatograms, the response at susceptors that were not packaged with the food product. More
about 21.5 min is due to the internal standard, 4-heptanone. than 140 unique peaks were observed in these 2 chromato
Many peaks including crotonaldehyde (at 7.8 min), hexanal (at grams, of which 41 were estimated to represent volatile chemi
17.1 min), furfural (at 19.2 min), and furan methanol (at 21.4 cals at >0.5 (ig/in. 2 levels. When the total area for each chro-
1274 M cN e a l & H o l l if ie l d : Jo urnal O f AO AC I n t e r n a t i o n a l V o l. 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
matogram was divided by the area of the internal standard, the typical of susceptor materials following actual cooking appli
estimated concentration of total volatiles released by the cations. Although this criterion is somewhat arbitrary, we feel
susceptor in chromatogram A was about 5 times greater than that it results in a reasonable test protocol that is neither too
that released by the susceptor in chromatogram B. These very mild nor too abusive. These uniform conditions permit the
limited data illustrate the variability in the number and amounts comparison of results from one susceptor product with those
of chemicals generated from product to product. Within-labo- from another.
ratory repeatability of responses generated by the internal The ASTM protocol differs from FDA’s method by allow
standard is illustrated by replication of the peak area response ing the analyst to choose different microwaving conditions for
for 2.45 |ig 4-heptanone and is reflected in the following data: each test to mimic the time-temperature profile that would be
n = 55, mean - 7308, standard deviation = 546, and relative obtained by monitoring food-susceptor interface temperatures
standard deviation = 7.5%. Recoveries for representative com when cooking the corresponding food (8 ). These profiles are
pounds are shown in Table 2. They were calculated for the low plots of the temperature of the food-susceptor surface interface
est fortification level of each compound from the method of at a given location as a function of microwave heating time.
standard additions. Recoveries for toluene were high because The measurements are spatially dependent determinations usu
the toluene peak coeluted with an unidentified component. ally made with fluoroptic probes such as those used with the
Luxtron™ thermometer. Such profiles, based on interface
Comparison o f FDA Protocol with A ST M Standard
measurements, often represent cooking temperatures that have
M ethod for Microwave Susceptor Volatiles
been greatly moderated by many factors, such as the food’s
FDA’s protocol is very similar to ASTM Method F-1308- initial temperature, mass, and water and oil content.
90, for which the agency collaborated with industry repre Furthermore, Lentz and Crossett (1) showed that the
sentatives (10). However, FDA’s procedure uses constant mi fluoroptic probes of the Luxtron™ thermometer cannot follow
crowave heating parameters. Susceptor test strips are heated in rapidly rising susceptor temperatures, which are more accu
a 700 watt microwave oven for 5 min with 250 mL water that rately observed with an infrared camera. For example, when
acts as a food load. Volatiles from the susceptor test strips are popcorn was microwaved, after 2 0 s of microwave heating the
determined by static headspace sampling and capillary GC. Al infrared camera showed interface temperatures as high as ca
though not routinely monitored, temperatures of our test strips, 482°F, compared with temperatures of only ca 266T obtained
as determined by fluoroptic probes, generally reach ca 370°F. with the Luxtron™ thermometer. After 3 min, the recom
More important, the appearance of the test strips afterwards is mended cooking time for the popcorn, temperatures measured
M cN e a l & H o l u f ie l d : Jo urnal O f A O AC I n t e r n a t i o n a l V o l. 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1275
T a b le 2. R e c o v e r y o f s e le c t e d c o m p o u n d s a t lo w e s t le v e l o f fo r tific a tio n 9
Fortification level,
Compound pg/in.2 n M ean ree., % SD RSD, %
were ca 464°F with the infrared camera but only ca 374°F with (3) TAPPI (1991) Proceedings, Polymers, Laminations & Coat
the Luxtron™ thermometer. Thus, the difficulty of obtaining ings Conference 2, 801-825
reliable interface temperatures, documented by Lentz and (4) TAPPI (1991) Proceedings, Polymers, Laminations & Coat
Crossett, makes reliance on time-temperature profiles as a ings Conference 2, 767-772
measure of susceptor performance a questionable tactic. (5) TAPPI (1991) Proceedings, Polymers, Laminations & Coat
ASTM Method F-1308-90 no doubt provides some data that ings Conference 2, 773-779
are appropriate for evaluating specific food applications. How (6 ) Booker, J.L., & Friese, M.A. (May 1989) Food Technol. 110—
ever, because of the many parameters that influence tempera 117
tures at the susceptor-food interface as well as the difficulty of (7) Advance Notice of Proposed Rule-Making; Materials for
accurately obtaining reliable interface temperature measure Use Under High Temperature Conditions in Microwave Ov
ens. Fed. Regist. Sept 8 , 1989, 54, 37340-37343
ments, we felt that this method was not appropriate for compar
(8 ) Kashtock, M.E., Wurtz, C.B., & Hamlin, R.N. (1990) J.
ing microwave susceptor products.
Packaging Technol. 4(2), 14-19
(9) ASTM Standard F-874-91 (1991) American Society for Test
Summary ing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA
(10) ASTM Standard F-1308-90 (1990) American Society for
A general protocol has been described for using simulated Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA
cooking tests to determine the volatile chemicals generated (11) Castle, L., Mayo, A., Crews, C., & Gilbert, J. (1989)7. Food
when microwave susceptors are heated. The difficulties of ac Prot. 52, 337-342
curately quantifying the amounts of specific chemicals have (12) Castle, L„ JickeUs, S.M., Gilbert, J., & Harrison, N. (1990)
been discussed when evaluating the method of standard addi FoodAddit. Contam. 7, 779-796
tions as opposed to internal standard ratioing based on 4-hep- (13) Begley. T.H., & Hollifield, H.C. (1989) J. Agric. Food Chem.
tanone. When possible, the method of standard additions is pre 3 8 , 145-148
ferred because of strong matrix effects. (14) Begley, T.H., Dennison, J.L., & Hollifield, H.C. (1990) Food
Results of a limited survey illustrate the type of data ob Addit. Contam. 7, 797-803
tained when this protocol is applied to susceptor products from (15) Begley, T.H., & Hollifield, H.C. (1990) J. Food Prot. 53,
different manufacturers. In this study, most of the volatile 1062-1066
chemicals occurred in very small amounts, with fewer than 50 (16) American Chemical Society (1991) Food and packaging in
teractions II, ACS Symposium Series 473, FDA Studies of
reaching levels as high as the fig/in. 2 level. Many peaks remain
High-Temperature Food Packaging, Chapter 3, pp. 22-36
unidentified. Future investigations will focus on use of similar
(17) American Chemical Society (1991) Food and packaging in
headspace techniques to study the effect of high temperatures
teractions II, ACS Symposium Series 473, Application of a
on the paper, adhesive, and polymer components of microwave Teflon Single-Sided Migration Cell for Measuring Migration
susceptors and similar food packages. Through Microwave Susceptor Films, Chapter 5, pp. 53-66
(18) TAPPI (1991) Proceedings, Polymers, Laminations & Coat
References ings Conference 2, 789-799
(19) ASTM Standard F-1449-91 (1991) American Society for
(1 ) L e n t z , R .R . , & C r o s s e t t , T .M . ( 1 9 8 8 ) Microwave World 9 ( 5 ) , Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA
1 1 -1 6 (20) ASTM Standard F-1319-90 (1990) American Society for
(2 ) A m e ric a n C h e m ic a l S o c ie ty (1 9 9 1 ) F o o d a n d p a c k a g in g in
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA
te ra c tio n s II, ACS Symposium Series 473, D e t e r m i n i n g (21) McNeal, T.P., & Hollifield, H.C. (1990) J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
V o la tile E x t r a c tiv e s f r o m M ic r o w a v e S u s c e p to r F c o d P a c k a g Chem. 7 3 ,328-331
in g , C h a p t e r 6 , p p . 6 7 - 7 8 (22) Grassie, N. (1951) Trans. Faraday Soc. 48, 379-387
1276 C h a s e Et A l .: J o urnal O f A O AC I n t e r n a t i o n a l V o l. 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
M e th o d M o d ific a tio n fo r L iq u id C h ro m a to g ra p h ic
M e d ic a l F o o d s
R eagents Loop
water. From this point on, treat the standard and the sample
portions the same, beginning as in Sample Extraction, “Add
2 mL perchloric acid... Once the standard mixture has been
filtered through a nylon filter, make 3 additional working
standards for the standard curve by diluting 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, and
10.0 mL aliquots to 10.0 mL with mobile phase to give final
concentrations of 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.0 |ig Bb B2, and B 6 per
mL, respectively.
AOAC Method
|------------26 min------------1 |------------26 min------------ 1
The following AOAC methods were used for the analysis of
F ig u r e 2. C h r o m a to g r a m s o f th e s ta n d a rd m ix tu re (A)
the medical foods: B, manual thiochrome method (3); B 2 mi
b y f lu o r e s c e n c e d e te c tio n a n d a m e d ic a l fo o d e x tra c t
crobiological method (4); B6 microbiological method, except
(B), w h e re (1) is p y r id o x in e a n d (2) is rib o fla v in (fo r 14
that column chromatography to separate the B6 vitamers was m in : e x c ita tio n X, 2 9 5 nm ; e m is s io n X, 395 n m ; a fte r 14
not used (5). m in : e x c ita tio n X, 4 4 0 nm ; e m is s io n X, 565 nm ).
T a b le 1. C o m p a r is o n o f v a lu e s o b ta in e d f o r th ia m in e T a b le 3. C o m p a r is o n o f v a lu e s o b ta in e d f o r v ita m in Be
(a s th ia m in e H C I) in m e d ic a l f o o d b y L C a a n d A O A C * in m e d ic a l fo o d b y L C a a n d A O A C * M e th o d 961.15
M e th o d 942.23
Vitamin B6, gg/g
Thiamine, gg/g
Medical food Declared LC method AOAC method
Medical food Declared LC method AOAC method
a 10.1 17.4 + 0.8 20.7 + 0.4
a 7.59 21.8 + 0.2 20.9 + 0.2 b 2.49 3.55 ± 0 3.63 + 0.1
b 1.86 2.71 ±0.1 2.46 ± 0 c 12.4 16.0 + 1.7 22.7 + 0.8
c 9.60 15.0 + 0.9 9.27 + 0.2 d 2.49 3.32 + 0.1 3.50 ± 0
d 1.93 2.76 + 0.1 1.83 + 0 e 2.00 3.92 ± 0.5 4.00 + 0.2
e 1.51 3.34 ± 0 2.56 + 0.4 t 2.34 3.13 + 0 3.51 ±0.2
t 1.76 1.69 + 0 1.29 + 0.1 g 24.7 29.5 + 1.0 34.0 ± 0.5
g 18.0 17.9 + 0.7 17.7 + 0.2
3 LC data are the mean of triplicate injections for duplicate
3 LC data are the mean of triplicate injections for duplicate extractions, except for “C,” which is the mean of duplicate
extractions, except for “C,” which is the mean of duplicate injections for 10 extractions.
injections for 10 extractions. 6 AOAC data are the average of duplicate extractions.
6 AOAC data are the average of duplicate extractions.
Medical food Declared LC method AOAC method Nutrient wavelengths Standard Sample
Values obtained for B b B2, and B6 agreed closely with the (2 ) Official Methods of Analysis ( 1 9 9 0 ) 15th E d ., A O A C , A r
(1), for B6 the method is limited to the determination of pyri- (3 ) Official Methods of Analysis ( 1 9 9 0 ) 15th E d ., A O A C , A r
B a sa l ooooooo c
m ed iu m
ooooooo B
E x tra ct n u m b e r
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 4. Extract rack layout. Figure 6. Modified needle for turbidity measurement.
H a g g e t t E t A l . : J o u r n a l O? AO A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1283
The reference method forcalculation used a BASIC pro The 3 modes ofliquidtransferbetween tubes(airdisplace
gram, written in-house, for the Commodore computer. This ment, liquiddisplacement, and liquiddisplacement withbub
software was used for 10 years (reference software) and was bleseparator)were evaluatedforreproducibilityandaccuracy
extensivelycheckedagainstmanualcalculations.The standard (Table 1).All3modes usedtheaspirationcoilandsyringe.Al
curve generated by the BASIC program was composed of a though liquid displacement predictably gave the bestresults,
composite offirstand second orderregression lines,whereas themethodwasrejectedonthegroundsthatexcessreagenthad
theautomation softwareusedasinglepolynomialoforderca to be aspirated. Such excess volumes could come in contact
pable ofbeing selected up to 6 terms. The Commodore soft with the syringe and valve, and therefore, cleaning between
ware allowed only 1 dispensing format, and thisformat was assaysfordifferentvitaminswouldbemoredifficult.Displace
duplicatedintheautomatedsystemwhen the2calculationpro ment withwaterorbufferusinga 20 LlLbubble separatorwas
cedureswere beingcompared. selected.Smaller bubbles tended tobreakup, and largerones
R e a g e n ts a n d M icro b io lo g ical A s s a y
createdmore errorbecause ofairelasticity.Even so,theaspi
ration coil speed had to be reduced from the maximum of
MBA andreagentsusedinthisworkhavebeendescribedin 1600 pL/s to 1000 pL/s, and the bubble separator had to be
detailby a number ofauthors (1,4, 6, 7). For some turbidity renewed forevery sequence oftransferoperations. Basal me
measurementwork,asilicasuspensionwas preparedbyadding dium was dispensed by liquid transferfrom the reservoirlo
0.25± 0.05g Spherisorb5u sphericalsilicaparticlesmade for cated inthecentralrack.The displacement liquid,which was
LC (HPLC Technology, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK) to also used as the diluent for the assay, was obtained from an
100mL water. externalreservoirbyaspiratingitintothesyringe/valveassem
blyand dispensingviatheaspirationcoil.The precisionofthe
S tatistical Testing
selectedmethod ofliquidtransferwas evaluatedfortheopera
Resultsandstandarderrorsgeneratedbytheautomatedsys tionsrequiredforan assay(Table2).
tem and reference procedures were compared by using the
P re ve n tio n o f C ro s s C o n tam in atio n
izedata(8). Crosscontaminationwas consideredtobe ariskduringliq
uid transfer,especially when shiftingtoassays fora different
Results vitamin. Cross contamination between liquid transfers was
eliminatedby thefollowingprocedures.To preventtheneedle
A u to m atio n S o ftw a re beingwettedtoheightsunreachableby therinsingstation,the
needletipwas programmedtodipintotheliquidtoaminimum
A total of 30 000 lines ofexecutable code occupying 1.2
depth and tofollow the fallingliquidlevel during aspiration.
Mbytes ofmemory, heldinadedicatedsubdirectory,was writ
The computerkepttrackoftheliquidheightineachtubefrom
ten to support assay and sample data entry, Gilson hardware
thetubedimensions and content volumes. At theend ofeach
control,and record generationfordownloading tootherdata
aspirating/dispensingsequence,theneedlewas returnedtothe
bases. Operator interaction was by menu selection; 400 kilo
rinsing station,lowered tothemaximum depth ofthe rinsing
bytesofon-linehelpand extensiveerrorcheckingduringdata
station(adepthmore thanadequate tocoverthecontaminated
entrywere includedtofacilitateuse ofthissoftware. TURBO
PROLOG (Borland) was used for database operation and fluid,itwasremoved,andtheneedlewas stiffenedwithastain
TURBO PASCAL (Borland) was used forhardware control.
less steelsheath.The needle tipwas always kept clearofthe
dBASE 3+ (AshtonTate)was used asthedownload database
softwarepackage.To obtainmaximum softwareflexibility,all
parameters,includingtubecountsforsamplesetsand standard
Table 1. Dispensing (1000 pL) accuracy of the
automated system for different displacement modes3
eratedsoftware. Otherlow-levelmachine operatingvariables,
such as rack locations, dimensions and layout, tube dimen Displacement Mean volume,
mode pLb SD, pL Diff., %
sions, dispensing and pumping speeds and times, aspiration
Air 871.4 3.84 -12.9
allocated to set up fileswritten in ASCII textformat. These
Liquid, 100 pL
variableswere infrequentlyaccessedand were accessibleonly bubble 986.6 1.30 -1.3
to the laboratory manager. Software restrictedthe assay me Liquid, 20 pL
dium todouble strength,thenumber ofstandardcurvesto1or bubble 1003.3 0.86 +0.33
2 perrack(notzero),and standardand extractsource tubes to Liquid, no bubble 1001.3 0.13 +0.1
Datafilesweregeneratedasrequiredduringtheassay,were a Dispensing controlled by Gilson 222 keyboard. Drop on needle tip
removed by either bubble blow out or Immersion.
heldindedicated subdirectories,and were availableforaudit b Four tubes dispensed for each mode.
1284 H a g g e t t E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C T n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
a Six independent experiments. Volumes obtained were determined by mass measurement and density corrector. Means (X) and percent
coefficients of variation (% CV) for the 6 experiments are shown for each parameter. Means for total volume anc dilution factor were,
therefore, not directly calculated from the means of standard volume and water volume.
6 The total volume for each experiment was determined as the sum of the volumes of standard and water.
c The dilution factor for each experiment was determined as the ratio of standard volume to total volume.
both modes, butvariabilityroseto± 2% forL le ich m a n n ii in Table 4. Comparison of calculation methods using
flowing mode. The variabilityofthereadings, thetime taken reference and automated methods for vitamin B12
for the readings to stabilize afterflow was stopped, and the (pg/kg)a
differencebetween flowing and stationarymodes ofmeasure Reference method Automated method
ment were all less forthe automated turbidity measurement
Sample No. Result Std error, % Result Std error, %
Table 5. Comparison of the methods of turbidity measurement using reference and automated methods3
3 Results obtained for 15 infant formulas for each assay repeated on different days; SE = standard error.
b Turbidities measured with the Cecil spectrophotometer.
c Turbidities measured with the automated system.
d Automated result minus reference result.
Table 6. Comparison of methods of dispensing reagents using using reference and automated methods3
Assay (organism) X % SE X % SE X % SE
Folate (L. casei), pg/kg 544-720 0.2-11.5 500-710 0.2-9.6 -5 -0.2
B,2 (L. leichmannii), pg/kg 16.5-26.5 1.4-5.5 15.8-29.0 1.6-8.6 -0.3 +1.4
Panto. (L. plantanjm), mg/kg 34.0-98.8 2.4-12.4 36.2-104.6 0.0-11.4 +1.4 -1.6
3 Results obtained for 13-15 infant formulas for each assay repeated on different days.
b Assays dispensed by hand.
c Assays dispensed by the automated system.
d Automated result minus reference result.
1288 H a g g e t t E t A l . : J o u r n a l O f AO A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
D e t e r m in a t io n o f M e n t h o l i n H o n e y b y G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h y
A gas chromatographic method was developed for Despite the growing use ofL-menthol by North American
the determination of L-menthol in honey at levels beekeepers, thereisvirtuallyno published scientificliterature
as low as 0.1 ppm. The method includes steam dis on analysismethods, stability,orthetastethresholdofL-men
tillationand hexane extraction with an internal thol inhoney. The goal ofthis work was toinvestigatethese
standard (2,6-dimethylphenol). Beehives treated to issues.
control A c a r a p i s w o o d i over 21 days with 30-60 g
L-menthol contained L-menthol residues in honey Experimental
and beeswax. L-Menthol was found only intreated
portions ofthe hive and not latertransferred to H o n e y S a m p le s
added honey supers. The highest levels of resi GB honeywas obtainedfrom an Edmonton beekeeperwho
dues in honey (18 ppm) and beeswax (2790 ppm) used no chemical compounds in any part of his beekeeping
were found when pure L-menthol was adsorbed operation.The othertestsampleswere obtainedfrom avariety
into foam strips placed on top of the hives. L-Men- ofmenthol hivetreatmentssummarized inTable 1.
thol residues in honey were not reduced by storage
in open containers at room temperature for up to R e a g e n ts
1 h and then shaken vigorously for 10 min. The honeys were for treating the bee colonies and for the analysis of a few initial
kept at room temperature overnight and analyzed for L-menthol honey samples.
the next day. To overcome some of the analytical problems noted above,
Honey used for individual sensory evaluations was pre a completely new procedure for menthol determination in
sented in ca 3 g portions in 7 mL vials and served with coffee honey was developed. This new procedure involved the use of
stirrers. Lemon juice (1%) in plastic cups was supplied for use steam distillation and extraction using the apparatus designed
as a rinse. All sensory evaluations were conducted in individual originally by Veith and Kimus (8 ). The solvent, which now
booths equipped with a sink, from noon to 12:30 p.m. or from served to extract the steam volatile materials in honey, was
1:30 to 3:30 p.m., under a yellow light. All apparatus was dis
changed to hexane, and the GC capillary column was changed
posed of between analysis sessions. To avoid interference, pan
to the chemically bonded DB-5 (J&W Scientific). With these
elists were not to chew gum 1 h before testing. All triangle test
modifications, the methodology was thoroughly investigated
protocol was as described in Poste et al. (9).
(Figure 3).
We were concerned that the sodium sulfate used for drying
R e s u lt s a n d D i s c u s s i o n
the hexane may retain menthol or 2,6-DMP; therefore, 3 sepa
rate hexane solutions containing 5.0 ppm L-menthol and 10.0
Because government regulations (10,11) often use 0.1 ppm ppm 2,6-DMP were examined. Portions of each solution (10
as a tolerance level for unregistered agricultural chemicals, it
mL) were treated with 3.5 g sodium sulfate and the remaining
was desirable to have a honey analysis method for L-menthol
hexane solutions were retained without a drying treatment. In
with a similar detection limit. To achieve this detection limit,
jection of each solution gave a peak height ratio (PHR, L-men
some extraction and concentration steps were necessary even
thol peak height divided by 2,6-DMP peak height) of 0.599 ±
though sample loss was possible at each step. An internal stand
ard was used to allow for such losses and to eliminate the need 0.003 (standard deviation) for the dried solutions and 0.594 ±
for volumetric control throughout the isolation procedure. We
experienced difficulty in choosing an appropriate internal
standard for honey analysis, because the internal standard had
to be similar to menthol but not occur naturally in honey. A
remarkable diversity of compounds are found in honeys ( 1 2 ).
The compound chosen was 2,6-DMP. To our knowledge, this
compound has never been reported in any honeys. 2,6-DMP is
a stable solid with physical properties and solubility (molecular
weight 122, mp 46-48°C, bp 203°C) that are very similar to
those of L-menthol (molecular weight 156, mp 41^f3°C, bp
212°C), and it has been used before as an internal standard for
quantitating volatile compounds in honey (13).
Because researchers had reported successful extraction of
menthol from honey using acetone (14), this solvent was inves
tigated first. Also, because only L-menthol (15), in contrast to
its enantiomer D-menthol, was known to be effective for mite
control, the initial GC column chosen for separation and quan
titation of menthol was the Cyclodex B capillary column (J&W
Scientific). This column contained methylated B-cyclodextrin,
which was known to separate terpene enantiometers (16).
However, there were several problems with this combination
of conditions. Although the GC separation of menthol and the
internal standard was obtained (Figure 2), the acetone was dif
ficult to successfully dry after extraction and difficult to keep
dry as it was concentrated, even with the liberal use of sodium
sulfate. The best detection limit (at least 3 times background
noise level) that we were able to obtain for L-menthol in honey Figure 2. GC separation of a standard solution of
was 0.5 ppm. Although standards (Figure 2) allowed for a menthol enantiomers in acetone on a Cyclodex B
lower detection limit, other materials extracted from honey re capillary column. Axis is time in min. GC conditions are
sulted in considerable background noise. Most problematic, as stated in the experimental except that temperature
however, was the rapid deterioration of the expensive Cy programming was as follows: 100°, hold for 1 min;
clodex B capillary column with injection of honey samples. increase 1°C/min to 120°C, hold 10 min. L = L-menthol
The deterioration was noted by a loss of resolution of the men (5.0 ppm); D = D-menthol (5.0 ppm); s = internal
thol enantiomers and an increase in tailing. This analysis pro standard, 2,6-dimethlyphenol (5.0 ppm); x = acetone
cedure was used to confirm the authenticity of L-menthol used impurities; a = 2-fold increase in attenuation.
1292 Li E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t er n a tio n a l V o l . 76, N o, 6 ,1 9 9 3
0.1 0 .0 1 4 (0 .1 4 0 ) 0 .0 1 3 (0 .1 3 0 )
0.5 0.0 96 (0.192) 0 .0 7 3 (0 .1 4 6 )
1.0 0 .1 6 3 (0 .1 6 3 ) 0 .1 3 4 (0 .1 3 4 )
2.5 0 .3 5 2 (0.141) 0.281 (0.112)
5.0 0 .6 3 5 (0.127) 0 .5 4 0 (0 .1 0 8 )
10.0 1 .1 1 6 (0 .1 1 2 ) 0 .9 5 5 (0 .096 )
shows that there was a slight curvature to the peak ratios rela
tionships. However, for simplicity, all quantitations were deter
mined using the above relationships. Because numerous cor
rections for varying peak heights and areas also require an
accurate accounting for volumes throughout the procedure,
making these corrections would defeat many of the advantages
of using an internal standard. Systematic errors introduced by
using a linear relationship were small. In the following L-men
thol determinations, any extract containing more than 1 0 ppm
menthol was volumetrically diluted with the appropriate
amount of 10.0 ppm 2,6-DMP hexane solution to ensure that
the peak ratio was within the 0.1-10 ppm L-menthol range.
To use peak height measurements for quantitation of L-men
thol, the variation in retention times should be minimal (longer
retention times result in smaller and broader peaks). With this
caveat in mind, the retention times of both L-menthol and 2,6-
Figure 3. GC separation of menthol found in honey
from a honey super (hive F) after 89 days. Axis is time in
DMP were continually monitored. In one set of experiments,
min. A DB-5 capillary column and conditions as stated in using 5 injections of both standard solutions and spiked honey
Experimental were used, m = menthol (0.4 ppm); s = extracts, the retention times for L-menthol and 2,6-DMP were
internal standard, 2,6-dimethlyphenol (10.0 ppm). 9.00 ± 0.10 and 7.35 ± 0.10 min, respectively.
Steam distillation of GB honey obtained from an Edmonton
beekeeper who used no chemical compounds in any part of his
0.012 for the undried solutions. Therefore, there was no evi
beekeeping operation gave no interfering peaks for either l -
dence of loss of soluble material due to drying of the hexane
menthol or 2,6-DMP. To investigate how much steam distilla
tion was required to remove all menthol in a honey test solu
After extraction, the hexane solution was dried with sodium
tion, GB honey was spiked with 100 ppm L-menthol. In
sulfate and then concentrated under a stream of nitrogen. Dur
separate experiments, after 10 and 15 min of distillation, 93.9
ing concentration, either L-menthol or 2,6-DMP may be lost.
and 102.2% menthol was recovered, respectively. All honey
Also, the detector response may not be linear with the variation
steam distillations were carried out for at least 2 0 min to ensure
in peak height for different L-menthol concentrations. Both of
complete recovery of L-menthol, because, in some cases, honey
these possibilities were investigated by preparing solutions is known to contain small amounts of crystalline L-menthol, as
containing 10.0 ppm 2,6-DMP and from 0.1 to 10.0 ppm l - well as soluble L-menthol.
menthol in hexane. A 10 mL aliquot of each of these solutions Repeatability of the analysis was investigated with 3 sepa
was dried by using sodium sulfate and concentrated to about 1 rate honey test samples spiked at 3.3 ppm L-menthol. By using
mL before injection into the GC system (Table 2). The PHR (y) the above calibration curve for PHR and PAR, the L-menthol
vs the L-menthol concentration in ppm (x) was fitted to the content was 2.93 ± 0.07 and 3.09 ± 0.20 ppm, respectively.
equation y = mx, and the slope was calculated using least- The method was then used to evaluate the menthol levels of
squares estimate. The slope (m) was 0.12 with a coefficient of honey from hives treated in different ways. Honey from all
determination (r2) of 0.994. Relative areas of the 2 peaks were hives was initially analyzed for menthol (background levels),
also compared (i.e., peak area ratio, or PAR) and found to have and no menthol (0.5 ppm detection limit) was found in these
a slope of 0.10 and a coefficient of determination of 0.994. Al samples. After 21 days (end of the menthol treatment for all
though both sets of data fit a straight line relationship, Table 2 except “abusive treatment” F hives) more boxes, which are fre
Li E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C Intern a tio n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1293
quently called honey supers, were added to each hive for honey hives. Also, higher menthol levels in honey in the brood cham
production. Honey from the original box (brood super) and the ber resulted from foam strips being placed on top of the brood
added honey supers (Figure 3) were analyzed. The results of sections for menthol treatment rather than from menthol paste
this testing are presented in Table 3. The efficacy and effect of being placed at the bottom of the hive.
the menthol treatments on the bees in the hives will be reported Because beekeepers reuse the wax frames obtained from
elsewhere, but it was interesting that all menthol treatments hives after the honey is removed, and because hydrophobic
resulted in dramatic reductions of Tracheal mite infestation menthol is more soluble in wax than honey, some wax analyses
compared with that o: the control (A hives). were also performed. For analysis of beeswax, the steam distil
The only unusual honey was 1 sample from the untreated lation procedure was carried out for 30 min, rather than only
2 0 min.
control hives A at the end of the menthol treatment (day 21).
This honey contained 0.3 ppm menthol. Because no menthol The results of the beeswax analysis and a comparison with
was used with this hive, we assume that this single anomaly that of accompanying honey are presented in Table 4. Again,
was due to contamination of the honey in collection, transpor an anomaly was apparent; a small amount of menthol (0.5
ppm) was detected in wax from hive A (no menthol detected in
tation, sample preparation, or analysis. Generally, honey from
the corresponding honey). We believe that this further con
the sections of the hive where honey is collected in commercial
firmed contamination of the samples collected from hive A on
honey operations (the honey supers) are free of detectable men
day 21. It was interesting that with all of the errors in analysis,
thol, with the exception of small amounts of menthol (averag
especially for honey low in menthol, that a fairly consistent
ing only 0.2 ppm, Figure 3) found in the abusively treated F
ratio (about 70 to 1) of wax menthol compared with honey
menthol was noted. This ratio doubled or even tripled for the
Table 3. Menthol levels in honey from treated hives
last 3 samples from hives C and D, which contained the men
D ays after thol in foam strips placed on top of the brood nest. The higher
initial Honey No. Av. R ange of
menthol ratio for these last 3 samples probably occurred be
menthol ocatlon in samples menthol menthol
Hive treatment hive analyzed level, ppm evel, ppm cause the foam strips are handled by the bees as they attempt
to wall off or remove the source of the menthol. The bees did
A 21 brood 3 0.1 N D -0.3® not approach the menthol paste placed on the bottom of hives
B 21 brood 2 1.8 1 .7 -1 .8 B, E, and F. In handling the foam strips, the bees may have
C 21 brood 4 6.2 3 .0 -9 .0 distributed menthol around the brood frames. In one case, we
D 21 brood 8 4.5 1 .4 -1 8 .0 could actually detect the white menthol crystals in a sample.
E 21 brood 2 1.2 0 .8 -1 .6 The menthol crystals probably stick to wax better than to
F 21 brood 5 0.8 0 .4 -1 .4
honey, elevating the apparent menthol in these samples.
A 55 brood 2 ND ND Because menthol treatment of hives obviously results in
B 55 brood 2 0.3 0.3 some residue in honey, it was useful to determine if menthol
C 55 brood 2 0.6 0 .5 -0 .7 levels in honey decreased with time. Rivera and Wilson (17)
D 55 brood 2 0.5 < 0 .1 -0 .9 *
E 55 brood 2 <0.1 <0.1 Table 4. Menthol levels in individual beeswax
F 55 brood 2 0.6 0 .5 -0 .7 compared with that in honey from same hive and
A 55 honey 2 ND ND
B 55 honey 2 ND ND D ays after Menthol concn, Ratio of
initial Honey ppm menthol,
C 55 honey 2 ND ND
menthol concn
D 55 honey 2 ND ND Hive treatment hive Honey W ax
E 55 honey 2 ND ND
F 55 honey 2 ND ND A 21 brood ND® 0.5 __
38 .3 0 9 3 0.6 23
(12) White, J.W., Jr (1979) in Honey: A Comprehensive Survey, (16) Schurig, V., & Nowotny, H.P. (1988) J. Chromatogr. 441,
E. Crane (Ed.), Heinemann, London, pp. 157-206 155-163
(13) Daharu, P.A., & Spoms, P. (1984) J. Agric. Food Chem. 32, (17) Roessler, E.B., Pangbom, R.M., Sidel, J.L., & Stone, H.
108-111 (1978) J. Food Sei. 43, 940-943
(14) Rivera, R., Cox, R.L., & Moffett, J.O. (1988) Amer. Bee J. (18) Emberger, R., & Hopp, R. (1985) Proceedings of the Interna
128, 807 tional Conference of Topics in Flavor Research pp. 201-218
(15) Wilson, W.T., Pettis, J.S., & Collins, A.M. (1989) Amer. Bee (19) Daharu, R, & Spoms, P. (1985) Can. Inst. Food Sei. Technol.
J. 129, 826 J. 18, 63-66
C u p r i m e t r i c A s s a y o f C a s e in H y d r o l y s a t e s
M.P.C. S il v e s t r e
Faculdade de Farmacia da UFMG, Departamento de Alimentos, Av. Olegario Maciel, 2360-30 180 Belo Horizonte, Brasil
E. L a t í , C. D a u p h in , and M. H a m o n
Faculté de Pharmacie, Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique, 5 me Jean Baptiste Clément, 92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France
A sim ple, rep ro d ucible, a n d p re cise potentiom etric On the basis of the well-known complex formation between
a s s a y (c o p p er in d icator electro d e) h a s b ee n d ev el copper (II) and both amino acids and peptides (12-16), we
o p e d for alkalinized so lu tio n s of p u re c a se in h ydro have studied the analytical behavior of such complexes with
ly sates, with o r w ith out additional am ino ac id s, c a r regard to copper ions in media alkalinized by sodium borate
b o h y d ra te s, o r lipids (sh o rt ch ain tryglicerides; (pH 10.0), by measuring electric potential with a copper elec
SCT) u sin g a titrated c o p p e r (II) su lfa te solution. trode (17-20). We showed (18) that the average copper con
sumption for a mixture of amino acids is 0.65 mol copper
T he c o p p e r c o n su m p tio n is related to both free
(II)/mol residue. For a di-, tri-, and tetrapeptide, the copper con
am in o acid a n d p ep tid e c o n te n ts. T hus, in com pari
sumption per mol of peptide is the same (about 1.30 mol).
s o n with th e a-am in o nitrogen determ ination, th e
Thus, we concluded that the copper consumption per mol of
m eth o d d e sc rib e d h e re giv es b etter inform ation amino acid decreases with the degree of polymerization
a b o u t th e co m p o sitio n of p rotein h y d ro ly sates. (0.44 mol and 0.33 mol for the tri-and tetrapeptide, respec
tively). These observations led us to extend this method to the
cuprimetric assay of protein hydrolysates. In addition, because
T he nutritional value of protein hydrolysates is directly of the existence of commercial mixtures of protein hydro
related to their composition. Over the last 2 decades, it lysates, some of which also contain carbohydrates and lipids,
has been shown that small peptides (fewer than 4 amino we extended our study to these products.
acids) produced by enzymatic proteolysis are better absorbed The results were compared with those obtained by classical
than free amino acids (1-9). Indeed, Grimble et al. (10) found methods (total and a-amino nitrogen determination).
that by increasing the dipeptide and tripeptide content, the nu
tritional efficiency of such hydrolysates was improved. METHOD
Official analytical methods are unsuited to determining
these parameters. Gel permeation chromatography (11) can be
used but is not well adapted for distinguishing between large Apparatus
amino acides (e.g., tryptophan) and small peptides (e.g., digly
Potentiometer.—Tacussel TA T 6 -EPL 3 coupled to an auto
cine and even triglycine), which have lower molecular weights.
mated titrating reagent buret with a variable capacity ( 1 -
The search for simple and effective methods for determining
50 mL) and a recorder adjusted to a speed of 1 cm/mL. The
the composition of these products is, therefore, important.
apparatus was connected to a derivation Derivol curve system
giving the potential drift relative to the volume of reagent
Received June 2 2, 1992. Accepted Decem ber 4, 1992. added. The measurement electrode consisted of a copper wire
1296 S ilv estre E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t er n a tio n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
3 mm in diameter; the reference electrode was mercury chlo with complex formation (14, 20, 22). We have previously
ride (calomel). shown that the most suitable neutralizing agent was a solution
of sodium borate-boric acid (17).
The optimal experimental conditions were determined by
(a) Potassium caseinate.— Nutripharm-Gallia. using casein hydrolysate 4 in the presence of increasing vol
(b) Casein hydrolysates.—Differing in degree of hydroly umes of borate solution at different pH values. The assay was
sis (numbered l-5)(Nutripharm-Gallia). optimal with 40-80 mL alkalinizing solution at an initial pH of
(c) Glucose, maltose, and lactose.—Analytical grade (E. 9.5-10.0. When the final pH was maintained above 7.0, reagent
Merck). consumption was stable and the potential variation was maxi
(d) Medium-chain triglycerides.—MCT (Société Indus mal. These conditions were identical to those determined for
triel des Oléagineus). the assay of amino acids and small peptides alone and in com
bination (17-20), so we chose 40 mL borate solution at
(e) Maltodextrins.—(Roquette).
pH 10.0.
(f) Copper sulfate solution.—Titrated at 0.1 mol/L.
(g) Alkalinizing solution.—0. IM boric acid-sodium borate, Analytical Parameters
pH 10.
Repeatability.—The method was used to perform 10 assays
Nitrogen Operating Conditions
of hydrolysate 4. The mean value was 173.0 mmol copper
Total nitrogen (TN) and a-amino nitrogen (N a -Am) were (II)/100 g product, with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.7 and a
determined according to AOAC methods (21). coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.4%. Therefore, the cuprimet
ric assay showed very good repeatability under these operating
Preparation o f Sample conditions.
(a) Soluble proteins, casein hydrolysates, and carbohy Reproducibility.—Ten solutions of hydrolysate 4 at 1.6 g%
drates, alone or in combination.— A precise amount of product were prepared in distilled water, and 25 mL of each was as
(4.0 or 8.0 g, according to expected reagent consumption) was sayed by the cuprimetric method. The mean value was
placed in a 500 mL volumetric flask and diluted to the required 172.3 mmol of copper (II)/100 g product (SD 2.3; CV 1.4%).
volume with distilled water. A 25 mL aliquot of this solution Therefore, the cuprimetric assay showed very good reproduci
was placed in a 250 mL flask containing 40 mL alkalinizing bility under these operating conditions.
solution, and the potentiometric assay was then carried out with Linearity.—Linearity was also studied using hydrolysate 4.
the apparatus described above. Good linearity was demonstrated between 80 and 960 mg hy
(b) Pure lipids or lipids mixed with casein hydrolysates drolysate, yielding a conrelation coefficient (r) of 0.9995. The
and/or carbohydrates.—A precise amount of product (4.0 or regression equation was as follows: y = 1.629a + 0.008, where
8 .0 g according to expected reagent consumption) was placed y is the copper consumption in mmol copper (II), and x is the
in a 500 mL volumetric flask containing 10 or 30 mL 95% quantity of hydrolysate in grams.
ethanol, and diluted to the required volume with distilled water.
A 25 mL portion of the formed stable emulsion was then placed R esu lts a n d D iscu ssio n
in a 250 mL flask containing 40 mL alkalinizing solution.
Determination o f total nitrogen (NT), a-amino nitrogen (N
Cuprimetric Assay Operating Conditions
a-Am), and N a-Am/NT ratio.—Table 1 shows the results for
Influence o f pH and the neutralizing agent.—During copper total nitrogen, a-amino nitrogen, and the N a-Am/NT ratio for
(Il)-induced amino acid complex formation, protons are re potassium caseinate and the 5 casein hydrolysates. The hydro
leased in the medium. For the reaction to be complete, the acid lysates are listed in order of increasing a-amino nitrogen con
ity must be neutralized by adding a base that does not interfere tent.
Table 1. Total nitrogen and a-amino nitrogen concentrations and a-amino nitrogen/total nitrogen ratios of potassium
caseinate and casein hydrolysates*
Sam ple Total nitrogen, g % a-Am lno nitrogen, g % a-Am ino nitrogen/total nitrogen ratio
" Th ese values represent the m ean and the standard deviation of 5 m easures. Statistical m easures by Student’s f-test. Within a column, the
m eans followed by the sam e letter w ere not significantly different at the 5% level.
S:lv estr e E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C In t ern a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1297
T able 2. C o p p e r c o n su m p tio n , copper/total n itro gen ratio ( R i) an d c o p p e r/a-am in o nitro gen ratio (R 2 ) o f p o ta s s iu m
ca se in a te a n d c a s e in h y d ro ly sa te s
a Th ese values represent the m ean and the standard deviation of 10 m easures. Statistical m easures by Student’s f-test. Within a column, the
m eans followed by the sam e letter w ere not significantly different at the 5% level.
As expected, the total nitrogen content of the 5 hydrolysates complementary to that given by the classical methods with re
was very similar (14.36-13.15 g%), because all were derived gard to free amino acid and small peptide contents and, as a
from the same protein. However, the slightly higher value ob result, the degree of hydrolysis.
served for potassium caseinate suggests a decrease in nitrogen Comparison o f copper/total nitrogen (Rl) and copper/a-
content during the preparation of the hydrolysates. This could amino nitrogen (R2) ratios fo r casein hydrolysates and potas
be accounted for by a loss of tyrosine (23), as well as by partial sium caseinate.—We calculated these ratios to improve the in
hydrolysis of glutamine and asparagine residues due to the terpretation of the results of the cuprimetric assay and to gain
amidase activity of the pancreatic enzymes used. precision in the analytical study of protein hydrolysates (Ta
a-Amino nitrogen content varied between 1.83 and ble 2 ).
5.82 g/100 g of product for the different hydrolysates. Again, The a-amino nitrogen/total nitrogen and copper/total nitro
as expected, the results for potassium caseinate were lower gen ratios (Tables 1 and 2) of the hydrolysates showed similar
than for the hydrolysates. Given that a-amino nitrogen reflects
free amino acid content, and that the N a-Am/TN ratio indi
cates the proportion of the total nitrogen represented by a-
amino nitrogen, these results confirm that the 5 hydrolysates
differed in degree of hydrolysis. Products 1 and 2 were weak
hydrolysates, products 3 and 4 were intermediate, and product
5 was strongly hydrolyzed. However, on the basis of these re
sults, it was not possible to distinguish clearly between prod
ucts 1 and 2 .
Cuprimetric assay o f casein hydrolysates and potassium
caseinate.—The results of the cuprimetric assay of the 5 casein
hydrolysates and potassium caseinate, expressed as millimoles
of copper (II) ions per 100 g of product, are shown in Table 2.
Values for a-amino nitrogen content (Table 1) and copper con
sumption were roughly parallel; the latter parameter increased,
as expected, with the degree of hydrolysis (20). Copper (II)
consumption by the hydrolysates varied from 93.2 to 213.0
mmol%; the value for potassium caseinate was approximately
half of the weakest hydrolysate.
Hydrolysates 1 and 2 showed similar copper consumption,
although the N a-AM content of hydrolysate 2 was higher than
that of hydrolysate 1. This suggests that the latter contained a
smaller amount of free amino acids and a larger quantity of
small peptides, because a-amino nitrogen corresponds only to
free amino acid content, whereas copper consumption also re
flects peptide content. In fact, we confirmed these results by
developing a chromatographic method for separating and
measuring the small peptide and amino acid content in casein
F igu re 1. R e la tio n sh ip betw een copper/total nitrogen
hydrolysates (these results will be published shortly). (R i) an d a -a m in o nitrogen/total nitro gen ra tio s o f c a se in
These observations are interesting, because they show that h y d ro ly sate s.
cuprimetric assay of protein hydrolysates provides information
1298 S ilv estre E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C In t er n a tio n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
trends, confirming their classification on the basis of the degree commonly added to hydrolysates. The lipids chosen were
of hydrolysis. There was a strong correlation between the 2 short-chain triglycerides (SCT), which are commonly used in
ratios (r = 0.993, Figure 1; Student’s t-test result, t = 0.028 at enteral nutrition.
the 5% level). We first determined whether these components reacted with
As expected, the order of the R2 ratios was reversed, i.e., the copper under the conditions used for assaying the hydrolysates
weakest hydrolysate had the highest value. A less strongly de by determining the potential of each component, separately and
graded hydrolysate would contain a higher proportion of small in a mixture. As SCTs are insoluble in water, it was necessary
peptides than of free amino acids, and this would tend to in to add 95% ethanol. However, because the cuprimetric assay
crease R2. The values of R2 for hydrolysates 1 and 2 confirmed of hydrolysates is carried out in aqueous medium, we deter
the higher small-peptide content in the former. However, it is mined whether the presence of alcohol interfered with copper
important to note that although the R2 ratios for hydrolysates 2 consumption by performing a potentiometric assay with the
and 3 were similar, higher values were obtained with hydro same volume of alcohol as that used to dissolve the SCT, under
lysate 3 for the other parameters, particularly a-amino nitrogen the operating conditions described above. It was noted that in
and copper consumption. This indicates that product 3 was all cases (carbohydrates, lipids, and alcohol), there was no cop
richer in both free amino acids and small peptides. per consumption.
To check whether copper consumption by a given protein
Cuprimetric assay o f mixtures of proteins (hydrolyzed and
hydrolysate was affected by these carbohydrates and lipids, we
nonhydrolyzed) and amino acids.—The cuprimetric assay was
assayed a casein hydrolysate (number 1 ) to which these com
applied to a mixture of free amino acids and the most weakly
ponents had been added, separately or mixed. Table 4 gives
hydrolyzed casein preparation. The mixture was prepared in
comparative results for the pure hydrolysate (no added carbo
such a way that the proportion of a-amino nitrogen was similar
hydrates or SCT); no interference with the protein hydrolysate
to that contained in the preparation with the greatest degree of
assay was shown. Thus, the cuprimetric assay can be used to
hydrolysis. Indeed, this is often the case in commercial prepa
analyze protein hydrolysates containing carbohydrates and lip
rations. Some international manufacturers of dietary products
modified the composition of their products a number of years
ago (without informing the consumer) by using either a rela
tively homogeneous hydrolysate (in terms of molecular
weight), or a mixture of weakly degraded proteins and
amino acids. T able 4. C o p p e r c o n s u m p tio n b y c a s e in h ydrolysate,
A comparison of the results obtained by the 3 methods de alo n e a n d with c a rb o h y d ra te s and/or lip id s
scribed above and those obtained for the strong hydrolysate
C opper consumption, mmols
showed that the difference in total nitrogen and a-amino nitro Sam ple coDper(ll)/100 g hydrolysate3
gen was relatively small, whereas copper (II) consumption by
the mixture was almost 50% higher than that by the strong hy Hydrolysate 1 9 4 .3 4 ± 2.22
drolysate (Table 3). The difference in copper (II) consumption Hydrolysate 1 + glucose 9 5 .3 7 ± 2.0 0
by the mixture of amino acids with casein (no peptides), re Hydrolysate 1 + maltose 93 .93 ± 3.55
mained significant but was less marked than that of a-amino Hydrolysate 1 + lactose 9 2 .4 9 ± 1.31
nitrogen. Hydrolysate 1 + maltodextrin 9 2 .4 9 ± 2.7 3
Hydrolysate 1 + S C T 6 9 5 .3 7 + 2.0 0
Lack o f effect o f carbohydrates and lipids.—Given the ex
Hydrolysate 1 + mixture6 9 2 .7 6 ± 3.31
istence of various commercial protein hydrolysates containing
different quantities of carbohydrates and lipids, we conducted a Th ese values represent the m ean and the standard deviation of
studies to determine the possible influence of these compo 10 m easures. Statistical m easures by Student’s f-test. Th ere is no
nents in the cuprimetric assay. The carbohydrates studied were significant differences between these values at the 5% level.
b SCT, short-chain triglycerides.
glucose, maltose, lactose, and a maltodextrin. Lactose is a nor c Mixture, glucose + m altose + lactose + maltodextrin + SCT.
mal component of milk; the others are the carbohydrates most
S ilv estre E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C Intern a tio n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1299
C o n clu sio n (6) Hara, H., Funabiki, R., Iwata, M., & Yamazaki, K.I. (1984) J.
Nutr. 114, 1122-1129
These results show that copper (II) ion consumption by ca (7) Webb, K.E., Jr (1990) J. Anim. Sci. 68, 3011-3022
sein hydrolysate solutions increases with the degree of hy (8) Cosnes, J. (1991) Rev. Prot. (Paris) 41, 699-702
drolysis. This opens the way to a new assay method for protein (9) Debry, G. (1991) Rev. Prot. (Paris) 41, 715-717
hydrolysates that complements existing methods. The pro (10) Grimble, G.K., Keohane, P.P., Higgins, B.E., Kaminski,
posed assay technique is better suited than the classical M.V., & Silk, D.B.A. (1986) Clin. Sci. 71, 65-69
a-amino nitrogen assay for differentiating between homoge (11) Pellerin, E, Baylocq, D., Majcherzyk, C., & Hamon, M.
nous hydrolysates and mixtures consisting of amino acids and (1985) Rev. Ind. Agro-aliment. Tech. Lait 356, 9-13
poorly hydrolyzed proteins. It can be applied both to pure pep (12) Amico, R, & Danielle, P.G. (1979) Inorg. Chim. Acta 35,
tide preparations and to mixtures containing lipids and carbo 383-386
hydrates. (13) Hay, R.W., & Williams, D.R. (1982) Spec. Period. Rep.
Amino Acids Pept. Proteins 13, 408^140
A ck n o w led g m en ts ( 14) Margerum, D.W. (1982) Pure Appi. Chem. 55, 23-34
(15) Mori, W, & Nakahara, A. (1979) Inorg. Chim. Acta 37, 507-
We are grateful to Nutripharm-Gallia for providing samples
of potassium caseinate and the various casein hydrolysates. (16) Norman, C.L., & Doody, E. (1952) Inorg. Chim. Acta 20,
(17) Lati, E., Dauphin, C, & Hamon, M. (1989) Ann. Pharm. Fr.
R efe ren c es 47, 344-352
(18) Lati, E., Dauphin, C, & Hamon, M. (1991) Ann. Pharm. Fr.
(1) Matthews, D.M. (1975) Physiol. Rev. 55, 537-608 49, 24-30
(2) Silk, D.B.A., Marrs, T.C., Addisson, J.M., Burston, D., (19) Lati, E., Dauphin, C, & Hamon, M. (1991) Anal. Chim. Acta
Clark, M.L., & Matthews, D.M. (1973) Clin. Sci. Mol. Med. 254, 89-94
45,715-719 (20) Lati, E., Dauphin, C, Silvestre, M., & Hamon, M. (1992)
(3) Fairclough, P.D., Hegarty, J.E., Silk, D.B.A., & Clark, M.L. Anal. Chim. Acta 268, 163-169
(1980) Gut 21,829-834 (21) Official Methods of Analysis (1984) 14th Ed., AOAC, Ar
(4) Rees, R.G., Grimble, G., Keohane, P.P., Higgins, B.E., West, lington, VA
M„ Spiller, R.C., & Silk, D.B.A. (1984) Gut 25, A547 (22) Hamon, M., Hoppenot, A., & Guemet, M. (1972) Ann.
(5) Keohane, P.P., Grimble, G.K., Brown, B., Spiller, R.C., & Pharm. Fr. 9, 595-600
Silk, D.B.A. (1985) Gut 26,907-913 (23) Knights, R.J., & Manes, J.D. (1987) Food Allerg. 273-285
1300 Smith E t A l .: J ournal O f AO AC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
specify if uncorrected or corrected signals (6 ) should be used als were used to set limits on the amount of nonlinearity that
for the evaluation. Third, the choice of the specific range of can be accepted before it is necessary to readjust linearity.
component concentrations over which each channel should be It was determined that uncorrected instrument readings are
linear is not specified clearly for all components. more appropriate for linearity evaluation of residual nonlinear
Fourth, the procedures differ with respect to the chemical ity. Uncorrected signals are the primary signals from each
composition of the stock materials used for evaluation of the channel prior to subtraction or addition of the intercorrection
fat and protein channels (Table 1). In particular, the AOAC values from the other channels and prior to the final slope and
method uses a dilution series of homogenized and/or unhomo bias adjustments of the intercorrected signal. The corrected sig
genized cream to evaluate the fat channels, whereas the IDF nals are the final predictions of the chemical values for each
procedure recommends using a dilution series of unhomo component by the instrument. Uncorrected signals should be
genized cream. Furthermore, the AOAC method instructs that used for linearity evaluation, if available. On some older mod
dilutions be made with water, whereas the IDF procedure calls els of IRs (e.g., Milkoscan 300,203, and 104), uncorrected sig
for dilution with skim milk. It is not clear if these different di nals may not be easily accessible. On new models, uncorrected
luents will yield different linearity evaluation results. For the signals are obtained by setting the intercorrection coefficients
protein channel linearity evaluation, the AOAC method recom to zero, the slope of the component being measured to one, and
mends water dilutions of a 1.294% calcium propionate solu the intercept to zero.
tion. The IDF procedure recommends an ultrafiltration (UF) Some calibration methods may mask uncorrected signal
skim milk retentate stock material diluted with ultrafiltrate (i.e., nonlinearity. Although these calibration methods may improve
permeate) to make a series of protein concentrations. the final mean corrected signal, the overall standard deviation
Finally, the methods differ with respect to the recommended of the differences between instrument and chemical values
method of dilution. The AOAC specifies volume/volume dilu may be increased because of poor linearity. The use of uncor
tions (no temperature of the solutions is specified), whereas the rected signals for linearity evaluation provides a better assess
IDF procedure specifies weight/weight or volume/volume di ment of the true linearity behavior of the log,, amplified signal
lutions. for each channel.
The objectives of this study were to develop a residual non The linearity for each channel should be evaluated over the
linearity procedure that quantifies the degree of nonlinearity range of component concentrations for which the final calibra
remaining in the uncorrected IR signal for each channel and to tion will be used. New instrument models can separate linearity
use the residual nonlinearity procedure to assess the linearity adjustment for each set of calibration equations used for differ
status of a group of IRs currently used in the dairy industry. ent types of products. For producer payment testing in the
United States, the most critical ranges in which residual non
E x p e r im e n t a l linearity should be minimized are from 2.5 to 5.8% fat, 2.5 to
3.9% true protein, and 4.3 to 4.9% anhydrous lactose. These
Development of Linearity Evaluation Procedure ranges were selected on the basis of a survey of milk composi
tion for 300 farms tested during January and again in June in a
Method for quantitation of nonlinearity.—The limitations federal milk-marketing area. Although these ranges may not
of the AOAC and the IDF linearity evaluation procedures were include all concentrations that may be encountered in producer
addressed in preliminary work. A residual plot of differences payment testing, the majority of producer payment samples
between chemical values and instrument readings was selected would fall within these ranges. In other areas of the world, ap
as a quantitative method of expressing the amount of residual propriate ranges should be selected on the basis of range of
nonlinearity. In addition, absolute values for maximum residu composition encountered in the population.
Table 1. Stock materials for evaluation of signal linearity according to AOAC and IDF procedures
Linearity Solvent for
Channel Procedure Dilution method stock material dilution series
Lactose AOAC vol/vol 4.75% Anhydrous lactose solution with 0.25 g/L HgCI Water
IDF vol/vol 4.75% Anhydrous lactose solution Water
1302 S mith E t Al .: J ournal O f AO AC International V ol . 7 6 ,N o . 6,1993
Weight/weight vs volume/volume dilutions.—Ideally for to equal the protein and lactose concentrations in the 6 % fat
volume/volume dilutions, the solution volumes should be stock solution.
measured at the temperature at which they will be tested on the Dilution of the homogenized stock with a skim milk that has
instrument. One rationale for the volume/volume dilution ap been adjusted to match the protein and lactose concentrations
proach is that the instrument’s cuvette holds a constant volume, in the 6 % fat stock solution would also be appropriate for
and therefore, the instrument signal changes linearly with vol linearity evaluation. This would result in a series of solutions
ume/volume changes in concentration of a component. How with a decreasing fat content but with a constant concentration
ever, the instrument can be adjusted to make the signals change of protein and lactose. The errors (discussed above) caused by
linearly with weight/weight changes in component concentra use of unadjusted skim milk would be avoided. To prepare so
tion. In some countries instruments are calibrated with chemi lutions for this type of linearity evaluation, the analyst would
cal test results expressed on a weight/weight basis, whereas in need to measure by chemical methods the fat, protein, and lac
other countries chemical test results for producer payment are tose contents of both the skim milk and the high-fat stock solu
expressed on a weight/volume basis. When chemical test re tion and adjust (by water dilution of the skim milk) the protein
sults are reported on a weight/volume basis, the temperature at and lactose concentrations of the skim to match the concentra
which the test applies must be specified. In the case of calibra tions in the high-fat stock solution. This approach appears to be
tion of an IR, the weight/volume chemical test used as the basis the most scientifically correct for preparing the evaluation so
for calibration should be reported at the same temperature used lutions. However, in practice it would be very difficult to exe
cute correctly in most laboratories. A direct comparison of the
for the infrared analysis (ca 40°C). This should be considered
2 approaches (water diluent vs composition-adjusted skim
when setting and evaluating IR linearity.
milk) for preparation of linearity solutions and evaluation of
If the final instrument results need to be expressed on a
instrument linearity was conducted. Given the linearity criteria
weight/weight basis, then the solutions used to set and check
described earlier in this paper, the results of the residual non
linearity should be made on a weight/weight basis. However, if
linearity evaluation (i.e., pass/fail) were not different with 2
the final results are expressed on a weight/volume basis, then
different sets of solutions (data not shown). Therefore, water
the solutions used to set and check linearity should be made on
dilution of the homogenized stock is a more practical approach
a volume/volume basis. Neither the AOAC nor the IDF method
that is more likely to be executed correctly in all laboratories.
addresses this important issue.
The choice of materials recommended by AOAC and IDF
Selection o f stock materials and diluents.—The high-fat
for evaluation of residual nonlinearity of the signal at the pro
stock material used for the linearity evaluation of the fat A and
tein wavelength was addressed. UF skim milk retentate diluted
fat B channels should be homogenized. The use of homoge
with permeate (solution of lactose and minerals) may not be
nized milk for the preparation of linearity solutions will pro
adequate to evaluate protein uncorrected signal linearity as
vide more homogeneous samples that will reduce mixing and
suggested by the IDF method. When permeate is used as a di
sampling errors.
luent, the concentration of true protein decreases linearly while
There are advantages to using water instead of skim milk as the lactose concentration varies because the lactose concentra
the diluent for the fat channel linearity solutions. Experiments tion in the permeate is not the same as the lactose concentration
were conducted to compare use of water and skim milk to make in the retentate. The result is apparent nonlinearity of the pro
dilutions of a homogenized milk containing 6 % fat. The con tein signal because of the systematic change in background lac
centrations of all the milk components (i.e., fat, protein, and tose concentration. In addition, UF skim milk retentate and per
lactose) decreased linearly with a water diluent. Skim milk meate cannot be obtained easily by the average IR operator in
contains a small amount of fat, which will vary from one linear most laboratories.
ity evaluation to the next. This makes it necessary to accurately Water dilutions of a calcium propionate solution, as recom
measure the fat content of the skim milk by ether extraction (7). mended by AOAC, are not ideal for protein linearity evalu
No fat measurement is necessary when water is the diluent. ation, because calcium propionate absorbs light at a slightly
When milk is separated into skim and cream, the protein and different wavelength (6.21-6.45 |um) and has an absorption
lactose concentrations in the skim milk are higher than in the band shape different from that of the peptide bond in protein
cream or a portion of cream diluted to a 6 % fat content with (6.465 |im) (1, 8 ). Several alternatives were evaluated; com
skim. Thus, when skim milk is used as the diluent for a milk mercially canned evaporated skim milk (ca 7.1% true protein
containing 6 % fat, the concentrations of protein and lactose in and 1 1 .0 % anhydrous lactose) was selected to serve as stock
the linearity solutions will increase as fat concentration de material for preparation (i.e., water dilution) of linearity solu
creases. The increase in background protein and lactose con tions for simultaneous assessment of protein and lactose uncor
centrations as the fat concentration decreases causes an incor rected signal linearity. This material is available as a canned,
rect apparent nonlinearity in the signal of the fat A and fat B shelf-stable product in most grocery stores in North America.
channels and may cause the operator to make an incorrect The linearity evaluation procedure described below was de
linearity adjustment. This effect is due to the change in back veloped after the above issues had been considered. The result
ground light absorbance by protein, lactose, and water at the fat ing quantitative linearity evaluation procedure represents a
wavelengths. Thus, water is a better diluent than a skim milk genera] method designed for instruments that are used to test
that has not had its protein and lactose concentrations adjusted raw milk for producer payment.
S mith E t A l .: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1303
Quantitative Linearity Evaluation Procedure should be poured into 1 of 2 dry containers. It is not unusual to
observe a small amount of milk mineral residue remaining on
Preparation o f linearity solutions.—Two sets of linearity the bottom of the can. This residue is not a problem and does
evaluation solutions are prepared: one for both fat channels not need to be transferred to or mixed with the sample. The
and one for the protein and lactose channels. The solutions evaporated skim milk is mixed by transferring from one con
should be prepared on a volume/volume basis if the final in tainer to the other to ensure a homogeneous solution. Water
strument-predicted chemistry values are expressed on a dilutions of the evaporated skim milk are made such that the
weight/volume basis. However, if the final values are ex true protein content of the linearity solutions ranges from 3.9 to
pressed on a weight/weight basis, then the solutions should be 2 .8 %; as a result, the anhydrous lactose content of these solu
prepared on a weight/weight basis. tions will range from about 6.0 to 4.3% anhydrous lactose (Ta
The following method describes preparation of linearity ble 3). The true protein content of the commercial evaporated
evaluation solutions made on a weight/weight basis. If vol skim milk should be determined by the Kjeldahl method for
ume/volume solutions are prepared, glassware of appropriate true protein (9). To determine the anhydrous lactose content of
volumetric calibration accuracy and temperatures at which so the evaporated skim milk stock material indirectly, the total
lutions are prepared and tested need to be defined clearly. solids ( 1 0 ), ash ( 1 1 ), total nitrogen-based protein ( 1 2 ), and the
For the fat A and fat B channels, a 6 % fat (approximate) fat (7) content of the evaporated skim milk stock must be de
stock material is prepared by diluting homogenized half-and- termined. The anhydrous lactose concentration can be calcu
half (ca 1 0 % fat) milk with an appropriate amount of pasteur lated by subtracting values determined for total nitrogen-based
ized skim milk. Homogenized light cream (ca 18-20% fat) di protein, fat, and ash from the total solids value. The lactose
luted to 6 % fat with skim milk would also be appropriate as a content also can be measured directly (13). Again, an assump
stock material. A series of weight/weight dilutions of the 6 % fat tion about the true protein and anhydrous lactose content of the
stock material are made with distilled water to obtain 5,4,3,2, evaporated skim milk can be made at this point to avoid doing
and 1% fat concentrations (Table 2). Distilled water is used for any chemical analysis of the evaporated skim milk. The limi
the solution with 0% fat. Weights of water and stock material tation of this assumption becomes important when comparing
are determined to 4 decimal places. Fat determination by ether linearity performance across time or from instrument to instru
extraction can be performed on the 6 % fat stock material to ment when the composition of the evaporated skim milk stock
establish the fat content (7); the fat chemistry of each dilution varies from one set of linearity evaluation solutions to another.
is calculated from the actual weights of the stock material and Evaluation o f linearity status o f fat channels.— Prior to
water used to make each solution. It is not absolutely necessary evaluation of linearity, the instrument should be evaluated for
to measure the fat content of the 6 % fat stock material by a repeatability on all channels. If the instrument cannot satisfy
chemical testing method if an assumption of a 6 % fat concen basic repeatability performance requirements, then the instru
tration is made. However, chemical analysis of the stock mate ment requires servicing prior to linearity evaluation. To evalu
rial is recommended if linearity performance of an instrument ate linearity the flow system of the instrument is cleaned and
or a group of instruments is to be monitored over time at spe all channels are set to zero. Ten measure cycles of 40°C pas
cific fat concentrations with different sets of linearity solutions. teurized whole milk should be run through the instrument
For protein and lactose channels, a series of 7 solutions with (without collecting data) prior to conducting the linearity
a known linear change in true protein and anhydrous lactose evaluation, to coat the cell and provide for stable instrument
content is prepared by diluting a canned evaporated skim milk readings. Next, the flow system of the instrument should be
with distilled water on a weight/weight basis. Prior to dilution flushed with water and zeros should be checked and reset, if
of the evaporated skim milk, the can should be tempered in a necessary, for all channels. Large shifts in zero are not normal,
40X1 water bath for 1 0 min, and then opened, and the milk and if they occur, the cuvette probably needs to be replaced.
Table 2. Sample data set for linearity solutions to evaluate fat A and fat B uncorrected signal linearity
Stock material Fat
Solution Water, g (6% fat), g concn, %a
F0 100 0 0.0000
F1 83.3342 16.6658 0.9969
F2 66.6667 33.3333 1.9939
F3 50.0008 49.9992 2.9908
F4 33.3333 66.6667 3.9878
F5 16.6675 83.3325 4.9847
F6 0 100 5.9817to
a Fat concentration calculated based on fat content of solution F6 and actual weights of water and stock material.
b Fat concentration determined by Mojonnier method or assumed to be exactly 6.0000% fat.
1304 S mith E t A l .: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
Table 3. Sample data set for linearity solutions to evaluate protein and lactose uncorrected signal linearity
Stock material protein Anhydrous lactose
Solution Water, g (evaporated skim milk), g concn, %a concn, %a
a True protein and anhydrous lactose concentrations calculated on the basis of chemical content of evaporated skim milk stock material and
actual weights of water and stock material. Analyst can assume evaporated skim milk stock contains 7.13% true protein and 10.99%
anhydrous lactose, or analyst can measure the protein and lactose content of the evaporated skim milk stock material by chemical analysis.
Table 5. Example of linearity evaluation calculations for fat A and fat B channels using data set for instrument 9,
Multispec M-1
Linearity Fat Uncorrected Predicted Residual
Channel solution concn, % signal, % concn, % value, %a
the appropriate number of solutions to be included in the re range (i.e., 2 to 5% fat) over which the regression analysis has
gression should be based on the concentration range over been based are <±0 .0 2 % residual.
which the final calibration will be used. Predicted chemical Channels that exceed the criteria by having residuals
values are calculated for each channel by using the regression >±0.02% within the chemical target range (i.e., 2 to 5% fat)
equation (Table 5). Residual nonlinearity values are calculated demonstrate unacceptable residual signal nonlinearity for use
for each channel by subtracting actual fat chemistry values in payment testing, where testing accuracy is very important.
from predicted chemical values. Finally, residual values are Such instruments require signal linearity adjustment. The mag
plotted against actual fat chemistry values in a residual non nitude of residual nonlinearity in the uncorrected signal will be
linearity plot for each channel. An example residual nonlinear reflected directly in the corrected signal. Therefore, the
ity plot for the fat A and fat B channels for the data set from
<±0 .0 2 % criterion for residual nonlinearity results in a limit for
Table 5 is given in Figure 1. The signal response for a channel
maximum systematic error in corrected values, due to non
is linear if the values of the residuals within the chemical target
linearity, of no greater than 0 .0 2 % difference from chemistry at
any fat concentration within the target chemical range. The re
sidual nonlinearity plot for instrument 9 (Figure 1) indicates
that this instrument exceeds the residual nonlinearity criteria at
2, 4, and 5% fat on the fat A channel and, therefore, fails the
linearity evaluation for the fat A channel. Thus, the uncorrected
signal linearity for the fat A channel of instrument 9 must be
adjusted and then reevaluated for residual nonlinearity. The re
sidual nonlinearity is acceptable within the target range (i.e., 2
to 5% fat) for the fat B channel (Figure 1).
Evaluation o f linearity status o f protein and lactose chan
nels.—The instrument should be prepared for linearity evalu
ation as described above. In addition, the sequence of calcula
tions for fat channel residual nonlinearity should be followed
for evaluation of the protein and lactose channels. However,
the regression analysis for the protein channel was based on the
set of data points between 2.8 and 3.9% true protein (i.e., sam
ples PI through P6 ), whereas the regression analysis for the
lactose channel was based on the set of data points (Table 3)
Figure 1. Residual nonlinearity plot for fat A ( ■ ) and
between 4.3 and 5.4% anhydrous lactose (i.e., samples PI
fat B ( A ) channels of instrument 9, Multispec M-1.
through P5). As described earlier, the signal response for a
1306 S mith E t A l .: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
F0 F1
F4b F6
Fat A >0.07 9 4 0 0 0 0 1
<0.07 to > 0.02 4 6 1 0 0 1 2
<0.02 to > -0.02 1 4 13 13 13 13 6
<-0.02 to >-0.07 0 0 0 1 1 0 5
<-0.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fat B >0.07 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
<0.07 to > 0.02 6 11 0 0 0 0 5
<0.02 to > -0.02 2 2 14 14 14 14 7
<-0.02 to > -0.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
<-0.07 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
a Solutions F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, and F6 contain ca 0,1,2, 3, 4, 5, and 6% fat, respectively. See Table 2 for actual values.
6 The solution was used for regression analysis in the linearity evaluation procedure.
Sm it h E t A l .: J ournal O f AO AC International V ol . 76, No. 6 ,1 9 93 1307
>0.07 15 0 0 0 0 0 0
<0.07 to > 0.02 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
<0.02 to >-0.02 0 17 17 17 17 17 15
<-0.02 to >-0.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
<-0.07 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
a Solutions P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, and P6 contain ca 0, 2.7, 3.0, 3.4, 3.7, 4.1, and 4.4% true protein, respectively.
b The solution was used for regression analysis in the linearity evaluation procedure.
S u rv ey R esu lts results for ranges of residual values for the 7 linearity solutions
used to evaluate the fat, protein, and lactose channels.
For the fat A and fat B channels, 3 instruments failed the
repeatability criteria and were not included in the linearity D iscu ssio n a n d C o n clu sio n s
evaluation for these channels. Linearity results for 1 additional
instrument were discarded for the fat A and fat B channels, A quantitative method for evaluation of residual nonlinear
because the difference between final and initial zeros for each ity of uncorrected signals was developed and tested by a group
of these channels exceeded the zero drift criteria during the of laboratories. The selection of the method for preparation of
actual linearity evaluation. Therefore, 14 instruments out of an solutions for setting and evaluating linearity (i.e., weight/
initial field of 18 were included in the final linearity evaluation weight or volume/volume) is an important decision. This deci
for the fat A and fat B channels (Table 7). sion must be based on the form (i.e., weight/weight or
Results for the protein and lactose channel for 1 instrument weight/volume) in which the final instrument predictions of
were eliminated because of poor lactose and protein signal re chemical values will be expressed.
peatability. Thus, 17 instruments out of an initial field of 18 Evaluation of signal repeatability (in addition to other in
were included in the final linearity results for the protein and strument performance characteristics) for each channel is es
lactose channels (Table 7). sential prior to evaluation of linearity, because other mechani
cal or electrical performance problems of the instrument may
Results of the linearity evaluation survey are summarized in
cause false conclusions about the acceptability of linearity. In
Tables 7-10. Overall, the IRs that demonstrated good repeat
the survey, 4 of 18 instruments could not be evaluated on the
ability and stable zeros had excellent linearity in the target
fat A and B channels because of poor repeatability or zero in
chemical ranges used for payment testing and, in almost all
stability. This result suggests that repeatability and zero stabil
cases, had no difficulty achieving the <±0 .0 2 % residual non ity are more of a problem than uncorrected signal linearity. The
linearity criterion. Two instruments failed the linearity evalu fat, protein, and lactose channels gave acceptable linearity over
ation (i.e., >±0.02% residual nonlinearity) for the fat A channel the selected ranges of concentrations appropriate for producer
(Table 7). All instruments evaluated satisfied the linearity payment samples. Linearity may have to be checked after any
evaluation criteria for the fat B, protein, and lactose channels changes or adjustments are made to the optical filters or peri
(Table 7). Tables 8-10 contain a summary of the distribution of odically during troubleshooting procedures.
P4b P5 P6
P0 P1b
a Solutions P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, and P6 contain ca 0, 4.2, 4.7, 5.2, 5.7, 6.3, and 6.8% anhydrous lactose, respectively.
b The solution was used for regression analysis in the linearity evaluation procedure.
1308 S mith E t A l .: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
To optimize conditions for sample collection, prepa T he mission of the Technical Support Services Labora
ration, storage, and analysis and to assure the va tory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is to provide tech
lidity of our previously published liquid nical support for inspection operations that ensure safe,
chromatographic (LC) method for carbamate analy wholesome, and accurately labeled meat and poultry products
sis in tissue, stabilities of 16 W-methylcarbamates for the American consumer. As a part of this mission under the
in beef, duck, and chicken liver tissues were stud auspices of the National Residue Plan, Food Safety and Inspec
ied by using 2 sampling protocols. Tissue samples tion Service (FSIS), we have analyzed carbamate residues in
were fortified at room temperature to a concentra liver tissues from beef, swine, and poultry since 1988.
tion 5 to 10 times greater than either the Environ For any method of residue determination, information about
mental Protection Agency tolerance level for each the stability over time of an analyte in tissues or in environ
compound (if established) or the concentration mental matrixes is useful for the following reasons: it enables
used in the previously published method. Thereaf the agency or program to establish acceptable conditions for
ter, samples were continuously frozen at -4°C for collection and laboratory storage of samples; it enables optimi
varying time intervals. In the first study, samples zation of analytical conditions that minimize loss during ex
were analyzed one day (initial) and 0 .5 ,1 ,1 .5 ,2 ,3 , traction, purification, and analysis; it can be used to assess po
4,5, and 6 months after fortification. In the second tential interconversion of an analyte in a multiresidue method;
study, samples were analyzed one day (initial) and and, above all, it can be used to develop a quality assurance
0.5,1,2, 3, and 6 months after fortification. For plan.
each residue and species, a minimum of 4 samples In general, carbamates are thermally unstable compounds.
were analyzed by LC at each point in time, and the The effects of pH on the stabilities of some N-methylcar-
mean represented analyte concentration at the end bamates in aqueous solutions were reported (1). Recent studies
of each time interval. Rates of residue depletion found that in cool, anaerobic conditions (as in northern aqui
varied among analytes and among species. Deple fers) and in limestone water (as in Florida), the breakdown of
tion rates were greater in duck livers than in beef aldicarb takes much longer than in warmer, aerobic, or more
livers. Methomyl and oxamyl were depleted com acidic conditions (2). The in vivo and in vitro metabolism of
pletely within 2 weeks. Between 2 and 6 months af the parent compound, N-methylcarbamate, in animal, plant,
ter sample fortification, residue depletions to levels and mmen microbes was reported (3,4). The stability overtime
below detection limits were observed for aldicarb,
of A-methylcarbamates in liver tissues from cattle, swine, and
aldicarb sulfoxide, aldicarb sulfone, dioxacarb, p ro
poultry has not been reported.
mecarb, propoxur, and bendiocarb. The initial loss
Stabilities of 16 /V-methylcarbamates were studied in beef,
of certain carbamates during sample preparation in
duck, and chicken livers by liquid chromatography (LC). Ten
tissues exposed to room temperature for up to 8 h
carbamates cited in a previous method (5) were analyzed one
was greater than the subsequent rate of loss. Results
day and 0.5, 1, 1.5,2, 3,4, 5, and 6 months after sample forti
indicate that cryogenic conditions are required for
fication. The remaining 6 carbamates, which were cited in the
sample preparation and storage. Results also pro
method extension (6 ), as well as 2 of the original 1 0 car
vide information on how long a violative eviden
bamates, were analyzed one day and 0.5,1,2,3, and 6 months
tiary sample can be stored for potential litigation.
after sample fortification.
In the original method (5), 5, 10, and 20 ppb levels of each
of the carbamate residues were used to generate standard
Received October 28, 1992. Accepted January 27, 1993.
Presented at the 105th AOAC INTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting, curves and test recovery in a repeatability study. These concen
August 12-15, 1991, at Phoenix, AZ. trations represented, respectively, 0.5, 1, and 2x the tolerance
1310 Ali E t A l .: J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
Group A
Aldicarb 50 beef and duck
Aldicarb sulfoxide 50 beef and duck
Aldicarb sulfone 50 beef and duck
Group B
Carbofuran 100 beef
3-Hydroxy carbofuran 100 beef
Methomyl 200 beef
Methiocarb sulfoxide 200 beef
Methiocarb 200 beef
Bufencarb 200 beef
Carbaryl 1000 beef
Group C
Carbaryl 50 00 poultry
Group D
Oxamyl 200 beef
Methomyl 200 beef
Methiocarb sulfoxide 200 beef
□ Sulfoxide/Beef + Sulfoxide/Duck 0 Sulfone/Beef A Sulfone/Duck
Dioxacarb 200 beef
X Aldlcarb/beef M Aldicarb/Duck
Propoxur 200 beef
Bendiocarb 200 beef
Isoprocarb 200 beef F ig u re 1. A n a ly te d e p le tio n c u r v e s o f a ld ic a rb , a ld ic a r b
Promecarb 200 beef s u lfo x id e , a n d a ld ic a r b s u lfo n e , f o rtifie d a t 5 0 p p b in
b e e f a n d d u c k liver.
Table 2. Results of carbamate stability study for 10 carbamates in beef, duck, and poultry livers
Concentration (ppb) by month
Aldicarb sulfoxide, 50 1 21 .5 12.1 13.5 6.0 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ppb in duck liver 2 22 .6 13.6 12.1 7.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 20.2 11.6 15.6 3.8 6.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 21 .0 11.1 9.4 6.0 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
M ean 21 .3 12.1 12.7 5.7 5.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Aldicarb sulfone, 50 1 30.9 27 .4 19.1 12.5 16.0 11.2 9.1 4.7 7.8
ppb in beef liver 2 29.1 24 .8 19.4 15.4 17.5 13.4 10.6 7.9 4 .3
3 29 .2 2 5 .0 20 .8 18.4 17.8 18.0 9.3 6.0 5.6
4 33 .7 2 7 .9 19.9 14.7 24.3 15.3 18.9 8.3 6.6
M ean 30 .7 2 6 .3 19.8 15.3 18.9 14.5 12.0 6.7 6.1
Methomyl, 2 0 0 ppb in 1 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
beef liver 2 15.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0
3 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 12.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
M ean 12.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Table 2. (Continued)
Concentration (ppb) by month
Methiocarb, 2 0 0 ppb in 1 303.1 24 7.9 2 7 4 .3 28 2.4 28 7.3 27 8.6 348.8 336.4 29 0.3
beef liver3 2 26 6.2 22 0.8 26 6.3 25 5.5 33 7.4 282.7 362.2 358.3 30 0.6
M ean 29 3.9 262.1 273.1 27 8.7 31 9.7 31 7.4 372.0 351.4 30 1.0
Bufencarb, 2 0 0 ppb in 1 156.3 161.7 155.3 129.1 134.4 127.1 113.3 107.9 103.7
beef liver 2 159.1 154.2 152.4 130.7 150.4 124.1 126.8 114.8 88 .0
3 160.0 161.7 157.0 132.3 165.1 151.4 123.3 115.4 83 .2
4 182.4 173.1 149.0 132.6 163.4 145.6 154.2 126.9 102.5
M ean 164.5 162.7 153.4 131.2 153.3 137.0 129.4 116.3 94 .3
a Methiocarb levels rose to approximately 1.5 tim es the Initial fortification level and remained at that level for the duration of the study.
ear standard curve for each of the 1 0 carbamates that were used methiocarb, methiocarb sulfoxide, and bufencarb), and 10 mL
in the original LC method (5). of the carbaryl stock standard solution into a single, 50 mL
(c) Working standard 2 (2.0 ng/\xL).—A second working actinic volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with ethyl acetate. A
standard was prepared in the same manner as working standard 21 g beef liver sample fortified with 105 pL of this solution
1 for oxamyl, dioxacarb, propoxur, bendiocarb, isoprocarb, results in concentrations of 100 ppb for carbofuran and 3-hy-
promecarb, methomyl, and methiocarb sulfoxide. Working droxycarbofuran; 2 0 0 ppb for methomyl, methiocarb, methio
standard 2 was used to generate linear standard curves for each carb sulfoxide, and bufencarb; and 1 0 0 0 ppb for carbaryl.
of these 8 residues.
(c) Fortification standard C (1 \ig/\iL).—Transfer 10 mL
carbaryl stock standard into a 15 mL graduated test tube,
Preparation o f Fortification Standards
evaporate to ca 1 mL on N-Evap at 30°C, and reconstitute to
5 mL with ethylacetate. A 21 g poultry liver sample fortified
(a) Fortification standard A ( 10.0 [ig/mL).—Transfer 1 mL
each of 3 stock standard solutions (0.5 mg/mL) of aldicarb, with 105 ¡j L of this solution results in a carbaryl concentration
aldicarb sulfoxide, and aldicarb sulfone into a single, 50 mL of 5000 ppb.
actinic volumetric flask, and dilute to volume with ethyl ace (d) Fortification standard D (40 \lg/mL).—Transfer 4 mL
tate. A 21 g beef or duck liver sample fortified with 105 pL of each of stock standards solutions of oxamyl, methomyl,
this solution results in concentrations of 50 ppb of each of these methiocarb sulfoxide, dioxacarb, propoxur, bendiocarb, iso
3 residues. procarb, and promecarb into a single, 50 mL actinic volumetric
(b) Fortification standard B.—Transfer 2 mL each of 2 flask. Dilute to volume with ethylacetate. A21 g beef liver sam
stock standard solutions (carbofuran and 3-hydroxy carbo- ple fortified with 105 pL of this solution results in a concentra
furan), 4 mL each of 4 stock standard solutions (methomyl, tion of 2 0 0 ppb for each of these 8 residues.
Ali E t A l .: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1313
F ig u re 2. A n a ly te d e p le tio n c u r v e s o f c a rb o fu ra n a n d F ig u r e 3. A n a ly te d e p le tio n c u r v e s o f m e th io c a rb ,
3 -h y d ro x y c a rb o fu rn , f o rtifie d a t 100 p p b in b e e f live r. m e th io c a rb s u lfo x id e , m e th o m y l, a n d b u fe n c a rb ,
fo rtifie d at 2 0 0 p p b in b e e f liver.
Preparation o f Fortified Sam ples included in the stability test for 6 additional carbamates (6 ).
This second study was conducted with an abbreviated version
(a) Fortification group A .— Blank beef and duck liver sam of the earlier study (see fortified samples A-C above) and used
ples (21 g each in a 50 mL screw-capped polypropylene tube) only blank beef fiver samples. Each sample was fortified with
were fortified with 105 |xL fortification standard A (50 ppb 105 (iL (equivalent to 200 ppb) fortification standard D
aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide, and aldicarb sulfone). For the first ( 2 0 0 ppb oxamyl, methomyl, methiocarb sulfoxide, dioxacarb,
study, which involved 9 points in time, 36 fortified samples for propoxur, bendiocarb, isoprocarb, and promecarb) and ana
each species were prepared in addition to 18 blank samples. lyzed at amended time intervals of 1 day and 0.5,1,2,3, and 6
The fortified samples and the blank samples were stored con months. For the second study, a total of 20 fortified samples and
tinuously at -4°C until each was analyzed. 10 blank samples were prepared. The fortified samples and the
(b) Fortification group B.—Blank beef liver samples (21 g blank samples were stored at -4°C until each was analyzed.
each in a 50 mL screw-capped polypropylene tube) were forti
fied with 105 (xL fortification standard B (100 ppb carbofuran Sam ple Extraction
and 3-hydroxy carbofuran; 200 ppb methomyl, methiocarb,
methiocarb sulfoxide, and bufencarb; and 1 0 0 0 ppb carbaryl). At the end of each time interval, 4 fortified fiver samples
A total of 36 fortified samples and 18 blank samples were pre from each species and fortification group and 2 blank fiver
pared and stored at -4°C. until each was analyzed. samples were transferred quantitatively to homogenizer flasks
(c) Fortification group C.—Blank poultry liver samples with 60 g anhydrous Na2 S 0 4 and 200 mL methylene chloride
(21 g each in a 50 mL polypropylene tube) were fortified with in the following way: ca 20 g Na2 S 0 4 was added to a sample in
105 |iL fortification standard C (5000 ppb carbaryl). A total of a polypropylene tube, and the contents of the tube were mixed
36 fortified samples and 18 blank samples were prepared and with a spatula and transferred to a homogenizer flask until all
stored at -4°C until each was analyzed. 60 g anhydrous Na2 S 0 4 was used. The sample tube was then
(d) Fortification group D.—Stability results for methomyl washed repeatedly with methylene chloride until all 200 mL
and methiocarb sulfoxide in fortified sample B were not con was used. The washings were added to the homogenizer flask
clusive (see Results and Discussion). Consequently, stability containing the sample mixed with Na2 S 0 4. For each set of
tests on methomyl and methiocarb sulfoxide were repeated and samples, 1 of the blank samples was fortified at room tempera-
Ali E t A l .: J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1315
F ig u r e 4. A n a ly te d e p le tio n c u r v e s o f c a r b a r y l in b e e f F ig u re 5. A n a ly te d e p le tio n c u r v e s o f o x a m y l,
a n d c h ic k e n liv e r, fo rtifie d a t 5 0 0 p p b in c h ic k e n a n d d io x a c a r b , p r o p o x u r b e n d io c a r b , is o p r o c a r b , a n d
1000 p p b in beef. p ro m e c a rb , fo rtifie d a t 2 0 0 p p b in b e e f liver.
ture with 105 (iL (equivalent to 10 ppb) of the corresponding compounds cited in the original method (5) (Table 2). The resi
LC working standard immediately before analysis to act as a due values represent the mean analyte concentration at the end
calibration standard for correcting sample recovery. Samples of each time interval. Anomalies in the results for methomyl
were extracted and purified following the LC method (5). and methiocarb were found. Methomyl was depleted quickly,
and methiocarb increased, possibly because methiocarb sul
Determination o f R esidue Concentrations
foxide was reduced to methiocarb. To verify this finding,
methomyl and methiocarb sulfoxide were included in the sub
At the end of each time interval, 4 fortified sample extracts
sequent analyte stability study, along with 6 additional car
from each residue group and species, a blank liver sample pre
viously analyzed and found to contain no carbamates (to act as bamates ( 6 ) (see group D in Table 1). The fortified samples for
a negative control), and another blank liver sample fortified at the second study were prepared by adding 2 0 0 ppb fortification
the time of analysis with 1 0 ppb of the corresponding working standard D to beef liver only, and an amended sampling proto
standard (to act as a calibration standard for correcting sample col was used. Table 3 shows the results of this second experiment.
recovery) were analyzed. A 3-point regression curve was gen The preparation of each batch of fortified samples, both for
erated for each compound in each group by analyzing the ap the initial carbamate analyte stability study on 1 0 compounds
propriate working standard with the LC method (5). When nec (Table 2) and for the subsequent study on 6 additional car
essary, the sample extracts were diluted to accommodate the bamates (Table 3), took almost an entire day. Therefore, forti
peak heights in the chromatogram. The concentration of each fied samples were exposed to room temperature for approxi
compound in parts per billion was calculated by using the mately 8 h before they were transferred to the freezer for
1 0 ppb calibration standard and the appropriate dilution factor. storage. The baseline samples for initial analysis were analyzed
A mean value was calculated from the 4 determinations. the next day, one day following sample fortification (day 1). A
significant depletion of certain carbamates was observed on
Results and Discussion day 1 compared with the recoveries obtained immediately after
fortification, as reported earlier (5). The average recovery of
The first stability study analyzed 3 fortification samples (A- carbamates immediately after fortification was greater than
C) at 9 time intervals (Table 1) and was conducted on the 10 80%, with a coefficient of variation less than 17%. Compared
1316 Ali E t Al .: J ournal Of AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993
with the initial loss, the subsequent rate of depletion was This study provided valuable information regarding the sta
smaller. The initial residue depletion may result from enzy bility of 16 N-methylcarbamates in liver tissues of beef, swine,
matic activity within the fortified tissues at room temperature. and poultry. The tissues are analyzed as part of the FSIS Na
The results of the 2 experiments are shown in the analyte tional Residue Plan. The significant initial loss of certain car
depletion curves of Figures 1-5. The rate of depletion varied bamates in tissues at room temperature due to enzymatic activ
among carbamates. The depletion rate was greater in duck than ity indicates that cryogenic conditions are required for sample
in beef tissue for a given analyte. Methomyl and oxamyl were preparation and storage. The results of this study also provided
depleted completely within day 1 and 0.5 month. Two to 6 information on how long an evidentiary sample containing viola
months after sample fortification, 1 0 0 % depletion of residues tive carbamate residue levels can be stored for potential litigation.
in fortified tissue was observed for 7 other carbamates (aldi-
carb, aldicarb sulfoxide, aldicarb sulfone, dioxacarb, prome- References
carb, propoxur, and bendiocarb). Increases in methiocarb con
centration to a level 1.5 times that of the fortified sample were (1) Hill, M.K., & HoUowell, R. (1984) Anal Chem. 56, 2465-
observed in the original experiment. In the latter experiment, 2466
with the decrease of methiocarb sulfoxide concentration, a (2) Marshall, E. (1985) Science 229,1369-1371
peak was observed at the retention time of methiocarb in the (3) Belasco, J.I., & Harvey, J., Jr (1980) Am. Chem. Soc. 28,
chromatogram. A possible explanation may be that enzyme ac 689-692
tion caused a reversed equilibrium shift that produced free (4) Kearney, C.P. (1976) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 59, 866-893
methiocarb from methiocarb sulfoxide. Either chemical or en (5) Ali, M.S. (1989) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 72, 586-592
zymatic reduction appears to have occurred. (6 ) Ali, M.S., White, J., Bakowski, R., Stapleton, N., Williams,
K., Johnson, R., Phillippo, E., Woods, R., & Ellis, L.R.
(1993) J. AOACInt. 76,907-910
Armishaw & M illar : J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6,1993 1317
Methods using a commercial sweep codistillation ment of Primary Industries and Energy (DPIE). This program
apparatus, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), aims to ensure compliance with maximum residue levels set by
and Florisil column adsorption chromatography the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council
were compared as cleanup techniques for the de (1).
termination of organochlorine pesticide residues in The agricultural use of organochlorine pesticides was
animal fats by Megabore capillary gas chromatogra banned in Australia in 1987. However, animals may still incur
phy with electron capture detection. Animal fat that significant residues from land contaminated by previous use,
had been previously found to contain no detectable from contaminated dipping or jetting equipment, or from inad
organochlorine residues was spiked with 17 or vertent exposure to organochlorine pesticides used for termite
ganochlorine pesticides at levels ranging from 0.1 control.
to 0.4 mg/kg and cleaned up by each of the 3 tech Operating conditions for a commercial sweep codistillation
niques. Recoveries obtained for all 3 methods were
apparatus for the cleanup of animal fats prior to the determina
in the range 73-113%, with coefficients of variation
tion of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide resi
between 1.1 and 11.2%. Equivalence of method per
dues have been described previously (2-4). This apparatus is
formance was further demonstrated by performing
used in many Australian residue testing laboratories and is
replicate analyses of beef and sheep fat containing
gaining increasing acceptance in other countries. It is used rou
naturally incurred residues of heptachlor epoxide,
tinely by AGAL for the determination of organochlorine and
dieldrin, p,pf- DDE, p,pf-DDD and p.p'-DDT. All 3
organophosphorus pesticides in thousands of animal fat, butter,
methods offer effective cleanup and acceptable re
and cheese samples annually.
covery of organochlorine pesticides in animal fat.
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) is a cleanup tech
The sweep codistillation method has the advan
nique recommended by Codex (5) and the AOAC (6 ) for the
tages of low solvent and reagent use, simultane
ous cleanup of 10 samples, and rapid turnaround, cleanup of organochlorine pesticides in animal fat and is the
although thermal degradation of pp'-DDT requires subject of several recent publications (7-10).
monitoring and control. GPC offers a high degree Florisil column chromatography is a recognized cleanup
of automation but is a relatively slow sequential technique for fatty foods. Procedures are described in detail in
sample cleanup with high solvent use. Florisil col AOAC Official Methods o f Analysis (11) and the U.S. Food and
umn adsorption chromatography is a simple, Drug Administration Pesticide Analytical Manual (12). This
proven technique but requires considerable sol technique is used by AGAL as an alternative cleanup for the
vent and reagent and has a low potential for auto confirmation of organochlorine residues in foodstuffs.
mation. The performance of the commercial sweep codistillation
apparatus used in this study has been evaluated in interlabora
tory proficiency studies (13) conducted by AGAL on behalf of
T he Australian Government Analytical Laboratories the DPIE. However, no study comparing its performance with
(AGAL) routinely analyze fat samples for organo that of other recognized cleanup techniques for animal fats has
chlorine pesticide residues as part of the National Resi been published.
due Survey program administered by the Australian Depart- The present study was conducted to provide comparative
performance data for the 3 cleanup techniques (GPC, sweep
Received September 10, 1992. Accepted February 11, 1993 codistillation, and Florisil column chromatography).
1318 A r m is h a w & M il l a r : J o u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t i o n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Comparative data are presented for 17 organochlorine pes Prepare individual stock solutions of 0.2 mg/mL in light petro
ticides at internationally significant residue levels from spiked leum.
animal fat and from fat containing naturally incurred residues. (1) Organochlorine pesticide standard solution.—Dilute in
dividual stock solutions to obtain the following concentrations
METHOD in light petroleum; hexachlorobenzene (HCB), lindane,
a-BHC, heptachlor, 8 -BHC, aldrin, oxychlordane, heptachlor
epoxide, /ran.v-chlordane, d.v-chlordane, /?,//-DDE, dieldrin,
Apparatus and Reagents endrin, p,p'-DDD, and /?,//-DDT, all 0.01 |ig/mL; P-BHC,
0.02 pg/mL; p,/?'-methoxychlor, 0.04 jig/mL.
(a) Sweep codistillation apparatus.— Unitrex (Universal
Trace Residue Extractor) supplied by Scientific Glass Engi
neering (SGE) Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia. This unit has
been described previously (2). Remove the glass beads from
the distillation tubes before use.
Sweep Codistillation Method
(b) Gel permeation chromatography system.—LC pump Operate the sweep codistillation apparatus as described by
(ISCO Model 2350), autoinjector (ISCO Model ISIS), fraction Luke et al. (2) except for the following modifications: (7) Use
collector (ISCO Model Foxy 200), electrically actuated 6 -port beadless distillation tubes, (2) increase sweep time to 45 min,
injection valve, 5 mL sample loop, peristaltic transfer pump (3) use 10 mL diethyl ether-light petroleum (22 + 78) to elute
(ISCO Inc., Lincoln, NE). traps.
(c) Gel column.—Glass, 50 cm x 2.5 cm id, slurry packed Collect the eluate from the traps in a 10 mL volumetric flask
with 70 g Bio Beads SX-3 (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, and adjust to volume with light petroleum. Mix thoroughly and
CA) and compressed to a bed length of 48 cm. Operate at a flow inject into the gas chromatograph.
rate of 3 mL/min. These variations from the sweep codistillation operating
(d) Gas chromatograph.—Varian 3400 fitted with 63Ni conditions described by Luke et al. (2) are not necessary for the
electron capture detector, Varian packed column injector fitted determination of organochlorine residues alone. However, they
with Megabore column installation kit (J&W Scientific, Fol do allow the simultaneous determination of certain organo-
som, CA, part no. 125-1100); fused silica, 30 m x 0.53 mm id phosphorus pesticide residues, including diazinon, chlorpyri-
column with 1 pm DB-1701 stationary phase (J&W Scientific, fos, bromophos ethyl, and ethion, and are used routinely in our
part No. 93408). Operating conditions: temperatures, column laboratory.
oven 170°C, temperature program at 40°C/min to 230°C, hold
at 230°C for 4 min, then temperature program at 40°C/min to GPC Method
270°C, hold at 270°C for 3 min, injector 210°C, detector 3(X)°C; (a) Calibration.—Inject 5 mL organochlorine pesticide
He carrier gas at 6 mL/min, N 2 makeup gas at 30 mL/min. standard prepared in GPC eluting solvent. Use transfer pump
(e) Solvents.—Light petroleum (Shell X4, redistilled in to load sample loop as described by Daft et al. (9). Collect six
glass); dichloromethane, LC grade (Ajax Chemical Co., Syd teen 10 mL fractions from 150 to 310 mL. Transfer collected
ney, Australia); diethyl ether, nanograde (Mallinckrodt Austra fractions to a Kudema-Danish concentrator fitted with a 5 mL
lia Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia). calibrated tube. Evaporate the collected fractions to a small
(f) Sweep codistillation trap eluting solvent.—Diethyl volume; add 10 mL light petroleum during the final stages of
ether-light petroleum (22 + 78). Add 44 mL diethyl ether to a evaporation. Adjust to a final volume of 5 mL with light petro
200 mL volumetric flask, adjust to volume with light petro leum, mix thoroughly, and inject into the gas chromatograph.
leum, and mix thoroughly. Determine the elution profiles of pesticides.
(g ) GPC eluting solvent.—Dichloromethane-light petro (b) Cleanup.—Weigh 1.0 g molten fat into a 10 mL volu
leum (1 + 1). Add 1 L of dichloromethane to 1 L of light petro metric flask, adjust to volume with GPC eluting solvent, and
leum in a glass Winchester bottle and mix thoroughly. Vacuum mix thoroughly. Filter the fat solution through a 0.45 pm mem
filter solvent through a 0.45 ¡am membrane filter prior to use. brane filter into a GPC autosampler vial. Inject 5.0 mL fat so
(h) Florisil column eluting solvent.—Dichloromethane- lution (equivalent to 0.5 g sample) onto the GPC column and
light petroleum (20 + 80). Add 400 mL dichloromethane to collect the fraction determined from the calibration procedure.
1600 mL light petroleum in a glass Winchester bottle and mix Transfer the collected fraction to a Kudema-Danish concentra
thoroughly. tor fitted with a 5 mL calibrated tube. Evaporate to a small
(i) Florisil.—60-100 mesh (Floridin Co., Pittsburgh, PA). volume; add 10 mL light petroleum during the final stages of
Prepared as described by Luke et al. (2). (Deactivated Florisil evaporation. Adjust to a final volume of 5 mL with light petro
2 % was used for sweep codistillation traps and adsorption col leum, mix thoroughly, and inject into the gas chromatograph.
(j) Sodium sulfate.—Granular, anhydrous. AR grade. Heat
Florisil Column Adsorption Chromatography
at 160°C for a minimum of 16 h before use. Weigh 0.5 g molten fat into a 25 mL beaker and dissolve in
(k) Reference standards.—Curator of Standards, Australian 5 mL Florisil column eluting solvent. Weigh 16.0 g Florisil into
Government Analytical Laboratories, Melbourne, Australia. a glass chromatography column and top with 1 cm of sodium
A r m is h a w & M il l a r : Jo urnal O f AO AC I n t e r n a t i o n a l V o l. 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1319
sulfate. Rinse column with 75 mL eluting solvent. Transfer the For the GPC cleanup the amount of fat carried over into the
fat solution to Florisil column; rinse the beaker with small por final extract was measured by collecting the pesticide-contain
tions of eluting solvent. Elute pesticides from the column with ing fraction in an oven dried (70°C, 45 min), tared beaker. The
250 mL eluting solvent. Collect the eluate in a Kudema-Danish fraction was then evaporated to dryness on a steam bath, and
concentrator fitted with a 5 mL calibrated tube and concentrate the beaker was returned to the drying oven (70°C, 45 min). The
to 5 mL for injection into the gas chromatograph. beaker was then reweighed.
Linearity of electron capture detector response was estab
Gas Chromatographic Determination lished (R 2 > 0.99) within the range equivalent to 0.01 to 0.2
mg/kg of residue in the sample for 15 of the 17 organochlorine
Inject 2 pL of sample extract and calibration standard into
pesticides tested and within the range 0.02 to 0.4 mg/kg for
the gas chromatograph. Identify peaks by comparison of reten
(3-BHC, and 0.04 to 0.8 mg/kg for p,p'-methoxychlor. When
tion times and quantitate by peak height.
necessary, sample extracts were diluted to maintain detector
response within this range.
Results and Discussion
A composite animal fat was prepared by mixing rendered
beef, sheep, and swine fat that had been analyzed previously
Recoveries fromSpiked Fat
and found to be free from detectable residues of organochlorine
pesticides. The recoveries from the 3 cleanup techniques are Usted in
A portion of this fat was spiked with 17 organochlorine pesti Table 1. The 17 organochlorine pesticides tested were recov
cides at residue levels (Table 1). Portions of the spiked and un ered in the range 73-113% for residue levels between 0.1 and
spiked fats were then analyzed by the 3 techniques specified. 0.4 mg/kg.
The 3 cleanup techniques were also compared by analyzing Because each of the rephcate spiking trials was ran as a
samples of beef and sheep fat containing naturally incurred or single batch, the results in Table 1 indicate the repeatabihty of
ganochlorine pesticide residues. The beef fat sample was ana each cleanup method and demonstrate a comparable level of
lyzed in quadruplicate using each of the 3 cleanup techniques. precision for each method. Our laboratory has considerably
The sheep fat sample was analyzed in quadruplicate by the less experience with the GPC technique than with either sweep
sweep codistillation and GPC cleanups but not by the Llorisil codistillation or Florisil column. Experience within our labora
column adsorption cleanup. A spiked fat was analyzed along tory over many years has shown the long-term intralaboratory
with each batch of samples, and the raw results were corrected reproducibility for both sweep codistillation and Florisil col
for recovery (Tables 2 and 3). umn cleanups to be between 5 and 10% at the spiking levels
Table 1. Results of replicate analyses of spiked animal fat cleaned up by sweep codistillation, GPC, and Florisil
column adsorption chromatography
Sweep3 GPC3 Florisil0
Spike, Mean ree., cv, Mean ree., cv, Mean ree., CV,
Pesticide mg/kg % % % % % %
HCB 0.1 101 3.6 105 8.7 93 3.5
a-BHC 0.1 103 2.6 97 4.5 89 4.0
Lindane 0.1 102 1.7 95 3.4 93 3.1
ß-BHC 0.2 109 3.1 98 2.2 94 4.2
Heptachlor 0.1 103 5.2 98 5.2 90 5.6
8-BHC 0.1 95 3.3 100 1.9 91 3.8
Aldrin 0.1 102 2.7 84 7.2 91 4.8
Oxychlordane 0.1 105 3.6 73 11.2 93 4.6
Heptachlor epoxide 0.1 102 2.2 96 3.2 91 4.3
frans-Chlordane 0.1 112 10.2 100 2.2 93 3.6
c/s-Chlordane 0.1 108 2.7 100 3.2 93 3.7
p,p'-DDE 0.1 113 1.6 104 4.1 93 4.6
Dieldrin 0.1 107 1.1 102 3.2 97 5.4
Endrin 0.1 103 2.6 101 2.6 92 4.9
p,p'-DDD 0.1 111 2.8 103 3.4 97 6.5
p,p'-DDT 0.1 94 3.5 101 4.3 97 2.9
p.p'-Methoxychlor 0.4 96 4.2 102 6.5 83 4.4
used here. On the basis of the repeatability of results obtained in our laboratory has shown that by removing the glass beads
in this study, we would expect a similar level of reproducibility from the distillation tubes, it is possible to extend to over 1 0 0
for the GPC cleanup. the number of analyses performed with each tube before acid
For the GPC cleanup, the observed recoveries were consis washing and silanizing are required.
tent with those obtained by Ault et al. (8 ) in their validation
studies of the official AOAC method (7). The somewhat lower
Cleanup Efficiency
mean recoveries observed for aldrin (84%) and oxychlordane Efficiency of sample cleanup, measured in terms of fat car
(73%) in our GPC cleanup are consistent with the use of a ryover and “cleanliness” of gas chromatograms is excellent for
slightly long dump time, because these are the first pesticides all 3 methods. Figure 1 illustrates electron capture detector gas
eluted from the GPC column. When the dump time was short chromatograms of composite, residue-free animal fat cleaned
ened to improve recovery of aldrin and oxychlordane, an in up by each of the 3 techniques. Sweep codistillation and
crease in interferences in the gas chromatogram was observed. Florisil column cleanups provide a slightly cleaner chromato
These interferences were presumably caused by increased gram, particularly in the early part of the trace. Figure 2 reveals
overlap of the fat elution band into the collected fraction. No some minor interferences (particularly for HCB) in the chro
correction for interferences was made when calculating recov matogram of the GPC extract.
eries. Luke et al. (2) reported less than 2 mg fat carryover into the
For sweep codistillation cleanup, the slightly high mean re final sample extract with the sweep codistillation method. We
coveries observed forp,//-DDE (113%) and p,p'-DDD (111%) measured fat carryover for beef, sheep, swine, goat, and poultry
coupled with a correspondingly low mean recovery of p ,p - fat with the GPC technique to be less than 2 mg. No deteriora
DDT (94%) is consistent with minor breakdown of p,//-DDT tion of gas chromatograph performance, caused by lipid con
to p ,p -DDE and /?,//-DDD in the hot distillation tubes. This tamination of the column or injection port, was observed dur
degradation effect is statistically significant (Student’s two- ing this work.
tailed t test p < 0.05) when compared with the ambient tem
Comparison of Method Performance for Samples
perature GPC and Florisil column techniques. However, the
Containing Naturally Incurred Residues
results for p ,p -DDT and its breakdown products are generally
summed and reported as total DDT analogues. Thus minor The beef fat sample selected for this study contained repre
breakdown of DDT is of little practical significance. The de sentative levels of p,//-DDE, dieldrin, and heptachlor epoxide,
gree of thermal breakdown is controlled by regular monitoring organochlorine pesticides commonly found in animal fat. Raw
of p,p -DDT recoveries and by silanizing the distillation tubes results for the beef fat sample (Table 2) are in excellent agree
when significant p ,p -DDT breakdown is observed. Experience ment for the 3 cleanups. Corrected recovery results show a
0 3 6 9
Time (min)
Figure 1. ECD gas chromatograms of residue-free fat cleaned up by GPC (A), sweep codistillation (B), and Florisil
column adsorption chromatography (C).
A r m is h a w & M il l a r : Jo urnal O f AO A C I n t e r n a t i o n a l V o l. 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1321
0 3 6 9
Time (min)
Figure 2. ECD gas chromatograms of residue-free fat cleaned up by GPC (A), and organochlorine pesticide standard
(B). Peak identification: 1, HCB; 2, a-BHC; 3, lindane; 4, heptachlor; 5, aldrin; 6, (3-BHC; 7, 5-BHC; 8, oxychlordane; 9,
heptachlor epoxide; 10, frans-chlordane; 11, cts-chlordane; 12, p , f i - DDE; 13, dieldrin; 14, endrin; 15, p ,p f- DDD; 16,
p,/f-DDT; 17, p,p'-methoxychlor. All 20 pg, except for p-BHC (40 pg) and pp'-methoxychlor (80 pg).
greater diversity consistent with the practice of batch recovery between the sweep codistillation and GPC cleanups for p,p'-
correction based on the result from a single spike. Batch recov DDE and p,//-DDD, but a lower result for p,p'-DDT by sweep
ery correction is specified by DPIE for testing the fat in Austra codistillation. This result is consistent with the typically lower
lian export meat. recovery obtained for p,p'-DDT by sweep codistillation as pre
The sheep fat selected for this study contained repre viously discussed. When the raw results for individual DDT
sentative levels of p.p'-DDT and its metabolites. This enabled analogues are summed, no statistically significant difference
a direct comparison of the performance of the GPC and sweep between the sweep codistillation and GPC results is observed
codistillation cleanup techniques for these pesticides. Raw re (Student’s two-tailed t test; p < 0.01). The recovery corrected
sults for the sheep fat sample (Table 3) show good agreement results are in close agreement with the corresponding GPC results.
Table 2. Results of replicate analyses of a beef fat containing naturally incurred organochlorine pesticide residues
after cleanup by codistillation, GPC, and Florisil column adsorption chromatography
Corrected result,
Cleanup technique3 Pesticides Raw result, mg/kg CV, % mg/kg Recovery,
Table 3. Results of replicate analyses of a sheep fat containing naturally incurred organochiorine pesticide residues
after cleanup by codistillation and GPC
Corrected result,
Cleanup technique3 Pesticides Raw result, mg/kg CV, % mg/kgb Recovery, %
Sweep p.p'-DDE 0.81 2.4 0.84 97
p.p'-DDD 0.23 5.2 0.24 97
p.p'-DDT 0.60 1.8 0.65 93
Total DDT 1.66 2.1 1.73 NAC
Comparison of Operational Features low capital cost with the important advantage of greatly re
duced solvent use.
The 3 cleanup techniques give equivalent results for the de
termination of organochiorine pesticide residues in animal fats. Acknowledgments
However, for the regulatory laboratory chemist, each technique
has advantages and disadvantages. The authors wish to thank Mr. A. Hirst for performing some
Advantages of the sweep codistillation method include low of the sweep codistillation analyses and Mr. R. Hogg for help
solvent use, no use of chlorinated solvents, no evaporation of ful assistance with proofreading the manuscript.
solvents, and relatively low capital equipment costs. The tech
nique is simple in operation and offers rapid sample turnaround References
and high sample throughput in comparison with the other
methods. A batch of 10 samples can be cleaned up in 1 h. How (1) National Food Authority (1992) Australian Food Standards Code,
ever, the method is not automated and requires the full-time Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, Australia
attention of the analyst. AGAL has routinely used sweep codis (2) Luke, B.G., Richards, J.C., & Dawes, E.F. (1984) J. Assoc.
tillation cleanup to analyze fat samples taken from animals bound Off. Anal. Chem. 67, 295-298
for export when a turnaround time of less than 24 h is required. (3) Luke, B.G., & Richards, J.C. (1984) J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
The GPC method has been highly automated, with commer Chem. 67, 902-904
cial systems available. However, these systems are expensive. (4) Brown, R.L., Fanner, C.N., & Millar, R.G. (1987) J. Assoc.
The fact that GPC is a sequential cleanup procedure places Off. Anal. Chem. 70, 442—445
limitations on both the number of samples that can be proc (5) Codex Alimentarius Commission (1989) Recommendations
essed in a given period, and on the minimum achievable turn for Methods of Analysis of Pesticide Residues, Document
around time. The high solvent use, with attendant disposal CAC/PR8-1989, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome,
problems, is also a disadvantage, although a recent study ( 1 0 ) Italy
reports a GPC cleanup that reduces solvent use by 85%. The (6 ) Official Methods of Analysis (1990) 15th Ed., AOAC, Ar
automated nature of GPC systems makes them well suited to lington, VA secs. 984.21A-F
laboratories with a constant load of samples with a relatively (7) Ault, J.A., & Spurgeon, T.E. (1984) J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
long turnaround time and when the saving in labor can com Chem. 67, 284-286
pensate for the capital investment and the solvent purchase and (8 ) Ault, J.A., Spurgeon, T.E., Gillard, S., & Mallinson, E.T.
(1985) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 6 8 , 941-944
disposal costs incurred.
(9) Daft, J., Hopper, M., Hensly, D., & Sisk, R. (1990) J. Assoc.
Florisil column adsorption chromatography combines high
Off. Anal. Chem. 73, 992-994
solvent and reagent use and a low potential for automation. It
(10) Patterson, J.R. (1991) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 74, 1016-
is, however, a rapid, proven, and reliable cleanup technique,
which is well suited for confirmatory analyses.
(11) Official Methods of Analysis (1990) 15th Ed., AOAC, Ar
lington, VA, sec. 970.520
Conclusion (12) Pesticide Analytical Manual (1968) 2nd Ed., Vol. 1, U.S.
Food and Dmg Administration, Washington, DC
Results of the sweep codistillation cleanup are equivalent to (13) Hotchin, M. (1987-1991) National Pesticide Proficiency
those of the GPC and Florisil column adsorption cleanups. The Testing Program, Reports of Studies No. 1 to 7, Australian
sweep codistillation technique combines rapid analysis and Government Analytical Laboratories, Sydney, Australia
C h ic h il a & G il v y d is : Jo urnal O f AO AC I n t e r n a t i o n a l V o l. 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1323
D e te rm in a tio n o f P a r a q u a t a n d D iq u a t in L o w -M o is tu re F o o d
C r o p s U s in g S ilic a C o lu m n C le a n u p a n d L iq u id
C h ro m a to g ra p h y w ith U V D e te c tio n
GeneralApparatus LC Operation
(a) Vortex mixer.—Scientific Products, McGraw Park, IL Set column oven temperature to 40°C. Equilibrate system
60085. with helium-sparged mobile phase at 1.0 mL/min for 15 min or
(b) Centrifuge.— Must accommodate Coming 50 mL cen until retention times for PQ and DQ are reproducible (ca 5 and
trifuge tubes; 2 0 0 0 rpm minimum, with swing-out horizontal 5.6 min for DQ and PQ, respectively). Thoroughly rinse system
with 20% acetonitrile in water before shutting down systemfo r
extended periods, e.g., overnight. Maintain slow flow (0.1-0.2
(c) Food mill.—Retsch KG, 5657 Hahn, Germany; process
mL/min) when system is not in use for shorter periods to pre
dry food crops to pass through 20-40 mesh sieve.
vent salt deposition. Program diode array detector for the quan
(d) pH measurement.—pH meter (Fisher Scientific,
titation of PQ and DQ at maximum absorbance wavelengths of
Springfield, NJ 07081).
257 and 310 nm, respectively. Adjust sensitivity of detector so
(e) Filter paper.—Sharkskin analytical paper, 5.5 cm that 1 0 ng of each analyte on-column produces 2 0 % full-scale
(Schleicher & Schuell, Keene, NH 03431). response. (This was achieved at a setting of 0.01 AUFS by us
(f) Polypropylene containers.—Coming 250 mL beakers ing the specified system.)
and 50 mL centrifuge tubes with conical bottoms (Fisher Sci
entific). Preparation of Silica Gel for Column
(g) Pyrex test tubes.— 100 mL, 159 x 33 mm (Fisher Sci Chromatography
Weigh 100 g EM Science bulk silica gel into 1L beaker. Add
(h) Filters.—For column chromatography, use 20 ¡urn po 1 L LC-grade water. Mix with glass stirring rod. Pour silica
rous polyethylene frits (1 V\ 6 in. diameter; Varian Associates, slurry into 500 mL (or larger) coarse sintered glass filter. Apply
Inc., Harbor City, CA 90710). For sample filtration before LC suction and elute water. Wash silica with 500 mL 1M HC1.
analysis, use Nylon Acrodisc 13 mm Disposable Filter Unit, Rinse silica with LC-grade water, ca 2-3 L, until pH of eluate
0.45 pm pore size (Gelman Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI 48106). is ca 6-7. Transfer silica from funnel to 500 mL beaker by using
(i) SPE apparatus and silica gel for sample cleanup.— mbber policeman and rinsing with methanol. Dry silica in oven
Visiprep Solid Phase Extraction Vacuum Manifold with Teflon at 130°C for at least 3-4 h. Silica may be stored in oven or at
solvent guides (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA 16823); 75 mL poly room temperature in covered container. For convenience, 4 g
ethylene reservoirs and bulk silica gel (Silica Gel 60, particle portions of silica may be weighed into 50 mL polypropylene
size 0.040-0.063 mm, 230-400 mesh ASTM, part number centrifuge tubes, capped, and stored at room temperature for
9385-1), no substitutions (EM Science). subsequent use.
justed to pH 9 with NaOH. (Several tubes may be used simul Silica was originally used to isolate PQ and DQ from high-
taneously to accommodate total volume of filtrate.) moisture crop sample extracts, because it exhibits primarily
cation exchange selectivity under aqueous conditions (3, 4).
Silica Gel Column Cleanup The capacity of silica to act as a cation exchanger depends on
several factors, particularly pH (4). In the original methodol
Insert 20 pm frit into 75 mL polyethylene sample reservoir,
ogy, recovery of PQ and DQ from potato extracts appeared to
and place onto vacuum manifold. Add 25 mL Solution A to 4 g
be optimized at pH 9. With low-moisture commodities, the ca
silica gel in 50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube. Shake vig
pacity of the cartridges was exceeded because of excessive
orously and pour slurry into sample reservoir. Let silica settle
sample matrix. Increasing the pH would theoretically increase
(ca 2 min). Open valve and elute basic solution, but do not let
capacity, but at pH >9, degradation of DQ (5) and “irreversible”
gel mn dry at this time. After this elution, transfer 50 mL pH-
retention of PQ were probable. Another way to increase capac
adjusted sample supernatant to silica gel column. Let gel settle
ity was to use a greater mass of silica gel. A column of 4 g silica
again and then elute sample. Continue adding sample super
gel was found to provide sufficient capacity for PQ and al
natant to silica column until entire sample is transferred. Sam
lowed for the low but reproducible recovery of DQ from ex
ple solutions should elute freely; if not, apply vacuum to
tracts prepared from low-moisture crop extracts.
achieve flow of ca 1 drop/s, but do not allow silica to run dry.
An inherent advantage in using silica gel columns was the
Using vortex mixer, thoroughly mix insoluble residue remain
elimination of plugging resulting from sample fines. The top of
ing in centrifuge tube(s) with ca 10 mL LC-grade water pre
the silica bed had 3 times as much sampling area as the SPE
viously adjusted to pH 9, and centrifuge for 15 min. Apply this
cartridges (27 mm diameter vs 9 mm), which resulted in a less
supernatant to silica column. After sample elution, wash silica
dense accumulation of sample fines. Sample solutions could
column with 100 mL LC-grade water, then 50 mL methanol,
freely permeate the silica column bed.
and then 40 mL solution B. Dry silica by applying vacuum (ca
The final sample volume before the column cleanup was
5 in. Hg) for ca 5-10 s after eluting each of these washes. Dis
about 100 mL. This volume was exceeded on occasion, how
card all sample eluate and waste. (Flow may be stopped at any
ever (by as much as 200 mL), with no apparent effect on sample
time to empty waste beakers.) Elute analytes with 100 mL so
cleanup or analyte recoveries. Therefore, additional aqueous
lution C into clean, HCl-rinsed, unsilanized 250 mL round-bot
washings in the sample preparation steps before the silica col
tom flasks without vacuum unless necessary. Carefully evapo
umn cleanup are permissible.
rate to ca 1 mL by using vacuum rotary evaporator at 90°C.
With vacuum on, vent evaporator and allow stream of air to dry Because of the increased mass of silica, greater wash and
eluate volumes were required to achieve sample cleanup and
remaining 1 mL eluate. Final 1 mLmay also be taken to dryness
in 100°C water bath under gentle stream of nitrogen. Dissolve analyte elution than in the original methodology. The volumes
residue in 1 mL LC mobile phase with swirling. Filter through described in this modified method were adjusted for efficiency
0.45 pm porosity membrane. and practicality. In one instance, an analyst using the method to
determine PQ in wheat samples increased the volume of Solu
LCDetermination tion B (0.1M HC1 in methanol) from 40 to 60 mL. The loss of
PQ was negligible and the final extracts were cleaner (personal
Inject 100 pL sample solution into LC system. Compare communication, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Dallas
chromatographic response (peak retention times, heights, District Office). In general, because PQ is highly retained on
and/or areas) with that of standard solution, and calculate resi silica, increasing the wash volumes should be permissible. The
due amount. Standard peak responses established for screening recoveries of PQ and DQ reported in this paper were, however,
analysis are equivalent to ca 0.01 ppm PQ and DQ. If levels established by using the method as described earlier.
found in sample significantly exceed screening level, prepare PQ and DQ can be readily adsorbed onto surfaces such as
standard solutions with higher concentration giving peak re glass, particularly under alkaline conditions. Because this is a
sponses within 25% of those of sample. Diode array scans of troublesome source of contamination, polypropylene contain
respective peaks provide qualitative information if desired. ers were specified wherever possible. The sample residues
from low-moisture crops are particularly difficult to remove
R e s u lt s a n d D is c u s s io n from the round-bottom glass sample flasks. Soaking the flasks
overnight in undiluted Micro detergent and rinsing with water,
2M HC1, water, and methanol were usually sufficient to re
Silica Column Chromatography move contaminants. (The Micro can be reused.)
The original method for sample cleanup and the isolation of Liquid Chromatography
PQ and DQ from high-moisture food crops (3) was not success
fully applied to low-moisture commodities for at least 2 rea Sodium chloride is generally not used as an additive in LC
sons. First, the capacity of the SPE cartridges was apparently mobile phases, because it can cause corrosion of stainless steel.
exceeded; therefore, recoveries of PQ and DQ from low-mois The backflush seal arrangement used with the Spectra Physics
ture crops were low and irreproducible. Second, sample fines Ternary Solvent System apparently protected the pump heads
that were not removed despite filtration and centrifugation from seepage. Nevertheless, the pump heads were dismantled
plugged the SPE cartridges. and checked for signs of corrosion periodically, depending on
1326 C hichila & G ilvydis : Journal O f AO AC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Crop Added, ppm Av. rec., % CV, % Crop Added, ppm Av. rec., % CV, %
Dry navy beans 0.01 86 .0 (5 )a 15.2 Dry navy beans 0.01 4 7 .5 (5 )a 16.6
0.05 7 9 .3 (9) 7.4 0 .0 2 b 52.1 (9) 14.0
0 .3 0 b 87.1 (10) 5.6 0.50 6 5 .8 (3) 5.9
0.50 8 4 .0 (3) 3.1 1.00 74 .5 (3) 1.1
1.00 8 8 .3 (3) 1.5 W hole wheat
W hole wheat flour 0 .026 68 .5 (9) 13.1
flour 0 .0 5 * 9 5 .3 (9) 17.3 Milled barley 0 .0 2 b 59.1 (11) 13.4
Milled barley 0 .0 5 b 9 4 .7 (1 1 ) 12.5
a Num ber of samples In parentheses.
a N um ber of samples in parentheses. b EPA tolerance level.
b EPA tolerance level.
F ig u r e 2. L C - d io d e a rra y U V c h ro m a to g ra m s F ig u re 4. L C - d io d e a rra y U V c h ro m a to g ra m s
d is p la y e d a t 2 5 7 n m ( P Q d e te rm in a tio n ) f o r th e a n a ly s is d is p la y e d a t 3 1 0 n m (D Q d e te rm in a tio n ) f o r th e a n a ly s is
o f fo rtifie d w h o le w h e a t flo u r: A , 50 n g s ta n d a rd o f P Q ; o f fo rtifie d w h o le w h e a t flo u r: A , 2 0 n g s ta n d a r d o f D Q ;
B , w h o le w h e a t f lo u r c o n tr o l; C , fo rtifie d w h o le w h e a t B , w h o le w h e a t flo u r c o n tr o l; C , fo rtifie d w h o le w h e a t
flo u r a t th e to le r a n c e le v e l, 0.05 p p m . R e c o v e r y o f P Q f o r flo u r a t th e t o le r a n c e le v e l, 0.02 p p m . R e c o v e r y o f D Q f o r
t h is s a m p le w a s 95.2%. t h is s a m p le w a s 60.7%.
mass of silica gel (e.g., from 4 to 5 g) did not increase the re Dry navy beans, in particular, were the most difficult to work
covery ofDQ. with; peak heights for DQ were measured manually by using
Typical UV diode array chromatograms of standards and baseline correction because of the presence of an interférant
sample solutions are shown in Figures 1-4. peak (Figure 3). Blank correction was also usually required for
The determination of PQ and DQ in low-moisture com calculating PQ levels in dry navy bean extracts.
modities was often complicated by the presence of interférants.
High-Moisture Crop Cleanup and Recoveries
C o n clu sio n s
I n te r la b o r a to r y S tu d y o f a T h e rm o s p ra y -L iq u id
C h r o m a to g r a p h ic /M a s s S p e c tr o m e tr ic M e th o d f o r S e le c te d
A f-M e th y l C a r b a m a t e s , /V -M e th y l C a r b a m o y lo x im e s , a n d
S u b s titu te d U r e a P e s tic id e s
V io r ic a L o p e z - A v il a
Midwest Research Institute, California Operations, 625-B Clyde Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043
T ammy L . J ones
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Collaborators: B. Anderson; T. Behymer; R. Christensen; T. Dougherty; T. Getek; L. Dnicki; D. Richards; L. Shalaby; C. Vestal
T a b le 1. T a rg e t c o m p o u n d s , th e ir C A S r e g is try n u m b e rs , c h e m ic a l fo rm u la e , c h e m ic a l s tru c tu re s , a n d c h e m ic a l
nam es
Com pound nam e C A S registry No. Chemical form ula Chem ical structure Chem ical nam e
O -C -N H -C H .
Qc>r°“' H
Oxamyl 2 3 1 3 5 -2 2 -0 C7 H1 3 N3 O3 S 2-Dimethylamino-1-(methylthio)glyoxal
O O-m ethylcarbam oyl-m onooxime
(C H .l.N -C -O N -O -C -N -C H ,
These pesticides are typical examples of polar, nonvolatile, pounds are not amenable to gas chromatography, because they
and thermally labile compounds. The need for sensitive and are thermally labile. Several investigators reported methods
specific analytical methods for such compounds is increasing that involve the derivatization of these compounds or of the
as they become more widely used in agricultural pest-control phenols or methylamines that result from their basic or acidic
programs. Reports in the literature indicate that these com hydrolysis, respectively. For example, Coburn et al. (1) used
L opez -A vila & J ones : J ournal O f A O A C International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1331
pentafluorobenzyl (PFB) bromide to derivatize the phenols were advised to follow the instrument manufacturer’s specifi
that resulted from the hydrolysis of 2 /V-methyl carbamates, cations for optimal interface performance.
carbaryl and carbofuran, with methanolic potassium hydrox
ide, and analyzed the derivatives by gas chromatography with E xperim ental
electron capture detection.
Other very sensitive analytical methods for /V-methyl car
Study Design
bamates make use of liquid chromatography with post-column
derivatization and fluorescence detection (2,3), or ultraviolet The study design was based on the AOAC INTERNA
detection without post-column derivatization (4). In the former TIONAL’S blind replicate design with balanced replicates for
case, the aqueous sample is either filtered and directly injected the collaborative evaluation of precision and accuracy for ana
(2) or it is extracted with methylene chloride (3) and the extract lytical methods (12). In this design, solutions in methanol of the
is then injected into the LC column. After elution from the LC 9 target compounds at 3 concentrations were analyzed to pro
column, the A-methyl carbamates are hydrolyzed with sodium vide data for estimating the intralaboratory and the interlabora-
hydroxide at 95°C; the methylamine that is formed then reacts tory precision of the method. Three replicate samples at each
immediately with added o-phthalaldehyde and 2 -mercap- concentration were analyzed at the high concentration (identi
toethanol to give a highly fluorescent derivative. Accurate de fied as H-l, H-2, H-3) and at the low concentration (identified
termination of /V-methyl carbamates by LC with fluorescence as L-1, L-2, L-3) while 2 replicate samples were analyzed at the
or ultraviolet detection is highly dependent upon the sample medium concentration (identified as M-2, M-3). In addition, 1
matrix. Since compound identification is based solely on additional sample (identified as M -l) with lA lower concentra
matching chromatographic retention times, co-elution of inter tion than M2 and M3 was analyzed in the medium-concentra
fering compounds and shifts in retention times can have a great tion range. The true concentrations, unknown to the collabora
impact on data interpretation. tors, of the 9 target compounds (excepting carbendazim) were
LC with mass spectrometric detection has also been used for 90 pg/mL of each compound in the H -l, H-2, and H-3 samples;
the determination of pesticides (5, 6 ); this technique provides 35 pg/mL of each compound in the M -l sample; 40 pg/mL of
both qualitative and quantitative information. TS-LC/MS in each compound in the M-2 and M-3 samples; and 5 pg/mL of
the positive- and negative-ion modes was used for the charac each compound in the L-1, L-2, and L-3 samples. The true con
terization of aldicarb, carbaryl, and linuron (7). Using the posi centrations of carbendazim were 22.5 pg/mL in the H -l, H-2,
tive-ion mode in combination with reversed-phase eluents, the and H-3 samples; 8.75 pg/mL in the M-l sample; 10 pg/mL in
base peaks in the mass spectra of carbamates corresponded to the M-2 and M-3 samples; and 1.25 pg/mL in the L-1, L-2, and
(M + NH4)+ ions (8 ). In the negative-ion mode, the formation L-3 samples. Carbendazim was not soluble in methanol at a
of (M-CONHCH3)~ ions was reported for carbamates. De concentration of 100 pg/mL; therefore, it had to be spiked at
lower concentrations.
pending upon which mobile phase was used, other adduct ions
were reported (9). For example, the formation of (M + CH3CN The 9 volunteer laboratories participating in this study,
+ H)+ ions was reported for acetonitrile-water mixtures (9). identified as laboratories 01, 03,05,06,07,08,10,11, and 12,
were instructed to analyze the 9 samples and a sample blank
The variation in the composition of the mobile phase provided
(i.e., a methanol blank identified as B), and to submit the data
additional structural information, with no appreciable loss in
on a 51/4-in. diskette in the format specified by EPA-LV. In ad
dition to the samples, each laboratory received 2 ampules of a
TS-LC/MS has been done primarily with single-stage quad-
stock standard solution containing all 9 target compounds, each
rupole mass spectrometers. Because thermospray ionization is
at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, in methanol except for carben
a relatively “soft” technique resulting in very little fragmenta dazim at a concentration of 0.25 mg/mL. The laboratory staff
tion, it may be difficult to identify the compounds when then- were instructed to prepare calibration standards at 10, 30, 60,
mass spectra exhibit mainly the adduct ions. To maximize the and 100 pg/mL by diluting these stock standard solutions
identification power of the mass spectrometer, Betowski and 1:100, 1:33, 1:17, and 1:10 (vol. to total vol.) with methanol,
Jones (10) and Chiu et al. (11) used mass spectrometry/mass respectively. Prior to analyzing the samples, the staff of each
spectrometry (MS/MS) in conjunction with thermospray ioni laboratory performed a 4-point calibration curve using the
zation. Using low-energy collision with an inert gas, the daugh working standards at concentrations of 10, 30, 60, and
ter ions resulting from the collision-activated dissociation re 100 pg/mL and calculated the slope, intercept, and correlation
sembled those obtained when electron impact or chemical coefficient for each target compound using the linear regres
ionization modes are used. sion technique. Quantitation of the test compounds in the sam
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate whether TS- ples was done by external standard calibration.
LC/MS can reliably detect and quantity the 9 compounds, and The TS-LC/MS conditions recommended by EMSL-LV are
to establish the interlaboratory precision and accuracy of the summarized in Table 2. These conditions were developed from
method with currently available instrumentation. Because of those reported by Anderson (12) and optimized for this set of 9
the complex nature of the TS-LC/MS operation, specific oper compounds using Dry Lab software (LC Resources, Inc., Wal
ating parameters, such as instrument tuning and calibration, nut Creek, C A). The laboratories were asked to use the oositi ve
1332 L o p e z -A v ila & J o n e s : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n tern a tio n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
filament turned on whenever possible. The ions recommended Preparation of the Sam ples
for quantitation are listed in Table 2; however, laboratory 08
used the ion at mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) 191 to quantitate aldi- The 9 target compounds used in this study were purchased
carb, laboratories 07 and 08 used the ion at m/z 202 to quanti from Crescent Chemical (Hauppauge, NY) and were used
tate carbary 1 , and laboratory 08 used the ion at m/z 2 2 0 to quan without further purification. Their purities were stated to be at
titate oxamyl. least 96%. One concentrated stock solution containing carben-
The tip temperatures used by the 9 laboratories were as fol dazim at a concentration of 0.25 mg/mL and each of the other
lows: laboratory 01, gradient from 114° to 90°C; laboratory 03, 8 target compounds at a concentration of 1 mg/mL was pre
99°C; laboratory 05, gradient from 240° to 180°C; laboratory pared in methanol. Sample dilutions were prepared as follows:
06, I05°C; laboratory 07, approximately 240X; laboratory 08, for the L-1, L-2, and L-3 samples, add 1 mL concentrated stock
the heated vaporizer was set at 200°C (this corresponds to an solution to 200 mL volumetric flask and increase the volume to
exit gas temperature of 125X1); laboratory 10, gradient from 200 mL with methanol; for the M-l sample, dilute 7 mL stock
185° to 145X; laboratory 11,200X; and laboratory 12, gradi solution into total volume of 200 mL with methanol; for the
ent from 205° to 143X. M-2 and M-3 samples, dilute 8 mL stock solution into total
volume of 200 mL with methanol; and for the H -l, H-2, H-3
samples, dilute 18 mL stock solution into total volume of
T a b le 2. T S - L C / M S o p e ra tin g c o n d it io n s re c o m m e n d e d 200 mL with methanol. The samples were kept refrigerated at
f o r th e in te rla b o r a to r y s tu d y 4°C in the dark until their shipment to the laboratories partici
pating in the collaborative study. The concentrations of the
P aram eter
samples, as well as of the 7 replicates of stock solution, were
Ionization mode Positive verified prior to the study at the EMSL-LV by LC/UV.
Filament, on/off On
Flow rate, mL/min 1.0
Outlier Testing
Column type C 18-bonded silica
The outlier testing was done using both the Cochran test and
Column dimensions 150 mm length x 4 .6 mm id
the Grubbs test (13). The aim of the former test is to remove the
Particle size, pm 5
Injection volume, pL 20
results obtained from the laboratories showing significantly
Tip tem perature, °C 190 to 2 1 0 greater variability among replicate intralaboratory analyses
Source temperature, °C 2 6 0 to 27 0 than the other laboratories for a given concentration. The pur
Mass range, amu 140 to 4 0 0 pose of the latter test is to remove the results obtained from
Scan time, s/scan 1.5 laboratories with extreme averages. When a laboratory was re
jected on the basis of these tests, its results were removed from
the set of data for a particular compound, and the test was then
Tim e, min Mobile phase A, % a Mobile phase B, % b repeated 1 more time using the remaining data in the subset.
0 5 95 Statistical Analysis
30 100 0
35 100 0 Statistical analysis was performed using the AOAC Lotus
40 5 95 spreadsheet developed for the analysis of data from interlabo
45 5 95 ratory studies (14). The spreadsheet program calculates per
formance parameters of the method according to the Harmoni
zation Guidelines in Ref. 13. Summary statistics (sr, sR, RSDr,
Com pound Ion, m /z RSDr ) were calculated for the average concentrations and for
the overall method precisions at each of the 3 concentration
Aldicarb 2 0 8 (M + N H 4) levels. The single-analyst standard deviation (sr, repeatability)
Bendiocarb 2 2 4 (M + H) or 241 (M + N H 4)
is the precision associated with the performance of an individ
Carbaryl 2 1 9 (M + N H 4)
ual laboratory, and the overall standard deviation (sR, repro
Carbendazim 192 (M + H)
ducibility) is the precision associated with measurements gen
Carbofuran 2 2 2 (M + H) or 2 3 9 (M + N H 4)
Diuron 2 3 3 (M + H)
erated by a group of laboratories. The repeatability relative
Linuron 2 4 9 (M + H) or 2 6 6 (M + N H 4) standard deviation (RSDr), which was determined from the re
Methomyl 163 (M + H) or 180 (M + N H 4) peatability standard deviation (sr) and the average concentra
Oxamyl 163 (M + H -C H 3N C O )c or 2 3 7 (M + N H 4) tion at a particular concentration level, is an indication of the
intralaboratory precision. The reproducibility relative standard
a Mobile phase A = 0 .1 M ammonium acetate and 1 % acetic acid in
deviation (RSDr ), which was determined from the reproduci
b Mobile phase B = 0.1 M ammonium acetate and 1 % acetic acid in bility standard deviation (sR) and the average concentration at
water. a particular concentration level, is an indication of the inter
c As reported in Ref. 18.
laboratory method precision.
Lopez -A vdla & J ones : J ournal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, No. 6 ,1993 1333
38888. o
ac nnr.
28888. u.
-C u
E 12
->»J cs
-g ii
5880. x
a o
8 .r.r.r ..,.rv..rrT .T.T , T.. ( T ,T r .T v r -p-r -T .p. r , r.,........ r ,T , r , r ,T , .
8 5 10 15 29 25
TIME (min)
F igu re 3. T S - L C / M S c h ro m a to g ra m reported b y labo rato ry 10 for the c o m p o site sta n d a rd c o n ta in in g the
9 c o m p o u n d s at 100 p g /m L e x cept c arb en d azim at 25 p g /m L (injection v o lu m e is 20 pl_).
After outlier removal the RSDr values were lower, ranging following facts (7) that the TS-LC/MS technology is not nearly
from 10.9 to 21.9% relative standard deviation for the high- as mature as the LC/UV technology, (2) that the laboratories
concentration samples, from 6.5 to 17.5% relative standard de were allowed to deviate from the recommended conditions,
viation for the medium-concentration samples, and from 9.7 to and (3) that the technique requires highly skilled analysts, this
33.1% relative standard deviation for the low-concentration wide range in percent RSD r is not unexpected. Because only
samples. Before outlier removal the RSDr values were signifi one other collaborative study dealing with the TS-LC/MS tech
cantly higher than the RSDr values, ranging from 39.0 to 98.5% nique has been done, we are not making any claims as to what
relative standard deviation for the high-concentration samples, is acceptable for method precision at the present time.
from 29.4 to 68.2% relative standard deviation for the medium-
concentration samples, and from 68.2 to 135% relative stand M ethod Accuracy
ard deviation for the low-concentration samples. After outlier
removal, the RSDr values ranged from 35.0 to 54.4% relative Data on method accuracy given here as the interlaboratoiy
standard deviation for the high-concentration samples, from average percent recovery of each of the target compounds (cal
29.8 to 64.2% relative standard deviation for the medium-con culated from the average concentrations in Tables 3 and 4) at
centration samples, and from 51.4 to 98.2% relative standard each of the 3 concentration levels (5,40, and 90 pg/mL for all
deviation for the low-concentration samples. compounds except carbendazim, for which the 3 concentra
The results of this interlaboratoiy study, although poor in tions were 1.25,10, and 22.5 pg/mL) are presented in Tables 5
terms of method precision in comparison with those reported and 6 . The method accuracy data for the other medium-concen
by Edgell et al. in Ref. 2, are comparable to those reported by tration samples M l samples, concentration 35 pg/mL, except
Jones et al. (5) for 11 chlorophenoxy acid herbicides. Given the for carbendazim at 8.75 pg/mL, are not included, because we
1336 Lopez -A vila & Jones : Journal O f A O AC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Compound Av. sr sR RSDr, % RSDr , % Av. sr sR !RSDr, % RSDp, % Av. Sr SR RSDr, % RSDr , %
Aldicarb 89.9 19.6 35.0 21.8 39.0 44.1 7.7 17.0 17.5 38.5 2.6 0.9 2.6 33.1 98.2
Bendiocarb 73.3 16.1 39.3 21.9 53.6 38.0 6.6 16.6 17.3 43.7 4.0 3.8 5.4 93.2 135
Carbaryl 93.6 66.2 70.0 70.7 74.8 45.4 9.2 17.3 20.2 38.1 3.7 1.6 3.2 43.0 85.1
Carbendazim 30.2 13.0 18.4 43.1 60.9 13.8 1.4 8.9 10.4 64.2 1.6 0.4 1.1 26.1 68.2
Carbofuran 79.0 16.7 35.2 21.2 44.5 36.9 5.0 16.3 13.6 44.3 3.6 0.9 3.3 25.2 91.6
Diuron 79.2 44.2 47.8 55.8 60.3 40.6 5.1 11.9 12.5 29.4 4.9 2.7 5.7 56.2 117
Linuron 80.6 23.0 37.5 28.5 46.5 40.2 10.3 16.7 25.7 41.7 5.4 4.6 5.8 86.0 108
Methomyl 119 53.0 118 44.3 98.5 44.1 17.9 30.1 40.6 68.2 5.6 3.1 5.7 55.3 102
Oxamyl 82.3 31.8 47.0 38.6 57.1 39.4 9.2 24.0 23.2 60.8 4.9 0.5 4.6 9.7 93.6
a sr and sRare the standard deviations for repeatability and reproducibility, respectively. RSDr and RSDr are the corresponding relative
standard deviations for repeatability and reproducibility, respectively. The units for average, sr, and sRare pg/mL. The number of replicates
was 3 for the high-concentration and the low-concentration samples and 2 for the medium-concentration samples.
had only 1 replicate per laboratory; however, they were in intoan intralaboratoryportion and an interlaboratoryportion,
cludedinTable7. with a corresponding splitof the total number ofdegrees of
To determinetheoverallmethod recovery,we performeda freedom. For all9 compounds and inboth high-concentration
linearregression analysis(Table7).The measured concentra and low-concentration samples, we found that the variation
tionswereplottedon they-axis,andthetrueconcentrationsof fromlaboratorytolaboratorywas greaterthanthatattributedto
thetargetcompounds were plottedon thex-axis.The correla analyticalerrordisplayedwithinlaboratories.There aremany
tioncoefficientscalculatedforthelinearregressionequations reasons forthe greatervariation; however, because the study
were allabove 0.98 (Table 7), which confirms the utility of samples didnotcontain any ofthecontaminants thatareusu
theseequationsforestimatingthemethod accuracyatanycon allyfound inenvironmental samples, we attributedthisinter
centration levelwithin therange tested.The slopes of there laboratory variation tooperationalparameters such as mobile
gressionequationsvariedfrom0.785fordiuronto1.24forcar- phase flow rate,mobile phase and buffercomposition, vapor
bendazim (Table 7). These data indicate that the overall izer temperature, tip temperature, and source temperature.
method recoveries,for8ofthetargetcompounds atconcentra Among these operational parameters, the tiptemperature was
tionsrangingfrom 5 to90 pg/mL and forcarbendazimatcon thoughttobetheparametermostlikelytoaffectthemass spec
centrationsrangingfrom 1.25to22.5pg/mL,rangedfrom78.5 tralfragmentationofthesecompounds.
to 124%.
Mass Spectral Analysis
Analysis of Variance
We analyzed the mass spectraldatareported by 7 ofthe 9
Analysisofvariance(ANOVA) wasusedtomathematically laboratories, excepting laboratories 06 and 08 which did not
separatethetotalvariation oftheexperimental measurements submit mass spectra, and looked forpossible correlationsbe-
Aldicarb 88.8 11.4 34.4 12.9 38.8 44.1 7.7 17.0 17.5 38.5 2.6 0.9 2.6 33.1 98.2
Bendiocarb 73.3 16.1 39.3 21.9 53.6 38.0 6.6 16.6 17.3 43.7 2.6 0.6 1.6 21.3 61.9
Carbaryl 82.8 11.7 34.0 14.2 41.1 43.1 3.0 15.7 7.0 36.4 3.1 0.7 2.3 23.3 75.8
Carbendazim 28.1 5.6 15.3 19.9 54.4 13.8 1.4 8.9 10.4 64.2 1.6 0.4 1.1 26.1 68.2
Carbofuran 79.0 16.7 35.2 21.2 44.5 36.9 5.0 16.3 13.6 44.3 3.6 0.9 3.3 25.2 91.6
Diuron 71.9 13.1 26.1 18.2 36.3 39.5 2.6 11.8 6.5 29.8 3.3 0.5 2.6 16.2 77.9
Linuron 76.3 8.3 32.5 10.9 42.6 37.2 3.9 13.4 10.5 35.9 4.1 0.6 2.1 15.7 51.4
Methomyl 84.0 10.8 29.4 12.9 35.0 36.3 2.8 15.0 7.8 41.2 4.5 0.7 4.1 15.3 92.9
Oxamyl 75.5 12.4 37.0 16.4 49.1 35.2 3.7 20.8 10.4 59.1 4.9 0.5 4.6 9.7 93.6
sr and sRare the standard deviations for repeatability and reproducibility, respectively. RSDr and RSDr are the corresponding relative
standard deviations for repeatability and reproducibility, respectively. The units for average, sr, and sRare pg/rnL. The number of replicates
was 3 for the high-concentration and the low-concentration samples and 2 for the medium-concentration samples.
Lopez -A vila & Jones : Journal O f A O A C International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1337
T able 5. M e tho d a c c u ra c y (before outlier rem oval) using unsealed data) was generated to get uncorrelated new
Rec., % variablescalledprincipalcomponents (PCs).
The PCA program gives 2 useful pieces of information:
Compound High-concn Medium-concn Low-concn
name samples3 samples* samples*
scoresand loadingplots.The scoresforeachlaboratoryresult
from the laboratory data vectorbeing projectedonto thePCs
Aldicarb 99.9 110 52.0 (eigenvectorsthatcontaininformationversusthosethatrepre
Bendiocarb 81.4 95.0 80.0 sentnoiseinthedatamatrix).The loadingsarethecoefficients
Carbaryl 104 114 74.0 of the linear equation defining the PCs; they describe how
Carbendazim 134 138 128 much each variable contributes to the PC. The distance of a
Carbofuran 87.8 92.3 72.0 variableto the origin along a PC isa quantitativemeasure of
Diuron 88.0 102 98.0 theimportanceofthatvariableinexplainingthevariationofthe
Linuron 89.6 101 108 data.Availableneartheorigincarrieslittleinformation,while
Methomyl 132 110 112 alargedistancefrom theoriginmeans thatthevariableisvery
Oxamyl 91.4 98.5 98.0 important.Inaddition,variablesgroupedtogetherholdsimilar
information, and they could be either positively correlated
a Three replicates per laboratory; 9 laboratories. The true
concentration is 90 pg/mL per compound, except carbendazim at (when located on the same side of the origin) or negatively
22.5 pg/mL. correlated(when locatedon opposite sidesoftheorigin).
b Two replicates per laboratory; 9 laboratories. The true Table 8 shows thevariance inourdatathatisexplainedby
concentration is 40 pg/mL per compound, except carbendazim at
10 pg/mL. the5 PCs.As shown, thefirst2 PCs,PC] andPC2,accountfor
c Three replicates per laboratory; 9 laboratories. The true over 70% of the total variance. What we have achieved isa
concentration is 5 pg/mL per compound, except carbendazim at reductionofa5 dimensionalproblemtoa2 dimensionalprob
1.25 pg/mL.
lem, yeta preservation ofapproximately 70% oftheinforma
tween the instrument operating parameters, specifically ther Figures4through 12showboththeloadingandscoresplots
mospray tiptemperature,and themass spectralfragmentation forPC, vs PC2forthe9 compounds arrangedinalphabetical
patterns. Principal component analysis (PCA) was employed order.Each ofthesefiguresisdescribedbelow.
forthispurpose (16).The E in * S ig h t™ software(17)was used Figure4 displaystheloadingsand scoresplotsforaldicarb.
toperformPCA. The loadings foreach variable were ordered from thehighest
To perform PCA, we setup a data matrix for each com contributiontothelowestcontribution.Inthecaseofaldicarb,
the ions atm /z 191 and 208 are the strongestcontributors to
pound inwhich the normalized intensities (i.e.,those greater
PC],andtheionsatm /z 148and 192arethestrongestcontribu
than 10% relativeintensity)ofthevariousfragmentionsatspe torstoPC2.Because PC] accountsforalmost62% ofthetotal
cificin/z. ratioswere listedforeach laboratory.Next, a covari variance (Table 8),we willonly focus on theions atm /z 208
ancematrix(i.e.,atableofthevariancesbetweenthevariables and 191 when analyzingthescoresplot.We seethatlaborato
riesL10, L03, L05, and L01 clusterinto 1group, while L12,
Table 6. M e tho d a c c u ra c y (after outlier rem oval) Lll, and L07 each constitute separate groups. Although L12
Rec., % andLI1appeartobefarfromtheclusterofL10,L05,L03,and
L01, they liewithinthesame planeastheLI0,L05, L03, and
Compound H gh-concn Medium-concn Low-concn L01 cluster,and can,therefore,be consideredpartofthatclus
name samples3 samples* samples*
ter.L07, however, standsby itself.Inanalyzingtheindividual
Aldicarb 98.7 110 52.0
mass spectrafromtheselaboratories,we findthatthelaborato
Bendiocarb 81.4 95.0 52.0
riesbelongingtothebigclusterexhibitabasepeakatm /z 208,
Carbaryl 92.0 108 62.0
correspondingtothe(M + NH 4)+ion.L07, whichwas notpart
Carbendazim 125 138 ^28 of this cluster, reported a mass spectrum for aldicarb with a
Carbofuran 87.8 92.3 72.0 basepeakatm /z 191 (correspondingtoM + H)+.Itappearsthat
Diuron 79.9 98.8 66.0 thehighthermospraytiptemperature(240°C)usedby L07 has
Linuron 84.8 93.0 82.0 resultedinthedecompositionofthe(M + NH 4)+adduction.
Methomyl 93.3 90.8 90.0 Figures 5 and 8 display the loadings and scores plots for
Oxamyl 83.8 88.0 98.0 both bendiocarb and carbofuran. In this case, because the 2
compounds coelutedandtheirmass spectrawereunresolvable,
a Three replicates per laboratory; 8 or 9 laboratories. The true
concentration is 90 pg/mL per compound, except carbendazim at
22.5 pg/mL among thethermospraytiptemperatures.
b Two replicates per laboratory; 8 or 9 laboratories. The true The loadingsplotforcarbaryl(Figure6)shows thattheions
concentration is 40 pg/mL per compound, except carbendazim at
10 pg/mL. atm /z 202 and219 arethemostimportantcontributorstoPCj,
0 Three replicates per laboratory; 8 or 9 laboratories. The true whichaccountsfor75% ofthevarianceinthedata,andthatthe
concentration is 5 pg/mL per compound, except carbencazim at ionsatm /z 145 and 201 arethemostimportantcontributorsto
1.25 pg/mL.
PC2.The scores plot shows thatlaboratories L05, Lll, L03,
1338 L o p e z -A v il a & J o n e s : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Compound PC,
Aldicarb 61.9 24.2 9.7 3.4 0.7
Bendiocarb 44.2 37.4 10.6 5.5 2.2
Carbaryl 75.0 15.9 9.0 0 0
Carbendazim 89.9 6.4 3.0 0.8 0
Carbofuran 60.4 24.9 10.9 3.8 0
Diuron 51.7 23.6 12.5 10.7 1.5
Linuron 69.2 21.9 4.3 2.6 1.6
Methomyl 95.5 3.0 1.5 0 0
Oxamyl 42.7 29.0 17.6 7.7 2.6
L oadi ngs Sc o r e s
F ig u re 4 . L o a d in g s a n d s c o r e s p lo ts fo r a ld ic a rb .
1340 L o p e z -A v il a & J o n e s : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
F igu re 6. L o a d in g s a n d s c o r e s p lo ts for carb aryl (L03, L11, L12 are not s h o w n b e c a u s e th e y o ve rla p with L01).
Load? n g s S cot as
F ig u re 7 . L o a d i n g s a n d s c o r e s p l o t s f o r c a r b e n d a z i m ( L 0 3 a n d L 0 7 a r e n o t s h o w n b e c a u s e t h e y o v e r l a p w i t h L 0 1 ).
L o p e z -A v il a & J o n e s : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1341
Loadi n g e Scorse
Load!n ge Scorse
F ig u re 10. L o a d in g s a n d s c o r e s p lo ts f o r lin u ro n .
1342 L o p e z -A v il a & J o n e s : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Loa dî ngs Sc o r 9 s
Conclusions References
The TS-LC/MS method used in this study uses sophisti (1) Cobum, J.A ., R ipley, B .D ., & Chau, A.S.Y. (1976)7. Assoc.
cated instrumentation, and, thus,itsperformance depends on O ff. Anal. Chem. 59, 188-196
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7. Assoc. O ff. Anal. Chem. 74, 309-317
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ture,thermospray tiptemperature, and source block tempera (3) Proposed EPA M ethod 8318, A-M ethylcarbam ates by H igh
Performance L iq u id Chrom atography (H PLC )
ture). The results of this study indicate that the TS-LC/MS
(4) Pressley, T .A ., & Longbottom , J.E. (1982) “ The Determ ina
method may be aviableanalyticalmethod forthermallylabile
tion o f Carbamate and Urea Pesticides in Industrial and
compounds. However, the control of certain operational pa M un icip al Wastewater,” EPA 600/4-82-014
rameters iscritical.For example, thetiptemperature needs to
(5) Jones, T .L., Betow ski, L .D ., Lesnik, B ., Chiang, T.C., & Te-
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roleinadductformationandionfragmentationforcompounds (6) Behymer, T.D ., B ellar, T .A ., & Budde, W .L. (1990) Anal.
such asthecarbamate pesticides.Although itisnotimportant Chem. 62, 1686-1690
whethertheammonium adductionortheprotonatedionisthe (7) Durand, G., DeBertrand, N ., & Barcelo, D. (1991) 7. Chro-
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consistentbetween thestandardandthesample andfromday- (8) Barcelo, D ., Durand, G., Vreeken, R.J., DeJong, G.J., Linge-
to-day. Because the TS-LC/MS data reported here were ob man, H ., & Brinkm an, U .A .Th. (1991) 7. Chromatogr. 553,
tained with standards and not with extracts ofenvironmental 311-328
samples,method performancewithactualsamples needstobe (9) Durand, G., DeBertrand, N ., & Barcelo, D. (1991) 7. Chro
addressedinfuturestudies. matogr. 5 6 2 ,507-523
(10) Betow ski, L .D ., & Jones, T.L. (1988) Environ. Sci. Technol.
Acknowledgment 22,1430-1434
(11) C hiu, B.S., Van Langenhove, A ., & Tanaka, C. (1989)
Biomed. Environ. Mass Spectrom. 18, 200-206
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(12) Anderson, B. (1990) “ Evaluation o f TS-LC /M S M ethod fo r
Analysis o f Carbamates and Urea Pesticides in S oil and
BradAnderson, APPL, Inc.,Fresno,CA Water,” Interim Report to Lockheed Engineering and Serv
Thomas Behymer, U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, ices Co.
Cincinnati,OH (13) G uidelines fo r C ollaborative Study Procedure to Validate
RichardChristensen,NIST, Gaithersburg,M D Characteristics o f a M ethod o f A nalysis (1989) 7. Assoc. Off.
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Tim Getek,Battelle-Columbus, Columbus, OH (14) “ Lotus Spreadsheet Program fo r the C alculation o f Perform
Leon Bnicki,USDA/FSIS, Alameda, CA ance Parameters from C ollaborative Study Data Including
O utlier Analyses,” revision 3/5/91, received from John G.
Don Richards,VG/Fisons, Manchester, United Kingdom
P hillips, Chairm an, A O A C Statistics Com m ittee
Lamaat Shalaby, DuPont Agricultural Products, Wilming
(15) Lopez-A vila, V. (1992) “ Interlaboratory Study o f a TS-
ton,DE LC /M S M ethod fo r Selected A -M e th yl Carbamates,
ChristineVestal,VestecCorp.,Houston,TX A -M e th yl Carbamoyl O xim es, and Substituted Urea Pesti
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1344 M a t u s ik Et Al .: J o u r n a l Of AOAC In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, No. 6,1993
C o n f i r m a t i o n o f I d e n t i t i e s o f P r o p y l e n e a n d E t h y l e n e G ly c o l s i n
A n c h o v ie s b y T a n d e m M a s s S p e c tr o m e tr y
Jean E. M atusik
U.S. Food and Drug Administration,CenterforFood Safety and Applied Nutrition,DivisionofContaminants Chemistry,
Washington, DC 20204
Paul P.Eilers,Ellen M. W aldron,and Steve M. Conrad
U.S. Food and Drug Administration,CenterforFood Safetyand AppliedNutrition,Division ofSeafood Research,
Washington, DC 20204
James A. Sphon
U.S. Food and Drug Administration,CenterforFood Safety and Applied Nutrition,DivisionofContaminants Chemistry,
Washington, DC 20204
A gas chromatographic/tandem mass spectromét toinsoluble calcium oxalate. The crystals ofcalcium oxalate
rie (GC/MS/MS) method has been developed for aredepositedintherenaltubules,and cause eitheroliguriaor
confirming the identity of propylene and ethylene anuriaand eventuallynecrosis.These human healthand regu
glycols added to bait fish for preservation. Bait fish latoryconcernsprompted ourinterestindeveloping a method
are occasionally illegally diverted to human food fortheidentificationofthesecomponents (1).
use. The bait fish were extracted with methanol, the Anchovies destined foruse as “baitfish” were embargoed
extract was centrifuged and filtered, and the filtrate by theStateofCaliforniainOctober 1991.Therewasevidence
was concentrated 10-fold and then analyzed by thatthefishhad beenredirectedforhuman foodconsumption.
GC/MS/MS. The glycols were separated chroma- The anchovies were adulterated with propylene and ethylene
tographically without derivatization or preliminary glycols, and some ofthefishwere alsocontaminated withthe
cleanup. Isobutane positive ion chemical ionization seafood toxin domoic acid, which occurs naturally in certain
was used to generate the protonated molecular ion algaeeatenby fish.
species of each glycol. Product-ion MS/MS experi Selected lotsofthe anchovies were extractedwith metha
ments were performed to obtain spectra to confirm nol,and theconcentrated extractswere analyzedby gas chro-
the identities of propylene and ethylene glycols. matography/tandem mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) using
The identities of these 2 compounds in anchovy ex positiveionchemical ionization (PICI).The identitiesofpro
tracts were successfully confirmed by this ap pylene and ethylene glycols were successfully confirmed by
proach. theuniquemethod reportedbelow.
F ishused forbaitareno longerconsideredacceptablefor
human consumption becauseantifreeze,which contains M a te r ia ls
m u ltip lie r 1300 V, co n ve rsio n dynode 5 keV , e m issio n cu rre n t P rop yle ne g ly c o l (1 ,2 -p ro p a n e d io l), w h ic h has a m o le cu la r
0.35 m A , io n source tem pe rature 100"C. Isob utane w as used w e ig h t o f 76.09 and an e le m e n ta l c o m p o s itio n o f C 3H 80 2, was
fo r P IC I. P rod uct ions w ere generated w ith argon as the c o lli the firs t com pound to e lu te fro m the G C co lu m n . T he p ro d u ct
sio n gas set to 1.8 m to rr and the c o llis io n energy set to -2 8 eV. io n spectrum o f the M H + a t m/z 77 can be seen in F ig u re 2. The
T he p ro d u c t io n s fo rm e d b y c o llis io n a lly a ctiva te d de com posi io n at m/z 76 fo rm s as a re s u lt o f the loss o f a p ro to n , and the
tio n s o f the p ro to n a te d m o le c u la r io n s o f p ro p yle n e g ly c o l, m/z io n at m/z 59 is due to the loss o f H 20 to fo rm C 3H 70 +. T he loss
77 , and eth yle n e g ly c o l, m/z 63, w ere scanned fro m 20 to 81 o f 15 da lton s, o r C H 3, fro m the io n at m/z 59 gives ris e to the
daltons. A F in n ig a n Inco s data system , M o d e l N o v a 4 X , w ith io n at m/z 44 . T he io n at m/z 41 is due to the loss o f w a te r fro m
T S Q so ftw a re re v is io n 6.1 w as used to acq uire and process the the m/z 59 io n . T he io n at m/z 31 resu lts fro m the loss o f C H
data. fro m the io n at m/z 44, and the io n a t m/z 30 re su lts fro m the
loss o f an a d d itio n a l p ro to n . T h is fra g m e n ta tio n p a th w a y c o r
Results and Discussion relates w e ll w ith th a t rep orted b y L o n g and P rich a rd (5 ), u sin g
E I/M S .
P rop yle ne and eth yle n e g ly c o ls w ere separated b y a N u k o l E th yle n e g ly c o l (1 ,2 -e th a n e d io l), w h ic h has a m o le cu la r
fused s ilic a glass c a p illa ry c o lu m n w ith baseline re s o lu tio n , w e ig h t o f 62.07 and an elem e ntal c o m p o s itio n o f C 2H 60 2,
good peak sym m etry, and a separation o f a p p ro x im a te ly 1 m in e lu te d fro m the chro m a to g ra p h ic c o lu m n at 9.5 m in . T he p ro d
w ith o u t d e riv a tiz a tio n . O ne o f the s p e c ifie d a p p lic a tio n s o f the u c t-io n spectrum o f the M H + at m/z 63 can be seen in F igu re 3.
p o la r N u k o l co lu m n is the separation o f un alte red g ly c o ls . T he T he M H + loses a p ro to n to fo rm the m o le c u la r io n at m/z 62.
separation at lo w tem peratures e lim in a te s the th e rm a l decom T he loss o f H 20 fro m the M H + fo rm s the io n a t m/z 4 5 . T he io n
p o s itio n o f g ly c o l. F ig u re 1 is a re co nstructed io n ch ro m a to at m/z 2 1 fo rm s as a re s u lt o f a d d itio n a l loss o f a w a te r m olecu le
gra m o f an in je c tio n o f a co m b in e d s o lu tio n c o n ta in in g p ro p y l and has an elem ental c o m p o s itio n o f C 2H 3.
ene and eth yle n e g ly c o l standards, each at a co n ce n tra tio n o f
25 ng. G ly c o l m ix tu re s have been p re v io u s ly separated b y o th
ers (2 ) on a S E -52 coated co lu m n , b u t o n ly a fte r fo rm a tio n o f
the trim e th y l s ily l eth er (T M S ) d e riv a tiv e s . K a s h to k and B re -
de r (3 ) attem pted ch ro m a to g ra p h y o f u n a lte re d e th yle n e g ly c o l
b y packed c o lu m n G C u sin g C a rb o w a x 20 M , b u t the re su lta n t
peak shape was po or, p o s s ib ly because o f th e rm a l bre akd ow n ,
o r because the packed c o lu m n d id n o t p ro v id e the necessary
re so lu tio n . I t is p re fe ra b le to c o n firm th e id e n tity o f g ly c o l
w ith o u t ch e m ica l a lte ra tio n s because the d e riv a tiz a tio n reac
tio n m ay n o t go to c o m p le tio n , and th is fa ilu re in tro d u ce s o th e r
products in to the s o lu tio n used fo r an alysis. T h e re fo re , because
o f the ch ro m a to g ra p h ic peak shape and separation p ro p e rtie s
o f the g ly c o ls , the use o f the N u k o l c o a tin g fo r the c a p illa ry
c o lu m n appears to be the b e tte r ch o ice fo r these com pounds.
These 2 com pounds do n o t fo rm m o le c u la r io n s b y e le c tro n
io n iz a tio n (E l) m ass spe ctro m e try (4 ) n o r do th e ir T M S d e riv a
Figure 1. Reconstructed ion chromatogram of
tiv e s . T h e re fo re , P IC I w as in ve stig a te d because it can fo rm standards of propylene and ethylene glycol at 25 ng
pro to na te d m o le c u la r io ns (M H + ), w h ic h are in d ic a tiv e o f a each.
com p ou nd’s m o le c u la r w e ig h t. M H + io ns o f these com pounds
1346 M a t u s ik E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
% Relative abundance*30
Propylene glycol Ethylene glycol
Reagent ----------------------------------------------------------
gas (M -18) (MH+) (M + 18) (M -18) (MH+) (M + 18)
D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f P y r e t h r o i d R e s id u e s i n V e g e t a b le s , F r u i t s ,
G r a in s , B e a n s , a n d G r e e n T e a L e a v e s : A p p lic a t io n s to P y r e t h r o id
R e s id u e M o n i t o r i n g S t u d ie s
Y iim ik o N a k a m u r a , Y a s u h id e T o n o g a i, Y u k a r i T su m u r a , a n d Y o s ra o I to
N a tio n a l In s titu te o f H y g ie n ic Sciences, D iv is io n o f F ood C hem istry, Osaka B ranch, 1-1-43, Hoenzaka, C huo-ku, Osaka, 540, Japan
Determination of natural pyrethrins and 12 syn o f H e a lth and W e lfa re in Japan plans to le g is la te lim its fo r 50
thetic pyrethroids in agricultural products was in p e sticid e residues, in c lu d in g 6 p y re th ro id s (c y h a lo th rin , cype r
vestigated. Vegetables and fruits were extracted m e th rin , d e lta m e th rin , flu c y th rin a te , p e rm e th rin , and flu v a li
with acetone, filtered after addition of coagulating nate) and n a tu ra l p y re th rin s d e rive d fro m p yre th ru m .
solution, partitioned into n - hexane, and cleaned up V ariou s m ethods fo r e x tra c tio n and cle an up o f in d iv id u a l
on a Florisil column (as necessary). Pyrethroids p y re th ro id s are described in the lite ra tu re . P yre th ro id s in foo ds
were determined by gas chromatography/electron w e re de term in ed b y gas chro m atog raph y w ith e le c tro n capture
capture detection (GC/ECD) by using a methyl sili d e te ctio n (G C /E C D ) (3 , 4 ), c a p illa ry G C /E C D (5 -7 ), liq u id
cone-coated fused-silica capillary column, and re chro m atog raph y (4 , 5 ), and im m unoassay (8 ,9 ).
coveries were calculated by summing peak areas A co a g u la tin g reagent co n sistin g o f am m o niu m c h lo rid e
of the components. GC/mass spectrometry was and ph osp ho ric a c id was show n to be e ffic ie n t fo r the cleanup
used to identify the pyrethroids detected by o f c ro p extracts in carbam ate (1 0 , 11) and organophosphorus
GC/ECD monitoring. Grains and beans containing (1 2 ) pesticides.
lipids were analyzed by extraction with acetonitrile, W e developed an a n a ly tic a l m ethod fo r n a tu ra l p y re th rin s
partition into n - hexane, Florisil column cleanup, and 12 syn th e tic p y re th ro id s (flu c y th rin a te , flu v a lin a te , pe r
and capillary GC/ECD. The coagulation method m e th rin , cy p e rm e th rin , fe n va le ra te , tra lo m e th rin , a lle th rin ,
was suitable for nonfatty crops such as vegetables, te tra m e th rin , fe n p ro p a th rin , c y h a lo th rin , c y flu th rin , and d e l
fruits, and green tea leaves, because recoveries ta m e th rin ) in a g ric u ltu ra l pro du cts (F ig u re 1). T he m etho d w as
were good and Florisil column cleanup was not a p p lie d to p y re th ro id residue m o n ito rin g studies.
C H ,V F ,C -< f \ n H -C -C O O C H
C H ,X
q C H (C H
:a o
^ 3 = C H —t I t -C O -O C H ;
C l\
,C = CH
t / COO H ,C H = C H C H ,
> C = c h \ f H ^O
cin e rin I : R = — C H 3; c in e rin II: R = - C O O C H 3
( Z H 1 R ) - c is -
ja s m o lin I : R = - C H , ja s m o lin II : R = COOCH,
Hv /C O O ,.. _ /
C H ,\( T T IL -C
C1\ CH, __ |
: = c i i y 'H „ / 7 c - ii
C = CH —^ • O CH R
c/ I
CH, R = - C H , ( p y r e t h r i n I ) ; C O O C H , ( p y r e th r in II)
cypermethrin pyrethrins
c = c h c h 3c o o . . cn
>C = C H ^ ^ C O • O C H ,N ^ j ] ^ ^ j
Br H' CH,
ch 3 CH,
deltamethrin tetramethrin
C H (C H ,) ,
Peak ® P eak (D
Peak (2)
P e ak ( D
Peak ©
F igu re 3D. M a s s sp e c tra of perm ethrin.
Peak (D
Peak ®
Peak (D
P eak ©
S a m p le E xtractio n
F ig u re 3 G . M a s s s p e c tr a o f tra lo m e th rin .
F ig u r e 3H . M a s s s p e c tr a o f a lle th rin .
repeat extraction. Partition pesticides into «-hexane. Collect or GC/ECD. GC conditions: apparatus, MS-GCG 06; column,
ganic layers, dehydrate with ca 2 0 g anhydrous sodium sulfate, CBP1; inlet temperature, 270X1; column temperature, 60°C
and concentrate to 5 mL for vegetables, fruits, and green tea (hold 2 min), increase 32°C/min to 250°C; carrier gas, He (pu
leaves or 1 mL for grains and beans. rity 99.999%); flow rate, 1.0 mL/min; injection method, split
less; injection volume, 2 pL. MS conditions: apparatus, JMS-
Florisil Column Cleanup
DX 302; data system, JMA-DA 5000; separator temperature,
Place 10 g Florisil PR suspended in n-hexane into a chro 255°C; ion source temperature, 250°C; acceleration voltage, 3
matographic tube plugged with cotton wool, and add 1 0 g an kV; ionization voltage, 70 eV; ionization mode, electron im
hydrous sodium sulfate continuously. Transfer «-hexane ex pact; trap current, 300 pA; scan time, 1.0 s; scan range, m/z
tract quantitatively to Florisil column. Wash column with 50 50-700.
mL «-hexane and discard this fraction. Next, elute with 50 mL
«-hexane-ethyl acetate (70 + 30, v/v). Concentrate eluate to 5 Recovery
mL (the test solution).
Recoveries were determined in triplicate for nonfortified
crops purchased from retail sources at fortification levels of
Gas chromatography.—Apply test solution to gas chroma 0.25-1.0 ppm for each pyrethroid. Working solution was added
tograph and determine pyrethroids. Sum peak areas of all com to each test portion 2 h before blending, and fortified samples
ponents or isomers for pyrethroids. were analyzed by the method outlined above. Recoveries were
Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.—Evaporate test calculated by a standard curve prepared by diluting pesticide
solution and dissolve the residue in 100 pL «-hexane (50-fold working solutions with «-hexane (from 0.1 or 0.2 pg/mL to 1
concentration). Identify pyrethroids by GC/MS if detected by or 2 pg/mL).
N akamura E t A l .: J ournal O f A O A C International V ol . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1355
Peak ®
Peak (2)
F ig u r e 3 J . M a s s s p e c tra o f fe n p ro p a th rin .
1356 N akamura E t Al .: Journal O f A O A C International V ol . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Peak (D
Peak ©
F ig u r e 3 K . M a s s s p e c tr a o f c y h a lo th rin .
R e su lts a n d D iscu ssio n time-consuming, so the split injection mode was adopted for
This method is the first application of the coagulation Pyrethroid isomers or components were identified by
method and capillary GC/ECD for determination of natural py- GC/MS by using standard solutions (200-1000 (Xg/mL). Mass
rethrins and 1 2 synthetic pyrethroids. spectra of these isomers or components in 13 pesticides are
The gas chromatograms of natural pyrethrins and 12 syn shown in Figures 3A-3M.
thetic pyrethroids are shown in Figure 2. Six components were The relative retention time of each component of those 13
detected in natural pyrethrins (cinerin I and II, jasmolin I and pesticide working solutions was investigated in triplicate. Re
H, and pyrethrin I and H). Several peaks were detected in syn sults are shown in Table 1. Coefficients of variation (CVs) of
thetic pyrethroids: 2 from flucythrinate, fluvalinate, per- relative retention times for 3 experiments were within 0.1%.
methrin, fenvalerate, tetramethrin, and cyhalothrin; 4 from Complete separation of all components of the 13 pesticides by
cypermethrin and cyfluthrin; and 1 from tralomethrin, al- the CBP1 column was not possible. Fortification for recovery
lethrin, fenpropathrin, and deltamethrin. Pyrethrin I and II was divided into 3 groups for complete separation of the com
peaks were broader than the peaks of other components or iso ponents: Group A contained pyrethrins, flucythrinate, and flu
mers of 13 pesticides, because pyrethrin I and II are heat-unsta valinate; Group B contained permethrin, cypermethrin, fen
ble and easily degraded by thermal conditions. The determina valerate, and tralomethrin; and Group C contained allethrin,
tion of pyrethroids such as tralomethrin and deltamethrin are tetramethrin, fenpropathrin, cyhalothrin, cyfluthrin, and del-
N akamura E t A l .: J ournal O f A O A C International V ol . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1357
Peak ©
Peak ©
Peak ©
Peak @
F ig u r e 3 L . M a s s s p e c tr a o f c y flu th rin .
tamethrin. Minimum detection limits were 0.002-0.05 ppm for Coagulating solution converts indigenous compounds co
vegetables and fruits and 0.005-0.1 ppm for green tea leaves, extracted from plant tissue samples into a precipitate that can
citrus peels, grains, and soybeans. be removed by filtration (12). The coagulation method was suit
Florisil column cleanup was not necessary for most vegeta able for analysis of natural pyrethrins and 1 2 synthetic pyiethoids
bles and fruits but was necessary for onion, spinach, peels of
in nonfatty crops such as vegetables and fruits because of good
japanese summer orange, green tea leaves, grains, and soy
recoveries without the need for column cleanup in most cases.
beans. Interfering compounds could not be excluded from the
«-hexane extracts of onion, peels of japanese summer orange, Pyrethroids are nonpolar and have a high affinity for «-hex
and green tea leaves, despite Florisil column cleanup. ane because it is also nonpolar. Recovery by the coagulation
method was low (nearly less than 2 0 %; data not shown) for
Î358 N akamura E t Al .: J ournal O f A O A C International V ol . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
F ig u r e 3M . M a s s s p e c tr a o f d e lta m e th rin
grains and soybeans. Thus, the coagulation method is not suit No pyrethroids were detected in nonfortified crops tested in
able for the analysis of these commodities. This fact suggests this study except green tea leaves. Fluvalinate residue (0.89
the possibility that lipids and pyrethroids coprecipitate. The ppm) was only detected in nonfortified green tea leaves. An
acetonitrile-hexane partition step was performed to remove ECD/gas chromatogram of nonfortified green tea leaves is
some of the lipids. If this partition step was completed more shown in Figure 4. Fluvalinate was identified by GC/MS. Mass
than twice, recoveries of pyrethroids were low (nearly less than spectra of fluvalinate in a test solution of green tea leaves and
40%; data not shown). Therefore, the acetonitrile-hexane par standard solution are shown in Figure 5.
tition step for removal of lipids was performed only once. Re Recoveries of natural pyrethrins and 12 synthetic pyre
coveries ranging from 60.0 to 103.5% were obtained for lipid- throids in 18 crops fortified at 0.25-1.0 ppm are shown in Ta
containing crops such as grains and beans by acetonitrile ble 2. Values are the means for triplicate determinations. CV of
extraction followed by partitioning into «-hexane and Florisil the recovery for each pesticide was within 1 0 % (data not
column cleanup. shown). Recoveries of 13 pyrethroids were 60.3-102.7% for
F ig u r e 4. G a s c h ro m a to g ra m o f te s t s o lu tio n o f n o n fo rtifie d g re e n te a le a v e s .
N akamura E t Al .: J ournal O f A O A C International V ol . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1359
P eak ® Cinerin 1 0.5 75 0.025 0 .0 5
P eak ® Jasmolin 1 0.6 70 — —
P eak ffi 2.220 0.025 0 .0 5
Peak© 2.3 72 — —
P eak ® 3.1 09 0.025 0 .0 5
P eak ® 3.1 85 — —
P eak ® 1.579 0.05 0.1
Peak® 1.639 — —
P eak ® 2.081 0.05 0.1
Peak® 2.1 48 — —
P eak ® 2.2 08 — —
Peak® 2.2 38 — —
P eak ® 2.7 90 0.025 0 .0 5
P eak ® 2.9 96 — —
P eak ® 1.904 0.01 0 .0 2 5
Peak ® 1.965 — —
P eak ® 2.0 15 — —
Peak® 2.0 46 — —
a Pyrethroids determined by ECD/GC. Operating conditions: apparatus, G2800; column, CBP1; column, 250°C; injection port, 270X1; detector,
270°C; detector, ECD; carrier gas flow, N2, 1.0 mL/min; injection method, split; split ratio, 1:10; injection volume, 2 pL.
b Fenpropathrin (12.52 min) calculated as 1.000.
vegetables, 68.0-102.4% for fruits, 77.0-92.9% for green tea tamethrin (500 pg/mL; n-hexane solution for tetramethrin and
leaves, 64.5-101.3% for grains, and 60.0-103.5% for soybeans. acetone solutions for other pyrethroids) was kindly supplied by
Seiya Kato, Japan Food Research Laboratories.
A ck n o w led g m en ts
R eferen ces
We are greatly indebted to the Ministry of Health and Wel
fare and Japan Food Research Laboratories for supplying the (1) Casida, J.E., & Ruzo, L.O. (1980) Pestic. Sci. 11,257-269
pesticide standards. Each standard solution of allethrin, tetra- (2) Demoute, J.-P. (1989) Pestic. Sci. 27, 375-385
methrin, fenpropathrin, cyhalothrin, cyfluthrin, and del- (3) Braun, H.E., & Stanek, J. (1982) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.
65, 685-689
T a b le 2a. R e c o v e r ie s o f 13 p y r e th r o id s in a g r ic u ltu r a l p r o d u c t s 9 a t f o r tific a tio n le v e ls o f 0.25 a n d 0.5 p p m
Rec., %
Na k a m u r a
Japan ese
Fortification Chinese Japan ese sum m er orange
Pesticides level, ppm C abbage cabbage Cucum ber radish Tomato Eggplant Pumpkin Spinach Onion Potato Apple Strawberry (Fruit)
Et A l . :
Pyrethrins 0.5 75.3 86.4 81.6 78 .0 92 .0 83.2 90 .0 82 .5 88 .4 78 .6 68.0 83 .2
Flucythrinate 0.25 81 .3 86.2 81.0 83 .8 75 .0 80.0 94 .0 81 .9 90 .9 88.0 79 .3 80.4 78.0
Fluvalinate 0.2 5 79.6 81.1 88.0 90 .0 70 .3 75.8 85.1 78 .0 89 .8 82 .0 80 .4 77.1 81.0
u r n a l
Permethrin 0.5 87 .0 85.3 84.5 9 6 .7 80 .4 92 .0 80 .0 93.1 77.1 92 .2 88 .9 90 .3 89 .2
Cypermethrin 0.25 81.3 85.4 90.5 8 0 .0 80 .5 94 .0 70 .7 93.1 9 5 .0 93 .4 86.0 82 .0 93.2
Of AOAC I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Fenvalerate 0.2 5 81 .6 83.5 95.0 82 .5 95.0 96 .6 65 .8 97.2 7 8 .9 88.8 88.6 95 .5 90 .0
Tralomethrin 0.5 85 .0 87.0 99.3 86.6 102.7 88.0 67 .0 88.0 7 8 .4 83.1 7 9 .9 90.1 85 .5
Allethrin 0.25 84.1 84.3 80.6 92 .8 100.0 77.3 66 .9 75.1 9 4 .2 79 .9 77 .8 85 .4 94.6
Tetramethrin 0.5 86.1 84.3 84.6 89 .7 102.5 83.3 6 5 .8 73.2 80 .0 80 .7 7 5 .4 81 .4 101.3
Fenpropathrin 0.5 90 .8 85.0 88.4 8 4 .7 100.0 77.9 60 .3 75.2 8 2 .7 87 .5 8 1 .0 85 .5 99 .7
Cyhaiothrin 0.2 5 97 .6 78.5 84.4 8 2 .8 93 .2 77 .8 6 2 .0 80 .0 84 .8 84 .8 7 8 .4 95.4 94 .2
Cyfluthrin 0.5 95 .3 78.5 85.7 8 2 .6 95 .0 82.1 65 .6 82.1 8 5 .5 85 .6 7 5 .5 95 .7 102.7
Deltamethrin 0.5 94 .8 80 .2 82.5 84 .6 101.5 80.0 68.2 91.0 7 7 .7 91 .2 7 4 .8 90 .3 101.3
.o l
76, No. 6,1993
T a b le 2 b. R e c o v e r ie s o f 13 p y r e th r o id s in a g r ic u ltu r a l p r o d u c t s 9 a t f o r tific a tio n le v e ls o f 0.5 a n d 1.0 p p m
Rec., %
__b __b
Pyrethrins 1.0 81.6 8 4 .0 81.1 101.5
__b 99 .7
Flucythrinate 0.5 77 .0 88.7 90.1 10 1.7
Fluvalinate 0.5 83.8 85.1 90.3 81.1 9 9 .6 92.8
Permethrin 1.0 78 .8 78 .7 9 4 .0 103.5 60.6
Cypermethrin 0.5 83 .3 82 .8 85 .8 8 8 .5 103.3 72 .4
Fenvalerate 0.5 86.0 92 .9 93 .4 101.5 100.0 73.0
Tralomethrin 1.0 77 .4 80.1 102.1 9 0 .4 101.1 60.8
Allethrin 0.5 80 .7 98.1 8 9 .9 9 7 .4 67.2
Tetramethrin 1.0 76 .9 8 3 .4 89.5 93.1 96 .0 60.0
Fenpropathrin 1.0 87 .4 8 2 .0 100.0 6 4 .5 10 0.5 61.6
Cyhaiothrin 0.5 8 0 .3 93.5 88.1 101.2 60.7
Cyfluthrin 1.0 72 .8 8 1 .5 92.0 86.6 102.5 60.6
Deltamethrin 1.0 66.0 78.1 91.5 8 5 .0 9 6 .4 60.0
(4) Goto, M., & Kato, S. (1987) Analytical Methodsfor Residual (8) Stanker, L.H., Bigbee, C., Emon, J.V., Watkins, B., Jensen,
Pesticides, an Enlarged Edition, Soft Science Co., Tokyo, Ja R.H., Morris, C., & Vanderlaan, M. (1989) J. Agric. Food
pan Chem. 37, 834-839
(5) Bottomley, P„ & Baker, P.G. (1984) Analyst 109, 85-90 (9) Skerritt, J.H., Hill, A.S., McAdam, D.P., & Stanker, L.H.
(6) Dicke, W., Ocker, H.-D., & Thier, H.-P. (1988) Z. Lebensm. (1992) J. Ague. Food Chem. 4 0 , 1287-1292
Unters. Forsch. 186, 125-129 (10) Holden, E.R. (1973) J. Assoc. Off- Anal. Chem. 56, 713-717
(7) Nakamura, Y., Hasegawa, Y., Tonogai, Y., & Ito, Y. (1990) (11) Official Methods of Analysis (1990) 15th Ed., AOAC, Ar
Eisei Kagaku 36, 525-537 lington, VA, sec. 975.40
(12) Sasaki, K., Suzuki, T, & Saito, Y. (1987) J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem. 7 0 , 460-464
1362 N iemann : J ournal O f A O A C International V ol . 76 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
R ic h a r d A . N ie m a n n
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Division of Contaminants Chemistry, Washington, DC 20204
Clean and condition columns (valve in the inject position), Integrator M ethod File
using the following recommended mobile phases at 2 mL/min:
0-50-50 (hold 10 min) to 0-100-0 in 5 min; 0-100-0 (hold 5 Use external standard method and peak area, set up the com
min) to 100-0-0 in 5 min; 100-0-0 (hold 10 min) to 50-25-25 ponent table, and establish linear multilevel calibration at 5 lev
in 5 min; hold at 50-25-25 final mobile phase for LC analyses. els in microgram quantities entered to 3 significant figures.
After 20 min pumping at final mobile phase, reduce flow Disable peak integration until the baseline has recovered from
rate to 1 mL/min and let system equilibrate. Perform this pro negative excursions caused by void volume elution; activate
cedure once daily before starting a sequence of chroma peak integration typically at 4—5 min into the ran. Enter 3.5%
tographic analyses. At the end of a day’s work, prepare the col for the range (component window) in which analysis retention
umns for overnight storage in buffer-free mobile phase as times are compared against formetanate cation retention time
in the component table. When LC system has equilibrated,
follows: Increase flow rate to 2 mL/min; run gradient 50-25-
have the integrator evaluate signal noise.
25 to 0-70-30 in 5 min; 0-70-30 (hold 5 min) to 0-30-70 in 2
min; hold 0-30-70 for 5-10 min before stopping the pump. Multilevel Calibration
CAUTION: Do not let pump components and solvent lines
contact buffers overnight. After shut-down, stop pump, put Calibrate at 0.02,0.06,0.2,0.6, and 2.0 pg formetanate hy
Solvent “A” (buffer) inlet line into water, open pump drain drochloride. Use dedicated syringes. Begin with 200 pL most
valve, purge pump several minutes, stop pump, change “A” dilute LC calibration standard solution. Rinse outside of needle
inlet to methanol, repeat purging, stop pump, close drain valve, with solvent, and then insert into syringe adapter to load aliquot
and leave stored in methanol. Flush fresh solution behind pis onto SPE column (details below). After highest calibration
ton seals. level has been injected, flush inlet pathway to injection valve
(bypassing SPE column) with 0.5 mL acetonitrile followed by
1 mL water-acetonitrile conditioning solution, to remove ana
lyte traces adsorbed onto tubing walls. When sequence has
been completed, integrator computes and prints linear regres
sion coefficients (intercept and slope), which are used inter
nally in subsequent analyses to quantitate peak area response
at analyte retention time.
filter, and discharge 1 mL to waste before collecting 10 mL in where V is total extract volume (mL), Q is quantitation from
vial. peak area (pg), W is test sample weight (g), and A is aliquot
(mL) of extract loaded onto SPE column. Typically, VP = 100
Liquid Chromatography and A = 0.500.
( a ) A/>------ J l XV'
(b )/ A ^ ^ / “v f B a r tle tt
ionic strength mobile phase was unsuccessful until acetonitrile umn performance after many switching operations appeared
was blended in. During optimization of the mobile phase com unaffected by the small 5-8 bar change in system pressure con
position, analyte retention by the coupled columns was more tributed by the SPE column.
profoundly affected by small changes in the acetonitrile con A study of extraction efficiency showed that formetanate
tent than by changes in the ionic strength. Premixing the mobile cation was quantitatively recovered from 25 to 500 pL loadings
phase was advisable for pumps with poor proportioning repeat of standard test solutions. For example, recovery was complete
ability. for 0.5 (_ig delivered in 50 and 500 pL loadings and for 2.5 pg
The relatively larger particle size of the packing material delivered in 25 and 250 pL loadings.
chosen for the SPE column made the manual loading operation
easier but tended to degrade coupled-column chromatography. Chromatography
Therefore, opposite flow directions were used for the loading
Analysis of test portions of recovery study test samples gave
and injection steps to prevent chromatography in the lead col
the representative chromatograms in Figures 3 and 4, which
umn. The SPE column functioned solely as a chemical filter for
compare the relative magnitudes of and interferences from
cations now held in a tight band at the column end closer to the
food matrix material. Figure 3 shows that formetanate cation,
analytical column. As the lead column, its lifetime was most which was fortified at the tolerance level for the respective fruit
affected by the step pressure rise and fall from the atmosphere, and eluted in about 8 min, was well separated from the earlier,
resulting from valve switching. The use of wide-pore (300 A major crop coextractives. Orange provided the most extrane
[30 nmj) packing material in the analytical column maintained ous material absorbing at 250 nm. In Figure 4 are displayed
the system head pressure (55 ± 5 bar) low enough to protect the partial chromatograms of fortifications 1 0 -fold below toler
SPE column from pressure-shock damage. Also, analytical col ance and of crop blanks, all with signal expansion to elucidate
N ie m a n n : J o u r n a l O f AO A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1367
whether varietal differences in peel color or peel thickness in T able 1. R e c o v e ry of form etanate h yd ro c h lo rid e fortified
fluenced the detector response equivalent of formetanate. in dup licate at 2 levels
Among apple blanks of red and golden peels, virtually none Ree., %
gave responses above baseline where the analyte eluted except
10% of tolerance level3 Tolerance level3
for Red Delicious, the peak of which, although discernible, was
still below the detection limit of 0.02 ppm. Oranges of thick Fruit, variety
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
(navel) and thin (Valencia) peel gave surprisingly similar and
undetectable crop blank responses. Despite the percentage Apple, Red
change that different orange peels made to the test sample com Delicious 92.1 94 .6 89.0 89.6
Apple, Golden
position, the inedible peel bulk was not a source of analytical
Delicious 97.8 99 .4 100.2 97 .5
bias. In summary, none of the 4 fruits tested interfered with
Apple, Rome 99.1 96 .5 96.2 95.6
formetanate cation measurement above the limit of detection
Pears, Bartlett 94.1 93 .4 93.1 94.2
(LOD). Chromatographic mn times of 12 min for apple, pear,
Orange, Navel 97 .3 9 7 .0 90.4 89.2
and peach extracts and 30 min for orange extract left the col
Orange, Valencia 95 .7 93 .8 91.4 92.5
umn clean for the next analysis. Peaches,
Freestone 94.0 91 .9 94.6 94 .7
Av. (n = 14) 95 .5 93.4
The 2-5 ppm range of established fruit tolerances was ade % RSD 2.6 3.6
additions of 0.3-0.5 ppm. Overall, the average recovery for 28 the methodology is being successfully extended to other resi
trials was 94.5% with 3.2% RSD. dues amenable to cation exchange with the goal of a mul
tiresidue method for later publication.
Limited Survey
tion was less than 30 min. Recoveries and measurements were (3 ) Pesticide Analytical Manual, Volume 7 / ( 1 9 6 8 a n d re v is io n s )
quantitative and precise. The method was not tested with sam U .S . F o o d a n d D r u g A d m in is tr a tio n , W a s h in g to n , D C , s e c .
ples known to have field-incurred formetanate residues, as 1 8 0 .2 7 6
these were unavailable. Significant findings should be con (4 ) J e n n y , N .A ., & K o s s m a n , K . ( 1 9 7 4 ) Anal. Methods Pestic.
firmed by independent analysis using a different method. Once Plant Growth Regul. 7, 2 7 9 -2 9 6
H a r r y M. P y l y p iw , J r
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Analytical Chemistry, 123 Huntington St, New Haven, CT
A rapid a n d reliable m ethod w a s dev elo p ed for th e based on the sample matrix. The method provides accurate re
d eterm in atio n of p e stic id e s in fru its a n d v e g e ta sults for a variety of organochlorine and organophosphorus
b les. A 100 g sa m p le is ex tra cted with a m ixture of pesticides that are present in fruit and vegetable samples. The
200 mL petroleum e th e r a n d 100 mL 2-propanol. method uses a simple extraction and cleanup; pesticides are
T he e x tra ct is b ac k w ash ed 4 tim es, tw ice with a q u e determined by capillary GC coupled with highly specific de
o u s so d iu m su lfate a n d tw ice with 350 mL distilled tectors for organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides.
w ater, a n d th e n dried o v er 15 g so d iu m su lfate. T he
dried ex tract is an alyzed by capillary g a s c h ro m a Experim ental
to g rap h y with selec tiv e o rg a n o ch lo rin e a n d o rg an o -
p h o s p h o ru s d etectio n . T he m eth o d d e te rm in e s pri
m arily n o n p o lar p esticid es, with re co v erie s ranging Apparatus
from 81 to 114%, a n d h a s an av e ra g e limit of d e te c
tion of 10 pp b for both d e te c to rs. (a) Gas chromatograph.— Model 5890 (Hewlett-Packard
Co., Avondale, PA), equipped with the following detectors: (7)
63Ni electron capture detection (ECD) system; (2) flame
P esticides are applied to a broad variety of crops to reduce photometric detection (FPD) system operating in P mode (in S
losses from weeds, insects, and diseases. The determina mode for confirmation); (3) electrolytic conductivity detection
tion of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables is a for (ELCD) system operating in the halogen mode. One GC was
midable task, because the actual chemicals used on a crop are configured with dual detectors (for ELCD/FPD), and another
seldom known. In addition, residue testing of fmits and vege was configured with a single detector (for ECD). General op
tables that are sold to the public must be rapid, because state erating conditions were as follows: initial temperature, 175°C;
and federal regulatory agencies must know if the pesticide con no initial hold time; ramp rate, l°C/min; final temperature,
tamination on a crop exceeds its allowable tolerance or if a 250°C; final hold time, 10 min; total run time, 85 min; carrier
pesticide is present on a crop where it is not allowed ( 1 ). gas, He; make-up gas for ECD, 5% C’H4 /Ar, with flow rate of
To analyze fruits and vegetables for pesticides, many labo 20 mL/min; make-up gas for all other detectors, He, with flow
ratories use multiresidue screening methods that are outlined in rate of 20 mL/min. Gas purifier (all gasses except air), OMI-1
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Pesticide Analytical (Supelco Inc.) indicating purifier. Injector, HP-19251A; tem
Manual (2). Most of these methods use solvent extraction cou perature, 225°C; operated in the splitless mode; purge off time,
pled with preparatory chromatography or solvent partitioning, 0.50 min. Auto injector, HP-7673; 2-4 |iL injection volume.
followed by gas chromatography (GC) with various detectors. Detector conditions: ECD, 325°C; FPD, 265°C, flame mixture,
Each method, however, is limited by the sample matrixes that hydrogen-air; ELCD, Model 4420 (OI Analytical Corp., Col
can be processed, the extraction and cleanup steps, and the lege Station, TX); reactor temperature, 900°C; vent time,
sample preparation time. For instance, several of the methods 3.5 min.
require additional steps depending on the sugar content of the (b) Chromatographic column.—Capillary, 30 m x
sample; other methods have lengthy cleanup steps to remove 0.53 mm, 0.5 pm film, SPB-1 (Supelco Inc., Bellefonte, PA).
coextracted plant pigments. Alternative columns, 30 m x 0.53 mm, or 15 m x 0.53 mm,
In this study, a multiresidue method was developed that is 0.5 pm film, SPB-5, SPB-608, and SPB-20.
quick, simple, and needs no modifications of the procedure (c) Data collection.—All GC data were collected on a PE-
Nelson 1020X, dual channel personal integrator (Perkin-Elmer
Corp., Norwalk, CT).
Received November 16, 1992. Accepted M arch 4, 1993.
This paper was presented at the 29th Annual Pesticide Residue (d) Glassware.—Separatory funnel, 1000 mL, with Teflon
Workshop for the Florida Department of Agricultural Services, July 1992. stopcock and glass stopper; filtering funnel, 150 x 150 mm;
1370 P y l y p iw : J o u r n a l O f A O A C In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
glass wool; cylinder, graduated with stopper, 100 mL (Fisher decanted into a separatory funnel from the blender container
Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, PA). through a glass filtering funnel containing a small plug of glass
(e) Food cutter.—Model 84145 (Hobart Corp., Troy, OH). wool in the neck. Approximately 130-150 mL of the extract
(f) Blender.—Explosion-resistant (Waring), Cat. No. 14- was collected from the blended sample.
509-53; blender containers, 1 qt, Cat. No. 14-509-11A (Fisher To the separatory funnel, 350 mL distilled water and 20 mL
Scientific). saturated sodium sulfate solution were added. The separatory
funnel was capped, vented, gently swirled for 1 min, and then
R eagents allowed to stand for 15-20 min to let the water and petroleum
(a) Solvents.— Petroleum ether (30-60°C), Cat. No. 9265- ether layers separate. After separation, the water layer was
03; 2-propanol, Cat. No. 9334-03; toluene, Cat. No. 9336-03; drained off and discarded. With some crops, such as tomatoes,
2,2,4-trimethylpentane, Cat. No. 9355-03 (J. T. Baker Chemi apples, and grapes, a small emulsion forms at the solvent-water
cal Inc., Phillipsburg, NJ). interface. That emulsion should not be discarded until the final
(b) Distilled water.—Water was used directly from the still wash.
(Bamstead/Thermolyne, Model A1013-B) without further pu The petroleum ether layer was washed by gently agitating
the separatory funnel with 2 more 350 mL portions of distilled
water without added sodium sulfate. After the third wash was
(c) Saturated sodium sulfate.—Approximately 250 g an
drained, 100 mL distilled water and 10 mL saturated sodium
hydrous granular sodium sulfate (Cat. No. 3375-05, Resi-Ana
sulfate solution were added to the separatory funnel, and the
lyzed grade, Baker) was added to 800 mL distilled water and
funnel was swirled for 20-30 s. This final wash served to break
warmed on a steam bath until the sodium sulfate crystals dis
solved. The solution was cooled overnight at room temperature any emulsions formed from the previous water washes.
to allow the excess sodium sulfate crystals to precipitate. The final wash was discarded, and the petroleum ether ex
tract was transferred to a graduated cylinder containing 15 g
(d) Pesticide standards.—All pesticides were obtained
anhydrous sodium sulfate. The cylinder was stoppered and
from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pesticides &
Industrial Chemicals Repository, Research Triangle Park, NC. shaken for 1 min, and the contents were allowed to settle for 1 0
All standards were prepared from the compound as received. min. This step was repeated 2 more times. Before the GC de
An approximately 10-15 mg sample of each pesticide was termination, the extract was allowed to stand over the sodium
weighed accurately on an analytical balance and dissolved in sulfate >1 h to let any particulates settle. (At this point, the pro
25 mL toluene, and the concentration was calculated. This was cedure could be stopped and the extract held for GC determi
the individual pesticide stock standard. The stock standard was nation at a later date.) The extraction procedure is summarized
diluted with 2,2,4-trimethylpentane to give a 10 ppm interme in Figure 1.
diate standard, from which individual and mixed standard so Sam ple Spike Preparation
lutions were prepared. Individual standards were prepared at
0 . 2 and 1 ppm; mixed standard solutions were prepared with A separate 100 g sample was taken after the chopping or
individual analyte concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 3 ppm. blending step, and a known quantity of pesticide standard(s)
was added to this sample. No attempt was made to determine
Sam ple Preparation if the sample to be spiked contained any pesticide residues be
Fruits and vegetables were processed as received in their fore spiking. The pesticide concentrations in spiked samples
raw, unwashed, and unpeeled form, unless otherwise specified were usually 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 ppm. The spiked samples were
in the protocol given in the Code o f Federal Regulations, then prepared in the manner described in Sample Preparation.
§180.1 (1). Most fmit and vegetable samples, such as apples, GC Calibration
squash, bell peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, and carrots, were
placed in a food cutter and chopped for 2-3 min. Other sam A single-point GC calibration using pesticide standard mix
ples, such as tomatoes, peaches (pitted), plums (pitted), straw tures was performed daily before and after each sample set. A
berries (hulled), and grapes, were placed in a blender container 3- point standard curve using individual pesticides was con
and blended at high speed for 1-2 min. Samples of apple cider structed over 2 orders of magnitude, 0.05, 0.5, and 5 ppm, at
or orange juice did not require any pre-extraction processing. 4- month intervals. Response to the standards was linear for all
A 100 g portion of the fruit or vegetable sample was placed 3 GC detectors.
into a 1 qt blender container, and 100 mL 2-propanol was
Calculation of Sam ples and Spiked Sam ples
added. The container was covered, and the sample was blended
at high speed for 20-30 s. The blender speed was reduced, and The weight: volume ratio of the final extract for GC injec
200 mL petroleum ether was added to the jar. The sample was tion was based on the initial sample weight vs the initial vol
then blended at reduced speed (ca 40% full speed) for 3-4 min. ume of petroleum ether, i.e., 1 g sample equaled 2 mL petro
(The 200 mL aliquot of petroleum ether must be measured ac leum ether. All pesticide concentrations were calculated by
curately, because sample concentration calculations are based using an external standard calculation based on peak height.
on that volume.) Spiked samples were calculated in the same manner as regular
After blending, the sample was allowed to settle in the samples. Recovery of the spikes was calculated as amount
blending container for 2-3 min. The extract was then slowly found divided by the amount spiked plus the amount of pesti-
P y l y p iw : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1371
Azinphos-methyl 15 __ __ 0.0 5 8 9 -1 0 6
Captan 8 0.1 0.0 2 — 8 2 -1 1 4
Chlordane 5 0.0 02 0.01 — 9 3 -1 0 2
Chlorothalonil 6 0.0 02 0.01 — 9 0 -1 0 3
Chlorpyrifos 11 0.0 02 0.01 0.0 2 8 7 -1 0 6
DC PA (Dacthal) 7 0.0 05 0.0 2 — 8 2 -1 1 2
DDE 17 0.0 02 0.01 — 8 3 -1 0 8
DDT 4 0.01 0.0 5 — 8 8 -9 4
Diazinon 7 — — 0.0 2 8 4 -1 1 3
Didoran 8 0.0 02 0.0 2 — 9 7 -1 0 9
Dicofol 7 0 .0 0 5 0.1 — 8 6 -1 0 3
Dimethoate 3 — — 0 .0 5 8 7 -1 0 1
Endosulfan I 11 0.0 02 0.01 — 8 4 -1 0 5
Endosulfan II 10 0.0 02 0.01 — 8 6 -1 0 8
Endosulfan sulfate 5 0.0 02 0.01 — 8 2 -9 8
Ethion 9 — — 0.01 9 1 -1 0 8
Heptachlor epoxide 3 0.0 02 0.01 — 8 5 -9 7
Iprodione 6 0.01 0.2 — 97-111
lsofenphosa 3 — — 0.0 2 8 1 -8 7
Malathion 3 — — 0 .0 2 8 7 -1 0 3
within the calibration range, reinjected, and recalculated. a This pesticide not found in any sam ple from 1 9 8 8 -1 9 9 2 .
2 4
F ig u r e 2. C h r o m a to g r a m s o f a p e s tic id e s ta n d a rd
m ix tu re (A), s tra w b e rry s a m p le (B), a n d c h e r r y s a m p le
(C ) a n a ly z e d b y G C / E L C D , h a lo g e n m o d e ; G C c o lu m n ,
3 0 m x 0.53 m m , 0.5 p m film , S P B -1 . S ta n d a rd c h ro m a to
g ra m A : (1) d ic lo ra n , 0.50 p p m ; (2) c h lo ro th a lo n il,
0.50 p p m ; (3) v in c lo z o lin , 0.5 p p m ; (4) c h lo r p y r ifo s ,
0.50 p p m ; (5) c a p ta n , 1.00 p p m ; (6) e n d o s u lfa n I, F ig u re 3. C h r o m a to g r a m s o f a p e s t ic id e s ta n d a r d
0.25 p p m ; (7) p , p i - D D E , 0.25 p p m ; (8) e n d o s u lfa n II, m ix tu re (A), s tra w b e rry s a m p le (B), a n d c h e r r y s a m p le
0.25 p p m ; (9) ip ro d io n e , 3.00 p p m ; (10) p e rm e th rin , (a) (C ) a n a ly z e d b y G C / E C D ; G C c o lu m n , 3 0 m x 0.53 m m ,
c/s-, (b) t r a n s - , 2.00 p p m to ta l. S tra w b e rry s a m p le B : (3) 0.5 p m film , S P B -6 0 8 . S ta n d a rd c h ro m a to g ra m A : (1)
v in c lo z o lin , 0.05 p p m ; (5) c a p ta n , 10 p p m . C h e r r y s a m p le d ic lo r a n , 0.10 p p m ; (2) c h lo r o th a lo n il, 0.40 p p m ; (3)
C : (1) d ic lo ra n , 0.45 p p m ; (9) ip ro d io n e , 0.38 p p m . v in c lo z o lin , 0.2 p p m ; (4) c h lo r p y r ifo s , 0.20 p p m ; (5)
c a p ta n , 1.00 p p m ; (6) e n d o s u lfa n I, 0.20 p p m ; (7)
p , p i - D D E , 0.20 p p m ; (8) e n d o s u lfa n II, 0.20 p p m ; (9)
To achieve a cleaner extract, 2 key points had to be ad ip ro d io n e , 1.00 p p m ; (10) p e rm e th rin , (a) c/s-, (b) t r a n s - ,
dressed. First, a solvent mixture had to be chosen that would 1.00 p p m to ta l. S tra w b e rry s a m p le B : (3) v in c lo z o lin ,
extract pesticides quantitatively from the sample matrixes. 0.05 p p m ; (5) c a p ta n , 10 p p m . C h e r r y s a m p le C : (1)
Second, interfering water-soluble compounds that were coex d ic lo r a n , 0.45 p p m ; (9) ip ro d io n e , 0.38 p p m .
tracted by the solvent mixture had to be removed. To accom
plish these objectives, a 2 + 1 mixture of petroleum ether and
2 -propanol was used to extract the samples, followed by a Method blanks, spiked samples, and duplicate samples were
backwash with distilled water to remove the coextracted inter tested on a weekly basis. The method blank showed no inter
ferences. This wash step removed hydrophilic compounds fering peaks at the retention times of the pesticides of interest.
from the extract and produced a finished extract that was dried Recoveries of spiked samples ranged from 81 to 114%, and the
over sodium sulfate. The procedure is summarized in Figure 1. relative standard deviations of both spiked and duplicate sam
This method, based on a mixed solvent extraction followed ples within a group of 6 - 8 samples and their respective spiked
by a distilled water backwash, was successful in eliminating samples prepared at the same time ranged from 2 to 5%.
many of the water-soluble coextracted interferences from Chromatograms of authentic sample extracts are shown in
vegetables such as tomatoes, green beans, and squash, as well Figures 2-4. Because the final extract contains very few inter
as com, celery, and spinach. The extract is suitable for direct fering peaks, as is shown in the figures, an additional benefit is
analysis by GC/ELCD, GC/FPD, and GC/ECD. Spiked sam lower LODs, especially when ECD is used (Figure 3). LODs
ples processed by the method produced excellent recoveries. for most pesticides in samples prepared by this method and
These data are given in Table 1. Table 2 lists additional pesti analyzed by GC/ECD are 2 ppb. For GC/ELCD and GC/FPD,
cide compounds that were recovered by the method but were LODs are in the range of 10 ppb, on the basis of a signaknoise
not completely validated by the criteria given by Conacher (6 ). ratio of 3:1.
P y l y p iw : J o u r n a l O f AO A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1373
R efe ren c es
In d u c t iv e ly C o u p le d P la s m a A to m ic E m is s io n S p e c t r o m e tr ic
D e t e r m in a t io n o f T in in C a n n e d F o o d
V arious c a n n e d fo o d s w ere d ig e ste d seq u en tially atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) have been investigated
with HNO3 a n d HCI, diluted to 100 mL, a n d filtered, very actively (4, 5). Inductively coupled plasma atomic emis
a n d th e n tin w a s d eterm in ed by inductively c o u sion spectrometry (ICP/AES), however, offers wide dynamic
pled p lasm a ato m ic em issio n sp ec tro m e try range and relative freedom from interferences compared with
(ICP/AES). S a m p le s of c a n n e d S a tsu m a m andarin, AAS.
p each , apricot, pineapple, a p p le juice, m u sh ro o m , The objective of the present study was to establish a method
a s p a ra g u s , ev a p o rated milk, sh o rt-n e c k e d clam , for the rapid determination of tin in canned foods by ICP/AES.
sp in ach , w hole to m ato , m eat, a n d salm o n w ere Wet digestion with a combination of concentrated nitric acid
ev alu ated . S am p le p re p a ra tio n s did not require (HN03)and concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCI) was used for
tim e-co n su m in g dilutions, b e c a u s e ICP/AES h a s sample preparation.
w ide d y n am ic ran g e. T he sta n d a rd addition m ethod
w a s u se d to d eterm in e tin co n c en tratio n . A ccuracy Experim ental
of th e m eth o d w a s te s te d by analyzing analytical
s ta n d a rd s co n tain in g tin a t 2 levels (50 a n d 250 Reagents
|ig/g). T he a m o u n ts of tin fo u n d for th e 50 a n d 250
(a) Concentrated HCI (35% v/v), concentrated HN03 (61%
ug/g levels w ere 50.5 a n d 256 pg/g, respectively,
v/v), and acetone.—Analytical grade iWako Pure Chemical In
a n d th e repeatability coefficients of variation w ere
dustries Ltd., Osaka, Japan).
4.0 a n d 3.8%, respectively. R ecovery of tin from 13
(b) Tin stock solution.—Dissolve 1.000 g tin (> 99.999%
c a n n e d fo o d s sp ik ed at 2 levels (50 a n d 250 pig/g)
pure, Wako Pure Chemical Industries Ltd.) in 50 mL concen
ra n g ed from 93.9 to 109.4%, with a m ean of 99.2%.
trated HCI. Dilute to 1 L with 3N HCI.
T he q u an titatio n limit for tin sta n d a rd so lu tio n w as
(c) Tin metal plate.—A thickness of 0.2 mm, purity of
ab o u t 0.5 ¡ig/g. 99.99% (Rare Metallic Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). All canned
foods were purchased from local markets.
B oth tin plate and lacquered cans are used for food stor Apparatus
age. Tin plate cans are used when the can-food interac
(a) Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrome
tions are not significant or when the quality of the food
ter.— Model ICPS-1000HI (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) inter
is better in tin plate can. In canned foods packed in tin plate can,
faced under standard operating system.
tin dissolves into the food because of the interaction between
(b) Water purification system.—Elgastat UHQ (Elga Ltd.,
container and contents. The tin content indicates the extent of
Lane End, United Kingdom).
corrosion of the container and the acceptability of the contents.
Estimation of tin in various canned foods is important in assess Preparation o f A nalytical Standards
ing food quality. The Japanese regulatory limit for tin in canned
beverages is 150 |Lg/g. The Canadian regulatory limit for To check the accuracy of the method, analytical standards
were prepared as follows. An accurately weighed tin metal
canned food is 250 (ig/g. An excellent review of commonly
used methods of determination of tin in foods has been pre plate (50 x 260 x 0.2 mm) was dipped in 300 g fresh Satsuma
mandarin juice in a bottle. The bottle was tightly capped with
sented by Horwitz (1). The photometric determination of tin
a screw cap and placed in a constant-temperature oven at 90TT
using salitylidenamino-2 -thiophenol as a reagent (2 ), not cited
for 41.5 h. The tin plate was then removed from the juice,
in the review, has been authorized by the pharmaceutical soci
washed with acetone and then water, dried at 60°C, and cooled
ety of Japan (3). Determinations of tin in canned foods by
to room temperature in a desiccator. The weight of the tin plate
was taken. The amount of dissolved tin (98.8 mg) was esti
Received September 8, 1992. Accepted Febuary 23, 1993.
mated from the difference in the weight of tin before and after
S u m it a n i E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1375
it was placed in mandarin juice. Two levels of analytical stand cept the negative concentration axis. The concentration of tin
ard (50 and 250 pg/g) were prepared from the remaining man in sample was calculated by using the extrapolated value, and
darin juice by quantitative dilution with fresh mandarin juice. allowing for sample weight dilution.
(c) Calculations.
Preparation o f Samples
Tin, pg/g sample = pg tin/mL x (50/25) x (100/m)
Homogenize canned food with a Waring blender. Accu
rately weigh 40 g of homogenate or analytical standards into
300 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Dry homogenate in oven at 110°C.
where 25,50, and 100 are dilution factors and m is the sample
In a hood, add 30 mL HN0 3 to flask and heat mixture gently to weight in grams.
initiate digestion; avoid excessive frothing. When frothing has
subsided, gently boil mixture at moderate temperature for 2 h
R esu lts a n d D iscu ssio n
or until sample begins to dry at the bottom of the flask. Do not
let sample char. Add 20 mL HC1 to flask and heat mixture gen
tly ca 15 min. Increase heat and boil 1.5 h. Remove flask from Immediately after a can is opened, the contents should be
heat. Transfer digest to 100 mL flask and then thoroughly rinse transferred to a glass vessel, because tin plated on the internal
Erlenmeyer flask twice with water. Let the solution cool to surface of the can rapidly dissolves into the contents in the pres
room temperature and dilute to volume with water. Fat floating ence of oxygen.
on top should not be considered part of volume. Mix well and Most methods now rely on wet digestion to destroy organic
filter under reduced pressure through dry Whatman No. 1 paper matter, because dry ashing leaves the tin as insoluble oxides.
into a clean, dry bottle. The wet digestion used in this study was a modification of the
AOAC official method for tin determination by AAS (6 ). It was
Determ ination difficult to digest fat and oil in fatty samples such as meat,
salmon, and evaporated milk. In this method, the limit of fat
The instrumental conditions are summarized in Table 1.
and oil in sample is about 10-20%. We did not examine how to
(a) Preparation o f standard addition sample.—Pipet 25 mL
digest fat and oil.
digested sample solution into three 50 mL volumetric flasks,
The analytical line of sulfur (190.027 nm) is adjacent to that
and then add 0,1.0, and 2.0 mL tin stock solution (1000 pg/mL)
of tin (189.989 nm) (7). If the sample contains large amounts
into each flask and dilute to volume with water.
of sulfur compared with tin, the method is inaccurate because
(b) Standard addition method.—Three standard addition
the instrument catches the sulfur line instead of the tin line. In
samples were measured by ICP/AES after background correc
this case, a fixed-wavelength method should be used.
tion. Background subtraction was done in the wavelength scan
In the initial stage of this investigation, we attempted to de
profile on a display by marking 2 suitable positions on the base
termine tin by the internal standard method using yttrium as
line of both sides of the peak. The results were plotted against
internal standard. However, we could not obtain correct results,
the added concentrations. The plot was extrapolated to inter
because we could not match the matrix of sample solution with
that of tin standard solution. The pronounced matrix effect may
T a b le 1. In s tru m e n ta l c o n d it io n s f o r tin d e te rm in a tio n
have been due to spectral or physical interference from organic
b y I C P /A E S
materials and acids remaining in sample solution after diges
Parameter Setting tion. Results of the standard addition method indicated that the
Found Recovery
a Five replicates per food. RCV, repeatability coefficient of variation. Mean recovery, 99.2%.
b Food packed in tin plate can.
c Food packed in high-tin fillet can.
d Food packed in tin plate can with inside lacquered ends.
e Food packed in inside lacquered can.
' ND, not detected.
most favorable method of determining tin in canned food is tively. Results for 13 canned foods are shown in Table 3. RCVs
ICP/AES. for unspiked samples varied from 0.91 (apple juice) to 10.3%
The accuracy of the method was tested by analyzing ana (mushroom). Recovery of tin from 13 canned foods spiked at
lytical standards containing tin at 2 levels (50 and 250 |lg/g). 2 levels (50 and 250 |ig/g) ranged from 93.9 to 109.4%, with a
Results are shown in Table 2. Amounts of tin found and repeat mean of 99.2%. Recovery at the lower spiking level (50 pg/g)
ability coefficients of variation (RCV) for the 50 and 250 (ig/g was slightly erratic compared with the higher spiking level
standards were 50.5 and 256.0 |ig/g and 4.0 and 3.8%, respec (250 frg/g).
S u m it a n i E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1377
The quantitation limit was defined as the concentration at Sample preparation was easy; however, it was difficult to di
which RCV was less than 10% (n = 5). By measuring 5 repli gest fat and oil. Nevertheless, it was possible to detennine tin
cates of tin standard solutions ranging from 0.1 to 3 pg/g, we in fatty foods. The standard addition method is the most pref
found that 0.5 pg/g tin was the minimum concentration at erable method for tin determination by ICP/AES.
which RCV did not exceed 10%. The quantitation limit of the
method was estimated to be about 0.5 pg/g. R efe ren c es
Tin was not detected in foods packed in lacquered can, such
as spinach, whole tomato, meat, and salmon, except for short
(1) Horwitz, W. (1979) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 62, 1251-1264
necked clam. Tm concentration detected in canned short
necked clam was 8.9 pg/g. Internal corrosion was found at the (2) Gregory, G.R.E.C., & Jeffery, P.G. (1967) Analyst 92, 293-
side seam of the lacquered can. Tin detected in the sample is
assumed to originate from the tin plate exposed by corrosion. (3) Standard Methods of Analysisfor Hygienic Chemists With
The large dynamic range of ICP/AES, compared with AAS, Commentary (1990), authorized by the Phannaceutical Soci
generally permits calibration over a very wide concentration ety of Japan, Kanahara Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, pp.
58-60, 574-577
range. The time-consuming dilutions are, therefore, not re
quired. (4) Dabeka, R.W., & McKenzie, A.D. (1981) J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem. 64, 1297-1300
C o n clu sio n (5) Dabeka, R.W., McKenzie, A.D., & Albert, R.H. (1985) J. As
soc. Off. Anal. Chem. 6 8 , 209-213
The purpose of the study was to establish a rapid and accu (6 ) Official Methods of Analysis (1990) 15th Ed., AOAC, Ar
rate method of quantifying tin in canned foods by ICP/AES. lington, VA, sec. 985.16
Results from wet digestion by H N 0 3 and HC1 followed by (7) Hayakawa, T., Kikui, F., & Ikeda, S. (1982) Spectrochem.
ICP/AES were obtained rapidly and were moderately accurate. Acta 37B, 1069-1073
1378 T h o m p s o n : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
D e t e r m in a t io n o f U lt r a t r a c e L e v e ls o f L e a d in In f a n t F o r m u la b y
Is o t o p e D ilu t io n In d u c t iv e ly C o u p le d P la s m a M a s s S p e c tr o m e tr y
J o seph J. T h o m pso n
Abbott, Ross Products Division, Analytical Research and Development, 625 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43215
A sim p le m eth o d w a s d ev e lo p e d for th e a c c u ra te levels in infant formula are likely to be compared on this basis.
a n d p re c ise d eterm in atio n of low- a n d su b -p p b Although current methods based on GFAAS can be modified
(ng/g) c o n c e n tra tio n s of lead in infant form ula by to have a quantitation limit of less than 5 ppb (ng/g) lead, the
iso to p e dilution inductively c o u p le d p la sm a m a s s moderate precision of the results and the lack of suitable stand
sp e c tro m e try u sin g u ltraso n ic nebulization. After ard reference materials (SRMs) certified for lead at this level
ad d ition of a know n am o u n t of 207Pb, sa m p le s w ere make it desirable to ascertain accuracy by comparison with re
m icrow ave d ig e ste d a n d th e r a tio 201 Pb/20®Pb w as sults of an independent method, preferably one with greater
m e a su re d in th e d ig e sts. A g reem en t w ith certified precision.
v alu e s for lead in milk po w d er sta n d a rd referen ce For several years, isotope dilution inductively coupled
m aterials w a s g o od , a n d iso to p e dilution an a ly sis plasma mass spectrometry (ID/ICP/MS) has been used for the
u sin g ^ P b y ielded identical re su lts for th e sta n d accurate and precise determination of elemental concentrations
ard re fere n ce m aterials. Lead c o n c e n tra tio n s d e te r in the ppm to upper ppb range (7-10). However, only a few
m ined for sev eral infant nutritional p ro d u c ts w ere reports deal with lead determinations in foods at low-ppb levels
verified by a n in d e p e n d e n t m ethod. Typically, rela by ID/ICP/MS (11-12) or evaluate the accuracy of results at
tive sta n d a rd d ev iatio n s of <4% w ere o b ta in e d with this level. The problem is complicated by a lack of suitable
th is m eth o d for lead c o n c e n tra tio n s a b o v e 2 ppb. SRMs and by contamination. Despite the impressive precision
T he reco v ery of 2 ng of lead from an a q u e o u s of isotope dilution methods, the key issue in this application is
sta n d a rd carried th ro u g h th e m icrow ave d ig estio n accuracy in the 1-5 ppb range typical of lead concentrations in
w a s 104 + 4%. Infant form ula (containing 0.6 p p b infant formula. In this paper, an ID/ICP/MS method is de
lead) to w hich 0.4 ng of n atu ra l-ab u n d an c e lead scribed for the determination of low- and sub-ppb concentra
h ad b e e n a d d e d , to sim u la te a form ula containin g tions of lead in infant formula, with special attention given to
0.9 p p b lead, w a s an alyzed by iso to p e dilution, an d ensuring accuracy. This approach is intended to serve as a ref
th e re su lt w a s 96 ± 18% of th e th eo retical value. erence method forjudging the accuracy of auxiliary methods
T h u s, d ifferen ces of 0.3 p p b lead could b e clearly developed for quality control and for resolving disparities be
d istin g u ish ed , a n d th e d etec tio n limit w a s e sti tween lead concentrations measured by different laboratories.
m ated to b e 0.1 ng lead p er gram of infant form ula.
T he k ey s to a c c u ra c y for th is m eth o d a re m inim iz Experim ental
ing co n tam in atio n a n d accu rately determ ining th e
co n c en tratio n of lead in th e isotopically e n ric h ed Reagents and Standards
sta n d a rd .
Standard reference materials (nonfat milk powder 1549,
trace elements in water 1643c, and isotopic SRM 981) were
obtained from the National Institute of Standards and Technol
R ecently, there has been increased concern over the ex
ogy (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD); another milk powder reference
posure of infants to ultratrace levels of lead (1-3). In
material, BCR 63, was obtained from the Community Bureau
any efforts to assess the risk to infants, background lev
of Reference (Brussels, Belgium). Enriched isotopic materials
els of lead in infant formulas must be measured accurately at
(2 °6 pb, 9 9 9 9 %^ anci 2 0 7 Pb, 91.62%, both supplied as lead car
very low concentrations. Methods involving differential pulse
anodic stripping voltammetry (4) and graphite furnace atomic bonate) were obtained from Oak Ridge National Laboratories
(Oak Ridge, TN). The 207Pb material was stored overnight in a
absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS) (5-6) have been de
vacuum desiccator before weighing on a microgram balance.
veloped to measure ultratrace concentrations of lead in foods.
The 206Pb material was weighed without drying. Stock solu
Because most laboratories are equipped with GFAAS instru
tions were prepared and serially diluted to reach working con
mentation, nutrition research and routine measurements of lead
centrations of 30.0 and 38.2 ppb total lead for the 206Pb and
207Pb materials, respectively. Other solutions prepared were
Received Novmber 1 6 ,1 9 9 2 . Accepted January 30, 1993.
2 0 0 , 2 0 .0 , and 0 . 8 ppb of natural-abundance lead (prepared
T h o m p s o n : J o u r n a l O f AO AC In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1379
from NIST 1000 mg/L lead stock solution) and (optionally) cap were rinsed with water, and, optionally, 1.00 mL of a 100
100 ppb of Th or Bi internal standard. All standards were care ppb Th or Bi internal standard was added. The digests were
fully prepared in 2 or 3% nitric acid with calibrated, acid- diluted to a reference mark on each vessel (volume ~ 70 mL)
leached glass volumetric ware and Millipore water. Solutions and transported directly to the ICP/MS for measurement of the
were stored in acid-leached poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) 2 0 7 Pb/208Pb ratio. The entire procedure, including data reduc
or poly(methylpentene) bottles. High-purity nitric acid and hy tion, took about 5 h. This time probably could be reduced to 2
drogen peroxide (Ultrex, J.T. Baker, Inc.) were used. to 3 h with newer microwave technology.
Because of uncertainty about the moisture content of the For a smaller number of samples, 206Pb was added as the
original isotopic materials and error propagation from the dilu spike isotope and the ratio 2 0 6 Pb/208Pb in the digests was meas
tions, the concentration of lead in the working standards, ured.
[Pb]spike, was checked by reverse isotope dilution. A known
amount of spike solution was mixed with a known amount of Instrum entation
the 20 ppb natural-abundance lead standard and the 2 0 7 Pb/208Pb The ICP/MS instrument (PQ II Plus, Fisons) was operated
of the mixture ratio was determined. Both lead standards were with an ICP forward power of 1.4 kW and typical ion lens set
remade from their parent standards every month whenever tings (dial readings) as follows: extractor, 100; collector, 470;
their concentrations changed by more than 5%. Initially, LI, 800; L2, 440; L3, 580; and L4, 490. The pulse-counting
fPb]spike must be measured for various mixtures differing in the multiplier was set to a dial reading of 500-550, and the resolu
ratio of spike to 20 ppb standard, as described in Discussion. tion was lowered somewhat from factory settings to maximize
From experience, a best value for [Pb]spike was chosen that sensitivity. The quadrupole was operated in a peak-jumping
agreed closely with the nominal concentration calculated from mode. The ion intensity was measured repetitively for 160 ps
the mass and volume used in preparation of the spike solution. (dwell time) at each of 3 points per peak until a total of 10 was
In addition, an accurate determination of lead in NIST 1643c spent on all of the selected isotopes (2 0 7 Pb, 2 0 9 Bi, 2 0 6 Pb, 2 0 8 Pb,
could be made by using the best value for [Pb]spike. If internal 2 3 2 Th). Ten integrated signal counts were acquired and aver
consistency was not obtained with these 3 solutions, all master aged for each sample acquisition. The ICP/MS was equipped
standards were remade, and a fresh bottle of the SRM was ob with an ultrasonic nebulizer (Cetac Technologies, Inc., Model
tained. The concentration of lead in the spike typically was U-5000) operated with an aerosol flow rate of 1.3 L/min.
quite stable over a month or more, and subsequent determina
tions of [Pb]spike could be made rapidly, without checking Data Handling
against NIST 1643c.
A commercial spreadsheet program facilitated the examina
Preparation o f Sam ples tion and visualization of the effects of isotope dilution parame
ters on method accuracy. Data reduction was performed in the
Twelve PTFE microwave vessels were cleaned by heating following manner. Because the natural abundance of the lead
(with vessel caps on and tightly sealed), first with Ultrex nitric isotopes varies, the spreadsheet calculated the abundances of
acid for 1 0 min and then with fresh nitric acid and hydrogen the 4 lead isotopes from the 2 0 4 Pb/2 0 8 Pb, 2 0 6 Pb/2 0 8 Pb, and
peroxide for another 10 min. Then, 0.20 g powder, 0.6 g con 2 0 7 Pb/2°Spb ratios measured for the 0.8 ppb standard. All 3 ra
centrated liquid, or 1.2 g ready-to-feed (RTF) product was tios were determined at the start of each day and did not vary
weighed into 8 vessels, followed by the addition of a known by more than 2 to 3% over the course of these experiments (a
amount of 207Pb (spike isotope). The spike/sample mass ratio few months). In addition, the ratios from NIST 981 were moni
was adjusted to yield a 2 0 7 Pb/208Pb ratio in the range of 2-5. tored every few weeks to see if there was inordinate mass dis
Thus, 100 pL of the 38 ppb spike (~4 ng) was added to the RTF crimination in the lead isotope measurements and to check for
products and 500 pL of spike solution was added to the NIST the presence of spectral interferences. Certified lead isotope
1549 powder. Vessels were always weighed to verify the accu ratios in NIST 981 and in the 2 0 7 Pb-enriched standard always
racy of the volumes delivered by micropipets. The 4 vessels agreed with experimental values within 1 to 3%. The natural-
used for blanks were treated differently depending on the abundance ratios in samples and milkpowder SRMs were
method of blank subtraction. For blank subtraction by isotope checked initially and found to be essentially equal to the ratios
dilution (ID) 100 pL of the 38 ppb spike standard was added to obtained from the 0.8 ppb standard. Typical natural ratios were
each blank vessel; otherwise, nothing was added to the vessels as follows: 2 0 4 Pb/208Pb = 0.0261, 2 0 6 Pb/208Pb = 0.513, and
prior to nitric acid. 2 0 7 Pb/208Pb = 0.410 (abundances: 2 0 4 Pb, 1.3%; 2 0 6 Pb, 26.3;
RTF products first were dried by heating in a 650 W micro- 2 0 7 Pb, 21.0%; and 2 0 8 Pb, 51.3%). Thereafter, samples were as
wave oven (Model 81D, CEM Corp.) at 45% power for 4 min sumed to have the same natural abundances as the standard.
in open vessels. Then, 5 mLconcentrated nitric acid was added, From each ran of 12 vessels, the blank count rates from the
the vessels were sealed, and the samples were heated for 15 min 4 unspiked vessels were normalized to the samples by using the
at 80% power to a pressure of 80 psi. After manual venting, the internal standard, averaged, and subtracted from the count rate
vessels were heated for 2 0 min at 80% power to a pressure of of the sample at the mass 207 and mass 208 channels. A cor
25 psi. Next, 2 mU hydrogen peroxide was added, followed by rected ratio was then calculated by dividing the net mass 207
heating for 15 min at 80% power. After cooling to room tem counts per second (cps) by the net mass 208 cps. This ratio was
perature, the vessels were opened, the walls and inside of the inserted into the normal isotope dilution equation to calculate
1380 T h o m p s o n : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
the lead concentration. Alternatively, the quantity of Pb in the pression due to the matrix was observed, usually 30-50%, re
blank could be determined by isotope dilution. gardless of the microwave digestion procedure. For products,
isotope ratios changed significantly upon dilution of a digested
Recovery Studies sample. As noted previously, high concentrations of concomi
Lead loss from microwave digestion was measured as fol tant elements can change isotope ratios significantly (13), and
lows: 100 pL of the 20 ppb natural-abundance lead standard (2 so sample dilutions were optimized individually, by choosing
ng) was placed into each of 6 cleaned, PTFE microwave ves a sample weight below which the ID result did not change.
sels (A-F) containing 5 mL nitric acid. Six other vessels (G-L), Some ID/ICP/MS results for lead in the 2 milk powder
containing only nitric acid, were put in the oven. After the di SRMs are shown in Table 1. Although the NIST powder is cer
gestion procedure, the same amount of lead was placed into 3 tified for a lead concentration of 19 ppb, it really represents the
empty vessels (G-I). The other 3 vessels served as blanks (J- lower levels of lead found in RTF infant formula, because com
L). After all the vessels were filled with water, the blank-sub ponents in a powder are concentrated 6 to 7 times relative to an
tracted counts per second at 208Pb for vessels A -F were com RTF liquid. The excellent within-run precision for the SRMs
pared with the average blank-subtracted counts for vessels G-I. indicates that they were homogeneous at the 0 . 2 0 g sample size
The isotope dilution recovery was determined for samples taken (NIST certifies homogeneity at a 0.5 g level). Day-to-day
spiked with natural-abundance lead. Samples of BCR 63 (0.35 repeatability also was excellent. No difference was observed in
g) were weighed into 3 vessels (A-C) along with 1 mL of the the results whether 206Pb or 207Pb was used as the spike isotope.
38 ppb 207Pb spike standard. Six other vessels (D—I) contained Lead concentrations determined by this method generally
sample, 2 mL of spike, and 200 jiLof a 200 ppb natural-abun agreed with the certified concentrations for lead in the SRMs,
dance lead standard. Three vessels (J-L) served as blanks. The which is indicative of the accuracy of the method. The
usual microwave digestion was performed. From vessels A-C, ID/ICP/MS results were slightly below the certified mean val
the average lead concentration (ng/g) in BCR 63 was deter ues, even though the values in Table 1 were corrected for mois
mined by ID. With this value and the individual sample ture in the powders (~6 % in the BCR materials and ~1% in
weights, an expected lead concentration and recovery could be NIST 1549). A typical value obtained for lead in NIST 1643c
calculated (also by ID) for the adulterated samples in vessels (water) was 34.5 ±0.3 ppb, also below the mean certified value
D-I. This experiment was repeated twice, first for 3 g of infant of 35.3 ± 0.9 ppb. The reason for this apparent bias is unknown,
formula plus 5 ng of additional lead and then for 1.2 g of the but the difficulty in accurately determining the lead concentra
same product spiked with 0.4 ng of natural-abundance lead. tion of the spike solution could play a role. Small positive or
negative biases of ID/ICP/MS results have been noted pre
R e su lts a n d D iscu ssio n viously (13). However, a ~5% bias at the 5 ppb level would
certainly be deemed inconsequential for the purpose of this
The method is feasible only with the sensitivity afforded by method.
the ultrasonic nebulizer. For example, after digesting 0.20 g of Lead concentrations determined by the ID/ICP/MS method
NIST 1549 (19 ng Pb/g) and diluting to 70 mL, the concentra in milk and soy-based infant formulas from different manufac
tion of the solution taken to the ICP/MS was about 50 ppt turers are shown in Table 2. All formulas tested contained less
(pg/g). With conventional pneumatic nebulization, the limit of than 2 ppb lead on an as-fed basis. The soy-based formulas
detection was 30 ppt, and the isotope ratio 2 0 7 Pb/208Pb could be contained a higher concentration of lead than the milk-based
determined with a precision of only 5% RSD on the 0.8 ppb formulas. Otherwise, the concentration of lead did not differ
standard. Digested RTF samples also had lead concentrations greatly among manufacturers or among the 3 forms of a prod
that were too close to conventional detection limits with the uct (powder, concentrated liquid, or RTF). From the data in
instrument. With ultrasonic nebulization the sensitivity was Tables 1 and 2, one can see that the RSDs obtained with the
typically 40 000 cps/ppb lead, with a detection limit below 1 method for 3 to 4 replicates are generally 10% for samples with
ppt (pg/g). Ratios were routinely measured with 0.5% RSD for 0.3 to 2 ppb lead and <4% for samples with >2 ppb lead.
the 0.8 ppb standard, and were typically 1-3% for digested Lead concentrations determined in 6 Ross pediatric nutri
samples containing about 10 times less lead. Some signal sup tional products by the ID/ICP/MS method were compared with
a Pooled data. Certified lead concentration: 19 ± 3 ppb for NIST 1549 and 104 ± 3 ppb for BCR 63.
T h o m p s o n : J o u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1381
Table 2. Lead concentrations (ppb) in infant formulas niques were briefly investigated, but each technique had limi
from different manufacturers, determined by ID/lCP/MSa tations for measurements at the 1 ppb level. Possible problems
Powder CLb RTFC with these methods of sample preparation include selective
volatilization of lead species from the spike/sample mixture,
Milk-based formula
variable blank contamination or adsorption from quartz or
0.24 ± 0.01 0.48 ± 0.08 0.61 ± 0.06 platinum surfaces, or matrix effects from undigested material.
0.90 ± 0.06 0.24 ± 0.06 0.42 ± 0.05 With microwave digestion in PTFE vessels, the blanks were
0.92 ± 0.01 0.30 ± 0.03 1.1 ±0.1 very low (<0.005 ppb or <0.3 ng total lead) and reproducible
(within-run precision typically 10-15% RSD) provided that
Soy-based formula the vessels were cleaned as described previously. It could be
argued that the isotopes have an excellent chance of equilibrat
1.81 ±0.08 1.90 ± 0.07 1.78 ±0.03
ing in the closed, high-temperature environment before any se
1.20 ±0.02 1.06 ±0.07 1.48 ±0.05
_d _d lective isotope losses can occur. This hypothesis was tested by
1.2 ±0.2
performing the spike recovery studies (Table 4, and described
3 Each entry is the mean ± SD of 3 or 4 determinations of a single in Experimental), which are commonly used to evaluate the
product expressed on an as-fed (RTF) basis: powder + 6.8 = RTF;
CL + 2 = RTF. Entries are randomized so that values from a single accuracy of methods that rely on external calibration. The re
row do not represent one manufacturer’s line of products. sult of the first experiment listed in Table 4 indicates that the
b Concentrated liquid. recovery of lead after microwave digestion in a closed vessel
c Ready-to-feed.
d Not determined. is nearly complete. This result is significant, because experi
ence in developing the GFAAS method has shown that, at low
ppb levels, lead from an aqueous standard is lost preferentially
to lead from the sample when the sample is heated in an open
those from a newly developed method with GFAAS. The re
container. Therefore, open heating of a sample with an aqueous
sults are shown on Table 3. Given the very low levels of lead
isotopic spike standard may result in loss o f the spike isotope
in the product, the agreement between the 2 independent meth
ods is remarkable and is a further indication of accuracy. Also, before isotopic equilibration is achieved and in inaccurate iso
the sample preparation for the GFAAS method was substan tope dilution analysis. As further proof that isotopic equilibra
tially different:dry ashing of a 20 g sample of RTF (17 times tion occurred with the present method, equilibrating the sam
more than for ICP/MS) followed by extraction with sodium ple, acid, and enriched isotope solution for longer periods ( 2 h)
diethyldithiocarbamate in diisobutylketone and back-extrac before microwave heating did not significantly change the ID
tion into an aqueous layer containing palladium chloride. Prob result. Furthermore, when natural-abundance lead was added
ably because of this extensive sample handling, the precision to an SRM or an infant formula, the ID result agreed very
of the GFAAS method was generally inferior to that of the closely with the expected result (Table 4, last 3 experiments).
ID/ICP/MS method. The precisions also indicate that the Lead concentrations from a 0.4 ng spike added to product A
ID/ICP/MS method has a lower quantitation limit than the (Table 3) could be clearly differentiated from that from the un
GFAAS method. adulterated product. Product A contains about 0.6 ppb lead, and
The mode of sample preparation can affect accuracy. Open- the addition o f 0.4 ng lead simulated a product containing about
vessel wet digestion, dry ashing, and simple dilution tech 0.9 ppb lead, a difference of 0.3 ppb. Therefore, the detection
limit by ID is estimated to be 0.1 ng/g in product.
Table 3. Precision, number of trials ( N ), and relative agreement between lead concentrations determined by GFAAS
and ID/ICP/MS in various infant formulas and in NIST 1549
The relatively simple procedures used in this method re signal suppression from the matrix) count rates of the blank
duced the chance for sample contamination or high blanks. All were subtracted from the lead count rates for the samples. The
dilutions, weighings, and digestions were performed in a Class net count rates were then used to calculate a corrected
1 0 0 clean room, and a set of glassware and plasticware was set 207Pb/208Pb ratio. The choice of Th as internal standard was
aside exclusively for this project. Despite all precautions, how arbitrary; subsequent experiments in which Bi was substituted
ever, contamination of blanks and samples was relatively com for Th proved that the choice of internal standard did not affect
mon when working at this level; typically, one blank or sample method accuracy. Eventually, the z07Pb -enriched standard
was rejected out of each mn of 12 vessels. For the data col (which was 6 % 208Pb) was added to the 4 blank vessels before
lected for Tables 1 and 2, for instance, the data for 9 of 61 digestion, and the blank was determined by ID. The results
blanks and 8 of 106 samples had to be discarded. showed that both methods of blank subtraction were equiva
In most ID/ICP/MS applications, the blank is determined by lent: they yielded the same average result for lead in NIST 1549
ID. However, in the present method the total amount of 208Pb and exactly the same value for lead in the blank (0.26 ng).
in the spiked blank is extremely small and whether isotope ra Therefore, when the spike solution contained a significant
tios could be measured with sufficient accuracy in these solu amount of the reference isotope, the consistency of the lead
tions was doubtful. At first, normalized (to account for lead levels found in the blank was more important than the method
Pb-2 0 6
<0 0 .8 1.1 1 .4 1 .7 2 .0 2 .3 2 .8 3 .1 3 .5 3 .7 4 .2 5 .3 6 .3 7 .6 9 .8 1 4 26
^ 2 0 6 /2 0 8 R atio in M ixture
Figure 1. Total lead concentration of spike determined for various mixtures of natural-abundance standard and 206Pb
spike standard. The concentration derived from careful serial dilution of the original isotopic material was 30.0 ppb
(horizontal line). The precision of individual measurements at a given ratio is about 0.3%, indicated by the error bars
on top of each bar.
T h o m p s o n : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1383
Pb-2 0 7
5 1 .6 1 .8 2 .2 2 .7 2 .9 3 .1 3 .4 3 .7 4 .5 5 .0 5 .7 6 .6 8 .3
s 2 0 7 /2 0 8 R atio in M ixture
Figure 2. Total lead concentration of spike determined for various mixtures of natural-abundance standard and 207Pb
spike standard. The concentration derived from careful serial dilution of the original isotopic material was 38.2 ppb
(horizontal line). The precision of individual measurements at a given ratio is about 0.3%, indicated by the error bars
on top of each bar.
of blank subtraction. However, blank subtraction using 206Pb The proportions of the 2 solutions (spike and natural stand
ID (0.05% 208Pb) was not attempted, because the small amount ards) determines the 207Pb/208Pb or 206Pb/208Pb ratio in the re
of reference isotope in the mixture would likely cause large sultant mixture (Rm). For mass spectrometric measurement, the
uncertainty in the isotope ratio. best precision and accuracy is obtained if Rm is near unity.
A final, rather insidious source of error in these experiments However, for the ID method as a whole, error propagation is
appeared in the determination of the total lead concentration of often minimized by adjusting the spike/sample ratio to obtain
the spike by reverse ID. The calculated value for [Pb]spike de Rm substantially different from unity (14). The optimal Rm can
pended on the aliquots of spike and natural-abundance stand be predicted from theory, but in practice, it is the ratio that gives
ards taken (Figures 1 and 2), a phenomenon that has been noted the best value for the concentration of lead in the spike stand
previously in work with low levels of lead by ICP/MS (11). A ard, as discussed in Experimental. Luckily, there is a fairly
range of as much as 2 ppb in the 207Pb spike concentration and broad range of spike/sample ratios (Rms) that yields an accurate
> 4 ppb in the 206Pb spike concentration was observed, whereas [Pb]spike value; for example, when Rmis 2 - 6 , the concentrations
repeated determinations using the same aliquots showed differ of lead determined in the 206Pb solution are accurate and not
ences of no more than 0.5 ppb in the spike concentrations. The significantly different from each other. However, some of the
horizontal line through the bars in Figures 1 and 2 indicates the small apparent bias noted earlier in the ID/ICP/MS results may
nominal concentration of the working isotopic spike solutions, be due to these errors in the determination of [Pb]spike.
obtained from a knowledge o f the mass and volumes used in its
preparation. The choice of whether to use this nominal concen Conclusion
tration or one of the other measurements of [Pb]spike shown in
the figures for ED calculations represents a dilemma for the A relatively rapid and rugged method has been devised for
analy st. Any error in the spike concentration would translate the accurate and precise determination of lead in infant for
into a similar relative error in the lead concentration deter mula. Accuracy was confirmed by comparison with certified
mined for a sample. values in reference materials, by spike recoveries, and by com
1384 T h o m p s o n : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
parison with concentrations determined by an independent (4) Capar, S.G., G ajan, R.J., Subjoc, C .A ., & Sanders, M . (1982)
method. The method was reliable during several months of J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 65, 9 7 0 -9 7 7
testing of over 2 0 0 individual samples of pediatric nutritional (5) D abeka, R.W ., & M cK enzie, A .D . (1986) C a n . J. S p e c tr o s c .
products. The keys to accuracy for this method are controlling 3 1 ,4 4 -5 2
the concentration and variability of lead in the blank and accu (6) D abeka, R.W. & M cK enzie, A .D . (1988) Food Addit. Con-
rately determining the concentration of lead in the isotopically tam. 5, 3 3 3 -3 4 2
enriched standard.
(7) G arbino, J.R. & Taylor, H .E. (1987) Anal. Chem. 5 9 ,1 5 6 8 —
(8) B eauchem in, D ., M cL aren, J.W ., M ykytiuk, A.P., & B erm an,
5.5 . (1987) Anal. Chem. 59, 7 7 8 -7 8 3
Andre Szabo and Donald Sgontz, Jr., developed the GFAAS
(9) B eauchem in, D., M cL aren, J.W ., & Berm an, S.S. (1988) J.
method for lead and graciously supplied the data for the Anal. At. Spectrom. 3, 7 7 5 -7 8 0
method comparison studies.
(10) B eauchem in, D., M cL aren J.W ., W illie, S.N., & B erm an,
5.5 . (1988) Anal. Chem. 60, 687 -6 9 1
(11) V iczian, M ., L asztity, A., W ang, X ., & B arnes, R. M . (1990)
J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 5, 125-133
(1) N eedlem an, H.L. (1984) in A d v a n c e s in C lin ic a l C h ild P s y
c h o lo g y , B. L ahey & A. K azdin (Eds), N ew York, NY, pp. (12) D ean, J. R., E bdon, L., & M assey, R. (1987) J. Anal. At.
195-220 Spectrom. 2, 3 6 9 -3 7 4
(2) Ryu, RE., Ziegler, E.E., N elson, S.E., & Fom on, S.J. (1985) (13) H ouk, R.S., & T hom pson, J.J. (1938) Mass Spectrom. Rev. 7,
in D ie ta r y a n d E n v ir o n m e n ta l L e a d : H u m a n H e a l t h E ffe c ts , 425^461
K.R. M ahaffey (Ed), Elsevier, A m sterdam , pp. 187-209 (14) D e B ievre, P.J., & D ebus, G.H. (1965) Nucl. Instr. Meth. 32,
(3) Shannon, M . (1989) C lin . P e d ia tr . 28, 3 8 0 -3 8 2 2 2 4 -2 2 8
A k a s a k a E t A l .: J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1385
F lu o r o m e t r ic D e t e r m in a t io n o f T o t a l a n d B o u n d S u lf it e in W in e
b y A f - ( 9 - A c r id in y l) m a le im id e
A/-(9-Acridinyl)maleimide (NAM) reacts with sulfite w h ite w in e (1 1 , 12). Ion e x c lu s io n ch rom atograp h y (1 3 ) a lso
in wine and gives strong fluorescent derivatives m ad e it p o ss ib le to d eterm in e both total and free su lfite in w in e.
that lead to highly sensitive fluorometry of both to R ecen tly, w e reported a h ig h ly se n sitiv e flu orom etric
tal and bound sulfite in wine. Values of free and m eth od for total su lfite in w in e that u se s A -(9 -a crid in y l)m a le-
bound sulfite in wine determined by the NAM im id e (1 4 ). In the study reported here, w e ap p lied the
method and the modified Rankine method agreed. fluorom etric m eth od to th e d eterm in ation o f both b ou n d and
total su lfite in sim p le p rocedures.
Sulfite was determined in <200 pL wine within 2 h.
A relatively large amount of sulfite is added to wine as a
food additive to control fermentation. Sulfite is used
because of its sterilizing and antibacterial properties. It U s e a n alytical or superpure grade c h e m ic a ls and d istilled
is also useful as an antioxidant and for ripening (1). In wine, water.
sulfite exists in 3 chemical forms that can be distinguished by (a) Ethylenediaminetetmacetic acid, disodium salt
analytical methods (2 ): free, reversibly bound (called bound (Na2EDTA), 0.02M.— D is s o lv e 7 .4 g N a 2E D T A in 1 L water.
sulfite hereafter), and irreversibly bound. The bound sulfites (b) N-(9-Acridinyl)maleimide (NAM), 0.9ImM.— D is
are chemically bonded with organic compounds such as alde s o lv e 1 m g N A M in 4 m L a ceto n e b efo re use.
hydes and a-keto acids (3), which are released as free sulfite (c) Reaction buffer, p H 9.2.— M ix 6 .1 8 g b oric acid, 7 .4 6 g
under alkaline conditions. The current legislation requires de p o ta ssiu m ch lorid e, and 7 .4 g N a 2E D T A in 1 L w ater (so lu tio n
termination of the free and the reversibly bound sulfite (2 ). I). M ix 10.6 g so d iu m carbonate and 7 .4 g N a 2E D T A in 1 L
The method of Rankine (4) and modifications of it have w ater (so lu tio n II). A d ju st p H to 9 .2 b y ad d in g so lu tio n II to
been widely used for the determination of sulfite in wine and so lu tio n I.
other foods (5). In these methods, sulfite is distilled under (d) Phosphoric acid solution, 25% . — A d d 2 4 0 m L w ater to
strong acidic conditions with bubbling nitrogen gas. The dis 100 m L p h osp h oric acid (85% so lu tio n ).
tilled sulfur dioxide is trapped and oxidized to sulfuric acid in (e) Sodium carbonate solution, 0.3M.— M ix 1 5.9 g sod iu m
carbonate and 4.1 g E D T A trisod iu m salt in 0 .5 L water.
hydrogen peroxide solution, and the amount of the sulfuric acid
is determined by titration. To improve the sensitivity, Ogawa et Apparatus
al. ( 6 ) modified the titration methods to use colorimetry. The
(a) Spectrofluorometer.— M o d e l F P -5 5 0 A (Japan S p ectro
sulfite distilled at O^C in an ice bath is defined as free sulfite;
sc o p ic C o., Ltd., T ok yo, Japan) eq u ip p ed w ith F P -2 0 5 0 q u ick
the sulfite obtained by heating is defined as total sulfite, which
flo w sam pler; F L U O R O R E A D M o d e l 2 0 0 (A jin o m o to C o.,
is the sum of free and bound sulfites. However, these methods
Inc., T o k y o , Japan).
are not satisfactory with regard to simplicity or rapidity. In ad
(b) Isothermal incubator.— M od el T C -1 (T o y o S ci. Ind.
dition, no special apparatus is required.
C o., T o k y o , Japan).
An enzymatic method was used to determine only total sul
(c) p H meter.— M o d el F -1 3 (H orib a Instrum ents, Inc.,
fite (7, 8 ). A pulsed polarographic method (9) and a modified
K y o to , Japan).
Monier-Williams method (10) were reported. Flow injection
analysis was used to determine both total and free sulfite in Sulfite Standard Preparation
(a) Total sulfite .—Mix 20 |iL wine and 180 (iL reaction
buffer (pH 9.2). Use as the sample.
(b) Bound sulfite .—To a 75 x 12 mm id test tube, add 20
(J.Lwine and 10 |J,L25 % phosphoric acid solution with cooling
in an ice bath. Mix vigorously. Let stand for at least 40 min in
the ice bath and then mix with 170 \iL sodium carbonate solu
F igu re 1. F lu o re sc e n c e d e ve lo p m e n t o f the reaction of
D e term in a tio n N A M with sulfite at 5(FC. S a m p le s : sulfite sta n d a rd
so lu tio n (262 ppm ; • ), ro s é w ine (1/10; ■ ), w hite w ine
Add 25 pL sample solution to 3.0 mL reaction buffer, pH (1/10; O ), an d red w ine (1/10; □ ).
9.2. Add 50 pL NAM acetone solution and then mix immedi
ately. Seal the tube (75x10 mm id) with Parafilm, and let stand
for >5 min at room temperature. Incubate at 50°C for >20 min
Both free and bound sulfite can react with NAM under these
and then cool to room temperature by immersion in a water
conditions within 15 min because of the rapid conversion of the
bath for >5 min. Measure the fluorescence intensity (FT) at 435
bound sulfite to free sulfite by equilibrium. This is supported
nm (excitation wavelength, 360 nm). Correct FI of sample by
by the fact that the total sulfite is determined by the enzymatic
that of the stock solution that was diluted 1:100. Determine
sulfite from a calibration curve prepared from the stock solu method conducted at pH 8.
tion that was diluted from 1:2000 to 1:100. The calibration curve of sulfite shows a linear relation in the
range of 1.31-26.2 ppm (correlation coefficient, r = 0.999).
Results and Discussion The coefficients of variation (CVs) of the fluorescence intensi
ties for 6 runs were 0.83% (26.2 ppm) and 0.91% (5.25 ppm).
The reaction of sulfite with NAM was discussed in previous The recoveries from the 3 wine samples are shown in Table 1.
reports (15, 16). The reaction proceeds in 2 steps: a Michel- These results show that the present method can rapidly deter
type addition to form a succimide derivative and then its hy mine sulfite in wine with good reproducibility and high sensi
drolysis to 2 succinamide derivatives. The first step proceeds at tivity.
20°C in a few minutes. Higher pH and temperature and an in The determination of free sulfite is important, because wine
crease of background FI accelerate the second step. The best production is controlled only by the free sulfite, not by the
condition for minimum variation and low background FI was bound sulfite. In our present method, the procedure is designed
to conduct the reaction at pH 9.2 and at room temperature for to calculate the free sulfite from the difference between total
>5 min and then at 50°C for >20 min. and bound sulfite. The bound sulfite was determined after the
Figure 1 shows the time course of fluorescence develop free sulfite was eliminated under acidic conditions at low tem
ment during incubation at 50°C. The gradual increase of FI perature, which is similar to the distillation of free sulfite in the
shows the progress of the second step; the FIs of the succi- modified Rankine method.
namides are slightly stronger than that of the succimide. With Figure 2 shows the decrease of sulfite in the standard solu
wine samples, the FI reached a constant level within 15 min tions to 20 pL sulfite solutions (26.2 and 2.62 ppm). More than
(Figure 1). 93% of sulfite disappeared upon standing for 40 min in an ice
total and 0.987 for bound sulfite. The free sulfite by the present (5) Fujita, K., Ikuzaw a, M ., Izum i, T., H am ano, T., M ituhashi,
method also agrees well with the values for free sulfite deter Y., M atsuki, Y , A dachi, T., N onogi, H., & Fuke, T. (1979) Z
mined by the modified Rankine method (r = 0.983). Fig 4, 5 L e b e n sm . U n te rs . F o r sc h . 168, 206—211
The present method requires <200 pL of each sample to (6) O gaw a, S., Suzuki, H., Toyoda, M ., Ito, Y , & Iw aida, M.
obtain the average values of 5 runs for both the total and the (1 9 7 9 )Z L e b e n s m . U n te rs . F o r sc h . 168, 2 9 3 -2 9 8
bound sulfites. A single analyst can determine several samples (7) Beutler, H.O ., & Sehüte, I. (1983) D ts c h . L e b e n s m . R u n d s c h .
concurrently in 2 h by using a simple method. Also, no special 79, 3 2 3 -3 3 0
apparatus is required. Substances in wine such as dye, other (8) Beutler, H.O. (1984) Z A n a l C h e m . 317, 6 6 4 -6 6 5
anions, and cations do not interfere in the present method. (9) H olak, W„ & Patel, B. (1987) 7. A s s o c . O ff. A n a l. C h e m . 70,
5 7 2 -5 7 8
Acknowledgments (10) Hillery, B.R., Elkins, E.R., W arner, C.R., D aniels, D., &
Fazio, T. (1 9 89)7. A s s o c . O ff. A n a l. C h e m . 72, 4 7 0 -4 7 5
This work was supported in part by a grant-in-aid (Bio Me
(11) Sullivan, J.J., H ollingw orth, T.A., W ekell, M .M ., M eo, V.A.,
dia Program) from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Saba, H.H., M oghadam , A., E klund, C., Phillips, J.G ., &
Fisheries, Japan. G um p, B.H . (1990)7. A s s o c . O ff. A n a l. C h e m . 73, 3 5 -4 2
(12) Sullivan, J.J., H ollingw orth, T.A., W ekell, M .M ., M eo, V.A.,
References Saba, H.H., M oghadam , A., Phillips, J.G ., & G um p, B.H.
(1990) 7. A s s o c . O ff. A n a l. C h e m . 73, 2 2 3 -2 2 6
(1) O tsuka, K , Totsuka, A., Ito, M ., M iyazaki, K., K aw am atsu,
(13) Kim , H.J., Park, G.Y., & K im , Y.K. (1987) F o o d T ech n ol.
M ., Sim izu, S., Shiragam i, K., & Sano, E. (1973) 7. S o c .
41(1), 85-91
B rew . J a p a n 68, 4 4 5 -4 5 9
(14) A kasaka, K., M atsuda, H., O hrui, H., M eguro, H., & Suzuki,
(2) W edzicha, B.L. (1984) C h e m is tr y o f S u lp h u r D io x id e in
T. (1990) A g r ic . B io l. C h e m . 54, 5 0 1 -5 0 4
F o o d s , Elsevier A pplied Science Publishers LTD, E ssex, E ng
land (15) M eguro, H., Takahashi, C., M atsui. S., & O hrui, H . (1983)
(3) Yoshizawa, S., & O tsuka, K. (1971)7. S o c . B rew . J a p a n 66, A n a l. L e tt. 16, 1625-1632
D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f S u l f u r D i o x i d e i n W in e s a n d B e v e r a g e s b y F l o w
I n j e c t i o n A n a l y s i s w i t h R e d u c t iv e A m p e r o m e t r i c D e t e c t io n a n d
E le c t r o ly t ic C le a n u p
A new flow injection method is described for the de On-line electrolytic cleanup has rarely been used in FIA, yet
term ination of sulfur dioxide in red and white wines this methodology seems to have significant potential for the
and other beverages. A dual-electrode electro electrochemical removal of interferences in the analysis of
chemical detector eliminates interferences by re complex mixtures without the need for chemical pretreatment
duction at an upstream coulom etric electrode be or procedures for separation of the samples. In a recent paper
fore reductive detection of sulfur dioxide at the (11), we described an FIA system that consisted of a coulomet
amperometric electrode. The data for free and total ric electrode to eliminate interferences oxidatively in the deter
sulfur dioxide in wines and other beverages agree mination of sulfur dioxide in wines by amperometric detection.
well with those obtained by the standard aspiration- The results obtained for free and total sulfur dioxide in white
oxidation method. wines agreed well with those determined by the standard aspi
ration-oxidation method, but the method gave unreliable re
sults for the analysis of red wines.
T he determination of sulfur dioxide in wines and other This paper describes an improved FIA method that is based
beverages by flow injection analysis (FIA) is difficult on the reductive elimination of interfering components com
because of the complex nature of the sample matrix. bined with reductive amperometric detection of the analyte.
Measurements usually require some form of sample cleanup or The method is suitable for the analysis of red and white wines
pretreatment to remove interferences, and most of the reported and some other beverages.
methods incorporate a gas diffusion membrane in the FIA sys
tem to separate the gaseous analyte. Ruzicka and Hansen (1) Experimental
described a stopped-flow procedure based on the reaction of
sulfur dioxide with p-rosaniline; this method was improved Flow-injection system .—The flow injection system consists
later by introduction of a gas-diffusion unit into the FIA mani of an Altex Model 110A reciprocating pump, a pulse damper,
fold (2). Alternative methods that achieve separation by a gas- a Rheodyne 7125 injection valve fitted with a 10 pL sample
diffusion membrane combined with spectrophotometric detec loop, and an ESA 5100A Coulochem electrochemical detector
tion include the decolorization of malachite green (3,4) and the with a 5011A analytical cell (Figure 1). An in-line filter is
reaction with /j-aminoazobenzene (5). Other methods use am placed between the injector and the detector to protect the ana
perometric detection (6) and suppression of luminol chemilu lytical flow cell from particulate matter.
minescence (7) after on-line sample treatment by gas diffusion. The dual-electrode Model 5011A analytical cell contains a
Dual electrode amperometric detectors consisting of 2 coulometric electrode of large surface area upstream from and
working electrodes in a series or parallel configuration have in series with a high-efficiency amperometric electrode. The
been used widely in liquid chromatography, mainly to improve working electrodes are constructed from porous graphite, and
selectivity (8). Matson and coworkers (9, 10) described a the ratio of the surface area of the coulometric electrode to the
unique cell consisting of 2 porous graphite coulometric elec amperometric electrode is 8.3 (12). The controlling couple for
trodes in series. This detector improved the ability to eliminate the reference electrode is the H+/H2 ion couple (13). Through
unwanted signals from the chromatographic eluant or to re out this work, the Model 5011A analytical cell is operated in
move interfering components from the sample. the SCREEN mode, where the upstream coulometric electrode
(DET 1) eliminates interferences before detection of the ana
R e c e iv e d S e p te m b e r 4 , 1 9 9 2 . A c c e p te d F e b ru a ry 2 3 , 1993. lyte at the amperometric electrode (DET 2).
1390 C ardwell E t Al .: J ournal Of A O A C International V ol . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Interference Studies
2 0 -
0 -
-2 0 -
-(X6 -0 4 -0*2 0 02
Potential (V )
F ig u r e 5. E le c tr o c h e m ic a l b e h a v io r o f q u in o l/ q u in o n e :
c u r v e 1, h y d r o d y n a m ic v o lta m m o g ra m o f q u in o l a t
D E T 1 ; c u r v e 2, D E T 2 r e s p o n s e w h e n D ET1 is s e t a t +0.1
V; q u in o l c o n c e n tr a tio n , 10 m g/L; o th e r c o n d it io n s , s e e
a b
F ig u r e 3. F ig u r e 6. T y p ic a l F IA r e s p o n s e s o f a w h ite w in e s a m p le
a t b o th d e te c to rs : tr a c e 1, D ET1 s ig n a l; tr a c e 2, D E T 2
s ig n a l; f lo w ra te , 0 .8 m L /m in ; o th e r c o n d it io n s , s e e
conditions, the coulometric efficiency of DET 1 is 100% for
F ig u r e 3; a: D ET1 p o te n tia l, -0 .0 5 V (n o r e d u c tio n o f
levels of the interferant quinone up to at least 100 mg/L.
w in e c o m p o n e n ts ) ; D E T 2 p o te n tia l, -0 .4 1 V; s ig n a l a t
The effectiveness of these conditions in removing interfer
D E T 2 c o n v e r ts to 3 9 m g /L fre e s u lf u r d io x id e ; b: D ET1
ences in the determination of sulfur dioxide in one of the white
p o te n tia l, -0 .2 6 V ( re d u c tio n o f in te rfe re n c e s ); D E T 2
wine samples is demonstrated in Figure 6 . In Figure 6 (a), a
p o te n tia l, -0 .4 1 V; s ig n a l a t D E T 2 c o n v e r t s to 20 m g /L
potential of -0.05 V at the upstream electrode is ineffective in
fre e s u lf u r d io x id e .
reducing any of the components in the wine sample (i.e., this is
identical to DET 1 being switched off), whereas a potential of
-0.41 V at DET 2 gives a response that corresponds to 39 mg dium hydroxide. All of the remaining tested components do not
free sulfur dioxide/L. When the potential of DET 1 is adjusted interfere significantly in the determination of sulfur dioxide by
to the optimized potential of -0.26 V and the potential of DET this method.
2 is maintained at -0.41 V [Figure 6 (b)], the response at DET
2 decreases to a level corresponding to 20 mg sulfur dioxide/L.
Determination of Sulfur Dioxide in Wines and
This level is in good agreement with the value of 19 mg/L ob
tained for the sample by the aspiration-oxidation procedure.
Under the optimized conditions, the calibration plots for
These results suggest that the inflated DET 2 signal in Figure
free and total sulfur dioxide are linear up to 20 mg/L, with cor
6 (a) arises from reduction of wine components and sulfur di
relation coefficients of 0.998 and 0.999, respectively. As many
oxide, and the decrease in this detector signal in Figure 6 (b)
as 30 determinations per hour can be made for each analysis.
results from reduction of these components at the upstream
electrode, which leads to effective removal of the interferences. The new FIA method was applied to 27, mainly dry, wines
(16 whites, 1 1 reds) and 1 1 other beverages (fruit juices, wine
To further demonstrate the success of these conditions, the
coolers, and ciders), and the data were compared to those ob
effects were studied, under the optimum FIA conditions, of
tained by the standard aspiration-oxidation method. The corre
more than 2 0 frequently occurring compounds in wine, includ
lation of these data for free and total sulfur dioxide is shown in
ing sugars (glucose, fructose, arabinose), organic acids (tar
Figure 7. The free sulfur dioxide content ranged from 3 to 40
taric, citric, malic, succinic, benzoic, pyruvic, gallic, ascorbic,
mg/L, and excellent linearity was obtained with flow injection
acetic, 2 -oxoglutaric), inorganic ions (phosphate, chloride, bro
giving a slightly higher concentration than that by aspiration-
mide, carbonate), ethanol, glycerol, proline, ethyl acetate, ac
oxidation (slope = 1.058). The total sulfur dioxide content cov
etaldehyde, and quinone. Each test solution contained sulfur ered the range from 12 to 160 mg/L, with excellent agreement
dioxide at 10 mg/L in the presence of an added constituent at between the 2 methods (slope = 0.97). Precisions of the 2 meth
concentrations in excess of those normally found in wines (2 0 ). ods are almost identical with flow injection; relative standard
The carbonyl compounds acetaldehyde, pyruvic acid, and 2- deviation (RSD) values are about 3% for free and 4% for total
oxoglutaric acid interfere by giving low recoveries of sulfur sulfur dioxide, whereas the aspiration-oxidation method gives
dioxide due to the formation of bisulfite addition products in RSD values of about 4%. These measurements confirm that the
solution. Addition reactions occur in wine and diminish the FIA method is sufficiently accurate and precise to replace the
availability of free sulfur dioxide, but the bound sulfur dioxide aspiration-oxidation procedure for routine monitoring of sulfur
is readily released by treatment of the sample with dilute so- dioxide in wines and beverages.
C ardwell E t A l .: J ournal O f A O A C International V ol . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1393
tages over existing flow injection procedures. First, the single Anal. Chem. 63, 2 5 3 2 - 2 5 3 5
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more complex manifolds containing a gas diffusion module; Chim. Acta 179,4 4 5 ^ 1 5 1
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(E d s ), M a r c e l D e k k e r, N e w Y o rk , N Y , C h a p te r 2 2
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(9 ) M a t s o n , W .R ., A n d r e w s , R .W ., B a l l , J .. S k i n n e r , D ., V i-
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cable to red wines and beverages and still maintains the high
H P L C D e te c to r,” P a p e r 5 6 5 , P itts b u r g h C o n fe re n c e o n A n a
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This reagent also gives a bluish to violet spot with p-ni- (7 ) K a w a l e , G . B . , J o g a l e k a r , V .D ., B a r v e , V .P ., & M a h a l , H .S .
trophenol (13; RF value, 0.30), a metabolite of ethyl parathion (1 9 7 2 ) Set Cult. 30, 373
and methyl parathion and with 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol (RF (8 ) K a t k a r , H . N . , & B a r v e , V .P . ( 1 9 7 6 ) Curr. Sci. 45, 662
value, 0.25), a metabolite of fenitrothion that is formed in living (9 ) P a t i l , V .B ., P a d a l k a r , S .V ., & K a w a l e , G . B . ( 1 9 8 7 ) Analyst
organisms through biotransformation and also found in com (London) 112, 1765
mercial formulations of these insecticides as a degradation (1 0 ) H a m ad a , H . (1 9 5 5 ) Shikoku Igaku Zasshi 7 , 389
product. The limit of detection of p-nitrophenol is about 1 Jig. (1 1 ) G a g e , J .C . ( 1 9 5 3 ) Biochem. J. 54, 4 2 6
Thus, with the help of this reagent, an unchanged insecticide (1 2 ) S h r e e R e m u lu , U .S . ( 1 9 8 5 ) Chemistry o f Insecticides and
and its active metabolite can be detected and distinguished si Fungicides, O x f o r d a n d I B H P u b li s h in g C o ., N e w D e lh i, p .
multaneously from others present in biological material. Other 139
organic compounds containing aromatic nitro groups and aro (1 3 ) C la r k e , E .G .C . ( 1 9 7 8 ) Isolation and Identification o f Drugs,
matic amino groups may interfere, but such substances do not T h e P h a rm a c e u tic a l P re s s, L o n d o n , p . 4 6 8
1396 T a l l m a d g e & L i n : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
L iq u id C h ro m a to g ra p h ic M e th o d fo r D e te rm in in g th e P e rc e n t o f
O le s tr a in L ip id S a m p le s
Da n ie l H. T a l l m a d g e and P e t e r Y.T. L in
The Procter & Gamble Co., Food Product Development, Winton Hill Technical Center, 6071 Center Hill Ave, Cincinnati,
OH 45224
A liquid ch ro m a to g rap h ic (LC) m ethod h a s b een d e dietary oil from which it was derived and performs in the same
v elo p ed to d eterm in e th e p ercen t of o le stra in lipid manner as that oil during cooking or frying. However, olestra
sa m p le s . To ach iev e th e h ig h e st d e g re e of a c c u is not digested by pancreatic enzymes; therefore, it is not ab
racy, th is m eth o d re q u ires th e u s e of a n o le stra sorbed from the human gastrointestinal tract and contributes no
s ta n d a rd with th e s a m e m o lecular co m p o sitio n a s calories upon ingestion (1,2). Olestra is under review by the
th e o le stra in th e lipid sa m p le to b e analyzed. S am U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use as a fat substitute
p les w ere an aly zed by re v e rse d -p h a se LC u sin g an in the preparation of specific foods.
ev a p o rativ e lig h t-scattering d etecto r. C h ro m ato g ra The present study describes a liquid chromatographic (LC)
ph y w a s p erfo rm ed with a 5 pm o ctad ecy lsilan e- method that uses a reversed-phase column with nonaqueous
Z orbax co lu m n th a t s e p a ra te s o le stra from o th e r reversed-phase (NARP) elution for determining the percent of
lipophilic c o m p o n e n ts. T hree ty p e s of o le stra olestra in olestra-lipid blends. NARP/LC has been used exten
s ta n d a r d s (soybean-oil o lestra, u n h e a te d c o tto n sively for the separation of triglycerides and other lipids and is
seed -o il o lestra, a n d h e a te d co tto n seed -o il olestra), reviewed elsewhere (3). No other methods for direct quantita
e a c h an aly zed in s o y b e a n oil, sh o w e d linearity tion of olestra in olestra-lipid blends are known to exist. For
w h en th e am o u n t of o le stra injected ra n g e d from accurate results, this LC analysis requires the generation of an
20 to 160 pg (r= 0.9996). T he a re a u n d e r th e o lestra external standard curve using an olestra with the same molecu
p eak (retention tim e 3.5 to 4.9 min) w a s u s e d to lar composition as the olestra in the sample to be analyzed. The
quantify th e am o u n t of o le stra in olestra-lipid s a m “same molecular composition” implies identical fatty acid
p les, by co m p arin g th e o le stra a re a for th e sa m p le composition (chain length and degree of unsaturation) and de
with th a t of th e s ta n d a rd u sin g a cu rv e derived by gree of esterification. This method has been validated and used
linear re g re ssio n . T he m ethod w a s ev a lu a ted u sin g to determine the percent of olestra in preformulated olestra-
3 ty p e s of o le s tra b len d ed with so y b e a n oil an d lipid blends. In addition, this method may be used to determine
varying th e p e rc e n t of o le stra in th e olestra-lipid the percent of olestra in olestra-lipid blends resulting from the
b lend from 5 to 90%. R ecovery of o le stra from solvent extraction of a variety of food and other sample ma
th e s e olestra-lipid b le n d s varied from 99.2 to trixes.
106.0%, d e m o n stra tin g ex cellen t a ccu racy , with
m eth o d p recisio n e x p re s s e d a s th e coefficient of METHOD
variation, 0.9%. E ach erro r e stim ate w a s derived
from 5 parallel d eterm in a tio n s. With p ro p e r valida
tion (e.g., ru n n in g an o lestra-free blank for e a c h
lipid m atrix), th is m eth o d p ro v id es a rapid, a c c u
(a) Liquid chromatographic system.—Model HP1090 with
rate, a n d p re c ise te c h n iq u e for m e asu rin g th e per
binary or ternary DR5 delivery system, autosampler, and
c e n t of o le stra in lipids e x tra cted from olestra-for-
heated column compartment (Hewlett-Packard, Avondale,
m ulated fo o d s a n d in olestra-lipid blends.
PA); Rheodyne inline filter (0.5 pm), Zorbax ODS analytical
column (MAC-MOD Analytical, Inc., Chadds Ford, PA), 5
pm, 8 cm x 4 mm. Operating conditions: Flow rate, 2 mL/min;
O lestra, manufactured by the Procter and Gamble Com
injection volume, 10 pL; column temperature, 40°C; stop time,
pany, is the common name for the mixture of hexa-,
8.01 min; post time, 4.0 min; solvent program, (A = acetoni
hepta-, and octaesters formed by the chemical reaction
trile, B = methylene chloride): 0 min, 30% B; 4.0 min, 70% B;
of sucrose and long-chain fatty acid methyl esters from edible
6.0 min, 70% B; 6.01 min, 100% B; 8.0 min, 100% B; 8.01
oils. Olestra has the physical and organoleptic properties of the
min, 30% B.
(b) Detector.—Applied Chromatography Systems Model
Recieved October 16, 1992. Accepted January 18, 1993.
#750/14 evaporative light-scattering detector. Operating con
T a l l m a d g e & L in : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1397
ditions: Nebulizer gas pressure, 12 psi (nitrogen); evaporator Table 1. Standard curve preparation (regression from
setting, 50; attenuation, 2; photomultiplier, 2; time constant, 5. LOTUS)
(c) Data acquisitionsystem.—Analog data output from the Injected, Av. peak
LC detector was transmitted through a Hewlett-Packard A/3 L9 a rea/1000 SD CV, %
18542AAnalog-to-Digital Convertor to a Hewlett-Packard 1000 Soybean-oil olestra standards
computer, where data were integrated using Hewlett-Packard
Laboratory Automation System (LAS rev.D.01) software. 5 20.00 587 7.3 1.2
Reagents 5 40 .00 1553 15.5 1.0
5 60 .00 25 38 7.1 0 .3
(a) Solvents.—Acetonitrile (ACN) and methylene chlo 5 100.0 46 84 3.3 0.1
ride, all UV grade. 5 120.0 57 49 20.2 0.4
(b) Olestra.—Olestra was synthesized from sucrose and 5 140.0 6791 17.1 0.3
fatty acid methyl esters derived from vegetable oil stocks as 5 160.0 7922 19.0 0.2
Constant -5 3 8 .9 5 8
described by Vilpenhein (4). The vegetable oil stocks we used
I2 0.9 996 48
in this study were either hydrogenated soybean oil (iodine
X Coefficient 52 .494 8
value = 48.5) or cottonseed oil (iodine value = 89.1). Three
olestra standards were used: soybean-oil, cottonseed-oil, and Unheated cottonseed-oil olestra standards
heated cottonseed-oil. The heated cottonseed-oil olestra stand
ard was prepared by heating cottonseed-oil-derived olestra fol 5 20.00 591 2.7 0.5
lowing synthesis of the olestra, using typical conditions for fry 5 40 .00 1524 3.7 0.2
ing potato chips (kettle-fry at 365°F for 12 h) (5). Heating 5 60.00 25 58 2.6 0.1
results in some degree of olestra polymer formation; therefore, 5 100.0 47 13 27.3 0.6
the molecular composition of the heated cottonseed-oil olestra 5 120.0 5835 23.1 0 .4
is different from the molecular composition of the unheated 5 140.0 6810 22.6 0.3
cottonseed-oil olestra (5). 5 160.0 78 46 11.5 0.2
(c) Lipid.—Refined, bleached, and deodorized (RBD) soy Constant -5 2 5 .8 7 6
bean oil was used for all the formulated olestra-lipid blends. i2 0.9 996 54
X Coefficient 5 2 .434 58
Preparation of Olestra Standard Solutions
H eated cottonseed-oil olestra standards
For each standard, accurately weigh ca 1.0 g (standard error
= ±0 . 0 0 1 g) of olestra of the same molecular composition as 5 20.02 517 5.8 1.2
that contained in the samples to be analyzed into a 50 mL volu 5 40 .04 1397 6.0 0.4
metric flask. Dilute to volume with methylene chloride. Pre 5 60.05 2364 11.0 0.5
pare this stock solution daily. Prepare 7 standard solutions, A - 5 100.1 4374 9.6 0.2
G, as follows: pipet 1.0,2.0,3.0,5.0,6.0,7.0, or 8.0 mLof stock 5 120.1 53 99 18.2 0.3
solution into a 10 mL volumetric flask and dilute to volume 5 140.1 6391 18.7 0.3
with methylene chloride. Filter a portion of each standard so 5 160.1 74 24 20.8 0.3
lution through a 0 . 2 pm syringe filter into an autosampler vial Constant -5 5 7 .8 5 3
and cap the vial. Prepare standards daily. i2 0 .9 996 68
X Coefficient 4 9 .6 0 2 6 2
Preparation of Olestra Samples
a N = N um ber of parallel determinations for each prepared sample;
(a) Sample preparation.—Prepare known olestra- each injection was a 10 pL injection.
triglyceride blends by weighing both components and mixing
common lipids (e.g., triglyceride, diglyceride) with a specific
olestra standard, as mentioned above. In this study, we used 1 lipid, amount of lipid required: 0-5%, 2 g; 5.1-10%, 1 g; 10.1-
triglyceride—RBD soybean oil—to prepare all of the olestra- 20%, 0.5 g: 20.1-50%, 0.2 g; 50.1-100%, 0.1 g. Weigh the
lipid samples and the olestra-free lipid blank. Lipid extracts,
calculated amount of lipid (±0.001 g) into a 10 mL volumetric
resulting from the solvent extraction with hot ethylene dichlo
flask. Dilute to volume with methylene chloride. Filter a por
ride of food products formulated with blends of olestra and
tion of the sample solution through a 0 . 2 pm syringe filter into
vegetable oils, may also be used as samples.
an autosampler vial and cap the vial.
(b) Estimation of olestra concentration.—To insure that
(c) Check-sample preparation.—All check samples con
the area under the olestra peak for a sample is contained within
the range of the calibration standards (achievable with an oles tained 35% olestra. Accurately weigh ca 0.175 g (±0.001 g) of
tra concentration of 5-10 mg olestra/mL), estimate the percent each olestra standard and ca 0.325 g (±0.001 g) of a typical
of olestra in total lipid (including olestra) for each olestra-lipid vegetable oil (RBD soybean oil in our study) into a 25 mL volu
blend or sample. This estimate will determine the amount of metric flask. Dilute to volume with methylene chloride. Filter
total lipid required in 10 mL, as follows. Percent olestra in total a portion of the check sample solution through a 0 . 2 pm filter
1398 T a l l m a d g e & L i n : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
into an autosampler vial and cap the vial. Prepare and mn check Method selectivity, linearity, accuracy, and precision were
samples daily. evaluated for lipid blends containing olestra.
(d) Preparation o f recovery samples.—Prepare as in (c) 5 Method selectivity.—Method selectivity was established by
olestra-lipid samples ranging from 5 to 90% olestra (w/w). Cal analyzing olestra-free lipid samples. Figure 1 shows chromato
culate recovery of olestra as the percent of olestra detected di grams for the olestra-free lipid blank, RBD soybean oil (Fig
vided by the percent of olestra injected. ure 1, A) and 3 olestra-containing check samples (Fig
ures 1, B-D). Under the solvent elution conditions we used,
Calculations to Determine the Percent of Olestra in triglycerides, diglycerides, and monoglycerides elute together
Samples within 3.25 min from the starting time. Olestra elutes between
3.5 and 4.9 min. The chromatogram for the olestra-free lipid
First, generate a standard curve for each olestra standard blank (Figure 1, A) shows no interference in the region of oles
used by graphing the area under the olestra peak (eluting be tra (retention time 3.5-4.9 min) and demonstrates method se
tween 3.5 and 4.9 min after solvent is applied to the column) lectivity for blends composed of these 3 olestra standards in a
for each quantity of olestra injected (20-160 |ig, see Table 1). soybean oil matrix.
Second, perform a linear regression as in Table 1. Finally, de Linearity o f response.—Linearity of the evaporative light
termine the micrograms of olestra in an actual sample by com scattering detector (ELSD) in generating the olestra peak area
paring the peak area for olestra in the sample with the curve was determined for each of the 3 olestra standards (Table 1).
generated by the olestra standard. To calculate the percent of Linearity was evaluated for each standard over the olestra con
olestra in the sample, divide the micrograms of olestra found in centration range of 2-16 mg/mL. (Because the injection vol-
T a l l m a d g e & L in : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1399
olestra-lipid blends over the past 5 years. (2 ) M a t t s o n , F . H ., & V o l p e n h e i n , R . A . ( 1 9 7 2 ) J. Nutr. 102, 1177—
(4 ) V o lp e n h e in , R .A . ( 1 9 8 5 ) S y n th e s is o f h ig h e r p o ly o l f a tty a c id
The authors thank the following contributors for method de p o ly e s te r s u s in g c a r b o n a te c a ta ly s ts . U S P a t e n t N o . 4 ,5 1 7 ,3 6 0
U se o f S ta n d a r d A d d itio n s T o D ia g n o s e M a tr ix E ffe c ts in th e
A to m ic A b s o r p tio n S p e c tr o p h o to m e tr ic A n a ly s is o f F e e d B le n d e d
f o r a R o x a rs o n e C o m b in a tio n S tu d y
G K. W
r e g o r y and L
e b s t e rA . H o r e t t a e a r n e
A.L. Laboratories, Inc., Animal Health Division, 400 State Street, Chicago Heights, IL 60411
well as our introduction of an approach to detect this problem S am ple blank Not run
ter will not hinder the use of a volumetric pipet. Finally, to en 2 Dry 120 220 20 20 0
hance analytical accuracy, a full calibration curve from 0 to 1 0 0 3 Ash 220 1200 10 20 0
ppm in feed (0-57 ppb As) is used instead of the single point 4 Ash 1200 1200 30 20 0
5 Atomization 3000 3000 10 0
calibration cited in 986.39. It is common practice in analytical
6 Clean 3000 3000 4 20 0
spectroscopy to run a full calibration curve with the minimum
of a blank and 3 standards.
1402 W e b s t e r & H e a r n e : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 , N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Table 3. Initial feed results, g/50 ppm roxarsone in feed3 Method of Standard Additions
Feed No. AA1 AA2 AA3 LAB1 LAB2 LAB3
In spectroscopy, the classical way to identify and compen
sate for a matrix effect is by the method of standard additions
2 36.4 27 .6 35.3 43 .3 43 .9 43.0
(4). The Hitachi Z-8100 was configured to run the standard
7 35.6 36 .6 33.9 39.2 43 .9 40.3
additions procedure in-cup (5-8).
10 37 .4 36 .9 35.1 44.1 45 .9 42.2
The standard additions scheme was run against a single 50
a A A 1, AA2, and AA3 are the furnace AAS results. Lab 1, Lab 2, and ppm in-feed standard and not a full calibration (0 - 1 0 0 ppm in
Lab 3 are the independent laboratory results using 971.47. feed) to make efficient use of the instrument. Standard addi
tions is quite time consuming, because it requires a full calibra
for testing by 971.47. The laboratories used were all approved tion to be run with each of the samples. For this reason, only
contract laboratories with excellent reputations in the field. The the 50 ppm standard was used to expedite analysis. In essence,
results are fisted in Table 3. the standard additions method is using the same calibration in
Table 3 reveals a troubling discrepancy. With 971.47, based 986.39. A standard and house blend were also used for confir
on UV-visible spectrophotometry, all 3 feed samples were mation of the standard additions analysis.
within the AOAC limit of the 45.4 g/50 ppm roxarsone in feed Standard additions (Table 5) confirmed that an atypical ma
claim. The results of all 3 independent laboratories correlated trix effect was affecting the AAS analysis of these feed samples
well with each other. The in-house furnace AAS procedure, and yielded a result within the AOAC guidelines (85-120%),
based on 986.39, yielded results below 85% of the claim for as did the UV-visible assay by 971.47. The correct amount of
each sample. roxarsone was present in the feed extract. Atomization in the
During this analysis, the furnaces used with these study traditional AAS technique was hindered by an unknown con
samples had to be replaced more frequently. This frequent re stituent in this feed. Thus, results found by 986.39 seem to be
placement is seemingly an additional indication that this feed low because of a matrix effect.
matrix was unusual. These furnaces had to be replaced at nearly
Simple Standard Additions Method
50% fewer bums per furnace than those used during the pre
ceding calendar year. If the feed constituent that is causing the matrix effect is well
mixed throughout the feed lot, a series of feed samples blended
Method Recovery with analogous raw materials should be affected in the same
manner. If this is the case, simple standard additions can be
Although our furnace AAS procedure correlated well with applied to shorten the analysis times incurred with the standard
the UV-visible procedure for nearly a year, further investiga additions technique (5).
tion was warranted. A spike recovery study was done as an Simple standard additions involves applying the traditional
additional check on our procedure. A control feed sample was standard additions method to a selected member of a series.
spiked at 45.4 g/50 ppm roxarsone in feed with the roxarsone The calibration curve prepared with the standard additions run
standard. Arecovery of 99.86% was found. of this sample is then used for the remaining samples.
The use of simple standard additions, however, applies only
Arsenic Extracts for a series of samples that are of the same type and contain the
object element over a narrow concentration range (5). Analysis
To investigate if the feed samples were affected by ammo by the UV-visible assay confirmed that this group of samples
nium carbonate extraction, Feed 7 was ran again as before, as
met this criteria.
well as with a nitric acid digestion. The wet-acid digestion
The feed samples previously assayed by the traditional
would free the arsenic present in the feed sample for the fur
standard additions were tested again by the simple standard
nace AAS analysis. The results from this analysis are shown in
additions procedure; results are fisted in Table 6 .
Table 4.
The assay yielded comparable results for both sample
Table 5. Results of method of standard additions for
preparations. In other words, the total amount of arsenic in both
representative feeds, g/50 ppm roxarsone in feed
preparations was equivalent. This result indicates that the ex
traction of roxarsone from the feed was not the problem. Standard
Sam ple Claim Original AAS 971.47a additions
Table 6. Results of simple standard additions analysis control feed extract in 986.39 serves the same purpose as that
of representative feeds, g/50 ppm roxarsone in feed of standard additions. As stated earlier, such a control extract is
Simple seldom universally applicable to the various feed samples re
standard ceived for analysis. However, standard additions can be used
Feed No. Claim Original AAS 9 7 1 .4 7 a additions
on any sample, and simple standard additions can be used on a
homologous group of samples.
2 45 .4 36.4 43.9 48 .7
Even more important is the fact that a control feed extract’s
7 4 5 .4 35.6 43.9 42 .2
useful contribution to background correction of today’s instru
10 4 5 .4 37.4 45.9 45 .5
mentation is negligible. As an example of the inconsequential
3 From independent laboratory 2. effect a limited control feed extract has on background correc
tion, it has been found that high alfalfa content in feed has af
fected the performance of 986.39. A suitable control feed ex
Simple standard additions not only confirmed that a matrix tract should have accounted for this effect. On the other hand,
effect is present but also revealed that the matrix effect is dis analysis of some dark-colored feed samples has been shown to
tributed throughout the series. This technique yielded results mn high with 971.47 while the AAS mn is not affected. Hence,
that correlated well with those of the UV-visible method of neither assay is totally free of matrix interferences.
971.47, with an analysis time shorter than that of conv entional Investigation of this matrix effect is continuing. A compari
standard additions. son of the feed matrix from this series of samples to feed ma
Accordingly, simple standard additions is now included as trixes of feed samples that have not been a problem is under
a check on each series of feeds that yields low results across the way. Preliminary results indicate that neither phosphate,
ran when analyzed by traditional AAS, as was done in a sub sulfate, protein, nor fat content is the basis for this matrix effect.
sequent investigation with the study feeds. Table 7 lists the re Even though scientists try to develop procedures that uni
sults for a series of feed samples received and thought to con versally address each sample investigated, few methods are to
tain a matrix affecting constituent. Because of the standard tally free of interferences. It is important, however, to be able
additions results, the original AAS results are rejected in favor to determine when an assay is subject to matrix interferences.
of the UV-visible results of 971.47. The simple standard addi This problem has been resolved with 986.39 through standard
tions results confirmed the presence of a matrix effect. additions. With standard additions, the analyst can empirically
challenge questionable results.
The original AAS procedure for roxarsone in feed. 986.39,
calls for the use of a control feed extract, which is added to
standard solutions for the calibration mn. Actually the use of a Conclusion
Table 7. Application of simple standard additions The feed blended for this roxarsone combination study
method, g/50 ppm roxarsone in feed yielded low results when analyzed by AAS because of a matrix
effect. Standard additions was used not only to confirm the ma
Feed Claim Original AAS additions 9 7 1 .4 7 a
trix effect but also to confirm that the feed blend was within the
AO AC limits for claimed potency.
Flouse blend 4 5 .4 47.1 NAb 48 .5 On the basis of this investigation, the AAS procedure used
37 45 .4 36.6 48.3 44 .2 in our laboratory has been enhanced by inclusion of a standard
38 45 .4 37.4 47.9 41 .4 additions procedure. With this ability to diagnose matrix inter
39 4 5 .4 38.1 48.4 43.0 ferences, alternative procedures, such as 971.47 and 957.22,
40 45 .4 31.5 44.3 42 .4 can be chosen when a matrix effect is confirmed, and analysts
41 45 .4 37.2 47.6 45.8 are assured that the method with the highest analytical accu
42 45 .4 36.4 45.4 41 .7 racy for the chosen feed sample will be used.
43 45 .4 39.4 50.4 44.5
44 45 .4 40.0 48.9 39.9
45 45.4 39.2 47.2 45.8
46 45 .4 41.4 52.2 43.3
47 45 .4 45.5 51.2 43.3
We thank the management and staff of A.L. Laboratories for
48 45 .4 38.6 47.7 43.9 their support, as well as J. Jefferson and K. Seace of Hitachi
49 0 <5 <5 <5 instruments for their technical assistance.
50 45 .4 41.5 45.2 44.9
51 45 .4 40.3 52.5 42 .7 References
52 45 .4 38.5 44.4 42 .4
53 45 .4 40.6 50.0 41 .4
(1) O f f ic ia l M e th o d s o f A n a ly s is (1990) 15th Ed., AOAC, Ar
54 45 .4 33.7 42.5 43.0
lington, VA
3 From independent laboratory 2. (2) George, G.M., & Frahm, L.J. (1986) J . A s s o c . O ff. A n a l.
(3) George, G.M., Frahm, L.J., & McDonnell, J.P. (1982) J. As Hitachi Technical Data Note TDN AA-2, Hitachi Instru
soc. Off. Anal. Chem. 65, 711-719 ments, Inc., Danbuty, CT
(4) Ingle, J.D., & Crouch, S.R. (1988) Spectrochemical Analysis (7) “Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of Aluminum, Iron, Cop
Prentice Hall, Englewood, NJ per, and Manganese in Photoresist,” Hitachi Technical Data
(5) Graphite Atomization Analysis Guidefor Polarized Zeeman Note TDN AA-3, Hitachi Instruments, Inc., Danbury, CT
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (1988) Hitachi Ltd., (8 ) “Simultaneous Determination of Trace Quantities of Fe, Cu,
Tokyo, Japan 1988 Zn, and Cd in Sea Water,” Hitachi Technical Data Note TDN
(6 ) “Simultaneous Determination of Copper, Chromium, Manga AAA, Hitachi Instruments, Inc., Danbury, CT
nese, and Cadmium in Bovine Liver Using a Model Z-9000
Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer,”
A u t h o r In d e x : J o u r n a l O f A O A C In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3 1405
A dam o, N .C ., see Scher, A. termining water-soluble vitamins Barnes, C J .,
A dam s, F.C-, see Lobinski, R. in foods, 682 report on drug residues in animal tis
A kasaka, K., Ohrui, H., Meguro, H., A nderson, K .A ., & Isaacs, B. sues, 1 0 2
Suzuki, T., & Miwa, H. determination of selenium in feeds, Barnett, S.A., see Tanner, J.T.
fluorometric determination of total and premixes, supplements, and in Bartz, J.K., see Strong, A.B.
bond sulfite in wine by N-{9-ac- jectable solutions by hydride-gen Bauer, K ., see Lopez-Avila, V.
ridinyl)maleimide, 1385 erated inductively coupled
Beaulieu, N., Graham, S.J., & Lovering,
Al-H asani, S.M., Hlavac, J., & Carpen plasma atomic emission spec
ter, M.W. trometry, 910
LC determination of glyburide
rapid determination of cholesteral in A ndrew s, P., see Newsome, W.H.
(glibenclamide) and its related
single and multicomponent pre A ndrew s, W.H.,
compounds in raw materials, 962
pared foods, 902 report on food microbiology—non
Beckert, W.F., see Lopez-Avila, V.
AI-Hasani, S.M ., Hlavac, J., & Hunts
dairy, 154
Beljaars, P.R.,
man, M.A. see also June, G.A.
A ngyal, G .N ., see Anderson, E.M.;
report of international committee, 214
simple method for determination of Beljaars, P.R., van Dijk, R., & Brands,
Kim, H.S.
dietary fiber in frozen foods, 1014 A.
Anthony, G., see Montgomery, R.M.
A l-Show im an, S.S., see Al-Warthan,
Aoki, K., see Yamada, S. continuous flow and LC determination
Arm entia-A lvarez, A , Pena-Egido, of p-toluenesulfonamide in ice
Al-Tamrah, S .A , see Al-Warthan, A.A. cream: interlaboratory study, 570
M.J., & Garcia-Moreno, C.
Al-W arthan, A A ., Al-Showiman, S.S., Beljarrs, P., see DeVries, J.
improved method for determination of
Al-Tamrah, S A ., & BaOsman, A.A. Betker, W.R.,
sulfites in shrimp, 565
speetrophotometric determination of
Arm ishaw, P., & Millar, R.G. report on pesticide formulations: or-
boron in dates of some cultivars
comparison of gel permeation chroma ganophosphorus insecticides, 99
grown in Saudi Arabia, 601
tography, sweep codistillation, Bicsak, R.C.,
A lanko, T., see Wirtanen, G.
and florisil column adsorption comparison of Kjeldahl method for de
Albert, R., see Horwitz, W. chromatography as sample termination of cmde protein in ce
Albert, R.H., see Comeliussen, RE. cleanup techniques for the deter real grains and oilseeds with ge
Alexander, T.G., mination of organochlorine resi neric combustion method:
report on drugs V, 104 dues in animal fats, 1317 collaborative study, 780
Ali, M .S., White, J.D., Bakowski, R.S., A tkinson, .1-, see Viggers, E.A Bidasee, K.R., see Yen, I.C.
Phillippo, E.T., & Ellis, R.L. Atwal, A , see Kaminski, J. Bishop, J.R.,
LC stability study of N-methylcar- report on food microbiology—dairy,
bamate pesticides in beef and 153
poultry liver tissues, 1309 Bailey, J.S., see Lancette, G.A. Bland, P., see Collier, R.H.
Ali, M .S., White, J.D., Bakowski, R.S., Baker, R., Blankenship, P.D., see Domer, J.W.
Stapleton, N.K., Williams, K.A., fast atom bombardment MS analysis Boese, J.L.,
Johnson, R.C., Phillippo, E.T., of base hydrolyzed y-lactone, 913 report on filth and extraneous materi
Woods, R.W.,& Ellis, R.L. Bakow ski, R.S., see Ali, M.S. als in foods and drugs, 152
extension of an LC method for N- Balasubram anian, N ., see Kumar,
see also Lancette, G A.
methylcarbamate pesticides in B.S.M.
Boisen, F., see Wirtanen, G.
cattle, swine, and poultry liver, Bandler, R ., see Mislivec, P.B.
Boland, F.E.,
907 Banerjee, A .B., see Sanyal, A.K.
Allen, G., see Mislivec, P.B.
report on fruits and fruit products, 136
BaO sm an, A .A , see Al-Warthan, A.A.
Bontoyan, W., see Collier, R.H.
A m aguana, RJVL, see June, G.A. Baratta, E J .,
report on radioactivity, 149 Botsoglou, N.A , see Fletouris, D J.
Anderson, E.M ., Angyal, G.N.,
Weaver, C.M., Felkner, I.C., Wolf, Barbano, D .M ., see Smith, E.B. Bow e, S., see Dabeka, R.W.
W.R.,& Worthy, B.E. Barford, R.A., see Unruh, J. Boyer, K.W., see Comeliussen, PE.
potential application of LASER/mi- Bark, D J ., see DeVries, J. Bradley, R.L., Jr,
crobe bioassay technology for de Barker, S.A, see Lott, H.M. report on dairy chemistry, 106
1406 A u t h o r I n d e x : J o u r n a l O f A O A C I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 7 6 N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
recommendations for official Daft, J.L., D urán-M erás, I., Salinas, E, Muñoz
methods, 172 methyl bromide determination in se De La Peña, A., & Rosas, M.L.
Collins, P.G., see Newsome, W.H. lected foods by headspace tech simultaneous determination of flavor
Conacher, see Dabeka, R.W.; nique, 1083 enhancers inosine 5'-monophos-
Newsome, W.H.; Page, B.D. Danielson, J.W., phate and guanosine 5'-mono-
C onrad, S.M ., see Matusik, J.E. evaluation of microbial loads of Bacillus phosphate in food preparations by
C ook, R.F., see Comeliussen, P.E. subtilis spores on penicylinders, 355 derivative spectrophotometry,
C om eliussen, P.E., Boyer, K.W., Chin, D auphin, C., see Silvestre, M.P.C.
H.B., Cook, R.F., Fong, W.G., Hun Dyer, R.H.,
Deb, M .K ., see Chakravarty, S.
dley, H., Ripley, B.D., McCully, report on alcoholic beverages, 131
Decker, E.A., see Shantha, N.C.
K.A., & Albert, R.H.
Deutsch, M .J.,
report of committee on residues on rec
report on vitamins and other nutrients,
ommendations for official meth Edberg, U.,
ods, 186 enzymatic determination of sulfite in
DeVries, J., Bark, D.J., Wood, R.,
Cox-Trout, C., see Newlon, N. foods: NMKL interlaboratoiy
Peake, A.A., Brucciani, J.C., Krinitz, study, 53
Crem isini, C., see Vitali, M.
B., Smith, R., Hargraves, W., Edgell, K.W., Erb, E.J., Wesselman,
Crisippi, T., Zini, G., & Fabbrini, R.
Beljarrs, P, Egelhofer, D., & Phillips, R.J., & Longbottom, J.E.
GC determination of benalaxyl resi
dues in different crops and water, GC/electron capture detection method
report of committee on foods II on rec for determination of chlorinated
ommendations for official meth acids in water: collaborative
C utrufelli, M .E., Mageau, R.P.,
ods, 182 study, 1098
Schwab, B., & Johnston, R.W.
Diachenko, G.W., see McNeal, T.P. see also Longbottom, J.E.
development of a multispecies identi
fication field test by modified D ickerson, R., see Trotter, W.J. Eerola, S., Hinkkanen, R., Lindfors, E.,
agar-gel immunodiffusion, 1 0 2 2 Doerr, R.C., see Fiddler, W. & Hirvi, T.
Czerkowicz, T J ., Donnelly, J.R., LC determination of biogenic amines
report on disinfectants, 97 report on cooperative studies, 168 in dry sausages, 575
Egelhofer, D., see DeVries, J.
see also Collier, R.H. Donnelly, J.R ., Sovocool, G.W., & Ti
tus, R.L. Eichelberger, J.W., see Tang, P.H.
Eilers, P.P., see Matusik, J.E.
structures and environmental signifi
Eitenmiller, R .R ., see Chase, G.W., Jr
cance of heptachlor epoxide iso
D ’A m ato, A., Semeraro, I., & Biechi, C. Elkins, E.R.,
mers, 1092
simultaneous determination of linuron AOAC International— 1991-1992:
D om er, J.W ., Blankenship, P.D., &
and trifluralin residues in carrots the year in review, 4
Cole, R.J.
and their pulp by LC and GC, 657 report of Harvey W. Wiley Committee,
performance of 2 immunochemical as 219
D ’Aoust, J.-Y., Sewell, A.M., & Greco,
says in the analysis of peanuts for
P. see also Ali, M.S.
aflatoxin at 37 field laboratories,
detection of Salmonella in dry foods Ellis, R .L., see Ali, M.S.
using refrigerated pre-enrichment Em ara, L.H.,
D om er, J.W., & Cole, R.J. rapid and accurate method for determi
and enrichment broth cultures: in
terlaboratory study, 814 variability amoung peanut subsamples nation of niclosamide released
D abeka, R.W., McKenzie, A.D.,
prepared for aflatoxin analysis from molluscicidal formulations,
Lacroix, G.M.A., Cleroux, C , Bowe, with 4 mills, 983 847
S., Graham, R.A., Conacher, H.B.S., Dufour, A.P., Engebretsen, D .R., see Lawrence, J.F.
& Verdier, P. report on water microbiology, 160 Erb, E J ., see Edgell, K.W.; Longbot
survey of arsenic in total diet food D uke, P.D., Weiss, G., & MacDonald, tom, J.E.
composites and estimation of die A.
tary intake of arsenic by Canadian LC method for the simultaneous
adults and children, 14 analysis of sulfadimethoxine and Fabbrini, R., see Crisippi, T.
D acunha, A.R., see Khunachak, A. ormetroprim in animal feeds, 320 Falbo-Nelson, M.T., see Feldsine, P.T.
1408 A uthor In d e x : Journal Of A O AC International V ol . 76 N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Fan, T.S., see Bushway, R.J. Gales, P.W., & Schwiesow, M. Hanna, G.M., & Lau-Cam, C.A.
Fazio, T., automated beer analyzer method for stability-indicating proton nuclear
report on food additives, 108 determination of alcohol conten- magnetic resonance spectro
Feldsine, P.T., Falbo-Nelson, M., tand original gravity of beer: sum scopic assay method for
Hustead, D.L. mary of cobaoborative study, 918 furoseiride in tablets and injec
substrate supporting disc method for Gao, J., see Chen, J. tions, 526
confirmed detection of total cob- Garcia-Moreno, C., see Armentia-Al- Hargraves, W., see DeVries, J.
forms and E. coli in all foods: col varez, A. Harnett, M,, see Haggett, T.O.R.
laborative study, 988 Gardner, A., Harris, L,, & Humber, J.
Feldsine, P.T., Falbo-Nelson, M.T., & report of regional sections committee, autoMicrobic system for biochemical
Hustead, D.L. 219 identification of Listeria species
polyclonal enzyme immunoassay Geisler, C A ., see Thompson, H.C., Jr isolated from foods: collaborative
method for detection of motile Gilbert, J., see Jickells, S.M.; study, 822
and non-motile Salmonella in Lawrence, J.F. Hashimoto, H., see Tabata, S.
foods: comparative study, 694 Gilbertson, T.J., see Montgomery, Hasselberger, M.L.,
Felkner, I.C., see Anderson, E.M. R.M. assay of oxytetracycline in animal feed
by LC and microbiological plate
Fiddler, W., & Doerr, R.C. Gilvydis, D.M., see Chichila, T.M.P.
assay, 39
GC/chemiluminescence detection Ginn, R.E., see Packard, V.S.
(thermal energy analyzer/nitrogen
Hayakawa, J., see Yamada, S.
Glaze, L.E.,
mode) method for the determina
Heame, LA., see Webster, G.K.
extraction of light filth from oriental
tion of dibutylamine in hams, 578 Hennig, B., see Shantha, N.C.
fish products containing spice:
Hermida, M., see Rodríguez-Otero,
Firestone, D., collaborative study, 44
report on fats and oils, 133 Gliksman, J.E.,
Higgins, D.L., & Robison, B J.
Fleming, J.R., see Smith, E.B. citrate insoluble P205: problems with
comparison of MICRO-ID Listeria
Fletouris, DJ., Mantis, A.J., Botsoglou, ammoniated fertilizers, 920
method with conventional bio
N.A., & Papageorgious, G.E. Gooch, E.G., chemical methods for identifica
rapid determination of tryptophan in determination of traces of silicone de- tion of Listeria isolated from food
intact proteins by derivative spec foamer in fruit juices by solvent and environmental samples: col
trophotometry, 1168 extraction/atomic absorption laborative study, 831
Flowers, R.S., see Lancette, G.A. spectroscopy, 581 Hinkkanen, R., see Eerola, S.
Fong, W.G., see Comeliussen, P.E. Gopal, M., see Mukheijee, I. Hipp, S., see Kirchoefer, R.D.
Foster, M.L., see Lawrence, J.F. Graham, C.R., see Lancette, G.A. Hirsch, J.,
Franco, C., see Rodríguez-Otero, J.L. Graham, R A ., see Dabeka, R.W. report of quality assurance committee,
Franklin, C., Graham, SJ., see Beaulieu, N. 215
report of editorial board, 202 Greco, P., see D’Aoust, J.-Y. Hirvi, T., see Eerola, S.
Fujii, Y., see Yamada, S. Gunderson, E.L., see Yess, N.J. Hitchins, A.D.,
Fukaya, M., see Yamada, S. Guy, R.D., see Chou, C.L. report on cosmetic microbiology, 150
Fuleki, T., & Pelayo, E. Hlavac, J., see Al-Hasani, S.M.
sugars, alcohols, hydroxymethylfur- Ho, J.S., see Tang, PH.
fural in authentic varietal and Hofberg, A.H., see Collier, R.H.
commercial grape juices, 59 Haggett, T.O.R., Matheson, A.R., & Holland, D.C., Munns, R.K., Roybal,
Fuleki, T., Pelayo, E., & Palabay, R.B. Harnett, M. J.E., Hurlbut, J.A., & Long, A.R.
carboxylic acid composistion of partial automation of microbiological simultaneous determination of xy-
authentic varietal and commercial assays for vitamins, 1280 lazine and its major metabolite,
grape juices, 591 Hamilton, I.C., see Cardwell, T.J. 2 ,6-dimethylaniline, in bovine
Hammack, T.S., see June, G.A. and swine kidney by LC, 720
Hamon, M., see Silvestre, M.P.C. Hollifield, H.C., see McNeal, T.P.
Hanks, A.R., Hopes, T.M., see Montgomery, R.M.
Gagnon, J., see Page, B.D. report on CIPAC studies, 95 Hopper, M.L., see King, J.W.
A uthor In d e x : Journal O? AOAC International V ol . 76 No. 6,1993 1409
Horwitz, W., Albert, R., & Nesheim, S. wave susceptors and its migration King, J.W., Hopper, M.L., Luchtefeld,
reliability of mycotoxin assays—an into foods on cooking, 760 R.G., Taylor, S.L., & Orton, W.L.
update, 461 Jiusheng, Z., see Sundaram, K.M.S. optimization of experimental condi
Hsu, M.C., & Huang, W.F. Johnson, F.J., tions for the supercritical carbon
LC determination of dicloxacillin report of nominating committee, 218 dioxide extraction of pesticide
preparations: interlaboratory Johnson, R.C., see Ali, M.S. residues from grains, 857
study, 1143 Johnston, R.W., see Cutrufelli, M.E. see also Snyder, J.M.
Huang, W.F., see Hsu, M.C. Jones, T.L., see Lopez-Avila, V. King-Brink, M., & Sebranek, J.G.
Hult, K,, see Breitholtz-Emanuelsson, Jorhem, L., combustion method for determination
A. determination of metals in foodstuffs of crude protein in meat and meat
Humber, J., see Harris, L. by AAS after dry ashing: NMKL byproducts: collaborative study,
Hundley, H., see Comeliussen, RE. interlaboratory study of lead cad 787
Hungerford,, J.M., mium, zinc, copper, iron, chro Kirchoefer, R.D., & Hipp, S.
report on seafood toxins and seafood mium, and nickel, 798 niacin I: dissolution profiles of sus
products, 120 June, G.A., Sherrod, P.S., Amaguana, tained-release niacin products by
Huntsman, M.A., see Al-Hasani, S.M. R.M., Andrews, W.H., & Hammack, automated and manual proce
Hurlbut, J.A., see Holland, D.C. T.S. dures, 394
Hustead, D.L., see Feldsine, P.T. effectiveness of the Bacteriological Kmostak, S., & Kurtz, D.A.
Analytical Manual culture rapid determination of supplemental
method for the recovery of vitamin E acetate in feed pre
Ichinoe, M., see Tanaka, T. Shigella sonnei from selected mixes by capillary GC, 735
Ibe, A., see Tabata, S. foods, 1240 Koch, H., see Mooser, A.E.
Iida, M., see Tabata, S. Kojima, S., see Sasaki, K.
Ikebuchi, H., see Tanaka, T. Kotula, K.L., see White, C.R.
Imerman, P.M., Kamimura, H., see Tabata, S. Krause, R.T., see Sack, C.A.
pH method for determination of choli Kaminski, J., Atwal, A.S., & Ma- Krinitz, B., see DeVries, J.
nesterase in whole blood: collabo hadevan, S. Krueger, D.A.,
rative study, 899 determination of formaldehyde in report on flavors, 107
Isaacs, B., see Anderson, K.A. fresh and retail milk by LC, 1010 Sample preparation bias in carbon sta
Ito, Y., see Nakamura, Y. Kane, P.F., ble isotope ratio analysis of fruit
Izquierdo-Pulido, M.L., Vidal-Carou, report on fertilizers and agricultural juices and sweeteners, 418
M.C., & Marine-Font, A. liming materials, 163 Kumar, B.SJVL, & Balasubramanian,
termination of biogenic amines in see also Newlon, N. N.
beers and their raw materials by Katz, S.E., see Martin, A.; Thompson, pararosaniline as a new chromogen for
ion-pair LC with postcolumn H.C., Jr extractive spectrophotmetric de
derivatization, 1027 Kawamura, N., see Yamada, S. termination of trace amounts of
Kendall, D.C., see Sack, C.A. hydrogen sulfide in air, 730
Khunachak, A., Dacunha, A.R., & Kuntom, A., see Tan, Y. A.
Jackson, J., see Shaikh, B. Stout, S.J. Kurtz, D.A., see Kmostak, S.
Jain, A.V., LC determination of moxidectin resi
rapid test for semiquantitative determi dues in cattle tissues and confir
nation of nitrate in forages: inter mation in cattle fat by LC/MS, Lacroix, G.M.A., see Dabeka, R.W.
laboratory study, 948 1230 Lancette, G.A., Bailey, J.S., Boese,
Jenkins, T.F., see Strong, A.B. Kijima, K., see Sasaki, K. J.L., Flowers, R.S., Sharpe, A.N.,
Jensen, T.L., Kim, H.S., & Angyal, G. Scott, V.N., Graham, C.R.,
report on nutrients in the soils, 164 comparison of LC method to AOAC Thompson, S.S., McClure, F.D.
Jickells, S.M., Philo, M.R., Gilbert, J., microbiological method for deter report of committee on microbiology
& Castle, L. mination of L-tryptophan in tab and extraneous materials on rec
GC/MS determination of benzene in lets and capsules, 414 ommendations for official meth
nonstick cookware and micro Kim, R., see Lopez-Avila, V. ods, 190
1410 A uthor In dex : Journal Of AO AC International V ol . 76 N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Landen, W.O., Jr, see Chase, G.W., Jr ylene thiourea in finished drink MacDonald, A., see Duke, RD.
Lane, L.G., see Strong, A.B. ing waters: collaborative study, Mageau, R.P., see Cutrufelli, M.E.
Lane, R.H., 1113 Mahadevan, S., see Kaminski, J.
report on cereals and cereal products, see also Edgell, K.W.; Strong, A.B. Malone, W., see Sertl, D.
131 Lopez-Avila, V., Mansilla, A.E., Muñoz De La Peña,
Lati, E., see Silvestre, M.P.C. report on organics in water, 169 A.M., & Salinas, F.
Latimer, G.W., Jr, see also Longbottom, J.E. semiautomatic determination of fura-
comparison of Texas liquid sampler nic aldehydes in food and phar
Lopez-Avila, V., Bauer, K., Milanes, J.,
with Missouri bottle for sampling maceutical samples by a stopped-
& Beckert, W.F.
liquid fertilizers: collaborative flow flow injection analysis
study, 749 evaluation of Soxtec extraction proce
dure for extracting organic com method, 1255
see also Thompson, H.C., Jr
pounds from soils and sediments, Mantis, A.J., see Fletouris, D.J.
Lau-Cam, C.A., see Hanna, G.M.
864 Marine-Font, A., see Izquierdo-Pulido,
Lawrence, J.F., Park, D.L., Carpenter,
D. E., Engebretsen, D.R., Foster, Lopez-Avila, V., & Jones, T.L.
M.L., Gilbert, J., McNeal, J.E., interlaboratory study of a ther- Markus, J.R., & Sherma, J.
Wallin, H., Wekell, M.M., Nelsen, mospray-LC/MS method for se method I: LC determination of tia-
T.C., & Pfeiffer, S. lected V-methyl carbamites, N- mulin hydrogen fumarate in feed
report of committee on Foods I on rec premixes, 444
methyl carbamoyloximes, and
ommendations for official meth substituted urea pesticides, 1329 method A: LC determination of tia-
ods, 179 mulin hydrogen fumarate in tia-
Lopez-Avila, V., Young, R., Kim, R., &
Leadbetter, M.G., & Matusik, J.E. mulin-poly(vinyl-chloride) for
Beckert, W.F.
LC determination and LC-ther- mulations, 447
interlaboratory evaluation of an off
mospray MS confirmation of ni- method III: LC determinations of tia-
line supercritical fluid extrac-
carbazin in chicken tissues: inter mulin hydrogen fumarate in com
tion/infrared spectrometric
laboratory study, 420 plete swine meal feeds, 449
method for determination of pe
Lee, S.M., see Chamkasem, N. method IV: GC determinations of tia-
troleum hydrocarbons in solid
Leoni, V., see Vitali, M. mulin residues in swine liver, 451
matrixes, 555
Leyes, G., see Strong, A.B. method V: GC/mass spectrometric
Li, M., Nelson, D.L., & Spoms, P. Lorenzo, R.A., Carro, A., Rubi, E., confirmation of 8-hydroxymu-
determination of menthol in honey by Casais, C., & Cela, R. tilin, a tiamulin metabolite, in
GC, 1289 selective determination of methyl mer swine liver extracts, 459
Lin, P.Y.T., see Tallmadge, D.H. cury in biological samples by Markus, J.R., O’Rangers, J.
Lindfors, E., see Eerola, S. means of programmed tempera animal drugs, 443
Lindsay, C.W., ture GC, 608 Martin, A., & Katz, S.E.
calculation of juice content in diluted Lott, H.M., & Barker, S.A. rapid determination of Listeria mono
fruit juice beverage, 424 extraction and GC screening of 14 cytogenes in foods using a resusi-
Lobinski, R., Szpunar-Obiska, J., chlorinated pesticides in crayfish tation/selection/kit system detec
Adams, F.C., Teissedre, P.-L., & (Procambarus clarkii) hepa- tion, 632
Cabanis, J.C. topancreas, 663 Matheson, A.R., see Haggett, T.O.R.
speciation analysis of organolead com
matrix solid-phase dispersion extrac Matusik, J.E., Eilers, P.P., Waldron,
pounds in wine by capillary
tion and GC screening of 14 chlo E.M., Conrad, S.M., & Sphon, J.A.
rinated pesticides in oysters confirmation of identities of propylene
emission spectrometry, 1262
(Crassostrea virginica), 67 and ethylene glycols in anchovies
Long, A.R., see Holland, D.C.; Rupp,
H.S. Louis, J.B., see Roinestad, K.S. by tandem MS, 1344
Longbottom, J.E., Edgell, K.W., Erb, Lovering, E.G., see Beaulieu, N. see also Leadbetter, M.G.
E. J., & Lopez-Avila, V. Low, N.H., see Wudrich, G.G. McClure, ED., see Lancette, G.A.
GC/nitrogen-phosphorus detection Luchtefeld, R.G., see King, J.W. McCully, K.A., see Comeliussen, P.E.
method for determination of eth- Lynch, J.M., see Smith, E.B. McKenzie, A.D., see Dabeka, R. W.
A uthor In de x : Journal O f A O AC International V ol . 76 N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1411
McMahon, B.M., T.M., Torchia, M.G., Presser, M., & extraction of light filth from tofu: col
report on organohalogen pesticides, Wright, W.W. laborative study, 50
147 report of committee on drugs and re Nakatani, A., se e Sumitani, H.
McNeal, J.E., see Lawrence, J.F. lated topics on recommendations Nelsen, T.C., see Lawrence, J.F.
McNeal, T.P., & Hollifield, H.C. for official methods, 175 Nelson, D.L., see Li, M.
determination of volatile chemicals re Mooser, A.E., & Koch, H. Nemeth, M.A., see Collier, R.H.
leased from microwave-heat- confirmatory method for sulfonamide Nesheim, S., se e Horwitz, W.
suscept food packaging, 1268 residues in animal tissues by GC Newlon, N.,
McNeal, T.P., Nyman, P.J., Diachenko, and pulsed positive ion-negative evaluation of new flame photometric
G.W., & Hollifield, H.C. ion-chemical ionization mass instrumentation to meet require
survey of benzene in foods by using spectrometry, 976 ments of AOAC official method
headspace concentration tech Moran, J.W., see Coleman, M.R. for potassium in fertilizers, 1182
niques and capillary GC, 1213 Mori, B., see Page, B.D. Newlon, N., Cox-Trout, C., Kane, P.
McSheffirey, S., see Wudrich, G.G. Mortimer, R.D., & Weber, D.F. evaluation of current AOAC fertilizer
Meguro, H., se e Akasaka, K. determination of residual imazethapyr sample preparation requirements,
Melis, M., see Cabras, P. in soybeans by GC/nitrogen- 1174
Mendes, A.S., phosphoms detection, 377 Newsome, W.H.,
international perspectives in certifica Mountford, M.K., se e Tanner, J.T. report on organonitrogen pesticides,
tion and accreditation, 1 Mowrey, D.H., se e Thompson, H.C., Jr 148
Merola, G.V., se e Thompson R.H. Mukherjee, I., & Gopal, M. see a lso Yeung, J.M.
Metzger, D.T., see Packard, V.S. organochlorine pesticide residues in Newsome, W.H., & Andrews, P.
Mikami, E., se e Yamada, S. dairy milk in and around Delhi, organochlorine pesticides and PCB
Milanes, J., se e Lopez-Avila, V. 283 congeners in commercial fish
Millar. R.G., see Armishaw, P. Mullens, J., se e Yperman, J. from the Great Lakes, 707
Miller, L.S., see Ramstad, T. Mullin, WJ., see Wolynetz, M.S. Newsome, W.H., Andrews, P., Con-
Mishra, R.K., see Chakravarty, S. Mulvaney, T.R., acher, H.B.S., Rao, R.R., & Chatt, A.
Mislivec, P.B., Bandler, R., & Allen, G. report on processed vegetable prod total organochlorine content of fish
incidence of fungi in shared-use cos ucts, 138 from the Great Lakes, 703
metics available to the public, 430 Munns, R.K., see Holland, D.C.; Rupp, Newsome, W.H., Yeung, J.M., & Col
Miwa, H., se e Akasaka, K. H.S. lins, P.G.
Moats, W.A., Muñoz De La Peña, A.M., se e Durán- development of enzyme immunoassay
determination of cephapirin and de- Merás, I.; Mansilla, A.E. for captan and its degradation
sacetylcephapirin in milk using Munson, A., product tetrahydrophthalimide in
automated LC cleanup and ion report of secretary/treasurer and the fi foods, 381
pairing LC, 535 nance committee, 199 Newton, J.M.,
Moats, W.A., see White, C.R. report on nonalcoholic beverages, 138
Mongeau, R., & Brassard, R. Ng, L.L.,
enzymatic-gravimetric determination Nakamura, Y., Tonogai, Y, Tsumura, report on drags IV, 104
in food of dietary fiber as sum of Y, & Ito, Y. Ng, W.-Y., & Wong, S.-K.
insoluble and soluble fiber frac analysis of pyrethroid residues in adsorptive stripping determination of
tions: summary of collaborative vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, sulfamethazine in milk, 540
study, 923 and green tea leaves; applications Niemann, R.A.,
Montgomery R.M., to pyrethroid residue monitoring determination of formetanate HC1 in
report on cosmetics, 101 studies, 1348 selected fruits by coupled-column
report on diagnostics and test kits, 101 Nakashima, MJ., cation exchange LC, 1362
report on drugs 1 ,102 extraction of light filth from oriental Nishima, T., see Tabata, S.
report on drugs III, 103 sauces containing soy sauce, Nixon, G., see Page, B.D.
Montgomery, R.M., O’Rangers, J., An thickeners, and spices: collabora Nott, R., se e Sundaram, K.M.S.
thony, G., Gilbertson, T.J., Hopes, tive study, 47 Nyman, PJ., see McNeal, T.P.
1412 A uthor In d e x : Journal O f A O AC International V ol . 76 N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
O’Rangers, J., see Markus, J.R.; Paradis, L.R., see Bushway, R.J. drug by dynamic headspace GC,
Montgomery, R.M. Parham, T.M., Jr, see Thompson, H.C 313
Ogawa, M., Ohtsubo, T., Tsuda, S., & Jr Rao, R.R., see Newsome, W.H.
Tsuji, K. Park, DA., see Lawrence, J.F. Reeves, J.B. Ill,
simplified method to measure suspen- Parks, O.W., influence of water on the near infrared
sibility of water-dispersible pow depletion of the monoamino metabo soectra of model compounds, 741
der: use of microanalytical tech lites of zoalene during frozen stor Reggers, G., see Yperman, J.
niques to reduce wastewater, 83 age, 698 Reimann, L.M., see Thompson, H.C.,
Ohrui, H., see Akasaka, K. Patil, V.B., & Shingare, M.S. Jr
Ohtsubo, T., see Ogawa, M. TLC detection of oiganophosphoms Renger, B.,
Oles, RJ., insecticides containing a ni- quantitative planar chromatography as a
fractional factorial design approach for trophenyl group, 1394 tool in pharmaceutical analysis, 7
optimizing analytical methods, Pena-Egido, MA, see Armentia-Al- Rhodig, L.L., see Thompson, H.C., Jr
615 varez, A. Riedel, G.R., see Page, B D .
Olsen, ML, see Breitholtz-Emanuelsson, Peake, A.A., see DeVries, J. Ripley, B.D., see Comeliussen, P.E.
A. Pelayo, E., see Fuleki, T. Robison, BA, see Higgins, DA.
Orton, W.L., see King, J.W. Pelayo, E., see Fuleki, T. Rodríguez-Otero, J.L., Hermida, M.,
Oskarsson, A , see Breitholtz- Perkins, L.B., see Bushway, R.J. Cepeda, A., & Franco, C.
Emanuelsson, A. Pfeiffer, S., see Lawrence, J.F. total bacteria count in raw milk using
Ostapenko, H., see Collier, R.H. Phillippo, E.T., see Ali, M.S. BactoScan 8000, 838
Phillips, J.G., see DeVries, J. Roinestad, K.S., Louis, J.B., & Rosen,
Philo, M.R., see Jickells, S.M. J.D.
Packard, V.S., Ginn, R.E., & Metzger, Placentia, A M , determination of pesticides in indoor
D.T. report on drug- and device-related mi air and dust, 1121
automated technique for sampling crobiology, 151 Ronk, RJ.,
milk from farm bulk tanks: col Porter, F., see Collier, R.H., report of bylaws committee, 205
laborative study, 297 Presser, M., see Montgomery, R.M. Roos, AH., see Tuinstra, L.G.M.Th.
Page, B.D., Prodolliet, J., & Bruelhart, M. Rosas, M.L., see Durán-Merás, I.
LC method for determination of 9 phe determination of acesulfam-K in Rosen, J J)., see Roinestad, K.S.
nolic antioxidants in butter oil: foods, 268 Ross, P.F.,
collaborative study, 765 determination of aspartame and its ma report on veterinary analytical toxicol
Page, B.D., Conacher, H.B.S., Salmi- jor decomposition products in ogy, 165
nen, J., Nixon, G.R., Riedel, G., foods, 275 Rowe, L.D., see Snyder, J.M.
Mori, B., Gagnon, J., & Brousseau, Prosky, L., Roy, R.R., see Yess, N.J.
R. report on dietary fiber, 132 Roybal, J.E., see Holland, D.C.
survey of bottled drinking water sold Purcell, S., see Viggers, E.A Rubí, E., see Lorenzo, R.A.
in Canada, part 2: selected volatile Pylipiw, H.M., Jr, Rupp, H.S., Munns, R.K., & Long, A.R.
organic compounds, 26 rapid GC method for multiresidue simultaneous determination of nitro-
Page, S.W., screening of fruits and vegetables furazone and furazolidone in
report on meetings, symposia, and for organochlorine and organo- shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) mus
educational programs committee, phosphate pesticides, 1369 cle tissue by LC with UV detec
216 tion, 1235
report on plant toxins, 119
Paisley S.D., see Zygmunt, L.C. Rader, B., see Cairns, T.
Palabay, R.B., see Fuleki, T. Ragheb, H.S„ Sack, C .A , Kendall, D.C., & Krause,
Palminger, L, see Breitholtz- report on antibiotics in feeds, 161 R.T.
Emanuelsson, A. Ramstad, T., Miller, L.S., & Thomas, determination of methylene chloride
Papageorgious, G.E., see Fletouris, V.N. acceptability and its “purifica
D J. determination of residual ethylene ox tion” for ethylenethiourea meth
Papathakis, M.L., see Chamkasem, N. ide in spectinomycin HC1 bulk odology, 1146
A uthor In de x : Journal O f A O AC International V ol . 76 N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1413
Salinas, E , see Durân-Merâs, L; Man- Scott, V.N., see Lancette, G.A. Smallidge, R.L.,
silla, A.E. Sellers, C., see Strong, A.B. report on chugs in feeds, 161
Salisbury, C.D.C., Sertl, I)., & Malone, W. Smedley, M.D., see Weber, J.D.
modified method for determination of LC method for determination of iodine Smith, E.,
ivermectin residues in animal tis in milk: collaborative study, 711 report on drugs II, 102
sues, 1149 Sewell, AJVL, see D’Aoust, J.-Y. Smith, E.B., Barbano, D.M., & Lynch,
Salminen, J., see Page, B.D. Shaikh, B., & Jackson, J. J.M.
Salvatore, MJ., & Katz, S.E. improved LC determination of neomy a quantitative linearity evaluation
solubility of antibiotics used in animal cin B in bovine kidney, 543 method for infrared milk analyz
feeds in selected ers, 1300
Shantha, N.C., Decker, E.A., & Hen-
solvents, 952 nig, B. Smith, E.B., Barbano, D.M., Lynch,
unified procedure for determination of J.M., & Fleming, J.R.
comparison of methylation methods
antibiotics in animal feeds, 514
for the quantitations of conjugated performance of homogenizers in infra
Sanyal, A.K., Chowdhury, B & Baner- linoleic acid isomers, 644 red milk analyzers, a survey, 1033
jee, A.B.
Sharpe, A.N., see Lancette, G.A. Smith, R., see DeVries, J.
rapid TLA microestimation of elemen
Shephard, G.S., see Thiel, P.G. Snell, RJ*.,
tal sulfur: apphcation to complex
Sherrod, P.S., see June, G.A. GC determination of cyclohexanone
sulpher ointments, 1152
Shingare, M.S., see Patil, V.B. leached from hemodialysis tub
Sapp, R.E., & Davidson, S.
Shoemaker, D., see Strong, A.B.; Sims, ing, 1127
determination of roxarsone in feeds us
A. Snell, R.P.,
ing solid-phase extraction and LC
Siegmund, E.G., see Cairns, T. solid-phase extraction and LC deter
with ultraviolet detection, 956
Silvestre, M.P.C., Latí, E., Dauphin, C., mination of monophthalates and
Sasaki, K., Kijima, K., Takeda, M., &
& Hamon, M. phthalide extracted from solution
Kojima, S.
cuprimetric assay of casein hydro administration sets, 531
specific determination of ethylene ox
lysates, 1295 Snyder, JJVL, King, J.W., Rowe, L.D.,
ide and ethylene chlorohydrin in
Sims, A., & Shoemaker, D. & Woemer, J.A.
cosmetics and polyoxyethlated
surfactants by GC with electron simultaneous LC determination of supercritical fluid extraction of poultry
capture detection, 292 thiamine and riboflavin in se tissues containing incunred pesti
lected foods, 1156 cide residues, 893
Sauvé, E, see Campbell, H.M.
Sawada, J., see Tanaka, T. Singh, R.P., & Chiba, M. Soderberg, I).,
Sawyer, Leon D., reversed-phase LC method for simul report on meat, poultry, and meat and
report on multiresidue methods, 144 taneous determination of poultry products, 111
Scher, A., & Adamo, N.C. methyl[ 1-[(butylamino)carbonyl Soliman, A.-G.M., see Chase, G.W., Jr
LC determination of 2-chloro-4-ni- ]-1 H-benzimidazol-2-yl]carbam Sovocool, G.W., see Donnelly, J.R.
troaniline, 2-naphtol, and 2,4- ate (Benomyl) and methyl 1H- Spanedda, L., see Cabras, P.
dinitroaniline in D&C Red No. benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate Sphon, J A ., see Matusik, J.E.
36,287 (MBC) in wettable powder (WP) Spoms, P., see Li, M.
Schmitt, TJVL, formulations, 1187 Stahr, HJVL, see Sun, T.S.C.
LC assay of bentazon formulations, Sjoberg, A-M., see Wirtanen, G. Stapleton, N.IC, see Ali, M.S.
387 Skurikhin, I.M., Stephens, 1VL, see Strong, A.B.
Schwab, B., see Cutrufelli, M.E. methods of analysis for toxic elements Stout, SJ ., see Khunachak, A.
Schwartz, D.P., see Unruh, J. in foods, part IV: general method Strong, AB., Jenkins, T.F., Lane, L.G.,
Schwiesow, M., see Gales, P.W. of ashing for determination of Leyes, G., Longbottom, J., Sellers,
Scollary, G.R., see Cardwell, T.J. toxic elements, 257 C., Stephens, M., Bartz, J.K., Britton,
Scott, P.M., new metrological characteristics of P., & Shoemaker, D.
report of joint mycotoxin committee analytical methods of analysis report of committee on environmental
on recommendations for official used for safety control of food and quality on recommendations for
methods, 220 environmental materials, 262 official methods, 195
report on mycotoxins, 112 Slahck, S.C., see Collier, R.H. Suekane, S., see Sumitani, H.
1414 A uthor In d e x : Journal O f AO AC International V ol . 76 N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Sumitani, H., Suekane, S., Nakatani, and vitamins D and K: U.S. FDA- Tomkins, D.F.,
A., & Tatsuka, K. Infant Formula Council: collabo report on pesticide formulations: her
inductively coupled plasma atomic rative study bicides, 98
emission spectrometric determi Tanner, J.T., Barnett, S.A., & Mount- report on pesticide formulations: or-
nation of tin in canned food, 1374 ford, M.K. ganohdogen insecticides; other
Sun, T.S.C., & Stahr, H.M. analysis of milk-based infant formula, insecticides, synergists, and repel
evaluation and application of a biolu- phase V: vitamins A and E, folic lents, 98
minescent bacterial genotoxicity acid, and pantothenic acid, Food Tonogai, Y., see Nakamura, Y.
test, 893 and Drag Administration-Infant Torchia, M.G., see Montgomery, R.M.
Sundaram, K.M.S., Jiusheng, Z., & Formula Council: collaborative Trotter, W J., & Dickerson, R.
Nott, R. study, 399 pesticide residues in composited milk
LC determination of RH-5992, an ec- Tatsuka, K., see Sumitani, H. collected through the U.S. Pas
dysone agonist, in some forestry Taylor, S.L., see King, J.W. teurized Milk Network, 1220
matrixes, 668 Tsuda, S., see Ogawa, M.
Teissedre, P.-L., see Lobinski, R.
Suzuki, T., see Akasaka, K. Tsuji, K., see Ogawa, M.
Sved, S., see Carignan, G. Terao, T., see Tanaka, T.
Terao, C., see Yamada, S. Tsumura, Y., see Nakamura, Y.
Sydenham, E.W., see Thiel, RG. Tuinstra, L.G.M.Th., Roos, A.H., &
Szpunar-Obiska, J., see Lobinski. R. Teshima, R., see Tanaka, T.
van Trijp, J.M.P.
Thiel, P.G., Sydenham, E.W., Shephard,
LC determination of aflatoxin M l in
G.S., & van Schalkwyk, D.J.
milk powder using immunoaf-
Tabata, S., Kamimura, H., Ibe, A., reproducibility characteristics of a LC fmity columns for cleanup: inter
Hashimoto, H., Bda, M., Tamura, Y., method for the determination of laboratory study, 1248
& Nishima, T. fumonisins B1 and B2 in com:
aflatoxin contamination in foods and IUPAC collaborative study, 361
foodstuffs in Tokyo: 1986-1990, Thomas, V.N., see Ramstad, T.
32 Thompson, H.C., Jr, Braselton, W.E., Unruh, J., Schwartz, D.P., & Barford,
Takeda, ML, see Sasaki, K. Jr, Mowrey, D.H., Walsh, M.C., Rei- R.A.
Tallmadge, D.H., & Lin, P.Y.T. mann, L.M., Parham, T.M., Jr, quantitation of sulfamethazine in pork
LC method for determining the per Rhodig, L.L., Geisler, C.A., Latimer, tissue by TLC, 335
cent of olestra in lipid samples, G.W., & Katz, S.E. Uthe, J.F., see Chou, C.L.
1396 report of committee on feeds, fertiliz
Tamura, Y., see Tabata, S. ers, and related topics on recom
Tan, Y.A., & Kuntom, A. mendations for official methods,
GC determination of hydrocarbons in 193
van Dijk, R., see Beljaars, PR.
crude palm kernel oil, 371 Van Poucke, L., see Yperman, J.
Thompson, JJ.,
Tanaka, T., Teshima, R., Ikebuchi, H., van Schalkwyk, DJ., see Thiel, P.G.
determination of ultratrace levels of
Sawada, J., Terao, T., & Ichinoe, M. van Trijp, see Tuinstra,
lead in infant formula by isotope
sensitive determination of zearalenone L.G.M.Th.
dilution inductively coupled
and a-zearalenol in barley and Verdier, P., see Dabeka, R.W.
plasma MS, 1378
Job’s tears by LC with floures- Vidal-Carou, M.C., see Izquierdo-
Thompson, M., & Wood, R.
cence detection, 1006 Pulido, M.L.
international harmonized protocol for
Tang, P.H., Ho, J.S., Eichelberger, J.W. Viggers, E.A., Atkinson, J., & Purcell,
proficiency testing of (chemical)
determination of organic pollutants inn S.
analytical laboratories, 926
reagent water by liquid—solid ex reporting ongoing results of interlabo
traction followed by supercritical Thompson, R.H., & Merola, G.V. ratory comparison programs, 620
fluid elution, 72 a simplified alternative to the AOAC Vitali, M., Leoni, V, Chiavarini, S., &
Tanner, J.T., Barnett, S.A., & Mount- official method for cholesterol in Cremisini, C.
ford, M.K. multicomponent foods, 1057 determination of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol as
analysis of milk-based infant formula, Thompson, S.S., see Lancette, G.A. contaminant in drinking water,
phase IV: iodine, linoleic acid, Titus, R.L., see Donnelly, J.R. 1133
A uthor In de x : Journal O f AOAC International V ol . 76 N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1415
Waldron, E.M., see Matusik, J.E. and herbs: a BCR collaborative Yess, NJ.,
Wallin, H., se e Lawrence, J.F. study, 674 U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Walser, P.E., see Bushway, R.J. Woerner, J.A., see Snyder, J.M. survey of methyl mercury in
Walsh, M.C., see Thompson, H.C., Jr Wolf, W.R., see Anderson, E.M. canned tuna, 36
Weaver, CM., se e Anderson, E.M. Wolynetz, M.S., & Mullin, W.J. Yess, NJ., Gunderson, E.L., & Roy,
Weber, D.E, see Mortimer, R.D. factors affecting the precision of die R.R.
Weber, J.D., & Smedley, M.D. tary fiber measurements in pota
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
LC method for determination of sul toes, 508
monitoring of pesticide residues
famethazine residues in milk: col Wong, S.-K., see Ng, W.-Y.
laborative study, 725 in infant foods and adult foods
Wood, R., see DeVries, J.
Webster, G.K., & Heame, L.A. eaten by infants/children, 492
Woodbury, J.E.,
use of standard addition to diagnose Yeung, JJVf., & Newsome, W.H.
report on spices and other condiments,
matrix effects in the use of AAS to 139 survey of total tetrahydrophthalimide
analyze feed blended for a roxar- Woods, R.W., se e Ali, M.S. in baby foods using both ELISA
sone combination study, 1400 Worobey, B.L. and GC/MS: a comparative study,
Weeks, W.W., LC method for determination of diquat 1225
report on tobacco, 165 and paraquat herbicides in pota see a lso Newsome, W.H.
Weiss, G., see Duke, RD. toes: collaborative study, 881 Young, B.E.S., se e Bushway, R.J.
Wekell, M.M., see Lawrence, J.F. Worthy, B.E., see Anderson, E.M. Young, R., se e Lopez-Avila, V.
Wesselman, RJ., see Edgell, K.W. Wright, W.W., see Montgomery, R.H. Yperman, J., Carleer, R., Reggers, G.,
Wheeler, M.M.,
Wudrich, G.G., McSheffrey, S., & Mullens, J., & Van Poucke, L.
discriminating between adult mandi
Low, N.H. automation of potentiometric meas
bles of O ryzaephilu s surinam en-
LC detection of a variety of inexpen urements: determination of water-
sis and O. m erca to r using setal
sive sweeteners added to pure or extractable sodium in bread using
brush length, 941
ange juice, 342
White, C.R., Moats, W.A., & Kotula, a sodium ion selective electrode
K.L. with minimum sample prepara
optimization of LC method for deter tion, 1138
mination of oxytetracycline, tetra Yamada, S., Fujii, Y., Mikami, E.,
cycline, and chlortetracycline in Kawamura, N., Hayakawa, J., Aoki,
milk, 549 K., Fukaya, M., & Terao, C.
White, JJ)., se e Ali, M.S. small-scale survey of organotin com
Wicker, A.L., se e Coleman, M.R. pounds in household commodi Zini, G., see Crisippi, T.
Williams, K.A., see Ah, M.S. ties, 436 Zygmunt, L.C., & Paisley S.D.
Wirtanen, G., Sjoberg, A. M., Boisen, Yen, LC., & Bidasee, K.R. enzymatic method for determination
F., & Alanko, T. LC determinations of aflatoxins in ani of (1 >3)(l->,4)-beta-D-glucans in
microbiological screening method for mal feeds and feed components, grains and cereals: collaborative
indication of irradiation of spices 366 study, 1069
1416 S ubject In d e x : Journal O f AOAC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Abamectin in fruits and vegetables, AOAC silicone defoamers in fruit juices, 581
LC method, 691 archives committee report, 204 feed blended for a roxarsone combina
Acesulfam-K in foods, LC method, 268 bylaws committee report, 205 tion study, standard additions
Aflatoxins Bylaws, 206 method to diagnose matrix ef
contamination in foods and foodstuffs editorial board report, 202 fects, '400
in Tokyo, 32 Executive Director’s report, 197 Automated methods
in feeds and feed components, LC finance committee report, 199 AutoMicrobic system for biochemical
method, 366 general referee reports, 95 identification of Listeria species
M, in milk powder, LC method with Harvey W. Wiley committee report, isolated from foods: collaborative
immunoaffinity column cleanup, 219 study, 822
interlaboratory study, 1248 Harvey W. Wiley scholarship award Bactoscan 8000, bacterial count (total)
in peanuts, performance of 2 immuno committee report, 220 in raw milk using, 838
chemical assays at 37 field labora international committee report, 214 automated beer analyzer method, alco
tories, 637 joint mycotoxin committee report, 220 hol content and original gravity of
in peanuts, variability among subsam keynote address, 1 beer: summary of collaborative
ples prepared with four mills, 983 laboratory quality assurance commit study, 918
Agricultural liming materials, see tee report, 215 dissolution profiles of sustained-re-
Fertilizers and agricultural liming meetings, symposia, and educational lease niacin products, 394
materials programs committee report, 216 microbiological assays for vitamins,
Air membership committee report, 217 1280
hydrogen sulfide (trace) in, nominating committee report, 218 potentiometric measurements, water-
pararosaniline for extractive spec- officers and committees, 1993, 223 extractable sodium in bread, so
trophotometric determination, official methods board report, 202 dium ion selective electrode with
730 president’s address, 4 minimum sample preparation,
recommendations for official methods, 1138
indoor, pesticide residues in, 1121
committee reports, 172 sampling milk from farm bulk tanks:
Alcoholic beverages
regional section committee report, 219 collaborative study, 297
Methods Committee report, 182
Research Institute report, 221
referee report, 131
Secretaiy/Treasurer’s report, 199
see also Distilled liquors; Wines
Wiley Award address, 1993,
Arsenic, in total diet food composites Bacillus subtilis spores on penicylin-
in authentic varietal and commercial
and dietary intakes by Canadian ders, microbial loads, 355
grape juice, 59
adults and children, 14 Bacteria
in beer, automated analyzer method:
Artificial sweeteners count (total) in raw milk using Bactos
summary of collaborative study,
acesulfam-K in foods, LC method, 268 can 8000, 838
aspartame and major decomposition microbial loads of Bacillus subtilis
Analytical mycology and microscopy, products in food, LC method, 275 spores on penicylinders, 355
Methods Committee report, 190
Ashing, toxic elements in foods, ana Shigella sonnei recovery from selected
Antibiotics in feeds lytical methods, part IV, 257 foods, effectiveness of the Bacte
Methods Committee report, 193 Aspartame and major decomposition riological Analytical Manual cul
referee report, 161 products in food, LC method, 275 ture method for, 1240
oxytetracycline assay by LC and mi Atomic absorption spectroscopy Baking powders and baking chemi
crobiological plate assay, 39 cadmium, zinc, copper, and silver ions cals, Changes in Methods, no
solubility in selected solvents, 952 in lobster (Homarus americanus) changes
unified procedure for determination of, digestive gland extracts, 794 Barley, zearalenone and a-zearalenone
514 lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, iron, in, LC method, 1006
Antioxidants, phenolic (9), in butter chromium, and nickel in food Beans, pyrethroids residues in, applica
oil, LC method: collaborative study, stuffs after dry ashing: NMKL in tions to pyrethroid residue monitor
765 terlaboratory study, 798 ing studies, 1348
S u b je c t I n d e x : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1417
Benalaxyl residues in crops and mation of potentiometric measure protein (crude) in grains, Kjeldahl
water, GC method, 650 ments, 1138 method vs generic combustion
Bentazon, LC assay of formulations, method: collaborativestudy,780
387 Chemical contaminants monitoring
Benzene aflatoxins in foods and foodstuffs in
in foods, survey, headspace GC Tokyo, 32
method. 1213 Cacao bean and its products, Changes arsenic in total diet food composites
in nonstick cookware and microwave inMethods, no changes and intakes by Canadian adults
susceptors and itsmigration into Cadmium and children, 14
foods on cooking, GC/MS in foodstuffs after dry ashing, A AS benzene in foods, survey, headspace
method, 760 method: NMKL interlaboratory GC method, 1213
(l->3)(l->4)-beta-D-glucansingrains study,798 bottleddrinkingwatersoldinCanada,
and cereals: collaborative study, in lobster (H o m a ru s a m e ric a n u s) di volatileorganiccompounds in,26
1069 gestive gland extracts, gel chro ChineseTotalDietStudyin 1990,part
Beverages, sulfurdioxidein,flowinjec matography followed by AAS 1,1193
tion analysis with reductive am- and polarography,794 methyl mercury in canned tuna,FDA
perometricdetectionand electrolytic with 4-(2-pyridylazo)naphthol in in survey,36
cleanup, 1389 dustrial effluents, coal, and fly organochlorine pesticide residues in
Bioassay, LASER/Microbe technology, ash, hydroxyamidines as extract dairymilk, Delhi,India,283
water-solublevitaminsinfoods,682 ingreagentsforspectrophotomet- organochlorine pesticides and PCB
Biogenic amines ricdetermination,604 congeners in commercial fish
in beers and theirraw materials, ion- Canada from theGreatLakes,707
pairLC withpostcolumnderivati- arsenic in total diet food composites organochlorine (total) content of fish
zation, 1027 and intakes by adults and chil from theGreatLakes,703
indry sausages,LC method, 575 dren, 14 pesticideresidues incomposited milk
Biological samples bottleddrinkingwatersoldin,volatile collected through the U.S. Pas
blood (whole), cholinesterase in, pH organiccompounds in,26 teurizedMilk Network, 1220
method: collaborativestudy,899 Captan and its degradation product pesticide residues in infant foods and
bovineandswinekidney,xylazineand tetrahydrothalimide in foods, adult foods eaten by infants/chil-
metabolite2 ,6-dimethylanilinein, ELISA, 381 dren,FDA monitoringof,492
simultaneous determination by Carbon isotope analysis, sample tetrahydrophthalimide in baby foods,
LC, 720 preparation bias in analysis of fruit ELISA vsGC/MS, 1225
cattle, swine, and poultry liver, N - juicesand sweeteners,418 Chinese Total Diet Study in 1990
methylcarbamate in,LC method, Carboxylic acid composition of grape partI,chemicalcontaminants, 1193
907 juice, 591 partII,nutrients, 1206
cow’smilk and human milk with cor Carrots and their pulp, linurinand tri- Chlorinated acids in water, GC/elec-
responding human blood sam fluralinresidues,simultaneousdeter tron capture detection method: col
ples,ochratoxinA in,842 minationby LC and GC, 657 laborativestudy, 1098
methyl mercury in,programmed tem Casein hydrolysates, cuprimetric as 2-Chloro-4-nitroaniline in D&C Red
peratureGC method, 608 say, 1295 No. 36, LC method, 287
swine liver, tiamulin residues in, GC Cephapirin and desacetylcephapirin Chlortetracycline in milk, LC method,
method,451 in milk, automated LC cleanup and 549
Books in Brief, 19A, 37A, 55A, 105A, ion-pairingLC, 535 Chocolate and cacao products, Meth
161A Cereals and cereal products odsCommittee report, 183
Boron in dates of Saudi Arabian culti- Changes inMethods, 253 Cholesterol
vars, 601 Methods Committee report, 182 in multicomponent foods, alternative
Bread, water-extractablesodium in,so refereereport, 131 toAOAC officialmethod, 1057
dium ion selective electrode with (1—>3X1—>4)-beta-D-glucans in: col inpreparedfoods,rapiddetermination,
minimum sample preparation, auto laborativestudy, 1069 902
1418 S u b je c t I n d e x : J o u r n a l O f A O AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 , 1993
Cholinesterase in whole blood, pH cholinesterase in whole blood, pH summary, dietary fiber in foods, as
method: collaborativestudy,899 method, 899 sum ofinsolubleandsolublefrac
Chromatography diquatandparaquatherbicidesinpota tions, enzymatic-gravimetric
Florisilcolumn adsorption,cleanupof toes,LC method, 881 method,923
organochlorines in animal fats, enzymatic method for (1 >-3)(l >4)- Color additives
1317 beta-D-glucansingrainsandcere Changes inMethods, no changes
gel, followed by AAS and polarogra- als,1069 Methods Committee report, 179
phy, cadmium, zinc, copper, and ethylenethiourea in finished drinking 2-chloro-4-nitroaniline, 2-naphthol,
silver ions in lobster (H om arus water, GC/nitrogen-phosphorus and 2,4-dinitroanifine in D&C
am ericanus) digestive gland ex detectionmethod, 1113 Red No. 36,LC method, 287
tracts,794 extraction of light filth from oriental Combustion method
gel permeation, cleanup of organo fishproductscontainingspice,44
chlorinesinanimal fats,1317 protein(crude)inmeatandmeatprod
extraction of tight filth from oriental ucts:collaborativestudy,780
quantitativeplanar, inpharmaceutical sauces containing soy sauce,
analysis,7 vsKjeldahlmethod, protein(crude)in
thickeners,and spices,47 cerealgrainsandoilseed:collabo
metal chelate affinity, simultaneous
extractionoftightfilthfrom tofu,50 rativestudy,780
clineresidues,329 FDA-Infant Formula Council, vita Cooperative studies
mins A andE,folicacid,andpan Methods Committee report, 195
Chromium, infoodstuffsafterdry ash
ing,AAS method: NMKL interlabo tothenicacidinmilk-basedinfant
refereereport, 168
ratorystudy,798 Copper
CIPAC studies, refereereport,95 FDA-Infant Formula Council, iodide,
tinoleicacid,and vitamins D and in foodstuffs after dry ashing, AAS
Cleanup procedures method: NMKL interlaboratory
K in milk-based infant formulas,
gel permeation chromatography vs study,798
sweep codistillation vs Florisil in lobster (H om arus am ericanus) di
column adsorption chromatogra iodineinmilk,LC method, 711
IUPAC, fumonisinsB| andB2 incom, gestive gland extracts, gel chro
phy, organochlorines in animal matography followed by AAS
fats,1317 reproducibility of LC method,
361 and polarography, 794
Coffee and tea
MICRO-ED L isteria Method vs con Corn, fumonisins B[ and B2 in,repro
Changes inMethods, no changes ducibilityofLC method:IUPAC col
green tea leaves, pyrethroids residues ventional biochemical methods
for identification of L isteria iso laborativestudy,361
in;applicationstopyrethroidresi Corn syrup, high fmctose com syrup
duemonitoringstudies, 1348 lated from food and environ
mental samples,831 addedtopureorangejuice,LC detec
Coliform organisms tion,342
in foods, substrate supporting disc phenolic antioxidants(9)inbutteroil,
LC method, 765 Cosmetic microbiology, refereereport,
method for confirmed detection:
protein(crude)incerealgrainsandoil 150
Collaborative studies seeds,Kjeldahlmethodvsgeneric Cosmetics
automated technique for sampling combustionmethod,780 Changes inMethods, 252
milkfromfarmbulktanks,297 protein(crude)inmeatand meatprod Methods Committee report, 177
AutoMicrobic systemforbiochemical ucts,combustion method, 780 refereereport, 101
identification of L isteria species substrate supporting disc method for ethylene oxide and ethylene chlorhy-
isolatedfromfoods,822 confirmed detection ofcotiforms drin in polyoxyethylated surfac
BCR, microbiological method forin (total) and E sch erichia co li in tants and, GC method with elec
dication of irradiation of spices foods,988 troncapturedetection,forspecific
and herbs: BCR collaborative sulfamethazine in milk, LC method, determination,292
study,674 725 shared-use, available to the public,
chlorinated acids in water, GC/elec- summary, alcoholcontentandoriginal fungiin,430
tron capture detection method, gravity of beer, automated ana Cuprimetric assay, casein hydro
1098 lyzermethod,918 lysates, 1295
S u b je c t In d e x : J o u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1419
Cured meats, hams, dibutylamine in, 2,6-Dimethylaniline and xylazine in sulfur ointments, application of mi
GC/chemiluminescence detection bovine and swine kidney, simulta croestimation TLC method for
method,578 neous determinationby LC, 720 sulfur(elemental)to, 1152
Cyclohexanone leached from Dimetridazole testosteroneesters,tandem MS meth
hemodialysis tubing, GC method, 2,4-Dinitroaniline in D&C Red No. ods,306
1127 36,LC method, 287 Drug packaging
Cymiazole in honey, LC method, 92 Diquat solution administration sets, mono-
inlow-moisturefood crops,silicacol phthalatesandphthalideextracted
umn cleanupandLC withUV de from, solid-phase extraction and
tection, 1323 LC determination,531
inpotatoes,LC method: collaborative Drugs and feed additives in animal
Dairy chemistry tissues
Methods Committeereport, 179 Changes inMethods, 253
Disc method
refereereport, 106 Methods Committee report, 177
Dairy microbiology, MethodsCommit tectionofcoliforms(total)andE s refereereport, 102
teereport, 191 c h e ric h ia c o li infoods:collabora cephapirin and desacetylcephapirin in
Dairy products tivestudy,988 milk, automated LC cleanup and
Changes inMethods, 253 Disinfectants ion-pairingLC, 535
ice cream, p-toluenesulfonamide in, Changes inMethods, no changes 8-hydroxymutilin in swine fiver ex
continuous flow and LC determi Methods Committee report, 174 tracts,GC/MS confirmation,459
nation,interlaboratorystudy,570 refereereport,97 ivermectin,modified method, 1149
s e e a ls o Milks and milkproducts
Distilled liquors, Changes inMethods,
moxidectin residues in cattle tissues
Desacetylcephapirin in milk, auto no changes and cattle fat, LC/MS method,
mated LC cleanup and ion-pairing 1230
Drinking water
LC, 535 neomycin B in bovine kidney, LC
bottled, sold in Canada, volatile or
Diagnostics and test kits method, 543
ganiccompounds in,26
Methods Committeereport, 177 nicarbazin in chicken tissues,LC de
ethyl-1-hexanol as contaminant in, termination with LC-ther-
refereereport, 101 1133
Dibuty lamine in hams, GC/chemilu mospray M C confirmation, inter
finished, ethylenethiourea in, GC/ni- laboratorystudy,420
minescence detectionmethod,578 trogen-phosphorus detection nitrofurazole and furazolidone in
Dicloxacillin preparations, LC method: collaborativestudy, 1113 shrimp (P e n a e u s v a n n a m e i) mus
method: interlaboratorystudy, 1143 D ru g - and device-related m icrobiol cle tissue, simultaneous determi
Dietary fiber ogy nation by LC with UV detection,
Methods Committee report, 183 Methods Committee report, 191 1235
refereereport, 132 refereereport, 151 oxytetracycline, tetracycline, and
infoods, as sum ofinsoluble and sol D ru g form ulations chlortetracycline in milk, LC
uble fractions, enzymatic-gravi dicloxacillin,LC method: interlabora method, 549
metric method: summary of col torystudy, 1143 oxytetracycline in salmon muscle, as
laborativestudy,923 ethylene oxide (residual) in specti- sayby LC withUV detection,325
infrozenfoods, simplemethod, 1014 nomycin HC1 bulkdrug,dynamic sulfamethazine in milk, adsorptive-
in potatoes, precision of measure headspace GC method, 313 strippingdetermination,540
ments,509 furosemide in tablets and injections, sulfamethazine in milk, LC method:
Diets stability-indicating proton NMR collaborativestudy,725
arsenicintakesbyCanadianadultsand spectroscopicassay method, 526 sulfamethazine inpork tissue,quanti
children, 14 glyburide (Glibenclamide)and related tationby TLC, 335
ChineseTotalDietStudy in1990,part compounds in raw materials, LC sulfonamide residues (6) in, LC
I,chemical contaminants, 1193 method, 962 method, 966
ChineseTotalDietStudy in 1990,part quantitative planar chromatography sulfonamide residues (6) in, GC/MS
13,nutrients, 1206 foranalysisof,7 confirmation,976
1420 S u b je c t I n d e x : J o u r n a l O f A O AC In t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
Gelatin, dessert preparations, and percritical fluid extraction/infra- formaldehyde infreshand retailmilk,
mixes, Changes in Methods, no redspectrometricmethod,555 LC method, 1010
changes Hydrogen sulfide (trace) in air, organic compounds in soilsand sedi
Glyburide (Glibenclamide) and re pararosanilineforextractivespectro- ments, Soxtec extraction proce
lated compounds in raw materials, photometricdetermination,730 dure, 864
962 Hydroxymethylfurfural, in authentic organicpollutantsinreagentwater,liq
Grains varietaland commercial grapejuice, uid-solid extraction followed by
(l“>3)(l-+4)-beta-D-glucans in: col 59 supercriticalfluidelution,72
laborativestudy, 1069 8-Hydroxymutilin in swine liver ex propylene and ethylene glycolsinan
pyrethroidsresiduesin,applicationsto tracts, GC/MS confirmation,459 chovies, confirmation by tandem
pyrethroid residue monitoring MS, 1344
studies, 1348 Infant Formula Council, EDA-, col
Grains, pesticideresiduesin,supercriti laborative study, vitamins A and E,
calcarbondioxideextractionof,857 folic acid, and pantothenic acid in
Identification methods
Gravimetric methods, dietary fiberin milk-basedinfantformula,399
multispecies, field test by modified Infant foods
potatoes,precisionofmeasurements, agargelimmunodiflusion, 1022
509 pesticideresiduesin,FDA monitoring
setalbrush length, todiscriminatebe of,492
Great Lakes
tween adult mandibles of tetrahydrophthalimide in, ELISA vs
commercialfish,organochlorinepesti O ry za e p h ilu s su rin a m e n sis and
cidesandPCB congenersin,707 GC/MS, 1225
O. m ercator, 941
fish,organochlorine(total)contentof, Infant formulas
Imazethapyr in soybeans, GC withni leadin,ultratracelevels,isotopedilu
703 trogen-phosphorusdetection,377
Guanosine 5-monophosphate and tion inductively coupled plasma
Immunoaffinity chromatography, MS, 1378
inosine 5'-monophosphate in food cleanup for aflatoxin M! in milk
preparations, simultaneous deter milk-based, iodide, linoleic acid, and
powder,interlaboratorystudy, 1248 vitaminsD and K in,FDA-Infant
mination by derivative spectro
Immunoassays Formula Council: collaborative
competitiveinhibitionenzyme,methyl study, 1042
2-benzimidazolecarbamate in milk-based, vitamins A and E, folic
wine, 851 acid, and pantothenic acid in,
ELISA, captan and its degradation FDA-Infant Formula Council:
Hazardous substances product tetrahydrothalimide in collaborativestudy,399
Changes in Methods, 252 foods, 381 Infrared milk analyzers
toxic elements in foods, analytical polyclonal enzyme method, S a lm o homogenizerperformance in,1033
methods, partIV:ashing,257 n e lla infoods,comparativestudy, quantitative linearity evaluation
Hemodialysis tubing, cyclohexanone 694 method for,1300
leachedfrom,GC method, 1127 ELISA vs GC/MS, tetrahydro- Infrared spectroscopy
Heptachlor epoxide isomers, struc phthalimideinbaby foods, 1225 near infrared spectra of model feed
tures and environmental signifi Immunodiffusion, modified agar gel, compounds, influence of water
cance, 1092 multispecies identificationfieldtest, on,741
Homogenizers in infrared milk ana 1027 petroleum hydrocarbons in solid ma
lyzers, performance, 1033 India, Delhi, organochlorine pesticide trixes, interlaboratory evaluation
Honey residuesindairymilk,283 of off-line supercritical fluid ex-
cymiazoleresiduesin,LC method,92 Industrial chemical residues traction/infrared spectrometric
mentholin,GC method, 1289 Changes inMethods, 252 method, 555
Hydrocarbons chlorinated acids in water, GC/elec- Ion selective electrode, water-ex
inpalmkerneloil(crude),GC method, tron capture detection method: tractablesodium inbread, 1138
371 collaborativestudy, 1098 Inorganics in water
petroleum,insolidmatrixes,interlabo methyl bromide in selected foods, Methods Committee report,68
ratory evaluation of off-line su- headspaceGC, 1083 refereereport,44
1424 S u b je c t I n d e x : J o u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3
Inorganic methods, Methods Commit Irradiation, ofspicesandherbs,micro aflatoxins in feeds and feed compo
teereport, 195 biologicalscreeningmethodforindi nents,366
Iosine 5'-monophosphate and guanos- cation of: BCR collaborative study, aflatoxin M t in milk powder, inter
ine 5'-monophosphate in food 674 laboratorystudy, 1248
preparations, simultaneous deter Iron, infoodstuffsafterdryashing,AAS aspartame and major decomposition
mination by derivative spectro method: NMKL interlaboratory products infood,275
photometry,754 study,798 automated cleanup and ion-pairing,
Instructions to Authors, 40A, 256,702 IUPAC, collaborativestudy,fumonisins cephapirin and desacetyl-
Interlaboratory studies B| and B2 incom, reproducibilityof cephapirininmilk,535
aflatoxin M| in milk powder, LC LC method, 361 bentazonformulations,387
method with immunoaffinity col Ivermectin, inanimal tissues,modified biogenicamines inbeersandtheirraw
umn cleanup, 1248 method, 1149 materials, 1027
comparisonprograms,reportingongo biogenic aminesindrysausages,575
ingresultsof,620 2-chloro-4-nitroaniline, 2-naphthol,
dicloxacillinpreparations,LC method, and 2,4-dinitroaniline in D&C
1143 Japan, aflatoxincontaminationinfoods Red No. 36,287
andfoodstuffsinTokyo, 32 cymiazoleresiduesinhoney, 92
evaluation of off-line supercritical
Job’s tears, zearalenone and a- dicloxacillinpreparations:interlabora
fluid extraction/infrared spectro-
zearalenonein,LC method, 1006 torystudy, 1143
metric method forpetroleum hy
drocarbons insolidmatrixes,555 diquatandparaquatherbicidesinpota
nicarbazin inchicken tissues, LC de
termination with LC-ther- diquat and paraquat in low-moisture
Kjeldahl method vs generic combus foodcrops, 1323
mospray MC confirmation,420
tion method, protein (crude) in ce ecdysone agonistRH-5992 inforestry
nitrate in forages, rapid test for real grains and oilseeds: collabora matrixes,668
semiquantitative determination,
tive study, 780 formaldehyde infreshand retailmilk,
NMKL, enzymatic determination of formetanate HC1 in selected fruits,
sulfiteinfoods,53 1362
NMKL, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, Lactic acid in wines, indirect fumonisins B! and B2 in com, repro
iron, chromium, and nickel in fluorometricdetermination, 1017 ducibilityofmethod: IUPAC col
foodstuffs afterdry ashing, AAS y-Lactone, base hydrolyzed, fast atom laborativestudy,361
method,798 bombardment MS, 913 glyburide(Glibenclamide)and related
p-toluenesulfonamide in ice cream, Lead compounds inraw materials,962
continuousflow and LC determi in foodstuffs after dry ashing, AAS iodineinmilk:collaborativestudy,711
nation,570 method: NMKL interlaboratory melengestrolacetateinfeeds, 1163
S a lm o n e lla in dry foods, refrigerated study,798 methyl[l-[(butylamino)carbonyl]-
pre-enrichment and enrichment ininfantformula,ultratracelevels,iso lH-benzimidazol-2-yl]carbamate
brothcultures,814 tope dilution inductively coupled and methyl lH-benzimidazol-2-
thermospray-LC/MS method for se plasmaMS, 1378 ylcarbamate in wettable powder,
lected <V-methyl carbamites, N - Linoleic acid in milk-based infant for 1187
methyl carbamoyloximes, and mulas, FDA-Infant Formula Coun N -methylcarbamate inbeef and poul
substitutedureapesticides, 1329 cil:collaborativestudy, 1042 trylivertissues, 1309
International Organization for Linurin and trifluralin residues in N - methylcarbamate pesticideresidues
Standardization, reportof carrots and their pulp, simultane incattle,swine, and poultryliver,
Iodide in milk-based infant formulas, ous determination by LC and GC, 907
FDA-Infant Formula Council: col 657 monophthalates and phthalide ex
laborativestudy, 1042 Liquid chromatography tracted from drug solution ad
Iodine, inmilk, LC method: collabora abamectininfruitsandvegetables,691 ministrationsets,531
tivestudy,711 acesulfam-Kinfoods,268 neomycin B inbovinekidney,543
S u b je c t I n d e x : J o u r n a l O f AO AC I n t e r n a t io n a l V o l . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1425
M ethod perform ance in cattle, swine, and poultry liver, LC cephapirin and desacetylcephapirin in
fractional factorial design approach for method, 907 milk, automated LC cleanup and
optimizing analytical methods, interlaboratory study of a ther- ion-pairing LC, 535
615 mospray-LC/MS method, 1329 composited, collected through the U.S.
immunochemical assays (2) at 37 field /V-Methyl carbam oyloxim es, inter Pasteurized Milk Network, pesti
laboratories, for aflatoxins in pea laboratory study of a thermospray- cide residues in, 1220
nuts, 637 LC/MS method, 1329 cow’s milk and human milk with cor
LC methodvs AOAC microbiological M ethylene chloride, determination of responding human blood samples,
method, L-tryptophan in tablets acceptability and “purification” for ochratoxin A in, 842
andcapsules,414 ethylenethiourea methodology, 1146 dairy milk, Delhi, India, organo-
methylation methods for quantitation S-M ethylm ethioninesulfonium chlorine pesticide residues in, 283
of conjugated linoleic acid iso M icrobiological methods fresh and retail, formaldehyde in, LC
mers, 644 Changes in Methods, 252 method, 1010
metrological characteristics used for AOAC method vs LC method, L-tryp- infrared analyzers, homogenizer per
safety control of food and envi tophan in tablets and capsules, formance in, 1033
ronmental materials, 262 414 infrared analyzers, quantitative linear
off-line supercritical fluid extrac- automation, partial, vitamin assays, ity evaluation method for, 1300
tion/infrared spectrometric 1280 iodine in milk, LC method: collabora
method, petroleum hydrocarbons AutoMicrobic system for biochemical tive study, 711
in solid matrixes, interlaboratory identification of L is te r ia species oxytetracycline, tetracycline, and
evaluation, 555 isolated from foods: collaborative chlortetracycline in, LC method,
reliability of mycotoxin assays, up study, 822 549
date, 461 bacterial count (total) in raw milk us powder, aflatoxin M, in, LC method
reporting ongoing results of interlabo ing Bactoscan 8000, 838 with immunoaffinity column
ratory comparison programs, 620 microbial loads of B a c illu s su b tilis cleanup, interlaboratory study,
S h igella so n n ei recovery from se spores on penicylinders, 355 1248
lected foods, effectiveness of the MICRO-ID L is te r ia Method vs con raw milk, bacterial count (total) in, us
B a c te r io lo g ic a l A n a ly tic a l M a n ventional biochemical methods ing Bactoscan 8000, 838
ual culture method for, 1240 for identification of L is te r ia iso sulfamethazine in, adsorptive-strip
M eth yl 2-benzim idazolecarbam ate in lated from food and environ ping determination, 540
wine, competitive inhibition enzyme mental samples: collaborative sulfamethazine in, LC method: col
immunoassay, 851 study, 831 laborative study, 725
M ethyl[l-[(butylam ino)carbonyl]-l plate assay vs LC, oxytetracycline as tetracyclines in, multiresidue metal
H-benzim idazol-2-yl]carbam ate in say in animal feed, 39 chelate affinity chromatography
wettable powder, LC method, 1187 resuscitation/selcction/kit system de method, 329
M eth yl lH -benzim idazol-2-ylcar- tection, L iste ria m o n o c y to g e n e s M onophthalates extracted from solu
bamate in wettable powder, LC determination in foods, 632 tion adm inistration sets, solid-
method, 1187 refrigerated pre-enrichment and en phase extraction and LC determina
M eth yl brom ide in selected foods, richment broth cultures, S a lm o tion, 531
headspace GC, 1083 n e lla in dry foods, interlaboratory M oxidectin residues in cattle tissues
M eth yl m ercury study, 814 and cattle fat, LC/MS method, 1230
in biological samples, programmed for screening of spices and herbs for ir M ultiresidue methods
temperature GC method, 608 radiation: BCR collaborative Methods Committee report, 187
in canned tuna, FDA survey, 36 study, 674 referee report, 144
M ethylation methods, comparison for M icrochem ical methods, Changes in organochlorine and organophosphate
quantitation of linoleic acid isomers Methods, no changes residues in fruits and vegetables,
(conjugated), 644 M ilk s and m ilk products GC method, 1369
A'-M ethylcarbam ate pesticides automated technique for sampling tetracyclines in milk, metal chelate af
in beef and poultry liver tissues, LC from farm bulk tanks: collabora finity chromatography method,
method, 1309 tive study, 297 329
S ubject In de x : Journal O f A O AC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1427
tion to meet requirements of AOAC tiamulin hydrogen fumarate in feed Selenium in feeds, premixes, supple
official method, 1182 premixes, LC method, 444 ments, and injectable solutions, hy
Potatoes tiamulin hydrogen fumarate in tia- dride-generated inductively coupled
dietary fiber in, precision of measure mulin-poly(vinyl chloride) for plasma atomic emission spectrome
ments of, 509 mulations, LC method, 447 try, 910
diquat and paraquat herbicides in, LC tiamulin residues in swine liver, GC S h ig e lla so n n e i recovery from selected
method: collaborative study, 881 method, 451 foods, effectiveness of the B acterio
Preservatives and artificial sweeten R iboflavin lo g ica l A n a lytica l M an u al culture
ers, Methods Committee report, 156 in medical foods, LC method modifi method for, 1240
Propylene glycols in anchovies, confir cation, 1276 Silve r in lobster (H om aru s am eri-
mation by tandem MS, 1344 in selected foods, LC method, 1156 ca n u s) digestive gland extracts, gel
Protein chromatography followed by AAS
crade, in cereal grains and oilseeds, and polarography, 794
Kjeldahl method vs generic com Sodium water-extractable, in bread,
bustion method: collaborative sodium ion selective electrode with
study, 780 minimum sample preparation, auto
control of food and environmental ma mation of potentiometric measure
crude, in meat and meat products,
terials, metrological charac ments, 1138
combustion method: collabora
teristics of analytical methods, Soils and sediments
tive study, 780
Proteins (intact), tryptophan in, deriva indoor dust, pesticide residues in, 1121
Salmonella in foods
tive spectrophotometry, 1168 organic compounds in soils and sedi
Pyrethroids, residues in vegetables,
diy foods, refrigerated pre-enrichment ments, Soxtec extraction proce
fruits, grains, beans, and greer tea and enrichment broth cultures, in dure, 864
terlaboratory study, 814
leaves; applications to pyretkroid Soxtec analysis, organic compounds in
residue monitoring studies, 1343 polyclonal enzyme method, compara soils and sediments, 864
Pyridoxine, in medical foods. LC
tive study, 694 Soybeans and soybean products
method modification, 1276 Sam ples, larger, needed for granulated
imazethapyr residues in soybeans, GC
feed additives, 945 with nitrogen-phosphorus detec
Sam ple handling tion, 377
fertilizer sample preparation, evalu soy sauce, extraction of fight filth from
Q uality assurance ation of current AOAC require oriental sauces containing: col
international harmonized protocol for ments, 1174 laborative study, 47
proficiency testing of (chemical) sample preparation bias in carbon sta tofu, extraction of light filth from: col
analytical laboratories, 926 ble isotope ratio analysis of fruit laborative study, 50
international perspectives in certifica juices and sweeteners, 418 Speciation analysis, organolead com
tion and accreditation, 1 peanut subsamples prepared for afla- pounds in wine, capillary GC/micro-
toxin analysis, variability among wave-induced plasma atomic emis
four mills, 983 sion spectrometry, 1262
Sam pling Spectinom ycin HC1, ethylene oxide
Radioactivity automated technique for milk from (residual) in bulk drag, dynamic
Changes in Methods, no changes farm bulk tanks: collaborative headspace GC method, 313
Methods Committee report 188 study, 297 Spectrom etry
referee report, 149 liquid fertilizers, Texas liquid sampler plasma atomic emission, selenium i
Regulatory analytical methods vs Missouri bottie for, 749 feeds, premixes, supplement
animal drags, 443 Seafood products and injectable solutions, 910
8-hydroxymutilin in swine liver ex Methods Committee report, 181 plasma atomic emission, tin in cann
tracts, GC/MS confirmation, 459 referee report, 120 food, 1374
tiamulin hydrogen fumarate in com s e e a ls o Fish and other marine prod Spectrophotom etry
plete swine meal feeds, LC ucts derivative, inosine 5'-monophospl
method, 449 Seafood toxins, referee report, 120 and guanosine 5'-monophospl
1430 S ubject In d e x : Journal O f AO A C International V ol . 76, N o . 6 ,1 9 9 3
in food preparations, simultane in milk, LC method: collaborative sulfur (elemental), application to com
ous determination, 754 study, 725 plex sulfur ointments, 1152
derivative, tryptophan in proteins (in in pork tissue, quantitation by ILC, sulfamethazine quantitation in pork
tact), 1168 335 tissue, 335
hydroxyamidines as extracting re S u lfu r dioxide in w ines and bever T iam ulin residues in swine liver, GC
agents for determination of, cad ages, flow injection analysis with re method, 451
mium with 4-(2-pyridy- ductive amperometric detection and T iam ulin hydrogen fum arate
lazo)naphthol in industrial electrolytic cleanup, 1389 in complete swine meal feeds, LC
effluents, coal, and fly ash, 604 Sulfites method, 449
pararosaniline for extractive determi enzymatic determination, NMKL in in feed premixes, LC method, 444
nation of trace hydrogen sulfide in terlaboratory study, 53 in tiamulin-polytvinyl chloride) for
air, 730 in shrimp, method improvement, 565 mulations, LC method, 447
Spectroscopy, stability-indicating pro in wine, fluorometric determination by T in in canned food, inductively cou
ton NMR, furosemide in tablets and /V-(9-acridinyl)maleimide, 1385 pled plasma atomic emission spec
injections, 526 Sulfonam ides trométrie method. 1374
Spices and other condim ents in animal tissues, GC/MS confirma Tobacco
Changes in Methods, 244 tion, 976 Methods Committee report, 194
Methods Committee report, 184 in animal tissues, LC with post column referee report, 165
referee report, 139 derivatization, 966 p-Toluenesulfonam ide in ice cream,
extraction of light filth from oriental Supercritical fluid extraction continuous flow and LC determina
fish products containing: collabo organic pollutants in reagent water, 72 tion, interlaboratory study, 570
rative study, 44
off-line, petroleum hydrocarbons in Toxicity testing, bioluminescent bacte
extraction of light filth from oriental solid matrixes, interlaboratory rial genotoxicity test, evaluation and
sauces containing soy sauce, method evaluation, 555 application, 893
thickeners, and, 47
pesticide residues in poultry tissues T riflu ralin and linuron residues in
irradiated spices and herbs, microbio
(incurred), 888 carrots and their pulp, simultane
logical screening method for indi
Sweep codistillation, cleanup of or- ous determination by LC and GC,
cation of: BCR collaborative
ganochlorines in animal fats, 1317 657
study, 674
Standard additions method to diag
in proteins (intact), derivative spectro
nose m atrix effects in use of A A S to
photometry, 1168
analyze feed blended for a roxar-
Testosterone esters, tandem MS meth in tablets and capsules, LC vs AOAC
sone com bination study, 1400
ods, 306 microbiological method, 414
Su gars and su gar products
Changes in Methods, no changes Tetracyclines
Methods Committee report, 184 in milk, LC method, 549
referee report, 140 in milk, multiresidue metal chelate af
acidic sugar media, oligosaccharides finity chromatography method, Vegetable products: processed
generation in, 584 329 Changes in Methods, no changes
cane sugar and beet sugar hydrolysates Tetrahydrothalim ide Methods Committee report, 184
added to pure orange juice, LC in baby foods, ELISA vs GC/MS, 1225 referee report, 138
detection, 342 in foods, ELISA, 381 Vegetables
sugars in authentic varietal and com Thiam ine abamectin in, LC method, 691
mercial grape juice, 59 in medical foods, LC method modifi pyrethroids residues in, applications to
see a lso Honey cation, 1276 pyrethroid residue monitoring
ilfamethoxine and orm etoprim in in selected foods, LC method, 1156 studies, 1348
feeds, simultaneous LC analysis, 320 T hin-layer chrom atography Veterinary analytical toxicology
lfamethazine organophosphorus insecticides con Changes in Methods, 252
i milk, adsorptive-stripping determi taining a nitrophenyl group detec Methods Committee report, 194
nation, 540 tion of, 1394 referee report, 165
S ubject In dex : Journal O f A O AC International V ol . 76, N o. 6 ,1 9 9 3 1431
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tional is to obtain, improve, develop, test, cosmetics, drugs, toxins, hazardous sub Single Issues. Information on single is
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