Course Outline - Radiation Protection
Course Outline - Radiation Protection
Course Outline - Radiation Protection
SCHEDULE : Lecture
: T 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM / F 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
: M 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM / Th 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
1 INTRODUCTION August 15-26, 2022
1. Sources of radiation
1.1 Natural
1.2 Man-made
2. Justification for radiation protection
2.1 Somatic effects
2.2 Genetic effects
3. Potential biologic damage of ionizing radiation
3.1 Stochastic effects
3.2 Non-stochastic
(deterministic) effects
4. Objectives of a radiation protection program
4.1 Documentation
4.2 Occupational and non
occupational dose limits
4.3 ALARA concept
4.4 Comparable risk
Document Number Effectivity Date Revision Number
June 20, 2022 000
4.5 Negligible individual dose (NID)
5. Legal and ethical responsibilities
13, 2022
1.1 Exposure
1.1.1 Coulomb/kilogram
(C/kg) Roentgen
1.2 Absorbed dose
1.2.1 Gray (Gy) (Rad)
1.3 Kerma
1.3.1 Kinetic energy
release in matter
1.3.2 Measurement
unit in the gray
1.4 Dose equivalent
1.4.1 Sievert (Sv)
1.5 Measurement units in CT
1.5.1 CTDI
1.5.2 MSAD
1.5.3 DLP
1.6. Radioactivity
1.6.1 Becquerel (Bq)
1.6.2 Curie (Ci)
2. Dose reporting
2.1 U.S Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NCR)
2.2 National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (NCRP)
2.2.1Dose quantities Effective dose Collective effective dose (S) Average effective dose to an
individual in a group exposed to a specific source
(EExp) Effective dose per individual in the
U.S population whether exposed to the specific
source or not (EUS)
3. Radiation detectors
3.1 Area monitors
3.2 Personal detectors
2. OUTPUT 40%
Presentation 10%
Quizzes 20%
Portfolio 10%
TOTAL 100%
The grading system will be AVERAGING, in which the term grades
(Prelim, Midterm, Semifinal, and final) are added and divided by
four. The result will be the FINAL SUBJECT GRADE at the end of
the semester.
The cut-off final grade for the subject is 75 PERCENT.
ACTIVITIES Plenary lecture (School-based or Home-based)
Interactive videos/audios
Group process activities (Case report)
Small Group Discussion
General Guidelines
When communicating online, the student should always:
1. Treat the faculty and classmates with utmost
respect in email or any other means communication
used in the online class.
2. Always use the professors’ proper title: Dr. or Prof.,
or if in doubt use Mr. or Ms.
3. Use clear and concise language.
4. Observe correct spelling and grammar. This
includes postings and discussions in the Google
Classroom stream.
5. Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting
abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you.”
6. Use standard fonts such as Cambria, Calibri, or
Times new Roman and use a size 12 font.
7. Avoid using the caps lock feature, as it can be
interpreted as yelling.
8. Limit and possibly avoid the use of emoticons.
9. Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm. Tone is
sometimes lost in an email or discussion post and
the message might be taken seriously or sound
10. Be careful and cautious of posting or uploading
personal information.
11. Do not send confidential information via e-mail.
On Email Netiquette
When sending an email to the faculty and classmates, the student
1. Use a descriptive subject line.
2. Be brief.
3. Make sure that when sending attachments, the
recipient can open it.
4. Sign the message with your name, course, year
level, and college/department.
5. Be careful and cautious when sending e-mail to
more than one person.
On Submitting Assignments
1. Students shall turn-in their assignments in the
online classroom.
2. Late submission of assignments will have a
corresponding deduction of points.
3. If there are technical problems in turning-in
assignment in the online classroom, students can
send their assignment to the email of the faculty.
The subject line of the email must include the name,
course, and the number of the assignment. No work
received via email will be graded if the subject line
is not properly completed.
4. When technical problems occur and the student
cannot submit the assignment electronically in the
e-mail, the student may call the faculty to explain the
5. The course software standards for submission of
assignments are Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and
Excel. Assignments completed in another format
will not be accepted.
6. Students shall ensure that all assignment files are
free of viruses before it is submitted. If an
assignment file submitted fails the scrutiny of the
university’s standard virus detection software, the
student will be advised by the faculty through email.
A virus-free version of the assignment should be
submitted within 24 hours upon the advice of the
On Attendance
1. Attendance of students shall be determined by the
frequency of attending synchronous online or face-
to-face sessions, participation in stream
discussions, collaboration with group, and
submission of outputs.
2. The faculty shall post the attendance in the
Gradebook of the online classroom to promote
participation of students in e-learning activities of
the course.
3. If in case the record shows that the student has less
participation and engagement in the teaching-
learning activities of the course, the faculty will call
immediately the attention of the student by sending
e-mail or phone call for remediate action.
4. If in case poor attendance of students is caused by
personal issues, problems to access learning
resources, or technical difficulties, the faculty will
refer the student to the appropriate offices of the
University. (insert link)
On Self-motivation and Self Direction
1. An online class fosters in the students a student-
centered and self-directed learning experience. To
exhibit such experiences, the students must:
• Be self-motivated and self-disciplined
• Be a good time manager
• Approach the course with a desire to learn
• Assume a leadership role, and be a teacher
when necessary
• Voluntarily help other students
• Develop needed technology skills
• Contribute to course discussions
• Listen to others, and respond respectfully to
their comments
• Contribute to team activities, and respect the
ideas of others
• Comply with all course policies
• Submit constructive suggestions for
improving the course
On Cheating
Document Number Effectivity Date Revision Number
June 20, 2022 000
Cheating is an act of student to bypass the learning process
to obtain grades without doing the actual intellectual work
that merits the grades. It is a fraudulent act that may
misrepresent the actual performance, competency, or
outputs of the student.
1. Licean students are expected to possess the virtues
of honesty and integrity. As such, Liceans are
expected NOT to cheat in any examination.
2. Cheating (copying another person’s answer,
exchanging information) during examination shall
not be tolerated and treated as a grave misconduct.
3. Getting someone else to take the online examination
in his place is strictly prohibited.
4. Copying (screen shots, taking photos, and flash
drive), printing, and distributing copies of online
examinations is strictly prohibited.
5. Students are not allowed to have group test taking
(gathering of students in one area or in a student’s
domicile) during online examination.
6. Copying and submitting another student’s
assignment is strictly prohibited.
7. If a student is caught cheating or proven to have
cheated during an examination, the result of the
examination will not be recorded, and such student
will get a score of zero. The student will then be sent
to the Dean’s Office or Student Affairs Office for the
appropriate disciplinary actions. (insert link for
On Plagiarism
Plagiarism is an act wherein the student presents/submits
outputs which are done by someone else/another person.
It is a very grave offense against academic integrity since it
is an attempt to steal another person’s work (words or
ideas) to gain unfair advantage such as attaining good
1. Students shall be made aware that plagiarism is
flagrantly an act dishonesty. With diligent due
process, any student engaging in it will result in
dismissal from the course/university.
2. The University considers the following as acts of
plagiarism when a student:
• Directly copies word-for-word the
quotation, paragraphs, and/or whole pages
RULES ON EXERCISE : 1. Exercise and group outputs are referring to the lesson
AND GROUP OUTPUTS activities that are embedded in every module.
Date: _____________________