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Ratage of God's Lave. Bee ae ae Wheel of he bly of i character? any i Ts St ort finite noe of be? 5 What is tevaled that law es necessary for the canna man to "now before he can be convetel? rmiefon of eh Ro si mee 6 Then if there ea change in one's He from the eamal othe pet al, doce the lw act any part in hat work? =e a Lt gt rig te 7. What eid our Saviour say tothe young man who wanted salvation? int Gas Wtf st neni ena ae 5. Was i the intention of Christ 16 abolish oF change any pat of +, What di the Sasfour say he came todo to the aw? Tuo} ATURE OF GOD'S LAW. a dag ba fue” Mate 8: to When sed Jn prophecy, what Tang tn pase tha ne flip En ha opt." ae | sett fs tc ping hat vat Dash van 11 It what does the wor ncn whe associated with an obligation? "Tire perforin, or act in accordance ith lcs the word fut mean ?— To mee amt bre, eff wo Cs. Gl 3 Sgt eS se What did Css ey he ame nto the wo odo? "Petit nou Tao ai fm Pome (the slame of the ook TRS aaah cl ais 2a Whe ie Sour soll Be el Ie he Aon of 1 me a, Ln lens int he go marvyerney afm Pith ni stk ae tan 14, What did Ye say of thove who should Brea one of Go com mandments? syed ha tek cm ve Let commanien a al SCTE Tic cred eatin he Rng een Ma ohn be iy ch oi a nc a pate 1g: What did he say of thove whose righteonmest(lghtdoing) di Tho evoeed ato the seribes and Phatses? fect yee Yom, Tat esp your cmt wale the eh Sm era rattle po iw wer lr oa 16. Om what partiesar point dl Chit repove the Pharisecs? af tye tae Mat 8 15, How had they done this? s Yaa mn pHs tf ont 3 ay aLuRe oF 600's UAW. 18, What Kind of worship di he say thee was? Det eo ne tne Son rene teen Vane. use pope nov Pay of enkng rth ia Paice eli re eee ote Te Saag ieee en Saari agent oeetve ere they Del te etn totter eel eit oun fu pera home Taree lanar anag oN 54, ge shoe to, By what re will men’s ations be weighel inthe fstgment? ret ce mete “ay Tl th ae nr nh ry Be ed and all Hew ay ear enn hs Secte rae S20 os ore ted a et SS ere rac. seep ete yee 25. What blcsing will God gve 10 those who have Kept hi com raandinents? oem cee re ance coeeceead Spe Sl hn ent oe mo Se ign Beet sal Gu gice)i= sucme atte nero ect) nate pony als eee Soe eal te Sek Say GF

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