GX Works3
GX Works3
GX Works3
CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................... I
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
PREPARATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
WIRING: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
ACTIVATE THE CC-LINK IE FIELD NETWORK BASIC IN MR-J4-GF AMPLIFIER ............................................................................. 3
IP ADDRESS SETTING ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
SERVO PARAMETER SETTING............................................................................................................................................ 5
REGISTER THE CC-LINK IE FIELD PROFILE .......................................................................................................................... 10
CREATING A NEW PROJECT............................................................................................................................................. 11
EXTEND THE DEVICE SETTING ......................................................................................................................................... 11
IMPORT THE USER STRUCTURE DATA ............................................................................................................................... 12
CONFIGURE REFRESH SETTING ....................................................................................................................................... 17
CREATE A GLOBAL LABEL FOR MR-JE-C AXIS AND ASSIGN THE LINKS ADDRESS OF CC-LINK IEF ................................................... 18
Description of MRJEC Structure Data Type ..................................................................................................... 20
START THE CYCLIC COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE SERVO AMPLIFIER AND CONTROLLER............................................................ 21
SERVO ENABLE ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
JOGGING THE AXIS ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
HOMING THE AXIS ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
START THE POINT TABLE MOVE ....................................................................................................................................... 24
SERVO PARAMETERS READ AND WRITE: ........................................................................................................................... 26
Read the Parameter PA09 Auto Tune response .............................................................................................. 26
Write the servo parameters ............................................................................................................................ 28
Sample example to retain parameters and point table data in the servo amplifier. ...................................... 29
POINT TABLE READ AND WRITE: ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Point Table Read ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Point Table Write ............................................................................................................................................ 31
GOT PROJECT ASSOCIATE WITH SAMPLE PROJECT............................................................................................................... 32
Demonstration of Simple motion .................................................................................................................... 32
Read and write the parameters using the GOT Project though the PLC program .......................................... 34
Read and write the Point Table using the GOT Project ................................................................................... 35
Read and write the Parameters directly using MR-JE-C driver ....................................................................... 36
Monitoring Alarm and Status directly using MR-JE-C driver........................................................................... 36
REVISIONS .......................................................................................................................................................................37
This book applies to the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation product components and to all
subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure
you are using the correct edition for the level of the product.
This book could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are made
periodically to the information herein. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation may make
improvements and changes at any time to the product(s) and/or program(s) described in this
Further Reading Reference List
GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric Products) For GT Works3 Version1 (ELE) SH-081217ENG
TB: Registering CC‐LINK and CC‐LINK IE Field Device Profiles in iQ Works Navigator, GXW3 and GXW2 Software
This document describes the details setup procedure to run the MR-JE-C CC-Link IE Field Basic Servo Amplifier with point
table method on the GX Works3 platform using the iQ-FCPU PLC as CC-Link IE Field Basic master.
The following items have been demonstration:
1) Preparation
2) IP Address and Servo parameters setting
3) How to utilize the user Data structure in the program
4) Execute the Home, Jog and point table movement
5) Read/write the point table and servo parameter using FBs [SLMP]
6) GOT sample code
The following hardware and software are used to create this quick start guide.
Item Version
GX Works3 1.038Q or later
MR Configurator2 1.70Y
FX-F5U 1050
MR-JE-C A4 or later
HG-KN13 Motor
MR-BAT6V1SET-A battery Optional [ Required for Absolute system)
MR-TB26A Terminal block
MR-TBNATBL05M Junction Terminal Block Cable
Ethernet Switch
Assumed the user has a PC with installed GX Works3 and MR configurator2. These steps will be further detailed in the
subsequent section.
1) Connect the programming PC, PLC and Mitsubishi Servo amplifier to the Ethernet network:
b. Ensure that GX Works3 (Ver. 1.038W or later) and MR Configurator2 (Ver. 1.70Y or later) software
packages are installed on the programming PC.
a. Import the user structure data type [included with this document]
b. Make a sample project for Jog, home and execute the Point table.
c. Create a sample project to read/write servo parameters and point table data
One MR-JE-C drive with a servomotor and FX-F5U PLC are used to create the demo program. The wiring option
shows below:
1) Wired three-phase AC power supply to L1, and L3 for main power main and control power.
2) U, V, W wiring between Motor and Amplifier
3) Connect the motor encoder cable between motor and CN2 of the MR-JE-C Amplifier.
4) Connect Ethernet patch cable between PC, PLC’s Ethernet Port, and MR-JE-C Amplifier [CN1 Port] to Ethernet
5) Wire the digital switch LSP, LSN and EMG2 from MR-TB26A terminal to switch box
Activate the CC-Link IE Field Network Basic in MR-J4-GF amplifier
By default the communication method is CC-Link IE Field Network Basic, SLMP and Modbus/TCP. Check the
communication function selection" of [Pr. PN08] is set to 0001.
IP address Setting
The IP address can be set by SLMP command or MR Configurator2.The initial value of the IP address is 1st
, 2nd and 3rd octet must be set by SLMP command or MR Configurator2. The 4th octet can be set to 1 to 255 by using
rotary switches (SW1/SW2) or parameter PN14. The 4th octet setting only is valid through the Parameter PN14 when
the (SW1/SW2) rotary switch position are set to zero.
Note: Cycle the power of the servo amplifier after changing the parameter setting of the IP address or switching the
rotary switches (SW1/SW2).
Servo Parameter Setting
1) It is good idea to set the all parameters in factory default you use it any others mode.
i) Open the MR configurator2 with Model selection [MR-JE-C] and click on [Parameter] in the Project
Window and then click [Set To Default] Tab.
iii) Write to Amplifier by Click [Axis Writing] Tab and then recycle the power.
2) Set the IP address: Click on Network 1 Tab and set ip address.
4) Set the absolute Position detection [optional] if you want to retain position value after power off the system.
5) Set the electronic gear ratio. In this example is set one rev of servo motor move equal to 8192 PLS of command.
6) Set the necessary parameters for homing routine, in this example, home type setting is the [Dog less Z phase
reference] and home speed is 100 r/min.
7) Setting the actual position value after home return completion in parameter PT08[Home position return
position data]
Note: switch power off once after setting, and then switch it on again, and it will be valid
8) Assign the Digital I/O to CN3 connector pins. In this example LSP, LSN and EM2 signal is connect to the
amplifier CN3 connector.
9) Set PD35 =0202 for keep retain the home position if LSP/LSN signal is experienced.
You may ignore or bypass the digital signal LSN, LSP and EM2 by the setting below:
10) Set the Command interface selection to communication interface (Object command enabled) at parameter
PN08 to 0001
11) Write to all parameters to Amplifier by Click [Axis Writing] Tab and then recycle the power.
Register the CC-Link IE Field profile
Install the CC-Link IE Field profile before creating a project.
1) Download the CC-Link IE Field profile for MR-JE-C basic and save at the local hard drive. The profile name:
2) Open the GX Works3 and open the profile register window from ToolProfile Management Register
3) Choose the file [unzip format] and double click on [Register] button. Profile will install and completion pop-up
window will appear
Note: Details in the links Registering CC‐LINK and CC‐LINK IE Field Device Profiles in iQ Works Navigator, GXW3
and GXW2 Software
Creating a new project
Create a new project with the proper PLC type and choose programming language FBD/LD. In this example PLC Series
FX5CPU and type FX5U.
Ether the Value 4032 in Latch Relay L row and 3094 in Link Relay row and click the [Apply] button.
ic_PT_A2 .usl
1) In the Element Selection Window, Click [Library] Tab. If Element Selection Window does not appear
at the right side of your GX Works3, then bring from View Docking Windows Element Selection
2) In the Element selection window, right click on the open area and choose [Register to Library List] User
3) Choose library from your local hard drive and click [Open] Tab.
4) Now the User library in your GX works3 platform.
Enable the CC-Link IE Field basic and adding the MR-JE-C servo amplifier in the CC-Link IE
Field basic network
1) Double click on Parameter FX5UCPU Module Parameter Ethernet Port
2) Then click Basic setting and set the own node IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway and enable the
CC-Link IE Field basic setting. In this example, IP Address and Gateway address set respect to
and and choose the [Enable] on the CC-Link IEF Basic function.
3) Double click on [<Detailed Setting>] on Network configuration settings
4) Drag and drop the MR-JE-C in the network from the Module List.
5) In this example, Three MR-JE-C amplifiers bring to the network and keep the all default setting. By default, IP
address of servo amplifier setting are and then click the Tab[Close with Reflecting Setting ]
Configure Refresh Setting
Double click on [<Detailed setting>] from Parameter FX5UCPU Module ParameterEthernet Port, select CC-Link
IEF basic settings, and click on Refresh settings. In this example, the head address of RX assign to B000, the head address
of RY assign to B180, the head address of RWr assign to W000 and the head address of RWw assign to WC0
Create a global label for MR-JE-C axis and assign the links address of CC-Link IEF
1) Drag and drop the Structure Data [AxisJEC] under FBs_iQF_MRJEC_Basic_PT_A2 from Element selection
window to under Structure Data Types in the Navigation window. This process will bring all the necessary user
data structure in the project
3) Click on display setting and choose
To assign the links Device, expand the AxisJEC edit window and click IN and assign to W0. In this example, the
1st station word read links is W0 [RWr]
Then click on Outs and assign W0C0: In this example, the 1st station write links device is W0C0 [[RWw]
If your system has 2nd station, the links read and write resister will be W20 and W0E0 respectively.
Description of MRJEC Structure Data Type
A Structured Data Type is a structured, derived data type containing a collection of labels, which can have assigned
different data types. Structured Data Types can be declared as global or as local labels. Values can be given to the
individual elements (labels) of the data type in the body of a Program Organizational Unit (POU).
MRJEC Structured Data type is contained of RWwn/RWrn mapping of MR-JE-C CC-Link IE Field basic servo amps.
AxisJEC Out Label under Outs [ToJEC] Label under CTR [Controlword]
Create a Sample Program
This section shows an example to create sample program by using MRJEC structure data.
Start the cyclic communication between the servo amplifier and controller
Turn on the cyclic communication ready command [RY (n + 3) F] to establish the communication between CC-Link IF master
and salve. Check the status on Cyclic communication ready [RX (n + 3) F]. The screenshot below shows an example of station
Servo enable
The enabling the servo, turn on 1st four LSB bits of the control word and disabling to servo turn of the bit # 3 of the control
word. In this example, the Label variable [ServoONAx1] off to ON make servo enable and OFF to ON make servo disable.
Jogging the Axis
The following table shows the necessary setting for executing the Jog function.
In this example, axis one switch to jog mode when the Label [JogModeAx1] turn OFF to ON and starts to move forward
direction with 100 rpm when the label [RunJogAx1] goes turn OFF to ON and axis stop when variable [RunJogAx1] is turn
ON to OFF.
Homing the Axis
There are many ways to establish the home method. In this example, we are performing the homing type -11[home
to encoder Z pulse]. The Home type (PT45), speed (PT05) creep speed (PT06) have to set by MRC2 or writing these
parameters by programming [SLMP]. See details in section 2.5
Also the actual position value can be set after home return completion in parameter PT08[Home position return position
Note: switch power off once after setting change of PT08, and then switch it on again, and it will be valid
The following table shows the necessary setting for executing the home routine:
Start the point table move
The following table shows the necessary setting for executing the Point table function.
In this sample code, axis one switch to Point table mode when the Label [PointTableModeAx1] turn OFF to ON and starts
the selected point table move when the label [StartPointTableAx1] goes turn OFF to ON. The label bit [MovecompletedAx1]
turns ON the completion of the point table move. Switching on "Controlword bit 5 (Direction)" starts a reverse rotation of
the motor in accordance with the values set to the selected point table
Servo Parameters Read and write:
SLMP (SeamLess Message Protocol) is a common protocol, which allows applications to communicate seamlessly regardless
of different types of networks and network layers. SLMP communications can be performed for the connection with
external devices, such as a programmable controller, a personal computer, and HMI, that can send and receive messages
by using SLMP control procedures. The MR-JE-C servo amplifier is compatible only with the binary code. In the plc program,
two Fbs have been is created to read and write the object of MR-JE-C amplifier by using the SLMP protocol.
The example shows how to read the object from the amplifier.
1) Set the IP Address of MR-JE-C in the structure data[ExtDevice] that is the input of SVFB_ReadObject Fbs
2) In this example Object number is H2009 to read the parameters PA09 of the servo amplifier, Object sub index is 0
and size and data is set to zero.
3) Then execute the SVFB_ReadObject FBs. Turn the label [ExcuteRead] Off to ON, the read value of PA09 will show
on the Label [ReadData]
The following example shows the writing the servo parameter of PT08 Home position return position data
2) Set the IP address and Object properties
Label Name Setting Value Comment
ExtDevice.wIPaddress[0] HCOA8 Set 1st and 2nd Octet value of IP Address
ExtDevice.wIPaddress[1] H0301 Set 3rd and 4th Octet value of IP Address
ExtDevice.wPortNo 5010 Setting Fixed UDP port# 5010
ExtDevice.wResendNum 3 Set the retry times
ExtDevice.wMonitoringTime 5 Set the response time in ms
ObjectInfo.wIndex H2488 Set Index number of PT08
ObjectInfo.wSubIndex 0 Set Sub Index number of PA09
ObjectInfo.dData 0 to 65535 Set the value of Position
ObjectInfo.wSize 4 Set data size: 4 for writing
3) Execute the SVFB_WriteObject FBs. Turn the label [ExcuteWrite] Off to ON, the parameter PA09 will be written to
Servo Amplifier.
Sample example to retain parameters and point table data in the servo amplifier.
The parameters and the point table data is written to RAM area when the user modifies by using the SLMP commands. That
means after power recycles, the data will loss. The user has to execute the writing command to EEP-ROM to retain the value
in the amplifier.
The following table shows the necessary setting for the writing command to EEP-ROM
Label Name Setting Value Comment
st nd
ExtDevice.wIPaddress[0] HCOA8 Set 1 and 2 Octet value of IP Address
ExtDevice.wIPaddress[1] H0301 Set 3rd and 4th Octet value of IP Address
ExtDevice.wPortNo 5010 Setting Fixed UDP port# 5010
ExtDevice.wResendNum 3 Set the retry times
ExtDevice.wMonitoringTime 5 Set the response time in ms
ObjectInfo.wIndex H1010 Set index number of Writing command to EEP-ROM
ObjectInfo.wSubIndex 0 Set sub index number of Writing command to EEP-ROM
ObjectInfo.dData H65766173 Set the value for Save command
ObjectInfo.wSize 4 Set data size: 4 for Writing data size
The label [ExecuteWrite] turn OFF to ON starts to store all parameters and point tables.
Point Table Read and write:
In the plc program, two FBs have been is created to read and write the Point table of MR-JE-C amplifier by using the SLMP
The following table shows the necessary setting for reading the Point Table data from the amplifier
Then turn OFF to ON the label variable [ExecuteReadPT] and reading will store in the user data type label variable
[ReadValuePT] which is the structure data of [PointTableData].
Point Table Write
The following shows tables the necessary setting for writing the Point Table data to the amplifier.
Set the above value and turn OFF to ON the label variable [ExecuteWritePT].
The sample example is given below:
GOT project associate with sample project.
A sample GOT Project is included with this QSG to the demonstrated simple functionality of MR-JE-C CCLIF basic servo.
Assume GOT and PLC project is downloaded and amplifier is connected properly to the controller.
1) Click the button [Servo ON ] to make the servo Enable.
2) Click on the [Switch to Speed Mode] button, Enter speed in r/min and then click [Jog] button to execute the Jog.
The user can change the direction by clicking the [FWD/REV].
3) Click on the [Switch to Homing Mode] button to execute the home routine and click [Home] button to execute
the home routine. Homing parameters need to set before by using SLMP command or MRC2.
4) Click on the [Switch to Positioning Mode] button to execute the point table and then enter the point table number
PT# and click [Run] button to execute the specified point table. The user can change the direction by clicking the
FWD/REV button. The direction bit valid if the servo amplifier set the position command of the point table as
incremental value command system.
5) In addition, the user can read and modify the command position and speed command value from this screen by
click the [Read PT] and [Write PT] value
6) Switch to Setting and monitoring window.
Read and write the parameters using the GOT Project though the PLC program
Read and write the parameters of all the axes.
1) Click the button [Setting /Monitoring ] from main screen and then Click the button [Parameters and Point Table
Read/Write via PLC] to access the screen below.
2) Set the axis number number (4th octet of IP address) in Axis # numerical input box.
3) Set the Parameter Group 1 to 9. [Setting value 1: PA , 2: PB …..]
4) Enter the parameter number and click [Read] button
5) Read value will show numerical display box.
6) For writing the enter the value input box and click [Write] button
Read and write the Point Table using the GOT Project
Read and write the point table data of all the axes.
1) Click the button [Setting /Monitoring ] from main screen and then Click the button [Parameters and Point Table
Read/Write via PLC] to access the screen below:
2) Set the axis number number (4th octet of IP address) in Axis # numerical input box.
3) Enter the Point Table number in PT# numerical input box ,
4) Then click [Read PT] button
5) Read value will show numerical display box.
6) For writing, Enter the point table number, position command, speed command , acceleration , deceleration, Dwell
time and auxiliary function in the input boxes and click [Write PT] button
7) Click Write to EEP-ROM button to save the all parameters and point table data to EEPROM.
Read and write the Parameters directly using MR-JE-C driver
Click the button [Setting /Monitoring ] from main screen and then Click the button [Parameters Read/Write using]
to access the screen below:
User can access all parameters and modify. All parameters retain in non-volatile memory in the servo amplifier
Click the button [Setting /Monitoring ] from main screen and then Click the button [Monitoring] to access the screen below:
Details list of status device in manual GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric Products) For GT Works3
Version1 (ELE) SH-081217ENG Section 16.4.2 : 11. MELSERVO-JE-*C.