DFI Volume 7
DFI Volume 7
DFI Volume 7
Farmers Welfare
Volume VII
March 2018
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
The country has witnessed a series of concerted discussions dealing with the subject of
agriculture. In 1926, the Royal Commission of Agriculture was set up to examine and report
the status of India’s agricultural and rural economy. The Commission made comprehensive
recommendations, in its report submitted in 1928, for the improvement of agrarian economy
as the basis for the welfare and prosperity of India’s rural population. The urban population
was about 11 per cent of the whole, and demand from towns was small in comparison. The
Commission notes, that communication and physical connectivity were sparse and most
villages functioned as self-contained units. The Commission encompassed review of
agriculture in areas which are now part of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. The net sown
area in erstwhile British India was reported as 91.85 million hectares and cattle including
buffaloes numbered 151 million. Almost 75 per cent of the cultivated area was under cereals
and pulses, with rice and wheat occupying 46 per cent of the net sown area. The area under
fruits and vegetables was about 2.5 per cent and that under oilseeds and non-food crops was
about 20 per cent. In the ensuing years, as well known, the country underwent vast changes in
its political, economic and social spheres.
Almost 40 years later, free India appointed the National Commission on Agriculture in 1970,
to review the progress of agriculture in the country and make recommendations for its
improvement and modernisation. This Commission released its final report in 1976. It refers to
agriculture as a comprehensive term, which includes crop production together with land and
water management, animal husbandry, fishery and forestry. Agriculture, in 1970 provided
employment to nearly 70 per cent of the working population. The role of agriculture in the
country’s economic development and the principle of growth with social justice, were core to
the discussions. The country was then facing a high population growth rate. After impressive
increase in agricultural production in the first two Five Year Plans, a period of stagnancy set in
and the country suffered a food crisis in the mid-1960s. The report in fifteen parts, suggested
ample focus on increased application of science and technology to enhance production.
Thirty years hence, the National Commission for Farmers was constituted in 2004 to suggest
methods for faster and more inclusive growth for farmers. The Commission made
comprehensive recommendations covering land reforms, soil testing, augmenting water
availability, agriculture productivity, credit and insurance, food security and farmers
competitiveness. In its final report of October 2006, the Commission noted upon ten major
goals which included a minimum net income to farmers, mainstreaming the human and gender
dimension, attention to sustainable livelihoods, fostering youth participation in farming and
post-harvest activities, and brought focus on livelihood security of farmers. The need for a
single market in India to promote farmer-friendly home markets was also emphasised.
The now constituted DFI (Doubling Farmers’ Income) Committee besides all these broad
sectoral aspects, invites farmers’ income into the core of its deliberations and incorporates it as
the fulcrum of its strategy. Agriculture in India today is described by a net sown area of 141
million hectares, with field crops continuing to dominate, as exemplified by 55 per cent of the
area under cereals. However, agriculture has been diversifying over the decades. Horticulture
now accounts for 16 per cent of net sown area. The nation’s livestock population counts at
more than 512 million. However, economic indicators do not show equitable and egalitarian
growth in income of the farmers. The human factor behind agriculture, the farmers, remain in
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
frequent distress, despite higher productivity and production. The demand for income growth
from farming activity, has also translated into demand for government to procure and provide
suitable returns. In a reorientation of the approach, this Committee suggests self-sustainable
models empowered with improved market linkage as the basis for income growth of farmers.
India today is not only self-sufficient in respect of demand for food, but is also a net exporter
of agri-products occupying seventh position globally. It is one of the top producers of cereals
(wheat & rice), pulses, fruits, vegetables, milk, meat and marine fish. However, there remain
some chinks in the production armoury, when evaluated against nutritional security that is so
important from the perspective of harvesting the demographic dividend of the country. The
country faces deficit of pulses & oilseeds. The availability of fruits & vegetables and milk &
meat & fish has increased, thanks to production gains over the decades, but affordability to a
vast majority, including large number of farmers too, remains a question mark.
The impressive agricultural growth and gains since 1947 stand as a tribute to the farmers’
resilience to multiple challenges and to their grit & determination to serve and secure the
nation’s demand for food and raw material for its agro-industries.
It is an irony, that the very same farmer is now caught in the vortex of more serious challenges.
The average income of an agricultural household during July 2012 to June 2013 was as low as
Rs.6,426, as against its average monthly consumption expenditure of Rs.6,223. As many as
22.50 per cent of the farmers live below official poverty line. Large tracts of arable land have
turned problem soils, becoming acidic, alkaline & saline physico-chemically. Another primary
factor of production, namely, water is also under stress. Climate change is beginning to
challenge the farmer’s ability to adopt coping and adaptation measures that are warranted.
Technology fatigue is manifesting in the form of yield plateaus. India’s yield averages for most
crops at global level do not compare favourably. The costs of cultivation are rising. The
magnitude of food loss and food waste is alarming. The markets do not assure the farmer of
remunerative returns on his produce. In short, sustainability of agricultural growth faces serious
doubt, and agrarian challenge even in the midst of surpluses has emerged as a core concern.
Farmers own land. Land is a powerful asset. And, that such an asset owning class of citizens
has remained poor is a paradox. They face the twin vulnerabilities of risks & uncertainties of
production environment and unpredictability of market forces. Low and fluctuating incomes
are a natural corollary of a farmer under such debilitating circumstances. While cultivation is
boundarised by the land, market need not have such bounds.
Agriculture is the largest enterprise in the country. An enterprise can survive only if it can grow
consistently. And, growth is incumbent upon savings & investment, both of which are a
function of positive net returns from the enterprise. The net returns determine the level of
income of an entrepreneur, farmer in this case.
This explains the rationale behind adopting income enhancement approach to farmers’ welfare.
It is hoped, that the answer to agrarian challenges and realization of the aim of farmers’ welfare
lies in higher and steady incomes. It is in this context, that the Hon’ble Prime Minister shared
the vision of doubling farmers’ income with the nation at his Bareilly address on 28th February,
2016. Further, recognising the urgent need for a quick and time-bound transformation of the
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
vision into reality, a time frame of six years (2016-17 to 2022-23) was delineated as the period
for implementation of a new strategy.
At the basic level, agriculture when defined as an enterprise comprises two segments –
production and post-production. The success of production as of now amounts to half success,
and is therefore not sustainable. Recent agitations of farmers (June-July 2017) in certain parts
of the country demanding higher prices on their produce following record output or scenes of
farmers dumping tractor loads of tomatoes & onions onto the roads or emptying canisters of
milk into drains exemplify neglect of other half segment of agriculture.
No nation can afford to compromise with its farming and farmers. And much less India,
wherein the absolute number of households engaged in agriculture in 2011 (119 million)
outpaced those in 1951 (70 million).Then, there are the landless agricultural labour who
numbered 144.30 million in 2011 as against 27.30 million in 1951. The welfare of this
elephantine size of India’s population is predicated upon a robust agricultural growth strategy,
that is guided by an income enhancement approach.
This Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income (DFI) draws its official members from various
Ministries / Departments of Government of India, representing the panoply of the complexities
that impact the agricultural system. Members drawn from the civil society with interest in
agriculture and concern for the farmers were appointed by the Government as non-official
members. The DFI Committee has co-opted more than 100 resource persons from across the
country to help it in drafting the Report. These members hail from the world of research,
academics, non-government organisations, farmers’ organisations, professional associations,
trade, industry, commerce, consultancy bodies, policy makers at central & state levels and
many more of various domain strengths. Such a vast canvas as expected has brought in a
kaleidoscope of knowledge, information, wisdom, experience, analysis and unconventionality
to the treatment of the subject. The Committee over the last more than a year since its
constitution vide Government O.M. No. 15-3/2016-FW dated 13th April, 2016 has held
countless number of internal meetings, multiple stakeholder meetings, several conferences &
workshops across the country and benefitted from many such deliberations organised by others,
as also field visits. The call of the Hon’ble Prime Minister to double farmers’ income has
generated so much of positive buzz around the subject, that no day goes without someone
calling on to make a presentation and share views on income doubling strategy. The Committee
has been, therefore, lucky to be fed pro-bono service and advice. To help collage, analyse and
interpret such a cornucopia of inputs, the Committee has adopted three institutes, namely,
NIAP, NCAER and NCCD. The Committee recognizes the services of all these individuals,
institutions & organisations and places on record their service.
Following the declaration of his vision, the Hon’ble Prime Minister also shaped it by
articulating ‘Seven Point Agenda’, and these have offered the much needed hand holding to
the DFI Committee.
The Committee has adopted a basic equation of Economics to draw up its strategy, which says
that net return is a function of gross return minus the cost of production. This throws up three
(3) variables, namely, productivity gains, reduction in cost of cultivation and remunerative
price, on which the Committee has worked its strategy. In doing so, it has drawn lessons from
the past and been influenced by the challenges of the present & the future.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
In consequence, the strategy platform is built by the following four (4) concerns:
Sustainability of production
Monetisation of farmers’ produce
Re-strengthening of extension services
Recognising agriculture as an enterprise and enabling it to operate as such, by
addressing various structural weaknesses.
This Report is structured through 14 volumes and the layout, as the readers will appreciate, is
a break from the past. It prioritizes post-production interventions inclusive of agri-logistics
(Vol. III) and agricultural marketing (Vol-IV), as also sustainability issues (Vol-V & VI) over
production strategy (Vol. VIII).The readers will, for sure value the layout format as they study
the Report with keenness and diligence. And all other volumes including the one on Extension
and ICT (Vol. XI), that connect the source and sink of technology and knowledge have been
positioned along a particular logic.
The Committee benefited immensely from the DFI Strategy Report of NITI Aayog. Prof.
Ramesh Chand identified seven sources of growth and estimated the desired rates of growth to
achieve the target by 2022-23. The DFI Committee has relied upon these recommendations in
its Report.
There is so much to explain, that not even the license of prose can capture adequately, all that
needs to be said about the complexity & challenges of agriculture and the nuances of an
appropriate strategy for realising the vision of doubling farmers’ income by the year of India’s
75th Independence Day celebrations.
The Committee remains grateful to the Government for trusting it with such an onerous
responsibility. The Committee has been working as per the sound advice and counsel of the
Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Shri Radha Mohan Singh and Dr. S.K.
Pattanayak, IAS, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’
Welfare. It also hopes, that the Report will serve the purpose for which it was constituted.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
The inputs in the agricultural sector are many, and involve natural resources, manmade inputs,
power in form of labour or mechanisation, and finance. The broad areas involve soil, water,
seed, pest management, agricultural mechanisation, short and long term credit, and capital
formation. Utilising these resources to the most optimal level possible, not only makes the
agricultural value system more effective, but also makes the system efficient and sustainable.
Material inputs during the cultivation phase of agricultural activities must be managed for
better use efficiency and productivity, as well to mitigate possible shortfalls in other inputs
such as labour and water. Resource use efficiency brings long term positive transformation in
farmers’ income and the agricultural economy. Making efficient use of natural resources, also
ensures longevity and sustainability of the system and this volume is in a way, an extension of
sustainable approach to agriculture, as enumerated in the previous two volumes of this Report.
This volume enlists the broad contours of input management, with a view to realise higher net
returns from agricultural production besides reducing human drudgery. Volume-VIII that
follows, will discuss the productivity aspects across the various agricultural production systems
based on the current agro-ecological realities.
Ashok Dalwai
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Index of Figures
Figure 1.1 Changes in foodgrain production, net cultivated & irrigated area, fertilizer consumption and population
in India since 1950-51 .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 1.2 Extent of multiple nutrient deficiency ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 1.3 Effect of continuous rice-wheat cropping on soil compaction (measured as bulk density) ................. 20
Figure 1.4 Temporal changes in land use in India ................................................................................................ 22
Figure 1.5 Temporal distortions in fertilizer consumption ratio ........................................................................... 23
Figure 1.6 Expansion of soil testing service in India ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 1.7 Annual productivity and economic returns in rice-wheat cropping system under SSNM vis-à-vis
farmer’s fertilizer practice (FFP) and state recommendation (SR) ....................................................................... 29
Figure 1.8 Nitrogen use efficiencies in wheat (average of 2 years) under conservation agriculture (CA) and
conventional tillage (CT)-based maize-wheat system .......................................................................................... 38
Figure 2.1 Extent and sources of irrigation in Agriculture ................................................................................... 50
Figure 2.2 Crop-wise ratio of rainfed and irrigated area ....................................................................................... 50
Figure 2.3 Coverage of micro-irrigation ............................................................................................................... 58
Figure 4.1 Registration of Pesticides (2005-06 to 2016-17) ................................................................................. 92
Figure 4.2 Total number of Bio-pesticides Registered (2005-06 to 2016-17) ...................................................... 93
Figure 5.5.1: Trend in farm power availability in India (kw/ha) ........................................................................ 117
Figure 6.1 Trend in GLC and Term loan (Rs. crore) .......................................................................................... 126
Figure 6.2 Trends in Capital Formation in Indian Agriculture (at 2004-05 prices) ............................................ 137
Figure 6.3 Long term credit (disbursements) and private sector gross capital formation (GCF) ....................... 139
Index of Tables
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
0.1. Introduction
Past strategy for development of the agriculture sector in India has focused primarily on raising
agricultural output and improving food security (Chand, 2017). Among all the strong measures
needed to harness all possible sources for agricultural growth, resource use efficiency and
minimizing cost of cultivation/production is critical. This is particularly important from the
perspective of enhancing net returns from a farming activity. The cost of cultivation has been
on the rise, eroding the profits. Lowering the costs without compromising on the output can
increase the net income. It is possible to do so as there is a general tendency on the part of
farmers to apply overdose of inputs in expectation of higher yields. Therefore, innovating input
managerial solutions to maximize farmers’ welfare rather than relying solely on modern
farming to raise productivity and production is should be a preferred option.
The cost of cultivation of crops has been increasing over the years because of increase in wage
rate of labour, input prices and other managerial costs (Narayanamoorthy, 2007; Raghvan,
2008). Previous studies have unanimously reported rising input cost as a major cause for
agrarian distress. Input use pattern and cost structure of major inputs in cultivation of cereals,
pulses, oilseeds and commercial crops in the last decade i.e. 2004/05-2014/15 is discussed in
the subsequent tables. Two major crops under each category i.e. rice and wheat under cereals,
chickpea and pigeon pea under pulses, groundnut and rapeseed under oilseeds, and, cotton and
sugarcane under commercial crops have been taken as cases for illustrating the hyphothesis.
0.2. Cereals
Paddy and wheat are the major cereals produced in the country and are corner stones of national
food security. The input use scenario in the major producing states of paddy (Andhra Pradesh,
Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal) and wheat (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab
and Haryana) has been depicted in Tables 0.1 and 0.2. Table 0.1 reveals that the seed used per
hectare in paddy has reduced in all the major producing states over the decade. A constant
increasing production despite reduced use of the planting material indicates inclination of the
farmers toward high yielding varieties. The seed used for wheat in Haryana has also declined
in the last decade. However, the use of the planting material for wheat has increased marginally
in other major producing states over the same time period.
The share of seed cost in total operational cost has marginally changed or remained constant in
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
case of both the major crops. It is noteworthy to mention, that the share of seed cost in case of
paddy has been comparatively lower than that of wheat in their respective major producing
states, indicating that the planting material of paddy is more cost efficient than that of another
major cereal i.e. wheat.
As regards another input, namely, fertilizer, which contributes majorly to productivity, there is
a tendency among farmers consistently increase the application of agro-chemicals. Fertilizer
use in paddy has drastically increased in the three out of four major rice producing states.
Interestingly, the use of chemical fertilizer for paddy cultivation in Punjab has declined in the
last decade. Fertilizer use has also shown upward trend in wheat but at a slower pace than that
of paddy (Table 0.2).
The cost share of fertilizer has reduced in the major cereals growing states except for Andhra
Pradesh (in case of paddy), and Uttar Pradesh (in case of wheat). Further, the lower share of
fertilizer cost in paddy as compared to wheat indicates the cost efficiency of the former. Also
the percentage share of the insecticide in the operation cost has also declined in all the selected
states except Madhya Pradesh.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
It is no gainsay, that human labour accounts for a prominent share in operational cost in paddy
cultivation. Even the share of human labour cost has increased drastically in Punjab from 29
per cent in 2004/05 to 43 per cent in 2014/15.
In case of wheat, unlike paddy, both human and machine labour constitutes a major cost
component. Extensive mechanization prevails in wheat cultivation in Punjab as indicated by
highest share of machine labour in total operational cost (Table 0.2).
0.3. Pulses
Two major pulses arhar and gram have been considered under pulse category to analyse input
pattern and cost structure in their major producing states (Table 0.3 and 0.4). Between the two,
seed rate in arhar is much lower than that of gram in their respective major producing states.
Also, in case of arhar, except for Madhya Pradesh where seed rate has increased over time, the
use of the planting material was either the same (Maharashtra) or declined (Karnataka and
Gujarat). In comparison to other selected states, farmers in Karnataka spend significant part of
their operational cost on insecticides.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
The use of fertilizer in pulses has increased dramatically in major producing states, except for
Gujarat which appears to be more fertilizer-efficient in cultivation of arhar. It is worth
mentioning that, Gujarat has set an example by preferring manure over chemical fertilizer in
the field as indicated by 17 times increase in manure application for arhar cultivation.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
As far as operational cost is concerned, seed has important share in case of gram which is
obvious from high seed rate in raising of the crop. It can be concluded from Tables 0.3 and 0.4
that arhar is more seed efficient than that of gram. Fertilizer cost has escalated in Madhya
Pradesh (four fold increase in arhar) and Rajasthan (six times in gram). The share of fertilizer
cost in case of both the pulses has also increased from 6 per cent to 10 per cent in total
operational cost in Maharashtra.
0.4. Oilseeds
With a similar approach as in case of cereals and pulses, two major oilseeds grown in India
viz., groundnut and rapeseed & mustard have been taken as a case under oilseeds category. The
input use pattern and cost structure of both the oilseed crops have been presented in Tables 0.5
and 0.6. The seed rate of groundnut has increased in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, while
it has declined in Rajasthan. In contrast, the seed rate of rapeseed & mustard has almost
remained same with marginal change in their major producing states (Maharashtra, Madhya
Pradesh and Rajasthan) over period of time. Fertilizer rate has also increased over period of
time in all the major oilseed growing states except for Rajasthan. Manure application has also
increased in groundnut cultivation.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Seed posts prominent share in operational cost after human labour in groundnut cultivation.
The share of seed cost has declined in total operational cost in all the major groundnut
producing states over period of time. Contrastingly, seed exhibits marginal share in cost of
cultivation of rapeseed & mustard (Table 0.6). However, except in case of Madhya Pradesh,
the share of seed cost has doubled in the last decade in Haryana and Rajasthan.
Table 0.6 Input use pattern and cost structure in rapeseed & mustard
The share of fertilizer cost has marginally increased in case of groundnut, while it has declined
in case of rapeseed & mustard in their respective producing states. However, a reverse pattern
can be noticed in Madhya Pradesh as far as share of fertilizer cost in total operational cost is
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
The cost component in case of cotton doesn’t show that much fluctuation in terms of per hectare
cost in other components like seeds, manure, human labour and animal Labour. Also as the
table suggests the major percentage of the operational cost has been used in the human labour.
In all three selected states component of the human labour has increased over the years. As can
be noted in comparison to other crops the percentage cost of insecticides in operational cost is
quite significant in case of cotton.
An average sugarcane cultivating farmer spent major part of his operational cost on human
labour, clearly demonstrating that sugarcane production is highly labour intensive (Table 0.8).
The input labour per hectare in actual terms (both human as well as animal) has declined over
the previous decade in all three selected states. The seed input (kg per hectare) has increased
only in the case of Karnataka, while it has declined in the remaining two states. In contrast
there is sharp increase in manure input which has doubled in Karnataka and more significantly,
has quadrupled in case of Maharashtra.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Decomposition of operational cost suggests that over the decade, labour cost (human, animal
and machine) has remained a major constituent of the operational cost, and fertilizer is the other
significant component. All the three selected states show an increase in the percentage of
human labour as a component of total operational cost.
0.6. Conclusion
The post-green revolution period is characterised by soil health deterioration by way of decline
in organic matter levels, ever-widening multi-nutrient deficiencies and physical degradation,
especially enhanced soil compaction.
Imbalanced use of fertilizers and low nutrient use efficiencies have further aggravated
problems. Material inputs during the cultivation phase of agricultural activities must be
managed for better use efficiency and productivity, as well to mitigate possible shortfalls in
other inputs such as labour and water. Resource use efficiency brings long term positive
transformation in farmers’ income and the agricultural economy.
The analysis above in respect of important inputs relating to crops has been presented to
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
provide a context for a detailed examination in the following chapters. The inputs that have
been comprehensively examined and strategies suggested for enhancing total factor
productivity and comprehensive coverage include:
Key Extracts
Seed, fertilizer and labour (both human and machine) account for a major cost
component in case of all selected crops.
The cost of cultivation in case of all crops in all select states has increased
substantively in the end year compared to the first year of the decade (2004-05 to 2014-
15) taken up for study.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Chapter 1
Soil Health and Nutrient Management
The post-green revolution period is characterised by soil health deterioration by way of decline in
organic matter levels, ever-widening multi-nutrient deficiencies and physical degradation, especially
enhanced soil compaction. Imbalanced use of fertilizers and low nutrient use efficiencies have further
aggravated problems. At present, soil health poses a serious threat to agricultural production and farm
profit. Focused Research and Development (R & D) initiatives backed by matching policy interventions
would, however, help restoration and improvement of soil health to realize higher productivity at low
cost on sustainable basis and contribute to the goal of doubling farm income by 2022.
1.1. Introduction
In the past few decades, public interest in soil health has increased visibly due to enhanced
recognition of the fragility of natural resources, and the necessity to preserve them for societal
well-being. Continued deterioration in soil health and ever-increasing population pressure on
finite land resources in most of the developing countries has made it imperative to enhance
crop productivity per unit area.
The challenge is much bigger in India, as it supports over 16 per cent of the global population
through only 2 per cent of the world’s geographical area. The per capita land availability (land:
man ratio) has continuously decreased from 0.34 ha in 1951-52, to 0.14 ha in 2012-13, which
is likely to come down further by the year 2022. Also, the diversion of arable land towards
non-agricultural purposes is a concern to sustain food production, as any future addition to the
net cultivated area has to come from less-productive marginal lands requiring substantial
investment towards their amelioration.
In fact over the last decade, the net area under cultivation has declined by about 1 million ha.
Unabated fragmentation of farm holdings over the years, has decreased average holding size
from 2.28 ha in 1970-71 to 1.15 ha in 2010-11. About 85 per cent of the operational holdings
belong to marginal and small categories with holding size < 2 ha, and further 67 per cent of the
holdings are below 1 ha.
As the need for marketable surplus is greater at smaller farms to get cash income, it would be
imperative to enhance the productivity of marginal and small farmers through judicious soil
management to enhance overall resource use efficiency. The report of the National
Commission on Farmers mentions, inter alia, that improving small farm productivity as a single
development strategy can make a greater contribution to the elimination of hunger and poverty,
and recognized soil health enhancement as a key to raising small farm productivity. Hence,
various aspects related to soil health have to be discussed in detail in order to arrive at sound
policies to strengthen this critical component for enhancing productivity and income.
Non-judicious fertilizer use is the prime cause for widespread soil fertility depletion. During
the onset of Green Revolution, Indian soils were generally deficient in N, and the crops often
produced optimum yields with supplemental N fertilizer alone. Hence, balanced nutrition did
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
not receive much attention. As a result of continuous mining of nutrients from soil’s native
reserves, not only the number of deficient nutrients kept increasing but also the extent of
nutrient deficiencies in soils became larger and larger. The problem is more acute in
agriculturally advanced regions, wherein annual nutrient removal under intensive cropping
often far exceeds replenishments.
Diagnostic surveys in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) indicate that in several high productivity
areas of irrigated ecosystems, farmers use excessive fertilizer N to maintain the yield levels
attained previously with relatively less fertilizer. Such indiscriminate use of N fertilizers
aggravates soil fertility depletion, and proves detrimental in terms of low nutrient use
efficiency, poor quality of produce, enhanced susceptibility of crops to biotic and abiotic
stresses, and a potential threat of groundwater pollution due to excessive leaching of nitrates
beyond effective root zone. Enhancing nutrient use efficiency will be key for sustained
agricultural production, lowering of unit cost of cultivation and for raising farm income in the
years to come.
Surprisingly, several states still prescribe fertilizer schedules comprising NP or NPK only,
whereas widespread deficiencies of secondary and micronutrients, especially those of sulphur,
zinc and boron exist in the soils. Redressal of these complex problems of multi-nutrient
deficiencies through soil test-based and crop-specific fertilizer recommendations, thus assumes
great significance. Soil ailments are often reversible, and the soils suffering from soil fertility
depletion and/or other kinds of degradation can be restored with the adoption of scientifically-
proven diagnosis and management protocols, adequate investment and policy support.
Government initiatives, especially “Soil Health Card Scheme” would go a long way in
restoring soil health through soil test-based fertilizer use. This chapter presents a brief account
of soil-specific production constraints, status of soil testing services and fertilizer use scenario.
Also, specific suggestions are offered for revamping soil testing service and promotion of
efficient nutrient management.
Table 1.1 Major soil groups of India and their per cent are coverage
SN Soil Order Common name Area coverage (%)
1 Inceptisol Alluvial soils 39.4
2 Entisol Alluvial soils (recent) 24.0
3 Alfisol Red soils, alluvial soils (old), salt-affected soils 12.9
4 Vertisol Black soils 8.1
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Brief description of major soil groups along with their potential and constraints is presented in
the following sections:
Alluvial soils are very important from agricultural point of view. These soils contain
fairly sufficient amounts of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).
Under proper management, these soils can be used for intensive cropping with high
Generally, alluvial soils have low contents of organic matter (OM) and nitrogen (N).
Stratification in these soils leads to restricted leaching and drainage.
Fine-textured alluvial soils suffer from problems of waterlogging inducing reduced
condition and poor aeration for plant growth.
Coarse-textured alluvial soils have problems of excessive leaching of plant nutrients.
Alluvial soils have problems of salinity, where evaporative losses of water exceed
rainfall, particularly in arid and semiarid regions.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
With proper management, agricultural crops like rice, millets, maize, groundnut, green gram,
soybean, pigeon pea, jute, etc.; and horticultural crops like cashew, cocoa, tea, grapes, papaya,
banana, mango, etc. can be profitably cultivated on these soils.
In general, these soils are poor in nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), sulphur
(S), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn) and organic matter (OM).
Water and nutrient holding capacity are also low in these soils.
Red soils often exhibit problems of surface crusting and hardening, excess drainage and
On hill slopes, these soils have the limitation of shallow depth.
Under rainfed conditions, crops like cotton, sorghum, soybean, millets, pigeon pea, etc.
can be grown in these soils.
Under irrigated conditions, field crops like sugarcane, wheat; and plantation crop like
citrus can also be grown.
Soils become very hard on drying, and plastic and sticky on wetting making cultivation
and management very difficult.
Soils have poor drainage due to low infiltration rate.
Poor availability of moisture and nutrients to plants is often encountered.
Some black soils are calcareous in nature, which badly affects the availability of
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The sandy desert soils in the inter-dunal valleys receive additional rain water as runoff
and are used for the cultivation of millets and pulses during monsoon.
The gypsum-rich desert soils should be used as pasture land to avoid the formation of
sink holes due to gypsum dissolution.
With assured irrigation, these soils can very well be used for raising two crops in a year.
Water scarcity is the most important constraint, which severely restricts the use of these soils
for cultivation.
Cashew, cocoa, tea, coffee, rubber, etc. can be grown in the laterites at higher topographic
positions; and rice, banana, arecanut, coconut, etc. can be grown in the laterite soils developed
on lower topography.
These soils exhibit high acidity, and toxicity of manganese (Mn) and aluminium (Al).
These soils are generally deficient in P, K, Ca, Zn, B (boron), etc.
Podsolic forest soils are used for the cultivation of rice, maize, soybean, etc. on terraces, and
tree and other fruit crops on slopes.
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Hill soils on slopes are prone to erosion.
Podsolic forest soils are deficient in P, mainly due to its precipitation as Al or Fe-
Saline soils have poor productivity and are not considered suitable for cultivation,
except few salt tolerant perennial crops. However, salt concentration in such soils can
be brought down within tolerable limits for crop cultivation, by leaching with
freshwater and interlinking drainage network.
Sodic soils can be ameliorated by gypsum/organic amendment application. Thereafter,
crops like barley, rice, wheat, linseed etc. can be grown successfully.
Saline soils are usually barren, but potentially productive.
High salt concentration in saline soils creates the problems in absorption of water and
nutrients. During dry seasons, excessive salt concentration in soil solution may result
in exosmosis of water from plant roots.
High salt content causes root injury, inhibition in germination, etc.
Sodic soils have high exchangeable sodium (Na), which results into soil dispersion,
compactness, poor aeration, reduced condition and restricted drainage.
High pH in sodic soil decreases the availability of several plant nutrients like N, P, Ca,
magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and Zn.
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population growth, foodgrain production has also registered sharp increase over the years.
Foodgrain production in India which was merely around 50 million tonnes (MT), grew to a
record 275 MTs by 2016-17 which crossed 260 MT mark by now. However, net cultivated area
did not increase much over the years. From 1950s to 1970s, net cultivated area increased from
120 to 141 Mha, and stagnated at 140-142 Mha thereafter. Consumption of major fertilizers
(N+P2O5+K2O) increased from a negligible amount of 70,000 tonnes (1950-51) to 26.7 million
tonnes (2015-16). Thus, fertilizer use intensity has increased from 0.49 kg ha-1 to 137.6 kg ha-
during this corresponding period. Likewise, net area under irrigation also registered an
increase from 21 Mha (1951-52) to 66 Mha (2012-13), and further to 68 Mha (2014-15). This
converts into gross irrigated area of 91 Mha (2014-15).
Figure 1.1 Changes in foodgrain production, net cultivated & irrigated area, fertilizer consumption
and population in India since 1950-51
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the green revolution per se. A few major soil-health issues and associated problems that have
emerged over the years are listed hereunder:
Table 1.2 Effect of long-term nutrient management on soil organic C content (%) at different
location over a period of two to four decades
No fertilizer/ NPK+
Location Initial N NPK
manure FYM
Akola 4.6 2.9 4.5 5.3 7.85
Bangalore 4.6 5.3 5.0 5.2 5.8
Barrackpore 7.1 5.5 5.9 6.3 8.2
Bhubaneswar 4.3 3.2 4.4 4.5 5.8
Coimbatore 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.3 6.3
Jabalpur 5.7 4.2 5.3 7.7 9.9
Jagtial 7.9 8.1 8.0 8.4 10.8
Ludhiana 2.2 2.9 3.9 4.3 5.4
Palampur 7.9 8.2 9.0 10.0 13.6
Parbhani 5.5 5.7 5.6 6.3 6.7
Raipur 6.2 5.1 5.2 5.9 6.8
Ranchi 5.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0
Udaipur 6.8 5.3 6.4 7.5 9.0
Source: Annual Report 2012-13. AICRP-LTFE, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science.
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Coordinator Report - AICRP on Micro- and Secondary Nutrients and Pollutant Elements in Soils and Plants, IISS, Bhopal.
In contrast to common belief, sulphur (S) deficiencies are no longer confined to coarse-textured
soils and oilseed growing regions, but have expanded to almost all soils and all major
crops/cropping systems. Similarly, boron (B) deficiencies are not confined to acid and
calcareous soils alone. Recent studies reveal occurrence of B deficiencies even in the soils of
arid and semi-arid regions, which were hitherto considered adequate in B supply. Soil fertility
problems have become further complicated with the occurrence of multi-nutrient deficiencies.
Studies at IARI confirmed simultaneous deficiency of 2 or more nutrients in different
agriculturally important agro-ecological sub-regions (AESRs), though the type and extent of
such deficiencies varied amongst the AESRs (Figure 1.2).
(a) Per cent samples showing multiple (b) Per cent samples showing multiple
nutrient inadequacy nutrient inadequacy
NK 21
B 6
(a) Chhotanagpur Plateau (AESR 12.3; Village Barhu; Ranchi) and (b) Bengal Basin (AESR 15.1;
Village Ghoragacha; Nadia)
Source: IARI-IPNI Collaborative Project, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
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Earlier compilations of STL data helped generation of NPK fertility maps. As soil sampling
details i.e. sampling site, time and year of collection etc. were not available along with the soil
test data, these compilations enabled only a gross idea of soil fertility status. Lack of data on
secondary and micronutrient fertility status was another weakness of these compilations.
However, in recent years, GIS maps depicting soil fertility status and multi-nutrient
deficiencies have been developed for over 180 districts under a DAC & FW (Department of
Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmer’ Welfare) and ICAR-IISS (ICAR_Indian Institute of Soil
Science) Collaborative Project. Also, AICRP-MSPE (ICAR) delineated secondary and
micronutrient status of soils in more than 500 districts. Similarly, district-wise GIS maps have
been developed by some states, which are indeed more informative and useful compared to
earlier databases. The upcoming data on soil fertility status being generated under Soil Health
Card Scheme would certainly be more accurate and comprehensive, and therefore more useful,
after due validation/reconciliation with previous reports.
Figure 1.3 Effect of continuous rice-wheat cropping on soil compaction (measured as bulk density)
1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75
Bulk density (Mg m-3)
45 Initial
Profile depth (cm)
Summer Fallow
Summer Cowpea
Source: Indo-Gangetic Plains of India - Field Crops Research 84, 399-418.
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In Indian context, monitoring of soil health is often considered synonymous to soil testing,
carried out for assessment of soil fertility status or appraisal of soil problems such as acidity,
salinity or alkalinity. The infrastructure for soil health monitoring has only over the last 3 years
begun to be upgraded to support the analysis of even minimum soil fertility parameters required
for formulation of balanced fertilizer schedules; and measurement of biological and physical
characteristics of soils by soil testing laboratories would require further strengthening &
therefore time. Research laboratories, however, study the impact of input use, cropping
systems, climate change, etc. on different soil health parameters.
Soil testing is a time-tested tool for soil fertility evaluation and monitoring. It also helps
restoration of depleted soils by offering soil-test based recommendations on plant nutrients and
amendments. Soil testing operates on the principle of probability, meaning, if all other factors
of productivity are at the optimum, there is high probability to obtain more profitable response
to applied nutrients based on soil testing than to those applied on ad hoc basis. So far, the
results have been impressive, provided the recommendations are formulated suiting the specific
crops grown. Began in 1955-56, soil testing service in India have constantly expanded over the
years, and more particularly since the last 3 years. The present network is described by 1735
soil testing labs (STLs) (1459 static labs + 276 mobile labs) with an annual analysing capacity
of 22.24 million soil samples (Figure 1.6).
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In addition, soil testing facilities have also been created at almost all Krishi Vigyan Kendras
(KVKs), numbering 676. The state agricultural universities (SAUs), some of the ICAR
institutes and private/cooperative industrial & service organisations also offer soil testing
service on a limited scale. In order to further strengthen the service in different states, 5846
mini labs (digital soil testing kits) have been sanctioned during the year 2016-17 onwards by
the DAC & FW. Of this network, only 911 STLs are equipped with micronutrient analysis
facilities. With the governments’ initiative to distribute soil health cards (SHCs) to ~138
million farm holdings once in every cycle of 2 years, soil testing service has come to occupy
centre stage, and is now considered critical infrastructure for soil health management.
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the service to the farmers. As small amount of soil in the form of sample represents the entire
delineated area, a poor soil sample becomes the primary source of error in soil testing and
interpretation of results for nutrient recommendation or any other intended purposes. Prior to
initiation of SHC Scheme, no well-defined norms for sampling density, time or frequency was
laid down. As a result, the soil test data could neither be used meaningfully for generation of
area-specific soil fertility maps, nor for monitoring of management-induced temporal
variability in soil fertility status.
Since universal coverage of individual farm holdings for sampling and analysis is not possible
with existing technology & infrastructure, soil sampling norms need to be standardized. The
GPS-enabled sampling at a uniform grid of 2.5 ha for irrigated areas and 10 ha for rainfed areas
envisaged under SHC Scheme is a welcome initiative. However, the sampling protocols can
be further refined so as to capture maximum variability in soil fertility and generate site-
specific prescriptions.
Repair and upkeep of lab equipments is another major challenge in the STLs located in remote
areas or in the KVKs. Where needed infrastructure has been put in place under the soil health
management (SHM) scheme, over the last about 3 years, the critical weakness that remains to
addressed in absence of appropriately qualified and adequate number of personnel at the
Quality of analysis
The quality of soil analysis is extremely important for the desired impact of soil testing service.
The quality of analysis in the STLs is often compromised on account of inadequate
infrastructure, operating facilities, poor human resource, and/or lack of essential support
services. Besides, there is no organic linkage between staff who test the samples, and the
extension staff who collect the sample. In such cases, soil testing simply meets the set targets,
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not the farmers’ expectations. Unless soil test data is reliable and accurate, fertilizer
prescriptions are unlikely to perform in the field as expected.
Since fertilizer recommendations with “one size fits all” approach overlook location-specific
and crop-specific nutrient status the outcome may turn out to be only a shade better than
farmers’ fertilizer practice. In result, it may not yield the desired impact on yield levels or soil
health and consequently become a bad demonstration. A bad demonstration is worse off than
no demonstration. Since SHCs follow general fertilizer recommendations of different states as
modified by soil test results, the old fertilizer recommendations need to be revised so as to offer
robust recommendations to the farmers, and in sync with local agro-climatic conditions.
Fertilizer prescriptions based on targeted yield approach of ICAR’s AICRP on Soil Test Crop
Response Correlation (AICRP-STCR) take into account nutrient demand of the crop for a
targeted yield goal and relative contributions from soil and fertilizer sources. Fertilizer
adjustment equations of the AICRP–STCR may be used as these suggest a change in fertilizer
requirement with changing yield targets. This approach, however, offers fertilizer
recommendations for moderate yield targets only. Hence, AICRP-STCR as well other
approaches need to be examined critically and improved so as to keep them relevant for high
production agriculture. As examined in the succeeding Volume VIII, dealing with production
targets across the crops, it will be seen that productivity gains ar the only rational approach to
achieving higher production, since the scope for bringing additional land under cultivation is
not much.
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to the advantage of soil test system as a whole. It would help to create effective
linkage/interface amongst organisations associated with soil testing service (mostly State
Departments of Agriculture and ICAR institutes and SAUs).
Under this Scheme, soil samples are to be collected using GPS at a uniform grid of 2.5 ha in
irrigated areas and 10 ha in rainfed areas. The SHC would include analysis of 12 soil parameters
viz., pH, EC, SOC, available primary nutrients (N, P, K), available secondary nutrient (S), and
available micro-nutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, B). Based on analyses for these values, fertilizer
and soil amendment recommendations are to be formulated for three prominent crops each of
kharif (monsoon) and rabi (dry) seasons. Besides, necessary provision has been made for
strengthening of existing soil testing infrastructure, training of the soil testing personnel, field
demonstrations and publicity campaigns for enhancing farmers’ awareness regarding soil
health and SHCs.
During the first 2-year cycle (2015-16 & 2016-17), a target for collection and analysis of 25.3
million samples was set for preparation of 119.8 million SHCs. The achievement was
impressive with hundred per cent of targeted soil sample collection, analysis of 23.6 million
samples and distribution of about 93.2 million SHCs by the end of October, 2017, the balance
work is expected to be completed soon. In the meantime, second cycle (2017-18 and 2018-19)
commenced in April 2017, under which a soil sampling target of 12.6 million for issuing 59.9
million SHCs has been fixed for the year 2017-18. Soil sampling, analysis, and preparation of
SHCs for the second cycle is under progress.
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management (SSNM), in-season real-time N supply, and use of decision support tools.
Apart from soil test based prescriptions, plant analysis-based SSNM approach would help
move towards greater accuracy. The latter considers nutrient status of the crop as the basis for
fertilizer prescription, whereas soil test-based approaches take into account soil nutrient values.
Studies have brought out that high productivity goals, say up to 80 per cent of the variety-
specific genetic yield potential, could be attained following SSNM. Multi-location studies with
intensive cropping systems viz., rice-wheat, rice-maize, pearl millet-wheat, pearl millet-
mustard, and sugarcane-based systems underlined the superiority of SSNM as against general
fertilizer recommendations or farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP). The SSNM improved nutrient
use efficiency and economic returns over FFP. In rice-wheat cropping system, it was possible
to attain 14-16 ton ha-1 annual grain productivity along with significantly greater economic
returns with the adoption of SSNM vis-à-vis other options at different locations (Figure 1.7).
Figure 1.7 Annual productivity and economic returns in rice-wheat cropping system under SSNM
vis-à-vis farmer’s fertilizer practice (FFP) and state recommendation (SR)
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objective of INM is improvement of soil health for sustaining crop productivity on long-term
basis. Although INM is an age-old practice, it has assumed great significance in the post-green
revolution era, mainly for three reasons: (i) continued increase in agricultural production based
on increase in per hectare yields requires growing application of nutrients, and the present level
of domestic fertilizer production in India and export would not be enough to meet the total
plant nutrient demand; (ii) large number of experiments on nutrient management conducted in
India and elsewhere, especially the long-term experiments (LTEs) underlined, that neither the
chemical fertilizers nor the organic sources alone can achieve the production sustainability
under intensive cropping system; and (iii) growing environmental and economic concerns
would not likely to allow liberal import and use of fertilizers in foreseeable future.
The advantages of INM can be broadly enumerated as: (i) restoration and sustenance of soil
fertility and crop productivity; (ii) preventing/ delaying the emergence of nutrient deficiencies;
(iii) enhancing use efficiency of nutrients and other inputs; and (iv) improving farm income.
FYM: Farmyard manure or cattle-shed manure is the most commonly prepared and
used organic manure. However, less than 50 per cent of the manurial potential of
livestock is utilized at present, as a large proportion of cattle dung is lost as fuel and
droppings in non-agricultural areas. The manure is often prepared in unscientific
way, resulting in poor quality in terms of nutrient content and decomposition state.
It is possible to build a system of systematic collection of dung into a bank and
composting it. It can be a Swwachha Bharat initiative integrating with agriculture
to mutual benefit.
Composts: are categorized as rural and urban compost depending on the raw
material used. Besides, there are other variants of this manure viz., NADEP
compost, vermi-composts and enriched-composts. Enrichment of compost is of
immense significance, because the limitation of bulky nature can be overcome to
some extent by this technique. It increases the nutrient content of compost, reduces
the bulk to be handled per unit of nutrients, and offers a potential for the utilization
of indigenous low-grade minerals such as rock phosphates, waste mica etc. P-
enriched compost prepared from crop residues, animal feed wastes, grasses, weeds,
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tree leaves, cattle dung, biogas slurry and rock phosphate is known as phospho-
compost. It contains between 2.6-3.5 per cent of P depending on the degree of
decomposition. Phosphate-rich organic manure (PROM) is now incentivized by
Govt. of India through different schemes.
Poultry manure: The value of poultry manure as a nutrient source has long been
recognized. Rate of N mineralization from poultry manure is much faster than
FYM, and nutrient content is also higher than FYM or conventionally-prepared
composts. Poultry manure contains high amount of uric acid and urea substances
that help faster release of N.
Bio-gas slurry: is the end product of bio-gas units when organic materials are
converted into CH4 (methane) and CO2 (carbon dioxide) Biogas slurry is generally
richer in N than FYM, and contains 1.2-2.0% N, 0.5-0.7% P and 0.5-1.0% K (dry
weight basis). It can be applied directly with irrigation water or as manure after
drying. Anaerobic digestion of organic wastes conserves nutrients needed for crop
production. Studies show that application of 20 t ha-1 of wet slurry (5% drymatter)
each with first and second irrigation in conjunction with 60 kg N ha-1 produced
wheat yield that was at par with 120 kg N ha-1.
(ii) Inclusion of legumes: A large number of experiments carried out under All India
Coordinated Research Project on Integrated Farming Systems (AICRP-IFS) and elsewhere
underline the beneficial effect of legumes (grown as inter-crop, catch crop, substitute crop,
forage or green manure) on crop productivity, soil fertility and NUE (nutrient use efficiency)
in different cropping systems. Experimental evidences suggest existence of vast scope for
inclusion of legumes in cereal-cereal systems.
Alternatively, from a long-term perspective, one of the cereal crops can be substituted with a
legume crop which generally acts as a soil health restorer on account of its ability to fix
atmospheric N, and utilize soil nutrients from deeper layers through its tap root system.
Legumes such as pigeonpea, black gram, green gram and soybean are ideal inter-crops for
monsoon season. The scope of legume inter-crops under rice (direct seeded)-wheat system
further increases under water-scarce conditions or under aberrant weather, as inter-cropping
not only increases total productivity of the system but also plays an important role in
economizing the use of resources. In rice-wheat system (RWS), the time slot between wheat
harvesting and rice planting can be utilized for growing short duration (60-70 days) summer
green gram. Multi-location experiments under AICRP-IFS have revealed that incorporation of
summer green gram bio-mass into soil after pod-picking was as effective as Sesbania green
manuring for improving succeeding rice yields.
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chickpea, lentil, pea or groundnut. Extensive studies on comparative performance of RWS vs.
rice-legume or legume-wheat systems at different locations have demonstrated that inclusion
of legumes with recommended fertilizer application helped to improve total productivity and
net profit.
Beneficial effects of substituting wheat or rice with a legume on soil organic C, mineral-N and
Olsen-P content has been documented. In other words, inclusion of legumes may help better
crop establishment and root growth of the crop(s) following rice, by way of reducing sub-soil
compaction. Induced defoliation, imposed by foliar spay of 10 per centurea solution at
physiological maturity stage of extra-short duration pigeon-pea, has proved further
advantageous in improving labile and very labile SOC content. Inclusion of fast-growing
forage legumes during summer is another promising INM option, although the advantage of
forage legumes in terms of nutrient recycling and improvement in soil physical and chemical
properties has not been studied so extensively.
Green manuring with fast-growing legumes such as Sesbania, sunnhemp or cowpea is an age-
old practice. However, with the intensification of agriculture involving double/multiple
cropping, it left no time gap between two crops became and the practice of green manuring
did not remain popular under irrigated regions. However, there are green shoots of interest in
this practice in recent years. In fact, green manure N is as efficient as urea N, and hence green
manuring is considered one of the most promising INM practice. Alternatively, short-duration
grain legumes like green gram (maturing in 60-70 days) can be grown in summer, and after
pod-picking green bio-mass may be incorporated to the field. This produces 0.6 to 0.8 t ha-1 of
legume grain, in addition to imparting soil health benefits. A green manure crop should be
turned in one-day prior to rice transplanting in order to get maximum advantage.
Stubbles left in the field even under traditional harvesting methods range from 0.5 to 1.5 t ha-1
in different crops. Under mechanical harvesting, this amount is much greater. There is a need
1Lal, R. (2017) Restoring soil and water resources and mitigating climate change in India by judicious management of
agricultural and urban wastes. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 65, 105-117
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to evolve appropriate management practices to make use of those residues either by applying
a part of fertilizer N recommended for the succeeding crop during land preparation, or by
adding appropriate microbial cultures to hasten in situ decomposition. It is estimated that
around 141 Mt of cereal residues are left after meeting competitive demands, which may
gainfully form a part of INM. Farmers in north-west India often prefer in situ burning of rice
residues which has serious environmental implications besides colossal loss of precious
nutrients. Long-term studies under AICRP-IFS have shown improvement in NUE in different
cropping systems, consequent to integration of crop residues with fertilizers. Long-term studies
on sandy loam soils of Ludhiana have brought out an increase in SOC, available P and available
K contents due to incorporation of residues compared with their removal. Cereal crop residues
are rich source of K as 70-80 per cent of K taken up by these crops is retained in straw.
Therefore, residue recycling may be the best option to replenish K to the soil and avoid
excessive mining of soil K reserves.
(iv) Bio-fertilizers
Bio-fertilizers or microbial inoculants hold great promise as an INM ingredient, though their
effectiveness depends on several factors namely, robustness of the strains used in the
inoculants, selection of right kind of bio-fertilizer, number of living cells present at the time of
application, inoculation technique, etc. As these products (liquid or solid carrier-based) contain
living micro-organisms, any negligence during production, packaging, transport, storage or
actual usage would result in poor effectiveness.
Whereas Rhizobium-legume symbiosis may meet upto 80 per cent of the N requirement of a
legume crop, Azotobacter and Azospirillum usually contribute 20-25 kg N ha-1 and 15-20 kg N
ha-1, respectively. Experimental evidences suggest possibility of curtailing upto 50 per cent of
fertilizer P rates with the use of P-solubilisers, through dissolution of sparingly soluble P in
soil. Similarly, a part of fertilizer N requirement of transplanted rice could be substituted using
blue green algae (BGA) and Azolla, especially in the humid climatic conditions. As a result of
promotion of biofertilizers by Govt. of India and also due to active participation of fertilizer
industry, total biofertilizer production registered significant growth during past two decades
i.e., from 6.7 thousand tons in 1995-96 to 113 thousand tons in 2015-16.
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after composting it can be used as manure. There is need to integrate different sources in
appropriate crops and cropping systems at the locations where these are available. However,
these nutrient-carriers have not been properly evaluated to establish their fertilizer equivalents.
A chlorophyll meter can provide a quick estimate of the leaf N status, but it is relatively
expensive. The LCC, on the other hand, is an inexpensive, simple and easy to use tool to
monitor the relative greenness of leaf as an indicator of crop N status. In the on-station and on-
farm studies conducted with RWS, fertilizer N scheduling based on LCC proved superior to
conventional practice i.e. application of recommended N in pre-scheduled 2 or 3 splits.
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In some cases, even a saving of fertilizer N (up to 30 kg N ha-1) was recorded with the use of
LCC, obviously on account of increased N use efficiency. For using LCC, threshold score has
to be ascertained for individual crops and also for distinctly different varieties (e.g. Basmati,
inbred and hybrid rice). Real-time N management studies further revealed that basal application
of N could be safely skipped under modified N scheduling, so as to enhance N use efficiency
and minimize N losses.
INM= 25 to 50% of fertilizer nutrient was substituted through organics at different locations.
Source: ICAR-Network Project on Organic Farming, Consolidated Report (2004-11)
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In recent years, International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), in collaboration with CIMMYT
and Indian National Agricultural Research System (NARS), have developed a tool named
‘Nutrient Expert’ for wheat, maize and rice. This tool maintains the background databases on
geo-spatial variability in INS and relationship between crop nutrient status and productivity.
Evaluation of Nutrient Expert in pre-dominant cropping systems involving above crops
revealed marked increase in grain yield, besides curtailing fertilizer N rates wherever farmers
used excessive N. Another such tool named ‘Nutrient Manager’ developed by IRRI
(International Rice Research Institute) has not been validated in India so extensively. There is
ample scope to develop robust decision support tools and validate the same under diverse
farming situations.
Application of biofertilizers along with soil test-based fertilizers increased the yield of cereals
(7–27%), pulses (10–21%), oilseeds (12–21%) and vegetables (10–17%) in strongly acid soils.
Agroforestry is a viable technology for acid soils on hill slopes. Raising of agricultural crops
over the bottom 1/3rd slope with bench terracing; horticultural crops and pastures over the mid
1/3rd slope with half-moon terracing, and agro-forestry over the top 1/3rd slope with contour
bunding is recommended for higher productivity and resource use efficiency under these soil
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Table 1.6 Effect of fertilization and liming on crop yields (t ha-1) in acid soils of different states
Grain yield (t ha-1)
State Crop Farmers’ FP+lime NPK NPK+lime
practice (FP)
Assam Rapeseed 0.73 0.86 (17.8*) 1.05 (43.8) 1.29 (76.7)
Green gram 1.01 1.15 (13.9) 1.23 (21.6) 1.51 (49.0)
Himachal Maize 2.35 2.74 (16.6) 3.40 (44.7) 3.75 (59.6)
Pradesh Wheat 1.74 2.02 (16.1) 2.79 (60.3) 3.17 (82.2)
Jharkhand Maize 1.71 2.15 (25.9) 2.51 (46.9) 2.96 (73.3)
Pigeon pea 0.74 1.00 (34.4) 1.20 (61.3) 1.52 (105)
Kerala Black gram 0.35 0.44 (25.6) 0.40 (14.8) 0.56 (58.3)
Maharashtra Groundnut 1.42 1.67 (17.7) 1.99 (40.1) 2.43 (71.2)
Meghalaya Maize 1.06 1.38 (30.0) 2.11 (99.1) 3.06 (189)
Odisha Groundnut 0.86 1.25 (45.3) 1.43 (66.3) 1.79 (108)
Pigeon pea 1.05 1.51 (43.8) 1.64 (56.2) 2.02 (92.4)
West Mustard 0.48 0.65 (35.4) 0.70 (45.8) 0.91 (89.6)
Bengal Wheat 1.02 1.50 (52.0) 1.50 (47.1) 1.90 (86.3)
* Figures in parentheses indicate per cent increase over FP
Source: Sustainable management of acid soils: technologies and their transfer. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 12(7), 16–24.
In waterlogged saline soils frequently occurring in canal commands, the crops suffer due to
excess of soluble salts. In addition to lowering watertable depth through sub-surface drainage
and leaching of soluble salts, recommended fertilization is necessary to supply adequate
nutrients and to increase tolerance of the crops against soil salinity. Raising salt tolerant crops,
cultivars and trees is economically most viable option to raise the productivity of these soils.
On the other hand, improved aggregation and less traffic under CA reduces surface and sub-
surface soil compaction. Permanent organic soil cover protects the soil from erosive forces i.e.,
wind and rainfall, shields soil surface from direct exposure to sun, minimizes extremes of soil
temperature, and reduces soil water evaporation. Nutrient cycling is enhanced due to nutrients
drawn from stubble and other residues from the previous crops. Slower decomposition of the
surface-placed residues prevents rapid leaching of nutrients through soil profile.
Improved SOM status and greater aggregation result in congenial micro-climate for improved
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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microbial activity. Diversified rooting depth of crops explore different soil layers for nutrients
ensuring better nutrient recycling within soil profile and increased nutrient use efficiency. In
an ongoing experiment at IARI, N use efficiencies in wheat computed as agronomic efficiency
(AEN), partial factor productivity (PFPN) and recovery efficiency (REN) were 23.2 kg grain kg-
N, 38.4 kg grain kg-1 N and 52.5%, respectively under CA, as against 15.1 kg grain kg-1 N,
26.1 kg grain kg-1 N and 37.5%, respectively under conventional tillage and residue removal
(CT) (Figure 1.8).
Figure 1.8 Nitrogen use efficiencies in wheat (average of 2 years) under conservation agriculture
(CA) and conventional tillage (CT)-based maize-wheat system
Source: Nutrient dynamics and management under conservation agriculture. - System based conservation agriculture
Further studies suggested the possibility of curtailing fertilizer N and P application rates in
wheat under permanent raised-bed planting compared with conventional flat-bed planting
owing to greater NUE and better crop establishment in the former case. Fertilizer prescriptions
for CA-based systems need to be developed through systematically planned multi-location
1.8. Recommendations
In the light of a detailed examination in the preceding paragraphs, specific recommendations
for improving soil health monitoring and nutrient management are offered as under:
An exposure of apex authorities involving bureaucrats and technical experts to modern STLs
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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in the developed countries would help grasping the idea of establishing such STLs in India.
These duly-accredited high output STLs with daily analysing capacity of say 500 or more
samples may be established under public sector or in a PPP mode, initially on a pilot scale (may
be one STL in each state). Depending on the success of this experiment, establishment of such
STLs at divisional level in each state could be thought of. It can then be driven as an enterprise
model. Proliferation of small STLs in the name of strengthening soil testing service is not a
professional approach in the long run.
The universal SHC contains a substantive potential for promoting private enterprise. Credit
linked subsidy back-ended scheme can incentivise the educated youth to set up static and
mobile testing laboratories (STLs/MTLs), besides mini-laboratories. While there is space for
setting up new facilities, there also exists scope for Public Private Partnership (PPP) models,
under which the government set up labs can be outsourced to private agencies for management,
preferably to youth with education in agricultural science.
Alternatively, private sector service may also be encouraged, so that both infrastructure and
manpower get built up as per desired standards & quality.
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services are a challenge even in the metropolitan cities. Maintaining standby equipments
(namely pH meter, EC meter, shaker, balances, spectrophotometer and flame photometer),
along with a mandatory annual maintenance contract (AMC) of the equipments would be
Linking GPS with the portal in the way that GPS coordinates are automatically recorded in the
portal at the time of collection of soil sample would help effective monitoring of the soil
sampling. Similarly, the STLs should have software to link the soil test data generated by
different lab equipments with auto-generation of soil test reports, which could subsequently be
transmitted to the SHC portal. Such interventions would avoid possibility of human
error/negligence in manual data recording, and also improve faster delivery of results.
A sample exchange programme could also be initiated within the states as well as across the
states to compare the quality of analysis. Some kinds of incentives in the form of career
advancement, increment etc. for star performers would be a great initiative to inculcate
professional excellence.
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to cater to the soil testing needs of ~120 million farm holdings, there will always be scope for
these kits to compliment the STLs. However, it has to be understood that soil testing kits are
not a substitute to STL, as the methods followed in these kits may not give reproducible and
accurate results comparable with the STLs.
Further, they are not as yet capable of testing all the 12 parameters identified under SHC
scheme. There is need to constantly improve the quality and reproducibility of the output of
the kits. Besides, newer technologies like hand-held hyper-spectral tools need to be rigorously
validated using diverse soils, and standardized for soil fertility evaluation. Once validated,
these tools may prove immensely useful.
Revisiting soil-test parameters in the SHCs and expansion ti include water testing
At present, SHC includes 12 parameters viz., pH, EC, SOC, N, P, K, S, Zn, B, Fe, Mn and Cu.
As determination of available N is cumbersome and time-taking, STLs do not measure this
parameter. Rather soil organic C (SOC) is determined as an index of N availability, and the
values are used for fertilizer recommendation. The values of available N are derived from SOC.
Hence, available N may be excluded from SHC, or a more sophisticated and speedy process
identified and adopted.
Continuous irrigation with poor quality (high salinity or alkalinity) water often leads to serious
soil health ailments, especially in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Soil problems like sodicity
and salinity are often associated with the use of poor quality irrigation water. Also, any adverse
effect of poor quality water on crop productivity cannot be mitigated through soil test-based
fertilizer use, unless safe use of water is adopted. Irrigation water quality should, therefore be
included in SHCs. Similarly, gypsum requirement (GR) for sodic soils and lime requirement
(LR) for acid soils need to be measured. Assessment of water quality, GR and LR is very
much possible in all STLs, and no additional equipment/infrastructure is needed.
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It may be more useful to offer the farmer ‘on demand service’ using the same soil sample test
data. This would include generating nutrient recommendation for any of the crops that the
farmer may demand, and any number of times within the cycle of (2 or 3 years as the case may
be). While at the first instance, when the SHC is distributed to the farmers, it may be a common
generic based crop cafeteria for kharif & rabi. The subsequent response can be demand-led,
and may be charged nominally on line with electronic-Aadhaar (e-Aadhaar) card, that a
resident is allowed to generate, if he looses his original, the facility of an electronic. SHC
(eSHC) may be enabled.
As SHC offers an opportunity to reach individual farmers, it can very well be used to enhance
farmers’ awareness on best management practices so as to avail full benefit of SHC by adoption
of a package in holistic manner. For this, the SHC needs to be transformed to a small 2-4 page
folder (rather than a 1-page sheet) to accommodate important package of practices for major
crops of the region. As this information is already available with the states and remains
unchanged for a large area, it needs to be simply hooked with SHC portal for inclusion in the
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The soil test data available on SHC portal for different states needs to be reconciled with other
available databases involving soil scientists working in SAUs/ICAR institutes of these states,
so as to ascertain the quality and rule out possible inadvertent errors on account of magnitude
of targets handled. Even the SHC data needs to be compared with the existing databases
available with ICAR-NBSS & LUP, AICRP-Micronutrients and AICRP-STCR.
Long-term studies have already underlined that the existing fertilizer recommendations are sub-
optimal for several crops, and need to be revised. It is, therefore, important for all states to
review the GFRs for need-based improvement/revision in consultation with the SAUs/ICAR
institutes. In fact, it should be mandatory for all states to review and update the package of
practices including GFRs at some reasonable (say 5-year) interval.
2Wallace, A. (1990) Crop improvement through multidisciplinary approaches to different types of stresses-law of maximum.
Journal of Plant Nutrition 13, 313-325
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through small-scale industry by allowing them to manufacture required fertilizer grades for
smaller domains (say talukas or districts), besides streamlining the approval mechanism for
‘ease of doing business’.
The conventional composting methods e.g. preparation of compost pits and filling/turning them
to prepare compost are no longer viable in the current age. The Union Budget 2018 has
announced setting up ‘gobar dhan bank’ integrating the principles of Swachha Bharat and
sustainable agriculture. This is a positive step towards resource utilization by creating wealth
from agricultural waste.
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result, 3 or 4 conventional fertilizers rule the market, notwithstanding their low use efficiencies.
However, development of sustained release fertilizers using nano-formulations and other novel
approaches would be important to enhance nutrient use efficiency and minimize losses to the
environment. Adequate public investment is needed to encourage research in this important
area. Also, the fertilizer industry must come forward to support such research.
1.9. Annotation
Enhanced pace of nutrient mining due to non-judicious and ad-hoc fertilizer use has emerged
as one of the most important causes of soil health decline in recent years. A nutrient-starved
soil cannot support high crop productivity. Any yield gains achieved on such soil owing to
varietal or crop management interventions other than judicious nutrient input would be
temporary and encourage mining, leaving the soil further depleted of its native nutrient
The physical and biological environment of a low fertility soil that supports low yields is often
unhealthy because of lesser recycling of belowground root mass. It is, therefore, inevitable to
precisely monitor the existing as well as emerging soil fertility problems, generate pragmatic
recommendations, and ensure their timely delivery to the farmers.
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With the Government initiative of providing SHC services to all farmers in a given time frame,
soil testing facility has come to occupy centre stage of soil health management, and
expectations from the service have seen a palpable rise.
In order to address the demand credibly, not only the infrastructure and functioning of STLs
necessitate complete overhauling, soil testing research should also be simultaneously
strengthened to bridge critical knowledge gaps. Emphasis has to be laid on the establishment
of modern STLs with high output, deployment of trained manpower, geo-referenced soil
sampling, use of ICTs for effective monitoring, and establishment of quality control
In order to avail desired benefit of SHC Scheme, steps like revisions of GFRs by the states,
bringing in necessary reforms in fertilizer policies particularly NBS (nutrient based system)
and CF (customized fertilizer), and promotion of INM warrant consideration. Promotion of
community level mechanised composting as a small-scale farm industry would enhance
availability of quality compost to partially curtail fertilizer input and restore soil health. Also,
investment in fertilizer product research would pay significant dividends in the times to come.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Key extracts
Constant deterioration in soil health has emerged as major threat to sustainability
of agricultural production systems.
For effective soil health monitoring and management, Government of India
launched Soil Health Card (SHC) Scheme during 2015, in addition to several other
initiatives under on-going schemes. The SHC Scheme envisages distribution of
SHCs to ~120 million farm holdings at 2-year interval.
With the launching of SHC Scheme, soil testing service assumed centre stage of
soil health management, and expectations from this service have increased.
The STL network is barely adequate to cater the soil testing needs envisaged in the
SHC Scheme, and there is need to strengthen the soil testing service.
Establishment of modern fully-automated STLs with high output should be
considered in place of adding fewer small STLs every year, in order to handle
massive soil testing targets without compromising quality of analysis.
Creation of a state-level service cadre for soil health monitoring would go a long
way in improving overall efficiency in the soil testing and fertilizer
Besides revision of existing fertilizer recommendations by the states, there is an
urgent need to develop more robust fertilizer prescription approaches that
encourage precision nutrient input to achieve maximum economic yields.
In addition to necessary reforms in fertilizer policies, there is need to promote
community level ‘waste-to-wealth’ model as a small-scale farm industry to enhance
availability of quality manure at farmers’ doorstep.
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Chapter 2
Water Management in Agriculture
Agriculture consumes more than 80 per cent of the total usable water available in the country. Further,
this is not equitably available to all crops, all regions and over time of the year. There is increasing
demand for the available water for non-agricultural uses and urgent need to achieve high degree of
water use efficiency. Water has to be applied in right amounts at the right time in order to achieve the
right crop result. At the same time, wastage must be avoided, staying in harmony with the environment.
Understanding, measuring and assessing how water flows around the farm, and recognising how
farming practices affect flows, will help farmers to manage water efficiently and reduce its loss.
2.1. Introduction
The Indian agriculture along with allied sector continues to be pivotal to the sustainable growth
and development of the country’s economy. Water is one of the most critical inputs in a
biological production system like agriculture, and is the greatest moderator of vulnerability and
climatic variability. It is estimated that about 55 per cent of foodgrain production comes from
irrigated agriculture. Paddy and wheat constitute the fulcrum of food security of India; and 74
per cent of these two staples is produced from irrigated areas. But India’s water resources are
under considerable strain. India accounts for only about 4 per cent of global water resources,
but supports 18 per cent of the World’s human population and 15 per cent of its livestock.
Over the last few decades, net sown area in the country has stagnated at about 140 million ha;
and the possibility of increasing net sown area is minimal. The more probable approach to add
to the nation’s production kitty through area expansion lies in increasing the cropping intensity.
And of course productivity enhancement would be the principle way forward to higher
production. Hence producing more from the available land resources remains a priority which
is only possible if practised scientifically.
With 52 per cent of its cultivated land being monsoon-dependent, the nation faces substantive
challenges in effective management of available water. These rainfed regions of India are
characterized by aberrant behaviour of monsoon rainfall, eroded and degraded soils with
multiple nutrient and water deficiencies and declining ground water table. These coupled with
poor resource base of the farmers are a major reason for low and unstable yields. In addition to
these, climate variability including extreme weather events resulting from global climate
change pose a serious threat to rainfed agriculture. The rainfed agriculture holds a key position
in ensuring food & nutrition security of the country, besides increases in farm incomes and
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equitability. In India, the average grain yields in rainfed regions is about 1 t ha-1, compared to
3 t ha-1 in irrigated agriculture.
16.18 Irrigated Area -68 MHa
11.35 Canals (23.7%)
1.72 Tanks (2.5%)
Tubewells (46.2%)
Dug wells (16.6%)
31.61 others (11%)
Rainfed agriculture is prominent in India, accounting for about 52 per cent of the total cropped
area and contributes 82 per cent of nutri-cereals, 80 per cent pulses and 82 per cent oilseeds as
a ration of the country’s production. The rainfed ecosystems are also the one that are prone to
the ill-effects of climate change and experience frequent hardships like drought and frequent
crop failures. Further, the Indian climate, which is predominantly tropical and subtropical,
receives most of its rainfall from the south west monsoons with high intensity resulting in high
runoff and degradation of the land mass. In rainfed regions, due to the temporal and spatial
variabilities and due to skewed distribution of rainfall, crops invariably suffer from moisture
stress at one or the other stage of crop growth.
30 Area(MHa)
20 Irrigated
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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conserved in-situ or the surplus runoff is harvested, stored and recycled for supplemental
irrigation, and these are inevitable options to sustain rainfed agriculture in climate change
There is need for a paradigm shift in emphasis towards improving agriculture water
management. Marginal changes in management practices will not be enough to increase
productivity. One of the important interventions needed to achieve doubling farmers’ income
is higher productivity of water enhancing the efficiency of the existing irrigation systems.
Conservative and efficient use of water will not only help extend its availability to additional
area, but also make ways for adoption of modern inputs, practices and technologies. This will
increase farming intensity, higher productivity and farm income. However, it has to be ensured
that the precious and common resource is equitably distributed among all the sections of the
community; across the regions of a hydrological system and required prioritization amongst
various uses is achieved.
Regional imbalance: There exist huge temporal and spatial variations in rainfall and water
availability in the country. Most of the water is available during monsoon period and that too,
through few spells of intense rainfall, resulting in floods in major rivers. While average annual
rainfall of the country is about 1,170 mm, it varies from an average high of 10,000 mm per
year in North East and a low of just 100 mm per annum in some parts of Western Rajasthan. It
has been estimated, that while the lower rainfall zone (less than 750 mm annual rainfall)
accounts for 33 per cent, the medium rainfall zone (750-1,125 mm) accounts for 35 per cent,
the high rainfall zone (1,125 to 2,000 mm) covers 24 per cent and very high rainfall zone (more
than 2,000 mm) accounts for the remaining 8 per cent of net sown area. The basin- wise
availability of water is also quite varied. The Ganga-Brahmaputra river basin contributes to
more than 50 per cent of total annual water availability, whereas, Southern and Western basins
account for only about 15 per cent each.
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Sub-optimal utilization of created facilities: One of the major shortcomings in the prevailing
irrigation system is the wide gap between irrigation potential created (IPC) and irrigation
potential utilized (IPU). The reasons are: inadequate maintenance of canal system, lack of
participatory management, changing land use pattern, deviation from the designated cropping
pattern, soil degradation and delay in command area development. As against the gross created
irrigation potential of about 118 million ha area, the gross irrigated area used is only 96 million
ha, resulting in a gap of about 22 million ha. This gap can be bridged to the advantage of
agriculture and farmers.
Poor irrigation efficiency: Gross irrigated area in the country is about 96 Mha from nearly
650 BCM (billion cubic metre) of water which gives a delta of 0.68 metre (m) per ha. of gross
irrigated area. Taking 70 per cent of the average rainfall of 1,170 mm (1.17 m) as effective for
crop consumptive use, the gross water use is about 1.48 m per ha. of the gross irrigated area.
This is very high as compared to water use in irrigation systems in developed countries, like
USA where water allocation is about 90 cm/ha. This overuse in the country reflects low
irrigation efficiency of about 35 per cent to 45 per cent in most surface irrigation systems, and
about 65 per cent in case of ground water use.
Improper crop and cropping system: Presently, high proportion of cultivated area under
water guzzling crops like rice, sugarcane etc. is witnessed. Water being the most critical input
for agriculture, its judicious use is important to ensure sustainable agricultural development
and food security. There is a need for adopting a policy that encourages optimum cropping
pattern, that utilises available water resources in an efficient manner. This necessitates a study
and analysis of current cropping system. Based on the principle of maximizing annual income
returns and efficiency of water use for long term sustainability, crop diversification from rice
and sugarcane to low duty crops such as pulses and oilseeds may be a better option. These
alternate crops would enable cultivation of larger area benefiting higher number of small and
marginal farmers. The additional advantage is greater certainty of water through all stages of
crop growth from the same quantum of water. About 2.89 M of ha area is covered under rice
crop in 68 districts of India which receive a normal rainfall (50 years average from 1951 to
2000) less than 650 mm. This covers about 6.72 per cent of total rice cultivated area (43 M ha)
in India. About 0.721 M ha area is covered under sugarcane cultivation in 91 districts of India,
which receive normal rainfall (50 year average from 1951 to 2000) less than 700 mm. This
covers about 12.9 per cent of total sugarcane cultivated area (5.6 M ha) in the country. Crops
like rice, sugarcane and such other water guzzlers need to be discouraged particularly in over-
exploited ground water regions, allowing only surface water resources for rice cultivation. This
may facilitate diversification of rice to other low duty crops by the farmers in a phased manner.
Suitable low duty crops for diversification include maize, pulses & oilseeds.
Imbalanced use of ground water: Ground water has emerged as the main source of growth
in irrigated area and it now accounts for over 63 per cent of the country’s irrigated area. Power
for irrigation in many states is provided either free or at highly subsidized tariff, and this has
incentivized use of ground water for agriculture. Apart from wasteful energy consumption,
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subsidized or free power has also encouraged farmers to overdraw water from deep aquifers,
causing substantial depletion of water table and water quality deterioration in many cases.
There has been unprecedented crop diversification to heavy water duty crops due to
unregulated ground water use. The preference for high water duty crops like rice, sugarcane,
banana, cotton etc. is common in regions, which does not fit into the rainfall pattern or ground
water availability status. Notwithstanding the huge significance of ground water in agricultural
growth, it is in need of urgent understanding and attention from the perspective of
Recent assessment report of Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) shows that 1,034 of the
6,584 assessed Community Development Blocks are over-exploited (referred to as ‘dark
zones’). Besides, 253 are critical, 681 are semi-critical and 96 blocks are completely saline.
The number of over-exploited and critical administrative units is significantly higher in Delhi,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Rajasthan,Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.
Competing demand: The demand for water for various purposes is increasing due to
population growth, urbanization and industrialization. Presently agriculture sector is using
about 80 per cent of the total available water resources. Let alone there being any further scope
for higher water allocation for agriculture, there is in fact increasing demand from competing
domains like industries, urban centres and infrastructure. Hence water availability for
agriculture may decline to 68 per cent by 2050. Water requirement for various sectors as
assessed by “Standing Sub-Committee for Assessment of Availability and Requirement of
Water” and by NCIWRD are given in Table 2.2.
Water logging and soil salinity: Another challenge relates to over-use of surface water that
has resulted in drainage problems causing water logging in some areas. Problem of water
logging is very often observed in canal irrigation system and also in areas with poor drainage
leading to accumulation of water.
Climate change: Climate change impacts on agriculture are being witnessed all over the world,
but countries like India are more vulnerable in view of the high population depending on
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agriculture, excessive pressure on natural resources and poor coping mechanisms. Agriculture
is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Higher temperatures tend to reduce yields of many
crops; and encourage weed and pest proliferation. Climate change will have negative effects
on irrigated crop yields across regions, including in India both due to temperature rise and
changes in water availability, while rainfed agriculture will be primarily impacted due to
rainfall variability and reduction in number of rainy days. Long term data indicates that rainfed
areas witness 3-4 drought years in every 10-year period. Of these, 2-3 are of moderate and one
may be of severe intensity. Parts of western Rajasthan, southern Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, northern Karnataka, northern Andhra Pradesh, and southern Bihar are likely to
be more vulnerable in terms of extreme events. Irrigation requirements in arid and semi-arid
regions are estimated to increase due to rise in temperature. Adverse effects of climate change
on freshwater systems will aggravate the impacts of other stresses, such as population growth,
changing economic structure, land use change and urbanization. Yield declines are likely to be
caused by shortening of growing period; negative impacts on reproduction & grain filling;
decrease in water availability and poor vernalization. Climate change is projected to reduce
wheat yield by 6-25 per cent towards the end of the century with significant spatio-temporal
variations. A one degree Celsius rise in mean maximum and minimum temperatures during
vegetative and grain filling period is likely to cause a yield reduction of 360 and 265 kg/ha,
i. Irrigated cultivation
ii. Rainfed cultivation
Both systems are in need of suitable interventions for realizing efficient and sustainable water
management practices. The needed measures are discussed below.
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Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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also been supporting agriculture, by enabling use of its funds for creating infrastructure in
agriculture like small irrigation structures. Convergence of resources and synchronization of
efforts would yield synergistic results.
PMKSY not only focuses on creating sources for assured irrigation, but also creating protective
irrigation by harnessing rain water at micro level through ‘Jal Sanchay’ and ‘Jal Sinchan’.
Micro-irrigation gets due attention to ensure ‘Per drop-More crop’. PMKSY adopts State level
planning and projectised execution that allows the states to draw up their own irrigation
development plans based on District Irrigation Plans (DIPs) and State Irrigation Plans (SIPs).
The components of the scheme are:
Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP): To focus on faster completion of
ongoing major and medium irrigation projects, including national projects.
(Implemented by MOWR, RD&GR).
This is a progressive step taken by the Government in 2016, by creating an initial corpus fund
of the size of Rs. 20,000 crore, which was increased to Rs. 40,000 crore in the year 2017-18
and there stands a commitment to provide the total requirement of more than Rs. 70,000 crore,
targeting to complete 99 number of long pending irrigation projects. When completed (target
timeline being December 2019), an additional cultivable land to an extent of 7.6 million ha
would benefit from dependable source of irrigation.
What is now important is to focus on command area development works in time, so that the
water that reaches the final distribution network is used optimally by the farmers. There has to
be a time bound work execution plan to this effect.
Further, emphasis is needed on crop alignment in the command area. As seen from the
experience in irrigation command areas, there is total deviation from the certified crops.
Farmers tend to adopt heavy water duty crops in place of those that can grow using less water.
Such deviation results in depriving the tail and farmers of their right to water use. It is,
therefore, important to plan for a comprehensive crop plan by involving the farmers
themselves, and make them responsible for total adherence.
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Of the 6.4 million ha of net cultivated area under irrigation in the country, the coverage under
micro-irrigation (MI) by end of 2016-17 stood at about 9.5 million ha. Since the lauch of
PMKSY, the coverage has accelerated and the year 2016-17 recorded a high of 8.5 lakh ha of
coverage. In terms of area under MI system, though India is bracketed among the top at global
level, there is much to be done given low per capita water availability in the country.
The Group of Secretaries (Govt. of India) has in its recommendations for the year 2017, rightly
suggested an annual target of 2 million ha, to add an extent of 10 million ha over the 5 year
period of 2017-18 to 2021-22. It is possible to achieve this target given the increasing budgetary
allocation under PMKSY. The component ‘Per Drop More Crop’ got an allocation of Rs. 3,450
crore for the year 2017-18 and a supplement of Rs. 5,000 crore as an ‘Extra Budgetary Resource
(EBR)’. The Corpus Fund to be created by NABARD, with interest different responsibility to
be met by DACFW, would help in increasing the annual coverage.
Given the developing situation of water stress, in the opinion of the DFI Committee, the annual
target should be raised to 3 million ha by pooling budgetary and non-budgetary resources.
Further, through convergence of resources from large budgeted schemes like MGNREGA,
additional funding can be mobilized.
The lead is this regard rests with the western & southern states; and recent initiative seen in
central Indian states like that of Madhya Pradesh. The rest of India, particularly in north and
north-east seems to be complacent about the efficiency of micro-irrigation. The map below
brings out in stark contrast the state variations.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Good Penetration of MI
Moderate Penetration of
Low Penetration of MI
Poor Penetration of MI
Water table is depleting in the Indo-Gangetic Plain states due to over-extraction, and as a water
saving device, micro-irrigation would be an optimal technology; and likewise in the heavy
rainfall states of eastern and north eastern region too, it is the answer. Hence, these regions
need special attention to promote micro-irrigation.
Sensor based technology: Precision farming through micro-irrigation systems can be further
strengthened by deploying a combination of sensors, data analytics and drones. This
technology is expected to become more robust and cost effective in due course. It would be
useful to launch pilot projects to validate and scale up after addressing the constraints and
PMKSY (Watershed): Ridge area treatment, drainage line treatment, soil and moisture
conservation, water harvesting structure, livelihood support activities and other
watershed works. (implemented by DoLR)
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The Union Cabinet in its meeting held on 27th July, 2016 approved implementation of PMKSY
in a mission mode. The mission objective is to complete 99 major and medium irrigation
projects having potential of 76.03 lakh ha in phases by Dec., 2019, including command area
development. For completion of these projects in a mission mode, innovative funding
mechanism through NABARD is envisaged.
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY): RKVY empowers states to take up activities
related to infrastructure development in agriculture sector. Many states have been accessing
this resource for water conservation and management activities. RKVY funds can be best
utilized if water management activities are taken up based on comprehensive work plan and
involvement of community. Besides, RKVY, water harvesting and management activities are
also supported in most of the agriculture development programmes as package of practices.
Some of the suggestions under the two broad heads would mutatis mutandis also apply to the
other too. Further, a third category of suggestions is also made which would be common to
both the systems listed above.
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supply for irrigation could help regulate groundwater use. Ways must be explored to empower
and entrust village communities with the right and responsibility to collect electricity charges
and to undertake rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge. A gradual withdrawal of
cultivation of rice, sugarcane and other water guzzling crops from the over-exploited western
region of the country is the call of the day. Substitution of rice has to be a cautious approach,
and has to be carried out simultaneously with increases in substitute cereals like millets, so that
food security is not compromised.
The CGWB (Central Ground Water Board) report shows that Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan,
Delhi and Tamil Nadu have significant assessed units under over exploited category as the
ground water consumption is more than the annual ground water recharge. Though Tamil Nadu
has maximum number of ‘dark zones’ (358 out of 1139 assessed units), Punjab is the worst in
percentage term with 105 (76%) of 138 assessed units. Similarly, 164 of 248 assessed blocks
in Rajasthan are overexploited (66%), followed by Delhi where 15 (56%) out of 27 blocks are
in ‘dark zones’. Haryana has 64 (54%) over-exploited blocks out of 119 assessed units.
Government is in the process of launching Atal Bhujal Yojana to focus on development of 30
per cent of the assessed blocks (fast depleting ground water) adopting efficient water
management and strengthening of recharge through community participation. There is urgent
need to expedite activities for better community driven water management, crop alignment and
ground water recharge including artificial recharge to save these critical blocks from further
depletion and sustaining the agriculture operations.
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tube-wells and mobile pump-sets for use by a group of farmers. FPOs may be promoted for
this purpose. Create of such ground water irrigation potential in the Eastern and North Eastern
States will also require attention to stable power supply by energizing new tube wells and soft
credit for farmers to install tube-wells and pump-sets.
The results of other All India Coordinated Research Programmes of the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) in water management network centres have successfully
demonstrated, that there is a great scope for ensuring water economy, increasing crop
productivity and improving water use efficiency, if available irrigation and other agro-
technologies are transferred to farmers in irrigation commands.
Laser levelling of land also is effective in water saving to an extent of 25-30 per cent.
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when a proper water budget is developed for a particular village / group of farmers assessing
the demand and supply positions. However, farmers do not show the same level of collective
responsibility and social concern when it comes to publicity.
Organised water users associations (WUAs) would not only help in efficient crop planning and
equitable distribution of water, but also would serve as channels for feedback and inputs to
improve the performance and services provided by Government. WUAs need to ensure
voluntary and active participation in water allocation and management activities. They can also
take over the task of Operation and Management (O and M), of the tertiary system including
field channels (now with the State Departments of Water Resources); and of collecting water
rates (now mostly with State Revenue Department). Since, water user association adopts the
process of group dynamics and represents the collective decision of the community to tackle
their own problems, probability of acceptance of the decision is likely to be high and success
of implementation can also be expected to be high.
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government procurement.
Green water techniques have significant impact on natural resource conservation and crop
yield. In low rainfall regions, the land levelling and field bunding increase the crop (particularly
crops like castor and cotton) yield upto 61 per cent. The conservation furrows in crop fields
increase the crop yields in the range of 8-40 per cent. In medium rainfall regions, the broad bed
and furrow (BBF)system increases the crop yields (particularly soybean yields in vertisols)
upto 83 per cent. The ridge and furrow system and compartmental bunding perform well in
medium rainfall areas. This system increases the crop yields upto 55 per cent. The sub-soiling
with chisel plough in alfisols of medium rainfall region improves productivity upto 24 per cent.
The rainfed regions in general, arid and semi arid regions in particular suffer from huge loss of
water through evapo-transpiration. The options available to reduce soil evaporation include dry
planting/ sowing, mulching, zero tillage, inter-cropping, cover crops, wind-breaks, agro-
forestry, vegetative bunds etc. Mulching reduces soil moisture loss caused by evaporation and
insulates the soil, thereby protecting roots from adverse effect of extreme summer and winter
Artificial mulching is practised using both plastic and biological (crop-residue) mulching. The
plant residue mulches increase crop yields up to 31 per cent and increase the soil organic carbon
(SOC) content and improve soil carbon build up. The crop residue mulch does not require much
investment. Plastic mulch is being successfully practised by several farmers which help reduce
the weed infestation & soil moisture evaporation, and effect an yield increase by about 40 per
cent. In gravelly & stony soils gravel/ lithic mulching is the best option for evaporation control.
In Bijapur (now Vijayapura) District of Karnataka, the gravel mulching was able to increase
the yields upto 125 per cent. In rainfed regions, with a view to conserving natural resources,
organic/crop residue mulches need to be promoted. Plastic mulches can be promoted in areas
with instances of higher weed infestation and soil temperature.
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The crops such as sunhemp, greengram, cucumber and ridge gourd quickly cover the ground
surface within 45 days. These crops reduce runoff and splash erosion and non-productive
evaporation from the ground surface. With cover cropping in kharif, there are yield advantages
in various rabi crops and substantial gain in overall system profitability.
Table 2.3 Green water management interventions and implementation strategies in different
rainfed regions
Rainwater management Implementation
Rainfed region Increase in yield
techniques strategy
Rainfed regions Land leveling, bunding, Increase in crop yields upto Demonstrations
having average conservation furrow system, 80 per cent and skill
annual rainfall mulching enhancement of
of < 500 mm farmers through
Rainfed regions Land leveling, bunding, Increase in crop yields upto KVKS and
having average ridge and furrow, furrow 85 per cent upscaling
annual rainfall irrigated raised beds, sub- through State
of 500-1000 mm soiling, broad bed and Agricultural
furrow, mulching, direct Departments
seeded paddy and wheat and convergence
cultivation with the other
Rainfed regions Bunding, ridge and furrow Increase in crop yields upto development
having average and raised bed furrow 85 per cent schemes like
annual rainfall systems, mulching direct MGNREGS and
of >1000 mm seeded paddy and wheat and PMKSY.
Rainfed regions Dug out and embankment Water level in open wells
having average type farm ponds/ percolation increased significantly by 3
annual rainfall ponds / silt removal of tanks m; Crop yield increased by
of < 500 mm Earthen / stone / bori bund 3.0q/ha (45 %) and higher
checkdams, and artificial income of Rs. 12,000/ha
groundwater recharge realized. Cropping
structures intensity increased by 125
per cent.
Rainfed regions Dug out and embankment Water level in open wells
having average type farm ponds/ percolation increased significantly by
annual rainfall ponds /tanks and silt 4.5 m. Crop yields were
of 500-1000 mm removal of tanks stone / bori increased by 50 per cent
bund checkdams, and cropping intensity
artificial groundwater increased by 150 per cent.
recharge structures
Rainfed regions Dug out and embankment Water level in open wells
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Check dams play a major role in catching run-off and storing rainwater. A check dam holds an
irrigation potential of about 4 to 5 ha directly or / and indirectly when surrounding wells gets
recharged. Big check dams can even irrigate upto 50 ha in good locations with larger catchment
area. Encouraging trends of funds utilisation under various programmes in recent decades for
small-scale harvesting structures in rainfed region reiterates the relevance of this technology.
It is observed that various natural water bodies, ancient / traditional water harvesting structures,
farm ponds, nalas etc. have been silted up losing water holding capacity. The desiltation of
these structures would not only provide economic gains by making water available for crop
production and silt for the field.
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Piped water facility connecting dams and micro-irrigation system in fields can help reduce
water losses; they can ensure roughly 70 per cent conveyance-efficiency and 90 per cent overall
water-use efficiency. It is estimated, that with the adoption of micro-irrigation system in
irrigated area for conventional cropping system, it will bring additional area of about 15 per
cent in kharif and 23 per cent in rabi under irrigation, at adoption level of 50 per cent. And at
adoption level of 25 per cent, the estimated additional coverage is 8 per cent in kharif and 12
per cent in rabi. The protective irrigation source may not yield optimal result without linkage
to micro-irrigation, since these sources can’t support the conventional irrigation but are meant
to provide live saving irrigation.
The energy used for lifting water from bore wells/tube wells can be best used if this is linked
with micro-irrigation system. This will not only lead to saving water and energy, but also in
enhancing productivity and income. A drive for shifting all areas irrigated by water lifting
pumps from flood irrigation to micro-irrigation would bring about a huge efficiency in total
water availability in agriculture.
Additionally, the sun energy harvestable throughout the year in most parts of India is not
needed on the farm during non-cultivation season. If this surplus power can be mainstreamed
into the grid for public use, it will mean an additional non-farm income to the farmers.
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cohesive and focused approach towards water conservation and management. Some of the
examples like Jalayukt Shivar in Maharathra, ‘Krishi Bhagya Scheme in Karnataka’, ‘Mission
Kakatiya in Telengana’, ‘Neeru Chetu programme in Andhra Pradesh’, ‘Jala Swabhalaban
Abhiyan in Rajasthan’ etc. have been proving useful in minimizing the impact of drought.
2.6. Annotation
Amongst various inputs deployed in raising of crops, water emerges as the most critical one.
Of the total water available in the country, more than 80 per cent is being used in agriculture.
With increasing population density, the per capita per day availability has declined sharply
from more than 5100 cu.mtr in 1951 to 1474 cu.mtr in 2015 and is estimated to further decline
1341 cu.mtr by 2025.
Climate change is likely to bring in negative impact on rainfall and temperature, both to the
disadvantage of cultivation practices.
Even now, the major parcels of India’s arable land remain under rainfed cultivation. While the
strategy calls for increasing the area coverage under irrigation by completing all long pending
medium and major irrigation projects, greater emphasis will be needed on minor and micro-
irrigation structures to offer protective irrigation to rainfed crops. Soil and water conservation
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Considering the water stress in India, promoting water use efficiency by adopting crop
alignment and precision irrigation is very critical. Precision irrigation powered by drip and
sprinkler systems, is needed in case of all forms of irrigation – surface, lift and ground water.
In fact, ground water based irrigation accounts for 60 per cent of irrigation system in India, and
on account of over-exploitation, large number of blocks have turned into dark zones.
Priority attention, is therefore, needed to achieving water use efficiency to realise higher
production and reduction in cost of cultivation. This can be achieved only when farmers
become active participants in water management.
It is equally important, that the quality of water used in cultivation is good. Poor quality of
water can dissolve organic carbon in soil and make it unavailable. Hence both soil health and
water quality are important in promoting sustainable cultivation practices.
Key extracts
With increasing density of population, the per capita availability of water / person /
day has declined from more than 5,100 cu.mtrs in 1951 to 1,474 cu.mtrs in 2015 and
is estimated to drop further down to 1,341 cu.mtrs by 2025 and 1,140 cu.mtrs by 2050.
Of the total available water in the country, more than 80 per cent is being used in
agriculture sector, with no further scope for additional diversion.
Notwithstanding huge investments in irrigation infrastructure in the country, as high
as 54 per cent of the cultivated area continues to depend on monsoons.
The current water management practices are not adequate and appropriate. Knowing
that water is a critical input in agriculture and India facing water stress, the emphasis
should be on deployment of suitable technology (water irrigation) farm management
(eg., crop alignment etc.) practices and infrastructure (eg., command area
development) to achieve water use efficiency.
The quality of water is as important as soil health in practising sustainable agriculture.
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Chapter 3
Seed is the most important input, and if availability of quality material and accessibility to farmers at
affordable price are taken care of, productivity of various agricultural and horticultural crops will
grow substantively. This chapter deals with the challenges and solutions.
The conventional breeding is about a hundred years old while the youngest, yet more powerful
of all, bio-technology including, molecular marker assisted selection etc. is about three decade
old. Improved varieties have made significant impact on output.
Integrated seed sector development approach has gained maturity in Indian seed sector, and
there exists a fairly robust distribution platform to reach out the seeds to the farmers. Genetic
yield enhancement is the single most significant technological intervention introduced and
supported by the National Agriculture Research System (NARS), consisting of ICAR
institutions and State Agriculture Universities (SAUs). From the 1960s, the NARS has been
continuously developing new varieties suitable for different agro-climatic regions and
changing production conditions. Further the country is often affected by natural calamities of
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different types viz. drought, floods, cyclone, short window of soil moisture to grow crops etc.
This is getting further exacerbated by climate change. Therefore, developing climate resilient
– stress tolerant varieties (drought, flood, & salt tolerant), short and medium duration varieties
as also heat tolerant varieties is needed to be done continuously. Effectiveness of this requires
pro-active participation of the farmers.
Some important issues relating to seed production, are discussed in the following sections, with
a view to draw needed policy attention.
Molecular markers are of high precision in identifying plant genotypes, and hold considerable
promise as a reliable tool of intellectual property protection of crop varieties and germplasm.
The breeding of new varieties should be encouraged, particularly of those which can replace
the very old, though popular varieties like paddy (Uma, Jyothi) in Kerala and wheat (Lok-1) in
MP, Maharashtra etc. Similarly the best performing varieties with low input requirement
should be developed to optimize the income of farmers.
The variety released by a breeder must find farmers’ acceptability in his growing environment/
conditions, particularly in the context of climate change. The relevance of the new variety must
be judged by this parameter, as adoption of a number of varieties released year after year is
below normal among the farmers. It is also desirable that the new variety is named in a series,
as introducing new name makes it difficult for the farmers. Introduction of Swarna Sub I or IR
64 drought are such an example.
A team of researchers from Austria, the U.S. and India, headed by Narasimba D. Rao from the
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Austria, used the data generated by
National Sample Survey Organizations (NSSO) on consumption expenditure in India (2011-
12) and the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau to examine Indian diets. The team found
that, while nearly three quarters of Indians consume less than the ideal number of calories a
day, and more than half have protein deficiency, the deficiencies of micro-nutrients were more
prevalent. The research showed, that nine in 10 Indian are iron-deficient, 85 per cent do not
meet the required intake of vitamin A and two-thirds have zinc deficiency.
The cost was clearly a concern as deficiencies were found to decrease as household incomes
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increased. Surprisingly though, urban households had increased deficiencies compared to their
rural counterparts (apart from vitamin A), which the researchers attribute, to greater diversity
of cereals in rural areas. Having identified 32 representational diets each for northern, southern,
eastern and western India, the researchers found that the rice-based diets of southern and
eastern India make the people in these areas more vulnerable to micro-nutrient deficiencies
than people elsewhere.
The researchers also found that while those above the poverty line can make up for this
nutritional inadequacy without their food budgets being affected much, nearly 160 million
people below the poverty line cannot do so without exceeding their food budgets.
They suggest that the required micro-nutrients can be met by reducing the intake of rice (from
61% to around 40% of calorie share) and meat and replacing them with nutri-cereals such as
bajra, ragi, sorghum, foxtail millet etc. and maize along with legumes including groundnut,
dark, leafy vegetables, and coconut.
The study, published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, looked at
122 developing and least-developed countries, mostly in Asia, Africa and South America. As
per this study, the countries most vulnerability to food insecurity caused by temperature spike
of 2 degrees celsius are Oman, India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and Brazil, researcher said.
Climate change is expected to lead to more extremes of both heavy rainfall and drought, with
different effects in different parts of the world, reports Richard Betts, Professor of the
University of Exeter, in the study referred above.
Seed production system beginning with research and release of variety should address these
issues relating to climate change with a view to introducing effective coping and mitigation
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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critical need for achieving higher productivity. An effective and farmer-friendly model should
be developed to make available to the farmers, quality seeds of improved varieties/hybrids at
affordable price. In tribal and agro- biodiversity rich hilly regions of the country, farmers’
varieties are still popular and this may be on account of excellent quality associated with
therapeutic/medicinal value, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, climate resilience and
some special attributes associated with these varieties. These varieties are however not in the
seed chain, and efforts should therefore be made to integrate them into informal seed chain
with some amount of genetic purity, by adopting special maintenance breeding methods. These
farmers’ varieties are important for future breeding programs, as they possess useful gene/gene
blocks for certain traits. It is worth appreciating, that these varieties are the products of a
dynamic evolution that has occurred naturally in the eco-system and are well adapted to the
An effective and farmer-friendly model through Seed Village Programme (SVP) to upgrade
the quality of farm saved seeds has been in operation. Under this programme
foundation/certified seed is provided at 50 per cent subsidy on cereals and 60 per cent subsidy
on pulses, oilseeds, green manure seeds and fodder crops limiting to 1 acre/farmers. The
farmers are also trained on seed production and seed technology at the stages of sowing, flower
initiation and harvest. The quality seed produced by these farmers are used for the following
three years and excess quantity is sold/shared/bartered to other farmers locally and in nearby
villages. This is a useful system and can be further strengthened.
Community Seed Banks (CSBs) for promotion of local varieties and Community Nursery
Banks (CNBs) for promotion of planting material in case of tree species are the best options to
promote farmers’ varieties. Enabling the resource-poor farmers with quality seed and suitable
production technology for sustainable livelihood is a critical challenge, that should be gainfully
addressed on priority. Since 86 per cent of the farmers in India are small and marginal,
providing quality seeds at affordable price is also a challenge, as seeds produced by using
varieties/hybrids with bio-tech traits are costly. The critical need today is cost rationalisation
of certified seeds.
Forage crops are the most neglected ones and efforts should be made to integrate them into
effective seed chain to support dairy and livestock sector having huge growth potential. This
sector has been identified as an engine of growth in this Report. What is also needed in order
to maintain high standards of seed quality is to undertake restructuring of quality assurance and
quality enhancement system.
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It is important, that a robust seed rolling plan for successive five years based on adaptability
and performance of the variety is made at district and block levels by district level and block
level committees.
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It is important that, the State Department of Agriculture executes MoUs with reliable Seed
Producing Organisations (SPOs) for assured supply of seed. The selection of these
organisations can be based on following norms.
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A robust seed reserve scheme is needed to compensate for quantity of seeds converted into
non-seed use, and to account for cost variations in procurement etc. To ensure procurement of
quality seeds, all the procurement costs must be paid into the account of seed growers.
The country is often affected by natural calamities of different types. While, planning/preparing
for seed rolling plan, the seed requirement for contingency plan should also be included in the
seed production target based on the previous years’ occurrences/experiences. The drought
prone, flood prone, cyclone prone and other calamities prone districts/states need to be more
vigilant in advance planning & execution and producing the required crop variety seeds through
various seed producing agencies. The states must create ‘Seed Reserve’ based on past trends
of natural calamities to meet situations of contingency. There is some hesitancy on this score,
as the states may incur financial loss when the reserve is not put to use when no contingent
arises. The Central Government may offer to compensate a certain percentage of loss in this
context as an incentive.
The Seed Division of the Ministry/Department of Agriculture collects breeder seed indents of
about 38 general crops (paddy, wheat, maize, bajra, sorghum, ragi, barley, kodo, kulthi, foxtail
millet, arhar, urd, moong, cowpea, moth bean, horsegram, gram, lentil, peas, rajmash,
soyabean, groundnut, til, sunflower, safflower, niger, castor, rape seed & mustard, toria, cotton,
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jute, sunhemp, fodder jowar fodder, bajra fodder, maize, oats, cowpea, lucerne, berseem etc.)
of kharif, rabi & summer seasons consisting of about 1352 varieties (as of date) from various
seed producing states / agencies (public and private) and forwards it to ICAR after screening
and compilation to organize breeder seed production. Similarly, the indents of vegetable crops
are collected and forwarded to ICAR.
ICAR finalizes the production programme in respective All India Crop Workshops and
organizes production through State Agricultural Universities and its Research Centres. Project
Directors / Project Coordinators of ICAR Centres thereafter send the breeder seed production
report, and Seed Division makes the allocation of breeder seed based on indents and production
reported by ICAR for downstream activities. In order to ensure proper utilization of precious
breeder seed, Seed Division, regularly reviews the lifting and its multiplication into foundation-
certified seed at Zonal Seed Review Meetings. What is now needed is a more granular level of
review, wherein crop and varietal alignment with the varied agro-climatic conditions of the
country is addressed.
Assessment of the total quantum of breeder seeds required as per crops, varieties and seasons,
and production form the basis of producing the final requirement of certified seeds at farmers’
level. Hence, this stage is the most critical one in the seed chain. ICT based assessment and
review is needed. Also, coordination among the 3 main organisations, namely, the States/UTs,
DACFW and ICAR is of utmost importance.
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i. Self pollinated crop – 33 per cent of seed is to be replaced after every three years, as in
case of self pollinated crops the seed will remain pure in two successive generations,
provided further, that proper care is taken by the farmers.
ii. Cross pollinated crops – 50 per cent of seed is replaced in alternate years. Due to cross-
pollination, chances of admixture are high. Alternate year replacement will help in
harvesting the full genetic potential.
iii. Hybrids – 100 per cent of seed is to be replaced every year, degeneration of FI vigour
happens in successive generations.
Table 3.3 Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) – Projection as per current and future requirements
2016-17 Projected by 2022
Present SRR Requirement Project SRR Requirement
Wheat 40.3 117.5 41(50) 123(145.78)
Paddy 39.8 87.74 40(50) 88.18(110.23)
Barley 30.2 2.44 33 2.67
Maize 64.6 12.47 100 19.3
Sorghum 38.2 2.82 45(100) 3.32(7.38)
Bajra 57 2.36 60(100) 2.48(4.14)
Moong 33.5 2.68 35(50) 2.8(4)
Urd 37.9 2.67 40(50) 2.82(3.52)
Arhar 33.5 2.71 40(50) 3.23(4.04)
Gram 31.8 17.65 33 18.32
Soyabean 38.1 29 40(50) 30.45(38.06)
Grounnut 25.2 23.48 33 30.74
Mustard 68 2.49 80(100) 2.93(3.66)
Total 306.01 329.24(391.78)
The seed replacement rate has been proposed on higher side keeping in view the importance of
replacing old varieties in case of some self-pollinated crops which have continued to rule
beyond the threshold limits of prescribed age. If the export potential can be harvested, the
projected requirement will go up further. India can become a robust exporter of various crop
seeds to countries that are similar to India’s climatic conditions.
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can negotiate these stress situations and also are genetically designed to yield more will have
to be promoted.
It is seen that in many states and in case of several crops old varieties are continuing to rule.
Globally, seed life is 5 years, and in India 10 years is the norm. In reality, however, requests
for continuation of varieties beyond the threshold norms is acceded to for coverage under Crop
Development Programmes (CDPs) of the governments. This is indicative of the failure of
acceptance of new varieties notified by the NARS. The reason for failure could be, that research
claims are not true or/and the extension machinery has not succeeded in popularizing the new
It must be recognised, that SRR and VRR need to march as a couple, if the low yield averages
across the crop cafeteria are to improve.
Alongside denying permission for coverage of beyond age norm varieties under Seed
Production and CDP, suitable replacements must be demonstrated to the farmers for
appropriateness and popularise them.
Seed Multiplication Ratio (SMR) holds the final key in reaching out desired varieties and
targeted quantities of the crop cafeteria to the farmers across the country. The ratios of
multiplication of the seed variety down the seed chain between ‘Breeder Seed’ and ‘Certified
Seed’, at each of the stages should be ensured.
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States must review objectively contingent situations arising and accordingly plan seed
requirements for inclusion in the seed plan and National Seed Reserve. Due cognizance
may be given to fodder and green manure crops in both seed plan and contingent
All states must make efforts to produce seed or to get the seed produced within the state
through all credible seed producers having technical competence, sufficient seed
infrastructure facilities, experience and efficiency in seed production. It is not advisable
to depend on one or two agencies and it would help to promote more FPOs, SHG, CIG
etc. for seed production.
States must ensure increase in SRR (Seed Replacement Rate) and VRR (Varietal Seed
Replacement). Close coordination with ICAR-SAUs is necessary for bringing newly
developed varieties into seed production chain.
States which do not take up seed production as per the seed plan and which do not
purchase the contracted quantity of seed from the seed producers as per MoU, must be
held accountable in some way.
States should take up certified seed production of the latest varieties/hybrids, as and
when released and notified.
All Seed Producing Agencies must arrange to procure seeds immediately after harvest
of the crop to avoid non-supply by the producing farmers/organizations, which is
probable in the event of increase in the prices of the crop in the market.
The strength of the certification staff has not been increased over the years in proportion
to the increase of seed production requirement. One way of adding staff strength to do
this is by hiring final year agriculture science graduates from the Universities, for which
course calendar may be modified to enable their participation.
States to also focus on crops, whose production may have been impacted during the
current year due to deficiency in rainfall. Demand for seeds of such crop in the
succeeding year could be high.
Seed Certification Agencies should not extend procurement period and should stick to
the scheduled timeline.
States which are not generally availing the facilities under Seed Village Program may
be motivated to do so.
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KRIBHCO, HIL, NFL etc. A networked and work flow based operation is required among
these stakeholders. Due attention is needed for production of breeder seed and its conversion
into downstream classes i.e. foundation and certified seeds under assured irrigation and good
agronomic practices.
The State Seed Committees may prepare seed rolling plan upto 2022-23 by identifying region-
wise varieties, assessing yearly seed requirement, ideal seed replacement rate and gradual
annual increase. Appropriate MoUs should be entered into among different stakeholders for
firm commitments of procuring the seed, thus mitigating the problem its non-lifting. Then
realistic indents for breeder seed along with token advance should be placed with the concerned
organization responsible for developing/sponsoring a variety, at least one year in advance. In
recent years, the climate change has been adversely impacting agricultural production in the
country and the seed production programme is not an exception. Therefore, there is an urgent
need to identify non-traditional season/areas for compensatory seed production. Attendant
technologies and agronomic practices needed for such non-convention production plan must
also be taken care of.
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dependence on market for seeds. The seed banks not only can protect the existing crop
varieties but also ensure supply of seeds to the farmer to meet contingency.
Proper storage of seeds is essential to get satisfactory germination. All SAUs/CAUs
and ICAR Institutes should set up seed storage structures for various agricultural and
vegetable seeds and offer cost effective services to the farmers. They may also work on
upgrading the indigenous storage systems in the rural areas.
Huge demand-supply gap exists in case of forage seed. This is a major cause of concern
for development of dairy sector in the country. ICAR, SAUs, State Animal Husbandry
Department and Public Sector Seed Agencies should come forward to produce the
forage crop seed varieties bred in the public sector in collaboration with FSPO and
Dairy Cooperatives/Dairy Federation on large scale and supply to the farmers at
affordable price.
Regulatory measures for quality seed production have to be tightened so as to
discourage sale of spurious seeds to farmers. The seed companies should be made
responsible for poor performance of seed supplied by them. The details of seed traits
should be displayed on seed packages and agency website. The seed companies should
provide adequate compensation package for farmers in case of general failure of their
seeds. Research institutions must develop rapid testing kits for seed hybridity to allow
quick seed testing, thus, enabling the detection of spurious seeds at the time of sale.
By and large enforcement in the states is weak. A robust enforcement system for various
inputs including seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc calls for well trained and adequately
staffed manpower, laboratories for testing of standards, deployment of I.T Apps for
track and trace etc. It is suggested that a separate Directorate of Enforcement is
established by all the States/UTs with a mandate to cover all inputs, letting the
Directorate of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fishery etc to concentrate
on development and extension.
In order to improve the quality of farm saved seeds (60-65%), Seed Village Programme
being implemented from year 2005-06 onwards needs to be upgraded for better
monitoring. The targeted 500 number of Seed Processing and Godown at the Gram
Panchayat level by 2022 will strengthen seed production system. This target can further
be enhanced by another 500.
To reduce the seed cost and get maximum seed yield per unit area, all the seed producers
in both public & private sectors may adopt scientific agronomic practices including
subsoil drip, raised bed planting, ridge and furrow method sowing, precision farming,
micro-irrigation etc.
By following improved irrigation methods, one can double the irrigated area with the
existing water availability. Further, seed producer may also adopt SRI, SWI, DSR in
seed production of paddy, wheat, ragi, bajra, jowar, maize, pulses & oilseeds etc.
Seed subsidy for high yielding variety/hybrid seeds under various crop development
programmes of GOI and States may be provided to the farmers only once in 3 years a
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particular variety, so that maximum number of farmers gain access to newly developed
seeds. Further, subsidy may be transferred through DBT.
At the time of supply of breeder seed, crop specific proven package of practices for
each variety may be provided to the seed producers, so as to enable them adopt the same
in seed production. This information may also be hosted on the portals of all the stake
At the time of release of new crop varieties seeds with specific recommendation on top
screen aperture size and bottom screen aperture size should be mandatorily shared, so
that all the seed producers and farmers can follow appropriate screen size for grading
their produced seed.
Crop variety-specific hand sieve/spiral grader may be provided to farmers for grading
their farm saved seed and preserve/store it, till next sowing season. This will empower
the farmers to be self-reliant relating to seed requirement.
More number of varieties tolerant to drought, flood & salt, initial heat, midterm heat,
and terminal heat need to be developed. Further, develop varieties that are short &
medium in duration and are photo-insensitive.
Adequate production of forgotten crops (like millets), horticultural crops (like
vegetables & flowers) must gain due attention.
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3.8.3. Strategy
To increase the use of new varieties
Under All India Coordinated Research Projects on-farm field trials of varieties should be
undertaken simultaneously from the 3rd year to assess suitably for cultivation use, farmer’s
acceptance of the new varieties as discussed in below:
The Breeder gives the potential seed material for multi-locational field trials under All India
Coordinated Research Project (AICRP). The process then involves:
In order to save on time, it is suggested that parallel to AVT-2, NARS may undertake on-farm
varietal trials. This will help in expediting the process of acceptance of the new variety to be
release among the farmers.
In addition to static seed processing plants, mobile processing facilitates may also be promoted.
This will benefit small & marginal farmers.
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In addition to the existing seed dealers and retailers, the quality seeds produced annually in the
seed village programme is about 100 lakh qtls. An additional target of 25 lakh qtls. has been
planned by promoting 500 GP level Seed processing-cum-godown facilities. This is expected
to be achieved by 2020-21 and FPOs will be expected to own responsibility. This is a good
initiative and can be further strengthened, bringing particular focus on weaker crop segments.
In the private sector, there are 624 number of seed companies, who have received backended
subsidy. Their processing capacity is 168.18 lakh qtls. and seed storage capacity stands at 54.34
lakh qtls. With the Government’s commitment to developing number of retail agriculture
markets, there would be a good platform to sell quality seeds to the farmers.
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are found well adaptable in Afghanistan/Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal/Bhutan
respectively. Similarly other Asian countries like Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand
are also potential export destination countries from India may also be explored.
3.16. Annotation
Seed is the seed of growth in agriculture. With its ability to integrate production - protection -
and quality-centric technologies by way of genetic capability, it is the single most potential
source of achieving sustainable productivity. Hence, at both research and policy levels, seed
sector should get the highest attention. While Indian seed sector has been well supported by a
legal framework and seed production has evolved robustly, there is much that as yet needs to
be done.
There is an urgent need to take note of various challenges, that have emerged in the form of
biotic and abiotic stresses. Greater certainty of climate change with its implications on
seasonality and cropping system that describe Indian agriculture has compounded the already
existing challenges. Hence, the need for appropriate R and D for releasing suitable varieties.
Further, the Green Revolution technology has not been secular across crops, sub-sectors and
geographies. The seed production system has concomitantly suffered bias too. It is time to
correct and bring universal character by greater emphasis on forgotten crops (eg. Millets) and
horticultural crops (eg. vegetables, flowers).
It is time to adopt a robust seed production plan based on ‘Rolling Seed Plan’, influenced by
SRR (Seed Replacement Rate), VRR (Varietal Replacement Rate) and SMR (Seed
Multiplication Ratio). It is also necessary to decentralise and broadbase the seed production
platform by roping in SHGs, FPOs, VPOs, youth-entrepreneurs, contract-farming etc.
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Quality of seed and affordable price are another set of requirement and an institutional system
needs to be put in place. Exports should become an integral component of seed production
system considering India’s capabilities and potential.
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Chapter 4
Pest Management
Pests and diseases affect crop yields and output and pest management to protect crops, adds to the
farmers costs. To minimise cost of cultivation and ensure pesticide residues below threshold norms,
pest management needs to be carried out in efficient and effective manner, having selected the treatment
judiciously. In this context, alternate methods to manage pests including early warning system &
preventive measures are important considerations. Regulations also impact on availability, choice, cost
competitiveness and quality of pest control systems offered to the farmers.
4.1. Introduction
The Agriculture sector is prone to various risks or threats, and pests represent one of them.
These pests can be plants or animals that can carry/cause disease and destroy crops. They can
be insects, virus, bacteria, rodents, etc. that are detrimental not only to agricultural produce but
also to other living beings. Based on the degree of damage they cause, the frequency of their
occurrence and their behavioural characteristics, they can be segregated into
key/occasional/migratory/potential pests.
The level of infestation can be influenced by Changes that influence level of infestation
ecological, economic and cultural changes. The 1. Ecological changes:
damaging effects of insects on cultivated plants Large scale agriculture which provides
could be both direct and indirect. The direct abundant supply of food
effects consist of physical damage from Planting of highly nutritious crop varieties
Planting of yield crops
chewing, piercing and sucking; whereas, the
Water irrigation, etc.
indirect effects lead to lowering the quality and
quantity of plant products, besides transmitting 2. Economic and cultural changes:
Change in cropping system eg. mono-
disease. The loss due to pests can be broadly
classified into two groups i.e. pre-harvest and Change in value of crop can make a pest that
post-harvest. The cumulative effect thus is the is of insignificant important to be highly
cost involved in preventing the potential crop important
damage and the consequential monetary loss.
In the light of above, plant protection strategies become indispensable for a good crop
production. These strategies consist of both chemical and non-chemical alternatives. In India,
the farmer’s crop yield losses range from 15 to 25 per cent owing to the presence of weeds,
pests, diseases and rodents. Even though pesticides could be inevitable for protecting crop
yields, per hectare pesticide use is much lower in India in comparison with other countries.
India uses a low average of 0.5 kg per ha of pesticide compared to 7.0 kg per ha in the USA,
2.5 kg in Europe, 12 kg in Japan and 6.6 kg in Korea. However, averages by themselves do not
give a true picture of the field. Within India, there exist wide variations between regions, crops
and across irrigated-rainfed status. The intensity of pesticide usage is high in case of certain
crops, particularly when raised in irrigated systems. Further, among the varied inputs, such as
pesticides, seeds, fertilisers, etc., pesticides alone account for a large share of the expenditure
for all major vegetables, oilseeds, major pulses, flowers, paddy, cotton, and many other crops.
It is also noteworthy, that pests are a major reason for crop losses, next only to weather vagaries,
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The impact of climate change on pest behaviour is another aspect to be taken into account. In
order to counter such new challenges, new technologies may be introduced that may prove
effective in the short run but care should be taken to assess long term solutions for sustainability
over a substantial period. A short term answer may lead to a new problem e.g. some GM
(Genetically Modified) crops may intend to solve a particular type of pest or category of pests,
but can give rise to secondary pests which may prove more detrimental to the crop. Chemicals
and non-chemical systems used, can also impact on health and safety of other flora and fauna,
including humans. It is, therefore, important that any technology offered as a solution is
comprehensively examined before it is introduced. Certain regulation is deemed necessary in
regard to pest management systems.
The Government enacted Insecticides Act (I.A.), 1968 regulates import, manufacture, sale,
transport, distribution and use of pesticides so as to prevent risks to human beings, animals and
matters connected therewith. The Act is supported by Insecticides Rules, 1971.
Insecticides Act (I.A), 1968: Under I.A, 1968, insecticides are mainly registered under sec
9(3) and sec 9(4). Under sec 9(3) new molecule and formulation are being registered whereas
under sec 9(4) registrations are granted for already registered insecticides (also known as ‘Me
U/s 9(3)
U/s 9(4)
The above figures, indicate negligible registration of new molecules, inferring that there exists
a lack of domestic R&D activity. The number of Bio-pesticides registration during the same
period is as follows:
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700 703
300 295 305 295
262 240
200 220
146 137
100 81
Implementation of the provisions of the Act is the responsibility of both, central and state
governments. The central government is responsible for registration of insecticides, whereas,
the state governments are responsible for licensing, and enforcement of the provisions relating
to manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use of pesticides. Both central and state
governments are jointly responsible for quality control.
4.2. Challenges
As mentioned above, the share of pesticide costs in the total cost of production is high.
Therefore, any attempt to increase farmer’s income must also dwell upon interventions required
to reduce expenditure incurred on pesticide. It is pertinent to highlight the challenges to be
negotiated, if expenditure on pesticides is to be checked. These are:
i. Quality of pesticide
ii. Optimum application of pesticide
iii. Popularising IPM techniques
iv. Price of generic pesticides & monopolistic practices
At present, there exists one Central Insecticide Laboratory (CIL), and two Regional Pesticide
Testing Laboratories (RPTLs) in the country with an annual testing capacity of 4,700 samples.
In addition, there are 68 State Pesticide Testing Laboratories (SPTLs) with an annual test
capacity of 73,547 samples. There exist wide inter-state variations in the number of SPTLs.
Tamil Nadu (15) has the highest no. of SPTLs followed by Rajasthan (6), Karnataka (6),
Andhra Pradesh (5), Maharashtra (4), Uttar Pradesh (4), Haryana (4) and so on, whereas, States
like Bihar, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha have only one
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conducted, and the same can be entrusted to NIPHM (National Institute of Plant Health
Management), Hyderabad.
The central government has been supplementing the resources of state/UT governments in
quality control testing of pesticides. For this purpose, two Regional Pesticides Testing
Laboratories have been established at Chandigarh and Kanpur (earlier there were 4 RPTLs, of
which two, namely, Bombay and Madras RPTLs closed in 1980s) under the Directorate of
Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage (DPPQ&S), Faridabad (Haryana).
The extension officers are the most important functionaries as they help in effective
implementation of the policies, by undertaking training/sensitisation of the farmers on various
aspects of agricultural production, and also by disseminating required information to the famers
at the right time. The 3R approach to application of pesticide is constrained by many factors,
and one of them is absence of refresher training programme and extension material for updation
of knowledge of the extension officers. When the extension machinery is found to be
inadequate, the farmers tend to rely on the local pesticide dealers for pest management advice,
who serve as their ‘First Contact Point’, and advise them on pesticide selection, dosage,
methods and timing etc. Since majority of these pesticide dealers lack relevant qualification,
their advice suffers from scientific rigour. Apart from this, conflict of interest also comes into
play, compromising the objectivity of advice given. In this context, the following are
The local dealers should be made aware of registered uses / recommended uses of
pesticides through the concept of the “Read the Label First”, which not only minimizes
the secondary effects but also issues of pesticide residues and food safety, as the label
reading makes dealers and also farmers to understand about the target pest and crop on
which the pesticide is registered for use, and also perfect dose and pre-harvest intervals
As the dealers are “first contact persons”, their knowledge can be upgraded through
capacity building programs as para extension workers, for effective pesticide
The phenomenon of pesticide spraying has changed in the recent years, due to
engagement of persons for pesticide spraying on per tank / acre basis. Hence it is very
essential to conduct special short trainings for such persons on maintenance of spray
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equipment, good spraying practices and use of personal protection equipment, for not
only protecting health of such people but also for obtaining effective control of pests.
6.0 5.5
3.0 2.6
2.0 1.6
The use of pesticides can effectively be minimised, by adoption of IPM approach, and realise
higher income of the farmers. IPM not only reduces the input costs, but also helps in
minimizing pollution in soil, water and air; reducing occupational health hazards; conserving
ecological equilibrium; and reducing pesticide residue loads in food. Though the IPM approach
has been accepted by researchers, agriculture extension functionaries and farmers, and has
proved its effectiveness in management of pests, there are many constraints in its
Some of the inadequacies are poor pest surveillance mechanism and availability of IPM inputs
(bio-control agents, bio-pesticides, light traps, rodent traps, pheromone traps, sticky traps, seed
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treatment drums). Further, quality of IPM inputs is also important to build and sustain
confidence in IPM practices. There is inadequacy in respect of this.
Over the years, the governmental effort has sensitized the farming community on use of IPM
tools, who now are aware about the tools and techniques. However, due to non-availability of
biological control agents in the market, the use of bio-agents is not prevalent. The states should
encourage on-farm production and mass multiplication of bio-agents through SHGs, FPOs,
Cooperatives, Mahila Sanghs etc. and the inputs should be made available at village level either
at the office of Panchayats / Kisan Bhawans, etc. The quality control of bio-agents is also very
pivotal for sustainable use of such products and creation of confidence among the farming
community. Capacity building programs are organized at NIPHM, but the implementation of
production of inputs by trained persons is very shallow.
4.3. Interventions
The interventions aimed at bringing down the expenditure on pesticide represents a collation
of institutional, capacity building, procedural, policy and research strategies. These
interventions have been segregated into three broad-based domains i.e. Central, State and
Research Organisations.
The basis of this segregation is to bring clarity for functionality and should not be treated as
water tight compartments. The efficacious implementation of these interventions is predicated
upon a concerted and coordinated synergy among all the stakeholders.
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use of recommended pesticides as per label prescription, at right dose against right pests
& in right time will help.
xxiii. Strengthening of techno-legal Cell of the Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine
and Storage (DPPQ&S) for facilitating swift action in cases of misbranded/spurious
instances of pesticides.
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available in RPTLs should exist and also help in analysis of other state samples for
second verification purposes and for Inter-Laboratory Comparisons (ILCs).
xii. All analysts should undergo training (induction and refresher) at NIPHM on Pesticide
formulation analysis.
xiii. All SPTLs should be GLP and ISO 17025 complaint.
xiv. A dedicated “Coding Cell” be established at Directorate of the State, where the
inspector samples are received, coded and sent to SPTLs for tamper proof analysis.
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viii. Creation of field diagnosis protocols that serve as a step-by-step guide for diagnosis of
field problems. A protocol should encompass all the known problems of a crop and
include various diagnostic approaches like visual, chemical, digital, etc. These
protocols should be revised from time-to-time as new technologies, new problems, new
research findings, etc., come to light.
Research Organizations
ix. Creation of a Centralised Prescription Repository (ICAR/SAU) Interventions
(CPR), that caters to all the diverse cropping Adoption region wise model
situations and preferences. The CPR should clusters
Recording of region wise and
contain all the authentic prescriptions to tackle pest
crop wise usage of plant
situations at different crop stages and at varying protection molecules
intensities of damage for different regions of the Collaborative institute project
country. Further, the CPR should include the entire staking district as unit of study
Research to develop pest
range of preferences such as biological, organic, resistant varieties
conventional, mechanical, cultural, etc., for each Creations of field diagnosis
specific agro-climatic zone. The CPR should be protocols
Creation of a Centralised
continuously updated with inputs based on latest Prescription Repository (CPR)
research findings, changing pest scenarios, policies Big data analyses of pest
and other regulations, technologies developed, etc. situations
Timely Dissemination of IPM
This should be backed by suitable policies that is recommendations
binding for all to adopt from the prescriptions listed
in the CPR.
x. Big data analytics of pest situations being reported from across the country: As digital
extension systems are continuously expanding in the country, there is a need for
establishing a big data analytics and interpretation centre. This centre should be able to
provide all the necessary alerts across every district of the nation for each of the
cultivated crops. Lack of such data systems has led to delayed administrative and
policy-level decisions. Effective data analytics can help in interpretation of data and
drawing of messages for containing pests within certain limits of their occurrences.
Large scale pest occurrences and server damages can such data analytics would be of
vital importance for predicting pest occurrences and for pest quarantine.
Today there is a consensus among a wide range of stakeholders, that pesticide use needs to be
gradually reduced to a level that is minimally required to ensure effective crop production, and
that risks of pesticide application need to be reduced as far as possible. Experience across the
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world shows, that pesticide use can be reduced considerably without unduly reducing yields or
increasing costs of production. A reduction of pesticide use is feasible already within the
current production systems. New knowledge, technologies and alternatives available now,
clubbed with traditional practice of cultivation can also be introduced to minimize or optimize
the use of pesticide. In case of exports in particular, strict adherence to ‘Maximum Residue
Levels’ (MRL) as laid down by the importing countries becomes essential.
All stake holders should be sensitized on “Read the Label First” for correct use of
pesticides, which reduces the cost of cultivation.
CIBRC may make amendments, that lets notifying leaflets only in two languages, but
by using bold letters and pictorial representation of target pest and crop for easy
understanding of recommend use by farmers.
The availability of bio-pesticides, mass trapping methods and mating disruptors is very
important for use of environmental friendly tools.
The traditional chemical pesticides which are required to be used at higher doses be
eliminated in phases through regular reviews by Registration Committee.
Pest life-cycle and behavior based management practices be popularized for effective
management of the critical pests such as pink boll worm, army worms, fruit borers,
mealy bugs, wilt fungus, vertebrates etc.
Agro-Ecosystem Analysis, Ecological Engineering methods and Pest-Defender
Analysis be popularized among all extension staff for effective crop protection
Discourage use of pesticides-mixtures / cocktails etc.
The pesticide packages be made in such a way, that the packing is sufficient for one
acre (packing for acre – crop wise), so that farmers do not have to purchase more than
required. Considering that majority of the land holdings are small & marginal, smaller
packages will be cost-effective.
Government may approve only calibrated and suitable sprayers / pesticide application
/ plant protection equipments.
Continuous extension visits and on-farm demonstration on good spraying practices and
recommended use of pesticides and their efficacies in case of areas of pest severity /
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All Research Stations / Institutes should conduct model farm / crop demonstrations at
village level for promoting methods for reducing the use of pesticides and cost of
cultivation. At every farm demo site, the budget balance sheet should be displayed.
Reduction of pesticides in agriculture is necessary to ensure a more resource efficient approach.
This reduction can be achieved primarily by a combination of:
The down side, however of spraying is that much of the chemical being applied is wasted,
either due to drift, run-off, or because it cannot be applied precisely to the location where it is
needed on the trees. In certain cases, pesticides are more effective when placed inside the tree/s
or orchards, and this is difficult with spraying. Some alternative methods of applying chemicals
on trees that can be more efficient and targeted include i) trunk implantation; ii) trunk injection;
iii) soil injection/drenching; and iv) trunk basal spray.
Injection and implantation methods probably are most useful where soil access is
limited or extensive root damage may have occurred. Even in such cases, a trunk basal
spray would more likely work, assuming the product is labeled for the pest in question
and for the intended type of application.
Use of GPS: GPS can reduce pesticide consumption by approximately 10 per cent, as
it prevents double treatments in wedges and while turning. It can be used to calculate
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the needed amount of pesticides and can be connected to sowing/ planting machines
allowing the seeds or the plants to be placed in a pattern, which subsequently allow to
hoe the plants across the rows and to hoe closer to the rows than what is possible without
Quadcopters/Drone based fertilizer and pesticide spraying system: Fertilizers and
pesticides (biological & chemical) are primarily required for the growth of crops &
control of pests, respectively. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there
occur more than 1 million pesticide poisoning cases every year, out of which more than
100,000 deaths are of spray operators in developing countries. UAVs (Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles) can be deployed to avoid poisoning incidents linked to application of
pesticides & fertilizers. Such applications can be localised, restricted or specific in
nature to avoid exposure of spray operators during application. Multiple uses of such
UAVs can also relay remote sensing images that may be analysed by appropriate
available software.
GPS targeted spray application, or other chemical application through electronic
control technology: Electronically-controlled or managed chemical spray application
technologies can be more precisely used for application of agricultural pesticides at
intended targets. Reduced chemical drift will improve water quality by minimizing the
delivery of chemical compounds through the air to water bodies. Such application
systems require the use of GPS data loggers (i.e., devices that record the track, time and
location of field trips for download to maps) in order to document site-specific
compliance with all label requirements for drift mitigation.
Computer-assisted information gathering and application: Information technology can
be used to gather information about the health status of crops and compare conditions
with a computer model. The resulting management information can be used to develop
a turf spraying program based on observations of soil type, weed and disease status,
along with response to pesticides.
A hand-held data logger can be used with a global position indicator, so that weed or
diseased patches can be identified and located for spot treatment. Smart cards and disc
systems allow information to be downloaded from the office computer into the sprayer
Satellite positioning would indicate the grid reference. The 'smart card' contains
information on the level of infestation, allowing the pesticide to be applied at varying
levels according to the degree of infestation. As the injection sprayer drives towards a
patch of weeds or diseased area, the vehicle position indicator informs the sprayer
controller and switches on a particular injection pump. A patch of weeds or disease can
be spot treated with pesticide as sprayer passes. As the weed infestation is passed, the
sprayer can be switched off.
The potential for using all forms of sophisticated electronics as an aid to both
management and practical application of pesticides needs to be encouraged. While in
order to overcome concerns of the degree of sophistication, particularly in regard to
reliability in a harsh environment, maintenance, fault finding and longevity, training in
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Some of the methodologies that may be considered to target reduced usage of pesticides in
agriculture are:
i. Assessing the external costs of pesticide use
ii. Re-designing farming systems based on agro-ecology
iii. Breeding robust varieties with resistance to pests
iv. Advancing alternative crop protection methods, including sustainable farming
v. Adequately funding research and development activities; as also capacity building
vi. Strengthening know-how on alternatives and on safe use
vii. Applying agro-ecology for designing resilient farming systems
viii. Education, training and information for efficient pest management
ix. Capacity building on safe use
x. Increasing the demand for low-/no-pesticide agri-produce
xi. Applying restrictions on hazardous pesticides
xii. Raising awareness about pesticide issues among consumer, policy & decision
makers, and other stakeholders
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xiii. Revisiting the regulatory practices, and related policies and legislation
xiv. Assessing the risks of pesticides and monitoring progress
xv. New sprayer technology to reduce pesticide use
xvi. Nano-technological interventions to reduce pesticide use in crop protection
This will enable introduction of both patented or non-patented molecules in the country,
and ensure data protection of minimum of 2 years and maximum of 3 years for
companies willing to invest in new molecules being introduced for the first time in the
ii. Protective cultivation has become popular and with diversification into high value
crops, its adoption is growing. However, there are no formulations registered for use in
protective cultivation, wherein fertigation that combines application of water, fertilizer
and plant protection can be encouraged. In this regard, molecules that are suited to
fertigation need to be registered.
Another concern related to protective cultivation is the rising infestation nematodes and
lack of adequate number of registered nematicides.
iii. Seed treatment registrations have been accorded priority for registration. However, seed
treatment solutions are not available for all seeds of national importance. Bio-pesticides
need to be encouraged for seed treatment with a focus on export oriented produce.
iv. Plant protection products needed for treatment of agri-produce during storage (post-
harvest management) need to be given importance in registration.
v. Pesticide treated plastic wraps for slow ripening of fruits or plant protection products
need to be encouraged and evaluated.
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ii. Crop Cluster Development Scheme (CCDS) approach may also be considered. This
will help in promoting efficient way of pesticide application.
iii. The rate of pesticide dose in application should be linked to the seed variety in the given
crop cluster or agro-climate zone or state, as the case may be.
4.5.2. Cost
A detailed study is required to identify pesticides registered for use in respect of specific crops,
identified pests and available manufacturers & importers for the said product. This will be
required to identify and ensure the availability of identified and required pesticides in a
particular region of interest.
ii. All websites of the State Agriculture & Horticulture departments need be at least
bilingual i.e. English & regional/local language. This will help in connecting with other
states for new learnings and adoption of best practices.
Pesticides may be considered as an essential item and price control may be opted for generic
pesticides similar to the Drug Price Control.
Pest & disease surveillance is today carried out by the Union Department of Agriculture
through its 35 number of CIMPCs (Central Integrated Pest Management Centres). The
surveillance is largely manual, and therefore the advice is dated. If new technology platform
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based on electronic crop & pest status survey, weather data and data analytics is deployed, the
surveillance will become more meaningful and advisories more effective and timely. This will
enable the farmers to take appropriate and advanced action, that will minimise the outcome of
pest attack.
Some tools like PESTWATCH are available providing on-line information for pest monitoring
and forecasting. FAO provides satellite-based images of large locust habitat areas supported
by rainfall and green vegetation data for the technical staff for purpose of monitoring and
intervening to check their population. Such modules may be developed or adopted for pest
surveillance for large areas like that of state/district/clusters.
Harmonization of data obtained from different centres is necessary keeping in view the regional
variations in farming practices.
Calendar spraying of pesticides as a strategy helps maintain lower risk of crop loss due to pest
Nuclear technique, also known as sterile insect technique (SIT) is one of the IPM practices,
that can be promoted in managing fruit flies, moths etc. It is a form of sterilization of insects
and systematic release of huge number of male insects. The sterile males compete with insects
in the wild, and through mating with wild females, contribute to reducing overall pest numbers.
Promotion of right information, knowledge and skill on pest management and pesticide use is
critical to minimal and effective use.
The quality of pesticides (both imported and domestically manufactured) in the country can be
assured by mandatory implementation of i) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP); ii) Good
Laboratory Practices (GLP) for chemical & biological evaluations; iii) Crop Grouping for
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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enabling enhanced label approvals; and iv) Minor change regulation for formulations to reduce
use of harmful additives/adjuvants by more environmentally friendly ones, etc.
4.6. Annotation
Pest Management is one of the key aspects of the pre-harvest practices. Pest Management (non-
chemical and chemical) entails cost, and therefore, it is pertinent to ensure efficacious and
sustainable practices to rationalise cost of production, while minimising pesticide residues and
thereby increasing farmers’ income. Such gains will come from lower cost of production and
higher demand from safe foods. Addressing the challenges in respect of pest management (i.e.
quality of pesticides, optimum application of pesticide, popularisation of IPM techniques and
price of generic pesticides) requires implementation of multi-faceted strategies/interventions
(Policy/ Procedural/Research and Development/ Information
Technology/Institutional/Capacity Building) at different levels (i.e. central/state/local
government, farmers, pesticide industry, etc.). Further, these strategies/interventions call for
synergy and knowledge networking at all levels for efficiency & effectiveness.
While pesticides are used to protect the crops from pest damage, the consequential residues are
a cause for concern. Hence, the most minimum of pesticide required to protect the crop should
alone be utilised. This warrants deployment of most efficient & effective approach to pest
management, which implies integrated management comprising mechical, biological,
agronomic and chemical methods.
Further, in order to make available multiple options to the farmers for accessing pesticides that
are of good quality and reasonably priced, the regulation system of registration & licensing
should be reformed.
Enforcement system, that will ensure adherence to prescribed quality standards, label claims
etc. is critical too. At the basic level, capacity building of farmers in effective pest management
is of primary importance.
The unscientific use of chemical pesticides adds to unnecessary cost of production and poses a
health risk to the crop. Therefore, emphasis on efficacious and sustainable pest management
would reduce the cost of production and ensure a healthy produce, thereby increasing the
income of the farmers. The four main challenges that need to be addressed at different levels
are pesticide quality, reach of IPM techniques, optimal application and price. Excessive
pesticide usage can be contained through multi-stakeholder participation in diagnosis of the
problems and designing of approaches. Use of injection syringes, agro-chemical application
for orchards without spraying, and GPS and computer assisted tools for targeted pesticide
spraying need to be promoted.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Key Extracts
Special encouragement should be given for discovery and manufacture of the active
ingredients. There is also need to simplify the registration procedure, including for
organics / natural products / concoctions / mixtures of natural products / products
based on traditional knowledge. The system needs to be quick objective and
transparent. Attention is needed to developing suitable protocols for registration of
biological/natural etc. products, as also their regulation.
Create a national level portal with data/inventory of all registered pesticides, and to
disseminate information on all registered pesticide dealers along with their education
qualification is suggested.
Undertake comprehensive training of extension and enforcement officials/officers on
pesticide quality control/prosecution procedure/IPM policy.
Model clusters be adopted by ICAR and SAUs/CAUs; region-wise and crop-wise
usage of plant protection molecules need to be recorded to plan appropriate location-
specific measures to check abuse of plant protection molecules
Collaborative institutional projects with a time frame of 3-5 years, for development of
fore-warning system with suitable creation of field diagnosis protocols, & Big data
analytics of pest situation need to be rolled out.
Research and promotion of bio-pesticides, especially those indigenous to the country
need to be given greater focus.
Bio-pesticides need to be encouraged for seed treatment; Package of Practices issued
by the respective states may consider agro-climatic zone specificity. Other good
initiatives that deserve promotion are crop cluster development (CCD), harmonized
training modules etc. that are available in all languages. The websites of the State
Agriculture & Horticulture departments need be at least bilingual.
Promote awareness of IPM, precision farming, cluster farming approach.
Time bound registration, particularly of pesticides that are needed on priority is
essential. The overall system of registration of new molecules and formulations, under
sections 9(3) and 9(4) of the Insecticides Act, 1968 needs to be simplified and made
facilitative for more transparent and time bound registration.
Enforcement to ensure adherence to prescribed quality standards is of critical
importance. For this purpose, the states must be supported to set up independent
‘Enforcement Authority/Body’ at the state levels.
Generic pesticides may be brought under price control mechanism similar to the Drug
Price Control.
To regulate & enforce quality standards, the infrastructure needs to be strengthened
with more test labs, accreditation (NABL) & with well-trained manpower.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Chapter 5
Agricultural Mechanisation
Machines in the agricultural sector are an input that help in efficient utilisation of other inputs to
increase the productivity of land and labour. Machines also help in reducing the drudgery in
agricultural operations. At present, India needs greater application of appropriate and precision and
economically viable engineering technology to maximise productivity of different farming systems.
Additionally, the rural economic structure has been undergoing a gradual shift over the last
decade and a half in particular, resulting in transition to non-farm jobs. This too is a welcome
change in a situation where agriculture is over-populated.
These positive changes have however impacted agriculture, since the terms of trade have not
been farmer-favouring. Their income has not been able to keep pace, such as to cater to
increasing costs of production including that of rising labour wages. Hence, the need for labour-
substituting farm/agriculture machinery. Parallelly, it is also important to note, that several
activities are highly time-bound and unless executed as per schedule, the farmer is likely to
suffer loss. Agriculture mechanisation is an appropriate answer to such a challenge.
Lest it be misunderstood, that higher wages of labour is against the interest of farmers, it is
emphasized that wage increases are a must for the welfare of larger society. This is also in the
interest of farmers themselves, as an increase in purchasing power of the rural community can
be expected to create a higher demand for the farm produce, more particularly the high value
crops like fruits, vegetables, pulses, milk, meat, fish etc.
The average earnings of the farmer vis-a-vis the industrial & landless agriculture labour have
suffered a relative slide since the 1980s. It hence drives home an emphatic narrative advocating
for terms of trade that are advantageous to the farmers. The corollary to this is the need for
interventions that will bring down costs of production and enhance per unit output.
Farm mechanisation, more appropriately agriculture mechanisation will also absolve the wage
labour as also the farmer of the drudgery involved in manual operations, besides enhancing
manpower productivity since skills are integral to machine based operations.
Effective use of agriculture machinery helps to increase productivity & production of output,
undertake timely farm operations, and enable the farmers to quickly rotate crops on the same
land. By raising a second crop or multi-crops from the same land, there is improvement in the
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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cropping intensity, and making agricultural land in sequel commercially more viable.
Mechanisation also helps in animal husbandry, dairying and fisheries.
Agricultural Mechanisation mitigates drudgery and speeds up tasks, and helps bring judicious
use of inputs like seeds, fertilizer & water, contributing to farm productivity, and is, therefore
aid in enhancing farmers’ income. Estimates indicate that agricultural mechanisation can
contribute a cut in cultivation cost by 25 per cent and rise in productivity by 20 per cent, thereby
effecting an increase in farm income, to the extent of 25-30 per cent. It is assessed, for example,
that laser-levelling machine can fructify a water usage saving of 30 per cent and crop
productivity increase by 20 per cent, The need for mechanisation, varies across the agricultural
subsectors, and depends on the farming system practised (field crops, horticultural crops,
livestock systems, etc.), type of crop, size of farm, skills available, availability of fuel or power,
etc. The cost benefit analysis affects the adoption and deployment - cost of operations, cost to
maintain, gain in productivity and resulting income. Availability of labour is a key factor that
impacts adoption of mechanisation and runs across the aspects such as farming cost, size of
farms and ease of farming.
In the dairy and livestock sector, which is largely integrated with an associated industry, the
adoption of mechanisation has been more common. Milking machines, fodder handling and
feeding machines, harvesting systems in abattoirs, etc. are examples. In the fisheries sector the
adoption of mechanisation has been even more, and it has reaped major benefits. Examples
here, range from mechanised fishing boats which deploy propulsion and motorised net handling
equipment, fish pond management equipment, etc. Factory ships in the fisheries sub-sector are
probably the largest format of machines and mechanisation deployed in the agricultural sector.
On farm fields, mechanised tilling and harvesting are now most commonly used and India is
the largest market for tractors and a variety of harvester machines. Irrigation pumps, fertigation
systems and pesticide applicators are other mechanised forms of farm inputs. However, given
the scale of India’s agricultural sub-sectors, mechanisation is yet to penetrate all across regions
and farm types. One of the main limitations to deploying farming machines, is the capacity of
a farm to efficiently own such equipment. Small farmers will continue to be the mainstay of
Indian agriculture and the concept of custom hiring centres and mechanised services is
therefore most apt in this situation.
According to a recent McKinsey Study, the farm mechanisation market in India is worth US $
112 billion and is growing year-on-year @ 16 per cent. This can add hugely to the country’s
agricultural economy.
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Examples of some of the manual activities benefiting from use of machines are as below:
Preparatory phase
i. Destoner vi. Transplanters, seed drilling
ii. Ploughing, disking harrowing vii. Manure spreaders
iii. Power weeders viii. Pond cleaning and dredging
iv. Levelling ix. Cattle shed cleaning
v. Seedbed preparation x. Etc.
Tending phase
i. Mulch laying vi. Fodder handling and feeding
ii. Canopy management vii. Aeration and pumping of ponds
iii. Shade net management viii. Humidification fans for orchards
iv. Fertilizer and fertigation pumps ix. Animal rearing and caring tools
v. Irrigation of fields and watering x. Etc.
Protection phase
i. Pesticide sprayer v. Aerial shepherding
ii. Net management equipment for vi. Shed/ Stall/Pigsty cleaning
hail and birds machines
iii. Water cleaning and treatment vii. Etc.
iv. Scarecrow machines
Harvest phase
i. Combine harvesters vii. Threshing & bagging machines
ii. Fruit harvesters viii. Mechanical tree shaker
iii. Trawlers and fishing boats ix. Haulm toppers
iv. Milking machines x. Transport trailers
v. Crate washing and cleaning xi. Etc.
vi. Cotton picker
Waste handling
i. Silage and forage harvester iv. Waste shredder and pulveriser
ii. Stubble compacter and baler v. Waste digester & Composting
iii. Cow dung handling, dung log machines
making machine vi. Etc.
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agricultural sector include concerns on sustainability are a result of intensive use of machines,
without appropriate guidance and controls. For example, use of heavy machines can lead to
soil compaction and affect infiltration and aerobic activities.
Machines can displace physical attendance and human application, and then, diligence and
innovation can suffer. Age old skills and traditions also change and can get lost. Most
importantly, intensity of deployment can result in acute distress in the basic bio-ecology on
farms. Such examples abound in and across the agricultural sector:
Free electricity and/or solar powered pumps allow for indiscriminate use of water,
resulting in ground water depletion.
Marine fishing, globally, has witnessed a depletion of fish and trawling has damaged
sea beds.
The ease in applying of chemicals can result in over dosing and leave harmful residue
of pesticides and fungicides.
A multiplicity of outcomes can result from indiscriminate mechanisation. Here, the example of
rice stubble in farms of north-west India is apt. The easy access to irrigation caused a shift into
rice-wheat production system. The procurement system supplemented the economic growth
and opened access to farm machines in large scale. Combine harvesters took over the task of
farm animals, reducing that population. The residue on rice field was no longer usable or useful,
leading to burning of stubble and associated pollution. In this case, mechanising the access to
water brought a change in the cropping pattern, bringing rice into a zone where the society was
not rice eating, and eventually led to the problem of stubble burning and corresponding air
Therefore, due application of cross-disciplinary inputs, to understand the long term implication
of mechanisation, is an important learning to keep in mind. Nevertheless, the fact remains that
mechanisation is a vital aspect in modernising agricultural systems.
Agriculture sector requires greater engineering inputs and introduction of high capacity,
precision, reliable and energy efficient equipments. The agricultural machinery needs to be
adequately supported by automation, GPS, remote sensing, data analysers and the like. Semi-
mechanized nursery raising technology has been developed which needs to be popularized.
Harvesting of fruits is still mostly manual. Packaging lines and equipment for on- farm
processing and value addition of fruit and vegetables are needed. Sugarcane and cotton are
another category of important commercial crops. As yet there is no deployment of affordable
mechanical harvester for sugarcane and cotton. Likewise there are other crops that need
mechanization for which concentrated efforts are required.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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power per hectare. The following figure indicates this measure of power availability at farms
across some Asia-Pacific countries.
Figure 5.1: Farm power availability (kw/ha) (2013-14) in Asia Pacific Countries
China Thailand Republic of South Japan India
2 1.84
1.5 1.35
1 0.92
0.5 0.35
0.25 0.31
1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2010 2013 2014 2017
The average farm power availability in India has increased from 0.30 kW/ha in 1960–61 to
about 2.02 kW/ha in 2016–17. The Government targets to achieve 3 kW/ha by 2020. The
penetration of powered machines in various farm activities is assessed in the range of 40 to 45
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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per cent, and the share of mechanisation of field activities in 2016-17 is represented in the
following table.
The pace of mechanisation needs to pick up further across the sub-sectors of agriculture, across
crops and regions. It is worth chasing a target of 4.0 kw/ha. by 2022-23.
The DFI Committee recommends a target of at least one custom hiring centre (CHC) in every
large village or Gram Panchayat (GP) in case of small villages. The custom hiring centre should
typically house the low order machines needed to suit the crops and production systems in that
village. The recommendation does not restrict more than one such centre in a village and
multiple such centres can be welcomed, depending upon crop area, cropping intensity and other
likewise needs for mechanised support for agricultural works.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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An Agricultural Machinery Bank (AMB) should be established at District level. The Bank is
expected to house cost intensive machines like combine harvesters etc as well as high level
maintenance and repair facilities. The order of investment in these centres would be about
Rs.75 lakh to Rs.100 lakh.
As a third tier in the hierarchy of mechanisation, Regional/State level Service Centres may be
promoted in the private sector. These can service large geographies and cater to specialised
and a package of services. They may imply an investment of about Rs.150 to Rs.200 lakh.
Besides hiring of machines, a natural corollary is that farmers hire mechanised services as per
their needs. This will alleviate the need for each farmer to own machinery and learn skills to
operate the individual machines. Each Centre that rents machines can also rent out the
associated package of service of that machine (the equipment and skilled manpower to deploy
the machine efficiently and effectively). Such mechanised service enterprises for farmers, will
also create jobs for skilled youth in that region.
The Committee also suggests that the Central government, in formulating a contract farming
legal piece, include contracted services as part of the provision. As such, the formulation of a
Model Contract Farming and Services Act that caters to various agricultural services including
farm machinery is recommended.
The States must undertake district and block level crop/agriculture planning so that most
appropriate type of development is carried out. This will ensure better capital use efficiency in
farm mechanisation.
To promote and make mechanised tools available to farmers, it is necessary for the government
to provide suitable and targeted support to farmers. The establishment of enterprises (CHC)
that provide farming tools and machines is presently being supported through provision of
subsidy. However, the farmers may also be provided support for the hire of such machines.
The subsidy to farmers can be routed through the Aadhaar linked DBT (direct benefit transfer)
mechanism to ensure that the support reaches right beneficiary. To prevent misuse or over use,
the farmer may be required to pay the rental in full, to the CHC or AMB, and subsequently get
relief in the rental through direct beneficiary transfer. The hiring facility would require to
upload and confirm the utilisation including the running hours and other details of farmer, the
field and type of equipment. This system would also provide granular data to the monitoring
departments to assess better the mechanisation in use, and penetration of farm mechanisation
in each region.
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to make huge investments of about Rs.200 lakh and manage to break even within 2-3 years.
Going beyond machinery, they also cater to other facilities like labour etc.
It is possible to use the brand equity of such professional service providers and expand
agricultural mechanisation via the franchise route. Such decentralised franchise holders can
then improve service efficiency by combining their own machineries and deploying
machineries owned by others including individual farmers on rentral mode. The concept of
aggregation platform already common in city taxi service can be replicated in agriculture
machinery sector. City taxi services like Uber, Ola are household names globally. Uberisation
of agriculture machinery is a win-win situation. To the individual owner, this helps in finding
usage, when he does not need it and to the franchisee, the advantage is that he can expand his
business with lower order investment and also increase the platter of services on offer. To the
farmer not owing machinery, the advantage lies in availing of services without the bother of
procurement, operation & maintenance and acquiring needed skills.
The above context calls for indigenous Research and Development (R&D), so as to roll out
farmer-friendly, location-specific and easy-to-manage agricultural machinery. It obviously
calls for local designs to suit varying Indian conditions.
One of the key drivers of change in arriving at a more robust agriculture production system is
certainly linked to engineering & technology. The domains of farm machinery, agro-
processing, agri-logistics testing and fore-warning systems built on the power of engineering
& technology (ICT) contain vast potential of transforming agriculture. These interventions can
be expected to improve productivity, enable timeliness, and mitigate both natural and manmade
risks that constrain agriculture today.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Indian agriculture now set to transition from production to income-centric profession needs to
invite new technology, as well, so as to operate the sector on the principles of enterprise. In
the contemporary world, the trisection of three (3) important technologies, namely, satellite
imagery, robotics and big data offer a new hope to Indian farming. These technologies
combined with soil chemistry, artificial intelligence, sensors and Apps can help in transforming
the way agriculture is practised, for they contain the potential of imparting efficiency all along
the agricultural value chain, besides enhancing risk negotiation capability. It would not be out
of place to enlist the following equation as a part of doubling farmers’ income strategy.
There are several other illustrations in practice already. Some of these are:
Monitoring and Forecasting of weather
Solar-powered phase change enabled materials for irrigation. This intervention is
useful in areas with poor/unstable electricity and in case of small & marginal farmers.
Dairy farm optimisation and monitoring services by leveraging IoT (Internet of
Things), big data, cloud and mobility for improving milk production and procurement.
5.9. Annotation
Agricultural mechanisation is an important input to achieve higher productivity and mitigate
costs in the agricultural sector. Availability of farming labour power is reducing, due to various
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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factors, including diversion of labour into other employment generation programs of the
government. Even when available, it may not be available when needed and at affordable price
to the farmer.
Agricultural mechanisation plans, must include farm waste management machines, so that
farming residue is not committed to uneconomic disposal but becomes a viable off take from
farming. The cost component of other social and environmental ramifications must be
incorporated into such planning.
Access to mechanised tools, to small land parcels, is best promoted through developing
common use assets at Custom Hiring Centres and Agriculture Machine Banks. As the demand
for such equipments develops, these Centres can also rent out more comprehensive package of
services. This will also be a mode of employment to skilled operators in the region. Farmers,
who are skilled operators themselves, can find secondary income as operators once their own
farm has been serviced.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Chapter 6
Credit and Capital Formation in Agriculture
Finance is an overriding input that makes available the material inputs discussed in previous sections
and chapters. Credit is the mechanism that enables access to finance, which commences the initial cycle
of input, production and marketing. Credit allows for modernising agricultural practices, inducting
new technologies, building risk taking ability, accessing markets and makes farming more productive.
In addition to short term credit, which caters to seasonal production requirement of the farmer, he will
also need long term investment credit to build infrastructure on his farm. Further, some common
infrastructure for the farmers in a region will also be required.
I - Credit
6.1. Context
Credit is an important component for cultivation, procurement and marketing and access to
institutional credit at affordable rates would ease the practice of agriculture at the farmers’
level. More importantly, it would wean away farmers from dependence on moneylenders and
other informal sources. Empirical evidence suggests that output elasticity of farm credit is
significant and positive; roughly every 1 per cent increase in agricultural credit producing 0.29
per cent increase in agricultural GDP and consequently aiding increased income.
Enhancing agricultural productivity requires the right kind of material inputs and their efficient
use. These inputs, discussed in the previous chapters, are driven by access to finance. Financial
inputs are made through the monetisation of the farmed produce, and by credit, in advance to
the marketing of the produce. An efficient agricultural enterprise, should normally generate the
necessary revenue for the next cycle of production and marketing. However, all businesses are
not perfect and agricultural sector is not only not an exception, but is rather subject to many
other random variables. Therefore, access to formal finance is crucial for farmers to upgrade
and sanction their enterprise by managing the various inputs needed to achieve higher
agricultural productivity.
Credit in the form of loans is used as working capital at the beginning of the growing season,
as also at later stages of production & harvesting in order to purchase material inputs, prepare
land or invest in farm machinery, as well for the harvest, processing, transport and to market
the produce. Access to credit also allows a farmer the leeway to take risk, at every stage of the
business including during marketing of the output. A successful business cycle would
eventually reduce the need for credit, besides enhancing the farmer’s ability to borrow and
absorb higher credit.
The latest NSSO 70th round (year 2013) report reveals that among various sources of credit,
there was high dependence on non-institutional channels. Nearly 40 per cent of loans came
from informal sources and 26 per cent were advanced by moneylenders. Households having
marginal landholdings suffer most with only 15 per cent of their credit coming from
institutional sources like government, cooperatives and banks while for households in the
highest land class (with land more than 10 hectares), the ratio is 79 per cent.
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In 2003, out of 89.35 million farmer households, 48.6 per cent were reported to be indebted,
with the average amount of outstanding loan amount per household being Rs 12,585 at the all
India level. At the same time, 57.7 per cent of households had loans outstanding from
institutional sources.
In terms of outreach of credit, during FY 2016-17 around 10.70 crore number of agricultural
accounts had been financed as compared to 8.99 crore financed by all agencies taken together
during 2015-16, thereby indicating that close to 77 per cent of the operational holdings are
covered by institutional credit in the country3. However, this will require closer analysis, as it
is possible that same farm families, whose members own different parcels of land are availing
of the credit, and many others particularly those with outstanding debt are being left out. The
Government of India has been setting annual targets for the flow of institutional credit to the
agriculture sector, which are being happily surpassed by the banks. Table 6.2 presents a status
in this regard.
Arrived at by dividing the number of accounts by the number of operational holdings (138 million as per Agri Census 2010-
11) and assuming that they act as proxy for number of farmers and also assuming that there is no multiple accounts in a single
operational holding.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
Target for
Particulars Achievement % achievement
Short Term Agr. Loan 6,15,000 6,89,457.32 101.25
(Crop Loan)
Agr. Term Loan 2,85,000 3,76,298.35 118.29
(Investment Credit)
TOTAL AGRI CREDIT 9,00,000 10,65,755.67 118.42
Source: Data submitted by Banks in ENSURE portal in respect of Cooperative and Regional Rural Banks and data furnished
by Banks through mail in respect of Commercial Banks. Data on Term Loan includes disbursement under Agriculture
Infrastructure and Ancillary activities.
As has been well recognised, credit acts as an enabling factor in the agricultural production and
post-production processes at the farmers’ level. The link is indirect, as it provides command
over other inputs (and resources) like seeds, fertiliser, water, machinery etc. Both short term
credit and investment credit aid the production process – while crop loan helps by sustaining
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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it, investment credit helps in generating the capacity to further expand agricultural production
through capital formation in agriculture. A disquieting feature of agriculture credit in India,
however, has been the poor share of investment credit in the total agriculture credit. In 2003-
04, the share of investment credit in total agriculture credit was 37 per cent, which improved
to 42 per cent in 2005-06 but declined to 19 per cent in 2013-14. However, with renewed
emphasis on Term Loan, the share of investment credit in total agriculture credit has started
showing signs of improvement as seen from 35.30 per cent in the year 2016-17.
301908 376298
229400 254658 250197
181687 209916
132741 114871 133875
91447 107858
90945 73265
2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
(P) (P*)
Source: IBA, SLBC, NABARD & NABARD Ensure Portal (from 2016-17 onwards),
Share of ATL declined from peak of 42 per cent in 2005-06 to 35 per cent in
Improvement in ATL during 2015-16(27.33%) and 2016-17 (35.30%), is a
positive trend which needs to be sustained.
Low growth in ATL adversely impact agricultural growth, as it compromises
capital formation in agriculture, which is essential to trigger high growth rate.
The share of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) improved their share from 6.9 per cent in 1999-
2000 to 13 per cent by 2015-16. However, both Cooperatives and RRBs have shown a decline
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency
It is interesting to note that the cultivator household’s share of outstanding debt in respect of
commercial banks fell from 35.2 per cent in 1992 to 30.7 per cent in 2013, hinting at such
lending going to non-cultivators households.4 This is not a good sign from the perspective of
Table 6.4 Share of agencies in total agricultural GLC (Rs. crore)
For the period 2007-08 to 2016-17, on an average while the cooperative banks financed around
267 lakh number of agricultural accounts annually, the corresponding figure in case of
commercial banks was 329 lakh.
*Data based on information furnished by SLBCs in respect of Commercial Banks and reporting banks in respect of RRBs and
Cooperative Banks.
# Data submitted by Banks in ENSURE portal in respect of Cooperative and Regional Rural Banks and data furnished by
Banks through mail in respect of Commercial Banks. Data on Term Loan includes disbursement under Agriculture
Infrastructure and Ancillary activities
4Based on Ramakumar, R. and Chavan, Pallavi (2014), "Bank Credit to Agriculture in India in the 2000s: Dissecting the
Revival," Review of Agrarian Studies, vol. 4, no.1
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Empirical evidence indicates that there is a growing disconnect between the real sector
parameters and regional distribution of agriculture credit. For example, the central region of
the country accounts for 27 per cent and 32 per cent of the Gross Cropped Area (GCA) and
Gross Irrigated Area (GIA) respectively, and with a cropping intensity of 139 per cent accounts
for hardly 13 per cent of the agriculture credit disbursed during the 11th Five Year Plan period.
Among all the regions in the country, the eastern region has the highest cropping intensity (151
per cent) and with 14.65 per cent share in GCA and 15.25 per cent in GIA accounts for hardly
7.54 per cent of agriculture credit disbursed during the 11th plan. The southern region accounts
for around 18.68 per cent GCA and 16.35 per cent GIA, respectively but accounted for the
highest share (39.9 per cent) of agricultural credit disbursed during the 11th plan. The situation
has been showing marginal improvement with an increasing share of eastern and north eastern
regions in the total GLC, as observed in 2016-17 figures.
Table 6.6 Regional distribution of agriculture credit and real sector indicators (%)
Share in total agri. GLC Real Sector Indicators
Share in
Share Croppin Share in rural/
th th 2016- Share
Regions 10 11 in g Food semi
17 in
FYP FYP GCA Intensit grain urban
# y# production branches
Northern 28.69 26.01 21.85 20.11 26.32 148 26.58 17.35
NER 0.38 0.62 0.82 2.83 0.68 128 2.02 3.04
Eastern 6.67 7.54 8.15 14.65 15.25 151 16.37 16.38
Central 15.1 12.58 14.68 27.26 31.66 139 30.55 20.73
Western 14.17 13.33 12.83 16.47 9.74 114 8.31 15.68
Southern 34.99 39.92 41.67 18.68 16.35 124 16.17 26.82
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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# GCA- Gross Cropped Area, GIA- Gross Irrigated Area. GCA and GIA are averages for the period 2007-08 to 2011-12).
^Source: RBI DBIE website (for Commercial Banks and RRBs) and NABARD (for Cooperative Banks) – As on 31-03-2017.
Table 6.7 Region wise GLC flow under agriculture during 2015-16 & 2016-17 & target for 2017-18
(Rs. in Cr.)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Region % to % to % to
Achv. Achv. Target
Total Total Total
North 216919.14 23.69 232846.88 21.85 229212 22.92
North East 5832.70 0.64 8772.66 0.82 11513 1.15
Eastern 103673.28 11.32 86860.25 8.15 130140 13.01
Central 153289.31 16.74 156475.93 14.68 196330 19.63
Western 107933.83 11.79 136786.56 12.83 129195 12.92
South 327861.66 35.81 444013.39 41.66 303610 30.36
Total 915509.92 100.00 1065755.67 100.00 1000000 100.00
ii) The North Eastern (NE) Region with a very small share of 2.83 per cent in Gross Cropped
Area and 3.79 per cent share in Agri GDP (2015-16 at current prices) accounted for a meagre
0.53 per cent and 0.64 per cent of the total agriculture credit disbursed in the country during
2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively. However the share improved marginally to 0.82 per cent
during 2016-17.
iii) The Central Region with 27.26 per cent share in Gross Cropped Area (2014-15) and 25.04
per cent share in Agri GDP (2015-16 at current prices) accounted for only 15.75 per cent and
16.74 per cent of the total agriculture credit disbursed pan-country during 2014-15 and 2015-
16 respectively, which declined to 14.68 per cent during 2016-17.
iv) This disparity is in spite of the fact that the Central, Eastern and NE Regions have
reasonable banking infrastructure in term of rural and semi-urban branch network.
Providing timely and affordable credit to this resource constrained group is the key to attaining
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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inclusive growth. For the system as a whole, on an average (2007-08 to 2016-17) 60.60 per
cent of the agriculture accounts belong to SMF category; whereas, in terms of amount disbursed
the share of SMF is 40.46 per cent. However, agency-wise differences are observed.
Table 6.8 Agency-wise share of SMF in total Agriculture credit (average for 2007-08 to 2016-17)
Of the total agriculture credit disbursed by 3 categories of lenders, namely commercial banks,
cooperative banks and RRBs during the period of 2007-08 to 2016-17, the credit share of small
and marginal farmers (SMF) is observed to be 33.90, 63.07 and 68.67 per cents respectively.
In terms of average number of accounts, the share of SMF was 54.17, 64.93 and 68.67 per cents
for commercial banks, cooperative banks and RRBs, respectively for the same period. This
demonstrates that the cooperatives and RRBs fared better than commercial banks, so far as
serving the interests of small and marginal farmers is concerned, with respect to both physical
and financial terms.
The latest data shows that share of SMF accounts in total number financed by all agencies grew
from 60.07 per cent in 2015-16 to 72.06 per cent in 2016-17. More importantly, in terms of
amount disbursed, the share of SMF grew from 41.51 per cent (in 2015-16) to 50.14 per cent
(in 2016-17).
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Loan size or credit limit per borrower being allowed to be large with norms that are constantly
increasing the limit is said to be taking away agriculture credit meant for farmers, that too
smallholder farmers to non-farmer borrowers. Input dealers, State Electricity Boards, Agri
Clinics, Rural Electrification Corporations, NBFCs, food processing units etc., are all part of
such borrowings. While the RBI directed that banks should try to meet at least 13.5 per cent to
direct credit and ensure that the credit flow to non-corporate borrowers should not fall below
the three-year system wide average, the distinction between direct and indirect lending has
been removed, and needs to be made explicit with distinct allocations. With loan limits
increasing, it is apparent that other borrowers end up occupying larger space in agriculture PSL.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Producer Organisations Development Fund (PODF) set up in NABARD in 2011– 12, supports
producers’ organisations (POs) to spearhead promotional, credit-plus activities, aggregation,
processing and marketing activities to ensure better income realisation to its members.
Producers Organisation Development and Upliftment Corpus Fund (PRODUCE) was set up in
NABARD with a corpus of Rs 200 crore for promotion and nurturing of 2,000 FPOs through
financial and non-financial support. As on 31 March 2017, 2157 FPOs comprising about 7 lakh
farmers, spread over 29 states, have been formed, of which 1922 FPOs have been registered.
Grant assistance of Rs. 193.15 crore sanctioned for three years of which Rs. 63.58 crore
disbursed as on 31 March 2017.
SFAC also has been promoting FPOs. NABARD and SFAC with active support from state
governments needs to ramp up farmers’ mobilisation. With income tax exemption now
available to FPOs registered under the Indian Companies Act, for a period of 5 years upto an
annual turnover of Rs. 100 crore the scope for mobilisation of farmers is higher.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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2017 respectively.
There is a need to look at JLGs as potential stable institutions of farmers and not look at them
only as institutions for a limited credit period time window. For this, the investments in
promoting and strengthening JLGs and system-building within JLGs is important. Such
investments has happened with the women’s SHGs in the country which translated into
significant SHG-Bank Linkage that led to inclusion of the left-out. Experience shows clearly
that this model of financial inclusion was clearly beneficial to the banks too.
At present, many farmers are not able to avail agriculture loan for want of Record of Rights or
non-issue of ROR for sub-divided land holdings. State Governments may issue Land
Pattas/Record of Rights to all farmers who have inherited land through subdivision of their
family property, irrespective of the size of the landholding inherited by them. This will help
farmers who wish to avail loan for agriculture (ST/LT) to do so without any administrative
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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i. Standardization of MIS (Management information system) as per RBI guidelines
ii. Review in SLBC/DCC – Interventions for doubling of farmers’ income by 2022 &
“Stand Up India” scheme
iii. Low CD ratio – bank wise/ branch wise strategy road map for increased lending
iv. Encourage economic associations of SMF – FPOs, FPCs, Farmer federations
v. Focus on handloom & handicraft sectors
vi. Agri Term Loan at competitive rates
vii. Simplicity & uniformity of loan application forms
viii. Improved term lending through Area Based Schemes
ix. Financing of Bhoomi Heen Kisans/Artisans/JLGs/SHGs
x. Upscaling of Bank Sakhi Model
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Capital Formation in Agriculture
In developed countries, the concept of capital in agriculture has been broadened to include
apart from fixed capital investment, livestock and tree stock. In the case of developing
countries, the measurement with regard to capital formation is largely based on fixed capital
investment, while differences exist across countries in terms of methodology used for capturing
capital formation in the sector. Therefore, direct comparisons of capital formation in
agricultural sectors, between countries can lead to misleading conclusions.
From 1990-91 to 1999-2000 (except 1991-92 and 1992-93) the investment rate in
agriculture (captured by the ratio of GCFA to GDP emanating from the sector) has
continuously declined and during the period 1999-2000 to 2003-04, it saw a fluctuating
trend. However, starting 2004-05, there has been a continuous increase in the ratio
(except 2010-11).
In six years i.e., 2005-06 to 2011-12 the investment rate in agriculture jumped from
around 15 per cent (2005-06) to 20 per cent (2011-12). This period also saw three
important developments in the field of agriculture credit: (a) Doubling of Agriculture
Credit Programme (2004-05 to 2007-08), (b) Providing crop loans at 7 per cent through
the Interest Subvention Scheme for Crop loans (not for term loans) in 2006-07, and (c)
Debt Waiver of agricultural loans in 2008-09.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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The ratio of capital formation in agriculture (GCFA) to overall GDP has stagnated at a level
below 3 per cent. The average was 2.67 per cent for the period 1990-91 to 2011-12.
Figure 6.2 Trends in Capital Formation in Indian Agriculture (at 2004-05 prices)
25 19.8
Per cent
5 2.69
The excess services generated cannot be stored or exported and deficiency in service cannot be
met with by imports except for certain exceptions. All these make private capital entry difficult
in the basic rural infrastructure sector. It is also important to mention, that the population that
requires such infrastructure has such low levels of income and standards of living that their
ability to pay is low. Therefore, the states need to invest in such infrastructure - water,
sanitation, roads and housing in a more focused approach.
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eighties, the public agencies share (average) was around 42 per cent indicating the critical role
played by it post green revolution in boosting capital formation in agriculture. This has however
plummeted since the 1990s.
The secular decline in the share of the public sector seen over the decades has however started
showing signs of reversal after 2013-14 (Table 6.10). For the period 1999-2000 to 2011-12,
the trend growth rate for GCF in agriculture was 6.8 per cent (at constant prices). The GCF for
public and private sector grew at 4.6 per cent and 7.4 per cent, respectively.
As elaborated in the paragraphs above, private sector capital formation comprises private
corporate sector and individuals/ household sector. In a scenario where almost 85 per cent of
the capital formation comes from the private sector the role of institutional credit in funding
agriculture hardly needs to be emphasized.
Table 6.10 Share of public and private sector in total capital formation (in Agriculture and allied
Sector 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2011-12 2015-16
Private 66.5 58.3 76.1 81.1 84.9 81.98
Public 33.5 41.7 23.9 18.9 15.1 18.02
Source: National Accounts Statistics and National Accounts Statistics, 2017.
Crop loans are largely for funding the working capital requirements of farmers, while term
loans are utilized for assets generation at farmers’ level (read capital formation). The available
evidence indicates the strong association between the term loans disbursed and private sector
capital formation in agriculture.
Table 6.11 Private sector GCF in Agriculture and long term credit-All India
(in current prices, Rs. Crore)
GCFA in Pvt Long term credit LT credit as %
sector (Rs. crore) GCFA in Pvt sector
1999-2000 48126 17303 35.95
2000-2001 44751 19513 43.60
2001-2002 61341 21536 35.11
2002-2003 57959 23974 41.36
2003-2004 54473 32004 58.75
2004-2005 59909 49247 82.20
2005-2006 69204 75136 108.57
2006-2007 75496 90945 120.46
2007-2008 95679 73265 76.57
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It can be observed that during the period 1999-2000 to 2015-16 long term credit emerged as
the major driver of the private sector GCF in agriculture as reflected by the share of LT in
PGCFA (69.45%). Thus, capital formation in agriculture is predominantly dependent on what
happens to investment (long term) within agriculture credit.
Figure 6.3 Long term credit (disbursements) and private sector gross capital formation (GCF)
Rs. crore.
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The percentage of achievement has increased to 91 per cent in 2013-14 and to 93 per cent in
2014-15 and further to 98 per cent and 132 per cent during 2015-16 & 2016-17, respectively.
Additionally, as per the 12th Five Year Plan (Report of the Working Group on Outreach of
Institutional Finance, Cooperatives and Risk Management, November 2011, Planning
Commission), investment credit estimated for the first two years of the plan was Rs.4,40,268
crore. Against this, the achievement is 62 per cent. For the 12th FYP as a whole, the investment
credit target is pegged at Rs.13, 54, 878 crore.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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a) Doubling the income of farmers by 2022 - The government has been reorienting its
interventions in the farm and non-farm sectors to double the income of farmers by 2022.
The new policy framework is expected to facilitate crowding in private sector investments,
through enhanced private sector participation in agriculture.
b) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana – One of the important components of ‘Pradhan
Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana’ is creation of additional sources of water. Completion of long
pending medium & large irrigation projects is one major intervention.
Dedicated Long Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF) with NABARD - Institution of LTIF with
an initial corpus of ` 20,000 crore for fast tracking of implementation of incomplete major
and medium irrigation projects under AIBP and also two national projects in the year 2016-
17 has been upsealed to Rs. 40,000 crore in 2017-18 and the total investment being provided
for complete 99 AIBP projects is Rs. 76,000 crore. When completed, an additional extent of
7.6 mill. ha. would come under irrigation. As further announced in the budget for 2018-19,
the scope of LTIF would be expanded to cover command area development. This is a good
initiative, as historically command area development has suffered causing poor efficiency
of water source created.
c) Soil Health Card Scheme - Launched by the central government in February 2015, the
scheme is tailor-made to issue ‘soil health card’ to farmers which will carry crop-wise
recommendations of nutrients and fertilizers required for the individual farms. This is aimed
to help farmers to improve productivity through judicious use of inputs. Promotion of soil
test laboratories both in public & private sectors would trigger capital formation.
d) Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana - Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana has been
launched by Government of India to support and promote organic farming in a
comprehensive way, and thereby improving soil health. This will encourage farmers to
adopt eco-friendly concept of cultivation and reduce their dependence on agro-chemicals as
the only way to improve yields. Private sector participation will get activated, particularly
in the marketing domain.
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f) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) - The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
(PMFBY) is a path-breaking scheme which aims to provide insurance coverage and
financial support to the farmers in the event of failure of any of the notified crop as a result
of natural calamities, pests and diseases. It also aims at stabilising the income of farmers to
ensure their continuance in farming. Further, it encourages farmers to adopt innovative and
modern agricultural practices, and absorb greater flow of credit in the agriculture sector by
covering the probable risks.
g) Model Land Leasing Act - The Expert Committee under the chairmanship of Dr. T. Haque
constituted by NITI Aayog submitted the model Agricultural Land Leasing Act, 2016. It
seeks to secure the ownership rights of land owners while also providing security of tenure
to tenants. It also provides for recognition of farmers cultivating on leased land to enable
them to access loans through institutional credit. The Model Act proposes quicker litigation
process in case of disputes, by suggesting recourse through criminal proceedings and special
j) AHIDF, FAIDF and AMIDF: The Budget 2018-19 has announced institution of 3 new
funds addressing infrastructure requirements for Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and
Agriculture Marketing. The total corpus for AHIDF and FAIDF combined is Rs. 10,000
crore and for AMIDF it is Rs. 2,000 crore.
k) Other Measures for hassle-free loan to small and marginal farmers: Government, RBI
and NABARD have initiated several measures to ensure adequate availability of credit to
small and marginal farmers, which include:
The Government provides interest subvention since 2006-07 to make short-term crop
loans upto Rs.3 lakh available to farmers at the interest rate of 7 per cent per annum and
in case of prompt repayment, the same gets reduced to 4 per cent.
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cent per annum for a period of upto six months, so as to discourage distress sale of
produce by small and marginal farmers.
Government has introduced the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme, which enables them
to purchase agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, etc. and draw cash
to satisfy their consumption needs. The KCC Scheme has since been simplified which
has the provision of ATM enabled debit card with, inter alia, facilities of one-time
documentation, built-in cost escalation in the limit, any number of drawals within the
limit, etc.
To bring small, marginal, tenant farmers, oral lessees, etc. into the fold of institutional
credit, Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) have been promoted by banks.
Banks have been advised by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to waive margin/security
requirements of agricultural loans upto Rs.1,00,000/-.
In order to ensure hassle free credit to all borrowers, especially in rural and semi-urban
areas and keeping in view the technological developments and the different ways
available with banks to avoid multiple financing, banks are advised to dispense with
obtaining ‘No Due Certificate’ from the individual borrowers (including SHGs & JLGs)
in rural and semi-urban areas for all types of loans.
RBI has issued Standing Guidelines for Relief Measures to be provided by respective
lending institutions in areas affected by natural calamities which, inter alia, include
identification of beneficiaries, restructuring of existing loans, extending fresh loans,
relaxed security and margin norms, moratorium, etc.
The interventions and initiatives discussed in the preceeding section show different ways in
which higher capital is being mobilised into agriculture sector, from both budgetary and non-
budgetary sources. This can be further strengthened to meet the targeted capital investment
growth rate as laid out in volume II of this Report.
Banks and Financial Institutions
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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In addition to credit intervention by banks for direct farm related activities, an effort would
also be required to help the farmers and various farming groups for marketing activities,
especially in agri-logistics and activities that allow farmers to capture greater value for their
produce, such as pre-conditioning and preparing for market, by sorting, grading, packing,
warehousing and transport.
Further, to improve the credit absorption capacity as also to make credit effective, the
GOI/State Govt. may facilitate by way of infrastructure creation for irrigation, storage godown/
cold storages, e-markets, customized extension services, digitization of land records,
computerization of PACS etc.
Some of the specific areas where NABARD/FIs and the banking system can play a catalytic
role are as under:
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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permitted for setting up of medium / large irrigation projects. This will spur investments in
agriculture, which today faces a decline in investment. The financial sources for setting up
these irrigation projects can come from financial institutions6.
v) Customised Extension: With availability of varied technologies competing with each
other, there is a need to shift from general extension to customized extension services to suit
the individual requirement of the farmers which can maximize the income of the farmers,
particularly the Small/marginal farmer.
vi) Integrated Approach: At present the banks, extension agencies etc. tend to function
in an isolated manner. These stakeholders would require to work in unison so as to make credit
more productive.
There is a need for educating the farmers on reduction of cost of cultivation. Farmers, due to
lack of knowledge and education, often tend to use farm inputs (fertilizers, pesticides,
insecticides) indiscriminately incurring avoidable excess expenditure, and in the process
damaging production ecology also. Proper education and awareness on soil test based nutrient
application, integrated pest and nutrient management, organic farming, etc., need to be
popularized and promoted among the farmers through fora like SHGs, JLGs, Farmers Clubs,
FPOs, etc. Extension agencies can play an important role in creation of awareness about
reduction in cost of cultivation as well as for enhancing income. The financial literacy centres
can also help in spread of this message.
Oral leasing of land is on the increase due to land division & fragmentation, as also migration
to other locations for jobs. Due to absence of suitable tenancy laws, there is no written
document available with the farmers (for land taken on lease) for submission to the banks as a
collateral. As a result, such farmers do not get access to bank credit and hence have to take
recourse to costlier credit from the informal system. To help such farmers to avail credit at
lower interest rate from the banking system, the State Governments may promulgate laws that
facilitate land leasing, under which Land Leasing Certificates/ Land Cultivator Licenses would
be issued by the revenue Depts. of the state governments to the person taking land on lease
which can then be submitted to the banking system for availing loan. Andhra Pradesh Govt.
has already enacted such an Act which however requires some refinements. Government of
India can bring out a Model Act along this line.
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For this, a uniform data reporting standards need to be put in place which will reduce reporting
requirements and improve overall efficiency. In several cases, it is also seen that data collection
and presentation is not gender-disaggregated, or disaggregated along other lines of importance
(like borrowers’ landholding class or social background, etc).
Most of these returns submitted are in mixed mode – online and offline, that involve manual
handling and processing of data at various stages.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Chapter 7
Credit Guarantee Trust Fund for Term Loans`
That, capital investments positively influence growth rate of agriculture is well recognised. Gross
capital formation happens through both public and private investments. One of the important
components of the latter is investments by individual farmers. Presently, the farmers are gaining
greater access to crop loans, but not term loans from the credit institutions. The lenders are
apprehensive of collateral adequacy and repayment capacity of the farmers. Hence, there is a felt need
to set up a credit guarantee fund trust to make it easy for the lending agencies to enhance the flow of
term loans to farm sector.
7.1. Background
It is true that the volume of institutional credit has been growing steadily since 2003-04 when
government decided to double the credit flow to farm sector. It reached a high of Rs.8.5 lakh
crore by 2014-15, and has grown robustly thereafter year-on-year, and the targeted volume for
the year 2018-19 is Rs.11 lakh crore. However, a major percentage of this goes towards short-
term crop loans (about 70 per cent), leaving a much smaller portion for capital investments in
agriculture and allied sectors. The crop loans that the farmers receive from Scheduled
Commercial Banks / Cooperatives / Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) are mostly against land
offered as collateral and are consumed in pre-harvest activities.
Not only is the quantum of term loan available low, it also does not enjoy the benefit of an
interest subvention that is available on short term crop loans. Further, Banks and Financial
Institutions (FIs) are not very open to term loans, as farmers are not able to offer adequate
collateral, or are unable to satisfy their repayment capacity. Many a time, the farmers tend to
divert the crop loans towards long term investments or even for consumption/personal
expenditure purposes. Various reasons including such diversion make the lending institutions
weary of term loan sanctions. In consequence, it is the farmers’ need for capital investments
that suffers a short shrift.
As per the Mint Street Memo No. 4 titled – ‘Agriculture Loan Bank Accounts – A Waiver
Scenario Analysis’, there were nearly 77 million agriculture credit accounts with scheduled
commercial banks (SCB), as on March 2016, with an average credit size of Rs.1.16 lakh.
Around 70 per cent of these are crop loans, which account for nearly 67 per cent of the
outstanding loan amount. The loans for investment are mainly for purchasing of farming
equipment (eg. tractors) and not irrigation / soil development which will help them to improve
their production and quality of produce for higher realization.
M.S. Swaminathan, the pioneer of India’s Green Revolution said “Loan waivers, although
temporarily necessary for the revival of farming, do not provide conditions for a secure credit
system in the long term. The waiver of loans implies that banks will have to be compensated
by the government for the amount involved. This means that large sums of money, which could
have otherwise gone to strengthen the agricultural infrastructure and research – such as seed
production, soil health enhancement and plant protection, will not be available.”
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The collateral offered for long term loans are mainly agricultural land. The salability of such
collateral is also difficult. The farmers’ farm income cash flows for more than a year have very
limited visibility due to external (weather, diseases, pricing) factors. Further, the risk
management framework of Banks/Financial Institutions are not able to measure such external
risk for long term.
Back till the early 2000s, the micro and small enterprises (MSEs) too faced problems of credit
access from Banks and Financial Institutions. It was sometime in the year 2002-03, that
Government of India and the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) set up a
safety net for the lending institutions and channelize easy credit to micro and small enterprises.
Since then, ‘Credit Guarantee Fund Trust, for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)’
has been in operation. The structure and operation of this Trust can be studied and adopted for
purpose of enhancing term loans in agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery sectors, with
suitable modifications.
A Guarantee Trust to this effect may be floated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’
Welfare, Government of India in partnership with NABARD.
The lenders should find it easy to depend upon project viability and secure the credit facility
against the primary security of the asset being financed.
Thirdly, the lending institution availing of the guarantee facility should endeavour to offer
‘Composite Credit’ to the farmers, comprising both term loan and working capital. This would
amount to a single window facility.
The CGFT-TL seeks to assure the lending agency, that in the event of farmers (availing
collateral free credit facility) failing to discharge their liabilities due to it (lender herein), the
Guarantee Trust would make good the loss incurred upto the prescribed level. The structure
of the credit facility may lay down the norm, which may vary from a minimum 50 per cent to
85 per cent.
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Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Chapter 8
Policy Recommendation
In the preceding 6 chapters, six critical inputs, that are part of crop production system have been
examined from various angles, and strategy for optimal management have been suggested. Each of
these chapters, that deliberate on a specific aspect draw the context from the opening chapter, that
shows how cost of cultivation/production has been increasing, and therefore input use needs to be
rationalised, so as to reduce the cost of production and help the farmers realise resource use efficiency
and cost effectiveness.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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may be revised for narrower grids, so that sample from every farmer’s field gets to be
8.1.2. Water impacts soil and plant growth. Hence, water testing may also be included based
on identified parameters, particularly when ground water is used.
8.1.3. In due course, plant tissue based testing for nutrient status and its management must be
8.1.4. Revisiting fertilizer recommendations – long term studies have demonstrated that,
existing fertilizer recommendations included in the package of practices are sub-
optimal for several crops. It is critical that all states review the ‘General Fertilizer
Recommendations’ for need based improvements. ICAR and SAUs must take up this
on priority.
e.g. due to continuous potassium mining without concurrent replenishment over the last
many decades, Indian soils once considered as sufficient in potassium are now hungry
for it.
8.1.5. Customised Fertilizers (CF), though introduced in 2008 are yet not popular Small scale
industries may be allowed to manufacture CFs for small zones like Taluk or District.
However, CFs cannot catch up with straight fertilizers which benefit from subsidy. CFs
also need to be given a level playing field by offering them subsidy at par with straight
8.1.6. Promote liquid fertilizers for greater efficiency of uptake and savings.
8.1.7. Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is more important, so as to improve soil structure and
availability of nutrients to the plants. Hence, major attention is required on increasing
the utilisation of organic manures through adoption of multiple approaches – bio-
agents, green manures, legumes, FYM, compost etc.
8.1.8. Build capacities of fertilizer input dealers, so that their advice to the farmers is
scientific, evidence based and rational.
8.1.9. Innovation in fertilizer products has not received adequate attention. Public investment
in research towards this needs to be increased.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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8.1.10. Government (Public) Extension System should focus on advocating and promoting
balanced use of fertilizer and soil health management, letting private sector play the
dominant role in testing/backward facilities.
8.1.11. A central data base of soil sample test results should be maintained and offered access
to all including researchers and private sector. It should further lead to Land Use Based
Planning for production system.
iii) The tail ends of command areas of major and medium irrigation projects are generally
deprived of water availability. The reasons could include poorly maintained
distribution system, non-adherence to notified cropping patterns (opting for water
guzzling crops like paddy, sugarcane etc. in lieu of low water duty crops) and
excessive use by headrace farmers.
i. Currently the gap between the irrigation potential created (IPC) and irrigation potential
used (IPU) is a staggering high of 23 million ha. (mha). Closing this gap deserves the
highest attention.
ii. Operation and Maintenance (O and M) of the distribution system is below standard,
causing water leakage and wastage. This needs to improve, and involvement of people
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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For example, the Telengana Model of paying Rs.4,000 per acre per season to the
farmers to defray some of their farm expenses may be a good way out with suitable
modifications. This may bring greater discipline in drawing ground water. In fact,
farmers may be willing to pay, if the service quality is improved. There is much that is
wanted in this regard.
ii. Latest technology that helps in remote operation of the water pump may also be
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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iii. Ground water table needs consistent monitoring by installing piezometic in all the Gram
Panchayats. Now that water budget has been estimated for all the districts under the
‘District Irrigation Plans (DIPs)’, a close monitoring of water use and water recharge
would be possible to realise a balanced water budget. A web based platform would
serve as a good dashboard for such monitoring.
Hence, in the strategy for doubling farmers’ income, the rainfed regions should get highest
attention. The optimal solutions are:
Ensure protective irrigation, which can come from small water storage structure.
Adopt watershed management, integrated farming and conservation agriculture.
Grow alternative crops – food crops such as millets which are climate resilient and need
less of water as also other inputs.
A block system of irrigation, whereunder, the water is released only on one side of the
main canal in alternate seasons (Kharif-Rabi) may be tested. This will motivate farmers
to go for alternate and low water duty crops like pulses, oilseeds & millets in the season,
when water is not released by using available soil moisture. This will improve the soil
health steadily.
iii. Promote use of recycled water to expand peri-urban cultivation and water harvesting in
habitations to adopt kitchen gardening, roof top gardening, hydroponics etc.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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In fact in case of large metropolitan cities, where sewerage discharges are huge,
secondary treated water can be used in agriculture in the hinterland cultivation zones.
For example, in case of Bengaluru urban agglomerate (with a population of 10 million),
secondary treated sewerage water is adequate to fill all the ponds in the neighbouring
3-4 rainfed districts and enable supply of protective irrigation when rains fail.
8.3. Seeds
Sustained increase in agricultural production and productivity necessarily requires continuous
development of new and improved varieties, as well as hybrids of crops and efficient system
of production and supply of seeds to farmers. As seed is a critical input for enhancing
productivity of all agricultural and horticultural crops, some of the priority areas are listed
8.3.1. A robust ‘Seed Rolling Plan’ should be ensured based on active partnership of
DACFW-ICAR-States, who in turn build a network with efficient seed producers, across both
public and private sectors. Seed production plan should be based on targeted SRR, VRR and
SMR. Special attention is needed in case of forgotten crops like millets, horticultural crops
and location-specific problems & suitability including climate change issues. The Seed Rolling
Plan should also include contingency requirements for compensatory seeds arising from natural
calamities. The losses incurred by seed producers due to contingency production should be
compensated suitably through a specially created Sinking Fund.
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institutional and capacity building based strategies. The efficacious implementation of these
recommendations is predicated upon a concerted and coordinated synergy among all the
8.4.1. Policy
i. Most of the new molecules with patents are imported, which adds to the cost per unit.
Special encouragement should be given for discovery and manufacture of active
ingredients in India. The local manufactures should also be encouraged to export, so
that they can afford to sell at lower price in the domestic market by way of cross-
subsidisation to an extent.
ii. There is a need for a comprehensive policy on products sold as ‘organics’, ‘bio-
stimulants’ etc. which are neither tested by a competent body nor registered at CIB-RC.
These are also not recommended by any scientific body for usage in pest management.
Active ingredients in these products are not disclosed, keeping both the user and the
subject experts in dark. Many a time, these organic products are used along with the
other synthetic insecticides as single application. Further, as the nature of the molecule
is not known, it also puts the consumer at serious risk on account of pesticide residues.
The Insecticide Act should provide for comprehensive procedures for registration of all
such products in a transparent and objective manner.
iii. The registration is usually for major crops, but expansion of labels to minor crops /
related crops is very essential and is possible through crop grouping. A policy be
formulated and adopted by CIBRC on crop grouping and label expansion through data
on field trials and also risk assessment for fixing MRLs (Maximum Residue Limits)
and recommendation of PHIs.
iv. “Prescription-based sales” of pest management inputs may be considered, as done in
Kerala (spices), Maharashtra (pomegranate, grapes, sugarcane).
v. All molecules for which registration application is filed, with the regulator for use in
the country for the first time, should be registered as done earlier by clubbing section
9(3) along with 9(3B) of the Insecticide Act, 1968. This implies, that the Registration
Committee needs to register a formulation after the fixation of its Maximum Residue
Limit (MRL) u/s 9(3) as recommended by the JPC and set across by FSSAI as
mandated; wherein, the technical needs to be compulsorily registered u/s 9(3B) with a
commercialization rider to extend beyond the provisional period of 2 years, and during
this period of provisional registration, balance data required to be submitted can be
generated and shared for registration u/s 9(3) within a period not exceeding a total of 3
years from the date of provisional registration.
This will enable introduction of both patented or non-patented molecules in the country,
and ensure data protection of minimum of 2 years and maximum of 3 years for
companies willing to invest in new molecules and introduction for the first time in the
country. As a result, the subsequent prospective registrants will be encouraged to go in
for registration for indigenous manufacture or new import source. This will check
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monopoly of the said molecule registered for the first time for use in the country and
result in competitive pricing to the advantage of the farmers.
vi. Protective cultivation has become popular and with diversification into high value
crops, its adoption is growing. However, there are no formulations registered for use in
protective cultivation, wherein fertigation that combines application of water, fertilizer
and plant protection can be encouraged. In this regard, molecules that are suited to
fertigation need to be registered.
vii. Seed treatment registrations have been accorded priority. However, seed treatment
solutions are not available for all seeds of national importance. Bio-pesticides need to
be encouraged for seed treatment with a focus on export oriented produce, where
pesticide residues assume critical concern.
viii. Plant protection products needed for treatment of agri-produce during storage (post-
harvest management) deserved due attention including at the stage of registration.
ix. Pesticide treated plastic wraps for slow ripening of fruits or plant protection products
need to be encouraged and evaluated.
x. Pesticides may be considered as an essential item and price control may be opted for
generic pesticides similar to the Drug Price Control.
8.4.2. Procedural
i. All RPTLs and CIL should be upgraded into GLP and ISO 17025 complaint
ii. The RPTLs should network with all SPTLs for knowledge sharing and to meet the
challenges in analysis of pesticides for quality control purposes.
iii. Two documents, namely, “Requirements for establishment of RPTLs” and
“Requirements for establishment of SPTLs” be prepared and shared with the concerned,
so that GLP and ISO 17025 qulaity standards are adhered to.
iv. As the Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) and Technical Materials (TMs) are very
elaborate and expensive, CIL should maintain an inventory and share with all the
RPTLs and SPTLs.
v. All SPTLs may not have access to methods of analysis, as BIS methods are not
published for all pesticides and formulations. Hence, it is suggested that manufacturing
methods be made available to all SPTLs through CIBRC / CIL.
vi. It is necessary to create and disseminate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to
states for establishment of SPTLs and pack houses.
vii. Strengthen DAC&FW sponsored central sector scheme, namely, “Monitoring of
Pesticide Residues at National Level (MPRNL)”. The project identifies crops and
regions having preponderance of residues in India in order to focus on extension efforts
for IPM and food safety (MRL fixation).
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viii. Simplify registration procedure and accelerate the pace of registration (i.e. reducing
current time span of 4 years). This will enhance competition among the manufactures,
which in turn may bring down prices. In addition, simplification of the registration
procedure for bio-pesticides/ botanicals is also essential. Expansion of label claims of
already registered pesticides on other crops should also become the norm.
ix. Establish registration procedures for organics / natural products / concoctions / mixtures
of natural products / products based on traditional knowledge for encouraging them in
accordance with desired norms. Quality standards also need to be monitored through
effective regulation.
x. Strengthen techno-legal Cell of the Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and
Storage (DPPQ&S) for facilitating swift action in cases of misbranded/spurious
instances of pesticides.
xi. Lay down requirements for establishment of SPTLs”, so that quality standards needed
for GLP and ISO 17025 compliance becomes the objective and norm.
xii. Each State falls under one or more of particular agro-climatic zone(s) and these
influence a particular crop pattern and unique pest scenario. This needs to be studied
and analysed from the perspective of Package of Practices (PoPs) issued by the
respective SAUs. This will help in mapping the required kind of pesticides vis-a-vis
manufacturers and importers of formulated pesticides within the state and / or nearby
xiii. Crop Cluster Development approach may also be adopted for crop planning. This will
help in promoting efficient way of pest management. The rate of pesticide dose in
application should be linked to the seed variety in the given crop cluster or agro-climate
zone or state, as the case may be.
xiv. Basic harmonized training modules be formulated, and translated into all regional
languages to help provide a holistic approach to address the issues related to safe &
effective use of pesticides. The next step will involve crop specific detailed training
based on the generic and not the brand name.
xv. All websites of the State Agriculture & Horticulture Departments need to be at least
bilingual i.e. English & regional language. This will help in connecting with other states
for new learnings and adoption of best practices.
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iii. Collaborative institute projects with a timeframe of 3-5 years should be identified and
rolled out by taking district as a unit of study. The identification of districts based on
vulnerability can be made by plant health scientists (entomology, pathology and soil
science) of the ICAR/SAU/CAU institutes/organisations. The researcher from the
domain of Agriculture & Economics and Agricultural Extension may also be
iv. Undertake analysis of pesticide residues in agricultural commodities, soil, water etc.
through supervised field trials to generate data on persistence and dissipation of newer
and existing molecules for fixation of safe waiting periods, MRLs, and approval of label
claims. Presently ICAR-All India Network Project on Pesticide residues (AINP-PR) at
IARI, New Delhi conducts such studies through its 15 NABL accredited coordinated
centres located in different parts of the country.
v. Promote research on enhancement of pesticide efficacy and stability through use of
adjuvants (synergists, potentiators, stabilizers) and employing proper dispensing
mechanism (spray technologies) to reduce sizeable quantity of pesticide consumption
should be strengthened. Availability of new molecules, that are less labour intensive,
less harmful to environment, those that facilitate less for more coverage and there by
labour saving.
vi. Research should be targeted for elevating the level of pest resistance to major invaders
rather than developing resistant cultivars, which is an uncertain and time consuming
task. Cost reduction in pesticide use is on pro-rata basis with resistance level. Stability
of such varieties is greater than those with resistance.
vii. Development of fore-warning system with suitable precision in respect of key pests.
This will enable timely pest management interventions and reduce pesticide load in the
viii. Creation of field diagnosis protocols that serve as a step-by-step guide for diagnosis of
field problems. A protocol should encompass all the known problems of a crop and
include various diagnostic approaches like visual, chemical, digital, etc. These
protocols should be revised from time-to-time as new technologies, new problems, new
research findings etc., come to light.
ix. Nuclear technique, also known as sterile insect technique (SIT) is one of the IPM
practices, that can be promoted in managing fruit flies, moths etc. It is a form of
sterilization of insects and systematic release of huge number of male insects. The
sterile males compete with insects in the wild, and through mating with wild females,
contribute to reducing overall pest numbers.
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x. Fertilizers and pesticides (biological & chemical) are primarily required respectively
for the growth of crops & control of pests, respectively. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAVs) can be adopted to avoid risk to human health and environment that are likely
when application of pesticides & fertilizers is undertaken manually. Such applications
can be localized, restricted or specific in nature and protect spray operators from
exposure during application. Multiple uses of such UAVs can also relay remote sensing
images that may be analysed by use of an appropriate software.
xi. Electronically-controlled or managed chemical spray application technology can be
more precisely used for application of agricultural pesticides at intended targets.
Reduced chemical drift will improve water quality by minimizing the delivery of
chemical compounds through the air into water bodies. Such application systems
require the use of GPS data loggers (i.e., devices that record the track, time and location
of field trips for download to maps) in order to document site-specific compliance with
all label requirements for drift mitigation.
8.4.5. Institutional
i. Establishment of RPTLs in states where the use of pesticides is extensive. The RPTLs
should be endowed with requisite infrastructure, analytical equipments and trained
manpower. They should be able to analyze all the pesticides as in the schedule for
identification of spurious pesticides, and should serve as a ‘Model’ to SPTLs. All
RPTLs and CIL should be GLP and ISO 17025 complaint. The RPTLs should create a
kind of networking with all SPTLs for knowledge sharing and to meet the challenges
in analysis of pesticides for quality control purposes.
ii. Establishment of new Central Integrated Pest Management Centres (CIPMCs) and
strengthening of existing CIPMCs will help in vigorous monitoring and surveillance of
agriculture fields, and in encouraging farmers to adopt IPM. In many states with large
geographical area, a single CIPMC as exists now is not adequate. A rationalisation is
required based on geographical area and cropping intensity.
iii. Establish additional SPTLs in sync with the number of registered pesticide dealers and
strengthening of existing SPTLs. In this regard, the central government may share a
SOP with the states, which, inter alia, may include best practices, optimum number of
pesticide testing laboratories needed, list of equipments, information about
accreditation etc. Every state should establish at least one SPTL. All major states may
further designate one SPTL as lead laboratory, where all facilities as in RPTLs are
available. Such lead labs can help in analysis of samples from other states for second
verification purposes, and for Inter-Laboratory Comparisons (ILCs). All SPTLs should
be GLP and ISO 17025 complaint.
iv. It is important to set up an independent and dedicated Enforcement Cell in the State
Agriculture Department for monitoring and supervision of all enforcement related
activities in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Insecticides Act.
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8.5.2. From the income perspective, that involves reducing the cost of production, increasing
the total output and capture of maximum value of the output, mechanised operations are more
effective vis-a-vis the manual or draft power.
8.5.3. The consumption of farm power in India stands at an average of 2.02 kw/ha. in 2017-
18 and compares very poorly even with Asia-Pacific countries. A target of at least 4 kw/ha.
should be the aim by 2022. And it is achievable.
8.5.4. Considering the preponderance of small & marginal holdings in the country, R and D
should aim at developing and designing scale-neutral machinery. Further, machinery that can
suit different terrain of the geography deserves priority attention.
8.5.5. Agriculture Machineries can become part of ‘Farming as a Service’ (FaaS), which
means, that farmers should have easy access to mechanisation and related services on rent in
preference to owning the same. This can be facilitated by promoting:
‘Custom Hiring Centres’ (CHCs) at the rate of a minimum of 1 (one) per village (when
large) and 1 (one) per Gram Panchayat comprising in cluster of small villages. These
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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should be able to meet the demand for all basic services, and would therefore be
expected to possess low duty machinery.
‘Agriculture Machinery Banks’ (AMBs) at the district/sub-district level, possessing
heavy duty machinery like combine harvester, laser land leveller etc.
‘State/Regional Services’ possessing more sophisticated and heavier machineries, that
can service larger areas to meet certain specific demands; and also possess
ICT/GIS/Space technology based services.
These centres at different levels, should be supported to broaden their technologies to
include modern systems like drones, sensor based applications, etc. and also those
needed in the sub-sectors of animal husbandry, fisheries, etc.
Promotion modes:
The above types of services can be promoted by adopting one or more of the approaches below:
i) Enterprise mode – the youth can be specifically trained and financially supported
(credit linked back-end subsidy) to set up CHCs. In order to make such enterprises
viable, other agricultural services can also be integrated to offer ‘One Stop Shop’.
Some of the services deliverable are pesticide, fertilizer & seed retailership, I.T.
based extension services etc.
ii) SHG/FPO/Trust/PACS based CHCs.
iii) NGO/CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) based CHCs and AMBs.
Further, transaction cost will need to be rational, and therefore, the machinery will need to sent
to the farmer’s work site from the nearest location. Uberisation is the most optimal solution to
such demands. This brings an advantage of enhancing the use-time of the machinery purchased,
and therefore, the realisation of a positive RoI (Return on Investment).
Service facilities:
It is important to ensure availability of repair and service facilities in close proximity, so that
operation & maintenance issues are addressed. Mobile service centres can also be promoted
to cater to minor repair demands. This requirement also generates scope for enterprise creation.
Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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The concept of FaaS goes beyond providing machinery on hire. It encompasses a number of
services including offering labour, managing actual field operations in respect of not only
agricultural machinery, but also other agricultural operations. For example, harvesting of
coconut, arecanut and the like is a specialised function, and the traditional tree climber may not
always be available these days. A ‘FaaS’ entrepreneur can meet such a service demand.
In sugarcane belts, it is common to see labour contractors undertaking harvesting, and labour
groups travelling long distances, even across the states. Mechanised services through FaaS can
become effective at lesser social cost, that migration bring in movement/migration of labour.
8.5.5. Machinery for waste management – In the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP), where rice-
wheat is the dominant cropping system, burning of rice straw to meet the deadline of wheat
sowing time is a common practice. This is not only not sound ecologically but also causes a
loss of opportunity to capture the value that lies in the paddy straw. This wasteful practice
describes most agricultural activities. In the strategy for doubling farmers’ income, gainful use
of all biological products, and not just the grain or fruit, is necessary to generate additional
farm incomes. Hence, agricultural mechanisation plans must include farm waste management
machines and devices, and make residue management a productive activity.
8.6.2. The legal framework and lease land market are imperfect and devoid of uniformity
across the states. Hence, a legalisation mechanism that protects the interests of both tenants
and land owners, along the lines of AP Licensed Cultivators Act and NITI Aayog’s Model
Land Lease Act, with appropriate improvements to both, may be put in place by state
governments. In Andhra Pradesh, the revenue authorities issue Loan Eligibility Cards to Tenant
Farmers (under ‘Andhra Pradesh Land Licensed Cultivators Act No 18 of 2011). Such tenancy
/lease certificates, while protecting the owner’s rights, would enable real cultivators to obtain
loans. Government of India may develop a Model Act for this purpose. This, accompanied by
a new proposed mechanism of a Credit Guarantee Fund, should be able to bring more such
farmers into the ambit of institutional credit.
8.6.3. With a view to making credit available to large number of eligible and willing small &
marginal farmers, it is suggested that all banks endeavour to achieve an annual increase of 10
per cent in number of SMF accounts. KCCs may be issued to all eligible farmers.
8.6.4. Due to factors like high dependence of agriculture on monsoon, vagaries of nature, poor
information availability in rural centres and occasional loan waivers, banks may have higher
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perceived risks in lending to small and marginal farmers. As the agricultural credit to the small
and marginal farmers should rise substantially, and should simultaneously be ensured that
stressed assets in this sector do not arise, it is suggested that Government of India may consider
establishment of an Agriculture Credit Risk Guarantee Fund (ACRGF).
8.6.5. Government of India may consider introducing interest subvention for Agriculture
Term Loans to increase the magnitude of investment loans and scale up Gross Capital
Formation in agriculture.
8.6.6. The share of rural co-operatives in the total agricultural credit disbursements has been
declining over the years. Considering, that these cooperative credit institutions play an
important role in largely providing agricultural credit to farmers, especially the small and
marginal, there is an urgent need to strengthen the short term and long term cooperative credit
structure. The potentially viable PACSs (Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies) should
be computerised within a defined timeframe of three years and integrated with CBS (Core
Banking System) of DCCBs (District Central Cooperative Banks). The LTCCS (long term
credit cooperative structure) should also be reformed and revitalised through a comprehensive
package of legal, financial, information and communication technology and skill upgradation
of cooperative personnel.
8.6.7. The collective strength of farmers could enable them to increase their competitiveness
through easier access to credit and technology, reducing costs of distribution and providing
greater marketing power and negotiation capacity for better price realisation. Farmer Producer
Organisations (FPOs) could emerge as one of the most effective pathways to address
agricultural challenges. FPOs in agriculture should be actively promoted to aggregate farm
produce, get efficiency and improve access to credit. Through adequate policy and
infrastructure support, these aggregators can become the ‘connective tissue’, linking supply
and demand, bridging a major missing link. Policy support in the form of establishing multi-
tier federations to form a National Farmers Development Board (NFDB) on the lines of NDDB
could be necessary. It may be examined whether SFAC can be restructured & re-mandated to
play this crucial role. This requires an immediate policy initiative of tax exemptions, including
income tax exemption to all such FPOs.
8.6.8. For the purpose of efficient credit planning, review and monitoring of agriculture credit,
it is desirable that sector-wise, sub-sector wise, activity/purpose wise, borrower category wise
(including gender disaggregated), bank wise, state wise granular data is extracted directly from
the CBS of banks and made available to all the forums like SLBC/DLCC/BLBC etc,.
8.6.9. To improve the credit absorption capacity as also to make credit more effective, central
& state government may facilitate infrastructure creation by way of irrigation, storage godown/
cold storages, e- markets, etc.
8.6.10. The current irrigation level at 45 per cent of GCA (Gross Cropped Areas) needs to be
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enhanced to 60 per cent in 5 years. The deficit states need to draw up necessary action plan to
enhance irrigation potential through suitable investments under RIDF (Rural Infrastructure
Development Fund), LTIF (Long Term Irrigation Fund) and (MIF) Micro-Irrigation Fund etc.
Government of India support to these Corpus Funds to be continued. However, irrigation
potential created (IPC) needs to be optimally utilised by focussing on command area
development and water use efficiency. As of now, the gap between IPC and Irrigation Potential
Used (IPU) is as high as 23 million ha and needs to be bridged.
8.6.11. Financing a basket of activities: Banks and Financial Institutions can promote and
finance farming system models which integrate crop production with dairy, poultry, fisheries,
dryland horticulture, sheepery, goatery, non-farm sector loans, etc., depending upon the
resources/potential available in a particular locality.
8.6.12. In association with the State Extension agencies, Banks & Financial Institutions can
promote financing of high value agriculture infrastructure like shade net, polyhouse, etc.,
especially for horticultural crops, vegetable and floriculture.
8.6.13. Customised Extension: With availability of varied technologies competing with each
other there is a need to shift from general extension to customized extension services to suit
the individual requirement of the farmers which can maximize the income of the farmers,
particularly the small/marginal farmer
8.6.14. Most of the cooperative banks (whether LTCCS or STCCS) lack skill sets for term
lending and hence, have low share in term lending. There is a need for massive scale reskilling
of cooperative personnel for handling LT lending activity. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’
Welfare may like to support these capacity building measures for cooperative credit structure
8.6.15. At present, many farmers are not able to avail agriculture loan for want of Record of
Rights (RoRs) or non-issue of ROR for sub-divided land holdings. State Governments may
issue Land Pattas/Record of Rights to all farmers who have inherited land through subdivision
of their family property, irrespective of the size of the landholding inherited by them. This will
help farmers to avail loan for agriculture (ST/LT) to do so without any administrative hurdles.
8.6.16. In order to provide market access & better prices to farmers, (GOI) Government of
India may encourage formation of large number of FPOs including Farmers Producer
Companies (FPCs). Based on the experience of “PRODUCE” Fund, GoI may create a Fund in
NABARD with appropriate corpus to encourage grassroots efforts for formation of FPOs/FPCs
and nurture them for a period of 5 years.
8.6.17. All Banks viz. Cooperatives, RRBs, CBs should be encouraged to lend to FPCs, with
credit guarantee cover from SFAC both for their working capital & block capital.
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8.6.18. Many of the FPOs/FPCs struggle to establish and start their business in the initial years.
During this period, some of the problems that these FPOs face are: banks not coming forward
to sanction loans, as the equity is very low; non-existence of physical assets that can be offered
as collateral security; and non-availability of audited balance sheets etc. This is the critical
period, when if no business is started, members may lose faith in the efficacy of the FPOs/FPCs.
Many a time, farmers get motivated only after seeing the benefits accruing to those farmers
who have already joined as members. Therefore, all state governments may come out with a
scheme, to extend equity support of at least upto Rs. 10 lakh to all those FPOs/FPCs which are
registered and plan to take up business activity.
8.6.19. To ensure that specified allocations meant for farmers and within this category-small
and marginal farmers, reach them, the distinction between direct and indirect lending should
be explicitly brought back, and 8 per cent of the direct lending target of 13.5 per cent should
be achieved by lending to small and marginal farmers.
8.6.20. Given that the banks and financial institutions are normally reluctant to offer investment
loans to farmers, particularly those belonging to small and marginal categories, the Committee
recommends to setup a Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Term Loans, as detailed in Chapter 7
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Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Annexures Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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Figure: Ridge and furrow method soybean cultivation at Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh
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Annexures Doubling Farmers’ Income – Volume VII
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