2 Midterms SF101 TaskSheet4
2 Midterms SF101 TaskSheet4
2 Midterms SF101 TaskSheet4
Date of Submission
Study each questions carefully and differentiate each items in paragraph form and in
Instructions Filipino language. Write your answers in the answer sheet. Upload your answer sheets
in kayelopez.gnomio.com.
Criteria Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Focus (5 pts)
(The single controlling point made with an awareness of task about a specific topic)
Content (5 pts)
(The presence of ideas developed through facts, examples, details, opinions, Reasons and/or
Conventions (5 pts)
(Grammar, spelling, usage and sentence formation and neatness)
Score: / 60
Midterms Page 2
Answer Sheet
Midterms Page 3