Chohan Gamestop
Chohan Gamestop
Chohan Gamestop
Finance: The
Gamestop Short
Dr. Usman W. Chohan
28 January, 2021
The events that surrounded the short squeeze of
Keywords: short squeeze, gamestop, reddit,
various downtrodden stocks such as Gamestop wall street, financial democratization
(GME) allude to a counter-hegemonic financial
effort, with small-scale investors pooling in to
sabotage the short-positions of large Wall Street
players such as hedge funds. This paper frames
these events in terms of public reprisal for the
2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and public
contempt for insular financial private interest. The
discussion suggests that such people-power
initiatives, abetted by powerful elite
sympathizers, have a powerful signalling effect
on the public in terms of highlighting fundamental
vulnerabilities in an extractive financial system.
ranks and thwart (or attain the sense of The American public seethed with the wounds
thwarting) large Wall Street giants, at least for of several types, including the misery of death
The specific mechanism of subterfuge used is surface, from the tremors of the 2008 Global
known commonly as the short squeeze, in stock, looking to purchase back the stock at a lower price
which large inflows of funds into a stock price in the future and netting a profit in the difference
between the original price and the compressed later
make any short position on the stock price. However, a short squeeze could lead to a possibly
untenable.1 The GameStop short squeeze infinite loss for the short seller if the price rises
indefinitely. This is why short selling is considered a
Shorting a stock involves the anticipation of a future fall comparatively risky strategy, with theoretically immense
in its price. Investors enter short positions on borrowed downside risks if the stock in question actually rises..
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securities in markets with uncertain
come to worsen their lot, both in terms of
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damage to lives and livelihoods under the
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misgovernance of the Trump administration.
2. BloombergQuint. (2021). "GameStop
To strike out collectively at the hedge funds,
Mania Goes Global as Retail Traders Gang
who have enjoyed two large giveaways from Up on Shorts". January 28.
the government in stimulus in two crises, have 3. Brent, A., Morse, D., & Stice, E. K. (1990).
continued largely unscathed, even as the scars Short interest: Explanations and tests.
felt by the American people have failed to heal. Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis, 273-289.