HARSH PATEL - FinalProjectReport - Harsh Patel
HARSH PATEL - FinalProjectReport - Harsh Patel
HARSH PATEL - FinalProjectReport - Harsh Patel
Submitted by
School of Computing Science &
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
1.2. Scope
1.3. Overview
2. System Analysis
2.1. Existing System
2.1.1. Limitations in Existing System
2.2. Proposed System
2.2.1. Advantages over Existing System
3. Software Requirement Specification
3.1. Software Requirements
3.1.1. Technical Skills
3.1.2. Client-Side Requirements
3.2. Hardware Requirements
3.2.1. Server-Side Requirements
3.2.2. Client-Side Requirements
4. Literature Review
5. System Design
5.1. Architecture Diagram
5.2. Functional Description
5.3. Module Description
5.3.1. General Module
5.3.2. Admin Module
5.3.3. Alumni Module
5.4. Database
5.4.1. Defining a Database
5.5. Database Design
6. E - R Diagram
7. UML Diagrams
7.1. Use-case Diagram
7.2. Component Diagram
7.3. Deployment Diagram
7.4. Data Dictionary
8. Testing
8.1. Acceptance Testing
8.2. Compatibility Testing
8.3. System Testing
8.4. Unit Testing
8.5. Integration Testing
8.6. Validation Testing
8.7. Validation
8.7.1. Requirement Field Validator
8.7.2. Range Validator
8.7.3. Regular Expression Validator
9. Conclusion
9.1. Future Enhancements
10. Output/Snapshot
11. References
1.1 Purpose:
This system can be used as an application for the Student alumni portal to
manage the college information and student’s information. The system is an online
application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside customers
as well with proper login provided, which will give better service to the customers.
The graduated students can easily find some information such as contact details for
Another graduate of College using the application, which means that they can easily
contact any person that is a member of the alumni web site. Making it possible for
the former students to keep in touch is not the only functionality that the application
will offer. The former students can easily contact the alumni officer if some help is
required. Furthermore, the former students will have access to some news that are
related to college
1.2 Scope:
This system can be used as the Office of Alumni and College Relations seeks to
protect the privacy of its alumni and friends, and thus, endeavors to safeguard the
use of information in its custody. To that end, the Office of Alumni and College
Relations provides constituent information to requestors only under the conditions.
The main scope of this project is to make a chain of connection between the alumni
and the college from which they got graduation.
➢ To build up a sense of belongingness to the college in which they studied.
➢ To provide a way that keep up both alumni and the college updated about
the events
1.3 Overview:
Overall description consists of background of the entire specific requirement. It
also gives explanation about actor and function which is used. It gives explanation
about architecture diagram and it also gives what we are assumed and
dependencies. It also supports specific requirement and also it support functional
requirement, supplementary requirement other than actor which is used. It also
gives index and appendices. It also gives explanation about any doubt and queries.
Once a student graduates from the institute, his/her professional life or career
begins, with higher education playing an important role in establishing
himself/herself in the profession. In respect of College, it has been our experience
that from the very beginning, the alumni have maintained personal contacts with
one another, rather than use the channel of Alumni Association.
Processor : Pentium II
Hard Disk : 20GB
RAM : 128MB
4.Literature Review
For the Alumni Portal We have observed Five current alumni Portals.
F. Disadvantage:
Over all we found Disadvantage that the Junior applicant cannot communicate with
the Alumni that makes the portal complicated. And also the conservation is hidden
or not displayed from the other student who all is connected with that particular
5. System Design
5.1 Architecture Diagram:
5.2 Functional Description:
Totallly 3 master pages are used for the modules. Before login the general master
page comes into view. After login a separate master page for admin will come in
view if he logged in; else master page of alumni comes in view. The description
of various modules is given below.
5.3.1 General module:
The general module is the starting webpage of our project which gives much
information about the college, project associates along with general menus. The
menus present in the general webpage are;
➢ Home
➢ About
➢ Our team
➢ News
The home menu is the first menu pointed in the general webpage, the menu home
is linked to the homepage of the general master page. The students must enter to the
homepage for login to the alumni module.
The next menu is the about menu which is included in the general master page for
viewing the information about the project which is used by the publics as well as
students. The about menu is linked to the about webpage.
Our team menu is the next menu, that is present in general master page. This page
contains the project associators information and it is provided for publics as well as
students. Our team menu is linked to our team webpage.
The final menu news is the menu of the general master page. The news sent from
the admin are displayed in this page and this page is provided for students as well as
publics. The menu news is linked to the updated news webpage.
The alumni registration menu is the first menu in the admin module the various
attributes that are included in registration webpage are the Alumni name, username,
register number, password, dob, gender, address, mobile number, email address,
pass out year, company name, designation.
There is a button at the end which provides the provision for insertion of values into
the database. After entering the details in the text boxes the insert button is clicked
for submission. If there exists any blank text box the system displays an error
message to enter the values to the particular field.
The next alumni list menu is the menu of the admin master page this admin list page
is used to display the registered alumni students. In this page there is a grid view
that will displays the lists of the alumni stored in the database.
The menu enquiry is the next menu of the admin master page this enquiry page is
used to send any notification news about the college to the alumni students. The
admin send the college information to the alumni time to time through this webpage.
This enquiry menu is linked to the enquiry webpage of the admin module.
The menu news is the next menu of the admin master page, this page is used to see
various queries that are passed by the alumni and this page consists the grid view
that will displays the queries sent from the alumni. The grid view is linked to the
database. This menu news is linked to the news webpage of the admin master page.
The final menu is logout menu which is used by the admin to get logged out. This
menu redirects the current logout page to homepage of the system. The menu is
linked to the general homepage.
The menu user home is the menu of the alumni master page this user home page is
the page where the alumni may view the news uploaded by the admin. This page
consists the grid view that will displays the news sent from the admin. The grid view
is linked to the database. The menu user home is linked to the user homepage of the
alumni module.
The profile setting menu is the menu of the alumni master page this profile setting
page will be having the same fields of few that are present in the alumni registration
page of the admin module. But here the alumni will be having a provision to edit
and update the changes in his/her profile. There are two buttons edit and update
which is helpful in editing updating the profile.
The menu enquiry is the menu of the alumni module, the alumni sends the message
to the admin to get information about the college or any student by this page. This
page consists two text boxes named subject and description at the end of the page
there is a send button this will sends the messages.
The final menu is logout menu which is used by the admin to get logged out. This
menu redirects the current logout page to homepage of the system. The menu is
linked to the general homepage.
5.4 Database:
To move with the times, we need to keep track of information. The
success of business enterprise today depends much on how quickly it can
retrieve the desired information needed for decision making and routine
Databases are store-houses of information. For retrieving any information, we
fall back on databases. Herein comes the role of database management system
which helps in systematic organization of information. Amongst the many
database management system available in the market. Access is quite useful
and popular because of its unique feature.
A database has many advantages. Many of the useful databases are those
which can provide latest information’s. The information in a database should
be organized in such a way that it is easy to update. And only then, it can
quickly provide the information.
Any stored information or a database, whether electronic or manual, helps us
by keeping track of our inventories, payroll invoicing or anything else that we
consider important.
A Table is a collection of information on specific topic. In a table, the
information is stored in rows and columns. We can store different types of
data in different tables.
Components that need to make up a table are:
Each column represents a field. A field stores only a specific category
of information.
Each row in a table is called a record and it consists of a number of
related fields. Each field contains some bits of data about the record.
The maximum and minimum values a field can have, is called its
Primary key:
A primary key refers to one or more fields in a table that uniquely
identify each record in the table i.e. it gives a distinct identity to a record.
Foreign key:
A foreign key refers to primary key of another table.
The registration table is used to storing the details of the student in the
database. It consists of 13 attributes. The student registration is done in admin
module. Further the entries can be modified in alumni module. The admin can view
the details of the students in the admin master page for verification.
The first attribute is used to store the name of the alumni for the identification
of the student. The next attribute is the user name which stores the name of student.
The attribute register number store the register number of the student. The DOB
attribute is to store the date of birth of the student. The password is to store the
password of the student which is useful at time of login, the password number is set
as the primary key.
Enquiry table:
The enquiry table is used to store the queries given by the various user. The query
menu is placed in the alumni module through which the student may pass various
queries. The queries are received by the admin and will answer it. The table consists
of 6 attributes.
First is the enquiry id, which is used for identification or for numbering
purpose. It is set as the primary key. Next is the student name which is to store the
name of the student. The contact number and the address of the person are stored in
the phone and address attributes respectively.
e-mail attribute is to store the e-mail id of the student so as the admin can answer the
student through mail. The subject of the enquiry will be stored in the description
News table:
The news table is used for the storage of the news that is uploaded from by
the admin. The news will be for public view, also in student profile. The news table
consists of 3 attributes.
First is the news id which is to sore the id or numbering, it is set as the primary
key. Next attribute is the news subject which is to store the subject of the news. Final
attribute is the news which is to store the messages related to the college or students.
6. E - R Diagram:
7. UML Diagrams:
7.1 Use-case Diagram:
Alumni Vacancies:
8. Testing
‘Software testing is the process used to help identify the correctness,
completeness, Security, and quality of developed computer software. Testing is a
process of executing aProgram or application with the intent of finding errors with
that in mind, testing can never completely establish the correctness of arbitrary
computer software. In other words, testing is Comparisons testing should be
distinguished from the separate discipline of software quality Assurance, which
encompasses all business process areas, not testing. Type of tests done in our project
are as follows;
• All the links are made sure to point at the right location.
The basic objective of the validation activity is to ensure that the SRS reflects the
Actual requirements accurately and clearly. Total three types of validation has been
used in this project as mentioned in the Admin module. They are;
Next type of validator is the range validator which is used for entering the specific
values with a particular range. When the range that is specified is crossed, an error
message appears on the screen. This validator is usually used for the fields
containing the numbers. The control to validate, error message and the validate
group must be specified within which the number must be present.
8.7.3 Regular Expression Validator:
This type of validator is used when a specific type of expression is not entered when
a specific type (character, integer, phone number or e-mail id) is not given to the
field present, an error message appears on the screen ,here also the control to
validate, error message and the validate group must be specified. Along with these,
the validation expression is specified where the expression for character type, integer
type, contact number and e-mail id format is entered.
9. Conclusion
The application for alumni project is used to store the former student’s detail
of the college and students can get the information from college through this web
page easily any time. So, this project is very useful to both college and students.
During this project we learnt more about asp.net, web programming (HTML,
JavaScript, and CSS), Python programming language and we got technical
knowledge a lot. This project done by us for academic purpose only.
From the beginning of this project we planned about usage of the system,
gradually we implemented on that idea.
9.1 Future Enhancement:
Site home page
Alumni login page
Alumni Registration Page
Enquiry Page
Response Box