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1 Complete the sentences with used to / didn’t use to / Did … use to, or the present simple +
Example: I used to behave (behave) badly at school, but now I study hard.
1 I ___didn´t use to like_____ (not / like) Maria much, but now I get on really well with her.
2 __Did you use to work______ (you / work) in the main office in Tokyo before you came here?
3 Wanda ____usually eat____ (eat) here at lunchtimes, so we might see her today.
4 Tom __isn´t usually______ (not / be) so quiet. Is he tired today?
5 You never ___used to watch_____ (watch) sport. Why do you watch it so much now?
6 Debbie ___used to be_____ (be) an architect, but now she’s training to be a yoga teacher.
7 When we were children, we often ____used to play____ (play) in the park near our house.
8 Lucia ____usually go____ (go) shopping on Sundays because it’s quieter

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: He was watching (watch) a film on TV when I arrived.
1 Mo Farah ____won____ (win) both the 5,000m and 10,000m in London.
2 I ___was thinking_____ (think) about Hannah at 7.00 and then she ____rang____ (ring) me!
3 He ___had just scored_____ (just / score) before the referee blew the final whistle.
4 As soon as Bob arrived, we ___ordered_____ (order) our food.
5 They were tired when they arrived. They ____hadn´t slept____ (not sleep) for 20 hours.
6 We __had already finished______ (already / finish) washing up when Will offered to help.
7 Liverpool ____won____ (win) 3–0 at half-time, but they lost the match 4–3.
8 You’re lucky I’m still at home. I ___was getting_____ (get) ready to go out when you phoned.
9 My boss __said______ (say) yesterday that he would arrange a trip to Madrid for me.
10 Olga and I _____were studying___ (study) at Bristol University when we ___met_____ (meet).

Example: My team won easily this morning, 5–0.
1 I play basketball, and I also ___practise_____ yoga.
2 We ___trained_____ really hard the week before an important match.
3 In football you ____scored____ by getting the ball across the goal line.
4 They got a goal in the last minute, so they ____drew____ 3–3.
5 Murray ____beat____ Federer in the final and won the gold medal.
6 They ___get_____ injured playing rugby at university.
4 Underline the correct word(s).
Example: We became / got married in 1998.
1 My best flatmate / friend is coming round for dinner tonight.
2 You’ll like Carla when you get to know / fall out with her.
3 We’re surprised Tom and Anna have broken over / up. They seemed so happy.
4 You should meet Mike. He’s a very personal / close friend of Jane’s.
5 I lost / kept in touch with Petra for a while but then I found her on Facebook.
6 They knew / met their new coach for the first time this afternoon.
7 Antonio and Lucia are / have a lot in common, so they find it easy to talk.
8 He’s been trying to keep in touch / get in touch with Klaus all day.

5 Write the people and places.

Example: The most important member of the team. captain
1 The place where you ski on a mountain. ___slope_____
2 The person who makes the players follow the rules. ___referee_____
3 The thing on which racing cars go round. ___circuit_____
4 The place where a big football match is played. ___stadium_____
5 The people who support a team or player. __fan______
6 The person who helps the players train. ____coach____


6 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: sta|di|um
1 re|fe|ree
2 spec|ta|tor
3 in|di|vi|du|al
4 fi|an|cé
5 co|lleague


1 Listen to Imogen talking about a difficult race she did. Complete the sentences with words
from the conversation.
1 At the start of the race, Imogen had to ___swim_______ four kilometres.
2 A ____coach______ helped her with her training.
3 She did less training every ____four______ weeks.
4 She ate and drank while she was ___racing_______.
5 Imogen’s husband and ____son______ supported her during the race.

Write about a childhood friendship (140–180 words). Answer the questions.

• When did you meet? How?
• How did you get on? What was special about the friendship?
• Did you ever fall out?
• How often did you usually talk / meet?
• What did you use to do together?
• Are you still friends?

When I met him, I was on fourth grade of elementary school. His name is Carlos, and I started talking
with him because a part of that we shared the same class, we also shared the scholar transport.
I remember that we started getting on one day that I sat near him and that day, we played, talk and
knew each other a lot, at the end of the day he invited my sister and I to went on Saturdays to the
scouts, so yes, he was the one who introduced me to the best experiences I had ever lived.
We shared a lot of moments together because we continue going to the same school and to the same
group of scouts, we share camps, journeys, and trips that I never want to forget. But now at days, we
are not in the same group anymore, so we lost touch. At the beginning, it was sad, because we had 8
years of knowing us, but now I only want to remember him like a good past friend.

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