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High Flyers

What’s a good way to meet new people in a new city?
Read the information from a website about meeting people in Dublin. Which group is good for these people?

“I'm from Italy and | want to improve my English, but

it's difficult to meet people:
2 'I like doing things in the evenings, going to
restaurants and the cinema:
3 “I work at home all day and | want to meet people at
the weekend. | like walking and going to cafés:

Which group is good for you? Why?

1) Complete phrases 1-8 below with words from the


Have read listen to do eat play go watch

1 have a coffee/fun
2 films/TV
3 tennis/computer games
4 running/to a restaurant
5 newspapers/magazines
6 music/an MP3 player
7 exercise/sport
8 pasta/ junk food
2) Can you think about other nouns to complete the following verbs:
Live _________ __________
work _________ __________
like _________ __________
stay _________ __________
arrive _________ __________
come _________ __________
run _________ __________
buy _________ __________
get _________ __________
take _________ __________
drink _________ __________
write _________ __________
walk _________ __________
cut _________ __________
clean _________ __________
talk _________ __________
travel _________ __________
call _________ __________
give _________ __________

3) Complete each pair of sentences in the conversations with the same word from list.

Have watch play read listen to go do eat

1 A: In the summer I_______a lot of exercise.

B: Really? When it’s hot, I usually_________nothing at all.

2 A: Don’t _______junk food, it isn’t good for you.

B: I don’t! I _______a sandwich or some salad for lunch.

3 A: How do you usually _______ music?

B: I like to my MP3 player.

4 A: I don’t have time to _______books.

B: Neither do I, but I do_______newspapers.

5 A: Do you _______films at the cinema or on TV?

B: I usually _______DVDs.

6 A: Would you like to _______a drink?

B: Yes, please. Can I _______a coffee?

7 A: Do you_______ tennis?
B: No, not really. I usually_______ football in the park.
8 A: How often do you_______ to a restaurant for dinner?
B: About three times a week. It isn’t very good for me, but I _______running every morning.


1) Find three sentences with mistakes.

1 Are you like playing computer games?

2 Have you got a computer?
3 Have you like meeting friends every day?
4 Do you work at the weekend?
5 Can you like doing homework?
6 Do you drink a lot of coffee?

2) Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1 you / time / what / do / get / up?
2 what / breakfast / do / you / for / have?
3 do / study / you / where / work / or?
4 lunch / much / do / you / how / have / for / time?
5 do / work / you / leave / when?
6 the / do / do / what / in evening / you?

3) Write questions with you .

1 / get up early?

2 where / meet / friends?

3 / like studying English?

4 what time / get home?

5 how much homework / get?

6 when / do your homework?

1) Look at the list of jobs. Which job or jobs would you like to do or not? Why?

Gardener florist chef teacher sports instructor nurse hairdresser tourist guide

E.g I’d like to be a chef. I love cooking!

2) Read the title of the article. Why do you think gardeners and florists are so happy in their jobs?

“Gardeners and florists are the happiest workers”

3) Read the article and check your answers in previous exercise.

4) Find the following phrases in the article. Then match them with their synonyms 1–6.

A nine out of ten b all year round c just as happy d in the town centre e five days a week f special occasion

1 90 percent
2 equally happy
3 a happy time like a birthday, wedding, etc.
4 in the middle of the town
5 Monday to Friday
6 twelve months a year
5) Read the article again. Who talks about the following:

Dave (D), Chloe (C) or both (B)?

1 having a small business
2 loving their job
3 making a place beautiful
4 the different seasons of the year
5 working at weekends
6 working with plants

When we speak fast, we stress some words and some words are weak. The weak words often have the
sound /ə/ .

Read the Pronunciation tip. Then listen to the sentences and underline the stressed words. Listening 1

1 a tea and a coffee

2 a tea and a sandwich
3 a coffee and a sandwich
4 a coffee and a cola
5 a cola and a cake
6 a cake and a mineral water

WEAK AND STRONG FORMS: do/don’t Listening 2

Read and listen to the conversation and look at the stressed words.

1 ‘do’ is weak in questions/short answers/ questions and short answers.

2 ‘do’ is strong in questions/short answers/ questions and short answers.
3 ‘don’t’ is strong in questions/short answers/ questions and short answers.

SOUNDS and SPELLING: /əʊ/ Look at some different spellings of the sound. Then listen and repeat the sound and words. Listening 3

What do you remember from the article: “Gardeners and florists are the happiest workers”

2.1 Listen to Jon talking about his job. Is he a gardener or a florist? What does he like most about his job? Listening 4

2) Listen again. Complete the sentences.

1 Jon works but he loves it.
2 He starts work at every day.
3 He goes to the flower to buy fresh flowers.
4 The market opens at .
5 Jon loves the and the smells in the market.
6 He likes to have a and talk to the people selling the flowers.
7 He says that people use flowers to say a lot of things.
8 Some people want to say sorry, some people want to say and a lot of people want to say .

Number these actions in the correct order to

show how Jon starts his day.
I open my shop. ( )
I go to the flower market. ( )
I have a coffee. ( )
I get ready for the day. ( )
I go to my shop. ( )

And, but and or

We use and , but and or to connect ideas in sentences.

We use and to connect two things.
I like football and I like tennis.
He speaks English and Spanish.

Don’t use and to connect ideas in negative sentences – use or.

I don’t watch TV or listen to the radio in the morning NOT I don’t watch TV and listen to the radio in the morning .
He doesn’t drink tea or coffee NOT He doesn’t drink tea and coffee .

We use but to show contrast.

I like football but I don’t like tennis.
She doesn’t eat meat but she eats fish.

We use or to show an alternative.

At the weekend I play tennis with my brother or my sister.
Every Saturday she goes to the cinema or the theatre.

1) Complete the sentences below with and, but and or.

1 We speak English for one hour. It's not easy we know it's good
for us.

2 Do you play football on Saturday, do you play tennis?

3 Do you like meeting people watching movies with them?

2) Match the sentence halves.

1 Marika gets up early on weekdays …

2 Salome studies French …
3 Do you prefer going to the cinema …
4 I love eating burgers and pizzas …
5 Ilya doesn’t like playing football …
6 I don’t like listening to pop …
7 Marc usually walks to work
8 At the weekend, Helena meets her friends …

a) or classical music. I love jazz!

b) but I know it’s not good for me.
c) or takes the bus – he never drives.
d) or watching DVDs at home?
e) and German at school.
f) and goes to a cafe for lunch.
g) but sleeps late at weekends.
h) or tennis because he likes doing exercise alone.

3) Complete the sentences with and , but or or .

1 I have breakfast at 8 ______ 8.30 in the morning.

2 He likes his job ______ she likes her job.
3 Marcel doesn’t speak Spanish ______Italian.
4 Sarah has a bike ________she doesn’t have a car.
5 He plays the violin in the morning ______the piano in the afternoon.
6 Mike likes Brenda ______ Brenda doesn’t like him.
7 She has dinner in a café _____ restaurant every day.
8 James doesn’t read newspapers ______ watch the news on TV.

4) Complete each sentence in three different ways. Use and, but and or
if possible.

1 I like listening to …..

2 At the weekend, | go …..

3 Every day I have breakfast

4 I don’t like ….. or …….

Daily Routines

Match the phrases in the box with photos A-H below. Which phrase is
not in the photos?
get up brush my hair go to bed have breakfast brush teeth comb hair
get home put make up on wash face have lunch set the alarm clock start work/school clear the table get dressed
leave home finish work/school have dinner prepare dinner pick up children from school take a bath/shower set
the table shave my face/legs

Cover the vocabulary from the previous exercise and complete the questions.

1 Do you up early?
2 Do you breakfast at home?
3 What time do you home?
4 When do you work/school?
5 Where do you lunch?
6 When do you home after work/school?
7 Do you to bed late?

Ask and answer the questions above.

A: Do you get up early?
B: Yes, Ido. I get up at 6. How about you?

Can you use some of the previous phrases write some truths about yourself?

Listen to a radio programme about two of the people and answer the questions. Listening 5

Do the people like their jobs?

Do their families think the jobs are good?

Listen again. Is the information true (T) or false (F)?

They are called high flyers because they work high places ( )
Gonzales is American ( )
Mr Gonzales is a painter that paints buildings ( )
Mr Gonzales current job is in Michigan ( )
He leaves home at 4 and start working at 5 ( )
Mr Gonzales does not make a good money for his Job
Emma eats on planes ( )
Emma leaves home on Monday Mornings and gets back on Wednesdays ( )
Emma has an eighteen-year-old daughter named Alice ( )
Alice like her mother loves flying and wants to be a Pilot ( )

Put the verbs in the correct group.

stay live go play wash work do copy finish like test fly fix  eat  feel have buzz touch  apply fry

1 ending with – s ,
e.g. She lives in the UK .

2 ending with – es ,
e.g. He watches TV .

3 ending with – ies ,

e.g. She worries a lot .

Read about Cenk and write short answers to the questions.

Do you like playing games? Cenk does – he is a Beta Tester – he plays computer games at work. Cenk plays games and tests
them before people buy them. He works in an old building but inside there are lots of computers. His office has a chair, a
computer and a very big TV. He gets up at 10 o’clock in the morning, washes and has a quick breakfast. He starts work late
in the morning but he stays there all evening. He doesn’t stop for lunch – he eats his lunch and tests the games. He eats fast
food for dinner but he doesn’t eat at home – he has dinner in the office. Cenk really likes his life.

1 Does Cenk play PC games at work?

2 Does he work in a new building?

3 Does he get up early?

4 Does he make dinner at home?

5 Is Cenk happy?

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