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12 Integrated Steel

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First Prize

Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

Integrated Steel Plants


Unit Profile

Jindal Steel & Power Limited (JSPL) is the youngest fleet under the flagship of JINDAL Organisation. With the vision to cater the needs of nation & meeting the challenges of global markets, JSPL management embarked on the ambitious mission to establish an Integrated steel plant with perfect blend of in-house & state of art technology. Today JSPL has the largest coal-based sponge iron manufacturing capability in the world, Rails of 120-meter length, the longest produced anywhere in the world & Parallel flange universal beams in larger sizes, manufactured for the first time in India. The unit has a obsession for excellence shaping business in synchronized with the market dynamics, boldly venturing into new territories and the future. Present manufacturing facilities are:

Current Capacities:
Product Name At Raigarh: Sponge Iron (DRI-1) Sponge Iron (DRI-2) Capacity (Million tonnes/annum) 0.65 0.72 Remarks

Worlds largest coal-based sponge iron production capability One of the lowest cost producers of Sponge Iron, with in-house availability of the three Key raw materials, coal, iron ore and power. New projects completed 24 MVA furnace

Mild Steel Hot metal (BF-1) Hot metal (BF-2) Ferro Alloys (SAF)

2.40 0.25 1.25 0.036

Rolled product (RUBM)


Coke Plate mill

0.80 1.00

Sinter Producer gas Oxygen Power plant Coal washery At Raipur: Machinery & castings Ingots CF Castings

2.50 129.6 Lakh m3 1915.2 Lakh m3 333 MW 6.0 0.0115 0.030 0.003

Facility to produce 120 meter, Worlds longest Rail & 240/480-meter Flash butt-welded rails. Increase in production/product mix through upgrading conventional mill with Tandem Universal (First in the Country) for rolling high quality structurals & rails (Fig-1). Non-recovery type, Environmental friendly and power generation from COG is a CDM project. New projects completed Mill can offer both plate and coils from the same facility (Fig-2). New projects completed 75 MW new projects completed -

(Fig-1) Technological up-gradation at RUBM (Tandem Universal mill)


Company is certified to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001: 1996. Company is recognized by DSIR, Govt. of India as in-house R & D Center and by Central Boiler Board, Govt. of India as well known steel maker for Boiler quality steels.

Energy Consumption
Product (Million TPA) Sponge Iron Hot metal Steel Rolled products Ferrochrome Power (MWH) Sales turn over (Rs. Lakhs) Production 2005-06 1017746 269711 522334 287389 32452 2225232 287800.00 * CAGR (%) 31.4 62.0 45.6 - 1.45 - 4.82 18.5 27.2

2004-05 692682 220022 378853 215542 35656 1898244 243923.63

2006-07 1196330 577494 803303 209418 31070 2668358 394876.00

* Compounded annual growth rate achieved

Energy & Cost: Net Electrical Energy consumption (purchased +generated-sold) (Lakh kWh) Coal purchased for process (Ton) (Coking coal +Washed coal +Steam coal) Coke purchased for process (Ton)

2004-05 7735.85 952218.0 178601.8

2005-06 10571.41 1652153 210994.0

2006-07 22332.11 2321784 76457.0


F.O. consumption in process (KL) Diesel consumption in the process (KL) Total Thermal Energy used in process (Gcal) Total Energy cost (Rs. Lakhs) Total Manufacturing cost (Rs. Lakhs) Energy cost (As % of manufacturing cost)

9557.50 16967.0 6003233.9 35181.65 101166.0 34.78

7835.55 19401.0 9020049.2 34397.65 100580.0 34.20

6199.32 24852.0 11849495.2 54230.78 160135.0 33.87

Specific Energy Consumption DRI Plant

Blast Furnace



SAF Plant



Power Plant

Energy Conservation Commitment, Policy and Set up

All the above figures clearly indicate the culture of energy conservation imbibed right from initiation of the company in 1991. When the plant started, to utilize the waste heat of rotary kilns, producing Sponge iron, waste heat recovery boilers (WHRB) were installed on-line and the steam used for generation of electrical power. Thus all the six kilns are fitted with WHRB. Continuing the commitment for Energy conservation, all new kilns ( 4 Nos.) are also fitted with WHRB. Boilers generating steam utilize the in-house waste of washery reject and rotary kiln char. In fact, commitment for energy conservation and waste utilization is so high in the plant that the Power Plant unit-II & now power plant unit-3 was planned for utilization of waste basically. Towards this end, energy policy has been formulated and Executive Director takes structure monthly meeting on energy conservation.




Energy Conservation Achievements

Major achievements are:
Installation of 1651 m3 capacity new blast furnace of make DANIELI CORUS incorporating all latest technology with TOTEM top charging resulting proper and desired charge distribution, overall coke consumption of the blast furnace has been reduced & electrical power consumption of EAF has reduced due to enhancement of hot metal use. Electrical power saving: 1809.7 kWh/ annum Thermal energy saving: 221856.0 Gcal/ annum Investment: Rs. 35000.00 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 8121.1 Lakhs/annum Power plant-1 consists of 6 nos. of waste heat boiler. The boilers were supplied initially without secondary air. So far in 4 nos. of waste heat boilers; air preheater (APH) was already installed after internal study & investigation to improve combustion efficiency of the boiler. APH was installed for WHRB-5. This results reduction in un-burnt carbon from 11.45% to 3.07%. Overall impact was 0.85 MW/hr extra power generations. Electrical power saving: 73.44 Lakhs kWh/ annum Investment: Rs. 35.00 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 170.4 Lakhs/annum The combustion efficiency in the AFBC boiler increased due to increase in the retention time of fuel by introducing swirl type coal cap. (1) This modification in the coal cap can handle high moisture coal. (2) Bed temperature is uniform through the furnace. (3) Combustion efficiency improved by 0.7% in 2100 TPH Thermal energy saving: 14281.4 Gcal/ annum Investment: Rs. 9.0 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 34.1 Lakhs/annum

Dual fired boiler is installed for utilization of the blast furnace gas. Dual fired AFBC boiler is unique of its type and reduced coal consumption by 200 Tons/day. It is consuming BF gas and playing the role in controlling pollution Thermal energy saving: 151800.0 Gcal/ annum Investment: Rs. 90.0 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 363.4 Lakhs/annum

3 X 25 MW power plant is installed to fully utilize the coke oven gas generate from coke oven plant. As coke oven plant is a nonrecovery type, sensible heat of the gas is utilized to generate steam from waste heat recovery boiler, which is ultimately used in steam turbine to generate electrical power. On account of these 3242 Lakhs units extra power generation was achieved Extra Electrical power generated: 3242.0 Lakhs kWh/annum Investment: Rs. 27500.0 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 7521.0 Lakhs/annum

As experimental basis, forced air draft fans underneath the cooling bed were introduced by installing forced air fan. This reduced the process delay to almost negligible from 3hrs/ day during rolling of heavy sections and there by increase in production and cost saving was achieved. Investment: Rs. 46.48 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 1598.0 Lakhs/annum


Furnace power consumption in Sub merged Arc furnace (SAF) plant reduced to 3572 kWh/ ton from 3719.0 kWh/ton by improving metal recoveries, due to process control and power factor improvement and taking innovative actions. Electrical power saving: 97.0 Lakhs kWh/ annum Investment: Rs. 10.0 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 225.2 Lakhs/annum

Air curtain to entrap heat loss

Installation of variable voltage and frequency drives (VVFD) in cooler drives of kiln no.# 3 & 5 of DRI-1 Electrical power saving: 4.15 Lakhs kWh/ annum Investment: Rs. 12.0 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 9.63 Lakhs/annum

Roots blower (5000m3/hr, 8000 mmWC) was replaced with new proper size roots blower (3500 m3/hr, 8000 mmWC) in DRI-2. Electrical power saving: 8.11 Lakhs kWh/ annum Investment: Rs. 11.0 Lakhs Monetary Saving: Rs. 18.8 Lakhs/annum


Energy Conservation Plans and Targets

ENERGY CONSERVATION PLANS 1. Utilization of blast furnace gas of new blast furnace, BF-2 to generate extra power from Unit-3 power plant. Pulverized coal injection in the new blast furnace (BF-2) to reduce coke consumption in the blast furnace. Replacement of higher head pumps of 20 nos. to smaller head pumps in SMS-2. Installation of PRDS in power plant-2, phase-3, to utilize extra steam from waste gas in plate mill and power plant-3 of turbo generator. Use of mill scale in SMS-2. Anticipated Savings Approx. Investment in Lakhs Rs. in Lakhs Rs. 3674.0 30.0 Project commencement & completion year 2007-08

















Environment and Safety

Environmental Management
Following steps have been taken for Environmental Management at JSPL : Installation of Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (WHRB) to use waste heat of sponge iron unit for generating electrical energy. Installation of AFBC boilers to reuse solid wastes (middlings) of coal washery. Installation of ESPs and Bag Filters in all dust generating sources. Waste gas from blast furnace is used as fuel in our Rolling mill (reheating furnace) DRI (rotary kiln & Coal dryer) and 63 TPH boiler. Installation of two Nos. of Sewage Treatment Plants to treat the domestic waste generated from the colonies and offices. This treated wastewater is 100 % reused for plantation and garden development purpose. Waste Management for reduction of the waste generation and exploring the use of the waste. Construction of the pucca road inside the plant Implementation of the concept of Green Productivity. Waste water recycling and zero discharge. Rain Water Harvesting Bio-gas plant established Vermiculture composting plant has been established.

Use of Fly Ash for Brick Manufacturing. Use of fly Ash for various construction works.

Regular monitoring of Stacks is carried out to maintain emission level within the stipulated limits. Opacity Meters have been installed in all the stacks.

Water Management :
Water consumption has been optimised by taking various conservation measures. Flow meters have been installed in all fresh water make up pipelines in all units, which helped a lot in water monitoring and optimising specific water consumption for long steel products in coming about 5.3 m3/T of product.

Safety Control
Safety is the prime concern of the plant and its target is zero accident. To keep employees aware about safety and maintain zero accident targets several activities and program are being conducted in the plant.


Certificate of Merit
Rourkela (Orissa)

Integrated Steel Plants


Unit Profile
Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) a unit of Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) was started in late fifties in collaborations with leading Steel makers from the Federal Republic of Germany. The units of the Plant which had a capacity of 1.0 Million Tunnels initially were commissioned between December 1958 and early part of 1962. Rourkela Steel Plant conceived and erected primarily as a flat products Plant, was the first unit in Asia to adopt LD process of steel making. With a view to meet the additional demand for flat products in the country the capacity of the plant was increased from 1.0 MT to 1.8 MT between 1965 to 1969. Besides increasing the capacity of existing units i.e Coke Ovens, Blast Furnace, Steel Melting Shop, Blooming & Slabbing Mill, Plate Mill & Hot Strip Mill a few new units like Electric Steel Mill (for dynamo & transformer grade Steel) and Galvanizing lines (for plain and corrugated Galvanized Sheets) were added at this stage. Subsequent to the expansion of the Steel Plant a number of units were added to enhance product qualit y, production and productivity, to meet the market needs. These units included spirally welded Pipe Plant, Silicon Steel Mill, second Captive Power Plant & Repair Shops. Rourkela Steel Plant is the only Plant in SAIL, producing large diameter pipes conforming to rigid API standards and Cold Rolled Non Oriented (CRNO) steel sheets for use in electrical industries. In order to overcome technological obsolescence and to remain competitive nationally and internationally, modernization Plan of Rourkela Steel Plant was conceived in late eighties and was completed by 1997. The major schemes implemented included up gradation of raw materials, continuous casting of slabs, energy efficient Reheating Furnaces in Plate Mill and Hot Strip Mill and a new Sinter Plant with heat recovery system. Rourkela Steel Plant is the first integrated Steel Plant of SAIL, which adopted quality centered and energy efficient continuous casting route to process 100 % of liquid steel produced. The main production facilities of the Plant and the product profile are detailed at Page - 3. Rourkela Steel Plant produces a wide variety at special purpose Steels. The use of its plate in ship building and high pressure vessels, Silicon Steel in electrical industries, corrugated Galvanized sheets for roofing, pipes for the oil and gas industries, Tin plates for packaging industries and special plates for the defence production items is well known. More than twenty production and service units of Rourkela Steel Plant have been certified by M/S RWTUV Germany to ISO 9000 2000 Quality Management systems. The Pipe Plants of RSP are also certified to API - Q1 Quality Assurance system by American Petroleum Institute. The relentless endeavor of RSP does not stop at implementing ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System (QMS) in the various units. Its sustained effort has resulted in several Departments like Silicon Steel Mill, Environmental Engineering Department, Sinter Plant II, Plate Mill and Hot Strip Mill receiving


the coveted ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System (EMS) certification. Considerable advances have been made for EMS implementation in ERW and SW Pipe Plants as well as Town Engineering and Services. This is a beginning of the objective of RSP to improve the Environment Management as a service towards the employees, stakeholders and the society at large. Moreover, Quality Improvement Process Management (QIPM) was initiated and implemented in Department like OBBP, CO, Blast Furnace, CPP-1 , SMS-II , Hot Strip Mill, Cold Rolling Mill and Power Distribution where 44 Quality Improvement projects were taken out of which 35 projects have culminated not only in significant cost reduction, but also in overall process development. As a part of this project, a Quality Improvement Team ( QIT) is formed which selects various projects with an objective to achieve targets by doing, analyzing and taking corrective and preventive actions. Human resource initiatives at RSP have gone a long way in creating congenial industrial relations and work atmosphere. Mass contact exercises where the chief Executive of the Plant interacts directly with the work force is a unique initiative, which has been continuing for the past many years. These initiatives have ushered in the atmosphere of satisfaction and growth for both the employees and the Company. In RSP safety is an integral part of main business activity. The organization is continuously striving to achieve new heights of excellence by inculcating a voluntary & sustainable Culture of safety through well planned pro-motive & pro-active activity. The organization has a well established Safety Department reporting directly to the Executive Director (Works). The visible commitment of top Management in implementing its Safety policy has truly been inspiring to its employees and to integrate safety culture into the working process. Safety Engg Department of the Plant translates safety policies into realities by monitoring safety efforts in all the units. It undertakes regular routine activities of preventive safety using all the known techniques of Safety Management like inspection, investigation, system audit, safety training, emergency preparedness planning etc. Joint participation is ensured through functioning of Apex Central Safety Committee and Zonal Safety Committees. Issues on safety are discussed in these joints forums. There is a system of following written down operating practices for regular jobs. For special jobs protocols are prepared where Safety aspects are considered. At Departmental level HOD Communication meetings and at functional head level GMs Communication Meetings are held every fortnight to discuss issues relating to safety and productivity with workmen. Video graphic recording of unsafe condition are done and shown in different meetings for better understanding of issues. There is system of internal safety audit teams who are engaged in Safety audit of 59 Departments and audit points are taken care. The Plant has bagged National Safety Award-2005, runner up under scheme VII & VIII in 2006, Ispat Suraksha Puraskar for maximum reduction in Accident rate for maintenance, Service and projects Zone in 2004.


Over the past few years the Company has registered significant improvement in production performance, technological parameters and financial indices. During 2006-07, RSP exceeded rated production levels in a number of units, which was unthinkable on earlier days. On financial front also the plant has been achieving substantial net profit for the past three years. Presently RSP has embarked upon a massive expansion plan to increase the Hot Metal Production capacity to 4.5 mtpa from the present level of 2.0 mtpa and crude steel capacity to 4.2 mtpa from the present level of 1.9 mtpa. The expansion plan envisages addition of a number of units with state of art technology and upgradation of existing units like a tall Coke Oven battery with coke dry quenching, a new big blast furnace with high top pressure and top recovery turbine, coal dust injection in all the blast furnaces, combined blowing and RHOB degassing in Steel Melting Shop, a new high capacity Plate Mill to produce wide plates and new HCl pull push pickling line in Cold Rolling Mills besides a number of logistics and support facilities. After the completion of these expansion schemes which is likely to by Nov2010 the Sp. energy consumption will be brought down to 5.4 Giga calories per ton of crude Steel ( Gcal/ TCS) from the present level of 7.5 Gcal/TCS.

Energy Consumption
Like in any other integrated Steel Plant, Coking Coal (for producing coke to be used as a reducing and heating agent in Blast Furnaces) boiler coal (for generating Steam & power) furnace oil (to be used as a supplementary fuel in Power Plant and reheating furnaces of Hot Strip Mill) and purchased electricity (to supplement in house generation) are the major external energy inputs to the Plant . For the past years some amount of Blast Furnace grade Coke is also being purchased to meet the total coke demand in blast furnaces. Besides purchased fuels, by product fuel gases (Coke Oven gas, Blast Furnace Gas & LD gas generated during the process of Steel Making at various stages are used for process heating.

Energy Conservation Commitment, Policy and Set up

Energy Conservation has always been an important Management objective in Rourkela Steel Plant. We are aware that conserving energy is desirable not only to reduce costs but also for conserving precious & fast depleting fossil fuel reserves and protecting the environment. Continuous and sustained efforts towards energy conservation have been continuing in RSP for the past many years. Energy policy has been issued by the Chief Executives of RSP(copy provided page-17) to provide direction to set performance goals, integrate energy management into the organization culture and operational practices and to ensure the commitment of the highest authority of the Plant towards energy conservation and environmental protection. Through the energy policy, the Plant is committed to reduce Sp. energy conservation by 2 % every year up to 2012. Energy Management Department monitors the availability and distribution of fuel gases and utilities around the clock basis for optimization, monitors major energy parameters on daily basis and generates MIS reports on unit wise overall energy parameters for variance analysis and corrective actions. It also


monitors condition of energy generating and consuming equipments/process on a regular basis and carries out periodic inspections to detect leakages and wastages of energy bearing materials for corrective actions. The department also conducts energy audits in each of the major shops at least once a year along with the concerned personnel from the department. The audit covers mainly analysis of energy consumption, combustion status, heat balances, physical condition of heat/energy consuming facilities, condition of gas / utility grid including leakages, efficiency of fans, blowers and cooling towers and electrical energy consuming units etc. The findings and recommendations of audits are discussed with the head of the auditee department for formulating action plans for implementation. The salient points are also discussed with the Head of works of the Plant.


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