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Q2 1ST Summative English 6 2022 - 074909

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Name ________________________________________________Date: ____________________
Grade & Section __________________________________ Score:

I. Read each sentence and identify what informational text structure is being presented. Write the letter of the
correct answer on your paper.
_____1. A text structure that simply describes something is a _____________.
A. description B. cause and effect C. comparison and contrast
_____2. A text structure that has two parts: the author identifies the problem and the author details solutions to
a problem is a __________.
A. cause and effect B. compare and contrast C. problem and solution
_____3. A text structure that covers a few purposes such as sequential instructions and chronological events and
arguments is a _______.
A. sequence B. description C. problem and solution
_____4. Jose never fails to end the school year with flying colors because of his diligence and dedication towards
his studies. The statement is a __________.
A. cause and effect B. compare and contrast C. problem and solution
_____5. I have two dogs. Both have the same color but of different breeds. The statement is a _______.
A. sequence B. cause and effect C. compare and contrast
_____6. The learners go to school because they want to learn. They love to listen to their teachers. They are
happy to play and talk to their classmates and schoolmates.
A. cause and effect B. compare and contrast C. problem and solution
_____7. The COVID-19 is a very hazardous virus that easily transmits to a person through coughing, sneezing or
simply just opening one’s mouth.
A. description B. problem and solution C. cause and effect
_____8. The government is now making measures to prevent the problem in the rapid increase of early
pregnancies. Teenagers should be guided properly and should be given awareness of the consequences
and harmful effects of getting pregnant at the early age.
A. sequence B. problem and solution C. compare and contrast
_____9. First, the boy went to the market to buy vegetables; then, he dropped to the restaurant; and finally, he
walked home.
A. sequence B. problem and solution C. description
_____10. The women living in a village don’t cut their hair as a symbol of feminity and loyalty. Their children also
have the same length of hair but of different colors.
A. cause and effect B. problem and solution C. compare and contrast

II. A. Below are the names of propaganda devices. Match the name of the device with the ideas by writing the
letter of your answer on your paper.
A. Bandwagon D. Testimonial
B. Plain Folks E. Name Calling
C. Card Stacking
_____1. It links to a person, product, or an idea to a negative symbol.
_____2. It directs an appeal to groups held together already by common ties.
_____3. It endorses an idea or a product by a famous person.
_____4. It identifies a product or an idea within a locality or country.
_____5. It manipulates information so that one looks better than the other.
B. Recognize bias statement. Put a check mark ( ∕ ) if the statement is bias and an X if not.
_____6. I hate classical music: it is too complex.
_____7. Study shows citrus fruits are good source of vitamin C.
_____8. People who are good at Math are brainy.
_____9. Maria and Pedro are the best persons for the job.
_____10. Research shows eating vegetables will boost ones immune system.
III. Read each sentence and identify what type of factual text is being presented. Write the letter of the
correct answer on your paper.

_____1. To argue one side of an argument or both sides of an issue.

A. Procedural b. discussion/argument c. description d. recount
_____2. To give a vivid description of the characteristics or features of something.
A. Persuasion b. recount c. description d. procedural
_____3. To instruct someone on how to do something or how something was done.
A. Description b. procedural c. recount d. persuasion
_____4. To retell an event or experience or series of events.
A. Recount b. persuasion c. discussion d. procedural
_____5. To persuade or sway someone to do or believe in something.
A. Procedural b. description c. recount d. persuasion
_____6. Yesterday, my family and I went to the National Zoo and Aquarium to visit different animals.
A. Persuasion b. recount c. description d. discussion
_____7. My mother taught me and my sister on how to cook spaghetti.
A. Discussion b. procedural c. description d. recount
_____8. Their teacher assigned the affirmative and the negative side during a debate.
A. Description b. discussion c. persuasion d. procedural
_____9. Our group was assigned to make a brochure on any historical places in Iloilo City.
A. Procedural b. persuasion c. description d. discussion
_____10. I was convinced by my bestfriend to buy and taste their home-made buko juice.
A. Recount b. procedural c. discussion d. persuasion

IV. Read the questions carefully and identify what is being asked. Choose only the letter of your answer.

____1. It is a judgment based on a personal point of view or prejudice in favor of or against onr thing usually in a
way considered to be unfair.
A. Informational text b. propaganda c. bias d. factual text
____2. it is the spreading of information, ideas, or rumor. It is meant to make people accept them.
A. Editorial text b. factual text c. propaganda d. bias
____3. it inform, instruct, or persuade readers about a particular subject and give useful information based on
A. Authentic text b. factual text c. editorial text d. propaganda
____4. It is an article that expresses the editor’s opinion about a current issue. It can be read or found in the
newspaper or magazine.
A. Editorial text b. factual text c. authentic text d. propaganda
____5. It is any text that is written and published for the public. It refers to text which provide real life examples
of language used in everyday situations.
A. Bias b. authentic text c. factual text d. propaganda

Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: ____________ Score: __________

I. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on your answer sheet.

1. The process of producing a new plant.

A. Propagation b. tree c. fruit-bearing tree d. planting
2. The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten
as food.
A. tree b. fruit c. seed d. seedling
3. A tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood.
A. Fruit b. tree c. seedling d. vegetable
4. The tree which bears fruit that is consumed or used by man.
A. Fruit-bearing tree b. nut tree c. vegetable d. orchard tree
5. The process of placing seeds or cuttings over prepared ground or container for the purpose
of production.
A. Planting b. cultivating c. protecting d. marketing
6. A substance in the air that is given off by trees and is beneficial to human beings.
A. Erosion b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide d. carbon monoxide
7. Processed wood from planted trees that is used to construct houses for man and animals.
A. Rubber b. pulp c. lumber d. paper
8. These are erect plants with single woody stem and it plays a very important role in our
ecological balance.
A. Flower b. tree c. shrub d. vine
9. The following are benefits in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees except one.
A. They serve as valuable wildlife habitat.
B. Trees cause erosion.
C. They prevent lake and river sedimentation.
D. They provide shade and fresh air around the house and along the streets and
10. Chemical taken in by trees from factories and motorized vehicle emissions.
A. Sulfur dioxide b. soil erosion c. oxygen d. carbon dioxide

III. Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the box below.

Damires Hills Leisure Farm Hardening Transplanting

Orchard Valley Farm Direct-Seeding Correct Storing

Denila Grapes Farm Garin Farm Survey

Kamunsil Integrated Farm Thinning Seed Germination

1. A method of planting seeds directly into the ground or plot for growth and development.
2. a gathering of data or information from others through internet or any social media.
3. A method of planting seeds in a seed box or plastic container.
4. The development or growth of a seed into a young plant that will influence harvest and the
quality products.
5. The removal of weaker seedlings in order to provide wider space for seedlings to make them
stronger and healthier.
6. The process of exposing the seedlings to direct sunlight or outdoor conditions 7 to 15 days
before transplanting, to make sure that plants can survive the rigors of transplanting.
7. An orchard farm which is also a leisure farm, a 45 hectare property that has been lying idle
for 20 years owned by Dr. Louie Tirador.
8. A 3 hectare grape orchard located at New Lucena Road, Santa Barbara Iloilo.
9. A 33-hectare organic farm owned by Johnny Que, located in Brgy. Tigum and Pagsanga-an,
Pavia Iloilo.
10. It is a sprawling 1.3 hectares plantation of fruit trees and vegetables organically grown by
owner Abner Jardinico.

IV. A. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not correct.

1. Mango, Lanzones, Marang, Rambutan, Chico and Guyabano are fruit trees grown for the
purpose of nut production.
2. Plant propagation is a method of reproducing, increasing or multiplying plant species.
3. Department of Agriculture is the government agency which is responsible for the production
of seeds, fruit tree seedlings for planting and other related activities.
4. Citrus fruit like lemon, pomelo, and mandarin has high market demands and it is best
grown in orchard garden.

1-3. Types of Orchard
4-6. Factors to consider in putting up an orchard

V.Write (√) if the statement shows best practices in planting tree and (×) if it is not

1.Join community projects like planting trees.

2.Wear appropriate working clothes when planting trees.
3.Choose poor quality seeds coming from a poor quality fruit.
4.Keep the soil dry around young trees by not watering them.
5.Plant all types of trees with equal distances from one another.
III. Several adjectives are arranged accordingly in a sentence. Fill in the blanks with the correct order of adjectives.
Write the letter of your answer on the blanks before the number.
_____1. I saw ___________________________ rivers which looked like white threads on the ground.
A. narrow, blue, two, long C. two, blue, narrow, long
B. two, long, narrow, blue D. blue, narrow, long, two
_____2. _____________________________ mountain ranges fascinated me.
A. Several, huge, majestic, purple C. Several, purple, huge, majestic
B. Several, huge, purple, majestic D. Several, majestic, purple, huge
_____3. It took me only ____________ hour of air travel to see some of the best parts of my country!
A. short, exciting, one C. one, short, exciting
B. one, exciting, short D. exciting, one, short
_____4. The plane flew over ______________________ plains.
A. some, grassy, wide, green C. some, wide, green, grassy
B. wide, green, some, grassy D. some, wide, grassy, green
_____5. The _____________________________ princess who died in a vehicular accident.
A. tall, beautiful, slim, British, elegant C. slim, tall, elegant, slim, British
B. tall, slim, beautiful, elegant, British D. slim, elegant, tall, elegant, British
_____6. The __________________ artist who made it big in the international stage musicale.
A. young, petite, charming Filipina C. charming, young, petite, Filipina
B. young, charming, petite, Filipina D. charming, young, Filipina, petite
_____7. The _________________________ inventors have been recorded in the book.
A. two, first, early Science, Filipino C. first, two, early, Filipino Science
B. early, first, two, Filipino, Science D. two, first, early Science, Filipino
B. Arrange the adjectives in their correct order.
8. blue, satin, a pair of, ladies’, medium-sized
____________________________________________________________________________ pants
9. ceramic, expensive, flower, five, Chinese, white
____________________________________________________________________________ vases
10. three, green, plastic, cheap, shopping
____________________________________________________________________________ bags



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