Lempereur, 1995
Lempereur, 1995
Lempereur, 1995
INRA-Unité de Technologie des Céréales 2 Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier cedex 01, France
Total arabinoxylan (AXt), water-extractable arabinoxylan (WeAX) and ferulic acid (FA) from five
cultivars of durum wheat (Triticum durum L.), grown under four different agronomic conditions, were
measured. Among the varieties analysed, AXt, WeAX and FA contents ranged between 4·07%–6·02%,
0·37%–0·56% and 0·784 mg/g–7·98 mg/g, respectively. High genetic and agronomic variability was
detected for AXt, WeAX and FA. AXt and FA increased sharply in milling products for extraction
rates above 60%. FA was quantified in durum wheat milling fractions. High concentrations of FA
esterified to cell-wall arabinoxylans were found in the aleurone layer (69% of total FA), germ and
seedcoat (26·6% of total FA). Only trace amounts were detected in the starchy endosperm (1·4% of
total FA). A highly significant correlation appeared between AXt and FA contents.
1997 Academic Press Limited
(40 rev/min) for 15 min at 20 °C. After cent- conditions tested (Table I). AXt and WeAX con-
rifugation (5 min, 5000 g), the supernatants were tents ranged from 4·07% to 6·02% and from
collected and diluted for analysis with an auto- 0·37% to 0·56%, respectively. For whole common
analyser. AXt and WeAX were analysed using a wheat grain the mean AXt and WeAX are 6·70%
semi-automatic method19 adapted from the Doug- and 0·70%5, respectively.
las20 phloroglucinol technique. Water un- Extractability was characterised by WeAX/
extractable arabinoxylam (WuAX) was calculated WuAX ratio. It was found to be highest for cvs.
by difference. Ambral, Cando and Agridur, while cvs. Ardente
and Primadur had lower but similar ratios (10·1%
Analysis of esterified ferulic acid for Primadur and 13·1% for Ardente), even though
their AXt contents differed twofold. This indicated
Ground samples (0·1 g) were defatted with hexane that the extractability of arabinoxylans was in-
(5·0 mL, 35 °C) for 1 h with rotary shaking (40 dependent of the AXt content. Varieties with
rev/min). After centrifugation (5 min, 3800 g, high AXt contents also had high levels of WeAX.
20 °C) the defatted pellet was dried for 24 h at Similar values are generally found for common
room temperature. wheat (Triticum aestivum)5.
Ground defatted semolina samples (0·1 g) were AXt and WeAX contents were found to be
saponified for 2 h in the dark with 2·0 M NaOH lower under the nitrogen conditions tested at Auze-
(10·0 mL) at 35 °C (with shaking, in the presence ville (N1 and N2) than the results obtained under
of argon). Internal standard, (2,5 trimethoxy-trans- the water stress conditions tested at Melgueil (W1
cinnamic acid (TMCA)21 was then added, and the and W2). AXt contents differed significantly be-
solution was adjusted to pH 2·0 with 4·0 M HCl. tween the two crop sites. The levels were higher
The phenolic acids were extracted twice with ether in wheat grown in the Mediterranean climatic
(5 mL) with shaking and 5 min centrifugation at zone23. The extractability patterns were in line
3800 g. The ether phases were collected in amber with this observation, with results from the W1
test tubes and evaporated to dryness in the pres- treatment close to those obtained with the N1 and
ence of argon. N2 treatments. Nitrogen stress (treatment N1) did
The dry extract was dissolved in methanol not modify the AXt and WeAX contents. AXt
(2·0 mL), injected on an RSil C18 column (250 mm were higher in case of the water stress conditions
× 4·6 mm) (Interchim, Paris, France) and eluted (treatment W1), while WeAX contents were only
at 1·0 mL/min with the following gradient profile: slightly modified. A comparison of treatments W2
10–40% B for 30 min; 40% B for 5 min and then and N2 revealed a significant site-specific effect
40–10% B for 10 min with solvent B (acetonitrile) on AXt, whereas it was insignificant on WeAX.
and solvent A (0·05 M acetate buffer, pH 4, 35 °C). AXt and WeAX contents and WeAX/WuAX ra-
Detection was at 320 nm22. tios were mainly affected by the wheat genotype
as shown by the genetic effect/treatment ratios
Statistical analysis (Table I).
There was a very high genetic variability with
The Statgraphics software package (Manugistics,
respect to the FA contents of the durum wheat
Rockville, U.S.A.) was used for the statistical ana-
varieties studied. The concentrations ranged from
lyses. The effects were studied by ANOVA. The
0·693 mg/g d.m. to 2·443 mg/g d.m. and the mean
coefficients of variation for the arabinoxylan and
levels were higher than those reported for common
FA measurement procedures were 3% and 4%,
wheat, which ranged from 0·5 mg/g d.m.22 to
respectively. Samples were analysed in duplicate
0·982 mg/g d.m.24.
and results expressed as mean values.
The Auzeville treatments led to lower FA con-
tents than those obtained with the Melgueil treat-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ments. The nitrogen treatment did not alter the
Variation in arabinoxylan and ferulic acid FA contents, whereas the water stress treatment
contents of whole durum wheat grain: varietal (W1) increased the levels significantly. The genetic
effect was more important than the agronomic
and agronomic effects
FA, AXt and WeAX contents varied between the The FA/AXt ratio reflected the extent to which
durum wheat cultivars studied and the agronomic FA were esterified to the cell-wall arabinoxylans.
106 I. Lempereur et al.
Table I Mean values of total (AXt) and water-extractable (WeAX) arabinoxylan, water-extractable/water-unextractable
arabinoxylan ratio (WeAX/WuAX), ferulic acid (FA) and ash contents for different wheat cultivars and agronomic conditions
(N1, N2, W1 and W2). Analysis of the genotypic (G) and agronomic (A) contribution of the residue and of the ratio genotypic/
agronomic (s2G/s2A)
AXt WeAX WeAX/ FA mg/g FA per ash
% d.m. % d.m. WuAX % d.m. AXta %d.m.
Ambral 5·14 0·44 9·4 1·98 38·3 2·03
Primadur 6·02 0·56 10·1 1·30 21·5 2·06
Cando 4·83 0·41 9·3 1·43 29·4 2·03
Agridur 4·76 0·37 8·4 1·06 22·3 1·86
Ardente 4·07 0·46 13·1 0·78 19·4 2·09
N1 4·77 0·44 10·5 1·12 23·5 1·91
N2 4·60 0·44 10·9 1·12 24·3 1·96
W1 5·36 0·49 10·2 1·60 29·6 2·08
W2 5·14 0·42 8·8 1·40 27·4 2·10
Gb 73·0∗∗ 58·8∗∗ 54·0∗∗ 73·3∗∗ 78·1∗∗ 33·6 ns
Ab 16·0∗ 11·9 ns 13·5 ns 18·8∗∗ 9·9 ns 33·4 ns
Residueb 10·9 29·3 32·5 7·9 12·0 32·9
s2G/s2Ac 4·5 4·9 4·0 3·9 6·5 1·0
lg FA/mg AXt.
Percentage of genotypic (G), agronomic (A) variation and of residue.
Ratio of genotypic (G) influence verse agronomic (A).
ns=non significant.
The high genetic variability in the FA content central and intermediate endosperm were very
was responsible for changes in this ratio, but no pure, and were produced at the head of the milling
agronomic effect was noted. There were no no- process and first four purifiers. Their mean FA levels
ticeable agronomic or genetic effects on the ash were 140 lg/g d.m. for cv. Primadur and 120 lg/
contents. g d.m. for cv. Ardente. The same patterns were
The 1000-grain weights for the durum wheat noted for AXt contents. Above 40% extraction, FA
varieties studied were found to range from 25·3 g contents increased slowly. The products were de-
to 42·9 g, thus affecting the kernel/seedcoat ratio rived from the intermediate endosperm and slightly
and the arabinoxylan and FA contents. Small grain contaminated with aleurone fragments.
varieties like Primadur (25·3 g TGW) exhibited Above 60–70% extraction, the highest bran/
arabinoxylan and FA contents higher than large shorts carryover in the products occurred: a slight
grain varieties like Ardente (42·9 g TGW) (Table variation in the extraction rate caused substantial
I). Therefore, ‘per grain’ contents did not differ variations in FA and AXt levels. These variations
from the above results. could be explained by a concentration gradient in
the endosperm (for AXt), seedcoat friability and
breakdown of the aleurone layer. The proportion
Ferulic acid and total arabinoxylan contents in of endosperm in the grain and the potential peak
relation to extraction rates extraction rate were determined along the abscissa
Cumulative content curves were plotted for FA at the breakpoint of the slope. This value provided
and AXt contents as a function of extraction an estimate of semolina milling values for the
rates for cvs. Ardente and Primadur for the W2 different varieties relative to the extraction rate.
agronomic treatment (Figs 1 and 2). No data Cultivars Primadur and Ardente had potential
concerning WeAX are reported in this section, milling yields of 80% and 82%, respectively.
considering that AXt and FA are adequate markers Above 80% extraction, milling products were
for the wheat grain cell-wall material. derived from the bran/shorts layers. Con-
The FA content varied slightly within the 0–40% sequently, there were almost no variations in FA
extraction rate range. Semolinas derived from the and AXt levels, and the curve was linear.
Arabinoxylan and ferulic acid in durum wheat 107
0.9 6
0.6 4
0.3 2
0 20 40 60 80 100
Extraction rate (% d.m.)
Figure 1 Changes in (Φ) ferulic acid (lg/g) and (Ε) total arabinoxylan (%) contents as a function of extraction rate for cv.
Ardente (agronomic condition W2).
1.4 8
1.2 7
Total arabinoxylan (% d.m.)
Ferulic acid (mg/g d.m.)
0.2 1
0 20 40 60 80 100
Extraction rate (% d.m.)
Figure 2 Changes in (Φ) ferulic acid (lg/g) and (Ε) total arabinoxylan (%) contents as a function of extraction rate for cv.
Primadur (agronomic condition W2).
108 I. Lempereur et al.
Table II Ferulic acid (FA), total arabinoxylan (AXt) and ash contents of different mill streams from Ardente and Primadur
cultivar expressed as a proportion (%) of the values for whole grain (agronomic conditions W2)
Ardente Primadur
Distribution of ferulic acid and total for the endosperm, 1·4% of the FA was present
arabinoxylans in the different milling fractions in 80–84% of the total grain.
Variations in FA, AXt and ash contents in the
Table II gives the FA, AXt and ash contents of endosperm can be compared in Table II. These
the different milling fractions with cvs. Ardente and levels increased from the centre to the outer layer of
Primadur (W2 agronomic treatment), expressed as the endosperm, but there were marked differences
percentages of contents of the whole grain. with respect to the different compounds and wheat
The bran/shorts fractions were found to contain varieties studied. Increases in AXt were not
higher FA, AXt and ash contents than those from
matched by concomitant increases in WeAX. Ara-
the central endosperm (flours and semolinas). The
binoxylan extractibility therefore decreased from
milling process concentrated FA, arabinoxylans
the centre to the outer layer of the endosperm, as
and ash in the bran/shorts fractions, in agreement
also reported in common wheat5.
with previous studies on other cereals22,24.
In the same histological fractions, semolina had
In addition, the ratio of endosperm AXt (central
semolina) to grain AXt was found to be equal to lower FA, AXt and ash concentrations than flour.
the endosperm/grain ash ratio, i.e. 0·36 for cv. In cvs. Ardente and Primadur, FA and ash levels
Ardente and 0·38 for cv. Primadur. The central were found to differ by 2·5-fold in central en-
endosperm/grain FA ratio was lower, i.e. 0·18 for dosperm semolinas and flours, while AXt levels
cv. Ardente and 0·11 for cv. Primadur. differed by 1·5-fold. However, ash levels did not
The concentration gradients in semolina derived differ for flours and semolinas derived from central
from the central endosperm and the outer layer endosperm fractions.
of the grain (coarse bran) varied according to the This observation could be explained by bran
compound studied and the wheat variety. The friability, which can result in contamination of
concentration gradient between the central en- central endosperm semolinas and flours during
dosperm and the seedcoat was higher for AXt the milling process. Density classification through
(642 for cv. Ardente and 438 for cv. Primadur) purifiers eliminated contaminating bran fragments
than for FA (400) and ash (230). The FA contents from semolinas, whereas grading of flours ac-
of the different durum wheat grain tissues were cording to particle size through a sifting operation
determined after manual dissection. The results was ineffective. For fractions from the peripheral
are presented in Table III. endosperm layers, there was a higher proportion
In agreement with Fulcher’s findings for com- of aleurone cells in both semolina and flour. It
mon wheat17, FA was found concentrated in the was thus difficult to determine whether there was
aleurone layer (69%) and pericarp (29%). Only increased contamination of very small seedcoat
2% of the total FA was detected in the endosperm fragments (which are hardly extracted by puri-
and germ (Table III). This concentration effect is fication), or whether such fragments are common
emphasised by the fact that 69% of the FA was to such fractions.
distributed in 6–7% of the total grain. Conversely, A matrix of correlations between the different
Arabinoxylan and ferulic acid in durum wheat 109
Table III Ferulic acid (mg/g dm) contents of different histological tissues (endosperm, aleurone layer, pericarp and germ)
and of whole grain of cv. Ardente
Grain Endosperm Aleurone Pericarp Germ
FA (mg/g d.m.) 0·87 0·17 8·82 3·71 0·08
Percent of whole grainb 100 80–84 6–7 7·5–9·5 2·5–3·5
Concentration in FA (% of 100·0 1·4 69·0 29·0 0·6
whole grain)
mean of duplicates.
From ref. 29. Y. Pomeranz (ed.) Chemical composition of kernel structures. In ‘Wheat: Chemistry and Technology’, American
Association of Cereal Chemists, St Paul, MN. (1988) pp 119.
Table IV Correlation coefficients (r) between ferulic acid There was a poor correlation between ash and
(FA), total arabinoxylan (AXt) and ash. FA contents in the central endosperm. In common
FA AXt Ash wheat, ash contents in this fraction accounted for
20–26%25 of total ash, while the FA content was
All mill streams (n=304) less than 5%. Similar results were also reported
FA 1 for durum wheat26. The correlation between the
AXt 0·97∗∗ 1
Ash 0·89∗∗ 0·90∗∗ 1 FA and ash contents in this case was higher for
Semolina and flour reduction flours (r=0·89) than for break flours
streams (n=204) (r=0·60).
FA 1
AXt 0·78∗∗ 1
Ash 0·26∗∗ 0·46∗∗ 1 CONCLUSION
Coarse bran, fine bran
and shorts streams FA and AXt levels in whole grain of durum wheat
(n=64) (Triticum durum) were especially affected by the
FA 1
AXt 0·69∗∗ 1 genotype and crop site, but very slightly by agro-
Ash 0·84∗∗ 0·52∗∗ 1 nomic conditions. These components appeared to
be good markers for bran/shorts fractions, and
∗∗P<0·01 therefore of the endosperm/seedcoat ratio. The
external histological layers (aleurone and pericarp)
showed high FA and arabinoxylan concentrations.
components studied is given in Table IV. Milling The higher levels of FA and AXt in the bran/
fraction subgroups were distinguished: endosperm shorts fractions than the central endosperm frac-
fractions (flours and semolinas) and bran/shorts tions were more marked than for ash levels in the
fractions. same fractions. The cumulative content curves
For all milling fractions, there were significant plotted for FA as a function of the extraction
correlations (at P=0·01) between AXt and FA rate highlighted the absence of a concentration
contents, between FA and ash contents and be- gradient for this component in the endosperm.
tween ash and AXt contents, with correlation There was a more substantial increase in AXt,
coefficients of 0·97, 0·89 and 0·90, respectively. indicating the presence of an arabinoxylan con-
For the starchy endosperm fractions (flours and centration gradient in the endosperm. In this re-
semolinas), there were significant correlations (at spect, the slope breakpoints were very easily
P=0·01) between FA and AXt contents (r=0·78). determined, distinguishing the starchy endosperm,
However, the correlations between FA and ash aleurone layer and seedcoat. The potential milling
contents and between AXt and ash contents (r= yield can be partially assessed, i.e. the endosperm/
0·26 and 0·46, respectively) were very low. seedcoat ratio, from this point.
For the bran/shorts fractions (middlings), there The present results with durum wheat could be
was a significant correlation (at P=0·01) between used, as with common wheat27,28, in designing a
ash and AXt contents (r=0·69) and between ash rapid technique to evaluate the purity of wheat
and FA contents (r=0·84). The FA content was millstreams. The different histological fractions
highly correlated with AXt in all fractions. (endosperm, pericarp and aleurone) could thus
110 I. Lempereur et al.
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