Faculty Electrical
Faculty Electrical
Faculty Electrical
(High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C State Board 1967 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1969 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1973 Electrical Engg I class 4 M.Tech Cochin University of Science & Technology 1986 Computer and Information Sciences I class 5. Date of Joining : 31-10-1980 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.976/8. Present Status : Professor and Head of Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.30,974/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Two 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 8 Nil Nil Nil 1 2 11 3 1
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Educational Management 1 week NITIE, Bombay 2 Management development Programme 10 days IMG, TVM 3 Quality Auditor 3 days ER& DC, TVM 4 Digital Techniques & their applications 30-04 to 1205, 1981 ISTE, REC, Calicut 5 State space Techniques for control systems 07 to 19 1981 QIP Winter School, IIT, Bombay 6 Energy Conservation & Management 09 to 20-051994 ISTE Summer School, CET 7 Microprocessor & Applications 2 weeks, 1987 ISTE, TKMCE, KLM 8 Artificial Intelligence 2 weeks, 1987 ISTE, TKMCE, KLM 9 Business Information Systems 40 days, June/July1993 IMPACT,IIT Bombay 11.5 Books/ Monograph Sl No Title of Books Stream/Publishers Year 1 Lab Manual for Electronics Circuits Lab Private circulation 2000 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.2 Attended Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Manufactured Sand (28-10-2003), One day POABS 2 Best Practices in Energy Conservation 18-20-08-2005 CPRI 11.7 Extra Curricular Activities Sl No Particulars Positions Held Year 1 Kerala State Electricity Licensing board Ex-officio Member 2004 onwards 2 Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Authority Ex-officio Member 2004 onwards 3 Board of Examinations, University of Kerala Chairman 2003-2004 4 Syllabus revision committee for B.Tech, University of Kerala Member 2002-2003 5 Interview Board for selection as Electrical Engineers, PSC Kerala Member 2004 onwards 2
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 6 Interview Board for selection as Scientists, Regional Research Laboratory, TVM Member 2004 onwards 7 PTA Executive Committee, RITK & CET Member 2002-2005 8 College Council, Finance Committee for TEQIP Member 9 Faraday Club Secretary 1981 to 1984 10 Men s Hostel Resident Tutor 1980-1984 11 Dept. Purchase Committee Chairman 2002-2004 11.8 Administration Sl No Positions Held Duration 1 Principal-in-charge,RITK 12-2004 to 01-2005, 2 months 2 Professor of UG Studies 4 Years 3 Professor & Head of Dept From 2004 onwards 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 1. Member, Syllabus revision committee for B.Tech, University of Kerala. 2. Chairman, Board of Examinations, University of Kerala. 3. Member, PTA Executive Committee, RITK & CET 4. Member, College Council, Finance Committee for TEQIP in CET. 5. Member, Interview Board for selection as Electrical Engineers, PSC Kerala. 6. Member, Interview Board for selection as Scientists, Regional Research Laboratory, TVM. 7. Member, Kerala State Electrical Licensing Board, TVM. 3
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : Dr. P. S. CHANDRA MOHANAN NAIR 2. Date of Birth : 21-12-1953 3. Highest Qualifications : Ph.D 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams 1969 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1971 II class 3 B.Sc (Engg.) University of Kerala 1975 Electrical Engg. I class 4 M.Sc(Engg.) University of Kerala 1978 Power Systems I class 5 Ph.D I.I.T. Delhi 1992 Energy Studies 5. Date of Joining : 28-01-1981 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.958/8. Present Status : Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.30,774/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Two 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 28 5 53 Nil 8 8 Many 2 4
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Biomedical Engineering May 07-19, 1979, 13 days ISTE 2 Supervisory Control System November 10-22, 1980 13 days Power Systems and Projects Ltd., Palghat, 3 Microprocessors and their Applications in Industry March 02-13, 1981, 12 days Dept. of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum,. 4 Power System Protection August 24 to September 03, 1981 L.B.S. Engineering Research and Consultancy Centre, Trivandrum 5 State Space Techniques for Control Systems December 07-19, 1981 I.I.T.Bombay 6 Educational Management April 14-16, 1982 National Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Bombay 7 Optimal Management of Resources through utilization of waste and replenishable materials April 26 to May 08, 1982 ISTE 8 Computer Programming in BASIC March 12-23, 1984. Centre for Q.I.P., College of Engineering, Trivandrum 9 Digital Techniques and their Applications in Electrical Engineering April 30 to May 12, 1984 ISTE Summer School, R.E.C.Calicut 10 Microprocessor Programming, September 24-28, 1984 Q.I.P., in Collaboration with the British Council Division, British High Commission 5
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11 PASCAL Programming October 28 to November 08, 1985 Centre for Q.I.P., College of Engineering, Trivandrum 12 Functional Approach in Microelectronics January 13-24, 1986 I.I.Sc.Bangalore 13 CAD/CAM and Robotics July 07-11, 1986 Centre for Q.I.P., College of Engineering, Trivandrum 14 Nuclear Engineering November 10-14, 1986 Centre for Q.I.P. and Energy Research Group, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 15 Numerical Engineering Analysis January 15-29, 1987 Centre for Q.I.P., College of Engineering, Trivandrum 16 Application of Microprocessors to power system protection and control May 15-28, 1987 ISTE Summer School, R.E.C.Calicut 17 Neural Networks March 16-17, 1991 I.I.T.Delhi 18 Non-conventional Sources of Energy, June 03-16, 1991 I.I.T.Delhi 19 Management Development Programme January 04-16, 1993 Institute of Management in Government (I.M.G.), Trivandrum 20 Environmental Pollution and Control Methodologies May 03-15, 1993 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 21 Low Cost Automation in Electrical Industry May 18-28, 1993 Larsen & Toubro Ltd., Bombay 22 ISO-9000 August 24-25, 1994 The institution of Engineers (India), Trivandrum 23 Industry Institute Partnership January 29-31, 1996 ISTE 6
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 24 Small Hydro Power Development July 07-18, 1997 International Centre on Small Hydro Power, Hangzhou, China 25 Applications of Electronics in Agricultural Field Investigations January 19-24, 1998 Central Institute of Fishe ries Technology, Cochin 26 International Training Course for Energy Managers November 28-29, 1997 (Phase I) and January 2829, 1998 (Phase II) United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) 27 Stress Management July 27-31, 1999 Institute of Management in Government, Trivandrum 28 Real Time Energy Management Systems December 15-27, 2003 AICTE/ ISTE, National Institute of Technology Warangal 11.2 Research / Development Sl No Project Title Funding Agency Duration & Starting Year Amount Sanctioned Status 1 Static Three Phase Simulator -----2 Energy efficient fan regulator that is absolutely free from undesirable fan noise and radio interference -----Getting ready to go into the market 3 Tamper-proof energy metering system ------Applied for patent 4 Development and analysis of energy model for Kerala with emphasis on optimal planning in power sector ------Ph.D Guidance 5 Modelling and simulation of a PMBLDC motor drive system and its performance
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.5 Books/ Monograph Sl No Title of Books Stream/Publishers Year 1 Oorjathinte Uravidangal Thedi (In Search of Energy Sources) 2 Veettinullile Vilapetta Oorjam (Valuable Energy in Home) State Resource Centre, Govt. of Kerala 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.1 Organised Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Energy Planning for Kerala January 06, 1982, Oneday Directorate of Technical Education 2 Industrial Energy Conservation October 21 &22,1993, Two days IDBI, PCRA, KSEB, STEC, ANERT & IE(I) 3 All India Summer School on Energy Conservation and Management May 09-20, 1994, 12 days ISTE, ANERT, Govt. of Kerala 4 Energy Conservation and Sustainable Development October 06,1994, Oneday Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) 5 Least Cost Power Planning January 18th and 19th 1996, Two days Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC), Directorate of Technical Education 6 Energy Audit August 30-31, 1997, Two days Energy Management Centre - Kerala 7 Domestic Energy Conservation September 29, 1997, One-day Energy Management Centre - Kerala 11.3 No of Publications: Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 International 21 2 National 32 11.8 Administration Sl No Positions Held Duration 1 Senior Scientific Officer( on deputation) to Kerala State Committee on Science, Technology & Environment.
09-01-1985 to 31-03-1985 2 Energy Technologist ( on deputation) Energy Management Centre-Kerala 11-06-1997 to 08-06-1998 8
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. Year 2002 A. Technical papers published in 2002: The following five technical papers were published/ accepted in 2002, out of whi ch, three are in International journals, one in International Conference and the remaining one in National level Conference. 1. Demand for commercial energy in the State of Kerala: an econometric analysis with medium range projections , International Journal, Energy Policy , Elsev ier Publications, U.K., Vol. 30, pp. 781-791, June 2002. 2. Demand Side Management through efficient lighting: Analysis of potential, barrier s and cost-benefits in Kerala context , paper presented at the International conference, LUX PACIFICA, Delhi, September 8-11, 2002. 3. Modeling and analysis of a hybrid power filter for harmonic compensation of indus trial loads , Proceedings of the 5th National Seminar on Modern Trends in Power Engineering and Development , Trivandrum, India, pp. 84-91, October 8-9, 2002. 4. Closed loop performance of a permanent magnet brush less dc motor incorporating t he non-linearity in torque balance equation , International Journal, Electric Power Components and Systems, U.S.A., Vol.30, No.12, pp. 1249-1260, December 2002. 5. Analytical search of problems and prospects of power sector through Delphi study: Case study of Kerala State, India , International Journal, Energy Policy , Elsevier Publications, U.K. (forth coming). B. Guiding Ph.D. thesis: Thesis entitled, Modelling and simulation of a PMBLDC motor drive system and its performance enhancement through a Hybrid controller, by Smt. S. Ushakumari was awarded Ph.D. from the University of Kerala in December 2002. C. Professional society activities: i. Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ( IEEE), New York, the world's largest professional body, since 1981. Worked in its Kerala Se ction as IEEE Student Branch Counsellor (1993 1995); Student Activities Chairman (199496) ; Executive Member (1996-98); Secretary (1999); and Chairman of Power Engineering Society Chapter (2000 onwards). ii. Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India) and Executive Member of its K erala State Centre.
iii. Founder office bearer of the Energy Conservation Society (ECS). iv. Founder Executive member of the Indian Society of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISIS). v. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). 9
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET D. Invited technical talks delivered in 2002: Ten technical talks were delivered during 2002 as listed below: Institution of Engineers (India), Trivandrum : 02 National Institute of Technology ( earlier R.E.C.), Calicut : 02 UK Science Innovation Exhibition & Science Fest 2002, Trivandrum : 01 College of Engineering, Trivandrum (short term course) : 01 L.B.S. College of Engineering, Kasaragod : 01 Indian Institute of Architects, Trivandrum Centre : 01 Habitat Technology Group, Trivandrum : 01 K.S.E.B. Engineers & Officers Confederation, Trivandrum : 01 Year 2003 A. Technical papers published in 2003: The following five technical papers were published in 2003, out of which, two ar e in International journals. 1. Analytical search of problems and prospects of power sector through Delphi study: Case study of Kerala State, India , International Journal, Energy Policy , Elsevier Publications, U.K., Vol. 31, No. 12, pp. 1245-1255, September 2003. 2. Performance of Indian power sector during a decade under restructuring: a critiqu e , International Journal, Energy Policy , Elsevier Publications, U.K. (forth coming). 3. Modelling and analysis of a hybrid power filter for harmonic compensation of indu strial loads , Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, In-house publication of Department of Electronics and Communication, College of Engineering Trivandrum, No.2, pp. 14-18, March 2003. 4. Modelling of impulse voltage generator using SIMULINK , Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, In-house publication of Department of Electronics and Communication, College of Engineering Trivandrum, No.2, pp. 19-23, March 2003. 5. Modelling, analysis and simulation of a three-phase permanent magnet brush- less dc motor, considering non-linearity in torque-balance equation , Journal of Electroni cs and Information Technology, In-house publication of Department of Electronics and Communication, College of Engineering Trivandrum, No.2, pp. 26-32, March 2003. E. Guiding Ph.D. thesis: Already produced two Ph.D.s and a few Research Scholars are working for Ph.D. F. Professional society activities: 10
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET i. Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEE E), New York, the world's largest professional body, since 1981. Worked in its Kerala Se ction as IEEE Student Branch Counsellor (1993 1995); Student Activities Chairman (1994-96); Executive Member (1996-98); Secretary (1999); and Chairman of Power Engineering Society Chapter (2000 - 2002). ii. Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India) and Executive Member of its Keral a State Centre. iii. Founder office bearer and present Vice-President of the Energy Conservation Soci ety (ECS). iv. Founder Executive member of the Indian Society of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISI S). v. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). G. Invited technical talks delivered in 2003: Eleven technical talks were delivered during 2003 as listed below: Institution of Engineers (India), Trivandrum : 01 Academic Staff College, University of Kerala : 02 College of Engineering, Trivandrum (ISTE Winter School) : 02 Cochin University of Science and Technology : 01 Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Kerala : 01 Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad : 01 I.T.C Youth festival of SC/ST Development Department : 01 Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology, Trivandrum : 01 College of Engineering, Trivandrum (Training program for Lab. Staff) : 01 H. Patenting of new idea: Submitted to the Patent Office, Govt. of India, provisional specification of a n ew idea for Tamper-proof Energy Metering (Patent application No. 982/CHE/2003 dated 02-12-2003 ). A leading Research organization has already written to the Principal showing inter est to collaborate for work in this area. Year- 2004 A. Award/ Recognition in 2004: Kerala State Energy Conservation Award 2004 in the Research & Innovations catego ry. [The first time Award in this category]. The Award was based on last year's perf ormance in the 11
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET field of energy conservation and especially considering the simple, reliable and cost-effective tamperproof energy metering system that was developed and applied for patent. B. Technical papers published in 2004: 1. Performance of Indian power sector during a decade under restructuring: a critiqu e , International Journal, Energy Policy , Elsevier Publications, U.K., Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 563 576. 2. Enhanced performance of AGC with improved controllers and Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storages , paper getting ready for submission to the National Conference on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements to be held at College of Engineering Trivandrum during November 26 27, 2004. 3. Energy Management for sustainable development , POTENTIA, biannual technical magazine of T.K.M. College of Engineering, Kollam, pp. 11 16, September 2004. 4. Impacts, trends and future challenges of electricity reform process in India: An analytical evaluation , International Seminar on Non-conventional Energy, Renewables, Energy Efficiency and Conservation , PRITHVI 2005: Global Eco Meet, Trivandrum, India, February 19-28, 2005. 5. A novel concept for tamper-proof energy metering , International Seminar on Nonconventional Energy, Renewables, Energy Efficiency and Conservation , PRITHVI 2005 : Global Eco Meet, Trivandrum, India, February 19-28, 2005. C. Guiding Ph.D. thesis: Already produced two Ph.D.s and two Research Scholars are working for Ph.D. D. Continuing Professional society activities: i. Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEE E), New York, the world's largest professional body, since 1981. Worked in its Kerala Se ction as IEEE Student Branch Counsellor (1993 1995); Student Activities Chairman (199496) ; Executive Member (1996-98); Secretary (1999); and Chairman of Power Engineering Society Chapter (2000 - 2002). ii. Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India) and Executive Member of its Keral a State Centre. iii. Founder office bearer and present Executive member of the Energy Conservation So ciety (ECS).
iv. Founder Executive member of the Indian Society of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISI S). v. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). vi. President of the Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) E. Invited technical talks delivered in 2004: Nine technical talks were delivered during 2004 as listed below: 12
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET Vakkom Moulvi Foundation Hall, Trivandrum : 01 Academic Staff College, University of Kerala : 02 College of Engineering, Trivandrum (ISTE-AICTE Short Term Prog.) : 01 Govt. Polytechnic College, Kalamassery : 01 Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology, Trivandrum : 02 College of Engineering, Trivandrum (Training program for Lab. Staff) : 01 Govt. Engineering College, Calicut (STTP for Teaching Faculty) : 01 F. Innovation: Developed a Tamper-proof Energy Metering system to prevent electricity theft and demonstrated it in July 2004 at Trivandrum in a press conference at the Press Cl ub and to a gathering of eminent engineers and scientists at the Institution of Engineers (India) Hall. A patent has been applied for it (Patent application No. 982/CHE/2003 dated 02-1 2-2003). A leading Research organization has already written to the Principal showing int erest to collaborate for work in this area. 13
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : G.L VALSALA. 28-05-1957 M.Sc Engg. Sl. No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1972 -IInd Class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1974 -Ist Class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1978 Electrical Engg Ist Class 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1982 Control System Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 02-06-1983 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.1114.55/8. Present Status : Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.30,058/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : 2 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 1 Nil 3 Nil Nil 1 1 2 14
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 CAD/CAM and robotics 07 to 11-07-1986, 5 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram QIP 2 Computer programming in BASIC 22-05 to 04-061986, 14 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram QIP 3 Computer Simulation Techniques 23-04 to 08-051986, 14 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 4 Introduction to Semiconductor Technology 30-04-to 12-051990, 14 days IIT, Madras ISTE 5 Modern Trends in Transmission Techniques 26 to 27-11-2004, 2 days KSEB 6 VLSI Technology-Design & Architecture 30-11-2005 to 03122005, 4 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram TEQIP 11.3 No. of Publications Sl. No Type of Publication Number 1 National Seminar at CET, 26 to 27-11-2004 1 2 National Seminar at KSEB, conducted by Post Graduate Association 25 th to 26 th 2004 1 3 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 1 11.6 Conferences/ Seminar: 11.6.2. Attended: Sl.No Title of Paper Date & Year Sponsors 1 Parameter Identifications of Induction Motors 25th to 26th Nov. 2004 KSEB 11.7 Extra curricular Activities: Sl. No Particulars Position held Year Remarks 1 Tech. Manager Testing center 2005 Jan onwards
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.8 Administration: Sl.No Position Held Duration Remarks 1 Block I&II charge Block I charge only 2004 JAN 05 to SEP 05 onwards 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: Doing Ph.D work from 2003 onwards. Working as Technical Officer Since 1995. Now working as Technical Manager Testing Center, CET. Guiding PG students. 16
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : S.KRISHNAN KUTTY 2. Date of Birth : 05-05-1958 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Sc (Engg) 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1973 General I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1975 1st Group I class 3 B.Sc (Engg.) University of Kerala 1979 Electrical Engg. I class 4 M.Sc.(Engg.) University of Kerala 1983 Electrical Engg. Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 20-07-1983 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.750/8. Present Status : Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. .Salary as on date : Rs.30,058/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Two 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 8 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 1 17
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Management Development Workshop Jan-98, 5 days CIICP, Chennai 2 Management in Government June-98, 11 days IMG, Trivandrum 3 Internet Usage and Java Programming April-97, 12 days REC, Calicut 4 Parallel Processing Technologies May 93, 13 days Cusat 5 MCA Teachers training program May-91, 40 days REC, Trichi 6 Refresher course in Computer Applications May-93, 13 days JNU, Delhi. 7 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System May-95, 13 days JNTU College of Engineering 8 Object Oriented Systems March-96, 12 days Pondicherry Engineering College. 11.7 Extra Curricular Activities Sl No Particulars Positions Held Year 1 Computer Society of India , TVM Chapter Chairman 2002-2004 11.8 Administration Sl No Positions Held Duration 1 Deputy Director of Technical Education 8 Years 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. During the period from 2002-2005, I was officiating as Deputy Director at Direct orate of Technical Education and the various activities in which I was associated are giv en below 1. Selection of candidates for training in the various institutions under Directora te of Technical Education. 2. Claiming the 50% reimbursement of stipend of trainees engaged under this departm ent from Board of Apprenticeship Training (Southern Region), Chennai. 3. Formulation of draft prospectus for admission to MCA, Part Time B.Tech, M.Tech, BFA, Industrial and Fire Safety Engineering courses and lateral Entry. 4. Laison with Advocate General s Office for presenting Statement of Facts/ Counter Affidavit for various OP s connected with admissions, AICTE approval etc. 18
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 5. Nodal Officer for inspecting institutions on various complaints from the public and as directed by the Government. 6. Processing of plan proposals of all Government Engineering Colleges. This includ es proposal for procurement of machinery and equipment for Engineering Colleges. 7. Monitored the software development for the e-Governance Project for Directorate of Technical Education 8. Laison with AICTE in matter connected with approval of new institutions. 9. Prioritised preparation of budget for the various institutions under Directorate of Technical Education 10. Preparation of answers for the LA interpellation pertaining to the Directora te of Technical Education 11. All service matters connected with the staff of three aided Engineering Coll eges, which require approval from the Directorate of Technical Education/Government 12. Special Officer for starting Government Engineering College at Idukki. 13. Laison officer for the AICTE inspection of the new Government Engineering Co lleges. 14. Associated with the preparation and revision of proposal for the TEQIP proje ct of the Directorate of Technical Education 15. Consultant for the e-Governance project of Directorate of Higher Secondary E ducation 19
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : LIZY K.M. 29-05-1959 M.Sc (Engg.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams 1974 1 Class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1976 I Class 3 B.Sc. Engg. University of Kerala 1981 Electrical Engg. I Class 4 M.Sc.Engg. University of Kerala 1985 Control System Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 14-07-1983 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.1114.55/8. Present Status : Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.30,058/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Two 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 11 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 20
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No. Name of Training Program/ Workshop Period & Duration Organization 1 CAD/CAM and Robotics 07 to 11-70-1986 QIP,CET 2 Power Electronics 28.4.86-9.5.86 QIP,CET 3 Computer Simulation Techniques 14.5.86-27.5.86 QIP,CET 4 Solid state drives and control 6.5.85-19.5.85 ISTE, TKM, Kollam 5 Modeling and simulation of Engineering systems 24.10.83-28.10.83 REC, Calicut 6 Hybrid Computers QIP,CET 7 Fortran Programming QIP,CET 8 Object oriented Programming using C++ 9 MS DOS, Windows and MS Office 10 Power Systems Studies using Software Packages GEC, Thrissur 11 ISO 9000:2000 Internal Auditor Training Course College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram 11.8 Administration: Sl.No Position Held Duration 1 Block II charge 2005 August onwards 12. Performance Appraisal during past three years: During the past twenty-three years of my career, I have been able to perform cre ditably, my duties as a teacher and staff member. I had made my contribution in starting the PG course in Guidance and Control in CET with the help of experts from VSSC. I am presently in charge of the Control Systems Laboratory and Group Head of control system stream 21
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : K.SIVADASAN PILLAI 2. Date of Birth : 05-12-1952 3. Highest Qualifications : B.Sc (Engg) 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1968 III class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1971 III class 3 B.Sc ( Engg) University of Kerala 1975 Electrical Engg I class 4 Doing M.Sc (Engg) by research (part time) under University of Kerala 5. Date of Joining : 07-07-1978 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.785/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.30,217/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 25 Nil Nil Nil Nil 4 Many 1 22
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No. Name of Training Program/ Workshop Period & Duration Organization 1 Physiological Measurement in Biomedical Engineering 31 to 05-08-1995, One week QIP 2 Induction Training Programme 21 to 25-11-1994, One week ISTE 3 Industrial Energy Conservation 24 to 25-10-1994, One week Energy Conservation Society 4 Induction Training for Teachers 27 to 29-01-1993, One week ISTE 5 Effective Teaching and Evaluation in Engineering Colleges 16to 20-10-1989, One week QIP 6 Staff Training Programme 12 to 17-04-1982, One week National Institute for Training 7 MS DOS, windows and MS Office 23 to 30-04-1998, One week ISTE 8. Best Practices in Energy Conservation 18 to 20-08-2005, One week CPRI 9. Biomedical Engineering 08 to 22-05-1983, Two weeks ISTE 10 Optimal Management of Resources through Utilization of waste and Replenishable Materials. 26 to 08-05-1982, Two weeks ISTE 11 Energy Conservation and Management 09 to 20-05-1994, Two weeks ISTE 12. Recent Advances in power Systems Engineering 20 to 31-05-1991, Two weeks QTP 13 Modern Trends in Switch Gear Technology 18 to 02-05-1983, Two weeks ISTE 14 HVDC and EHVAC Systems 24 to 05-05-1991, Two weeks ISTE 15 Personal Computer Applications in Electric Drives and power Systems 14 to 25-05-1990, Two weeks ISTE 16 Programming with C 04 to 18-05-1998, Two weeks ISTE Trivandrum Chapter
17 Electromagnetic Devices in Aerospace Systems 08 to 21-05-1985, Two weeks ISTE 18 UNIX and C Programming 04 to17-11-1994, Two weeks ISTE 19 Management Development Programme for Professors of Engineering Colleges 04 to 16-01-1993, Two weeks Institute of Management in Government 20 FORTRAN Programming 10 to 21-10-1983, Two weeks QIP 21 Advanced trends in Computer Networking 28 to 08-11-2003, Two weeks DTE 23
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 22 Electrical System Design and Industrial Wiring 12 to 26-9-2001, Two weeks Centre for Continuing Education 23 Application of MATLAB for Analysis, Design and Simulation of Systems 09 to 21-12-2002, Two weeks ISTE 24 Guidance and Navigational Control 08 to 14-12-2004, Two weeks TEQIP 25 Software Tools for Numerical Computation 31-10-2005 to 15-112005, 15 days ISTE 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.1 Organised Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponors 1 Superconductivity 1995, One day IE(I), CSI, IETE 2 Nerve Action Potential 1995, 20-10-1995 Department of Electrical Engineering , CET 3 Biotechnological Innovations in Energy and Environmental Management 07-02-1996, One day IE(I), CSI, IETE,IEEE 11.6.2 Attended Sl.No. Title of Paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 International seminar on NonConventional Energy, Renewables, Energy Efficiency and Conservation 20 to 21-02-2005 Prithvi 2005: Global Eco Meet 11.8 Administration Sl No Positions Held Duration 1 Chief Advisor of the whole Electrical and Electronics Engineering students (S1S2 to S8). 2001 onwards 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 1. Contributed articles for the benefit of staff and students and published in the College Magazine from 1995 to 2000 and in 2005. 2. Attended weekly talks organized by IEEE, IETE, CSI and IE (I) on the relevant to pics at Institution of Engineers Hall, Kerala State Centre, Trivandrum 695033 24
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 3. a) Life member of the Indian Society for Technical Education from 1991onwards. b) Member of the Institution of engineers (India)(M-110639/7) from 26-05-1995. c) Life member of Energy Conservation Society (ECS), Kerala, from May 1994 onwar ds. 4. Was the Executive Committee member of the Parent-Teachers Association (PTA) From the department of Electrical Engineering during the academic year 2003-2004. 5. Guided B-Tech projects from 1979-2005. 6. Served as Presiding Officer for 4 Assembly Elections, 2 Parliamentary Elections and 1 Local Body (Panchayat) Election. 7. Was the coordinator of a short term course on Electrical and Electronics Engineeri ng Laboratory Practices to the Technical Staff on Electrical Engineering department sponsored by TEQIP from 4th to 12th November 2004 8. Organized a community development programme on electricity consumption, conse rvation, wiring, protective measures, electronic metering etc. in the capacity as Nodal O fficer of Community Development programme under TEQIP for the department of Electrical Engineering on 19th December 2004 at SNDP hall, Pothencode, Trivandrum. 9. Have been conducting the evaluation of staff members by students of all staff members (both U.G and P.G) in the Electrical Engineering department from 2003 onwards 10. Member of the Grievance Cell Committee constituted by the Principal in the College from 2001 onwards. 11. Chief Advisor of the whole Electrical and Electronics Engineering students ( S1S2 to S8) from the year 2001 onwards. 12. Closely associated with testing work carried out in the BIS (Bureau of India n Standards) testing centre attached to the department from 1992 onwards. During these years I have acquired good knowledge in carrying out type test of energy meters, ballasts for fluorescent lamps, insulated cables, fuse units, lightning arrestors and high vo ltage isolators 13. Currently the secretary of the Electrical Engineering Department Development Fund (DDF) (nominated by department staff) 25
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 14. Currently under the development of a course in Superconductivity and Applicat ions under the education grid programme of EGRC CET, in collaboration with Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Kerala (IITM K), Technopark , Trivandrum. 15. Had gone as an expert to examine the technical aspects of the innovation by Mr. Aasis Vinayak. P.G, Jaya Bhavan, Pathenamthitta on 23-8-04 under the direction of Kera la State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Trivandrum as per order No. 001 1/ PIC/KSCST/2003 dated 19-8-04. 16. Co-ordinated a community development programme on repairing of fan, iron, mi xi, grinder etc. for teachers and students of Sreekariyam Government High School on 1-102005 under TEQIP in the capacity as Nodal Officer, Electrical Engineering Department. 17. Conducted a programme on 5-11-2004 at G.H.S.S, Kulathoor on the topic Water a nd Soil Conservation under community development programme of TEQIP in the capacity as th e Nodal Officer, Electrical Engineering Department for Staff and Students of the a bove school. 18. Organized a Community Development Programme on Electricity Conservation, Consumption, and Wiring. Protective Measures, Electronic metering in the capacit y as Nodal Officer of Community Development Programmed under TEQIP for the Department of Electrical Engineering on 1-05-2005 at Govt. LPS Kariyam, Thiruvananthapuram for the members of Kariyam Chellamangalam Residents Association. 26
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : S.LYLA 11-01-1959 M. Sc Engg Sl. No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1974 -I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1976 I class 3 B. Sc (Engg.) University of Kerala 1981 Electrical Engg I class 4 M. Sc(Engg.) University of Kerala 1985 Power Systems Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 01-11-1983 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.750/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs. 25,542/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 7 Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil 1 27
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Workshop on Microprocessor programming 24 September to 28 September 1984 CET QIP 2 Refresher course on computer programming 22 May to 4th June 1985 CET QIP 3 Short term course on computer simulation 9 to 23rd APRIL 1986 CET QIP 4 Short term course on Power Electronics 28 April to 9 May 1986 CET QIP 5 Short term course on CAD/CAM and Robotics. 7th July to 11 July 1986 CET QIP 6 Short term course on computer graphics and Animation 11 to 23rd April 1986 CET QIP 7 Laboratory practice in Electronics 12 to 24 Dec 1991 CET QIP& Electronics Dept 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.2 Attended Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Modeling & Perf: Simulation of a stand alone photo voltaic system 2003 April NCTT at CET 11.8 Administration Sl No Positions Held Duration 1 Faculty-in charge of series tests 2000 June to 2001 March 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. From 2003 to 2005 , I have been working as lab in charge of three major labs of Electrical Department namely, Electrical Measurements lab, Power Systems lab & Electronic Circuits lab. Lot of work was done for modernization of Electrical Measurements lab. Maintenance work of high voltage regulators , overhead projectors etc was done in Power Systems lab. Now I am in charge of Electronic Circuits lab. Rewiring of the electrical circuits of this lab was done recently. 28
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET In the midst of 2004 (May 2004), I was transferred to G.E.C Kannur. A group of us conducted an interview for selection of guest Lecturers in the Electrical & Electronics Department of the college. On July 2004 I was transferred back to C.E.T. Now I am in charge of Electronic Circuits Lab of the Department. I am also the staff advisor of third semester Electrical students. During the above period , I have taken classes for B. Tech & M.Tech and have involved in the works related to T E Q I P , National Seminar University theory exams and lab exams, valuation & testing of electrical equipments. 29
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : D.P.BALACHANDRAN 2. Date of Birth : 01-12-1957 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl. No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1973 II class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1975 I class 3 B.Tech Calicut University 1981 Electrical Engg I class 4 M.Tech I.I.T, Madras 1991 Energy Systems I class 5. Date of Joining : 31-10-1983 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.980/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.25,542/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 10 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil 30
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1. Computer Programming in BASIC 12 to 23-03-1984 Q.I.P, CET, TVM 2. Modern trends in Power system control & Protection 13to26-05-1985 ISTE 3. Digital Techniques & their Industrial Applications 18 to 29-04-1985 ISTE 4. Power Electronics 28-04 to 09-051986 Q.I.P, CET, TVM 5. Industrial Navigation Guidance & Control 24-06-to 05-071991 Q.I.P, CET, TVM 6. Microprocessors 06 to 10-01-1992 Q.I.P, CET, TVM 7. Electrical System Design 09 to 20-05-1994 ISTE 8. Recent Trends on High Voltage Techniques 03 to 09-11-2004 ISTE-AICTE 9. Power System Studies 02 to 06-05-2005 PSTI Bangalore 10. Harmonics & Mitigation 16 to 19-05-2005 PSTI Bangalore 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 1 11.5 Books/ Monograph Sl No Title of Books Stream/Publishers Year 1 Reference Book for VHSE on maintenance and repair of Domestic appliance Govt. of Kerala 2005 31
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 1) Lab In charge of Drives Lab 2) Member of procurement committee under TEQIP 3) Member of departmental purchase committee 4) Conducted one week training program for the faculty of VHSE 5) Member of the curricular committee for the VHSE. 32
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : A.S. SHAJILAL. 2. Date of Birth : 30-05-1958 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech. 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1973 --Ist Class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1975 Ist Group Ist Class 3 B.Sc Engg University of Kerala 1980 Electrical Engg. Ist Class 4 M.Tech IIT, Kharagpur 1990 Machine Drives& Power Electronics Ist Class 5. Date of Joining : 01-06-1984 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.750/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.24,875/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 6 Nil 3 Nil Nil Nil 1 1 33
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Computer Programming in BASIC 12 to 23-03-1984 Q.I.P, CET, TVM 2 Power Electronics 28.4.86-9.5.86 QIP,CET 3 Short term course on computer graphics and animation 11 to 23rd April 1986 QIP, CET 4 DSP based Drives and Control 17 to 30-06-2002, 14 days NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad. 5 Application of MATLAB for Analysis, Design and Simulation of systems 09 to 21-12-2002, 13 days ISTE, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 6 Small Hydro Power Development 02 to 11-12-2004, 10 days AHEC, IIT Roorkee 11.3 No. of Publications Sl. No Type of Publication Number 1 National Seminar at CET November 2002 1 2 National Seminar at CET 26 to 27/11/2004 1 3 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 1 11.7 Extra curricular Activities. Sl. No Particulars Position held Year 1 Tech. Officer Testing center 2005 Jan onwards 11.8 Administration. Sl.No Position Held Duration 1 Group head of Electrical Machines specialization of the PG course. Last three years 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. Additional duty as technical officer in BIS approved testing centre in Electrica l engineering department Energy meters, cables, lighting arresters chokes, insulators are tested in the t esting center . 34
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET Consultancy/testing work done; Calibration of 800V/500kV. 220V/37.5kV high volta ge set, 220V/75kV transformer and65.2kV oil test kit at Alind switchgear division, Mannar (every year). Group head of Electrical Machines specialization of the PG course. Co-ordinated syllabus revision of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics rela ted subjects of M Tech and BTech degree courses. Guide M Tech Thesis and B Tech projects every year Involved in TEQIP activities Registered for Ph.D 35
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : B.MAYADEVI 2. Date of Birth : 06-03-1958 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Sc (Engg) 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl. No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1973 --II class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1975 --I class 3 B.Sc (Engg.) University of Kerala 1979 Electrical Engg. I class 4 M.Sc(Engg.) University of Kerala 1984 Electrical Machines Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 05-11-1984 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.1,335/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.24,875/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 36
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Winter school on HVDC and EHVAC systems 24-12-1990 to 05-01-1991,14 days REC, Soorathkal 2 Problem Solving Using Computers 05.11.90 to 16.11.90,12 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram DTE 3 Microprocessors 06.01.92to 10.01.92,5 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram DTE, QIP 4 Digital Signal Processing 18-28 April 2001 11 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram DTE 5 Advanced Field Theory & Related Software 12-24 November 2001 College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram DTE 6 Management Information Systems and Office Automation 23-04 to 08-05-1990, 14 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. I have been the staff adviser for the Electrical Engineering students for the pe riod 19992003. I have been in-charge of conducting the centralised examinations for the electri cal students of B.Tech and M.Tech for the last 5 years .I have been in charge of the timetable arrangement during the years 97-98, 99-2000, 2000-2001,2003-2004 & 2005-2006.I h ave involved in the syllabus revision committee of 2003 scheme B.Tech course.
I am guiding the B.Tech projects and M.Tech thesis work of the students. I am a member of the community development committee in the TEQIP program and conducted programs at schools, residence associations etc. 37
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : LATHIKA. B.S 25-11-1957 M.Tech Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of public Examination, Kerala 1973 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1975 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1979 Electrical Engg. I class 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1994 Control system I class 5. Date of Joining : 02-06-1986 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.1,544/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.24,207/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 10 Nil 4 Nil Nil 2 1 2 38
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Power Quality & Harmonic Mitigation 16 to 19-082005, 4 days Power System Training Institute 2 Internal Auditor Training Course ISO 9001: 2000 25 to 29-042005, 5 days College of Engineering, Trivandrum 3 Power quality and custom power unregulated power system 20-12 to 02-012005, 14 days NIT, Calicut 4 Technology Enhanced Learning & Teaching 08 to 09-082003, 2 days IIIT MK, Thiruvananthapuram 5 DSP based Drives and Control 17 to 30-062002, 14 days NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad. 6 Application of MATLAB for Analysis, Design and Simulation of systems 09 to 21-122002, 13 days ISTE, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 7 Introduction to Electronic Design Tools 21 to 30-122000, 10 days NETWORK, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 8 Object Oriented Programming using C++ 11 to 18-111998, 8 days ISTE, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 9 Programming with C 11 to 18-051998, 8 days ISTE, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 10 MS DOS, Windows & MS Office 23 to 30-041998, 8 days ISTE, College of Engineering, Trivandrum 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number
1 Proceedings of National Seminar at CET 2 2 Proceedings of International Conference organized by IASTED 1 3 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 1 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 3 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.2 Attended Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 IASTED International Conference, PES-2005 24 to 26-10-2005, 3 days IASTED 2 Recent Trends in Technological Advancement November-2004 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 39
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.7 Extra Curricular Activities Sl No Particulars Positions Held Year 1 Staff cub, CET Secretary 2004 11.8 Administration Sl No Positions Held Duration 1 PTDC Coordinator 3 years 2 Department Nodal Officer 1 year 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: Lab-in-charge (formerly Power Systems, presently DCS) Part time coordinators (Electrical) Department Nodal Officer for TEQIP (Purchase) Member of Power Advisory Committee of CET Faculty member of Engineering & Technology, University of Kerala Attended 5 short term courses during the last three years Presented a paper in an International Conference Published two papers in the proceedings of National Seminars. 40
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : Dr. S. USHAKUMARI 15-05-1963 Ph.D Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of public Examination, Kerala 1978 II class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1980 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1985 Electrical Engg. I class 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1995 Control system Distinction 5 Ph.D University of Kerala 2002 Control system 5. Date of Joining : 01-06-1990 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.1,590/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.22,871/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 18 Nil 5 2 Nil 2 Nil Nil 41
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Problem Solving Using Computers 05.11.90 to 16.11.90,12 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram Director of Technical Education & QIP 2 Numerical Methods 30.04.91 to13.05.91,14 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram -Do3 Class room Techniques and Teacher Effectiveness 01.07.91to 03.07.91,4 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 4 Laboratory Practice in Electronics 12.12.91to 24.12.91,13 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram QIP & Dept. of Electronics 5 Microprocessors 06.01.92to 10.01.92,5 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram Director of Technical Education & QIP 6 Inertial Navigation, Guidance and Control 11.05.92 to 21.05.92,11days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 7 Programming in C 20.02.93 to 06.03.93,15 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 8 Brushless DC and other Advanced Drives 26.02.96 to 09.03.96, 13 days Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli,
Maharashtra AICTE & ISTE 9 MS DOS, WINDOWS and MS-OFFICE 23.04.98 to 30.04.98,8 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 10 Programming with C 04.05.98 to 18.05.98,15 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 11 Object oriented programming using C++ 04.11.98 to 18.11.98,15 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 12 Power Quality - Issues and Remedial Measures 20.12.98 to 02.01.99,14 days Regional Engineering College, Calicut ISTE 13 Computer Simulation of Power Electronics Systems 27.12.99 to 09.01.00,14 days N.S.S. College of Engineering, Palakkad AICTE & ISTE 42
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 14 Designing with Micro Controller 31.01.00 to 18.02.00,19 days CEDTI, Calicut. MIT, Govt. of India. 15. Recent trends in Computer Simulation of Electrical Machines and Control Systems 28.02.00 to 11.03.00,13days Regional Engineering College, Calicut AICTE & ISTE 16. PC Based Instrumentation and Control 03.07.00 to 14.07.00,12 days CEDTI, Calicut. MIT, Govt. of India. 17. Guidance and navigational control 08.12.04 to 14.12.04, 7 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram TEQIP 18. Internal Auditor Training Course (ISO 9001/2000) (Qualified as internal auditor) 25.04.05 to 26.04.05, 2 days College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram Management Systems and Consultants for ISO 9001/2000 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Journals (International) 4 2 Conferences (International) 3 3 Conferences (National) 8 4 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 1 11.4 Teaching Awards Sl No Particulars Organisation Year 1 National award for the second best M.Tech.thesis in Electrical Engineering ISTE-L&T 1995 2
Paper viz. Modeling, analysis and simulation of a three phase permanent magnet brushless dc motor, considering the non-linearity in torque-balance equation was adjudged as the best paper in the National conference on Intelligent and Efficient Electrical Systems (NCIEES) PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 2001 43
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.1 Organised Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Programming with C 1998, 15 days ISTE 2 Object oriented programming using C++ 1998 (04 Nov. to 18 Nov.) 15 days ISTE 11.6.2 Attended Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Modeling, analysis and simulation of a three phase permanent magnet brushless dc motor, considering the non-linearity in torque-balance equation January 2001 PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India 2 Modeling and simulation of the transient performance of a permanent magnet brushless dc motor drive systems November 2001 IEEE-ACE 2001, New Delhi, India 3 Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy controller for improved performance of a permanent magnet brushless dc motor December 2001 FUZZ-IEEE 2001, University of Melbourne, Australia 4 Analysis and simulation of open loop and closed loop performance of three phase permanent magnet brushless dc motor drive system December 2001 IIT Kharagpur, India 5 Steady-state performance of a permanent magnet brushless dc motor incorporating non-linearities February 2002 Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala 6 Trajectory optimization for re-entry of a reusable launch vehicle November 2004 College of Engineering,
Thiruvananthapuram 7 Dynamic performance improvement AGC with advanced controllers and SMES unit November 2004 College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram 8 Oscillation control of Gantry robot using linear quadrilateral regulation October 2005 IIT, Bombay 44
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years 1. Lab-in charge of Software Lab, Dept of Electrical Engg, CET, 2005 onwards 2. Doing the modernization of the software lab of the Dept. of Electrical Engg., CE T. 3. Presently Guiding 4 PG projects and 2 batches of UG students 4. Reviewer of Elsevier International Journal on Computers and Electrical Engineeri ng 5. Actively participated in the modernization of the Power Electronics lab of the D ept. of Electrical Engg., CET. 6. Actively participated in the ISO certification and participating TEQIP activitie s like procurement of Equipments, Softwares required for the dept.. 7. Holding the post of Resident Tutor of the Ladies Hostel, College of Engg. Trivandrum. 8. I have been actively involved for the setting up of Electrical Machines Lab, Electronics Lab, Digital circuits Lab, Software Lab Microprocessor Lab, Systems and Power Electronics Lab and Measurements Lab for the Department of Electrical Engineering of the newly formed, Government Engineering College, Painavu, Idukki during 2002 to 2004. 9. Worked as Member of the College Advisory Council, Government Engineering College, Painavu, Staff advisor, Resident Tutor, and Counseling weak students. 10. Actively involving in all day to day activities of the department 45
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : Dr. S. HARIHARAN 23-05-1962 Ph. D : Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of public Examination, Kerala 1977 I Class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1979 I Class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1986 Electrical Engg. I Class 4 M.Tech I.I.T, Bombay 1992 Biomedical Engg Distinction 5 Ph.D I.I.T, Kharagpur 2003 Biomedical Engg Excellent 5. Date of Joining : 01-10-1990 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.1,590/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.22,871/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 4 Nil 11 Nil Nil 11 Nil Nil 46
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Analysis and Design of Algorithms 26 to 27-08-2005 Technopark 2 Black Board Learning 30-08-2005, 1 day College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram 3 MEMS 16 to 19-11-2005,4 days IISC, Bangalore 4 System Administration GNU/Linux 28-11 to 03-122005, 6 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Conference Papers 11 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. I have been teaching in the Department of Electrical Engineering in various inst itutions for the last 15 years. I have sincerely taken the classes during the above perio d. Completed my Ph. D and M.Tech degrees after joining the Department. Developed Digital circuits Lab in Govt Engineering College, Painavu, Idukki. 47
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : P.SREEJAYA 01-06-1965 M.Tech Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1980 I class 2 Pre Degree University of Kerala 1982 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1987 Electrical Engg. Distinction 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1996 Power Systems Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 11-12-1990 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.1,590/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.22,871/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 6 Nil 2 Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil 48
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Laboratory Practice in electronics 12/12/1991 to 24/12/91 QIP 2 Electrical System Design 9 to 20 May 1994 ISTE 3 Object Oriented programming using C++ 4 to 18 Nov 1998 ISTE 4 All India workshop on FACTS 10-11 Oct 2003 Institution of Engineers 5 Automation in Electrical power distribution system 20-31 Dec 2004 AICTE-ISTE 6 Recent developments in FACTS 17/10/05 IEEE 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 2 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.1 Organised Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Power system operation and control-Recent developments 19-01 to 02-022004,12 days DTE 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 2003- 2004 I was working as an Asst. Professor in Govt. Engineering College, Kannur. Teaching: .. My subjects were Power system Engineering, Power Electronics & Electrical Tec hnology and guided UG projects Other duties: In addition to teaching, I was the Lab-in-charge of Electrical Machines Lab. 49
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET I have initiated proposals for buying new equipments for the Lab and maintenance of machines were done periodically. I have associated with the work of Accreditation procedure for the college, like proper documentation of the Department programs, preparing manuals for the Labs etc. I was the staff in- charge for the Electrical Engineering Association and we have arranged a lot of programs like seminars, workshops, quiz etc. for students. A National P aper presentation Eldorado 2003 was also organized in November 2003. Course Coordinated: I have coordinated a short-term course on Recent Developments in Power System Operation & Control during 19th January to 2nd February 2004 for staff members fr om different Engineering Colleges in the State. Course attended: I have attended an All India workshop on t NIT, Calicut in October 2003. 2004-2005 I am working in College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram from June 2004 onward s. Teaching: I have taken Power system Engineering & Power Electronics for UG students and Re active Power Management and FACTS for PG students. Guided one thesis work on Transient stability Analysis on 220kV Kerala Grid Guided one mini project for 2nd semester M.Tech Guided one UG project. Guiding two thesis work (i) Coordination between shunt and series converters of a UPFC and (ii) Load Flow analysis for FACTS devices Recent developments in FACTS Technology a
Guiding one mini project for 2nd semester M.Tech Guiding one UG project. Other duties: I am the Lab-in- charge of Power Systems Lab. A new Power System Lab is to be se t up for 7th semester Electrical students which is in the new syllabus. The experiments a re mainly based on Power system simulation. A computer lab is set up and all necessary sof tware packages are bought and installed. Now I am preparing a Lab manual containing al l the simulation experiments and some high voltage experiments. .. I am also assisting in TEQIP purchase procedures for the Department and for p urchasing equipments for Power System Lab. 50
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET Course attended: i) ISTE short term course on Electrical Power Distribution System Automation College of Engineering, in December 2004 ii) IEEE National seminar on 2005 at Trivandrum. 51 Recent developments in FACTS Technology on 17th October at Delhi
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : JAGANATH. M. S 21-05-1962 M.Tech Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1977 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1979 Electrical Engg I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1984 Integrated Electronics I class 4 M.Tech I I T, Madras 1986 I class 5. Date of Joining : 09-01-1991 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.2,289/8. Present Status : Asst Professor in Electrical Engineering. 9. Salary as on date : Rs.21,536/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 6 Nil 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 52
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Energy management & non conventional sources of energy 08 to 20-03-1999,13 days Govt. Engg. College, Kannur 2 Computer simulation of power electronic systems 27-12-1999 to 09-012000 NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad 3 AS/400- System Administration & Implementation 24-01-2000 to 05-022000,13 days CET 4 Internet Technology & Electronic commerce 14 to 26-02-2000,13 days REC, Calicut 5 Advanced DSP & its applications 08 to 21-05-2000,14 days NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad 6 Introduction to Electronic Design Tools 21 to30-12-2000, 10 days CET 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 2 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 1. Lab in charge 2. Setting up of experiments, testing of equipments, maintenance of equipments, pur chase of equipments 3. Guided 2 M.Tech Theses. 4. Participated in the various departmental activities 5. Associated with testing lab for calibrating equipments. 53
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name : R. HARIKUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 16-09-1963 3. Highest Qualification : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High School to Highest Qualification) Sl. No. Qualification Board/University Year of Passing Specilisation Class/Division 1 SSLC Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1979 First class 2 Pre Degree University of Kerala 1981 First Group First class 3 B Tech Degree University of Kerala 1986 Electrical Engineering First class 4 M Tech Degree University of Kerala 1998 Electrical Engineering Distinction 5 Registered for Ph.D program by research under the University of Kerala 5. Date of joining : 12-09-1991 6. Status as on joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.3,645/8. Present Status : Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.22,203/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 16 Nil 3 Nil Nil Nil 3 1 54
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl. No. Name of Training Program/ Workshop Period & Duration Organizers Remarks 1 Recent advances in Simulation, Control and Management of Electric Energy Systems 3 to 14 May,1993 12 days REC Calicut ISTE 2 Induction Training Programme 21-25 November,1994 5 days CET ISTE 3 Course on MS DOS, Windows & MS Office 23-30 April,1998 8 days CET DTE 4 Programming with C 4-18 May 1998 15 days CET ISTE 5 Motivation and Interpersonal Relations 12-13 October,1998 2 days CET DTE 6 Contributions to Technology Development from Space Research 2-13 November,1998 12 days TKMCE, Kollam ISTE 7 Recent Trends and their Applications in technical Education 18-30 January,1999 13 days CET ISTE 8 National seminar in LIBINFOTECH in the New Millennium 20 July,2000 One day Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal 9 Energy Audit and Control 20 Nov to4 Dec,2000 15 days GEC, Thrissur DTE 10 Introduction to Electronic Design Tools 21-30 Dec,2000
10 days CET DTE 11 Digital Signal Processing 18-28 April 2001 11 days CET DTE 12 National conference of Power Conversion and Industrial Controls 3-4 January,2003 2 days NSSCE, Palakkad ISTE 13 Guidance and Navigational Control 8-14 December, 2004 7 days CET DTE 11 Digital Signal Processing 18-28 April 2001 11 days CET TEQIP 14 QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course 22-26 November 2004 5 days NQA TEQIP 15 Bio-Medical Waste Management 04-06 October 2005 3 days ESCI, Hyderabad 16 VLSI Technology-Design & Architecture 30-11-2005 to 03122005, 4 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram TEQIP 55
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 3 11.7 Extracurricular Activities Sl. No. Particulars Positions Held Year 1 Faraday Club EEE Dept., CET Secretary 1994 2 PTA ,GEC, SKP Secretary 2001 3 Dept. ISO activity Cordinator 2005 11.8 Administration Sl. No. Position Held Duration 1 Full Time Convener, Education for Employability Enhancement Program of the Dept. Higher Education. Govt. of Kerala 2002-2004 12. Performance Appraisal during past three years: H Consequent on my promotion as Assistant Professor, I was transferred to Govt. En gineering College, Sreekrishnapuram and hence I had been there since 31 12-2001 till 8-6-2 004. During the period, besides the regular and routine academic activities, duties and assi gnments, I have also been actively involved in several other activities of the college. H I had been the Secretary of the Parent Teacher Association during the period. Th e PTA took a lead role in the overall development of the college during the period. I had arr anged for the shifting of the college library from the congested room at the annex building to the present spacious and more comfortable place, attached to the office building. I took per sonal interest in providing fluorescent lamps and ceiling fans in the library using the PTA funds. H As the secretary of PTA, I was keen to arrange for the timely printing and distr ibution of workshop and laboratory records required for the students for various labs of al l branches of engineering, in the absence of a cooperative store in the college. I had trie d my level best to synchronize the activities of the PTA at par with the academic requireme nts of the institution during the period. I could extend able and constructive support to t he Principal in every student related activities. I earnestly believe that I also succeeded i n keeping a very cordial relationship with my colleagues and to gain their support in all th e above attempts. H The PTA began construction of a building at the Mannampatta campus, having three
spacious classrooms and one staff room. With the financial support of the PTA, a rranged for the cleaning up of the well at the campus; Provided fans and lights in the f irst year classrooms at Mannampatta. I took special interest in preparing branch wise cons olidated syllabi and getting it printed and distributed to students for a very reasonable price. Along with Principal and one of my colleagues, arranged for the two days IBM workshop for the 56
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET pre-final year students at Sreekrishnapuram followed by an online assessment con ducted at Palakkad. H Arranged for a warm welcome to the new batch of students and their parents durin g the time of admission and later organized a function in which the Principal and PTA office bearers addressed them. Took active role in arranging for the inaugural function s of the semi-permanent buildings, the MP Fund building and water supply schemes at Mannampatta. H I coordinated the activity of procuring a Diesel Generator Set of 63 KVA capacit y for the college from the Kerala LIVE Stock Department, Palakkad. Succeeded in getting th e approval of PTA for the financial support for constructing a Generator Room to i nstall the above Generator. Gave able support to the Principal in getting a separate transf ormer installed at the college campus exclusively for the college. H Consequent on my nomination as the Full Time Convener for the Programme Management Council for Education for Employability Enhancement (PMC EEE),on working arrangement basis, I had reported for duty at the Centre for Continuing Education Kerala, Kowdiar, Thiruvananthapuram on 6-6-2003. Since then I had been looking a fter the activities of the PMC EEE. The coordination of PMC meetings, purchase of int ernet server machine and hosting of the server with Keltron, Domain name registration, launching of two web portals kereer.com and keralaecampus.com etc are some of th e activities to mention in connection with the KEREER programme. The KEREER programme was launched on 5-4-2004 at a function organized at the Kerala State S cience and Technology Museum, Thiruvananthapuram. All these activities were done with t he permission from the Principal Secretary, Higher Education and timely reports of these activities were prepared and submitted to the PMC EEE through the Director of th e Centre for Continuing Education Kerala. H In addition to this I had actively associated with the English Language Partnersh ip Initiative programme as per the MoU signed between the British Council and the Ke rala State IT Misssion/ Director of Technical Education Kerala. The Centre had been coordinating the programme and I had been entrusted to do this coordination.
H I had also been associated with the continuing engineering education activities of the center. The center director had been the executive director of the Centre for Fo reign Student Affairs and the Nodal officer for NAAC. Hence I had also been associated with these two activities. H I came back to College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram on 9-9-2004. Since then I have been acting as the group head of the Guidance and Navigational Control stre am. I have been guiding three M Tech projects of the fourth semester students. I coord inated the department activities for ISO certification and I have again been entrusted with the duty of coordinating the preparations in the department for accreditation. I have als o registered myself under the University of Kerala for the PhD programme by research during t he period. 57
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : SANDHYA.S 2. Date of Birth : 29-07-1962 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Examination, Kerala 1977 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1979 I class 3 B.Sc(Engg) University of Kerala 1984 Electrical Engg I class 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1986 Power Systems I class 5. Date of Joining : 02-09-1991 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.2,528/8. Present Status : Asst Professor of Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.22,203/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : One 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 12 Nil 1 Nil Nil 1 Nil 2 58
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organization 1 Programming in Java 21-06-2000 to 29-08-2000,2 months CCE, CET 2 Internet 2 weeks DTE,RIT, Kottayam 3 Simulation Tools 17-01-2000 to 29-01-2000 DTE, CET 4 Finite element methods 19-02-2001 to 03-03-2001 ISTE 5 Object oriented programming 04-11-1998 to 18-11-1998 ISTE 6 Microprocessors QIP, CET 7 Inertial Navigation Guidance & Control 06 to 10-01-1992 ISTE 8 Wind & Solar based electric power generation 11 to 25-05-1992 ISTE 9 Electrical System Designing 9 to 20-05-1994 ISTE 10 Induction training Program 28 to31-07-1992 ISTE 11 Programming in C Feb to March 1993 ISTE 12 Digital Signal Processing 18 to 28-04-1994 ISTE 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 3 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.2 Attended Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Transmission technology 1995, 2 days KSEB 11.8 Administration Sl No Positions Held Duration 1 Staff Advisor 1997 to 2001 2 Lab-in- Charge( Electrical Measurements) Since 2005 59
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 2001- 02 H I had been the staff advisor for the 1997- 01 batch and I have done my best to gui de them to success. H Also I had been the Assistant Charge of conducting series tests. H I have Successfully guided one MTech Student during this year. H By December 2001 I was promoted and transferred to Govt. Engineering college, Pa inavu ,Idukki. 2002- 03 H At Govt. Engineering college, Painavu ,Idukki as it was a new college , being th e only Asst.Professor at that time I got the chance to set up the Electrical Measuremen ts Lab by acquiring all Equipments and Instruments fully owned by the college. H Also I got the chance to give complete proposals for setting up of the Electrica l Machines Lab of Rs.15 Lakhs worth including both Machines and Instruments. By the end of the year 2003 I got transfer again to College Of Engineering Trivandrum. H I had been the Lab in Charge of Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation Lab since December 2003.I took keen interest in repairing the machines and other valuable equipments in good working condition. These include one of the valuable imported machines like Sine wave Generator and also the Tinsley make Vernier potentiomete r which is presently not available in the market. H Also With the co-operation of the lab staff I was able to re-arrange the lab as required by the ISO specifications. I have guided one M.Tech student in his Thesis work. 2003- 04 and 2005 H As per the revised syllabus I had set up the Electrical Measurements and Instrum entation Lab including both electronic experiments together with the existing experiments .
H Also with the co-operation from other staff members I had revised the lab manual.Presently with the help from the TEQUIP Funding I am trying my best to pr ocure more sophisticated Equipments and Instruments for the lab .This year also I am g uiding one M.Tech student for his Thesis work. 60
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : C. RAVINDRAN 2. Date of Birth : 10-02-1959 3. Highest Qualifications : B. Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1978 --I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1980 --I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1985 Electrical Engg. I class 5. Date of Joining : 01-02-1988 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.2,200/8. Present Status : Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.18,750/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 4 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 61
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Quality Engineering and Technology 07 to 20-03-2000, 14 days College of Engineering, Trivandrum D.T.E 2 AS/400 System Administration 24-01 to 05-022000, 14 days College of Engineering, Trivandrum 3 Electric Design Tools 21 to 30-12-2000, 10 days College of Engineering, Trivandrum 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 1) In charge of conducting series tests in the Department. 2) Staff-adviser to first year students 62
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : Dr. DINESH PAI A. 15-04-1965 Ph. D Sl. No. Qualification Board/University Year of Passing Specialization Class /Division 1 SSLC Public Studies, Government of Kerala 1980 --First class 2 Pre-Degree Kerala University 1982 --First class 3 B. Tech Kerala University 1987 Electrical Engg; First class 4 M. Tech Calicut University 1991 Instrumentation & Control Systems First class 5 Ph. D Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 2003 Control Systems -5. Date of Joining : 14-02-1992 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engg. 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.2,350/8. Present status : Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,764/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11.Achievements since date of joining : FD R & D No. of Publications Teaching Awards Books /Monographs Conference /Seminars ExtraCurricular Activities Admin.
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl.No. Name of Training Programme/Work shop Period & Duration Organization Remarks 1 Basic Industrial Training Program for Engineers 11/10/1989 23/10/1989 Neyveli Lignite Corporation, TAMIL NADU 2 On Job Training in Power Plant Construction Area 24/10/1989 21/05/1990 Neyveli Lignite Corporation, TAMIL NADU 3 General Industrial Management Training Program 22/05/1990 31/05/1990 Neyveli Lignite Corporation, TAMIL NADU 4 Induction Training Program 28/07/1992 31/07/1992 Govt. College of Engineering, TRIVANDRUM 5 Artificial Neural Network & Applications 02/05/1995 13/05/1995 N.S.S. College of Engineering, PALGHAT 6 Modern Trends in Digital Signal Processing 21/04/1997 02/05/1997 Regional Engineering College, CALICUT 7 Energy Management & Conservation 04/05/1997 17/05/1997 T.K.M. College of Engineering, KOLLAM 8 Computational Fluid Dynamics 19/05/1997 31/05/1997 Govt. College of Engineering, TRIVANDRUM
9 VHDL & Simulation Tools 19/02/2001 03/03/2001 Govt. College of Engineering, TRIVANDRUM 10 Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching 08/08/2003 09/08/2003 Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, TRIVANDRUM 11 Internal Quality Auditor Training Program 02/09/2003 03/09/2003 ERTL (South), TRIVANDRUM 12 Recent Trends and Applications of Digital Signal Processing 15/11/2004 27/11/2004 Govt. College of Engineering, TRIVANDRUM 13 Guidance and Navigational Control 08/12/2004 14/12/2004 Govt. College of Engineering, TRIVANDRUM 14 VLSI Technology-Design & Architecture 30-11-2005 to 03-12-2005, 4 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram TEQIP 64
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.3 No. of Publications Sl.No. Type of Publication Number 1 International Conferences 7 2 National Conferences/Seminars 2 3 Journal 1 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.1 Organized Sl.No. Title of Paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Technical Paper Review Committee Member for the National Conference 1996 VSSC, Trivandrum, Kerala 2 Executive Member: National Seminar on Industry Institute Interaction 2003 College of Engg; Trivandrum. 3 Executive Member: National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements 2004 College of Engg; Trivandrum. 4 Secretary: National Seminar on Technological Trends 2005 College of Engg; Trivandrum. 11.6.2 Attended Sl.No. Title of Paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 An invited talk on Control Systems Design Techniques for the AICTEISTE sponsored short-term program. 2002 College of Engg; Trivandrum. 2 An invited talk on Control Systems for the AICTE-ISTE sponsored shortterm program. 2003 Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. 3 An invited talk on Matlab/Simulink Toolbox for Control Systems for refresher course. 2005 Computer Applications at UGC Academic College, University of Kerala, Kerala.
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.7 Extracurricular Activities Sl.No. Particulars Position Held Year 1 Staff Club Secretary 1993 2 Faraday Club Secretary 1995-97 3 Parent Teacher s Association Treasurer 2004 4 IIITMK-Education Grid Project, Kerala Coordinator 2003-05 5 PG Studies, College of Engg; Trivandrum Technical Advisor (Academic) 2002-04 11.8 Administration Sl.No. Position Held Duration 1 Assistant Executive Engineer 2 years 12. Performance appraisal during past 3 years: 2003 - 2004 Details of Innovations/Contributions in Teaching during the year (a) Design of curriculum : Set syllabus for 2 year M. Tech (b) Teaching methods : Exploring software such as Matlab/Simulink as a teaching aid (c) Laboratory experiments : Set-up new experiments in Systems and Control Lab (d) Evaluation methods : Different methods of class assignments are carried out (e) Preparation of resource material : Prepared reading materials of including books, reading Matlab/Simulink for B. Tech material, lab manuals degree course (f) Remedial teaching / Student : Working as Technical Advisor Counseling (academic) (Academic) for M. Tech students (g) Academic help rendered to HOD : Conducted IS testing of various other than class work industrial equipments and meters 66
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET (h) Academic/College activities : Prepared proposals for TEQIP help rendered to the principal scheme, Participated in SARGAMother than class work 04 students cultural activity 2 Improvement of Professional Competence {Details regarding refresher courses/orientation attended, participation in summ er schools, workshops, seminars, symposiums, etc., including university courses/Ph. D} - Attended various seminars organized by the Electrical Department - Delivered special lecture in the short-term course at CIT, Coimbatore - Acquired Ph. D degree from I I Sc, Bangalore - Published a paper in the Journal of Electronics & Information Technology,CET 2004 2005 1 Details of Innovations/Contributions in Teaching during the year (a) Design of curriculum : Set syllabus for 2 year M. Tech (b) Teaching methods : Exploring software such as Matlab/Simulink as a teaching aid (c) Laboratory experiments : Set-up new experiments in Systems and Control Lab (d) Evaluation methods : Different methods of class assignments are carried out (e) Preparation of resource material : Prepared reading materials of including books, reading Matlab/Simulink for B. Tech material, lab manuals degree course (f) Remedial teaching / Student : Worked as a Technical Advisor Counseling (academic) (Academic) for M. Tech students (g) Academic help rendered to HOD : Coordinating IIITMK - Education other than class work Grid, Kerala Project (h) Academic/College activities : Prepared proposals for TEQIP, help rendered to the principal other Officiating as Treasurer - PTA, than class work Information Bulletin - compiled Improvement of Professional Competence 67
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET {Details regarding refresher courses/orientation attended, participation in summ er schools, workshops, seminars, symposiums, etc., including university courses/Ph. D} - Attended various seminars organized by the Electrical Department - Delivered special lecture in the short-term course at CIT, Coimbatore - Published a technical paper in the Journal of E & IT, CET 68
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : BISHARATH BEEVI. A 2. Date of Birth : 02-04-1963 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of public Examination, Kerala 1980 --I Class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1982 I Class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1986 Electrical Engg. I Class 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1999 Control system I Class 5. Date of Joining : 09-06-1992 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.4,000/8. Present Status : Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.18,544/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 7 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 69
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Programming in C 4 to18 May 1998,15 days CET 2 Solid insulating methods for electrical applications and their performance 26-12-1994 to 07011995, 12 days Karnatka Regional Engg: College 3 Induction training program for teachers. 27-03 to 07-042000,12 days CET 4 Introduction to electronic design tools 21 to 30-12-2000, 10 days CET 5 Digital signal processing 15 to 27-112004,14 days CET 6 Counselling and Motivation Techniques 17 to 31 -01-2000, 15 days CET 7 TQM in Engineering Education 03 to 15-03-2003, 1 4 days CET 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: 1) Staff advisor of students (2002 admission) 2) Assistant Lab-in-charge of Measurements Lab (2002-2004) 3) Guided M.Tech thesis & B.Tech projects 4) Taken classes in the UG & PG level and prepared question papers for UG & PG (internal) 5) Internal & External Examiner for various University Examinations. 70
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : ANJANA. K. R 2. Date of Birth : 05-05-1975 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Examination, Kerala 1990 Distinction 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1992 Distinction 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1996 Electrical Engg Distinction 4 M.Tech I I T, Madras 2004 Computer Science & Engineering. Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 02-08-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.11,020/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,064/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 5 Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 71
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty development Sl No Name of training programme/workshop Period and duration Organisation 1 Induction training programme for teachers 22-11-1999 to 3-12-1999 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 2 Introduction to electronic design tools 21-12-2000 to 30-12-2000 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 3 Digital signal processing 18-4-2001 to 28-4-2001 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 4 Research methodology 4-5-2001 to 2152001 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 5 Signals and systems and digital signal processing 29-5-2002 to 762002 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 1 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. H I was on deputation in connection with my M.Tech program during the period July 2002 May 2004. After rejoining the institution, I ve been actively involved in the vari ous activities (teaching and non teaching inclusive) connected with the Department o f Electrical Engineering. I have been handling subjects relevant to the field of m y specialization, like Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Computer Networks etc. I ve also been assisting the faculty member in charge of the Software lab in the department. 72
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. Name : LEKSHMI.A Date of Birth : 24-09-1971 Highest Qualifications : M.Tech Academic Performance :
(High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.C Board of Secondary Education 1987 --Distinction 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1989 --Distinction 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1993 Electrical Engg I class 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1996 Electrical Machines Distinction 5 Presently doing Ph.D under University of Kerala 5. Date of Joining : 01-06-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.8,500/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,938/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 8 Nil 3 Nil Nil 1 3 Nil 73
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Induction training programmme for teachers 22-11-1999 to 03121999 (12 days) CET, Tvpm DTE sponsored 2 Introduction to electronic design tools 21/12/2000 to 30/12/2000 (10 days) CET, Tvpm Network project 3 Digital signal processing 18/4/2001 to 28/4/2001 (11 Days) CET, Tvpm ISTE sponsored 4 Research Methodology 4/5/2001 to 21/5/2001 (18 days) CET, Tvpm ISTE sponsored 5 Signals and Systems & Digital signal processing 29/5/2002 to 7/6/2002 (10 days) CET, Tvpm Network project 6 DSP Hardware & Software in Power Electronics 5/5/2003 to16/5/2003 (12 days) IIT, Bombay QIP short term course 7 Research Orientation 15/12/2004 to 19/12/2004 (5 days) CET, Tvpm Network project 8 Software Tools for Numerical Computation 31-10-2005 to 15112005, 16 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapur am ISTE 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number
1 Journal paper ( Published in Power Electronics of IE , India) 1 2 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 2 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.2 Attended Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 Power Quality 1 day seminar IEEE, Kerala Chapter 11.7 Extra Curricular Activities Sl No Particulars Positions Held Year 1 Staff Advisor 2000-2004 2 PTA Executive committee Dept. Representative 2003-2004 3 Assistant to Lab-in charge Aug 2005 till date 74
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years : 1. I have been actively participating in all the Departmental activities including teaching in U.G and P.G classes, guiding U.G projects, guiding M.Tech thesis works etc from the date of joining till date. 2. I had been a staff advisor during the period from 2000 to 2004. 3. I had been the PTA Executive Council Member representing the department during 2 003-2004. 4. I had been working in the examination wing during this period and had assisted the conduct of University exams. 5. I have also associated in setting up time table for U.G and P.G classes in th e department during 2003-2005. 6. Presently working as assistant to the lab in charge of Measurements and Instr umentation lab. 7. I am actively participating in the preparation of proposals for the lab under the TEQUIP activities. 8. I am presently doing Ph.D Research work under Kerala University. 9. Details of short term courses undergone during 2003-2005 Sl. No Name of Training Programme / Workshop Period & duration Organisation Remarks 1. DSP Hardware &Software in Power Electronics 5/5/2003 to 16/5/2003 (12 days) IIT, Bombay QIP short term course 2. Research Orientation 15/12/2004 to 19/12/2004 (5 days) College of Engineering, Tvpm Network Project 10. ety the 11. 75 Attended a tutorial on Power Quality organized by the Power Engineering Soci Chapter of Kerala Section of IEEE on 16/11/2004. Life Member of ISTE (LM 27793).
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : JISHA.V.R 2. Date of Birth : 28-05-1974 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of public Examination, Kerala 1989 Distinction 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1991 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1995 Electrical Engg Distinction 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 2000 Control Systems Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 01-06-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.11,020/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.15,626/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 7 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 1 76
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Induction Training Program for teachers 05 to 16-06-2000, 2 weeks ISTE 2 Introduction to Electronic Design Tools 21 to 30-12-2000, 10 days Network Project 3 Digital Signal Processing 18 to 28-04-2001, 11 days ISTE 4 Research Methodology 07 to 21-03-2001, 2 weeks ISTE 5 Signals & Systems & DSP 29-05 to 07-062002, 9 days Network Project 6 VLSI & Embedded Systems 28-04 to 02-052003, 5 days ISTE 7 VLSI Technology-Design & Architecture 30-11-2005 to 03122005, 4 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram TEQIP 11.7 Extra Curricular Activities Sl No Particulars Positions Held Year 1 CEETA Joint Secretary 2003-2004 2 Staff Club Executive Member 2003-2004 11.8 Administration Sl No Positions Held Duration 1 Library-in-charge, Dept of Electrical Engineering. 2003 Onwards 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: I. Teaching H Subjects Taught: - Robotics and Industrial Automation, Digital Signal Processing for M Tech and Control systems, Digital Electronic systems, Network Analysis &Synthesi s, Material science and, Electrical Measurements for B Tech. H Prepares course plan and synopsis of Lectures. H Tries to explain the practical aspect of the theories taught while handling clas ses. 77
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET H Regularly give assignments to have in-depth knowledge on the subject. H Always available to the students even beyond the class hours. H Teaching effectiveness Index of 92.2 in the last evaluation. H Actively Involved in University and Internal evaluations, and Question paper set tings for M Tech as well as B Tech. II. Contributions H Actively involved in the design of curriculum for B Tech and M Tech in Control s ystem stream. H Staff advisor of 2005 batch, B.Tech Electrical & Electronics students. H Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and contribute to community welfare. H As staff advisor, tried to keep in touch with the students for advising and coun seling. Also tries to have contact with the guardians send reports of students performanc e to them whenever necessary and meet the guardians in meetings convened for mutual exchange of ideas. H Involved in various Department level and College level activities. H Presently Library in charge of the Department Library. Taken a lead role in the renovation of the Department library. H Joint secretary of CETAA ( CET Alumni Assn.) for the year 2003-2004 III. Improvement of Professional competence H Co-ordinated a short term course in VLSI & Embedded systems in April 2003. H Participated in the following short term courses * Induction Training Programme for Teachers, CET, two weeks.
* Introduction to Electronic Design tools, 10 days * Digital Signal Processing, 11 days * Research Methodology, 18 days. * Signals & Systems & DSP, 9 days H Industrial Visits to CPRI, Banglore RLDC, Banglore BSES, Ernakulam TELK, Angamaly TMR division, Thirumala LDC, Kalamassery 78
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET IV. Research Contributions H Guided five BTech projects (20 students) and five M Tech thesis. H Planning to do Research in one of the emerging areas in the field of Engg., Robo tics H Presented a paper in National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technological Advances in the year 2002 Intelligent mobile robot path planning and tracking using hybrid cl assical and Evolutionary strategies. 79
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : BINDU G R 2. Date of Birth : 03-02-1967 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exam, Kerala 1982 I Class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1984 I Class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1989 Electrical Engg Distinction 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1991 Control Systems Distinction & First Rank 5 Submitted PhD Thesis in September-2005 5. Date of Joining : 09-06-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.8,550/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,938/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 11 Nil 12 Nil Nil 8 3 1 80
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training Programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Electrical System Design -An Energy Conservation Approach 9-20 May 1994 ISTE 2 Induction Training Program 21-25 November 1994 ISTE 3 Counselling & Motivation Techniques 17-31 January 2000 ISTE 4 Induction Training Program 27 March-7 April 2000 ISTE 5 Advanced DSP and its Applications 8-21 May 2000 ISTE 6 Neurofuzzy Systems in Electrical & Electronics Engg 30 Oct-12 November 2000 ISTE & AICTE 7 Introduction to Electronic Design Tools 21- 30 December 2000 SDC 8 A Course on Digital Signal Processing 18-28 April 2001 ISTE 9 Advanced Field Theory & Related Software 12-24 November 2001 DTE 10 VLSI & Embedded Systems 28th April 2003 to 2nd May 2003 ISTE 11 Introduction to Finite Element Methods 10-15 November 2003 ISTE 11.3 No: of Publications Sl No: Type of Publication Number 1 International Conference proceedings 5 2 National Conference proceedings 6 3 International Journal 1 11.6.1 Organised: H Assisted in the coordination of National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technologic al Development, conducted at College of Engineering, Trivandrum in November 2004. 81
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.6.2 Attended Sl No: Title of Paper Duration & Year Sponsors 1 Design of a Train Lighting Brushless Alternator To Minimise Harmonic Distortion and Derating , April 2004 IEE (UK) 2 A Novel Technique to Eliminate Derating Problems in Train Lighting Brushless Alternators December2004 IEEE (Ahmedabad) 3 Novel Numerical Techniques for Determination of UMP and Condition Monitoring of Train Lighting Brushless Alternators with Static Eccentricity June 2005 COMPUMAG Society (China) 4 Analysis of Train Lighting Brushless Alternator with Skewed Rotor for Harmonic Minimization November 2005 IEEE (Singapore) 5 H infinity Control of Launch Vehicles November2004 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 6 Robust Control November2004 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 7 Discrete Event Supervisory Control of Optimal Tracking System March 2001 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 8 Design of Controllers for Rotary Inverted Pendulum 2002 College of Engineering, Trivandrum 11.7 Extracurricular Activities Sl No: Particulars Position Held Year Remarks 1 College Arts Festival Judge 2003 Judge in many events. 2. Alumini meet Participant 2003,2004 Music events 11.8 Administration Sl No: Position Held Duration Remarks 1 Library in Charge 2003 82
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 1.Academic Activities: 2. Paper Presentation & Publication: 1) Served as staff advisor for M Tech and First year B Tech students of the Electrical Engineering branch. 2) In charge of the Department Library for a short duration and also involved in its developmental activities. 3) Obtained consistently high feedback index from students. 94.08 92.60 97.38 94.82 96.69 4) Coordinated two short term courses (a) Digital Signal processing under ISTE (b) Advanced Field Theory & Related Software under DTE, for the staff members of various Engineering Colleges. 5) Conducted a Poster Presentation for the students. 6) Guided many M Tech and B Tech Projects. 7) Involved in the purchase and setting up of the machines in the upcoming Drives Laboratory. 8) Helped in the project proposal drafted for TEQIP. 1) Presented paper in IEE International Conference (CEM) held in Stratford upon Avon, United Kingdom, in April 2004.Paper published in the Conference proceedings. 2) Paper accepted for presentation at an International Conference (ADCOM) organized by IEEE to be held at Ahmedabad, Gujarat in December 2004. Paper will be published in the Conference proceedings. 3) Paper accepted for presentation at a National Conference (NSC) organized by Systems Society of India to be held at Vellore Institute of Technology in December 2004. Paper will be published in the Conference proceedings. 4) Paper accepted for presentation at an International Conference (PEITSICON) organized by IEE to be held at Kolkata in January 2005. Paper will be published in the Conference proceedings. 5) Presented paper in COMPUMAG 2005 held in CHINA, in June 2005.Paper published in the Conference proceedings. 83
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 6) Paper accepted for presentation at an International Conference (IPEC 2005) to be held at Singapore in December 2005. Paper published in the Conference proceedings and International Journal. 7) Published article titled An Intelligent Approach to the Design of Feed forward Controllers in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Intelligent and Efficient Electrical Systems, held at P S G College of Technology, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, in January 2001. 8) Published article titled Discrete Event Supervisory Control of Optimal Tracking System in Proceedings of Regional seminar on Technological Developments for the third Millenium conducted at College of Engineering, Trivandrum, from 16 to 17 March 2001. 9) Published article titled Design of Controllers for Rotary Inverted Pendulum in Proceedings of IITART2002 conducted at College of Engineering, Trivandrum. 10) Published article on H infinity Control of Launch Vehicles in Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technological Development, conducted at College of Engineering, Trivandrum in November 2004. 11) Published article on Robust Control in Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technological Development, conducted at College of Engineering, Trivandrum in November 2004. 3.No:of Courses attended 11 short term courses. (ISTE &DTE) 4.Courses Object Oriented Programming using C++(from ER & DCI, Passed in A attended Grade) (External) D Base III using IBM PC in LBS Centre for Science & Technology, Trivandrum. 84
5.Training programmes attended 6.Membership Department of Electrical Engineering, CET Undergone training in R& D (Hardware) unit of M/s Transmatic Systems Ltd, Trivandrum from 22/05/1989 to 24/07 1989 Undergone training in repair & maintenance unit of M/sMetropolitan Engineering Co Ltd, Trivandrum from 17/11/1989 to 06/01/1990. Undergone industrial training in KELTRON, Karakulam,06/04/1987 to08/05/1987. Life Member of ISTE Life Member of System Society of India 85
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : MABEL EBENEZER 2. Date of Birth : 15-03-1972 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exam 1987 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1989 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1993 Electrical Engg Distinction 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1995 Power Systems Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 01-06-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.8,550/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,938/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 9 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 86
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation 1 Application of MATLAB for Analysis, Design and Simulation of Systems 9 to 21-12-2002, 13 days ISTE 2 VLSI and Embedded Systems 28-04-2003 to 02052003, 5 days ISTE 3 Research Orientation 15 to 19-12-2004, 5 days NETWORK Project 4 Guidance and Navigational Control 08 to14-12-2004, 5 days TEQIP 5 Power Quality 16-11-2004, 1day Power Engineering Society, IEEE Kerala Section 6 Power System Studies 02 to 06-05-2005, 5 days Power Systems Training Institute 7 Workshop on Energy Management and Conservation 1 day SCT College of Engineering, TVPM 8 Workshop on Best Practices in Energy Conservation 3 days CPRI 9 Advanced Technologies in FACTS 17-10-2005, 1 day Power Engineering Society IEEE Kerala Section 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. A. Teaching a. Classes taught Period Class Assigned/week **L/T/P Taught in the year L/T/P Steps taken for the teaching of periods missing during absence of leave UG 4/-/8 160/-/320 Extra class PG 6/-/3 240/-/120 -doB. Subjects Taught : 1. Operation and Control of Power Systems
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 87
Energy Conservation and Management Power System Dynamics and Stability Power System Engineering I Power System Engineering III Power System Engineering IV Electrical Machines II
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET b. Regularity and punctuality : Regular and punctual c. Details of participation of the following 1. University evaluation : Evaluated B.Tech and M.Tech theory subjects 2. Internal evaluation : Evaluated M.Tech theory subjects 3. Paper setting : Question paper was set for M. Tech internal exam 4. Assessment of home assignments : Assessed regularly 5. Conduct of examinations : Conducted laboratory examinations in various college under University of Kerala C. Details of innovations/ contributions in teaching during the year a. Remedial Teaching/ student counselling (academic) : student councellng is done regularly b. Academic help rendered to HOD, other than class work : Was staff advisor of B.Te ch and M. Tech students. Was treasurer of the department club c. Academic/ College activities help rendered to the Principal, other than class wo rk: Invigilation of university exams are done. Actively participated in B. Tech and M. Tech admission. Assisted in the conduct of national seminar. D. Improvement of professional competence Sl. No Name of the course Duration Organised by 1 Application of MATLAB for Analysis, Design and Simulation of Systems 13 days ISTE 2 VLSI and Embedded Systems 5 days ISTE 3 Research Orientation 5 days NETWORK Project 4 Guidance and Navigational Control 5 days TEQIP 5 Power Quality 1day Power Engineering Society IEEE Kerala Section 6 Power System Studies 5 days Power Systems Training Institute 7 Workshop on Energy Management and Conservation 1 day SCT College of Engineering, TVPM 8 Workshop on Best Practices in Energy Conservation 3 days CPRI 9 Advanced Technologies in FACTS 1 day Power Engineering Society IEEE Kerala Section 88
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET E Research Contributions No. of students(B. Tech/M. Tech) At the beginning of the year Registered during the year Completed during the yea r B. Tech 12 12 M.Tech 1 1 F. General Data a. achievements : Could teach newly introduced M. Tech subjects b. difficulties faced : Nil c. Suggestion for improvement : Have to undergo more and more training, courses and industrial training in order to improve the practical knowledge. 89
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : INDULAL S 2. Date of Birth : 30-05-1973 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/Division 1 SSLC Board of studies, kerala 1988 I class 2 PDC University of Kerala 1990 II class 3 B Tech University of Kerala 1996 Electrical & Electronics I class 4 M Tech University of Kerala 2001 Control Systems I class 5. Date of Joining : 07-10-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.11,242/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.15,026/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil 90
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Induction Training 13 days ISTE 2 Electronic Design Tools 7 days Impact 3 Application of MATLAB 13 days ISTE 4 Technology Enhanced Learning 2 days IIIMKT 5 VLSI & Embedded Systems 5 days ISTE 6 Field Theory 10 days ISTE 11.7 Extracurricular Activities Sl No: Particulars Position Held Year 1 National Service Scheme Programme Officer 2000-2004 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: H From the date of entry into the service as Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, I am serving the department and institution with wholehearted involvement in all of its activ ities. H I used to take different subjects to B Tech course in each semester. Last semest er I take 2 subjects for PG course too. Every year I used to guide B Tech and M tech project s, from the newer trends and developments in the field of Electrical Engineering. From 2 001 onwards, I got additional duty as the assistant lab in charge of Software lab, o f Electrical Engineering department. I am delivering my duties in the present assignment for the technical up gradation and maintenance of the Software Lab. H In 2003, I have been in the committee for the revision of the scheme and syllabu s of the M.Tech. and B.Tech courses 2003 scheme of Kerala University. I have participated in the programme and developed the syllabus for three new subjects as electives for B.T ech, and two electives for the M.Tech. I also gave valuable suggestions for the developme nt of the scheme, and selection of subjects; Elective as well as core subjects. H I have also coordinated one short term course on MATLAB under ISTE for teachers of various Engineering colleges, and one Memory workshop for the faculties in our c ollege. I have also coordinated several courses for the student community. H In 2004, I have been selected for Ph.D. course (2005 admission) in IIT Kharaghpu r under QIP scheme. Now I am doing, 60 days contact programme of Ph .D in IIT Kharaghpur . at IIT Kharagpur under QIP.
H Regarding with the community services, I was in charge of Programme Officer of National Service Scheme (unit no: 101) of College of Engineering Trivandrum, for three years ( 2000 to 2003 ) . During these period I was also selected as Technical Ad visory board member of NSS Technical cell. I was also nominated as Technical Committee Member, in 10th Five year plan, of Government of Kerala. H During 2000-03 under NSS we coordinated several programmes such as Mass tree plantation, both inside and outside the campus, and other community services. I have also coordinated 10 days NSS camp for students in our college. We also coordinated So uthern 91
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET regional Women s Workshop of NSS in our college. Several self development training programmes and other programmes for the community was coordinated during these period. H I am always indebted to the development of the college and the overall developme nt of students and ready to help them at any difficulty they face. 92
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : FRANCIS. M. FERNANDEZ 2. Date of Birth : 30-05-1969 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1984 --I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1986 --I class 3 B. Tech University of Kerala 1991 Electrical Engg I class 4 M. Tech University of Kerala 1995 Electrical Machines I class 5. Date of Joining : 12-10-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs. 8,550/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.10,200/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 7 Nil 1 Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil 93
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Induction Training Programme 22-11 to 3-12-1999, 12 days DTE & CET 2 Industry Oriented Training in Software Egineering. 21-03 to 20-06-2000, 92 days CET & Tehnopark 3 Neuro Fuzzy Systems in Electrical & Electronics Engineering 30-10 to 12-11-2000, 14 days AICTE / ISTE 4 Digital Signal Processing 18 to 28-04-2001, 11 days ISTE 5 Research Methodology 04 to 21-05-2001, 18 days ISTE 6 VLSI & Embedded Systems 28-04 to 02-05-2003, 5 days ISTE 7 Small Hydro Power Development 02 to 11-12-2004, 10 days AHEC, IIT Roorkee 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 1 11.5 Books/ Monograph Sl No Title of Books Stream/Publishers Year 1 Text Book-Basic Course in Electrical Engineering Rajath Publishers 2003 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. 1. Gave practical aspects of the topics taught in classes and consistently scored g ood score in student evaluation of Teachers. 2. Developed software for centralised monitoring of student attendance and also man aged the system for more than four years. The system is functioning satisfactorily at College of Engineering Trivandrum. 3. Guided four M.Tech Theses and two B.Tech projects. One paper related to an M.Tec h thesis work was accepted for presentation at the 4th international Conference on Advanced Engineering Design at University of Glasgow, UK. 4. Took responsibilities for the modernisation and upkeep of the Central Computer F acility of the college. 5.
Published a text book titled Basic Course in Electrical Engineering . This book is one of the prescribed text books for the first year B.Tech (University of Kerala) and i s widely followed by the students. 94
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 6. Actively participated in initial works related to implementation of Management Information System of the College. 7. Was a member of the committee for automation of the college library. Developed software for bar-coding of the library books. This software is still in use. 8. Designed and setup a test equipment (adjustable harmonics generator) required fo r the Testing Lab of the Electrical Engineering Department. 9. Was organising committee member for the National Seminar 2004 held at College of Engineering Trivandrum. Edited the seminar proceedings 95
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : ARYANANDINY. B 2. Date of Birth : 25-05-1974 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1989 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1991 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1996 Electrical Engg I class 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 2003 High voltage I class 5. Date of Joining : 11-10-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.11,020/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.15,026/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 96
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Induction Training Programme 22-11 to 3-12-1999, 12 days DTE & CET 2 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 18 to 28-04-2001, 11 days ISTE 3 VLSI & Embedded Systems 28-04 to 02-05-2003, 5 days ISTE 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: H Staff advisor (2001 admission batch), H Assistant lab-in-charge, HV Lab 97
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : ELIZABETH CHERIAN 2. Date of Birth : 12-01-1967 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1982 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1984 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1990 Electrical Engg Distinction 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1992 Power System Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 12-10-1999 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.11,020/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,501/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 98
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Advanced Field Theory & Related Software in Electrical Engineering 12 to 24-11-2001 ISTE 2 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 18 to 28-04-2001, 11 days ISTE 3 VLSI & Embedded Systems 28-04 to 02-05-2003, 5 days ISTE 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: H Co-ordinator of Industrial Training and Visits of students(2002-2005) H Staff Advisor (2003 passed out batch) H Assistant lab-in-charge, HV Lab (2003-2005) 99
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : ASOK KUMAR. A 2. Date of Birth : 05-05-1966 3. Highest Qualifications : B.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 T.T.L.C Board of Technical Education, Kerala 1983 I class 2 Diploma in Civil Engg Board of Technical Education, Kerala 1988 Civil I class 3 B.Tech MG University 1996 Electrical Engg I class 5. Date of Joining : 01-06-2000 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.11,020/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.15,650/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 100
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Induction Training Program for teachers 05 to 16-06-2000, 2 weeks College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 2 Advanced Field Theory and Related Software in Electrical Engineering 12 to 24-11-2001 College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram DTE 3 VHDL & Simulation Tools 19-02 to 03-03-2001 College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram DTE 4 Digital Signal Processing 18 to 28-04-2001, 11 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 5 TQM in Engineering Education 03 to 15-03-2003, 1 4 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram Dept. of Mech. Engg., CET 6 VLSI Technology-Design & Architecture 30-11-2005 to 03-12-2005, 4 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram TEQIP 11.6 Conferences/Seminars 11.6.1 Organised Sl No Title of paper Year & Duration Sponsors 1 General Awareness in Electrical Engineering 2005, 9 days Sponsored by TEQIP 11.7 Extra Curricular Activities
Sl No Particulars Positions Held Year 1 Electrical maintenance, CET Convener 2004 onwards 2 Power advisory committee, CET Member 2004 onwards 3 Community Development Programme Member 2005 onwards 101
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: H Electrical workshop charge during the period from 2002-2003 H Electrical maintenance convener, CET H Power advisory committee member, CET H Assistant Lab-in-charge, Electrical Machine s Lab H Community Development Programme Member 102
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : M. ROYKUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 31-05-1972 3. Highest Qualifications : B. Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1987 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1989 I class 3 B. Tech University of Kerala 1994 Electrical Engg I class 5. Date of Joining : 01-01-2001 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.10,990/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.15,189/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil 103
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Advanced Electromagnetic Field Theory in condition monitoring of Electrical & Electronics 03 to 16-01-2001, 2 weeks DTE 2 3D modelling and Animation 27-10 to 10-11-2004, 2 weeks ISTE 11.7 Extracurricular Activities Sl No: Particulars Position Held Year 1 Faraday Cub Secretary 2005 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: H Staff adviser, Faraday club secretary, Handling two major theory papers, two lab s & one drawing simultaneously, Series test assistant duty& Digital lab assistant duty. 104
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : LAL PRIYA. P. S 2. Date of Birth : 28-01-1975 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exam 1990 --Distinction 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1992 --Distinction 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1996 Electrical Engg Distinction 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1998 Control Systems Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 02-07-2001 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.11,020/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,064/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil 105
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Switch Mode Powr Converter One week IISC, Bangalore 2 TQM in Engineering Education Two weeks ISTE 3 VLSI & Embedded Systems 28-04 to 02-05-2003, 5 days ISTE 4 Software Tools for Numerical Computation 31-10-2005 to 15-11-2005, 16 days ISTE 11.7 Extracurricular Activities Sl No: Particulars Position Held Year 1 Staff Club, CET Executive member 2003-2004 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: Coordinated short term course on VLSI & embedded systems 106
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : BINDU. S 2. Date of Birth : 25-05-1973 3. Highest Qualifications ; M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1988 Distinction 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1990 Distinction 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1994 Electrical Engg Distinction 4 M.Tech. University of Kerala 1997 Power System Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 14-08-2001 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs,10,860/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,064/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 6 Nil 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 107
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Signal Processing in Communication 26-02 to 09-03-2003, Two weeks GCE, Kannur 2 FACTS Controller & Applications 30-06 to 12-0702003, Two weeks NIT, Calicut 3 Applications of finite element methods in Engineering 19 to 31-01-2004, Two weeks RIT, Kottayam 4 Real Time Systems 09 to 21-02-2004, One week RIT, Kottayam 5 Guidance & Navigational Control 08 to 14-12-2004, One week College of Engineering, Trivandrum 6 Automation in Electrical Power Distribution Systems 20 to 31-12-2004. Two weeks College of Engineering, Trivandrum 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 2 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years. H I joined this Department as the Lecturer of Electrical & Electronics Department, Government. Engineering College, Kannur. Apart from teaching I was assigned additional duties like (i) Resident Tutor of the Ladies Hostel. As the Resident T utor of the L.H. I did my best to maintain a peaceful and congenial atmosphere in the ho stel. (ii)Preparation of lab manuals, course files etc. related to accreditation work. H I got transfer to R.I.T., Kottayam and served there from 13/6/2003 to 18/10/2003 . The additional duties included (i) Department committee member of the accreditation committee. I helped the co-ordinator in the various activities related to the ac creditation work. (ii) I was fully involved the conduct of the University Examinations at th e college as a member of the examination committee in the college. (iii) the Department ap plied for P.G. courses and I helped to prepare the proposal to be forwarded to the A.I.C.T .E. (iv) Encouraged and supported the lab staff in the repair of damaged meters in the la b.
(v)Took initiative to start the Department Library. The Department Library with more than 400 books was opened successfully with the full support of the students and other staff members. (vi) Staff advisor of one of the B.Tech. classes. 108
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET H Joined College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram on 19/10/2004. Currently I am serving as the Staff Advisor for one of the B.Tech. classes and as the assistant to the Labincharge of the Drives Lab I am involved in all the activities related to this Lab . 109
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name : LETHA KUMARI. R 2. Date of Birth : 26-03-1972 3. Highest Qualifications : M.Tech 4. Academic Performance : (High school to Highest Qualification.) Sl. No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exams, Kerala 1987 --Distinction 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1989 --I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1993 Electrical Engg Distinction 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1996 Guidance & Navigational Control Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 23-07-2001 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.10,660/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.16,064 10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 5 Nil 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 110
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development Sl No: Name of Training programme/Workshop Period & Duration Organisation 1 Java & Internet Programming 17 to 29-03-2003, Two weeks GCE, Thrissur 2 Advanced Trends in Computer Networking 28-10 to 08-11-2003, Two weeks GCE,Bartonhill 3 Applications of finite element methods in Engineering 19 to 31-01-2004, Two weeks RIT, Kottayam 4 Real Time Systems 09 to 21-02-2004, One week RIT, Kottayam 5 Guidance & Navigational Control 08 to 14-12-2004, One week College of Engineering, Trivandrum 11.3 No of Publications Sl No Type of Publication Number 1 Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Trends, CET-05 2 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years : H I joined the department as Lecturer in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Col lege of Engineering, Thrissur. Apart from teaching I was one of the advisors of B.Tech s tudents. Since I was staying in the ladies hostel, I got opportunity to interact with the students and help them in solving their problems. H I was transferred to RIT, Kottayam and served there from 16-06-2003 to 30-11-200 3. During this period I was appointed as the assistant co-ordinator of the accredit ation committee of the College. I also helped in preparing the proposal for the PG Cou rses. H I have joined College of Engineering, Trivandrum on 01-12-2004. Currently I amme ter serving as the staff advisor for the M.Tech students. 111
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : T.RAJEEV 03-05-1975 B.Tech Sl.No. Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exam 1990 Distinction 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1992 I class 3 B.Tech M.G University 1996 Electrical Engg Distinction 5. Date of Joining : 06-11-2003 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs 12,020/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs 13,737/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 5 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil 112
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development: Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Effective Teaching in Technical Education 8/6/05 to24/6/05, 7 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram I.S.T.E 2 3D Modelling and animation 27-10-2004 to 10112004, 14 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram I.S.T.E 3 Power system studies 02-04-2005 to6/4/05,5days Power System Training Institute, Bangalore 4 Software Tools for Numerical Computation 31-10-2005 to 15112005 College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram ISTE 5 VLSI Technology-Design & Architecture 30-11-2005 to 03122005, 4 days College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram TEQIP 11.7 Extra Curricular Activities: Sl No Particulars Positions Held Year 1 Institution of Engineers India students chapter Adviser 2004 continuing as such 2004 2 ISO activity Co-ordinator 2004-2005 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: 1. Worked as Assistant Engineer in KTDC and carried out installation and maintenanc e of different electrical works 2. Participated in the preparation of proposals for departmental developments 3. Worked in the examination wing for conducting University Examinations 4.
Took initiative for the revival of Institution of Engineers Students chapter 5. Associated with the Continuing education cell for consultancy work 6. Associated with testing work carried out in the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) testing center attached to the department 7. Member of committee constituted for the ISO certification process in the departm ent and successfully carried out the duties 8. Now I have been entrusted with the job of coordinating renewal process of AICTE accreditation in the Department 113
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET FACULTY-PROFILE 1. Name 2. Date of Birth 3. Highest Qualifications 4. Academic Performance (High school to Highest Qualification.) : : : : JAYASREE.M.S 28-10-1966 M.Tech Sl.No Qualification Board/University Year of passing Specialization Class/ Division 1 S.S.L.C Board of Public Exam 1981 I class 2 Pre-Degree University of Kerala 1983 I class 3 B.Tech University of Kerala 1988 Electrical Engg I class 4 M.Tech University of Kerala 1994 Power System I class 5. Date of Joining : 18-10-2004 6. Status as on date of joining : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 7. Salary as on date of joining : Rs.12,260/8. Present Status : Lecturer in Electrical Engineering 9. Salary as on date : Rs.14,315/10. Number of promotions since date of joining : Nil 11. Achievements since date of joining : FD R&D No. of publication Teaching Award Books/ Monograph Conference/ Seminars Extra curricular activities Admin. 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 114
Department of Electrical Engineering, CET 11.1 Faculty Development: Sl No Name of Training Period & Duration Organisation Remarks 1 Workshop on Research Orientation 15 to 19-12-2004, 5 days College of Engineering, Trivandrum NETWORK Project 2 Signals and Communication Systems 07 to 21-02-2005, 15 days RIT, Kottayam 12. Performance Appraisal during past three (3) years: 1. Lab-in charge of Power Electronics Lab in RIT, Kottayam 2. Staff advisor for seventh semester students of 2005 in RIT, Kottayam 115