Haematology Handbook
Haematology Handbook
Haematology Handbook
Date issued 02/09/22
Changes in this document since last version ....................................................................................................... 3
About the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH) ................................................................. 3
The John Radcliffe Hospital ............................................................................................................................. 3
The Churchill Hospital ...................................................................................................................................... 3
The Horton Hospital (Banbury) ........................................................................................................................ 3
The Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre (NOC) .......................................................................................................... 3
About us:............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Policies - Dept. of Laboratory Haematology Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust ................................ 5
Animal Specimens ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Billing ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Business Continuity and Contingency Plans ................................................................................................... 5
Chain of Custody .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Confidentiality of Results .................................................................................................................................. 6
Phone Enquiry Policy (SOP Gen 001) ............................................................................................................. 6
Complaints / feedback ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Telephoning of Critical Values ......................................................................................................................... 7
Disclosure of Results ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Infectious Material ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Radioactive Samples ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Record Retention ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Referral of Tests to another Laboratory ........................................................................................................... 8
Distribution of testing on various sites within the department of laboratory Haematology ................................. 10
Quality................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Scope of Accreditation ................................................................................................................................... 12
Proficiency Testing ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Measurement of Uncertainty .......................................................................................................................... 14
The Quality Policy of the Department of Laboratory Haematology................................................................ 15
Working Hours .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Transfer of Specimens to the Laboratory ........................................................................................................... 17
Requesting of Tests ............................................................................................................................................ 18
OUH Requests ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Oxfordshire CCG GP Practices:..................................................................................................................... 19
All other locations (including referrals from other trusts): .............................................................................. 20
Sample Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Sample Types for Commonly Requested Tests. ........................................................................................... 20
Paediatric tube types in use. .......................................................................................................................... 21
General Haematology Tube requirements ..................................................................................................... 22
General Coagulation Tube requirements ....................................................................................................... 23
Coagulation screens before surgery or invasive procedures ......................................................................... 23
Specialist Coagulation testing ............................................................................................................................ 24
Who to test for heritable thrombophilia? ........................................................................................................ 24
Samples referred to the laboratory for Haemostatic or Thrombotic investigations ........................................ 25
Samples referred to the laboratory for platelet function investigations .......................................................... 26
Specialist Haematology including Molecular Haematology ........................................................................... 27
General Information ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Reporting of Results ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Oxford University Hospital Foundation Trust Users ....................................................................................... 28
What you need before you start ..................................................................................................................... 28
Login process ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Tap&Go .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Launching Millennium .................................................................................................................................... 28
Forgotten your smartcard or it has stopped working? ................................................................................... 28
Oxfordshire ICB GP Practices ........................................................................................................................ 30
Oxford Haemato-Molecular Diagnostic Service ............................................................................................. 30
RAID Anticoagulant Dosing Service .............................................................................................................. 30
All other users ................................................................................................................................................ 30
NPEX .............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Retrospective Testing ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Sample Analysis Turnaround times .................................................................................................................... 33
Key Factors known to affect result quality .......................................................................................................... 35
Blood Transfusion ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Requests for Blood and Blood Products for Transfusion ............................................................................... 37
Patients with atypical antibodies .................................................................................................................... 37
Emergency Transfusion including Massive Haemorrhage ............................................................................ 37
Blood Ordering Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 38
Transfusion Sample Requirements ................................................................................................................ 39
Samples for Antenatal Testing: ...................................................................................................................... 39
Appendix I Normal Ranges (Adult, 13 years+, apart from ESR: 17 years +) ..................................................... 40
Appendix II, Departmental Telephone Numbers ................................................................................................ 43
Appendix III, Examples of Haematology Request forms .................................................................... 44
Changes in this document since last version
• Updated services on sites
• Updated reference ranges
• Updated EQA participation list.
• Changes made to improve accessibility
Laboratory Haematology
On the Horton General Hospital site, the department is located in the Pathology building and provides the
following services:
1. Routine Haematology and Morphology
2. Routine Haemostasis
3. Blood Transfusion service
This provides a comprehensive service to the hospital as well as local GPs in the North of Oxfordshire, and
South of Northamptonshire.
On the Churchill Hospital site, the department provides the following services:
1. Routine Haematology, haemostasis, and blood product issue support, 8am-7pm Monday to Friday, from the
Laboratory Medicine Building. Located opposite Car Park 5. Use Air Tube Station 14 to send samples. This
laboratory is referred to as Laboratory Medicine (LM)
2. On the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre site there is no routine Haematology or Blood Transfusion
laboratory, and all these services are supported from the John Radcliffe. However, from March 2022
Specialist Haemostasis and Thrombophilia diagnostic and monitoring service for patients with inherited
haemostatic defects. (The Oxford Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre, OHTC). The OHTC is located to
the rear of the NOC campus near to Old Road in Headington.
24/7/365 services are maintained on both the John Radcliffe and the Horton sites.
Policies - Dept. of Laboratory Haematology Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust
Policy Statements
Animal Specimens
We do not accept animal specimens for laboratory testing
• Work to support NHS care of OUH patients will be managed following Trust budget setting process, with
cross-charging from Directorate of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine to appropriate Division / Directorate
based on monthly outcome against plan.
• Work to support Oxfordshire CCG NHS workload will be billed by OUH commissioning according to the
agreed overall Contract on a monthly basis.
• In the absence of a specific exceptional contract, the standard Laboratory Medicine Terms and conditions
will apply. (link to OUH website, laboratory medicine page ).
• In case of initial referral of work for the first time to the laboratory, or a significant change (considered to be
an increase of greater than 20 percent by activity), please contact the laboratory prior to referral, so that the
laboratory can assure you that they have the capacity and resources to meet your request.
• Receipt of a sample for testing will be deemed to be acceptance of a contract with OUH Foundation Trust,
the work will be invoiced within 30 days of completion and payment is expected within 30 days of invoice
being raised. It is the sender’s responsibility to manage the process of raising purchase order numbers, if
that is required by the sending organisation.
• Private Patients:
o The OUH sees a variety of Private Patients, they need to be registered with the OUH Private Patient
Office (link to OUH website, private patients), and the bills for the Laboratory Medicine fraction of
their care will be raised as part of their overall care. If insurance is involved, they need to sign a
Pre-authorisation with the relevant Insurance Company.
o Non-OUH patients, the Department is happy to provide services for other organisations that provide
care to Private Patients, but as the Department will have no relationship with the individual patient,
any bill will be the responsibility of the sending organisation. The Department will not bill individual
• Clinical Trials:
o Clinical Trials at OUH if there is a laboratory component to the Trial should have agreed the financial
aspects of the study with the Joint R&D office based at the Churchill Hospital, while obtaining ethical
approval. Details of any support required from OUH laboratories should be agreed in advance of
the Trial commencing, contact labtrials.ouh@nhs.net
o Individual projects can be agreed directly with the laboratory on a case-by-case basis, please
contact Laboratory Manager, Haematology and labtrials.ouh@nhs.net, well in advance.
Confidentiality of Results
OUH Hospitals Laboratory Haematology Department is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of patient
information. To work towards this goal, we aim to minimise the transmission of results by telephone and aim to
maximise the use of electronic transmission of results to systems with audit trail of access to the results. The
Department follows the policy of the Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust, with regards to patient
confidentiality and as such all staff are required to complete training in Information Governance and maintain
Complaints / feedback
Although we always like to hear about the things we have done well, we would also like to hear about the things
we could do better.
The Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH) is committed to providing the very highest
standards of care.
We will always try our best to get things right, but sometimes mistakes happen. When they do, it is vitally
important to put things right as soon as possible, and to ensure that the same mistakes do not happen again. If
as a user you feel that the department has not fulfilled its obligations to you, please contact the department as
below. These contact details can also be used for feedback and questions about services provided
Chief Executive
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Headley Way
Oxford OX3 9DU
Email: complaints@ouh.nhs.uk
link to OUH website, complaints
Telephoning of Critical Values
The Critical Values policy is described below:
Definition of a Critical Value: A Critical Value is defined as one which is such at variance with normal (expected
values) as to be life threatening unless something is done promptly and for which some corrective action could
be taken.
Abnormal results are not considered Critical Values: Most laboratory tests have established reference ranges
which are the results that are typically seen in a group of healthy individuals. While results outside these ranges
may be considered abnormal, that is not the same as “critical”.
Action taken when a result exceeds the Critical Values: In addition to normal reporting staff will attempt to
telephone or otherwise contact the ordering clinician as quickly as possible. For this reason, each request should
be accompanied by contact details to allow the laboratory to contact a referring clinician. The following limits
apply to inpatients and primary care.
The appearance of significant features on a blood film (not diagnosed / unexpected change) to include but not
limited to:
• New diagnosis of Malaria infection
• New diagnosis of Acute Leukaemia
• New diagnosis of red cell fragmentation syndrome (HUS, DIC, TTP)
Disclosure of Results
Results will only be released to a referring clinician or their approved representative. Third parties including
patients, or their relatives will be referred to the ordering clinician.
Infectious Material
All samples will be treated by the department as potentially hazardous; however, samples from patients who
are known to pose an infection risk should have this information appropriately recorded on the request form and
all samples should have an approved danger of infection sticker on them. It is the duty and responsibility of
the sender to be aware of the risks and to arrange for appropriate packaging, labelling and
• Both the form (if available) and the specimen label must carry a common warning label indicating in black
on a yellow background.
• The label must be clearly visible to anyone handling the specimen but should not carry clinical details.
• Apart from the common warning label, the electronic order or request form must give sufficient clinical
information to enable laboratory staff to know which precautions to take.
Because of the extra work and stress involved in processing ‘high risk’ specimens it is important that the
category is limited to those specimens where it is a matter of medical opinion that the patient concerned is likely
to be carrying a hazard group-3 pathogen.
Blood taken from the following patient's must be treated as “high-risk” specimens:
• Patients known to be HIV positive.
• Patients known to be HTLV1 positive.
• Patients who are known to be Hepatitis B or C positive
• Intravenous drug abusers.
• Patients from other known high-risk groups.
• Please contact the department before sending samples from patients suspected of having any form of Viral
Haemorrhagic fever (VHF), as these will require special processing and only minimal tests will be performed.
• Samples from patients with confirmed VHF must not be sent to the department, as we are not equipped to
handle them
For further information see ACDP. 2013.Categorization of biological agents according to hazard and categories
of containment London. HMSO. (link to HSE document on approved list of biological agents )
Labels are available from: Oxuniprint, stock code – DOIL0001, Danger of Infection Label pk 250
Radioactive Samples
Specimens from patients receiving radioactive tracers or material should be marked as such. Please include
the date and time of receipt and the isotope used. These samples will be handled in such a way as to protect
the health and safety of our staff while meeting the needs of the patient. This may involve some delay in the
processing of the sample. Please ensure testing is truly necessary before requesting testing on patients
immediately after such treatment.
Record Retention
The Department retains requests, sample material and test results for the retention periods recommended by
the Royal College of Pathologists, in “Retention and Storage of pathological records and specimens 5th edition
2015” link to RCPath website, retention of clinical material
Referring laboratories are chosen that provide equal performance to our own and are regularly asked to provide
evidence of continuing UKAS accreditation, (or evidence of continued progress towards UKAS accreditation)
and acceptable EQA performance. A list of the referring laboratories is held in the department and is available
on request to the quality manager.
Referred samples will be sent off by the laboratory using appropriate postal or courier methods and the
laboratory will manage the dispatch and return of results process. A process of monitoring TAT for these
samples is in place.
Where possible reports will be sent out using similar mechanisms used for internal processing; however, they
will contain the name of the processing laboratory and reference ranges where appropriate.
OUH will invoice for samples referred to another laboratory at the price charged to OUH, plus a small
administrative charge plus if required any courier costs.
Distribution of testing on various sites within the department of laboratory Haematology
The department operates 4 laboratories on four sites within the OUH FT. this document describes the scope of
practice on each site.
Churchill site
NOC site
Horton site
JR site
Scope of Accreditation
The Department attained ISO 15189:2012 accreditation in July 2016 after assessment by UKAS against the
Standard ISO-15189 Medical laboratories—Requirements for quality and competence. The department is
assessed on an annual basis, with the last inspection being March 2021
For accredited scope of practice please see below
(Current UKAS scope of accreditation )
Any tests referred to in this handbook which are not explicitly covered in the scope of practice above are by
definition NOT part of the laboratory’s external accreditation. They should as far as practicable still be covered
by the Laboratory Quality Management system, including QC and initial verification.
This move has been verified as acceptable by internal laboratory processes and has been submitted for UKAS
assessment in April 2022. However, until this assessment process is complete; tests performed on this site
should be considered to be out of scope of the current ISO 15189 accreditation. If you would like to discuss
this issue, please contact the quality manager (Haematology quality manager email address )
• The Department takes part in a wide variety of National External Quality Assurance Schemes.
• The Department is annually assessed by the MHRA for conformance with the Blood Safety and Quality
• The Department contributes as required to the Foundation Trusts assessment by CQC against relevant
Proficiency Testing
The laboratory is committed to participation at least 40 different external Quality assurance schemes as well as
a variety of internal quality control process to ensure the consistent quality of results produced. External QA
schemes selected are chosen based on suitability of the laboratory’s needs. Where possible EQA schemes will
be accredited to ISO 17043 international standard or hold equivalent markers of quality, participation in
individual schemes is kept under regular review
For the rare tests where there is no external quality assurance scheme available, the laboratory will pursue
alternative means to provide assurance; this will include the use of inter-trust sample sharing schemes to provide
evidence of comparability.
Please note: the schemes marked in the table above as pilot are in development by the EQA scheme;
however, they are currently the “best fit” for the laboratory’s needs.
Measurement of Uncertainty
The department produces results from a wide range of tests, some of which have a measurement of uncertainty
associated with the result. This does not infer an inaccurate test but does highlight that these tests produce a
result that is accurate within certain parameters. This information can sometimes be useful if a specific test has
a target range that may be included in a clinical treatment algorithm. Although not published here, measurement
of uncertainty estimates for tests are available on result from the quality manager (Haematology quality manager
email link )
The Quality Policy of the Department of Laboratory Haematology.
Within the Directorate of Pathology and Laboratories; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The Department of Laboratory Haematology provides a diagnostic and routine monitoring service for the OUH
NHS Foundation Trust; local CCGs and acts as a referral centre for referring hospitals. The analytical profile of
the department includes both routine tests and specialist molecular analysis. In addition, the department
provides blood transfusion support for the trust and certain surrounding hospitals. The department is committed
to providing a service of highest quality and is aware and takes into consideration the needs and requirements
of its users. In order to ensure that the needs and requirements of users are met, the department of laboratory
haematology will:
• Operate a quality management system to integrate the organisation, procedures, processes, and resources
• Obtain and monitor data on user satisfaction and complaints.
• Review the existing services in relation to the needs and requirements using data gathered from the users
of the service in order to achieve continual quality improvement.
• Set quality objectives and plans in order to implement this quality policy and to ensure that it is suitable and
• Ensure that all personnel are familiar with this quality policy to ensure user satisfaction.
• Commit to the health, safety, and welfare of its entire staff. Visitors to the department will be treated with
respect and due consideration will be given to their safety while on site.
• Uphold professional values and remain committed to good professional practice and conduct.
• Comply with any relevant environmental legislation.
• Where such appropriate controls exist, comply with any relevant or appropriate national or international
product storage legislation.
The Department of Laboratory Haematology will comply with the requirements of ISO 15189:2012; other
relevant national and international standards and where appropriate, other regulatory bodies and is committed
• Staff recruitment, training, development, and retention at all levels sufficient to provide a full and effective
service to its users.
• Ensuring that all staff are familiar with the contents of the Quality manual and all procedures relevant or
appropriate to their work.
• The correct and proper procurement and maintenance of such equipment and other resources as are
needed for successful provision of service.
• The collection, transport, and handling of all specimens where appropriate in such a way as to ensure the
correct performance of laboratory examinations and where appropriate in compliance with relevant
• The selection and use of examination procedures that are fit for purpose and provide the highest achievable
quality of all tests performed.
• Reporting results of examinations in ways that are timely, confidential, accurate and clinically useful.
• The assessment of user satisfaction, in addition to internal audit and external quality assessment, in order
to produce continual quality improvement.
This policy is a controlled document and is reviewed annually within the department. Signed copies will be
displayed within the laboratory.
Working Hours
• JR & Horton sites: core services are available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week
• Molecular Haematology on the JR site: routine service is available Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:00
• OHTC on NOC site: routine service is available Monday to Friday, 08:30 – 17:00, with a limited emergency
service available out of these hours (please see below for information).
• Lab Med lab on Churchill site: routine service is available Monday to Friday 08:00 – 19:00
While the Routine laboratories are open for the receipt of samples and processing the most common tests some
of the more specialist work will only be available when the more specialist staff in individual sections are on
There is only one qualified Biomedical Scientist on duty at the following times:
The OHTC unit offer an on-call service, available outside of routine opening hours, if this service is required;
please contact the on-call Haemostasis consultant via switchboard to discuss your requirements before taking
any samples from patients.
Specialist units:
Staffed 08:30-17:00 Monday to Friday:
Portering services on the 4 hospital sites are marginally different and local policies should be followed but while
there are some routine collections of samples from the retained estate of the Churchill Hospital in most areas
there is no routine collection of samples and a portering job needs to be logged with the helpdesk on each
Transfer between the sites of the Trust during routine hours is by vehicles operated by the South-Central
Ambulance Service (SCAS). A vehicle operates at xx:10 from Laboratory Medicine on the Churchill site via the
NOC and arriving at the John Radcliffe laboratories at xx:45, between the hours of 8:10 and 17:45 Monday to
Friday. Most Haematology samples generated at the Churchill are processed on the Churchill site, but some
specialist work will be sent to the John Radcliffe, all of the routine NOC workload will be sent to the John
Between 7pm and 8am, Monday to Friday, and all-day Sat, Sun and Bank Holidays a Commercial Courier
“CitySprint”, provides an hourly service between Churchill, and NOC receptions and the Labs at the John
Radcliffe. Acute clinical areas at the Churchill site can book additional CitySprint collections direct from the
clinical areas and staff working there should make themselves familiar with the local process.
SCAS provides 4 routine collections from the Horton Laboratories at 8:00, 10:35, 14:25, and 16:30 to bring
specialist work to the JRH. If necessary, the Laboratory Staff can organise additional deliveries using a local
Taxi firm. Most Haematology samples generated at the Horton site will be processed at the Horton site, but
specialist work will be sent to the JRH
A twice a day service from most Oxfordshire G.P.’s operates for collection of samples and delivers to both the
laboratories at the JRH and the Horton.
All samples that are transported by these services must be appropriately packaged and labelled. Transport of
all samples should be such to guard against unauthorized access to specimens. These are examples of the
approved transport boxes currently in use. The green bags (of varying size) are used to transport samples from
GP surgeries into the labs and also to transport samples around the various Trust sites. There are other coloured
bags in use. Please note the dark blue bag is for internal use, transporting samples from JR site to the Horton
site and return.
Samples sent by either Royal Mail or other courier services are the responsibility of the sender until the arrival
in the Laboratory. It is their responsibility to ensure packaging meets the standard for the transport of
specimens through the post. Royal Mail Group plc will accept Category B diagnostic specimens provided they
are packaged to Packaging Instruction 650 requirements. Full details may be accessed on the Royal Mail
website: (Royal Mail track and trace )
Specialist Samples:
Most samples can be sent by the best available means to arrive in the Laboratories as quickly as possible, but
some will be required to be processed in specialist areas of the laboratory which may not provide a 7-day service
and may not be able to be stored. In most cases it is strongly advised that requesters contact the relevant
section before sending the sample.
• Platelet Investigations including those linked to potential Non-Accidental Injury investigation, these samples
must be tested within 2 hours of being bled. Please contact the laboratory (01865 2) 25311 in routine
hours, or contact Duty SpR, via switchboard, before taking the samples. In some cases, arrangements
can be made to bleed the patient at the OHTC.
• Cold Agglutinins testing in Blood Transfusion must arrive while still at 37OC, and only between 08.30 and
13.00 Mon-Friday. Contact laboratory on (01865 2) 20339 if sending sample.
• Pre-Natal diagnosis in NHRL or Haemophilia. Contact the laboratory IN ADVANCE, on (01865 5) 72769,
safe details to provide results must be provided. Technically should be: `Pre-natal diagnosis (PND) for Non-
Malignant Haematology. Contact the laboratory in advance to book in using safe details to provide
results. For haemoglobinopathy/Rare anaemia PND referrals email oxford.molecularhaem@nhs.net or
phone (01865 5) 72769. For Haemophilia PND referrals email orh-tr.dutyscientist.oxfordgen@nhs.net or
phone 01865 226001. If you want to include the link to these contact details it is :Contact Oxford
Genetics Laboratories - Oxford University Hospitals (ouh.nhs.uk).’
Requesting of Tests
Blood should be correctly collected into vacutainers if at all possible (including children). The anticoagulant /
sample tube required is listed in the section on normal ranges at the end of this handbook. Samples that have
been damaged by poor phlebotomy technique may not be processed if excessively haemolysed. Please
remember to fully label samples with the following as a strict minimum
• Full Name (first name and surname)
• Date of birth or another unique numerical identifier (e.g., NHS number)
Samples that do not meet these criteria will not be routinely processed.
(Blood Transfusion samples will require a higher standard of patient Identification please see the relevant
section of this handbook, and there is a Trust “Blood Transfusion Policies and Procedures”, a copy should
be available on all wards or from on the intranet:
Blood Transfusion pages on OUH intranet
You must make yourself familiar with it if you need to request blood for transfusion.)
Date and time of collection should be provided on all samples (or associated request card if used) as certain
assays can only be performed on fresh samples.
Please use the patient's hospital number (MRN) or NHS number and give a location for the report and relevant
clinical details. It is most important that requests for immediate investigations are reserved for those that are
truly urgent; we will prioritize investigation of samples using information from request forms. Hospital In-patients
are given priority followed by some outpatient clinics.
OUH Requests
The OUH Trust routine method of ordering tests is via Cerner Millennium EPR. The Trust has almost completed
implementation of the EPR system, samples requested using this method do not require request cards. When
implementation is complete, only samples requested via EPR will be accepted from OUH users.
Information about correct positioning of these labels can be found on the reverse of the specimen bags.
If Cerner cannot be used: a fully completed request form must accompany all samples (please see Appendix
III, Examples of Haematology Request forms). Please ensure that the correct form is used. Information about
the service and sample collection is printed on reverse of request form. It is very important to complete the
request form fully and correctly. The use of Addressograph labels on request forms is encouraged, but all
samples should be handwritten. Samples labelled with addressograph labels are unlikely to be processed, due
to technical difficulties with the analytical equipment in use in the department.
Use of addressograph labels on request cards is encouraged, but is strongly discouraged on bottles, as some
designs of larger labels will interfere with the automated flow of samples through the analysers, and some
referral sites (NHSBT) will only accept handwritten samples.
Sample Requirements
Sample Type Tube lid Colour (BD Tube lid Colour (BD
Vacutainer tubes) Vacutainer tubes)
If possible, please use BD vacutainer tubes for the collection of all samples, regardless of patient age. If this is
not possible, there is a selection of paediatric tubes available, these may have different lid colours to the adult
tubes, so some degree of care is needed in selection. As with adult tubes, please send correctly filled samples
for clotting studies.
Please note we still receive a number of paediatric EDTA tubes with Heparin lids on them, care must
be taken not to mix up the red and orange lids.
The laboratory does not have the facility to process larger (6 ml or 10 ml) EDTA tubes for routine Haematology
investigations. Any larger samples like this will be rejected and not processed.
As part of the Full Blood Count profile, results will be produced and reported for:
As part of the Full Blood Count profile the aim will be to produce a 5-part White Cell Differential.
• Neutrophil
• Lymphocyte
• Monocyte
• Eosinophil
• Basophil
In most cases an accurate differential will be produced and reported by the analyser, in a minority of cases
either the analyser will not produce a differential or will produce a report suggesting the presence of other cells
in the circulation. In these cases, a Blood Film will be produced and examined by microscopy. There is no need
to request a Blood Film to receive a White Cell Differential.
There are circumstances were examining a Blood Film will add value to the report if so, please include clinical
circumstances and why the Film is requested.
Examples which would generate a Film request regardless of FBC result would include:
• ? Sezary Cells
• ? DIC
• ? Haemolysis
• ? Haemolytic Anaemia
• Persistent/ Unexplained Anaemia
• Persistent/ unexplained Thrombocytopenia
General Coagulation Tube requirements
• For a coagulation screen request PT and APTT or "Coagulation screen" in EPR or if EPR is not available
on form
• For patients anticoagulated with warfarin request an INR
• For patients anticoagulated with unfractionated heparin request an APTT
• Patients anticoagulated with LMW heparin do not normally need monitoring
Please take care with ordering on EPR and select the correct test, as due to the way electronic orders are
handled in the lab, errors may not be spotted prior to processing of samples.
Coagulation citrate samples (blue top) need to be correctly filled due to the nature of the anticoagulant used.
Partially filled, clotted or overfilled specimens will not be processed.
For patients that are difficult to bleed paediatric (1.3 ml) or short draw (1.8 ml) vacutainers tubes are
recommended. Please ensure that all samples are adequately labelled. Please see figure below for correct
• Indiscriminate coagulation screening prior to surgery or other invasive procedures for prediction of bleeding
risk is not recommended
• A comprehensive bleeding history should be taken in all patients prior to surgery and invasive
• If the bleeding history is negative, no further coagulation testing is indicated
• If the bleeding history is positive or there is a clear clinical indication (e.g., liver disease), a comprehensive
assessment guided by the clinical features is required
1. By definition, 2.5% of normal healthy subjects will have prolonged clotting times. This is likely to be higher
in the patient population. A large proportion of such results will require further investigations, causing
delayed operations, unnecessary anxiety to the individual, and unnecessary and expensive laboratory
investigations. There are also occasions when this can erroneously precipitate the use of blood products.
2. All inherited bleeding disorders (and many acquired ones) have low prevalence. Indiscriminate screening
results in low positive predictive value, and a high number of false positives.
3. The coagulation screen is insensitive to factor XIII deficiency, mild von Willebrand disease (the commonest
congenital bleeding disorder in Caucasians) and platelet disorders and may give false reassurance.
4. Some factor deficiencies causing prolongation of the APTT are clinically irrelevant, e.g. factor XII deficiency.
This and the lupus anticoagulant may suggest a bleeding risk when none exists, causing unnecessary
postponement of surgical procedures.
5. Evidence in the literature shows that coagulation tests have both low sensitivity and specificity to predict
6. 95% of potentially clinically significant abnormalities of coagulation or haemostasis in medical and surgical
patients can be detected through a comprehensive history and physical examination.
7. Despite a large number of abnormal results being generated through indiscriminate use of the coagulation
screen, studies have shown that patient management is rarely altered.
Requests for specialized bleeding investigations (especially those in patients where there is a suspicion of non-
accidental injury) should be discussed with the clinical staff at the OHTC before taking the samples. The
majority of these samples need to be reasonably fresh (<4-6 hours) in order to process, so should be sent direct
to the OHTC on the NOC site.
• Consider testing those with a strong family history of unprovoked thrombosis
• Women planning a pregnancy who have had a VTE due to a provoking factor should be tested and
considered for antenatal prophylaxis if a thrombophilia is found
Relative of patient
• Consider testing asymptomatic relatives in selected thrombosis-prone families with high-risk thrombophilia
(antithrombin, protein C or protein S deficiency). May be particularly helpful for counselling female
relatives regarding COC and HRT.
• Women planning a pregnancy who have a family history of venous thrombosis should be tested if an
event in a first degree relative was unprovoked, or provoked by pregnancy or COC exposure
In patients, if testing is indicated it is usually performed one month after discontinuing anticoagulation with
Warfarin. We do not recommend testing in the acute phase or when anticoagulated with warfarin.
Samples required
Platelet Function Assays (including those that form part of a non-accidental injury investigation)
These are not routine tests and require medical discussion before sample collection and testing. These need to
be performed on fresh samples arriving at the Haemophilia centre (NOC site) within ideally 2 hours of collection
(maximum 4 hours); as such it is essential that clinical areas contact the laboratory before bleeding the patient.
In routine working hours (Monday – Friday) please phone OHTC on (01865 2) 25311
Outside of this please bleep the on-duty Haematology Specialist Registrar via switchboard (0300 3047777)
• Samples originating from external laboratories should be sent direct to the address above.
• Unless they can be delivered within 4 hours of collection, samples will need to be centrifuged to produce
platelet poor plasma which should be separated.
• Plasma should be frozen in 2 ml freezer vials with screw cap lids and labelled with -70oC freezer proof
labels. Be aware samples will be thawed at 37oC in a water bath and labels must also be resistant to this.
• Samples to be sent should packed frozen in manner that will maintain this state for the transport time. Dry
ice is strongly recommended to keep the samples frozen.
• Same day or overnight direct door to door courier services are recommended to ensure sample stability
• Samples should be accompanied with a suitable request card and covering explanation letter if there are
complex clinical details. If no local SLA is in place a purchase order number should be included
• The laboratory reserves the right not to process any samples that have been transported inappropriately or
insufficiently labelled.
• All requests for investigations involving platelet function must be discussed with the laboratory before
samples are taken. The laboratory may be unable to process samples of this nature if prior contact has not
been made.
• Samples for platelet nucleotides must be pre-prepared before being frozen as a platelet extract on dry ice.
Please contact the Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre beforehand to discuss the preparation proceed
and to receive a copy of the SOP if necessary
• Samples for platelet function testing (chronolog, platelet aggregation etc.), must be fresh (ideally <2 hours
from collection, maximum 4 hours from collection), it is the responsibility of the sending laboratory to use a
transport process that will fulfil this requirement. Samples should be accompanied with a suitable request
card and covering explanation letter if there are complex clinical details. If no local SLA is in place a purchase
order number should be included
• The laboratory reserves the right not to process any samples that have been transported inappropriately or
insufficiently labelled.
Specialist Haematology including Molecular Haematology
The Oxford University Hospitals NHS trust’s department of Haematology provides a comprehensive molecular
diagnostic service for a range of haematology and oncology disorders. The services offered are divided into 2
main areas: -
In addition, the laboratory also provides a technical NGS service for disorders of haemostasis and
haemochromatosis and other aspects of non-malignant haematology; however, this testing is organised via the
genetics laboratory on the Churchill site; please see their website for further details:
General Information
Login process
You will need an NHS Smartcard and passcode; it is your responsibility to obtain this and a log-in before working
your first shift, (even for locum staff!).
For clinicians, most of the time, you will access clinical systems via the OUH Citrix workspace virtual desktop,
using your NHS smartcard to activate the proximity sensor attached to the PC, by gently tapping it with your
card. This takes you to a desktop from where you can launch EPR simply by entering your passcode. You can
secure your session by tapping the sensor again, and this allows you to retrieve your session at any other
machine running Workspace (with a proximity sensor attached). After a pre--‐determined time should you not
return to your session the EPR will time--‐out, and you will have to launch it again when you re--‐connect to your
• Always secure your session before leaving the PC.
• Never share your card or passcode – you would be in breach of the Data Protection Act.
Launching Millennium
• To launch Millennium, click on the TRUE icon in the task bar or double--‐click the icon on the desktop: Either
will open the browser page:
• After single--‐clicking the Power Chart icon (the middle one of the Applications) the login window
• Your Smartcard number is entered automatically by the single sign--‐on system – then enter your Millennium
passcode (this can be set--‐up to be the same as your Smartcard passcode – a minimum of 4 digits like a
bank PIN), and press enter key or click OK
• You can endorse results even if you have not requested them; you are part of a team and can sign
results if you are tasked to check them.
• Endorsement ensures you have signed and if necessary, actioned a result.
• This is all about Patient Safety
• It is Trust Policy that ALL results must be endorsed.
• NB Results for FBC and Coagulation Screens will be released prior to final authorisation and
may be subject to change
Please remember: the Haematology laboratory does not manage EPR and is not responsible for training or the
repair of equipment associated with EPR. Assistance with EPR should be directed towards OUH trust IM&T
services on ext 22822.
Oxfordshire ICB GP Practices
Results are transmitted to relevant Practice IT systems after the result is authorised. Results are transmitted at
04:40, 07:50, 10:50, 12:50, 13:50, 14:50, 16:50, 17:50, 19:50 and 22:50 and would be available for collection
by the practice IT after that time.
If there are any problems in receipt of results, please contact the Directorate IT team on (01865 2) 20463.
Contact Details: Kevin.paddon@nhs.net
National Pathology Exchange, The National Exchange for the UK NHS. The OUH is registered and has been
since 2015. We are receiving requests and samples and sending reports to a variety of users by this route, to
use this route please contact Mr Kevin Paddon, kevin.paddon@ouh.nhs.uk initially.
Retrospective Testing
In accordance with local policies, the department stores specimens for a period of time post analysis in
conditions suitable for retrospective or additional test requests. With certain analysis there is a time limit outside
of which the stored sample is likely to unsuitable for processing. The following table will give information on such
time limits for commonly encountered tests. For any tests that are not on this list, please contact the department
for advice. Outside of the times stated on this list new samples will be required.
FBC All sites Samples are suitable for processing up to 48 hours from
collection. Samples however are retained by the
department for 24 hours post analysis, so may not be
available for use
Plasma Viscosity JR site Samples if available are suitable for testing up to 7 days
post collection, however samples are only stored for a
minimum time period so may not be available for use
Glandular Fever Screen Horton and JR Serum samples, if available, are suitable for testing up to
sites 72 hours post collection.
G6PD assay Horton site EDTA samples if available are suitable for testing up to 5
days post collection.
Malaria RDT screen Horton and JR Samples are suitable for testing up to 48 hours post
(usually performed with sites collection, on a suitable EDTA sample
blood films)
Blood Films / Malaria Film Horton and JR Samples are suitable for testing up to 24 hours post
sites collection, on a suitable EDTA sample
Sickle Test Horton and JR Samples if available are suitable for testing up to 4 days
sites post collection.
Haemoglobinopathy Screen JR & Churchill Samples if available are suitable for testing up to 4 days
site post collection.
PT / INR All sites, Samples are suitable for testing up to 24 hours post
APTT All sites, Samples are suitable for testing up to 8 hours post
Thrombin Time All sites Samples are suitable for testing up to 8 hours post
Fibrinogen All sites Samples are suitable for testing up to 8 hours post
D-Dimers All sites Samples are suitable for testing up to 24 hours post
Factor Assays OHTC sites Samples are suitable for testing up to 8 hours post
collection, however fresh samples (<4 hours old) are
strongly recommended
Platelet function testing OHTC site Unspun citrate samples required, these must be fresh
(<4 hours old max, ideally < 2), older samples cannot be
tested. Contact the OHTC before collecting samples.
Haematinic Assays Horton and JR Samples if available are suitable for testing up to 72
(including Red Cell Folates) sites hours post collection.
DAT Horton and JR Samples if available are suitable for testing up to 72 hours
sites post collection.
Molecular processes JR2 Samples are suitable for testing up to 72 hours post
involving RNA testing collection, on a suitable EDTA sample
Molecular processes JR2 Samples if available are suitable for testing for an
involving DNA testing unlimited period post collection, however samples are
only stored for a minimum time period
Sample Analysis Turnaround times
This document provides information on turnaround times for commonly encountered assays offered by the
department. During routine processing, the department will endeavour to process samples to within these stated
time limits. In situation of reduced staffing or unexpected analyser failure, processing times may be longer. The
times stated are in-laboratory turnaround times and do not take any account of delivery of sample to department
or delivery of report to final location. For any process not covered and for samples stated as urgent, we will
attempt to process them as rapidly as practical, within operational constraints.
ESR 4 hours
Thrombophilia 3 weeks
Urgent 1 hour 2
2Turnaround times are only achievable on patients with no special transfusion requirements and a negative
antibody screen.
3This excludes any samples that require further investigations
4 Depending on the complexity of the investigation
5 Locally agreed in laboratory TAT with ED (January 2010)
6 as this is a sendaway test, extra time may be needed to cover postal services and weekends.
Key Factors known to affect result quality
Although all analytical methods used by the department are appropriately controlled by internal and external
quality assurance methods, there are some factors that can affect the specific analytical methods. This
document will cover the factors affecting the most common tests; information on other tests is available from
the relevant sections on request.
• Correct sample collection, storage, and transport to the laboratory: can minimize sample degradation pre
analysis. For any analysis that requires whole (EDTA) blood, samples which contain clots are unlikely to be
suitable for processing.
• Correct sample volume:
o for certain tests (e.g., Coagulation screens) this is essential as the tubes contain a liquid
o For other tests, there will be a minimum amount of sample required for correct analysis. Samples
that do not contain this will not be processed.
o Other samples such as for ESR have significant volume requirements, so sending partially filled
bottles may result in the laboratory being unable to process.
• Sample age: in general samples should be transported without delay to the laboratory post collection.
However, with some tests the delay is more critical than with others. Please refer to the retrospective testing
table for information on this.
• Haemoglobin: this test includes a spectrophotometric process, so excessive jaundice and lipaemia may
affect the result. This can be detected in the laboratory and corrected for before releasing results.
• Platelet clumping: this is a non-specific immunological process that can lead to a falsely low platelet count.
The current analysers used in the department check for this and the laboratory will amend results
• Clotting tests: may be affected by the presence of anticoagulants; however, this affect will depend on the
specific test and the specific anticoagulant. More information is available from the OHTC on ext 25311
• Certain clotting tests include a spectrophotometric end point detection process. Therefore, as with
Haemoglobin, the laboratory may not be able to process any samples that are excessively haemolysed or
• Certain clotting tests (especially platelet function analysis) cannot be transported to the department using
the trust air tube system. In addition, these samples need to be as fresh as possible (less than 4 hours from
collection), so please contact the OHTC on ext. 25311 before samples are taken.
• Haemoglobinopathy screens:
o Results will be affected by the patient receiving recent blood transfusions or Bone marrow
transplant. This should be discussed with the section before sending the sample as it may be
prudent to defer testing for a period of time.
o HbA2 levels: can be lowered in severe iron deficiency, clinical advice should be sought before
• Sickle Screening:
o Results obtained from neonates (< 6 months old) may be unreliable because of the low percentage
of HbS and the high percentage of HbF.
o Abnormally high levels of plasma protein (e.g., Myeloma) may cause false positive results.
o The kit may not reliably produce a positive result in patients who have an HbS level of less than
o Samples that have Hb less than 60 g/l are deemed grossly anaemic, and the sickle screen results
may be affected due to the larger plasma: red cell ratio.
• Glandular Fever (infectious mononucleosis screen):
o False positive result may occur in serum samples from patients with a recent infection of
cytomegalovirus, leptospirosis, hepatitis A and parvovirus.
o Some patients do not develop heterophile antibodies (<20% adults and 50% children), so will
consistently produce a false negative result
• Malaria RDT test
o This is a screening test, as such it may not detect all very early parasite infections, so a negative
result does not exclude Malaria in the presence of relevant clinical symptoms and patient history.
o Currently no Malaria RDT test can consistently identify all cases of P.Knowlesi in isolation.
• G6PD assay
o This assay may be affected by a high reticulocyte count, as reticulocytes contain a high level of
G6PD. It is recommended that G6PD assays are not performed if the patient is undergoing acute
o The gene for G6PD is on the X chromosome, female carriers should demonstrate approximately
50% normal red cell G6PD activity, however due to mosaicism, activity will vary depending on the
population of red cells expressing the gene (lyonization), as such this assay cannot be used to
determine heterozygous state in females
• Molecular testing for somatic mutations will be affected by undeclared bone marrow transplants; clinical
advice should be sought before testing.
• Molecular testing for somatic BRAF mutations may be affected by the presence of endogenous melanin in
FFPE samples and lead to an invalid test result.
• Blood transfusion samples: results obtained from these samples may be affected if the patient has recently
received a blood transfusion or bone marrow transplant. Because of this, it is very important to ensure that
the blood bank is aware of this information.
Blood Transfusion
When trained and deemed competent, doctors, nurses, phlebotomists and medical students may take blood
specimens for grouping and crossmatching. Staff who are untrained are not permitted to take blood samples for
Particular attention must be paid to positive identification of the patient based on interrogation of the
patient where possible, a wristband and the patient's hospital notes.
As a further safeguard, in addition to patient's name and other relevant information on the specimen and request
card, BloodTrack Tx system must be used. This is an electronic system for which ensures that the patient
sample is labelled correctly. It uses bar-coded wristbands in combination with a handheld computer to ensure
positive patient identification and produce an on demand printed patient identification label. These labels are
suitable for labelling a blood transfusion sample (NOTE: an addressograph label is not suitable). The laboratory
will not proceed with any incorrectly or inadequately labelled specimens.
There is an expectation that samples will be accompanied by an electronic EPR request. Only in
exceptional circumstances will samples be accepted with a completed signed request card.
Please note that a routine group and crossmatch will take a minimum of 3 hours. For planned transfusions
including pre-planned surgical procedures, the specimen should arrive at the laboratory a full working day
before the blood is required. Routine specimens received in the laboratory after 20:00 hours may not be
processed until the following day in this case blood will be available by 10:00 if no atypical antibodies
are present.
There is an expectation that clinical staff will be aware of how to activate the protocol and where a copy can be
Activation is by calling switchboard on 4444 – use the term activate the Major Haemorrhage Protocol and clearly
state your site and location.
These are available on a named patient basis from the laboratory upon discussion with the staff on duty.
• FFP and Cryoprecipitate should only be ordered if it is to be used immediately.
• The department will not thaw out FFP and Cryoprecipitate on a “standby basis”, although FFP may be
available already thawed from within the laboratory.
Group and Save (Full, 4.5 ml EDTA) 2 x EDTA if patient known to have antibodies.
Crossmatch Request (Full, 4.5 ml EDTA) 2 x EDTA if patient known to have antibodies
Antenatal Serology: Full, 4.5 ml EDTA on mother. Other samples may need to be sent
if haematology and haemoglobinopathy screening is required.
Cold Agglutinins (Clot delivered to laboratory at 37°C in thermos flask, discuss the test
with laboratory staff prior to collecting a sample)
Please note
• Ranges for patients below the age of 13 are available on request from the quality manager
(Andrew.platt@ouh.nhs.uk) or 01865 857663.
• There are no formal ranges available for the ESR test for patients <17 years, if needed clinical advice on
the interpretation of results is available from HaematologyRegistrarEnquiries@nhs.net .
Due to ethical issues surrounding generation of internal ranges, reference ranges for children are derived from
published sources
Duty Registrar outside of core hours ask Switchboard to bleep duty JRH Switch 0300 3047777
Haematology Registrar.
** These contacts should be used if there is a non-routine issue with a specific department otherwise, please
use the general enquiries number or email address.
Appendix III, Examples of Haematology Request forms
Please note it is expected that the majority of requests made to the department will be made
on either Cerner EPR (inpatients / outpatients) or via Sunquest ICE (GP). If available in your
clinical areas the laboratory would urge you to use these systems instead of using paper
If using paper forms, please ensure that on each request form, the individual collecting
blood, signs the form.
Haematology / Biochemistry Joint Requesting form (in use from January 2007)
This form has replaced both JR and Horton Haematology & Biochemistry forms; this form is to be
used, only if EPR ordering is not available
1. Please fill in the patients’ full name & Date of Birth; insufficiently labelled samples or cards will
not be tested. If available, it is acceptable to use addressograph labels on request forms.
2. Please use either NHS or Hospital number on all requests; it enables the department to merge
results with previous records on the patient.
3. Clinical information is very important, especially for some Biochemistry requests. Please do
not leave this blank.
4. Please include a patient location on all request cards, it will enable the laboratory to telephone
the results if abnormal or if the sample is unsuitable for testing. For GP patients, please
remember to give the requesting GP’s name and location.
5. Please list the tests required, for Haematology & Biochemistry. For information on sample
requirements, please refer to section in laboratory handbook. Please ensure that you have
taken sufficient blood in suitable tubes for the required tests. If the sample is urgent, please
make this clear on the form.
6. Please fill in date and time of sample collection.
Blood Transfusion Form: This form is being used on all sites not using EPR ordering
1. Patient’s full name must be on the form and on the sample, not the one that the patient “likes to
be known by”. The correct hospital number or NHS number and date of birth must be on sample
and form. If they are missing or do not match, the sample will not be processed. The use of
addressograph labels on request forms (not samples) is encouraged.
2. If the SafeTx system is being used, there is no need to use the Red label system. Please ensure
that a SafeTx label is on the request card and sample. If using the Red Label system, the red label
must be on the form, sample, and patient’s wristband and in the patient’s notes. If the red label is
missing from any of these, new samples will necessary. Incorrectly labelled forms will not be
3. All forms must be signed, at least by the doctor requesting the transfusion: no signature, no
processing of sample. It is important that we can work out who you are, so please write clearly!
4. It is essential to the blood bank that this section is filled in as completely as possible. It is of
particular importance if the patient is thought to have red cell antibodies or has been transfused
in another hospital.
5. Finally, tell us what you want, when you want it and where you want it. If blood is truly required
urgently then telephone the department to let us know that the sample is coming.
As of January 2007, all antenatal (AN) samples will be processed on the JR site, please use this
form for such samples
1. Please ensure that you put the following information as a minimum on the form in this section:
a. NHS number (Hospital number is acceptable)
b. Full patient name.
c. Date of birth
2. Please enter the applicable ethnic code.
3. Please ensure that the following information is included on this form:
a. Midwife location code
b. GP name
c. GP location
d. Midwife name and contact details
e. Date (and time) sample taken
4. Please ensure that all the questions are answered in this section
5. Please send sufficient samples for the requested tests. Current departmental policy does not
allow samples to be shared for FBC and Blood grouping:
a. Blood Group & Antibody Screen – 1x EDTA
b. FBC / Sickle / Thalassaemia screen – 1 x EDTA
c. Please make sure that a family origins questionnaire is included with all requests
for Sickle or Thalassaemia screens.
6. If the sample is from a partner of an antenatal patient (AN), it is very important that the AN
patient details are completed in this section. The majority of partner sample request forms will
be labelled with a yellow sticker.
In addition to this information, please ensure that you read the back of the request form.
Please note: Family Origins questionnaire can be completed electronically via the ICE system
(request via Antenatal Haemoglobinopathy screen set) if this facility is available.
Molecular Haematology: a variety of specialist Request forms are downloadable from the
specialist website Oxford Molecular Diagnostics centre forms