5.17 Template ToR Audit
5.17 Template ToR Audit
5.17 Template ToR Audit
The following are the terms of reference (‘ToR’) on which DAHW agrees to engage the Auditor
to perform a financial and internal control systems audit. In these ToR the following terms
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'Audit' or 'engagement' refers to this assurance engagement which is a financial and internal
control systems audit.
'Project' refers to the project(s) subject to audit. Projects are DAHW Regional / Programme
offices and projects directly implemented by DAHW. The Project is (are) entitled '[title and
no. of the Project(s)]'.
'Financial Report' refers to the Financial Report of the Project prepared by the Entity. The
Financial Report presents the actual expenditure incurred and revenue received for the
Project for a specified period. This expenditure and revenue are the subject of this audit.
(cash based accounting principles).
'Internal Control Systems' refers to the design and efficiency of the Internal Control Systems
set up and operated by the Entity and which is the subject of this audit.
'Auditor' refers to the audit firm contracted for performing this audit and for submitting a
report to DAHW. 'Auditor' can refer to the person or persons conducting the audit. The
engagement partner is the partner or other person in the firm who is responsible for the
engagement and its performance, and for the report that is issued on behalf of the firm, and
who has the appropriate authority from a professional, legal or regulatory body.
'Entity' refers to the entity subject to audit. The entity subject to this audit is [full name and
address of the Entity]. It is the organisation responsible for implementing the Project, which
is using the funds for the Project and which is required to report on the Project and the use
of funds.
The audit must include the local and company currency (EURO). Winpaccs Accounting
features a moving average rate procedure. For further information see attached annex
“Average rate procedure”.
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to examine whether financial policy and procedures ensure smooth and efficient
implementation of activities and prevent fraud,
to evaluate the financial bookkeeping systems per project in terms of reliability,
comprehensibility and correctness of the accounting entries and the integrity of the
documentation (vouchers and supporting documentation) from Winpaccs Accounting and
Winpaccs Cost Control,
to examine whether asset management and procedures (local purchase, inventory, storage,
operational use, disposal) are in line with DAHW regulations to avoid misuse,
to examine whether for staff with local contract, the national labour law and tax regulations
have been observed.
<Option: additional specific objectives can be included where the Auditor is requested to
report on specific matters. If not this option should be removed.>
Code of Conduct
DAHW has formulated a Code of Conduct as a central guideline and reference to all staff and
officials to support them in their work and in their day-to-day decision making process.
We refrain not only from corruption but also clearly from sexual abuse of any person. We
therefore take protective measures.
to examine whether all staff received and signed our Code of Conduct and know where any
cases of abuse shall be reported to. (Documents “Code of Conduct” and “Internal
Complaints Management Mechanism”)
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4. Requirements for the Auditor
By agreeing to these ToR the Auditor confirms that he/she meets at least one of the following
The Auditor and/or the firm is a member of a national accounting or auditing body or
institution which in turn is member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
The Auditor and/or the firm is a member of a national accounting or auditing body or
institution. Although this organisation is not member of the IFAC, the Auditor commits
him/herself to undertake this engagement in accordance with the IFAC standards and
ethics set out in these ToR.
The Auditor and/or the firm is registered as a statutory auditor in the public register of a
public oversight body and this register is subject to principles of public oversight as set out
in the legislation of the country concerned.
The Auditor will employ staff with appropriate professional qualifications and suitable
experience with IFAC standards, in particular International Standards on Auditing and with
experience in auditing financial information of entities comparable in size and complexity to the
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6. Audit Procedures
The Auditor should exercise due professional care and judgement and determine the nature,
timing and extent of audit procedures to fit the objectives, scope and context of the audit. The
Auditor should in accordance with ISAs, prepare audit documentation and obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence to support audit findings and to draw reasonable conclusions on
which to base the audit opinion. The Auditor uses professional judgement to determine
whether audit evidence is sufficient and appropriate.
The Auditor’s procedures should include:
Obtaining an understanding of the engagement context.
The Auditor should obtain a sufficient understanding of the engagement context
including the Project, the Entity and the DAHW regulations which apply to the Project.
The Auditor should identify controls which are relevant and appropriate to the Entity.
The audit should cover an examination of the Entity's control environment and more
specifically of:
Documentation, filing and record keeping for expenditure and income.
Asset management (including procurement process and procedures). This concerns
management and control of Project fixed assets (such as vehicles, equipment etc.).
Cash and bank management (treasury).
Accounting and financial reporting (including underlying transaction processing systems
and financial ledgers). Project accounting is done with Winpaccs Accounting and
reporting with Winpaccs Cost control.
Computerised information systems (IT).
Budgetary and expenditure control.
Human resources, payroll processes and time management.
The understanding should be sufficient to identify and assess the
risks of material errors or misstatements in the expenditure and revenue stated in the
Financial Report, whether caused by error or fraud; and
the main risks to the achievement of the objectives of the Project including risks to the
Project funding provided not being used in conformity with the applicable conditions.
The Auditor should assess the main risks. This work involves an assessment of the risks that:
the Financial Report of the Project is not reliable i.e. that it does not present , in all
material respects, the actual expenditure incurred and the revenue received for the
the Project funds have not in all material respects, been used in conformity with
applicable contractual conditions;
fraud and irregularities can occur or have occurred which have an impact on Project
expenditure and income.
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The Auditor should assess whether the design of the Internal Control Systems sufficiently
mitigates those risks and whether it is operating effectively. A weakness or a deficiency in
controls exists where an internal control is designed, implemented or operated in such a way
that it is unable to prevent, or detect and correct errors, or where a necessary internal control is
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Implementation period
The Auditor verifies that the expenditure for a selected item was incurred during the
implementation period of the Action.
The Auditor verifies that the expenditure for a selected item was indicated in the budget.
The Auditor verifies whether it is plausible that the expenditure for a selected item was
necessary for the implementation of the Plan of Action.
The Auditor verifies that expenditure for a selected item is recorded in the Winpaccs
accounting system and was recorded in accordance with the applicable accounting
standards and the usual cost accounting practices (cash based accounting).
The Auditor verifies that expenditure for a selected item is substantiated by evidence
and notably the supporting documents.
The Auditor verifies that the monetary value of a selected expenditure item agrees with
underlying documents (e.g. invoices, salary statements) and that correct exchange
rates are used where applicable.
The Auditor examines the nature of the expenditure for a selected item and verifies that
the expenditure item has been classified under the correct (sub)heading of the Financial
Compliance with Procurement
Where applicable the Auditor examines which procurement rules apply for a certain
expenditure item. The Auditor verifies whether the expenditure was incurred in
accordance with DAHW Regulations by examining the underlying documents of the
procurement and purchase process. Where the Auditor finds issues of non-compliance
with procurement rules, he/she reports the nature of such events as well as their
financial impact in terms of ineligible expenditure.
The auditor verifies that the expenditure voucher or invoice is easily traceable through
regional / programme office stamp and a unique voucher number on the original
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9. Audit Reporting
<Option 1 (standard)> A specific and separate audit report should be issued for each
audited entity (Grant letter). <Remove if not applicable>.
<Option 2 (exceptional): this option can only be used if and when the audit covers a series of
grant letters which are implemented by the same entity and the results of the audit (findings
and opinion) can be aggregated in one audit report>. One audit report should be issued for the
following grant letters: <specify grant letters> <remove if not applicable>.
The report should be presented in [language]. [An executive summary of the audit report in
[English] should be provided along with the report.] <remove if not applicable>.
The completed form “Summary Findings” (see annex) shall be part of the management letter.
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Recommendations should be directed to a specific entity so there is no confusion regarding
who is responsible for implementation. The response of the entity should be included in the
management letter, immediately following the recommendation. Also, the auditor may wish to
comment on “good practices” (if any) that were developed by the entity.
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Summary of Findings
PROJECT [Name and No./Country]
General Information
Financial Findings
Financial findings
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Internal Control Findings
no number of
finding findings
N° internal control issue s (mark Observations, implications and recommendations
priority priority
with a
cross) 1* 2*
Asset management: procurement
process and procedures are observed
Asset management: assets are
2 labelled with identification numbers
and added to the asset register
Inventory is properly managed, use is
3 controlled. (Log books are kept for
Cash and bank management: there is
4 a separate cash book for each project;
cash transactions are recorded daily
Cash and bank management: all
payments are subject to a procedure
5 of authorisation (approval from an
appropriate official) which is always
Cash and bank management: bank
6 accounts signatories are according to
DAHW policy
Cash and bank management: Cash
7 book and bank accounts are
reconciled monthly
Accounting: all entries are subject to
an original voucher
Accounting: all entries are supported
by an adequate documentation
13 of 14
no number of
N° finding findings
internal control issue s (mark Observations, implications and recommendations
priority priority
with a 1* 2*
Accounting: all payment vouchers are
cancelled after payment
Accounting: accounting software is
properly handled by the accountant
Different personal is in charge of cash
and book keeping
Budgetary and expenditure control:
13 financial reports are established and
forwarded to HQ in time
Budgetary and expenditure control:
there is a regular budget control
Human resources: there is a valid
contract for all national staff
Human resources: national labour,
16 income tax and social security
regulations are observed
All staff are familiar with Code of
17 Conduct and Internal Complaint
Management Mechanism
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