Aerstab BWB
Aerstab BWB
Aerstab BWB
Email address: (S. Paudel), (S. Rana), (S. Ghimire), (K. K. Subedi), (S. Bhattrai)
Corresponding author
Received: May 17, 2016; Accepted: June 12, 2016; Published: June 23, 2016
Abstract: The main purpose of the paper is to study the aerodynamic and stability characteristics of a blended-wing-body
(BWB) aircraft. This paper presents the estimation and selection of aircraft design parameters, planform design, reflex airfoils,
and conduct thorough stability investigation of the aircraft. A conceptual design of BWB aircraft has been done and the design
was analyzed and refined to achieve static stability. The CFD analysis of the BWB aircraft was done at three different values of
angle-of-attack (AOA) and thus the stall AOA was determined from the computational results. The dynamic stability of the
aircraft has been studied under five modes namely- short period, phugoid, Dutch-roll, roll and spiral. The static stability has
been achieved with a wide positive value of static margin. Results also show that the aircraft is dynamically stable for
longitudinal and lateral modes when subjected to disturbances in respective conditions. The BWB aircraft fulfils the criteria of
Class I Category B aircraft and shows flight level 1 characteristics in all stability modes.
Keywords: Blended-Wing-Body Aircraft, Reflex Airfoils, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, Stability Modes
surfaces along-with the static and dynamic stability of the studied in this paper taken into consideration are wing
aircraft. loading, Take-off-weight and engine thrust (or engine
This paper aims to give the detail procedure of an aircraft power). Wing loading affects stall speed, climb rate, take-off
design, from initial parameter estimation to computational and landing distances, and turn performance [13]. The wing
analysis and its stability analysis. Many researches have been loading determines the design lift coefficient, and impacts
done in blended-wing-body as stated, especially in planform drag through its effect upon wetted area and wing span. The
shape optimization. This paper intends to provide the new aircraft weight and wing planform area is initially taken
researchers an entire basic procedure of an aircraft design intuitively, which is supposed to be changed to the actual
from parameter selection to computational analysis through required weight and size upon stability analysis further in
stability analysis. ANSYS ICEM CFD 14.5 is used for mesh this paper.
generation and ANSYS Fluent 14.5 is used for the simulation The weight of the aircraft is initially chosen to be 2.51 kg
during the entire phase of research. considering the weight of a model aircraft. The values from 4.83
kg/m2 to 8.78 kg/m2 is an acceptable range for the wing loading
2. Literature Review [14]. Using the wing loading of 5.4 kg/m2, the planform area of
the aircraft is calculated to be 0.4648 m2 using:
There have been significant developments in the field of
BWB research over time and it's still ongoing. Significant Planform area = Weight of the aircraft / Wing Loading (1)
researches have already been put by Aerospace researchers The necessary deflection of flaps upon stability analysis
and scientists. R. H Liebeck introduced the concept of slightly and changes the planform area of the aircraft, which
blending the wing, fuselage, and the engines into a single does not change the overall aircraft characteristics like lift
lifting surface. Liebeck’s design concept offered biggest and drag significantly.
improvement in aerodynamic efficiency as it reduced surface
area and thereby reducing skin friction drag. His design 2.2. Operational and Geometrical Parameters
shows that 33% reduction in surface is achievable,
representing a potential revolution in subsonic transport Out of the large number of reflex airfoils to compensate
efficiency. In his paper, BWB is considered to have an 800 for the lack of horizontal stabilizers, four airfoils namely
passenger capacity, cruising at Mach 0.85 and a 7000 nm MH45, MH62, SB97 and HS522 (mod14%) were analyzed
range [3]. In 2002, Qin presented the main aerodynamic in XFLR5 at Reynolds number 400000 and their polar
advantages of the new BWB design are its lower wetted area characteristics were compared with each other. 400,000
to volume ratio and lower interference drag as compared to Reynolds number was randomly selected to study and
the conventional aircraft. Indeed, an increase in lift to drag compare the aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils under
maximum of about 20% over the conventional design has consideration.
been estimated for the BWB [4]. In 2003, Roman studied Table 1. Characteristics of different airfoils.
aerodynamics of high subsonic BWB configurations,
concluded that Mach number 0.93 has penalty performance Airfoil Clmax αmax Cl/Cd)αmax Cdαmax Cmαmax
HS522 14% 1.35 140 42 0.032 0.019
relative to Mach number 0.85 [5]. Later in 2004, Qin again MH45 1.23 11.50 46.6 0.026 0.006
calculated the aerodynamic performance of BWB aircraft; MH62 1.15 10.50 42.5 0.027 0.001
they carried out 3-D aerodynamic surface optimization of SB97 1.27 120 36.2 0.035 -0.005
different BWB configurations and improved aerodynamic
performance at cruise condition [6]. Toshihiro Ikeda From the results that follow, MH62 was rejected early
designed a conceptual model of BWB, wingspan of 79.8 m, because of its low maximum lift coefficient and small
wetted aspect ratio 181 and wetted surface area 3524.85 m2, maximum angle of attack as compared to HS522-14% and
capable of carrying 555 passengers [7]. HAW students MH45, which can be seen from table 1. SB97 was then
conducted research study of AC 20.30 BWB aircraft whose rejected due to the low value of lift to drag ratio and high
geometry is based on VELA 2 [8]. In their research, MH45 drag coefficient near stall angle. Also, it has negative
airfoil was employed in wing profile whereas the body moment coefficient which is unfavorable considering the
profile was equipped with MH91 airfoil [9]. DLR-LY-BWB design of our aircraft. Due to fairly high lift to drag ratio near
configuration, whose mission requirements were a range of stall angle, high stall angle and fairly constant moment
7560 nm and 500 seat capacities, was designed by DLR that coefficient curve throughout the range of angle of attack, the
resulted from the studies presented in [10] and [11]. NASA other two airfoils were selected. Out of these two airfoils, the
successfully completed the flight of X-48C aircraft, a HS522 (mod 14%) was chosen to be used at the root section
modified version of X-48B, in 2013 to investigate and because of its thickness and MH45 towards the tip providing
validate the aerodynamic characteristics of the Blended Wing the aerodynamic twist. The airfoil coordinates are taken from
Body Aircraft design concept [12]. the Hartmut Siegmann airfoil database [15].
The primary design parameters for the BWB aircraft The initial planform is assumed to be trapezoidal in shape.
145 Sanjiv Paudel et al.: Aerodynamic and Stability Analysis of Blended Wing Body Aircraft
The two reflex airfoils MH45 and HS522 -14% are used
in the full body BWB. The analysis of the airfoils are done
at two AOA, 30 and 70. 30 being the default AOA of the
aircraft and 70 AOA, which is the angle at which the
aircraft attains its maximum lift to drag ratio. At 30 and 70,
the 2D airfoil analysis is carried out to visualize airfoil
characteristics like pressure distribution, velocity
distribution, lift force, and drag force. The computation
Figure 1. BWB aircraft model geometry. domain consists of a 10m by 10m control volume, with an
airfoil with 760mm chord. The pressure contours for both
2.6. Numerical Methods the airfoils at default AOA 30 are shown in Figure 2 and 3
respectively and the corresponding values of lift and drag at
For the modeling of the 3-D incompressible flow, the 30 and 70 are listed in Table 4.
solvers resolved the mass and momentum conservation
equations. The mass, or continuity equation can be written
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications 2016; 4(4): 143-151 146
Figure 6. Pressure contour of BWB in lower (left) and upper (right) region
at 70 AOA.
3. Stability Analysis of the BWB Aircraft based on the required mitigation of disturbances. The sizing
of the control surfaces are obtained iteratively to balance the
3.1. Sizing of Control Surfaces input disturbance parameters within acceptable damping
The three primary control surfaces in the aircraft namely- time. Table 6 lists the sizing and characteristics of the control
flaps, rudders and elevons as shown in Figure 7, are chosen surfaces.
Table 6. Size of different control surfaces and their respective locations.
Control Surfaces C1 (m) C2 (m) Span (m) Surface area (m2) Airfoil
After the mass components like ducted fan motor, Longitudinal and lateral stability of the aircraft have been
electronic speed controller (ESC), battery, etc. were provided studied. For longitudinal motion, dynamic stability has been
at their estimated positions, the computed position of the C. studied under two modes namely: short period and Phugoid
G. was found to lie at 421.225 mm and the neutral point of mode whereas, for lateral motion, dynamic stability has been
the aircraft was found to be at 495.96 mm. studied under three modes namely: Dutch-roll, roll and spiral.
With mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) of 415.671mm, the
static margin is obtained as below:
X np -Xcg 495.96 − 421.225
S.M= = = 18% (6)
MAC 415.671
λ1 = −8.7623 + 15.3862i
λ2 = −8.7623 − 15.3862i
λ3 = −0.0733 + 1.1807i
Figure 12. Lateral time response for initial disturbance of 1°s-1 in roll rate. λ4 = −0.0733 − 1.1807i
λI − A of the aircraft, there are three main stability modes. They are
roll mode, Dutch-roll mode and spiral mode. Those
Where, I is the identity matrix. eigenvalues correspond to respective lateral modes. The
eigenvalues obtained from the lateral state matrix from
3.4.1. Short Period Mode calculation are as follows:
This mode consists of a symmetric disturbance caused due
to sudden up-gust or step elevator which changes the angle λ1 = −1.6103 + 14.8033i
of incidence and results in rapid pitching of the aircraft about λ2 = −1.6103 − 14.8033i
the center of gravity. Conjugate eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 (9)
λ3 = −74.8026
belong to the Short Period mode. Since the real parts of the
λ4 = −0.0059
Short Period mode eigenvalues λ 1 and λ2 are negative, it
can be predicted that the plane is inherently stable in Short The lateral state matrix consists of lateral stability
Period mode. The Short Period poles are underdamped with derivatives. After the computation of lateral stability
a natural frequency ω n of 17.7016 rads-1 and a damping
derivatives, the lateral state matrix A is obtained as below:
ratio ζ s of 0.495. The positive damping ratio indicates that
the aircraft is able to damp out the short period mode by
itself, bringing it back to a stable longitudinal position. (10)
Figure 9 represents the time response for the short period
mode. It can be observed that the short period mode shows a
rapidly under-damped response as evidenced by a small time
period of 0.4084 secs. The time taken to halve amplitude of Similar to that of longitudinal motion, a characteristic
the disturbances is 0.08 secs. The forward speed u, equation is obtained, from which the eigenvalues for lateral
downward velocity w, pitch rate q and pitch angle are motion are determined as below:
analyzed to observe their time response in this mode. It is
seen that all the four parameters i.e. forward speed, λI − A
downward velocity, pitch rate and pitch angle rapidly recover
to equilibrium. Where, I is the identity matrix.
response to an initial disturbance of 1°s-1 in yaw rate. It is which results in level 1 value as the minimum requirement
seen that the disturbance in side-slip velocity, roll rate and of damping ratio ζ D is 0.08 for the level 1 definition of the
yaw rate vanished in about 5 secs, except bank angle, flight qualities [16]. The product of the Dutch-roll natural
which gradually decayed to zero.
frequency and damping ratio gives the value of ωnD ζ D =
3.5.2. Roll Mode 1.6103 rads-1, which also provides the level 1 value as the
Roll mode consists of the rolling motions of the aircraft. minimum required value is 0.08 rads-1 for level 1
The eigenvalue λ 3 is associated with the roll mode, which is definition. Hence, the flight quality for the whole Dutch-
highly convergent and damped. Since the eigenvalue is roll mode is level 1. For spiral mode, the time to half
negative, it implies that the aircraft is stable for the roll amplitude is approximately 120 s. In other words, the time
mode. The roll damping time TξRoll , obtained from the to double amplitude is 30 s, which exceeds the minimum
time required to double amplitude for level 1 definition
eigenvalue is 0.0134 secs. This value indicates that the [16]. So the aircraft depicts level 1 flying qualities for the
aircraft is very stable for the roll mode and is able to damp it spiral mode.
out itself. Figure 14 shows the plots of time response for roll
mode. It is observed that the side-slip velocity, roll rate, yaw
rate and bank angle recover rapidly to equilibrium. 4. Conclusion
3.5.3. Spiral Mode A complete CFD analysis of the BWB aircraft was done at
The last eigenvalue λ 4 represents the spiral mode, which 30 and 70 AOA. Results showed a greater amount of lift to
can be either convergent or divergent. The negative drag ratio at 70 AOA and thus the stall AOA was determined.
eigenvalue signifies that the aircraft is stable for the spiral The stability investigation of the BWB shows that the
mode and is convergent in nature. The time to damp to half aircraft is statically stable with a positive static margin of
amplitude T1/ 2 is 118 secs. This value indicates that the
18%. For longitudinal motion of the BWB, the aircraft is
degree of stability in spiral mode is low, so it requires special dynamically stable in all two modes namely- short period
attention. Figure 15 shows the time response for spiral mode. and phugoid with all the eigenvalues of the coefficient
It is seen that the side-slip velocity, roll rate, yaw rate and matrix having negative values for real parts. The BWB
bank angle recover very slowly to equilibrium. belongs to Category B Class I aircraft. The flight quality of
the BWB is a function of damping ratio of the aircraft. The
3.6. Flight Quality of the BWB Aircraft computed values of damping ratio for short period and
phugoid mode shows a flight level 1 characteristics. For
The flight quality represents the degree of stability and
lateral motion of the BWB, the aircraft is also dynamically
control that is required for the pilot to keep the aircraft
stable in all three modes since all the eigenvalues of the
flyable and safe. Such flight qualities are based on the pilot's
coefficient matrix for lateral motion have negative values for
opinion of the flying characteristics of the aircraft, and is
real parts. As for the flight quality in lateral motion, the
represented by empirical numeric values for classification.
aircraft shows flight level 1 characteristics in all three modes
3.7. Flight Quality for the Longitudinal Motion namely-Dutch-roll, Roll and Spiral. Overall, the BWB
aircraft is a Category B Class I aircraft with level 1 flight
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