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The crystal structure and chemistry of mereheadite

Article  in  Mineralogical Magazine · January 2009

DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2009.073.1.75


11 72

5 authors, including:

Sergey V Krivovichev R.W. Turner

Saint Petersburg State University Imbuia Holdings


Michael Rumsey Oleg I Siidra

Natural History Museum, London Saint Petersburg State University


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Mineralogical Magazine, February 2009, Vol. 73(1), pp. 75–89

The crystal structure and chemistry of mereheadite

Department of Crystallography, Geological faculty, Saint-Petersburg State University, University Emb. 7/9,
St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia
Institute of Silicate Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, nab. Makarova 6, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia
The Drey, Allington Track, Allington, Salisbury SP4 0DD, UK
Department of Mineralogy, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK
Department of Chemistry, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK
[Received 11 December 2008; Accepted 25 March 2009]


The crystal structure of mereheadite (monoclinic, Cm, a = 17.372(1), b = 27.9419(19), c = 10.6661(6) Å,
b = 93.152(5)o, V = 5169.6(5) Å3) has been solved by direct methods and refined to R1 = 0.058 for 6279
unique observed reflections. The structure consists of alternating PbO/OH blocks and PbCl sheets
oriented parallel to the (201) plane and belongs to the 1:1 type of lead oxide halides with PbO blocks. It
contains 30 symmetrically independent Pb positions, 28 of which belong to the PbO blocks, whilst two
positions (Pb12 and Pb16) are located within the tetragonal sheets of the Cl anions. Mereheadite is thus
the first naturally occurring lead oxychloride mineral with inter-layer Pb ions. The coordination
configurations of the Pb atoms of the PbO blocks are distorted versions of the square antiprism. In one
half of the coordination hemisphere, they are coordinated by hard O2 and OH anions whose number
varies from three to four, where as the other coordination hemisphere invariably consists of four soft Cl
anions located at the vertices of a distorted square. The Pb12 and Pb16 atoms in between the PbO blocks
have an almost planar square coordination of four Cl anions. These PbCl4 squares are complemented by
triangular TO3 groups (T = B, C) so that a sevenfold coordination is achieved. The PbO/OH block in
mereheadite can be obtained from the ideal PbO block by the following list of procedures: (a) removal of
some PbO4 groups that results in formation of square-shaped vacancies; (b) insertion of TO3 groups into
these vacancies; (c) removal of some Pb atoms (that correspond to the Pb1A and Pb2A sites), thus
transforming coordination of associated O sites from tetrahedral OPb4 to triangular OHPb3;
(d) replacement of two O2 anions by one OH anion with twofold coordination; this results in
formation of the 162 elongated rectangular vacancy. The structural formula that can be derived on the
basis of the results of single-crystal structure determination is Pb47O24(OH)13Cl25(BO3)2(CO3). Welch et
al. (1998) proposed the formula Pb2O(OH)Cl for mereheadite, which assumes that neither borate or
carbonate are essential constituents of mereheadite and their presence in the mineral is due to disordered
replacements of Cl anions. However, our study demonstrates that this is not the case, as BO3 and CO3
groups have well-defined structural positions confined in the vacancies of the PbO/OH blocks and are
therefore essential constituents. Our results also show that mereheadite is not a polymorph of blixite, but
is in fact related to symesite. Symesite thus becomes the baseline member of a group of structurally
related minerals.

K EY WORDS : mereheadite; crystal structure; lead oxychlorides; borate; carbonate; Merehead, Mendips,

MINERALS and inorganic compounds with PbO-
derivative blocks are important phases that occur
* E-mail: skrivovi@mail.ru under a variety of natural and technological
DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2009.073.1.75 conditions. They are found as secondary minerals

# 2009 The Mineralogical Society


in the oxidation zones of mineral deposits, the engines and are considered to be responsible for
species including: kombatite Pb14(VO4)2O9Cl4 engine failure (Noren et al., 2002).
(Cooper and Hawthorne, 1994), sahlinite Lead oxychlorides with layered PbO-derived
Pb 14 (AsO 4 ) 2 O 9 Cl 4 (Bonaccorsi and Pasero, blocks were first described as synthetic
2003), asisite Pb7SiO8Cl2 (Rouse et al. 1988; compounds by Aurivillius (1982, 1983).
Welch, 2004), pinalite Pb3WO5Cl2 (Grice and Structural investigations revealed that these
Dunn, 2000), parkinsonite Pb7MoO9Cl2 (Symes et phases consist of PbO-like blocks alternating
al. 1994; Welch et al 1996), mendipite Pb3O2Cl2 with sheets of halide ions, X (Fig. 1). In the
(Spencer and Mountain, 1923), damaraite PbO-related Aurivillius phases, the stacking
Pb3O2Cl(OH) Criddle et al., (1990), sidpietersite sequence of sheets is: _XPbOPbOXPbOPbO_,
Pb4(SO3S)O2(OH)2 (Cooper and Hawthorne, i.e. the (PbO):X ratio is 2:1. The 2:1 structure has
1999), symesite Pb10(SO4)O7Cl4(H2O) (Welch et also been observed in minerals such as asisite
al., 2000), blixite Pb8O5(OH)4Cl2 (Gabrielson et (Rouse et al., 1988) and parkinsonite (Symes et
al. 1960), schwartzembergite Pb 5 IO 6 H 2 Cl 3 al., 1994). Another possible stacking sequence is
(Welch et al., 2001) and seeligerite Pb3IO4Cl3 1:1 (_ XPbOXPbOX_) with simple alternation
(Bindi et al., 2008). Several of these minerals are of the PbO blocks and X sheets, which has been
known to occur with mereheadite (kombatite, found in kombatite, sahlinite, symesite, schwart-
parkinsonite, mendipite, and symesite). zembergite, and blixite.
The phases Pb4O2(OH)2(SO4) and Pb5O4(SO4) In an ideal 1:1 structure, Pb atoms are
form during production of lead-acid batteries coordinated by four O atoms in one coordination
(Steele et al., 1997; Steele and Pluth, 1998). hemisphere and four X atoms in another. The
Post and Buseck (1985) identified mendipite- PbO 4 X 4 polyhedron is a square antiprism
related compounds Pb3O2X2 (X = Br, Cl) in (Fig. 2a). The X atoms have a cubic coordination
automobile exhaust gases. The latter phases have (Fig. 2b), whereas O atoms have fourfold
also been found on the pistons of failed aircraft coordination, thus being central in the oxocentred

FIG. 1. The schematic illustration of structural architecture of 2:1 lead oxyhalides containing PbO blocks and
tetragonal X sheets of halide ions (X = Cl, Br, I). See text for details.


FIG. 2. Coordination of Pb (a), X (b) and (c) O atoms in the structure of an ideal 1:1 lead oxyhalide with PbO blocks.

OPb4 tetrahedra (Fig. 2c). These tetrahedra are bonds in the X sheet, thus adopting square-planar
important structural units in a number of lead coordination. This structural mechanism was first
oxysalts (Siidra et al., 2008a) and particularly in reported by Krivovichev et al. (2006) for the
n a t u r a l an d sy n t h e t i c le a d o x y h a l i d e s synthetic compound Pb31O22Br10Cl8. As we
(Krivovichev and Burns, 2001, 2002; Siidra and demonstrate in this paper, this structural feature
Krivovichev, 2008; Siidra et al., 2008b). also occurs in mereheadite, which is the first lead
Since PbO blocks are electroneutral and X oxychloride mineral containing inter-layer Pb
sheets are negatively charged, the structure ions. Note that the insertion of the Pb atom into
requires a charge-balance mechanism to compen- the X sheet is associated with formation of the
sate for the negative charge of the X sheets. This square-shaped vacancy in the PbO blocks above
may be achieved in three different ways: and below the inserted Pb atom.
1) Substitution of PbOn groups in the PbO The aim of this paper is to report the structure
blocks by strongly-bonded MOm polyhedra, of mereheadite, which is shown to be another Pb
where M = S (symesite), Mo (parkinsonite), V oxychloride based upon PbO blocks, and the
(kombatite), As (sahlinite), I (schwartzembergite) chemical formula resulting from this structure.
or Si (asisite) (Fig. 3a). The substitution may be Mereheadite was first described by Welch et al.
either ordered (symesite, kombatite and sahlinite) (1998) as a new mineral from Merehead Quarry,
or averaged (parkinsonite, asisite and all synthetic near Cranmore, Somerset, England, that was
phases reported by Aurivillius (1982, 1983)). In formed as a result of the interaction of brines
ordered structures, vacancies in the PbO blocks with primary sulphides (Symes and Embrey,
(Fig. 3b) have the form of a square (symesite: 1977). Turner (2006) showed that the formation
Fig. 3c), or a double square (kombatite and mechanism was more complex, involving the co-
sahlinite: Fig. 3d). In the case of average precipitation of manganates from seawater and a
structures determined by X-ray diffraction, super- subsequent hydrothermal event which heated the
structures have been observed by electron deposits to over 500ºC, forming sealed, internally-
diffraction (Welch et al., 1996, 2001; Welch, buffered chemical micro-environments and initi-
2004), indicating that the substituent cation is ating a complicated sequence of secondary
highly ordered within the PbO sheet. Hence, all mineralization within them. Mereheadite and
PbO-based lead-oxychloride sheet minerals have other oxychlorides are formed during the final
ordered superstructures (Welch et al., 1996, 2001; stages of secondary mineralization.
Welch, 2004). The empirical formula of mereheadite was
2) By O2 $ OH substitution in the PbO given by Welch et al. (1998) as
blocks. This mechanism is realised in the structure Pb8O4.19(BO3)0.51(CO3)0.62(OH)0.76Cl4.09 and the
of blixite, Pb8O5(OH)2Cl4 (Krivovichev and ideal formula as Pb2O(OH)Cl. The mineral was
Burns, 2006), where three O2 anions are described as monoclinic, C2/c, a = 5.680(2) Å,
replaced by two OH anions. The vacancies in b = 5.565(3) Å, c = 13.143(9) Å, b = 90.64(4)º
the PbO block have the form of an elongated and V = 415.4(8) Å3. Welch et al. (1998) also
rectangle (Fig. 3e). noted that the structure of the mineral had been
3) Insertion of Pb atoms into the X sheet. determined and that it contained PbO blocks
Fig. 3f shows that the Pb atom can be inserted which alternate along the c axis with layers of
into the centre of a square formed by four X Cl anions. Although in this structural model
atoms. In this case, the Pb atom forms four PbX there are no positions for (BO3) and (CO3) groups,


FIG. 3. Formation of vacancies in the PbO block due to removal of Pb and O atoms (a); the PbO block shown as an
array of oxocentered OPb4 tetrahedra (b); defect PbO blocks in the structures of symesite (c); kombatite (d); blixite
(e); insertion of additional Pb atoms in the X layer of halide ions (f).

it was suggested that they replace chlorine in It seems likely that the sample of mereheadite
between the PbO blocks, as in bismutite, used by Welch et al. (1998) for their single-
Bi 2 O 2 (CO 3 ) and beyerite, CaBi 2 O 2 (CO 3 ) 2 crystal structure study was impure, as mereheadite
(Lagercrantz and Sillén, 1948; Grice, 2002). The usually occurs intimately intergrown with a
role of the OH groups was also unclear. Thus, number of other species, including cerussite and
the structure model of mereheadite at that time mendipite. However, in July 2005 the second
represented an average substructure, implying author recovered a number of specimens from a
disordered arrangements of borate, carbonate manganese pod at Merehead Quarry which
and hydroxyl groups. contained distinct crystals of mereheadite of


better quality, and these were used for the al. (1998) studied a crystal of mereheadite
determination of superstructure reported here. twinned along the (201) plane of the real cell,
which is the (001) plane of the subcell.
Overlapping of the diffraction patterns resulting
Experimental procedures from two twin components may lead to the
Structural studies of layered Pb oxyhalides are incorrect determination of the c’ parameter and
challenging due to a number of factors, including the b’ angle. In fact, in one of the crystals studied,
X-ray absorption by Pb2+ cations with diffuse we observed this well defined twinning along the
electron shells, strong pseudosymmetries, poorly (201) plane with the ratio of twin components
defined weak superstructure reflections and equal to 1:1.
twinning problems (Welch et al., 1996, 2001; The measured intensity data were integrated
Krivovichev and Burns, 2006). Thus, the choice and corrected for Lorentz, polarization, and
of crystal for an XRD study is critically background effects using the Stoe program
important. In this work, we have used three X-Area. Systematic absences of reflections
crystals of mereheadite extracted from the indicated space groups C2/m, C2, or Cm, with
material collected in 2005. The results reported the latter being confirmed by the structure
below have been obtained from the best of the determination. Absorption correction was done
three samples. It was mounted on a Stoe IPDS II analytically, taking into account the shape of the
Image-Plate based X-ray diffractometer operated crystal studied. Significant problems occurred
at 50 kV and 40 mA. More than a hemisphere of during structure determination due to poorly-
three-dimensional data was collected using defined superstructure reflections that appeared in
monochromatic Mo-Ka X-radiation, with frame high-angle areas of diffraction space. In parti-
widths of 2º in o, and with a 300 s count for each cular, the positions of light atoms, such as B and
frame. The unit-cell parameters (Table 1) were C, could not be directly determined due to the
refined using least-squares techniques and are in presence of Pb atoms which dominate the X-ray
disagreement with the subcell parameters reported scattering. The use of diffraction data up to 2y =
by Welch et al. (1998) (see above). Subcell 50º provided essential improvement of the
vectors (a’, b’, c’), similar to those reported refinement and allowed location of the positions
previously, can be obtained from the supercell of the B and C atoms. It was not possible to
vectors (a, b, c) through the following transforma- distinguish between B and C sites using electron
tions: a’ = (a  2c), b’ = b/5, c’ = (a + 2c)/5. The densities because of the background from the 30
subcell parameters calculated from these formulas independent Pb sites. Consequently, site assign-
are a’ = 5.675 Å, b’ = 5.598 Å, c’ = 13.425 Å, b’ = ment was carried out on the basis of the
101.63º, V’ = 417.7 Å3. It is clear that the a’ and b’ differences in the TO bond lengths (T = B, C)
parameters and unit-cell volume agree well with and the requirements of electroneutrality of the
those reported by Welch et al. (1998), whereas the whole structure. The structure solution revealed
c’ parameter and the b’ angle do not. We suggest partial disorder in the positions of Pb atoms 
that the difference is due to the fact that Welch et namely slight under-occupation of the Pb12 and

TABLE 1. Crystallographic data and refinement parameters for mereheadite.

a (Å) 17.372(1) Space group Cm

b (Å) 27.9419(19) Z 2
c (Å) 10.6661(6) m, mm1 76.892
b (o) 93.152(5) Dx, g/cm3 7.236
V (Å3) 5169.6(5) Crystal size (mm) 0.1060.0960.09
Radiation Mo-Ka 2y max (º) 50.0
Total reflections 16893 R1 0.058
Unique reflections 8855 wR2 0.137
Unique [Fo] 5 4sF 6279 S 0.960

R1 = &||Fo|  |Fc||/&|Fo|; wR2 = {&[w(F2o  F2c )2]/&[w(F2o)2]}1/2;

w =1/[&2(F2o)+(aP)2 + bP], where P = (F2o + 2F2c )/3;
S = {&[w(F2o  F2c )]/(n  p)}1/2 where n is the number of reflections and p is the number of refined parameters.

TABLE 2. Atomic coordinates, site-occupation factors (SOFs) and displacement parameters (Å2) for mereheadite.

Atom x y z SOF Ueq U11 U22 U33 U23 U13 U12

Pb1 0.8572(1) 0.89881(7) 0.4134(2) 1 0.0234(6) 0.027(1) 0.021(1) 0.023(1) 0.0024(9) 0.004(1) 0.0027(8)
Pb2 0.1633(2) 0.40752(8) 0.2085(3) 1 0.0246(6) 0.030(1) 0.022(1) 0.023(1) 0.0009(9) 0.002(1) 0.003(1)
Pb3 0.2337(1) 0.20451(9) 0.4239(2) 1 0.0230(6) 0.022(1) 0.021(1) 0.027(1) 0.0002(9) 0.005(1) 0.000(1)
Pb4 0.9556(3) 0 0.1510(4) 1 0.0390(10) 0.057(3) 0.031(2) 0.031(2) 0 0.005(2) 0
Pb5 0.0550(2) 0.3006(9) 0.0108(2) 1 0.0239(6) 0.026(1) 0.022(1) 0.024(1) 0.0024(9) 0.001(1) 0.0013(9)
Pb6 0.0255(1) 0.20338(8) 0.4337(2) 1 0.0245(6) 0.027(1) 0.023(1) 0.023(1) 0.0014(8) 0.002(1) 0.0023(9)
Pb7 0.6842(2) 0.90091(9) 0.1552(3) 1 0.0238(6) 0.022(1) 0.023(1) 0.026(1) 0.0010(9) 0.0005(10) 0.0006(9)
Pb8 0.3728(2) 0.19248(8) 0.4016(2) 1 0.0227(6) 0.024(1) 0.023(1) 0.021(1) 0.0004(9) 0.0007(10) 0.0029(9)
Pb9 0.4755(2) 0.10024(8) 0.1902(3) 1 0.0223(6) 0.020(1) 0.020(1) 0.027(1) 0.0037(9) 0.002(1) 0.0009(9)
Pb10 0.1159(2) 0.09839(8) 0.248(2) 1 0.0235(7) 0.029(2) 0.021(1) 0.020(1) 0.0008(9) 0.0002(12) 0.0021(9)
Pb11 0.2742(2) 0.10202(8) 0.4109(2) 1 0.0221(6) 0.022(1) 0.023(1) 0.021(1) 0.0020(9) 0.002(1) 0.0027(9)
Pb12 0.2895(2) 0 0.2769(3) 0.922(8) 0.0231(9) 0.026(2) 0.025(1) 0.019(2) 0 0.005(1) 0
Pb13 0.1090(2) 0.30524(8) 0.2534(2) 1 0.0215(6) 0.024(1) 0.021(1) 0.019(1) 0.0027(9) 0.002(1) 0.0035(9)
Pb14 0.1815(2) 0 0.7627(4) 1 0.0255(8) 0.024(2) 0.018(1) 0.034(2) 0 0.002(1) 0
Pb15 0.0001(2) 0.39648(8) 0.4400(3) 1 0.0230(6) 0.023(1) 0.022(1) 0.024(1) 0.001(1) 0.0005(10) 0.004(1)
Pb16 0.3694(1) 0.30180(6) 0.0606(2) 0.925(7) 0.0193(6) 0.019(1) 0.020(1) 0.019(1) 0.0001(9) 0.0001(9) 0.0010(8)

Pb17 0.0738(2) 0.10482(9) 0.0231(3) 1 0.0280(7) 0.022(1) 0.026(1) 0.036(2) 0.007(1) 0.0005(11) 0.0017(10)
Pb18 0.2055(2) 0.19920(8) 0.1320(2) 1 0.0286(6) 0.025(1) 0.028(1) 0.033(1) 0.006(1) 0.001(1) 0.0007(10)
Pb19 0.7727(2) 0 0.6024(3) 1 0.0196(8) 0.022(2) 0.022(2) 0.015(2) 0 0.002(1) 0
Pb20 0.5871(2) 0.19535(8) 0.3495(3) 1 0.0232(6) 0.019(1) 0.025(1) 0.026(1) 0.000(1) 0.0007(9) 0.001(1)
Pb21 0.2215(2) 0 0.0517(4) 1 0.0233(8) 0.019(2) 0.027(2) 0.024(2) 0 0.0003(14) 0

Pb22 0.1636(2) 0.19533(8) 0.2287(3) 1 0.0237(6) 0.023(1) 0.022(1) 0.027(1) 0.0016(9) 0.005(1) 0.0020(9)
Pb23 0.5670(2) 0 0.0102(4) 1 0.0231(8) 0.021(2) 0.024(2) 0.024(2) 0 0.0006(14) 0
Pb24 0.2904(2) 0.10332(9) 0.0690(2) 1 0.0235(6) 0.024(1) 0.025(1) 0.022(1) 0.0030(9) 0.0007(10) 0.0013(9)
Pb25 0.6048(2) 0 0.3585(4) 1 0.0246(9) 0.025(2) 0.027(2) 0.022(2) 0 0.005(1) 0
Pb26 0.3900(2) 0 0.7648(3) 1 0.0210(8) 0.018(2) 0.021(1) 0.024(2) 0 0.005(1) 0
Pb27 0.1006(2) 0.10703(9) 0.6403(3) 1 0.0293(6) 0.035(1) 0.030(1) 0.024(1) 0.001(1) 0.004(1) 0.003(1)
Pb28 0.9868(3) 0 0.5685(4) 1 0.030(1) 0.031(2) 0.029(2) 0.031(2) 0 0.005(2) 0
Cl1 0.172(1) 0.1983(6) 0.549(2) 1 0.034(4) 0.04(1) 0.040(8) 0.019(7) 0.003(6) 0.005(7) 0.023(7)
Cl2 0.020(1) 0.3989(6) 0.122(2) 1 0.042(5) 0.038(10) 0.028(8) 0.061(13) 0.002(7) 0.010(10) 0.006(7)
Cl3 0.359(2) 0 0.041(2) 1 0.033(5) 0.053(16) 0.036(10) 0.009(10) 0 0.010(9) 0
Cl4 0.179(2) 0 0.457(3) 1 0.038(7) 0.040(15) 0.022(11) 0.052(18) 0 0.015(13) 0
Cl5 0.375(1) 0.4014(5) 0.078(2) 1 0.041(5) 0.048(11) 0.026(7) 0.051(10) 0.004(7) 0.020(8) 0.002(7)
Cl6 0.085(1) 0.1032(6) 0.321(2) 1 0.040(5) 0.052(11) 0.024(6) 0.048(10) 0.015(7) 0.021(9) 0.005(7)
Cl7 0.097(1) 0.5 0.303(3) 1 0.035(7) 0.020(12) 0.027(10) 0.061(16) 0 0.028(11) 0
Cl8 0.763(2) 0 0.257(3) 1 0.039(7) 0.045(16) 0.030(10) 0.044(16) 0 0.031(15) 0
Cl9 0.3938(9) 0.1983(4) 0.081(2) 1 0.025(4) 0.009(8) 0.019(6) 0.049(10) 0.003(6) 0.013(7) 0.004(9)
Cl10 0.977(2) 0 0.858(2) 1 0.032(5) 0.047(14) 0.036(11) 0.012(9) 0 0.010(9) 0
Cl11 0.064(1) 0.3030(4) 0.351(1) 1 0.022(3) 0.037(9) 0.015(6) 0.015(7) 0.001(5) 0.003(6) 0.003(5)
Cl12 0.267(1) 0.1021(5) 0.247(2) 1 0.036(5) 0.050(11) 0.021(7) 0.040(10) 0.011(6) 0.017(9) 0.007(7)
Cl13 0.480(1) 0.3015(6) 0.125(2) 1 0.034(4) 0.042(10) 0.038(8) 0.019(8) 0.001(6) 0.009(7) 0.000(7)
Cl14 0.289(1) 0.2981(5) 0.293(2) 1 0.034(5) 0.041(10) 0.017(6) 0.045(11) 0.004(6) 0.022(9) 0.008(6)
Cl15 0.681(1) 0.8973(5) 0.468(1) 1 0.020(3) 0.014(7) 0.029(7) 0.019(7) 0.000(5) 0.002(6) 0.007(5)
Pb1A 0.187(3) 0 0.157(5) 0.078(8) 0.020*
Pb2A 0.474(2) 0.303(1) 0.194(3) 0.075(7) 0.018(8)
O1 0.111(2) 0.359(1) 0.410(3) 1 0.014(6)
O2 0.273(2) 0.157(1) 0.250(3) 1 0.019(7)
O3 0.289(2) 0.053(1) 0.757(4) 1 0.031(8)
O4 0.582(2) 0.946(1) 0.206(3) 1 0.016(6)
O5 0.572(2) 0.153(1) 0.154(3) 1 0.020(7)
O6 0.171(2) 0.446(1) 0.025(3) 1 0.011(6)
O7 0.133(2) 0.254(1) 0.417(3) 1 0.026(8)
O8 0.009(2) 0.357(1) 0.625(3) 1 0.022(7)
O9 0.139(2) 0.1521(8) 0.417(2) 1 0.010(5)
O10 0.176(2) 0.154(1) 0.042(3) 1 0.014(6)
O11 0.775(2) 0.948(1) 0.766(3) 1 0.014(6)
O12 0.112(2) 0.050(1) 0.418(3) 1 0.018(6)
OH1 0.176(2) 0.050(1) 0.049(3) 1 0.028(8)

OH2 0.022(2) 0.136(1) 0.611(4) 1 0.032(8)
OH3 0.478(2) 0.2433(9) 0.386(3) 1 0.008(5)
OH4 0.093(3) 0.157(1) 0.184(4) 1 0.040(9)
OH5 0.064(2) 0.051(1) 0.186(4) 1 0.036(9)
OH6 0.948(4) 0 0.354(7) 1 0.062(18)
OH7 0.585(2) 0.258(1) 0.145(3) 1 0.028(8)
C 0.424(9) 0 0.466(14) 1 0.069(6)**
O1A 0.470(5) 0 0.385(7) 1 0.069(6)**
O1B 0.405(3) 0.037(2) 0.525(5) 1 0.069(6)**
B 0.270(7) 0.198(2) 0.116(10) 1 0.069(6)**

O2A 0.238(4) 0.173(2) 0.192(6) 1 0.069(6)**

O2B 0.283(3) 0.240(2) 0.085(6) 1 0.069(6)**
O2C 0.311(4) 0.167(20) 0.057(6) 1 0.069(6)**

* fixed during refinement

** constrained to be equal during refinement.

TABLE 3. Selected bond lengths (Å) in the structure of mereheadite.

Pb1O9 2.31(2) Pb10O12 2.27(3) Pb20O80 2.26(3)

Pb1O12 2.33(3) Pb10O11 2.32(3) Pb20OH3 2.38(3)
Pb1OH2 2.35(4) Pb10O9 2.37(3) Pb20O5 2.41(3)
Pb1Cl15 3.15(2) Pb10O2A 3.07(5) Pb20OH7 2.80(4)
Pb1Cl14 3.30(2) Pb10Cl10 3.36(2) Pb20Cl11 3.25(1)
Pb1OH6 3.32(4) Pb10Cl13 3.48(2) Pb20Cl15 3.29(2)
Pb1Cl5 3.64(2) Pb10Cl5 3.49(2) Pb20Cl1 3.47(2)
Pb1Cl8 3.64(2) Pb10Cl6 3.64(2) Pb20Cl14 3.61(2)

Pb2O6 2.24(3) Pb11O3 2.27(4) Pb21O11 2.43(3) 2x

Pb2O11 2.29(3) Pb11O1 2.29(3) Pb21O6 2.44(3) 2x
Pb2O2C 2.67(6) Pb11O2 2.32(3) Pb21Cl8 3.33(3)
Pb2O2A 2.85(6) Pb11O1B 3.02(5) Pb21Cl5 3.49(2) 2x
Pb2Cl7 2.98(2) Pb11Cl6 3.48(2) Pb21Cl10 3.64(2)
Pb2Cl2 3.40(2) Pb11Cl1 3.51(2)
Pb2Cl15 3.51(2) Pb11Cl4 3.55(2) Pb22O2 2.21(3)
Pb2Cl11 3.69(2) Pb11Cl12 3.66(2) Pb22O10 2.30(3)
Pb22O2B 2.52(6)
Pb3O9 2.20(3) Pb12Cl4 2.80(2) Pb22Cl6 3.06(2)
Pb3O7 2.24(3) Pb12Cl3 2.86(2) Pb22Cl13 3.44(2)
Pb3O2A 2.64(6) Pb12Cl12 2.90(1) 2x Pb22Cl1 3.44(2)
Pb3Cl14 3.08(2) Pb12O1A 3.29(9) Pb22Cl11 3.68(2)
Pb3Cl15 3.39(2) Pb12O1B 3.41(7) 2x
Pb3Cl1 3.41(2) Pb23O6 2.37(3) 2x
Pb3Cl11 3.66(2) Pb13O1 2.24(3) Pb23O4 2.58(3) 2x
Pb13O7 2.28(4) Pb23Cl7 3.41(3)
Pb4OH6 2.19(7) Pb13O2 2.31(3) Pb23Cl2 3.50(2) 2x
Pb4OH5 2.38(4) 2x Pb13Cl11 3.26(2) Pb23Cl3 3.72(2)
Pb4Cl5 3.17(2) 2x Pb13Cl2 3.32(2)
Pb4Cl10 3.18(2) Pb13Cl9 3.58(2) Pb24O3 2.34(4)
Pb4Cl8 3.61(2) Pb13Cl13 3.60(2) Pb24O2 2.46(3)
Pb24O10 2.48(3)
Pb5O5 2.20(3) Pb14O3 2.39(4) 2x Pb24OH1 2.52(4)
Pb5OH7 2.37(4) Pb14OH1 2.47(4) 2x Pb24Cl3 3.32(1)
Pb5O2C 2.57(6) Pb14Cl4 3.27(3) Pb24Cl2 3.38(2)
Pb5Cl9 3.03(1) Pb14Cl6 3.43(2) 2x Pb24Cl12 3.43(2)
Pb5O2B 3.19(6) Pb14Cl10 3.77(2) Pb24Cl9 3.55(2)
Pb5Cl2 3.25(2)
Pb5Cl13 3.34(2) Pb15O1 2.25(3) Pb25O4 2.25(3) 2x
Pb5Cl11 3.66(2) Pb15O8 2.27(3) Pb25O1A 2.39(8)
Pb15O1B 2.50(6) Pb25Cl8 3.02(2)
Pb6O7 2.37(3) Pb15Cl11 2.98(1) Pb25Cl15 3.35(2) 2x
Pb6OH3 2.45(3) Pb15Cl15 3.37(2) Pb25Cl7 3.64(2)
Pb6O9 2.47(2) Pb15Cl2 3.45(2)
Pb6OH2 2.68(4) Pb15O1A 3.47(5) Pb26O3 2.30(4) 2x
Pb6Cl11 3.29(1) Pb15Cl7 3.63(2) Pb26O1B 2.80(5) 2x
Pb6Cl13 3.30(2) Pb26Cl3 3.03(2)
Pb6Cl6 3.58(2) Pb16Cl5 2.80(1) Pb26Cl2 3.42(2) 2x
Pb6Cl1 3.74(2) Pb16Cl13 2.85(2) Pb26Cl7 3.73(2)
Pb16Cl14 2.93(2)
Pb7O4 2.27(3) Pb16Cl9 2.93(1) Pb27OH2 2.33(4)
Pb7O6 2.30(3) Pb16O2B 3.23(6) Pb27OH4 2.34(4)
Pb7O5 2.46(3) Pb16O2A 3.28(7) Pb27OH5 2.50(4)
Pb7O2C 2.97(6) Pb16O2C 3.44(7) Pb27Cl1 2.98(3)
Pb7Cl8 3.25(2) Pb27Cl12 3.21(2)


Pb7Cl15 3.35(2) Pb17O10 2.28(3) Pb27Cl4 3.43(2)

Pb7Cl5 3.49(2) Pb17OH1 2.37(4) Pb27Cl6 3.44(2)
Pb7Cl14 3.67(2) Pb17OH4 2.67(4)
Pb17OH5 2.71(4) Pb28O12 2.24(3) 2x
Pb8OH3 2.33(3) Pb17Cl6 3.21(2) Pb28OH6 2.36(8)
Pb8O7 2.46(3) Pb17Cl13 3.25(2) Pb28Cl10 3.12(2)
Pb8O1 2.48(3) Pb17Cl10 3.59(2) Pb28Cl6 3.53(2) 2x
Pb8O8 2.51(3) Pb17Cl5 3.68 Pb28Cl4 3.63(2)
Pb8Cl14 3.47(2)
Pb8Cl12 3.48(2) Pb18O10 2.28(3) Pb1AOH5 2.61(6) 2x
Pb8Cl9 3.48(2) Pb18OH4 2.38(4) Pb1AOH1 2.61(6) 2x
Pb8Cl1 3.57(2) Pb18OH7 2.44(4) Pb1ACl4 3.23(5)
Pb18O2B 2.90(5) Pb1ACl12 3.30(3) 2x
Pb9O4 2.27(3) Pb18Cl12 3.15(2) Pb1ACl3 3.31(6)
Pb9O5 2.29(3) Pb18Cl9 3.36(1)
Pb9O8 2.32(3) Pb18Cl1 3.49(2) Pb2AOH4 2.36(5)
Pb9Cl9 3.28(1) Pb18Cl14 3.53(2) Pb2AOH7 2.38(5)
Pb9Cl2 3.34(2) Pb2AOH3 2.63(4)
Pb9O1A 3.50(4) Pb19O11 2.27(3) 2x Pb2AOH2 2.69(5)
Pb9Cl12 3.73(2) Pb19O12 2.48(3) 2x Pb2ACl13 3.43(4)
Pb9Cl3 3.77(2) Pb19Cl7 3.28(2) Pb2ACl9 3.43(4)
Pb19Cl15 3.55(2) 2x Pb2ACl5 3.46(4)
Pb19Cl8 3.69(2) Pb2ACl14 3.47(4)

CO1A 1.22(13) BO2B 1.23(4)

CO1B 1.27(8) 2x BO2A 1.23(5)
BO2C 1.32(5)

Pb16 sites, which are complemented by the interlayer positions are slightly under-occupied,
appearance of low-occupied Pb1A and Pb2A having site-occupancy factors (SOFs) of 0.922
sites (see details below). The SHELXL program and 0.925, respectively. These occupancies are
package was used for all structural calculations complemented by those of Pb1A and Pb2A sites
(Sheldrick, 2008). The final model included all of the PbO blocks with SOFs of 0.078 and 0.075,
atomic positional parameters, anisotropic-displa- respectively. The PbPb distances between
cement parameters for Pb and a refinable disordered sites are 2.14 and 2.26 Å for the
weighting scheme of the structure factors. The pairs Pb12Pb1A and Pb16Pb2A, respectively.
final refinement converged to an agreement index Replacement of Pb12 (Pb16) by Pb1A (Pb2A) is
(R1) of 0.058, calculated for the 6279 unique associated with appearance of BO3 and CO3
reflections with |Fo| = 4sF. The final atomic groups within the defected PbO layers (see
coordinates and anisotropic-displacement para- below).
meters are given in Table 2 and selected The coordination configurations of the Pb
interatomic distances in Table 3. The list of atoms of the PbO blocks are distorted versions
observed and calculated structure factors can be of the square antiprism shown in Fig. 2a. In one
provided by the authors upon request. half of the coordination sphere, they are
coordinated by hard O2 and OH anions, of
which there are three or four. The other
Results coordination hemisphere consists of four soft
Cation coordination Cl anions located at the vertices of a distorted
The structure of mereheadite contains 30 non- square. The Pb12 and Pb16 atoms between the
equivalent Pb positions (Fig. 4). Twenty eight out PbO blocks have almost square-planar coordina-
of 30 sites belong to PbO blocks. The remaining tion of four Cl . The PbCl 4 squares are
two positions, Pb12 and Pb16, lie within the complemented by triangular TO3 groups (T = B,
sheets of Cl anions as depicted in Fig. 3f. These C) so that a sevenfold coordination is achieved.


FIG. 4. Coordination of Pb atoms in the structure of mereheadite. Pb, O and Cl atoms are shown as small black,
medium-white, and large grey circles, respectively.

Bond-valence analysis cannot be calculated unambiguously due to the

large standard deviations of the TO bond lengths
Bond-valence sums incident upon the cation and (up to 0.13 Å).
anion sites have been calculated using bond-
valence parameters given by Krivovichev and Structure description
Brown (2001) for the Pb2+O bond and by Brown
and Altermatt (1985) for other bonds. During the A projection of the structure of mereheadite onto
analysis, it became clear that the all bonds within the (010) plane is shown in Fig. 5. The structure
the radii of 3.5 and 3.8 Å should be counted for belongs to the 1:1 type and consists of alternating
the Pb2+O and Pb2+Cl bonds, respectively. PbO/OH blocks and PbCl sheets oriented
The bond-valence sums for Pb sites are in the parallel to the (201) plane.
range of 1.752.06 v.u. (valence units), for O The atomic structure of the PbO block is shown
sites in the range of 1.881.99 v.u., for Cl sites in in Fig. 6a. In this figure, the Pb1A and Pb2A sites
the range of 0.601.13 v.u. and for OH sites in are removed from consideration, owing to their
the range of 0.981.17 v.u.. Bond-valence sums low occupancy. Fig. 6b shows the same block
for the T sites and O atoms of the TO3 groups viewed from the standpoint of oxocentered OPb4


FIG. 5. The structure of mereheadite in projection along the b axis. Legend as in Fig. 4.

FIG. 6. The PbO/OH block in mereheadite without the low-occupancy Pb1A and Pb2A sites, shown in ball-and-
stick presentation (a) and in terms of OPb4 oxocentered tetrahedra (b). Legend as in Fig. 4.


tetrahedra. The block can be described as a ment with the diffraction experiment. In the
highly-defected version of an ideal PbO block original study of Welch et al. (1998), the CO2
(Fig. 1). It is noteworthy that the block contains and B amounts were determined by wet-chemical
square-shaped vacancies occupied by TO3 groups, analysis using a CHN analyser and by the
these correlating with the positions of the Curcumin methods, respectively. Since merehea-
Pb(12)Cl4 and Pb(16)Cl4 squares in the PbCl dite is closely associated with cerussite, it is
sheets. There are seven OH groups in the conceivable that the higher CO2 content may arise
PbO/OH block. The OH1, OH2, OH3, OH4, from contamination by cerussite. We note that the
OH5, and OH7 groups are coordinated by three B MAS NMR study performed by Welch et al.
Pb atoms each, whilst the OH6 group is (1998) indicated that B is present as BO3 groups
coordinated by two Pb atoms only. The  in excellent agreement with the results of the
PbO/OH block can be obtained from the ideal present study.
PbO block by the following procedure: Welch et al. (1998) proposed the simplified
(1) removal of some PbO4 groups that results in formula Pb2O(OH)Cl, for mereheadite which
formation of square-shaped vacancies; (2) inser- assumes that neither borate or carbonate are
tion of TO 3 groups into these vacancies; essential constituents, and suggested that their
(3) removal of some Pb atoms (that correspond presence in the mineral is due to disordered
to the Pb1A and Pb2A sites), thus transforming replacement of Cl anions. However, it has been
coordination of associated O sites from tetra- demonstrated above that this is not the case, as
hedral OPb4 to triangular OHPb3; (4) replacement BO3 and CO3 groups have well-defined structural
of two O2 anions by one OH anion with positions confined in the vacancies of the
twofold coordination; this results in formation of PbO/OH blocks. Thus, the correct simplified
the 162 elongated rectangular vacancy. To formula for mereheadite can be given as
clarify, Fig. 7a shows the atomic structure of the Pb47O24(OH)13Cl25(BO3)2(CO3).
PbO/OH blocks with Pb1A and Pb2A atoms.
The same structure represented as OPb4 tetrahedra
is shown in Fig. 7b. In the presence of the Pb1A Discussion
and Pb2A atoms, all OH sites except OH6 are Mereheadite is another example of 1:1 lead
tetrahedrally coordinated by Pb. From this view- oxyhalides consisting of PbO blocks. As
point, the PbO block contains two types of mentioned in the Introduction, there are three
vacancies: square-shaped occupied by TO 3 basic mechanisms associated with transition of
groups and rectangular-shaped with attached the structure from the idealized version (ideal
OH6 groups. PbO blocks alternating with tetragonal sheets of X
Figure 8 shows the structure of the PbCl atoms) to the observed structure: replacement of
sheet. It represents a planar arrangement of PbO4 groups by coordination groups of highly-
isolated PbCl4 squares and Cl. Note that the charged cations, O2 $ OH substitution, and
positions of the squares correlate with the square- insertion of additional Pb2+ cations into the X
shaped vacancies in the PbO/OH sheets. sheet. From the results of this study, it is clear that
all three mechanisms are at work in the structure
Chemical formula of mereheadite. First, there are square-shaped
vacancies within the PbO blocks occupied by
The structural formula that can be derived on the triangular TO3 groups. This type of substitution
basis of the results of single-crystal structure has been observed previously in symesite (Welch
determination is Pb47O24(OH)13Cl25(BO3)2(CO3). et al., 2000), which points to a close relationship
Welch et al. (1998) provided for mereheadite the between this mineral and mereheadite. Second,
empirical formula Pb8O4.19(BO3)0.51(CO3)0.62 the O2 $ OH substitution of the kind observed
(OH) 0.76Cl4.09 , which can be re-written as in blixite (Krivovichev and Burns, 2006) is also
Pb 48 O 25.14 (OH) 4.56 Cl 24.54 (BO 3 ) 3.06 (CO 3 ) 3.72 . displayed in this structure.
Compared to the structural formula, the empirical The structure of mereheadite is related to that
formula shows a much higher CO3 content, a of symesite, which has a similar layered 1:1
reasonably higher BO3 content, and a much lower PbOOH/PbCl structure containing square
OH content. On the other hand, the Pb:Cl ratio defect sites. However, in the case of symesite,
that can be reliably determined using electron these sites are occupied by SO4 groups. Therefore,
microprobe analysis is in generally good agree- it seems likely that the occupancy of these square


FIG. 7. The PbO/OH block in mereheadite with the low-occupancy Pb1A and Pb2A sites included, shown in ball-
and-stick presentation (a) and in terms of OPb4 oxocentered tetrahedra (b). Legend as in Fig. 4.

FIG. 8. The PbCl sheet in the structure of mereheadite. Pb and Cl atoms are shown as small black and large grey
circles, respectively.


sites is variable and that a range of minerals their relation to the minerals "lorettoite" and
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The spatial distribution of square sites changes the San Rafael mine, Sierra Gorda, Chile.
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Grice, J.D. and Dunn, P.J. (2000) Crystal structure
Acknowledgements determination of pinalite. American Mineralogist,
We thank F. Camara and anonymous referee for 85, 806809.
useful remarks and corrections, and Principal Krivovichev, S.V. and Brown, I.D. (2001) Are the
Editor Mark Welch for suggestions that led to compressive effects of encapsulation an artifact of
considerable improvement of the initial version of the bond valence parameters? Zeitschrift für
the paper. This study was supported by the Kristallographie, 216, 245247.
Krivovichev, S.V. and Burns, P.C. (2001) Crystal
Russian Federation Ministry of Science and
chemistry of lead oxide chlorides. I. Crystal
Education (grant #RNP, DFG (grant
structures of synthetic mendipite, Pb3O2Cl2, and
DE 412/34-1 that supported O.I.S.) and the
synthetic damaraite, Pb 3 O 2 (OH)Cl. European
Federal Agency on Education (SPbSU innovation
Journal of Mineralogy, 13, 801809.
education project ‘Innovational educational envir- Krivovichev, S.V. and Burns, P.C. (2002) Crystal
onment in the classic University’) that provided chemistry of lead oxide chlorides. II. Crystal
instrumental support. structure of Pb7O4(OH)4Cl2. European Journal of
Mineralogy, 13, 135139.
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