In Vitro Investigation of The Protective Effects of Tannic Acid Against The Activities of Naja Kaouthia Venom
In Vitro Investigation of The Protective Effects of Tannic Acid Against The Activities of Naja Kaouthia Venom
In Vitro Investigation of The Protective Effects of Tannic Acid Against The Activities of Naja Kaouthia Venom
Pimolpan Pithayanukul1, Pakatip Ruenraroengsak1, Rapepol Bavovada2, Narumol Pakmanee3, and Rutt Suttisri2
Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand; 2Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand; 3Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute, Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Thailand
The in vitro venom neutralizing capacity of tannic acid acid and plant polyphenols as washing agents for the
against the activities of Naja kaouthia (Naja naja kaouthia emergency treatment of snakebites (Okonogi et al.,
Lesson [Elapidae]) venom was investigated. Tannic acid 1979).
was found to be effective in neutralizing the activities Local tissue damage is a continuous process that goes
of Naja kaouthia (NK) venom. The lethal effect of on even after antivenom therapy. As such, the lack of
four-times the LD50 in mice and the necrotizing effect sufficient protection for local tissue damage is considered
of one minimum necrotizing dose (1 MND) in rats of as one of the important limitations associated with the
NK venom were fully inhibited by tannic acid at aforementioned therapy (Yingprasertchai et al., 2003;
431 mg=mouse, with the median effective dose (ED50) Rucavado et al., 2004). The neutralization of snake
of 334 mg=mouse and 30 mg=rat, respectively. The ace- venom by natural or synthetic inhibitors locally at the
tylcholinesterase activity of NK venom was almost com- bite site might be useful in overcoming this limitation
pletely neutralized (99%) by tannic acid at 1% w=v. (Girish & Kemparaju, 2005). The retardation of diffused
It was evident that tannic acid was nontoxic and did toxins at the bite site should minimize local tissue dam-
not cause either a lethal effect in mice (at its maximum age as well as prolong the survival time of the victims
tested dose of 845 mg=mouse) or necrotic lesions in rats (Yingprasertchai et al., 2003). Among many venomous
(at doses between 7.5 and 60 mg=rat). snakes in Thailand, severe local tissue necrosis results
in 50% of the bites (Pochanugool et al., 1998). Because
tannic acid is readily available, naturally occurring
Keywords: Local tissue necrosis, Naja kaouthia venom,
within the plant kingdom, and commercially available,
tannic acid.
the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro protec-
tive effects of tannic acid against Naja kaouthia (Naja
naja kaouthia Lesson [Elapidae]) venom activities. The
Introduction results should be useful to some extent to indicate the
Tannic acid and plant polyphenols have both been potential of this natural inhibitor in neutralizing the Naja
shown to exert various pharmacological effects in bio- kaouthia venom activities in vivo.
logical systems (Havsteen, 1983; Ratty & Das, 1988;
Haslam, 1989; Ramanathan & Das, 1992). Their protec-
tive effects against the toxicity of snake venom activities Materials and Methods
have been reported (Duke, 1985; Houghton & Harvey,
1989; Mors et al., 1989; Kuppusamy & Das, 1993;
Pithayanukul et al., 2004, 2005). Furthermore, some Tannic acid and other reagents were of USP grade and
researchers have also suggested the application of tannic were obtained from local suppliers.
Animals and venom sacrificed with an overdose of ether, their dorsal skin
was removed, and the necrotic lesion on the inner surface
Swiss albino mice of both sexes weighing between 18 and
of the skin was measured. Tannic acid, the venom, and
20 g were used for the antilethal effect test. Male
physiologic saline alone were used as controls.
Sprague-Dawley rats weighing about 250–280 g were
used for inhibition of the necrotizing effect test. The
experiments were performed according to international Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity
and Mahidol University’s guidelines on animal studies.
Lyophilized Naja kaouthia (NK) venom was provided The physiologic saline solutions of tannic acid, with con-
by Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute of the Thai centrations between 0.001 and 10% w=v, were preincu-
Red Cross Society in Bangkok, Thailand. bated with NK venom (0.1% w=v) at 37C for 1 h. The
supernatant was then assayed for acethylcholinesterase
enzyme activity following the modified method of Ell-
Tests for anti-snake venom activities man et al. (1961). The reaction rate was calculated
Inhibition of lethality according to the method of Ellman (1959).
Inhibition of necrotizing activity Inhibition of lethality
The methods of Kondo et al. (1960) and Theakston and The LD50 of NK venom was 9.32 mg=mouse. The lethal
Reid (1983) were followed in order to determine the effect of four-times the LD50 of the venom in mice could
minimum necrotizing dose (MND), which is defined as be completely inhibited (p < 0.05 compared with the
the smallest amount of venom that can cause a necrotic venom control group) by tannic acid at 431 mg=mouse
lesion of 5 mm in diameter on the inner dorsal skin of with its median effective dose (ED50) of 334 mg=mouse
rat after 72 h of intradermal injection. The inhibition of (Table 1). Tannic acid, at its maximum tested dose of
1 MND of NK venom was determined by preincubating 845 mg=mouse, and physiologic saline solution did not
the venom with several concentrations of tannic acid at cause lethality to mice. It was noted that although mice
37C for 1 h. After centrifugation at 18,110 g for receiveing four-times the LD50 of NK venom alone
10 min, the supernatant (0.1 mL) was injected intrader- showed typical toxic signs of sedation, akinesia, dyspnea,
mally into the shaved dorsal skin of rats. Triplicate abnormal respiration, and death within 30–60 min, all of
experiments were carried out using three rats for each the surviving mice in the tannin-treated groups showed
tested dose of tannic acid. After 72 h, the animals were none of these signs.
96 P. Pithayanukul et al.
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acid may serve as a rich source for the development of lethal and myotoxic activities of South American rattle-
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Gene et al., 1985). The inhibition of NK venom activities bacterial toxin. Toxicon 17: 524–527.
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