Data Sheet 125 Kva
Data Sheet 125 Kva
Data Sheet 125 Kva
Powered by CUMMINS
Generator Specification
Hong Fu Co are compliant with ISO 9001 and CE standard, which include the Engine speed (RPM) 1800
following directives:
110% stand power 31.3
·2006/42/EC Machinery safety. Fuel
100% primer power 28.5
·2006/95/EC Low voltage Consumption
·EN 60204-1: 2006+A1: 2009, EN ISO 12100: 2010, EN ISO 13849-1: 2008, EN (L/H) 75% primer power 20.7
12601 : 2010
50% primer power 14.4
(1) PRP (Prime Power):
According to ISO8528-1, prime power is the maximum power available Standard reference Conditions
during a variable power sequence, which may be run for an unlimited Note: Standard reference condition 25ºC (77ºF) air inlet temp, 100m(328ft)
number of hours per year, between stated maintenance intervals. The A.S.L 30% relative humidity. Fuel consumption dat with diesel fuel with
permissible average power output during at 24 hours period shall not specific gravity of 0.85 and conforming to BS 2869: 1998, Class A2
exceed 80% of the prime power. 10% overload available for governing
purposes only. L
(2) ESP (Standby Power):
According to ISO 8528-1, It is defined as the maximum power available,
under the agreed operating conditions, for which the generating set is H H
capable of delivering for up to 500 hours of operation per year (of which no W W
more than 300 hours for continuative use) with the maintenance intervals
and procedures being carried out as prescribed by the manufacturers. No
overload capability is available. Dimension and Weight
Lubrication system
Fuel system
Engine oil pressure for engine
Injection system BYC A electric governor
protection devices:
Governor type Electronic -Idle speed (Minimum) 207 kPa
Maximum restriction at lift pump 13.6kPa -Governed speed (Maximum) 345 kPa
Maximum fuel inlet temperature 40ºC Maximum oil temperature 121ºC
Total drain flow Minimum required lube system
(constant for all loads) 30 litre/ hour capacity-sump plus filters 16.4 L
The DSE6120 MKII Auto Start Control Module (Utility) With a number of flexible inputs, outputs and 184 mm x 137 mm
Failure Control Module are suitable for a wide variety protections, the modules can be easily adapted to suit 7.2’’ x 5.3”
of single gen-set applications. a wide range of applications.
Monitoring engine speed, oil pressure, coolant Through USB Communication both modules can be
configured using the DSE Configuration Suite PC
8 mm
temperature, frequency, voltage, current, power and
fuel level, the modules give comprehensive engine Software or through the module’s front panel editor. 0.3”
and alternator protection. This is indicated on a large
back-lit LCD text display via an array of warning, Using the DSE Configuration Suite PC Software the STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE
electrical trip and shutdown alarms in multiple langua- controller is easy to use and configure which allows -40 °C to +85 °C
ges. alteration of operating parameters, sequences, timers -40 °F to +185 °F
and alarms.
Electronic J1939 (CAN) and non-electronic MPU and OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE
alternator sensing engine support for diesel, gas and NON HEATED DISPLAY VARIANT
petrol engines all in one variant. -30°C to +70°C
-22 °F to +158 °F
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+57 316 8310705 VP Energy Service CA