DRUG STUDY Omeprazole
DRUG STUDY Omeprazole
DRUG STUDY Omeprazole
Generic Name: Mechanism of Action: Indication: Before Administration
Religiously follow the 10 rights:
Omeprazole Omeprazole is a member of a Omeprazole, according to the
1. Right Drug
class of antisecretory FDA label, is a proton pump
Brand Name: compounds, the substituted inhibitor (PPI) used for the 2. Right Patient
benzimidazoles, that stop gastric following purposes: 3. Right Dose
Prosec acid secretion by selective 4. Right Route
inhibition of the H+/K+ ATPase • Treatment of active duodenal 5. Right Time and Frequency
Classification: enzyme system. Proton-pump ulcer in adults
inhibitors such as omeprazole 6. Right Documentation
Proton Pump Inhibitor bind covalently to cysteine • Eradication of Helicobacter 7. Right History and
(PPI) residues via disulfide bridges on pylori to reduce the risk of Assessment
the alpha subunit of the H+/K+ duodenal ulcer recurrence in 8. Right Drug approach and
Frequency: ATPase pump, inhibiting gastric adults right to refuse
acid secretion for up to 36 hours. 9. Right Drug-drug interaction
Once Daily (OD)
This antisecretory effect is dose- • Treatment of active benign and Evaluation
Dosage: related and leads to the inhibition gastric ulcer in adults
10. Right Education and
of both basal and stimulated acid
20mg secretion, regardless of the • Treatment of symptomatic
stimulus gastroesophageal reflux disease
(GERD) in patients 1 year of age Responsibility: Nurses are
Route: and older responsible for ensuring safe and
Oral route Side Effects: quality patient care at all times.
• Treatment of erosive
Possible side effects of esophagitis (EE) due to acid-
mediated GERD in patients 1 Perform the three checks
omeprazole can include:
month of age and older 1. Check the order of the
Back, leg, or stomach pain doctor in the MAR
bleeding or crusting sores • Maintenance of healing of EE 2. Check the drug in the MAR
on the lips due to acid-mediated GERD in before preparing it
blisters patients 1 year of age and older 3. Check the prepared drug in
bloody or cloudy urine the MAR before giving to the
chills • Pathologic hypersecretory patient/client
continuing ulcers or sores conditions in adults
in the mouth Responsibility: Ensure that the
difficult, burning, or painful medication used to be
urination administered to the patient is the
fever In general, the only existing correct drug. Also, to ensure that
frequent urge to urinate contraindication to omeprazole, the medication given is not
general feeling of above corresponds to having expired.
discomfort or illness some type of allergy with respect
itching, skin rash to drugs that is a type of proton
joint pain pump inhibitors. During Administration
loss of appetite
muscle aches or cramps Administer the medication by
providing the client the prescribed
dosage of omeprazole from a
red or irritated eyes
medicine cup or spoon and intake
redness, tenderness, orally.
itching, burning, or peeling
of the skin Responsibility:
sore throat As nurses, it is our responsibility
sores, ulcers, or white to provide the medication to the
spots on the lips, in the patient via oral route. Ensure that
mouth, or on the genitals the client is able to swallow the
unusual bleeding or medication.
unusual tiredness or After Administration
Assess and record the patient’s
response to the drug that was
The responsibility of the nurse is
to observe the client for any signs
of unusual bruising, chills, blisters,
or other potential adverse effects
that can occur to the client.
The nurse’s responsibility is to
ensure the avoidance of any
adverse effects and observe any
side effects pointed out by the
client such as fever and chills.