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Concept Integ PT Apps Day 6

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PT APPS CONCEPT INTEGRATION DAY6 1. Which of the statements about developmental motor control is NOT TRUE? ‘2. isotonic control develops before isometric control b. gross motor control develops prior to fine motor control ‘c._ eccentric movement develops prior to concentric movement 4d. trunk control develops prior to distal extremity control 2. APT Is evaluating a 76-year-old female with chronic forward head posturing in standing and sitting, To decrease the forward beading, the PT should stretch the ‘2. longus capitis and longus colli muscles b. rectus capitis posterior minor and rectus capitis posterior major muscles anterior muscles d._ middle trapezius and rhomboid muscles 3. APT is evaluating a 50-year-old male patient who underwent a total knee arthroplasty 2 weeks ago. PT noticed that the entire leg has started swelling. There is pitting edema throughout the lower leg and foot with tenderness in the midcalf. Girth measurement showed a 3.7 increase in the size of the midcalf. What is the NEXT step that the PT should take? a. Call physician after treatment to report result of evaluation b. Send patient to the emergency room right away c. Elevate the affected extremity ‘d._ Send patient home with instruction to monitor the affected extremity 4. 60-year-old male patient was referred to PT for an exercise testing after experiencing shortness of breath twice 2 weeks prior to consultation, After monitoring the vital signs, the data collected are interpreted. The BEST indicator that patient had exerted maximal effort is Decrease in diastolic BP of mmHg when compared to the resting value Rating of 12 on a perceived exertion scale Failure of the heart rate to increase with further increase in intensity Rise in systolic diastolic BP of 60 mmHg when compared to the resting value APT checks the water temperature of the hot pack machine after several patients report the heat being very strong, Which of the following temperatures would be acceptable? a. 83 degrees Celsius (181 degrees F) b. 64 degrees Celsius (147 degrees F) ©. 94 degrees Celsius (201 degrees F) 4d. 71 degrees Celsius (160 degrees F) 6. Erb's Law states that a. Allof these 1b. opening currents are more effective than closing currents in causing normal depolarization ‘e. Cathode currents are more effective than anodal in causing normal depolarization d._Lese current is necessary to produce minimum contraction with cathode than anodal closing current In the reeducation and facilitation of muscles, electrical stimulation is used as a guide to improve proprioceptive and visual sense of the motions and activities being facilitated, When bipolar electrodes are placed over the large muscles or ‘muscle groups, you select the following parameters, EXCEPT: ‘2. waveform: symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic pulses with a duration of 200-500 microseconds b. stimulus amplitude: amplitude adjusted to maximum tolerable contraction 1c. duty cycle: 1:1 cycle to produce rhythmical muscle contractions 4. pulse rate: lesser than 60 pps biphasic pulses to produce tetanic muscle contractions. 8, A 65-year-old with breast cancer underwent a surgical removal of the mass followed by 12 weeks of chemotherapy and 8 ‘weeks of radiation, PT program is directed towards mobilization of her upper extremity. An important guideline to the PT when treating a patient after radiation is ‘2. avoid stretching exercises that pull on the radiated site b. observe infection control procedures c. avoid all aerobic exercises for atleast 2 months ‘d._ observe skin care precautions. Pulsed ultrasound is applied to a patient diagnosed with rotator cuff tendonitis, The statement about pulsed ultrasound that is MOST consistent when compared with continuous ultrasound is: a. The peak intensity of output for pulsed ultrasound is reduced b. The average intensity of output overtime for pulsed ultrasound is reduced ‘©. The peak intensity of output for pulsed ultrasound Is increased d._ The average intensity of output over time for pulsed ultrasound is increased 10. APT employee of a rehabilitation center of a hospital evaluates a patient showing several signs and symptoms of anemia, Which of these questions would be the MOST useful to gather additional information in relation to anemia? ‘a, Does it hurt to take a deep breath? b. Are you susceptible to bruising? ‘c. Do you frequently experience dizziness, headaches or blurred vision? 1d. Do you experience heart palpations or shortness of breath at rest or with mild exertion? SO PT APPS CONCEPT INTEGRATION DAY6 11. Apatient was referred to PT with fingertips that are rounded and bulbous. The nail plate is more convex than normal. These ‘changes were considered by the PT as indicating ‘a. Trauma to the nail bed b._ Inflammation ofthe proximal and lateral nail folds ©. Psoriasis 4d. Chronic hypoxia from heart disease 12, Many of patients seen in physical therapy are susceptible to excessive heat exposure. Heat exhaustion occurs when a Person is exposed to more heat than the thermoregulatory mechanisms are capable of controlling. Although itrarely occurs. In pure forms, it can be categorized as any of the following EXCEPT hheat exhaustion. a. Exercise induced (heat syncope) b. Salt exhaustion Protein depletion ‘d. Water-depletion A 13. A patient with a loft sided congestive heart failure, class Ul, is referred to PT. while cercising, patient may exhibit ‘Weight gain with dependent edema ‘Anorexia, nausea with abdominal pain and distension Severe, uncomfortable chest pain with shortness of breath Dyspnea with fatigue and muscular weakness 14, A traumatic brain injured patient reports to physical therapy feeling lethargic after being placed on phenobarbital. The primary purpose of the medication is to: a. prevent seizures b. reduce spasticity ‘c.limit arrhythmias 4d. decrease agitation 415. A post Ml patient is about to begin phase 3 cardiac rehabilitation program. During the intial exercise session, the patient's ECG responses are monitored via radio telemetry. PT noticed three PVCs occurring in a run with no P wave. PTS next strategy is: ‘a. have the patient sit down and rest for a few minutes before resuming exercise 'b. stop the exercise and notify the physician immediately ‘e.continue the exercise session, but monitor closely 4d. modify the exercise prescription by decreasing the intensity 16. A75-year-old frail female is being treated at home for general strengthening and mobility. The patient has a 5 year history $f taking non-steroidal ant-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or joint pain and recently added calcium channel. ‘The possible adverse reactionsieide effects include: ‘a. weight increase, hyperglycemia, hypotension b. stomach pain, bruising, confusion c._paresthesia, incoordination, bradycardia ‘d._ increased sweating, fatigue, chest pain 17, To reduce inflammation of the tracheobronchial mucosa in asthma, COPD and sarcoidosis, steroids are often prescribed. Which of these is not a side effect of steroid therapy? ‘a. Increased susceptibility to notion, b. decrease in BP fe. tachycardia 4d. osteoporosis 418. An infantis independent in sitting, all protective extension reactions and can pullto-stand through kneeling, cruise ‘sideways and stand alone. The infant still demonstrates plantar grasp in standing, The infant's chronological age is _ ‘months. as b. 89 fe. 1045 a6 19. An infant who was thirty-three weeks gestation age birth and is now 3 weeks of chronological age would BEST respond to. 2. Neutral warmth b. Fast vestibular ©. Visual stimulation with a colored object Vibration’ > -——_—_————“- PT APPS CONCEPT INTEGRATION DAY6 20. If a child exhibits emerging hand dominance, has crude release, can seat self in chair and walk backwards, he Is. ‘ld. a 2years b. 10montns &. 44months d. 18months 21, Which test is done when a PT suspects a reduced anterior shoulder dislocation? The patient is asked to place the hand ‘on the opposite shoulder and then attempts to lower the elbow to the chest. a. Sulcus sign b. Feagin test ©. Proteman d. Dugas 22, A test to determine if there are loose bodies in the knee joint is called. MeMurray's test patello-femoral test valgus / varus stress test Apley's tests b. rh 23. A positive Kleiger's test indicates. 2." deltoid ligament tear b. Achilles tendon rupture ©. fatfoot d._tbjotalar dislocation 24, APTis treating a patient with a behavior pattern involving his speech. There is absence of spontaneous speech but Prompt repetition of your words. The type of aphasia MOST LIKELY present inthis patient is ‘tanscortical motor BL transoortical sensory ‘e. conduction d. Wemicke's 25, Choose a form of resistance seen during range of motion of a hypertonic joint where there is greatest resistance at the initiation of range that lessens with movement through the range of motion, a. Clasp-knife response b. Hemiballism . Clonus d. Cogwh I rigidity 26. A patient who has been diabetic for more than 20 years have vascular insufficiency and diminished sensation of both feet with poor healing of a superficial skin lesion. Its essential thatthe patient understand the precautions and guidelines on {oot care, Which of these is a CONTRAINDICATION to diabetic care? ‘a. Wash feet daly and hydrate with moisturizing lotion b. Inspect skin daily for inflammation, swelling, redness, blisters or wounds c. Do daily hot soaks 4d. Wear flexible shoes that allow adequate room and change shoes frequently 27, APT is preparing a 45-year-old female patient for treatment. The latter asked if she could go to the comfort room. Wondering ‘why patient has not returned to the treatment area after several minutes, PT checked and found patient slumped on the floor face down. The appropriate course of action the PT should take is: ‘a. check level of response, call for help, establish alrway and assess breathing b. check level of response, call for help, assess breathing and establish airway ‘c.call for help, check level of response, assess breathing and establish airway 4d. call for help, check level of response, establish airway and assess breathing 28. A 63-year-old male CVA patient was applied functional electrical stimulation on the affected ankle dorsiflexors in ‘conjunction with her gait training program. The rationale for the application of FES for this case is ‘a. to promote substituting actions b. allofthese ©. used as an orthotic device 4d. to delay muscle atrophy 29, On initial standing, a patient with a chronic stroke is pushing strongly backward, displacing the center of mass at or near the posterior limits of stability. The MOST LIKELY cause of this is ‘a. contraction of the hip extensors. b. contracture of the hamstrings ‘c.spasticity ofthe tibialis anterior 4. spasticity, of the gastrocnemius soleus —----——- PT APPS CONCEPT INTEGRATION DAY6 30. The following impairments may result in patients with a lesion in the temporal lobe of the brain, EXCEPT: 1a.” emotional liability, b. difficulty with memory loss c. Wemicke's aphasia d._ Teaming deficits 34. Anewbom with whole arm paralysis resulting from a traction injury at birth was referred to physical therapy. The initial plan of care for the patient should include: 2. passive mobilization of the shoulder in overhead motions b. age-appropriate task training of the upper extremity ‘c._ splinting the shoulder in abduction and internal rotation ‘d._ partial immobilization ofthe limb across the abdomen, followed by gentle ROM after immobilization 32. A 65-year-old male with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was referred to PT. Pulmonary testing reveals that forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV1) and vital capacity (VC) are within 60 percent of predicted values. What is the correct exercise prescription? ‘a. exercise at 75-80 percent ofthe target heart rate, 7 times per week b. exercise at 75.80 percent of the target heart rate, 3 times per week begin exercise with levels of 1.6 METS and increase slowly, 7 times per week 4d._ begin exercise with levels of 1.5 METS and exercise slowly, 3 times per week 33. A female patient with a 10-year history of scleroderma is referred to PT to improve function and endurance. She was recently treated with corticosteroids for a bout of myositis. Evaluation shows limited ROM and fibrotic soft tissue with hyperesthesia. The MOST essential strategy in the beginning is, a. Treadmill walking with body weight support at intensity 40 percent HR max b. Closed-chain and modified aerobic step exercises c. Soft tissue mobilization and stretching d._AROM exercises and walking in the pool 34, A postpartum patient with stress incontinence is referred to the clinic for pelvic floor exercises. During the beginning of the exercise program, the BEST technique should include ‘2. Supine, squeeze the spincters and hold for 3 seconds: b.Hooklying, bridge and hold for 5 seconds. ‘c. Supine, squeeze sphincters and hold for 10 seconds 4d. Sitting in toilet bow, stop and hold the flow for § seconds 35. The recommended time duration for endotracheal suctioning is. seconds. a 10-15 b. 1-5 e. 5-10 15-20 36. A patient is not able to take in enough supply of nutrients by mouth because of the side effects of radiation therapy. Because ofthis, the physician ordered the Implementation of tube feeding. What type of tube ls MOST commonly used for short term feeding? a. Endotracheal b. Endobronchial c. Nasogastric 4. Traecheostomy 37, Republic Act 5680 mandates that the Board of PT-OT should be composed of, ‘APTaas Chairman, 2 Physiatrists and 2 OTS ‘APT as Chairman, 1 Physiatrist and 1 OT ‘APhysiatrist as chairman, 1 PT and 1 OT. ‘APhysiatrist as Chairman, 2 PTS and 2 OTS. 38. Schematic drawings on the construction of a PT department should include a. Allof these b. Actual size of each department section ‘c. Arrangement of various major elements of the department depicting an orderly traffic flow in the department 4d. Very detailed arrangement of the fixed and non-fixed equipment 39. What is the test for anterior meniscus pathology and also termed the "tenderness displacement test"? a. Apley's b. Steinmann’ &. MeMurray's @. Lachman’s 40. The functional outcome reporting method of writing notes must be ‘a. meaningful, quantifiable, sustainable b. sustainable, simple, quantifiable ¢. meaningful, utilitarian, sustainable ‘d._utllitaian, meaningful, quantifiabl Se PT APPS CONCEPT INTEGRATION DAY6 41. This isa test for epicondylitis where patient is positioned in sitting. The therapist palpates the lateral epicondyle, pronates the patient's forearm, flexes the wrist and extends the elbow. A positive testis indicated by pain in the lateral ‘epicondyle region and may be indicative of lateral epicondylitis. a Mills b. Lateral epicondylitis test c. Medial epicondylitis test d. Cozen’s: 42. This is a tool to asses and treat balance dysfunction but does not assist to diagnose the cause of balance dysfunction. It consists of eight test conditions used in the battery with each leg measured on two counts, the time spent in each test Position and the number of steps that a patient are performed. ‘2. Functional Reach b. Berg Balance Scale c.Fugl Meyer Sensory Assessment 4d. Fregley Graybiel Ataxia Test Battery 43. This isa test associated with a pars interarticularis stress fracture or spondylolisthesis. The patient stands on one leg and extends the spine while balancing on the left. The testis repeated with the patient standing on the opposite leg. A positive testis indicated by pain in the back. a. Segmental instability b. Stork standing ©. Pheasant Quadrant 44, A 88-year-old female is recovering from a surgical resection of an acoustic neuroma and presents with symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, horizontal nystagmus and postural instability, To manage these problems, the program should include: strengthening exercises focusing on spinal extensors repetition of movements and positions that provoke dizziness and vertigo Hallpike's exercises to improve speed in movement transitions prolonged bedrest to allow vestibular recovery to occur 45. Whats the FIRST step in controlling organizational behavior in a PT Department? a. establish system of measuring performance b. develop system of review c. determine types of jobs and skills needed ‘d.__monitor performance and provide feedback 46. PT is conducting an exercise class for geriatrics. Below, which would be of LEAST benefit among the exercises the participant? ‘2. active neck extension b. active stretching of the pectoral muscles fe. active neck flexion d._ active hip extension 47. Froment’s sign isa test used to determine function ofthe: ulnar b. axillary e. median radial 48, PT was referred a patient with vague hip pain that radiates to the lateral knee. The findings include: negative FABERE tost, negative grind test and a positive Noble's compression test. These test results MOST LIKELY point to: a. DuD of the hip b._inrtation of the LS spinal nerve root ©. an iliotibial band friction disorder 4d. Sljoint dysfunction 49. 75-year-old male patient with persistent balance difficulty and a history of recent falls (2 in the past month) is referred, for evaluation and management. During the initial session, itis important to examine the: level of dyspnea during functional transfers sensory losses and sensory organization of balance spinal musculoskeletal changes secondary to degenerative joint disease (DJD) cardiovascular endurance during a S-minute walking test 50, A 64-year-old female patient who underwent a minimally invasive total knee replacement was referred to PT. The referring physician stated in the chart that patient ha stage 1 Alzheimer's disease. The PT will therefore NOT expect to find: 2. memory loss b. anxiety and irritability fe. cannot concentrate 4d. profound communication deficits >“

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