CHAPTER 2 N 3 Revice.2
CHAPTER 2 N 3 Revice.2
CHAPTER 2 N 3 Revice.2
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
Psychological distress
Psychological distress was measured using the 30-item General Health
Questionnaire (GHQ-30), a self-completion instrument widely used to rate
levels of psychological distress and psychiatric disorders.
Natural environment
Natural environmental measures of slope variability and greenness were
included in the models, the former being particularly variable given the
geographical location in the Welsh Valleys. Slope raster was processed from a
5-metre resolution Blue Sky digital terrain model of the study area and the
degree of variability in slope within an individual’s home range was
operationalized as the standard deviation of slope in degrees within a 1
kilometer network buffer of an individual’s dwelling. Satellite derived
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used as an objective
measure of greenness. A 30-metre resolution Landsat 7 dataset was processed
and greenness was calculated as the mean NDVI within a 500 metre circular
buffer of an individual’s dwelling.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
Various efforts have been made to explore what types of built environment
components cause physical and physiological discomfort in pedestrians in a
neighborhood as interest in walkable neighborhoods has grown. The study's
findings will improve how built environment aspects are evaluated and
encourage walkability in neighborhoods. Various efforts have been made to
explore what types of built environment components cause physical and
physiological discomfort in pedestrians in a neighborhood as interest in walkable
neighborhoods has grown. With the help of these data, we examine the
connection between physiological reactions and the elements of the built
environment that people actually experience.
It`s become generally understood that this is the main concern of design and
that other considerations are secondary to solving problems. In this system
secondary considerations become primary considerations alongside the problem
solving aspect of design.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
Then consider how the space will be used and what message the design should
convey. Sustainability is considered from a material perspective (how long the
structure lasts) and an environmental perspective (how to reduce energy
consumption). Will this building enrich the lives of those who use it or otherwise
interact with it? After all, architects who want to be "wanted" by builders want
to win awards, and a good way to do that is to build structures that are more than
just roofs over people's heads.
Start with questions instead of solutions. It's crucial to pose questions that
place the issue in its broader perspective rather than acting on a brief that
predetermines the responses. "How can we make this solution more long-
lasting? for instance.
Not less, but more delivery. Improve functionality in order to achieve holistic
goals rather than reducing functionality to do so.
Make up your own concepts. Borrow shamelessly from fields outside of
design and modify their theories to produce better designs.
Discover something you want that is also desired by others. Change the world
and fill unfulfilled needs. Discover something you want that is also desired by
others. Change the world and fill unfulfilled needs.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
objective scientific and engineering method is the main focus of current study. In
order to conduct a transdisciplinary investigation into how people interact with
and use architectural space, this research project proposes an integrative
methodology. Two study topics, one from architectural design, one from
building science, one from cultural theory, one from place phenomenology, and
one from social psychology are assigned to each of the four key perspectives.
We believe that spatial-temporal patterns can act as a unifying framework for
various viewpoints. In our conclusion, we offer conceptual frameworks for
further investigation into architectural habitation based on sixteen hypotheses
produced by four levels of complexity in each of the four main perspectives.
With the cultural shift to a "work from anywhere" mentality, as well as the
recent passage of the Infrastructure Bill, municipal governments have many
reasons to be optimistic about local economic development and civil society
adaptation. Americans are migrating from large, expensive cities to smaller
secondary cities and suburban neighborhoods, which means that municipalities
of all sizes should brace themselves for an increase in new business registration,
new zoning, and the need for more advanced digital and physical infrastructure
to accommodate population growth. Here's a primer on why government-led
local economic development is important and how your municipality can assist
businesses in thriving in your community.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
Residents who are pleased with their elected officials will almost certainly vote
to keep them in office, and an increase in job opportunities will encourage more
people to relocate to your area.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
The tugboat, towboat, and barge industry employs more than 33,000
American mariners aboard its vessels, making it the largest segment of the
domestic maritime industry in the United States.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
Importance of Water
Most major cities in the world are built around a body of water. Because of
the importance of water as a means of transporting goods and people, cities have
been built around rivers, lakes, and oceans. Water was the only way to connect
important destinations and commerce centers prior to the construction of the
ground-based infrastructure we rely on today.
Why Rivers?
Rivers are one of the most influential factors in determining where major
cities are located today. They can provide transportation and recreation in
addition to the movement of goods. Many cities are built on the banks of two or
more rivers because it is the most efficient way to provide access to multiple
locations. Today, we have the option of using rivers as a mode of transportation
because it makes sense.
We can use rivers to transport people and reduce traffic congestion. People
who live in or near cities rely on public transportation to get to and from work
and to get around. Trains and buses are the most popular modes of ground
transportation, but they necessitate extensive infrastructure. Taking public
transportation by river or boat can provide commuters with fresh air and a new
perspective of the city on their way to work. It has the potential to reduce road
congestion by utilizing a natural resource to provide a unique alternative for
commuters to get around.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
Types of Transport
Rivers near cities can be used in a variety of ways. Ferries are one of the most
popular options, but they only transport people between two locations, which are
not ideal for mass public transportation. A water bus or water taxi is the most
practical form of river transportation for public transportation. They can have
multiple stops along the river and are ideal for commuters who need to cross the
river or move up and down the river depending on their needs. A loop route can
connect you to several popular destinations.
Rivers can be extremely beneficial to cities and commuters, but changing our
current mindset and opening up to the idea will take time. We can see a few
cities experimenting with the concept, but they are mostly small-scale operations
run by private companies. Is this something that could be done on a larger scale?
Simply take advantage of a river's natural resource by purchasing boats and
developing terminals and stops. It is certainly possible; we simply need to bring
this topic up in the context of city planning and new development. Would you
travel by river on a daily basis?
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
The development of
transportation systems is
embedded within the scale and
context in which they take
place, from the local to the
global and from environmental,
historical, technological, and
economic perspectives.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
How can the key areas of Bocaue be transformed into a setting that can satisfy river transportation
needs, encourage the increase of the scale and scope of commercial activity, and take into account
any vestiges of culture, history, and comfort that may be present?
To enhance a smooth merge between land activities and water-bound activities. As it relates to achieving spatia
utilization coupled with flexibility of activities and optimal circulation.
Research and
Development along the Bocaue River towards a Socio-Economic and Built Environment mode
of Transportation
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
Chapter 3: Methodology of
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
To achieve the data needed in this subject we will be conduct and use different method
approach. By the integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques the researchers
will be able to gather the information needed that will be used in the study. This is one of
the most important things to do in order to recognize the needs and solutions to the study
problem. By conducting interviews with the planning Department of the Municipality and
other resource persons and surveys of the general public to gauge public interest in the
issues that the proponents are addressing. The necessitates the collection of significant
data in order to examine the problem and gain a more complete understanding and
interpretation of the problem, allowing for the foundation of a position for successful
research in the study through surveys, archives, or internet sources, and it can also be
done through actual observation.
The research designs in this research are the combinations of descriptive
research, exploratory research, qualitative, and quantitative. The primary goal of
the study is to develop a specific area along the Bocaue River, Mainly to locations
along the river where there is heavy traffic during rush hours. The customary
design of the water transport terminal that would result in a typical transition from
land transportation to water transportation will be the subject of descriptive
research. We'll carry out exploratory research to find out more about congested
locations and highways, especially those near the Bocaue River, in order to
determine where water transportation is most needed, and to identify the causes of
the jams as well as how to develop that particular area so we can plan a strategy to
merge from the roadway to water transport and the location of the terminal.
Quantitative research will be conducted to reveal the amount of vehicles that
passes thru the congested roads, mainly the amount of commuters and secondary
the private vehicles that would also may consider to use the water transportation.
This would uncover the amount of possible users of the designed water
transportation. Qualitative research will be use to determine the proponents
perceptions to have a water transportation terminal.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
b) Analysis and Interpretation Phase: The focus of this phase will be on the
factors that influence the current scenarios of the Bocaue. This section also
focuses on case studies that can assist researchers in better understanding
the topic in problems.
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
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the municipal of Phone,
Bocaue concerning Pen,
of Bocaue. CITY 1-2
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term and long term Paper,
future plans. USB
A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design
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A Socio-Economic and Physiological Built Environment for Bocaue Focusing on River
Transportation System through Holistic and Integral Sustainable Design