Abiy Atakure
Abiy Atakure
Abiy Atakure
April, 2019
I, the undersigned declare that this thesis is my original work, has not been presented
for Degree in this or other universities, all sources of materials for this thesis have
been fully acknowledged
Abiy Atakure
Place: Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa
Date of Submission:
This is certifying that the above statement made by the student is correct and true to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
First of all, I would like to thank God, for His provision of strength that helped me to
overcome any difficulties during the entire work. Without His help I couldn’t be able
to finish it.
Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor Prof.N.P. Singh, for his
valuable comment, timely response and great commitment. I’m also grateful to his
motivation and his dynamic suggestions for solutions to any of the challenges faced
during the thesis work.
Then I would like to appreciate my workmates and friends, Ethiopian Electric Power
corporation staffs for their hospitality and willingness to provide me the PSS/E dongle
to use it for simulation for the entire transmission grid. I have received a very keen
support from the office during the overall period of the study.
And I want to thank all my family for their continuous and tireless support. Finally, I
want to say thank you to all my friends who took part in this work directly or
Table of Contents
Declaration ..................................................................................................................... II
Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... IX
Abstract ......................................................................................................................... XI
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................. 48
CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................. 61
REFERNCES ................................................................................................................ 64
List of Figures
FIGURE 4-2 POWER FLOWS ON BRANCHES WITHOUT USING DSRS ................................. 51
FIGURE 4-3POWER FLOW ON BRANCHES USING DSRS ................................................... 54
FIGURE 4-4COMPARISONS OF POWER FLOWS ................................................................. 56
FIGURE 4- 5 COMPARISONS OF POWER FLOWS ............................................................... 56
List of Tables
% Percentage
ALA Alaba
DC Direct Current
DUM Dummy
GW Giga Watt
HV High Voltage
km Kilometer
kV Kilo volt
MW Mega Watt
pu Per uint
R Resistance
S Apparent Power
V Voltage
Z Impedance
μH Micro Henery
An important issue in today’s power system is the need to analyze and determine the
adequacy of transmission capacity. There is a need for approaches to increase
transmission system capacity without construction of new transmission facilities, all
while assuring secure operation of the grid. Smart grid technologies such as FACTS
and DSRs can enhance capacity utilization and increase flexibility in controlling
power flows on transmission lines.
Distributed Series Reactor (DSR) control is a new smart grid technology that can be
applied to control flows in the transmission system. DSRs can be used to balance
flows in a single line as well as to control the distribution of power flows in parallel
lines. This thesis investigates the application of Distributed Series Reactors (DSRs) on
Ethiopian National Grid transmission systems to control power flow and to improve
the overloaded line capacity and shifting power to other parallel branches which are
under loaded. Simulation studies are carried out on Ethiopian grid using power system
simulation for Engineers (PSS/E). 400kV, 230kV and 132 kV transmission lines of the
Ethiopian gird are considered for simulation studies.
Placement of a DSR having its reactance value 20% of the overloaded line enhances
the existing transmission capacity utilization of the 400kV lines by 89.22%, for the
230kV lines by 81.28% and the same for 132kV lines by 83.79%. Moreover, the
overloading condition of the 132kV line is improved by 95%.
Placement of a DSR having its reactance value 30% of the overloaded line enhances
the existing transmission capacity utilization of the 400kV lines by 89.22%, the 230kV
lines by 81.32% and the same for 132kV lines by 82.42%. Moreover, the overloading
condition of the 132kV line is improved by 85%.
Placement of a DSR having its reactance value 50% of the overloaded line enhances
the existing transmission capacity utilization of the 400kV lines by 89.22%, the 230kV
lines by 81.31% and the 132kV lines by 80.13%. Moreover, the overloading condition
of the 132kV line is improved by 79%.
In this study cost benefit analysis of DSR placement having its reactance value 20% of
the overloaded line is performed. The cost benefit analysis for the construction of new
transmission line for 84.76% capacity improvement needs 12.25M$ and the total cost
for the same capacity improvement using DSRs are deployed on the overloaded line
needs 3.33M$. Comparing this total cost of DSRs which is 3.33M$ with that of
building new lines which is 12.25M$, it appears that the DSRs implementation cost
reduced by 27.18 % relative to the traditional approach of building new lines.
1.1 Background
In recent years, Ethiopian grid system has been progressed in rapid development and
expansion processes. Many big hydro power plants and very long EHV transmission
lines has been added to the grid to serve the fast-growing economy of the country, also
in the near future many more power plants and transmissions systems are expected to
be connected with the power grid.
Interconnections and power trading with other control areas (neighboring countries),
Sudan and Djibouti have been realized, enabling robustness and dynamicity of the
grid. Further, power grid interconnectors will be available in the east African regions,
example Ethio-kenya, Ethio-Sudan-Egypt, etc.
Since, Ethiopia has a great deal of hydro and wind power potential, the interconnectors
will create opportunities for foreign electricity market, mainly to sell electricity to east
African countries. Apart from this the interconnectors will have mutual benefits for
reliability and security of the interconnected grid system itself and social-economical
& political stability of the region.
In the last two decades local customers of EEP ranging from very big industries to
small household customers, their demand for electric power is growing at a very fast
rate. Foreign investment policy of the country is highly attractive and due to this
various type of new industries are booming & being operational. To serve this vast
electric power demand, improving existing power grid reliability and security is
mandatory & highly essential.
Currently, EEU customers get access for electricity either through the National
Electric Power Grid or through the Off-Grid system. The former is the most dynamic,
robust and very huge interconnected electricity infrastructure supplying most urban
areas, being the backbone for industrialization and economic transformation, also
having interconnectors with other National Power Grid (neighboring countries) for
electricity export and trading. The later one is very small, self-contained system (SCS)
supplying electricity to remote and localized areas very far from existing national grid
The Ethiopian National Grid is 100% powered by renewable energy resources mainly
coming from hydro and wind power plants. Installed capacity of Hydro power plants
is 2657MW, Wind power plant 328MW and others. In addition, GRED hydro power
project having a capacity of 6000MW is also expected to be connected stage by stage.
In the year 2020 the total installed capacity of the Ethiopian National Grid will be
more than 10,000MW [1].
control power flow that is less costly than building new lines. For some cases, the only
solution to control flow is to invest in new lines; A few studies [3] investigate several
different methods for controlling power flow. Other authors use series and shunt
compensator devices to control power flow. Other studies [4] propose using flexible
alternating current transmission system devices, but these devices are expensive for
large area implementations, but in some cases, there are other solutions. One new
techniques for controlling power flow, distributed series reactors (DSRs), shows
Distributed series reactors are lightweight devices that can be installed quickly on
transmission lines [5]. Distributed series reactors can be used to increase the capacity
of a transmission system by moving flow from heavily loaded lines to lines that are in
parallel and which have unused capacity. This is accomplished by using the DSRs to
increase the reactance of the heavily loaded lines. In the study here, DSRs are used as
an alternative way to alleviate overloading problems, providing economic benefits
overbuilding new transmission lines.
The transmission system is the core part of power system network which deliver
power to the distribution system. Maximize the capacity power flow on the
transmission line plays a key role to reduce transmission networks take a much longer
time to plan and construct and reduce investment on new lines, moreover getting
transmissions line corridor has been a challenge specially in major cities like in Addis
Ababa due to huge displacement cost are a head ache for the utility provider. The
132kV Alaba – Wolyta Sodo II transmission line which is connected to the 230kV and
400kV lines is overloaded and this line is connected to the maximum generating plant
like Gibe III. It is a problem for using efficiently the 400kV lines which have a big
capacity to transport more power to the load center. Moreover, it will be a cause for
cascading failures for the power system. Analysis such kinds of problems on
These days, the Ethiopian Electric Power grid is highly suffering from frequent
blackouts, 15 number of blackout has been recorded in the year 2015 alone [1]. Most
blackouts were the results of cascading failures of the power system due to some lines
are overloaded. Preventing such blackouts is a very important goal that requires detail
study, analysis & close monitoring of the state of the power flow
General Objective
The general objective of this thesis is to analyze and investigate the unbalanced and
overloaded operating conditions of Ethiopian national grid transmission system and to
explore the applications of FACTS devices for alleviation of these problem as well as
to enhance to its power transfer capacity.
To evaluate and analyze the power transfer capacity 400kV, 230kV and 132kV
transmission systems of Ethiopian national grid and identify the unbalanced and
overloaded operating conditions.
1.4 Methodology
132kV, 230kV and 400kV transmission systems from existing Ethiopian national grid
are considered for the study of overloaded and unbalanced power system operating
conditions. The capacity improvement analysis has been carried out using Power
System Simulation for Engineers (PSS/E) during peak load of 2017 of the grid. Two
cases are evaluated during power flow study where the capacity enhancements on
400kV, 230kV and 132kV transmission system are determined. The cases are: (1)
Power flow study without DSRs are used; (2) Power flow study with placement of
DSRs having its reactance value 20%,30% and 50% are operated on the overloaded
line in an attempt to better utilize the capacity of each line.
Initial field trials distributed series reactor implications for future applications
presented by Bruce Rogers [25]. The Distributed Series Reactor is a self-contained
device, powered by induction from a transmission line conductor that increases the
series impedance of a circuit by injecting series reactance. The concept was first
demonstrated in 2002 – 2003 and has been demonstrated in pilot installations on HV
transmission lines. For a 161-kV line, assume 5 spans per mile and a device at each
end of each span i.e. 10 devices per mile. Approximate impedance increase = 20%. An
application had been tried on 39 bus system gird for a base line 1904 MW and
increase the MW to 638 (33.5%) and line availability from 59 % to 93% using
distributed series reactance.
Load growth and power flow control with DSRs: Balanced vs unbalanced
transmission networks, Shamia Omran [26]. A new smart grid technology, the
Distributed Series Reactor (DSRs), is investigated in this paper. DSRs can be used to
balance flows in the phases of an unbalanced line or used to control the distribution of
flow in a meshed network. In this paper, DSRs will be used to alleviate overloads that
result due to increased load. The design is performed for an unbalanced, 3-phase
system, and then for a balanced, 3-phase model derived from the unbalanced model,
The authors have created 3-phase models of transmission systems for 7 different
utilities in the U.S., where some of the transmission systems spanned multiple
states, and included volt-age levels of 230 kV, 345 kV, and 500 kV, where the
majority of the lines were not transposed. In several utilities there were no
transposed lines in the transmission systems. The reasons for imbalance at the
receiving end of a line can be due to impedance unbalance, load unbalance, and
sending end voltage unbalance. This paper only addresses impedance unbalance,
but as demonstrated in the case study in the paper, the effects of impedance
unbalance (i.e., non-transposed lines) can be significant on flows and voltages.
Thus, to investigate the effect on DSR design of the line impedance model, two
cases are considered, an unbalanced, 3-phase impedance model, and a balanced, 3-
phase impedance model. The balanced model is derived by assuming that the lines
in the unbalanced model are transposed. In the unbalanced model the self-
impedances are unequal with symmetrical but unequal off diagonal elements. The
same is true for the shunt admittance matrix of the unbalanced model. In the
balanced model the impedance matrix has diagonal elements that are equal in value
and off diagonal elements that are zero
The overloads start to occur in the balanced model at 141% load growth, whereas
overloads do not occur in the unbalanced model until 145% load growth is reached.
At the 141% and 143% load levels, the unbalanced model has no overloads and no
DSRs are needed. However, the balanced model experiences overloads at the 141%
and 143% load levels, where75 DSRs and 900 DSRs are required, respectively.
This is quite a significant difference between the 2 models.
At the 149% load level, 3750 DSRs are deployed in the unbalanced model to
alleviate overloads whereas in the balanced mode l5550 DSRs are deployed
For a given loading, use of the balanced model in the design results in many more
DSRs for control than when the unbalanced model is used in the design. It was
shown that the balanced model assumption, if used when lines are truly unbalanced,
can lead to significant errors.
The majority of the transmission system in the U.S. is unbalanced, and since
significant errors can arise when just the impedance unbalance is considered.
The application of DSRs can increase the utilization of the line capacity in a system.
This increased utilization can delay or eliminate the need for building new
transmission lines. Whether DSRs should be used to increase line utilization or
new lines should be built is partly an economic question.
DSRCongestionReliefFactor = (2.13)
This study represents a new control method of power flow by using DSR modules.
Algorithm is tested on the IEEE New England (39bus) test system. The results and
observations with the DSR algorithm are stated here:
The proposed algorithm with DSR modules can be used to manage power flow and
capacity expansion and reduce overloads when some areas require special load
The proposed algorithm with DSRs is tested for constant load growth applied to
each bus, and the results show that the proposed algorithm is also useful for
entire‐system expansion planning
Single contingency of generation outage is tested with the proposed algorithm. The
results show that the proposed algorithm fully utilizes the capacity of the existing
system by using DSRs when generation outages occurred
Line outages are also tested with the proposed algorithm and one of the largest
lines was taken out by considering the worst case; the results show that the DSR
algorithm can utilize capacity effectively, when there are line outages and also
overloading problems when there is a line contingency as well.
Simulation results show the practicability and success of the DSR technique as a
control for power flow in providing a cheaper alternative to the construction of new
transmission lines.
It was shown that as the network load is increased and with-out employing DSRs, the
full capacity of the transmission network was underutilized as the low voltage line, the
230 kV line, over-loaded first, and the high voltage line, the 345 KV line, was left
with significant unused transmission capacity. In order to increase the utilization of the
high voltage line, DSRs are added to the low volt-age line, and this has the effect of
pushing more power toward the alternate high voltage path.
The second part of the paper studied the application of DSRs to reduce voltage
imbalance. In applications where reducing the voltage imbalance rather than
increasing the transmission capacity is the main objective, DSRs can also be useful.
The modified 3-phase, IEEE 39 bus system is again used to study the voltage
imbalance. In this case a 345 KV line in parallel with a 500 KV line was considered. It
is found that under certain unsymmetrical DSR operation on the500 kV line, the
voltage imbalance at the receiving end of the line can be reduced from 0.275% to
about 0.008%.
In chapter 1 is an introductory part giving background of the study. The basic problem
is described. The objectives of the thesis work are stated. The methodologies are
clearly described and finally researchers done in the area of the application of
distributed series reactance have been discussed in detail. In Chapter 2 deals with
fundamentals of FACTS Controllers deeply assessed. Different kinds of FACTS
controllers and the basic principle have been discussed. The concept of using a
distributed series compensator to control the power flow and the proposed power flow
controller in this study clearly described.
2.1 Introduction
In its most general expression, the FACTS concept is based on the substantial
incorporation of power electronic devices and methods into the high-voltage side of
the network, to make it electronically controllable. Many of the ideas upon which the
foundation of FACTS rests evolved over a period of many decades. Nevertheless,
FACTS, an integrated philosophy, is a novel concept that was brought to fruition
during the 1980s [6]. FACTS look at ways of capitalizing on the many breakthroughs
taking place in the area of high-voltage and high current power electronics, aiming at
increasing the control of power flows in the high voltage side of the network during
both steady-state and transient conditions. The new reality of making the power
network electronically controllable has started to alter the way power plant equipment
is designed and built as well as the thinking and procedures that go into the planning
and operation of transmission and distribution networks. These developments may
also affect the way energy transactions are conducted, as high-speed control of the
path of the energy flow is now feasible. Owing to the many economical and technical
benefits it promised, FACTS received the instinctive support of electrical equipment
manufacturers, utilities, and research organizations around the world.
Several kinds of FACTS controllers have been commissioned in various parts of the
world. The most popular are: load tap changers, phase angle regulators, static VAR
compensators, thyristor-controlled series compensators, inter phase power controllers,
static compensators, and unified power flow controllers. Providing the ability to
control the flow of current can help the system operators to use the network resources
more efficiently. State estimation and optimal power flow are such technique that
adjusts line flows, by monitoring the prevailing system conditions, to extract the
unused capacity from the grid.
The objective of state estimation is to estimate the unknown network quantities, which
can be voltage magnitudes, phase angles, etc., from the quantities that are easily
measurable such as generator’s injected power, line reactance, transformer tap settings.
[19, 20]
Optimal power flow simulations must be carried out every time the loading or the
operating conditions on the network change. A central control and communication
units are required to compute the new state of the system and adjust the control
variables. Computational complexity and the requirement of an extensive
communication capability make this approach difficult to implement for very large
power networks
(SVC-Static Var
(TSCS-Thyristor controlled series Compensator and
Capacitor and SSSC-Static STATCOM-Static
Synchronous Compensator)
Synchronous Series Compensator)
(UPFC-Unified Series
Flow (IPFC- Interline Power Flow
Controller) Controller)
FACTS devices change the system parameters, such as voltage magnitude, voltage
angle, or the line reactance, to improve the transmission capacity and utilization of
existing lines by controlling the flow of current through them.
Figure 2.2 shows a simple two bus system, with the associated parameters. The basic
equation governing the flow of real and reactive power between the two buses/nodes is
described by equations 2.1 and 2.2
V2 2
P12 = V1V2 ZS cos(θS − δ) − cos θS Watt/Phase (2.1)
V1 V2 V2 2
Q12 = sin( θS − δ) − sin θS Watt/Phase (2.2)
P12 and Q12: the flow of real and reactive power from Bus 1 to Bus 2,
The equations can be further simplified if the line resistance (R) is neglected as shown
in equations (2.3) and (2.4). This assumption holds true if the reactance of the line
(XL) is much greater than the resistance (R)
V1 V2
P12 = sin
= sin δ, if |V1 | = |V2 | = |V| (2.3)
𝑉1 𝑉2 𝑉2 2
𝑄12 = cos 𝛿 −
= (cos δ − 1) , if|V1 | = |V2 | = |V| (2.4)
The equation highlights that both the real and reactive power flows between any two
buses can be controlled by changing the voltage magnitudes, voltage phase difference,
or the reactive impedance of the line. All FACTS devices alter one or more of these
system parameters to control the flow of power. Controlling the power flow by
changing the different parameters is presented in the following sections.
Series controllers
The series controller could be variable impedance, such as capacitor, reactor, etc., or
power electronics based variable source of main frequency, sub synchronous and
harmonic frequencies to serve the desired need. In principle, all the series controllers
inject voltage in series with the line. Even variable impedance multiplied by the
current flow throughout, represents an injected series voltage in the line. As long as
the voltage is in phase quadrature with the line current, the series controller only
supplies or consumes variable reactive power.
Shunt controllers
the shunt part of the controller and voltage in series in the line with the series part of
the controller. However, when the shunt and series controllers are unified, there can be
a real power exchange between the series and shunt controllers via the power link.
As adjusting the impedance and admittance of the transmission line is one method to
control the Power flow, Distributed Series Reactor controller was first proposed as a
D-FACTS device to fulfill this objective. Lines that is likely to see overloads at certain
times of the day or under Defined contingency conditions can be modified with DSR
modules to automatically control the line reactance and thus current flow.
The DSR adds reactance to the self-impedance (diagonal elements of the impedance
matrix) of the line model [7]. The DSR addition affects the self-impedance of the line
impedance matrix Z where Zii = self-impedance of phase i, and i = A, B, C. Zij =
mutual impedance between phases i and j, and i, j = A, B, C.
The value of the reactance added depends on the number of DSR modules activated
and the selected reactance for each DSR module [8].
Distributed Series Reactors has been developed by a vendor working initially with the
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Department of Energy Advanced Research
Program Agency -Electric (ARPA-E) [12]. DSRs are clamped to phase conductors and
powered by induction from the line current. A magnetic link allows the device to
inject inductive reactance to increase line impedance. In a meshed transmission grid,
increased impedance in one path results in transfer of power flow to other paths [8].
The distributed series reactor, shown in Figure 2.5 [9], consists of a split transformer
hung from the conductor. The conductor forms the primary winding of the transformer.
When the secondary winding is shorted, the unit operates in monitoring mode and
negligible inductance is coupled in series with the line. When the secondary winding
is opened, the magnetizing inductance of the transformer is coupled in series with the
line, and the unit operates in injection mode. While an individual device has a very
small effect on the impedance of a line phase, adding numbers of them can change
reactive impedance by several percent.
DSR Installation
Fig. 2.6 shows a conceptual schematic of D-FACTS devices deployed on a power line
to alter the power flow by changing the line impedance. Each module is rated at about
10 kVA and is clamped on the line, floating both electrically and mechanically. Each
module can be controlled to increase or decrease the impedance of the line, or to leave
Equation (2.5) shows how power flow varies with the line reactance. Control of real
power flow on the line thus requires that the angle δ or the line impedance XL be
changed. A phase shifting transformer can be used to control the angle δ. This is an
expensive non-scalable solution and provides limited dynamic control capability.
WhereV1 and V2 are the bus voltage magnitudes, δ is the voltage phase difference, and
XL is the line impedance. The concept of D-FACTS presents the highest potential to
increase power flow and consequently the transfer capacity of a meshed transmission,
sub transmission, and distribution network. In a meshed T&D network, the power
transfer capacity of the system is constricted by the first line that reaches the thermal
limit. The inability to effectively control power flow in such a network results in
significant under-utilization of the overall system. D-FACTS devices offer the ability
to improve the transfer capacity and grid utilization by routing power flow from
overloaded lines to underutilized parts of the network. Capacitive compensation on
underutilized lines would make them more receptive to the inflow of the current, while
inductive compensation on overloaded lines would make them less attractive to
current flow. In both cases, the throughput of the system is increased by diverting
additional power flow from the congested parts of the network to the lines with
available capacity.
When the DSR controller detects a fault, it returns the units to monitoring mode in less
than 100microseconds to ensure that the DSRs do not interfere with existing
protection schemes. To date, none of the DSR pilot deployments have required any
changes to protection settings [11].
transmission lines simplified the RAS and eliminated 1200 megawatts (MW) of
generation and load shedding.
Pilot Test
Distributed Series Reactors has been developed by a vendor working initially with the
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Department of Energy Advanced Research
Program Agency -Electric (ARPA-E) [12].
The first pilot test included 100 units installed over 17 spans of a 21-mile 161 kV line
owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Installations averaged approximately 10
minutes per unit, including wire brushing the conductor, installation of protector rods,
and installation of an associated vibration damper [11].
The concept of using a distributed series compensator to control the power flow has
been suggested earlier [12]. A distributed series compensator is capable of providing
the same control capability as that of conventional series FACTS devices but at high
module reliability and lower cost. However, the technology is based on a voltage
source inverter, implying a high dependency on power electronics and electrolytic
capacitors. The current power electronics devices are generally not suited for use in
the utility environment. The safe operating temperature range of the commercially
available power electronic and control devices is between 80oC to 125oC, while the
temperature extreme for power line conductors (100oC) can result in unsafe operating
temperatures. Moving parts such as fans are not desirable making thermal
management a major challenge as well. Further, the long-projected life (~30 years)
suggests that dependence on electrolytic capacitors must be reduced. It is thus required
to keep the power electronics at a minimal level to ensure a reliable system operation.
Further, to realize the full control range of a distributed series compensator, a
A Distributed Series Impedance (DSI) can control active power flow by realizing
variable line impedance. The transfer capacity and consequently the grid utilization
can be improved by routing the power flow from overloaded lines to underutilized
parts of the network. Capacitive compensation on under-utilized lines makes them
more receptive to the inflow of current, while inductive compensation on over-loaded
lines makes them less attractive to current flow. In both the cases, the throughput of
the system is increased by diverting additional power flow from the congested parts of
the network to the lines with available capacity.
The control strategy is unidirectional and the devices can be made to operate
autonomously based on the measured line current
Deployment of DSR modules on a power system can thus help to steer current from
one part of the network to the other. The utilization of all the lines in the network can
be gradually increased, bringing the system to its maximum power transfer capacity.
Reliability of the system is also enhanced with the ability to share the overload
between lines. A DSR system can not only restore a secure system operation under
contingency conditions by diverting the excess current to other lines but can also
improve the transmission capacity under such conditions. Thus, a self-healing network
with controllable values can be obtained.
3.1 Introduction
In this section, the Ethiopian Electric Power grid has been assessed for its system
overview for different voltage levels, installed equipment’s for enhancing system
performance, modeling of the transmission system in PSS/E for analysis of
contingency results and investigation partial blackout the peak load of 2017.The
placement of DSR on the transmission line identified through system load flow
The country is divided into 8 regional operation departments for the electricity
network: Addis Ababa, Central region, Eastern region, Northern region, North-Eastern
region, North-Western region, Southern region and Western region.
The Ethiopian Electric Power is the sole power utility in Ethiopia responsible for
power generation, and transmission electrical energy all over the country. EEP
supports the endeavors of the Federal Government of Ethiopia in promoting social and
economic progress in all parts of the country.
The most salient policies promoted by EEP to meet its strategic goals are listed below:
The cost allocation for generation, transmission, distribution and supply shown on Fig
3.1 for building these infrastructures is the following [1]:
System Overview
The total circuit lengths of transmission and sub-transmission lines on the existing
system are shown in Table 3-1. EEP plans to phase out 45 kV in favor of 66 kV and
also to replace some 66 kV lines with 132 kV. A map of the existing system and the
planned transmission projects up to 2016 is shown in Figure 3-2 [28].
Table 3-1Transmission and sub transmission lines on the existing system [1]
approximately 700 MVAr. In 2017, the peak generation (including Ethiopia peak
demand, losses and exports) was 2078.9 MW.
400kV Network
The 400-kV network is currently limited to a few transmission lines and substations.
These include an interconnection between Gilgel Gibe II/ III power plants and
SebetaII to Gelan substation in the south of Addis Ababa and an interconnection
between Beles power plant, Bahir Dar, Sululta, Debremarkos and Geberguracha
substation to the north of Addis Ababa.
230kV Network
A complete ring around Addis Ababa, including; Sululta, Gefersa, Sebeta kality
and Cotobie II to Legetafo.
Interconnections between Addis Ababa and power plants to the south east
including Koka and Melka Wakena.
Interconnection between Koka and Dire Dawa in the east, with interconnected to
North-western corridor, including interconnection with Finchaa, Debre Markos,
Tis-Abay and Beles power plants and interconnected to Sudan via Metema.
Northern corridor including Combolcha, Alamata, Mekele and Tekeze power plant.
A 230-kV transmission line between Bahir Dar and Alamata interconnects the
north western and northern corridors
The extent of the 132-kV network has been used extensively in the past for
transmission, however in many parts of the network, due to extension of the 230-kV
system, 132 kV is now effectively used more for sub-transmission along with 66 kV
and 45 kV.
The model was developed by the Ethiopian Electric Power most closely refined to
2017 peak load.
Module is basic PSS/E program module and it is powerful and easy-to use for basic
power flow network analysis. Besides analysis tool this module is also used for Data
handling, updating, and manipulation
PSS/E is not set up to solve any specific problem; rather, it is set of computational
tools that are directed by the user in an interactive manner. By applying these tools in
the appropriate sequence, the engineer can handle a wide range of investigations for
the planning and operation of electric power systems.
Through the PSS/E interface the following functions and analyses are available:
Additionally, one of the most basic premises of PSS/E is that the engineer can derive
the greatest benefit from computational tools by retaining intimate control over their
application. IPLAN program language and or Python programs can be used within
PSS/E for batch control and automation of the simulation processes
Once PSS/E opened, the key elements of the user interface are the Tree View,
Spreadsheet View, Diagram View and the Output Bar, as pointed out in Figure 2.8
Figure 2 -7Key Elements of the Interface Tree View, Main Menu, Toolbars,
Spreadsheet, View Output Bar Diagram, View Status Bar.
Spreadsheet View
All network data components (e.g., buses, lines, loads) are represented within
worksheet style tabs on the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet, or workbook, is
synchronized with the bus subsystem selector so that only a subset of the data may be
viewed at any time. New network elements may be entered or modified directly in the
appropriate worksheet, or existing ones deleted. In the Spreadsheet View, standard
Windows commands such as copy and paste actions are supported.
Sorting and filtering capabilities are provided to increase usability, especially with
large systems. At program startup the Spreadsheet View is not shown. It will appear
when a raw data or saved case file is opened. The Spreadsheet View is the default
view for the interface and remains open once it is populated. It can be minimized, but
if closed will remove the current network from PSS/EE.
In Figure 2.9, the Bus tab has been selected and the spreadsheet reflects the bus data
records within the working case. Other data items may be viewed by clicking on the
other tabs located at the bottom of the spreadsheet view.
Tree View
The Tree View provides a hierarchical, expandable and collapsible list view of the
network, OPF, dynamics, model, and plot data in the system (as shown in Figure 2.10).
It is synchronized with the bus subsystem selector to enable the user to reduce the
amount of data presented at any one time. The Tree View is also synchronized with
the Spreadsheet and Diagram Views, reflecting their current content.
Diagram View
The Diagram View is used to create, expand and display one-line diagrams of the
electrical system (as shown in Figure 2.11). As new elements are added to the diagram,
the Spreadsheet and Tree Views are automatically updated to reflect the addition
Additional diagram capabilities include the ability to view power flow, short-circuit
analysis, reliability and dynamic simulation results. The Diagram View is not
automatically opened. It is initiated by opening an existing one-line drawing file, or by
starting a new diagram window.
The Diagram View can directly import old PSS/E DRAW files, which can then be
saved to the new diagram Slider (SLD) format.
Given an existing PSS/E case, a one-line diagram may easily be built or expanded, bus
by bus. This is accomplished by activating a Diagram View, right-clicking on an
existing bus within the diagram or tree view and selecting Grow. All items connected
to the selected bus are automatically drawn on the diagram. Simple mouse operations
may then be used to rearrange elements on the diagram.
EEP provided a PSS/E network model, which formed the basis of the analysis. The
model was refined to more closely represent the network in 2017 peak load and the
generation is 2078.9 MW (including the peak load, exports and the loss).The peak
2017 data’s are line R in (pu), line X in (pu), charging B in (pu), ratings of A, B, and C
phases in MVA and line lengths in km are listed in Appendix B.
A summary of the assessment results is shown that 285 lines are monitored and during
contingency analysis 12 lines are tripped, and a number of loads sheds done for
corrective action are 12 lines with further details including summary of contingency
analysis study results provided in Appendix A.
The load flow plots may be found in Appendix A. Under maximum load, intact
In order to maximize a peak load flow, it was necessary to significantly reduce the
overloaded lines and fully utilize the unused capacity of the 230kV and 400kV lines.
Numerous transformer overloads were found, mostly in the Addis Ababa region and
these are listed in Appendix C. These will be addressed through replacement of
existing transformers as required and through transfer of load to new substations in
certain cases. Voltages below and above the planning limits were found on the bus
bars listed in Appendix D.
Contingency Analysis
The transmission system currently carries very little redundancy and therefore is
generally unable to withstand line or transformer outages without loss of supply to part
of the network. Many of the substations are supplied over single radial 132 kV and
230kV circuits and will of course lose supply completely on loss of that circuit. Even
if two parallel lines exists on some parts of the area due to unbalanced transmission
lines exists in the network, some lines are overloaded first and have an additional
impact for cascade tripping. As the network is developed, it is assumed that supply to
these substations will be improved such that N-1 security is achieved. Investigation of
overloaded lines has to be carried due to sudden outages of units, lines and
transformers and a remedial action has to be taken like alleviating overloaded lines by
balancing the transmission lines and push more power from overloaded lines to those
lines that have unused capacity. The existing system contingency analysis has attached
on Appendix A.
The partial system blackout occurred at around 06:11on 04 thNov 2017 (SCADA time).
Immediately prior to the incident the system conditions were as follows:
6 Melkewakena HPP 1 55
7 Koka HPP 1 15
8 Awash II 2 25
9 Awash III 2 13
Interconnection Transfer MW
Sudan 157
Djibouti 54.66
Type of Grid disturbance is type C (More than 80% of the grid affected)
Affected Area: Except North West region all areas were affected
Plant and/or Equipment directly involved: Except Beles power plant and North
West region all power Plants and Substations were involved.
Immediately prior to the grid affected the following circuit was out of service;
Bahir Dar – Mota 230kV by Earth fault
The sequence of events provided by the Transmission System Operator
Over current
06:13 Bahir dar - Alamata -230 kV line
Tripping of Bahir dar - Mota 230kv line also caused to trip Bahir dar – Alamata
230kv line with over current which isolate Beles from the grid at the same time
The grid is weak does not fulfill the N-1 criteria during contingencies [1].
There are overloaded lines and transformers during peak time certain times of a
day and during contingencies.
Poor protection coordination systems.
A review has to be carried out under frequency load shedding.
The grid peak demand serves approximately 2079MW (60% in Addis Ababa)
Mostly radial lines with limited interconnection.
230 kV and 132 kV are the most extensively used in the network
230 kV interconnectors to Djibouti and Sudan with limited capacity
Generally speaking, when line is overloaded EEP operators follow the traditional way
of shedding loads automatically and manually to save the system from contingencies
and blackout and partial blackout following cascade tripping of the system parameters.
EEP solving the overloaded lines problems by constructing new transmission lines
instead of using FACTS devise to alleviate overloads and delay investment costs.
On this study uses DSRs on overloaded lines due to peak load at certain time of the
day by identifying after load flow analysis. Distributed series reactors can be used to
increase the capacity of a transmission system by moving flow from heavily loaded
lines to lines that are in parallel and which have unused capacity.
The line overloads were all in shown one the Table 3.5 peak load flow of 2017 and it
shows loading above from its ratings.
Table 3-5loading above its ratings
Here have seen clearly on Figure 3.3 during peak time of 2017 the system with a
generation of 2079 MW (including peak loads, exports and loss) are shown here:
132.00- KALITI1 132.00*- 132.00*- 132.00*-W 132.00*-
132.00 132.00 132.00* 132.00*
Names of Overloaded Branches
Following DSRs operating flow chart as showed in Fig 1.1 the maximum peak load
overloading lines more than its ratings are listed above. Addis Center – Kality 132kV
line is a radial line and omitted putting DSRs on it. Mekanisa- Sebta I 132kV line has
connected branch only Sebta I- Gefersa 230 kV line and not include the highest
voltage level of the system (400kV lines). Alaba –Shashemene and Awasa –
Shashemene have nodes of connecting branches of 132kV transmission lines and have
same impedance and overloading capability. The only line, Alaba –Wolyta SodoII
132kV, has the highest overloading among them. In addition to this, the node is
connected with the highest voltage level of the system 400kV Wolyta Sodo II-Gilgle
Gibe II and which is connected to the main load center of the capital city (which is
60% of the generation) [1]. For further reference please see the network diagram
attached on Appendix D.
The flow shown on the Wolyta Sodo II node bus connected branches in MW and
MVar, the bus voltage in KV and PU and the angle in degree. The node view shown in
Fig 3-4
The DSR technology is based on increasing the impedance of a line, thereby pushing
power flow from the line to other parallel paths. When a transmission line approaches
its thermal rating, DSR modules may be activated to increase line impedance. This
increases the power flow through parallel lines that may still have remaining capacity,
more fully utilizing the capacity of the transmission system. The algorithm used here
to place and operate DSRs is showed in Figure 1.1
The DSRs has placed on the overloaded 132kV Alaba –Wolyta Sodo II line, has a
thermal capacity of the line 809A.
For the 10KVA rated DSRs, the required impedance for the module will be:
𝑅 = 𝑆/𝐼 2 (3.1)
R =0.01528Ω
The DSR modules used for this study have an inductance of one module 0.05
mH/module (0.01528 Ω). The DSR Modules on transmission line has been deployed
having its reactance value 20%, 30% and 50% of the Alaba- Wolyta Sodo II line. A
dummy bus (WS2-ALA-DUM) inserted between Wolyta Sodo II and Alaba 132KV
line. A dummy bus (WS2-ALA-DUM1) having its reactance value 20% of overloaded
line is inserted between Wolyta Sodo II and WS2-ALA-DUM.A dummy bus (WS2-
ALA-DUM2) having its reactance value 30% of overloaded line inserted between
Wolyta Sodo II and WS2-ALA-DUM and a dummy bus (WS2-ALA-DUM3) having
its reactance value 50% of overloaded line is inserted between Wolyta Sodo II and
WS2-ALA-DUM. The placement of DSRs on the line shown on Figure 3.5 here:
Wolyta Sodo II-Alaba 132kV line parameters shown on the following Table 3.6
As the overall control objective is to keep the lines from thermal overload, the control
strategy is seen to be very simple. The control algorithm is given by the line a relation
between line current and injected inductance, as shown in Figure 3.6 [7] and explained
by equation (3.2). The same controller, but with different set points is located on each
(I−IO )
Linj = Lf (I (3.2)
thermal −I0 )
Here Linj is the required injection; Lf is the final value of inductance with all the DSR
modules on the line active, I0 is the threshold value of current, I is the line current, and
I thermalis the thermal limit beyond which there is no injection.
The range for inductance injection (Lf) is 100% of the line reactance and it was
determined by system simulation to assess worst case requirements of thermal
4.1 Introduction
This chapter begins by describing the selection criteria for connected branches of
Wolyta Sodo II- Alaba 132kV transmission lines. The aim is pushing more power to
the high voltage level which is the 400kV and the 230 kV transmission lines
connected to the node of overloaded line. Based on the structure of the Ethiopian grid
network the effect of DSR could see on the nearby lines which is directly or indirectly
connected to the overloaded line. The loading of these lines has been taken during the
peak load of 2017.The following table 4.1 shows lines selected for analysis
The load flow simulations of the existing transmission system 400kV, 230kV and
132KV voltage levels without DSRs and with DSR are conducted. Analysis of the
simulation result is also presented in item 4.4 on result analysis in regards to the
capacity improvements of the lines. The load flow analysis is carried out using PSS/E
software [13].
The loads are considered the peak load of 2017, which is the generation of 2078.9
MW [28]. This operating point determines the maximum amount of power that can be
transferred over the transmission lines without DSRs. The loading and ratings of the
transmission lines capacity without DSRs connected to 132kV Wolyta Sodo II bus is
shown in table 4.2 and Figure 4.1. It can be seen that the 132-kV line is about to reach
its maximum capacity, while there is capacity still available on 230kv lines. On the
other hand, shows that all the lines of the 400-kV line have available transmission
500 527.5
409.4 402 402
331 331
222.1 222.1 280
89 115
96 118.5 84.5 82 115.8
82 89 89
0 31
27.6 20.7 26.7 11.3 49.3
14.9 35.8 11.3 23.8
19.5 12.8
11.4 23.5 30.6
5.9 7.6 27
Names of Branches
The nearby branches connected to the overloaded line, Figure 4-1 shows the 400KV
lines have average 82.5% unused capacity without DSRs. The 230KV lines have
average 70.3% unused capacity without DSRs and the 132KV lines have an average
unused capacity is 49% without DSRs.
Branch Flows in MVA
Names of
222.1 222.1
Loading in
200 MVA
110.4 118.5
27.6 19.5 23.5 30.6 24
Placement of DSRs having its reactance value 20%, 30% and 50% of 132kV Alaba to
Wolyta Sodo II line are operated on the three phases of the 132-kV line. As can be
seen from Tables 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5, by increasing the reactance of the overloaded line
by 20% (adding 342 DSRs rated at 10kVA, 0.01528Ω), by 30% (adding 513DSRs
rated at 10kVA, 0.01528Ω) and by 50% (adding 856DSRs rated at 10kVA, 0.01528Ω)
across the three phases, the overload on the 132-kV Alaba - Wolyta Sodo II line can
be removed and power flow is transferred to the parallel branches of 400kV and 230
kV line.
Table 4-3 Placement of DSR Having its Reactance Value 20% of 132kVAlaba –
Wolyta Sodo II line
Placement of DSRs having its reactance value 30% and 50% of the overloaded Alaba
to Wolyta Sodo II line, the alternative passes which don’t require DSRs previously for
Kality 1 –Gelan 132kV and Mekanisa -Sebta 1 132kV lines getting a significant
overload and requires additional placement of DSR to remove the overload and
transfer the excess power to the 400kV and 230 kV line. Placement of DSRs having its
reactance value 20 % (342 DSRs rated at 10kVA, 0.01528Ω) of the overloaded Alaba
to Wolyta Sodo II line for alleviating the existing transmission line is enhanced the
capacity for parallel branches for 400kV, 230kV and 132kV lines and moreover the
overloading conditions is improved. The capacity improvement having its reactance
value 20% of the overloaded line Alaba to Wolyta Sodo II is shown in the following
Figure 4.3
Branch Flows (MVA)
400 Names of
Taking the 132 kV Alaba to Wolyta Sodo II overloaded line, it has seen that the
reactive voltage drop is 294V/km at rated current corresponding to 0.42 ohms/km).A
1% change in the impedance thus requires an injection of 2.94 V/km, corresponding to
a combined DSR rating of 2.38 kVA/km based on three phase injection. A variation of
20% in line impedance would thus need 47.6 kVA or 4.76 (~5) of the 10 kVA DSR
modules/km or approximately 2 modules per conductor per km.
Power Flow
Figs. 4.4and 4.5shows the comparison of power flows without and with DSRs of
having its reactance value 20% of Alaba to Wolyta Sodo II transmission line. Power
flows over the 132kV, 230 kV and 400kV branches connected to the overloaded line
are shown here.
Name of Branches
From the figure 3.3 it can be seen that when without DSRs placement to Alaba to
Wolyta Sodo II transmission line, Kality to Gelan ,Gefersa to Sebta 1 and Alaba to
Hosina 132-kV lines are going to be overloaded while there is still a huge transmission
capacity available on Wolyta to Gibe 2 ,Gelan to Wolyta ,Gelan to Sebta I and Gelan
to Sebta II 400 kV lines. By adding DSRs to Alaba to Wolyta Sodo II 132-kV line the
power flow is shifted to the 400-kV lines. However, this method shifts power flow
from all lines which are connected to 132-kV line. As a result, excess power is
transferred from Alaba to Wolyta Sodo II 132kV transmission line to its connected
branches of the 400kV and 230 kV transmission lines. The capacity enhancement due
to placement of DSRs are presented on the following Figure 4.6
50 44.7
38.8 39.1
26.3 26.3 25.9 24.1
20 11.7 14.7
10 4.6 1.7
-10 -0.6
This thesis is done keeping the voltage profile within the range of acceptable standard
limits. The following figure 4-7 shows the voltage profile before and after DSRs
Voltages (Pu)
Figure 4-7 voltage profile after and before DSRs operation for branches connected to
the overloaded lines
MVA flow increase over the 400-kV line for DSR operation is calculated as follows:
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑀𝑉𝐴 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 (400𝑘𝑉) = 61.81𝑘𝑚 ×
0.2𝑀$/𝑘𝑚` (4.1)
= 1.04M$
MVA flow increase over the 230-kV line for DSR operation is calculated as follows:
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑀𝑉𝐴 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 (230𝑘𝑉) = (61.81𝑘𝑚 ×
0.2𝑀$/𝑘𝑚) (4.2)
MVA flow increase over the132 kV line for DSR operation is calculated as follows:
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑀𝑉𝐴 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 (132𝑘𝑉) = (61.81𝑘𝑚 ×
0.2𝑀$/𝑘𝑚)` (4.3)
Where 1975MVA, 402MVAand 89MVA are the loading capacity of 400,230 and
132kV lines.
The total cost of increase MVA flow is the sum of equation (4.1), (4.2) and (4.3)
=12.25M$ (4.4)
To calculate the investment cost per DSR the cost of the MVA increase is divided by
the number of DSRs giving
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑆𝑅 = ` (4.5)
So, the cost for the 333 DSRs deployed for the overloaded line will be
Comparing this total cost of DSRs in (4.6) with that of building new lines in (4.4) it
appears that the DSRs implementation reduced the cost by 27.18 % relative to the
traditional approach of building new lines.
As per the Ethiopian Electric Utility the current price of electricity or electric tariff is
at 0.27Cents (ETB) per kilowatt hour (kwh) [1]. The annual rate of return has been
calculated using the future and present value:
The investment cost of the DSRs to increase the MVA flow on a transmission line
which is considered as the present value 3.33M$ for the year 2018 and the future value
after 2 years which is the year 2020 is 5. 6M$.The rate of return from equation (4.7)
F t
Rate of Retrun = (P) −1 (4.8)
The rate of return is 30% and which is returned the investment cost within 3.4years.
Based on the results obtained through simulation studies of the existing Wolyta Sodo
II – Alaba 132kV transmission line and the system using DSRs at appropriate
locations, the following conclusions and recommendation are made in this chapter.
Furthermore, suggestions for further investigations of this research are also presented
at the end of the chapter.
Today’s grid meets today’s requirements, but new and different demands are driving
the expansion and adaptation of the transmission grid and the evolution of its
supporting institutions. Meanwhile, transmission infrastructure projects are facing
several challenges. Some of these challenges include delayed construction due to
sitting and permitting issues, congestion, and under-utilization of already existing
transmission facilities.
One of the existing solutions and opportunities to improve transmission capacity is the
deployment DSRs and its techniques that better utilize the existing network facilities
and improves the capacity of the grid.
This work presents a conclusion on 132kV, 230kV and 400kV transmission system
connected to the overloaded Wolyta Sodo II – Alaba 132kV line. The placement of
DSRs having its reactance value 20% of overloaded line reactance enhances the
capacity utilization of the transmission system by 84.8%.
A cost benefit analysis of DSRs for improving an overloaded Alaba to Wolyta Sodo II
transmission line with construction of new line was presented. In the cost benefit
analysis, the study of the system with 61.81km the cost of new line construction for
enhancing the power flow by 84.8% is 12.25M$. The cost of implementation of DSRs
enhancing the same capacity is 3. 33M$.Therefore, the savings become 8.92M$.
Based on the result analysis of this thesis work, it is strongly recommended that EEP
has to implement DSRs on Alaba to Wolyta Sodo II transmission line to enhance the
capacity of the transmission system on the existing grid, and EEP transmission
planners have to incorporate such kind of studies rather only engaging construction of
new transmission lines, as a result the company minimizes cost for budgeting a billion
dollars for each year for new line construction.
The power company, EEP has to develop a data base and incorporate to their system
for such kinds of research results for future reference during transmission planning
which helps the company as well the country for efficiently use un utilized
400kV,230kV and 132kV transmission lines.
Gibe III starts generate power in full capacity, most of the transmission lines and
transformers in the system getting overloaded. The loss of any transmission line
results in overloading and partial blackout. For effective utilization of all the
transmission system DSRs are given the promise for reliable and inexpensive power
flow control. Effective implementation of DSRs in our grid needs further studies on
EEP transmission system.
1. In this thesis, basically have two modes of operation of DSRs have been
considered for simulation studies. Further studies may be carried out to
investigate the behavior of transient faults on EEP transmission system.
2. For implementation of DSRs during transient faults, the existing protection
coordination scheme of EEP transmission system may be studied.
[1] EEP document, Review for Ethiopian Power System, volume 1for power
system simulator study provided to consultant’s page 4.
[5] Divan D, Johal H. Distributed FACTS—a new concept for realizing gridpower
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[6] The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the utility arm of North
American utilities (Hingorani and Gyugyi 2000).
[9] H.M. Merrill and F.C. Schweppe, “Bad Data Suppression in Power System Static
State Estimation,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems,
vol.90, issue6, Sept.1973, pp.2718-2715.
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[19] W.F. Tinney and C.E. Hart, “Power Flow Solution by Newton's Method,” in
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[20] B. Stott and O. Alsac, “Fast Decoupled Load Flow”, in IEEE Transactions on
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[22] H.M. Merrill and F.C. Schweppe, “Bad Data Suppression in Power System
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[25] Initial Field Trials of Distributed Series Reactors and Implications for Future
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TVA, CIGRE US National Committee2014 Grid of the Future Symposium.
[28] Ethiopian power system expansion master plan interim report overview volume
4; transmission planning page 2-2
[30] EEP Transmission Projects contract No.Co/33.20/077/00 dated Jan 31, 2017,
for construction of HV Transmission Network Rehabilitation and Upgrading
project, contract 3, volume 1, bill of quantities, page 1, and item 1.8
Monitored Lines
101001 ASSOSA 132.00 ASOSA G 2.465 1.194
102004 D.BERHAN 132.00 A.A. AMHARA 1.825 0.8839
102005 SULULTA-132 132.00 A.A. OROMIA 13.1781 6.3824
102007 COTOBI-II 132.00 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 4.8748 2.361
102007 COTOBI-II 132.00 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 26.7472 12.9543
102009 CHANCHO 132.00 A.A. OROMIA 10.3222 4.9993
102013 SHOAXING-LI 132.00 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 11.1226 2.8956
102014 MSP-STEEL 132.00 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 15.5119 7.5146
106002 AKSTA 132.00 EASTER AMHARA 2.5094 1.2154
106005 COMBOL-II 132.00 EASTER AMHARA 0 0
106006 KEMISSIE 132.00 EASTER AMHARA 0 0
106007 ZEMERO 132.00 EASTER AMHARA 9.4908 4.5966
107001 B.DAR2 132.00 WESTER AMHARA 0 0
108004 GHEDO 132.00 A.A OROMIA 0 0
108005 GUDER 132.00 A.A OROMIA 0 0
108006 MUGER 132.00 A.A OROMIA 0.0766 0.0371
111001 A.TULU 132.00 EASTER OROMIA 0 0
111002 ASSELA 132.00 EASTER OROMIA 0 0
111003 AWASH2 132.00 EASTER OROMIA 0.9498 0.46
111007 KOKA 132.00 EASTER OROMIA 3.1313 1.5166
111010 METEHARATAP 132.00 EASTER OROMIA 4.1365 2.0034
111016 METEHARA-TS 132.00 EASTER OROMIA 4.1365 2.0034
111018 ABYSSINIAN 132.00 EASTER OROMIA 9.63 4.66
112001 A.CENTER 132.00 A.A ADDIS ABABA 30.5063 14.7749
112005 KALITI1 132.00 A.A ADDIS ABABA 4.8748 2.361
112009 MEKANISA 132.00 A.A ADDIS ABABA 14.0079 6.7843
112011 AKAKI 2 132.00 A.A ADDIS ABABA 4.8927 2.3697
112013 INDODE 132.00 A.A ADDIS ABABA 4.1365 2.0034
114002 SEBATA 132.00 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 14.9052 7.2189
115011 GIDAMI 132.00 ASOSA G 1.056 0.512
202003 CHANCHO230 230.00 A.A OROMIA 34.2509 16.5885
202003 CHANCHO230 230.00 A.A OROMIA 3.257 1.5774
202005 FITCHE 2 230.00 A.A. OROMIA 3.1705 1.5355
202008 GEBRE-GURCHA230.00 A.A. OROMIA 11.0959 5.374
206002 TOSAMETAL 230.00 EASTER OROMIA 19.5709 9.4786
206004 WOLDIA 230.00 EASTER AMHARA 3.6501 1.7678
206004 WOLDIA 230.00 EASTER AMHARA 5.5111 2.6692
207001 B.DAR2 230.00 WESTER AMHARA 2.19 1.0607
207003 GASHENA 230.00 WESTER AMHARA 0 0
207005 GONDAR2 230.00 WESTER AMHARA 7.6651 3.7124
207006 METEMA 230.00 WESTER EXPORT 180 90
207008 N.MEW TP 230.00 WESTER AMHARA 0 0
207009 N.MEWCHA 230.00 WESTER AMHARA 0.6844 0.3315
207010 DEJEN 230.00 WESTER AMHARA 0.6844 0.3315
207013 SUDAN-GADARE230.00 WESTER EXPORT 200.0001 97.1771
207013 SUDAN-GADARE230.00 WESTER EXPORT 180 87.177
208007 GINCHI 230.00 A.A OROMIA 3.2618 1.5798
211003 MODJO3230 230.00 EASTER OROMIA 16.1247 7.8096
211005 NAZERET-ADAM230.00 EASTER OROMIA 13.1777 6.3823
212002 DUKEM230 230.00 A.A OROMIA 46.6439 22.5907
212003 DB-ZEIT3230 230.00 A.A OROMIA 83.7242 40.5495
212003 DB-ZEIT3230 230.00 A.A OROMIA 41.0055 19.8599
212005 AKAKI2-230 230.00 A.A ADDIS ABABA 100.0001 50
414001 SEBETA-2 400.00 A.A. OROMIA 200 100
507001 GRAN RENAIS 500.00 WESTER G 70 35
507003 HOLETA-500 500.00 A.A OROMIA 23.6416 11.4502
507003 HOLETA-500 500.00 A.A OROMIA 4.7384 2.2949
507006 SUDAN-RABAK 500.00 WESTER EXPORT 70 33.902
602002 FITCHE 2 66.000 A.A. OROMIA 13.9593 6.7609
602002 FITCHE 2 66.000 A.A. OROMIA 17.868 8.6539
606003 DESIE 66.000 EASTER AMHARA 1.46 0.7071
606004 LALIBELA 66.000 EASTER AMHARA 1.5728 0.7617
606005 SEKOTA 66.000 EASTER AMHARA 1.5728 0.7617
607001 B.DAR1 66.000 WESTER AMHARA 13.0338 6.3125
607004 DABAT 66.000 WESTER AMHARA 1.3688 0.6629
607005 DANGLA 66.000 WESTER AMHARA 0 0
607007 FNOT-SLM 66.000 WESTER AMHARA 0.6844 0.3315
607008 GONDAR2 66.000 WESTER AMHARA 0 0
607011 WORETA 66.000 WESTER AMHARA 2.5164 1.2188
611001 BALEROBE 66.000 EASTER OROMIA 0 0
614003 WOLKITE 66.000 A.A. S.N.N.P 2.0377 0.9869
712002 AKAKI 45.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 1.3652 0.6612
712007 KALITI1 45.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 16.4189 7.9521
714002 ADDIS-W2 45.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 16.6264 8.0426
801001 ASSOSA 33.000 ASOSA G 1.1672 0.5653
801004 ASSOSA 15.000 ASOSA G 2.7234 1.3191
802001 ADDIS-E1 15.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 12 5.882
802002 B.WRGENU 15.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 61.4667 29.7697
802005 D.BERHAN 15.000 A.A. AMHARA 8.2854 4.0129
802008 SULULTA-15 15.000 A.A. OROMIA 35.3638 17.1274
802009 ADDIS-E2 15.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 58.0066 28.094
802012 SULULTA-33 33.000 A.A. OROMIA 3.7225 1.8029
802016 BOLE-LEMI 33.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 9.7907 4.7418
802016 BOLE-LEMI 33.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 33.5044 16.2269
802018 FITCHE 2 15.000 A.A. OROMIA 7.0727 3.4255
802019 SHEGOLE 15.000 A.A OROMIA 13.1919 6.3891
806001 A-KETEMA 33.000 EASTER AMHARA 3.6823 1.7834
806002 AKSTA 33.000 EASTER AMHARA 9.6142 4.6564
806003 COMBOL-1 15.000 EASTER AMHARA 19.2133 9.3054
806004 DESIE 15.000 EASTER AMHARA 12.2432 5.9297
806005 LALIBELA 15.000 EASTER AMHARA 1.8376 0.89
806006 SEKOTA 15.000 EASTER AMHARA 1.5408 0.7463
806007 SHWA-RBT 15.000 EASTER AMHARA 3.7577 1.8199
806012 COMBOLIND 33.000 EASTER AMHARA 110.016 53.2832
807002 B.DAR2-1 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 15.0504 7.2893
807003 BITCHENA 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 4.7812 2.3156
807004 DABAT 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 3.8016 1.8412
807005 DANGLA 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 10.3343 5.0052
807006 DB-MRKOS 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 4.7068 2.2797
807007 FNOT-SLM 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 9.1334 4.4235
807008 GASHENA 33.000 WESTER AMHARA 6.1606 2.9837
807010 GONDER1 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 1.568 0.7594
807011 METEMA 33.000 WESTER EXPORT 3.7227 1.8031
807012 MOTA 33.000 WESTER AMHARA 3.1319 1.5168
807014 N-MEWCHA 33.000 WESTER AMHARA 4.1071 1.9891
807015 PAWIE 15.000 WESTER G 4.3268 2.0956
807017 B.DAR2-2 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 6.5461 3.1705
807019 GONDAR2 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 23.2578 11.2643
807021 WORETA 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 7.5267 3.6454
807022 GONDER 15.000 WESTER AMHARA 1.5544 0.7528
808002 ADDIS-N 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 60.8985 29.4945
808004 FINCHAA 15.000 A.A OROMIA 4.0938 1.9826
808006 FNCH-SG2 15.000 A.A OROMIA 4.0132 1.9437
808008 GEFERSA 15.000 A.A OROMIA 18.2972 8.8618
808009 GHEDO 15.000 A.A OROMIA 3.4287 1.6606
808010 GINCHI 15 15.000 A.A OROMIA 4.6364 2.2455
808011 GUDER 15.000 A.A OROMIA 9.0285 4.3727
808012 MUGER 15.000 A.A OROMIA 17.0056 8.2362
808016 MUGER2 15.000 A.A OROMIA 21.4868 10.4065
811001 A.TULU 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 9.5004 4.6012
811004 ASSELA 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 13.9584 6.7603
811005 AWASH II 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 4.2508 2.0587
811006 AWASH-2 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 3.8387 1.8591
811007 AWASH-3 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 0 0
811008 BALEROBE 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 8.0376 3.8928
811009 ELALA-GD 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 9.7978 4.7453
811010 GOBESSA 33.000 EASTER OROMIA 2.4531 1.1881
811011 KOKA 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 4.1279 1.9992
811012 KOKA2 15 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 0 0
811013 M.WK-YUG 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 6.8437 3.3145
811014 METAHARA 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 10.2032 4.9416
811015 MODJO 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 3.9349 1.9058
811016 NAZ-II 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 35.173 17.035
811017 NAZRET1 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 0 0
811018 NURAERA 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 3 1.23
811019 WONJIPUL 15.000 EASTER OROMIA 17.0492 8.2573
812001 A.CENTER 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 60.8985 29.4945
812003 ADS-II 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 56.3494 27.2913
812004 AKAKI 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 7.2205 3.4971
812005 AKAKI-SP 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 8.887 4.3041
812008 DB-ZEIT2 15.000 A.A OROMIA 46.5388 22.2337
812009 DUKEM 15.000 A.A OROMIA 1.3098 0.6344
812010 KALITI1 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 19.0819 9.2418
812011 KALITI2- 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 23.0585 11.1678
812012 KALTI-N 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 14.6238 7.0826
812013 MEKANISA 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 45 22
812014 NEFASILK 15.000 A.A ADDIS ABABA 23.6198 11.4396
812015 YESU 15.000 A.A OROMIA 6.405 3.1021
812019 DB-ZEIT3 15.000 A.A OROMIA 2.653 1.2849
812020 EAST INDUSTR33.000 A.A OROMIA 20 9.69
814001 ADDIS-W1 15.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 16.6264 8.0426
814003 BUTAJIRA 15.000 A.A. S.N.N.P 6.0378 2.9243
814004 GEDJA 15.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 5 2.3
814005 SABATA-B 15.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 22.2775 10.7895
814005 SABATA-B 15.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 28.3916 13.7507
814007 WOLISO 15.000 A.A. OROMIA 13.6221 6.5975
814008 WOLKITE 33.000 A.A. S.N.N.P 2.9257 1.417
814009 BUTAJIRA33 33.000 A.A. S.N.N.P 3.565 1.7265
814011 WOLISO-33 33.000 A.A. OROMIA 1.946 0.9425
814012 WOLKITE 15.000 A.A. S.N.N.P 4.4948 2.177
814013 BLACK-LION 15.000 A.A. ADDIS ABABA 21.0672 10.2033
814020 BUE33 33.000 A.A. S.N.N.P 3 1.4529
814021 BUE15 15.000 A.A. S.N.N.P 2 0.9686
A ,Band
From Bus To Bus Charging B C
Number From Bus Name Number To Bus Name Line R (pu) Line X (pu) (pu) phases Length
101001 132.00 101003 MENDI 132.00 0.097877 0.195833 0.03766 91 80
101002 GHIMBI 132.00 101003 MENDI 132.00 0.15905 0.318229 0.06119 91 130
101002 GHIMBI 132.00 107008 DEDSSA 132.00 0.0659 0.1242 0.02389 115 50.75
101002 GHIMBI 132.00 115010 NEKEMPTE 132.00 0.108689 0.204569 0.03963 89 84.29
101002 GHIMBI 132.00 115010 NEKEMPTE 132.00 0.1097 0.2052 0.04019 115 84.29
101002 GHIMBI 132.00 115015 KAMASHI 132.00 0.2277 0.4261 0.08341 115 175
101003 MENDI 132.00 115011 GIDAMI 132.00 0.194883 0.367188 0.070606 115 150
102001 ADE-II 132.00 102003 COTOBI-I 132.00 0.006679 0.013363 0.00257 91 5.46
102001 ADE-II 132.00 108001 ADDIS-N 132.00 0.012156 0.024323 0.00468 91 9.94
102002 132.00 102003 COTOBI-I 132.00 0.003664 0.005967 0.00114 82 2.45
102002 132.00 102006 B.WRGENU 132.00 0.00673 0.010959 0.0021 82 4.5
102002 132.00 112005 KALITI1 132.00 0.0129 0.0197 0.00378 103 8.1
102003 132.00 102004 D.BERHAN 132.00 0.160706 0.261701 0.05018 82 107.46
102003 132.00 102010 ADDIS-E1 132.00 0.00114 0.00713 0.05777 100 6
102003 132.00 102010 ADDIS-E1 132.00 0.00114 0.00713 0.05777 100 6
102003 132.00 102012 AYAT TS 132.00 0.010469 0.017047 0.003272 82 7
102003 132.00 112016 KILINTO 132.00 0.011024 0.016804 0.003222 103 6.9
102004 132.00 102014 MSP-STEEL 132.00 0.087038 0.141737 0.027179 82 58.2
102004 132.00 102015 DEBRE-BIREHA132.00 0.00095 0.00594 0.04814 100 5
102004 132.00 106004 SHWA-RBT 132.00 0.085976 0.140007 0.02685 82 57.49
102005 132.00 112015 DANGOTECEM 132.00 0.0806 0.1518 0.02918 115 62
102007 132.00 102012 AYAT TS 132.00 0.001496 0.002435 0.000467 82 1
102007 132.00 102013 SHOAXING-LI 132.00 0.05982 0.097414 0.01868 82 40
102007 132.00 102015 DEBRE-BIREHA132.00 0.14955 0.243534 0.0467 82 100
102013 132.00 102014 MSP-STEEL 132.00 0.002692 0.004384 0.000841 82 1.8
103001 132.00 103020 MIESO 132.00 0.035332 0.066571 0.012801 115 27.2
103002 132.00 103003 D.DAWA-3 132.00 0.005491 0.008943 0.00171 82 3.67
103003 132.00 103004 DD.DS-TP 132.00 0.005384 0.008767 0.00168 82 3.6
103003 132.00 103008 D.DAWA-2 132.00 0.018588 0.030269 0.0058 82 12.43
103003 132.00 103009 D.DAW-DS 132.00 0.004677 0.008812 0.001695 115 3.6
103004 132.00 103009 D.DAW-DS 132.00 0.002835 0.004617 0.00089 82 1.9
103004 132.00 110001 AWSH-7KL 132.00 0.306578 0.499244 0.09572 82 205
103005 FIK 132.00 103006 HARAR-3 132.00 0.188288 0.376729 0.07244 91 153.9
103006 HARAR-3 103011 ALEMAYA 132.00 0.030934 0.058285 0.011207 115 23.81
103006 132.00 103012 BABILE 132.00 0.03248 0.061198 0.011768 115 25
103006 132.00 103015 HARAR-4 132.00 0.0052 0.0098 0.00188 115 4
103007 HURSO 132.00 103010 D.DAWA-TS 132.00 0.020398 0.038432 0.00739 115 15.7
103007 HURSO 132.00 103019 MEGALA 132.00 0.025919 0.048836 0.009391 115 19.95
103008 132.00 103011 ALEMAYA 132.00 0.035079 0.066094 0.012709 115 27
103009 132.00 103010 D.DAWA-TS 132.00 0.008185 0.015422 0.002965 115 6.3
103012 BABILE 132.00 105001 JIJIGA2 132.00 0.090945 0.171354 0.032949 115 70
103013 132.00 113006 GODE 132.00 0.2274 0.4284 0.08237 115 175
103016 132.00 103017 BIKE 132.00 0.034689 0.065359 0.012568 115 26.7
103016 132.00 103020 MIESO 132.00 0.055217 0.104037 0.020005 115 42.5
103017 BIKE 132.00 103019 MEGALA 132.00 0.059114 0.11138 0.021417 115 45.5
103020 MIESO 132.00 110003 DK290 TS 132.00 0.05866 0.110523 0.021252 115 45.15
105001 JIJIGA2 132.00 105024 FAFEM 132.00 0.1169 0.2203 0.043236 115 90
105022 132.00 108014 DEGEHABUR 132.00 0.0922 0.1738 0.03342 115 71
105024 FAFEM 132.00 108014 DEGEHABUR 132.00 0.1169 0.2203 0.04236 115 90
106001 132.00 106002 AKSTA 132.00 0.183755 0.36766 0.0707 91 150.19
106002 AKSTA 132.00 106003 COMBOL-I 132.00 0.129687 0.259479 0.04989 91 106
106002 AKSTA 132.00 106003 COMBOL-I 132.00 0.1379 0.2581 0.05054 115 106
106003 132.00 106005 COMBOL-II 132.00 0.008564 0.017135 0.00329 91 7
106003 132.00 106005 COMBOL-II 132.00 0.0091 0.017 0.00334 115 7
106003 132.00 106005 COMBOL-II 132.00 0.0091 0.017 0.00334 115 7
106003 132.00 106006 KEMISSIE 132.00 0.049436 0.092514 0.018119 115 38
106003 132.00 106008 DESSIE 132.00 0.0165 0.0311 0.00598 115 12.7
106004 132.00 106006 KEMISSIE 132.00 0.104076 0.194766 0.038145 115 80
106004 SHWA-RBT 106007 ZEMERO 132.00 0.1951 0.3652 0.07152 115 150
107001 B.DAR2 132.00 107002 T-ABAY2 132.00 0.035482 0.070505 0.01381 91 28.96
107001 B.DAR2 132.00 107002 T-ABAY2 132.00 0.035482 0.070505 0.01381 91 28.96
107001 B.DAR2 132.00 107006 DANGLA-132 132.00 0.0898 0.168 0.0329 115 69
107001 B.DAR2 132.00 107006 DANGLA-132 132.00 0.0898 0.168 0.0329 115 69
107003 PAWIE 132.00 107006 DANGLA-132 132.00 0.1416 0.2668 0.05131 115 109
107003 PAWIE 132.00 107006 DANGLA-132 132.00 0.1416 0.2668 0.05131 115 109
107006 132.00 107007 SHAWERA 132.00 0.1756 0.3287 0.06437 115 135
107008 132.00 115010 NEKEMPTE 132.00 0.0848 0.1597 0.03071 115 65.25
108001 132.00 108015 MINILIK TS 132.00 0.002492 0.004058 0.000778 82 1.667
108002 CEMENT132.00 108007 DERBA-TAP 132.00 0.0605 0.12105 0.02328 91 49.45
108002 CEMENT132.00 108011 DERBA-TAP2 132.00 0.0605 0.12105 0.02328 91 49.45
108003 132.00 108007 DERBA-TAP 132.00 0.075855 0.151771 0.02918 91 62
108003 132.00 108011 DERBA-TAP2 132.00 0.075855 0.151771 0.02918 91 62
108003 132.00 108015 MINILIK TS 132.00 0.014123 0.022998 0.004411 82 9.444
108003 132.00 112005 KALITI1 132.00 0.037014 0.060275 0.01156 82 24.75
108003 132.00 114003 SEBTA-TP 132.00 0.016122 0.026253 0.00503 82 10.78
108004 132.00 108005 GUDER 132.00 0.043829 0.082493 0.01598 89 33.99
108004 132.00 115010 NEKEMPTE 132.00 0.149436 0.281261 0.05449 89 115.89
108006 132.00 108007 DERBA-TAP 132.00 0.022022 0.044062 0.00847 91 18
108006 132.00 108011 DERBA-TAP2 132.00 0.022022 0.044062 0.00847 91 18
108009 132.00 115012 JARDEJARTE 132.00 0.1431 0.2678 0.05245 115 110
109001 132.00 109008 WUKRO-TP 132.00 0.072919 0.137245 0.02659 89 56.55
109002 ADWA 132.00 109004 MEKELE 132.00 0.150532 0.283324 0.05489 89 116.74
109004 132.00 109005 MESOBO 132.00 0.006525 0.012281 0.00238 89 5.06
109004 132.00 109005 MESOBO 132.00 0.0066 0.0123 0.00241 115 5.06
109004 132.00 109006 WIND-P 132.00 0.0195 0.0367 0.00706 115 15
109004 132.00 109008 WUKRO-TP 132.00 0.040025 0.075333 0.0146 89 31.04
109007 132.00 109008 WUKRO-TP 132.00 0.001506 0.002835 0.00055 89 1.17
109010 132.00 109011 ABIADI 132.00 0.1236 0.2313 0.0453 115 95
110001 132.00 110002 AMIBARA 132.00 0.0553 0.1043 0.02005 115 42.6
110001 132.00 110003 DK290 TS 132.00 0.037677 0.07099 0.01365 115 29
110001 132.00 111016 METEHARA-TS 132.00 0.040795 0.076865 0.01478 115 31.4
111001 A.TULU 132.00 111002 ASSELA 132.00 0.076217 0.124114 0.0238 82 50.96
111001 A.TULU 132.00 111019 ALUTO-II 132.00 0.039 0.0734 0.01412 115 30
111001 A.TULU 132.00 113009 S.SHEMEN 132.00 0.114899 0.187107 0.03588 82 76.83
111001 A.TULU 132.00 114001 BUTAJIRA 132.00 0.057234 0.114514 0.02202 91 46.78
111002 132.00 111003 AWASH2 132.00 0.07657 0.124689 0.02391 82 51.2
111003 132.00 111004 AWASH-3 132.00 0.002171 0.003512 0.00069 82 1.45
111003 132.00 111004 AWASH-3 132.00 0.002171 0.003512 0.00069 82 1.45
111003 132.00 111007 KOKA 132.00 0.037911 0.061736 0.01184 82 25.35
111003 132.00 111014 WONJPULP 132.00 0.026904 0.043812 0.0084 82 17.99
111005 132.00 111006 ELALA-TP 132.00 0.007328 0.011933 0.00229 82 4.9
111006 132.00 111007 KOKA 132.00 0.035578 0.057937 0.01111 82 23.79
111006 132.00 112013 INDODE 132.00 0.052 0.0979 0.01883 115 40
111007 KOKA 132.00 111011 NAZRETH2 132.00 0.017176 0.02797 0.00536 82 11.48
111007 KOKA 132.00 111014 WONJPULP 132.00 0.011007 0.017924 0.00344 82 7.36
111007 KOKA 132.00 111018 ABYSSINIAN 132.00 0.0193 0.0364 0.007 115 14.868
111007 KOKA 132.00 112004 DBZT2-TP 132.00 0.057652 0.093882 0.018 82 38.55
111008 132.00 111013 M.WK-YUG 132.00 0.006447 0.012135 0.00235 89 5
111008 132.00 111013 M.WK-YUG 132.00 0.006447 0.012135 0.00235 89 5
111008 132.00 113013 YADOT 132.00 0.122346 0.244792 0.04707 91 100
111009 132.00 111010 METEHARATAP 132.00 0 0.0001 0 82 0
111010 132.00 111011 NAZRETH2 132.00 0.13196 0.214889 0.0412 82 88.24
111010 132.00 111016 METEHARA-TS 132.00 0.001299 0.002448 0.000471 115 1
111012 132.00 111014 WONJPULP 132.00 0.000852 0.001388 0.00027 82 0.57
111013 132.00 111020 GOBESA 132.00 0.0964 0.1816 0.03493 115 74.2
111013 132.00 113009 S.SHEMEN 132.00 0.153691 0.28927 0.05604 89 119.19
111018 132.00 112011 AKAKI 2 132.00 0.0629 0.1184 0.02277 115 48.381
111020 132.00 111021 BALEROBE 132.00 0.0416 0.0783 0.01506 115 32
112001 132.00 112005 KALITI1 132.00 0.02146 0.034947 0.0067 82 14.35
112002 ADS-II 132.00 112009 MEKANISA 132.00 0.0026 0.0049 0.00095 115 2
112003 132.00 112004 DBZT2-TP 132.00 0.000075 0.000122 0.00002 82 0.05
112004 132.00 112011 AKAKI 2 132.00 0.0351 0.0661 0.01271 115 27
112005 KALITI1 132.00 112006 KALTI-N 132.00 0.012941 0.019726 0.003782 103 8.1
112005 KALITI1 132.00 112008 KLT.N-TP 132.00 0.002243 0.003653 0.0007 82 1.5
112005 KALITI1 132.00 112009 MEKANISA 132.00 0.024167 0.039355 0.00755 82 16.16
112005 KALITI1 132.00 112010 YESU 132.00 0.0104 0.0196 0.00377 115 8
112005 KALITI1 132.00 112011 AKAKI 2 132.00 0.0105 0.0161 0.00308 115 1
112005 KALITI1 132.00 112011 AKAKI 2 132.00 0.0105 0.0161 0.00308 115 1
112005 KALITI1 132.00 112017 KALITI TS 132.00 0.001104 0.006906 0.055942 100 5.81
112007 132.00 112014 NEFASILK 132.00 0.00057 0.00356 0.02889 100 3
112007 132.00 112014 NEFASILK 132.00 0.00057 0.00356 0.02889 100 3
112007 132.00 112017 KALITI TS 132.00 0.00057 0.00356 0.02889 100 3
112008 132.00 112016 KILINTO 132.00 0.0105 0.0161 0.00308 103 6.6
112009 132.00 114003 SEBTA-TP 132.00 0.01168 0.01902 0.00365 82 7.81
112009 132.00 114007 ADDIS-EFW 132.00 0.0091 0.0171 0.00329 115 7
112010 YESU 132.00 112011 AKAKI 2 132.00 0.0013 0.0024 0.00047 115 1
112011 AKAKI 2 132.00 112013 INDODE 132.00 0.0052 0.0098 0.00188 115 4
113001 132.00 113012 W.SODO 132.00 0.140719 0.264855 0.05131 89 109.13
113002 ALABA 132.00 113008 HOSAINA 132.00 0.051063 0.096108 0.01862 89 39.6
113002 ALABA 132.00 113009 S.SHEMEN 132.00 0.081533 0.153457 0.02973 89 63.23
113002 ALABA 132.00 113012 W.SODO 132.00 0.079702 0.150011 0.02906 89 61.81
113003 132.00 113009 S.SHEMEN 132.00 0.032303 0.052603 0.01009 82 21.6
113003 132.00 113014 YIRGALEM 132.00 0.052477 0.085456 0.01639 82 35.09
113003 132.00 113027 AWASA II 132.00 0.004487 0.007306 0.001401 82 3
113004 132.00 113016 YABELO 132.00 0.13252 0.249688 0.048012 115 102
113005 DILLA 132.00 113026 YIRGALEM II 132.00 0.04369 0.087415 0.01681 91 35.71
113007 MARIAY132.00 113016 YABELO 132.00 0.126024 0.237448 0.045658 115 97
113008 132.00 115005 G.G OLD 132.00 0.091062 0.171393 0.03321 89 70.62
113009 132.00 113027 AWASA II 132.00 0.028415 0.046271 0.008875 82 19
113010 132.00 113012 W.SODO 132.00 0.151709 0.303542 0.05837 91 124
113010 132.00 113017 KEY AFER 132.00 0.144213 0.271719 0.052248 115 111
113011 132.00 113014 YIRGALEM 132.00 0.199216 0.324411 0.0622 82 133.21
113011 132.00 113014 YIRGALEM 132.00 0.199216 0.324411 0.0622 82 133.21
113014 132.00 113026 YIRGALEM II 132.00 0.008564 0.017135 0.003295 91 7
113018 132.00 113019 OMA-KURAZF2 132.00 0.0755 0.1412 0.02766 115 58
113018 132.00 113019 OMA-KURAZF2 132.00 0.0755 0.1412 0.02766 115 58
113019 132.00 113020 OMA-KURAZF3 132.00 0.026 0.0487 0.00954 115 20
113019 132.00 113020 OMA-KURAZF3 132.00 0.026 0.0487 0.00954 115 20
113020 132.00 113021 OMA-KURAZF4 132.00 0.0364 0.0682 0.01335 115 28
113020 132.00 113021 OMA-KURAZF4 132.00 0.0364 0.0682 0.01335 115 28
113021 132.00 113022 OMA-KURAZF5 132.00 0.0195 0.0367 0.00706 115 15
113022 132.00 113023 OMA-KURAZF6 132.00 0.0221 0.0416 0.008 115 17
113024 BUEE 132.00 114001 BUTAJIRA 132.00 0.038977 0.073438 0.014121 115 30
114002 132.00 114003 SEBTA-TP 132.00 0.001496 0.002435 0.00047 82 1
114002 132.00 114004 ADDIS WEST 132.00 0.00133 0.00832 0.0674 100 7
114003 132.00 114007 ADDIS-EFW 132.00 0.0088 0.0166 0.0032 115 6.8
114004 132.00 114006 BLACK-LION 132.00 0.00095 0.00594 0.04814 100 5
114004 132.00 114006 BLACK-LION 132.00 0.00114 0.00713 0.05777 100 6
115002 132.00 115003 B.BEDELE 132.00 0.104962 0.197555 0.03827 89 81.4
115002 132.00 115008 JIMMA 132.00 0.044899 0.084507 0.01637 89 34.82
115003 132.00 115010 NEKEMPTE 132.00 0.141922 0.283958 0.0546 91 116
115004 132.00 115008 JIMMA 132.00 0.125301 0.248984 0.04876 91 102.27
115004 132.00 115008 JIMMA 132.00 0.125337 0.249057 0.04878 91 102.3
115004 132.00 115009 MIZAN 132.00 0.108032 0.216151 0.04156 91 88.3
115005 132.00 115006 G-GIBE-1 132.00 0.003353 0.00631 0.00122 89 2.6
115005 132.00 115008 JIMMA 132.00 0.091964 0.173091 0.03353 89 71.32
115007 132.00 115010 NEKEMPTE 132.00 0.114503 0.229098 0.04405 91 93.59
115008 JIMMA 132.00 115013 ATANGO 132.00 0.1366 0.2556 0.05007 115 105
115009 MIZAN 132.00 115014 TUM 132.00 0.1951 0.3652 0.07152 115 150
202001 230.00 202002 SULULTA 230.00 0.0045 0.0126 0.04046 402 21
202001 230.00 202002 SULULTA 230.00 0.0045 0.0126 0.04046 402 21
202001 230.00 202004 BOLE-LEMI 230.00 0.001824 0.0051 0.016378 402 8.5
202001 230.00 202020 D.BEHRAN230 230.00 0.020245 0.061892 0.187103 318 100.412
202001 230.00 202021 COTOBI-I 230.00 0.0017 0.0048 0.01542 402 8
202001 230.00 202021 COTOBI-I 230.00 0.0017 0.0048 0.01542 402 8
202001 230.00 206001 COMBOL-II 230.00 0.057843 0.176833 0.53458 318 286.89
202001 230.00 212001 KALITI1 230.00 0.007058 0.020947 0.06727 318 34.91
202001 230.00 212001 KALITI1 230.00 0.007058 0.020947 0.06727 318 34.91
202002 230.00 202003 CHANCHO230 230.00 0.0032 0.009 0.0289 402 15
202002 230.00 202003 CHANCHO230 230.00 0.0032 0.009 0.0289 402 15
202002 230.00 202006 SHEGOLE 230.00 0.0017 0.0049 0.01491 402 8
202002 230.00 202006 SHEGOLE 230.00 0.0017 0.0049 0.01491 402 8
202002 230.00 208003 GEFERSA 230.00 0.003382 0.010038 0.03224 318 16.73
202002 230.00 208003 GEFERSA 230.00 0.003382 0.010038 0.03224 318 16.73
202004 230.00 212001 KALITI1 230.00 0.006525 0.018239 0.058577 402 30.4
202005 230.00 202008 GEBRE-GURCHA230.00 0.009849 0.028353 0.085714 402 46
202005 230.00 202008 GEBRE-GURCHA230.00 0.009849 0.028353 0.085714 402 46
202006 230.00 208003 GEFERSA 230.00 0.0019 0.0054 0.01627 402 8.73
202006 230.00 208003 GEFERSA 230.00 0.0019 0.0054 0.01627 402 8.73
202020 230.00 206001 COMBOL-II 230.00 0.037598 0.114941 0.347477 318 186.479
203001 230.00 203004 HURSO 230.00 0.028047 0.080746 0.2441 402 131
203001 230.00 203007 LASARAT 230.00 0.007708 0.02219 0.067081 402 36
203001 230.00 203013 ADIGALA-TS 230.00 0.0018 0.0052 0.01657 402 8.6
203001 230.00 203013 ADIGALA-TS 230.00 0.0018 0.0052 0.01657 402 8.6
203002 230.00 203004 HURSO 230.00 0.006117 0.017099 0.054916 402 28.5
203002 230.00 203004 HURSO 230.00 0.006117 0.017099 0.054916 402 28.5
203002 230.00 210001 AWSH-7KL 230.00 0.035593 0.158565 0.304992 353 205
203002 230.00 211001 KOKA 230.00 0.054881 0.260666 0.50138 274 337
203002 230.00 211007 NURAERA 230.00 0.0107 0.0308 0.09317 402 50
203003 230.00 203007 LASARAT 230.00 0.025692 0.073965 0.223603 402 120
203003 230.00 203012 SUBURBAN 230.00 0.0186 0.0536 0.16198 402 86.93
203004 HURSO 230.00 203005 HARAR IV 230.00 0.0105 0.0302 0.0913 402 49
203004 HURSO 230.00 203005 HARAR IV 230.00 0.0105 0.0302 0.0913 402 49
203004 HURSO 230.00 203010 MIESO 230.00 0.042071 0.117594 0.377668 402 196
203004 HURSO 230.00 203012 SUBURBAN 230.00 0.0458 0.1319 0.39863 402 213.93
203004 HURSO 230.00 211001 KOKA 230.00 0.075556 0.211189 0.678261 402 352
203004 HURSO 230.00 211005 NAZERET-ADAM230.00 0.062945 0.181215 0.547828 402 294
203006 230230.00 203008 LONNIS 230.00 0.003434 0.009599 0.03083 402 16
203007 230.00 203014 AYISHAWIND 230.00 0.0021 0.006 0.01927 402 10
203007 230.00 203014 AYISHAWIND 230.00 0.0021 0.006 0.01927 402 10
203008 LONNIS 230.00 203011 SHI-KUL-230 230.00 0.009015 0.025199 0.080929 402 42
203010 MIESO 230.00 211001 KOKA 230.00 0.025114 0.070196 0.225445 402 117
204001 230.00 204002 METU 230.00 0.029974 0.086293 0.26087 402 140
204002 METU 230.00 215001 BEDELLE 230.00 0.018245 0.055777 0.16862 318 90.49
206001 230.00 206002 TOSAMETAL 230.00 0.0021 0.006 0.01927 402 10
206001 230.00 206002 TOSAMETAL 230.00 0.0021 0.006 0.01927 402 10
206001 230.00 206003 COMBOLIND 230.00 0.003 0.0084 0.02698 402 14
206001 230.00 206003 COMBOLIND 230.00 0.003 0.0084 0.02698 402 14
206001 230.00 206004 WOLDIA 230.00 0.0193 0.054 0.17342 402 90
206001 230.00 206004 WOLDIA 230.00 0.0193 0.054 0.17342 402 90
206001 230.00 206007 DESSIE 230.00 0.0047 0.0132 0.04239 402 22
206001 230.00 206007 DESSIE 230.00 0.0047 0.0132 0.04239 402 22
206001 230.00 209001 ALAMATA 230.00 0.034126 0.101275 0.32526 318 168.8
206001 230.00 209001 ALAMATA 230.00 0.034126 0.101275 0.32526 318 168.8
206001 230.00 210003 SEMERA 230.00 0.034276 0.104784 0.31677 318 170
206004 230.00 206005 SUN-HI-GUL 230.00 0.0155 0.0432 0.13874 1973 72
206004 230.00 206005 SUN-HI-GUL 230.00 0.0155 0.0432 0.13874 1973 72
206004 230.00 206007 DESSIE 230.00 0.0189 0.0528 0.16957 402 88
206004 230.00 206007 DESSIE 230.00 0.0189 0.0528 0.16957 402 88
206004 230.00 209001 ALAMATA 230.00 0.0144 0.0402 0.1291 402 67
206005 230.00 206006 TERU 230.00 0.0107 0.03 0.09634 1973 50
206005 230.00 206006 TERU 230.00 0.0107 0.03 0.09634 1973 50
207001 B.DAR2 230.00 207005 GONDAR2 230.00 0.029325 0.084425 0.255224 402 136.97
207001 B.DAR2 230.00 207005 GONDAR2 230.00 0.029325 0.084425 0.255224 402 136.97
207001 B.DAR2 230.00 207007 MOTA 230.00 0.012781 0.066429 0.12006 280 83
207001 B.DAR2 230.00 207008 N.MEW TP 230.00 0.027501 0.084074 0.25416 318 136.4
207001 B.DAR2 230.00 207011 WORETA 230.00 0.01199 0.034517 0.104348 402 56
207002 230.00 207007 MOTA 230.00 0.017209 0.089447 0.16166 280 111.76
207002 230.00 207010 DEJEN 230.00 0.009206 0.026504 0.080124 402 43
207002 230.00 208001 FINCHA 230.00 0.014652 0.076154 0.13763 280 95.15
207003 230.00 207004 GASHE-TA 230.00 0.000202 0.000616 0.00186 318 1
207004 230.00 207008 N.MEW TP 230.00 0.020626 0.063056 0.19062 318 102.3
207004 230.00 209001 ALAMATA 230.00 0.020626 0.063056 0.19062 318 102.3
207005 230.00 207006 METEMA 230.00 0.033358 0.098995 0.31793 318 165
207005 230.00 207006 METEMA 230.00 0.035326 0.101702 0.307454 402 165
207005 230.00 209011 DANSHA 230.00 0.0246 0.0709 0.21429 402 115
207006 230.00 207013 SUDAN-GADARE230.00 0.0343 0.096 0.3083 402 160
207006 230.00 207013 SUDAN-GADARE230.00 0.0343 0.096 0.3083 402 160
207008 230.00 207009 N.MEWCHA 230.00 0.000202 0.000616 0.00186 318 1
207008 230.00 207011 WORETA 230.00 0.017826 0.05132 0.155143 402 83.26
207013 GADARE230.00 207014 SUDAN-RABAK 230.00 0.050586 0.228355 0.43378 402 400
207013 GADARE230.00 207014 SUDAN-RABAK 230.00 0.050586 0.228355 0.43378 402 400
208001 FINCHA 230.00 208002 FINCHA-II 230.00 0.001673 0.005116 0.01547 318 8.3
208001 FINCHA 230.00 208004 GHEDO 230.00 0.010041 0.053852 0.09704 284 67.19
208002 230.00 208004 GHEDO 230.00 0.014058 0.042977 0.12992 318 69.72
208002 230.00 208004 GHEDO 230.00 0.014923 0.042962 0.129876 402 69.7
208002 230.00 208005 NESHE 230.00 0.005897 0.018027 0.0545 318 29.25
208003 230.00 208004 GHEDO 230.00 0.020486 0.106479 0.19244 280 133.04
208003 230.00 208004 GHEDO 230.00 0.028548 0.079796 0.256275 402 133
208003 230.00 208004 GHEDO 230.00 0.028548 0.079796 0.256275 402 133
208003 230.00 208006 A.ALEM 230.00 0.007371 0.035277 0.066746 363 45
208003 230.00 208007 GINCHI 230.00 0.013523 0.037798 0.121393 402 63
208003 230.00 208009 TORHAYILOCH 230.00 0.006886 0.012974 0.002495 115 5.3
208004 230.00 208006 A.ALEM 230.00 0.01425 0.068203 0.129042 363 87
208004 230.00 208007 GINCHI 230.00 0.015455 0.043198 0.138735 402 72
208004 230.00 215004 G-GIBE-OLD 230.00 0.021099 0.102687 0.1886 274 130
208006 230.00 208008 MUGERII 230.00 0.015 0.042 0.13488 402 70
208009 230.00 214001 SEBATA-1 230.00 0.006886 0.012974 0.002495 115 5.3
209001 230.00 209004 MEKELE 230.00 0.028534 0.084677 0.27195 318 141.14
209001 230.00 209007 MEHONI 230.00 0.0077 0.0222 0.06708 402 36
209001 230.00 209013 ASHEGODA WF 230.00 0.0265 0.0762 0.23048 402 123.69
209002 230.00 209003 HUMERA 230.00 0.046434 0.137799 0.44256 318 229.68
209002 230.00 209006 TEKEZE 230.00 0.032245 0.09569 0.30732 318 159.49
209002 230.00 209006 TEKEZE 230.00 0.032245 0.09569 0.30732 318 159.49
209002 230.00 209010 WELKAYT 230.00 0.034343 0.095995 0.308301 402 160
209003 230.00 209010 WELKAYT 230.00 0.034129 0.095395 0.306374 402 159
209003 230.00 209011 DANSHA 230.00 0.0219 0.0631 0.19062 402 102.3
209004 230.00 209006 TEKEZE 230.00 0.021228 0.062997 0.20232 318 105
209004 230.00 209006 TEKEZE 230.00 0.021228 0.062997 0.20232 318 105
209004 230.00 209007 MEHONI 230.00 0.020982 0.060405 0.182609 402 98
209004 230.00 209008 DALOL 230.00 0.0343 0.096 0.3083 402 160
209004 230.00 209008 DALOL 230.00 0.0343 0.096 0.3083 402 160
209004 230.00 209009 MEKELEPVC 230.00 0.0009 0.0024 0.00771 402 4
209004 230.00 209009 MEKELEPVC 230.00 0.0009 0.0024 0.00771 402 4
209004 230.00 209013 ASHEGODA WF 230.00 0.0041 0.0117 0.0354 402 19
210001 230.00 210006 MELKASEDI 230.00 0.005995 0.017259 0.052174 402 28
210001 230.00 210006 MELKASEDI 230.00 0.005995 0.017259 0.052174 402 28
210001 230.00 211001 KOKA 230.00 0.022453 0.100028 0.192398 353 129.32
210001 230.00 211007 NURAERA 230.00 0.031 0.0894 0.27019 402 145
210002 230.00 210003 SEMERA 230.00 0.011089 0.033901 0.10248 318 55
210003 230.00 210004 TENDAHO 230.00 0.0043 0.0123 0.03727 402 20
211001 KOKA 230.00 211002 M-WAKNA 230.00 0.029689 0.127801 0.24166 257 163.86
211001 KOKA 230.00 211002 M-WAKNA 230.00 0.029689 0.127801 0.24166 257 163.86
211001 KOKA 230.00 211022 ADAM-IIWIND 230.00 0.0022 0.0065 0.01957 402 10.5
211001 KOKA 230.00 213001 DUKEM TAP 2 230.00 0.005374 0.025525 0.0491 274 33
211001 KOKA 230.00 215002 DUKEM TAP 1 230.00 0.005374 0.025525 0.0491 274 33
211002 230.00 213002 RAMO 230.00 0.047736 0.133429 0.428524 402 222.39
211002 230.00 213006 GINIR 230.00 0.034042 0.098004 0.296274 402 159
211002 230.00 213010 AWASA-230 230.00 0.0225 0.063 0.20238 402 105
211002 230.00 213010 AWASA-230 230.00 0.0225 0.063 0.20238 402 105
211003 230.00 212003 DB-ZEIT3230 230.00 0.0017 0.0048 0.01542 402 8
212001 KALITI1 230.00 212005 AKAKI2-230 230.00 0.000773 0.00312 0.005899 331 4
212001 KALITI1 230.00 212005 AKAKI2-230 230.00 0.000773 0.00312 0.005899 331 4
212001 KALITI1 230.00 214001 SEBATA-1 230.00 0.002314 0.011264 0.02069 274 14.26
212001 KALITI1 230.00 214008 H.TANNERY 230.00 0.0024 0.0068 0.0205 402 11
212002 230.00 212003 DB-ZEIT3230 230.00 0.0017 0.0048 0.01542 402 8
212002 230.00 212003 DB-ZEIT3230 230.00 0.0017 0.0048 0.01542 402 8
212005 230.00 213001 DUKEM TAP 2 230.00 0.01237 0.049916 0.094387 331 64
212005 230.00 215002 DUKEM TAP 1 230.00 0.01237 0.049916 0.094387 331 64
213002 RAMO 230.00 213003 GODE 230.00 0.063526 0.177565 0.570273 402 295.96
213002 RAMO 230.00 213003 GODE 230.00 0.063526 0.177565 0.570273 402 295.96
213002 RAMO 230.00 213006 GINIR 230.00 0.016271 0.046845 0.141615 402 76
213004 ALABA 230.00 213005 HOSAINA 230.00 0.008435 0.024285 0.073416 402 39.4
213005 230.00 214003 WOLKITE 230.00 0.019119 0.055043 0.166398 402 89.3
213008 230.00 213009 W.SODO230 230.00 0.0526 0.147 0.47209 402 245
213008 230.00 213009 W.SODO230 230.00 0.0526 0.147 0.47209 402 245
213010 230.00 213011 YIRGALEM-II 230.00 0.008571 0.024 0.077074 318 40
213010 230.00 213011 YIRGALEM-II 230.00 0.008571 0.024 0.077074 318 40
213010 230.00 213012 YIRGALEMI 230.00 0.0075 0.021 0.06744 402 35
213011 230.00 213012 YIRGALEMI 230.00 0.0026 0.0072 0.02312 402 12
213011 230.00 213012 YIRGALEMI 230.00 0.0026 0.0072 0.02312 402 12
214001 230.00 214002 SEBETA-2 230.00 0.002321 0.011775 0.02228 280 15.02
214001 230.00 214002 SEBETA-2 230.00 0.002321 0.011775 0.02228 280 15.02
214001 SEBATA-1 214004 WOLISO 230.00 0.02141 0.061638 0.186336 402 100
214001 230.00 214006 ADDIS-EFW 230.00 0.0011 0.003 0.00963 402 5
214001 230.00 214006 ADDIS-EFW 230.00 0.0011 0.003 0.00963 402 5
214001 230.00 214008 H.TANNERY 230.00 0.0016 0.0045 0.01353 402 7.26
214003 230.00 214004 WOLISO 230.00 0.009035 0.026011 0.078634 402 42.2
214003 230.00 215004 G-GIBE-OLD 230.00 0.010779 0.056025 0.10125 280 70
215001 230.00 215006 AGARO 230.00 0.017494 0.048897 0.157041 402 81.5
215001 230.00 215006 AGARO 230.00 0.017494 0.048897 0.157041 402 81.5
215002 230.00 215007 EAST INDUSTR230.00 0 0.0001 0 0 0
215003 G-GIBE-1 230.00 215004 G-GIBE-OLD 230.00 0.000814 0.003867 0.00744 274 5
215003 G-GIBE-1 230.00 215004 G-GIBE-OLD 230.00 0.000814 0.003867 0.00744 274 5
215003 G-GIBE-1 230.00 215005 JIMMA 230.00 0.014081 0.039358 0.126403 402 65.6
215003 G-GIBE-1 230.00 215005 JIMMA 230.00 0.014081 0.039358 0.126403 402 65.6
215005 JIMMA 230.00 215006 AGARO 230.00 0.008307 0.023219 0.07457 402 38.7
215005 JIMMA 230.00 215006 AGARO 230.00 0.008307 0.023219 0.07457 402 38.7
402001 400.00 402003 GEBRE-GURCHA400.00 0.002 0.0271 0.7483 1341 131.5
402001 400.00 402003 GEBRE-GURCHA400.00 0.0027 0.0213 0.9377 1973 131.5
402001 400.00 407003 D-MARKOS 400.00 0.003335 0.04436 1.22684 1341 215.6
402001 400.00 407003 D-MARKOS 400.00 0.0045 0.035 1.54022 1973 216
402001 400.00 414002 HOLETA-400 400.00 0.0006 0.005 0.22105 1973 31
402001 400.00 414002 HOLETA-400 400.00 0.0006 0.005 0.22105 1973 31
402002 400.00 412001 DB-ZEIT2400 400.00 0.0006 0.0049 0.21392 1973 30
402002 400.00 412001 DB-ZEIT2400 400.00 0.0006 0.0049 0.21392 1973 30
402002 400.00 413001 W.SODO400 400.00 0.0055 0.0432 1.90389 1342 267
402002 AKAKI2400 413001 W.SODO400 400.00 0.0055 0.0432 1.90389 1342 267
402002 400.00 414001 SEBETA-2 400.00 0.0007 0.0057 0.22078 1973 33
402002 400.00 414002 HOLETA-400 400.00 0.001 0.0079 0.349 1973 49
402002 400.00 414002 HOLETA-400 400.00 0.001 0.0079 0.349 1973 49
402003 GURCHA400.00 407003 D-MARKOS 400.00 0.0014 0.018 0.4979 1341 87.5
402003 GURCHA400.00 407003 D-MARKOS 400.00 0.0018 0.0142 0.6239 1973 87.5
403001 400.00 411001 AWASH7-400 400.00 0.0039 0.0302 1.32987 1973 186.5
403001 400.00 411001 AWASH7-400 400.00 0.0039 0.0302 1.32987 1973 186.5
406001 400.00 407001 BAHIRDAR-II 400.00 0.0056 0.0435 1.91815 1973 269
406001 400.00 407001 BAHIRDAR-II 400.00 0.0056 0.0435 1.91815 1973 269
407001 400.00 407002 BELES 400.00 0.000958 0.012159 0.37713 1341 62.84
407001 400.00 407002 BELES 400.00 0.000958 0.012159 0.37713 1341 62.84
407001 400.00 407003 D-MARKOS 400.00 0.002997 0.03986 1.10239 1341 193.73
407001 400.00 407004 GRAN RENAIS 400.00 0.005033 0.041797 1.605239 1973 240
407002 BELES 400.00 407004 GRAN RENAIS 400.00 0.0044 0.0366 1.40458 1973 210
411001 400.00 412001 DB-ZEIT2400 400.00 0.0035 0.027 1.18726 1973 166.5
411001 400.00 412001 DB-ZEIT2400 400.00 0.0035 0.027 1.18726 1973 166.5
413001 400.00 413002 YIRGALEMII 400.00 0.00179 0.014697 0.56384 1973 84.3
413001 400.00 413002 YIRGALEMII 400.00 0.00179 0.014697 0.56384 1973 84.3
413001 400.00 415001 G-GIBE-2 400.00 0.0025 0.0207 0.79593 1341 119
413001 400.00 415003 GIBE-III 400.00 0.001 0.0081 0.35653 1973 50
413001 400.00 415003 GIBE-III 400.00 0.001 0.0081 0.35653 1973 50
413001 400.00 415004 G-GIBE3 400.00 0.001 0.0081 0.35653 1342 50
413001 400.00 415004 G-GIBE3 400.00 0.001 0.0081 0.35653 1342 50
413001 400.00 415004 G-GIBE3 400.00 0.0011 0.0083 0.36366 1342 51
413002 400.00 413003 GENDAWAIII 400.00 0.005638 0.043914 1.932408 1973 271
413002 400.00 413003 GENDAWAIII 400.00 0.005638 0.043914 1.932408 1973 271
414001 400.00 414002 HOLETA-400 400.00 0.0004 0.0029 0.12835 1973 18
414001 400.00 414002 HOLETA-400 400.00 0.0004 0.0029 0.12385 1973 18
414001 400.00 415001 G-GIBE-2 400.00 0.002839 0.037756 1.04419 1341 183.5
415001 G-GIBE-2 400.00 415002 GIGIBE-OLD 400.00 0.000431 0.005737 0.15868 1341 27.89
A.A. 0 0 0 82.1 0 0 2.3 345.2 62.3 198.5 202.6
EASTER 0 0 0 27.1 14.8 0 0.5 42.4 13.5 -13.4 -13.4
WESTER 1477 0 0 1568.8 271 0 62.8 589.3 170.7 -7.1 -14.4
A.A 23.5 0 0 82.6 0 0 2.4 112.8 72.1 -20.7 -21.7
EASTER 89.5 0 0 79.6 17.9 0 4.8 90.1 49.7 27.6 27.6
A.A. 0 0 0 84.3 -256.2 0 3.5 209.6 164.3 213.8 221
20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6.7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.3
ABA SAMUEL 6.3 3.3 0.4 0.4 -0.2 1 0.9815 SAMUEL 45 5.4 1
ADAMA WF-I 33 26.7 17 17 -17 1 0.9594 WIND 132 53.7 2
ADAMA WF-II 33 87.5 0 49.7 0 1 1.0039 WF 230 161.2 2
G-GIBE1-1 13.8 57.1 18.7 18.7 -18.7 1.02 1.0094 GI GIBE-1 230 73 8
G-GIBE1-2 13.8 14.3 38.4 38.4 -50.9 1.02 1.0094 GI GIBE-1 230 73 8
G-GIBE1-3 13.8 57.1 18.7 18.7 -18.7 1.02 1.0094 GI GIBE-1 230 73 8
ASHEGODA-WF 33 8.3 58.4 58.4 0 1 0.998 WF 230 188.5 9
Figure C-1 PSS/E single line model peak load of 2017 Ethiopian Transmission Grid
102001 ADD EAST-II 132 0.944 0.95 102002 B.WGN-TP 132 0.9468 0.95
102003 COTEBEI-I 132 0.9497 0.95 102004 DEBRE BERHAN 132 0.9413 0.95
102006 WERGENU 132 0.9391 0.95 102010 ADDIS-E1 132 0.9492 0.95
105001 JIJIGA I 132 0.9198 0.95 106004 SHOWA-ROBIT 132 0.9449 0.95
108001 ADDIS-NORTH 132 0.9407 0.95 108002 CEMENT 132 0.6832 0.95
108006 MUGER 132 0.789 0.95 108007 DERBA-TAP 132 0.7944 0.95
108015 MINILIK TS 132 0.9451 0.95 108016 HABESHA CEM 132 0.886 0.95
108017 HABESHA TP 132 0.886 0.9 109001 ADIGRAT 132 0.9133 0.95
109002 ADWA 132 0.8713 0.95 109005 MESOBO 132 0.9494 0.95
109007 WUKRO 132 0.9371 0.95 109008 WUKRO-TP 132 0.9373 0.95
109020 ABIADI MB TP 132 0.8948 0.95 109021 ABIADI MB 132 0.8932 0.95
111001 ADAMI TULU 132 0.9024 0.95 111002 ASSELA 132 0.9266 0.95
111027 WON SUG TP 132 0.9474 0.95 111028 WON SUG 132 0.9473 0.95
112001 CENTER 132 0.9253 0.95 112002 GOFA 132 0.9456 0.95
112007 KALITI TWO 132 0.9493 0.95 112009 MEKANISA 132 0.9472 0.95
112014 NEFASILK 132 0.9487 0.95 112019 DANGOTE TP 132 0.791 0.95
113003 AWASA 132 0.8537 0.95 113004 BOCULUGUMA 132 0.7851 0.95
113005 DILLA 132 0.8036 0.95 113007 MARIAM 132 0.7929 0.95
113009 SHASHEMENE 132 0.8962 0.95 113011 SHAKISO 132 0.7711 0.95
113014 YIRGALEM 132 0.819 0.95 113029 AWASA MOBILE 132 0.9353 0.95