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Internship Report Aniruddh

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Internship Report for the award of ONE/TWO

Submitted by :
Venkata Aniruddh Kalyan Talluri
B.E. (ECE) – V Semester

Roll Number : 160120735116

Internship is carried out at :


Internship : 10.08.2022 to 24.08.2022 (2 Weeks)

Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology

(A) HYDERABAD - 500075

AUGUST, 2022

I would like to thank Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited for

giving me the opportunity to visit the company and
helping me gather as much as knowledge possible about
its working.

I thank all the BHEL Gas Turbine Engineering

Department for their kind support.

I would also like to offer my sincere thanks to Mrs.

Swathi Goli, Deputy Manager, Gas Turbine
Engineering, for her kind and patient guidance,
teaching and co-operation throughout my project work in
spite of her busy schedule.

I want to thank ECE Department for giving me

the opportunity to visit BHEL for industrial




Gas turbine support systems include the auxiliary

equipment and controls necessary for operation of the
gas turbine. In addition to the support systems whose
function is dedicated to the gas turbine, there may be
some more support systems at the plant level, which
ensure fulfillment of requirements of the gas turbine with
regard to fuel, water and other utilities. Since such
systems are specific to customer requirements and can
be common to many gas turbine installations, they have
been extracted from this project topic. This project
basically deals with the types of support systems offered
along with BHEL heavy-duty gas turbines of GE design.
Though the types of support systems are highly
dependent upon the design of gas turbine, many of the
systems explained are generally applicable to all
heavy-duty gas turbines.

BHEL is the largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India in the energy-
related/infrastructure sector, today.

❖ It was established more than 40 years ago, ushering in the indigenous Heavy
Electrical Equipment industry in India - a dream that has been more than realized
with a well- recognized track record of performance.

❖ The company has been earning profits continuously since 1971-72 and paying
dividends since 1976-77.

❖ Its manufactures over 180 products under 30 major product groups and caters to
core sectors of the Indian Economy viz., Power Generation & Transmission,
Industry, Transportation, Telecommunication, Renewable Energy, etc.

❖ The wide network of BHEL’s 14 manufacturing divisions, four Power Sector

regional centres, over 100 project sites, eight service centres and 18 regional
offices, enables the Company to promptly serve its customers and provide them
with suitable products, systems and services -- efficiently and at competitive

❖ The high level of quality & reliability of its products is due to the emphasis on
design, engineering and manufacturing to international standards by acquiring
and adapting some of the best technologies from leading companies in the world,
together with technologies developed in its own R&D centers‘.

❖ BHEL has acquired certifications to Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001),

Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health &
Safety Management Systems (OHSAS 18001) and is also well on its journey
towards Total Quality Management.

The greatest strength of BHEL is its highly skilled and committed 42,600
employees. Every employee is given an equal opportunity to develop himself and
grow in his career.
Continuous training and retraining, career planning, a positive work culture and
participative style of management, all these have engendered development of a
committed and motivated workforce setting new benchmarks in terms of
productivity, quality and responsiveness.
BHEL- synonymous with power

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, the largest engineering company in India, ranks
among the top 10 Power Equipment manufacturers in the world. Set up in mid-
fifties, BHEL caters to the needs of all key sectors of the economy.

❖ BHEL’s products cater to wide spectrum of customers in various fields like power
generation & transmission, oil exploration & production, transportation, steel
&metals, fertilizers & petro-chemicals, refineries, cement plants, engineering
industries, non conventional energy sources, defence equipment etc.

❖ More than 65% of installed capacity for electrical power in India is contributed by

❖ With 14 manufacturing units and 62,500 skilled manpower, BHEL has built up
tremendous engineering strength.

❖ BHEL manufactures almost all critical high technology products required for
Power Sector viz. Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Generator, Steam Generator,
Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Pumps & Compressors, Heat Exchangers,
Control equipment etc.

❖ BHEL has carried out ‘System Engineering’ and ‘Turnkey Execution’ of projects
involving coal, liquid & gas based power plants, not only in India but also in
countries like Malta, Cyprus, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, etc.

❖ BHEL has installed equipment for over 90,000 MW of power generation -- for
Utilities, Captive and Industrial users. It has-
• Supplied over 2,25,000 MVA transformer capacity and other equipment operating
in Transmission & Distribution network up to 400 kV (AC & DC).
• Supplied over 25,000 Motors with Drive Control System to Power projects,
Petrochemicals, Refineries, Steel, Aluminum, Fertilizer, Cement plants, etc.
• Supplied Traction electrics and AC/DC locos to power over 12,000 kms Railway
• Supplied over one million Valves to Power Plants and other Industries.

❖ BHEL technology for the products/systems is on par with the latest/best in the
world. BHEL has collaborations with leading companies in the world like M/s.
General Electric, USA, M/s. Siemens, Germany, M/s. Nuovo Pignone, Italy etc.
BHEL - Hyderabad Gas Turbine

BHEL-Hyderabad has earned a name for successful diversification over the years
into a high range of products and systems for Utility/ Industry Sectors. BHEL started
manufacture of Heavy Duty Gas Turbines in technical collaboration with General
Electric, USA in 1986. M/s. General Electric with more than 50 years of experience in
Power Industry is the market leader in the Gas Turbine business with over 6000
installations and 200 million fired hours experience. BHEL has already installed over
90 machines including exports to Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Oman with fired hours
experience of over 2 million. This includes operation of scores of machines firing

BHEL Gas Turbines (of GE technology) have been developed over the years based
on wide ranging requirements of customers and have the following advantages:
• Capability to fire a wide range of gaseous fuels (Natural Gas, Refinery Gas, LPG,
Low Btu gases), liquid fuels (Distillate, Naphtha, Kerosene etc. ), residual heavy
fuels (furnace oil, LSHS etc.) and a mix of gaseous and liquid fuels etc.
• Capability to ensure fuel economy over a wide range of ambient temperatures and
• Black start, Quick start and Emergency start facility.
• Options are available for choosing type of starting device as per need
• Models below 100MW are suitable for both 50 Hz and 60Hz applications
• State-of -the-art microprocessor based control system with redundant protection
to ensure maximum reliability and fast response
• Package concept to limit site work to the minimum
• Low exhaust emission levels:
Reduced smoke levels because of air atomization. Nox emission can be controlled
with water or steam injection and through the use of advanced multi nozzle Quite
Combustors/ Dry Low Nox Combustors
• Available as a building block for integration to Combined Cycle, Cogeneration
• Controlled noise levels can be controlled with special acoustic arrangements
• Suitable for power generation and mechanical drive applications
• Ideally suited for Integrated Gassification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plants
BHEL is one of the few GE licencees to manufacture Rotor and Hot Gas Path

The gas turbine is a rotating internal combustion engine, which takes air from the
atmosphere and compress it to a higher pressure in an axial compressor and the
compressed air flows into the combustion chamber where fuel is admitted and
ignited with the help of a spark plug. The products of combustion are used as a
working fluid for developing power in the turbine section of the gas turbine.

The thermodynamic cycle upon which a gas turbine works is called Brayton Cycle. A
schematic diagram of a single shaft, simple cycle gas turbine is shown in figure (i).
Air enters the compressor at point 1 at ambient conditions. The air is compressed to
a higher pressure in the compressor. Upon leaving the compressor, the air enters the
combustion system at point 2, where fuel is injected and combustion takes place.
The combustion process occurs essentially at constant pressure. The combustion
system is designed to provide mixing, dilution and cooling. Thus, the combustion
mixture leaves the combustion system and enters the turbine at point 3, at some
mixed average temperature. In the turbine section of the gas turbine, the energy of
hot gases is converted into work. This conversion actually takes place in two steps.
In nozzle section of the turbine, the hot gases are expanded and thus a portion of
thermal energy is converted into kinetic energy. In the subsequent bucket section of
the turbine, a portion of the kinetic energy is transferred to the rotating buckets and is
converted into work. Fig (ii) shows the (p-v) and(T-S) diagrams of the Brayton cycle.
The numbers on the diagram corresponds to numbers used in fig(i), i.e. path 1-2
represents the constant pressure addition of heat in the combustion section, and the
path 3-4 represents the expansion that takes place in the turbine. The path from 4-1
is indicative of constant cooling process taking place in the atmosphere

A Brayton cycle is characterized by two very significant parameters; pressure ratio

and firing temperature. The pressure ratio of the cycle is the ratio of pressure at point
2 to the pressure at point 1. The firing temperature, point 3 on the fig. is the highest
temperature reached in the cycle. The thermodynamic cycle efficiency and power
output of a gas turbine depends on these two parameters.



The major components of the gas turbine are the compressor, combustion system and
turbine section. These are dealt in detail in the following sections.

The gas turbine compressor is an axial flow design of subsonic type that efficiently
compresses a large volume of air. The compressor consists of many individual
stages operating in series.
Each compressor stage consists of many individual stages operating in series. Each
compressor stage consists of a rotating row of blades that increases the velocity of
the incoming air thereby increasing its kinetic energy, followed by a stationary row of
blades that acts as diffusers, converting the kinetic energy to pressure increase. The
number of stages used in a gas turbine depends on the design pressure-ratio of the
gas turbine. A typical pressure ratio ranges from 6:1 to 14.9:1

At the compressor inlet there is a row of stationary blades, called Inlet Guide
Vanes(IGV) that direct the incoming air on to the first rotating stage in a smooth way.
In some compressors the flow angle of IGVs con be changed to control the volume
of the air being drawn into the compressor. The Variable Inlet Guide Vanes(VIGV)
are used to ensure aerodynamically smooth operation throughout a large operating

At the compressor discharge, there are several rows of stationary diffuser blades
and a cone shaped diffuser to obtain maximum pressure rise before the air goes into
the combustion system.


The combustion system consists of several liners into which fuel is added and burnt
with a portion of compressed air. The excess compressed air is used to limit the
temperature level usable by the turbine.

The individual liners are connected to the turbine section by transition pieces. Fuel is
injected into each liner by fuel nozzles that atomize the fuel for effective burning.
The fuel is ignited initially by electric igniters. Once the fire is started , the
combustion process is self-sustaining as long as the fuel and air are available.


The turbine consists of several stages. Each stage comprises of a a stationary row of
blades and nozzles where the velocity of the high energy gases is increased and
direct towards a rotating row of buckets attached to the turbine shaft. The high
velocity gases impinge on the buckets converting the kinetic energy of the gas into
shaft power.
Varying the amount of fuel injected into the combustion chamber, changes the energy
from the combustion system to drive the turbine.


There are many advantagesof gas turbines over

other turbines:

1. Smaller in size, so erection time is less and easy to

2. Less space and water required

3. Less pollution

4. Continuous power supply is made available

5. Higher reliability

6. Flexibility to use different fuels such as Naphtha,

Heavy oils, Crude & coal gas.
7. Very high power-to-weight ratio Low operating


8. High operation speeds.

9. Low lubricating oil cost and consumption.

10.Moves in one direction only, with very less vibration.

Fire is an Oxidation process in which a fuel and oxygen react in the presence of
heat to produce heat and other products of combustion. Heat is the key factor in
this reaction. It takes heat from the solid and liquid fuels to decompose it into gas
and vapor state. In this State the fuel can mix with oxygen in the air and be ignited
by a source of heat energy. Air is not the sole source of oxygen to support
combustion. Some chemicals contain oxygen in quantities that can support
combustion. One of the byproducts of this simple reaction is heat which serves to
continue the decomposition of fuel and sustained the reaction.

There are certain reactions, which are necessary for fire to exist. In a simple
example of combustion of methane, the carbon atom is bonded to 4 hydrogen
atoms. In the presence of heat, the chemical bonds are broken, releasing the four
hydrogen atoms as reactive H radicals. These radicals react with oxygen molecules
causing the bonds of their 2 atoms to break and they are either released as O
radicals, or an oxygen atom may bond to H radical to form OH a radical. These
radicals are short lived and play an important role in the consumption of the fuel.
They are constantly being regenerated and consumed in a series of chain reaction.
The Combustion of methane does not begin to describe the numerous reactions
that are taking place in the candle flame where more complex fuels are involved. A
structural fire is infinitely more complex, with the many different fuels are and their
various atomic component’s reacting with one another in the presence of the and
drastically varying amounts of oxygen. These Reactions are all taking place in the
flame portion of fire and are known as Gas Phase Combustion. The apparent
flickering or dancing of the flames is the moment of the reactions seeking additional
oxygen or fuel vapors. Not all combustion reactions involve flames. Some
combustion takes place glowing or smoldering phase.
A simple fire exist producing carbon dioxide, heat, light, water and maybe other
products of combustion. Once ignition has taken place, heat feedback is necessary
to sustain the fire. This is accomplished through varying degrees of conduction,
convention and radiation. The rate of burning and flames spread is dependent on the
heat that is fed back to the fuel.

In a structural fire, in the conditions of heat feedback is favorable, a very dangerous

condition known as Flash Over may occur. When fire occurs in a closed space heat
and convection current to the ceiling carry smoke. The ceiling heat, which may reach
temperatures of 800 to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit, is reflected back down into the
room. This process results in heating of all the combustible in the room to their
ignition temperatures. Flashover occurs when there is a sudden and dramatic
simultaneous ignition of most of the firefighters or anyone who might be in the area.

Products of combustion

During the combustion process certain products are produced as a result of many
complex reactions that are taking place. These are termed products of combustion
and they include heat, light, smoke and fire and gases.


Heat is always present as a product of combustion process. Beside the heat that is
necessary to sustain fire, there is excessive heat given off. The amount of heat that
is released during complete oxidation or combustion is referred to as heat of
combustion. Heat is necessary to start and sustain the combustion process. It is also
the damaging to life, structures and equipment. Their effects upon human body are
well known and documented. Burns produce one of the most painful and severe
traumas to the body imaginable. The respiratory system is more susceptible to heat
than body. It is a common misconception that heat is a principal danger to people in
a fire. It is well known from the autopsies of fire victims that the primary cause of
death is inhalation of carbon monoxide or other toxic fire gases. Thermal damage to
property is another obvious effect that is caused by the heat by product.

The light or flame of a fire is a result of gas phase reaction. Light is generated by
particles that have been heated to incandescence and entered into the combustion


Smoke is a complex mixture of very fine solid particles, condensed vapor in the form
of small droplets or aerosols and gaseous components. Smoke is formed in almost
all fire situations and is the result of incomplete combustion. The composition of
smoke will vary depending upon the available fuels and the degree of combustion
taking place. A hot burning fire with plenty of oxygen will burn cleaner because of
more of the decomposition products that smoke are being consumed.

Smoke is responsible for non-thermal fire damage. During a structure fire,

convection currents carry smoke throughout the building. Its constituents many of
which are corrosive and electrically charged will coat the surface of walls, floors and
equipments. The resulting non-thermal fire damage includes chemical reaction
(corrosive), electric shorting, discolored surfaces and unpleasant odor.


Fire gases are sometimes discussed as a component of smoke. There are many
different gases produced in the combustion process. The types and qualities vary
depending upon a complex series of reactions involving fuels, temperatures and
duration of exposures and high temperature. During the combustion reaction
chemical bonds are broken and new compounds are formed. It is important to note
that for a fire gases are corrosive and toxic. They have varying effects and they are
serious concern to the fire safety professionals.
An important factor in the reduction of loss from fire is reliable and prompt detection.
Automatic fire detectors can provide early detection and warning of fire or smoke. They may
be used to activate extinguishing systems or to initiate an alarm, or both. Automatic fire
detectors have many applications in commercial, institutional, and industrial properties and
for residential use. Detectors and proper notification can, however, provide fire fighters with
enough advance notice so that they will have a better chance of quickly controlling and
extinguishing a fire. Otherwise extensive fire, water and smoke damage can result. A
detection system also can be valuable where sprinklers are not installed.

An automatic fire detector is a device that senses or detects the presence of fire and initiates
action. The four principal classes of automatic fire detectors are:

● Heat detectors
● Smoke detectors
● Flame detectors, and
● Fire-gas detectors.
Temperature rise, radiation, CO2 (except in a pure hydrogen fire), and H2O are always found
in a flaming fire. Smoke and CO are usually there, but the amount varies greatly depending
on the type of fire.

The three principal types of fire detectors are:

● Spot detectors
● Line-type detectors, and
● Air sampling detectors.
A spot-type detector is one in which the sensor is concentrated at a particular location. A
line-type detector is one in which detection is continuous along a path. In an air sampling
detector, a pump draws air from the protected area through a series of tubes to the sensor
where it is analyzed for fire products.

Heat Detectors

A heat detector senses abnormally high temperature or rate of temperature rise. Heat
detectors can be classified according to their operating principle as,

● Fixed-temperature detectors
● Rate-compensation detectors and,
● Rate-of-rise detectors.
For fixed-temperature and rate-compensation detectors, as long as the temperature of the
fire gases is above the detector rating, heat transferred from the ceiling gas flow to the
detector will cause it to actuate. When faster response is desired, detectors must be
spaced closer than normal. Rate-of- rise devices may alarm more quickly than
fixed-temperature detectors, particularly in highly combustible occupancies, in unheated
buildings in the winter, and in cold storage areas. Note that for rate-of-rise detectors, a false
alarm may occur when temporary heaters are used or an interruption of refrigeration
occurs. Fixed-temperature devices may be more reliable in detecting lowly developing fires,
and they usually require less attention to prevent false alarms. Heat detectors may employ
more than one operating principle in order to respond quickly to both fast-acting and
slow-acting fires. Such a unit could be a combination of fixed-temperature and rate-of-rise
heat detector.

The fixed-temperature device in this combination detector operates in case the temperature
rises too slowly to operate the rate-of-rise device.

A non-restorable heat detector has a sensing element that is destroyed when a fire is
detected. The sensing element in a restorable detector is not ordinarily destroyed when a
fire is detected. Some detectors are automatically self-restoring as the sensing element
returns to normal

Fixed-temperature Detectors

The fixed-temperature detector is designed to operate when the temperature of its operating
element reaches a predetermined value. Because there is a thermal lag, the temperature of
the surrounding air is higher than the operating temperature of the detector itself. The
fixed-temperature sensing element for a detector may consist of two metals having different
coefficients of thermal expansion (bimetallic), an electrical resistor whose resistance varies
as a function of temperature (electric conductivity), a special composition metal that melts
quickly at the rated temperature (fusible alloy), two current-carrying wires separated by heat
sensitive insulation that softens at the rated temperature so that the wires make electrical
contact (heat sensitive cable), or a liquid capable of expansion in response to the increase
in temperature (liquid expansion).

Rate-compensation Detectors

The rate-compensation detector is designed to operate when the temperature of the air
surrounding the detector reaches a predetermined value, regardless of the rate of
temperature rise. This device is intended to reduce the effect of thermal lag that is present in
a fixed-temperature detector. A typical rate-compensation device has a tubular casing of a
metal that tends to expand lengthwise as it is heated, and an associated contact
mechanism that will close at a certain point in the elongation.
A second metallic element inside the tube exerts an opposing force on the contacts, tending
to hold them open. The forces are balanced in such a way that on a slow rate of
temperature rise, there is more time for heat to penetrate to the inner element, which
restrains contact closure until the total device has been heated to its rated temperature
level. On a fast rate of temperature rise, there is not as much time for heat to penetrate to
the inner element, so that contact closure is obtained when the total device has been
heated to a lower level. This condition, in effect, tends to compensate for thermal lag. This
type of detector is commonly used in offices.

Rate-of-rise Detectors

The rate-of-rise detector is designed to operate when the temperature of its operating
element rises at a rate exceeding a predetermined amount (rate-of-rise set point value),
regardless of the temperature level. The rate-of-rise set point is usually between 15°F
(8.3°C) and 25°F (13.9°C) rise per minute. These detectors should not be used in an area
where temperature can change rapidly such as near some machinery. A rate-of-rise
detector may be a line-type unit consisting of small diameter pneumatic tubing which is
terminated in a detector unit having calibrated vents, diaphragms, and contacts arranged to
actuate at a predetermined pressure. The detection system is sealed except for the
calibrated vents, which compensate for normal changes in temperature. A rate-of-rise
detector can also consist of a spot type unit with an air chamber, diaphragm, contacts, and
vent contained in a single enclosure. A third type of rate-of-rise detector is the
thermoelectric effect type. In this type the sensing element consists of a thermocouple or
thermopile unit, which produces an increase in electric potential in response to an increase
in temperature. An alarm is initiated when the potential increases at an abnormal rate. This
type is subject to a lowering of sensitivity by corrosion.

Smoke Detectors

A smoke detector senses visible or invisible particles of combustion. Smoke detectors can be
classified according to their operating principle as,

● Ionization detectors
● Photoelectric detectors
● Beam detectors
● Laser detectors and,
● Air sampling detectors.
Smoke detectors will usually respond more quickly to smaller fires than heat detectors.
Ionization Smoke Detectors

The ionization smoke detector contains a small amount of radioactive material, which
ionizes the air in special chambers in the detector. This makes the air conductive, as
positive and negative ions attract to the cathode and anode. When particles of combustion
enter the sensing chamber in the detector, ions attach to the smoke particles and are
slowed down. Some will exit the detector with the smoke. The normal ionization current
drops and a signal is initiated. Usually, ionization detectors are the spot type and are
mounted on the ceiling of the protected area, although they may be specially designed for
installation in air ducts. Ionization detectors are especially sensitive to small and invisible
particles from flaming combustion, but can be insensitive to smoldering fires. Ionization
detectors are sensitive to atmospheric pressure and humidity changes. Some detectors
have a dual chamber to account for this. The second chamber is used for reference. It has a
very small opening to atmosphere so smoke can not enter, but is affected by atmospheric
conditions. The reference measurement is compared to the sensing chamber measurement,
and if both measurements are the same, they cancel each other. Therefore, pressure and
humidity changes will not cause an alarm. Other contaminants such as dust and small
insects will increase sensitivity of dual chamber detectors as well as single chamber

Photoelectric Smoke Detectors

Beam Detectors :

In the beam-type photoelectric detector, a light source is projected across the protected area
into a photoelectric cell. Smoke obscuring the light beam reduces the light intensity reaching
the cell, and a signal is initiated. A gradual dirt buildup on the receiver window is
compensated for by automatic gain control, but when a certain percent of the original signal
is lost (typically set at about 50% by the manufacturer), a trouble signal is initiated. A sudden
blockage of the beam by an object will cause a trouble signal if 90 to 95% of the beam
intensity is lost for a pre-determined amount of time. A rapid buildup of dense smoke can
cause this. In one study, beam type detectors were found to be more sensitive to small fires,
but transmitted trouble signals instead of fire alarms when exposed to dense smoke. In
locations where a fuel pool fire can occur, this problem can be eliminated by reducing the
alarm window (response time) substantially. Beam detectors should be tested using smoke
or aerosols. Beam detectors have a maximum range of 330 ft (100 m) and a maximum
distance between detector beams of 60 ft (18 m) which gives coverage of 19,800 ft2
Photoelectric Spot Detectors

A spot-type detector incorporates the light source and photoelectric cell in the same unit and
depends on reflected light. A signal is initiated when the smoke, which has entered the unit,
causes reflected light to strike the photoelectric cell which is located at an angle to the
normal beam. The scattering of light by smoke particles depends on the optical density of
the smoke at a specific wavelength of light. Photoelectric detectors sense large particles
from smoldering fires or pyrolysis, but are not as sensitive to small particles as ionization
detectors. Note that smoke particles may agglomerate and grow in size as smoke travels
away from a fire and cools down.

Laser Detectors

Laser detectors are very sensitive (about 100 times more sensitive than conventional
detectors) and are as reliable as conventional detectors. Laser detectors are a type of
light-scattering photoelectric detector. Smoke particles cause laser light to be reflected back
to a sensor. This type of detector (rather than xenon light used in the older types) is also
used with an air sampling system which aspirates air through a filter from many points.
Although very sensitive, these detectors are designed to be free of false alarms. They are
also ‘‘intelligent’’ and can be used in groups in critical areas such as clean rooms. In areas
where high air flow can impede smoke detection, algorithms can be used with grouped laser
detectors to make them very effective.

Combination Smoke Detectors

Combination smoke detectors combine the principles of ionization detection and

photoelectric detection in a single unit. Smoldering fires as well as fires producing very little
smoke can be readily detected. Units are available that require both inputs before initiating a
signal in order to eliminate nuisance alarms.

Sampling Air Detectors

The cloud chamber smoke detector is one type of air sampling detector. An air pump draws
a sample of air into a high humidity chamber where the pressure is slightly reduced.
Moisture in the chamber condenses on the smoke particles, forming a cloud. The density of
the cloud is then measured by the photoelectric principle.

Flame Detectors

A flame detector is sensitive to infrared, visible, or ultraviolet radiation produced by a fire, or

to specific ranges of radiation that are modulated at characteristic flame flicker frequencies.
Flame detectors are essentially line-of-sight devices, and are usually designed to respond to
a fire within the
detector’s cone of vision in approximately one second or less. Flame detectors are further
classified as,

● Infrared Detector
● Ultraviolet Detector
● Photoelectric Flame Detector
● Flame Flicker Detector

Infrared detector

The infrared detector contains a sensing element that is responsive to radiant energy at
wavelengths below the range of human vision. This is usually above approximately
7700Angstroms.Avery high speed infrared detector that senses a portion of the infrared
energy of flame is available. This device responds in less than 5 milli seconds to produce a
voltage sufficient to release an extinguishing agent and sound an alarm. Normally,

The device is used to actuate an external explosive-operated release to discharge water or

other extinguishing agent through associated equipment.

Ultraviolet detector

The ultraviolet detector contains a sensing element that is responsive to radiant energy
above the range of human vision. This is usually below approximately 4000 Angstroms. This
type of detector will sense ultraviolet waves in a direct line-of-sight only and not reflected
waves. The photoelectric flame detector contains a sensing photocell which either changes
its electrical conductivity or produces an electrical potential when exposed to radiant energy.

Flame flicker

A flame flicker detector consists of a photoelectric flame detector including a means to

prevent response to visible light unless the observed light is modulated at a frequency
characteristic of the flicker of a flame (4-30 Hz). Flame detectors may be used in a variety of
fire detection applications.

Gas-Sensing Fire Detectors

Gas-sensing fire detectors, also known as fire-gas detectors, sense and respond to one or
more of the gases produced by burning substances. The location and spacing of fire-gas
detectors should be based upon engineering judgment and consideration of the ceiling
shape and surfaces, ceiling height, arrangement of contents in the area, burning
characteristics of the combustible materials,
ventilation, etc. The semiconductor type fire-gas detector responds to either oxidizing or
reducing gases by creating electrical changes in the semiconductor used for actuation. The
catalytic element type contains a material that accelerates oxidation of combustible gases.
Actuation is caused by the resultant temperature rise of the element. Note that CO detector
response to a fire is typically much slower than smoke detector response. There is one case
where they respond faster. If a fire takes place in a closed room and oxygen is depleted, CO
spill over from the room will be higher than smoke spillover. In this case, a CO detector
located in a corridor outside the room will respond sooner than smoke detectors outside the


DETECT-A-FIRE units are the "heart" of many Fire Protection Systems. These highly
reliable devices have been a standard of the industry for over 45 years. Many thousands of
these units are now in use controlling the release of extinguishers such as clean agents,
C02, water, or dry chemicals. In some systems the device is used as an ALARM device, to
sense overheat or fire, and alert personnel. In other systems, it is used as a RELEASE
device, to sense fire and actuate fire attack systems. DETECT-A-FIRE units have met with
wide acceptance because they are designed with RATE COMPENSATION. This provides a
unique advantage over both fixed temperature and rate-of-rise types of detectors because
only the DETECT-A-FIRE unit accurately senses the surrounding air temperature regardless
of the fire growth rate. At precisely the predetermined danger point, the system is activated.
Fixed temperature detectors must be completely heated to alarm temperature and therefore
a disastrous lag in time may occur with a fast rate fire. Rate-of-rise devices, on the other
hand, are triggered by the rate of increase in ambient temperature and are subject to false
alarms caused by harmless, transient thermal gradients such as the rush of warm air from
process ovens.
There are basically four different types or classes of fire extinguishers, each of which is used
to extinguish specific types of fire.

Class A Extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles, such as wood and paper.
The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher refers to the amount of water the fire
extinguisher holds and the amount of fire it will extinguish.

Class B Extinguishers should be used on fires involving flammable liquids, such as grease,
gasoline, oil, etc. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher states the
approximate number of square feet of a flammable liquid fire that a non-expert person can
expect to extinguish.

Class C Extinguishers are suitable for use on electrically energized fires. This class of fire
extinguishers does not have a numerical rating. The presence of the letter “C” indicates that
the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.

Class D Extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metals and are often specific for
the type of metal in question. There is no picture designator for Class D extinguishers. These
extinguishers generally have no rating nor are they given a multi-purpose rating for use on
other types of fires.

Many extinguishers available today can be used on different types of fires and will be labeled
with more than one designator, e.g. A-B, B-C, or A-B-C. Make sure that if you have a
multi-purpose extinguisher it is properly labelled.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

Various types of fire extinguishers are available, some of them are,

● Water
● Foam
● Dry powder/Dry chemical
● Halon
● Carbon dioxide


Water is the most commonly used for class ‘A’ fires and if available in sufficient volume can
be quite effective. Water extinguishes flame by cooling the fuel surfaces and thereby
reduces the pyrolysis rate of the fuel. The effectiveness against the combustion sustaining
effect of burning gases is minor for
extinguishers, but water fog nozzles used by fire departments create water droplets small
enough to be able to extinguish flaming gases as well. The smaller the droplets, the greater
the effectiveness water has against burning gases.

Most water based extinguishers also contain traces of other chemicals to prevent the
extinguisher from rusting. Some also contain surfactants which help the water penetrate
deep into the burning material and cling better to steep surfaces.

Water may or may not help extinguish class B fires. It depends on whether or not the liquid's
molecules are polar molecules. If the liquid that is burning is a polar in nature such as
alcohol, then water can be an effective extinguisher. If the liquid is nonpolar in nature such
as large hydrocarbons, like petroleum or cooking oils, the water will merely spread the
flames around.

Similarly, water sprayed on an electrical fire increases the likelihood that the operator will
receive an electric shock. However, if the power can be reliably disconnected and a carbon
dioxide or Halon extinguisher is not available, clean water actually causes less damage to
electrical equipment than will either foam or dry powders. Special spray nozzles called fog
nozzles, equipped with tiny rotating devices called spiracles replace the continuous water jet
with a succession of droplets, greatly increasing the resistivity of the jet. These should
however be used by skilled personnel, since these complex nozzle assemblies may difficult
to use effectively without training.


Foams are commonly used on class ‘B’ fires, and are also effective on class ‘A’ fires. These
are mainly water based, with a foaming agent so that the foam can float on top of the
burning liquid and break the interaction between the flames and the fuel surface. Ordinary
foams work better if "poured" but it is not critical.

“Protein foam" was used for fire suppression in aviation crashes until the 1960s
development of "light water", also known as "Aqueous Film-Forming Foam" (or AFFF).
Carbon dioxide (later sodium bicarbonate) extinguishers were used to knock down the
flames and foam used to prevent re-ignition of the fuel fumes. "Foaming the runway" can
reduce friction and sparks in a crash landing and protein foam continue to be used for that
purpose, although FAA regulations prohibit reliance upon its use for reduction of the risk of
ignition in gear up landing.

AFFF in concentrations less than 3% is not acceptable to the FAA for use on airports.
The 1% concentrate that is available should not be used in ARFF applications because of
the difficulty in consistently providing an accurate mixture. Any attempt to use 1% foam
would necessitate the installation of a computer-controlled system and each load would have
to be checked carefully.
There are other means of proportioning but they are not accurate at low percentage
proportioning settings. Experience and testing have shown there is no consistency between
different loads. Also, at low concentration, there is no room for error on the fire ground. If a
mixture is discharged on the lean side, the result is plain water being applied to a fuel fire.
An overly rich mixture can also be a problem, because concentrate is consumed at higher
than the designed rate.

Dry Powder / Dry Chemical

For classes B and C, a dry powder is used. There are two main dry powder chemistries in

BC powder is either sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate, finely powdered and

propelled by carbon dioxide or nitrogen. Similarly to almost all extinguishing agents the
powder acts as thermal ballast making the flames too cool for the chemical reactions to
continue. Some powders also provide a minor chemical inhibition, although this effect is
relatively weak. These powders thus provide rapid knockdown of flame fronts, but may not
keep the fire suppressed. Consequently, they are often used in conjunction with foam for
attacking large class B fires. BC extinguishers are often kept in small vehicles since they
provide good knockdown of a rapidly flaring class B fire, from a small package. BC Powder
has a slight saponification effect on cooking oils & fats due to its alkalinity & sometimes used
to be specified for kitchens prior to the invention of Wet Chemical extinguishers. Where an
extremely fast knockdown is required potassium bicarbonate (Purple K) extinguishers are
used. A particular blend also containing urea (Monnex) decrepitates upon exposure to heat
increasing the surface area of the powder particles and providing very rapid knockdown.

ABC powder is monoammonium phosphate and/or ammonium sulphate. As well as

suppressing the flame in the air, it also melts at a low temperature to form a layer of slag
which excludes the gas and heat transfer at the fuel surface. For this reason it can also be
effective against class ‘A’ fires. ABC powder is usually the best agent for fires involving
multiple classes. However it is less effective against three-dimensional class A fires, or those
with a complex or porous structure. Foams or water are better in those cases.

Both types of powders can also be used on electrical fires, but provide a significant cleanup
and corrosion problem that is likely to make the electrical equipment unsalvageable.


Halons are very versatile extinguishers. They will extinguish most types of fire except class
D & K/F and are highly effective even at quite low concentrations (less than 5%). Halon is a
poor extinguisher for Class ‘A’ fires, a nine pound Halon extinguisher only receives a 1-A
rating and tends to be easily deflected by the wind. They are the only fire extinguishing
agents that are quite suitable for discharge
in aircraft (as other materials pose a corrosion hazard to the aircraft). Halon fire-suppression
systems are also incorporated into some armored fighting vehicles, such as the M1 Abrams
tank. The major extinguishing effect is by disturbing the thermal balance of the flame, and to
a small extent by inhibiting the chemical reaction of the fire. Halons are chlorofluorocarbons
causing damage to the ozone layer and are being phased out for more
environmentally-friendly alternatives. Halon fire extinguishers may cost upwards of 800 US
dollars due to production and import restrictions.

Halon extinguishers used to be widely used in vehicles and computer suites. It is mildly toxic
in confined spaces, but to a far less extent than its predecessors such as carbon
tetrachloride, chlorobromomethane and methyl bromide.

Since 1992 the sale and service of Halon extinguishers has been made illegal in Canada
due to environmental concerns except for in a few rare cases, as per the Montreal Protocol.

In the UK and Europe Halons were made illegal at the end of 2003, except for certain
specific aircraft and law enforcement uses. This appears to be at least partially in response
to the Montreal Protocol and effort by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to
combat release of quantities of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) also works on classes B and C/E and works by suffocating the fire.
Carbon dioxide will not burn and displaces air. Carbon dioxide can be used on electrical fires
because, being a gas, it does not leave residues which might further harm the damaged
equipment. (Carbon dioxide can also be used on class ‘A’ fires when it is important to avoid
water damage, but in this application the gas concentration must usually be maintained
longer than is possible with a hand-held extinguisher.) Carbon dioxide extinguishers have a
horn on the end of the hose. Due to the extreme cold of the carbon dioxide that is expelled
from an extinguisher, it should not be touched.
Fire protection system in gas turbine is designed to protect it from fire caused by fire
accident and to also to protect it from abnormal operating temperature. Fire protection
system of gas turbine employs Carbon Dioxide as fire extinguishing medium. The system is
designed to release Carbon Dioxide at fire accident area such that the oxygen content in the
compartment is reduced to 15 percent from its normal level of 25 percent, which is of
insufficient level to support the combustion of turbine fuel or lubricating oil. The system also
provided with extended discharge, to release Carbon Dioxide, so as to maintain the
extinguisher concentration for approximately 40 minutes in order to minimize the re- ignition
of fire due to the metal which has attained high temperature during the fire accident.

The Fire protection system is designed to protect,

● Turbine and Exhaust Compartment

● Bearing Tunnel
● Generator
● Accessory Module.

The major components of fire protection system include:

• Carbon Dioxide cylinders

• Discharge Pipes and Nozzles
• Solenoid pilot valves
• Fire Detectors
Arrangement of different components of protection system in Turbine and Exhaust
Compartment is explained below,

The Turbine and Exhaust Compartment is divided into three zones,

● Load Shaft Zone

● Turbine Zone
● Exhaust
Sensors used in,

● Load Shaft Zone are designated as 45FT-10A, 45FT-10B, 45FT-11A and 45FT- 11B.
● Turbine Zone are designated as 45FT-1A, 45FT-1B, 45FT-2A, 45FT-2B, 45FT-3A and
● Exhaust Zone are designated as 45FT-4A, 45FT-4B and 45FT-5A, 45FT-5B.
Solenoid valve used for the automatic release of carbon dioxide during the fire accident
is designated as 45CR-1A, B. This solenoid valve is activated by the control unit during the
fire accident.

Pressure switch which is used to detect the pressure in discharge pipes, during the release
of carbon dioxide when fire accident occurs, is designated as 45CP-1A.

Carbon dioxide cylinders, each weighing 45 kg’s are placed in two separate
compartments. One of the two compartments is used for initial discharge and the other for
extended discharge. Carbon dioxide from the cylinders passes through to solenoid valve
through the sectionalized discharge pipes to the fire accident location. Carbon dioxide from
the cylinders can also be released manually by rotating the pneumatic valve when the power
supply to the system fails.

The system is also provided with Electronic Hooters and is designated as LS2-1A, B.
These hooters give different indications based on the requirement.

Arrangement of different components of fire protection system in Bearing Tunnel is

explained below,

Sensors used are designated as 45FT-8A, 8B and

45FT-9A, 9B. Solenoid valve used are designated as


Pressure switches are designated as 45CP-2A and 45CP-2B.

There operation is same as explained for Turbine and Exhaust compartment.

Arrangement of different components of fire protection system in Generator

Compartment is explained below,
Solenoid valve used are designated as 45CR-4A and

45CR 5A. Pressure switches are designated as

45CP-4A and 45CP-4B.

Their operation is same as explained for Turbine and Exhaust compartment

Arrangement of different components of fire protection system in Accessory Module is

explained below,

Sensors used are designated as 45FA-1A, 45FA-1B, 45FA-2A, 45FA- 2B, 45FA-6A,
45FA-6B, 45FA-7A and 45FA- 7B.

Solenoid valve used are designated as 45CR-3A and

45CR-3B. Pressure switches are designated as

45CP-3A and 45CP-3B.

Their operation is same as explained for Turbine and Exhaust compartment.


Fire detectors placed in different compartments of gas turbine send signals to control unit
upon detection of fire accidents or abnormal high temperature. Then the control unit based
on sensor or sensors which have detected fire identifies the zone where the fire accident has
occurred. Then it activates the alarm and solenoid valve connected to carbon dioxide
cylinder and releases it to the zone where the fire accident has occurred through the
sectionalized discharge pipe and is sprayed through the nozzles. Before activating the
solenoid valve the control unit checks for the required amount of carbon dioxide in the
cylinders, this is done with the help of gravity switch. The pressure switch connected to the
discharge pipes calculates the pressure of carbon dioxide passing in it and if required
pressure is not reached an alarm is activated. The electronic hooter is used to generate the
alarm. Different types of alarms are generated based on the requirement as follows,

● One type of alarm for initial stage of fire accident.

● Another type of alarm for a fire accident.
● For abnormal high temperature a different type of alarm is generated.
● A different alarm for malfunctioning of sensor.
● Finally a different alarm after extinguishing the fire

Before releasing the carbon dioxide people are warned to evacuate from the fire accident
region as it is hazardous to health. After releasing the initial discharge of carbon dioxide the
system releases the
extended discharge of carbon dioxide for an about half-an-hour so that fire does not retrace
again as explained before. The system also provides emergency push button, so that one
can manually activate the system. This is very important during power failure and also if the
worker over there identifies the very initial stage of fire accident.

The specifications of fire protection system used in gas

turbine are, Number of emergency push buttons,

● Two in turbine and exhaust compartment.

● One in bearing tunnel.
● Two in generator compartment.
● One in accessory
compartment. Number of electronic

● Two in turbine and exhaust compartment.

● One in bearing tunnel.
● One in generator compartment.
● One in accessory compartment.

In generator compartment six 80o class fire detectors and six 100o are used. Thus after
releasing both the initial and extended discharge the system indicates the success of its
operation through an alarm.

Compartment Input Device Trouble alarm to be Fire alarm to
Name generated be
Accessory 45FA-1A Any one Two sensors
sensor actuated
(Lube oil 45FA-1B actuated
) 45FA-2A


Accessory 45FA-6A Any one Two sensors

sensor actuated
(Gas 45FA-6B


Turbine 45FT-1A Any one Two sensors

Compartment sensor actuated
45FT-1B actuated




Exhaust 45FT-4A Any one Two sensors

compartment sensor actuated


Load Shaft 45FT-10A Any one Two sensors

sensor actuated
45FT-10B actuated


Bearing Area 45FT-8A Any one Two sensors

sensor actuated
45FT-8B actuated


Generator 45FG-1A,B Any 800 C sensor Two 800 C sensors

Compartmen actuated actuated
,C (800

45FG-3A,B,C Any 800 C sensor Two 1000 C

actuated sensors
(800 C)
45FG-2A,B,C Any 1000 C sensor Two 800 C and
actuated any 1000 C
(1000 C)
Co2 avattabAty indicator

Fire accident indic atO Fault sensor indicator Fire extinguishe c

Referenc e
Co2 avattabAty indicator

Fire accident indic atO Fault sensor indicator Fire extinguishe c

Referenc e
• 45FT-4A
• 45FT-4B
• 45FT-5A
45FT-5B Co2 avattabAty
Fire accident indic atO Fault sensor indicator Fire
extinguishe c

Referenc e
Co2 avattabAty indicator

Fire accident indic atO Fault sensor indicator Fire extinguishe c

Referenc e
Working model developed is used to simulate the actual Fire Protection System
implemented in Gas Turbine. Control unit which controls the entire system is developed
using “Microcontroller 89C51”. “Light Detecting Diode” are used as fire detectors. “Liquid
Crystal Display” is used for displaying the zone where fire accident occurred and the sensors
which are activated. Electromagnetic relay and Solenoid valve are used to control the flow of
extinguisher i.e., Carbon dioxide.

The model can be divided as follows,

● Power supply unit

● Sensor unit
● Control unit
● Extinguisher unit
● Valve operation unit

The following figure shows schematic diagram of the working model,

Power Supply Unit

Power supply unit is designed such that it gives constant output voltage. It consists of two
parts namely,

● Rectifier
● Voltage regulator


The centre tapped step down transformer converts 230Vto 9V with secondary current up to
500mA. Since the transformer secondary is center tapped, the output voltages V1 and V2
are of same magnitude with a phase difference of 1800. During the positive half cycle of the
input A.C voltage, the diode D1 conducts and the diode D2 does not conducts as it is
reverse biased with respect to center tap, and the current ‘i1’ flows from the supply to the
load through the diode D1. During the negative half cycle of the input A.C voltage, the diode
D2 conducts and the diode D1 does not conducts as it is reverse biased with respect to
center tap, and the current ‘i2’ flows from the supply to the load through the diode D2. It is to
be noted that the current i1 and i2 are flowing in the same direction to load.

The average of the two current i1 and i2 flows through the load producing a voltage drop,
which is the
D.C. output voltage of the rectifier. Using capacitor filters the ripple in the out waveform can
be minimized. The output D.C voltage can be regulated by using voltage regulators.

Voltage regulator

A voltage regulator is a circuit that supplies a constant voltage regardless of changes

in load currents. Although voltage regulators can be designed using op-amps, it is quicker
and easier to use IC voltage regulators. Furthermore, IC voltage regulators are versatile and
relatively inexpensive and
are available with features such as programmable output, current/voltage boosting, internal
short- circuit current limiting, thermal shutdown and floating operation for high voltage

Here we are using 78xx series voltage regulators. The 78xx series voltage regulators
are the positive voltage regulators. The following table shows the different ratings of voltage
regulator available in 78xx.

7805 +(4.8-5.2)V

7806 +(5.75-6.25)V

7809 +(8.65-9.35)V

7810 +(9.6-10.4)V

7812 +(11.5-12.5)V

7815 +(14.4-15.6)V

7818 +(17.3-18.7)V

7824 +(23-25)V

The difference between input and output voltages (Vi – Vo) called the drop out voltage, must
be typically 1.5V i.e.., for as 7805 voltage regulator the input voltage must a minimum of
6.5V. Further, the capacitor Ci is required if the regulator is located at a far distance from the
power supply filter. Even though Co is not needed, it may be used to improve the transient
response of the regulator.

Typical performance parameters for voltage regulators are line regulation, load
regulation, temperature stability and ripple rejection. Line regulation is defined as the
change in output voltage for a change in the input voltage and is usually expressed in milli
volts or as a percentage of Vo.
Temperature stability or average temperature coefficient of output voltage (TCVo) is the
change in output voltage per unit change in temperature and is expressed in either milli
volts/ºC or parts per million (PPM/ºC). Ripple rejection is the measure of a regulator’s
ability to reject ripple voltage. It is
usually expressed in decibels. The smaller the values of line regulation, load
regulation and temperature stability the better the regulation.

Control Unit

The heart of the fire protection system is the microcontroller. Microcontroller is the control
unit which looks after the automatic operation of the system. The logic used by the fire
protection system is written into the microcontroller. This system can also be developed
using different combinations of different logical gates, but the system using microcontroller
as the control unit have the following advantage.

​ Modification of system can be easily done.

​ The system developed using microcontroller is compact and easy to install.

​ The system developed using microcontroller is fast in response and also consumes

low power. The first advantage can be explained with an example as follows,

Consider a fire system being developed using four fire sensors and logic used is, if at least
one sensor detect fire, then the system should be activated. This system is developed using
logical combinations of logic gates.

The truth table for this system is as follows:

A B C D O/
0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 0 1

0 0 1 1 1

0 1 0 0 1

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 1

0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 1

1 1 0 1 1

1 1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1

The ‘k’ map for the system is as follows:

The logic circuit for such a system is as follows:

Now the logic of this system is to be changed as, if at least two sensors detect fire then the
system should be activated. Here the number of sensors is same as before.

The truth table for such a system is as follows :

A B C D O/
0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 1 1

0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 1

0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 1

1 1 0 1 1

1 1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1
The ‘k’ map for the system is as follows,

The logic circuit for such a system is as follows:

From the above two logics circuits it is clear that if there is a need to change the logic of the
existing system which is developed using logic gates, the entire arrangement of the system is
to be changed.
It is like developing a complete new system. But if the system was developed using
microcontroller, the change in logic can be obtained by simply changing the program written
into the microcontroller. Thus the modification of the system can be easily done if it was
developed using microcontroller.

Valve Operation Unit

The extinguisher must be released at the fire accident area during the fire accident. For
this, the valve through which the extinguisher comes out must be an automatic i.e... it must
be activated by the electrical signals.

This automatic operation can be obtained by the combination of the following,

​ Electromagnetic relay

​ Solenoid valve


A relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under control of another electrical
circuit. In the original form, the switch is operated by an electromagnet to open or close one
or many sets of contacts. Because a relay is able to control an output circuit of higher power
than the input circuit, it can be considered, in a broad sense, to be a form of electrical


When a current flows through the coil, the resulting magnetic field attracts an armature that
is mechanically linked to a moving contact. The movement either makes or breaks a
connection with a fixed contact. When the current to the coil is switched off, the armature is
returned by a force approximately half as strong as the magnetic force to its relaxed position.
Usually this is a spring, but gravity is also used commonly in industrial motor starters. Most
relays are manufactured to operate quickly. In a low voltage application, this is to reduce
noise. In a high voltage or high current application, this is to reduce arcing.
If the coil is energized with DC, a diode is frequently installed across the coil, to dissipate the
energy from the collapsing magnetic field at deactivation, which would otherwise generate a
spike of voltage and might cause damage to circuit components. If the coil is designed to be
energized with AC, a small copper ring can be crimped to the end of the solenoid. This
"shading ring" creates a small out-of-phase current, which increases the minimum pull on the
armature during the AC cycle

Solenoid valve

A solenoid is an electromechanical device which allows for an electrical device to control the
flow of a gas or liquid. The electrical device causes a current to flow through a coil located
on the solenoid valve. This current flow in turn results in a magnetic field which causes the
displacement of a metal actuator.

The actuator is mechanically linked to a mechanical valve inside the solenoid valve. Then
the valve changes state, either opening or closing to allow a liquid or gas to either flow
through or be blocked by the solenoid valve. A spring is used to return the actuator and
valve back to their resting state when the current flow is removed.

Solenoid valves come in various configurations and sizes. Solenoid valves can be normally
open, normally closed, or a two way valve. A normally open solenoid valve allows a liquid or
gas to flow through unless a current is applied to the solenoid valve. A normally closed valve
works in the opposite manner. A two way solenoid valve has three ports; one port is
common, one is normally open and the third is normally closed.

Factory automation makes frequent use of solenoid valves. A computer device running a
factory automation program to fill a container with some liquid can send a signal to the
solenoid valve to open, allowing the container to fill, and then remove the signal to close the
solenoid valve and stop the flow of liquid until the next container is in place. A gripper for
grasping items on a robot is frequently an air controlled device. A solenoid valve can be used
to allow air pressure to close the gripper, and a second solenoid valve can be used to open
the gripper. If a two way solenoid valve is used, two separate valves are not needed in this

The combined operation of the relay and solenoid valve is explained using the following
Relay gets activated by the microcontroller which in turn activates the solenoid valve. The
relay here is acts as an interface between the microcontroller and the solenoid valve, as the
microcontroller directly cannot activate the solenoid valve which operates at 220V A.C. Thus
the solenoid valve is automatically operated to control the flow of fluid.


The sensors used as fire detectors are “Light Detecting Diode” or “Photo Diode”.


A semiconductor two-terminal component with electrical characteristics that are

light-sensitive. All semiconductor diodes are light-sensitive to some degree, unless enclosed
in opaque packages, but only those designed specifically to enhance the light sensitivity are
called photodiodes.

Most photodiodes consist of semiconductor pn junctions housed in a container designed to

collect and focus the ambient light close to the junction. They are normally biased in the
reverse, or blocking, direction; the current therefore is quite small in the dark. When they are
illuminated, the current is proportional to the amount of light falling on the photodiode.
Principle of operation

A photodiode is a p-n junction or p-i-n structure. When light of sufficient photon energy
strikes the diode, it excites an electron thereby creating a mobile electron and a positively
charged electron hole. If the absorption occurs in the junction's depletion region, these
carriers are swept from the junction by the built-in field of the depletion region, producing a

Photodiodes can be used under either zero bias (photovoltaic mode) or reverse bias
(photoconductive mode). In zero bias, light falling on the diode causes a voltage to develop
across the device, leading to a current in the forward bias direction. This is called the
photovoltaic effect, and is the basis for solar cells in fact; a solar cell is just a large number of
big, cheap photodiodes.

Diodes usually have extremely high resistance when reverse-biased. This resistance is
reduced when light of an appropriate frequency shines on the junction. Hence, a
reverse-biased diode can be used as a detector by monitoring the current running through it.
Circuits based on this effect are more sensitive to light than ones based on the photovoltaic

Extinguishing Unit

The fire extinguisher used in the working model is Carbon Dioxide. It is made based on the
principle the reaction between acid and base would release CO2. The acid used here is dilute
HCl and the base is washing soda.

The following reaction shows the reaction between the washing soda (Na2CO3) and
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl).

2HCl + Na2CO3 🡪 2NaCl + CO2 +

HCl from a container at a height is released into another container consisting of washing
soda. CO2 is released after the reaction, which is a gas and hence moves towards the top of
the container. This CO2 which is collected at the top of the container is released at the fire
accident location and hence extinguishes the fire. The HCl is released through Solenoid

Display Unit

The display unit consists of ‘Liquid Crystal Display’ and dozen of LED’s.

Liquid Crystal Display i.e.., LCD is used to display the zone of fire accident and LED’s is used
to display the sensor which is activated. The LCD and LED are driven by the microcontroller.
Highlights :

Manual fire protection for Gas Turbine is ineffective because of its delay
in operation, during which lot of damage can happen, and also extent of
accident is very high and impossible for a human to handle the situation.
An automatic fire protection system can be implemented where it is
difficult to use manual fire protection system. The automatic fire
protection system for Gas Turbine developed has the following features,

​ Addressability: The system can detect the zone or zones

where the fire accident has occurred.

​ Efficient: The system can efficiently detect the fire accident

and generate the required control action.

​ Error detection: The sensors used to sense the fire accident

can sometimes falsely detect fire. To avoid such errors 2 of 4

operation logic is used.

​ Accuracy: Since 2 of 4 logic is used, the system can

accurately detect the fire and also the required control action.
Text Books :

The 8051 Microcontroller by Kenneth J. Ayala

​ The Microprocessor and Interfacing 2nd Edition by Douglas V.Hall

​ Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals by A.K. Ray & K.M.


​ Hydraulics, fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machinery by Modi and


Internet :

● www.howstuffworks.com

● www.wikipedia.com

● www.bhel.com

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