Software Engineering Suggestive Question
Software Engineering Suggestive Question
Software Engineering Suggestive Question
Unit 1:
Explain the different types of process model:
1. waterfall model
2. Iterative model
3. Spiral model
4. Prototyping model
5. State the advantages and disadvantages of the above model.
6. Explain SDLC and it’s different phases.
7. Compare between classical waterfall and iterative waterfall model.
8.what are the core principals of software engineering ?
9.what are the limitation of waterfall model ?
10. Explain incremental model.
11. Distinguish between program and software.
12. Write the benefit of system prototype.
13. Explain the capability maturity model integration technique.
Unit 2:
1. Explain the communication principles, planning, modeling, construction and deployment
2. Explain the object oriented analysis.
3. Difference between flow oriented model and class based model.
4. Describe requirement engineering and states it’s advantages.
5. What are the task involved in requirement engineering ?
6. Explain abstraction of data and function.
7. What do you mean by modularity of software system ?
8.Explain the different software design strategies.
9. What are the five design principles of software engineering ?
10. What are the list the objective of software design ?
11. Explain the software design principles.
12. What is cohesion ? Explain the different types of cohesion.
13.What is coupling ? Explain the different types of coupling.
14. State the difference between cohesion and coupling.
15.ilustrate top down software design approach.
16. What are the main advantages of object oriented design to software design over a function
oriented approach ?
17. Explain the important activities that are carried out during the feasibility study phase of a
software development project. What are the objectives of the feasibility study phase of software
development ? Who carries out these activities ?***
18. Distinguished between DFD and flow chart.
19. Explain DFD with suitable example.
20. Design a DFD for airline reservation system.
21. List the different symbol used in DFD.
22. Write a short note on Data dictionary.
23. Explain the different levels in DFD.
24. What are the attributes of a good SRS document.
25. Design a DFD examination seat arrangement system.
26. Difference between functional requirement and non functional requirement .
Unit 3:
1.Define testing, test cases, test suit and test plan.
2. Explain the different types of testing.
3. Differentiate between black box and white box testing.
4. Differentiate between unit and integration testing.
5. Differentiate between alpha and beta testing.
6. What are the objective of testing .
7. Difference between testing and debugging .
8. Explain regression testing.
9. What is the goal of acceptance testing ?
10. Short note on cyclomatic complexity. Where it is used?
11. Explain the different types of integration testing methods.
12. What is smoke testing ?
13. What is Adhoc testing ?
14. What are the activities take places in a testing process?
15. Explain software documentation and mention it types.
16. State the different coding standard and guideline.
17. Explain the different debugging process.
18. What do you mean by debugging of a software.
19. Define security testing, performance testing, stress testing.
20. Write down the characteristics of good programming language.