Science 6 Q3 W4
Science 6 Q3 W4
Science 6 Q3 W4
Quarter 3 – Module 4:
Week 4: Types and Forms of Energy
(Sound, Light, Heat, Electrical)
Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it
on your Science Activity Notebook.
Sound and Light Energy
Imagine what your life would be like without sound and without light. You cannot hear
soulful and beautiful song.You cannot see the beauty of your sorrounding.Will you enjoy life
without seeing your family? Can you last a lifetime without hearing any sound?
Today you will learn about sound and light energy. Get ready with your activity
notebook and pen for another day of fun learning.
What’s In
There are different forms of energy. In the previous lesson, you have learned chemical
and mechanical energy and its uses. Do activity below to helpreinforce the learning that you
A. Describe what form of energy is used to dry clothes and make things visible.
What Is It
There are different forms of energy. Here are some other forms of energy:
1. Sound energy is energy produced by vibrating bodies or objects. It is the
movement of energy that travels through solid, liquid or gas. When object vibrates
it produces sound. We used sound energy every day. These are the following
uses of sound energy:
Sound is used in communication. Devices like cellphones, radio
television uses sound energy to communicate on what is going on
around us.
Sound is used in geology. It is used to locate oil reservoir and
helps seismologist to track earthquakes.
Navigation uses sound. Sonar or Sound Navigation Ranging is used
to locate sunken ships, schools of fishes and even used for military
Sound energy is used in medicine. Through ultrasound, doctors were
able to monitor pregnancies and to diagnose abnormalities inside the
2. Light energy is also called radiant energy. It is a form of energy that travels
through an empty space. It can be in form of light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays and
radiation. The main source of light or radiant energy on Earth comes from the sun.
Other sources, includes the stars, moon, fire and electricity. Radiant or light
energy has a lot of uses. These are:
It is used for food making. Plants make their own food by the help of sunlight.
Without sunlight, plants will die and without plants we all die because
we depend on plants for food.
It is used to heat up the earth. Without the sun, the earth will be a
frozen place to live.
It also gives light and color to the surroundings. Light from the sun makes
the surrounding visible during the day, and the moon and the stars
during the night. Radiant energy also gives color to the environment.
It is used for drying and heating.
It is also used in medicine. It is used for taking pictures of internal organ
and surgery through x-ray, scanning machine and laser.
It is used in cooking.
It is a used as source of electricity.
What’s More
Activity 3: Be True!
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if not.
1. Sound energy is used to produce electricity.
2. Light energy is used in making food.
3. Light isused to warm the surrounding.
4. Sound is used in communication
5. Sound and light energy is used in medicine.
What I Have Learned
Activity 4: Choose Me!
Directions: Tell what form of energy is described in the sentence. Choose your answer from
the word bank.
What I Can Do
Activity 5: Tell Me
2. Most of us love listening to a beautiful music. Today, kids like you listen to songs
through your cellphone with the aid of a headset. What will happen if your ear is
expose to too much loud sound?
Additional Activities
Electrical and Thermal Energy
You live in an enjoyable world which is being run by energy. You need energy in
your daily life whether you are awake or asleep. Whenever you do work, you use
energy. Look around your house and observe what electricity does for you. Doesn’t
electricity power up your fan, television, radio, and refrigerator? Imagine what your life
would be like without heat. No more hot food or warm sunlight on a very cold day. How
would you feel if your room was freezing? You need heat in order to survive.
Imagine how uncomfortable life would be!
Today you will learn about electrical anf thermal energy and its uses. Let’s find out how
these energy affect our lives.
There are different forms of energy. In the previous lesson, you have learned sound
energy and its uses. The activity below will help you recall the learning that you had.
What Is It
Electrical Energy is another form of energy. It is the result from the movement of an
electrical charge, and is commonly referred to as “electricity”. An atom consists of three parts –
the protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons can move from object to object, and can also
move through objects.
Electric current is the flow of electrons through matter. Electric cords carry electric
current in copper wires and are used throughout the world to power devices, appliances,
communication, and method of transportation.
Electricity makes life more comfortable. Here are some examples of uses of
a. use to light our homes and cities b.
use to cook our food
c. use for heating and cooling
d. use to communicate other people through radio and television e.
Use in transportation like the Light Rail Transit or LRT and cars
Heat energy is also called thermal energy. It is an energy an object has because of the
movement of its molecules. Everything on Earth is made of molecules that are moving. The
source of energy for the movement of molecules is thermal or heat energy. Heat flows from a
warmer object to a cooler object. It moves through conduction, radiation and convection.
The main source of heat energy on Earth comes from the sun. It warms the Earth. It
allows plants to manufacture their own food. Heat from the sun is responsible for
evaporation and drying clothes. Heat from the sun travels through radiation. There are other
sources of heat energy aside from the sun. A burning gas stove is used to cook food. Heat
coming from an iron is used to press clothes. Burning firewood is also used to cook food
and warm the surroundings especially in cold regions. Burning candles also gives off heat
energy. Heat coming from the Earth’s interior is used to generate electricity. It is called
geothermal energy.
What’s More
A. Activity 2: Color it Red
Directions: Tell what energy is used to operate the different devices in each picture. Shade the
correct boxes with colour red, and answer the questions below.
Heat energy
Light energy
Electrical energy
Light energy
Electrical energy
Heat energy
Electrical energy
Heat energy
Light energy
Light energy
Electrical energy
Heat energy
B. Smile for Me
Directions: Draw a smiley on the sentence that describe uses of heat energy and
draw a sad face if not. Write your answer in your Science notebook.
6. It is used to produce electricity.
7. It is used to run appliances.
8. It is used to warm the surrounding.
9. It is used to operate transportation.
10. It is used to bake cakes and pastries
Activity 3.2: Unscramble Me
Rearrange the letters to form the word/s describe in the sentence.
USN 1. It is the main source of heat energy that is used to warm
the surroundings.
What I Can Do
Directions: Read the situation below and answer the questions that follow.
One rainy night you are watching your favorite primetime series with your family
and suddenly a power interruption or brownout occur due to a very bad weather with
strong winds and thunder.
a.1. Do you think bad weather can cause power interruption? Why?
a.2. What is the best thing you should do when there is sudden power interruption,
to lessen electric consumption?
Answer: _______________________________________________
Additional Activities
Activity 5: “House Survey”
Directions: List down all the devices and appliances found in your home that
uses electricity and thermal energy. You can write as many as you
Answer Key
1 Sound and Light Energy and Its Uses
2 Describing Electrical and Thermal Energy