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Laras Wahyu Kinanti¹

Bambang Eko Siagiyanto²
Aulia Hanifah Qomar³

Muhammadiyah University of Metro

E-mail¹ : laraswahyukinanti00@gmail.com
Email² : bambangekos6@gmail.com
Email³ : auliahanifahqomar@gmail.com

The research discusses about main characters in “Beauty and The Beast” Movie. Main
characters is the figure whose story is prioritized in a literary work in question. Because that
is the most widely told character, both as the perpetrators of events and those subject to
events. The objectives of this research are to know kind of characters in beauty and the beast
movie and to explain how are the main characters described. Character in movie is the object
of this research. The main character is the subject of this research. The method of this
research is Descriptive Qualitative research.

The result of this study are found 6 kind of characters, 2 main characters and 10
characters. Kind of characters consist of protagonist, antagonist, dynamic, round, static and
flat were 13 data, main characters consist of Belle and the beast and characters consist of
humble, friendly, curious, helpful, loving, brave, struggle, angry, arrogant and feel guilty were
10 data. Based on the data it can be concluded that in beauty and the beast movie only found
6 kind of character and 10 characters except main characters only 2 are analyzed.

Key Word: Analysis, Main Characters, Beauty and the Beast Movie.

Literature is a whole expression inscribed in fiction, interprets meaning of nature and

life, desires, flaws, sharing expression, understanding and ultimately sharing expression.

According to Klarer (2004) “Literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression,

with the restriction that not every written can be categorized as literature in the more exact

sense of the word”.

According to Klarer (2004) the Latin word “litteratura” is derived from “littera” (letter),

which is the smallest element of alphabetical writing. It is written that literature is a work of

art orally of in writing that has various superior characteristic such as originality, artistry,

beauty in content and expression. Literature is a works or artistic activities that have no

boundaries. Even though it doesn’t have as a limitation, literary experts have rules to

distinguish between types work with one another.

Literary works besides novels, poetry, short stories, and dramas are also movie. Movie

is a form of mass communication in which the delivery of messages is transferred from

visual elements and audio elements, these two elements are combined into a medium to

convey entertainment, social, educational, and commercial information and also movie is

an artistic creativity of people who make the movie itself. Therefore, movie have creative

abilities because movie are able to describe the existing reality with an imaginary picture

that can be provide entertainment, refection, and reflection for the audience or the public

who witnessed it.

Watching movie become one of the daily activities for some people. People may have

different purposes in watching movie, such as, for refreshing, adding knowledge, studying

foreign language, and understanding foreign culture. Movie can help students to develop

critical skill in the analysis and evaluation of movie, the text in the movie challenges

students to sharpen their powers of observation, establish habits of perceptive watching,

and discover complex aspects of movie that will further enhance their enjoyment of

watching movies.

In researching an in-depth literary work, auxiliary knowledge is needed. In this study,

the author used psychology as a science to assist. Psychological what is used by

considering that literature is an activity psychological, namely when an author describe the

character and characters in the story. Literary works apart from novel, poetry, short stories

and dramas also include movie.

Movie is a story or event recorded using camera as a set of moving picture displayed

in the cinema. According to Imanila & Hendra (2019) movie is visualization about a story

that shown on the screen that produced by recording using camera and digital technology.

Trianto (2013:13) in (Mentari & Wennyta, 2019) defines movie as a result of creative,

process of the film maker that combines various element such as ideas, value systems,

beauty, norms, human behaviors, and technological. Movie has an important part to

express a feeling and imagination of someone. There are some basic elements of fiction

including: plot, characters, setting and theme of the story. And then there are many

approaches to analyze the literature one of them is analyzing character, it studies how to

analyze character in movie, because there will be no movie if there is no character.

Character is one of important elements in the movie, because there will be no movie if

there is no character. According to Imanila & Hendra (2019) Character is an object to

explore the curiosity and interest to understand how nature of human personality.

Character is often expressed through the actions provided for the reader with clues about

the personality of characters. Character also is the term for the people in fiction, the heroes

and villains, allies, and enemies, love interest and comic reliefs.

Understanding a character is more difficult than understand a plot. “Characters is must

more complex, various, and ambiguous. The character in a literary work elevates the

aesthetic value. Any character can be describe by the author because any idea can be

pure in literary works while still acceptable to the readers. For example, a character has

nature of good and evil or created the physical character or characteristic as an ugly, odd,

creepy, and unstructured body. Anyone can repeat what a person has done in story, but

considerable skill may be needed to describe what a person is” Principal character of

fiction can arise from a number of events and how these character react to the events at

hand. This thesis is going to have the character analysis of a movie “Beauty and The

Beast” directed by John Alvin. The movie that was published on March, 17 th, 2017 the

duration is 129

Beauty and the beast is a 2017 musical fantasy film directed by bill Condon from a

screenplay written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos and produced by Walt

Disney Picture and Mandeville Movie. This movie is based on the 1991 Disney animated

movie of the same name which is an adaptation of the fairy tale by Janne-Marie Leprince

de Beaumont.

The researcher interests to analyze main characters because this movie was incredible

characters, this movie can give inspiration to all people so that the researcher conduct the

research related to the background above of the title Analysis of main character in beauty

and the beast movie by John Alvin.

Based on the background of the study, the researcher focus to analyze:

1. What kind of characters in “Beauty and The Beast” movie?

2. How are the main characters described in “Beauty and The Beast” movie?

The objective of this research is to answer the question revealed in the research


1. To know kind of characters in “Beauty and The Beast” movie.

2. To define how the main characters described in “Beauty and The Beast” movie.

The researcher will describe some researchers which are relevant to this research to

make the research arrangement easier. Based on the journals finding, the researcher

adapts from those journals about the things related to this research.

The First related research is conducted by (Mentari & Wennyta, 2019) entitled


2015 BY DISNEY “.The purpose of this study was to analysis of main character in

Cinderella life action movie. This research used qualitative research. The researcher used

personality traits to analysis main character in Cinderella Movie. The result of this

research will do by watching the movie of the data source thoroughly, understanding the

data source and by note taking. The process of collecting the data will divide into several

steps. Firstly, watching the Cinderella movie, second, reading the script, and

understanding the content of the movie, and then finding out the statements which are

related to the formulation of the problems in this research. The weakness of this research

is not explain especially about main character.

The Second research is conducted by (Yohanes Truman AM, Singgih Daru


PI MOVIE USING MASLOW’S THEORY”. The purpose of the study was to analysis the

Hierarchy of needs manifested in the main character. This research used descriptive

qualitative method. This research uses Maslow’s theory it is appropriate theory for this

research. The result of this research is Life of Pi movie told about the main character’s life

before and after shipwreck. The movie was showing about Piscine, when he was a child

until he tried to survive in the middle of pacific because of the shipwreck. Furthermore,

the main character also believes, if he wants to survive he must watchful to the Bengal

Tiger. In his efforts to survive, the main character must fulfill his needs. Therefore, I use

Hierarchy of Needs theory by Abraham Harold Maslow to classify the main character

needs for survive. I also analyze the process of the main character in fulfilling the needs.

I also identify some of the main character's behaviors, thought or feeling and some

description about him that represent his needs. The weakness of this research is not

explain what kind of the main character.

The Third research is conducted by (Dianty, 2017) entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF


MOVIE”. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. The objective of the

researcher is to find out the type of illocutionary acts are performed by main characters

utterance, and to find out dominantly of type of illocutionary acts are used by the main

characters utterance. The result of the analysis, the researcher found the answer of the

researcher problem. The researcher finds that Beatrice (Tris) the main character use all

types of illocutionary acts. First representatives there are Asserting (10), denying (1),

notifying (7), stating (10), predicting (2), directives ordering (2), forbidding (2),

commanding (9), requesting (3), commissives vowing (1), exprenssives condoling (1),

deploring (2), apologizing (1), thanking (1), declaratives naming (2), declare (1) . The

weakness of the research, the researcher does not explain who the main character in the


Based on the previous research above, it can be concluded that there are

similarities with this research study related to this research which analyze the main

characters in movie. The difference from previous studies is the object of the research. It

is the main character in this study. Where it is focused on Analysis of the main character

in Beauty and The Beast movie. The strength of this research is the data presented in

tabular form, so that it is easy to understand and not only discusses the main character

but also discusses what kinds of characters and using Paul costa and Robert McCrae

theory. While, the previous research only classified into four type out of five, and explained

by the behavior and dialogue in Cinderella movie, only Maslow’s theory it is appropriate

theory for this research, and explain about type of illocutionary acts.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that analysis is an activity

consisting of a series of activities such as parse, distinguish, and sort things to be

regrouped according to certain criteria and then look for the relationship and then

interpret the meaning.

According to Sirwan & Yulia (2017) Analysis is a thinking activity for

decompose a whole into components so that it can recognize the sign of the

components, their relationship to each other and their respective functions in one

unified whole. In addition Gunawan & Helmie (2019) in linguistics, analysis is study

of about language to examine in depth the structure of the language. Analysis can

be interpreted as a study carried out on a language in order to examine the structure

of that language in depth. According to Widyowati (2019) Analysis is an investigative

effort to see, observe, knowing, discovering, understanding, studying, classifying,

and exploring to interpret existing phenomena.

A movie could not be formed without a story in it. It also happens in a story,

the story could not be called as a story without any characters in it.

According to James Caplin in Dzulkifli (2016:90) in (Huda, 2017) Character is

quality or nature that remains constant and external that can be a to identify a person,

an object or event. According to Kusumawati (2013) “Character is the most obvious

form of literary representation of an individual within a larger imaginary situation.” In

addition to Thamrin & Wargika (2013) Character are the inner self of human being

that can appear of their representation.

Based on definition above, the researcher concludes that character is a

person on literary work. Character in literature is an extended verbal representation

of human being, specifically the inner self that determines though, speech and

behavior. Though, dialogue, action, and commentary, literature makes these

interaction interesting by portraying character who are worth caring about, rooting for

and even loving, although there are also character whom public may laugh, dislike or

even hate.

In the movie, usually the author will present several character for the reader

that will appear in the movie when the reader reads the entire story of the movie.

However, all the characters shown by the author of the movie have different

function and roles for each character.

According in Nugiyanto (2013) in (Yohanes Truman AM, Singgih Daru

Kuncara, 2017) the main character is the figure whose story is prioritized in a literary

work in question. Because that is the most widely told character, both as the

perpetrators of events and those subject to events. According to Dwita & Prasetyo

(2018) “Main character are the persons who have various relationship with

characters, and the main characters are the persons who influence the plot most, and

they are the theme builder. According to Kartina & Pangestu (2018)The main

character can be said the key to the success above, because the main character is

the figure that became central in the story and also helped by some supporting role

so that the story can be more perfect.

Based on the definition above, the success of a movie cannot be separated

from the leading role or known as the main character, because can always be the

main focus and the most attention to the audience.

Kind of Character

1. The Major Character

A major character is a character that is more dominant or more prominent, a

character that appears more often in movie. According to Klarer (2004) :

b. Protagonist
c. Antagonist
2. The Minor Character.

Minor character are characters that don’t take precedence and are usually only

used to support the role of major characters. According to Klarer (2004) :

a. Static
b. Dynamic
c. Flat
d. Round
Based on the definition above. It can be concluded that movie has many

benefit. Watching a movie can be for entertainment, because movies become a media

that is able to provide entertainment for the public in general and then the movie can

also be a teacher because it can give a huge influence on the audience through the

message contained in it.

According to Dwita & Prasetyo (2018) Movie is a communication medium that

gives valuable messages to audience. Movie has a storyline with interesting words

that make this medium to be very important in human existence. Based on Arfani

(2018) in (Kartina & Pangestu, 2018) “ Movie is a form of entertainment that enacts

a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous

movement.” It means movie is able to tell a lot tell a lot in a short time only with

picture and sounds, when watching a movie the audience seems to be able to enter

the story.


According to Creswell (2012:16) in (Darul & Lamongan, 2017) Qualitative research is best

suited to address a research problem in which do not know the variables and need to

explore. The literature might yield little information about the phenomenon of study, and

you need to learn more from participants through exploration. In qualitative study, the

literature serves a slightly different purpose and the researcher uses the literature to

support the findings.

In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method. This

research is categorized as qualitative research because the researcher presents the

data by describing the data based on main character. Qualitative research is a kind of

research result founds which can’t be got through statistical procedure.

According to Mukhtar (2013) in (Sasmita & Hardiah, 2018) instrument is a tool

of direct observation, because all sense of researcher is essentially a tool of


However, the researcher uses supporting instruments namely documentation and

tabulation. The researcher collected the data that appropriate for this research. This

research uses some of the data collection using documentation and tabulation. There

are 3 step of the Data Analysis Technique for qualitative research in (Yohanes Truman

AM, Singgih Daru Kuncara, 2017) :

1. Classifying

The researcher classifying kind of character and how main characters

described into each parts. Classifying the data based on event experienced

by the main characters in the movie. Then transferring the data into


2. Identifying

Finding the answer of research problem by identifying the kind of main

character and how the main characters described that showed by the main

character in the movie and analyzing after watching and reading script

beauty and the beast movie.

3. Making the conclusion

Make conclusion for answering the research question based on result of the



In this study, the researcher shows the finding of analysis of main characters in beauty

and the beast movie. Before conducting an analysis, the script of the movie was

downloaded then carried out a dialogue cheek on the script, after everything was

considered correct and accurate by the movie, the researcher did in-depth research. The

researcher analysis this movie based on research problem and there are 6 kind of

character, 2 main character and 10 character.

1. Kind of main character.

a. Belle as Protagonist character.

Protagonist is a character who fights the antagonist. The protagonist is a main

character, sometimes a hero or other thing that is a conflict with the antagonist.

In beauty and the beast movie, there is one main character that dominates the

story. This main character has an important role, the main character also

makes the story in the movie more interesting and look real. This main

character is Belle.

Data 1 (28:29 minute)

Belle : Papa? Is that you?

Maurice : Belle? How did you find me?

Belle : Oh, your hands are ice, we need to get you home.

Maurice : Belle, you must leave here at once. This castle is alive! Now
go, before he finds you!

Belle : Who?!

The dialogue above, shows that Belle is a protagonist character. When she was

looking for his father in a castle and she saw his father in prison, belle looking at his

father who was already weak and helpless, his hands were cold like ice. His father was

punished by a beast for taking a rose for belle.

Data 2 (01:03:25 minute)

The beast : ROOOOAARRRR! Ow! That hurts!

Belle : If you held still, it wouldn’t hurt as much.

The beast : If you hadn’t run away, none of this would have happened.

Belle : Well if you hadn’t frightened me, I wouldn’t have run away.

The beast : Well you shouldn’t have been in the west wing.

Belle : Well you should learn to control your temper.

This second dialogue, shows that protagonist character. Belle helps treat the big

wound caused by the beast attack wild animals, because the beast have saved her

from that attack. The beast lies in his old human bed. Belle dabs a large gash on the

beast’s arm. The beast bares his fangs and lets out a roar. The beast is momentarily

silenced. Belle looks down at the wound she has been dabbing. It’s worse than she


b. The beast as Antagonist character

Antagonist is the character or force against which the protagonist scramble.

The antagonist may be another character, a culture and it laws or traditional,

nature element, or the protagonist divided against himself. In beauty and the

beast movie, there are one main character that dominates the story. This main

character is the beast.

Data 3 (28:53 minute)

Belle : Who’s there? Who are you?

The beast : Who are you?

Belle : I’ve cone for my father.

The beast : Your father is a thief.

Belle : Liar!

The beast : HE STOLE A ROSE.

Belle : I asked for the rose. Punish me, not him!

Maurice : No, he means forever. Apparently that’s what

happens around here when you pick a flower.

Belle : A life sentence for a rose.

The beast : I received eternal damnation for one. I’m merely

locking him away. Now… do you still wish to take your
father’s place?

Belle : come into the light.

The dialogues above, the beast is antagonist character. He is arrogant, selfish and

grumpy. The Beast was very angry because her father stole the roses in castle without

her permission and Beast said that her father a thief. The beast roars. Belle spins

quickly, swinging her club to strike, but the figure jumps into another staircase. Belle

searches the shadows. The voice circles her.

Data 4 (43:05 minute)

The beast : LUMIERE!

Lumiere : Be clam, let me do the talking.


Lumiere : We though you might appreciate the company.

Congsworth : Master, I can assure you that I had no part in this hopeless
plan. Preparing a dinner, designing a gown for her, giving her a
suite in the east wing,


Congsworth : No no, he gave her a bedroom.

Lumiere : That is true. But if the girl is the one who can break the spell,
maybe you can start by using dinner to charm her. (turns to
congsworth) Good thinking, congsworth.

Congsworth : What?

The beast : That’s the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard! “Charm the

Lumiere : You must try, master. With every passing day, we become less

The beast : She’s the daughter of common thief. What kind of person
do you think that makes her?

MRS. Potts : Oh, you can’t judge people by who their father is, now can you?

The second dialogues, shows the beast is antagonist character. The beast entered

the dining room and sits at one end of a long dining table. He looks at his place setting,

surprised to find flat were and crystal. Confused, he looks up. The beast POV rises to

find another place setting at the other end of the long table. When he notices the

romantic candles, he swats his own place setting off the table in anger. The beast

doesn’t want to have dinner with a thief’s son because of that he gets angry when

everything is neatly arranged on the dining room. A fuming beast storms in, and looks

down at the assembled staff. Lumiere is as good a liar as congsworth is not.

c. The beast as Dynamic character.

Dynamic character is character change throughout the story. They may learn

a lesson, become bad, or change in complex ways. The main character of a

story or movie, in other hand experience various obstacle along the plot that

allow them to grow and develop into stronger character.

Data 5 (01:09:15 minute)

The beast : Should be something here you can start with…

Belle : It’s wonderful.

The beast : Oh. Yes, I suppose it is… Well, if you like it so much, then
it’s yours.

Belle : Have you really read every one these books?

The beast : Not all of them. Some are in Greek.

Belle : Was that joke? Are you making jokes now?

The beast : Maybe.

The dialogue above, shows that the beast is a dynamic Character. The beast shows

the large library in all of France, the rooms are very spacious and magnificent. Belle

liked is very much and finally the beast gave it all to belle, belle was very happy that

the beast was not as bad as he though and could make him smile and make jokes.

Data 6 (01:27:40 minute)

The beast : I haven’t danced in years. I’d almost forgotten the


The beast (CONT’D) : It’s foolish, I suppose, for a creature like me to hope
that one day he might earn your affection.

Belle : I don’t know…

The beast : Really? So you think you could be happy here?

Belle : Could anyone be happy if they’re not free?

The second dialogues, shows that the beast dynamic character. Belle and the beast

stand together under the stars. The beast really hopes that one day there will be

someone who loved him. Belle feels happy living in the castle with beast. Now that he

has meet belle, the beast has changed a lot, his attitude and behavior is much better

and more compassionate towards belle.

d. Belle as Round character

Round character is character in a story or movie that change and develop both

personality and social status. These developments and changes refer to

peoples personal development makes character interesting and able to move

the storyline.

Data 7 (30:42 minute)

Belle : I should have been with you.

Maurice : Belle, listen to me. It’s all right. Live your life. Forget me.

Belle : Forget you? Everything I am is because of you.

Maurice : I love you belle. Don’t be afraid.

Belle : I love you too, Papa…

The dialogue above, show that belle is round character. Belle rushes in and

embraces her father. Her father advised that belle was reluctant to do so because her

father was the only family she loved, as well as belle who loved her father very much,

because all of belle’s life was of her father.

Data 8 (01:14:52)

Belle : What are you reading?

The beast : Nothing.

Belle : Guinevere and Lancelot.

The beast : Well actually, King Arthur and the Round Table. Knights, and
men, and swords and things…

Belle : But still…it’s a romance.

The beast : All right. I feel like a change.

Belle : I never thanked you for saving my life.

The beast : Well I never thanked you… for not leaving me to be eaten by

Belle : They know how to have a good time.

The beast : Yes. But when I enter the room. Laughter dies.

Belle : Me, too. The villagers say that I’m a ‘”funny girl,” but I don’t
think they mean it as a compliment.

The beast : I’m sorry. Your village sounds terrible.

Belle : Almost as lonely as your castle.

The beast : What do you say we run away?

The second dialogues, shows that the beast round character. Belle see the beast

sitting in the beautiful rose garden, the beast then closed the book when belle

approached, he hid the book but belle already knew the title. The beast felt

embarrassed and belle laughed seeing it, this moment was very clam and peaceful,

then belle thanked the beast for saving his life. Belle feels that she can enjoy a quiet

life in this castle unlike in her village, the villagers say her a funny girl.

e. Belle as Static character.

Static character is character who are static do not change throughout the story.

Their use may simply be to create or relieve tension, or they were not mean to


Data 9 (54:46 minute)

Belle : Surely you’re as trapped here as I am. Don’t you ever want
to escape?

MRS. Potts : The master’s not as terrible as he appears. Somewhere deep

in his soul, there’s a prince of a fellow, just waiting to be set free.

Belle : Lumiere mentioned something about the West Wing…

MRS. Potts : Never you mind about that. Off to bed with you, poppet.

Belle : Good night

MRS. Potts : Nighty-night. Straight to bed!

The dialogue above, belle is a static Character. Belle asked MRS. Potts, are you

struck here like me and why not run away. MRS. Potts tells that his master is not that

bad, he is a prince but is just waiting to be released. Belle is very curious about what

Lumiere said about the west wing, belle is even more curious about what is actually

there. But MRS. Potts didn’t want to answer and immediately told belle to go to sleep.

Data 10 (01:39:11)

Belle : I have warm the beast.

Maurice : Warm him? How did you get away from him?

Belle : He let me go, Papa. He sent me back to you.

Maurice : I don’t understand.

Belle : He took me there. I know what happened to mama.

Maurice : Then you know I had to leave her there. I had to protect you…
too much, perhaps…

Belle : I understand.

The second dialogues, show that belle is static character. Belle wants to tell the beast

that the villager will attack him, Maurice is confused how belle can be freed from him,

the beast releases belle to meet her father and the beast also takes her to place where

his mother died. That’s why Maurice always protects her and belle understand why her

father doesn’t want to tell her about mother.

f. Belle as Flat character

Flat character is character has one or two main traits, usually only all positive

or negative. They are opposite or a round character. The flaw or strength has

its use in the story.

Data 11 (10:13 minute)

Gaston : Good morning, Belle! Wonderful book you have there.

Belle : You’ve read it?

Gaston : Well, not that one. But, you know. (Hand her the flowers) for
your dinner table. Shall I join you this evening?

Belle : Sorry, not tonight.

Gaston : Busy?

Belle : No.

The dialogues above, shows that belle is flat character. Gaston approached belle

and gave flowers and invited belle to have dinner with him, but belle refused, Gaston

just smiled shyly and belle left.

Data 12 (01:40:32 minute)

Cogsworth : Pardon me, master. I’m sorry to disturb you, but…

The beast : She’s not coming back.

Cogsworth : No… the castle is under attack!

The beast : It doesn’t matter now. Just let them come.

The second dialogues, shows that the beast is flat character. Cogworth said that the

villagers wanted to give up the castle and wanted to destroy it, the beast thought that

belle would no return to the castle, the beast let the villagers enter the castle.

Data 13 (01:03:57 minute)

MRS. Potts : Thank you, Miss.

Lumiere : We are eternally grateful.

Belle : Why do you care so much about him?

MRS. Potts : We’ve looked after him all his life.

Belle : But he has cursed you somehow. (off their silence) Why?
You did nothing.

MRS. Potts : You’re quite right there, dear. You see, when the master lost
his mother, and his cruel father took that sweet innocent lad and
twisted him up to be just like him… we did nothing.

The third dialogues, shows that belle is flat character. MRS. Potts and Lumiere

thanked and felt grateful because the beast nothing happened, belle said why do you

care so much for his, because we were the ones who had cared for his life, belle felt

the beast had cursed everything and why no one did anything. MRS. Potts hopes belle

stays here because they can’t do anything.

2. How are the main character described.

a. Belle as a humble person.

Belle is a humble person. She always tries to be himself simple. Even when

she met the garderobe, she said that she is not a princess, like what garderobe

said. It can be seen from the dialogue below:

Belle : But I’m not a princess.

Garderobe : Nonsense! Now, let’s what I’ve got in my drawers.

Based on the script above, it seems that belle is a person who is humble, simple

and sincere.

b. Belle as a friendly girl

Belle is a good girl, she is also friendly to other. Whatever happens her, she

always smiles and greet people she meet.

Jean : Good morning, Belle.

Belle : Good morning, Monsieur Jean. Have you lost something again?

Based on the script above, it seems that Belle is a friendly and smiling person.

However it is, belle does not want to bother other.

c. Belle as a curious person.

Belle is very curious about her mother and want to know what happened to her.

But her father just said your mother was fearless.

Maurice : Even back in Paris, I knew a girls who was so different, so

daring, so ahead of her time that people mocked her until the

day they found themselves imitating her.

Belle : Just tell me one more thing about her.

Based on the script above, it seems that belle is curious person. She is always

curious about her mother.

d. Belle as a Helpful person.

Belle is someone who like to help other. Belle wants to try to help remove the

curse, she will definitely help other while she can.

Cogsworth : Rubbish. We become rubbish.

Belle : I want to help you. There must be some way lift the curse.

Based on the script above, it seems that belle is a helpful person, she tried to

help people sincerely without expecting a reward, she always remember the

message to do Good to other.

e. Belle as a loving person.

Belle is a loving person, belle afraid of losing the beast, because belle already

love the beast. Belle said we will always be together and everything will be fine.

The beast : I’m afraid it’s my turn to leave.

Belle : We’re together now. It’s going to be fine. You’ll see.

Based on the script above, it seems that belle is a person who is loving. She

loved the beast with sincerity.

f. Belle as a brave girl

Belle is a brave person, she goes into the forest to save her father.

Belle : Take me to him!

Based on the script above, it seems that belle is brave girl, she rode a horse

and went into the forest to look for her father.

g. Belle as a struggle person.

Belle struggle to save the beast from Gaston attack who want to kill the beast.

Gaston : Belle?

Belle : Where is he?!

Based on the script above, it seems that belle is struggle person, she fought to

save the beast from the beast threat.

h. The beast as angry person.

The beast is angry person, the beast told Belle to have dinner with him, but

belle refused his invitation. The beast was very angry and beast said that that

belle should not eat at all.

The beast : I told you to come down to dinner.

Belle : And I told you no!

Based on the script above, it seems that the beast is a angry person, he is

always angry when no one fulfills his wishes.

i. The beast as arrogant person.

The beast arrogant person, when beast invites belle to dinner but belle refuses

and beast gets very angry and boasts, beast says that belle doesn’t eat at all.

The beast : Well be my guest! Go ahead and starve! (as he leaves)

If she doesn’t eat at all!

Based on the script above, it seems that the beast is arrogant person, he

always been mean to belle.

j. The beast as feel guilty.

The beast feel guilty person, when he said that belle’s father was a thief.

The beast : I am sorry I ever called your father a thief.

Based on the script above, it seems that the beast is guilty of saying her father

bellies a thief.


In this Chapter, the researcher divided the section into two part, they are conclusion and

suggestion. The summary of the finding and the discussion which are related to

formulation and the objectives of the research. The second section is suggestions that

contain the suggestions that the researcher want to deliver to other researchers, academic

society, and readers.

The objective of this research are to know kind of character and to explain how the

main character described in beauty and the beast movie. Based on the analysis

done by the researcher in the findings and discussion about Analysis of main

characters in beauty and the beast movie. The researcher were found 6 kind of

characters, 2 main characters and 10 character. The conclusion can be drawn as


1. Based on the findings and discussion the researcher found kind of characters in

the beauty and the beast movie. There were 6 kind of characters consist of

protagonist, antagonist, dynamic, round, static, and flat character were 13 data.

There were 10 characters consist of humble, friendly, curious, helpful, loving,

brave, struggle, angry, arrogant and feel guilty were 10 data. There were 2 main

characters which use on the main characters in beauty and the beast movie.

2. Based on the findings and discussion of the research, the researcher explain how

the main characters described in beauty and the beast movie, there are several

characters that are well presented by the main character in the story. The main

characters in beauty and the beast movie are Belle and the Beast. Belle is the main

characters as protagonist, round, static and flat character, she is a beautiful girl,

cheerful and full of enthusiasm, she is also always curious, has an adventurous

spirit, independent and determined. Belle feel no match for the youth from her

village who is in love with her, he is Gaston, a young man who is famous for his

arrogance. The beast is main characters as antagonist and dynamic character. In

the past, he was a handsome prince, but he grew up to be an arrogant, angry

person and selfish, until finally he was cursed to be the beast who was imprisoned

in this castle. To break the curse, the beast must find his true love, someone who

can see the goodness in himself of appearance.



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