Outlook Group
Outlook Group
Outlook Group
Analyze Outlook with 2 of its competitors and find out the strategies it
uses to maintain customer life cycle.
The customer life cycle is a term the describes the different steps a customer goes
through when they are considering, buying, using and remaining loyal to a particular
product or service. The steps for the same are:
DP- Discounted Price AP-
Actual Price
Term Outlook Traveller Money Business Hindi
weekly Monthly Monthly Monthly Fortnightly
1 year-
DP Rs.2799 Rs.1399 Rs.749 Rs.999 Rs.899
AP Rs.3640 Rs.1800 Rs.840 Rs.1200 Rs.1040
2 year-
DP AP Rs.5199 Rs.2699 Rs.1399 Rs.1899 Rs.1599
Rs.7280 Rs.3600 Rs.1600 Rs.2400 Rs.2000
3 year-
DP AP Rs.7299 Rs.3899 Rs.1899 Rs.2699 Rs.2299
Rs.10920 Rs.5400 Rs.2520 Rs.3600 Rs.3120
Outlook even offers various cash discounts for different ranges of subscription value,
which helps it to develop customers.
Primary survey taken for NET promote score of OUTLOOK
Your answer
How satisfied are you with the subscription and offers of Outlook?
Lowest 1 2 3 4 5 Highest
Lowest 1 2 3 4 5 Highest
How satisfied are you with the subscription and offers of THE WEEK?
Lowest 1 2 3 4 5 Highest
Lowest 1 2 3 4 5 Highest
Comparing the NPS for each of the company and find the reasons behind the
A Net Promoter Score, or NPS, is a marketing tool used to measure people’s
loyalty towards a company or a brand and their willingness to recommend the
company’s or brand’s products to other people so as to build and strengthen
relationship with customers.
To calculate NPS, I circulated these below stated three questionnaires in my
network and got it filled by 35 respondents so as to conduct NPS survey.
Calculation of Net Promoter Score-
To calculate NPS, you need to count the number of Promoters, the number of
Detractors and the number of customers who participated in your survey. The
customers who turned out to be Passives are not taken into account when calculating
the Net Promoter Score.
The scoring of the NPS scale lays between 0 and 10: 0 - not likely at all, 10
- extremely likely, or else it will be a normal rating scale.
Promoters 9 - 10 These are your most loyal customers, ready to promote your
products and help other customers to implement and use your products more
Passives 7 - 8 These customers are loyal, but not enthusiastic about your
products. Working with this group is especially important when the number of
people in the group is relatively high.
Detractors 0 - 6 These people are unlikely to promote your product and are very
likely to give it a negative review. They are very often unsatisfied customers and are
very sensitive to competitive offers.
NPS global standards treat +50 as ‘excellent’ and +70 as ‘world class.’ Any NPS
that is above 0 is considered to be ‘good,’ as this means that the number of loyal
customers is higher than the number of disloyal customers.
Outlook magazine-
The NPS score of Outlook magazine is +37 that is above 0 which indicates that the
number of loyal customers is higher than the number of disloyal customers.
As +50 is considered excellent, so +40 score clearly states that the client perception
and brand loyalty is good of Outlook. Even, the customers encourage others in their
network to take its subscription leading to increase in Outlook’s business.
The Week magazine-
The NPS score of The Week magazine is +11 that is above 0 which indicates that the
number of loyal customers is higher than the number of disloyal customers, but still
this score needs a lot of improvement because when compared to its competitors, The
Week magazine has the least score.
The reason for this score when surveyed was that sometimes, gifts to be given with
magazine gets out of stock and this leads to dropping of subscription by the target
market. Even, the customers are not satisfied with the service provided as the magazine
doesn’t reach out to them on time.
Task – Digital Audit Report for Outlook India
Summary of Outlook India with the competitors – THE WEEK and FORBES
Performance Analysis
Graphs overview
TASK – Product And Brand Management
Take a Raheja group company and analyze the following aspects (brand
positioning, jingles, logos etc.) between the competitors of the same segment.
The Raheja Group Company taken by me is The Outlook India. The competitor
company taken by me which is operating in the same segment is India Today.
Analyzing brand elements of The Outlook India and India Today-
Brand Positioning
The Outlook magazine has positioned itself as a news magazine that gives more
than just news whereas India Today magazine has positioned itself as a
magazine that offers a thorough insight on India.
2. Brand Repositioning
It occurs when you make changes to what your customers associate with and
expect from your brand that is change the customer’s understanding of product.
Outlook India eliminated its luxury magazine subscription because it was
costlier as compared to other subscriptions and it has middle class as its target
market, who would never invest in that subscription willingly. There was no
brand repositioning strategy taken up by India Today.
3. Logo
A logo is a symbol, or stylized name used to identify a company, organization,
product, or brand.
Physical shape, like “O” in outlook and “inverted triangle” in India today can
also be used as a brand identity element.
Red background in logo of outlook and India today represents the quick attention
to the consumer from the distance. A loyal consumer can notice brand through
their colour itself
• Brand name
Outlook India published its first magazine in India in 1995 whereas India today
launched its first publish in year 1975. Then, gradually they became a brand.
• Product positioning
Both companies has their own product positioning strategy as discussed above
and are working on it.
• Corporate events
It enhances our company image in front of the public. Both the companies have
made their presence in corporate events by conducting them or being part of it.
• Efficient advertisement
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Outlook and India today do promotion on social media as well as television.
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5. Brand Personality
Ruggedness Competence
6. Reference Groups
7. Jingles
The theme lines allow brand communications to develop sub themes to help it come
to life. The theme line of Outlook India is “Thoughtful, thought-provoking,
irrelevant” and the theme line of India Today is “Silent heart attacks”
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You are an entrepreneur. You are coming up with a company in the
same segment as the above two companies. Make an action plan
pertaining to product and brand management for your company.
I am coming up with a company say D-DAY Ltd. in the same segment that is
magazine. This company’s magazine with which I would be coming up will have
magazines in which there would be complete information about co- curricular
activities like dancing, singing etc. in which one wants to pursue their dreams.
Along with-it news, career magazines would also be there.
Action plan pertaining to product and brand management for D-DAY Ltd.
company: -
The logo of my company would be having yellow colour in it because this warm
colour is the shining example of friendliness and cheer.
Use of social media
Posting on social media is getting easier and easier over time and is has a
commendable influence on public.
Leverage Social media influencers
I would be finding the right influencer in my circle so that we are targeting the
right audience and also to ensure that target audience is being influenced as per
the expectation
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