ENVR-S335 - U12 Summary
ENVR-S335 - U12 Summary
ENVR-S335 - U12 Summary
Environmental Control,
Monitoring and Modeling
Unit 12
Summary of
OUHK Course Team
Course Development Coordinator:
Prof. K C Ho, OUHK
Y H Yau & Associates
Instructional Designer:
Cliff Hall, OUHK
Dr Chin-wing Chan, OUHK
Dr Gordon Maxwell, OUHK (Units 4–12)
Educational Technology and Development Unit
Introduction 1
Case study 7
Decommissioning of Cheoy Lee Shipyard at Penny’s Bay 7
Evaluation of management of land contamination 9
Air quality impact 12
Waste management and transportation of contaminated materials 13
Noise impact 15
Water quality impact 15
Environmental monitoring and audit 18
Conclusion 20
Feedback on activities 21
Unit 12 1
You may need to plan for your future career after completing this
course. In Hong Kong, environmental practitioners starting out
today have better opportunities than they did in the past, because the
HKSAR Government is committed to maintaining and improving the
environment by upgrading the resources for the fight against solid
waste, air, noise and water pollution. This unit shows you how to apply
the principles of environmental control, monitoring and modelling to
a real case of a decommissioning project. It also provides links for
incorporating these principles to the EIA study.
Working period
Project components
From To
Demolition & excavation of July 2002 March 2003
contaminated soil
Operation of on-site soil November 2002 May 2003
treatment plant
Slope works behind Cheoy Lee July 2002 December 2003
Preparation of To Kau Wan site July 2002 October 2002
Bio pile operation at To Kau November 2002 November 2004
Solidification operation at To March 2004 March 2006
Kau Wan
Thermal desorption operation at February 2004 February 2006
To Kau Wan
Filling of Cheoy Lee Shipyard October 2002 July 2003
after decommissioning
To Kau Wan decommissioning February 2006 July 2006
The objectives and content of an EIA report may include the following:
In order to attempt the activities in the remainder of this unit, you will
need to read the following EIA report related to the project for the
decommissioning of Cheoy Lee Shipyard at Penny’s Bay. In completing
the activities, you should imagine that you are a staff member for EPD
working on the decommissioning job.
Reading 12.1
Decommissioning of Cheoy Lee Shipyard at Penny’s Bay, at
EIA-072/2001: http://www.epd.gov.hk/eia/english/register/
Unit 12 7
Case study
The EIA Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements
stipulated in the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact
Assessment Process. This covers relevant project information, relevant
legislation, existing environmental conditions, assessment criteria and
methods, assessment findings and proposed mitigation measures.
The review has determined that a suitable site at To Kau Wan (TKW)
is available for the expected duration of the proposed decontamination
work. The site at To Kau Wan is 5.8 ha and is adequate to accommodate
all the treatment work on one site. The site is reasonably close to
Penny’s Bay, and effects arising from the land transportation of
contaminated soil are expected to be minimal. Potential environmental
impacts associated with the decontamination work are acceptable
and can be mitigated, as no sensitive land uses are located nearby.
Accordingly, it is recommended that the site at To Kau Wan be used as
the decontamination works site.
Activity 12.1
From what you have read so far about this decommissioning project, try
to identify:
Soil contamination
Groundwater contamination
Remedial methods
1 To clean up the site to the remediation targets and within the overall
development programme with a cost-effective and well-established
Activity 12.2
The Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC) on Tsing Yi Island
uses incineration for the treatment of dioxin-contaminated soil. What
operational measures are implemented to control dioxins? What is the
emission standard of dioxins in Hong Kong?
Mitigation measures
Activity 12.3
In this activity, you will need to refresh your ideas on thermal processes
in Unit 2. Briefly describe how thermal desorption could destroy dioxins
in contaminated soil.
12 ENVR S335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and Modeling
• The top layer soils shall be sprayed with fine misting of water
immediately before the excavation, to avoid dust emission.
Activity 12.4
In accordance with the EPD guidelines in Unit 5, Fugitive Dust Model
(FDM), California Line Source Model (CALINE4) and Industrial
Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) are recommended for general
local-scale assessment. Can you suggest which models should be used
to predict and quantify the air quality impacts at the sensitive receivers
of Cheoy Lee Shipyard and To Kau Wan?
Activity 12.5
The Sydney Olympic coordinating authority has used base-catalyzed
decomposition technology for the soil decontamination project. Why
didn’t the HKSAR Government use this technology for the Cheoy Lee
Noise impact
The EIA report found that there were insignificant construction and
operational noise impacts in the study area.
Activity 12.6
A noise permit is required for the operation of the decontamination
system and transportation of contaminated soil by trucks to TKW at
night. Can you explain briefly a generic approach in a noise assessment?
Soil remediation
• the planned water level of the artificial lake will be higher than the
CLS water table level;
• Impermeable floor liner to be placed, and associated leachate
collection sump to be installed for the biopile.
Thermal Desorption
• Shelter and leachate collection system to be provided for the storage
bin of dioxin contaminated soils.
• Shelter to be provided for soil loading and unloading area and the
entire facility.
Activity 12.7
The area to be cleared up will be used for the construction of
infrastructures associated with Hong Kong Disney Phase 1. Can you
suggest some of the environmental measures implemented during the
construction phases?
18 ENVR S335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and Modeling
Activity 12.8
Can you develop a simple sampling and monitoring programme for the
decommissioning project? Is there any accredited laboratory in Hong
Kong capable of doing analysis of dioxin samples?
20 ENVR S335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and Modeling
The findings of this EIA have provided information on the nature and
extent of environmental impacts arising from the decommission of the
CLS. The EIA has, where appropriate, identified mitigation measures to
ensure compliance with environmental legislation and standards.
Overall, the EIA Report for the decommissioning of the CLS has
predicted that the Project will comply with all environmental standards
and legislation after the proposed construction and operational stages of
mitigation measures are implemented. This EIA has also demonstrated
the general acceptability of the residual effects from the Project
and the protection of the population and environmentally sensitive
receivers. Environmental monitoring and audit mechanisms have been
recommended during the decommissioning of CLS, where necessary,
to verify the accuracy of the EIA predictions and the effectiveness of
recommended mitigation measures.
Feedback on activities
Activity 12.1
By definition under the EIA Ordinance, the project that is categorized as
a Designated Project shall require an environmental permit before the
project begins. Key issues identified in this section are:
Activity 12.2
The CWTC has extensive control on its emissions, which are regularly
monitored by the EPD. To ensure proper control of dioxins, the
incineration system of the CWTC has to meet the following operational
c The temperature at the exit of the waste heat boiler is about 400°C.
Activity 12.3
Thermal desorption is a process in which heat is used to evaporate the
contaminants from the soil into gaseous phase, which is subsequently
condensed for phased extraction. In a thermal desorption plant, such
as the one to be used for decontamination of the soil at the Cheoy Lee
Shipyard, the dioxin-contaminated soil will be heated to 540°C in an
enclosed chamber. The process will produce an oil-water mixture with
the dioxins dissolved in the oil. The oily residue will then be collected
for incineration at the CWTC.
Activity 12.4
Air quality modelling could be undertaken to establish the pollutant
concentrations at the sensitive receivers of CLS and TKW. The TSP
concentration at the sensitive receivers should be predicted by FDM.
Also, potential air quality effects from the exhaust gas of biopile and the
thermal desorption process can be predicted using the ISC3 model.
Activity 12.5
The technology used by the Sydney Olympic coordinating authority was
a two-stage on-site process. About 400 tonnes of contaminated soil were
treated initially by thermal desorption to extract the contaminants for
further treatment by based-catalyzed decomposition.
Activity 12.6
A generic approach in a noise assessment is in the following sequence:
Activity 12.7
In general, a wastewater treatment system should use a flow regulation,
settling, sedimentation and final filtration process to treat construction
wastewater to an acceptable level before reuse or discharge. Grease
traps should also be used to separate oil/grease from wastewater
from canteens. In practice, the treated water can be reused for dust
Activity 12.8
Site investigation should first be conducted for this assessment to check
the contamination level of the site.