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9 Abc

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9A What I ate yesterday.

1. GRAMMAR countable / uncountable nouns; a /an / some / any.
a) What did Sarah and Martin buy when they went shopping yesterday? Write a, an, or some in
the blanks.
1. sausages
2. lettuce
3. eggs
4. carrots
5. jam
6. orange
7. pineapple
8. potato chips
9. cookies
10. milk

b) Write the sentences in affirmative + or negative – form.

1. There’s some cheese in the refrigerator.
[-] There isn’t any cheese in the refrigerator.
2. There are some strawberries in our garden.
[-] There
3. I didn’t have an egg for breakfast.
[+] I
4. There isn’t any sugar in my tea.
[+] There
5. I didn’t eat any snacks yesterday.
[+] I
6. There weren’t any sandwiches in the kitchen.
[+] There
7. I bought a pineapple at the supermarket.
[-] I
8. There was some bread in the cupboard.
[-] There

c) Complete the dialogue with a, an, some, or any.

A What do we need to buy for our dinner party? Let’s make a list.
B Well, I want to make1 lasagne, so we need2 pasta and3 meat.
A Pasta… and meat. What about tomatoes? Are there 4 tomatoes in the refrigerator?
B Let’s look. There’s5 onion, but there aren’t6 tomatoes. Put those on the
list, too.
A Ok… tomatoes. Is there7 cheese?
B Yes, there’s 8
mozzarella cheese, so that’s perfect.
A Let’s have9 salad with lasagna.
B Ok. Then we need to buy10 lettuce.
A What about dessert? Is there fruit?
B No, there isn’t. Let’s get12 strawberries.
a) Complete the crossword

u s r
t o a s t i
c t e c
c h i c k e n c a k e
e o r k
e f
s f j a m
e e i
c e r e a l

b) Write the words in the correct column.

Apples bananas candy carrots chocolate cookies mushrooms onions peas

pineapple potatoes potato chips sandwiches strawberry

Vegetables Snacks Fruit

3. PRONUNCIATION the letters ea.

a) Underline the word with a different sound.

Tree 1Meat Breakfast tea

Egg 2 bread Healthy Ice cream
train 3 eat Great steak

b) ONLINE Listening and check. Then listen and repeat the words.

a) Read the article and match the headings to the paragraphs.

Coconut water popsicles roast camel

Three interesting food facts.

The Bedouin people, who live in the deserts of Africa, sometimes prepare a very big meal to
celebrate weddings. The cook uses some eggs, some fish, some chickens, a sheep, and a
camel to prepare it. He stuffs the fish with the eggs, the chickens with the fish, the sheep with
the chickens, and the camel with the sheep. Then he cooks all the ingredients together in an
enormous oven in the ground.
It was an 11-year-old American boy who invented these. In 1905, the bo, Frank Epperson
wanted to make a drink. He put some soda powder in a cup of water and used a stick to mix
it. Then he forgot about the drink and left it outside. That night it was very cold, so the
mixture froze. Eighteen years later, he made some more of the froze mixture and sold his first
one at an amusement park. The British call them “ice pops”.

You can find this liquid in young fruit that is still green. People drank it in South-Est Asia,
Africa, and the Caribbean before it became popular as a health drink. Today, athletes drink it
after playing sports. It is very good for you as it is low in fats and sugars. Doctors sometimes
use it in an emergency because it is similar to human plasma.

b) Read the article again. Write T (true) or F (false).

1. The Bedouin people eat roast camel on special occasions.
2. There are seven ingredients in Bedouin meal.
3. Frank Epperson’s drink froze because the weather was cold.
4. He sold his first ice pop when he was 29 years old.
5. According the article, you can find cocoanut water in all coconuts
c) Guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Check in your dictionary.
a) ONLINE Listen to four speakers talking about their favorite meal. Complete the meals.
Speaker 1 roast
Speaker 2 tikka masala
Speaker 3 hoy dog and
Speaker 4 sweet and sour tofu and

b) ONLINE Listen again. Match the speakers to the sentences.

Speaker 1 A I often eat it outside.
Speaker 2 B I always order rice with it.
Speaker 3 C I have it at a local restaurant.
Speaker 4 D I eat it when I visit my parents.

9B White gold.
1. GRAMMAR quantifiers: how much / how many, a lot of, etc.
a) Complete the questions. Then complete the sentences.

She: How much salt do you put on your food

He : Not much
1. He

She: sugar do you put in your tea?

He : A lot.

2. He

She: cookies do you eat?

She : Not many
3. She

She: candy do you buy?

He : A lot

4. He

She: exercise do you do?

He : Not much

5. He

She: cups of coffee do you drink?

She : None

6. She
b) Read the information and write questions.

There is .81 ounces of sugar in a orange.
There are about 125 calories in a banana.
There are about 18 oranges in a carton of
orange juice
There is .04 ounces of salt in a bowl Of cereal.
There are twelve eggs in a carton.
There are 16 ounces of jam in a jar

1. How much sugar is there in an orange?

Answer: .81 ounces.
2. ?
Answer: about 125.
3. ?
Answer: about 18.
4. ?
5. Answer: .04 ounces.
6. ?
Answer: twelve.
7. ?
Answer: 16 ounces.
2. VOCABULARY food containers.
a) Unscramble the words to make food containers.
1. Rja
2. Bxo
3. Rncoat
4. Gab
5. Cpeagka
6. Nca
7. Totble
b) Complete the sentences with a container from a.
1. She was thirty, so she bought a can of soda.
2. Do you need the scissors to open the of juice?
3. He took the of strawberry jam out of the cupboard.
4. There is a large of potato chips on the table.
5. We always take a of water when we go for a walk.
6. Ken feels sick because he ate big of cookies.
7. I gave her a of chocolate to say thank you.
a) Underline the word with a different sound.

Snake 1 sugar Salad cereal

Shower 2 sure Fresh salt
Snake 3 rice Shopping science
shower 4 short Information center

b) ONLINE Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words.
c) ONLINE Listen and repeat the sentences.
1. She saw Susan standing outside the study.
2. Shawn said sorry for singing in the shower.
3. Steve puts six spoons of sugar on his cereal.
4. Sylvia spends Saturdays in the shopping center.
a) ONLINE Listen to the radio program about food groups. Complete the examples of the
1. Carbohydrates: bread, pasta, ,potatoes
2. Fruits and vegetables: apple, organges, , carrots
3. Protein: meat,
4. Milk and dairy: , yogurt
5. Fats and sugars: cake, , candy, chips.
b) ONLINE Listen again. Fill in the blanks the one word.
1. Carbohydrates give us
2. Fruits and vegetables contain important
3. Protein helps our bodies to and repair.
4. Milk and dair are important four our bones and
5. You should eat fats and sugars or a week

9C Quiz night.
1. GRAMMAR comparative adjectives.
a) Write the comparative forms of these adjectives in the correct circle.

Bad Beautiful cheap dry sad difficult dirty

cold Far wet high hungry comfortable Thin good

1 2 3
1 or 2 syllable ending in y = 1 or 2 syllable ending in y =
one syllable = + -er
+ -ier double consonant + -er

2 or more syllable = more + -

b) Write sentences using the opposite adjective.

1. A bike is slower than a car.
A car is faster than a bike.
2. Lions are smaller than tigers.
3. Brazil is wetter than Argentina
4. January is longer than February.
5. A laptop is more expensive than iPod.
An iPod
6. Fridays are better than Mondays.
7. A stove is hotter than a refrigerator.
A refrigerator
8. Spanish is easier than English

2. VOCABULARY high numbers.

a) ONLINE Listen and underline the correct numbers.
1 104 304
2 586 596
3 2670 2660
4 8905 9905
5 11750 12750
6 543830 533830
7 1315000 1350000
8 25460000 35460000
b) ONLINE Listen and write the numbers in words.
1. 125
2. 895
3. 4500
4. 12470
5. 33930
6. 575600
7. 6250000
8. 34800265

3. PRONUNIATION sentences stress.

a) Write the words in the chart.

better bigger cheaper colder dirtier drier Easier

healthier higher slowe thinner worse

Tree fish bird egg phone bike


b) ONLINE Listen and repeat

c) ONLINE Listen and underline the stressed words.
1. A pencil is cheaper than a pen.
2. China is bigger than Japan.
3. The kitchen s dirtier than the living room.
4. An a apple is healthier than a cookie.
5. Canada is colder than Mexico.
6. Everest is higher than Kilimanjaro.
d) ONLINE Listen gain and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm

a) Read the sentences. Do you think they are T (true) or F (false)? Then read the article and
Modern myths.

1 Elephants have brains that are bigger than any other land mammal. The expression “an
elephant never forgets” suggests that the bigger an animal’s brain is, the better that animal
can remember things. Animal researchers discovered that this is actually true for elephants!
These animals can remember details about areas of land as big as 1200 square miles”

2 There are 12 countries in South America including Argentina and Brazil. It has an area of
6888062 square miles and its population is over 371090000. North America includes
Canada and the US, but it also contains the countries of Central America. It covers an area
of about 95401198 square miles, and its population is almost 529 million. This makes it
bigger than South America

3 When the American Medical Association studied the number of people injured in traffic
accidents in the US, they got a surprise. They discovered that there were more dangerous
car accidents on Tax Day. Tax Day is every year around April 15. People in the US are
busy around this time!

4 Experts have different opinions about margarine and butter, and there is a big argument
about which one is better for you. The truth is that margarine today is better than it was in
the past because producers use a different type of vegetable oil. Butter still contains a lot of
animal fat. Margarine today contains less fat which makes it healthier than butter.
1. There are fewer car accidents on Tax Day.
2. Elephants remember more than other animals.
3. South America is bigger than North America.
4. Margarine is healthier than butter
b) Guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Check the meaning and pronunciation in your

a) ONLINE Listen to a conversation between a couple talking about two cities with the same
nada. Write T (true) or F (false).
1. More people live in Birmingham, UK than Birmingham, US.
2. Birmingham, is bigger than Birmingham, UK.
3. Birmingham, is greener than Birmingham, UK.
4. Birmingham, is older than Birmingham, UK.
5. Birmingham, is wetter than Birmingham, UK.
6. Birmingham, is hotter than Birmingham, UK.

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