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Once the hydrocarbons are moving, how do they


Why do hydrocarbons collected in a specific


How to find them?

How to classify them?

Let's begin to answer these questions.

Dr. Emad Eysa Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ. Terminology
The term (trap) was first applied to a hydrocarbon
accumulation by Orton (1889).
Levorsen, (1967) define the trap as "the
place where oil and gas are barred from further
A detailed historical account of the subsequent
evolution of the concept of the term trap is found in
Dott and Reynolds, (1969).
Dr. Emad Eysa Zag. Univ.
Nomenclature of a trap

TERMS of the various parameters of a trap are defined and

illustrated with reference to an anticline trap, the simplest type.
Crest or culmination: is the highest point of the trap.
Spill point: is the lowest point at which hydrocarbons may
be contained in the trap; this lies on a horizontal contour (with
a horizontal plane).

Closure: is the vertical distance from crest to spill point.

NOTE THAT!!!!!!!

bottom water: is the zone immediately beneath the

petroleum .

edge zone: is the zone of the reservoir laterally adjacent

to the trap.
Note that: in areas of monoclinal dip the closure of
a trap may not be the same as its structural relief.
This situation is a particularly significant in
hydrodynamic traps.

Dr. Emad Eysa Zag. Univ.

Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ. THE PAY
 The Pay: Is the productive reservoir Within the trap.
 gross pay : Is the vertical distance from the top of
reservoir to the petroleum/water contact. This
thickness may vary from only 1 or 2 m to several
hundreds meters.

 The net pay: Is the cumulative vertical thickness

of a reservoir from which petroleum may be
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

In the upper pool: the net pay is much less than the gross
pay because of nonproductive shale layers.
In the lower pool: the net pay is equal to the gross pay.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Distribution of petroleum within a trap

A trap may contain Oil, gas, or both.

The oil-water contact (commonly
refered to as OWC) is the deepest level
of producible Oil.
The gas-oil contact (GOC) or gas-
water contact (GWC), as the case may
be, is the lower limit of producible gas.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Boundaries between Oil, gas, and water

may be sharp or transitional.
Abrupt fluid contacts indicate a permeable
gradational ones indicate a low permeability
with a high capillary pressure.
Not only gravity separation of gas and Oil
occurs within a reservoir, but chemical
variations may also exist.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ. Seals and cap rocks
Prevents the petroleum from migrating
upward through the rock.
The most common lithology is mudrock.
But evaporites are the most effective.
Mudrocks form approximately 60-70% of all
sedimentary rocks.
Halite can form a more effective seal but is a
less common lithology.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

The time relation between a trap

formation, petroleum generation and
migration is critical.
The trap has to form at the same time or
earlier than petroleum migration.
1) Early Generation
Spill Point
Spill Point

Seal Rock
Reservoir Rock (Mudstone)
Migration from

Gas beginning to displace oil

2) Late Generation

Displaced oil accumulates

Gas displaces all oil

for accumulations to occur, a trap must exist either before or coincident with
the time of migration

Dr. Emad Eysa, Zag. Univ.

Trapping Mechanisms
 A trap is a geometric configuration of
structures and/ or strata, in which (the
reservoir) surrounded and confined by (the

 In some rare cases, traps may be created by

movement of subsurface waters (
hydrodynamic factors).

 Most traps fall into one of three categories

structural ,stratigraphic, or combination.

Dr. Emad Eysa Zag. Univ.

Classification of Traps
Allen, (1990) and Petroleum Geology Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields
series, published by the American Association of Petroleum




Dr. Emad Eysa Hydrodynamic

Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Generated through: tectonic,

diapiric, compactional, and
gravitational processes.

They are the most common

exploration target.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Structural Traps

Anticlinal Traps Fault traps Diapiric traps

Compressional Compactional
(developed in response to crustal tension)
(caused by crustal shortenings)
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

1- Anticlinal
1.a- Compressional anticlines
• Adjacent to, subductive(‫) انزالق صفيحة تحت األخرى‬,
where there is a net shortening of the Earth's
• Fields in such traps are found within, and
adjacent to, mountain chains in many parts of
the world.
• Compressional anticlines are also a common
feature within both transpressional and
transtensional strike-slip basins.

Dr. Emad Eysa

Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
1.b- Compactional anticline
Zag. Univ.

Formed by crustal tension which

form sedimentary basin.
The floor is commonly split into a
mosaic of basement horests and
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

2- FaultTraps
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

• Fault implies fracturing of rock and relative

motion across the fracture surface.
• This upward migration will continue until it
trapped by the impermeable shale (seal).
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

3- Diapiric Traps
3- Diapiric traps
Produced by the upward movement of
sediments that are less dense than those
overlying them.
Cannot be regarded as true structural traps,
since tectonic forces are not required to
initiate them (although in some cases they may
do so).
Generally caused by the upward movement of
salt or, less frequently, over pressured clay.
Recently, salt domes are classified as a
combination traps. Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Forming A Trap

Dr. Emad Eysa

Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Formed by lateral and vertical

lithological variations (channels, reefs,
and bars, truncations).

About 13% of the world's reserves.

Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Channels (shoestring sands), Coastal barrier
bars or Lenses.
 Usually surrounded by shales, which may act as
both source rock and seal.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

within fluctuating transgressive-

regressive sequences.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

differential solution or cementation

have caused the rock type to vary
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

They often occur along shelf margins,

adjacent to deeper basins where
source rocks can accumulate.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Due to lateral and vertical changes in

rock type.
Some times called (secondary strat.)
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.


Associated with water flow, which

creates tilt on the contacts between
hydrocarbons and water.

The downward movement of water

prevents the upward movement of oil.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Hydrodynamic movement of water
prevents the upward movement of oil or
Dr. Emad Eysa Zag. Univ.
Dr. Emad Eysa
The hydrodynamic displacement of
Zag. Univ.
oil and gas accumulations through
aquifer flow.

‫صغر التباين يعنى‬

‫زيادة في كثافة الزيت‬
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.

Formed by a combination of two or more

of the previously defined genetic
It contains about 9% of the world's
petroleum reserves.
Dr. Emad Eysa
Zag. Univ.
Most of these traps are caused by a
combination of structural and
stratigraphical processes.
Salt Dome Traps
What can you identify in this diagram?

Dr. Emad Eysa

Zag. Univ.

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