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Physics DPP

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Q.1) A force of 5 N acts on a particle along a direction making an angle of 60° with vertical. Its vertical
component will be

(a) 10 N (b) 3 N (c) 4N (d) 2.5)

Q.2) A→ is vector with magnitude A, then the unit vector Aˆ in the direction of Aˆ is

(a) AA→ (b) A→A→ (c) A→x A→ (d) A→ / A

Q.3) The vector that must be added to the vector iˆ - 3jˆ + 2kˆ and 3iˆ + 6jˆ - 7kˆ so that the resultant
vector is a unit vector along the y-axis is

(a) 4iˆ + 2jˆ + 5kˆ (b) -4iˆ - 2jˆ + 5kˆ (c) 3iˆ + 4jˆ + 5kˆ (d) Null vector

Q.4) A hall has the dimensions 10m x 12m x 14m. A fly starting at one corner ends up at a diagonally
opposite corner. What is the magnitude of its displacement

(a) 17m (b) 26m (c) 36 m (d) 21m

Q.5) The X and Y componets of a force F acting at 30° to x -axis are respectively

� � 3 3 1 �
(a) 2
,F (b) 2 , 2
F (c) 2
F,2 F (d) F, 2

Q.6) The unit vector parallel of the resultant of the vectors A→ = 4iˆ + 3jˆ + 6kˆ and B→ = - iˆ + 3jˆ - 8kˆ

1 1 1 1
(a) 7
(3iˆ + 6jˆ - 2kˆ) (b) 7 (3iˆ + 6jˆ + 2kˆ) (c) 49
(3iˆ + 6jˆ - 2kˆ) (d) 49 (3iˆ - 6jˆ + 2kˆ)

Q.7) Two vector are given by A→ = iˆ + 2jˆ + 2kˆ and B→ = 3 iˆ + 6jˆ + 2kˆ. Another vector C→ has the
same magnitude as B→ but has the same diretion as A→ . Then which of the following vectors
represent C→

7 3 7 9
(a) (iˆ + 2jˆ + 2 kˆ) (b) (iˆ - 2jˆ + 2 kˆ) (c) (iˆ - 2jˆ + 2 kˆ) (d) (iˆ + 2jˆ + 2 kˆ)
3 7 9 7

Q.8) Five equal forces of 10 N each are applied at one point and all are lying in one plane. If the
angles between them are equal, the resultant force will be

(a) Zero (b) 10N (c) 20N (d) 10 2 N

Q.9) The angle made by the vector A = iˆ + jˆ with x -axis is

(a) 90° (b) 45° (c) 22.5° (d) 30°

Q.10) IF P→ = Q→ then which of the following is NOT correct

(a) Pˆ = Qˆ (b) |P→ | = |Q→ | (c) PQˆ = QPˆ (d) P→ + Q→ = Pˆ + Qˆ

Q.11) A particle moves so that its position vector is given by r→ = cos atxˆ + sin atyˆ. Where ω is a
constant. Which of the following is true.

(a) Velocity and acceleration both are perpendicular to r→

(b) Velocity and acceleration both are parallel r→
(c) Velocity is prependicular to r→ and acceleration is directed towards the origin
(d) Velocity is prependicular to r→ and acceleration is directed away from the origin

Q.12) Three forces acting on a body are shown in the figure. To have the resultant force only along
the y- direction , the magnitude of the minimum additional force needed is

(a) 4
N (b) 3 N (c) 0.5N (d) 1.5 N

Q.13) An object of m kg with speed of v m/s strikes a wall at an angle θ and rebounds at the same
speed and same angle . The magnitudeof the change in momentum of the object will be

(a) 2mv cos θ (b) 2 mv sin θ (c) 0 (d) 2mv

Q.14) If |A→ - B→ |= |A→ | = |B→ |, the angle between A→ and B→ is

(a) 60° (b) 0° (c) 120° (d) 90°

Q.15) Two forces 3N and 2N are at an angle θ suvh that the resultant is R. The first force is now
increased to 6 N and the resultant become 2R. The value of θ is

(a) 30° (b) 60° (c) 90° (d) 120°

Q.16) Given that A→ + B→ + C→ and that C → is to A→ . Further if |A→| = |C →|, then what is the
angle between A→ and B→

� � 3�
(a) 4 radian (b) 2 radian (c) 4
radian (d) π radian

Q.17) If for two vector A→ and B→ , sum ( A→ + B) is perpendicular to the difference ( A→ - B→) . The
ratio of their magnitude is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) None of these

Q.18) For vector A→ and B→ making an angle θ which one the following relation is correct

(a) A→ x B→ = B→ x A→ (b) A→ x B→ = AB sin θ (c) A→ x B→ = AB cos θ (d) A→ x B→ = - B→ x A→

Q.19) A particle moving in the X- Y plane under the influence of a force such that its liner momentum
is P→ (t) = A[iˆ cos (kt) - jˆ sin (kt)], where A and K are constant . The angle between the force and the
momentum is

(a) 0° (b) 30° (c) 45° (d) 90 °

Q.20) A force F→ = (5iˆ + 3jˆ) Newton is applied over a particle which displace it from its origin to
the point r→ = (2iˆ - 1 jˆ) metres. The work done on the particle is

(a) -7 J (b) +13 J (c) +7 J (d) +11 J

Q.21) A→ and B→ are two vectors and θ is the angle between them, If | A→ x B→ | = 3 ( A→.B→ ) the
value of θ is

(a) 60° (b) 45° (c) 30° (d) 90°

�� ��
Q.22) If vector A→ = cos ωt iˆ + sin ωt jˆ and B→ = cos 2
iˆ + sin 2
jˆ are functions of time , then the
valur of t at which they are oethogonal to each other is
� � �
(a) t = 2� (b) t = � (c) t = 0 (d) t = 4�

Q.23) A particle moves with a velocity 6iˆ - 4jˆ + 3 kˆ m/s under the influence of a constant force
F→ = 20iˆ + 15jˆ -5kˆ N. The instantaneous power applied to the particle is

(a) 35 J/s (b) 45 J/s (c) 25 J/s (d) 195 J/s

Q.24) The magnitude of vector OA , OB and OC in the given figure are equal. The direction of
OA + OB - OC with x - axis will be :-

(1 − 3 − 2 ( 3 −1 + 2 ( 3 −1+ 2 (1 + 3 − 2
(a) tan -1 (1 + 3 + 2)
(b) tan -1(1 + 3 − 2)
(c) tan -1 (1 − 3 + 2)
(d) tan -1(1 − 3 − 2)

Q.25) Two vectors x→ and y→ have equal magnitude. The magnitude of x→ - y→ is n times the
magnitude of ( x→ + y→) . The angle between x→ and y→ is:

1 − �2 �2 −1 �2 + 1 �2 + 1
(a) Cos-1 1 + �2
(b) Cos-1 �2 − 1
(c) Cos-1 − �2 −1
(d) Cos-1 �2 − 1

Q.26) What will be the projection of vector A→ = iˆ + jˆ +kˆ on vecctor B→ = iˆ + jˆ ?

(a) 2 ( iˆ + jˆ +kˆ) (b) 2( iˆ + jˆ +kˆ) (c) 2 ( iˆ + jˆ) (d) ( iˆ + jˆ )

Q.27) In an octagon ABCDEFGH of equal side, what is the sum of

AB + AC + AD + AE + AF + AG + AH ,

f AO = 2iˆ + 3jˆ - 4kˆ

(a) -16iˆ -24 jˆ - 32kˆ (b) 16iˆ + 24 jˆ + 32kˆ (c) 16iˆ + 24 jˆ - 32kˆ (d) 16iˆ -24 jˆ + 32kˆ

Q.28) Let |A1| = 3 , |A2| = 5 and |A1 + A2| = 5 .The value of ( 2A1 + 3A2) • (3A1 - 2A2) is :

(a) -106.5 (b) -99.5 (c) -112.5 (d) -118.5

Q.29) The angle between the two vector A→ = 5iˆ + 5jˆ and B→ = 5iˆ - 5jˆ will be

(a) Zero (b) 45° (c) 90° (d) 180°

Q.30) If |A→ x B→| = 3 A→B→, then the value of |A→ + B→| is
(a) �2 + �2 + 3
(b) A + B (c) (�2 + �2 + 3 AB) 1/2 (d) (�2 + �2 + AB) 1/2

Q.31) A ship A is moving Westwards with a speed of 10 kmh-1 and a ship B 100 km South of A, is
moving Northwards with a speed of 10 kmh-1 . The time after which the distance between them
becomes shortest , is

(a) 5 h (b) 5 2 h (c) 10 2 h (d) 0 h

Q.32) What is unit vector perpendicular to the following vectors 2iˆ + 2jˆ - kˆ and 6iˆ - 3jˆ + 2kˆ

iˆ + 10jˆ − 18kˆ iˆ − 10jˆ + 18kˆ iˆ − 10jˆ − 18kˆ iˆ + 10jˆ + 18kˆ

(a) 5 17
(b) 5 17
(c) 5 17
(d) 5 17

Q.33) Find the torque of a force F→ = -3iˆ + jˆ + 5kˆ acting at the point r→ = 7iˆ +3 jˆ + kˆ

(a) 14iˆ - 38jˆ + 16 kˆ (b)4 iˆ + 4jˆ + 6kˆ (c)21 iˆ + 4jˆ +4kˆ (d)- 14iˆ + 34jˆ -16 kˆ

Q.34) The area of the parallelogram represented by the vectors A→ = 2iˆ + 3jˆ and B→ = iˆ + 4jˆ is

(a) 14 units (b) 7.5 units (c) 10 units (d) 5 units

Q.35) Vectors A→ , B→ and C are such that A→ • B→ = 0 and A→ • C→ = 0. Then the vector parallel to
A→ is

(a) A→ x B→ (b) B→ + C→ (c)B → x C→ (d) B→ and C→

Q.36) The angle between vectors (A→ x B→ ) and (B→ x A→ ) is

(a) Zero (b) π (c) π / 4 (d) π / 2

Q.37) The resultant of the two vectors having magnitude 2 and 3 is 1. What is their cross product

(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 0

Q.38) Vector which is perpendicular to ( a cos θ iˆ + b sin θ jˆ ) is

1 1
(a) b sin θ iˆ - a cos θ jˆ (b) � sin θ iˆ - � cos θ jˆ (c) 5 kˆ (d) All of these

Q.39) A unit mass at position vector r→ = (3iˆ + 4jˆ) is moving with a velocity v→ = (5iˆ - 6 jˆ). What is
the angular momentum of the body about the origin

(a) 2 units along z-axis (b) 38 units along x -axis (c) 38 units along y-axis (d) 38 units along z- axis

Q.40) The value of (A→ + B→) x (A→ - B→) is

(a) 0 (b) A2 - B2 (c) B→ x A→ (d) 2(B→ x A→)

Q.41) The sum of magnitudes of two forces acting at point is 18 and the magnitude of their resultant
is 12. If the resultant is at 90° with the force of smaller magnitude, what are the, magnitudes of forces

(a) 12,5 (b) 14,4 (c) 5,13 (d) 10,8

Q.42) The speed of a boat is 5 km/h in still water, It crosses a river of which 1 km along the shortes
possible path in 15 minutes. The velocity of the river water is.
(a) 1 km/h (b) 3 km/h (c) 4 km/h (d) 5km/h

Q.43) Find the resultant of three vectors OA, OB and OC shown in the following figure. Radius of the
circle is R.

(a) 2R (b) R ( 1 + 2) (c) R 2 (d) R ( 2 - 1 )

Q.44) Figure shows ABCDEF as a regular hexagon. What is the value of AB + AC + AD + AE + AF

(a) AO (b) 2AO (c) 4AO (d) 6AO

Q.45) The resultant of two vectord P→ and Q→ is R→ If the magnitude of Q→ is dobled, the new
resultant becomes perpendicular to P→ . Then the magnitude of R → is

(a) P + Q (b) Q (c) P (d) 2
(e) P - Q

Q.46) A metal sphere is hung by a string fixed to a wall. The sphere is pushed away from the wall by a
stick. The forces acting on the sphere are shwon in the second diagram. Which of the following
statements is wrong

(a) P = W tan θ (b) T→ + P→ + W = 0 (c) T2 = P2 + W2 (d) T = P + W

Q.47) Given two vectors A→ = 3iˆ + 4jˆ and B→ = iˆ+ jˆ . θ is the angle between A→ and B→. Which of
the following statements is/ are correct

iˆ+ jˆ
(a) |A→ | cos θ 2
is the component of A→ along B→
iˆ− jˆ
(b) |A→ | sin θ 2
is the component of A→ perpendicular B→
iˆ− jˆ
(c) |A→ | cos θ 2
is the component of A→ along B→
iˆ+ jˆ
(d) |A→ | sin θ 2
is the component of A→ perpendicular B→

Q.48) The position vector r→ of particle of mass m is given by the following equation
r→(t) = at3 iˆ + βt2 j , where a = 10 / 3ms-3 , β = 5ms-2 and m = 0.1kg. At t = 1 s , which of the following
statement (s) is (are) true about the particle

(a) The velocity v→ is given by v→ = (10iˆ+ 10jˆ ) ms-1

(b) The angular momentum L→ with respect to the origin is given by L→ = -(5/3) kˆ N ms
(c) The force F→ is given by F→ = (iˆ + 2jˆ ) N
(d) The torque τ→ with respect to the origin is given by τ → = -(20 / 3) kˆ Nm
Q.49) If for two vectors A and B, A x B = 0 , the vectors

(a) Are perpendicular to each other

(b) Are parallel to each other
(c) Act at an angle of 60°
(d) Act at an angle of 30°

Q.50) A vector A points vertically upward and B points towards north. The vector product A x B is

(a) Zero (b) Along west (c) Along east (d) Vertically downward

1 -D 2 -D 3-B 4-D 5 -C 6 -A 7 -A 8 -A 9-A 10 - D
11 - C 12 -C 13- A 14- A 15 -D 16 - C 17 - A 18 -D 19 - D 20 -C
21 - A 22 -B 23- B 24- A 25- A 26 - D 27 - C 28 -D 29 - C 30 -D
31 - A 32 -C 33 -D 34 - D 35 - C 36 - B 37 - D 38- D 39- D 40 -D
41 -C 42 -B 43 - B 44 -D 45 - B 46- D 47-AB 48- ABD 49- B 50- B

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