Fabn. Priority&Dispatch Schedule For Dec2022
Fabn. Priority&Dispatch Schedule For Dec2022
Fabn. Priority&Dispatch Schedule For Dec2022
Project : Replacement of GI HDR & Lines at offshore unmanned Platforms of MH Asset on LSTK Basis Gr.II
( for SH, NQ & MHN Process Complex )
NOA No. : MR/MH/MM/LSTK/SM/GI HDR AND LNE/2018-19/Y15KC19002/9030009674 DTD. 30.01.2020
Unmanned Unmanned Survey Unmanned Survey
PRIORITY Platforms under SOW Survey Platforms under SH Total Platforms under Total Total
Sr.No. LEVEL NQ Complex. Total Lines Total Lines Complex. Total Lines Lines MHN Complex. Lines Lines
1 P1 SS 6 6 NL 4 6
2 P1 N_1 7 7
1 P1 NM 7 7
2 P2 N20 2 2
3 P2 N12 7 7
4 P2
5 P2
1 P3
2 P3
3 P3
4 P3
5 P3
6 P3
1 P4
TOTAL 2 9 9 1 6 6 3 18 20