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Intro To First Aid

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Precautions to Prevent Disease Transmission

First aid refers to medical attention that is usually Body Substance Isolation Precaution - Are
administered immediately after the injury occurs and precautions taken to isolate or prevent risk of
at the location where it occurred. It often consists of a exposure from any other type of bodily substance.
one-time, short-term treatment and requires little Precautions to Prevent Disease Transmission
technology or training to administer. 1. Personal Hygiene
2. Use of Appropriate PPE
Objectives of First Aid 3. Proper cleaning of Equipment and Vehicle
1. To alleviate suffering.
2. To prevent added injury or danger. LESSON 2
3. To prolong life. EAP AND CPR
First Aid Provider- someone trainied in the delivery Emergency Action Principles -The guiding rules to
of initial emergency procedures, using limited be employed by the first person, or person, on
equipment to perform a primary assesment and the scene of emergency
intervention until Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Emergency - Is a situation where someone needs
personnel arrive. help quickly
First Aid- Is often not nearly as complicated as most
Roles and Responsibilities of a First Aid Provider people think
1. Bridge that fills the gap between the
patient and the physician. EMERGENCY ACTION PRINCIPLES (EAP)
2. Ensure safety for him/herself and that of 1. SAFETY
bystanders. 2. WAKE THE PERSON
3. Summon advanced medical care as 3. 9 - 1 - 1 / EMS
4. Provide needed care for the patient Check for the following:
5. Record all findings and care given to the 1. Airway
victim 2. Breathing
3. Circulation
Characteristics of a Good First Aider
Gentle - should not cause pain Guidelines in Giving Emergency Care:
Resourceful - should make the best use of things at 1. Planning of Action
hand. 2. Gathering of Needed Materials
Observant - should notice all signs 3. Remember the initial response as follows
Tactful - should not alarm the victim.
Empathetic - should be comforting. Guidelines in Giving Emergency Care:
A- Ask for help
Respectable - should maintain a professional and
I - Intervene
caring attitude.
D - Do not further harm
Hindrances in Giving First Aid
1.Unfavorable surroundings Guidelines in Giving Emergency Care:
2.The Precense of Crowds 1. Planning of Action
3.Pressure from the patient`s relatives 2. Gathering of Needed Materials
3. Remember the initial response as follows
Transmission of Diseases 4. Instruction to helpers
blood and bodily fluids infectious. Instruction to helpers- These are actions done in
order to ensure your safety and that of the
Transmission of Diseases victim’s chance of survival
1. Direct Contact a. Scene Survey
Occurs when a person touches an infected - Once you recognize that an emergency
person`s bodily fluids. has occurred and decided to act, you
2. Indirect Contact must make sure that emergency scene is
Occurs when a person touches objects that safe for you and any bystanders.
have been contaminated by blood or infected
person`s bodily fluids. Take time to survey the scene and answer these
3. Airborne/Inhalation- Occurs when the person questions:
inhales infected droplets as an infected person -Is the scene safe?
coughs or sneezes. -What happened?
4.Vector/Animal Bite- occurs when an animal such -How many people are injured?
as a dog or an insect, such as tick, transmits a -Are there bystanders who can help?
pathogen into the body through a bite. -Identify yourself as a trained CPR Provider.
-Get consent to give care.
- Once you recognize that an emergency Chest Compression - Is a technique used to
has occurred and decided to act, you circulate the blood of a patient whose heart is no
must make sure that emergency scene is longer beating effectively enough to sustain life
safe for you and any bystanders. Rescue Breathing- Is a technique of breathing air
into person lungs to supply him or her with the
Check for responsiveness oxygen needed to survive
-Is the scene safe? Compression only CPR- If a person is unwilling or
-What happened? unable to perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation for an
-How many people are injured? adult victim, chest compression only-CPR should be
-Are there bystanders who can help? provided rather than no attempt of CPR
-Identify yourself as a trained CPR Provider.
-Get consent to give care. When should CPR be terminated?
- Once you recognize that an emergency
has occurred and decided to act, you
must make sure that emergency scene is
safe for you and any bystanders.
4. Instruction to helpers
a. Scene Survey
b. Activation of Medical Assistance
/Depending on the situation:
- Call First and Care First
- A bystander should make the
telephone/cellphone call for help (if
- Somebody will ask to arrange for transfer
/Information to remember in activating medical
- What happened?
- Location?
- Number of persons injured?
- Extent of injury and first aid given?
- The telephone/cellphone number from
where you are calling?
- Person who activated medical assistance
must identify him/herself and drop the
phone last
c. Primary Survey
/Check for ABC
A- irway (look)
B- breathing (listen)
C- circulation (feel)

d.Secondary Survey
Once you are certain that there are no life-
threatening conditions, you can begin the
secondary survey
Interview the victim
Check for vital sign
Perform head-to-toe examination (looking for


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation -This is a
combination chest compression and rescue
breathing. This must be combined for effective
resuscitation of the victim of cardiac arrest.

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