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Guard Your Heart

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Mental health & total well-being
Table of


Chapter 1 - Condemnation from the Past

Chapter 2 - Worry and Anxiety for the
Chapter 3 - Living in the Present
Chapter 4 - Lesson from New Testament
Chapter 5 – Messianic Credentials
Chapter 6 - Lesson from Old Testament

It is stated in Romans 13:7-8 that honor should
be given to whom honor is due, respect to
whom respect and by extension, credit to whom

I have been sitting under the anointed

teachings of Pastor Joseph Prince of New
Creation Church (NCC) since June 2008.
Through him, the blessed Holy Spirit has opened
up the scriptures to reveal Jesus the Christ and
thereby truly exemplified what it means by the
Holy Bible being the living Word of God.

It was by the obedience of Pastor Joseph

Prince to faithfully and fearlessly preach the
Gospel of grace that provided me the impetus to
crack open the Bible to get to know my Lord
Jesus better. It is by the anointed teachings of
the written Word following through him that I
continually receive fresh and living perspectives
of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thank you Pastor Prince!

This book represents my takeaway from the
Sunday sermon of 5 September 2021 by
Pastor Joseph Prince of New Creation
Church (NCC).

The sermon touched on the paramount

importance of guarding the heart and how to
focus on the one thing needful for both mental
health and total well-being. As I meditate on
the sermon, I managed to unearthed Jesus from
the account of the first battle of ancient Israel
after leaving Egypt.

Reference was also drawn from pastor’s

Sunday sermon of 25 April 2021.

This literature is in no way affiliated to or

endorsed by NCC nor by Pastor Prince. It is my
way of sharing the Gospel as the recipient of
God's love, mercy, and grace. Freely have I
received, freely I give.

Let all glory redound to our Lord Jesus Christ!

As we navigate through the vicissitudes of life,
we inevitably allow the heavy burden of
condemnation from the past and the unsettling
rush to prepare for the future squeeze out the
joy of the present! We find the mind being
pulled in many directions and the heart weighed
down by debilitating emotions.

In the process of surviving the mindless and

ludicrous rat race, we lose our very self. The
devil has blinded our minds to allow the fallen
world to define our identity with insignificant
temporal things such that we completely lost
sight of the much more significant things of
eternal value – 2 Corinthians 4:4, 18.

We are unwittingly wasting the present by

regretting the past and worrying about the
future. Elohim did not mean for us to have such
a miserable life.
The divine Godhood or Godhead comprises
three distinct Persons of:
1. God the Father;
2. God the Son; and
3. God the Holy Spirit.

Three distinct Persons but One God; the Holy

Trinity. Collectively, they are called Elohim; God
in plural form. Elohim has provided His sound
counsel in the Holy Bible on how to emerge
victorious in this transient journey on earth. The
Holy Bible is a collection of 66 books written by
different people who lived in diverse eras that
spanned across centuries. Yet, there is a
consistency in those literature; a crimson thread
that runs across the holy book from cover to
cover. The Holy Bible is broadly divided into:
1. Old Testament (39 books);
2. New Testament (27 books).
Down through history, there have been many
versions or interpretations of the Bible with
each bringing out the varied aspects of the
wisdom of God. In this book, all scriptures are
quoted from the Amplified Bible unless
otherwise stated.

God the loving Father has advised us to guard

the heart above everything else because out of
the heart springs forth the issues of life –
Proverbs 4:23. As His signature style, our
loving Father God has provided a way to
insulate the heart against the condemning and
unnerving voices that raise ruckus within the
deepest recess of our soul. This insulation is
found in the peace (“Shalom” in Hebrew) that
Christ crucified has bequeathed to believers as
an inheritance.
“Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I
give to you; not as the world gives do I give to
you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it
be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in
every circumstance and give you courage and
strength for every challenge.]”
- John 14:27

Shalom is an all-encompassing word that means

peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness,
prosperity, welfare and tranquility; in short,
total and overall well-being.

As total defence is fundamentally crucial to a

country, so is shalom to the soul.

This shalom swallows up condemnation of the

past as well as the worry and anxiety of the
uncertain future.
Chapter 1
Condemnation from the Past
The gift of no condemnation resolves issues of
the past – Romans 8:1.

Christ Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all

people – Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; 1
Timothy 2:6.

Ransom is a payment.

Condemnation shoots three fiery arrows at the

soul but Christ crucified has efficaciously
quenched all of them - Colossians 2:15; 1 Peter

Sin Conscience
Jesus paid in full the sin debt we owe God. “It is
finished”, “Tetelestai” in Greek meaning “Paid in
Full” - John 19:30. This pacifies the sin
Guilty Conscience/Unforgiveness
Jesus will compensate 120% for all the wrongs
we have done to others - Leviticus 6:4-5. The
same applies when others wronged us. Hence,
rejoice when persecuted. This answers the
guilty conscience and soothes the agony of

Does this mean we can go on doing wrong to

others and continually allow others to wrong us?
Of course not!

Christ has doused the consuming fire of guilt so

that we can be free to live out the new lease of

The Lord has also advocated prudence -

Proverbs 22:3, Proverbs 27:12. When someone
has proven to be a wolf in sheep clothing time
and again, stay away - 1 Corinthians 5:11.
God will restore whatever we have lost – Joel
2:25-27; Zechariah 9:12. This addresses the
regrets in life.

We can therefore boldly speak to the past,

“Peace, be still! For there is therefore NOW no

condemnation for me because I am in Christ
– Mark 4:39, NKJV; Romans 8:1.
My NOW; TODAY, is free from condemnation
to enjoy the present moment!

Christ crucified has paid my sin debt in full –

John 19:30, 1 Timothy 2:6.

He will make good the wrongs that I have done

to others and vice-versa – Leviticus 6:4-5.
Whatever I have lost, God will restore - Joel
2:25-27; Zechariah 9:12.

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Old things

have passed away (kicked the bucket) and
behold, new things have come – 2 Corinthians
5:17. My past is but a chapter in the book of my
life. It is closed. Henceforth, I focus on writing
the new chapter of the present.
“Forget what was behind and reach forward to
what lies ahead. Let’s press on toward the goal
to win the heavenly prize of the upward call of
God in Christ Jesus.”
- Philippians 3:13-14

With the lease of new life, let’s not return to the

ugly past as a dog to its vomit and a pig to the
mire – Romans 6:20-21; Proverbs 26:11; 2
Peter 2:22.
The following is to me the highlight of the
Sunday sermon of 25 April 2021 by Pastor
Joseph Prince of New Creation Church:

“Guilt cannot be in two places at the same time.

It is either on Jesus or it is on you. If it is on you,
then you will bear it. If it is on Jesus, it cannot
be on you. Where guilt is, there is no

Live a victorious life by the

obedience of Jesus Christ.
Check out the book at
Chapter 2
Worry and Anxiety for the
The promises of God give confident hope for a
bright future – Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Corinthians
1:20. March into the future without the
emotional baggage of the past.

Hurry not into the future. Hurrying is unbelief. It

disrupts the unforced rhythm of grace –
Matthew 11:28-30, The Message.

Whoever believes Whoever believes will

will not act hastily not be put to shame
- Isaiah 28:16, - 1 Peter 2:6, NKJV
Hurrying or acting hastily results in shame or
disappointment. Hasty feet miss the way. Jesus
is the way, the truth and the life – Proverbs
19:2; John 14:6, NIV.

We miss out on the abundant life that Jesus

died to give us when we hurry or act hastily –
John 10:10.

Those who hurry misses the mark and falls short

of the glory of God – Proverbs 19:2, Romans
3:23. Let patience do its perfect work so that
we may be mature and complete, lacking
nothing – James 1:4.

Prosperity comes from the Lord and He adds no

sorrows to it – Proverbs 10:22.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in
vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman
keeps awake in vain.”
- Psalm 127:1

Look at how the flowers grow. They neither toil

nor spin – Luke 12:27.

The word “Toil” is “Kopiaó” in Greek and it

means to grow weary, tired, wearisome effort.
In short, BURN OUT!

Let not the pursuit of material things destroy the

soul because life is not in the abundance of
possessions. What’s the point of gaining the
world and yet forfeit the soul? – Luke 12:15;
Mark 8:36.
Do not have an anxious mind over material stuff
because our loving Father knows we need them.
It is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom
and all things to enjoy – Luke 12:29-30; 1
Timothy 6:17.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by

prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let
your requests be made known to God; and the
peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.”
– Philippians 4:6-7, New King James Version
The crux of the matter is whether we enjoy
what we do and have. If the things we do and
have produce stress, they are not from our
loving Father.

Do we need to lose any virtue and morality in

what we do or in exchange for we have? If so,
that is not the life God the Father intended for
us to have.
Chapter 3
Living in the Present
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I now
bequeathed to you. Let not your heart be
troubled neither let it be afraid.”
– John 14:27

Guard your heart with the inheritance of

shalom. That precious inheritance includes the
gift of no condemnation and the wonderful
promises of God.

Let not the burden of condemnation from the

past and the unsettling rush to prepare for the
uncertain future squeeze out the joy of the
present! The grace of God is for us to enjoy the
present moment, TODAY!

"Give us today our daily bread (the essentials

of life, italics added by me)."
- Matthew 6:11, NIV
We partake of the Holy Communion to celebrate
the joy and victory that our Lord Jesus died to
give us – 1 Corinthians 11:26.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and

destroy; Jesu have come that we may have life,
and have it to the full" – John 10:10.

Christ crucified has set us free from the guilt

and regrets of the past and secured for us a
bright future. This is so that we can thoroughly
enjoy the present; a gift bought with His
precious blood!

God covers our back (past) and watches our

front (future) so that we can enjoy His
provisions for the present. This is just like how
He was the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar
of fire by night – Exodus 13:17-22. It alluded to
His holistic provident care!
There will be challenges in life - John 16:33.

But having done everything that the crisis

demands, we stand firm on victory ground. We
remain in rest to experience the faithfulness of
God – Psalm 46:10; Ephesians 6:13.

We can participate in the present moment and

not be pounded by the regrets of the past or
pressurized by uncertainties of the future.

Let’s flow with the rhythm of grace – Matthew

11:28-30, The Message.
Chapter 4
Lesson from New Testament
The account of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-
42, New King James Version presented a
stark difference between STRESS and REST.

Jesus visited the home of the sisters Martha and

Mary. While Martha was busy and distracted
with all the serving and responsibilities, Mary
sat at Jesus’s feet and heard
(mused/meditate) His word.

The culture of the day placed much emphasis on

hospitality. The biblical patriarch Abraham was
presented as the paragon of hospitality in a
Midrash because of his reception of wayfarers
in Genesis 18:1-8. Not only were food and
lodging to be provided for passing travelers,
the travelers must also be accommodated
Midrash refers to the interpretation and
elaboration of the first five books of the Holy
Bible with oral traditions. It is akin to the
Interpretation Act of legal statutes that define
certain terms and expressions to be used for
interpreting written laws.

Yet Jesus said that He came not to be served

but to serve – Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45.

"Christianity is not a religion of performance. It

is all about having a relationship with the loving
God. And a relationship is founded on
communications; a.k.a. prayers."
Mary heard Jesus’ Word. The word “heard”
means to muse or meditate. By doing so, it
would mean Mary internalized what Jesus said
and strongly suggests that she also asked
questions in order to understand.

Martha was distracted by man-made traditions

and completely missed the point of Jesus’ visit.
She was apparently stressed out and
consequently blamed both Jesus and her sister
by saying,

“Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me

to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”
Martha “whacked” both Jesus and Mary in one
sweeping statement:
1. Lord, You do not care (blamed Jesus); and
2. My sister has left me to serve alone (blamed

In my Ah Beng (someone perceived as uncouth

and uncultured) interpretation, it reads as,

“Lord, why You so boh chap (indifferent) about

my sister being so boh chap (indifference)? You
do something by telling her to not just sit there
but do something!”

Jesus then lovingly comforted Martha by

saying, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and
troubled about many things. But one thing is
needed, and Mary has chosen that good part,
which will not be taken away from her.”
Again in my Ah Beng interpretation, I read it as,

“Martha, Martha, you chap too much until you

are so stressed. Mary has chosen to chill. Relag

Does it not bring to mind Proverbs 19:3?

“The foolishness of man undermines his way

[ruining whatever he undertakes]; Then his
heart is resentful and rages against the Lord
[for, being a fool, he blames the Lord instead of

Martha means “Mistress” and carries the

connotations of someone who wants to be in
control; the A-type personality. On the other
hand, the name Mary has rebellion as its root
meaning which suggests rebelling against
Jesus’ response to Martha revealed the
underlying root of mental unrest as well as the
key to mental health.

The word is “Merimnao” in Greek which means
being divided into many parts; pulled in many
directions inwardly.

This word is “Thorybazo” in Greek with its root
from “Throeo” meaning riot/tumult. Lots of noise
from a crowd yelling in the head. Do this quick,
do that quickly! It is always hurrying and
This calls to remembrance a secular song that
goes along these lines:

“There’s a kind of rush, all over the world to

All over the world you can hear the sighs of
sorrowful plight.
You know what I mean.
So listen very carefully get closer now and
you will see what I mean
So stressed till you’re steamed!”
Good Part
The word part is “Meris” in Greek. Out of the
many parts (Merimnao), Mary chose the good
part (Meris). Out of the many parts, only one
part is necessary. Mary chose Meris!

Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and heard

(mused/meditated) His word. That was the good
part and it made the heart of Mary, merry!

The key to mental health is to be still (at rest)

and know that God is our loving Father Who
Himself tenderly loves us. He is faithful to help
us in our times of need – Psalm 46:10; John
16:27; Hebrews 13:5-6.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in
vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman
stays awake in vain.
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late,
to eat the bread of sorrows;
For so He gives His beloved sleep.”
- Psalms 127:1-2

Stress achieves nothing good. It only destroys.

Trust in the Lord and be at rest. Before the devil
can kill and destroy, he needs to first steal our
joy – John 10:10.

“Delight yourself in the Lord,

And He will give you the desires and petitions of
your heart.”
- Psalm 37:4
Chapter 5
Messianic Credentials
Jesus the Nazarene crucified is the love and
faithfulness of God personified – Romans 5:8;
Galatians 3:23-25.

The way to be convicted that Jesus the

Nazarene is indeed the Son of God Who came
as the Messiah is to see Jesus fulfilling all that
was written about the Messiah in the Old
Testament scriptures.
And beginning at Moses
and all the Prophets, He
My heart was hot
expounded (explained) to
within me; while I was
them in all the Scriptures
musing (meditating), the
the things concerning
fire burned. Then I
Himself. And they said to
spoke with my tongue.
one another, “Did not our
– Psalm 39:3, NKJV
heart burn within us
while He talked with us on
the road, and while He
opened the Scriptures to
us?” – Luke 24:27, 32,
The “hot and burning heart” refers to the rising
of faith.

The works that Jesus the Nazarene has done in

the Father’s Name are the credentials and the
evidence declaring Him as the promised
Messiah; the Son of God in human form – John
5:36; John 10:25, 37-28.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing how Jesus

the Nazarene has fulfilled all that was written
about the promised Messiah – Romans 10:17.

As faith arises, I believe. I believe and

therefore speak – 2 Corinthians 4:13, NKJV.

God has prepared a checklist of sorts to identify

the true Messiah.
Elohim has set out all the things that the true
Messiah would do on earth. You may like to read
about it in my Messianic series of books, free for
the taking:

Volume 1 - The Love of God

Volume 2 - God's Promise Concerning His
Volume 3 - Salvation Reaches to the End of
the Earth
Volume 4 - God Helps His Servant
Volume 5 - The Suffering Servant Exalted

These free resources can be found at


Feel free to check them out!

Chapter 6
Lesson from Old Testament
Exodus 17:8-9 recorded the FIRST BATTLE of
ancient Israel after leaving Egypt.

The Bible’s first mention of a concept is the

simplest and clearest presentation. Doctrines
are then more fully developed on that
foundation. This is the Law of First Mention.

Hence, the first mention of the battle by ancient

Israel portrays this concept:

“The devil attacks our resting places by painful

toil and worrisome labor!”

The key components of that monumental battle

1. Amalek the enemy;
2. Israel fought;
3. The battle ground of Rephidim.
Amalek the Enemy
Amalek is from the word “Amal” which means
painful toil; worrisome labor.

Israel Fought
The word “Fight” is “Lacham” in Hebrew and it is
connected to the word “Lechem” which means
bread or feed.

When we feed on the Word of God, we are

effectively fighting the battles of life. Yet it is
not us fighting the battle but the Lord - 2
Chronicles 20:15; Exodus 17:13; Revelation

The Battle Ground of Rephidim

Rephidim means “Resting places” in Hebrew.
“When Moses held up his hand, that Israel
prevailed; and when he let down his hand,
Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands became
heavy; so they took a stone and put it under
him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur
supported his hands, one on one side, and the
other on the other side; and his hands were
steady until the going down of the sun. So
Joshua (Jesus, italics added by me) defeated
Amalek (painful toil, worrisome labor, italics
added by me) and his people with the edge of
the sword (the Word of God and Jesus is the
Word – John 1:1-5; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews
4:12; Revelation 19:15, italics added by me). “
– Exodus 17:10-14
There are no insignificant details in the Bible. So
let’s take a look at the meaning of the four main
characters in that battle.

Aaron means “Exalted/Strong”. It alluded to
Jesus the Christ, the Name that is above very
name – Philippians 2:8-9.

Moses means “Draw out” and it pointed to the
Church as the called out ones – Colossians 1:13;
Revelation 18:4. Moses sat on a stone. The
stone referred to Jesus the Christ as the Chief
Cornerstone or foundation of the Church –
Ephesians 2:19-22.

The sitting posture alluded to resting in the

finished work of Christ - John 19:30.
Hur means “Freedom/Whiteness”. It was a
reference to the rest/peace that believers as
the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus enjoy
as an inheritance – John 14:27; 2 Corinthians

Jesus is “Yeshua” in Hebrew and it translates to

We see from Exodus 17:8-14 that when Moses

held up the rod of God with his hand, Israel
prevailed and when he let it down, the enemy
prevailed. The raising of the rod of God
symbolized the Cross; Christ crucified just as did
the bronze serpent on the pole in Numbers
21:8-9. The bronze serpent spoke of Jesus being
made in the likeness of sinful man and the pole,
the Cross – Romans 8:3.
Moses grew tired when He held up his hands by
his own strength. He needed to sit on the solid
foundation of the redemptive work of Jesus
Christ and leaned on the Name of Jesus as well
as the inheritance of shalom from Jesus to enjoy
perpetual victory.

"Christianity is not a religion of performance

based on own strength. It is absolute trust and
reliance on the efficacy of the redemptive work
of Christ crucified. This is the truth we have
seen in the account of Martha and Mary."

We experience fatigue when we fight the

battles of life in our own strength. But when we
lean on the rest and peace that our Lord Jesus
Christ died to give us, He Himself will fight the
battles for us. We simply enjoy the spoils of His
resounding victory! This is seen in Exodus 17:13.
It was Joshua (Jesus) who defeated Amalek.
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on
religion? Come to me. Get away with me and
you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take
a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—
watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms
of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting
on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn
to live freely and lightly.”
- Matthew 11:28-30, The Message

We labor in rest but we do not engage in

worrisome labour that debilitates.

When we rely on our own strength to secure the

future, we lose it. But when lean on the One
Who holds the future, we find it – Matthew
10:39; Matthew 16:25.
God the loving Father has given us the gift of
no condemnation that resolves issues of the past
– Romans 8:1. His wonderful promises provide
us with the confident hope for a bright future -
Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Corinthians 1:20.

Christ crucified has set us free from the guilt

and regrets of the past and secured for us a
bright future. This is so that we can thoroughly
enjoy the present; a gift bought with His
precious blood!

God has given us a life worth living and He

knows it will appear daunting and even
impossible. For this reason, He told us 365 times
in the Bible to fear not but be courageous. The
basis is simply this:

“God is with us, in us and for us.”

As we take each baby step towards that
eternal life, there will be opportunities for us to
worry. Condemning voices will come screaming
the lungs out as if we are making a huge
mistake. Each time we are tempted to give in
and give up, we look to Christ crucified, the
proof and demonstration of God’s love and
faithfulness. – Romans 5:8; Galatians 3:23-25.
We destroy every sophisticated argument and
lofty thing that set itself up against the love and
faithfulness of God. We take them captive to
the obedience of Christ Jesus. His obedience to
God the Father to die the death of the Cross is
the iron-clad guarantee of every promise of
God – 2 Corinthians 1:20.

Live a victorious life by the obedience of Jesus

Christ. Check out the book at
There will be season (s) of waiting that God use
to iron out the loose ends within us. There will be
strong headwinds of persecution, trials, and
temptations that attempt to push us back in our
walk with God. Yet, it is by these that we learn
the width and length and height and depth of
His love. It is during those times that we sink the
roots of our soul deep into the amazing and
endless love of God for us – Ephesians 3:7-9.

To derail us, the devil will dangle the carrots of

the worries and distractions of the world and
the superficial pleasures and delight of riches –
Matthew 13:18-23. But we look away from all
that distracts towards Jesus, the Author and
Finisher of faith - Hebrews 12:2.
Confidence in one’s resources or in the stability
of earthly things, the sensual craving of the
flesh and that of the eye are the baits of Satan
– 1 John 2:15-17. They are meant to lure us
away from the more blessed things that God
has in store for us – Proverbs 10:22.

Let us not grow weary for in due season we

shall reap if we faint not – Galatians 6:9. Let’s
fight the good fight of faith – 1 Timothy 6:12, 2
Timothy 4:7.

Let’s be encouraged by the man whom God

honored as the man after His own heart – 1
Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22.
David experienced strong headwinds in his walk
with God. Yet his testimony is this:

“I would have despaired had I not believed that

I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land
of the living. Wait for and confidently expect
the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes,
wait for and confidently expect the Lord.”
- Psalm 27:13-14
I hope to have been able to appeal to your
heart to consider the extraordinary love of God
the Father for you. May the Lord Jesus flood
your heart with His love.

I have also written the following books about

the immense love of God for you through God
the Son as Jesus of Nazareth:


1. Her Seed
2. Creation from the Lens of Redemption:
Redemption Plan Preceded Creation
3. The Redemption Plan Activated
1. The Marriage Metaphor
2. Power Follows Love
3. Preparation and Completion of the Temple
of God by David and Solomon
4. Burnt and Peace Offerings


True Love Beckons

I have also developed a game called “Crumble

and Tumble” to create a hazon vision of
smashing the COVID virus.

All the above resources are available at


Hope to see you there!

This book is about the paramount importance
of guarding the heart and how to focus on the
one thing needful for both mental health and
total well-being.
The devil attacks restfulness.
This concept was illustrated in the first ever
battle fought by ancient Israel against Amalek
in Rephidim when they departed from Egypt –
Exodus 17:8-14.
The fundamental meaning of a doctrine or
concept is found the first time it is mentioned in
the Bible. This is the Principle of First Mention.
The first mention of a concept in the Bible is
the simplest and presented in an easy-to-
understand fashion. More complex doctrinal
concepts are then developed from this basic
From studying the account of the first battle of
ancient Israel, we find our Lord Jesus hidden in
those passage of scriptures. As we behold the
beauty and perfection of the person of Jesus in
the Bible, we will be encouraged while waiting
on the Lord to manifest the wonderful blessings
He has died to give us. It is the cure for worry
and anxiety.
“There’s a kind of rush, all over the world to
All over the world you can hear the sighs of
sorrowful plight.
You know what I mean.
So listen very carefully get closer now and
you will see what I mean
So stressed till you’re steamed!”

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