Abiy Alemu
Abiy Alemu
Abiy Alemu
Abiy Alemu
June 2013
Abiy Alemu
June 2013
Place: Addis Ababa University
Institute of Technology
Date of submission: June 28, 2013
First and foremost I would like to thank the Almighty God for his unending blessings.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude and respect to my advisor Dr. Asnake Adamu for his
unreserved assistance, constructive, and timely comments at all stages of my work. His support on
technical as well as non-technical matters is greatly appreciated.
Besides, I would like to appreciate Richard M. Barker and Jay A. Puckett for their nice book which I used
as a main reference.
I am grateful to express my deepest gratitude to Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) research and training
department for their financial support towards the completion of this study.
I must also put on record my gratitude to my families and friends for their support during the course of my
work. Last but not least, I wish to acknowledge all those who have made their contribution towards the
success of this work.
Table of Content
Acknowledgement ………………………………….……...……………………………………………. i
List of Figures ……………………………………………………………….…………………….…... iv
List of Tables ……………………………………….….………………………………………………. vi
List of Symbols ………………………………………….……………………………………………. vii
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………………… xiii
1. Introduction ……………..…………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.1 Background ……………………………………………………..…………………………………. 1
1.2 Objective of the Thesis ………………………………………….………………………………… 1
1.3 Content of the Thesis ……………………………………………….……………………………... 2
2. Review of State of Art of Bridges ………………………..……….......………………………………. 3
2.1 Historical Development of Bridges in Ethiopia ……………...………………….………………... 3
2.2 Design Standards and Selection of Design Standards ……………………....…………………….. 3
2.2.1 Design Standards………………………………………......……………………………….. 3
2.2.2 Selection of Design Standards………………………...……………...…………………….. 4
2.3 Bridges Types and Classifications …………………...…………………….…………………….... 5
2.3.1 Types of Bridges …………………………...……………...……………………………….. 5
2.3.2 Classifications of Bridges ………………………...…...………………………………….... 5
2.4 Openings and Span Selections …………………………...……………..…………………………. 7
2.4.1 Openings ………………………………...……………………...………………………….. 7
2.4.2 Span Selections ………………………………...…………...……………………………… 7
2.5 Materials ………………………………………………...…….…………………………………... 8
2.5.1 Concrete …………………………………………...………………...……………………... 8
2.5.2 Reinforcing Steel …………………………….......………………...……………………..... 9
3. Condition Survey of Selected Bridges………………….……..…………………………………….. 10
3.1 Background …………………………………………….…………………………..…………….. 10
3.2 Objective of Condition Survey ………………………………..………….……………………… 10
3.3 Inventory and Inspection of Selected Bridges ………………..…………….……………………. 10
3.4 Site Findings ……………………………………………..…………….………………………… 20
3.5 Discussions ……………………………………………………..…….………………………….. 21
4. Analysis and Design of T-Girder and Box-Girder Bridges………….………..…………………… 22
4.1 Loadings, Material Properties, and Design Assumptions ……………..…….………………….... 22
4.1.1 Loadings ……………………………………….....………………...…………………….. 22
4.1.2 Material Properties ……………………..………………………...……………………….. 24
4.1.3 Design Assumptions ……………………….………………………...…………………… 24
4.2 Design Specification …………………………..……………………………….………………… 25
4.3 Analysis of Internal Forces and Design of T-Girder Bridges ………….….……………….…..… 27
4.3.1 Design Loads ………………………………………….……...………………….……..… 27
4.3.2 Load Distribution …………………………………..………...……………..………..…. 27
4.3.3 Analysis Procedures ………………………………..……………...……………………… 28
4.3.4 Design Procedures ………………………………….…………...………………………... 43
4.4 Analysis of Internal Forces and Design of Box-Girder Bridges ………………...……………….. 61
4.4.1 Design Loads …………………………….……………………………...………………... 61
4.4.2 Load Distribution …………………………….……………………………...…………..... 61
4.4.3 Analysis Procedures …………………….………………………………...………………. 61
4.4.4 Design Procedures …………………………………………………...…………………… 65
5. Computer Program for Demarcating T- or Box-Girder Bridges……….………………………… 72
5.1 Basis of Demarcation ……………………………………………………………………..……… 72
5.2 Computer Program for Analysis and Design of T- and Box- Girder Bridges …………..………... 72
5.3 Algorithms/Flow Chart ……………………………………………………………….………….. 72
5.3.1 Algorithms/Flow Chart for T-Girder Bridge ……………………………………...………. 72
5.3.2 Algorithms/Flow Chart for Box-Girder Bridge ……………………………...…………… 75
6. Results and Discussions ……………………………………….…………………………………….. 78
6.1 Demonstrative Design Examples ……………………………...……………..…………………... 78
6.2 Application of the Program and Results …………………………………….…………………… 78
6.2.1 Applications and Limitations of the Program …………………………...………………... 78
6.2.2 Results ……………………………………………………………………...……………... 81
6.3 Discussions ……………………………………………………………………….……………… 83
7. Conclusions and Recommendations ……………...……..………………………………………….. 84
7.1 Conclusions ……………………………...………………………………….…………………… 84
7.2 Recommendations ……………………………...…………………………….………………….. 85
References ……………………………..……...……..……...……………………………………….. 86
List of Figures
Figure 3.1 Abiya River Bridge …………………………………………………………………………………...…....... 11
Figure 3.2 Koga River Bridge …………………………………….…………………………………………………...... 12
Figure 3.3 Dilbazia River Bridge ……………………..………….…………………………………………..………… 13
Figure 3.4 Teda River Bridge …………………….………………….………………………………………..………… 14
Figure 3.5 Burure River Bridge …………………….………………….……………………………………..………… 15
Figure 3.6 Warkena River Bridge …………………….………………….…………………………………..………… 16
Figure 3.7 Mille River Bridge …………………………………….…………………………………………..………… 17
Figure 3.8 Semeno River Bridge ……….…………….……………..………………………………………..………… 18
Figure 3.9 Meterie River Bridge ……….….………….……………..………………………………………..………… 19
Figure 4.1 AASHTO-LRFD Design Truck …………………….…………………………………………..………… 23
Figure 4.2 Dead Load of Deck Slab …………………….……………………….…………………………..………… 29
Figure 4.3 Future Wearing Surface Dead-Load Placement …………………….………………..……..………… 30
Figure 4.4 Deck Overhang Dead-Load Placement ……………………………………………………………..…... 30
Figure 4.5 Barrier Dead-Load Placement …………………….…………………………...………………..………… 31
Figure 4.6 Wheel Load Placement on Overhang …….……….…….…………………………...………..………… 32
Figure 4.7 Live-Load Placement for Maximum Positive Moment …………………….……………..………… 33
Figure 4.8 Live-Load Placement for Maximum Negative Moment ……………………...…….…….………… 34
Figure 4.9 Live-Load Placement for Maximum Reaction at Exterior Girder ……………….……..………… 34
Figure 4.10 Cross Section of an Interior Girder …………………….……………………………...……..………… 35
Figure 4.11 Dead-Load Placement for Interior/Exterior Girder (L1≤ 12m) ………………..…….…………… 36
Figure 4.12 Dead-Load Placement for Interior/Exterior Girder (L1> 12m) ………………..…….....………… 37
Figure 4.13 Truck Moving to the Right …………………….……………………………………...………..………… 40
Figure 4.13.1 IL for Shear Force at “L1a” Distance from End Support ……………………...…….…….…..… 40
Figure 4.13.2 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support …………….…………………... 40
Figure 4.14 Truck Moving to the Left ……………………………………………………………..………………….. 41
Figure 4.14.1 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support ……………………….………... 41
Figure 4.15 Tandem Load ……………………..………………………………………………………...……………….. 42
Figure 4.15.1 IL for Shear Force at “L1a” Distance from End Support ………………………...……………… 42
Figure 4.15.2 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support …………………….…………... 42
Figure 4.16 Positive Moment Cracked Section ……………………………………………………………………... 47
Figure 4.17 Negative Moment Cracked Section …………………………………………...……………………….. 48
Figure 4.18 Elastic-Cracked Transformed Section ………………………………………...……………………….. 52
Figure 4.19 Uncracked / Gross section …………………………..……………......………………………………….. 54
Figure 4.20 Truck Load Deflection …...................................................................................................... ....................... 56
Figure 4.21 Truck Moving to the Right …..................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 4.21.1 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support …................................................ 57
Figure 4.22 Truck Moving to the Left …........................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 4.22.1 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support …................................................ 58
Figure 4.23 Cross Section of an Interior Girder …...................................................................................................... 62
Figure 4.24 Dead-Load Placement for Interior/Exterior Girder …........................................................................ 63
Figure 4.25 Uncracked / Gross Section …..................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 5.1 Longitudinal Section of a T-/ Box- Girder Bridge …............................................................................ 73
Figure 5.2 T-Girder Bridge Cross Section …................................................................................................................. 73
Figure 5.3 Box-Girder Bridge Cross Section …........................................................................................................... 76
Figure 6.1 Span Length vs. Total Superstructure Cost ….......................................................................................... 82
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Vertical Clearance from Superstructure to Design Flood Level …………………..………………….. 7
Table 4.1 Bridge Widths …………………………………………………………..…………………………..………….. 25
Table 4.2 Multiple Presence Factors ……………………………………………………...………………...………….. 26
Table 4.3 Dynamic Load Allowance ………………………………………..…………………………...…………….. 27
Table 6.1 Summary of Outputs for 20, 22, and 24m of T-Girder Bridges …………………..….…………….. 79
Table 6.2 Summary of Outputs for 20, 22, and 24m of Box-Girder Bridges ……….……….……………….. 80
Table 6.3 Unit Price for Construction Materials …………………………………………………....……………….. 81
Table 6.4 Total Superstructure Costs for Different Span Lengths …………………….…………..…………….. 82
List of Symbols
deftl = maximum deflection from 25% of truck load plus lane load
Dlc = dead load from curb
Dld = maximum dead load deflection
Dld1 = dead load deflection due to girder and deck slab
Dld2 = deflection due to diaphragm dead load
Dlge = the total dead load on exterior girder
Dlgi = the total dead load on interior girder
dlmax = maximum live load deflection of the bridge
Dloh = dead load from overhang slab
Dls = dead load from deck slab
Dlw = dead load from web
Dlwe = dead load from future wearing surface, exterior girder
Dlwi = dead load from future wearing surface, interior girder
dmax = maximum allowable live load deflection of the bridge
dn = effective depth for negative reinforcement
dod = effective depth for overhang main reinforcement
dp = effective depth for positive reinforcement
dppr (nb) = effective depth of interior girder at the nth bar iteration
Drp = dead load from posts and railing
dsk = diameter of skin reinforcing bars
dv1 = effective shear depth
dxi = deflection due to each truck load
d1t = diameter of temperature reinforcing bars
Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete
Ei = equivalent interior transverse strip width for negative live load moment
Eoh = equivalent interior transverse strip width for overhang negative live load moment
Es = modulus of elasticity of steel
Ew = equivalent interior transverse strip width for positive live load moment
Fc = cylindrical compressive strength of concrete
Ffr = limit for fatigue stress range
Fr = modulus of rupture
Fs = tensile stress in the bottom reinforcement at the service limit state
Fse = tensile stress in the top reinforcement at the service limit state
Fs1 = tensile stress in main reinforcing bars at the service limit state
Fsmax = maximum fatigue stress due to total load
Fsmin = minimum fatigue stress due to dead load
Fsran = fatigue stress range
Fy = yield strength of reinforcing bars
Gs = girder spacing
Icr = moment of inertia of transformed cracked section, deck slab
Icr1 = moment of inertia of transformed cracked section, girder
Ieff = effective moment of inertia
Igt = gross moment of inertia of about the centroid
ILOa, ILOb = influence line ordinates for support reaction
ILOc, ILOd = influence line ordinates for span moment
ILOe, ILOf = influence line ordinates for support moment
ILOg = influence line ordinate for girder reaction
L1 = center-to-center span length of a bridge
L1a = position of the wheel load
m = multiple presence factor
Mad = maximum moment in the component at stage for which deformation is computed
Mcr = cracking moment
Mdl (L1a) = moment due to dead load at L1a distance from support for interior girder.
Mdle (L1a) = moment due to dead load at L1a distance from support for exterior girder.
Mge = distribution factor for moment of exterior beams
Mgi = distribution factor for moment of interior beams
Mgve = distribution factor for shear of exterior beams
Mgvi = distribution factor for shear of interior beams
Mni (nb) = section capacity of the girder for flexure
Mnn = section capacity for negative moment
Mnp = section capacity for positive moment
Mtml (L1a) = bending moment at a distance L1a due to tandem and lane load
Mtrf1 (L1a) = bending moment for fatigue stress computation at a distance L1a due to truck load
moving to the right
Mtrf2 (L1a) = bending moment for fatigue stress computation at a distance L1a due to truck load
moving to the left
Mtrl1 (L1a) = bending moment at a distance L1a due to truck moving to the right and lane load
Mtrl2 (L1a) = bending moment at a distance L1a due to truck moving to the left and lane load
Mun = factored design negative moment
Mup = factored design positive moment
m1, m2, m3 = influence line coefficeints for shear force due to truck loads
m1’, m2’, m3’ = influence line coefficeints for moment due to truck loads
M200 = the maximum overhang moment at the face of support
M200b = support moment at B due to own weight of barrier
M200o = support moment at B due to own weight of overhang
M200ol = overhang negative live load moment at support B
M200w = support moment at B due to own weight of wearing surface
M204 = the maximum span/ positive moment
M204b = span moment on span BC at a distance 0.4*Gs from support B due to own weight of
M204d = span moment on span BC at a distance 0.4*Gs from support B due to own weight of
deck slab
M204o = span moment on span BC at a distance 0.4*Gs from support B due to own weight of
M204pl = maximum positive live load moment
M204s = maximum positive moment for service limit state investigation
M204w = span moment on span BC at a distance 0.4*Gs from support B due to own weight of
wearing surface
M300 = the maximum support/ negative moment at the face of support
M300b = support moment at C due to own weight of barrier
M300d = support moment at C due to own weight of deck slab
M300nl = maximum interior negative live load moment
M300o = support moment at C due to own weight of overhang
M300s = maximum negative moment for service limit state investigation
M300w = support moment at C due to own weight of wearing surface
n = modular steel ratio
Ng = total number of girders
NL = number of design lanes
n1, n2 = influence line coefficeints for shear force due to tandem loads
n1’, n2’ = influence line coefficeints for moment due to tandem loads
Pd = post depth
Pe = percentage of distribution reinforcement
Ph = post height
Pll1 = design truck load
Pn = total number of posts
Ps = post spacing
Pw = post width of concrete
P1, P2 = truck loads
P3 = tandem load
Rd = railing depth of concrete
Rw = roadway width of the bridge
Rww = railing width of concrete
R3 = steel reinforcement ratio
R8 (nb) = steel reinforcement ratio at the nth bar iteration
R200 = the maximum reaction on the exterior girder
R200b = support reaction at B due to own weight barrier
R200d = support reaction at B due to own weight of deck slab
R200el = maximum live load reaction on the exterior girder
R200o = support reaction at B due to own weight of overhang
R200pl = exterior girder reaction
R200w = support reaction at B due to own weight of wearing surface
Sa3 = spacing of reinforcement in the longitudinal direction, bottom slab
Sb3 = spacing of top and bottom reinforcement in the transversal direction, bottom slab
Sdi = spacing of distribution reinforcing bars
Se = spacing of negative main reinforcing bars
Se3 = spacing of overhang main reinforcing bars
Si = spacing of posetive main reinforcing bars
Skio = spacing of skin reinforcing bars
Smaxi = maximum spacing of main reinforcing bars for crack control
Smaxn = maximum spacing of negative moment reinforcement for crack control
Smaxp = maximum spacing of positive moment reinforcement for crack control
Srip = spacing of shear reinforcing bars provided
Sst = spacing of temperature reinforcing bars
Sx = clear spacing between girders
ts = thickness of deck slab
tsb = thickness of bottom slab
Vcc1 = the nominal shear strength provided by the concrete
Vdl (L1a) = shear due to dead load at L1a distance from support for interior girder
Vdle (L1a) = shear due to dead load at L1a distance from support for exterior girder
Vdv1 = design maximum factored shear force at L1a distance from center of support
Vsi1 = the nominal shear strength provided by the shear reinforcement
Vtml (L1a) = shear force at a distance L1a due to tandem and lane load
Vtrl (L1a) = shear force at a distance L1a due to truck and lane loads
Wdw = weight of future wearing surface
Wls = beam seat width, left
wl1 = design lane load
Woh = weight of overhang slab
Wrs = beam seat width, right
Ws = weight of deck slab
X = position of the wheel load from exterior girder
X2 = neutral axis depth, positive moment
X22 = neutral axis depth from top extreme fiber
X3 = neutral axis depth, negative moment
Yb = bituminous density
Yc = concrete density
Ysg = centroid of the cross section measured from bottom of girder
Yst = centroid of transformed cross section measured from bottom of girder
Bridges affect people. People use them, and engineers design them and later build and maintain them.
Bridges do not just happen. They must be planned and engineered before they can be constructed.
Planning and designing of bridges is part art and part compromise, the most significant feature of
structural engineering.
Design standards recommend span lengths to be the basic criteria for selecting bridge types, such as T-or
Box-Girder bridge. Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) bridge design manual recommends reinforced
concrete T-Girder bridges can be economical for spans from 12 to 20m and Box-Girder bridges for span
lengths of between 30-90m. According to Addis Ababa City Roads Authority (AACRA) bridge design
manual of 2004, the recommended span length range for a reinforced concrete T-Girder bridge is 10 - 20m
and that of the Box-Girder bridge is 15-35m.
In some design standards, such as AACRA bridge design manual of 2004 and AASHTO bridge design
specifications of 2005, overlap in there recommendation of economical span range for T-Girder and Box-
Girder bridges have been perceived. Furthermore, inconsistency in selection of the bridge type based on
provided span length is also verified while conducting the site visit for this study. Hence, identifying a
clear demarcation of span length for selecting the bridge type (T- / Box-Girder), on the basis of economy,
happens to be found indispensable.
This study basically concentrates on developing a computer program using “FORTRAN 95” programming
language software for analysis, design, and cost estimate of superstructures of reinforced concrete T-
Girder and Box-Girder bridges. As a result, it come up with a solution for the design problems associated
with the economical span range of the two types of bridges.
A comparative study on the basis of cost of materials (construction cost) is conducted to select and
identify the economical span range of T-Girder and Box-Girder bridges. The developed program is
demonstrated using particular examples of both T-Girder and Box-Girder bridges.
The study has procured a solution to benefit clients, consulting firms and contractors working in road
infrastructure sector in the design and design review (checking) process.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The structural design scheme of the bridge presents a complex problem for the structural designers despite
the presence of modern technology and advanced computer facilities. The scope of such a problem
encompasses the rational for the determination of general dimensions of the structure, the span system (i.e.
number and length of spans), the choice for type of substructure. Also, within this scope, there is a demand
to find the most advantageous solution to the design problem in order to determine the maximum safety
with minimum cost and compatible with structural engineering principles [8].
The analysis and design of reinforced concrete T-girder and Box-girder bridges using excel spread sheet
template takes longer time, demands more effort and requires high degree of accuracy. Moreover, the
economical span range for the two types of bridges is not clearly demarcated. As referred to many
literatures [6, 7, 8], there is overlap of span range for the two types of bridges. Accordingly, most of bridge
designers here in our country experience obscurity in selecting the more appropriate bridge type, on the
basis of economy, for the span overlap range.
A thesis submitted to the school of graduate studies of Addis Ababa University by Abrham Gebre [1], a
Computer Program for Comparative Study of the Analysis and Design of Slab and T-Girder Bridges,
simplifies the drawbacks associated with excel spread sheet templates for analyzing and designing of slab
and T- Girder bridges and also demarcates the economical span range of the two types bridges. Accounting
the prevailing component cost for construction of Bridges.
Economy is the governing factor among other requirements of a bridge like aesthetics, maintainability, for
developing countries like Ethiopia. Hence, in view of saving investments also facilitating the design and
design checking process, a comparative study, using computer program, to select and identify the
economical span range of T- and Box- girder bridges on the basis of cost of materials (construction cost) is
the focus of this study.
To selected with the aid of the developed program, the more appropriate type of bridge used or to
be used
Chapter 2 is devoted to literature survey where, historical development of bridge construction in Ethiopia,
design standards and the criteria for selection of design standards, type and classification of bridges,
determination of opening and span length of a bridge briefed, in addition to materials selection during
design for construction.
Chapter 3 addresses the background and objective of the condition survey, inventory and inspection of
selected bridges which encompass the site visit in aggregate and observations during the visit. Moreover,
site findings and discussions on the findings are also addressed in this chapter.
Chapter 4 focused on the considerations that need to be taken in to account while designing T - and Box -
Girder Bridges, with specific attention to loadings, materials properties and design assumption. Moreover,
it also addresses the design specifications considered during analysis and design of bridges as per the
design standards. The core and specific input of the researcher is presented under this chapter, indicating
all the necessary steps and calculations used in the developed source program.
Chapter 5 describes the basis of selection of bridges and the general overview of the computer program.
Moreover, the whole analysis, design and cost estimate process for the two types of bridges addressed
using algorithms and flowcharts.
Chapter 6 presents illustrative design examples, applications and limitations of the developed program,
and summary of outputs for different span lengths of the two types of bridges. Discussion on the summary
of outputs is also incorporated.
The last chapter of this thesis is made to address the conclusion drawn from the outputs based on the
developed program and recommendations on the basis of the findings.
2 Review of State of Art of Bridges
2.1 Historical Development of Bridges in Ethiopia
Bridge construction in Ethiopia was early started on Blue Nile River near Alata, Almeida Bridge, where
thick log is placed across the narrow rocky banks. During the period following Fassiledes (after 1667) it is
said that many bridges were constructed in Gonder and Lake Tana area [1].
In Addis Ababa, the first standard bridge was constructed on Kebena River in 1902 by a Russian Engineer
after their compatriot was drowned. The second was Ras Mekonnen Bridge, arch type bridge, in 1908 [1].
Quite considerable numbers of bridges were constructed in the years 1935-1945, the years of occupation
by Italians. Notable bridges have been constructed since 1970’s (i.e., during the last 30 years). A bridge on
Baro River with a total span of 305m is one of the longest span bridges in the country, constructed during
this period [1]. Slab, T-Girder, and Box-Girder bridges made using reinforced concrete, mostly with
simple supports but either single span or spans in series are the most commonly used bridges in Ethiopia
In the beginning, the design philosophy utilized in the standard specification was working stress design
(also known as allowable stress design). In the 1970s, variations in the uncertainties of loads, such as
vehicular loads and wind forces, were considered and load factor design was introduced as an alternative
method. In 1986, the Subcommittee on Bridge and Structures initiated a study on incorporating the load
and resistance factor design (LRFD) philosophy in to the standard specification. This study recommended
that LRFD be utilized in the design of highway bridges. The LRFD method is introduced by AASHTO
since 1994 [7].
ERA Bridge Design Manual
ERA Bridge Design Manual deal with small and medium sized structures and used for all structures within
the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) throughout the country [5]. This standard is based mainly on the
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 2nd edition, 1998, with modifications to Ethiopian conditions, requirements, and applicable
laws of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
The Design Standard provides all the necessary procedural guidance, dimensions, and materials advice to
enable a civil engineer with some field experiences to prepare appropriate preliminary and detailed
designs for small and medium sized bridges [5].
The manual covers the entire design process in terms of both the:
Time-related process, proceeding from feasibility study through preliminary design and
final design to bridge inspection and strength evaluation of old bridges; and
Total design from foundations to superstructure to bearing and railing.
2.3 Bridge Types and Classifications
2.3.1 Types of Bridges
In the selection of a bridge type, there is no unique method of obtaining the “correct” answer. For each
span length range, more than one bridge type will satisfy the design criteria. Due to regional differences
and preferences of available materials, skilled workers and knowledgeable contractors, the type of bridge
selected may vary in different areas for the same set of geometric and subsurface circumstances [7].
The types of bridges for general use fall under the following category [4]:
Simply supported bridges, suitable for short spans.
Balanced cantilever bridges, good for increased span and are mostly of reinforced concrete
and / or pre-stressed concrete construction.
Multiple but simple spans in series, used for medium or long span bridges.
Continuous beams: advantages over simple spans for reduced weight, greater stiffness
(smaller deflection), and less number of bearings. Continuous spans also provide redundancy
and hence greater overload capacity than simple spans.
Arch bridges: suitable for large spans.
Rigid frame bridges: where the horizontal deck slabs are made monolithic with the vertical
abutment walls and are economically suitable for moderate-medium span lengths.
Reinforced Concrete is used extensively in highway bridges in short and medium spans because of its
economy, durability, low maintenance costs, adaptability to any geometric alignment, and ease of
construction. The major advantage in the use of concrete bridge is the wide variation that can be achieved
in form [4].
Concrete can be used in many different ways and often many different configurations are feasible.
However, market forces, projects and site conditions affect the relative economy of each option and this
lead to selecting the different forms of bridge as slab, T- or Box-Girder, Arch etc.
T-Girder Bridges
The T-beam construction consists of a transversely reinforced slab deck which spans across to the
longitudinal support girders. These require a more-complicated formwork, particularly for skewed
bridges, compared to the other superstructure forms [8]. Based on span lengths T-beam bridges are the
next class of structures beyond the range of longitudinally reinforced slabs and may be considered for
spans 45 to 90 ft. (13.5-27 m) long [6]. They shall be used for span lengths between 12-20m [5]. They are
generally economical for spans 10-20 m [2] & [7] and for spans 12 to 18 m [8].
T-Girder bridges usually are constructed on ground-supported falsework and require a good finish on all
surfaces [7]. The girder stem thickness usually varies from 35 to 55 cm and is controlled by the required
horizontal spacing of the positive moment reinforcement. Optimum lateral spacing of longitudinal girders
is typically between 1.8 and 3.0 m for a minimum cost of formwork and structural materials. However,
where vertical supports for the formwork are difficult and expensive, girder spacing can be increased
accordingly [8].
Box-Girder Bridges
Multicell reinforced concrete box girders become practical at about the maximum optimum span length of
a T-girder bridge. They contain top deck, vertical web, and bottom slab and are often used for spans of 15
to 36 m with girders spaced at 1.5 times the structure depth [8]. These bridges are used for spans of 15-35
m and are often more economical than steel girders and precast concrete girders [2] & [7]. They are
usually considered for spans of 95 to 140 ft (28.5-42 m). Beyond this range, it is probably more
economical to consider a different type of bridge, such as post-tensioned box girder or steel girder
superstructure, due to massive increment in volume and materials [6].
Cast-in-place box-girder bridges can be constructed to follow any desired alignment in plan, so that
straight, skew, and curved bridges of various shapes are common in the highway system. Because of the
high torsional resistance, a box girder structure is particularly suited to bridges with significant curvature
[6]. Appearance is good from all directions and they are excellent choices in metropolitan areas [7].
2.4 Openings and Span Selections
2.4.1 Openings
Bridges over rivers will normally require a certain opening of hydraulic reasons. The opening must be
large enough not to cause any damage due to backwater [5]. Sometimes it shall be necessary to
compensate for the backwater by means of training or relining the stream. For bridges above roadways,
the opening width shall not be less than that of the approach roadway section, including shoulders or
curbs, gutters, and sidewalks [3]. Sometimes aesthetical reasons require a larger opening than necessary
Bridges over water shall normally have a minimum clearance (free board) height according to Table 2.1
unless a refined hydraulic analysis has been made [5]. The standard minimum headroom or vertical
clearance for under bridges or tunnels of all classes of roads shall be 5.1 m [5]. This clearance should be
maintained over the roadway(s) and shoulders. Where future maintenance of the roadway is likely to lead
to a raising of the road level, then an additional clearance up to 0.1 m may be provided.
A bridge aligned at right angles to the river results in the shortest superstructure length. A skewed bridge
requires more material and is more complicated to design and construct. If a skew is unavoidable the angle
should preferably not to exceed 20° [5].
Span length should be [5]:
For simple spans: the distance center to center of supports but need not exceed clear span
plus thickness of slab.
For members that are not built integrally with their supports: the clear span plus the depth of
the member but need not exceed the distance between centers of supports.
Span length should give the placing of the piers regardless of type or dimensions selected at a later stage.
It is normally measured at the alignment and given as stations.
2.5 Materials
Reinforced concrete has become universally accepted material for bridge work in a variety of dominant
structural forms. The range of applications covers all-concrete structures and nobel combinations of
concrete decks supported on steel beams or girders. The broad acceptability of reinforced concrete is
related to the availability of structural materials such as reinforcing bars and the constituents of concrete:
sand, aggregate, and cement. The choice is enhanced by the relative simple skills required at the site [6].
2.5.1 Concrete
Concrete is a conglomerate artificial stone. It is a mixture of large and small particles held together by a
cement paste that hardens and will take the shape of the formwork in which it is placed. The proportions
of the coarse and fine aggregate, Portland cement, and water in the mixture influence the properties of the
hardened concrete [7].
In most cases a bridge engineer will select a particular class of concrete from a series of predesigned
mixes, usually on the basis of the desired 28-day compressive strength, fc’. These classes intended for use
as follows [7]:
Class A concrete is generally used for all elements of structures and especially for concrete
exposed to salt water.
Class B concrete is used in footings, pedestals, massive pier shafts, and gravity walls.
Class C concrete is used in thin sections under 100 mm in thickness, such as reinforced
railings and for filler in steel grid floors.
Class P concrete is used when strengths exceeding 28 MPa are required.
Class S concrete is used for concrete deposited under water in cofferdams to seal out water.
The water-cement ratio (W/C) by weight is the single most important strength parameter in concrete. The
lower the W/C ratio, the greater is the strength of the mixture. Obviously, increasing the cement content
increases the strength for a given amount of water in the mixture. For each class of concrete a minimum
amount of cement in (kg/m3) is specified.
To obtain quality concrete that is durable and strong, it is necessary to limit the water content, which may
produce problems in workability and placement of the mixture in the forms [7].
Concrete can be reinforced with welded wire fabric, deformed steel bars, and prestressing tendons [9].
Among three of them, deformed steel bars are commonly employed as reinforcement in most reinforced
concrete bridge construction. The surface of a steel bar is rolled with lugs or protrusions called
deformations in order to restrict longitudinal movement between the bars and the surrounding concrete.
Reinforcing bar steel can be made of billet steel grades 40 and 60 having minimum specific yield stress of
40,000 and 60,000 psi, respectively (276 and 414 MPa) [9].
3 Condition Survey of Selected Bridges
3.1 Background
A bridge must be inspected on regular basis to ensure public safety and to protect public investment.
Condition survey of existing bridges helps to identify the needs of bridges for repair, maintenance,
preservation, reconstruction, and replacement. Many bridges have been collapsed worldwide prior to the
bridge service life span due to lack of proper periodic inspection and maintenance.
The key premises of this study is the inconsistency observed in the selection of the bridge type (T- / Box-
Girder Bridge) for a particular span length, during the design and/or design review process. Accordingly,
the condition survey of existing bridges happens to be found compulsory to justify the discrepancy in the
selection of the bridge type with regard to the provided span length.
Verify consensus of the provided span length with the recommendations of span ranges for the two
types of bridges (T- & Box-Girder bridges) specified on different design standards.
Check whether the design requirements are satisfied or not from economy as well as safety point
of view. Moreover, to further investigate the safety of the bridge taking the defects observed at
time of conducting the survey and the associated potential risks they may cause on the users of
the road in to consideration.
In order to appreciate the design problem, condition survey of existing bridges has been performed by
means of site visit accompanied by desk study. During the visit, attention was given only to the two types
of bridges (T- & Box-Girder bridges), which is related to the study work. Brief survey summary and
conditions of selected bridges are provided underneath.
3.3.1 Abiya River Bridge
Bridge Name: Abiya River Bridge
Crossing: Abiya River
Bridge Location: About 623 km North of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete T-Girder Bridge
Number of Spans: 1
Clear Opening Length: 25.80m
Roadway Width: 6.00m
Length of Overhang: 0.55m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.20m
Total Depth of Girder: 1.50m
Bearing Types: Steel Bearing
Abutment Walls: Stone Masonry
Wingwalls: Stone Masonry
Piers: None
Present Status: Generally in a Good Condition
Problems Observed: Exposure of reinforcements and honeycomb on deck slab and
Longitudinal girders
3.3.2 Koga River Bridge
Bridge Name: Koga River Bridge
Crossing: Koga River
Bridge Location: About 581 km North of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete Box-Girder Bridge
Number of Spans: 1
Clear Opening Length: 27.20m
Roadway Width: 6.00m
Length of Overhang: 0.60m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.20m
Total Depth of Girder: 1.80m
Bearing Types: Steel Bearing
Abutment Walls: Stone Masonry
Wingwalls: Stone Masonry
Piers: None
Present Status: Generally in a Good Condition
Problems Observed: Water leakage on the deck slab and exposure of reinforcements on deck
and longitudinal girders
3.3.3 Dilbazia River Bridge
Bridge Name: Dilbazia River Bridge
Crossing: Dilbazia River
Bridge Location: About 669 km North of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete T-Girder Bridge
Number of Spans: 1
Clear Opening Length: 20.20m
Roadway Width: 6.00m
Length of Overhang: 0.55m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.20m
Total Depth of Girder: 1.45m
Bearing Types: Steel Bearing
Abutment Walls: Stone Masonry
Wingwalls: Stone Masonry
Piers: None
Present Status: Generally in a Good Condition
Problems Observed: Exposure of reinforcements and honeycomb on longitudinal girders
3.3.4 Teda River Bridge
Bridge Name: Teda River Bridge
Crossing: Teda River
Bridge Location: About 658 km North of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete T-Girder Bridge
Number of Spans: 1
Clear Opening Length: 25.50m
Roadway Width: 6.00m
Length of Overhang: 0.55m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.20m
Total Depth of Girder: 1.60m
Bearing Types: Steel Bearing
Abutment Walls: Stone Masonry
Wingwalls: Stone Masonry
Piers: None
Present Status: Fair Condition
Problems Observed: Exposure of reinforcements and honeycomb on deck slab and voids on
Longitudinal girders.
3.3.5 Burure River Bridge
Bridge Name: Burure River Bridge
Crossing: Burure River
Bridge Location: About 588 km North of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete Box-Girder Bridge
Number of Spans: 1
Clear Opening Length: 40.00m
Roadway Width: 7.30m
Length of Overhang: 0.75m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.25m
Total Depth of Girder: 1.80m
Bearing Types: Elastomeric Bearing
Abutment Walls: Reinforced Concrete
Wingwalls: Reinforced Concrete
Piers: None
Present Status: Generally in a Good Condition
Problems Observed: None
3.3.6 Warkena River Bridge
Bridge Name: Warkena River Bridge
Crossing: Warkena River
Bridge Location: About 723.5 km North of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete T-Girder Bridge
Number of Spans: 1
Clear Opening Length: 25.10m
Roadway Width: 6.60m
Length of Overhang: 0.50m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.20m
Total Depth of Girder: 1.80m
Bearing Types: Steel Bearing
Abutment Walls: Stone Masonry
Wingwalls: Stone Masonry
Piers: None
Present Status: Generally in a Good Condition
Problems Observed: Honeycomb on deck slab and longitudinal girders due to excess
3.3.7 Mille River Bridge
Bridge Name: Mille River Bridge (No. 3)
Crossing: Mille River
Bridge Location: About 521 km North East of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete Box-Girder main & Reinforced Concrete T-Girder
Number of Spans: 4
Span Length: 10.00m (both exterior spans) & 36.00m (both interior spans)
Roadway Width: 7.32m
Length of Overhang: 0.80m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.20m
Total Depth of Girder: 2.20m
Bearing Types: Elastomeric Bearing
Abutment Walls: Stone Masonry
Wingwalls: Stone Masonry
Piers: Reinforced Concrete
Present Status: Fair Condition
Problems Observed: Hair line cracks on bottom face of box girder due to shortage of water
during curing of concrete; exposure of rebar and peeling off concrete
cover on surface of deck slab
3.3.8 Semeno River Bridge
Bridge Name: Semeno River Bridge
Crossing: Semeno River
Bridge Location: About 621 km North of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete T-Girder Bridge
Number of Spans: 1
Clear Opening Length: 19.00m
Roadway Width: 6.00m
Length of Overhang: 0.55m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.20m
Total Depth of Girder: 1.50m
Bearing Types: Steel Bearing
Abutment Walls: Stone Masonry
Wingwalls: Stone Masonry
Piers: None
Present Status: Generally in a Good Condition
Problems Observed: Exposure of reinforcements on deck slab
3.3.9 Meterie River Bridge
Bridge Name: Meterie River Bridge
Crossing: Meterie River
Bridge Location: About 567 km North East of Addis Ababa
Bridge Type: Reinforced Concrete Box-Girder main & Reinforced Concrete T-Girder
Number of Spans: 3
Span Length: 20.00m (both exterior spans) & 40.00m (interior span)
Roadway Width: 7.30m
Length of Overhang: 0.75m (both sides)
Deck Slab Thickness: 0.25m
Total Depth of Girder: 1.80m
Bearing Types: Elastomeric Bearing
Abutment Walls: Stone Masonry
Wingwalls: Stone Masonry
Piers: Reinforced Concrete
Present Status: Generally in a Good Condition
Problems Observed: honey comb on deck slab
3.4 Site Findings
While conducting the site visit, the following observations were made:
Most of the inspected T-Girder bridges are constructed not following design standards’ span
length recommendation for a reinforced concrete T-Girder bridge. Although the upper most bound
span length recommendation set by various design standards for a T-Girder bridge is 20m, Abiya,
Teda, and Warkena river bridges, having span lengths 25.8m, 25.5m, and 25.1m respectively, are
way longer than 20m.
In Ethiopia, the total number of reinforced concrete box-girder bridges can be considered as small
as compared to reinforced concrete T-Girder bridges since their construction have began recently
in the country, approximately not more than last 15 years. For these reason, it has been found
difficult to get a box-girder bridge having span length that deviate from design standards’ span
range recommendation in the vicinity where the condition survey conducted.
Honeycomb due to excessive vibration during construction stage, exposure and corrosion of
reinforcements on deck and girder in addition to water leakage are the predominant structural
defects observed on superstructures of the inspected bridges.
The installation of deck drains in most of the bridges is not per the recommendation of
AASHTOs’ Bridge Design Specification. Furthermore, Most of them got clogged with debris and
trashes due to lack of proper periodic maintenance, which have significant contribution for further
damages and exposure and corrosion of reinforcing bars on the deck system.
Some of expansion joints elements such as structural steel angles for instance, on Mille river
bridge are missing while on others got deformed due to frequent exposure for heavily loaded
Approach slab, except on Burure and Meterie river bridges, and Protection barriers are not
provided on the approach roadway of the existing bridges.
Though some minor defects are observed on substructures of the inspected bridges, such as minor
longitudinal cracks on mortar joints of masonry walls and clogging of weep hole with washed
backfill material, the substructures can generally be said in a good condition. Moreover, while
conducting the condition survey, no major scour problem encountered, since the bridges are
constructed on a good foundation bed material.
3.5 Discussions
Even though major structural problems associated with the span lengths are not examined on Abiya, Teda,
and Warkena river bridges, they could have been constructed with lesser cost if they were using box-girder
Steel/Concrete post Guardrails, as per ERA bridge design manual recommendation; have to be provided
on the approach roadways of the existing bridges with the aim of providing the proper safety for the users
of the road.
Approach slabs, having the appropriate dimension, need to be provided on both sides of the bridges in
order to minimize the adverse effects associated with settlement.
Although minor defects are observed on the bridges under consideration, they have to be regularly
inspected and appropriately maintained by the concerned bodies before they changed to major defects that
lead the structure to a completely collapsed state.
4 Analysis and Design of T-Girder and Box-Girder Bridges
4.1 Loadings, Material Properties and Design Assumptions
4.1.1 Loadings
Designers must consider all the loads that are expected to be applied to the bridge during its service life.
Such loads may be divided in to two broad categories: permanent loads and transient loads [7].
Permanent loads are those that remain on the bridge for an extended period of time, perhaps for the entire
service life. Such loads include:
Dead load of structural components and non-structural attachments
Dead load of wearing surfaces and utilities
Dead load of earth fill
Earth pressure, earth surcharge and downdrag
Locked-in erection stresses
Transient loads, as the name implies, change with time, highly variable and may be applied from several
directions and/ or locations. Typically, such loads include:
Gravity loads due to vehicular and pedestrian traffic
Horizontal vehicular loads, such as those due to braking, centrifugal forces
Lateral loads due to wind, water and earthquake
Collision loads, caused either by a service vehicle striking the structure, or by some moving
object in the channel beneath the bridge
Load due to thermal effects
A bridge is usually constructed to fulfill a well-defined function. Bridge design loadings are directly
governed by the functionality requirement [1].
The design vehicular live load was replaced in 1993 because of heavier truck configurations on the road
today, and because a statically representative, notional load was needed to achieve a “consistent level of
safety.” The notional load that was found to best represent “exclusion vehicles,” i.e. trucks with loading
configurations greater than allowed but routinely granted permits by agency bridge rating personnel, was
adapted by AASHTO and named “Highway Load ‘93” or HL 93. It is notional in that it does not represent
any specific vehicle [8].
The AASHTO “design vehicular live load,” HL 93, is a combination of a “design truck” or “design
tandem” and a “design lane”.
Design Truck: is a model load that resembles the typical semitrailer truck. The front axle is 35 kN, the
drive axle of 145 kN is located 4.3 m behind, and the rear trailer axle is also 145 kN and is positioned at a
variable distance ranging between 4.3 m and 9 m. The variable range means that the spacing used should
cause critical load effect [7].
Design Tandem: The design tandem shall consist of a pair of 110 kN axles spaced 1.2 m apart. The
transverse spacing of wheels shall be taken as 1.8 m. A dynamic load allowance shall be considered [3].
Design Lane Load: The design lane load shall consist of a load of 9.3 kN/m uniformly distributed in the
longitudinal direction. Transversely, the design lane load shall be assumed to be uniformly distributed over
3.0 m width. The force effects from the design lane load shall not be subjected to a dynamic load
allowance [AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2005, Article].
4.1.2 Material Properties
According to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 2005, all materials and tests must
conform to the appropriate standards included in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Transportation
Materials [3]. Accordingly, materials used in designing bridges of this program are as follows:
i. Steel strength of 420MPa (Grade 60) for reinforcing bars of diameter greater than 20mm and
300MPa (Grade 40) for less diameters
ii. The strength of the concrete is the 28th day cylindrical compressive strength of concrete.
(fc’=0.8*fc, where fc is the 150mm cubic strength of the same age)
iii. The density of concrete is taken as 2400kg/m3 for computation of the modulus of elasticity of
concrete, Ec, and 25kN/m3 for dead load computations
iv. The modulus of elasticity, Es, is constant and which is equal to 200,000MPa
v. The density of wearing surface is taken as 2250 kg/m3 for dead load computations.
Although the dead loads of railings, curbs and posts are considered during the analysis, design and
in quantity computations, it is assumed that the loads are the same for the same span of both T-
Girder and Box Girder bridges,
The cost of elastomeric bearing for both T-Girder and Box Girder bridges is the same
4.2 Design Specification
Bridge Site Arrangement
The choice of location of bridges shall be supported by analyses of alternatives with consideration given
to economic, engineering, social, and environmental concerns as well as cost of maintenance and
inspection associated with the structures and with the relative of the above-noted concerns [5].
Attention, commensurate with the risk involved, shall be directed towards providing for favorable bridge
locations that:
Fit the conditions created by the obstacle being crossed
Facilitate practical cost effective design, construction, operation, inspection and maintenance
Provide for the desire level of traffic service and safety
Minimize adverse highway impacts
The inside face of a barrier should not be closer than 600 mm to either the face of the object or the edge of
a designated traffic lane. The specified minimum distance between the edge of the traffic lane and fixed
object are intended to prevent collision with slightly errant vehicles and those carrying wide loads.
If not otherwise stated in the ERA Geometric Design Manual, 2002, a one-lane bridge shall not be less
than 4.2 m wide and a two-lane bridge not less than 7.0 m wide.
Number of Design Lanes
The number of design lanes should be determined by taking the integer part of the ratio w/3600, where w
is the clear roadway width in mm between curbs and/or barriers [3].
Unless otherwise permitted in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2005, the static effects of
the design truck or tandem, other than centrifugal and braking forces, shall be increased by the percentage
specified in Table 4.3 for dynamic load allowance [7].
The factor to be applied to the static load shall be taken as (1+IM/100). The dynamic load allowance shall
not be applied to pedestrian loads or to the design lane load.
Table 4.3 Dynamic Load Allowance, IM
Component IM
Deck Joints-All Limit States 75%
All Other Components
Fatigue and Fracture Limit 15%
All other Limit States 33%
Load distribution tables and the “lever rule” are approximate methods for distributing live load and
intended for most designs. The lever rule considers the slab between two girders to be simply supported.
The reaction is determined by summing the reaction from the slabs on either side of the beam under
4.3.3 Analysis Procedures
Analysis of Deck Slab
An approximate method of analysis in which the deck is subdivided in to strips perpendicular to the
supporting components shall be considered acceptable for decks [3].
The strips shall be treated as continuous beams with span lengths equal to the center-to-center distance
between girders. The girders shall be assumed to be rigid [7].
Depth Determination:
The minimum thickness for concrete deck slab is 175mm excluding any provision for grinding, grooving,
and sacrificial surfaces [3].
Traditional minimum depths of slabs are based on the deck span length to control deflection.
For durability, adequate cover shall be used as per the specification of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
manual, 2005.
ts = depth of deck slab (mm)
Gs = girder spacing (m)
Weights of Components:
Ws = 25 * t s /10 3
Woh = 25 * t oh /10 3
Wcb = 25 * C d
Wra = 25 * R ww * R d
Wp = 25 * Pw * Ph * Pd * Pn /L 1
Wdw = Yb * 9.81 * b t /10 6
Ws = weight of deck slab (kN/m2)
Woh = weight of overhang slab (kN/m2)
Wdw = weight of future wearing surface (kN/m2)
Bending Moment Force Effects
An approximate analysis of strips perpendicular to girders is considered.
The extreme positive moment in any deck panel between girders shall be taken to apply to all positive
moment regions. Similarly, the extreme negative moment over any girder shall be taken to apply to all
negative moment regions [7].
For ease in applying load factors, the bending moments are determined separately for the deck slab, future
wearing surface, overhang, barrier, and vehicular live load.
Deck Slab
A deck analysis design aid based on influence lines, one dimensional influence functions, is presented in
Annex I. For a uniform load, the tabulated areas are multiplied by Gs for shears and by Gs2 for moments.
A one-meter wide strip is taken for the analysis.
Future Wearing Surface
Support reaction and moments due to dead load of wearing surface are given as follows:
R 200w = Wdw * [net area cantilever ] * C x + Wdw * [net area w/o cantilever ] * G s
= Wdw * [(1.0 + 0.635 * (C x /G s )) * C x + (0.3928 * G s )]
M 200w = Wdw * [net area cantilever ] * C x
= - 0.50 * Wdw * C x
2 2
M 204w = Wdw * [net area cantilever ] * C x + Wdw * [net area w/o cantilever ] * G s
2 2
= Wdw * [(-0.2460 * C x ) + (0.0772 * G s )]
2 2
M 300w = Wdw * [net area cantilever ] * C x + Wdw * [net area w/o cantilever ] * G s
2 2
= Wdw * [(0.1350 * C x ) + (-0.1071* G s )]
R200w = support reaction at B due to wearing surface
M200w = support moment at B due to wearing surface
M204w = span moment on span BC at a distance 0.4*Gs from support B
M300w = support moment at C due to wearing surface
Deck overhang
Support reaction and moments due to dead load of deck overhang are given as follows:
The intensity of the load is multiplied by the influence line ordinate for shears and reaction. For bending
moments, the influence line ordinate is multiplied by the cantilever length.
M 204b = (Wra + Wp ) * [influence line ordinate] * L
= - 0.4920 * (Wra + Wp ) * (C x + C w - x)
M 300b = (Wra + Wp ) * [influence line ordinate] * L
= 0.2700 * (Wra + Wp ) * (C x + C w - x)
R200b = support reaction at B due to barrier
M200b = support moment at B due to barrier
M204b = span moment on span BC at a distance 0.4*Gs from support B
M300b = support moment at C due to barrier
The design truck shall be positioned transversely to produce maximum force effects such that the center of
any wheel load is not closer than 300 mm from the face of the curb for the design of the deck overhang
and 600mm from the edge of the 3600mm –wide design lane for the design of all other components [3].
The critical placement of a single wheel load is shown in the figure above.
The equivalent interior transverse strip width over which the live load is applied is:
E oh = 1.140 + (0.833 * X)
Eoh = equivalent interior transverse strip width for overhang negative live load moment (m)
X = position of the wheel load from exterior girder (m)
For repeating equal spans, the maximum positive bending moment occurs near the 0.4 point of the first
interior span, that is, at location 204 [7].
The equivalent interior transverse strip width over which the live load is applied is:
E w = 0.66 + (0.55 * G s )
Ew = equivalent interior transverse strip width for positive live load moment (m)
Maximum Interior Negative Live-Load Moment
Analysis of Longitudinal Girders
Structural Depth
The minimum structural depth for simple span T-beams is given as follows:
D w = 0.07 * L1 …………………………………………………(4.2)
b) Exterior girder
b eii = (0.5 * b ii ) + Min ((0.125 * (103 * L1 )), ((6 * t s ) + (0.5 * b min )), (103 * (C x C w ) - (0.5 * b min ))) …(4.4)
Dlsi is dead load from deck slab (kN/m)
Dlw is dead load from web (kN/m)
Dlwi is dead load from future wearing surface (kN/m)
Drp is dead load from posts and railing (kN/m)
Dlgi is the total dead load on interior girder (kN/m)
DLe is diaphragm dead load on exterior girder (kN)
DLi is diaphragm dead load on interior girder (kN)
b) Exterior girder
The bending moment and shear force due to dead loads at every distance L1a from the support is computed
for both interior and exterior girders.
L1a = (0.01 + ((a11 - 1) * 0.1)) * L1
a) Interior girder
For L1a L1 /2
M dl (L1a ) = 0.5 * L1a * ((D lgi * (L1 - L1a )) + D Li )
Vdl (L1a ) = D lgi * ((0.5 * L1 ) - L1a ) + (0.5 * D Li )
For L1a > L1 /2
M dl (L1a ) = 0.5 * (D lgi * (L1a - (L1 * L1a )) + D Li * (L1a - L1 ))
Vdl (L1a ) = (0.5 * D Li ) + D lgi * (L1a - (0.5 * L1 ))
Mdl (L1a) = Moment due to dead load at L1a distance from support for interior girder.
Vdl (L1a) = Shear due to dead load at L1a distance from support for interior girder.
b) Exterior Girder
A similar procedure is carried for exterior girder to obtain dead load moment and shear
a) Interior Girder
For L1a L1 /3
M dl (L1a ) = (L1a * (D Li + (0.5 * D lgi * L1 ))) - (0.5 * D lgi * L1a )
Vdl (L1a ) = D Li + (D lgi * ((0.5 * L1 ) - L1a ))
For L1a > L1 /3
M dl (L1a ) = (L1a * (0.5 * D lgi * L1 )) + (D Li * L1 ) - (0.5 * D lgi * L1a )
Vdl (L1a ) = D lgi * ((0.5 * L1 ) - L1a )
Mdl (L1a) = Moment due to dead load at L1a distance from support for interior girder.
Vdl (L1a) = Shear due to dead load at L1a distance from support for interior girder.
b) Exterior Girder
A similar procedure is carried for exterior girder to obtain dead load moment and shear.
Mgi1 = 0.06 + ((G s *103 )/4300) 0.4 * (G s /L1 ) 0.3 * (K gi / ((L1 *103 ) * (t s ) 3 )) 0.1
Two or more design lane loaded
Mgi2 = 0.075 + ((G s *10 3 )/2900) 0.6 * (G s /L 1 ) 0.2 * (K gi / ((L1 *10 3 ) * (t s ) 3 )) 0.1
Mgi = 2 * (Max (Mgi1, Mgi2))
Mgi is distribution factor for moment of interior beams
Distribution Factors for Shear
1Interior beams
One design lane loaded
Mgvi1 = 0.36 + ((G s *103 )/7600)
Two or more design lane loaded
Influence Lines for Shear Forces and Bending Moments Due to Live Loads
The concentrated and distributed live loads per effective flange width of girder is given by:
Design Truck Load: P1 = 1.33*18.125; P2 = 1.33*72.5
(One line of wheel truck load of 18.125 and 72.5 kN, respectively)
Design Tandem Load: P3 = 1.33*55
(One line of wheel tandem load of 55 kN, 1.33 is an impact factor)
Design Lane Load: W = 9.3 kN/m
K = P1 /P2
1Shear Force and Bending Moment for Truck and Lane Load
Figure 4.13.1 IL for Shear Force at “L1a” Distance from End Support
Figure 4.13.2 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support
Influence line coefficients for bending moment
Figure 4.14.1 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support
2Shear Force and Bending Moment for Tandem and Lane Load
Figure 4.15.1 IL for Shear Force at “L1a” Distance from End Support
Figure 4.15.2 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support
M tml (L1a ) = P3 * (n 1 ' + n 2 ' ) + (0.5 * W * L1 * n 1 ' )
= (P3 * L1a /L 1 ) * ((L1 - L1a ) + (L1 - L1a - 1.2)) + (0.5 * W * L1a * (L1 - L1a ))
Mtml (L1a) = Bending moment at a distance L1a due to tandem and lane load
If the value in bracket is negative, then it is taken as zero. It implies that the wheel is out of the span.
In the above derivation of concentrated and distributed live load due to truck, tandem, and lane loads, L1a
is the location of the rear/middle wheel from the support and it is given by the equation:
L1a = (0.01 + ((a11 - 1) * 0.1)) * L1
a11 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
L1 = Center-to-center length of the bridge under consideration
The effects of forces due to concentrated and distributed live loads are calculated at all distances L1a.
The computation stops at mid span plus 1m, 2m, and 3m for L1 lesser or equal to 14m, 24m, and 36m
respectively. The allowance is provided to consider the occurrence of the absolute maximum moment
Somewhere in the mid span.
Among the above calculated results of live load effects, the maximum effects are the one which govern the
R 200 = (1.25 * (R 200d + R 200o + R 200b)) + (1.5 * R 200w ) + (1.75 *1.33 * R 200el) ….………………(4.5 - 1)
M 200 = 0.8 * [(1.25 * (M 200o + M 200b)) + (1.5 * M 200w ) + (1.75 *1.33 * M 200ol)]…………………..(4.5 - 2)
M 204 = (1.25 * M 204d ) + (0.9 * (M 204o + M 204b)) + (1.5 * M 204w ) + (1.75 *1.33 * M 204pl) ……..(4.5 - 3)
M 300 = 0.8 * [(1.25 * M 300d ) + (0.9 * (M 300o + M 300b)) + (1.5 * M 300w ) + (1.75 *1.33 * M 300nl )]..(4.5 - 4)
R200 is the maximum reaction on the exterior girder (kN)
M200 is the maximum overhang moment at the face of support (kN-m /m)
M204 is the maximum span/ positive moment (kN-m /m)
M300 is the maximum support/ negative moment at the face of support (kN-m /m)
M204s = maximum positive moment for service limit state investigation (kN-m/m)
M300s = maximum negative moment for service limit state investigation (kN-m/m)
Reinforcement Computation
The effective concrete depth for positive and negative bending is different because of different cover
For reinforcement computation, negative moment may be taken at face of support. The webs are bmin wide.
A minimum web width of the girders is 200mm [3].
B cs = Max ((1.5 * db), (1.5 * 25.4), 38)
C cbs = B cs + db
Web width for T-girder bridge
Web width for Box-girder bridge
b11 = 2 * (25 + dst + (0.5 * db)) + C cbs for L1 < 12m
b11 = 2 * (25 + dst + (0.5 * db)) + C cbs + (2 * db) for L1 12m
b min = Max(b11 ,200) (mm) …………………………………………………………(4.7)
Bcs = clear distance between parallel bars in a layer (mm)
Ccbs = center to center distance between parallel bars in a layer (mm)
bmin = the minimum web width (mm)
dp = effective depth for positive reinforcement (mm)
Mcr = cracking moment (kN-m)
Mup = factored design positive moment (kN-m/m)
As1 = area of positive moment reinforcing bars (mm2/m)
Mnp = section capacity for positive moment (kN-m/m)
Si = spacing of main reinforcing bars (mm)
App = area of positive moment reinforcing bars provided (mm2/m)
Adp = depth of concrete under compression (mm)
Negative Moment Reinforcement
Using dd bars, the effective depth becomes:
d n = t s - 60 - (0.5 * dd)
M un = M ax (M 300 , M in ((1.2 * M cr ), ((1.33 * M 300 )))
A s2 = (M un *10 6 )/ (0.828 * Fy * d n ) …………………………………………………………(4.9)
M nn = (R f * A s2 * Fy * (d n - (0.5 * (A s2 * Fy )/(0.85 * (0.8 * Fc ) * 10 3 ))))/10 6
S e = M in ((10 3 * ((0.25 * * dd 2 )/A s2 )), (1.5 * t s ), 450)
A pn = (250 * * dd 2 )/S e
A dn = (A pn * Fy )/ (0.85 * (0.8 * Fc ) *10 3 )
dn = effective depth for negative reinforcement (mm)
Mun = factored design negative moment (kN-m/m)
As2 = area of negative moment reinforcing bars (mm2/m)
Mnn = section capacity for negative moment (kN-m/m)
Se = spacing of main reinforcing bars (mm)
Apn = area of negative moment reinforcing bars provided (mm2/m)
Adn = depth of concrete under compression (mm)
Distribution Reinforcement
Secondary reinforcement is placed in the bottom of the slab to distribute wheel loads in the longitudinal
direction of the bridge to the primary reinforcement in the transverse direction. The required area is a
percentage of the primary positive moment reinforcement [7].
S x = (G s *10 3 ) - b min
Pe = M in ((3840/ (S x ) ), 67)
A di = (Pe * A pp )/100
S di = M in (( * dd12 * 250/A di ), 250)
Sx = clear spacing between girders (mm)
Pe = percentage of distribution reinforcement
Adi = area of longitudinal reinforcing bars provided (mm2/m)
Sdi = spacing of distribution reinforcing bars (mm)
dd1 = diameter of distribution reinforcing bars (mm)
Shirnkage and Temperature Reinforcement
Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses shall be provided near surfaces of concrete exposed
to daily temperature changes [3].
The area of reinforcing bars in each direction shall satisfy:
Control of Cracking
Flexural cracking is controlled by limiting the bar spacing in the reinforcement closest to the tension face
under service load stress.
Elastic-cracked transformed section analysis required to check crack control. The modular ratio n = Es/Ec
transforms the section properties of steel to equivalent properties of concrete [3].
The equivalent concrete area for positive and negative reinforcements are n*App and n*Apn, respectively.
n = E s /E c
For X 2 (t s - d n )
X 2 = ((-1* n * (A pp + A pn )) + ((n * (A pp + A pn )) 2 - 2000 * n * ((A pn * (d n - t s )) - (A pp * d p ))) 0.5 ) /10 3
I cr = (333.33 * X 2 ) + (n * A pn * (t s - d n - X 2 ) 2 ) + (n * A pp * (d p - X 2 ) 2 )
For X 2 > (t s - d n )
X 2 = ((-1* ((n - 1) * A pn + (n * A pp ))) + (((n - 1) * A pn + (n * A pp )) 2 - 2000 * ((n - 1) * ((A pn * d n ) -
(A pn * t s )) - n * A pp * d p )) 0.5 ) /10 3
I cr = (333.33 * X 2 ) + ((n - 1) * A pn * (X 2 + d n - t s ) 2 ) + (n * A pp * (d p - X 2 ) 2 )
Fs = (M 204s * (d p - X 2 ) * n * 10 6 )/I cr
B sp = 1.0 + ((t s - d p )/ (0.7 * d p ))
S maxp = ((123000 * Yec )/ (B sp * Fs )) - (2 * (t s - d p ))
n = modular steel ratio
X2 = neutral axis depth (mm)
Icr = moment of inertia of transformed cracked section (mm4/mm)
Fs = tensile stress in the bottom reinforcement at the service limit state (MPa)
Smaxp = maximum spacing of positive moment reinforcement for crack control (mm)
If Si > Smaxp, then the spacing of reinforcing bars has to be reduced to provide distribution of reinforcement
for controlling flexural cracks.
For X 3 (t s - d p )
X 3 = ((-1* n * (A pp + A pn )) + ((n * (A pp + A pn )) 2 + 2000 * n * ((A pp * (t s - d p )) + (A pn * d n ))) 0.5 ) /10 3
I cre = (333.33 * X 3 ) + (n * A pn * (d n - X 3 ) 2 ) + (n * A pp * (t s - d p - X 3 ) 2 )
For X 3 > (t s - d p )
X 3 = ((-1* ((n - 1) * A pp + (n * A pn ))) + (((n - 1) * A pp + (n * A pn )) 2 - 2000 * ((n - 1) * ((A pp * d p ) -
(A pp * t s )) - n * A pn * d n )) 0.5 ) /10 3
I cre = (333.33 * X 3 ) + (n * A pn * (d n - X 3 ) 2 ) + ((n - 1) * A pp * (X 3 + d p - t s ) 2 )
Fse = ((0.8 * M 300s) * (d n - X 3 ) * n *10 6 )/I cre
Bs n = 1.0 + ((t s - d n - 12)/ (0.7 * (d n - 12)))
S maxn = ((123000 * Yec )/ (B sn * Fse )) - (2 * (t s - d n ))
X3 = neutral axis depth (mm)
Icre = moment of inertia of transformed cracked section (mm4/mm)
Fse = tensile stress in the top reinforcement at the service limit state (MPa)
Smaxn = maximum spacing of negative moment reinforcement for crack control (mm)
If Se > Smaxn, then the spacing of reinforcing bars has to be reduced to provide distribution of reinforcement
for controlling flexural cracks.
dod = effective depth for overhang main reinforcement (mm)
R3 = steel reinforcement ratio
As3 = area of overhang moment reinforcing bars (mm2/m)
Se3 = spacing of overhang main reinforcing bars (mm)
Ap3 = area of overhang moment reinforcing bars provided (mm2/m)
Design of Longitudinal Girders
Factored Design Moment and Shear
The load factors and load combinations are according to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
2005, section 3.4. The load combination to be used for design is strength I limit state.
a) Interior Girder
At a distance L1a from the support, MD (factored design moment) is given by the equation:
MD (L1a ) = 1.25 * M dl (L1a ) + 1.75 * [Max (M trl (L1a ), M tml (L1a ))] ...……………(4.10)
Mu, the maximum factored design moment is the one which is maximum of MD (L1a).
Similarly, at a distance L1a from the support, VD (factored design shear) is given by the equation:
VD (L1a ) = 1.25 * Vdl (L1a ) + 1.75 * [Max (Vtrl (L1a ), Vtml (L1a ))] ….……………(4.11)
Vu, the maximum factored design shear is the one which is maximum of VD (L1a).
b) Exterior Girder
A similar procedure is carried for exterior girder to obtain the design moment and shear.
a) Interior Girder
At a distance L1a from the support, MDu (unfactored design moment) is given by the equation:
MDu (L1a ) = M dl (L1a ) + Max (M trl (L1a ), M tml (L1a ))
Mus, the maximum unfactored design moment is the one which is maximum of MDu (L1a).
Similarly, at a distance L1a from the support, VDu (unfactored design shear) is given by the equation:
VDu (L1a ) = Vdl (L1a ) + Max (Vtrl (L1a ), Vtml (L1a ))
Vus, the maximum unfactored design shear is the one which is maximum of VDu (L1a).
b) Exterior Girder
A similar procedure is carried for exterior girder to obtain the design moment and shear.
Reinforcement Computation
Main Reinforcing Bars
a) Interior Girder
Using db bars, the effective depth (dppr) at L1a distance from support becomes:
d ppr (nb) = D w - d pp (nb)
A si (nb) = nb * (0.25 * * db 2 )
R 8 (nb) = A si (nb)/ (b ii * d ppr (nb))
A ig (nb) = (A si (nb) * Fy )/ (0.85 * (0.8 * Fc ) * b ii )
If Aig (nb) ≤ ts, then a rectangular beam analysis will be considered otherwise it is a T-beam.
All the above parameters are computed at every L1a distances to curtail bars at these distances.
dppr (nb) = effective depth of interior girder at the nth bar iteration (mm)
Asi (nb) = area of reinforcement at the nth bar iteration (mm2)
R8 (nb) = steel reinforcement ratio at the nth bar iteration
Aig (nb) = compression depth of concrete in the slab at the nth bar iteration (mm)
Asfi = area of steel required to balance the longitudinal compression in the overhang (mm2)
Asc (nb) = area of steel required to balance the longitudinal compression in the web (mm2)
Axg (nb) = compression depth of concrete in the web at the nth bar iteration (mm)
Mni (nb) = section capacity of the girder for flexure (kN-m/m)
b) Exterior Girder
Such a similar approach is carried out to exterior girder.
Skin Reinforcement
For relatively deep flexural members, reinforcement should also be distributed in the vertical faces in the
tension region to control cracking in the web. If the effective depth exceeds 900mm, longitudinal skin
reinforcements are to be uniformly distributed over a height of d/2 nearest the tensile reinforcement [3].
The equivalent concrete area is n*As80.
Components shall be so proportioned that the spacing of main reinforcing bars at service limit state, Smaxi
doesn’t exceed. If the spacing of main reinforcing bar in a layer (Ccbs) greater than the spacing limit (Smaxi)
the section has cracked.
b) Exterior Girder
A similar procedure is carried for exterior girder for flexural crack control.
Service-load deformations may not be a potential source of collapse mechanisms but usually cause some
undesirable effects, such as the deterioration of wearing surfaces and local buckling in concrete slab which
could impair serviceability and durability [8].
Deflection and camber calculations shall consider dead load, live load, erection loads, concrete creep and
shrinkage, and steel relaxation [3].
Dead Load Camber
For simplicity of calculations, the slab surface is assumed level, i.e. without crossfall. The center of
gravity is calculated from bottom of girder.
Ysg = (((R wt * (t s /10 3 )) * ((D w - (0.5 * t s ))/10 3 )) + (((N g * b min * (D w - t s ))/10 6 ) * ((0.5 * (D w - t s ))/
10 3 )))/((R wt * (t s /10 3 )) + ((N g * b min * (D w - t s ))/10 6 ))
I gt = ((1/12) * R wt * (t s /10 3 ) 3 ) + ((R wt * (t s /10 3 )) * (ABS (((D w - (0.5 * t s ))/10 3 ) - Ysg )) 2 ) +
((N g /12) * (b min /10 3 ) * ((D w - t s )/10 3 ) 3 ) + (((N g * b min * (D w - t s ))/10 6 ) * (ABS (((0.5 *
(D w - t s ))/10 3 ) - Ysg )) 2 )
M crt = (Fr * I gt * 10 3 )/Ysg
For L1 12m
M ad = (((2 * D lge ) + ((N g - 2) * D lgi )) * L1 )/8 + ((2 * D Le ) + D Li ) * L1 )/4
For L1 > 12m
M ad = (((2 * D lge ) + ((N g - 2) * D lgi )) * L1 )/8 + (((2 * D Le ) + (2 * D Li )) * L1 )/3
Yst = (((R wt * (t s /10 3 )) * ((D w - (0.5 * t s ))/10 3 )) + ((((2 * b min * (K fed - t s ))/10 6 ) + (((N g - 2) *
b min * (K fid - t s ))/10 6 )) * ((D W - t s - (0.5 * (K fid - t s )))/10 3 )) + (((((2 * A s60 ) + ((N g - 2) *
A s70 )) * n)/10 6 ) * ((D w - d ppi )/10 3 )))/((R wt * (t s /10 3 )) + (((2 * b min * (K fed - t s ))/10 6 ) +
(((N g - 2) * b min * (K fid - t s ))/10 6 )) + ((((2 * A s60 ) + ((N g - 2) * A s70 )) * n)/10 6 ))
I crd = ((1/12) * R wt * (t s /10 3 ) 3 ) + ((R wt * (t s /10 3 )) * (ABS (((D w - (0.5 * t s ))/10 3 ) - Yst )) 2 ) +
((N g /12) * (b min /10 3 ) * ((K fid - t s )/10 3 ) 3 ) + ((((2 * b min * (K fed - t s ))/10 6 ) + (((N g - 2) *
b min * (K fid - t s ))/10 6 )) * (ABS (((D w - t s - (0.5 * (K fid -t s )))/10 3 ) - Yst )) 2 ) + ((((2 * A s60 ) +
((N g - 2) * A s70 )) * n)/10 6 ) * (ABS (((D w - d ppi )/10 3 ) - Yst )) 2
I eff = M in (((((M crt /M ad ) 3 ) * I gt ) + ((1 - ((M crt /M ad ) 3 )) * I crd )), I gt )
Ysg = centroid of the cross section measured from bottom of girder (m)
Igt = gross moment of inertia of about the centroid (m4)
Mcrt = cracking moment (kN-m)
Mad = maximum moment in the component at stage for which deformation is computed (kN-m)
Yst = centroid of transformed cross section measured from bottom of girder (m)
Icrd = moment of inertia of transformed cracked section (m4)
Ieff = effective moment of inertia (m4)
Immediate (instantaneous) deflection may be computed taking the moment of inertia as either the effective
moment of inertia, or the gross moment of inertia. It is assumed to have maximum value where the
moment is maximum in a component at stage deformation is computed.
D ld1 = (5 * ((2 * D lge ) + ((N g - 2) * D lgi )) * L1 )/ (384 * (E c *10 3 ) * I eff )
D ld2 = (((2 * D Le ) + ((N g - 2) * D Li )) * L1 )/ (48 * (E c *10 3 ) * I eff )
D ld = D ld1 + D ld2
Dld1 = dead load deflection due to girder and deck slab (mm)
Dld2 = deflection due to diaphragm dead load (mm)
Dld = maximum dead load deflection (mm)
The long-term deflection due to creep and shrinkage may be taken as the immediate deflection (D ld)
multiplied the following factor:
If the instantaneous deflection is based on Igt: 4.0
If the instantaneous deflection is based on Ieff: 3.0-1.2*(As’/As) ≥ 1.6
a) Deflection due to truck load
The maximum deflection of the bridge due to truck load occurs at a wheel load position where moment is
maximum. Thus, the deflection at the point of maximum moment due to each truck axle load at a distance
“b” from the left support is given by:
2 2
d xi = ((Pll1 * b * X i )/ (6 * E c * I c * L1 )) * [L1 - b 2 - X i ]
dxi = deflection due to each truck load
Using the method of superposition, the total live load deflection due to truck load (deft) is the sum of each
deflections, dxi’s.
Deflection of the bridge due to live load will be maximum of deflection from 25% of truck load plus lane
load and truck load alone. Hence, compare the value obtained with the allowable limit.
deft, deftl = maximum deflection from truck load alone and 25% of truck load plus lane load (mm)
dlmax = maximum live load deflection of the bridge (mm)
dmax = maximum allowable live load deflection of the bridge (mm)
Figure 4.21.1 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support
m 3 ' = L1a * (L1 - L1a - 13.3)/L 1
M trf1 (L1a ) = P2f * (m1 ' + m 2 ' + ((P1f / P2f ) * m 3 ' ))
= (P2f * L1a /L 1 ) * [(L1 - L1a ) + (L1 - L1a - 9.0) + ((P1f / P2f ) * (L1 - L1a - 13.3))] * Mgi1
Mtrf1 (L1a) = Bending moment at a distance L1a due to truck load
Figure 4.22.1 IL for Bending Moment at “L1a” Distance from End Support
For K fid t s
jfi = (6 - (6 * (t s /d ppi )) + (2 * (t s /d ppi ) 2 ) - ((t s /d ppi ) 3 / (2 * R 70 * n)))/ (6 - (3 * (t s /d ppi )))
Fsmin = (M dlm *10 6 )/ (A s70 * jfi * d ppi )
Fsmax = ((M dlm + M trfi ) *10 6 )/ (A s70 * jfi * d ppi )
Fsran = Fsmax - Fsmin
Ffr = 145 - (0.33 * Fsmin ) + 55 * (r/h)
Fsmin = minimum fatigue stress due to dead load (N/mm2)
Fsmax = maximum fatigue stress due to total load (N/mm2)
Fsran = fatigue stress range (N/mm2)
Ffr = limit for fatigue stress range (N/mm2)
Shear Reinforcement
a) Interior Girder
dv1 = effective shear depth
Vcc1 = the nominal shear strength provided by the concrete
Vdv1 = design maximum factored shear force at L1a distance from center of support
Vsi1 = the nominal shear strength provided by the shear reinforcement
Srip = spacing of shear reinforcing bars provided
b) Exterior Girder
Such a similar approach is carried out to exterior girder.
The source program for Analysis and Design of T-Girder Bridge is developed on the basis of the
procedure outlined above.
4.4 Analysis of Internal Forces and Design of Box-Girder Bridges
4.4.1 Design Loads
All types of load taken in to account in the analysis of T-girder bridge are also considered here. The only
additional load considered in the analysis of box-girder bridge is self-weight of the bottom slab.
The permanent load is distributed to the girders by assigning to each all loads from superstructure
elements within half the distance to the adjacent girder where as the live load is distributed using load
distribution tables and the “lever rule”.
t sb = Max[140, (((G s *103 ) - b min )/16), (80 + (2 * db) + dst + Max(25.4, db))]…………(4.12)
tsb = thickness of bottom slab (mm)
Gs = girder spacing (m)
db= diameter of girder main reinforcing bars (mm)
Analysis of Longitudinal Girders
Structural Depth
The minimum structural depth for simple span I-beams is given as follows:
D w = 0.06 * L1 …………………………………………………(4.13)
b) Exterior girder
b eii = (0.5 * b ii ) + Min ((0.125 * (103 * L1 )), ((6 * t s ) + (0.5 * b min )), (103 * (C x C w ) - (0.5 * b min ))) …(4.15)
DLe is diaphragm dead load on exterior girder (kN)
DLi is diaphragm dead load on interior girder (kN)
b) Exterior girder
D lsbe = (0.5 * (b eii + b min )) * t sb * c * 9.81 *10 -9
D lc = (10 3 * C w ) * (10 3 * C d ) * c * 9.81 *10 -9
D loh = (((103 * C w ) * t oh ) + (((103 * C x ) - (0.5 * b min )) * t s )) * c * 9.81 *10 -9
D lge = D lse + D lsbe + D lw + D lwe + D lc + D loh + D rp + 0.375 kN/m
Dlsbe is dead load from bottom slab (kN/m)
Dlc is dead load from curb (kN/m)
Dloh is dead load from overhang slab (kN/m)
Dlge is the total dead load on exterior girder (kN/m)
The bending moment and shear force due to dead loads at every distance L1a from the support is computed
for both interior and exterior girders.
L1a = (0.01 + ((a11 - 1) * 0.1)) * L1
b) Exterior Girder
A similar procedure is carried for exterior girder to obtain dead load moment and shear
Mgi2 = (13/N c ) 0.3 * ((G s *10 3 )/430) * (1/ (L1 *10 3 )) 0.25
Mgi = 2 * (Max (Mgi1, Mgi2))
Mgi is distribution factor for moment of interior beams
Mgvi is distribution factor for shear of interior beams
2Exterior beams
One design lane loaded-lever rule
Influence Lines for Shear Forces and Bending Moments Due to Live Loads
The influence lines for shear force and moment for truck, tandem, and lane loads of a Box-Girder bridge is
similar to that of T-Girder bridge. Moreover, the influence line coefficients, the equation for shear force
and moments are the same.
The effects of forces due to concentrated and distributed live loads are calculated at all distances L1a.
The computation stops at mid span plus 1m, 2m, and 3m for L1 greater or equal to 14m, 18m, and 26m
respectively. The allowance is provided to consider the occurrence of the absolute maximum moment
Somewhere in the mid span.
Among the above calculated results of live load effects, the maximum effects are the one which govern the
After providing all the required reinforcements, investigation of service limit state proceeds to check the
design section is safe against durability and cracking as did for T-Girder bridge.
Design of Bottom Slab
A uniformly distributed reinforcement of 0.4% of the flange area shall be placed in the bottom slab
parallel to the girder span, either in single or double layers [3].
A uniformly distributed reinforcement of 0.5% of the cross-sectional area of the slab, based on the least
slab thickness, shall be placed in the bottom slab transverse to the girder span. Such reinforcement shall be
distributed over both surfaces with maximum spacing of 450 mm [3].
MD (L1a ) = 1.25 * M dl (L1a ) + 1.75 * [Max (M trl (L1a ), M tml (L1a ))] ...……………(4.16)
Mu, the maximum factored design moment is the one which is maximum of MD (L1a).
VD (L1a ) = 1.25 * Vdl (L1a ) + 1.75 * [Max (Vtrl (L1a ), Vtml (L1a ))] ….……………(4.17)
Vu, the maximum factored design shear is the one which is maximum of VD (L1a).
b) Exterior Girder
A similar procedure is carried for exterior girder to obtain the design moment and shear.
b) Exterior Girder
A similar procedure is carried for exterior girder to obtain the design moment and shear.
Reinforcement Computation
Main Reinforcing Bars
a) Interior Girder
Using db bars, the effective depth (dppr) at L1a distance from support becomes:
dppr (nb) = effective depth of interior girder at the nth bar iteration (mm)
Asi (nb) = area of reinforcement at the nth bar iteration (mm2)
R8 (nb) = steel reinforcement ratio at the nth bar iteration
Aig (nb) = compression depth of concrete in the slab at the nth bar iteration (mm)
Asfi = area of steel required to balance the longitudinal compression in the overhang (mm2)
Asc (nb) = area of steel required to balance the longitudinal compression in the web (mm2)
Axg (nb) = compression depth of concrete in the web at the nth bar iteration (mm)
Mni (nb) = section capacity of the girder for flexure (kN-m/m)
b) Exterior Girder
Such a similar approach is carried out to exterior girder.
Skin Reinforcement
Longitudinal skin reinforcement required if the effective depth > 900 mm [3].
Control of Cracking
Cracking is controlled by limiting the spacing (Ccbs) in the reinforcement under service loads [3].
A similar procedure as has been for T-girder bridge is also considered here too.
Dead Load Camber
For simplicity of calculations, the slab surface is assumed level, i.e. without crossfall. The center of
gravity is calculated from bottom of girder.
Similarly as did for T-girder bridge the same procedure is carried out for computing the immediate and
long term deflections.
Fatigue loading consists of one design truck with a constant spacing of 9 m between the 145-kN axles.
A similar Procedure as has been made for T-girder Bridge is also considered here.
Shear Reinforcement
a) Interior Girder
b) Exterior Girder
Such a similar approach is carried out to exterior girder.
The source program for Analysis and Design of Box-Girder Bridge is also prepared on the basis of
the procedure outlined above.
5 Computer Program for Demarcating T- or Box- Girder Bridge
5.1 Basis of Demarcation
It is being shown that minimum material content alone does not necessarily give the best value or most
economical solution in overall terms. Issues such as constructability, repeatability, simplicity, esthetics,
maintainability, speed of construction must all be taken in to account.
Nevertheless, for selecting bridge type of the same material, cost comparison will be a useful parameter to
select a better optimum. In this regard, the materials used for the construction of the bridges such as total
volume of concrete, total amount of reinforcing bars, area of asphalt concrete, area of formwork, and steel
pipes for posts and railing or their associated costs are the only costs taken in to consideration. The cost of
materials (construction cost) will be used in the computer program, to select and identify the economical
span range of the two types of bridges.
The program is easily understandable, simple to use, easy to amend or modify, less time taking and effort
demanding, and deliver outputs with high degree of accuracy. Furthermore, it is verified for different span
length and deck width configurations for both types of bridges and gives satisfactory, comprehensive, and
reliable output.
Moreover, input data includes initial dimension of the bridge to be designed such as:
Clear span,
Roadway width,
Curb width,
Curb depth,
Beam seat width,
Bitumen thickness,
Railing dimensions, and
Post spacing and dimensions
Furthermore, deck slab reinforcements and main, distribution, temperature, skin, and shear reinforcing
bars for longitudinal girders are the input data. Material costs are also taken as an input data for cost
Given the above input data of material properties and dimension of the bridge to be designed, the
following will be computed:
The thickness of the deck slab is determined from equation (4.1).
Structural analysis of the deck slab involves taking a continuous strip perpendicular to the
girders. The dead load force effects are obtained by analyzing the continuous beam loaded in
figure 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 for dead load force effects due to deck slab, future wearing surface,
overhang, and barrier loads, respectively. The critical live load effects are obtained by varying
the position of the wheel loads as shown in the figure 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9.
Equation (4.5-1), (4.5-2), (4.5-3), and (4.5-4) are used to determine the critical effects due to
dead and live loads. Appropriate load factors and load combinations are applied for the selected
limit state design from tables provided in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2005.
The deck slab is designed for both the critical positive and negative moments obtained from equations
(4.5-3) and (4.5-4). The positive moment reinforcement for the deck slab are calculated on the basis of
equation (4.8) and negative moment reinforcement computation; equation (4.9) is used. The adequacy of
the section for flexure and the assurance of ductility is also checked.
Distribution and temperature reinforcements may be taken as a percentage of the main reinforcements
required for positive moment.
The unfactored design moments are determined from equations (4.6-1) and (4.6-2) to investigate the
design section for service limit state. If the section is safe against durability and cracking, then the section
is sufficed and the design of deck slab is completed.
Once the task of analyzing and designing of deck slab, overhang and curb are accomplished, then the
analysis and design of both interior and exterior longitudinal girders proceeds. The minimum structural
depth, effective flange width, and minimum web thickness for both interior and exterior girders are
determined from equations (4.2), (4.3), (4.4), and (4.7) respectively. The live load force effects due to
vehicular loads and lane load is obtained and distributed for the girders with the appropriate distribution
factors for shear and moment.
The loading and distribution of dead load for maximum force effects is shown in figure 4.11 and 4.12.
Influence lines will be used to determine load positions for maximum live load force effects and
magnitude of these effects is as shown from figure 4.13 to figure 4.15.2. Here again load factors,
combinations, and modifiers are applied.
The moments and shears obtained from the analysis are factored and combined using equation (4.10) and
(4.11) to give the critical force effects for designing the longitudinal girders. Service limit state is
investigated to check the sufficiency of the section.
The designed section is investigated for service and fatigue limit state and if the section is safe against
durability, cracking, deflection, and fatigue, then the section is sufficed and the design is completed.
After calculating all the required materials, the total cost of the superstructure is obtained by applying
current material prices for the purpose of cost analysis.
Moreover, input data includes initial dimension of the bridge to be designed such as: clear span, roadway
width, curb width, curb depth, beam seat width, bitumen thickness, railing dimensions, and post spacing
and dimensions.
Furthermore, deck and bottom slab reinforcements and main, distribution, temperature, skin, and shear
reinforcing bars for longitudinal girders are the input data. Material costs are also taken as an input data
for cost analysis.
Having the material properties and bridge dimensions as an input data, the thickness of the deck slab and
bottom slab are computed using equation (4.1) & (4.12) respectively. In addition to this, the followings are
The dead load force effects are obtained by analyzing the continuous beam strip loaded in
figure 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 for dead load force effects due to deck slab, future wearing surface,
overhang, and barrier loads. The critical live load effects are obtained by varying the position of
the wheel loads as shown in the figure 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9.
Appropriate load factors and load combinations are applied for the selected limit state design
from tables provided in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2005. Then the critical
force effects due to dead and live loads are obtained from equations (4.5-1), (4.5-2), (4.5-3), and
The positive moment reinforcement for the deck slab are calculated on the basis of equation (4.8) and
negative moment reinforcement computation; equation (4.9) is used. The adequacy of the section for
flexure and the assurance of ductility is also checked.
Distribution and temperature reinforcements of the deck slab may be taken as a percentage of the main
reinforcements required for positive moment.
The reinforcements of the bottom slab in both longitudinal and transversal direction taken as the
percentage of bottom flange area.
The unfactored design moments are determined from equations (4.6-1) & (4.6-2) to investigate the design
section for service limit state. If the section is safe against durability and cracking, then the section is
sufficed and the design of deck slab is completed.
Once the task of analyzing and designing of deck slab, bottom slab, overhang, and curb accomplished,
then the analysis and design of both interior and exterior longitudinal girders proceeds. The minimum web
thickness, structural depth, and effective flange width for both interior and exterior girders are determined
from equations (4.7), (4.13), (4.14), and (4.15) respectively. The live load force effects due to vehicular
loads and lane load is obtained and distributed for the girders with the appropriate distribution factors for
shear and moment.
The loading and distribution of dead load for maximum force effects is shown in figure 4.24. Influence
lines will be used to determine load positions for maximum live load force effects and magnitude of these
effects is as shown from figure 4.13 to figure 4.15.2. Here again load factors, combinations, and modifiers
are applied.
The critical force effects obtained from equation (4.16) & (4.17) are used to design the longitudinal
girders. Service and fatigue limit states are investigated to check the sufficiency of the section. If the
section is adequate, then the construction materials are calculated in a similar way did for T-girder bridge
and then the total cost for the bridge is determined.
6 Results and Discussions
6.1 Demonstrative Design Examples
Demonstrative design examples showing the whole process of computation involved in the program, for
24 m span T-and Box-girder bridges, are attached in the Annex III. The summary of necessary outputs
obtained from the developed program for a 20m, 22m, and 24m span T- and Box-girder bridges are
presented in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2, respectively.
While developing the program, the following are only taken in to account
The cost analysis of bridges considers only construction costs.
Only the superstructure cost of the bridge is considered for economical analysis since it is
assumed that the substructures are almost the same for both T- and Box- girder bridges having the
same span length.
The program is developed for single span bridges
Table 6.1 Summary of Outputs for 20, 22, and 24m of T-Girder Bridges
Table 6.2 Summary of Outputs for 20, 22, and 24m of Box-Girder Bridges
6.2.2 Results
The quantity of materials obtained from the output of the program and current materials market prices are
used for demarcating the economical span of the two types of bridges (T- and Box- Girder Bridges).
For economical span demarcation, recent values of construction costs of materials including overhead cost
are used here. Table 6.3 below shows the cost for different materials.
An output of the results of the two types of bridges for span ranges from 18 to 28m and their total
associated costs of the superstructure are summarized and tabulated in Table 6.4 below.
Table 6.4 Total Superstructure Costs for Different Span Lengths
Figure 6.1 shows a relationship between span length and total cost of superstructure for span length of a
bridge ranging from 18 to 28m.
6.3 Discussions
Per the observation made on the summarized output data from Table 6.1 & 6.2, the area of
formwork of a T-Girder bridge for class F2 finish is much larger than those in Box-Girder bridges
due to larger area of structural components’ exposed faces. Hence, it gives considerable
contribution for increment of the total cost of a T-Girder bridge.
Again from Table 6.1 & 6.2, the total cost of a T-Girder bridge is also governed by its’ larger
volume of concrete than in a Box-Girder bridge, which is directly related to larger structural depth
and width of girders.
As one can easily understand from the tabulated output data and graphical description, the
economical span that demarcates the two types of bridges (T- & Box- girder) at time of
completion of the study is 23m.
Cost of construction differs from time to time due to the variability in price of construction
materials, skilled & unskilled workers, and other associated factors. For these reason, the
economical span that demarcates the two types of bridges can vary with time accordingly.
7 Conclusions and Recommendations
7.1 Conclusions
This study has attempted to address the selection problem of the two types of bridges (T- & Box-Girder
bridges). Per the condition survey made, it is observed that some designers even have not adopted the
standard as in the case of the 25.8m span T-Girder. Moreover, inconsistency in selection of the bridge type
based on provided span length have been noticed while conducting the site visit for this study. Thus,
identifying a clear demarcation of span length for selecting the more appropriate bridge type (T- / Box-
Girder), on the basis of economy, happens to be found indispensable.
Per the observation of the result from Table 6.4 and Figure 6.1 of cost comparison for superstructures of
the two types of bridges using the prevailing cost, it is found that a span of 23m is the demarcation span
for selecting T-Girder or Box-Girder bridge. Thus, up to 23m T-Girder bridge is economical whereas
beyond 23m Box-Girder bridge is economical.
Since exposed faces of structural components of a T-Girder bridge is much larger than those in Box-Girder
bridges, it is observed that the area of formwork for class F2 finish is much bigger, hence, it gives
considerable contribution for increment of the total cost of a T-Girder bridge. Furthermore, the total cost
of a T-Girder bridge is also governed by the total volume of concrete, which is higher than those in Box-
girder bridge due to larger structural depth and width of girders.
In selection of bridge types, not only the cost of construction is taken into account but also the cost of
future expenditures during the projected service life of the bridge should be considered. Constructed
bridges have to be inspected and maintained as soon as possible prior to damage.
7.2 Recommendations
From the study that has been conducted, the followings recommendations are drawn from the result:
The economical span that demarcates the two types of bridges (T- & Box- Girder bridges) is 23m.
Accordingly, T-Girder bridge is economical up to 23m and that of the Box-Girder bridge is
economical beyond 23m.
As the developed program is easy to apply, clients, consultants, and contractors working in road
development sector can make use of the program for analysis, design, and cost estimate of
superstructures of T- and Box-Girder bridges, having an appropriate consultation with the
department and the developer.
The department can upgrade the developed program for continuous spans T-Girder and Box-
Girder bridges. Besides, the economical span range of reinforced concrete Box-Girder bridge can
further be demarcated with that of prestressed concrete Box-Girder bridge following similar
procedures as did for T- & Box-Girder bridges.
1. Abrham Gebre, Master’s Thesis. (2006), Computer Program for Comparative Study of the Analysis
and Design of Slab and T-Girder Bridges, Addis Ababa, AAU
2. Addis Ababa City Roads Authority. (2004), Bridge Design Manual, Addis Ababa, AACRA
3. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. (2005), LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 3rd edition, Washington, AASHTO
4. C.P. Heins (1984), Design of Modern Concrete Highway Bridges, USA, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
5. Ethiopian Roads Authority. (2002), Bridge Design Manual, Addis Ababa, ERA
6. P.P. Xanthakos (1994), Theory and Design of Bridges, USA, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
7. R.M. Barker (2007), Design of Highway Bridges: An LRFD Approach, 2nd edition, USA, John
Wiley & Sons Inc.
8. W.F. Chen (2000), Bridge Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, USA
9. W.F. Chen (1999), Structural Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, USA
10. Yonnas Bayou, Master’s Thesis. (2009), Strength Evaluation of Existing Bridges, Addis Ababa, AAU
To facilitate the analysis of deck slab for uniform and concentrated (line) loads, influence functions were
developed for a deck with five interior bays and two cantilevers. The width (S) of the interior bays are
assumed to be the same and the cantilever are assumed to be of length (L). The required ordinates and
areas are given underneath.
Multiply coefficients by the span length where the load is applied, that is, L on cantilever and S in the
other spans.
Do not multiply by the cantilever span length; use formulas or values given.
Multiply moment area coefficient by S2, reaction area coefficient by S.
Multiply moment area coefficient by L2, reaction area coefficient by L.
Calculate positive moment, negative
moment, distribution, and temperature
Increase the reinforcement
( As1 = As1 + 200 )
Calculate positive moment, negative
moment, distribution, and temperature
Increase the reinforcement
( As1 = As1 + 200 )
Reinforcement steel grade for diameter of bars ≥ 20mm, Fy1, in Mpa = 420
Reinforcement steel grade for diameter of bars < 20mm, Fy2, in Mpa = 300
Ec = 26.332 Gpa
No. of Girders = 4
Distance b/n center of exterior girder & inner face of curb = 0.360 m
Design Moments
Design Moment
Curb Reinforcement
MD ( 0 ) = 0.00000, VD ( 0 ) = 1325.02
MD ( 2 ) = 2483.99, VD ( 2 ) = 1150.50
MD ( 5 ) = 5347.97, VD ( 5 ) = 896.374
MD ( 7 ) = 6682.63, VD ( 7 ) = 732.066
MD ( 10 ) = 8112.05, VD ( 10 ) = 473.305
MD ( 12 ) = 8375.73, VD ( 12 ) = 319.212
As provided = 4288.73 No. of bars = 4.00000 No. of added bars = 4.00000 Length = 31091.0
As provided = 8356.32 No. of bars = 9.00000 No. of added bars = 5.00000 Length = 19049.0
As provided = 9636.98 No. of bars = 10.0000 No. of added bars = 1.00000 Length = 15049.0
As provided = 12138.1 No. of bars = 14.0000 No. of added bars = 4.00000 Length = 7257.0
As provided = 12138.1 No. of bars = 14.0000 No. of added bars = 0.00000 Length = 3257.0
Serviceability Requirement
Fatigue stress range = 25.203 Mpa < Fatigue stress limit = 115.732 Mpa
Crack Control
As provided = 4288.68 No. of bars = 4.00000 No. of added bars = 4.00000 Length = 31091.0
As provided = 8355.60 No. of bars = 9.00000 No. of added bars = 5.00000 Length = 19049.0
As provided = 10914.2 No. of bars = 12.0000 No. of added bars = 3.00000 Length = 15049.0
As provided = 12135.1 No. of bars = 14.0000 No. of added bars = 2.00000 Length = 7257.0
As provided = 13353.9 No. of bars = 15.0000 No. of added bars = 1.00000 Length = 3257.0
Serviceability Requirement
Fatigue stress range = 46.643 Mpa < Fatigue stress limit = 119.517 Mpa
Crack Control
Skin Reinforcement
Serviceability Requirement/Deflection
Provide 8 Length 6970.0 mm dia. 16.0 mm skin rein. bars on each face
====================THE END====================
Reinforcement steel grade for diameter of bars ≥ 20mm, Fy1, in Mpa = 420
Reinforcement steel grade for diameter of bars < 20mm, Fy2, in Mpa = 300
Ec = 26.332 Gpa
No. of Girders = 4
Distance b/n center of exterior girder & inner face of curb = 0.360 m
Design Moments
Longitudinal Direction
Transversal Direction
Design Moment
Transversal Reinforcement
Curb Reinforcement
MD ( 0 ) = 0.00000, VD ( 0 ) = 1296.75
MD ( 2 ) = 2135.67, VD ( 2 ) = 1124.45
MD ( 5 ) = 4595.80, VD ( 5 ) = 873.546
MD ( 7 ) = 5740.30, VD ( 7 ) = 711.300
MD ( 10 ) = 6713.68, VD ( 10 ) = 475.466
MD ( 12 ) = 6961.04, VD ( 12 ) = 323.268
As provided = 7238.22 No. of bars = 7.00000 No. of added bars = 7.00000 Length = 31091.0
As provided = 8618.20 No. of bars = 9.00000 No. of added bars = 2.00000 Length = 19049.0
As provided = 9997.48 No. of bars = 11.0000 No. of added bars = 2.00000 Length = 15049.0
As provided = 11376.0 No. of bars = 13.0000 No. of added bars = 2.00000 Length = 7257.0
As provided = 12753.9 No. of bars = 14.0000 No. of added bars = 1.00000 Length = 3257.0
Serviceability Requirement
Fatigue stress range = 23.895 Mpa < Fatigue stress limit = 116.666 Mpa
Crack Control
Skin Reinforcement
As provided = 7238.22 No. of bars = 7.00000 No. of added bars = 7.00000 Length = 31091.0
As provided = 7238.22 No. of bars = 7.00000 No. of added bars = 0.00000 Length = 19049.0
As provided = 8618.13 No. of bars = 9.00000 No. of added bars = 2.00000 Length = 15049.0
As provided = 9997.32 No. of bars = 11.0000 No. of added bars = 2.00000 Length = 7257.0
As provided = 11375.8 No. of bars = 13.0000 No. of added bars = 2.00000 Length = 3257.0
Serviceability Requirement
Fatigue stress range = 49.321 Mpa < Fatigue stress limit = 114.888 Mpa
Skin Reinforcement
Serviceability Requirement/Deflection
Diaphragm Reinforcement
Provide 6 Length 6780.0 mm dia. 16.0 mm skin rein. bars on each face
====================THE END====================