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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].
(Reaffirmed 2015) 

IS 15323:2003

(Reaffirmed 2014) 

(Reaffirmed 2013) 

(Reaffirmed 2012) 
Indian Standard  


(Reaffirmed 2011) 
(Reaffirmed 2010) 

Ics 13.340.30
(Reaffirmed 2009) 

(Reaffirmed 2008) 

(Reaffirmed 2007) 

(Reaffirmed 2006) 

(Reaffirmed 2005) 

0 BIS2003



Jut~e 2003 Price Group 5

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Industrial Safety and Chemical Hazards Sectional Committee, CHD 8


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Industrial Safety and Chemical Hazards Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division

Use of respiratory protective equipment for health protection is the last line of defence against toxic air borne
contaminants. Many industrial operations give rise to air borne contaminants in low concentrations which cause
nuisance more often than pose a serious threat to life and health. Respiratory protection is desirable in such
situations. It is essential that the respiratory protection device be suitably tested in the laboratory under simulated
conditions and the defects, if any removed so that desired protection is afforded during actual use.

There is no 1S0 Standard on this subject. In preparation of this standard considerable assistance has been
derived from EN 141 ‘Respiratory protective devices — Gas filters and combined filters — Requirements, testing
and marking’. As a matter of fact the requirements of chemical cartridge respirator have been brought in line with
those specified in EN 141, EN 371, EN 372. It is hoped that this would facilitate the Indian users to procure the
respirators which is best suitable for Indian conditions as while adopting test methods from European Standard,
climatic conditions of tropical countries also have been taken care of.

The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex A.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15323:2003

Indian Standard
1 SCOPE gaseous medium, having a negligible falling velocity
( generally considered to be less than 0.25 m/s ).
This standard prescribes requirements and methods
of test for gas filter and combined filters used in 3.2 Atmospheres (Concentrations ) not Immediately
respiratory protective equipment and for use as Dangerous to Life or Health
components in unassisted protective devices with
Includes those which may produce discomfort
the exception of escape apparatus and filtering
immediately or chronic type of poisoning or affectation
after repeated exposures or acute diverse physiological
2 REFERENCES symptoms after prolonged exposure.

The standards listed below contain provisions, which 3.3 Breakthrough Concentration
through reference in this text constitute provisions
Concentration of test gas in effluent air at which the
of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
filter under test is deemed to be exhausted.
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revisions and parties to agreements based on this 3.4 Breathing Resistance
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying the most recent editions of the standards Resistance of respiratory protective device to flow
indicated below: of air during inhalation and exhalation.

IS No, Title 3.5 Chemical Filter Respirator

8347:1977 Glossary of terms relating to A complete assembly device with either a face-piece
respiratory protective or mouthpiece and one or more cartridges designed
to provide respiratory protection against low
9473:2003 Respiratory protective devices — concentration of gases and vapours, with or without
Filtering half masks to protect particulate contaminants, which are not immediately
against particle — Specification dangerous to life or health.
(first revision )
3.6 Combined Filters
14138 (Partl) Respiratory protective devices:
1994 Filters that remove dispersed solid and/or liquid
Part 1 Standard thread connec-
particles, specified gases and vapours.
tion — Specification

14166:1994 3.7 Face Seal Leakage

Respiratory protective devices: Full
face masks — Specification Inward leakage of ambient atmosphere during
14746:1999 inhalation between the face and the face-piece. Normally
Respiratory protective devices: Half
expressed as a percentage of total inhaled air.
masks and quarter masks —
Specification 3.8 Filtering Facepiece
15322:2003 Particle filters used in respiratory Face-piece entirely or substantially constructed of
protective equipment — filter material.
3.9 Fume
Fine solid aerosol which may be chemically generated
For the purpose of this standard the following or of metallic origin. Fumes are generally generated
definitions shall apply in addition to those given in in high temperature processes such as in welding or
IS 8347. smelting.
3.1 Aerosol 3.10 Mist
Suspension of solid, liquid or solid particles in a General term denoting a liquid aerosol.
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mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15323:2003

3.11 Pre-filter IS 9473. It may also be

used against mercury-
Filter which removes coarse particles, situated in tlont containing salts and
of the main filter. particulate.
4 CLASSIFICATION c) Type AX — For use against low
boiling point compounds
4.1 Classification by Class and Filter Type
as specified by the
Filters are categorized by their ability to remove manufacturer ( boiling
different contaminant types and by contaminant point less than 65°C ).
concentrations. d) Specific — For use against one or
Chemical more specific chemicals
4.1.1 Classes of Filter
Type X not falling into any of the
Filters are classified in one of the following: above type descriptions.
The filter is identified
Class 1 low capacity filters
by the name of that
Class 2 medium capacity filters chemical. Additional-
Class 3 high capacity filters particulate filtration may
be provided.
e) Type F — For use against
1 The protection provided by a class 2 or class 3 filter
formaldehyde gas.
includes that provided by the corresponding filter of
lower class or classes.
2 Specific chemical filters are not classified.
5.1, General
4.2 Filter Type
5.1.1 If the gas filter is combined with a particle
4.2.1 Gas filters are contained in one of the
filter, the combined filter shall meet the filtration
following types or combinations of them. If a filter is
efficiency requirement for the particle filter as
a combination of types, it shall meet the requirements
specified in IS 15322 in addition to the requirements
of each type separately:
described below.
a) Type A — For use against certain organic
5.1.2 The connection between filters and face-piece
gases and vapours as specified
shall be robust and Ieaktight. The connection between
by the manufacture ( with boiling
filter and facepiece maybe achieved by a permanent
point higher than 65° C).
or special type of connection or by a screw thread
b) Type B — For use against certain inorganic connection ( including threads other than standard
gases and vapours as specified threads ). If a standard thread is used it shall be in
by the manufacturer ( excluding accordance with IS 14138 ( Part 1 ). If the filter is a
carbon monoxide ). twin filter designated to be used with a twin tilter face-
c) Type E — For use against sulphur dioxide piece, it shall not be possible to connect it to the
and other acid gas and vapours standard thread connector of a single filter face-piece.
as specified by the manufacturer.
5.1.3 The filter shall be readily replaceable without
d) Type K — For use against ammonia and use of special tools and shall be designed or marked
organic ammonia derivatives as to prevent incorrect assembly. The particle filter of
specified by the manufacturer. combined filters shall be on the influent side of the
4.2.2 Special Filter Type
gas filter.

a) Type NO-P2 — For use against nitrogen 5.1.4 The maximum permissible weight of filters
oxides, for example NO, designated to be used directly connected to a half
NOX, NOZ. mask is 300 g. The maximum permissible weight of
filter designated to be used directly connected to a
b) Type Hg-P2 — For use against mercury
full-face mask is 500 g.
vapours This filter shall
also have an integral 5.2 Materials
particulate filter with an
efficiency of at least 5.2.1 The filter shall be made of suitable material to
equivalent to that of withstand normal usage and exposures to those
FFP2 class filter of temperatures, humidity and corrosive environments
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15323:2003

that arelikely to be encountered. Internally it shall 5.5 Protection Capacity

withstand corrosion by the filtering media.
When tested in accordance with 6.4 filters shall meet
5.2.2 Material fromthe filter media released bythe the requirements of protection capacity as specified
air flow through the filter shall not constitute a hazard in Tables 2 and 3.
or nuisance for the wearer.
5.3 Mechanical Strength
6.1 General
Before testing for breathing resistance and protection
capacity the filters shall be subjected to a test in 6.1.1 All performance tests shall be conducted so
accordance with 6,2 simulating rough usage of the that the test gas or air will pass through the filter
filter. horizontally. Each test shall be conducted with
3 specimens conditioned only by the test described
Afler this treatment the filters shall show no mechanical
in 6.2. Each of the three test specimens shall comply
defects and shall meet the requirements for breathing
with the appropriate requirement.
resistance and protection capacity.

5.4 Breathing Resistance 6.1.2 If the gas filter is combined with a particle filter,
the combined filter shall be subjected to filtration
The resistance imposed by filter to the flow of air efficiency testing for the particle filter as described
shall be as low as possible and in no case exceed the in IS 15322 in addition to the tests described in this
values specified in Table 1 when tested in accordance standard.
with 6.3.
6.1.3 When a single filter of a twin filter is tested
Table 1 Maximum Breathing Resistance
separately the air flow specified for a test may be
( Clause 5.4) halved. If, however, it is possible that the single filter
Filter Type and Class Maximum Resistance
may be used alone, then the full air flow shall be used
at 95 l/rein for testing.
6.2 Mechanical Strength
(1) (2)
Types A, B, E and K 6.2.1 Test Equipment
I 4.0
1-PI 6.1 The apparatus as shown schematically in Fig. 1,
1-P2 6.4 consists of a steel case (K) which is fixed on a vertically
I-P3 8.2 moving piston (S), capable of being lifted up 20 mm
2 5.6 by a rotating cam (N) and dropping down on to a steel
2-PI 7.7 plate (P) under its own mass as the cam rotates. The
2-P2 8.0 mass of the steel case shall be more than 10 kg.
2-P3 9.8
6.2.2 Test Procedure
3 6.4
3-PI 8.5 The filters shall be tested as received, removed from
3-P2 8.8 their packing but still sealed. The filters shall be placed
3-P3 10.6 on their sides in the case (K) so that they do not touch
Special filters each other during the test, allowing 6 mm horizontal
NO-P2 8.0 movement and free vertical movement. After the test
NO-P3 9.8 any loose material that may have been released from
Hg-P2 8.0 the filter shall be removed prior to the performance
Hg-P3 9.8 testing. The test rig shall be operated at the rate of
Ax 5.6 approximately 100 rotations per min for approximately
AX-PI 7.7 20 min and a totalof2000 rotations.
AX-P2 8.0
6.3 Breathing Resistance
AX-P3 9.8
Sx 5.6 6.3.1 After testing in accordance with 6.2 the filter
SX-P1 7.7 shall be connected in a leak tight manner by means
SX-P2 8.0 of a suitable adapter to the test equipment.
SX-P3 9.8
G-P2 8.0 6.3.2 Testing shall be carried out at flow rate
NOTE —Forparticle filters Pl, P2 and P3, see IS 15322. of 95 l/rein continuous flow with air at room
temperature, ambient atmospheric pressure and of
IJI mbar= 100 Pa= 10mm H20.
such humidity that condensation does not occur.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15323:2003

Table 2 Protection Capacity of Gas Filters of Types A, B, E and K

( Clause 5.5)

S1 No. Filter Type Test Gas Minimum Break Through

and Class Time at Test Condition,
(1) (2) (3) (4)
O Al Tetrachloromethane ( CC14 ) 80
ii) B1 Chlorine (C12) 20
Hydrogen sulphide ( H2S ) 40
Hydrogen cyanide ( HCN ) 25
iii) El Sulphur dioxide ( SOZ ) 20
iv) KI Ammonia ( NH3 ) 50
v) A2 Tetrachloromethane ( CC14 ) 40
vi) B2 Chlorine ( Clz ) 20
Hydrogen sulphide ( H2S ) 40
Hydrogen cyanide ( HCN ) 25
vii) E2 Sulphur dioxide ( S02 ) 20
viii) K2 Ammonia ( NH3 ) 40
ix) A3 Tetrachloromethane ( CClq ) 60
x) B3 Chlorine ( Clz ) 30
Hydrogen sulphide ( H2S ) 60
Hydrogen cyanide ( HCN ) 35
xi) E3 Sulphur dioxide ( S02 ) 30
xii) K3 Ammonia ( NH3 ) 60

Table 3 Protection Capacity of Special Filters

( Clause 5.5)

S1 No. Filter Type Test Gas Minimum Break Through

Time at Test Condition,
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) NO-P2 Nitric oxide ( NO ) 20
Nitrogen dioxide ( N02 ) 20
ii) Hg-P2 Mercury vapour ( Hg ) 100 h, &fin
iii) Ax Dimethylether ( CH3 0CH3 ) 50
Isobutane ( Cg HIO) 50

6.3.3 The resistance values shall be corrected for the 6.4.2 Any experimental method may be employed for
reactive value introduced by the adapter and to 23°C obtaining the specified influent concentration, and
temperature and 1 bar absolute pressure. for measuring the effluent concentration, provided it
conforms with the following limits:
6.4 Protection Capacity
a) Influent concentration : + 10 percent of
6.4.1 Protection capacity shall be tested after the tests
specified value
for mechanical strength and breathing resistance. Each
test shall be made with three specimens. For each test b) Effluent concentration ; + 20 percent of
a new filter shall be used. specified value
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15323:2003

and a temperature of 27 * 2°C through the filter for a

period of2h. The concentration of the test gas in the
effluent air shall be monitored during the resorption.
Test conditions for special filters shall be as given in
Table 5.


7.1 All filter shall be marked at least with the following.

7.1.1 Type, class and colour code according to

Table 6.


A2-P3 Brown-white

A2B 1 Brown-Grey

AB2 Brown-Grey ( = A2B2 )

.—. [
t- I “-t 7.1.2 Filter bodies shall be of the colour(s) specified
in Table 6 or alternatively shall be given the colour(s)
in the form of circumferential bands. Silver or light
metal is regarded as a neutral colour.

7.1.3 Type NO-P3 filter shall be marked with the

sentence: for single use only. Type Hg-P3 filter
shall be marked with the sentence: ‘Maximum use
time 50 h’.
6.4.3 The recorded breakthrough time should be
7.1.4 Sub-assemblies and piece parts with considerable
adjusted if necessary by simple proportion to confirm
bearing on safety shall be marked so that they can
with the specified influent concentration.
be identified.
6.4.4 Protection capacity ( minimum break-
through time ) shall be measured at a flow rate 7.1.5 The name, trade-mark or other means of
of 30 + 0.5 l/rein, at 65 + 5 percent relative humidity identification of the manufacturer.
and at 27 + 2“C.
7.1.6 Year and month of expiry or shelf life. Test conditions for gas filters of
Types A, B, E and K are as given in Table 4. 7.1.7 The sentence ‘See instructions for use’ in the
languages English and Hindi and also any other regional Sorption (applicable only for special filters languages as necessary.
of type SX)
7.2 The marking shall be as clearly visible and as
As test gas(es) those shall be used against which the durable as possible.
fi Iters are intended to provide protection. The test
gas concentration shall be 0.5 percent by volume. 7.3 BIS Certification Marking
The breakthrough concentration shall be 5 ml/m3.
7.3.1 The respirators may also be marked with the Resorption (applicable onlyfor speciaifilters Standard Mark.
Of type SX) The use of the Standard Mark is governed
The filters shall be loaded with the test gas for 10 min by the provisions of Bureau of Indian Standard Act,
under the same conditions as for the sorption test. 1986 and Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
After closing the filters shall be sealed and stored at details of conditions under which the licence for the
about 27 * 2°C for a period of 3 + 1 days. After use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
this storage clean air shall be passed at a flow rate manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
of 30 + 0.5 l/rein, at 65 + 5 percent relative humidity Bureau of Indian Standards.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Table 4 Test Conditions for Gas Filters of Types A, B, E and K

( Clause )

S1 No. Filter Type Test Gas Test Gas Concentration in Air Breakthrough
and Class Concentration’)
Percent by Volume mg/1 ml/m3 ( ppm )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) Al CC14 0.1 6.4 10
ii) B2 Clz 0.1 3.0 0.5
HZS 0.1 1,4 10
HCN 0.1 1.1 I (32)

iii) El so* 0.1 2.7 0.5

iv) K1 NHJ 0.1 0.7 25

v) A2 CC14 0.5 32.0 10

vi) B2 C12 0.5 15.0 0.5
HJ 0.5 7.1 10
HCN 0.5 5.6 I 02)

vii) E2 so* 0.5 13.3 0.5

viii) K2 NH, 0.5 3.5 25
ix) A3 CC14 1.0 64.0 10

x) B3 C1* 1.0 30.0 0.5

HJ 1.0 14.2 10
HCN 1.0 11.2 1(32)

xi) E3 so* 1.0 26.6 0.5

xii) K3 NH3 1.0 7.0 25

1) The breakthrough concentration is an arbitrary value and it is used only to define the end point of the filter caPacitY under
laboratory testing conditions.
~)C2N2 may sometimes be present in the effluent air. The total concentration of ( C2N2 + HCN ) shaH not exceed 10 ml/m3
at breakthrough.

Table 5 Test Conditions for Special Filters

( Clause

S1 No. Filter Type Test Gas Test Gas Concentration in Air Breakthrough
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) NO-P3 NOI) 0.25 percent by volume = 3.1 mg/1 5 ml/m3 2,
0,25 percent by volume = 4.8 mg/1
N02’J 1.6 ml/m3 = 13 * 1 mg/m3 5 ml/m3 2,
ii) Hg-P3 Hg (vapour) O.I mg/m3
iii) Ax CH3 OCH3 0.05 percent by volume = 0.95 mg/1 5 ml/m3 2,
Ca HIO 0.25 percent by volume = 6.0 mg/1 5 ml/m3 ‘)

‘) The test gas shall be at least 95 percent pure. This is probably best obtained as compressed gas in cylinders.
‘) Both NO and N02 may be present in the effluent air. The total concentration of (NO + NOJ shall not exceed 5 ml/m3. A
detection method shall be used which is capable of differentiating NO and N02.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15323:2003

Table 6 Marking with Colour 8.3 The instructions for use of the filters shall contain
( Clause.s7.l.l and7.1.2 ) all information necessary for trained and qualified
persons on:
Si No. Type Class Colour Code
(1) a) Application/Limitation,
(2) (3) (4)
i) A l,20r3 Brown b) Give type identifying marking to ensure that
the filter can be identified,
ii) B l,20r3 Grey
iii) E l,20r3 Yellow c) Controls prior to use,
iv) K l,20r3 Green d) Fitting,
v) P l,20r3 White e) Describe how the filter(s) is inserted in the
vi) NO-P Blue-white equipment for which it is designed and how
vii) Hg-P — Red-white that equipment is identified,
viii) AX Brown o Use,
ix) Sx Violet g) Maintenance, and -
h) Storage.
8.4 The instructions shall be unambiguous. If
8.1 Instructions for use shall accompany every
helpful, illustrations, part numbers, marking, etc, shall
smallest commercial available package.
be added.
8.2 Instructions for use shall be in the languages
English and Hindi and also any other regional 8.5 Warnings (if appropriate ) shall be given against
languages, if necessary. problems likely to be encountered.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15323:2003


( Foreword)

Industrial Safety and Chemical Hazards Sectional Committee, CHD 8

Organization Representative(s)

National Safety Council, Mumbai SHRI K. C. GUPTA( Chairman )

Airports Authority of India, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai SHRIP. K. GHOSH

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai DR B. N. RATHI

Central Boiler Board, New Delhi F&PREsENT.ATlvE

Century Rayon, Thane SHRI H. G. UTTAMCHANDANI

SHJO S. K, MMHRA( Alternate )

Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai REPRESENTATIVE

Central Mining Research Institute, Dhanbad SHRI J. K. PANDEY

Central Warehousing Corporation, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Confederation of Indian Industries, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Department of Explosives, Nagpur REPRESENTATIVE

Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, New Delhi DR D. R. CHAWLA

Development Commissioner ( SS1 ), New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Directorate General of Health Services, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Directorate General, Factory Advice Services and Labour DR A. K. MAWMOAR

institutes, Mumbai SHRI S. P. RANA ( Alternate )

Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health ( Factory REPRESENTATIVE

Inspectorate ), Mumbai

Directorate General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad DIRECTOROF MINES SAFETY( MSE )

( Alternate )

Employees State Insurance Corporation, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Excel Industries Limited, Mumbai REPRESENTATIVE

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore REPRESENTATIVE

Hindustan Lever Limited, Mumbai SHRI B. B. DAVE


Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad SHRI S. VENKATESWARA


Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association, Mumbai SHRI V. N. DAS

SHRI A. A. PANJWANI( Alternate )

lndian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited, Rishikesh REPRESENTATIVE

Indian Petrochemical Corporation Limited, Vadodara SHRI P. VIJAYRAGHAVAN

SHRI M. R. PATEL( Alternate I )
SHRI A. V. SARATHY( Alternate 11)

Indian Space Research Organization, Sriharikota SHRI P. N. SANKARAN

( Alternate )

( Continued on page 9 )

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mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15323:2003

( Continued jirom page 8 )

Organization Representative(s)

Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow DR VIRENDRA MISRA

DR V. P. SHARMA( Alternate )

Ministry of Defence ( DGQA ), New Delhi SHJU M. S. SULTANIA

SHRI SUJIT GHOSH ( ,4fternate )

Ministry of Defence, Directorate of Standardization. SHRI P. S. AHUJA

New Delhi LT-COL TEJINDERSJNGH( Al~ernafe )

Ministry of Defence ( OFB ), Kolkata DR D. S. S. GANGULY


Ministry of Defence ( R & D ), Kanpur DR A. K. SAXENA


Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad REPRESENTATIVE

National Organic Chemical Industries Limited. Thane DR B. V. BAPAT

SHRI V. R. NARLA ( Alternate )

National Safety Council, Mumbai SHRI P. M. RAO

SHRI D. BISWAS( Alternate )

Oil [ndustry Safety Directorate, New Delhi SHRI S. K. CHAXRABARTI

( A[ternate )

Safety Appliances Manufacturers Association, Mumbai REPRESENTATIVE

Standing Fire Advisory Council. New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Steel Authority of India Limited, Ranchi REPRESENTATIVE

SIF,L.Chemical Complex, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Limited, .%+ V. JAYARAMAN

Tuticorin ( Alternate )

Tata AIG Rkk Management Services Limited, Mumbai SHRI URMISH D. SHAH

61S Directorate General SHRI S. K. CHAUDHURI,Director& Head ( CHD )

[ Representing Director General ( Ex-oflcio ) ]

Member Secretary
Director ( CHD ), 61S

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to ENGGMECH Engineers - Navi
mumbai(unit1@enggmech.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

B 1S is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.


B 1S has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications maybe reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CHD 8 ( 928 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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