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Breathing Air Compressor Package - Specification: Indian Standard

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(Reaffirmed 2015)

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15879 : 2009
(Reaffirmed 2014)
(Reaffirmed 2019)

(Reaffirmed 2013)

(Reaffirmed 2012)

Indian Standard
(Reaffirmed 2011)
(Reaffirmed 2010)

(Reaffirmed 2009)
ICS 13.340.30; 23.40

(Reaffirmed 2008)

(Reaffirmed 2007)

(Reaffirmed 2006)

(Reaffirmed 2005)

c BIS 2009


NEW DELHI 110002

Jun e 2009 Price Group 6

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
Compressor" Blo(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com)
« ers and Exhauste rs Sectional [for
Corum itree. !\1r. D ~~
non-commercial use only].


This India n Stan da rd was adop te d by th e Bureau of Indian Stan dard s, afte r the draft finali zed by the
Compressors, Blowers and Exhausters Section al Committee had been approved by the Mech anical Enginee ring
Divisio n Council.

Breathin g air co mpresso r packages are widely used by Fire Ser vices, Police Search Units, Hazardous Mat erial
Handl ing Organiza tions. Disaster Management Authorities and di vers etc. T his sta ndard has bee n formul ated
to assist manuf acturers. purch aser s and users as a common guide for performance eva luation and rating of
breathing air compresso r pack age. T his standard also provides th e requirements of ai r qua lity for compressed
air. which is based on BS EN 12021 . Respiratory protecti ve dev ices - Compressed a ir for breathin g apparatu s' .
Biologica l effects of res pirato ry hazar ds on acco unt of presence of pat hog ens in the a ir are not take n into

The user of th is standard should note that different req uirements may be needed for differ en t applicat ions of
breather a ir and aj ud icio us decision should be taken for the end use of breat hing ai r. The term ' breat hing air'
in itself does not relate to a specific leve i of contam inant removal. The definition ofa contaminant depends on
the application as well. Because of this. compressed ai r require ments in various industries and laboratories
will vary significantly. T he purificatio n method need ed for any part icul ar app lication will dep end on the
specific requ irement s for that applica tion. As a res ult. it is crit ical for co mpresse d ai r users to be awa re o f
potent ial cont am inant s in their sys tems, the e ffec ts of these co ntami na nts , and pot ent ial remed ies for
successful contamination co ntrol. Typical contaminants in compressed air are given in Annex A for informatio n.

The compressed breath ing a ir is stored at a high pressure in high pressur e cy linde rs/rece ivers and the refore
the operators of compressor s and users of cylinders should note that cy linde r designed to re levan t Ind ian
Stan dard are to opera te sa fe ly, if used in acco rda nce with spec ified se rvice condi tions for a spec ified finit e
service life on ly. It is th e respons ibility of the owners and use rs of th is sta ndard to ensure that cy linders are
per iod ically tested as per norm s laid down in Gas Cylinder Rilles, 2004, as ame nded from tim e to time and as
enforced hy the regulat or. Other applicable statutory requ irement s as enforce d from tim e to tim e are also to be
comp lied with.

The composition oft he Commi ttee responsible for the formulatio n of the sta nda rd is give n in Annex C.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requ irement of th is standard is co mplied with, the final va lue,
observed or calculated. exp ressing the result of a test or analysis. sha ll be rounded off in accordance with
IS ~ : 1960 ' Rules for rounding off numer ical values (revis edi' , Th e number of s ignificant places reta ined in
the rounded off value should be the sa me as that of the speci fied value in thi s sta ndard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15879 : 2009

Indian Standard

I SCOPE IS No. Title

lessthan 1 100 MPa( 112kgf7mm 2)
1.1 This standard specifies requirements, design,
(third revision)
materials, fabrication, inspection, testing and
preparation for shipment of the breathing air 7494: 1981 Specification for steel for valves
compressor packages used for supply of high for internal combustion engines
pressure breathing air and filling of compressed air (first revision)
cylinders. The standard covers compressors of 10431: 1994 Measurement of air flow of
maximum working pressure 41.4 MPa (g) or less. compressors and exhausters by
nozzles (first revision)
1.2 This standard also specifies the minimum
acceptable limits of constituents in breathing air and ISlIS02151 : Acoustics - Noise test code for
maximumallowablecontaminationconcentration in it. 2004 compressors and vacuum pumps
- Engineering method (Grade 2)
1.3 This standard does not deal with :
a) compressed air used for medical purposes, and
For the purpose of this standard the following terms
b) compressed air used for industrial and definition shall apply.
3.1 Supplier - The party supplying the machines. The
2 REFERENCES supplier mayor may not be the actual manufacturer
The following standards contain provisions, which ofthe machines. The term 'supplier' shall also cover
through reference in this text, constitute provisions any party with whom the supplier places an order for
of this standard. At the time of publication, the partial compliance.
editions indicated were valid . All standards are 3.2 Purchaser - The party purchasing the machines.
subject to revision and parties to agreements based The term 'purchaser' shall also cover person or
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the persons authorized in writing by the purchaser to
possibility of applying the most recent editions of act on his behalf for inspection of the machines.
the standards indicated below :
3.3 Manufacturer - For the purpose oflhis standard,
IS No. Title the manufacturer is the company or organization,
325 : 1996 Three-phase induction motors which manufactures the compressor and evidences
(fifth revision) its responsibility by affixing its name or its registered
996: 1979 Single-phase small ac and trade-mark or trade name and its address, to the
universal electrical motor unit.
(second revision)
3.4 Packapd Compressor - Skid mounted breathing
4691: 1985 Degrees of protection provided air compressor package complete with high pressure
by enclosure for rotating compressor, its driver, air intake and filtration system,
electrical machinery (first inter stage coolers and after-cooler, air purification
revision) system, condensate removal system, pressure safety
6603:2001 Stainless steel bars and flats - valves, instrumentation and controls and other
Specification (first revision) associated auxiliaries, that are specified and
z 6911 : 1992 Stainless steel plate, sheet and completely assembled and tested by the
iii manufacturer, requiring only electrical power supplyl
iii strip (first revision)
N fuel supply by purchaser to operate.
lC 7285 Refillable seamless steel gas
...t cylinders - Specification 3.5 Worklag Prasare - The operating pressure
(Part I) : 2004 Normalized steel cylinders (third at which the compressor has to compress
revision) atmospheric air.
(Part 2) : 2004 Quench and tempered steel
cylinders with tensile strength 3.6 CharglD& Rate - The rate of filling a specified
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15879: 2009

volume (that is a cylinder or air receiver) from zero shall be designed for 110 percent of maximum
pressure to the specified working pressure. discharge pressure or pressure relief valve set
pressure, whichever is higher.
3.7 System Capacity - Sizing of the package in
terms of capacity (that is now) to supply the 5.1.3 All high-pressure air piping/tubing shall be
breathing air at specified charging rate. System rated for 110 percent of maximum working pressure
capacity shall be in ' Iitres per min (lpm)' or 'Standard and utilize seamless stainless steel tubing. All high-
Cubic Metre per hour (SmJIh). pressure air piping/tub ing connections shall use
NOTE - An add itional 10 percent margin over the
compression fit design fittings . All piping and tubing
minimum air requirement may be provided 10 cover shall be properly supported and protected to prevent
leakagc losses at brcathing air stations . damage from vibration during shipment, operation,
or maintenance. Piping and tubing shall be installed
in a neat and orderly arrangement, adapting to the
The quality of breathing air is of utmost importance, contours of the system. All instrument tubing shall
as being life support system. Contaminations be 300 series stainless steel conforming to IS 6911 or
exceeding the prescribed limits can be hazardous. In equivalent standard.
absence ofmore stringent national requirements, the
acceptable level quality for breathing air, considering 5.1.4 The compressor package shall be equipped
both physiological and engineering safety aspects with a dry type inlet filter cum silencer that is, suction
shall be as specified in Table I . muffler, with replaceable elements. Inlet filter shall
prevent entry of particles larger than 2 microns with
5 DESIGN 99 percent + dirt removal efficiency. A high differential
5.1 Geaeral pressure indicator across inlet filter shall be provided
on the instrument panel, which shall indicate
5.1.1 The breathing air compressor package shall maintenance status for the inlet filter. Alternatively,
be designed to deliver high pressure air ranging from a maintenance status indicator for the inlet filter shall
20 MPa (g) to 41.4 MPa (g) or less that meets the be provided locally or on the panel.
requirements of respiratory quality air as specified
in Table I . 5.1.5 The package shall be designed such that all
operating controls and related indicators are located
The purchaser may also specify the quality of on a panel, at the front of the package allowing' in-
breathing air required, depending upon the
situ' (on-site) monitoring and control.
application. However, in any case, the quality of
breathing air shall not be inferior to the acceptable 5.1.6 The package shall be 'containerized' using
limits specified in Table I . The method of fabricated steel structures and panels. All structure
measurements shall be as agreed to between the fasteners shall be concealed and all access panels
purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier. shall include hinges and latches.
5.1.2 The compressor and its purification system The cabinet/container shall incorporate lift-off

Table 1 Breathing Air Quality

[Clauses 4, 5.1.1, 5.2.3, 5.3.2 and 9.2(g)]
51 No. Co.po.e.tslCollta.la.. tI Sy.bol Allowable CoaceatntloD/Coateat
(I) (2) (3) (4)
i) <n)'lCft CClnmltralion by volume (dry air) 0, 21:l::I percent
ii) Carbon monoxide CO Shall not exceed IS mUm' (IS ppm)
iii) e.tIon dioxide CO, Shall not exceed SOO mUm' (SOO ppm)
i.) Water vapour H,O No free liquid water"
2S ppm at package outlet for filling cylinders
SO ppm at cylinder outlet (cylinder pressure 4 MPa
to 20 MPa (g)
3S ppm It cylinder outlet (cylinder pressure >20 MPa (g)
v) Oil c:ornponats
Shall not exceed O.S mgtm'
(Condensed hydrocatbons)
vi) <>dow. tIawor substances IIld tmte Free of any significant odour or taste
NOTE - ~ conditions of 1ISIIIC and storage of compmsed air supply is not known the pressure dew point shill not
exceed - 11°C. •
II Rcfcmd to 0.101 3 MPa. 200(' -S without free liquid water.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15879 : 2009

panels or its equivalent, for access of the internal the purchaser and the supplier.
components for inspection and maintenance. The
cabinet/container shall bedesigned to minimize noise 5.2.3 The compressor may be either oil free type or
emission and shall include noise attenuating oil lubricated type . If an oil lubr icated compressor is
insulation. specified. the discharge air shall meet the oil carryover
limits specified in Table I and shall also have a high
In case of air cooled compressor configuration, the discharge temperature alarm or carbon monoxide (CO)
cabinet/container design shall permit flow of ambient alarm , or both.
air with desired volumetric flow which can remove
the heat of compression from the compressor. The
5.2.4 Material of Construction
cool ing system shall also include a discharge Materials of construction for critical components of
extractor to completely vent the resulting hot air out compressor shall be as per manufacturer's standard
of the cabinet to a safe area. and design except for the following:
In case of water cooled compressor configuration, a) Crankcase including cylinders and heads shall
the cabinet/container design shall permit installation be of cast iron or cast steel or aluminium alloy.
of heat exchangers for removal of heat and shall be Cylinder liners shall be of alloy steel
requiring only one interface connection for cooling conforming to steel designation 12Cr13 of
water supply and return. IS 6603 or equivalent standard specified by
5.1.7 If required by the purchaser, breathing air the manufacturer;
compressor package shall be mounted on anti- b) The crankshaft shall be of forged steel, single
vibration mounts, which shall be provided by the piece construction and shall be supported in
supplier. the crankcase by adequate number of
5.1.8 Unless otherwise spec ified , installation shall bearings;
not require a special foundat ion; however it is the c) The connecting rods shall be of alloy steel
responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that the conforming to steel designation 12Cr 13 of
installation site has a solid and level foundation that IS 6603 or equivalent standard specified by
can support the weight of the system , the availability the manufacturer and shall incorporate a roller
of a qualified source of air for the intake of the bearing at the crank end and needle bearing at
compressor and adequate ventilation. the pin end;
5.1.9 The inlet to the compressor should be so d) The pistons shall be constructed of heavy
located so as to minimize the possibilities of duty aluminum alloy or stainless steel
hazardous substances being drawn into the system. conforming to IS 6911 or equivalent standard
specified by the manufacturer;
5.1.10 Noise Level
e) Piston rings shall be suitable for the intended
The noise level with sound attenuating treatment
service. Piston rings of oil free compressors
shall be limited to:
shall be of polymeric compound. Piston rings
a) Not more than 85 dB at one metre distance for on oil lubricated machine can be of cast iron.
portable or mobile packages, and The purchaser may specify the minimum
b) Not more than 80 dB at I m distance for service life of piston rings;
stationary packages.
f) Valves shall be ofsteel conforming to IS 7494
The temperature of breathing air supplied for use or equivalent standard specified by the
shall not exceed 35°C at any time to ensure operating manufacturer; and
personnel comfort.
g) The compressor's flywheel shall be of cast
5.2 Compressor iron. In case of 'air cooled' compressor, a multi-
wing, high velocity cooling fanshall be integral
5.2.1 The compressor shall be a three or four stage, to the flywheel.
three to four cylinders, single acting, and
reciprocating type; designed for continuous duty at 5.2.5 Cylinders
specified working pressure with the specified
The cylinders shall be equipped with deep cooling
charging rate .
fins on the external surface for optimum heat
5.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, compressor shall dissipation. The cylinders shall be arranged in a 'V
be ofair cooled type. Water cooled type compressor or 'W' or 'X' configuration. For an air cooled
may be selected based on mutual agreement between machine, each cylinder shall be located directly in

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15879 : 2009

the forced draft provided by cooling fan. The c) An inter-cooler shall be provided after each
cylinders shall be removable from the crankcase. stage ofcompress ion and an after-cooler shall
be provided after the final stage of
5.2.6 Valves compression. The coolers shall be individually
Compressor valves shall be designed specially for detachable from the compressor. In case of ' air
severe conditions, which appear in high-pressure air cooled compressor' the same shall be located
compressors. Valve lift, spring characteristics and directly in the air flow path of cool ing fan.
the material of the plates shall be chosen according d) The air cooled after-cooler shall be designed
to the operating conditions. to cool the discharge air to within 14°C of
Unless otherwise specified, velocity of the airflow ambient air.
should DOt exceed 60 mls for intake valves and 40 m/s e) Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,
for outlet valves. all coolers shall be fabricated from series 300
5.1.7 For high pressure air compressors, requiring stainless steel conforming to IS 6911.
lubricated or mini-lubricated cylinders, to prevent Alternate materials, such as copper or copper-
auto-ignition, predicted maximum actual discharge nickel alloy, suitable for the environment in
temperature limitshall be much lower than 130°C and which the compressors are being installed may
the same shall be subject to purchaser's approval. be used, if agreed by the purchaser.

5.1.7 .1 The supplier/vendor shall ensure that the f) Oil and air cooling after each stage may also
recommended cylinder lubricating oil is suitable from be achieved either through multiple rows of
the point of view of auto-ignition that can occur with copper-nickel and/or steel finned tubes,
applications handling air at high pressures. Synthetic arranged in a compact radiator block or
oil can be offered only with specific approval of the through stacked shell and tube type heat
purchaser. exchangers (liquid cooled), and attached
directly to the compressor package.
5.2.8 Lubrication
5.1.10 Separators
a) The compressor shall 6e lubricated by a
combination of splash and low pressure a) Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,
lubrication system. If required , the final stage a separator shall be installed after each stage
of compression shall be lubricated by a of compression. A coalescing type separator
pressurized lubrication circuit. The other shall be supplied at the discharge of the
stages and the driving gear shall be splash compressor.
b) Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,
b) Type and quality of lubricant recommended' manual drain valves for manual draining shall
by the manufacturer shall only be used. be provided for all separators.
c) The pressure lubrication circuit shall include c) If specified, an automatic condensate dra in
a positive displacement oil pump, gear driven system , by means of diaphragm valves
by the crankshaft, and a non-adjustable oil actuated by a timer-controlled solenoid, shall
pressure regulator. A replaceable cartridge be provided for all separators . Adjustable drain
type filter element shall also be provided. A timers shall be factory preset to drain the
highly visible sight glass/level gauge shall be separators approximately every 15 min for
provided to check the level of lube oil. The oil approximately 6 s. Manually operated valves
drain for the compressor shall be piped to the shall be supplied to override the automatic
outside of the frame for easy access. operation of the automatic condensate drain
system for test and maintenance procedures.
5.1.9 Inter- and After-Coolers and Oil Cooler
d) On unloading ofthe compressor on shutdown,
a) Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,
condensate shall be drained so that
all inter-coolers and after-coolers shall be of
compressor is ready for an unloaded restart.
'Air cooled' type and shall be as per
manufacturer's standard. e) Ifspecified, condensate and escaping air shall
be led from the separators into a condensate-
b) Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser
receiving tank. The unit shall be fully piped ,
oil cooler shall be of ' Air cooled' type and
shall be as per manufacturer's standard. with high-strength flexible hoses for
connection on the suction and discharge side.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1S879 : 2009

5.3 Air Purification System 5.3.6 If specified. in order to meet the dew point
temperature requirement, suitable and appropriate air
5.3.1 Compressed breathing air systems shall be
dryers shall be provided.
supplemented with a purifier to remove common
contaminants from compressed breathing air. A 5.4 8rt.thinC Air StoraCf
purification system shall be designed to:
5.4.1 HP Air Cylinders
a) filter out oil, liquid, water and solids;
Air storage system shall include breathing air storage
b) reduce water vapour content; cylinders/vessels consisting of two or four seamless
cylinders/vessels , manufactured according to IS 7285
c) convert carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide;
(Part I) or IS 7285 (Part 2) and approved by the
Statutory Authority. Any other type of seamless
d) filter out undesirable taste and odour. cylinders approved by Statutory Authority may also
be used. These cylinders can either be mounted in a
5.3.2 The purification system shall be capable to vertical or horizontal configuration in a rack. The rack
purify high pressure air into a high quality air that shall be designed to support the receivers in a secure
meets or exceeds the requirements specified in Table I. manner and permit visual inspection ofthe receiver's
5.3.3 Purification shall be achieved by a mechanical external surface. Applicable statutory requirements
separation of condensed oil and water droplets, for cylinders and its fittings shall be complied with.
absorption of vaporous water by a desiccant, 5.4.2 HP Air Receivers
absorpt ion of oil vapour and elimination of noxious
odours by activated carbon and conversion of carbon Air storage system shall include breathing air
monoxide to respirable levels of carbon dioxide by consisting of high pressure air receivers
catalyst. manufactured according to IS 7285 (Part I) or IS 7285
(Part 2) and approved by the Statutory Authority.
5.3.4 The high pressure purification chambers shall Any other type of seamless cylinders approved by
have a working pressure of equivalent to relief valve Statutory Authority may also be used. Air receiverts)
set pressure. The purification system shall utilize shall be mounted in close proximity to the compressor
replaceable cartridges. The purification system shall package. Applicable statutory requirements for
be designed to allow the replacement of cartridges cylinders and its fittings shall be complied with.
without disconnecting the systems piping. The
design ofthe chambers shall preclude the possibility Sufficient air storage capacity shall be provided to
of operating the system without cartridges installed supply the air requirements (that is for a specified
or with improperly installed cartridges. A bleed valve set of conditions and for a specified period of time)
shall be provided to allow venting of the purification following a total loss of power to the compressor.
system prior to installing cartridges. A pressure
5.5 Pressure Reduclnc Station and Manifold
maintaining valve and check valve shall be supplied
to downstream of the purification system to increase The breathing air manifold shall be provided, which
the efficiency of the purification system by shall be the termination point for the breathing air
maintaining a positive back pressure. A check valve supply piping. A pressure reducing station shall also
shall be supplied between the coalescing separator be installed in the discharge header which shall
on the compressor discharge line and the purification assure that air pressure to the respirator(s) does not
system to maintain the positive pressure in the exceed a preset limit Pressure at the inletto the bre8dling
purification system when the compressor shuts air lines should be no higher than 0.86 MPa (g).
As a minimum, manifold and pressure reducing
5.3.5 The purification shall include a moisture station shall include:
monitoring system. The sensor shall be located in
a) A filter rated to remove 99.999 98 percent ofall
the purifier cartridge for direct monitoring of moisture
levels . A display module, to indicate status of the liquid and solid particles of 0.03 microns or
en larger. The filter shall be drainable for removal

az cartridge shaIl be supplied in the instrument panel.

of trapped fluids.
The moisture monitoring system shall be of a fail-
iii safe design. Should electrical contact betwe en the b) Pressure regulator with 0 to 0.86 MPa (g) range
display module and sensor be disconnected. an and a gauge with a scale of 0 to 1.4 MPa (8).
immediate shut down shall be initiated. For the
The pressure regulator shall be installed
absolute safety and the highest quality breathing downstream from the filter.
air, no manual override shall be supplied for the
moisture monitor. c) Bypass piping around the pressure reducing
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15879 : 2009

valve (PRV) with a globe valve for manual on area of classification and intended use of package .
pressure regulation and a safety relief valve
7.2 The motor control center shall include an direct-
(SRV) installed downstream ofthe PRYbypass
on-line (DOL) magnetic motor starter, fused
transformer and programmable logic controller (PLC)
d) Quick-disconnect check units for the air hose controller. The electrical panel installed shall be built
connection. in compliance to internat ional electrical standards
and shall be affixed with an applicable certification
6.1 Prime Mover
6.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, prime mover shall
8.1 Instrument Panel
be electrical motor. Engine as a driver can be used, if
specified by the purchaser. a) An instrument panel shall be installed on the
front of the system. The instrument panel shall
6.1.2 The rated power of the driver shall be at least
include, at minimum, a pressure gauge for each
10 percent higher than the maximum power required
stage of compression , a pressure gauge for
by the compressor under any operating condition .
compressor oil pressure, OFF /ON selector
6.1.3 As specified, engines can either be diesel switch, inlet filter maintenance indicator,
engine or gasoline engine, complete with air intake power-on light, moisture display module, and
system, fuel system, lubrication system, etc. In such fault lights .
a case, care shall be taken to ensure that exhaust
gases from a combustion engine powered compressor b) The instrument panel shall be located and
or from other nearby sources may not contaminate arranged for visib ility and easy access by the
the air drawn into the system. operator and for the accessibi Iity for
inspection and maintenance. All components
6.2 Drive Arrangement installed in the instrument panel shall be
securely supported to eliminate vibration and
Power from the driver shall be transmitted to the
undue force on piping and to prevent damage
compressor through V-belt design or direct drive
during shipment, storage, operation and
(through rigid coupling or universal shaft coupling) .
The V-belt drive shall allow tightening of the belts
automatically. c) All instrument panel mounted gauges shall be
of63 mm to 100 mm diameter. Pressure gauges
6.3 Guards for Moving Parts
shall be liqu id filled. Each panel mounted
Non-sparking guards shall be provided for all moving component shall be labelled with an engraved
parts. nameplate.
6.4 Nameplate and Rotation Arrow 8.2 If specified by the purchaser, the compressor
control may consist of a programmable logic
6.4.1 A nameplate shall be securely attached at a controller (PLC) for monitoring, protection and
readily visible location on the equipment and on any
control of standard compressor systems.
other major piece of auxiliary equipment. The
nameplate shall indicate operating and design 8.3 Instrumentation and Controls may include some
parameters as per the manufacturer 's standard or all ofthe following :
a) An IP56 enclosure as per IS 4691;
6.4.2 Rotation arrows shall be affixed at a prominent
place on the compressor. b) Audio-visual alarms comprising of Annun-
ciator and 24 V Hooter ;
6.5 Optional Items
c) On/OfT selector switch or push-buttons;
Optional items of the breathing air compressor
package are given in Annex B. d) Emergency stop push-button;

7 ELECTRICAL e) Warning and alarm indicator lights:

7.1 The electric motor shall be single-phase or three- I) All lamps shall be as a LED cluster type;
phase suitable for 240/415 V respectively and 50 Hz 2) Lamp test function (Built-in); and
current Electricalmotor shall be as per IS 996 or IS 325
or equivalent standard. The purchaser shall spec ify 3) Lamps to flash representing alarm
the enclosure type and degree of protection based condition.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15879: 2009

t) Warning and alarm functions ; hydrostatic test is carried out.

g) Driver overload alarm; 9.2 Followinginspectionand tests shall be carried out:
h) Required engine controls (including constant a) Hydrostatic test for all cylinders and pressure
speed control through head un loaders or vessels. Duration of hydrostatic test shall be
governors); as per applicable code;
J) Hour Meter - A non-resettable hour meter b) Air leak test of complete unit at specified
shall be supplied to record the number of maximum design pressure;
operating hours. The hour meter shall be
c) Mechanical running test for 4 h;
installed on the instrument panel;
d) System capacity and discharge rate shall be
k) Pressure Switch and Gauge - The
demonstrated either by receiver fil1ing method
compressor oil pressure shall be monitored by
or by restriction orifice as per IS 10431.
a pressure switch and pressure gauge installed
Duration of test shall be minimum I h on
in the instrument panel. The compressor shall
continuous running;
shut down and a fault light shall illuminate, in
case of drop in oil pressure below preset e) Functional test of control panel and checking
values. The oil pressure switch shall be by- of all safety systems and controls;
passed during start-up to permit the oil pump
t) Safety relief valves shal1 be tested for their
to achieve normal operating pressures ;
operation and corresponding feedback to the
m) Temperature Transmitter - A temperature control panel ;
element with temperature transmitter shall be
g) The compressed air shall be tested for
supplied on the discharge line ofthe final stage
requirements specified in Table I . This test
of compression. The compressor shall shut
may be carried out at approved laboratories;
down, generate an audible alarm and a fault
light shall illuminate should be final stage of
discharge temperature exceed the set point h) Noise level test shall be carried out in
during operations; accordance with IS/ISO 2151 :2 004 for
requirements specified in 5.1.10.
n) Shut-Down Switches - For ease of system
diagnosis and maintenance , the low oil 10 PREPARATIONFORSHIPMENT
pressure and high pressure air shut-down
10.1 The entire system shall be tested by the
switches shall be equipped with suitable
supplier/packager prior to shipment. Compressor
manufacturer's test report and supplier's test report
p) Annunciators - All fault lights shall be shall accompany the system at shipment.
installed on the instrument panel and shall be
10.2 Supplier's nameplate shall be securely affixed
LED cluster type and red in color or its
to the electrical box. The nameplate shall include,
equivalent. Each fault light shall be labelled
manufacturer's name, model number, serial number,
with an engraved nameplate;
compressor block number, system operating pressure,
q) CO Monitor and Calibration Kit - I f compressor operating speed, capacity and charging
specified by the purchaser, CO monitor and rate, driver rating (that is kW), voltage, frequency,
calibration kit shall be provided along with its amperage and date of manufacture.
alarm functions; and
10.3 The system shall be prepared for motor freight
r) Online Dew Point Meter - If specified by the transport, bolted to a wooden pal1et, wrapped in clear
purchaser, an online dew point meter shall be plastic, and fully protected by heavy reinforced
provided on the panel. cardboard. Component parts, loose parts or
associated parts shal1 be packaged separately and
shipped on the same pal1et, iffeasible.
9.1 General
10.4 The equipment/package shall be suitably
Material composition and physical property packed, fastened to avoid damage during transit and
certificates for material of construction shall be made crated for shipment and storage for a period of six
available to purchaser or his authorized months. Lifting, unpacking and handling instructions
representative upon request. Pressure containing shall be securely attached to the exterior ofthe largest
parts shall not be painted until the specified packing in a well marked weather proof container.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15879 : 2009

The upright position of lifting points , gros s weights b) Schematic diagram for the package/Piping and
and dimensions be clearly marked on each package. instrumentation drawings;
Each package shall clearly identify the equ ipment c) General arrangement draw ings ;
contained therein.
d) Foundation drawings;
e) Cross section drawings with bill of material of
11.1 Proposals each equipment formin g part of the package;
The vendor's proposals shall as a minimum include f) List of spare parts that is commissioning
the following: spares , spare parts for two years normal
operation, standard tool s, etc ; and
a) Manufacturer's standard data sheets;
g) Installation , operation and maintenance
b) Schematic diagram for the package/piping and
manual. Manual shall also give complete
instrumentation drawing;
details regarding safety precautions, checking
c) General arrangement draw ing; of safety devices and mandatory retesting of
equipments /vessels as per stipulated
d) List of recommended commissioning spares; frequency.
e) List of vendor's standard spare parts for two 11.2.2 All transmittal documents (covers), drawings
years normal operation ; and data shall have a title block ( in addition to
f) List of standard tools; vendor's standard title block) whi ch shall at least
contain the following contract information:
g) Any start-up , shutdown or operating
restrictions required to protect the integrity a) Purchaser's and consultant's corporate name ;
of the equipment/package; and b) Project name ;
h) Manufacturer's catalogue/leaflet. c) Client/Customer 's name ;
11.2 Contrad Data d) Equipment name and item No .; and
11.2.1 The supplier shall furnish the following vendor e) Purchase order No .lPurchase specification.
data/drawings for purchaser's review/approval, after
placement oforder: 11.2.3 All vendor data/drawings/documents shall be
in SI/metric systems.
a) Manufacturer's standard data sheets for
compressor, prime mover, electrical system , 11.2.4 Two sets of Final /As Built drawings and
instrumentation and controls, etc ; documents shall also be submitted.


A-I Atmospheric air is composed of countless Air is composed of a multitude of gases , vapours
contaminants consisting of unwanted gases, liquid and aerosols that all vary in concentration ,
droplets, and particles. Air is the universal diffuser, depending on time , location of nearby sources, etc.
as water is the universal solvent. Essentially all gases, In addition, the definition of a contaminant depends
vapours and aerosols small enough to be suspended on the application ofair. Airborne pollen, for example,
enter the atmosphere eventually. The atmosphere is a boon to vegetation (and is certainly not a
transports the entrained components, quite often contaminant) as it is transported from one location
over long distances, until they return to the earth's to another, but it may be harmful to animals or humans
ecosystem. with respiratory ailments. Similarly, water vapor in

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15879 : 1009

the air we breathe is essential to keep the mucous which can clog or damage system components .
glands moist, but it also breeds harmful microbes Water also causes rust in pipelines, and can
and contributes to metal corrosion. freeze in cold weather to block air flow.
General contaminants ofbreathing/respiratory air are c) Oil/Oil Mist - Oil is a major contaminant in
as under : systems using lubricated compressors. In
reciprocating compressors, lubricating oil
a) Carbon Monoxide (CO) - Carbon monoxide
appl ied to cylinders causes small droplets by
is the most toxic contaminant in compressed
the shearing action of the piston to enter the
air. It enters the breathing air system through
air system as a mist. Oil mist can cause
the air intake, or is produced by overheating breathing discomfort, nausea and pneumonia,
of piston type compressors. The air intake and create unpleasant taste and odours.
must be placed away from engine exhaust or
other sources of carbon monoxide. d) Solids - Solids generally enter the system
through the air intake. However, some
b) WaterlWater Vapour (H 10) - Air contains materials may be introduced by the
moisture which is drawn into the compressor compressor itself. In non -lubricated
and enters the air stream as a vapour. As compressors, teflon , carbon and other
compressed air flows through the system, it materials are used as lubricants. Frictional
cools, causing the vapour to condense in the wear can cause particles from these materials
face-piece or helmet . Moisture combines with to enter the air stream.
oil and solid contaminants to form sludge,

(Clause 6.5)

B-1 CONTAINMENT FILL STATION FOR SELF waist height. A slip resistant handle and heavy duty
CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (SCBA) gas spring shall be incorporated into the design of
CYLINDERS the fill station to assist the operator in opening and
closing the fill station door.
A front-loading, three position; containment fill
station can be included. The fill station shall totally Each cylinder holder shall be lined with ABS plastic
enclose the SCBA cylinders during the refilling strips to prevent scuffing the outer surface of the
process. The fill station shall contain the cylinder SCBA cylinders. For complete operator protection,
and any fragments of the cylinder and vent the the fill station shall include a three-point pneumatic
expanding air away from the operator in the unlikely safety interlock system that will prevent refilling
event ofa cylinder rupturing while being filled. SCBA cylinders unless the fill station door is closed
and secured in the closed position. Three fill hoses
The fill station's outer enclosure shall be constructed shall be located within the fill station. Each fill hose
of6.25 mm thick steel. The fill station door shall be shall be equipped with a bleed valve and suitable
constructed of 6.25 mm thick steel plate and SCBA fill adapters. Male adapters shall also be
reinforced by three 6.25 mm thick steel cylinder provided to anchor the fill hoses when not in use.
holders, providing a 12.5 mm thick steel protective
safety barrier between the operator and the refilling B-1 CASCADE FILL CONTROL PANEL FOR
process. The outer enclosure shall be welded into SCBA OR SELF CONTAINED UNDERWATER
the frame. The fill station shall be ergonomically BREATHING APPARATUS(SCUBA) CYLINDERS
designed for maximum operator convenience and
A stainless steel cascade fill control panel shall be
safety for refilling cylinders. The fill station door and
installed on the front ofthe station. The control panel
cylinder holder assembly shall tilt out towards the
shall be factory piped for four storage banks and
operator, providing unobstructed access to the
designed to fill three SCBA or SCUBA cylinders
cylinder holder to load and unload the cylinders at

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15879 : 2009

either independently or simultaneously. The control components shall be labelled with an engraved
panel shall include, at a minimum, an automatic nameplate.
sto rage by-pass system , a manual control valve and
pressure gauge for each storage bank, an adjustable
regulator for SCBA cylinder fill pressure complete Hose reel assembly shall be of sufficient size to hold
with a pressure gauge for inlet and regulated pressure 16 m of 41.4 MPa (g ) rated hose alon g with su itable
and a reliefvalve to protect the SCBA cylinders from high pre ssure coupler assembly. It shall be wall-
overfilling, a manual control valve and pressure mounted and contain a spring re-wind reel. The hose
gauge for each fill position, prov isions for factory or reel shall be controlled via a panel-mount valve and
field modification to allow a different fill pressure at gauge located on the fill stat ion control panel. It shall
each fill position. include a hose mounted line valve, bleed valve, and
high-pressure coupler assembly. The reel shall have
The automatic storage by-pass system shall control
a hose guide and hose stop.
the dispensation of air from the compressor. When
the cascade fill operation is initiated by opening the 8-4 AIR ANALYSIS KITS
desired bank to fill from, the system will fill from the
storage bank selected. When the fill pressure and The air analysis kit shall be capable of verifying the
storage bank pressure approach equalization the following :
automatic storage by-pass system will switch to direct a) Oxygen content,
fill from the compressor. This will continue until
another storage bank is opened or until filling is b) Carbon dioxide content,
complete. c) Carbon mono xide content,
All control panel mounted pressure gauges shall d) Methane content,
have a 100 mm diameter and be liquid 'filled. A e) Water vapour content,
fluorescent light shall be factory installed above the f) Dew point,
panel to provide a glare-free illumination of the
control panel. A panel mounted on/otT switch shall g) Oil/particles present, and
be supplied for the light. All panel-mounted h) Odour.

Compressors, Blowers and Exhausters Sectional Committee, MED 22
Organization Representativets)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hyderabad SHill AIlVINO G UPTA (Chairman)

ABB Ltd. Kolkata SHill GAUTAM SEN


ACC Machinery Company Ltd, Butibori SHill JAVANT KUMAR

SHill K . R. BALASUBIlAMANI (Alternate)
Atlas COpeD (India) Ltd. Pune SHill J . M . KAUL
SHill K . N . SIDHWANI (Alternate )

Bhant Pumps .t Compressors Ltd. Allahabad S Hill V. K . SIlIVASTAVA

SHill SUIlAJ S,NGH (Alternate)

Central Mine Planning .t Design Institute Ltd. Kolkata SHill R. DASG UPTA

Elgi Equipments Ltd. Coimbatorc SHIll D . S UNDEll RAtAN

Engineers India Ltd. New Delhi SHill RAVINDIlA K UMAR

SHill A . K. NIJHAWAN (Alternate)

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15879 : 2009

Organization Representativets )
Fact Engineering & Design Organizat ion , Cochin SHRIV.G .SANKARANARAYAN

Gas Authority of India Ltd , New Delhi SHRI R. S. JAwALE

Hindustan Petroleum Corporat ion Ltd , Mumbai SHRI B . K. NAMOEO

SHRI M . RAMBABU (Alternate)

Indian Register of Shipping , Mumbai SHRI U. S. KALGHATGl

SHRI R. K. KALRA (Alternate)

Ingersoll-Rand (I) Pvt Ltd, Ahemdabad SHRI SURESH KAUL

Kirloskar Pneumatic Co Ltd , Pune SHRI SHRIDHAR V.NAIl(

SHRI S. K . DESMUI(H (Alternate)

Ministry of Defence, Pune COL V. V. KADAM


National Fertilizers Ltd , Panipat SHIU S. K. SHARMA


National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi SHIllJ. C. SHARMA

SHRI H. N . P. POODAR (Alternate)

Newman & Essar Compressor Appl icat ion. Centre, Pune SHRI SIIANXAIl CHA1TOI'ADYAY

Projects & Development (Ind ia) Ltd , Noida SHRI ANIL KUMAR GUPTA
SHRI D. K . VOHRA (Alternate)

Reliance Industries Ltd , Mumbai SHRI S. K. GARYALI


Research, Design & Standards Organization , Lucknow SHRIAruLYA SINHA

SHRI O. P. CHAUBEY (Alternate)

Revati Chicago Pneumatic India Ltd , Nasik SHRI ANILK . LAL

SHRI V. S. MATHUR (Alternate)

Steel Authority of India Ltd, New Delhi SHRI B. P. SINGH

SHRI S. K. JHA (Alternate)

Tata Chemicals Ltd , Badaun SHRI C. P. CHHABRA


BIS Directorate General SHRI C. K . VEDA, Scientist ' F' and Head (MED)
(Representing Director General (Ex-officio»)

Member Secretary
Scientist 'E' (MED), BIS

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HILD Life Sciences Pvt Ltd -
(muthurajan_h@yahoo.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution establi shed under the Bureau ofIndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and qualit y certification of good s and attending to
connected matters in the country.

C opyright

B1Shas the copyright ofall its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing ofBIS. This does not preclude the free use, in course of implementing the standard,
of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes , type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be
addressed to the Director (Publications), B1S.

Review of Indian Sta nda rds

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision . Users of Indian Standards
should asce rtain that they are in possession of the latest amend ments or editio n by referring to the latest issue of
' BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions' .

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: MED 22 (1004).

Ame nd me nts Issu ed Since Pu blic a t ion

Amendment No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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