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PMB - Is 15462 - 2019

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भारतीय मानक IS 15462 : 2019

Indian Standard

पॉलीमर परिवर्तित बिटुमेन ( पी एम बी ) —

(  पहला पनु रीक्षण )

Polymer Modified Bitumen ( PMB ) ―

( First Revision )

ICS 75.140

© BIS 2019

भारतीय मानक ब्रयू ो

मानक भवन, 9 बहादरु शाह ज़फर मार्ग, नई िदल्ली – 110002
NEW DELHI-110002

May 2019  Price Group 7

Bitumen, Tar and Related Products Sectional Committee, PCD 06

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized
by the Bitumen, Tar and Related Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and
Related Product Division Council.
Majority of highways in our country have bituminous pavement. High traffic intensity, overloading and variations
in daily and seasonal temperature of the bituminous pavements have been responsible for early development of
distress like rutting, cracking, bleeding, shoving and potholing of bituminous surfacing. Under these conditions,
bituminous pavement constructed using conventional paving bitumen is not able to cope up with the present traffic
This standard originally published in 2004 as IS 15462 : 2004 ‘Polymer and rubber modified bitumen ―
Specification’ which covered both polymer and rubber modified bitumen. Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB)
and Rubber Modified Bitumen (RMB) differ in composition, method of preparation and product performance.
Therefore, it was decided by the Committee to have separate specifications for PMB and RMB. This revision of
IS 15462 covers only PMB. For RMB, a new Indian Standard is under formulation.
Studies have revealed that the properties of bitumen and bituminous mixes can be improved/ modified with the
incorporation of plastomeric and elastomeric polymers. These polymers are called modifiers and the bitumen
premixed with these modifiers is known as the polymer modified bitumen. Use of PMB in wearing/binder course
of the pavement (in top 100 mm from the road surface) is expected to significantly improve the life of surfacing
and extend the time of the next renewal. Full–scale performance studies on overlay carried out by various research
institutions revealed that the use of PMB in construction/ maintenance of bituminous pavements significantly
improve the pavements performance and is cost effective, when life-cycle cost in taken into consideration.
Over the years, different types of polymers have been used to make modified bitumen. The most commonly used
type of modifiers are elastomeric polymers. These are macro-molecules in which the same group of atoms is
repeated very large number of times. These repeated groups can be formed from one or several different molecules
(monomers). The table below lists the group of principal modifiers which are used to modify bitumen for highway
engineering applications airfield/ airports ports and industrial areas. These polymers are also mentioned in Indian
Road Congress (IRC) and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) standards, specifications, and
codes of practices.
Principal Polymer used to prepare Polymer Modified Bitumen:
Plastomeric Thermoplastic Polymers
a) Polyethylene PE
b) Ethylene- Vinyl Acetate Copolymer EVA
c) Ethylene-Methyl Acryl ate Copolymer EMA
d) Ethylene-Butyl Acryl late Copolymer EBA
e) Ethylene Ter Polymer ETP
Elastomeric Thermoplastic Polymers
a) Styrene- Butadiene-Styrene Block Copolymer SBS
b) Styrene- Isoprene-Styrene Copolymer SIS
c) Styrene- Butadiene SB
d) Styrene Butadiene Rubber SBR
IS 15462 : 2004 was not adequate to reflect the performance of PMB in the field. In this revision, attempts have
been made to incorporate the parameters which are performance oriented.
A review of international development work into performance based specifications indicated the need to adopt
performance based specification parameters in place of conventional classic parameters like penetration, softening
point etc. At present, a number of potential performance-based tests are proposed to characterize the properties of
PMBs. The validation of these parameters is proposed to be carried out in next five years and make appropriate
amendments in the specification.

( Continued on third cover )

IS 15462 : 2019

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

1 SCOPE Indian Standard/ Title

This standard prescribes the requirements and methods Other Publication
of sampling and tests of polymer modified bitumen 9382 : 1979 Methods for testing tar
(PMB) binders for use in highways, airfield/airports and bituminous materials :
and other allied construction and maintenance works. Determination of effect of heat
and air by thin film oven test
ASTM D 4402 - 15 Standard test method for
The following standards contain provisions which, viscosity determination
through reference in the text, constitute provisions of of asphalt at elevated
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions temperatures using a rotational
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to viscometer
revision and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility 3 TERMINOLOGY
of applying the most recent editions of the standard
indicated below: For the purpose of this standard, the definition given in
IS 334 shall apply, in addition to the following:
Indian Standard/ Title
Other Publication 3.1 Complex Shear Modulus (G*) — Ratio calculated
by dividing the absolute value of the peak-to-peak
73 : 2013 Paving bitumen — shear stress, τ, to the absolute value of the peak-to-peak
Specification (  fourth revision) shear strain, γ.
334 : 2002 Glossary of terms relating
to bitumen and tar ( third 3.2 Creep and Recovery — A standard rheological test
revision) protocol whereby a specimen is subjected to a constant
load for a fixed time period then allowed to recover at
1201 : 2004 Methods for testing tar zero load for a fixed time period.
and bituminous materials:
Sampling (  first revision) 3.3 Non-recoverable Creep Compliance (Jnr) — The
1205 : 1978 Methods for testing tar residual strain in a specimen after a creep and recovery
and bituminous materials: cycle divided by the stress applied in kPa.
Determination of softening 3.4 Phase Angle (δ) — The angle in degrees between a
point (  first revision) sinusoidally applied strain and the resultant sinusoidal
1208 : 1978 Methods for testing tar stress in a controlled-strain testing mode, or between
and bituminous materials: the applied stress and the resultant strain in a controlled-
Determination of ductility stress testing mode.
(  first revision)
1209 : 1978 Methods of testing tar
and bituminous materials: When used as bitumen modifier, selected polymer or a
Determination of flash point blend of polymers shall have the following properties:
and fire point (  first revision) a) Compatible with bitumen,
9381 : 1979 Methods for testing tar b) Resist degradation at mixing temperature,
and bituminous materials:
c) Capable of being processed by conventional
Determination of FRAASS
mixing and laying machinery,
braking point of bitumen
d) Produce required coating viscosity at application
temperature, and

IS 15462 : 2019

e) Maintain premium properties during storage, NOTE ― Over the years, different types of materials have been
application and in-services. investigated as additives for bitumen modifications. Some of
them which have been trial tested in India and other countries
NOTE ― Homogeneity is very important for desired
are polyethylene, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers, ethylene
performance of polymer modified binders. Therefore, these
methyl acrylate, ethylene butyl acrylate, styrene butadiene,
should be prepared at refinery or by appropriate industrial
styrene butadiene styrene block co polymer etc.
process and plant having high shear device.
6.2 The material shall be homogenous and shall not
5 CLASSIFICATION foam when heated at 170°C.
The polymer modified bitumen (PMB) shall be 6.3 No mineral matter other than naturally present, in
classified into five grades as given below: the ingredient material, shall be used.
a) Grade PMB 64-10, having average maximum
6.4 Modifier shall not degrade/separate during heating/
pavement temperature < 64°C and minimum
pavement temperature > (–10) °C;
b) Grade PMB 70-10, having average maximum 6.5 The polymer modified bitumen (PMB) shall also
pavement temperature < 70°C and minimum conform to the requirements given in Table 1.
pavement temperature > (–10) °C; NOTE — At the time of unloading PMB, contractors like
c) Grade PMB 76-10, having average maximum to conduct some quick field checks on the grade and elastic
characteristics of PMB. For this purpose, three requirements,
pavement temperature < 76°C and minimum
namely, viscosity, softening point and elastic recovery as
pavement temperature > (–10) °C; specified in Table 1 may be conducted. However, the final
d) Grade PMB 82-10, having average maximum acceptance is subject to conformance as specified in 6.5.
pavement temperature < 82°C and minimum
pavement temperature > (–10) °C; and 7 CHOICE OF POLYMER MODIFIED
e) Grade PMB 76-22, having average maximum
pavement temperature < 76°C and minimum 7.1 Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) are generally
pavement temperature > (–22) °C. recommended for construction of durable pavements
carrying heavy to very heavy traffic loads and/or areas
NOTE where the pavement temperatures vary widely between
Calculation of Pavement Temperatures summer and winter. PMB is also recommended for
a) Since only air temperatures are available from weather data, the wearing course in respect of other Roads due to its
the following equation may be used to estimate the Average superior resistance to oxidation as compared to regular
Maximum Pavement Temperature (at a depth of 20 mm) from viscosity grade bitumen.
high air temperature and latitude of the project location based
on State Highway Research Program (SHRP) research: 7.2 The selection criteria for PMB grade shall be based
T20mm = (Tair – 0.00618 L2 + 0.2289 L + 42.2) (0.9545) – 17.78 on the service conditions of pavement temperature
where, range and traffic. The value of non-recoverable creep
T20mm — average Maximum Pavement Temperature at 20 mm (Jnr) shall be chosen based on the traffic conditions
below the road surface; defined in Table 2.
Tair — high air temperature; and
L — latitude in degrees of the project location. 8 PACKING AND MARKING
Example — Churu (Rajasthan) has high air temperature of
50°C and its latitude is 28.3 degrees N. The Average Maximum
8.1 Packing
Pavement Temperature computed from the above equation Polymer modified bitumen (PMB) shall be suitably
works out to be 71.7°C. Therefore, a PMB 76 should be used packed in container (bulk, drum or bags) as agreed to
in Churu. between the purchaser and the supplier.
b) For low pavement temperatures, the lowest air temperature
may be used as Minimum Pavement Temperature. 8.2 Marking
6 REQUIREMENTS 8.2.1 Each container of PMB shall be legibly and
indelibly marked with the following:
6.1 Material and Manufacture
a) Manufacturer name and/or trade mark, if any;
The polymer modified bitumen (PMB) shall be
b) Grade of the material;
prepared by blending suitable viscosity grade bitumen
conforming to IS 73 or a feed stock compatible with c) Month and year of manufacture; and
additives either at a refinery or any other plant having d) Batch number.
adequate facilities for mixing, blending and testing as
prescribed in this standard.

IS 15462 : 2019

Table 1 Requirements of Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB)

( Clause 6.5 and 9.5.3 )
Sl Characteristics Grades and Requirements Method of Test,
No. Ref to


64-10 70-10 76-10 82-10 76-22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(A) Tests to be Carried out on Original Binder
i) Softening point (R and B), °C, Min 60 65 70 80 75 — IS 1205
ii) Elastic recovery of half thread in 70 70 70 85 80 Annex A —
ductilometer at 15°C, percent, Min
iii) Flash point, COC, °C, Min 230 230 230 230 230 — IS 1209
iv) Viscosity at 150°C, Pa.s, Max 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.5 — ASTM D 4402
v) Complex modulus (G*) divided by 64 70 76 82 76 Annex B —
Sin delta (G*/sin δ) as Min 1.0 kPa, 25
mm Plate, 1 mm Gap, at 10 rad/s, at a
temperature, °C
vi) Phase Angle (δ), degree, Max 75 75 75 75 75 Annex B —
vii) Separation, difference in softening point 3 3 3 3 3 Annex C —
(R&B), °C, Max
viii) FRAASS breaking1) point, °C, Max –10 –10 –10 –10 –22 — IS 9381
(B) Tests to be Carried out on Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) Residue 2)

i) Loss in mass, percent, Max 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 — IS 9382
ii) Complex modulus (G*) divided by 64 70 76 82 76 Annex B —
Sin delta (G*/sin δ) as Min 2.2 kPa,
25 mm Plate,1 mm Gap, at 10 rad/s at a
temperature, °C
a)  Standard Traffic (S) 64 70 76 82 76 Annex D —
Jnr3.2, Max 4.5 kPa-1
Jnrdiff, Max 75 percent
Test Temperature, °C
b)  Heavy Traffic (H) 64 70 76 82 76 Annex D —
Jnr3.2, Max 2 kPa-1
Jnrdiff, Max 75 percent
Test Temperature, °C
c)  Very Heavy Traffic (V) 64 70 76 82 76 Annex D —
Jnr3.2, Max 1 kPa-1
Jnrdiff, Max 75 percent
Test Temperature, °C
d)  Extremely Heavy Traffic (E) 64 70 76 82 76 Annex D —
Jnr3.2, Max 0.5 kPa-1
Jnrdiff, Max 75 percent
Test Temperature, °C
(C) Tests to be Carried out on Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) Residue3)
i) Complex modulus (G*) multiplied by 31 34 37 40 31 Annex C —
Sin delta (G*sin δ) as Max 6 000 kPa,
8 mm Plate, 2 mm Gap, at 10 rad/s at a
temperature, °C
1) FRAASS Breaking Point only to be evaluated in case the project site has subzero temp conditions.
2) Method for Preparation of Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) Residue is given in Annex E.
3) Method for Preparation of Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) Residue is given in Annex F.

IS 15462 : 2019

Table 2 Selection Criteria for Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB)

( Clause 7.2 )
Service Condition Pavement Temp Range (Max and Min), °C
64 to (-10) 70 to (-10) 76 to (-10) 82 to (-10) 76 to (-22)
Standard S PMB 64-10 PMB 70-10 PMB 76-10 PMB 82-10 PMB 76-22
Jnr3200 < 4.5 kPa-1
Heavy H PMB 64-10 PMB 70-10 PMB 76-10 PMB 82-10 PMB 76-22
Jnr3200 < 2 kPa-1
Very Heavy V PMB 64-10 PMB 70-10 PMB 76-10 PMB 82-10 PMB 76-22
Jnr3200 < 1 kPa-1
Extremely Heavy E PMB 64-10 PMB 70-10 PMB 76-10 PMB 82-10 PMB 76-22
Jnr3200 < 0.5 kPa-1
1) Standard Service Condition — Traffic levels fewer than 10 million Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs)
and more than the standard traffic speed (>70 km/h).
2) Heavy Service Condition — Traffic levels 10-30 million ESALs or slow-moving traffic (20 to 70 km/h).
3) Very Heavy Service Condition — Traffic levels of greater than 30 million ESALs or very slow moving/
standing traffic («20 km/h)
4) Extremely Heavy Service Condition — Traffic levels of greater than 30 million ESALs and very slow
moving/ standing traffic («20 km/h)

8.2.2 BIS Certification Marking 9.3 From each of the containers selected as in 9.2,
Polymer modified bitumen (PMB) may also be marked an average sample representative of the material
with the Standard Mark. in the container shall be drawn in accordance with
the methods prescribed in IS 1201, taking all the The product(s) conforming to the requirements precautions mentioned therein. All these samples from
of this standard may be certified as per the conformity individual containers shall be stored separately
assessment schemes under the provisions of the Bureau
of Indian Standards Act, 2016 and the Rules and 9.4 Number of Tests
Regulations framed thereunder, and the products may 9.4.1 All the individual samples shall be tested for
be marked with the standard mark. softening point, elastic recovery, separation and
CONFORMITY 9.4.2 For the remaining characteristics, a composite
sample prepared by mixing together equal quantities
9.1 Lot of PMB from all individual samples taken from each
In any consignment, all the containers of polymer samples container shall be tested.
modified bitumen (PMB) of same category and grade
from the same batch of manufacture shall be grouped 9.5 Criteria for Conformity
to constitute a lot. 9.5.1 The lot shall be considered as conforming to
9.2 The number of containers to be selected at random the requirements of this standard, if the conditions
from the lot shall depend upon the size of the lot and mentioned under 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 are satisfied.
shall be in accordance with Table 3.
9.5.2 From the test results of compatibility (separation),
Table 3 Sample Size penetration and elastic recovery, the mean (X) and
( Clause 9.2 ) range (R) shall be calculated. The following conditions
shall be satisfied:
Sl No. Lot Size No. of Containers
(No. of Containers) to be Selected a) (X + 0.6 R) shall be greater than or equal to the
(1) (2) (3) minimum specification limit specified; and
i) Upto 50 2 b) (X + 0.6 R) shall be less than or equal to the
maximum specification limit specified.
ii) 51 – 100 3
iii) 101 – 200 4 9.5.3 The composite sample when tested for the
iv) 201 – 300 5 characteristics mentioned in 9.4.2 shall satisfy the
corresponding requirements of the characteristics given
v) 301 – 500 7
in Table 1.
vi) 501 and above 10

IS 15462 : 2019

[ Table 1, Sl. No. (A) (ii) ]

A-1 SIGNIFICANCE AND USE A-3.2 Thermometer — Any standard thermometer

(ASTM 63°C) of equivalent range and accuracy shall
This is a simple test intended to optimize dose of
be used.
polymeric additive in bitumen and also help in assessing
quality of PMB in laboratory.
A-3.3 Scissors — Any type of conventional scissors
A-2 OUTLINE OF THE METHOD capable ofs cutting modified bitumen at the test
The elastic recovery of modified bitumen is evaluated
by comparing recovery of thread after conditioning A 3.4 Scale — Any transparent scale of measuring up
for 1 h at specified temperature and the specimen to 25 cm with ± 1 mm accuracy.
is elongated up to 10 cm deformation in a ductility
machine. This is intended to assess degree of bitumen A-4 PROCEDURE
modification by elastomeric additives. The mould for
elastic recovery shall be as shown in Fig. 1. A-4.1 Prepare the test specimens in a set of three
moulds as per dimensions given in Fig. 1 and condition
as prescribed in test method of IS 1208. Elongate the
test specimen at the specified rate to a deformation of
10 cm at a rate of 5 ± 0.25 cm/min. Immediately cut the
test specimen into two halves at the mid-point using the
scissors. Keep the test specimen in the water bath in an
undisturbed condition for 1 h before testing.

A-4.2 After the 1 h time period, move the elongated

half of the test specimen back into position near the
A - 36.5 ± 0.1 mm fixed half of the test specimen so the two pieces of
B - 30.0 ± 0.1 mm modified bitumen just touch. Record the length of the
C - 17.0 ± 0.1 mm recombined specimen as X.
D - 10.0 ± 0.1 mm
E - 10.0 ± 0.1 mm A-5 REPORT
Fig. 1 Design of Mould for Elastic Recovery Calculate the percent/elastic recovery by the following
Elastic recovery, percent = ×100
A-3.1 Ductility Machine and Moulds — As per Where,
IS 1208 and Fig. 1. X = length, in cm, of recombined specimen.

IS 15462 : 2019

[ Table 1, Sl. No. (A) (vi) and (vii), (B) (ii) and (C) (i) ]

B-1 GENERAL of parallel metal plates, an environmental chamber,

a loading device and a control and data acquisition
B-1.1 This method covers the determination of the system.
dynamic shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (sin δ) of
modified bituminous binder. This method is appropriate B-3.2 Test Plates — Metal plates cylindrical in shape
for unaged material, material aged in Rolling Thin from steel or aluminum with smooth ground surfaces
Film Oven (RTFO), material aged in Pressure Ageing are required. Two plates 8.00 ± 0.02 mm in diameter and
Vessel (PAV) or material aged in both RTFO and PAV. two plates 25.00 ± 0.05 mm in diameter are required.
This method is limited to modified bituminous binders The test plates shall have a minimum thickness or
that contain particles with largest dimension less than raised portion of 1.5 mm to allow sufficient clearance
250 μ. for trimming the specimen.

B-1.2 The test temperature for this test is related to B-3.3 Environmental Chamber — A chamber for
the temperature experienced by the pavement in the controlling the test specimen temperature by heating
geographical area for which the modified bituminous or cooling. The medium for heating and cooling the
binder is intended to be used. The complex shear specimen in the environmental chamber is either a
modulus is an indicator of the stiffness or resistance of gas or liquid that will not affect binder properties. The
modified bituminous binder to deformation under load. temperature in the chamber may be controlled by the
The complex shear modulus (G*) and the phase angle circulation of fluid or conditioned gas. When the air
(δ) define the resistance to shear deformation of the is used as medium a suitable drier must be included
modified bituminous binder in the linear viscoelastic to prevent condensation of moisture on the plates and
region. The complex modulus and phase angle are used fixture.
to evaluate performance aspect of modified bitumen.
B-3.4 Temperature Controller — A temperature
B-2 OUTLINE OF THE METHOD controller capable of maintaining specimen temperature
within ± 0.1°C for the test temperature ranging from
The method contains the procedure used to measure 4 to 88°C is needed. A resistance thermal detector
the complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) mounted inside the environmental chamber, in intimate
of modified bituminous binder using dynamic shear with fixed plate with a range of 4 to 88°C readable to the
rheometer and parallel plate geometry. The method is nearest 0.1°C. The detector shall be used to control the
suitable for use when dynamic shear modulus varies temperature in the chamber and provide a continuous
between 100 Pa and 10 MPa. This range in modulus read out of the temperature during the mounting,
is typically obtained between 4 and 88°C, depending conditioning and testing of the specimens.
upon the grade, test temperature and conditioning
of the modified bitumen. Test specimen of 1 mm B-3.5 Loading Device — The loading device shall be
thickness, 25 mm diameter or 2 mm thickness and 8 capable to apply a sinusoidal oscillatory load to the
mm diameter are prepared between the metal plates. specimen at the frequency of 10 rad/s. The loading
During the testing one of the parallel plates is oscillated device shall be capable of providing either a stress
with respect to the other at pre-selected frequencies and control or strain controlled load. If the load is strain
angular deflection (or torque) amplitudes. The required controlled, the loading shall apply a cyclic torque
amplitude depends upon the value of the complex sufficient to cause an angular rotational strain accurate
shear modulus of the modified bitumen being tested. to within 100 μ radian of the strain specified. If the load
The test specimen is maintained at the test temperature is stress controlled, the loading device shall apply a
± 0.1°C by enclosing the upper and lower plates in a cyclic torque accurate with to within 10 mN.m of the
thermally controlled environment or test chamber. torque specified. Total system compliance to 100 N.m
The recommended frequency of testing is 10 rad/s. torque shall be < 2 m.rad/N.m.
The complex modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) are
calculated as part of operation of the rheometer using B-3.6 Control and Data Acquisition System — The
software available with the equipment. control and data acquisition system shall provide a
record of temperature, frequency, deflection angle
B-3 APPARATUS and torque. The system shall be capable to record and
calculate the shear stress, shear strain, complex shear
B-3.1 Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) Test modulus and phase angle of binder at specified test
System — A dynamic shear rheometer consisting temperature.

IS 15462 : 2019

B-3.7 Specimen Mold — A silicone rubber mold for the base plate up. Thickness of the gap use depend on
preparation of test specimen. the test temperature. High test temperature of 46°C or
greater require a small gap of 1 mm. High temperature
B-3.8 Specimen Trimmer — A specimen trimmer measurement require a large spindle (25 mm) and low
with a straight edge at least 4 mm wide. temperature a small spindle (8 mm). With the specimen
mounted, the operator shall set the gap at the desired
B-3.9 Calibrated Temperature Detector — A value of 1 000 or 2 000 μ. After the specimen is trimmed
calibrated thermocouple, thermistor, or resistive flush with upper plate, the extra 50 μ is dialed so that
thermometric device (RTD) with a thickness or gap is exactly at the desired value and specimen bulges
diameter < 2.0 mm is suitable for measuring the slightly.
temperature of a dummy specimen sample of binder.
Thermocouples and thermistors are not reliable to B-5 TEST PROCEDURE
± 0.1°C unless calibrated to a standard traceable to Bring the specimen to the test temperature ± 0.1°C.
the National Institute of Standard and Technology After the sample is correctly in place and test
(NIST) and must be calibrated with associated meters temperature appear stable then allow the specimen
or circuitry. Platinum RTDs  are typically not suitable for 10 min at the set temperature of the specimen to
because they are too large to fit in the gaps between the equilibrate. The actual temperature equilibration time
plates in the DSR. is equipment dependent and should be checked using
a dummy specimen with very accurate temperature
B-4 PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMEN sensing capabilities.
A disk of binder with diameter equal to the oscillating When operating in a strain control mode, testing consist
plate (often called a spindle) of the DSR is needed for of using the rheometer software to select appropriate
testing. There are two ways to prepare the sample for strain value as under.
a) Bitumen binder can be poured directly onto Material kPa Target Strain
the spindle in sufficient quantity to provide the Strain, Range,
appropriate thickness of material, or Percent Percent
b) A mold can be used to form the disk of material to Original 1.0 G*/sin δ 12 9 to 15
be tested. Then the disk can be placed between the Binder
spindle and fixed plate of DSR. RTFO 2.2 G*/sin δ 10 8 to 12
In the first method, operator should have sufficient Residue
experience to apply exact quantity of binder. In the PAV Residue 6000 G*sin δ 1 0.8 to 1.2
second method, binder is heated until fluid to pour. The
heated binder is poured in to a rubber mold and allow
to cool. The mold consisting binder may be placed in When operating in a stress controlled mode, select an
a refrigerator until it attains solid consistency. Then the appropriate stress level using software as under.
sample is removed from the mold and placed between Material kPa Target Stress
the fixed plate and oscillating spindle of the DSR. The Stress, Range,
excess binder beyond the edge of the spindle should be percent kPa
trimmed. Regardless of the method used for preparation
of the specimen, the final step in preparing the specimen Original 1.0 G*/sin δ 0.120 0.090 to
is to slightly readjust the gap between the spindle and Binder 0.150
the lower plate so that a slight bulge is evident near RTFO 2.2 G*/sin δ 0.220 0.180 to
the edge of the spindle. This step is normally occur Residue 0.260
immediately prior to the testing. The thickness of the PAV 6000 G*sin δ 600 500 to 700
bitumen binder disk sandwiched between the spindle Residue
and fixed plate must be carefully controlled. The proper
specimen thickness is achieved by adjusting the gap Testing consists of using rheometer software to set the
between the spindle and fixed plate. This gap must DSR to apply a constant oscillating stress and recording
be set before mounting the binder sample but while the resulting strain and time lag. The specification
spindle and base plate are mounted in the rheometer at requires oscillation speed to 10 rad/s, which is
the test temperature. The gap is adjusted by means of a approximately 1.59 Hz. A computer is used with
micrometer wheel. The micrometer wheel is graduated DSR to control test parameter and record test results.
usually in units of micron. Turning the wheel allows The operator need not worry about setting the value
precise positioning the spindle and base plate related of applied stress. Instead, the operator should set the
to each other. On some rheometer, the micrometer approximate value of shear strain. Shear strain values
wheel moves the spindle down. On other, it moves vary from 1-12 percent and depend on the stiffness of

IS 15462 : 2019

the binder being used. Relatively soft material tested region is defined as range in strains where the complex
at high temperature are tested at strain values of modulus is 95 percent or more of the 0 strain value.
approximately 10-12 percent. Hard materials are tested The shear stress varies nearly from 0 at the centre
at strain value of about 1 percent. In the initial stage of the plates to a maximum at the extremities of the
of the test, rheometer measures the stress required to plate perimeter. The shear stress is calculated from the
achieve the set shear strain and then maintains this applied or measured torque, measure or applied strain
stress very precisely during the test. The shear strain and the geometry of the test specimen. For the present
can very small amounts from the set value to achieve specification only value of G* and sin δ are required. A
the constant stress. Variation in shear strain is normally complete report includes following parameters:
controlled by rheometer software. In the beginning a) G* to the nearest three significant figures,
of the test, the sample is first conditioned by loading
the specimen for 10 cycles and then 10 additional b) Sin δ to the nearest 0.1 degrees,
cycles and then are applied to obtained test data. The c) Test plate size to nearest 0.1 mm and gap to
rheometer software automatically compute and report nearest 1 mm,
values of complex modulus (G*) phase angle (δ). d) Test temperature to the nearest 0.1°C,
e) Test frequency to the nearest 0.1 rad/s, and
B-6 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS AND f) Strain amplitude to the nearest 0.01 percent.
The test temperature as per requirement of specification
The complex modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) for complex modulus value of 1 kPa (G*/sin δ)
decrease with increasing shear strain. A linear region for original binder, 2.2 kPa (G*/sin δ) for residue
may be defined at small region where the modulus is of RTFO and 6 000 kPa for residue of PAV shall be
relatively independent of shear strain. This region will calculated from plot of G*and sin δ and temperature for
vary with magnitude of complex modulus. The linear compliance of specification.

IS 15462 : 2019

[ Table 1, Sl. No. (A) (viii) ]

C-1 OUTLINE OF THE METHOD fluid to pour. Care should be taken to prevent localized
overheating. Pass about 100 g of molten sample
The separation of modifier and bitumen during hot
through IS Sieve of 200 mm diameter and 600 micron
storage is evaluated by comparing the ring and ball
mesh size. After through stirring, pour 50.0 g into the
softening point of the top and bottom samples taken
vertically held tube. Fold the excess tube over two
from a conditioned, sealed tube of polymer modified
times, and crimp and seal.
bitumen. The conditioning consist of placing a sealed
tube of modified bitumen in a vertical position at
C-3.2 Place the rack containing the sealed tubes in a
163 ± 5°C in an oven for a period of 48 h. It provides
163 ± 5°C oven. Allow the tubes to stand undisturbed
a reference for determining the relative separation
in the oven for a period of 48 ± 4 h. At the end of
properties between different types of bitumen modifiers
the period, remove the rack from the oven, and place
and their respective bitumen’s. modified bitumen’s
immediately in the freezer at 6.7 ± 5 °C, taking care to
relative stability to separation under storage in static
keep the tubes in a vertical position at all times. Leave
conditions is determined in heated oven storage without
the tubes in the freezer for a minimum of 4 h to solidify
the sample completely.
C-3.3 Upon removing the tube from the freezer,
C-2.1 Aluminum Tubes — 25.4 mm (1 in) diameter place it on a flat surface. Cut the tube into three
and 136.7 mm (5.5 in) length blind aluminum tubes equal length portions with the spatula and hammer.
(thickness of foil 1 mm), used to hold the test sample Discard the centre section, and place the top and
during the conditioning. bottom portions of the tube into separate beakers.
Place the beakers into a 163 ± 5°C oven until the
C-2.2 Oven — Capable of maintaining 163 ± 5°C. bitumen is sufficiently fluid to remove the pieces of
aluminum tube.
C-2.3 Freezer — Capable of maintaining 6.7 ± 5°C.
C-3.4 After thoroughly stirring, pour the top bottom
C-2.4 Rack — Capable of supporting the aluminum samples into appropriately marked rings for the ring
tubes in a vertical position in the oven and freezer. and ball softening point test. Prepare the rings and
apparatus according to details given in IS 1205. The
C-2.5 Spatula and Hammer — The spatula must be top and bottom sample form the same tube should
rigid and sharp to allow cutting of the tube containing be tested at the same time in the softening point
the sample when at a low temperature. test.
C-3.1 Place the empty tube, with sealed end down in Report the difference, in °C, between the softening
the rack. Heat the sample carefully until sufficiently points of the respective top and bottom samples.

IS 15462 : 2019

[ Table 1, Sl. No. (C) (i) ]

D-1 OUTLINE OF METHOD D-3.5.3 The adjusted strain value at the end of creep
portion (that is, after 1.0 s) of each cycle:
This test method is used to determine the presence
of elastic response in a bitumen binder under shear ԑ1 = ԑc – ԑ0 (1)
creep and recovery at two stress levels at a specified
temperature. For performance grade (PG) binders, the D-3.5.4 The strain value at the end of the recovery
specified temperature will typically be the PG grade portion (that is, after 10.0 s) of each cycle. This strain
upper temperature. Sample preparation and apparatus shall be denoted as ԑr.
are using the 25 mm parallel plate geometry with a
1 mm gap setting. The sample is loaded at constant D-3.5.5 The adjusted strain value at the end of recovery
stress for 1 s then allowed to recover for 9 s. Ten creep portion (that is, after 10.0 s) of each cycle:
and recovery cycles are run at 0.100 kPa creep stress ԑ10 = ԑr – ԑ0 (2)
followed by ten at 3.200 kPa creep stress.
D-4.1 Using the results obtained in D-3.5 determine the
D-2.1 Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) — The average percent recovery and non-recoverable creep
rheometer shall run in stress control mode. compliance for the bitumen binder at creep stress levels
of 0.100 kPa and 3.200 kPa as follows:
D-4.1.1 For each of the ten cycles at a creep stress of
D-3.1 Allow the specimen to reach thermal equilibrium 0.100 kPa, calculate the percent recovery, ԑr(100, N), for N
at the desired test temperature. If the specimen has = 1 to 10:
previously been tested in dynamic shear, allow the
specimen to remain unloaded for at least one minute ԑr(100, N) = (ԑ1 – ԑ10) × 100 / ԑ1 (3)
before starting the creep and recovery test.
D-4.1.2 For each of the ten cycles at a creep stress of
D-3.2 Load the specimen at a constant creep stress of 3.200 kPa calculate the percent recovery, ԑr(3200, N), for
0.100 kPa for 1.00 second duration creep and follow N = 1 to 10:
with a zero stress recovery of 9.00 s duration. Record ԑr(3200, N) = (ԑ1 – ԑ10) × 100 / ԑ1 (4)
the stress and strain at least every 0.10 s for the creep
cycle and at least every 0.45 s for the recovery cycle D-4.1.3 Calculate average percent recovery at
on a running accumulated time such that, in addition to 0.100 kPa:
other data points, data points at 1.00 s and 10.00 s for R100 = SUM [ԑr(100, N)] / 10 for N = 1 to 10 (5)
each cycle’s local time are explicitly recorded.
D-4.1.4 Calculate average percent recovery at 3.200
D-3.3 Allowing no rest period between cycles, repeat kPa:
the creep and recovery cycle nine times for a total of
ten cycles. R3200 = SUM [ԑr(3200, N)]/10  for N = 1 to 10 (6)

D-4.1.5 Calculate percent difference in recovery

D-3.4 Allowing no rest period following D-3.3, repeat between 0.100 kPa and 3.200 kPa:
the ten creep and recovery cycles of D-3.2 and D-3.3
utilizing a load of 3.200 kPa. Rdiff = [(R100 – R3200) × 100] / (R100) (7)

D-3.5 For each of the twenty creep and recovery cycles D-4.1.6 For each of the ten cycles at a creep stress
record the following. of 0.100 kPa calculate the non-recoverable creep
compliance, Jnr(100, N), for N = 1 to 10:
D-3.5.1 Initial strain value at the beginning of the creep Jnr(100, N) = ԑ10 / 100 (8)
portion of each cycle. This strain shall be denoted as ԑ0.
D-4.1.7 For each of the ten cycles at a creep stress
D-3.5.2 The strain value at the end of the creep portion of 3.200 kPa calculate the non-recoverable creep
(that is, after 1.0 s) of each cycle. This strain shall be compliance, Jnr(3200, N), for N = 1 to 10:
denoted as ԑc.
Jnr(3200, N) = ԑ10 / 100 (9)

IS 15462 : 2019

D-4.1.8 Calculate average non-recoverable creep c) Average percent recovery at 0.100 kPa, R100, to the
compliance at 0.100 kPa: nearest 0.1 percent;
Jnr100 = SUM [Jnr(100, N)] / 10  for N = 1 to 10 (10) d) Average percent recovery at 3.200 kPa, R3200, to
the nearest 0.1 percent;
D-4.1.9 Calculate average non-recoverable creep e) Percent difference between average recovery
compliance at 3.200 kPa: at 0.100 kPa and 3.200 kPa, Rdiff, to the nearest
Jnr3200 = SUM [Jnr(3200, N)] / 10  for N = 0.1 percent;
1 to 10 (11) f) Non-recoverable creep compliance at 0.100 kPa,
Jnr100, to three significant figures;
D-4.1.10 Calculate percent difference in non- g) Non-recoverable creep compliance at 3.200 kPa,
recoverable creep compliance between 0.100 kPa and Jnr3200, to three significant figures; and
3.200 kPa:
h) Percent difference between non-recoverable creep
Jnr – diff = [(Jnr3200 – Jnr100)100] / (Jnr100) (12) compliance at 0.100 kPa and 3.200 kPa, Jnr-diff, to
nearest 0.1 percent.
Report the following information:
a) Sample identification;
b) Test temperature, to the nearest 0.1ºC;

IS 15462 : 2019

[ Table 1, Note (1) ]

E-1 OUTLINE OF METHOD capable of bringing the fully loaded oven back to the
test temperature within a 10 min period after insertion
A moving film of bituminous material is heated in an
of the samples in a preheated oven.
oven for 85 min at 163°C. The effects of heat and air
are determined from changes in physical test values as
E-2.1.5 The oven shall be provided with a 304.8 mm
measured before and after the oven treatment.
diameter, vertical circular carriage. This carriage shall
E-2 APPARATUS be provided with suitable openings and clips for firmly
holding eight glass containers in a horizontal position.
E-2.1 Oven — This shall be a double-walled electrically The vertical carriage shall be mechanically driven
heated convection-type oven. Its inside dimensions through a 19 mm diameter shaft at a speed of 15 ± 0.2
shall be 381 mm high, 483 mm wide, and 445 ± 13 r/min.
mm deep (with the door closed). The door shall contain
a symmetrically located window with dimensions E-2.1.6 The oven shall be equipped with an air jet
of 305 to 330 mm wide by 203 to 229 mm high. The positioned to blow heated air into each bottle at its
window shall contain two sheets of heat-resistant glass lowest point of travel. The air jet shall have an outlet
separated by an air space. The window should permit orifice 1.016 mm in diameter connected to a 7.6 m
an unobstructed view of the interior of the oven. The length of 8 mm outside diameter refrigeration copper
top of the upper heating element shall be 25 ± 3 mm tubing. This tubing shall be coiled to lie flat on the
below the oven floor. bottom of the oven and lead to a source of fresh, dried,
dust-free regulated air.
E-2.1.1 The oven shall be vented at the top and bottom.
The bottom vents shall be located symmetrically to E-2.2 Flowmeter — The flowmeter may be any suitable
supply incoming air around the heating elements. They type capable of accurately measuring the airflow at a
shall have an open area of 15.0 ± 0.7 cm2. The top vents rate of 4 000 ml/min. The flowmeter shall be located
shall be symmetrically arranged in the upper part of the downstream of all regulating devices and upstream of
oven and have an open area of 9.3 ± 0.45 cm2. the copper coil. The flowmeter shall be positioned so it
is maintained at approximately room temperature. The
E-2.1.2 The oven shall have an air plenum covering the airflow shall be calibrated periodically using a wet-test
side walls and ceiling. The air space shall be 38.1 mm meter or other displacement method. This calibration
deep from the walls and ceiling. At a midpoint in the shall be based on airflow exiting the air jet and shall be
width of the oven, and 152.4 mm from the face of the conducted with the oven off and at room temperature.
circular metal carriage to its axis, a squirrel cage-type
fan 133 mm outside diameter (OD) by 73 mm wide E-2.3 Thermometer — This thermometer shall be used
shall be turned at 1725 rpm by an externally mounted to make all temperature measurements required by this
motor. The squirrel cage fan shall be set so that the test method. In order to reduce the risks associated with
fan turns in an opposite direction to its vanes. The air thermometer breakage, the thermometer may be fully
flow characteristics of the fan-plenum system shall be or partially encapsulated in an optically transparent
suction from the floor of the oven through the wall polymer sheath having a maximum thickness of
plenums and exhaust of the air through the fan. 0.25 mm. In place of test thermometer electronic
temperature measurement device may also be used.
E-2.1.3 The oven shall be equipped with a proportional
control thermostat capable of maintaining a temperature E-2.4 Container — The container in which the sample
of 163°C to within ± 0.5°C. The sensing element of the is to be tested shall be of clear, transparent, heat-
thermostat may be placed at any location that enables resistant glass.
the oven to maintain temperature control as specified
E-2.5 Cooling Rack — A wire or sheet metal rack,
E-2.1.4 The thermometer shall be hung or affixed to constructed of stainless steel or aluminum, which
a mounting in the ceiling which is 50.8 mm from the allows the sample containers to cool in a horizontal
right side of the oven at a midpoint in the depth of position, with each container in the same horizontal
the oven. The thermometer shall hang down into the plane. The rack shall be constructed in a way that allows
oven so that the bulb of the thermometer is within 25 air to flow freely around each container with at least
mm. of an imaginary line level with the shaft of the 2.5 cm clearance between containers and at least 2.5 cm
circular metal carriage. The heating controls shall be clearance between the containers and any solid surface.

IS 15462 : 2019

E-3 PREPARATION OF OVEN position. Rotate the container slowly for at least one
full rotation, and attempt to pre-coat its cylindrical
E-3.1 Position the air outlet orifice so that it is 6 mm surface. It is not necessary to pre-coat the open end
± 3 mm from the opening of the glass container. The of the container, and care should be taken to prevent
orifice shall also be so positioned that the jet blows the sample from flowing out of the container during
horizontally into the central arc of the opening of the this step. Place the container horizontally in a clean
circling glass container. cooling rack that is maintained in a draft-free, room-
temperature location away from ovens and other
E-3.2 Position the thermometer so that the end of sources of heat.
the bulb of the thermometer is within 25.4 mm of an
imaginary line level with the center of the shaft holding E-4.3.1 Allow the glass sample containers to cool in the
the revolving carriage. cooling rack for a minimum of 60 min, and a maximum
of 180 min.
E-3.3 Level the oven so that the horizontal axes of the
glass containers when in position in the carriage are E-4.4 With the oven at operating temperature and the
level to within ± 1.0°. airflow set at 4 000 ± 200 ml/min, arrange the containers
holding the bitumen in the carriage so that the carriage
E-3.4 Start the fan. The fan shall remain on whenever is balanced. Fill any unused spaces in the carriage
the oven heater is on and the oven door is closed. This with empty containers. Close the door and rotate the
standard permits (but does not require) the fan to be carriage assembly at a rate of 15 ± 0.2 r/min. Maintain
stopped when the oven door is opened. Stopping the the samples in the oven with the air flowing and the
fan may be accomplished manually, with an electronic carriage rotating for 85 min. The test temperature of
door interlock, or through other means. 163 ± 0.5°C shall be reached within the first 10 min;
otherwise, discontinue the test.
E-3.5 Preheat the oven for a minimum of 16 h prior
to testing with the control thermostat adjusted to the E-4.5 At the conclusion of the testing period, remove
setting that will be used during the test. This setting any samples for mass change determination and place
shall be selected such that when the oven is fully loaded them horizontally in the cooling rack. Then, remove
and the air is on, the oven will equilibrate at 163 ± each remaining glass sample container, one at a time,
0.5°C, as indicated by the test thermometer. and transfer its contents to a collection container
having a capacity at least 30 percent greater than the
E-4 PROCEDURE total expected volume of residue. This transfer shall
be accomplished by first pouring out any residue that
E-4.1 The sample as received shall be free of water. will flow freely from the glass sample container and
Heat the sample in its container with a loosely fitted then scraping out as much of the remaining residue
cover in an oven not to exceed 150°C for the minimum as practical. While the residue is being removed from
time necessary to ensure that the sample is completely each sample container, the oven door shall remain
fluid. Manually stir the sample but avoid incorporating closed, with the heater power on, the air on, and the
air bubbles. remaining samples rotating in the carriage. The final
container shall be removed from the oven within 5 min
E-4.2 Pour 35 ± 0.5 g of the sample into each of the of removal of the initial container.
required glass containers, providing sufficient material
for characterizing tests which are to be run on the E-4.6 After removing the residue from each of the
residue. glass containers, gently stir the collection container to
homogenize the residue without introducing air into it.
E-4.3 Immediately after pouring the sample into a Test the residue within 72 h of performing the RTFO
glass container, turn the container to a horizontal test.

IS 15462 : 2019

[ Table 1, Note (2) ]

F-1 OUTLINE OF METHOD within the vessel after loading the pans and the pan
holder and prior to pressurizing the vessel within 2 h
The RTFO test residue (Annex E) is placed in standard
of placing the loaded vessel in the heating device. The
stainless steel pans and aged at the specified conditioning
device shall be capable of maintaining the temperature
temperature for 20 h in a vessel pressurized with air
within the pressure vessel at the conditioning
to 2.10 MPa. The conditioning temperature is selected
temperature ± 0.5°C. If an oven is used, the oven
according to the grade of bitumen binder. The residue
shall have sufficiently large interior dimensions to
is then vacuum degassed.
allow forced air to freely circulate within the oven and
F-2 APPARATUS around the pressure vessel when the vessel is placed in
the oven. The oven shall contain a stand or shelf that
F-2.1 Pressure Vessel supports the loaded pressure vessel in a level position
above the lower surface of the oven.
A stainless steel pressure vessel designed to operate
at 2.1 ± 0.1 MPa between 90 and 110°C with interior F-2.3.2 A pressure vessel with an integral temperature
dimensions adequate to hold ten PAV pans and a pan control system that is capable of restoring the pre-
holder. The pan holder shall be capable of holding conditioning temperature, within the vessel after
ten PAV stainless steel pans in a horizontal (level) loading the pans and the pan holder, prior to pressurizing
position, such that the bitumen binder film thickness is the vessel within 2 h of placing the loaded vessel in the
reasonably uniform. The holder shall be designed for heating device, and maintaining the temperature within
easy insertion and removal from the vessel when the the pressure vessel at the conditioning temperature ±
holder, pans, and bitumen binder are at the conditioning 0.5°C.
F-2.4 Temperature and Pressure Measuring
F-2.2 Pressure and Temperature Controlling De- ­Devices
F-2.4.1 A platinum resistive thermometric device
F-2.2.1 A pressure relief valve that prevents pressure (RTD) accurate to the nearest 0.1°C, for measuring
in the vessel from exceeding the design pressure of the temperature inside the pressure vessel. The RTD shall
vessel, but in no case exceeding 2.5 MPa during the be calibrated as an integral unit with its respective
conditioning procedure. metre or electronic circuitry.
F-2.2.2 A pressure regulator or regulating system F-2.4.2 Temperature Recording Device
capable of controlling the pressure within the vessel to
± 0.02 MPa, and with a capacity adequate to reduce A strip chart recorder or other data acquisition system
the pressure from the source of compressed air, so capable of recording temperature throughout the
that the pressure within the loaded pressure vessel is conditioning process to within ± 0.1°C at a minimum
maintained at 2.1 ± 0.1 MPa gauge (relative) pressure interval of once per minute. As an alternative, an
during the conditioning process. electronic device capable of reporting only maximum
and minimum temperatures (accurate to ± 0.1°C) may
F-2.2.3 A slow-release bleed valve or pressure be used.
controller that allows the pressure in the vessel at the
F-2.4.3 A pressure gauge capable of measuring the
completion of the conditioning procedure to be reduced
pressure in the pressure vessel to within ± 0.02 MPa
from 2.1 MPa to local atmospheric pressure within 8 to
during the conditioning process.
15 min.
F-2.5 Stainless Steel Pans
F-2.3 Temperature Controlling Device
Cylindrical pans, each 140 ± 1 mm inside diameter and
A digital temperature control device for maintaining the
9.5 ± 1.5 mm deep, with a flat bottom. Pans shall be
temperature during the conditioning procedure within
manufactured of stainless steel and shall have a metal
the pressure vessel at the conditioning temperature ±
thickness of approximately 0.6 mm.
F-2.6 Balance
F-2.3.1 A heating device (forced-draft oven or fluid
bath) capable of restoring the conditioning temperature With a least count of 1 g.

IS 15462 : 2019

F-2.7 Vacuum Oven pans inside the pressure vessel and close the pressure
A vacuum oven capable of maintaining temperature up
to 180°C with an accuracy of ± 5°C and 15 ± 1.0 kPa
F-3.6 Connect the temperature transducer line and the
absolute pressure shall be used
air pressure supply line to the loaded pressure vessel’s
F-2.8 Temperature and Vacuum Measuring Devices external connections as required by the vessel design
and oven configuration.
F-2.8.1 Temperature Measuring Device
F-3.7 Let the temperature inside the pressure vessel
A temperature sensor capable of measuring the vacuum reaches the specified temperature. Apply an air pressure
oven chamber temperature to within ± 5°C. of 2.10 ± 0.1 MPa and then start timing the conditioning
F-2.8.2 Vacuum Measuring Device run. If the temperature inside the vessel has not reached
the desired temperature for applying pressure within
A vacuum gauge, absolute pressure gauge or digital 2 h of loading the pan holder and pans, discontinue the
vacuum measuring system capable of measuring the procedure and discard the bitumen samples.
absolute pressure in the chamber to within ± 0.5 kPa.
F-3.8 Maintain the temperature and air pressure inside
F-2.9 Vacuum System the pressure vessel for 20 h ± 10 min.
A vacuum system capable of generating and maintaining
pressure below 15 kPa absolute. Suitable vacuum F-3.9 If the temperature indicated by the temperature
systems include a vacuum pump, an air aspirator, or a recording device rises above or falls below the target
house vacuum system. conditioning temperature ± 0.5°C for more than a
total of 60 min during the 20 h conditioning period,
F-2.10 Oven declare the conditioning process invalid and discard
An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 168 ± the material. Further, if the temperature indicated
5°C, readable to 1°C. by the temperature recording device varies from
the target aging temperature by more than 5°C for
F-3 PROCEDURE a total of 10 min, declare the conditioning process
invalid and discard the material. If the pressure at the
F-3.1 Place the pan holder inside the pressure vessel. end of the conditioning period is outside the range,
If an oven is used, place the pressure vessel inside the declare the conditioning process invalid and discard
oven, select a conditioning temperature, and preheat the material. If a device capable of recording only
the pressure vessel to the conditioning temperature minimum and maximum temperatures was used and
selected. if either the maximum or the minimum temperature
recorded during the 20 h period varies by more than
F-3.2 Condition the bitumen binder in accordance with ± 0.5°C from the conditioning temperature, declare
RTFO test. the conditioning process invalid and discard the
F-3.3 Combine the hot residue from the RTFO test
bottles into a single container, stir to blend, and then F-3.10 At the end of the 20 h conditioning period,
transfer to PAV pans for PAV conditioning, or allow the begin the slow reduction of the internal pressure of the
hot residue in the container to cool to room temperature PAV, using the air pressure bleed valve. The bleed valve
and cover and store at room temperature for PAV should be preset to an opening that requires 8 to 15 min
conditioning at a later date. If conditioned bitumen to equalize the internal and external pressures on the
binder is allowed to cool to room temperature, heat PAV, thus avoiding excessive bubbling and foaming
it until it is sufficiently fluid to pour and stir it before of the bitumen binder. Alternatively, the pressure
pouring it into the PAV pans. controller can be programmed to release the pressure
slowly over 15 min. Do not include the pressure release
F-3.4 Place each PAV pan on a balance and add 50 ± and equalization time as part of the 20 h conditioning
0.5 g mass of bitumen binder to the pan. This will yield period.
approximately a 3.2 mm thick film of bitumen binder.
F-3.11 Vacuum degas the aged samples.
F-3.5 Place the filled pans in the pan holder. Pans
containing bitumen binders from different sources and F-3.11.1 Remove the pan holder and pans from the
grades may be placed in the pressure vessel during a PAV, and place the pans in an oven set to 168 ± 5°C for
single conditioning run. Place the pan holder with filled 15 ± 1 min.

IS 15462 : 2019

F-3.11.2 Preheat the vacuum oven to 170 ± 5°C. Maintain the absolute pressure at 15 ± 2.5 kPa for
30 ± 1 min. Release the vacuum and remove the
F-3.11.3 Remove the pans from the oven and scrape the container. If any bubbles remain on the surface, remove
hot residue from all pans containing the same sample them by flashing the surface of the PAV residue with a
into a single container. Select a container of dimensions torch or hot knife.
such that the depth of the residue in the container is
between 15 and 40 mm. After the last pan of a sample F-3.12 If tests to determine the properties of the
has been scraped, and if additional containers are to be degassed PAV residue are not performed immediately,
prepared, transfer the container to the 168°C warming it is permissible to cover and store the samples in their
oven. After all of the containers have been prepared, containers at room temperature for future testing. The
transfer them to the vacuum oven within one minute. critical steps before testing the conditioned samples
Once the last container has been placed in the vacuum are:
degassing oven, maintain the temperature at 170 ± 5°C
a) Reheating the aged bitumen to 168 ± 5°C for a
for 10 ± 1 min.
maximum of 30 min prior to using the sample for
subsequent tests, and
F-3.11.4 Open the valve to the vacuum system as
rapidly as possible to reduce the pressure to 15 ± 2.5 b) Stirring the sample to ensure homogeneity.
kPa absolute

(Continued from second cover)
In this revision, five performance based grades of PMB have been incorporated taking significant deviation from
the conventional approach. These grades are based on maximum and minimum pavement temperatures. Further,
this revision requires extensive use of rather complex Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR). Therefore, it is highly
desirable that the laboratory technician is trained well in its use.
While preparing this standard, considerable assistance has been derived from IRC SP 053 : 2010 ‘Guidelines
on use of modified bitumen in road construction’ published by Indian Road Congress and clause 501.2.1 of
specification by MoRTH.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).’ The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: PCD 06 (12977).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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