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Table of Contents

Abstract 1
Uses of Biodiesel 1
Importance of Biodiesel 2
Production 3
Project Overview 3
Making Biodiesel 4
Does Biodiesel Work in the Cold? 9
Risk–Benefit Analysis 9
Determining the Energy Content of Biodiesel 11
Conclusion 12
Biodiesel refers to a nonpetroleum-based diesel fuel consisting of short chain
alkyl (methyl or ethyl) esters, made by transesterification of vegetable oil or
animal fat (tallow), which can be used (alone, or blended with conventional
petrol diesel) in unmodified diesel-engine vehicles. Biodiesel is
distinguished from the straight-vegetable oil (SVO) (sometimes referred to
as "waste vegetable oil" "WVO" "used vegetable oil" "UVO" "pure plant
oil", "PPO") used(alone, or blended) as fuels in some converted diesel
vehicles. Biodiesel is standardized as mono-alkyl ester and other kinds of
diesel- grade fuels of biological origin are not included.

Biodiesel is an alternative clean-burning renewable fuel similar to

conventional diesel. It is produced using animal fats, vegetable oils, and
waste cooking oil. Due to its biodegradable nature, it is used as a
replacement for fossil diesel fuel. It can also be mixed with petroleum diesel
fuel in any proportion

Uses of Biodiesel
Generating Electricity
Fuel-cells have power-generation applications that could utilize biodiesel.
Biodiesel can be used in backup systems where the substantial reduction in
emissions really matters: hospitals, schools, and other facilities usually
located in residential areas. It can also be used to supplement solar power in
off-the grid homes.

Producing Hydrogen from Fuel Cell Vehicles

Fuel cell vehicles turn hydrogen fuel and oxygen into electricity. The
electricity then powers an electric motor, just like electricity from batteries
powers the motor of an electric vehicle. Fuel cells combine oxygen from the
air with hydrogen from the vehicle's fuel tank to produce electricity. When
oxygen and hydrogen are combined they give off energy and water (H2O).
In fuel cells this is done without any burning (combustion).

Science 30 Project Page 1 Biodiesel—A Fuel for the Future?

Cleaning up Oil Spills
Biodiesel has been tested as potential cleaning agent for shorelines
contaminated with crude oil, and has been found to increase the recovery of
crude oil from artificial sand columns (Le. the beach). It's also been used in
commercial biosolvents shown to be effective in coagulating crude oil and
allowing it to be skimmed off the surface of water.

Adding Lubricity to Diesel Fuel

Diesel fuels are required to reduce their sulfur concentration from 500 ppm
to 15 ppm. Since sulfur provided most of the fuel's lubricity, a substitute is
required to keep diesel engines functioning properly and avoid premature
injection pump wear (Le. failure). Biodiesel naturally has less than 15 ppm
sulfur concentration anyway, and adding just 1 to 2% biodiesel can restore
the lubricity to diesel fuel. Apart from these uses, biodiesel can be used in
heating our homes, cleaning up tools & grease, removing paint and
adhesives, can extend the life of catalytic converters, can be used

Importance of Biodiesel
Below are certain features of the fuel:
1) Biodegradable and Renewable Fuel.
2) Safer to use and has low toxicity compared to fossil diesel fuel.
3) Lower exhaust emission rate than normal diesel fuel.
4) As per ASTM D 6751 quality parameters, the quality of diesel is analyzed.
5) Using biodiesel doesn’t require any diesel engine modification.

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Production of Biodiesel
Biodiesel is produced from tallow, vegetable oil or animal fat, and waste oils.
There are three stages of this transformation of oil and fats to biodiesel.
a) Transesterification of the oil in which it is base-catalyzed.
b) The direct acid-catalyzed transesterification
c) Finally conversion of oil to fatty acid and then the formation of biodiesel.
The production of biodiesel involves a chemical reaction. This chemical
reaction is known as transesterification.
Transesterification is the chemical process, which converts natural fats and
oils into Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) or Biodiesel. Some of the major
sources of suitable oil (to make biodiesel) come from crops like palm,
soybean or rapeseed. High-quality biodiesel is made from rapeseed, but
nowadays most of the biodiesel is produced from waste vegetable oils
obtained from chip shops, restaurants, and industrial food producers.

Project Overview
Previous science courses probably taught you that molecules store chemical
potential energy, which can be released when chemical bonds in matter are
broken and new bonds are formed. Maybe you’ve even completed an
experiment to determine the energy in a sample of food or fuel. Whether oil
is crude or plant-based — peanut oil, palm oil, olive oil, or canola oil — it
has molecules that are often described as “energy rich.”
Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, demonstrated in 1900 at the
world’s fair in Paris that an engine could run on peanut oil rather than
petroleum-based fuels.

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Considering the current concern over the depletion of crude oil reserves and
the growing demand for energy, Diesel was quite a visionary when
mentioned, in 1912 that
Even though the use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem
insignificant today, such oils may become in the course of time
as important as the petroleum and coal tar products of the
present time.
Diesel’s insight about the potential of plant-based oils as an energy source is
being demonstrated by people using waste vegetable oil from restaurants as
a fuel in their diesel-engine powered vehicles. Around the world, some
governments and some corporations within the energy industry are
promoting the production of biodiesel, the fuel produced by the modification
of vegetable oils.
The yearly consumption of diesel fuel in North America is 245.5 billion
litres, most of it for transportation of goods and people. The production
and sale of blended diesel fuels, which contain a percentage of biodiesel
(e.g., 20% in the case of biodiesel B-20) mixed with petroleum-based
diesel fuel, is a growing industry in Europe, where sources of petroleum-
diesel are limited. Concerns about depleting petroleum sources elsewhere
in the world, including North America, have forced governments and the
oil industry to consider biodiesel as a means to offset some of the demand
for petroleum-diesel.
In this project, you will investigate the production and use of biodiesel,
focusing on the chemistry of its production, the practicality of its use at low
temperatures, the energy changes associated with its use, and the
sustainability of this energy source.

Making Biodiesel
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that is made from vegetable and animal oils.
It can be used directly in diesel vehicles or blended with traditional
petroleum diesel. You will discover during this lab how easy it is to make
and store biodiesel. The chemical reaction to produce biodiesel is as

Science 30 Project Page 4 Biodiesel—A Fuel for the Future?

• lab balance (if using NaOH or KOH base in solid form)
• 2 × 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks and stoppers
• 100 mL graduated cylinder
• 50 mL graduated cylinder
• disposable pipettes or a turkey baster
• thermometer
• warm water bath (40–60 °C)
• 100 mL oil (a different oil for each group is best; possible oils are
canola, olive, safflower, lard (warmed to liquid), strained deep fryer
oil, grape seed, flaxseed, and sesame. Avoid nut oils because of
potential allergies.)
• 20 mL methanol
Cautionary note: Flammable, dangerous fire risk, toxic by
• ONE of the following base solutions or solid base crystals: 15 mL of
1.0 mol/L
NaOH(aq), 15 mL of 1.0 mol/L KOH(aq), 0.6 g of NaOH(s), 0.9 g of
Cautionary note: NaOH and KOH solutions and solids are
• Safety goggles, gloves, and aprons

• You must wear goggles, gloves, and an apron.

Science 30 Project Page 5 Biodiesel—A Fuel for the Future?

• Methanol is flammable and poisonous. Dispose of excess methanol by
allowing it to evaporate in a fume hood, or as directed by your teacher.
• The finished product should be stored in a sealed container and away
from heat sources.

Note: Biodiesel is made using three main components: oil, alcohol, and a
base catalyst. This procedure provides a variety of alternative
materials that you could use to produce the biodiesel. Your teacher
will direct you to which materials you will be using.
Making Biodiesel:
1. Measure out 100 mL of oil using a graduated cylinder, and pour the oil
into one of the Erlenmeyer flasks.
2. Record observations of colour, viscosity, clarity, and other aspects of
the appearance of the starting material (oil).
3. Check that the temperature of the water bath is between 40 °C and 65
°C. Place the Erlenmeyer flask containing the oil sample into a water
bath set up by your teacher.
4. While your oil is warming, measure out 20 mL of methanol using a 50
mL graduated cylinder and pour it into a second Erlenmeyer flask.
5. To the Erlenmeyer flask containing the methanol, add ONE of the
15 mL of 1.0 mol/L NaOH(aq) solution, 15 mL of KOH(aq) solution,
0.6 g of NaOH(s), or 0.9 g of KOH(s). Swirl your mixture of
methanol and base gently to mix. This mixture is called methoxide.
• If using a solid base, the mixture should be swirled or stirred until
the solid base dissolves completely.
• To prevent evaporation, this mixture should be stoppered until it is
ready to be added to the oil.
6. Pour the methoxide mixture into the warm oil in the Erlenmeyer flask.
7. Stir, swirl, or stopper and gently shake the mixture for several minutes.
The mixture will become cloudy and turn a milky colour. A stopper or
aluminum foil can be used on the flask to control fumes.

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8. If the reaction is successful, you should start seeing two layers
developing inside the flask. The heavier glycerin will start to settle to
the bottom soon after you stop mixing the reactants. The biodiesel will
be in the upper layer. The biodiesel varies in colour depending on the
oil used. This will take at least an hour, but longer is better. The
mixture should sit overnight to completely react.

Collecting Biodiesel ( Best completed the next day ):

9. Use a disposable pipette or a turkey baster to carefully remove the top
layer, containing the biodiesel, from the Erlenmeyer flask and move it
to a clean graduated cylinder.
10. Record the volume of the biodiesel transferred from the Erlenmeyer
flask in Table 1 on page 6.
11. Record observations of colour, viscosity, clarity, and other aspects of
the appearance of the starting material (oil) and the product ( biodiesel)
collected in Table 2 on page 6.

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12. Place the biodiesel into an appropriately
labelled container. Ensure that the
contents of the container are identified,
and add an appropriate WHMIS label, Biodiesel from
your name, and today’s date. canola oil (top layer)

Note: This is crude biodiesel and is NOT of

a high enough quality to put directly
into a vehicle. In industrial processes,
it must go through a process called
“washing” to remove excess glycerin,
base, and alcohol.
(bottom layer)
Burning the Biodiesel
13. Biodiesel can be safely used in spirit burners. Pour some of your
biodiesel into a spirit burner. Once the biodiesel has soaked up the
wick, light the wick of the spirit burner. If the biodiesel does not soak
up the wick, use the pipette to place a few drops on the wick. Record
your observations in Table 3 on page 6.
14. Try burning the unreacted oil and the methanol in other spirit burners.
For each different fuel tested, record your observations in Table 3 on
page 6.
15. Store the remainder of the biodiesel in an appropriate container labelled
with your name. This may be used for Extension A of this project.

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Does Biodiesel Work in the Cold?
Diesel engines differ from combustion engines in that they are lubricated by the
fuel combusted, not by oil added to the engine. A second difference is that a
diesel engine starts and stops with fuel in the system. A challenge for the
designers of diesel engines is the change in the properties of diesel fuel that
occurs at lower temperatures: it becomes a thick and viscous gel. This property
of diesel is of particular concern in Alberta where temperatures during winter
can be extremely low.
The viscosity of liquids can easily be compared using a 100 mL burette and a
stopwatch. By measuring the time required for 100 mL of your fuel to flow
from the stopcock of the burette, you can determine the viscosity of fuels.
Another means of determining viscosity, used commonly in the fuel industry, is
to measure the fuel’s cloud point (the temperature at which small, solid crystals
first appear as the fuel is cooled). Determining a fuel’s cloud point is important
because gelled or crystallized fuel will prevent the proper operation of a diesel

A Risk–Benefit Analysis
Our society is dependent on petroleum products for heat, electricity, and
transportation. Unfortunately, petroleum is a limited and non-renewable
resource. In addition, the supply of petroleum products is not always reliable,
resulting in fluctuating fuel prices. Researchers are searching for ways to
supplement and/or replace petroleum fuels, and consumers are looking for
cheaper alternatives.
Biodiesel is a fuel that has been proposed as either an alternative or as a means
to supplement petroleum-diesel or gasoline.
Complete a risk–benefit analysis to answer the following question: Should the
production and sale of biodiesel be promoted in Canada? Use the Internet and
other text sources as well as information you collected, analyzed, and evaluated
while doing this project to help you formulate your opinion.
In preparing your analysis, consider a variety of issues including the following:
reliability, safety, economic impact, environmental impact, accessibility of the
resource, production potential, long-term viability as a resource, and other
relevant issues.
Supporting statements should be provided for all opinions and evaluations

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Present your risk–benefit analysis as a poster, PowerPoint presentation, or

Determining the Energy Content of Biodiesel

In this section of the lab, you will use the formula Q = mc∆T, listed on page 5
of the data booklet. Prepare a formatted spreadsheet that calculates the energy
released by the vegetable oils used as reactant materials and compares it with
the energy of the different biodiesel fuels produced by the process used in Part 1
of the project (Making Biodiesel).

• 3, 25 × 200 mm test tubes
• distilled water
• vegetable oil (used as a reactant in
Part 1)
• methanol (the alcohol used in Part
• biodiesel (produced from vegetable
oil in Part 1)
• 3 spirit burners
• test-tube clamp and stand
• thermometer and clamp
• safety goggles, gloves, and aprons
• 50 mL graduated cylinder matches


1. Use an electronic balance to measure the mass of three spirit burners

containing the following three fuels: vegetable oil, methanol, and biodiesel
(prepared in Part 1). Record the mass of each burner in Table 4 on page 6.
2. Use a graduated cylinder to measure 30.0 mL of distilled water, and
transfer the water to a 25 × 200 mm test tube. Place the test tube in a test-
tube clamp attached to a stand. (Note: Use the approximation that 1 mL of
water has a mass of 1.0 g.)

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3. Position the test tube so that the bottom of the test tube is 2 cm above the
wick of the unreacted spirit burner containing the vegetable oil.
4. Use a thermometer to measure the initial temperature of water inside the
test tube. Record the initial temperature of the water in Table 4 on page 6.
5. Light the wick of the spirit burner and use the flame to heat the bottom of
the test tube for 60 seconds.
6. Remove the spirit burner from underneath the test tube, and use the burner
lid to extinguish the flame.
7. Use the thermometer to measure the final temperature of the water.
Record the temperature in Table 4 on page 6.
8. Measure the mass of the spirit burner, and record the value in Table 4 on
page 6.
9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 using a new test tube with water and the spirit
burner containing the alcohol.
10. Repeat steps 2 through 8 using a new test tube with water and the spirit
burner containing the biodiesel produced in Part 1 of the project.

Biodiesel is currently about one and a half times more expensive than petroleum
diesel fuel. Part of this cost is because the most common source of oil is the
soybean, which only is only 20% oil. However, the costs of biodiesel can be
reduced by making biodiesel from recycled cooking oils rather than from new
soy beans, or by making it from plant matter with higher oil content.

It takes energy to produce biodiesel fuel from soy crops, including the energy of
sowing, fertilizing and harvesting.

Biodiesel fuel can damage rubber hoses in some engines, particularly in cars
built before 1994. You should check with the manufacturer before using
biodiesel to see if you need to replace any hoses or rubber seals.

Biodiesel cleans the dirt from the engine. This dirt then collects in the fuel filter,
which can clog it. Clogging occurs most often when biodiesel is first used after
a period of operation with petroleum diesel, so filters should be changed after
the first several hours of biodiesel use.

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